Organization of physical education in dow. The system of physical education in preschool institutions: goals, objectives, means


1. The system of physical education in preschool institutions: goals, objectives, means

The system of physical education in preschool institutions is a unity of purpose, objectives, means, forms and methods of work aimed at improving the health and comprehensive physical development of children. At the same time, it is a subsystem, a part of the national system of physical education, which, in addition to these components, also includes institutions and organizations that carry out and control physical education. Physical education as a system of measures aimed at the development of the growing body of the child, its functions, is a priority for all educational work with children in preschool educational institutions. Each institution, depending on its specifics, has its own specific areas of work that generally meet the state and public interests. One of the ways to improve the system of physical education of children is the inclusion of physical culture in a specially organized pedagogical process, which should be carried out by competent specialists - leaders in physical education.

The purpose of physical education is to form the foundations of a healthy lifestyle in children. Organized physical education classes (both in kindergartens and families), free motor activity, when a child plays, jumps, runs, etc. during walks, improves the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, strengthens the musculoskeletal system , improve metabolism; increase the child's resistance to diseases, mobilize the body's defenses.

In accordance with the recommendations of the State Council of the Russian Federation "On increasing the role of physical culture and sports in the formation of a healthy lifestyle of Russians" dated 30.01.2002. measures have been taken to improve the physical education of children preschool age which are aimed at the formation of motor culture.

Through motor activity, the child learns the world, his mental processes, will, independence develop. The more diverse movements a child masters, the wider the opportunities for the development of sensation, perception and other mental processes, the more fully his development is carried out. Therefore, if this period is missed in terms of competent physical education, then in the future it will be extremely difficult to make up for the gaps, to eliminate the mistakes made. The following tasks are carried out in the process of physical education.

Wellness tasks.

1. Increasing the body's resistance to environmental influences by hardening it. With the help of reasonably dosed healing factors of nature (solar, water, air procedures), the weak defenses of the child's body increase significantly. This increases resistance to colds (ARI, runny nose, cough, etc.) and infectious diseases (tonsillitis, measles, rubella, influenza, etc.).

2. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system and the formation of correct posture (ie, maintaining a rational posture during all activities). It is important to pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower leg in order to prevent flat feet, as it can significantly limit the child's motor activity. For the harmonious development of all major muscle groups, it is necessary to provide exercises on both sides of the body, to exercise those muscle groups that are less trained in everyday life, to exercise weak muscle groups. It is also necessary from an early age to create in the child an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcorrect posture. An effective means of preventing postural disorders: stoop, asymmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades, as well as scoliosis (diseases of the spine caused by weakness of the back muscles and prolonged stay of the body in physiologically uncomfortable positions) are physical exercise.

3. Assistance in increasing the functionality of the vegetative organs. The active motor activity of the child helps to strengthen the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, improve metabolic processes in the body, optimization of digestion and thermoregulation, prevention congestion etc. Physical culture, giving the natural process of formation of the forms and functions of a growing organism an optimal character, creating favorable conditions for this, thereby contributes to the normal functioning of all systems of the child's body.

4. Education physical ability(coordination, speed and endurance). At preschool age, the process of educating physical abilities should not be specially directed towards each of them. On the contrary, on the basis of the principle of harmonious development, it is necessary to select means in such a way, change activities in content and nature, and regulate the direction of motor activity, so that a comprehensive education of all physical abilities is ensured.

educational tasks.

1. Formation of basic vital motor skills and abilities. At preschool age, due to the high plasticity of the nervous system, new forms of movements are quite easily and quickly acquired. The formation of motor skills is carried out in parallel with physical development.

2. Formation of sustainable interest in physical culture. Children's age is the most favorable for the formation of a sustainable interest in physical exercises. However, a number of conditions must be observed. First of all, it is necessary to ensure the feasibility of tasks, the successful completion of which will stimulate children to be more active. Constant assessment of completed tasks, attention and encouragement will contribute to the development of positive motivation for systematic physical exercise. In the process of classes, it is necessary to inform children of elementary physical education, developing their intellectual abilities, which will expand their cognitive abilities and mental horizons.

educational tasks.

1. Education of moral and volitional qualities (honesty, determination, courage, perseverance, etc.).

2. Assistance to mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education.

Health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks, although they are relatively independent, are in fact closely interconnected, and therefore must be solved in mandatory unity, in a complex. Only in this case the child acquires the necessary base for further comprehensive, not only physical, but also spiritual development.

Physical education is also conducive to the implementation aesthetic education. In the process of performing physical exercises, one should develop the ability to perceive, experience aesthetic pleasure, understand and correctly evaluate the beauty, grace, expressiveness of movements. Children also master labor skills related to the equipment of the premises (device of a pit with sand for long jumps, pouring a skating rink, etc.).

To solve the problems of physical education of preschool children, hygienic factors, natural forces of nature, physical exercises and other methods are used. Full-fledged physical education is achieved with the complex use of all means, since each of them has a different effect on the human body.

Hygienic factors (mode of study, rest, nutrition, sleep, etc.) are a prerequisite for solving the problems of physical education. They increase the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises on the body involved. For example, exercising better promotes the development of bone and muscular system. Cleanliness of premises, sports equipment, toys, clothes, shoes serve as a prevention of diseases. Hygienic factors also have independent significance: they contribute to the normal functioning of all organs and systems. Compliance with a solid daily routine teaches you to be organized, disciplined, etc.

The natural forces of nature (sun, air, water) enhance the positive effect of physical exercise on the body, and increase human performance. In the process of doing physical exercises in the air with solar radiation or in water (swimming), positive emotions arise, the functionality of individual organs and body systems increases (more oxygen is consumed, metabolism increases, etc.). In addition, the natural forces of nature can be used as an independent tool. Water is used to cleanse the skin, mechanical effects on the human body. The air from forests, gardens, parks, containing special volatile substances, contributes to the destruction of microbes, enriches the blood with oxygen, and has a beneficial effect on the human body. The sun's rays contribute to the deposition of vitamin D under the skin, kills various microbes and protects a person from rickets. For a versatile effect on the body, it is necessary to take, expediently combining, all the natural forces of nature.

2. The place and role of physical culture in the general system of education and development of preschool children

Movements are a natural stimulus for the vital activity of the body, training of all its systems and organs. Thanks to the movement, the general vitality increases, working capacity, endurance, resistance to diseases increase. In the first seven years of life, the most important motor skills are formed in children, the foundations of health, longevity, comprehensive motor fitness are laid, and decisive prerequisites for the comprehensive development of the personality are created. Movement has a significant impact on the development of the child's intellect. It is during this period that the most intensive growth and development of the most important body systems and their functions are carried out, the foundation is laid for the comprehensive development of physical and spiritual abilities.

Analysis of the scientific and methodological literature and numerous pedagogical observations show that physical education is the first stage of a comprehensive system of educating preschoolers. Therefore, it is extremely important to organize physical education classes in childhood, which will allow the body to accumulate strength and ensure the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual in the future.

physical development preschool age

Proper physical education of children is one of the leading tasks of preschool institutions, during which there is an acquaintance with the most rational ways of performing movements that positively affect the work of all organs and systems.

The theory of physical education of preschool children, having a single content and subject of study with the general theory of physical education, at the same time specifically studies the patterns of controlling the development of a child in the process of his upbringing and education, taking into account the possibilities of the body's performance, emerging interests and needs, forms of visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical thinking, the originality of the predominant type of activity, in connection with the development of which the most important changes occur in the child's psyche and the child's transition to a new higher stage of his development is being prepared. In accordance with this, the content of all forms of organization of physical education and optimal pedagogical conditions its implementation.

Knowing and taking into account the regularities of the potential capabilities of a child of each age period, the theory of physical education provides for the requirements of a scientifically based program of the entire educational complex of physical education (motor skills, physical qualities, some elementary knowledge), the assimilation of which provides children with the necessary level of physical fitness for admission to school.

Physical education of preschoolers is a complex process. The assimilation of the technique of performing physical exercises is initially carried out at specially organized physical education classes, but later on the child uses these movements in everyday life, in independent activity Therefore, the habit of acting in a certain way is successfully formed only with close interaction between the teacher in physical education, the teacher of the group and the family. For this work to be effective, it must be clear what kind of return is expected from each of them. At the same time, the role of a physical education educator seems to be quite complex and diverse. A strict sequence is envisaged in the assimilation of the program by children, taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of the child of each period of his life, the state of the nervous system and the whole organism as a whole. Exceeding the requirements, accelerating the pace of children's learning, bypassing the intermediate links of the program, should be considered unacceptable, as this causes unbearable stress on the body, which is harmful to the health and neuropsychic development of children. Physical education at the same time comprehensively solves the problems of mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education. In all forms of organizing the physical education of children (classes, outdoor games, independent motor activity, and so on), the attention of the head of physical education is directed to the education of a consciously acting child, to the best of his age, who successfully masters motor skills, who knows how to navigate in the environment, to actively overcome the difficulties, showing a desire for creative search.

When conducting classes with preschoolers, physical exercises should be selected taking into account age-related physiology and in accordance with the characteristics of the age period of childhood, the nature of responses. To improve the health of children and prevent diseases, it is necessary not only to increase the level of their physical activity, but also to systematically carry out active hardening measures. They can be local and general, traditional and non-traditional.

An analysis of the practice of preschool institutions shows that in recent years there has been a decrease specific gravity movements in the general daily routine, this negatively affects the formation of all systems and, undoubtedly, lowers the protective forces of the child's body. Thus, motor mode optimization becomes one of the elements of nonspecific prevention of acute respiratory diseases (ARI).

To characterize the motor mode, the accounting of daily motor activity is now increasingly used. Children with greater motor activity are more developed both physically and mentally: more intense motor activity contributes to better physical development, and better physical development, in turn, stimulates motor activity and neuropsychic development.

The theory of physical education of preschool children is continuously developing and enriched with new knowledge obtained as a result of research covering the diverse aspects of child upbringing. Research data, verified in the mass practice of children's institutions, are introduced into programs, teaching aids, textbooks and practical work with children, contributing to the progress of the entire educational process. To carry out physical education of children, this means:

1. be able to analyze and evaluate the degree of physical health and motor development children;

2. formulate the tasks of physical education for a certain period (for example, for the academic year) and determine the primary ones, taking into account the characteristics of each of the children;

3. organize the process of education in a certain system, choosing the most appropriate means, forms and methods of work in specific conditions;

4. design the desired level of the final result, anticipating difficulties on the way to achieving the goals;

5. compare the achieved results with the initial data and the tasks set;

6. possess self-assessment of professional skills, constantly improving it.

Thus, good health obtained in preschool age is the foundation of the overall development of a person. Physical culture and health work in a preschool institution should be aimed at finding reserves for the full-fledged physical development of children and the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle.

In the process of physical education of children of preschool age, health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks of physical education are carried out.

1. Development of the forms and functions of the human body, aimed at the comprehensive improvement of physical abilities; strengthening health, ensuring the creative longevity of people.

2. Formation of vital motor skills, skills (including directly applied and sports), special knowledge, instilling organizational skills.

3. Education of moral volitional and aesthetic qualities of the individual in the spirit of the principles of the moral code; promoting the development of intelligence.

These tasks can be specified depending on the contingent of those involved: their age, health status, level of physical fitness, etc.

The main task of physical education of preschoolers is to protect life and promote health, hardening the body of children.

Good health is determined by the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Based on the characteristics of the development of the child's body, the tasks of health promotion are defined in a more specific form for each system: to help correct and timely ossification, the formation of spinal curves, the development of the arches of the foot, the strengthening of the ligamentous-articular apparatus, to promote the development of the correct ratio of body parts (proportions), regulation bone height and weight; develop all muscle groups (muscles of the trunk, back, abdomen, legs, shoulder girdle, arms, hands, fingers, feet, neck, internal organs, including the heart, blood vessels), pay special attention to underdeveloped extensor muscle groups; help to increase blood flow to the heart, improve the rhythm of its contraction and the ability to adapt to a suddenly changed load; strengthen the respiratory muscles, develop mobility chest, promote deepening of breathing, economical use of air, stability of the breathing rhythm, increase in lung capacity, teach to breathe through the nose; contribute to the proper functioning of internal organs (digestion, excretion, etc.); protect the skin from damage and promote the proper development of its functions (thermoregulatory and protective); contribute to the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition, their mobility, the development of active inhibition, as well as the improvement of the motor analyzer, sensory organs (vision, hearing, etc.)

Due to the plasticity of the nervous system in children, motor skills are formed relatively easily. Most of them (crawling, skiing, cycling, etc.) are used by children in everyday life.

Motor skills facilitate communication with the environment and contribute to its knowledge: for example, a child, having learned to crawl, approaches those objects that interest him and gets acquainted with them; children who know how to ski, ride a bicycle, learn the properties of snow and wind more easily; When swimming, children get acquainted with the properties of water.

Formed motor skills allow you to save the physical strength of the child. If a child performs exercises easily, without tension, then he spends less nervous energy. This creates the opportunity to repeat more times and more effectively influence the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, as well as develop physical qualities.

In preschool children, it is necessary to form the skills to perform basic gymnastics exercises (combat, general developmental exercises, basic movements - walking, running, balance exercises, climbing, crawling, climbing, throwing, jumping), sports exercises (skiing, skating, sledding, biking, swimming). In addition, children should be taught to play games with elements of sports games (tennis, badminton, towns, volleyball, basketball, hockey, football, etc.).

Along with the formation of motor skills in children from the first days of life, it is necessary to develop physical qualities (dexterity, speed, flexibility, strength, endurance, balance, etc.). The presence of opportunities for the development of these qualities is evidenced by quantitative indicators. Without the development of physical qualities, the child would not be able to perform even elementary exercises, improve various activities, including movements.

The theory of physical education takes into account the psychophysiological characteristics of preschool children: the ability of the body to work, emerging interests and needs, forms of visual-effective, visual-figurative and logical thinking, the peculiarity of the predominant type of activity in connection with the development of which major changes occur in the child's psyche and a "transition" is being prepared. child to a new higher stage of his development.

The development of the physical qualities of a preschooler is influenced by various means and methods of physical education. An effective means of developing speed are exercises aimed at developing the ability to quickly perform movements. Children learn the exercises best at a slow pace. The teacher should ensure that the exercises are not long, monotonous. It is desirable to repeat them in different conditions with different intensity, with complications, or vice versa, with reduced requirements.

To educate children in the ability to develop the maximum pace of running, the following exercises can be used: running at a fast and slow pace; running with acceleration in a straight line, diagonally. It is useful to perform exercises at a different pace, which contributes to the development in children of the ability to offer different muscle efforts in relation to the intended pace. To develop the ability to maintain the pace of movements for some time, an effective means is running short distances: 15, 20, 30 meters. When teaching a quick start of movement, running with acceleration according to signals is used; start from different starting positions. These exercises are included in morning exercises, physical education, exercises, outdoor games for a walk.

For the development of dexterity, more complex exercises in coordination and conditions are needed: the use of unusual starting positions (running and starting position kneeling, sitting, lying down); jump from the starting position while standing with your back to the direction of movement; quick change of different positions; changes in speed or pace of movement; performance of mutually agreed actions by several participants. Exercises can be used in which children make an effort to maintain balance: spinning in place, swinging, walking on toes, etc.

Exercises for the development of strength abilities are divided into 2 groups: with resistance, which causes the weight of thrown objects and the implementation of which makes it difficult to carry out the weight of one's own body (jumping, climbing, squatting). The number of repetitions is of great importance: a small amount does not contribute to the development of strength, and too much can lead to fatigue.

It is also necessary to take into account the pace of the exercises: the higher it is, the fewer times it should be performed. In strength exercises, preference should be given to horizontal and inclined positions of the body. They unload the cardiovascular system and the spine, reduce blood pressure at the time of the exercise. It is advisable to alternate exercises with muscle tension with relaxation exercises.

For the development of endurance, exercises of a cyclic nature are most suitable (walking, running, jumping, swimming, etc.). Participates in these exercises a large number of muscle groups, moments of muscle tension and relaxation alternate well, the pace and duration of execution are regulated.

At an early and preschool age, it is important to solve the problems of educating almost all physical qualities. First of all, attention should be paid to the development of coordination abilities, in particular, to such components as a sense of balance, accuracy, rhythm, and coordination of individual movements. When mastering new movements, preference is given to the method of holistic learning. When dismembering movements, the child loses its meaning, and, consequently, interest in it. The child wants to see the result of his action immediately.

