How to boost a child’s immunity using folk remedies. Strengthening the immune system in children with folk remedies. Recipes. Hardening to strengthen the immune system

Quite often you hear from young mothers whose children go to kindergarten or school - we go for a week, then we get sick for two weeks! What to do and what to do? How to boost a child's immunity? Such questions are often asked by parents of such children to pediatricians and immunologists, but the problem cannot be solved only by medical indications; it is necessary to strengthen and maintain the child’s immunity in all areas and areas of his life.


Pay special attention to your child's nutrition. Make it as healthy as possible by introducing more vegetables and fruits into your diet. Completely eliminate chips, carbonated water and other harmful substances from your child’s diet. Many parents will now think that this is not realistic, especially if their children have a poor appetite. I can say that there is nothing unrealistic about this. There are plenty of healthy, delicious recipes for kids on the Internet or in cooking books and magazines. Examples of interesting dish presentation and decoration will help create an appetite and a desire to try healthy prepared food. It is necessary to make the child’s diet more balanced with vitamins, minerals and proteins.

A child's body definitely needs fluid. Its deficiency affects, first of all, the condition of the child’s skin and mucous membranes, significantly reducing their protective function. Fluid deficiency also affects the properties of blood. More viscous blood is not able to provide a normal immune response and rapid mobilization of antibodies to the site of the “accident”. In this regard, herbal teas are most useful. Currently, children's stores sell special mixtures of herbs recommended for various diseases and for their prevention. But regular tea (black, red or green) also has many beneficial properties. There is a lot of controversy about the benefits of juices. Juices that can boost a child’s immunity should have pulp. Freshly squeezed juices and fruit and vegetable mixtures are best.

Give your child rosehip tea. Rose hips, first of all, are a huge source of vitamins. In addition to vitamins, rose hips contain potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, citric and malic acid and many other useful elements. You can prepare this tea in a thermos or in a steam bath. For one liter of boiling water you need to brew about 40 berries. Dry berries can be pre-chopped, then the tea will be richer. It is recommended to drink tea before meals for no longer than a month. Then you need to take a break.

3.Multivitamin complexes

Children, as is known, need larger amounts of vitamins and minerals than adults (these substances are intensively spent during growth) and are therefore more at risk of developing hypovitaminosis with subsequent immunodeficiency. In view of this, for nonspecific stimulation of immunity in children, it is recommended to use multivitamin preparations adapted for children. Multivitamins should be taken during periods of greatest risk of developing hypovitaminosis (winter-spring). It is best to discuss the choice of a specific multivitamin preparation with the pediatrician observing the child.

4.Medications to enhance immunity

There is a group of special drugs - immunostimulants. In some cases, you cannot do without them, but taking these drugs should be thoughtful and agreed with your doctor. Improper use of immunostimulants can further lead to disturbances in the functioning of the immune system - it simply will not be able to act on its own, without an additional stimulus. Herbal preparations are the safest. Most of them are made from echinacea and astragalus. For children, these drugs are produced in the form of syrup and homeopathic granules. Some plant extracts (sage, eucalyptus, chamomile oils) are used for aromatherapy, which also improves immunity in children. Other immunomodulators are obtained from blood cells (interferon, viferon, thymogen), microorganisms (imudon, IRS-19), and from active chemical components (arbidol). All these drugs are very popular in the treatment of colds in children. But do not forget: taking these medications must be justified.

5. Maintaining a daily routine and reducing negative emotions

The fact is that nothing reduces children's immunity like stress. Deviation from the regime is also stress for the child’s body. Therefore, make it a rule: follow the regime and try not to scold or scream at the child. While the first is somewhat understandable, many may have difficulties with the second. But I still advise you to try it. For example, we try not to swear, but to challenge the child to talk. You know, without swearing, children understand a lot, moreover, from their childish spontaneity in reasoning, any prank takes on a comical side. And immediately internal resentment and irritation give way to uncontrollable laughter.

