General foundations of pedagogy. Methods and techniques of education. Classification of upbringing methods


educating public consciousness

The upbringing of a growing person as the formation of a developed personality is one of the main tasks of modern society. The essence of education is to build such a system of practical connections and relations of the individual with the team and society, which ensures its socialization - mastering the totality of social norms, social values.

Education is understood as the purposeful development of each growing person as a unique human individuality, ensuring the growth and improvement of the moral and creative forces of this person, through the construction of such a social practice, under which what the child is in its infancy or so far only constitutes an opportunity, turns into reality. “To educate means to direct the development of the subjective world of a person”, on the one hand, acting in accordance with the moral model, ideal that embodies the requirements of society for a growing person, and on the other hand, pursuing the goal of maximizing the development of the individual characteristics of each child.

As pointed out by L.S. Vygotsky, "from a scientific point of view, a teacher is only an organizer of the social educational environment, a regulator and controller of its interaction with each student."

The achievements of modern science, including the works of domestic philosophers and psychologists, teachers and physiologists, lawyers and geneticists, indicate that only in the social environment in the process of purposeful education is the formation of programs of human social behavior, the development of a person as a person.

Education includes the process of mastering the totality of social experience, i.e. knowledge, skills, social and spiritual (moral, aesthetic and ideological) relations. Through education, a person absorbs the best achievements of world culture, folk traditions that affirm goodness and conscience, love and beauty, honor and justice. This is how a complete personality is formed. That is why the question of education is relevant at all times.

Object of study:educational process in the pedagogical system.

Item:study of methods of education.

Target:study of the essence of the content of upbringing methods, determination of their classification.

Research objectives:

· to study literary sources on the topic under study;

· to analyze the formation of a system of methods and means of education;

· consider the methods of education and their classification.

Research methods: empirical.

Structure: The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography. Number of pages - 28.

1. The concept of methods and means of education

In order to form such a characteristic of a person as a worldview and social orientation, it is necessary to include it in cognitive and diverse social activities. Patriotism, diligence and other qualities are formed only in the process of cognitive and practical activity. All this, of course, requires the teacher to have a good command of the methods and techniques of organizing educational, cognitive and diverse practical activities of students, which are organically included in the content of the concept of methods of education.

However, for the formation of personality relationships, it is very important that the teacher, organizing the activities of students, skillfully use such methods and techniques of education that would stimulate their desire (needs) for personal development. They would contribute to the formation of their consciousness (knowledge, attitudes and beliefs), the improvement of behavior, and which in their totality would create the prerequisites for the development of certain personal qualities. Taking into account discipline, it is necessary to explain to students the norms and rules of behavior and convince them of the need to comply with them.

For the same purpose, positive examples of discipline and performance of their duties are used. All this contributes to the formation of appropriate needs, knowledge, attitudes, feelings and beliefs in students and influences their behavior.

An important stimulating role in the formation of discipline is played by the approval of the positive actions of students, tactful condemnation of violations of the norms and rules of behavior. A clear corrective role is also played by the requirements of pedagogical control over the behavior of students and their switching to other types of activity.

Raising children is a responsible, serious, difficult and creative task. Therefore, anyone who takes it up faces the question “How?”: how to talk to children, how to entertain them, how to calm them down and how to cheer them up, how to explain so that they understand, and how to say so that they believe.

The method of education (from Gr. methodos - the path to something, the way of knowing, research) is a way of the general activity of the educator and pupils, which is used to develop in them the qualities set by the goal of education.

The most important methods and techniques of educational work that are used in the process of forming relationships (personal qualities) among students and act as methods of education. From this point of view, the methods of education should be understood as a set of specific methods and techniques of educational work that are used in the process of organizing a variety of activities for students to develop their need-motivational sphere, views and beliefs, develop skills and habits of behavior, as well as for its correction and improvement in order to form personal properties and qualities.

From the methods of education, it is necessary to distinguish the means of education. Means of education are those specific events or forms of educational work (conversations, meetings, evenings, excursions, etc.), student activities (training sessions, subject circles, competitions, olympiads), as well as visual aids (film demonstrations, paintings, etc. .d.), which are used in the process of implementing a particular method. For example, persuasion as a method of education is implemented with the help of such educational means as explanatory conversations in the classroom and after school hours on issues of politics, morality, art, etc., meetings, disputes, etc. The organization of labor, patriotic and artistic and aesthetic activities of students, etc. act as means of the method of exercises.

Sometimes, explanatory talks and various meetings in works of a non-scientific nature are called methods of education, allowing for a certain confusion of concepts. But there is no big mistake here. Any explanatory conversation or meeting, being specific means of implementing the method of persuasion, act as private forms of its implementation and, in this sense, play the role of methods of education.

But how did this system of methods and means of education develop in pedagogy?

1.1 Formation of a system of methods and means of education

For a long time in pedagogy there was no clearly defined system of methods of education. But over time, certain methodological approaches to the implementation of the educational process began to take shape.