Children should know and understand the names of body parts, directions of movement (up, down, forward, backward, right, left, around, etc.), the names and purpose of physical education equipment, the rules for storing and caring for it, the rules for clothes and shoes. The amount of knowledge related to physical education expands with the age of children.

In the process of physical education, it is equally important to solve broad educational problems. It is necessary to develop in children the need, the habit of daily physical exercises, to develop the ability to independently engage in these exercises in a children's institution and at home, to carry out the simplest ones with their peers and younger children.

It is necessary for children to cultivate love for knowledge of sports, interest in their results, the achievements of athletes. In the process of physical education, there are great opportunities for the implementation of moral, mental, aesthetic and labor education. The process of physical education of preschool children should be built in such a way as to simultaneously solve all of the above tasks.

3. The system of physical education in preschool educational institution

The system of physical education in preschool institutions is a unity of purpose, objectives, means, forms and methods of work aimed at improving the health and comprehensive physical development of children. At the same time, it is a subsystem, a part of the national system of physical education, which, in addition to the above components, also includes institutions and organizations that carry out and control physical education. Each institution, depending on its specifics, has its own specific areas of work that generally meet the state and public interests.

The theory of physical education of preschool children is the science of the general laws of physical education and the formation of a child's personality. The most important task, which determines the special significance of physical education as the basis of comprehensive development, is the formation of a healthy, strong, tempered, cheerful, responsive, proactive child, who is well-versed in his movements, who loves sports and physical exercises, and is capable of learning at school and active subsequent creative activity.

The theory of physical education of preschool children, having a single content and subject of study with the general theory of physical education, at the same time specifically studies the patterns of physical education of a child from birth to school and, in accordance with this, the general patterns of managing the development of a child in the process of education and training. The theory of physical education of children is continuously developing and enriched with new knowledge obtained as a result of research covering the diverse aspects of raising a child. In accordance with age characteristics, the tasks of physical education in this period are as follows:

1. ensure the normal physical development, protection and strengthening of the health of the child;

2. gradually harden the body and increase its resistance to the influence of the external environment;

3. to develop the ability to perform basic movements, and in the future to form basic motor skills (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing); gradually develop dexterity, coordination of movements;

4. through various collective actions to promote the upbringing of activity, independence, discipline.

Health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks are carried out in the process of physical education. Among the health-improving tasks, a special place is occupied by protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, and comprehensive physical development, improving body functions, increasing activity and overall performance. Taking into account the specifics of age, health-improving tasks are defined in a more specific form: to help form the bend of the spine, develop the arches of the foot, strengthen the ligamentous-articular apparatus; promote the development of all muscle groups, especially the extensor muscles; the correct ratio of body parts; improvement of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In addition, it is important to improve the overall performance of children, taking into account the peculiarities of the development of the child's body. Here the tasks are defined in a more specific form: to help correct and timely ossification, the formation of spinal curves, to promote the proper development of thermoregulation, to improve the activity of the central nervous system, to contribute to the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition, their mobility, as well as the improvement of the motor analyzer, sensory organs.

Educational tasks provide for the formation of motor skills and abilities in children, the development of physical qualities; the role of physical exercises in his life, ways to strengthen his own health. Due to the plasticity of the nervous system in children, motor skills are formed relatively easily. Most of them (crawling, running, walking, skiing, cycling, etc.) are used by children in everyday life as a means of transportation. Motor skills facilitate communication with the environment and contribute to its knowledge: the child, crawling himself, approaches those objects that interest him and gets acquainted with them. Proper execution exercise effectively affects the development of muscles, ligaments, joints, and the skeletal system. The motor skills formed in preschool children form the foundation for their further improvement at school and allow them to achieve high results in sports in the future. In the process of forming motor skills in children, the ability to easily master more complex movements and various types of activities that include these movements (labor operations) is developed. The volume of motor skills according to age data is in the program. Preschoolers need to form the skills to perform drill, general developmental exercises, basic movements, sports exercises. In addition, children should be taught to play sports (towns, table tennis) and perform elements of sports games (basketball, hockey, football, etc.). At this age, the inculcation of the initial skills of personal and public hygiene (washing hands, taking care of a suit, shoes, etc.) becomes important. The acquired knowledge allows children to engage in physical exercises more consciously and more fully, to independently use the means of physical education in kindergarten and family.

Educational tasks are aimed at the versatile development of children (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor), the formation of their interest and need for systematic physical exercises. The system of physical education in preschool institutions is built taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of children.

The first seven years of a child's life are characterized by the intensive development of all organs and systems. A child is born with certain inherited biological properties, including the typological features of the main nervous processes (strength, balance and mobility). But these features are only the basis for further physical and mental development, and the determining factor from the first months of life is the environment and upbringing of the child. Therefore, it is very important to create such conditions and organize education in such a way that a cheerful, positive emotional state of the child, full physical and mental development is ensured.

Physical education favors the implementation of aesthetic education. In the process of performing physical exercises, one should develop the ability to perceive, experience aesthetic pleasure, understand and correctly evaluate the beauty, grace, expressiveness of movements. Children also master labor skills related to the equipment of the premises (device of a pit with sand for long jumps, pouring a skating rink, etc.).

The purpose of physical education is to develop healthy lifestyle habits in children. To solve the problems of physical education of preschool children, the following are used: hygiene factors, natural forces of nature, physical exercises, etc. A full-fledged physical education is achieved with the complex use of all means, since each of them affects the human body in different ways. Hygienic factors (mode of study, rest, nutrition, sleep, etc.) are a prerequisite for solving the problems of physical education. They increase the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises on the body involved. For example, physical exercise contributes better to the development of the skeletal and muscular system. Cleanliness of premises, sports equipment, toys, clothes, shoes serve as a prevention of diseases. Hygienic factors also have independent significance: they contribute to the normal functioning of all organs and systems. For example, regular and good-quality nutrition has a positive effect on the activity of the digestive organs and ensures the timely delivery of necessary nutrients to other organs, which means it contributes to the normal growth and development of the child. Good sleep provides rest and increases the efficiency of the nervous system. Proper lighting prevents the occurrence of eye diseases. Compliance with a solid daily routine teaches you to be organized, disciplined, etc. The natural forces of nature (sun, air, water) enhance the positive effect of physical exercise on the body, and increase human performance. In the process of doing physical exercises in the air with solar radiation or in water (swimming), positive emotions arise, the functionality of individual organs and body systems increases (more oxygen is consumed, metabolism increases, etc.).

The natural forces of nature can also be used as an independent remedy. Water is used to cleanse the skin, mechanical effects on the human body. The air from forests, gardens, parks, containing special volatile substances, contributes to the destruction of microbes, enriches the blood with oxygen, and has a beneficial effect on the human body. The sun's rays contribute to the deposition of vitamin D under the skin, kill various microbes and protect a person from rickets. For a versatile effect on the body, all the natural forces of nature should be taken, expediently combining them.

Physical exercises are the main specific means of physical education that has a versatile effect on a person. They are used to solve the problems of physical education: they contribute to the implementation of mental, labor, and are also a means of treatment for many diseases. Movements, physical exercises are considered a specific means of physical education. Motor activity is a biological need of the body, the degree of satisfaction of which determines the health of children, their physical and general development.

A physical education lesson is the main form of an organized educational physical education exercise in a preschool educational institution. Classes are required for all children. Classes are held all year round. In the summer, physical education is not canceled.

Classic classes ( according to the scheme: introductory-preparatory part, main, final part).

Game activities ( using games: folk outdoor games, relay race games, amusement games, etc.).

Training type classes ( walking, running, combat exercises, sports games, climbing exercises, acrobatic elements, ball exercises, etc.).

Story lessons - complex (united by a certain plot, orienteering, with the development of speech, with quizzes, etc.).

Rhythmic gymnastics ( classes consisting of dance movements).

self-study ( independent training of choice, then checking the task by the trainer).

Classes of the series "Studying your body" ( talking about your body, teaching self-massage, instilling basic skills in self-care and first aid).

Thematic classes ( with one type of exercise).

Control and verification classes (implementation of the lag in the development of the child's motor skills and ways to eliminate them).

morning exercises is one of the important components of the motor regime, its organization should be aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone children. Daily exercise contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, developing a useful habit in children to start the day with morning exercises. Its purpose and methodology are well known.

Morning exercises should be done daily before breakfast for 6-12 minutes. outdoors or indoors (depending on environmental and weather conditions).

When compiling complexes of morning exercises throughout the year, it is important to remember their variability in content and nature. Along with traditional morning exercises, various types and variants of it can be harmful to the practice of preschool institutions, both in terms of content and in terms of methodology. We offer different options.

Morning gymnastics of a gaming nature includes 2-3 outdoor games or 5-7 game exercises imitation character, as well as varying degrees of intensity, which are performed as a set of exercises of a general developmental impact.

Obstacle Course Exercises - children are offered exercises with a gradual increase in load: the complication of motor tasks with the inclusion of various basic types of movements, an increase in the number of repetitions, an increase in the pace of movements, a change in the alternation of physical education benefits.

Morning exercises can be carried out in the form of a health jog. This type of morning exercises is necessarily carried out in the air - for 5-7 minutes. continuous running at an average pace with a gradual increase in distance and time. At the end of the gymnastics, breathing exercises are offered.

A set of exercises with simulators the simplest pace (gymnastic roller, children's expander, rubber rings, Health disk).

Complex of musical-rhythmic exercises ( consisting of a warm-up, 5-6 basic developmental exercises in dance movements.)

The complex of morning exercises should be repeated for two weeks. The activation of the functional activity of the body of children aged 5-7 years occurs due to an increase in the duration of morning exercises - 10-12 minutes, the duration of continuous running - 2-3 minutes, an increase in the number of jumps - 30-50 and their complication, an increase in pace and their repetition. Each exercise is repeated 3 to 8 times from different starting positions (standing, kneeling, sitting, lying on the back and stomach, with and without objects).

At older preschool age, children must independently reproduce the entire complex after 2-3 repetitions. During the organization, musical accompaniment is necessary.

Held physical education minute educator as needed (within 3-5 minutes), depending on the type and content of classes for the development of speech, drawing, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, mainly at the time of the appearance of signs of fatigue in children. Before the start of the physical education session, the transoms should be opened.

It is well known that physical exercises are used to maintain mental performance at a good level. At the moment when children's attention decreases and motor restlessness appears (usually for 12-15 minutes), fatigue sets in, you can offer several physical exercises standing at their tables or in a free place in the group. These are general developmental exercises: torso tilts, arm movements up, to the sides, half-squats and squats, jumping, jumping, walking.

A physical minute may be accompanied by a text related or not related to the movement of the lesson. When pronouncing the text, children need to make sure that the exhalation is performed when pronouncing the words of one line, and before the beginning of the next line, a deep and calm breath is taken. After physical education, the child's breathing remains calm.

You can hold a physical education session with musical accompaniment, during which children can perform dance exercises or impromptu movements (circling, half-squats, tilts, etc.).

Motor warm-up during a long break between classes allows you to actively relax after mental stress and forced posture. It consists of 3-4 exercises, as well as arbitrary movements of children using a variety of physical education aids. At the end of the warm-up, it is rational to conduct a relaxation exercise for 1-2 minutes. Long warm-up no more than 10 minutes.

Held outdoor games, physical exercises for a walk. Outdoor games - complex motor, emotionally colored activity, due to established rules that help to identify the final result or a quantitative result. Outdoor games serve as a method of improving motor skills already mastered by children and educating physical qualities. Outdoor games are divided by content into outdoor games with the rules And sports games. Mobile games with rules include plot And plotless, to sports (elements of sports games) - volleyball, basketball, badminton, towns, table tennis, football, hockey. There is a classification according to the predominant type of movement (running, jumping, throwing, etc.) and according to the degree of muscle tension caused in children (high, medium and low mobility).

Summer fun on walks. In the summer, entertainment helps the teacher to solve serious educational, educational and health problems in an accessible and interesting way.

Active participation in entertainment enriches children with new experiences, makes it possible to acquire motor skills and abilities.

How interesting to spend summer walks? We put this question before the workers. From the variety of activities, it is better to take general physical training at first, which is carried out daily (30 minutes) and consists of two parts (improving warm-up and developmental exercises).

To a general developmental physical training was systemic in nature, the plan is applied, focusing on the days of the week:

Monday - various types of throwing, jumping, crawling, climbing, balance exercises;

Tuesday - lesson on the development of motor physical qualities;

Wednesday - ball games, "Ball School", elements of sports games;

Thursday - summer fun (playing with rolling pins, playing "hopscotch");

Friday - various trips, entertainment.

This plan can be improved, developed, changed, taking into account the motor experience of children, their interests, material base; include sports exercises on bicycles, folk games, etc.

Fun games are essentially physical exercises dressed in a game form with or without musical accompaniment (classics, elastic bands).

The following series of some summer fun games apply:

1. Cross with the ball (relay races with meat, free games with the ball, "goat", elements of game basketball, volleyball).

2. Competitions - fights (relay races of various types, captures of the fortress, pushing out of the circle).

3. Games with a spinner (games of fun).

4. Games on asphalt (hopscotch, tag).

5. Games with sand and water (with bells, with a kite, with soap bubbles.).

6. Games with musical accompaniment (round dances, singing, dancing.).

7. Russian folk games (magic wand, bast shoes, traps, grandmas, blind man's bluffs, etc.).

8. Throwing arrows (hit the ring, throwing discs, throwing rings, who is further, flying saucers, etc.).

9. "School of the ball" (game with a small ball, football against the wall, aim more accurately, etc.).

10. An interesting rope (jump rope, elusive cord, jumping with a cord, etc.).

11. Jumps (rubber jumper, jumpers, leapfrog, long jumps from a running start, from a height, from a hoop to a hoop, etc.).

12. Games and exercises for balance (stubborn goat, walking on a bench, a log, a foot rocking chair, who will stand on one leg longer.).

13. Sports exercises (cycling, scootering, swimming, swimming.).

After a nap, it is important to improve the mood and muscle tone of each child, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot disorders. This can be facilitated by the complex gymnastics after a daytime sleep, which is of a variable nature, depending on this, its duration will also change (from 7-15 minutes).

Gymnastics of a game character consists of 2-3 exercises such as "Pulls", "Cogs", "Athletes".

Warm-up in bed and a set of exercises. Children gradually wake up to the sounds of melodious music, lying in bed for 3-4 minutes, perform 4-5 general developmental exercises. You can offer exercises from various positions: lying on your side, on your stomach, sitting. After that, the children perform walking, gradually turning into a run - they run out of the bedroom to a well-ventilated group with a temperature of 17-19 degrees.

In a group, children perform arbitrary dance musical and rhythmic movements to the music, after that they move on to breathing exercises, then get dressed.

Exercise with machines or sports complex(in a group, in a bedroom, gyms). Children are engaged in subgroups of 7-10 people.

Jogging along the massage paths is carried out daily. Children are engaged in the same shorts and barefoot. After carrying out various options for gymnastics, they proceed to water hardening procedures (dousing the legs from 36 degrees, then 18-19 degrees; for weakened 36-28-36 degrees), wiping with a damp mitten, followed by rubbing with a dry towel).

hardening - the most important part of the physical education of preschool children. The best means of hardening are the natural forces of nature: air, sun and water.

Hardening is understood as an increase in the body's resistance mainly to low temperatures, since the cause of a number of diseases (diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, nephritis, rheumatism, etc.) is the cooling of the body.

The purpose of hardening is to develop the body's ability to quickly bring the work of organs and systems in line with the changing external environment. The body's ability to adapt to certain environmental conditions is developed by repeated exposure to one or another factor (cold, heat, etc.) and a gradual increase in the dosage of such exposure.

In the process of hardening, changes occur in the child's body: cells of the integument of the body and mucous membranes, nerve endings and nerve centers begin to respond faster and more efficiently to changes in the environment.

As a result of hardening, the child becomes less susceptible to drastic changes temperature and colds and infectious diseases. Tempered children have good health and appetite, are calm, balanced, distinguished by cheerfulness, cheerfulness, and high efficiency. Such results can be achieved only with the correct implementation of hardening procedures.