6. Dress according to the weather

The cold season has arrived, winter is ahead. We often witness children with their parents walking on the street or going to kindergarten or school. Notice how differently the children are dressed in terms of clothing density. When the temperature is above zero, some parents try to wrap their child in warm winter overalls and wrap a scarf around his mouth to keep cold air out; others lead their child in a thin jacket and beret. Think about what you dress your child in? Of course, hypothermia of a child’s body is not a method of increasing immunity, but still try to dress your child according to the weather. Judge the temperature conditions objectively, do not try to dress your child very tightly, as your child moves outside and may sweat, and this will make him catch a cold faster. Under no circumstances should you cover your child’s mouth and nose with a scarf, since breathing through a scarf that is damp from his breath will make him more likely to get sick.


Another good way to develop immunity in a child. However, please note that this process requires strict temperature control and caution so as not to overcool the body and leave it. For infants, for example, it is enough to take air baths for 5-10 minutes with each swaddling and diaper change. Monitor the temperature in the room, it should not be lower than 18 degrees. Add a minute every day, bringing the procedure to 30 minutes a day. To harden older children, you can be offered to take a contrast shower every day, preferably at the same time. At first, you can direct the water only to your feet, alternating cold water with warm water. If your child likes this procedure, then you can start dousing him completely. Read some tips: it is better to start with a small temperature difference - from 26 to 38 degrees, gradually increasing the difference (lowering the lower bar); Finish your shower with warm water only.

8. Mandatory daily walks in the fresh air

Enough walks in the fresh air - at least an hour a day. In any weather, you should definitely be in the fresh air with your child, be it winter, autumn, spring or summer. Walking for 20-30 minutes every day enriches the blood with oxygen, relieves emotional stress and strengthens the nervous system, thereby helping us resist illness. Don’t forget about the room - it needs to be ventilated regularly.

9.An active lifestyle is the path to strong immunity

As cliche as it sounds, starting the day with movement is very beneficial. Every morning, after warm tea with milk, we devote 10 minutes to active movement. How? Yes, in different ways. Sometimes it’s regular exercise (like in kindergarten), sometimes fiery dancing to music or something exotic, such as children’s yoga. A couple of exercises will allow the child to feel interested in it and show his physical activity. It is very useful for improving health to walk barefoot, because on the sole of a person there are many biologically active points that are “responsible” for immunity. Therefore, if possible, let your child run on sand, sea pebbles, or just barefoot around the apartment.

10. Make your child smile

To keep your child healthy and psychologically stable, devote more of your time to him and make him happy. Talk to him about all his interests and new knowledge. Protect him from stressful situations, watch funny cartoons or programs with him. After all, laughter as a way to increase immunity is very effective. It has long been proven that a bad mood reduces the body’s protective functions, but a good mood increases a person’s immunity.

Today, there are many ways to strengthen a child’s immunity: from folk, time-tested, to medicinal. It’s up to you to choose which of the many methods will be a lifesaver for you and your child. Under no circumstances do you force your child to do, eat, or drink something that he doesn’t like or doesn’t want. Listen to your child, make the process of improving health not only as useful as possible, but also fun, then the fastest results in improving health will not keep you waiting.

Read reviews from recovered and sick people, but before using recipes, discuss them with your doctor!

42 comments on “Forum: Increasing immunity in children”

    Treatment of children with folk remedies implies increasing their immunity so that they need to treat runny nose, cough, sore throat, and flu as rarely as possible. So that the kindergarten does not become a source of danger for them, where they contract an infection within 2-3 days.
    Treating children with folk remedies to strengthen the immune system is not such a difficult task, but it requires consistency and systematicity.
    To keep your child from getting sick you need to:
    1. Ventilate the room 1-2 times a day
    2. Walk more often and move more
    3. The child should get a good night's sleep
    4. Include as many fruits and vegetables in your diet as possible
    5. Avoid products with dyes, flavors, preservatives, etc. Do not expose children to chips, crackers, carbonated drinks and other products of the chemical industry

    Simple recipes for treating children with folk remedies:

    Mouth rinse.
    After each meal, the child should rinse his mouth with salt water. This method will reduce the concentration of germs and protect teeth from caries. This procedure will not hurt adults either.