Some teachers believed that children are born with the so-called "wild playfulness", which must be suppressed in the process of education by the power of the teacher's authority and various measures of pedagogical influence. Such ideas, in particular, were adhered to by the German teacher Johann Herbert, whose name is usually associated with the formation of methods of authoritarian education. In principle, he understood the positive significance of such methods of education that promote the development of the consciousness of children and are based on benevolent relations between them and teachers, but he considered it expedient to use these methods in the later stages of educational work. At an early age, he recommended the use of various remarks, suggestions, instructions, reproaches, measures of condemnation and punishment, including physical ones, recording misconduct in a conduit - a journal specially designed for this.

In Russia, this technique was actively promoted by Krasovsky. In man, he wrote, two principles are rooted: attraction to home and attraction to evil. Innate immoral tendencies, in his opinion, can be adapted to the moral requirements of circumstances only on the basis of unconditional submission, using coercive measures and various punishments for this.

A supporter of authoritarian education already in Soviet times was Professor N.D. Vinogradov, who believed that it was possible to raise children only by suppressing their playfulness and erratic behavior. On this basis, in the 1920s along with the concept of the method of education, the term "measures of pedagogical influence" has become widespread.

In contrast to authoritarian education, since ancient times, pedagogy began to develop ideas that this process should be carried out on the basis of a humane attitude towards children, providing them with complete freedom. Various forms of benevolent persuasion, explanatory conversations, persuasion, advice, inclusion in versatile and interesting activities, etc. began to act as methods of education. This approach to education found its vivid reflection in the theory of “free education”, the main ideas of which were formulated in the 18th century by the French educator J.J. Rousseau (1712-1778).

He believed that children are born perfect, and therefore education should not only not hinder the development of this perfection, but, on the contrary, should contribute to its formation and adapt to it. Proceeding from this, Rousseau argued that the child, his interests and aspirations, should be in educational work. Thus, the foundations of pedocentrism and spontaneous (spontaneous) development of children were laid in pedagogy. Of course, in comparison with authoritarian upbringing, this was a big step forward, although it is obvious that it is hardly correct in upbringing to follow the wishes and interests of children in everything if we actively form positive personal qualities in them. These desires and interests themselves need to be developed, enriched and improved, giving education an effective character. The main thing, however, is that it was on this basis that new, humanistic approaches to education began to take shape in pedagogy and the educational methods corresponding to them began to be developed.

World fame for Russian pedagogy was brought by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky (1824-1871). He made a revolution in theory, a revolution in pedagogical practice. In the pedagogical system of Ushinsky, the doctrine of the goals, principles, and essence of education occupies a leading place. “Education, if it wants a person to be happy, should educate him not for happiness, but prepare him for the work of life,” he wrote. Upbringing, being improved, can far expand the limits of human strength: physical, mental and moral. The leading role belongs to the school, the teacher: “In education, everything should be based on the personality of the educator, because the educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality. No statutes and programs, no artificial organism of an institution, no matter how cunningly invented, can replace the individual in the matter of education.

Ushinsky revised all pedagogy and demanded a complete reorganization of the education system based on the latest scientific achievements: " pedagogical practice without theory is the same as medicine in medicine."

K.D. Ushinsky repeatedly drew attention to this method of education as an example. He emphasized that the upbringing of a personality can only be influenced by a personality. Therefore, example is a powerful educational tool. Much has been said about him in foreign pedagogical literature.

Very significant in the development of the methodology of education was the theory of stimulating students in the process of education, put forward in the works of P.P. Blonsky and S.T. Shatsky, which later began to be actively developed by domestic psychology. S.T. Shatsky paid serious attention to the fact that every child was engaged in an exciting business. He noted that a huge number of reasons that create a violation of discipline in the children's environment come from the lack of an interesting thing for children. The atmosphere of being busy with interesting work, if it is excited in the usual way, creates a good working environment in which any thrust towards disorder will be unpleasant even for the children themselves.

Thus, pedagogy has come a long way of development before effective theories and methods of education were created. The ideas of humanity, respect for children and concern for their all-round development formed the basis of modern pedagogical science.

2. Classification of methods of education

Pedagogy as a science has always sought to theoretically streamline a huge variety of methods of education. In the process of its development, different approaches to the classification of upbringing methods were carried out. The classification of methods is a system of methods built according to certain criteria, which helps the teacher to consciously choose and effectively apply certain methods of education, according to the tasks and real circumstances.

Any scientific classification begins with the definition of common grounds and the selection of features for ranking objects that make up the subject of classification. There are many such signs. Dozens of classifications are known in modern pedagogy, some of which are more suitable for solving practical problems, while others are of only theoretical interest. In most systems of methods, the logical foundations of classification are not clearly expressed. This explains the fact that in practically significant classifications, not one, but several important and general aspects of the method are taken as a basis.