Positive results from hardening procedures can only be expected if such principles as gradualness, consistency, systematic, comprehensiveness, accounting are observed. individual features each child, as well as the active and positive attitude of children to hardening procedures.

A special card is created for each child, in which the air and water temperature, the duration of the procedure, and the child's reaction to it are noted daily.

air hardening - the most affordable means of hardening at any time of the year. The systematic exposure of the child to the air contributes to a more rapid adaptation of the body to changing temperature conditions. The positive effects of air baths are enhanced when combined with exercise.

An effective means of hardening is walking barefoot in the summer on well-cleaned soil (grass, gravel, sand). You should start walking barefoot on hot, sunny days, gradually increasing the walking time from 2-3 minutes to 10-12 minutes or more. The minimum air temperature at which children are allowed to walk barefoot is 20-22 Cº.

Then the children are taught to walk barefoot and indoors: for example, before a daytime sleep, they are allowed to walk barefoot to the crib along the carpet path. With children 5-7 years old, it is recommended to periodically carry out morning exercises and physical education classes in socks, and then without them.

The healing effect of air should also be used when organizing daytime sleep and walks.

Sunbathing has a beneficial effect on the body only when used correctly, otherwise they can cause harm: cause severe burns, eye disease, exacerbation of certain diseases (pulmonary tuberculosis, gastrointestinal disorders, etc.).

In preschool institutions, hardening by the sun is carried out during a walk and during the daily activities of children. They start with light-air baths in the shade of trees, then move on to local sunbathing, for which the children's arms and legs are bared (there should be a light cap on the head). For sunbathing, children's games are organized under the direct rays of the sun (5-6 minutes), and then again taken into the shade. As sunburn develops, sunbathing becomes common, ie. children are stripped down to underpants and t-shirts and then left in underpants alone. The continuous stay of children in direct sunlight at first is 5 minutes, gradually it is brought up to 10 minutes. During the day, the total duration of sunbathing can reach 40 - 50 minutes.

Water is a very effective factor in healing and hardening. Water procedures can be local (washing, foot baths, wiping or dousing up to the waist) and general (rubbing and dousing the whole body, swimming in a pool or open water).

The water temperature should be 28-36C, then the water does not cause a lot of stress on the mechanisms of thermoregulation. In this case, the body of the child should not be supercooled or overheated.

When dousing with water, swimming in an open reservoir, the body is affected not only by the temperature of the water, but also by its pressure, and when taking salt, coniferous baths, swimming in the sea, the chemical composition of the water is also affected. Wiping after any water procedure with a dry towel is at the same time a massage, which contributes to better blood supply to the skin, and therefore its nutrition. Water procedures are stimulating and tonic, so they should be carried out after morning or afternoon sleep.

Hardening is carried out in the process of various water procedures: washing (daily is carried out not only for hygienic, but also for healing purposes), foot baths, dousing the legs (the effect will be only if cool water is poured on the warm feet of the child), contrast dousing, wiping, dousing the whole body at an air temperature not lower than 23Cº, swimming in open water (pool, river, lake, sea).

Hardening measures are carried out under the guidance of a doctor who, taking into account the state of health of children and local conditions, determines the type and dosage of hardening procedures. Active rest and independent motor activity

One of the forms of active recreation for children are holidays. They are held 2 times a year - Christmas and spring. A distinctive feature of working with children during this period is the lack of classes in all methods. The teacher organizes the rest of the children: Increases the stay in the fresh air (focusing on weather); if necessary, conducts a study of children who have a weak dynamics in development; emphasizes individual approach; gives children the opportunity to participate in a variety of games; provides them with a variety of active, entertaining activities (showing filmstrips, slides, videos, theatrical performances, reading fairy tales, holding sports events). In older groups, you can define a theme for each holiday day, for example: "Day of Fairy Tales", "Day of Games", "Day of Theater", "Day of Music", "Day of Health", "Day of Jokes and Laughter".

In addition to organized types of physical education classes in the daily routine of older preschool children, a significant place should be occupied by independent motor activity. However, here, too, the actions of children largely depend on the conditions created by adults. With proper guidance of independent activity, it is possible to significantly influence the variety of games and movements without suppressing the initiative of the child himself.

Independent motor activity of children is organized in different time days: in the morning before breakfast, between classes, during play hours after naps and during walks (morning and evening). Active activities of children should alternate with more relaxed activities. It is important to take into account the individual characteristics of each child, his well-being.

When planning independent activities, it is important to take care of creating a physical culture and game environment (space sufficient for movement, variety and alternation of manuals and toys), allocate in the daily routine special time for independent games of children. To create heterogeneity and novelty of the physical culture and game environment, the teacher during the day can bring in various physical education aids and group them in different ways. This avoids the monotony of movements and contributes to the comprehensive development of children.

The teacher should influence the children's choice of appropriate exercises and games, providing them with the necessary equipment, manuals, explaining the methods of movement. He teaches children to play together, encourages more dexterous children who have good command of movements to help their peers.

In exercises and games with children it is very important personal example educator. Therefore, he must be able to ski, skate, play tennis, etc.

In the independent activity of older preschoolers, individual characteristics are clearly traced. It is noted that children with a high level of DA (hyperactive children), as a rule, are characterized by monotonous activities with a lot of aimless running. These children are dominated by games and exercises of a high degree of intensity (running in a race, one after another, running at speed, with catching and dodging, long jumps with a run, Jumping over a short rope, games with elements of sports), which account for more than 70% of all time for independent activities of children. These children are distinguished by the inability to perform movements at a moderate pace and the unwillingness to engage in calm activities, to alternate active actions with passive ones.

Children with a low level of DA (sedentary children) are also characterized by monotonous activity, often interrupted by static postures. These children are dominated by games of a low degree of intensity (plot-role-playing, games with sand and snow, with a ring toss, towns, serso, etc.), which account for about 70% of the total time of independent activity of children for a walk. These children tend to prefer to play alone or in pairs. They have a fairly stable interest in role-playing games, while the plots and actions are monotonous (rocking the doll, feeding, putting to bed, ordinary walking, etc.). Sedentary children do not want to participate in collective sports games, as they constantly experience uncertainty in their actions.

Children with an average level of DA (optimal level of DA) are characterized by a variety of activities, saturated with games and sports exercises of varying degrees of intensity. Such children widely use in their independent activities the games and exercises learned earlier during organized motor activity. The most favorite games and exercises are such games as "Traps", "Running", "Cunning Fox", "School of the ball", fun with sleds, cycling.

In the system of physical culture and health-improving work of a preschool institution, a strong place is occupied by sports holidays, sports leisure, health days.

Interesting content, humor, musical arrangement, games, competitions, a joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation of motor activity. When organizing outdoor activities, it is important to take into account climatic conditions, seasonal features and natural factors. Positive results can be achieved under the condition of close cooperation between the staff of the preschool institution and the family. Children and parents are informed about the program and time of the upcoming event in advance so that they can also actively participate in their preparation.

Sports holidays are an effective form of active recreation for children. The practice of preschool institutions has shown the importance of holidays in the active involvement of each child in physical education. There are many positive examples of the creative approach of teaching staff to their organization and conduct.

Schoolchildren are invited to sports holidays - former pupils of a preschool institution, parents, sisters, brothers.

During school year with older preschoolers, 2-3 holidays in the air and one on the water (in the pool) should be held, lasting no more than 90 minutes. Children from a neighboring preschool can also participate in the event. The themes of the holidays can be a variety of "We are athletes", "Olympic Games", "Funny starts", "Winter carousel", "Winter-winter", "Neptune's Holiday", etc.

Joint activities of children, overcoming various difficulties in a team, achieving a common team result - all this unites the children's team. Children empathize with the successes and failures of their comrades, rejoice at achievements, maintain good relations with each other, take care of younger, shy and awkward children, learn to strive not only for individual, but also for team victories.

Sports holidays can be organized not only at the site of a preschool institution, but also in a nearby park, forest, or stadium. The theme and organization largely depend on the venue. When planning and preparing a holiday, you must:

designate the tasks of the holiday, the date, time, place of its holding;

prepare demonstration performances: a parade of participants, competitions, games, competitions;

allocate those responsible for the preparation and holding of the holiday (preferably the participation of the head, methodologist, group educators, physical education educator, parents, representatives of the microdistrict);

determine the number of participants in each age group of kindergarten, primary school, as well as invited guests;

designate the procedure for summing up the results of competitions and competitions, encouraging the participants of the holiday.

The success of a sports festival largely depends on how detailed and clearly planned its program is.

With any form of organizing a sports holiday for preschoolers, the following must be remembered:

It is unacceptable to turn a children's holiday into an entertaining spectacle for adults. This is especially true for holidays with elements of competitions organized on the initiative of sports organizations;

the selection of participants is unacceptable - children who give only the best results. It is desirable that all children participate;

in preparation for the holiday, it is important to maintain a keen interest of children in the event. You should not get carried away with an excessive number of repetitions, training, individual tasks-performances, especially games of a competitive nature;

it is necessary to rationally distribute physical activity in different types of activity (taking into account the level of development of DA and the physical fitness of children).

The greatest benefit for the recovery and hardening of children is brought by sports holidays organized in the open air.

Along with sports holidays, one should widely use physical culture leisure as an organized form of active recreation for children. Physical culture leisure does not require special training, it is based on material familiar to children and is carried out by several groups that are close in age composition (older and preparatory groups). Such an event can be organized 1-2 times a month, lasting 30-50 minutes. When spending leisure time, the active participation of the educator is necessary. He gives commands, sums up the results, is a judge in competitions. A significant role in creating a positive emotional state of children is played by music, which has a beneficial effect on the development of a sense of beauty, reinforces the ability to move rhythmically, coordinating their movements with musical accompaniment.

Various forms of physical culture leisure are possible in terms of content and organization.

Day (week) of health

It is held once a month in all age groups during the academic year. The entire staff of the DU takes part in the celebration of this day. On this day, excursions, hiking, sports activities, physical education, sports competitions, theatrical performances, classes in fine arts activities (drawing with sanguine, charcoal, felt-tip pens, modeling from snow; drawing up a composition from autumn leaves and various materials, etc.) .). Health Day can be dedicated to the game. In this case, only the game is used in all types of work: didactic, verbal, mobile, sports, theatrical.

Health Week is a form of active recreation for children, when all types of activities are canceled, the daily routine is filled with various games, exercises, and the time spent in the open air increases. It is important to carefully consider the plan for each day during the entire health week, taking into account the time of year and weather conditions.

It is advisable to organize different types of activities, saturated with both calm and intense movements. These are games and game exercises when coming to a preschool institution and on walks, simple sports competitions, tourist walks, trips to a nearby park or forest. During the week of health, you can spend one sports holiday or organize sports activities. in theatrical or game form motor skills and hygienic knowledge are easier to assimilate (scenario "My to the holes").

When organizing outdoor activities, in order to increase the emotional background, it is recommended to colorfully design the venues (gym, group room, sports ground) in accordance with the intended content of the events, as well as use musical accompaniment. It is useful to observe certain rituals (for example, greeting teams, spectators, demonstration performances of participants, solemn opening and closing ceremonies of the holiday, etc.).

The activities of children should not be limited only to participation in outdoor games and physical exercises, children can and should participate in various types of labor (cleaning the territory of a preschool institution, caring for plants) and creative (competitions of dancers, gymnasts, singers, artists) activities weeks of health should be carried out in the process of all educational work with children, which includes reading books, watching illustrations, videos about sports, athletes; learning outdoor games, relay races. However, some games, attractions and simple motor tasks can be offered to children without prior acquaintance (surprise moment).

The entire teaching staff should participate in the preparation of the health week. Below is an approximate outline plan for organizing a health week in the winter season.

4. Review of methods of the health-saving pedagogical system in preschool educational institutions

On present stage development of education, there are several concepts of the physical development of preschool children. The philosophy of this or that program is based on a certain view of the authors on the child, on the laws of his development, and, consequently, on the creation of conditions that contribute to the formation of the personality, protect his identity and reveal the creative potential of each pupil. The development of children's motor activity should proceed in the form of their familiarization with physical culture as a natural component of universal human culture in the proper sense of the word.

T.N. Doronova, a candidate of pedagogical sciences, in her program "Rainbow" draws attention to the upbringing and development of kindergarten children. She preferred herself important subject education - physical culture. She defined the main forms of work with children in the chapter "Raising a healthy child" on the motor regime, hardening, physical culture and health work. All the work is presented in the sections "We form the habit of a healthy lifestyle", "Daily mode of life", "Wakefulness", "Sleep", "Nutrition", "Health skills", "Forming a culture of movements". Gradually, the child masters the basic cultural and hygienic skills, gets acquainted with the elements of self-control during a variety of motor activities. It highlights the issues of behavior in situations that threaten the life and health of children, the ability to avoid or even anticipate them, which are important at the present stage. T.N. Doronova revealed the means and forms of physical education

The program of the team of authors led by L.A. Wenger "Development", which contains two theoretical provisions: 1. A.V. Zaporozhets about the inherent value of the preschool period of development, the transition from a utilitarian understanding of preschool childhood to a humanistic understanding, 2. L.A. Wenger about the development of abilities, which are understood as universal actions of orientation in the environment with the help of figurative means of solving problems specific to the preschooler. This program does not contain tasks for the physical development of the child. A M.D. Makhaneva and Doctor of Psychology O.M. Dyachenko in 2000 developed guidelines on raising a healthy child to the program "Development". They contain, on the one hand, a general description of the means that ensure the health of the child (hygienic, hardening, physical exercises), on the other hand, specific descriptions of physical education classes held in the gym. They are valuable in that they allow you to use them in planning the most diverse aspects of organizing a healthy lifestyle for children, combining classes in the "Development" program and a number of additional ones with carrying out the necessary recreational activities. M.D. Makhaneva pays great attention to the proper nutrition of children, to the need for its usefulness. She criticizes the generally accepted system of physical education, which cannot solve problems at the present stage, since it does not take into account the specific conditions of children's institutions in different regions of Russia, does not provide for a differentiated approach to children in accordance with their individual characteristics and health, and does not meet the needs of children in movement. .

V.T. Kudryavtsev (Doctor of Psychology) and B.B. Egorov (candidate of pedagogical sciences) determined the idea of ​​an integrated interdisciplinary approach to the issue of physical education of a preschooler. Their program and methodological manual reflects two lines of health-improving - developing work: familiarization with physical culture, a developing form of health-improving work. They criticize the well-established approach to the physical culture and health-improving work of preschool children, they speak of the need for a radical revision of the existing methods of physical education in preschool institutions and schools. V.T. Kudryavtsev and B.B. Egorov point to a number of contradictions existing at the present stage. The role of movements in integral psychological development is obvious and universally recognized, and therefore does not require any special justification. On the other hand, motor activity, various forms of its purposeful organization occupy a more than modest place in life. modern child- preschooler. They are placed, in their opinion, on the periphery of the educational process. They say the same about wellness work. All this, in their opinion, leads to the loss of the sources of development of the child, the growth of childhood morbidity. The authors of the program proceed from the fact that: "a child is a holistic spiritual and bodily organism - a hub, mediator and converter of natural and social and environmental connections that are significant for him. The overall goal of this program and methodological material is to form a motor sphere and create psychological and pedagogical conditions for the development of children's health based on their creative activity.

Developing pedagogy of health improvement consists of 4 sections. And gradually takes shape at the junction of age physiology, pediatrics, pedagogy, child psychology. One of its founders was the Russian pediatrician and teacher Yu.F. Zmanovsky. The named direction has a series distinguishing features: 1. The idea of ​​a healthy child as a standard and practically achievable norm of child development. 2. A healthy child is considered as an integral body-spiritual organism. 3. Health improvement is interpreted not as a set of therapeutic and preventive measures, but as a form of development, expansion of the psychophysiological capabilities of children. 4. An individually-differentiated approach is a key, system-forming means of health-improving and developing work with children.