    Healthy teas for children.
    If your child does not want to rinse his mouth with salt water, you can teach him to drink a little infusion after eating. chamomile, calendula or St. John's wort. Very tasty tea is obtained from the mixture rosehip, mint, chamomile. After eating, such tea or infusion washes away food debris from the tonsils and has a bactericidal effect on the mucous membranes. This method is a good prevention of colds.
    Drink to boost immunity in children
    A very good remedy is to squeeze lemon juice into water and drink it all day. The remedy will be even more effective if you add a little honey if the child is not allergic to it.
    How to boost your child's immunity with simple exercises
    If a child often suffers from sore throats, if he has weak bronchi and lungs, then the following exercises will help:
    Lion pose
    Ask your child to stretch the tip of his tongue to his chin and hold it there for 3 to 10 seconds. This posture of tension of the tongue and pharynx improves blood flow, the pharynx is sanitized, and plugs on which infectious agents settle, causing sore throats and other problems, are dissolved. Let your child do this exercise every time he brushes his teeth. If you have a sore throat, it is advisable to do this every hour.
    Neck warm-up. The child should slowly rotate his head to the right and left. This exercise acts on the behind-the-ear lymph glands and protects them from inflammation.
    Massage of the bronchi and lungs Teach your child to gently beat himself on the chest while exhaling with his fists with the sounds “a”, “o”, “u”. This self-massage of the chest develops the natural defenses of the bronchopulmonary system.

    A tasty mixture for treating children with folk remedies
    Pass 1.5 cups of raisins, 1 cup of walnut kernels, 0.5 cups of almonds, 2 lemons through a meat grinder, mix with 0.5 cups of melted honey. Give this mixture to your child 1-2 tsp. (depending on age) 3 times a day an hour before meals. This product is suitable for children aged two years and older.
    Nutrition in strengthening the immune system
    For the immune system to function normally, it needs proteins, vitamins (A, B, C, E) and minerals (zinc, magnesium, copper, iron)
    Protein– meat, fish, legumes
    Vitamin A- yellow and red vegetables, liver, eggs, butter
    Vitamin C– currants, rose hips, citrus fruits, sea buckthorn, parsley, sweet peppers, strawberries
    B vitamins- offal, seeds, wholemeal bread, nuts, buckwheat, legumes, sprouted grains
    Vitamin E– liver, seeds, nuts, sprouted grains, butter and vegetable oil, oatmeal, buckwheat, flax seed, eggs
    Zinc, magnesium, copper, iron– nuts, offal, cereals, apples
    pay attention to baby's intestinal condition, because immunity depends on the intestinal microflora. It is in the intestines that stimulation of immunoglobulin synthesis occurs; in addition, a clogged intestine is an obstacle to the absorption of beneficial substances contained in food.
    To keep the intestines normal, try to have your child drink more fermented milk products, bio-yogurt, and eat foods rich in fiber.

    Thank you, I will definitely try propolis to strengthen the immune system...

    Hardening in the treatment of children with folk remedies
    Hardening the throat- drink cool drinks and eat ice cream. You need to act with caution; you need to accustom your child’s throat to the cold gradually and carefully. You can start by rinsing your mouth with cold water.
    General hardening of the body- rubbing with a wet towel, dousing with cold water, contrast shower, swimming pool.

    In fact, all the tips for strengthening the immune system are very practical. Thank you for such advice.

    1. This the product will relieve your child from frequent colds and sore throats etc. Take rounded sea stones. Pour warm boiled water with sea salt and a drop of vinegar over them. The child should walk barefoot on these pebbles for 3-5 minutes. Do this procedure 2-3 times a day
    2. Helpful foot massage baby with oils: mix 2 drops each of eucalyptus, tea tree and lemon tree oils with 20 ml of any base oil. Massage your feet for 2-3 minutes

    A very good article, and most importantly, everything is at hand: lemon, vegetables, fruits... Everything ingenious is simple.