By their nature, the methods of education are divided into persuasion, exercise, encouragement and punishment. In this case, the general feature "the nature of the method" includes the direction, applicability, peculiarity and some other aspects of the methods. This classification is closely related to another system of general methods of education, which interprets the nature of the methods more generally. It includes methods of persuasion, organizing activities, stimulating the behavior of schoolchildren.

In con. 70s - early In the 1980s, the concept of an active approach to education was formed in pedagogy. From the standpoint of the new theory, teachers T.E. Konnikova and G.I. Shchukin proposed a classification of upbringing methods, where the main criterion is the function of the method in relation to the child's activity, because. education is the organization of activity.

In their system, three groups of upbringing methods were considered:

Methods of forming a positive experience of behavior in the process of activity.

Methods of formation of public consciousness.

Methods of activity stimulation.

In the real conditions of the pedagogical process, the methods of education act in a complex and contradictory unity. Of course, at some particular stage of the educational process, the method can be applied separately in a more or less isolated form. But without appropriate reinforcement by other methods and techniques, without interaction with them, it loses its purpose, slows down the movement of the upbringing process towards the intended goal. In working with children, the teacher must apply various techniques and methods of education, taking into account the level of upbringing of children, the nature of their manifestation of their individual characteristics, those pedagogical situations that require one or another decision to be made in the interests of each student and the entire class team.

The variety and variable nature of upbringing methods create certain difficulties in their typology and classification. At the same time, there is a need, based on the specifics and features of their application, to single out some groups of upbringing methods.

.1 Methods for the formation of public consciousness

This group includes methods of versatile influence on the consciousness, feelings and will of students. The process of forming a child's personality relies primarily on the experience gained in everyday life and activities, in relationships with adults and peers. Therefore, there is a need for special methods that allow you to regulate the consolidation of appropriate motives and behaviors. This is achieved through persuasion techniques. In elementary school, such important and educationally valuable forms and methods of persuading students as clarification and suggestion, storytelling and conversation, extracurricular reading, persuasion by example are widely used.

Clarification and suggestion. The essence of the clarification is to focus the attention of students on the formation of their conscious attitude to the surrounding reality, to their civic and moral duties, based on information about the most important events in the spiritual and material life of society. Often, students' knowledge of their duties is casual, superficial. The purpose of the clarification is to reveal the social, moral, aesthetic content of certain actions, events, phenomena, to help students form the correct assessment of behavior and human relations.

Suggestion is such a way of pedagogical influence on the views of children, which is carried out by the behavior of the educator himself, by the methods of his work. The mother in the family, with all her attitude towards the child, aroused in him the conviction that she, the mother, should not be deceived: “I never deceive my mother, because she cannot be deceived.” He will not be able to explain why, he understands, he feels that it is impossible. This is what happens at school. The teacher, by his work, by all his behavior, evokes such an attitude on the part of the students that they consider it impossible for themselves to deceive him. Gradually, from the consciousness of the impossibility of deceiving a mother or teacher, a desire is born to be always truthful.

Story and conversation. The living, sincere word of the teacher, his passion and enthusiasm have always been and remain an effective factor in the moral formation of the child's personality. Whatever topic the teacher starts a conversation with students on, he, first of all, must be sure that the upcoming story is vital for the class, will cause moral trust in children, readiness for empathy, and a positive reaction.

The story is the most common method in working with younger students. According to the methodological essence, this is a monologue of the teacher, which is built as a narrative or description. This method is successfully implemented in the process of telling everyday stories, fairy tales, parables.

A conversation is a dialogue between a teacher and students. The conversation not only explains the norms and rules of behavior, not only forms an idea of ​​the main life values, but also develops in children their own assessments of what is happening, views and judgments. The interactive nature of the conversation is provided by a system of questions and answers. Here is its logical structure:

1.The teacher, with the help of short but vivid information, introduces the children to the topic of conversation and asks a question, offers it for discussion.

2.Students speak out: they give examples from their lives, arguments confirmed by episodes from books they read or memorable films, opinions of people who are authoritative for them.

.The teacher summarizes all the statements, emphasizes the evidence of the main provisions and helps the children to draw convincing conclusions.

The conversation requires strictly measured time limits. If the conversation drags on, children quickly lose interest in it, their attention is scattered, and the desire to speak out disappears. Therefore, the duration of the conversation should not be more than 15 - 20 minutes.

Extracurricular reading.A book read in childhood remains in the memory for almost a lifetime and affects the further development of children. The purpose of extracurricular reading is to familiarize children and adolescents with fiction, popular science and other literature as an important means of their moral, mental and aesthetic development.

To increase the educational role of extracurricular reading, it is necessary to regularly conduct conversations with students on the analysis and discussion of the books they have read.