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor N.N. Efimenko ( Ukraine) in 1999 released the program "Theater of Physical Development and Recovery" for children of preschool and primary school age. In it, the author formulated the main fundamentally new systems of physical education and health improvement for children of the first 10 years of life. This system is based on the objective laws of the development of the human body. The idea to turn monotonous classes into performances that give children joy and benefit their physical and intellectual development and the formation of interpersonal relationships runs like a red thread. The author has developed 10 professional commandments: "Follow the logic of nature - pedagogy must be natural"; "Physical education of preschool children should follow a developmental spiral"; "Pedagogical speedometer, or about the so-called general developmental exercises, select the preparatory part of the lesson in accordance with the "evolutionary gymnastics." The division of classes into 3 parts should not be formal, but according to physiological essence. "Theater of physical education of preschoolers", playing - to heal, playing - to educate, playing - to develop, playing - to teach. Physical education should charge children with positive emotions. The motor portrait of a preschooler is drawn by the methodology of game testing, "create simulators yourself", "Health of the healthy requires prevention and correction", "Through movement and play - to the education of the Man of the Future: a comprehensive pedagogy of life".

In the program "Fundamentals of safety for preschoolers" V.A. Ananyev in the sections "Human health and the environment", "Health and lifestyle of a person" the author sets the task of developing the physical activity of children, they need to be taught to take care of their health and the health of others, to form personal hygiene skills, to give knowledge about healthy food to orient children to a healthy lifestyle, to give basic knowledge about what an infectious disease is, what needs to be done so as not to get infected. Ways to solve problems: classes, games - classes, visual activities, walks, hygiene procedures, tempering activities, games, sports events, holidays, conversations, reading literature, the use of emotionally attractive forms. Work with parents aimed at improving the health of children and the development of their physical activity.

The program "Fundamentals of life safety of preschool children", developed by candidates of psychological sciences N.N. Avdeeva and R.B. Sterkina, candidate of pedagogical sciences O.L. Knyazeva. The authors note that safety and a healthy lifestyle are not just the sum of knowledge acquired by children, but a lifestyle, adequate behavior in various life situations, including unexpected ones. Determining the main content of the work on life safety and the direction of development of children, the authors of the program considered it necessary to highlight such rules of behavior that children must strictly follow, since their health and safety of life depend on this. The main content of the work on the program should be built, according to the authors, in several areas: 1. The child and other people. 2. Child and nature. 3. The child is at home. 4. Emotional well-being of the child. 5. A child on the streets of the city. 6. Child's health. The content of the last section "Child's Health" is of scientific interest for us, since it made it possible to identify what content of the work the authors offer in this section, what is its volume, and by what means they propose to solve it. Thus, the authors direct the content of the section to the formation of a child's ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of life. A child must know his body, learn to take care of it, not harm his body.

Thus, the analysis of the content of modern programs for preschool institutions allows us to conclude that, despite the differences in concepts, approaches, methods and means of solving the problem of improving the health of preschool children, in the content of each program, the authors recognize the problem of preserving children's health as a priority and give it paramount importance.

Very often, parents ask for help for their timid, shy children who need support. Work with the involvement of parents and medical staff is carried out in three directions:

1) strengthening the physical health of children and building their confidence in a beautiful posture using non-traditional forms of health improvement;

2) the formation of positive emotions and feelings;

3) education of an optimistic attitude.

Recently, non-traditional forms have become widespread, which, according to medical observations, give positive results: hardening of the nasopharynx, cleansing salad, washing the nose with cold water, health-improving running (dosed), breathing and sound gymnastics, self-massage and massage, dousing with cold water, training, auto-training, relaxation, aromatherapy, phytotherapy, music therapy, color therapy, aesthetic therapy, stone therapy, metal therapy, massage therapy, phytoncidotherapy, apitherapy, diet therapy, water therapy, light therapy, laughter therapy, game therapy, musical and rhythmic activity, etc.

Rhythm and dance classes include various activities:

1. Exercises that improve the skills of basic movements (walking, running, jumping), mastering dance elements (exercises for the arms and upper shoulder girdle), exercises without music and psycho-gymnastics.

2. Exercises with musical - rhythmic tasks or musical - didactic game.

3. Exercises with objects (if they are not included in the exercises to improve the basic movements), outdoor games, dances.

It is also convenient to include tasks for gaming and dance creativity.

Exercises without music or the so-called preparatory exercises can be of great help in working with children. Their task is to give children the necessary motor skills. Attention is paid to the development of muscular feeling, a conscious attitude to the quality of movements. These exercises are learned under the account or in an individual rhythm.

Exercises without music:

help to take the correct starting position;

contribute to the awareness of the work of the motor start;

strengthen individual muscle groups and increase joint mobility;

form the skills of building and rebuilding.

1. Exercises for the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, relaxation and tension of the muscles of the body. At the same time, children should be able to regulate the degree of muscle tension, sometimes completely relieve it, feel where the muscles are strongly tense, and be able to remove them. Exercises for the development of "muscle feeling" help to feel the possible range of motion in the joints, create heaviness of the body and limbs, teach to consciously transfer the weight of the body forward (backward) before walking, running.

2. Exercises for the development of individual muscle groups and joint mobility: neck muscles; shoulder muscles; hands; leg muscles.

These exercises help to correct various physical deficiencies, train muscles, activate their work, clarity, range of motion.

Psycho-gymnastics is very useful for all children, but especially for those who are characterized by excessive fatigue, restlessness, isolation, etc.

Such reactions are found in children with neurosis, mild mental retardation, as well as in children who are practically healthy. The main emphasis in psycho-gymnastics is on teaching the elements of the technique of expressive movements, as well as on acquiring skills in relaxation. All this will help to preserve mental health and prevention of emotional disorders.

With the help of the proposed material on psycho-gymnastics, children are taught the ABC of conveying emotions - expressive and varied movements. Mostly wordless material is used, and it is very important for the teacher to be able to demonstrate expressive and beautiful execution movements. Psychogymnastics is a special class (sketches, exercises, games) aimed at the development and correction of the cognitive and emotional sphere of the human psyche, there are complex relationships with his consciousness. Considering this, physical exercises can be used not only for physical improvement, but also for the development of memory, attention, will, imagination, and creative abilities.

Musical and rhythmic skills and skills of expressive movements acquired in the exercises will allow children to more fully and better express themselves in dancing.

To obtain the greatest healing effect, the following rules must be observed when selecting exercises and their implementation.

1. Relaxation exercises are performed in a quiet, calm environment.

2. It is better to relax with your eyes closed.

3. Depending on the conditions for applying these exercises, various postures are used.

4. At runtime. Teach children to recognize feelings of tension and relaxation.

5. Do not rush to finish the relaxation.

6. Children can lie down if they want.

7. You need to get out of this state slowly and calmly: first stretch, as if after waking up from sleep, then open your eyes and slowly sit down.

When using relaxation exercises for individual parts of the body, the previous type of activity of children is taken into account (for example, if it was drawing or application, then it is advisable to perform exercises to relax the muscles of the arms, back, neck).

It is advisable to use calm music when performing relaxation. Non-traditional methods such as introductory meditation, calm dance, relaxation help to create a positive emotional mood in the classroom, eliminate isolation and relieve fatigue. With their help, children develop the skills of concentration, plasticity, coordination of movements. The exercises are accompanied by various texts that help children to better imagine this or that image, to enter into it.

5. User experience various forms organization of physical activity in the daily routine of the child

In constant work, various forms of organization of motor activity are used. During the event there are: a teacher, a medical worker, a physical education instructor. All forms are selected taking into account age characteristics, programs, physical development of the child, health status, physical fitness (see tables 1 and 2).

Table 1

Forms of organization of motor activity of children

1. Morning exercises

2. Phys. minutes

3. Swimming

4. Invigorating gymnastics

6. Rhythmoplasty

7. Organized and independent motor activity of children on a walk (I and II half of the day)

8. Physical education

Physical education: 30 minutes - 2 times a month

Sports holidays: 60 - 90 minutes - 2-3 times a year

table 2

The use of various forms of motor activity in the daily routine of young children (1.5-2 years old)

Time in day mode


Who conducts

Organization Features

morning exercises

Hall, band, music hall

Educator, head of FV, music director



Educator, Head of FV

On a walk, 2-3 game tasks-exercises are used (fixing the main movements).

Physical education

2 times a week 10 - 15 min

hall, playground

Head of FV

By subgroups: from 1 year 6 months to 1 year 8 months - 2-4 children each; up to 2 years - 5-7 children

swimming lesson

1 time per week

FV Instructor

Invigorating gymnastics

After daytime sleep

Group, bedroom


Independent motor activity of children in a group



Under the guidance of a teacher. The duration and content varies depending on the individual characteristics of the children.

Joint physical education lesson for children with parents

1 time per week

Head of FV

Corrective exercises are used depending on the pathology of children

The use of various forms of motor activity in the daily routine of children of middle preschool age (4-5 years old)

morning exercises

Hall, band, music hall

Educator, leader

FV driver, music

cal leader

Daily. In the warm season - outdoors. The complex is made for 1-2 weeks. The inclusion of breathing exercises is mandatory.

Outdoor games and exercise during the walk

2 times a day (on morning and evening walks)


Educator, Head of FV

On a walk, 1 outdoor game is used, 2 game tasks of the exercise (fixing the main movements). On the days of physical education, games are held in the morning for 8 - 10 minutes, in the evening - 8 - 12 minutes

Physical education

2 times a week 20 - 25 min

hall, playground

Head of FV

Classes can be held in subgroups

swimming lesson

2 times a week

FV Instructor

Classes are held in subgroups

Invigorating gymnastics

After daytime sleep

Group, bedroom


Corrective exercises are used depending on the pathology of children

Class physical therapy

2 times a week

Exercise therapy instructor

Rhythmoplasty lesson

1 time per week

Head of FV

Independent motor activity of children in a group



Physical culture leisure

Head of FV, educator

Held 1 - 2 times a month

Sports holiday

hall, playground

Head of FV, educator

Held 2-3 times a year

health day

group, playground, hall

The use of various forms of motor activity in the daily routine of children of senior preschool age (5-6 years old)

Time in day mode


Who conducts

Organization Features

morning exercises

Hall, band, music hall

Educator, head of FV, musical director

Daily. In the warm season - outdoors. The complex is made for 1-2 weeks. The inclusion of breathing exercises is mandatory.

Physical education minutes

During class 1 - 3 min


Every day, as needed, depending on the type and content of classes, 1-3 times for 1-2 minutes can be held. In the classroom for art activities, you can not spend

Outdoor games and exercise during the walk

2 times a day (on morning and evening walks) 25 - 30 min


Educator, Head of FV

On a walk, 1 outdoor game is used, 2 game tasks of the exercise (fixing the main movements). On the days of physical education, games are held in the morning for 10 - 12 minutes, in the evening - 10 - 15 minutes. Sports games and exercises can be used

Physical education

2 times a week

hall, playground

Head of FV

Classes are held in subgroups

swimming lesson

2 times a week 25 - 30 min

FV Instructor

Classes are held in subgroups

Invigorating gymnastics

After nap 8 - 10 min

Group, bedroom


Corrective exercises are used depending on the pathology of children

Exercise therapy

2 times a week 25 - 30 min

Exercise therapy instructor

Depends on the nature of the pathology, groups are formed according to indications

Section lesson

1 time per week 25 min

Head of FV

Groups are formed at the request of children and parents

Rhythmoplasty lesson

1 time per week 25 min

Head of FV

Groups are formed at the request of children and parents

Independent motor activity of children in a group

Daily 30 min


Under the guidance of a teacher. The duration and content varies depending on the individual characteristics of the children.

Physical culture leisure

Head of FV, educator

Held 1 - 2 times a month

Sports holiday

hall, playground

Head of FV, educator

Held 2-3 times a year

health day

group, playground, hall

Head of PhD, educator, doctor

At least once a quarter. All other classes are canceled on this day. The daily routine is saturated with active motor activity of children, independent games, musical entertainment

Of great educational importance are the joint physical exercises of the child and adults: mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers. They not only deepen the love of physical exercise, but also strengthen, unite the family and allow parents and the child to become closer and understand each other.

Here is a sample of gymnastics for a mother and a child of primary preschool age.

  1. Mom sits on the floor, spreading her legs, and puts the child between them, holding his hands. A child on two legs jumps now over the left, then over the right leg of the mother; jumps up - the mother moves her legs, and the child, spreading his legs, sits on both of her legs. All this time, the mother supports the child by both hands and teaches him to choose the right moment for each movement.
  2. Mom kneels and rests on the floor with her hands ("horse"). The baby crawls under her belly, climbs onto her back, and crawls under her belly again.
  3. Mom becomes in the "horse" position, the child climbs on her back, holding her hands on her neck, after which, according to the count "one, two, three", the mother begins to sway, trying to throw off her rider.
  4. Mother and child sit on the floor with their backs to each other and stretch their legs forward. Then, bending their legs and resting their hands on the floor, they try to push each other with their backs. The mother measures her strength to give the child the opportunity to maximize the potential of this exercise.
  5. Mom lies on her back and stretches her legs, and the child climbs on them and takes her hands on her mother's hands. Then she bends her legs and swings them left and right and up and down. The child must maintain balance.
  6. Mom takes the same position as in exercise 5. She puts the child on her legs with her stomach and, raising them high, swings them up and down, right and left, slightly supporting the child, who must maintain balance.
  7. The child kneels and rests his hands on the floor. The mother takes his legs by the shins and lifts him off the floor. The child, alternately moving his hands, moves forward.
  8. The beginning is the same as in exercise 7, but then the mother lifts the child's legs higher - to a vertical position. The child raises his head and tries to look as far as possible.

9. The mother tightly wraps her arms around the child's wrists. Raising it, it swings left and right, up and down, or rotates around itself. The child can bend the knees during rotation.

  1. The mother stands with her knees slightly bent and takes one or both hands of the child, who, resting his feet on his knees, and then on the mother's stomach, tries to climb as high as possible. The mother, lifting the baby by the arms, helps him.
  2. The beginning is the same as in exercise 10, but then the child raises his legs up and, passing them between his hands, makes a full turn back.
  3. The mother firmly takes the child by the hands, and with her support, he begins to bounce, land to the right, then to the left.
  4. The child takes the stick with outstretched hands, which the mother gradually raises, and lifting it, begins to slightly swing back and forth, right and left. The child sways on his own, squeezing his legs.

Of great benefit are joint tourist walks of adults and a child, skiing, skating, playing towns, tennis, badminton, skittles, football, hockey, basketball, etc. Parental participation in sports holidays improves the baby's motor skills, forms his character, will, perseverance, striving to achieve the goal, improves culture, improves the microclimate of the family. The example of parents and their attitude to physical culture are of great educational importance.

Parents are obliged to create conditions that ensure the full physical development of the child. They should actively participate in the organization and conduct of hardening procedures, using natural factors nature (sun, air, water). Studies of domestic and foreign scientists show that choosing effective means hardening, it is necessary to dwell on those that are well and comfortably tolerated by the mother of the child. Experts also express the idea that hardening procedures should be selected individually, so active hardening should be carried out at home.

Preschool educational institutions, in turn, assist parents in acquiring knowledge about the physical education of the child. For this, corners for parents are organized, open classes, conversations, consultations are held, special literature is recommended on various forms of organizing a child's motor activity.

Parents are regularly informed about the state of health, the development of the child's movements, and together with the teacher they solve the problems of physical education. Working with parents allows expanding their pedagogical competence, increasing the family's interest in the results of the child's psychophysical development.

The results of this work include the following conclusions and observations:

  • at a younger age, an adaptation period passed and the children often got sick. Thanks to physical exercises and good organization of sports and health-improving leisure, the adaptation period passed easily. They began to actively perform physical exercises with interest, rejoice at successes, the general indicators of basic movements improved, they mastered the skills well: crawling, climbing, throwing, throwing, catching.

After carrying out physical culture and health work, we see an improvement in the state of physical health.

At a younger preschool age, the results of physical development were as follows: 10 people - 100%.

Walking, running - good 70%, satisfactory - 30%.

Jumping - good 20%, satisfactory - 80%.

Climbing and crawling - good 50%, satisfactory - 50%.

Throwing - good 60%, satisfactory 40%.

And in the senior preschool age.

Crawling, climbing - good 90%, satisfactory 10%.

Throwing, catching - good 100%, satisfactory 0%.

Throwing - good 100%, satisfactory 0%.

Movement with technical means - good 90%, satisfactory 10%.

  • to improve the indicators of the level of physical development of children, it is necessary to eliminate the following reasons:

1. Poor material base, there is no good stadium, poor equipment of the gym (there is not enough equipment and inventory), there is no equipment for the gym.