    Shell in the treatment of children
    An excellent remedy for strengthening the immune system is eggshell powder. Eggshells contain minerals that stimulate the formation of lymphocytes in the bone marrow.
    Wash the shells, heat them, then grind them in a coffee grinder to obtain powder. Give to children on the tip of a teaspoon 2-3 times a day after meals - with water, or add to food.
    How to strengthen a child’s immunity with oat decoction
    If a child has intestinal problems (constipation, dysbacteriosis) and this causes weakened immunity, then it is useful to take a decoction of oats. Rinse 100 g of oats, add 1.5 liters of water, leave overnight, simmer over low heat for 1.5 hours in the morning, cool, strain, squeeze. Children from 6 to 12 months take 1 tsp, from 1 to 3 years – 1-2 tbsp. l., after 3 years - 100 g per day. Store for no more than two days in the refrigerator. The course of treatment with this remedy is 1 month. Drinking excess for adults will improve intestinal function, restore the liver, and improve skin condition
    To boost immunity, you can give your child in the morning on an empty stomach propolis tincture in 100 g of milk or aqueous propolis extract in 100 g of water. Use as a disease prevention for no more than a month, then a month break. The number of drops depends on the age of the child - from 3 to 7 years old, give 3-5-7 drops.
    Cranberry and lemon
    Pass 0.5 kg of cranberries and 1 lemon through a meat grinder, add 1 tbsp to the mixture. honey (for sugar allergies), mix well. There is a mixture of 1-2 tbsp. with tea 2-3 times a day.
    Needles in the treatment of children with folk remedies
    2 tbsp. l. pine needles pour 0.5 liters of hot water, boil for 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, add 1 tbsp. l. honey, adults drink 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day, children - 1 - 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, depending on age

    Yes, I learned a lot of new, useful, and interesting things. THANK YOU!

    I’ll give you a few more tips on treating children with folk remedies - in early autumn and early spring, you can conduct a course of increasing immunity with the help of echinacea infusion; it is better to choose the dose by your doctor. Fish or seal oil also strengthens the child’s body well; after taking it, children get sick much less often
    Try to make sure that visiting kindergarten is not stressful for your child. Stress leads to weakened immunity. In addition, the desire to stay at home and not go to kindergarten can become a psychological cause of illness
    There are only three natural immune stimulants - hunger, cold and physical activity. Children should go for walks more often, there is no need to bundle them up, the house should not be hot, force feeding should not be done either, the child must ask for food himself.

    Thanks for the valuable information and good tips!

    My daughter and I had a terrible problem - not a month without snot and fever. Since childhood, I didn’t want to let Manyuna swallow pills to boost her immunity, so they tried to irrigate the room with Rebion sprays! It improves the child's immunity thanks to essential oils and plant extracts. We started at the end of winter - so far we have never (!) had a fever!! The main thing is that they are completely natural, no chemicals!

    All advice is priceless and effective, made from natural ingredients.
    Use it - don’t be lazy and teach your children the same. Thanks to the author of the collection.

    We get sick very often. We have Down syndrome. Adenoids and tonsils were removed at 2.5 years. Now we are 5 years old. We are again on the waiting list to have our tonsils removed. Frequent rhinitis, pharyngitis, tonsillitis. In winter we cannot breathe without covering our nose with a scarf. There are also specifics of the main diagnosis. I'll try oats and propolis. We have dysbiosis, constipation for a week. We donate blood for immunostatus every 3-6 months. Also hypothyroidism. Bouquet. But we don't give up.

    Lena, what a great fellow you are! Good health to you!

    My daughter was sick, then they started taking Derinat for illnesses, and then they started taking it prophylactically. And the child immediately stopped getting sick often. Now our health is fine, that is, derinat was ideal for us. What’s good is that it does not replace the immune system, but crucifies, so to speak, the body’s immunity.

    Your articles are very informative and interesting. Read what I think about immunity on my website.

    Very useful tips for boosting immunity. The doctors have already filled the child with drugs. I agree - into the pool and herbal infusions.

    Very interesting article, lots of useful tips. We adhered to many of them before - we walked a lot, for example, we take vitamins. But in winter, on the advice of the pediatrician, I still give my baby derinat. Just in case. We practically never get sick.

    I can also advise those who send their children to kindergarten to drip Derinat into the nose for a couple of weeks, a good remedy for boosting immunity and practically harmless

    Thank you for such clear and simple recipes for boosting immunity for children! My daughter (she is 3 years old), after an intestinal infection (before she was more resistant to infections and viruses), she often began to catch ODS infections from kindergarten, and now laryngitis, we are treating them, but thanks to you, I will now eliminate their original cause - low immunity due to a weak digestive system. Thank you!

    I have two children. One is 2, the other is 3. We get sick very often, I don’t know what to do anymore, how to boost my immunity?