Persuasion by example. The younger student, in his desire to become an adult, takes as a role model the example of adults, people he respects. The tendency to imitate is explained by many reasons: the child still has very poor life experience, there are no stable habits of behavior. His activity is imitative. Learning the experience of the elders, the child often copies the behavior of a respected and sympathetic person. Imitation in adolescents is more selective: they are attracted to certain character traits of another person. Admiration for outstanding people is associated with the desire of a young man or girl to determine his place in life.

The tendency of children and adolescents to imitate often creates the danger of borrowing bad examples. Therefore, the teacher faces the task of directing the child's imitation to a positive example.

The success of educational work with students on a positive example comes when the teacher enjoys authority, has a pedagogical tact, a broad social and moral outlook.

.2 Methods of organizing activities

Education should form the required type of behavior. Not concepts, beliefs, but specific deeds, actions characterize the upbringing of a person. In this regard, the organization of activities and the formation of the experience of social behavior are considered as the core of the educational process.

All methods of this group are based on the practical activities of pupils. Teachers can manage this activity due to the fact that it can be divided into component parts - specific actions and deeds, and sometimes into smaller parts - operations.

A general method for the formation of the necessary personality traits - exercise. It has been known since ancient times and has exceptional effectiveness. In the history of pedagogy, there is hardly a case where, with a sufficient number of reasonably selected and properly performed exercises, a person does not form a given type of behavior.

) systems of exercises;

) accessibility and feasibility of exercises;

) repetition rate;

) control and correction;

) personal characteristics of pupils;

- place and time of exercise;

) combinations of individual, group and collective forms of exercises;

) motivating and stimulating exercise.

When planning a system of exercises, the educator needs to foresee what skills and habits will be developed. Education should inculcate vital, important, useful skills and habits. Therefore, educational exercises are not invented, but are taken from life, given by real situations.

To form sustainable skills and habits, you need to start the exercise as early as possible, because the younger the body, the faster habits take root in it. Having got used, a person skillfully manages his feelings, inhibits his desires, if they interfere with the performance of certain duties, controls his actions, correctly evaluates them from the standpoint of the interests of other people. Endurance, self-control skills, organization, discipline, communication culture are qualities that are based on habits formed by upbringing.

Requirement- This a method of education by which the norms of behavior, expressed in personal relationships, cause, stimulate or inhibit certain activities of the pupil and the manifestation of certain qualities in him.

According to the form of presentation, direct and indirect requirements are distinguished. For direct requirement certainty, concreteness, accuracy, formulations understandable to pupils that do not allow two different interpretations are characteristic. A demand is made in a decisive tone, and a whole gamut of shades is possible, which are expressed by intonation, voice power, and facial expressions.

Indirect requirement (advice, request, hint, trust, approval, etc.) differs from the direct one in that it is not so much the demand itself that becomes the stimulus for action, but the psychological factors caused by it: experiences, interests, aspirations of pupils. Among the most common forms of indirect requirement are the following:

Advice requirement. This is the conviction of the pupil in the expediency, usefulness, and necessity of the actions recommended by the teacher. The advice will be accepted when the pupil sees in his mentor an older, more experienced comrade, whose authority is recognized and whose opinion he values.

Game design requirement (requirement-game). Experienced educators use children's inherent desire for play to present a wide variety of requirements. Games give children pleasure, and requirements are imperceptibly fulfilled with them. This is the most humane and effective form of making a claim, but it requires a high level of professional skill.

According to the method of presentation, direct and indirect requirement. The requirement, with the help of which the educator himself achieves the desired behavior from the pupil, is called direct. The requirements of pupils to each other, "organized" by the educator, are indirect requirements.

accustomingis an intense exercise. It is used when it is necessary to quickly and at a high level form the required quality. Often, accustoming is accompanied by painful processes, causes discontent.

The use of the teaching method in humanistic education systems is justified by the fact that some violence, inevitably present in this method, is directed to the benefit of the person himself, and this is the only violence that can be justified. Humanistic pedagogy opposes hard training, which is contrary to human rights and reminiscent of training, and requires, if possible, mitigation of this method and its use in combination with others, primarily games. Teaching plus play is an effective and humane influence.

Teaching is used at all stages of the educational process, but it is most effective at an early stage. The conditions for the correct application of training are as follows.

A clear idea of ​​the purpose of education for the educator himself and his pupils. There will be no sense until the child understands that certain skills are necessary for him.

When accustoming, it is necessary to formulate the rule clearly and clearly, but not to give instructions like “Be polite”, “Love your homeland”. It’s better to say something like this: “For people to appreciate your irresistible smile, brush your teeth”; "Greet your neighbor and he will be polite to you."

For each period of time, the optimal amount of actions feasible for the pupils should be allocated. It takes time to develop a habit; haste here does not bring the goal closer, but moves it away. First, you need to take care of the accuracy of the execution of actions, and only then - about the speed.

Show how actions are performed, what results.

Learning requires constant supervision. Control should be benevolent, interested, but not strict, be sure to be combined with self-control.