2. Not attracting parents to health days, sports activities, holidays.

3. Negative example of adults: smoking, alcohol.

4. Small excursions, hikes, walks outside the institution.

5. Non-observance of the daily routine by parents outside the kindergarten.

6. There are no swimming lessons.

7. No sectional classes.

  • Increasing physical culture and health-improving work depends on many factors that affect children:

1. A positive result was shown by children involved in sports sections, clubs, etc.

2. Joint work of educators and parents to create a material base for the mass involvement of children in physical exercises.

3. Positive peer examples.

4. Creation of favorable conditions for physical activity of children.

5. The role of the teaching staff of the kindergarten in solving the problems of the development of physical culture and health work.

6. Agitation and promotion of physical culture in the institution.

7. Sports holidays and mass sports performances.

8. Organization and holding of health days in kindergarten.

  • The conversation revealed that children like to do physical exercises (walking, running, jumping, climbing, crawling, throwing), sports games, ball games, folk outdoor games.
  • Taking into account the results, recommendations were formulated for parents and educators to identify the impact of motor skills on the physical health of the child:

1. Charging after sleep.

2. Hardening, water procedures, air baths.

3. Classes in sports sections.

4. Active motor leisure, cycling.

5. Swimming and visiting children with parents sports grounds.

6. Sports holidays.

7. Involving parents to work together on the physical education of children.

8. Phys. minutes to learn with parents.

9. Folk outdoor games.

10. Increasing motor activity through musical and aesthetic education in physical classes.


Annex 1

Lesson in the room of physical activity with children of the 1st junior group (30-45 minutes)


1. Continue to teach children to walk on the ribbed board; crawl under the gate; throw, roll the ball.

2. Develop balance, accuracy, dexterity.

3. Cultivate friendships in games.


  • ribbed board,
  • slide,
  • elephants for crawling and throwing balls,
  • small and large balls according to the number of children.

Lesson progress:

Today we will go to visit our beloved elephants.

Oh, look, here's the path It's easy for us to walk on it.

We will go along the path, We will not turn anywhere.

We walk along the path. We raise our legs above.

Children walk one after another on a ribbed board. They come up to the hill.

Who is this? This is the elephant dad.

Dad - a very kind elephant Sends a bow to everyone From the hill calls everyone to ride Let's laugh merrily Children ride down the hill -Here is a cheerful elephant, Waiting for you to visit, look.

Climb, crawl, all step through the trunk.

Children crawl up the elephant's tummy, and then step over his trunk 2-3 times. Approach the little elephant.

A little elephant, He plays from the cradle Quickly take the balls And take away the bucket.

But first, we'll crawl under his tummy. Children crawl under the elephant, and then take one small ball from the basket and throw it into the bucket. Go to a big basket with big balls.

Well done, kids, girls and boys! Look, rather, the Elephant brought the balls.

The balls are beautiful.

Round, playful!

Exercises with balls in a circle:

1. The sun rises in the morning

Higher, higher, higher. Raise the ball over your head.

By nightfall the sun will set Lower, lower, lower. Drop the ball down. (2-3 r.)

2. Let's show the balls to each other. Turns right and left with the ball. (2-3 times).

3. Let's jump like balls. Jumping in place with the ball.

4. Let's roll the ball and catch up with it. They roll the ball and catch up.

We put the balls in the basket. Let's say goodbye to our elephants. Let's say goodbye to them.

The children say goodbye and go to the group.

Appendix 2

Synopsis of physical education in the first group of early age

Theme "Visiting the doll Katya"

(30-45 minutes)

  • develop the ability to jump on two legs.
  • exercise children in walking in a straight direction, step over sandbags ("pebbles");
  • crawl on all fours
  • crawl under the arc;
  • exercise in the ability to climb on the box and get off it;
  • develop the ability to navigate in space;
  • help to evoke an emotional response to the game activity and a desire to participate in it.

Material and equipment:

  • doll,
  • small chair,
  • "pebbles" (sand bags measuring 20 by 12 cm),
  • carpet track 20 cm wide, arc,
  • box 15 cm high,
  • basin with water at room temperature,
  • vertical Christmas trees 50 cm high,
  • small wooden mushrooms
  • basket.

Teacher: Guys, look! Katya doll came to visit us! There she sits! Walk up the path to her. Step over the "pebbles". What a beautiful doll Katya!

Kate ( the teacher takes her in his hands, speaks on her behalf):

I was sitting on a chair

And I looked at you, at everyone!

Oh, how fast you walked!

Don't stumble, don't fall!

And for this I will show you my gymnastics!

(Children become scattered, the doll is located not far from the children).


Katyusha has two guests

Two chickens in bast shoes

I.P.: O.S. B: Alternate leg raises.

Cockerel in boots

I.P.: The same, V: at the expense of 1-2 they bent over in "boots", 3-4 returned to I.P. (repeat 4-5 times).

Hen in earrings

I.P.: free, V: At the expense of 1-2 hands raised, stretched, 3-4 returned to I.P. (repeat 3 times).

Drake in a caftan,

Duck in a sundress,

I.P.: hands on the belt. Torso twists in different directions (repeat 3-4 times).

A cow in a skirt

In a warm coat.

Jumping children on two legs.

All gathered together

They began to run together.

Running in different directions. Calm walking.

Educator: Well done! Katya loves to walk and calls us! ( the teacher takes the doll in his hands and speaks on her behalf):

You quickly, quickly crawl

Don't turn off the road!

Basic exercises:

  1. crawling, crawling under the arc, crawl to the box, stand on the box, get off it (2-3 times).
  2. I.P .: Children hold a stick with an overhand grip. The teacher, turning to them, holds the stick in the middle and performs the exercise with the children.

At the end of the main movements, the attributes are removed and Christmas trees are set up, under it - mushrooms.


Together with Katya they came to the forest,

Christmas trees grew in the forest.

And under them something mushrooms!

Gotta pick all the mushrooms

Yes, put it in a basket.

(Children collect mushrooms one by one in a basket).

Educator: That's how many mushrooms! Full basket! Oh, and the palms are dirty. Come on, let's rinse our hands in the stream!

(Children come to a basin of water; it has water at the bottom. Sounds of calm music.)

The teacher reads the nursery rhyme "Vodichka"

Educator: And now let's dry our palms: let's take air into our mouths and blow on our palms. Now shake your hands and blow on your palms again. Dried up? Well done! Oh, guys, a strong wind has blown up, hide your hands as soon as possible, otherwise they will freeze! ( Children hide their hands behind their backs, the teacher blows hard. Repeat two times). Well done! We all played together and got ready to go home! ( gentle walking).

Annex 3

"Klepa learns to be healthy"

Integrated lesson for children of senior preschool age

(45-60 minutes)

  • Clarify knowledge about the "right to health and medical care",
  • To give children knowledge about the causes of the disease and how to prevent "flat feet" and "curvature of the spine",
  • Develop coherent speech, thinking, memory, visual perception, imagination,
  • Cultivate the habit of a healthy lifestyle.


  • Cards with the image of a healthy and flat foot (for demonstration on a magnetic board).
  • Lego boards (10 pieces),
  • plastic plates;
  • marker,
  • demo "Spine",
  • box with different shoes
  • pictures for the game exercise "Find the difference",
  • tracks for prevention of flat feet,
  • house for Klepa.

Lesson progress:

caregiver: Guys, today we have an unusual lesson. We will go to visit the cheerful clown Klepa. Well, let's go? Children: Yes! caregiver: Guys, here we are with you. (knocking) Klepa comes out, greets the children. (Klepa walks, awkwardly, his back is hunched, his shoulders are lowered, he looks like a sick person)Klepa: Hello, kids, girls and boys, my name is Klepa.

caregiver: Hello, Klepa! What happened to you? Why are you in such a bad mood? Klepa: I do not know what happened to me! My back hurts a lot! caregiver: Guys, in my opinion, we should help Klepa! After all, everyone has the right to medical care and health. Do you agree, Klepa? Klepa: Yes! A model of the spine is exposed.

caregiver: What do you think it is? Children: This is the spine.

caregiver: Tell me, please, what is it? Children: Beautiful, even, correct caregiver: What does this spine look like? Children: On a pencil, post, stick, etc.

caregiver: Guys, if we walk the same way as Klepa, then what will our spine be like? Children: Crooked, uneven, wrong, bent, ugly! caregiver: Sasha, show me what the spine will be like? The child flexes the model of the spine in the form of a hook.

Educator: What does the spine look like now? Children: On a hook, an umbrella handle, a bent finger, etc.

Educator: And to prevent this from happening, we must have not only rights, but also obligations. Guys, what are your health responsibilities? Children: Perform special exercises and watch how we walk and hold our back. Then our back will not hurt and we will have a beautiful gait.

Educator: Shall we show Klepa our exercises that will help him? Klepa, do you agree? Klepa: I really want to see your exercises!

Game exercise "Smooth backs":

Regular step with good posture 1. " Crane". Walking with high hips (hands on the belt)

2. "Grow up big" Walking on toes (hands up, "in the castle") 3. " Bear clubfoot. "Walking on the outer edge of the foot.

4. " Sparrow". Circles back, arms bent at the elbows 5. Sipping." Get up on your toes left hand up, right back.

Klepa ( surprised: Oh! I feel like I got better! Thank you! … And now I want to show you my amazing drawings. They happened by accident. The other day I accidentally stepped into the paint and left my footprints on a piece of paper. Here they are (shows) True, they are beautiful? Do you have the same ones? caregiver: No, Klepa, we have completely different drawings! And why they turned out different, I'll tell you now. ( The teacher hangs out pictures of the foot, healthy and flat).

caregiver: This is what a healthy foot looks like guys. And so - flat ( shows corresponding pictures). It would seem, what a trifle - a small hollow on the foot. But it plays a very important role: it reduces the load on the bones and muscles of the legs and the entire spine when we run, walk, jump. And now let's compare the tracks of Klepa and our tracks.

Game exercise "Find the difference"

The teacher invites the children to consider illustrations depicting a healthy foot and a flat one. Children find and name the differences


*Why did you decide that this is a healthy foot? * How did you know that Klepa's foot is flat? caregiver: Why does the foot become flat? It turns out that a lot depends on the wrong shoes! Klepa. Oh, it's true, it's true. I used to love to wear flip flops. And then I suddenly noticed that my legs began to get tired.

Child: Klepa, you just have to change your shoes! Child: Since it should be with a solid back and a small heel. Educator: Guys, will we help Klepa to choose comfortable shoes? We have a shoe box. There are different kinds of shoes. Here we will now analyze it.

Game exercise "Choose the right shoes"

Children look at the shoes, tell why they are not suitable for Klepa, find the right one, explain why they decided so.

Klepa tries on shoes, rejoices Klepa: I feel so comfortable! Guys, do you like it? Children: Yes! Klepa: I immediately wanted to travel with you.

caregiver: Amazing! Then we're on our way to magical path, to a very unusual clearing! On the rough, on the path Passed our legs!

Game exercise "Magic path"

children walk in a column one at a time along various paths made in an unconventional way: from covers, Lego constructor, pebbles, small constructor.

caregiver: And here is our clearing! Sit on chairs.

Game exercise "Colored cubes"

Educator: Guys, small Lego bricks are scattered on the carpet in front of you and there are plates. You must collect red bricks in a plate with your right foot toes. With the fingers of the left foot, collect in a plate - blue bricks.

Educator: We collect magical details, look 1 - 2 - 3! Klepa. You're doing great, I really like it. I don't know how to assemble a constructor so deftly with my feet.

Educator. Klepa, but our children don’t know how.

Everyone loves to draw.

And we will be artists.

Take a felt-tip pen with your foot, And circle the details.

Klepa: How is it? I will never be able to handle this! Educator: Now guys, they'll show you.

Game exercise "Skillful legs"

children sit on chairs. In front of them on the floor are sheets of paper with red and blue Lego bricks laid out on them.

Educator: Children, please insert a felt-tip pen between the toes of the right foot and circle the green details, and then insert the felt-tip pen between the toes of the left foot and circle the blue details.

Klepa. Guys, what good fellows you are! I always thought that you can only draw with your hands, but you know how to use your feet.

Educator. Klepa, the guys are tired while drawing, let's rest a little. Let's do foot exercises.

Foot exercises

Our goat jumped, Children step over on the spot, Yes, she broke her leg without lifting her socks from the floor.

But I'll tell you in honor: Alternately pull forward After all, you can not sit still. First one, then the other leg and the Truth! rotate the feet to the right.

It has long been known to everyone to rotate the feet to the left.

It's not fun without a game.

Our goat will cry. Stroke the legs from the bottom up.

And get better - jump.

Wonderful! Jumping in place.

Klepa. Well done! Which interesting exercises you showed. I will definitely tell my friends about them.

Educator. Klepa, do you want to play the game "Fun Cube" with us? Klepa. Of course I do, can you teach me? Children. Yes.

Game exercise "Cheerful cube"

Educator: Guys, sit on the chairs, in a circle, stretching your legs to the center. In front of each of you is a large lego brick. You need to pick it up. Grabbing between the feet, move to the right to the neighbor's feet. Then also transfer the brick received from the neighbor on the left, etc. thus, the bricks move in a circle.

caregiver: Maxim, show Klepa how to take the cube and pass it. Klepa, do you understand everything? Okay, and now ... Together we take the cubes, Capturing the cube with our feet, And we carry them in a circle, We give them to a friend on the right.

Klepa. Oh guys, I love it so much! I learned how to enjoy the right to health and take care of my health! I will tell everyone, all my friends and I will definitely teach them.

caregiver. Well, guys, our friend Klepa has learned. What have you learned today? Child: We learned about our right to medical care Child A: We learned about our responsibilities to be healthy.

Child: We have learned how to properly take care of your spine and your legs.

caregiver: That's right guys! We studied ourselves and taught our new friend Klepa.

Klepa: And now I need to hurry so as not to forget anything. Goodbye, guys! ( Klepa says goodbye to the children and leaves).

caregiver: To wish everyone health and happiness, we will play another game called "Love Hands".

Appendix 4

General set of exercises

Starting position - legs together. Walking, side step - to the left, to the right one step at a time. The pace is average. Movements can be accompanied by claps to the music.

Breathing exercise.

Starting position - feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the belt or spread apart and follow the body during its turn. We begin to turn the body to the left and right, and then return to the starting position. Run, slowly, 2 sets of 8 times.

Breathing exercise.

Starting position - feet shoulder width apart, arms lowered down. Stretch your arms up, standing on your toes. Return to starting position. Perform 2 sets of 8 times. After that, reach forward with your hands. Perform also 2 sets of 8 times.

An exercise for general development.

Starting position - standing. At the expense of "one" - sit down, at the expense of "two" - stand up. Hands forward. Perform the exercise in 2 sets of 8 times.

An exercise for general development.

Starting position - legs together. Lunge forward, obligatory emphasis on the knees. Attach the leg, turn to the other side (by 180 °), repeat the same with the other leg. Perform 2 sets of 8 reps on each leg.

Back exercise.

Starting position - lying on your stomach. Bend your legs, tighten your body, reach your lower leg with your hands and stretch. Return to starting position. Perform 1-2 sets of 3 times.

Exercise for the back and hips.

Starting position - support on your knees and hands (you can elbows). We straighten the leg back in turn. Perform 1-2 sets of 6-8 reps. Repeat the exercise the specified number of times on each leg.

Exercise for the muscles of the chest and arms.

For boys. Starting position - support on the knees or feet (complicated version) and on the hands. Push-ups from the floor. Run 1-2 approaches - how much will be the strength.

For girls. Starting position - sitting, palms together at chest level. Pressing on the palms, strain your arms. Perform 1-2 sets of 6-8 reps.

Exercise for the abdominal muscles.

For boys. Starting position - sitting on the floor, legs extended forward. At the expense of "one" - slightly raise the body, while bending the legs at the knees. On the count of two, return to the starting position. Perform 1-2 sets of 5-8 reps.

Stretching exercise.

Starting position - sitting, one leg is straight, the other is bent. It is necessary to hold the bent leg in this position for 1-3 seconds. Return to starting position. Repeat one time for each leg.

Stretching the legs.