    The article is simply wonderful, thank you very much, we will get treatment and improve our immunity.

    Well, I just wrote yesterday, but today I’m already sick.

    I was given real, that is, natural seal fat, my children (6 and 3 years old) were diagnosed with allergic trachyobranchitis, I would like to clarify that they used to get sick very often, but after hardening now there is no bronchitis, but the throat is constantly in one or the other I'm worried about how best we should take seal oil, in what doses and on an empty stomach?

    Thank you for the article! Affordable recipes to boost immunity, we hope, will help us!

    My children also get sick often, I read the article and wanted to cook everything at once, I learned a lot. Thank you!

    An ophthalmologist accidentally told me about onions. I laid it out in the corners of the rooms, put the garlic in my pockets, it was just great - everything that was bothering me immediately flowed out of my nostrils.

    How long can you massage your feet with oils, a month or less?

Vitamins and preparations to improve immunity in children under 4 years of age.

The state of the immune system should be monitored from early childhood. Parents need to strengthen it, and for this it is important to know how to do it correctly.

How and how to increase the immunity of a child 1, 2, 3, 4 years old, what to give a child for immunity?

The best remedy: hardening

From the first months of birth, it is necessary to monitor the baby’s balanced diet.
To do this, you need to know which foods contain the basic essential vitamins for a child’s healthy immunity.
Let's look at some of them:

Video: Foods that boost immunity

In addition to proper nutrition, to develop strong immunity, a child needs:

  • Maintain daily routine and hygiene rules
  • Regularly walk in the fresh air

Active games outside, a good hour of sleep during the day, and proper nutrition will protect the child from unnecessary diseases. Fresh air is an indispensable tool for strengthening the immunity of children. Different weather conditions help the body gradually adapt to different temperature conditions, which is a natural method of hardening.

  • Parents need to protect their children from nervous stress
  • If your child is prone to frequent illnesses, try traditional medicine in the form of: herbs, infusions, healing mixtures. They have excellent effectiveness and are completely safe, unlike pharmaceutical drugs

For example,

  1. Grind in a blender: 200 g of dried apricots, raisins, walnut kernels and 1 lemon
  2. Mix with a glass of honey
  3. Feed your baby 1-2 teaspoons per day
  • Very often, despite all the measures taken, the child systematically gets sick
  • In addition, to get the required amount of vitamins from foods, not every child can eat that much food

In these cases, special pharmacy vitamin complexes and medications will help strengthen the immune system, which we will talk about in more detail later.

Vitamins for children 1 - 4 years old for immunity: list

List of vitamin complex

You should know that children should not be given vitamins for adults. All drugs are divided into age groups. Their composition is interrelated with the vitamin needs of the child’s body, depending on his age. Let's look at the most common vitamin complexes for children under 4 years of age, inclusive.

Medicines for children aged 1 - 4 years for immunity: list

If, despite all the measures taken, the child still gets sick often, you need to consult a doctor to choose a drug to boost immunity. After the diagnosis, he will prescribe: the drug, treatment regimen, dosage.

The most common immune medications for children from one to four years of age (inclusive) are:

  • Vegetable origin
  1. Immunal
  2. Echinacea purpurea

These are excellent antiviral agents for babies. Effective both for preventive purposes and for the treatment of diseases. It is recommended to use in autumn and winter, during viral epidemics. Taking the medicine should not exceed 60 days.

The best herbal remedy for babies
  • Bacterial origin
  1. Lycopid
  2. IRS 19
  3. Broncho-munal
  4. Ribomunil
  5. Bronchovascom
  6. Imudon (from 3 years of age)

Taking this type of medication is similar to the vaccination process. The causative agents of various diseases contained in it do not harm the child, but produce antibodies.