The method gives good results. instructions.With the help of assignments, students are taught to do positive things. The assignments are of a varied nature: to visit a sick friend and help him in his studies; decorate a classroom for the holiday, etc. Instructions are also given in order to develop the necessary qualities: the unorganized are given the task of preparing and carrying out an event that requires accuracy and punctuality, and so on.

As soon as the children get together, they immediately begin to sort things out - who is who. Children, adolescents, and young men have an inherent desire for rivalry, priority, and superiority. Approval of oneself among others is an innate human need. He realizes this need by entering into competition with other people. The results of the competition firmly and for a long time determine and consolidate the status of a person in the team.

Competition- this is a method of directing the natural need of schoolchildren to rivalry and priority in the education of qualities necessary for a person and society. Competing among themselves, schoolchildren quickly master the experience of social behavior, develop physical, moral, aesthetic qualities. Competition is especially important for those who are lagging behind: by comparing their results with the achievements of their comrades, they receive new incentives for growth and begin to make more efforts. The goal of the competition is clear to everyone - to be the first. But until recently, schools were wary of formulating it so frankly. The recommendations noted: it is necessary to take care that the competition does not degenerate into competition, pushing pupils to use unacceptable means. The harsh conditions of the competition must be softened by the game. In the game, as you know, defeat is not so acutely experienced and there is always the opportunity to take revenge. Of course, high school students understand this simple trick of educators, but in the junior and middle grades, the game organization of the competition can hardly be overestimated. Game forms excite the emotions of the pupils, which makes the competition attractive.

An essential role is played by the display of the results of the competition. The forms of recording and displaying the results of the competition should be simple and visual, more use of new computer-based information systems for this.

The effectiveness of the competition is significantly increased when its goals, objectives and conditions are determined by the students themselves, they also sum up the results and determine the winners. The teacher does not just "register" events, he directs the initiative of the pupils, correcting, where necessary, their inept actions.

promotioncan be called an expression of a positive assessment of the actions of pupils. It reinforces positive skills and habits. The action of encouragement is based on the excitation of positive emotions. That is why it inspires confidence, creates a pleasant mood, increases responsibility. The types of encouragement are very diverse: approval, encouragement, praise, gratitude, granting honorary rights, awarding letters, gifts, etc.

OK - the simplest kind of reward. The educator can express approval with a gesture, facial expressions, a positive assessment of the behavior or work of the pupils, the team, trust in the form of an assignment, encouragement in front of the class, teachers or parents.

Encouragement of a higher level - thanks, awards etc. - cause and maintain strong and stable positive emotions that give pupils or the team long-term incentives, as they not only crown long and hard work, but indicate the achievement of a new, higher level. It is necessary to reward solemnly, in front of all pupils, teachers, parents: this greatly enhances the emotional side of stimulation and the feelings associated with it.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the reward method requires careful dosage and a certain amount of caution. A long experience of using the method shows that inability or excessive encouragement can bring not only benefits, but also harm to education. First of all, the psychological side of the encouragement, its consequences are taken into account.

Encouraging, educators should strive to ensure that the behavior of the pupil is motivated and directed not by the desire to receive praise or reward, but by inner convictions, moral motives.

Encouragement should not oppose the pupil to the rest of the team. Therefore, not only the guys who have achieved success deserve encouragement, but also those who conscientiously worked for the common good. It is necessary to encourage those who have shown high moral qualities - diligence, responsibility, responsiveness, helping others, although they have not achieved outstanding personal success.

3. Encouragement should start with answering questions -
to whom, how much and for what. Therefore, it must match
the merits of the pupil, his individual characteristics,
place in the team and not be too frequent. When choosing rewards, it is important to find a measure worthy of the pupil. Immoderate praise leads to arrogance.
4. Encouragement requires a personal approach. It is very important to encourage the insecure, lagging behind in time. Encouraging the positive qualities of students, the educator instills confidence in them, educates purposefulness and independence, the desire to overcome difficulties. The pupil, justifying the trust placed, overcomes his shortcomings.
. Perhaps the main thing in the current school education is to observe justice.
Among the oldest methods of education punishment- the most famous. In modern pedagogy, disputes about the appropriateness of its application do not stop.

Punishment is a method of pedagogical influence, which should prevent undesirable actions, slow them down, and cause a feeling of guilt in front of oneself and other people. Like other methods of education, punishment is designed for the gradual transformation of external stimuli into internal stimuli.

The following types of punishment are known:

) the imposition of additional responsibilities;

) deprivation or restriction of certain rights;

) an expression of moral censure, condemnation.

Various forms of punishment are practiced in the current school: disapproval, remark, censure, warning, discussion at a meeting, punishment, suspension, expulsion from school, etc.

Among the pedagogical conditions that determine the effectiveness of the punishment method are the following:

The force of punishment increases if it comes from the collective or is supported by it. The student experiences a sense of guilt more acutely if his offense was condemned not only by the educator, but also by his closest comrades and friends. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on public opinion.