Starting position - sitting, legs together, stretched forward. Reach your feet with your hands and stay in this position for 1-3 seconds. Return to starting position. Connect the feet, bending the legs at the knees and spread them apart. Rest your elbows on your knees, slightly lean forward and stay in this position for 1-3 seconds. Repeat several times.

Back exercise.

Starting position - standing, right hand on the belt, left extended forward, right leg forward, on the toe. On the count of “one”, we simultaneously put our foot back and put our hand behind our back, on the count of “two”, we return to the starting position. Perform at a slow pace 2 sets of 8 times in each direction.

Exercise for the shoulder girdle and muscles between the shoulder blades.

Starting position - main stance. On the count of “one”, raise your shoulders up, arms freely lowered, on the count of “two”, lower your shoulders. Perform the exercise 10 times.

Starting position - standing, legs apart as wide as possible, knees slightly bent. At the expense of "times" - a slight tilt forward, the back is straight. On the count of "two" - the elbows go as far back as possible, while the arms are bent. If it is difficult for a child to keep his back straight in an inclination, then the position of the back can be vertical and make movements only with his hands. Perform 2 sets of 3-5 times.

Exercise for the muscles of the lower back.

Starting position - standing, one leg is stretched forward, bent at the knee, the other is laid back, resting the hand on the bent knee, the back is straight, the other arm is freely lowered. According to the account, we start the bent arm as far back as possible and at the same time raise the shoulder. Perform 2 sets of 3-5 times.

Exercise for the development of the chest and lungs.

Starting position - standing, hands in the “lock” above the head. At the expense of “one” - we move our hands forward to the chest, the back is round, the legs can be slightly bent at the knees. On the count of two, return to the starting position. Perform 2 sets of 5-10 times.

Exercise for the muscles of the back.

Starting position - lying on your stomach. At the expense of “one” - get the left leg with the right hand, at the expense of “two” - change the leg and arm. Run 5 times in each direction.

Exercise for the abdominal muscles.

After exercises for the back, you need to perform several exercises for the abdominal muscles. Starting position - sitting, head down on his knees, legs bent. At the expense of “times” - resting our hands on the floor, we take the body back, unbend the legs in a hanging position at the knee, but not completely. On the count of two, we return to the starting position. Perform 2-3 sets, repetitions - how much strength is enough.

Stretching exercise.

At the end of the complex, the child needs to perform the following exercise: standing, lean forward, back round, and stand in this position for 10 seconds. It is also very nice for a child to hang on his hands on the horizontal bar. Starting position - lying on your stomach. On the count of “one” - take the child by the arms (by the legs) and slowly pull, but not up, but towards you and hold for 10 seconds in this position. On the count of "two" - slowly lower. Perform 2-3 sets of 5 times.

Management and organization of physical education in preschool educational institutions

A huge part of the potential of Russian society in the middle of the 21st century will be today's preschool children. Now alarming data about a systemic deterioration in the state of health, a decrease in the level of physical fitness of preschool children are becoming commonplace.
At the same time, activities related to the protection of the child's health, increasing its functionality, the level of physical fitness, are leading in all programs of education and upbringing in preschool institutions.
Relevance of the problem the organization and content of innovative activity in a modern preschool institution is beyond doubt. Innovation processes are a pattern in development preschool education and refers to such changes in the work of the institution that are of a significant nature, accompanied by changes in the way of activity and style of thinking of employees, introduce innovations into the activity that cause the transition of the system from one state to another.
Innovative processes at the present stage of development of society affect, first of all, the system of preschool education, as the initial stage of revealing the potential abilities of the child. The development of preschool education, the transition to a new qualitative level cannot be carried out without the development of innovative technologies.
Innovations define new methods, forms, means, technologies used in pedagogical practice, focused on the personality of the child, on the development of his abilities.
Innovation activity in education has its own characteristics. The first feature is that the subjects of the innovation process are children, parents and teachers. If this is not taken into account, then everything that is actually educational falls out of pedagogical innovation. The second distinctive feature of pedagogical innovation is the need for systematic coverage of the largest possible number of pedagogical problems. With regard to the field of education, innovation can be considered the end result of innovative activity, which has been embodied in the form of a new content, method, form of organization of the educational process or in a new approach to the provision of social services in the field of education based on real requests from parents, i.e. new forms of preschool education.
Together with the renewal of the entire preschool education, the content of the physical culture and health-improving work of preschool institutions is being actively updated.
However, not all innovative processes occurring in the physical culture of preschoolers can be defined as positive. Many questions faced by teachers and the administration of a preschool institution do not have unambiguous answers today. Let's focus on preparing children for school. Modern parents almost completely entrusted the upbringing of their children to a preschool institution. However, they constantly control only the issues of intellectual education, while, as a rule, they are not interested in the problems of physical education. And if today, when entering school, physical readiness is not assessed in any way, and the state of health is not taken into account, then at the preschool stage, not only for educators, but also for parents, these aspects fade into the background, and sometimes they are not present at all in the system. preparation for school.
One of the pressing problems of the culture of preschoolers is the diagnosis of their physical condition. The selection of tests for the diagnosis of preschoolers requires taking into account the psychophysical characteristics of children of this age.
The main directions of innovative activity in the field of physical education in a preschool educational institution are:
- systematization of medical, health-improving technologies used in modern preschool educational institutions (at present, a wide range of medical health-improving technologies is used in preschool educational institutions);
- substantiation of differentiated motor modes for preschoolers with different functional abilities, health status and handicapped;
- creation of a physical culture and game environment in a preschool educational institution as a necessary condition for the implementation of the content of physical culture and health culture.
Physical education - pedagogically organized process development of physical qualities, training in motor actions and formation of special knowledge. The purpose of physical education is the education of physically perfect people, prepared for creative work and the defense of the Motherland. In the process of physical education, the following tasks are solved: health-improving (health improvement, physique improvement, achievement and preservation of high performance); educational (formation and bringing to the necessary perfection of applied and sports skills and abilities, acquisition of special knowledge); educational (formation of moral and volitional qualities, promotion of labor and aesthetic education).
At the present stage, the requirements for the physical education of preschoolers provide for the solution of the following tasks:
- education in children of the need for physical improvement and a healthy lifestyle and their inclusion in active physical culture and sports activities;
- formation in children of initial theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of physical culture;
- full use of physical culture means for the prevention of diseases, preservation and strengthening of the health of preschoolers, mastering the skills of self-control in the process of classes.
However, the solution of these problems is constrained by numerous negative factors, the main of which are:
- incomplete correspondence of programs for physical education of preschoolers to the essence of the tasks of physical education;
- not always sufficient material base of the preschool educational institution for solving the problems of physical education of children;
- low level general physical development and high incidence of preschool children.
To overcome these difficulties in our preschool educational institution, a model of physical education for preschoolers was developed, which includes the foundations based on a set of principles: scientific, accessible, systematic, consistent, active preschoolers, individualization, continuity.
The second main component is the mechanisms for implementing the proposed principles. This model functions under the influence of the following mechanisms: organizational, economic, personnel and social.
It is no secret that in kindergarten and at home our children spend most of their time in a static position (at tables, watching TV, etc.). Recently, the number of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system has increased in kindergarten. I believe that the main purpose of physical culture is movement and active recreation.
Our kindergarten has certain conditions that allow us to fully engage in the rehabilitation of preschoolers. Children are happy to do morning exercises, physical education, breathing exercises, rhythmics, perform acupressure, participate in sports events and entertainment, Health Days.
Children in physical education classes should be, first of all, interesting.
It is known that a positive emotional attitude contributes to a faster assimilation of any material. The inclusion of riddles, counting rhymes, sayings in educational activities for the physical development contributes to the development of interest in imitative exercises, as well as the desire to imagine and show in motion what is heard: it turns out that a riddle can not only be guessed, but also shown!
Figurative-game movements develop the ability to improvise, hearing, attention, thinking, creative imagination and memory. They reveal images understandable to children, form the ability to creatively convey the character and habits of the depicted animal. In addition, by exercising in the performance of such movements, children develop strength, dexterity, coordination of movements, learn to navigate in space, acquire the ability to move at a given pace and rhythm.
Taking into account all of the above, I try to be creative in organizing physical education classes: I learn imitative movements in advance, prepare pictures of animals, talk about their habits, where (in which countries) they live, select phonograms (soft rhythmic music, recordings noise effects, including onomatopoeia, which children must imitate) (variants of riddle exercises - see Appendix)
As they master the technique of performing movements, children themselves can take turns guessing riddles. I try to use such funny and funny “riddles with exercises” in morning exercises, at physical education sessions, during musical and physical education activities.
When using non-traditional methods in the physical fitness of children, it is possible to achieve the highest physical activity, emotional recovery, and a decrease in morbidity.
A special place in the life of a child is occupied by a fairy tale. Children learn the world not only with the mind, but also with the heart. This helps to improve mood during exercise.
The plot-playing lesson is based on a holistic plot-playing situation that reflects the world around the child in a conditional form. It consists of different types of basic movements and game exercises of a general developmental imitation character (“circus”, “athletes”, “zoo”).
Imitation games are very interesting. In games, children represent themselves in various images: animals, plants, objects. During these games, children relax, get joy.
The game lesson is built on the basis of a variety of outdoor games, relay race games. Quite often I conduct game classes not only within my group, but also with other groups of the same age.
Training-type classes are aimed at developing the motor and functional capabilities of children. They include a large number of cyclic, musical and rhythmic movements, various elements of sports games, differentiated motor tasks aimed at developing speed, dexterity, strength, and endurance.
Since the day in children begins with morning exercises, it is one of the most important components of the motor regime, its organization is aimed at raising the emotional and muscle tone of children.
Daily exercise contributes to the manifestation of certain volitional efforts, develops in children the habit of starting the day with morning exercises. Morning exercises gradually involve the entire body of the child in an active state, deepen breathing, increase blood circulation, promote metabolism.
Along with the traditional form, I actively use non-traditional forms of morning exercises in my practice.
In the traditional complex of morning exercises, running, walking in various ways, rebuilding, sets of exercises with and without objects are used.
Morning gymnastics of a game nature includes: two or three outdoor games of varying degrees of intensity (“Find your mate”, “Fishing rod”, “The sea is worried”), or a game plot is taken (“Sturdy kids”, “Heron in the swamp” and etc.).
Of great interest to children is morning exercises using an obstacle course. It allows you to offer children exercises with a gradual increase in load, complicate motor tasks, include different types of movements with an increase in the number of repetitions and tempo of movements, alternate physical training aids. You can create different obstacle courses using a variety of modules. Modern gymnastic modules are light, quickly assembled and disassembled. They allow you to invent a huge number of obstacle courses, and children, as a rule, really like to overcome various obstacles: jumping over modules, hoops, moving with side steps, etc.
On a big emotional upsurge, morning exercises are held with elements of sports games (dribbling, tossing, catching, throwing into a basketball hoop).
In the warm season, during the reception of children in the fresh air, I do morning exercises with the inclusion of health-improving runs for 100, 150, 200 meters, depending on the individual characteristics of the children, a run of 30 meters between groups of the same age. At the beginning of morning gymnastics, I offer children a short warm-up consisting of 3-4 exercises, then there is a run or competition itself and all the elements of breathing exercises are completed.
It is also known that children love to play outdoor games, which are active and meaningful activities for them. The content of outdoor games, as a rule, is cognitive material that expands the horizons of the child. In order to achieve greater interest of children and encourage them to take part in such games, I try to create a joyful relaxed atmosphere in the classroom, come up with funny stories.
Often, for physical education events, an outdoor game with a hero-character is necessary. It is not difficult to come up with such a game on the basis of riddles, poems, sayings. In its course, you may need large bright toys, animal masks (see Appendix for examples).
Not the last role in creating an exciting atmosphere of the lesson is played by equipment. Especially non-standard. Performing exercises with manuals and didactic equipment increases interest in classes, improves the quality of exercises, and contributes to the formation of correct posture. Therefore, I actively use non-standard made with my own hands and the hands of my parents physical education equipment in the classroom and entertainment.
A sports corner has been created in our group, where there are aids for the development of physical activity in a place accessible to children. This is factory sports equipment, but mostly non-standard. Here you can see various massage and ribbed tracks for the prevention of flat feet, ring throws, serso, soft targets, colorful flags, ribbons, sultans and much more.
Physical activity- the main source and motivating force for the protection and promotion of health, improvement of physical and intellectual abilities person. The child learns the world, masters the space with the help of movements from an early age.
In kindergarten, it is necessary to introduce the child to physical culture constantly, hourly, every minute. The child needs optimal physical activity, its lack is unfavorable: cardiac activity is weakened, metabolism is disturbed, physical development is inhibited, muscles weaken, the child's condition worsens.
When conducting physical education events, one should not forget about the basic requirements for them: age characteristics of children, previously acquired skills and abilities, as well as an individual approach to children.
The control of the physical development of children is carried out on the basis of monitoring the physical development of children, which allows not only to analyze the dynamics of the individual development of the child, but also to trace the conditionality of physical development and the dynamics of the total percentage of morbidity.
All this increases the interest of children in physical education, develops vital physical qualities, increases the density of classes and allows you to exercise children in all types of basic movements.


Riddle exercises:

1. (Easy running on toes, arms to the sides, gently lift them high up and down).
Above the flower flutters, dances,
Waving a patterned fan.
Moved by the flower
All four petals
I wanted to rip it off -
He fluttered and flew away (Butterfly).

2. (Walking on outside feet. Hands are widely spaced to the sides. Steps are slow, clumsy).
Who, forgetting worries,
Sleeping in your lair?
In the summer wanders without a road
Near the pines and birches,
And in winter he sleeps in a den
Does the Bear hide its nose from the cold?

3. (Sit down, straighten your back, heels slightly raised above the floor, hands on your knees. Move forward on your toes without losing balance).
Bathed in water, but remained dry.
He walks importantly across the meadow,
Comes out of the water dry
Wears red shoes
Gives soft featherbeds (Goose).

4. (Running or walking with high knees. Lateral or straight canter).
I knock with my hooves, I knock
And across the field I'm jumping, jumping,
The mane curls in the wind ... Who is this (Horse).

5. (Sit on the floor with an emphasis on your knees and palms. Lean forward, bending your arms at the elbows).
Mustachioed muzzle, striped coat,
Washes often
But they don’t know about water (Cat).

6. (Lie down on the floor. Crawl with support on your hands, try to keep your legs together).
lives in the rivers of Africa
An evil, green ship.
Whoever swam towards,
It will swallow everyone ... (Crocodile).

7. (Walking with high knees, arms high up, then down).
This is our old friend
He lives on the roof of the house
He flies to hunt
For frogs, to the swamp (Stork).

8. (Walking on heels with rhythmic hand movements to the sides).
yellow lumps,
Light as cotton
They run after the cow
Who is this ... (Chickens)?

9. (Fast rapid run, arms wide apart, fingers spread out).
The bird flies from above
And there are enough chickens below (Hawk).