  • to support immunity
  • for therapeutic purposes:
  1. with acute respiratory infections
  2. chronic ENT diseases

Bacterial-type drugs
  • With nucleic acid

Of the available drugs of this type, children of the age category in question are allowed:

  1. Derinat
  • Strengthens the body's protective functions
  • Used for preventive purposes for:
  1. viral, bacterial infections
  2. immunodeficiency
  • Immune interferon
  1. Viferon
  2. Arbidol (from 2 years of age)
  3. Grippferon
  4. Anaferon
  • The active substances contained in the preparations block the spread of viruses
  • Effectively reduces the duration of the disease, reduces the risk of complications

Immune substances
  • Immunostimulating drugs for the thymus
  1. Vilosen (at age 4)
  2. Taktivin
  3. Timalin
  • Positively affect the general condition of the child
  • Effective in the fight against serious diseases
  • Stimulate the immune process

Another type of children's drugs
  • Biogenic agents
  1. Kalanchoe juice

When choosing treatment for their child, caring parents are most often inclined to choose natural medicines. With the help of biogenic agents, you can without any fear increase your child’s immunity by using the natural ability of plants to resist the negative manifestations of the environment.

Herbal immunostimulants

When choosing any immunoboosting drug for a child, you must first consult a doctor. Incorrect use or the wrong choice of drug can completely disrupt the baby’s immune system, which will be difficult to restore later.

Video: What vitamins boost immunity? — Dr. Komarovsky

A frequently ill child is a child whose immunity is reduced, that is, the body's resistance to disease. Often, just using folk remedies is enough to make the baby stronger and healthier.

Note! Not all foods that boost immunity can be given to children. Each case must be approached individually; it is better to consult a doctor who knows the specific health of your child.

Strengthening the immune system in children with folk remedies without drugs:

Folk remedy Application Features of application
Ginger Mix with lemon, honey, add to tea. After 2 years, in small quantities, may cause allergies.
Propolis We gargle, rinse our nose, drink. Prepare the solution and use it for 1-2 weeks. Be careful, there may be an allergy.
Mumiyo Add to sweet teas in small quantities. Not for infants, for others only as prescribed by a pediatrician.
Oats Add to drinks. Can be used for six-month-old babies.
Echinacea Decoction with honey or sugar, in small quantities. Not for children under six years of age, later only after consulting a doctor.
Garlic and onion Add to dishes, simply place them cleaned on a plate in the children's room. Children often don’t like the taste, so we teach it gradually.
Dairy products We eat food purchased at the store. Don't forget about homemade yogurt and kefir. Please pay attention to the labels with the expiration date and the recommended age of the child.
Lemon Add to tea and dishes. Contraindication is an allergy to citrus fruits.
Nuts In sweets, including those with honey or fruit. It is better to use ground ones, as the baby may choke.
Honey It is better to use buckwheat or linden variety, no more than a teaspoon.
Decoctions and fruit drinks We prepare it from rose hips, currants, raspberries, blueberries and chamomile. If there is no allergic reaction.
Fruit and vegetable juices It's better to make it yourself. Juices are especially useful in winter.

Does fish oil help strengthen the body's immune responses? Of course. But it must be remembered that this supplement has contraindications.

When taking care of your child’s health at home, pay attention to a balanced diet. The diet should contain less fatty and sweet foods, more dairy. It is especially dangerous to give spices to a small allergy sufferer in large quantities.

Strengthening immunity in children by year

The newborn baby is protected from diseases by the antibodies of the mother's body.

It is important that the child is breastfed.

Child diseases become more active during certain periods of formation of the immune system:

  • before reaching 28 days of age;
  • about 3-6 months of life;
  • at 2-3 years;
  • at 6-7 years;
  • in adolescence.

A newborn is susceptible to diseases; it is especially dangerous for a premature baby to become infected.

After 3 months, the development of microbes and viruses is prevented by innate immunoglobulins. But they are still not enough to protect against diseases, especially intestinal ones.

By the age of one and a half years, an allergic reaction to food appears.

It is important to get vaccinations in a timely manner in infancy and to know what to give to a one-year-old baby.

A child at 2 or 3 years old is an independent baby who wants to communicate with everyone, which can be dangerous for the child himself; his immune system cannot yet cope with viruses on its own.

We offer a delicacy containing a huge amount of useful substances and vitamins. Mix the chopped nuts with raisins and dried apricots, add a spoonful of lemon juice and honey. We give the baby 1 spoon 3 times a day.

Two-year-old children are being prepared for kindergarten, where they begin to get sick. There are many reasons, including stressful situations. They can be avoided by surrounding your child with attention and love.

Starting at the age of 4 years, children develop diseases that become chronic; at the ages of 6 and 7 years, allergic reactions to foods and everything that surrounds the child become more frequent.