Group punishment is not recommended. In well-organized collectives, commissioners are sometimes punished for the misconduct of the whole collective, but this issue is so delicate that it requires a very careful analysis of the whole situation.

If the decision to punish is made, then the offender must be punished.

Punishment is effective when it is clear to the student, and he considers it fair. After punishment, they do not remember him, but maintain normal relations with the student.

Using punishment, you can not offend the pupil. They are punished not out of personal hostility, but out of pedagogical necessity. The formula "misdemeanor - punishment" must be strictly observed.

When deciding what to punish for, it is recommended to follow the following line of development: from punishments aimed primarily at inhibiting negative actions, character traits, habits, to punishments, the main meaning of which is to develop certain positive qualities.

The basis for applying the punishment method is a conflict situation. But not all violations and deviations from the norm lead to real conflicts, and, consequently, it is far from necessary to resort to punishments for every violation. It is impossible to give any general recipes on the question of punishment, since each offense is always individual, and depending on who committed it, under what circumstances, what are the reasons that prompted him to commit, the punishment can be different - from the lightest to the most severe.

Punishment is a powerful method. A teacher's mistake in punishment is much more difficult to correct than in any other case.

Don't let punishment become a weapon of revenge. Cultivate the belief that the pupil is being punished for his own good. Do not take the path of formal measures of influence, because punishment is effective only when it is maximally individualized.

Punishment requires pedagogical tact, a good knowledge of developmental psychology, as well as an understanding that punishment alone cannot help the cause. Therefore, punishment is used only in combination with other methods of education.

Thus, having considered the classification of upbringing methods, it should be noted that upbringing methods are methods of interconnected activity of the teacher and students, which are aimed at understanding the essence of social values ​​by schoolchildren, developing positive attitudes towards them, forming appropriate skills and habits of behavior, their correction and improvement, support for the development of the individual potential of the individual. All existing methods are equally important for the formation of a child's personality. The main task of the teacher is to use all his skills in his work, applying these methods to educate schoolchildren.


In this work, all the goals set have been achieved: the essence of the content of upbringing methods has been studied, and the following tasks have been completed:

· studied literary sources on the topic under study;

· the formation of a system of methods and means of education was analyzed;

· the methods of education and their classification are considered:

a) methods of forming public consciousness;

b) methods of organizing activities.

Thus, having studied this topic, we can conclude that education is one of the most important components of the general educational process along with training. For the development of a holistic, comprehensively developed personality, it is important to understand education as interaction and cooperation between adults and children.

It should also be noted that the practice of education is rooted in the deep layers of human civilization. Pedagogy has come a long way of development until it has created effective theories and methods of upbringing, training and education, which guide modern teachers in the process of educating schoolchildren. Without a clear knowledge of the methods of education, the sequence of their application, it is impossible to improve pedagogical skills and properly educate. The most important methods of educational work, which are used in the process of forming relations (personal qualities) among schoolchildren, are the methods of education.

In a modern school, the concept of "method of education" means not only a way of influencing a student, but mainly a way of general activity, a common way to achieve the desired goal of education. From this point of view, upbringing methods are understood as the most important ways of interconnected activities of the teacher and students, which are aimed at understanding the essence of social values ​​by schoolchildren, developing positive attitudes towards them, forming appropriate skills and habits of behavior, correcting and improving them, and supporting the development of the individual potential of the individual.

No system of methods can be recommended as given once and for all. The teacher deals with the growing and developing person and with the whole team. Depending on the age and individual characteristics of students, on the conditions of their life and life, not only individual methods of education change, but the entire system as a whole. There can be no template in education. The formation of any moral quality involves the impact on the consciousness, feelings and behavior of students. To do this, it is necessary to apply various methods of education.

The application of the methods of education considered in the work ultimately depends on the teacher, on his love for children, on his interest in the fate of the child. To do this, you need to learn to look at the world through the eyes of children, to respect their human dignity. In order to properly educate, it is necessary that the relationship with the children be on an equal footing.


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9.Krutetsky V.A. Psychology of teaching and educating schoolchildren. - M.: Education, 1976. - 303 p.

10.Kuzminskiy A.I., Omelyanenko V.L. Pedagogy: Assistant. - K .: Knowledge - Press, 2003. - 418 p.

11.Likhachev B.T. Pedagogy. Course of lectures: Proc. allowance for students ped. textbook institutions and students of IPK and FPC. - M.: Enlightenment, 1998 - 460 p.

12.Makarenko A.S. About education - M.: Politizdat, 1990. - 415 p.

13.Malenkova L.I. Education in the modern school. - M.: Publishing House "Moosphere", 1999. - 300 p.

14.Pedagogy: Textbook / Yu.K. Babansky, V.A. Slastyonin, N.A. Sorokin and others - 2nd ed., revised. and additional - M.: Enlightenment, 1988. - 479 p.

15.Pedagogy: Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. I.P. piddly. M.: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2001. - 640 p.