Outdoor games:

"Bear clubfoot"
A large toy (bear) is placed in the center of the room. Children stand in a circle holding hands. Trap children (one or two) sit next to the bear.
Option for younger age groups
Children: A clubfoot bear is walking through the forest,
Collects cones, sings songs.
The bump bounced right into the bear's forehead,
The bear got angry and kicked - top!
Children walk in a circle holding hands. They stop, lightly striking their foreheads with their palms, spread their arms to the sides, spread their fingers, step from foot to foot, then stomp one foot on the floor and scatter in all directions. Trap children catch "bumps", i.e. other children and put them “in baskets” (put them on a bench).
Option for older age groups
Children: He is big and clumsy.
They say he sucks his paw.
He can roar loudly
-Rrr, -
And his name is ... (bear).
Children, holding hands, walk in a circle, stop, point to the “terrible” bear, step back, forming a large circle. "bear" catches children. In order for him to cope with this as soon as possible, he is given an inflatable mace toy in his hands.
"Find and shut up."
The teacher hides a goat toy. Children should find it, come up and quietly tell the teacher where it is hidden.
Educator: I have a goat,
I'll feed him myself.
I am a kid in a green garden
I'll take it tomorrow morning.
He gets lost in the garden...
Children: I will find him myself (girls).
And I'll find it myself (boys).
"Wolf and Bunnies"
A large toy (wolf) or a masked child sits in the center of the room. Rabbit children carefully, walk in a circle on their toes, as if they are sneaking, their arms are bent in front of them, their hands are lowered down.
Children: He always roams the forest,
Looking for bunnies behind a bush,
He clicks and clicks with his teeth ...
Wolf (terribly): You guessed it? It's a wolf!
Rabbit children scatter in all directions - the wolf tries to catch up with them.
1. Alyamovskaya V.G. How to raise a healthy child (Program "Health"// preschool education., 1993.-No.11.-P.4-18, No.12.-P.8-14)
2. Andreeva V., Sterkina R. Problems of updating the system of preschool education at the present stage // Preschool education, 1991. No. 4. -S. 33-37.
3. Antonov A.A. Methodology for the use of elements of outdoor games for the development of cognitive activity of children of senior preschool age: Abstract of the thesis. dis. cand. ped. Sciences. SPb., 1997. - 18 p.
4. Balsevich V.K., Koroleva M.N., Mayorova L.T. Development of speed and coordination of movements of children 4-6 years old. // Theory and practice of physical culture, 1986. No. 10 - S. 21-25.
5. Balsevich V.K. Physical culture for everyone.-M.: Fizkultura i sport, 1988.
6. Volosnikova T.V. Formation of a child's health by means of physical culture in a preschool institution: Abstract of the thesis. dis. cand. ped. Sciences. SPb., 1999.-22 p.
7. Zelenin V. Application in physical education classes non-standard equipment. // Preschool education. 1991. - No. 4.
8. Chernyshenko Yu.K. Adults about the physical education of preschool children. Krasnodar, 1997.

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Formsorganization of physical education inpreschool educational institution


physical education preschool health

In modern society, the issue of physical education of preschoolers is very acute and extremely concerned about many parents. Today it has become very fashionable to go in for sports or just general strengthening exercises, it has become very fashionable to take care of your health, follow proper nutrition, etc. But statistics show that children are exposed to many factors and only 4% of absolutely healthy children go to school.

Many mistakenly believe that physical education refers only to the development of the physical qualities of the child. This is far from true. The physical education of the child, first of all, includes the preservation and strengthening of the health of the baby. A child of preschool age is still very small and cannot protect and strengthen his health without the help of an adult. Therefore, it is the adult, namely, parents and caregivers, who must create the necessary favorable environment for the child, which will provide him with full physical development (life safety, proper nutrition, daily routine, organization of physical activity, etc.).

In order to correctly provide an environment for physical development for preschool children, you need to know the basic forms of organizing this process.

Thus, the purpose of the work is:

1) To study the tasks of physical education of preschool children;

2) Consider the main forms of physical development in the preschool educational institution;

3) Find out what sports and recreational activities are included in the daily routine of preschoolers in the preschool educational institution.

1 . Aboutgeneral characteristic of the forms of organization of physical education of preschoolers

In order to identify the leading forms of physical education of preschool children, it is necessary to determine the main tasks of physical education at this age.

The tasks of physical education of preschool children can be conditionally divided into three groups: health-improving, educational and upbringing.

Improving tasks of physical education of preschoolers:

Ш Protection and strengthening of the health of the child;

Ш Hardening of the child's body;

Ш Formation of the correct posture of the child;

Ш Prevention of flat feet;

A) Forms of organization of physical education of children in a nursery:

1. Individual sessions of physical exercises and massage. During air baths, the teacher performs movements with the child, alternating them with massage techniques that improve blood circulation, as well as reduce the tone of the flexor muscles. They are used as active reflex movements in response to visual, auditory tactile stimuli used by adults (manipulation of toys, shifting the child into uncomfortable posture etc.), and passive (flexion and extension of the arms, legs, torso). The session lasts about 10 minutes, contains approximately 12-15 exercises and massage techniques.

2. Group classes (no more than five or six children) in the form of free movement in playpens with toys, and the teacher stimulates certain actions by giving appropriate toys.

In addition to special forms of training, the motivation for active motor activity occurs in games, on a walk.

B) The forms of organization of physical education for children 3-6 years old include:

Physical education

Physical culture and recreation activities in the daily routine:

a) Morning exercises;

b) Physical education minutes;

c) Hardening procedures in combination with physical exercises;

d) Physical culture breaks.

Work on the physical education of children in everyday life

a) outdoor games;

b) Walks and excursions;

c) Individual work with individual children;

d) Self-study of children with various types of physical exercises;

e) Holidays, leisure, Health Days.

All these forms, responding to the general tasks of physical education and the comprehensive development of the child, are interconnected; each of them has its own special tasks that determine its place in the daily routine of a preschool institution.

The ratio of the forms of organization of physical education in different groups of kindergarten is determined by educational tasks.

Morning gymnastics and physical education classes are held starting from the first junior in all groups, but in each they have an originality in the selection of exercises and methods of conducting.

Physical education minutes, which are of primary importance in the older groups of the kindergarten, are included in classes and between two classes as a moment of active rest and restoration of children's working capacity.

Hardening procedures are used in all groups. However, air baths in motion with a gradual decrease in temperature, indoors and outdoors, are used mainly in older groups.

Outdoor games and a variety of independent motor activities of children in the air are an indispensable content of everyday children's life in all age groups.

2. Physical education

Physical education is the main form of systematic training of children in physical exercises. The special task of the classes is to teach children of all age groups the correct motor skills and the development of physical qualities.

The significance of classes lies in the systematic implementation of interrelated health-improving, educational and educational tasks, the implementation of which ensures physical development, strengthening the health of the child, acquiring the correct motor skills, nurturing an emotionally positive attitude to physical education and sports, and comprehensive development of his personality.

The currently existing three-part structure provides for the implementation of physiological, mental and pedagogical patterns in physical education classes.

This is the inclusion (gradual) of children in the main activity; maintenance of working capacity at a certain level, load reduction, leveling functional state and psychological adjustment to rest or other type of activity.

Consequently, the working capacity is distributed unevenly in the lesson and represents 4 levels.

In accordance with this, physical education classes consist of three interrelated parts: introductory (preparatory), main and final. For each part of the lesson, all tasks are equally important - educational, educational and recreational. The fulfillment of these tasks provides a comprehensive impact on children.

Tasks introductory part They consist in creating interest and emotional disposition in children for the lesson, checking the degree of readiness of attention, clarifying some motor skills, gradually preparing the child's body for more intensive work in the main part of the lesson.

For this purpose, children are offered familiar exercises or their variants that contribute to the development of correct posture, the prevention of flat feet, and do not require much time to complete.

Such exercises include drill, walking and its varieties, running with various tasks.

The duration of the introductory and preparatory part in the younger groups is 3-4 minutes, in the middle - 4-6 minutes, in the older - 5-10 minutes.

IN main part classes solve the problems of teaching and improving motor skills, developing physical qualities. After that, an outdoor game with rules is held, which includes all children in intensive movement.

Given the short duration of the optimal mental performance of children, more difficult tasks are outlined at the beginning of the main part (for example, familiarizing children with new material, performing exercises that require high coordination).

The duration of the main part in the younger groups is 8-12 minutes, in the middle - 12-15 minutes, in the older - 15-20 minutes.

Final part classes include walking at an intense pace with a gradual slowdown, which helps to reduce overall arousal and bring the pulse back to normal.

Walking can sometimes be replaced by sedentary play, including all children in moderate movement and excluding static positions that are contraindicated for the body after active actions. After that, the result of the lesson is summed up, and the children move on to another activity.

The duration of the final part of the lesson in the younger groups is from 2 to 3 minutes, in the middle and in the senior group - from 3 to 4 minutes.

3. Physical culture and recreation activities in the daily routine

In the daily routine of preschool children, such sports and recreational activities are carried out as: morning exercises, physical education minutes, hardening activities

a) morning exercises

Morning exercises are an obligatory component of physical culture and health-improving work in the daily routine. It relieves residual inhibition after a night's sleep; provides training of all muscles, which contributes to the development of good posture; prepares the child's body for subsequent loads.

The duration of morning exercises, depending on age, ranges from 4-5 minutes. in the younger group up to 10-12 - in the older.

It includes walking, running, jumping. This may include a song (at the beginning), game moments, simple outdoor games, dance steps, various hangs.

Strengthening the intensity of the load is achieved by increasing the number of exercises, increasing the number of repetitions and the duration of those exercises that cause the greatest pulse response - running and jumping.

When selecting exercises for the morning gymnastics complex, the following should be taken into account: 1) they must comply with the requirements of the gymnastics program for children of this age; 2) should be simple in form and mostly familiar to children. Therefore, it is recommended that morning exercises include exercises that children have recently performed in physical education classes (but not necessarily those that were in the last lesson). One complex is carried out during the week, and then changes (completion of the complex for 2 weeks reduces the interest of children in them).

Morning gymnastics complexes are compiled as follows. First you need to organize a group of children, focus their attention, so morning exercises begin with building, then walking, combined with a light short run. Special exercises for attention and speed of reaction are also appropriate here (for example, changing the direction of running or stopping abruptly on a signal).

Exercises are selected in such a way that various muscle groups are sequentially worked out: the shoulder girdle, legs, lateral muscles of the body, back muscles, abdominals, and feet. Then be sure to include exercises that enhance the metabolism in the body. These are various kinds of jumps, which can alternate with easy running.

At the end of morning exercises, it is necessary to regulate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Walking exercises are given here, you can turn on dance steps, preferably with musical accompaniment.

Morning exercises, if possible, are carried out outdoors all year round.

b) Physical education minutes

Physical education sessions are not held in all classes, but in children that require great perseverance and attention - classes for the development of speech, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, and some classes in fine arts.

Their goal is to maintain the mental performance of children at a sufficiently high level.

The duration of physical education is 2-3 minutes. They are carried out at the moment when children's attention decreases and fatigue sets in (usually the second half of the lesson is 12-16 minutes).

But it must be borne in mind that sometimes with a great interest of children in the lesson, especially when benefits are used, a physical education minute can interfere with the successful conduct of the lesson. Therefore, physical education minutes should not be considered as mandatory daily activities in the daily routine of older groups.

In the selection of exercises for physical education, one should be guided by the following: exercises should be familiar to children and simple to perform; they should mainly cover large muscle groups. These are exercises associated with sipping, straightening the spine. Sometimes it is advisable to include walking in place, jumps, squats at a fast pace. In some cases, if the children held a brush or pencil in their hands for a long time. It is advisable to include an exercise for the muscles of the hand: flexion and extension, circular movements in the wrist joint, compression and extension of the fingers.

A physical minute may be accompanied by a text related or not related to the content of the lesson.

Children perform physical exercises standing at tables or going out to free place in the group room.

You can perform physical education minutes using musical accompaniment. Children can perform several types of dance steps to music or sing one or two verses of a song, accompanying them with improvised movements.

c) Hardening procedures in combination with physical exercises

Hardening measures are divided into general and special.

General hardening activities are carried out throughout the child's daily life and include the correct daily routine, rational nutrition, daily walks, sleeping in the fresh air, and rational clothing. Age-appropriate airy and temperature conditions indoors, regular airing of the room.

Special hardening activities include strictly dosed exposure to ultraviolet radiation, gymnastic exercises, massage, air and water procedures, swimming, reflexology (acupuncture), sauna.

Currently, there are several established rules for hardening activities in children, developed by G.N. Speransky:

It is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of hardening measures;

Classes should be carried out systematically;

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child's body and his age;

You can start hardening at any time of the year, but warm time is preferable, because. in cold weather, the degree of exposure to hardening factors at the beginning of hardening decreases, and a more gradual increase is necessary than in the warm season;

Tempering procedures are carried out only with positive emotions of the child;

The resumption of classes after a break with the permission of the doctor should begin with what was at the beginning of hardening.

Hardening treatments are most effective when combined with exercise. Active muscular work contributes to the improvement of the process of thermoregulation and thus the adaptation of the organism to the external environment.

The kindergarten education program provides for the use of hardening procedures in all age groups, starting from the first year of life: the types of hardening, the time of their implementation, duration, etc. are determined.

Air baths in movements provide a direct effect of air on the exposed surface of the skin during the motor activity of children.

The most appropriate and natural type of such a bath is morning exercises and physical exercises after sleep.

After sleep, best of all, under musical accompaniment, various constructions are carried out (diagonally, counter-moving, “snake”, zigzag, etc.) with physical exercises that contribute to the formation of posture, feet, as well as outdoor games with elements of dance steps, improvisation of dance movements. When performing exercises after sleep, it is not recommended to use complexes of morning exercises and outdoor switchgear. After air bath in motion they switch to water procedures.

Water procedures include: wiping, dousing, bathing.

Rubbing is associated with light (massaging) movements in the direction from the periphery to the center with the help of a wrung out mitten. The procedure is carried out simultaneously with all the children (the children perform on their own and help each other rub their backs).

Pouring in its effect on the child's body is much stronger than rubbing. The flow of water refreshes the body, raises the tone of the muscles, activates their work, excites nervous work, and causes cheerfulness.

The most accessible is dousing with water up to the waist after exercise (in particular, after morning exercises).

Children pour themselves on their own, while rubbing their chest, shoulders, arms, and then carefully wipe the body.

4 . Work on physical education in everyday life

The health-improving, upbringing and educational tasks of the program for the physical education of children are carried out in various forms: outdoor games, walks and excursions, individual work with individual children and with small groups, independent tasks for children with various types of physical exercises, sports activities, holidays, Health Days.

The child receives the basis for the successful mastery of motor skills in systematic physical education classes.

However, the improvement, stability of the acquired skills and their independent application by the child in various conditions of life is provided by the forms of organization of physical exercises listed above.

Walks and excursions. Walking tours and excursions outside the children's institution are simplest form children's tourism. They promote health, physical development of children, education of aesthetic feelings, improvement of motor skills and physical qualities.

Performing well in various exercises in a familiar room or in a kindergarten area, children are lost in a new environment.

Therefore, walks and excursions outside the preschool institution contribute to the education of the necessary orientation on the ground, the application of the formed skills and abilities in unusual conditions.

Walks are planned in advance in the calendar plan and require careful preparation.

Much attention should be paid to the development of the route of movement, which provides for places for children to rest along the way, natural conditions for conducting exercises (streams, ravines, bumps, glades, fallen trees).

Walks are held mainly in summer, but can also be held in winter, using skis and skates.

The day of the walk is announced in advance to create a mood of joyful expectation in children.

The movement of children on a walk is free, without pair building (used when crossing roads, railroad tracks).

During the walk, you can schedule a physical education session, which includes exercises using natural conditions.

Individual work with children in physical education. In each age group there are children with poor physical development, with signs of any deviations from the norm (initial deformation of the spine, feet, low performance after an illness, etc.), as well as children who are overly excitable or, conversely, with a reduced reaction to the environment. , shy.

On the basis of taking into account the typological features and the state of health of each child, the tasks of individual work in physical education are to teach children who do not master the program material at a common pace; timely correction of posture and foot defects; in improving the physical development of weakened children; in activating sedentary, shy children and increasing their emotional tone.

Individual work is planned throughout the day during the hours of games and walks.

When teaching motor actions, the educator not only offers the child to perform the exercise correctly, but also tries to arouse interest in the task. He draws the child's attention to the basic, supporting elements of the movement (exercises), helps him understand what the task is, and, on the basis of this, suggests solving it on his own. Another character is the individual work during the performance of exercises of a corrective nature.

Self-study for children. The child has a strong need for movements, however, so that they are not aimless and random, purposeful guidance of the educator is necessary.

The incentive for independent motor activity of children of all age groups is, first of all, the presence in the group or on the site of various toys, small and large physical education aids.

In the group of children of the 3rd year of life, toys that stimulate initial independent actions are advisable: various wheelchairs (horses, cockerels, etc.), strollers, cars, balls and balls. Of the large benefits, slides, ladders, gates, benches, boxes, etc., are needed, on which children practice climbing, crawling, crawling, stepping over, etc. under the guidance of an educator.

For independent motor activity of children middle group teacher selects motor toys, small physical education aids and games in accordance with the instructions of the standard program (for throwing - balls of different sizes, sandbags, etc.).

For children of older groups, games with elements of sports games are advisable - volleyball, basketball, football, badminton, table tennis.

All the indicated variety of independent motor activity of children is provided for in the plan of the educator.

Physical culture leisure, holidays, Health Days. Physical culture leisure lasting 30-45 minutes is organized 1-2 times a month in the afternoon. It includes in its content outdoor games already familiar to children, relay races, tasks, various movements.