Do not forget to monitor your diet and the presence of sufficient nutrients in it. We also remember to adhere to the daily routine, to conduct morning exercises and outdoor games.

There are quite a lot of features of the body of a teenage child, starting from 8 years old, and in some children from 10 years old. Changes require increasing the body's defenses.

Immunity has to not only protect against diseases, but also correspond to the restructuring of the entire organism. It is very important at this age to consume a variety of foods that contain, first of all, vitamins to strengthen the whole body.

It is necessary to pay attention to the state of the immune system after antibiotics taken on the recommendation of a doctor.

If an increase in body temperature appears very quickly, this means that the body is fighting and the immune system is working. Whether a consultation with an immunologist is needed is something that a pediatrician must decide.

If a child is constantly sick, it is necessary to instill in him healthy habits:

  • start the day with exercise;
  • teach to adhere to the daily routine, perform hygiene procedures;
  • play outdoor games;
  • spend more time in the fresh air;
  • to harden;
  • visit the bathhouse;
  • drink more water, which removes toxins from the body.

Immunologists advise paying attention to the following:

  • give children antibiotics as rarely as possible, only when absolutely necessary;
  • control nutritional balance;
  • get vaccinated if possible;
  • Take medications and active supplements as prescribed by your doctor.

Experts believe that the body’s resistance to disease is primarily influenced by the state of the child’s nervous system and its resistance to stressful conditions.

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Discussion: 9 comments


    The article is really very practical, the advice is good, I liked the sign with the recipes and their features, I need to take it into service, in a week there will be school and kindergarten. While we are holding on to probiotics, the immunologist advised us to take courses of probiotics several times a year; they support the intestinal microflora well, and therefore the immune system. We don’t even drink them in courses, but constantly, we make “yogurt” at home using the probiotic starter culture for children Bifidum, the children eat it with pleasure every day.


    Folk remedies are, of course, a good method to strengthen a child’s immunity, but I also use vitamins - Evalar “Baby Bear Formula” multivitamins.” Vitamins at an affordable price, and no chemicals. Bears are allowed from 3 years old. They look like gummy bears, which kids really like. Soft, tasty. Contains 10 vitamins and minerals + iodine and choline. We took one bear per day for two months. The child feels good, active, with a good appetite. No allergies.


    1. I also buy these vitamins for my daughter! she likes it) says that it’s delicious and, most importantly, healthy. In addition, almost every morning I cook porridge for her and eat it with dried fruits and nuts. Sometimes we add fruit. Also very useful.


    I don’t know what weak immunity is from reading articles on the Internet. I tried everything I could to strengthen it, but traditional medicine gave me only short-term results. Then the pharmacy advised me to take a course of Esberitox with echinacea. It seems natural, but already effective. I liked it, now I don’t get sick often.


    Thank you for the article. Of the indicated methods, I will list that we regularly walk in the fresh air, play outdoor games, and do all vaccinations according to schedule - but still the child was often sick. Ginger, propolis and mumiyo - not right away, as they have a very pronounced taste, I wouldn’t persuade you to try them at any price. But my child agreed to take vitamins, I buy immuno bee-bee-bears in the form of jelly bears, just to improve health. My child likes it, and I am calm that we are strengthening the immune system.


    We take vitamins Immuno - Evalar baby formula. They are in the form of gummy bears, so you don’t have to force your child to eat them, they contain sea buckthorn and rosehip, which is very useful. The pain really stopped


Many children are exposed to frequent illnesses at an early age, so caring mothers try to use dozens of remedies to strengthen the immune system. Illness is not always a weakened immune system; on the contrary, it is a signal that the body is fighting a harmful virus. Find out how to boost your child's immunity 1 year and older.

On health issues, be sure to consult with specialists. The first person you need to contact is your pediatrician. He will prescribe the necessary tests and give recommendations on taking medications. Sometimes a consultation with an immunologist is required, who will prescribe treatment, additional studies, if necessary, and tell in detail how to increase the child’s immunity. When to contact an immunologist:

  1. The child has been exposed to ARVI more than 6 times a year or complications have developed after the infection.
  2. Otitis media, pneumonia, pneumonia, and bronchitis are common.
  3. When sick, the temperature does not rise (the body does not fight the virus).
  4. Allergy.
  5. Enlarged lymph nodes in the neck or armpits.