16.Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy. New course: A textbook for students of pedagogical universities in 2 books. - M.: Humanit. ed. Center Vlados, 2004. - 256 p.

17.Workshop on Pedagogy: Proc. allowance. / Ed. Z.I. Vasilyeva. - M.: Enlightenment, 1988. - 144 p.

18.Rozhkov M.I., Baiborodova L.V. Theory and methodology of education. M.: ed. Vlados. 2004. - 382 p.

19.Selivanov V.S. Fundamentals of general pedagogy: Theory and methods of education. M.: Academy. 2004. - 336 p.

20.Ushinsky K.D. Selected pedagogical works. - M.: Enlightenment, 1968. - 557 p.

21.Fitsula M.M. Pedagogy: Navch. posib. - 2 types, add. - K.: Akademvidav, 2007. - 560 p.

22.Hoffman, Franz. The wisdom of education. Pedagogy. Pedagogy. M.: "Pedagogy", 1979. - 487 p.

Classification - it is a system of methods built on a certain basis.

At present, the most objective and convenient is the classification of upbringing methods based on the orientation of G.I. Schukina.

There are 3 groups of methods of education:

a) Methods for the formation of personality consciousness

conviction - story - explanation - explanation - lecture - ethical conversation

Suggestion - briefing - debate - report - example

b) Methods of organizing activities and shaping the experience of social behavior

Exercise - learning - pedagogical requirement - public opinion

Assignment - educational situations

c) Methods for stimulating activity behavior

Competition - reward - punishment

Ethical story - a vivid, emotional presentation of specific facts and events that have a moral content that affects the feeling, the story helps students understand and assimilate the meaning of moral assessments and norms of behavior.

Explanation - it is a method of emotional, verbal influence on pupils. An important feature is the orientation of the impact on a given group or individual. It is used only when the pupil really needs to explain something, in one way or another to influence his consciousness.

Suggestion - Penetrating imperceptibly into the psyche, it affects the personality of a person.

Attitudes and motives of activity are created. They are used in the case when the pupil must accept a certain installation. (used to enhance the impact of other parenting methods.

Ethical conversation - a method of systematic and consistent discussion of knowledge, involving the participation of educators and pupils. The teacher listens and takes into account the opinion of the interlocutors.

The purpose of an ethical conversation is deepening, strengthening of moral concepts, generalization and consolidation of knowledge, formation of a system of moral views and beliefs.

Example − educational method of exceptional power. Its impact is based on the fact that the phenomena perceived by sight are quickly and easily imprinted in the mind. An example gives specific role models and thus actively forms consciousness, feelings, active activity. The psychological basis of the example is imitation. Thanks to it, people acquire social and moral experience.

Exercise - a practical method of education, the existence of which consists in the repeated performance of the required actions, bringing them to automatism. The result of the exercises is stable personality traits, skills and habits.

The effectiveness of the exercise depends on:

Systematics of exercises

Availability and passivity

・Repetition rates

control and correction

Personal characteristics of the pupil

Place and time of the exercise

Combination of individual, group and collective forms of exercise1

· Motivation and stimulation

(you need to start the exercise as early as possible, the younger the body, the faster habits take root in it).

Requirement - a method of education, with the help of which behavioral skills, expressed in personal relationships, stimulate or inhibit certain activities of the pupil and show certain qualities in him.

Presentation form:


Indirect ones can be:

・Requirement advice

Requirement in a playful way

Requirement by trust

Requirement Request

・Requirement Hint

Requirement approval

According to the results of education:

· Positive

· Negative

Presentation method:



Teaching - These are intense exercises. It is used when it is necessary to quickly and at a high level formulate the required quality. Often accompanied by painful processes, causes discontent. It is used at all stages of the educational process.

Order - with its help, students are taught to act positively. The assignment is given in order to develop the necessary qualities.

Method of educational situation - situations should not be far-fetched. Situations should be natural. Surprise plays an important role.

Encouragement - Expresses a positive assessment of the actions of pupils. It reinforces positive skills and habits. Action encouragement is based on the excitation of positive emotions. It inspires confidence and increases responsibility.

Incentive types:




· Gratitude

Awarding a certificate or a gift

With encouragement, you need to be careful not to overdo it.

Competition - these are the natural needs of schoolchildren to compete and give priority to the education of qualities that are necessary for a person and society. Competing student develops physical, moral qualities. The effectiveness of the competition increases when its goals, objectives and conditions are determined by the students themselves, they also sum up the results and determine the winners.

Punishment - a method of pedagogical influence, which should prevent undesirable actions, slow down schoolchildren, causing a feeling of guilt in front of themselves and others.

Types of punishment:

associated with the imposition of additional responsibilities

deprivation or restriction of rights

Expression of moral censures and condemnations

Forms of punishment: disapproval, remark, warning, meeting discussion, suspension, exclusion

The force of punishment increases if it comes from the collective or is supported by it.