Leisure activities can have a thematic focus, for example, "Sportland", "Winter fun", etc.

Sometimes it is useful to hold it by bringing together children of different ages. In this case, one group of different ages is engaged in the playground of the older group with its teacher, and the second - in the playground of the younger group with the teacher of the younger one. Children are given differentiated tasks, taking into account age and individual capabilities.

Sports holidays, in which several groups of the same or different ages participate, are held at least 3 times a year. They are dedicated to different seasons of the year or may be thematic. For example, the holiday of Neptune.

Scheduled quarterly health days. The best place for their implementation - a forest, a meadow, a meadow where games, entertainment, competitions in running, throwing, jumping are organized.

The program also includes hiking. In winter, children can go to the forest on skis. During all periods of the year, Health Days are accompanied by relay races, outdoor and sports games. On the days of organizing physical culture leisure, holidays, Health Day, physical education classes in the daily routine are not planned.


The physical education of preschool children today requires deep knowledge and a creative approach from educators, teachers. It is at this age that the most intensive growth and development of the most important body systems and their functions takes place, the foundation is laid for the comprehensive development of physical and spiritual abilities. The basis of the comprehensive development of the child in the first years of life is physical education.

Organized physical education classes, as well as free motor activity, improve the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and improve metabolism. They increase the child's resistance to diseases, mobilize the body's defenses. The more diverse movements a child masters, the wider the opportunities for the development of sensation, perception and other mental processes, the more fully his development is carried out. Therefore, if this period is missed in terms of competent physical education, then in the future it will be extremely difficult to make up for problems, to eliminate the mistakes made.


1. Karmanova L.V., Shebeko V.N. Physical culture in the senior group of kindergarten: Methodological guide. / L.V. Karmanov, V.N. Shebeko - Minsk: Polymya, 1987. - 134 p.

2. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children. /A.V. Keneman, D.V. Khukhlaev - M.: Enlightenment, 1978. - 206 p.

3. Runova M.A. Motor activity of the child in kindergarten. / M.A. Runova - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2000. - 256 p.

4. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methodology of physical education and development of the child. / E.Ya. Stepanenkov - 2nd ed., corrected. Moscow: Academy Publishing Center, 2006. Access mode: pref=2&pli=1, free.

5. Ashmarin B.A., Vilensky M.Ya., Gryntar K.Kh. Theory and methodology of physical education / B.A. Ashmarin, M.Ya. Vilensky, K.Kh. Grantyn and others; Ed. B.A. Ashmarin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - 180 p.

6. Fomina A.I. Physical education and sports games in kindergarten./A.I. Fomina - M.: Enlightenment, 1984. - 75 p.

7. Shpak V.G. Physical education of children from birth to school. / V.G. Shpak - Vitebsk: VSU Publishing House, 1997.-156s

8. Shpak V.G. Sports exercises and outdoor activities in kindergarten./ V.G. Shpak - Minsk: Polymya, 2000. - 124 p.

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Natalya Osadchenko
Physical education in the preschool educational institution

Physical education in the preschool educational institution

All-round development physical abilities is carried out in the process physical education. Physical education is a long, organized pedagogical process aimed at healthy education, Cheerful, Comprehensive physically developed children.

In progress physical education the following main tasks:

Strengthening health, hardening the body and increasing the level physical development and performance;

Mastering the vital motor skills and abilities, including those of an applied nature;

Upbringing moral and volitional qualities of a person;

Development physical weavings(speed, strength, agility, endurance);

Mastering the technique of performing special sports exercises.

specific means physical education are physical exercise. Systematic classes physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the activity of the central uneven system, on the development and strengthening of the muscular system, circulatory and respiratory organs, and reduce fatigue.

In progress physical exercises develop and train all the muscles of the human body, including the heart muscle. A trained heart pumps much more blood into the aorta with each contraction than an untrained heart.

Influenced physical Exercises develop and strengthen the respiratory organs, increase the size of the chest, increase its mobility.

Classes physical exercises contribute to the formation of correct, deep breathing, which is very important for enhancing lung ventilation.

The great educational value of systematic studies exercise. They are accompanied by explanations about the effect of exercises on the body, about amplitude, pace, rhythm, about the most correct way to perform exercises.

play an important role in human motor activity. physical qualities - strength, speed, agility, endurance, and flexibility. Wherein physical qualities always appear together, in mutual connection. This is due to the fact that the human body is distinguished by its internal unity, the unconditional interaction of its functions.

Strength is usually called the ability to overcome external resistance through muscle tension. Strength is manifested to a greater or lesser extent in any movement. IN physical education to develop the quality of strength apply: exercises with objects of various weights (medicine balls, sandbags, exercises with elastic objects, tug games, throwing and pushing exercises, long jumps, etc.

Quickness is the ability of a person to perform movements at the highest possible speed, at a fast pace, starts, running short distances.

Dexterity is the ability to coordinate movements, master new ones, be able to quickly switch from one movement to another, depending on the requirements of a changing environment.

Endurance is the ability of the body to resist fatigue during any motor activity. Various means for developing endurance are physical exercise requiring moderate exertion, but performed for a long time (walking, alternating walking and running, running, jumping rope, outdoor and sports games).

Flexibility is a property of the human body, characterized by the mobility of the links of the musculoskeletal system. One of the indicators of flexibility is the range of motion. The amplitude of movements affects the manifestation of speed, agility and other physical qualities. For education flexibility, stretching exercises are used, i.e. exercises with an increased range of motion. These are primarily exercises for the arms, legs, torso, head, various types of walking and running. long strides, jumping "on the move", jumping in place, bending the legs to the chest, deep squats on the entire foot, exercises at the gymnastic wall - tilting forward, backward, to the sides, etc.

Facilities physical education.

fixed assets physical education are: physical exercise which are used in gymnastics, sports, games; natural factors of nature (air, sun, water); hygienic working and living conditions.

To achieve the desired results, it is necessary that all means physical education used in combination, but in mutual combination.

Physical exercise. Under physical exercises are understood as conscious motor actions, specially selected and carried out to solve problems physical education. Impact physical exercises on the body is directly dependent on a number of conditions under which the exercises are performed. Such conditions are:

The exercises themselves, since they can be different in their effect on the body;

The conditions in which the exercises are performed, or, in other words, the place and time of the exercises;

Dosage of exercises, i.e. the duration and number of exercises performed depending on age, gender, degree physical preparedness and state of health of those involved;

Applied teaching methodology.

Various physical exercises are widely used in parenting.

Gymnastics. Gymnastics is one of the main means physical education and is a collection of specially selected physical exercises to influence the human body in order to improve health, develop motor skills, physical, strong-willed and moral qualities, as well as to eliminate physical handicaps.

Sport. Sport is such a means physical education, in which the tasks of health promotion, development physical strength and motor abilities are closely combined with the tasks of achieving high results in certain types exercise(in hotel sports.

Games. Games are one of the most popular means physical education, and represent a conscious, active and proactive activity of those involved, aimed at achieving the conditions of the goal voluntarily set by the players.

It is customary to separate mobile and sports games.

Natural factors of nature. Among the means physical education an important place is occupied by natural factors of nature - the sun's rays, air, and water, which, when used correctly, strengthen health and harden the body. These funds are used in physical education as an accompanying exercise exercise but they can also be used on their own.

Hygienic conditions. Compliance with the necessary hygiene conditions plays an important role in physical education. This includes a rigid daily routine, which is understood as a strictly established routine of daily life, a rational distribution of time and work and rest, sleep and nutrition. The daily routine observed for a long time helps to strengthen human health, creates a cheerful, cheerful mood, and increases efficiency.

The main requirements of personal hygiene are cleanliness of the body and care for it; cleanliness of linen, clothes, shoes; accurate maintenance of furnishings and personal items.

Physical education in preschool institutions.

Physical education classes are held in preschool institutions with children (group, individual); morning exercises (charger); physical education minutes; hardening procedures combined with exercise; outdoor games; walks and excursions outside the site; holidays; leisure evenings. In addition, children during the day independently engage in a variety of motor activities. Each of these forms has its purpose and its own characteristics in the methodology; each is assigned a specific place in the mode of the day and week.

Physical the exercises should be regular and long enough for the kindergarten to solve problems physical education and maintain a high level of performance of children.

Tasks physical education preschool children.

Tasks physical education preschool children are determined by the common goal physical education and adjusted according to age.

1. Improving tasks - protecting life and promoting health, improving physical development and hardening of the child's body are top priorities. This is due to the fact that the organs and functional systems in preschool children are still imperfect, the protective functions of the body are poorly developed. Children are more susceptible adverse conditions environment, and they are more likely to develop various diseases.

2. Educational tasks - the formation of motor skills, instilling skills and abilities, development physical qualities, instilling the skills of correct posture, hygiene skills, mastering the available special knowledge. Due to the plasticity of the nervous system, motor skills and abilities are formed relatively easily in children. Most of the movements are used by children in everyday life for movement, which facilitates communication with the environment and contributes to its knowledge. Proper execution physical exercise more effectively affects the development of muscles, ligaments, joints, bone apparatus. Properly formed motor skills and abilities can save child's physical strength. In the process of developing skills and abilities, children develop the ability to easily master more complex movements and various activities that include these movements.

3. Educational tasks. From an early age it is necessary bring up the habit of strict observance of the regime of the day and daily activities exercise, teach the ability to study independently in kindergarten and at home, organize and conduct games with their peers and younger children. It is important for children bring up love for arguing, interest in the results of their studies. In progress physical education there are great opportunities for moral, mental, aesthetic, labor education. Important in preschool bring up positive emotions that create a cheerful, cheerful mood, as well as develop the ability to quickly overcome a negative psychological state. This is necessary because positive emotions have a positive effect on the work of all organs and systems of the body, ensure the speed and strength of the formation of motor skills and abilities.


Human development is a process of physical, mental and social maturation and covers all quantitative and qualitative changes in innate and acquired means that occur under the influence of the surrounding reality.

Physical development is associated with a change in height, weight, an increase in muscle strength, improvement of the senses, coordination of movements, etc. In the process of mental development, there are significant changes in cognitive, volitional, emotional processes, in the formation of mental qualities and personality traits. The social development of the child, carried out in the process of his inclusion in the life of society, is manifested in a change in his behavior, attitude towards others, in the features of participation in the affairs of the team, etc.

In the first years of life, physical education is the basis for the comprehensive development of the child. In childhood, the foundation of health is laid and some important personality traits are formed. Success in any activity is largely determined by the physical condition of the child. Children's body reacts sharply to minor deviations from the norm in the environment, which is associated with its development and insufficient functional maturity of individual organs and systems. Relationships between somatic and mental processes tighter than in adults. Therefore, the solution of many pedagogical problems must be carried out with the obligatory consideration of the physical capabilities and condition of the child.


A healthy lifestyle is a set of typical types of human life, which, in unity with the conditions of life, is aimed at organizing the correct, normal activity of the body, its complete physical and mental well-being.

Physical education is a process of purposeful and systematic formation of a healthy, full-fledged person, his physical strengths and physical qualities, ensuring his familiarization with physical culture and striving for physical perfection.

Physical culture is a set of material and spiritual values ​​of society that are accumulated, created and used for the physical improvement of people.

The content of physical culture is: 1) personal hygiene, which includes skills in work and everyday life (neatness, neatness of clothes, cleanliness of premises), and habits for a hygienic regimen (rational schedule of activities and rest, hygiene of sleep, nutrition, etc.) ; 2) hardening of the body in natural conditions of nature (air, sun and water); 3) exercise.

Physical perfection is a historically determined level of harmonious physical development, health, physical fitness of a person, which optimally meets the requirements of society.

The system of physical education includes the creation of sanitary and hygienic conditions, hardening, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills, the organization of rational nutrition, morning exercises, physical education, walks, sports games and entertainment.

Physical education is closely related to the age characteristics of children. In this regard, the specific tasks, content, methods and forms of organization of physical education in early preschool and school age, as well as the successive relationship between them, are determined. Physical education is especially important in early and preschool childhood, when the most intensive development of the child's body takes place, when its main movements are formed, but at the same time the body is still very weak and vulnerable.

Physical education of preschool children is aimed primarily at protecting life and strengthening health, full physical development, the formation of motor skills and the development of physical qualities, the development of cultural and hygienic skills, and the development of habits for an orderly rhythm of life.

The place of physical education of preschool children in the general system of education, taking into account modern requirements.

Work on physical development permeates the entire organization of the life of children in the family and preschool institutions, the organization of the subject and social environment, all types of children's activities, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers. In a preschool institution, the child's daily routine includes physical education classes, outdoor games and entertainment, separate tempering procedures, during which regional and climatic conditions are taken into account.

The main form of teaching children to move is recognized as classes conducted by a physical education instructor (or educator). At the same time, a significant place in the system of physical education is occupied by outdoor games, which are widely used in the classes of a teacher-defectologist, in other classes (music, rhythm, theatrical activities), as well as during walks conducted by the teacher.

Physical education classes solve both general and correctional tasks. The classes include physical exercises aimed at the development of all basic movements (throwing, walking, running, climbing, crawling, jumping). A wide variety of educational affairs of the physical culture direction allows solving the problems of moral, mental, aesthetic and labor education in a complex.

The unity of the physical and mental development of the child.

Mental processes: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking, speech - act as the most important components of any human activity.

The activity of a child of early and preschool age is expressed primarily in movements. The first ideas about the world, its things and phenomena come to the child through the movements of his eyes, tongue, hands, movement in space. The more diverse the movements, the more information enters the brain, the more intense the intellectual development. The development of movements is one of the indicators of proper mental development. This is the development of coordination of movements (perception of the direction and speed of movement, time and space); the ability to memorize a sequence of movements and motor operations (memory: memorization and reproduction); attention to their movements and the actions of others; the ability to perform movements according to verbal instructions (imagination); initiative in movements; analysis of the movement by the quality of its implementation (thinking); development of speech skills and abilities. Movements are performed with speech accompaniment and reliance on visual and tactile images-representations. The development of all types of manual motor skills and visual-motor coordination serves as the basis for the formation of typical types of children's activities, is a prerequisite for the formation of oral and written speech, and also helps to increase the cognitive activity of children.

Tasks of physical education: health-improving, educational, educational. Methods of physical education.

Wellness tasks have a life-supporting meaning. The means of realizing the tasks of this group are hygienic and social factors, good nutrition, health-improving forces of nature, rational mode of life, physical exercises. Pedagogical work aimed at solving this problem includes the organization of the children's lifestyle, tempering procedures, special exercises for the development of movements. This sphere of physical education of children requires the educator to have constant contacts with medical workers, taking into account their recommendations, an individual approach to children, and conversations with parents.

Educational tasks are aimed at developing personality traits and the need for physical perfection. The means of realizing these tasks are the activities of children, games, as well as artistic means (fiction, folklore, films, works of musical and visual arts).

The work takes place in various forms: physical culture and health work in the daily routine (morning exercises, outdoor games, physical exercises for a walk), independent motor activity of children, active recreation (physical culture leisure, holidays, days of health). Methods: exercises, conversation, game, creation of problem situations, analysis of physical and moral qualities.

This group of tasks involves the education of such qualities as dexterity, courage, willpower, the desire to overcome difficulties, a sense of camaraderie, mutual assistance.

Educational tasks are associated with the formation of a child's conscious attitude to their health. Here, such means as an example of an adult, the children's own activity, and artistic means become the leading ones.

The form of work, in the process of which the tasks are most adequately solved, is educational work in physical education classes and in everyday life. Experimentation, exercises, conversation, looking at pictures and illustrations should be singled out among the main methods.

Means of physical education: hygiene factors, natural forces of nature, physical exercises.

In the system of physical education, work is carried out using a variety of means that affect the body:

Hygienic factors (correct regimen, rational nutrition, hygienic environment, the formation of cultural and hygienic skills).

Natural forces of nature (for hardening and strengthening the body).

Physical exercise.

The mode of children's life is a rational, clear alternation of wakefulness, sleep, nutrition, various kinds activities that are repeated daily in a certain sequence.

The following should be taken into account when designing a regimen:

1. Age-related features of higher nervous activity: a change in the working capacity of the cells of the cerebral cortex determines the total number of hours and the duration of segments of sleep and wakefulness.