Some advice from immunologists on how to increase a child’s immunity:

  1. Do morning exercises, sports, and play outdoor games throughout the day.
  2. More vitamin C in the diet (ginger tea, honey, lemon). Buy ascorbic acid at the pharmacy.
  3. Let's have more fresh berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs.
  4. Toughen up your children and go for a walk in any weather. Do a contrast shower, do not try to wrap your child up, and teach him to drink cold drinks.
  5. Get seasonal vaccinations.

How to increase a child’s immunity using folk remedies

Natural treatments to strengthen the body's immune system are effective. The parent does not have to run to the pharmacy for expensive medications. How you can increase your child’s immunity using traditional medicine:

  1. Garlic and onion. Even the aroma of these vegetables helps kill pathogenic bacteria and viruses. You can add finely chopped garlic or onions to dishes, or spread the peeled ones around the house.
  2. Fermented milk products. Saturated with beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, which improve intestinal microflora. Calcium contained in yoghurts, cheeses, and sourdoughs also helps strengthen bones.
  3. Lemon. If you are not allergic to citrus, feel free to add a little lemon to your diet.
  4. Nuts. Mix different types of nuts or one with honey, and let your baby eat a healthy sweet. Honey is also an excellent way to boost immunity: choose buckwheat or linden variety.
  5. Decoctions and fruit drinks. Rose hips, chamomile, currants, and blueberries in drinks are very useful for promoting health and protecting against infections.

How to boost a child’s immunity after antibiotics

The use of antibiotics helps to cope with diseases, but it does not go away completely for the body. The protection of the immune system is reduced, the microflora of the stomach is killed, so the child’s strength needs to be restored even after taking medications. What measures should be taken after a course of antibiotics:

  1. Consult your doctor about taking medications that restore intestinal microflora and the body's defenses. These are not only medicines, but also fermented milk products.
  2. Natural remedies are among the most effective. This:
    • decoctions and teas (schisandra, rosehip, ginger, echinacea);
    • aloe;
    • lemon.
  3. Review your diet: feed less foods high in fat, sugar, and spices. It is better to balance the diet and use only the cooking or steaming process for processing. There should be more dairy products and dishes on the menu.
  4. The morning should begin with exercise, and during the day there should be outdoor games.
  5. Temper your child, do not avoid walks in the fresh air, visit the bathhouse.
  6. Removal of toxins is perfectly accomplished by drinking plenty of water.

How to increase the immunity of a 2 year old child at home

Before strengthening your child’s immune system using various means, eliminate stressful situations from his life. Also make sure your diet is balanced. Decoctions and infusions with a specific taste cannot always be offered to the baby; he may not drink them at all. How to increase the immunity of a 2-year-old child in this case? Healthy sweets will help you. Recipe:

  1. Chop raisins, dried apricots, nuts;
  2. add a little honey, lemon juice;
  3. stir, store the mixture in the refrigerator:
  4. Give your baby a teaspoon of this mixture three times a day.

How to improve immunity in a 3-year-old child before kindergarten

Love is something that an adult parent can give to their baby at any time and it will be the best medicine against infections. When a child feels cared for and warm, then kindergarten is not scary for him, he will not get sick, and stress does not threaten him. Be sure to start your morning with exercise, give more vitamin C and fresh berries, vegetables, and fruits. Alternate between rest and active games; you should definitely take a walk in the fresh air. Be sure to follow the rules of personal hygiene; after every walk outside or visit the toilet, teach your children to wash their hands.

How to boost a child’s immunity at 4 years old after an illness

When a baby has been ill, his body is significantly weakened, and it is necessary to prevent re-infection. What will improve the condition:

  1. Ventilate the rooms in the house, do wet cleaning thoroughly, and wipe off dust.
  2. Monitor your child’s hygiene at home and on walks so as not to replenish the “reserves” of viruses and pathogenic bacteria.
  3. You need to drink more fluids, eat right, eat less sweets, fried foods, fatty foods, and starchy foods.
  4. A good mood greatly affects the strength of the body's defenses, so use active games that your baby likes.

Video: how to increase a child’s immunity with homeopathy