The method of education is a way to achieve the goal of education, a way to get a result. In pedagogy, in addition to the concept of "method of education", the concept of "method of education" is used. The method of education is a particular expression of the method. In the process of practical activity, the method is divided into techniques that help in achieving the goals of education. Thus, techniques are related to methods as the particular is to the general. For example, for the example method, the technique is meeting interesting people. For the method of encouragement, the reception is the handing over of the book.

The educator acts differently each time: he influences the pupil and waits for an immediate reaction in behavior; contributes, i.e. helps him; interacts - cooperates with the pupil. The activities of the educator are organized in different ways, because different goals are pursued (the goal determines the choice of method); different content of activity; the age of the pupils and their characteristics are not the same, and, finally, the professional skills of the educators are also not the same.

So, the method of education is the means of solving educational problems and the implementation of educational interaction.

In the practice of the educational process, there are various methods of education: persuasion, positive example, personal example, demand, affectionate touch to the pupil, trust, distrust, accustoming, assignment, threat, forgiveness, etc.

It is important to distinguish true methods of education from false ones. Some researchers refer to false methods of education persuasion, exhortation, begging; edification, moralizing, notations; grumbling of the teacher, spacing, petty nit-picking; reproaches, intimidation, endless "study"; drill; organization of children's lives; praise; and etc.

It is important for the educator to learn to control himself so as not to use ineffective methods of influence in the process of education.

General methods of education and their classification

Parenting methods are called general because they are used:

  • - in work with all categories of people (schoolchildren, students, soldiers, etc.);
  • - to solve any educational problems (moral, labor, mental, aesthetic education, etc.);
  • - different categories of educators (parents, teachers, educators);
  • - to solve not one, but a set of problems.

In order to facilitate the practical use of upbringing methods, it is advisable to classify them. The classification of methods is a system of methods built on a certain basis, which helps to identify the general and specific, theoretical and practical in them. Classification helps to organize methods. In existing classifications, one or more aspects of the educational process are taken as a basis.

G.I. Schukina, Yu.K. Babansky, V.A. Slastenin offer the following classification:

  • - methods of formation of consciousness (conversation, story, dispute, lecture, example);
  • - methods of organizing activities and shaping the experience of social behavior (training, exercise, assignment, creation of educational situations, demand, public opinion);
  • - methods of stimulating activity and behavior (competition, reward, punishment).

The Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia proposes the following classification of upbringing methods, based on changes:

  • - activities and communication (introduction of new types of activities and communication, changing their meaning, the content of the activity and the subject of communication);
  • - relations (demonstration of relations, differentiation of role functions of participants in joint activities, their rights and obligations, preservation of traditions and customs of the team, change in informal interpersonal relations);
  • - components of the educational system (change in collective goals, ideas about the team, prospects for further development).

Let's imagine a group of methods that serve as the basis for various classifications. These are the methods:

  • -beliefs;
  • -exercises;
  • - encouragement;
  • - punishments;
  • -example.

In practical real activity, methods act in a complex harmonious unity, mutually complementing each other.

method of persuasion.

Persuasion is one of the ways to influence the personality, the method of influencing the consciousness, feelings and will of the pupil in order to develop a conscious attitude to the surrounding reality. Persuasion should be differentiated as: 1) a mental property of a person and 2) a method of influencing the consciousness and will of the pupil, the ultimate goal of which is the formation of a belief in the first sense.

The method of persuasion forms the views of the pupil, the motives of behavior and actions. It is important to understand what a person is guided by when making decisions, how consciously this choice is made. The task of the educator is to help form the right beliefs. With the help of this method, the norms of behavior are revealed, the necessity of correct behavior is proved, the significance of certain norms of behavior is shown for the individual.

The method of persuasion contributes to the development of the pupil's confidence in the correctness of this or that knowledge, statement, opinion. Therefore, using this method, it is necessary to convey and fix certain information in the mind of the pupil, to form confidence in relation to it. Conviction in the correctness of the idea is formed in the process of practical human activity.

As methods of persuasion, the educator can use a story, a conversation, an explanation, a debate.

Exercise is "learning". There are direct exercises (an open demonstration of a particular behavioral situation), indirect (“indirect” nature of exercises), natural (expediently, systematically, intelligently organized life of pupils) and artificial (specially designed dramatizations that exercise a person).

The conditions for the effectiveness of the exercise method: awareness of the significance, presentation of the possible final result, systematic and consistent organization of the exercise, feasibility and gradualness, interconnection with other methods; accessibility, commensurate with this age; mastering actions where accuracy and consistency are important; organization of control during the exercise and professional assistance.

Reward method . Encouragement is a way of expressing a positive assessment, consolidating and stimulating the formation of moral behavior. This method is stimulating.

Encouragement manifests itself in the form of approval, praise, gratitude, awards. It reinforces positive skills and habits; requires a certain dosage, should be fair and naturally follow from the actions of the pupil. Misuse of this method can breed vanity, a constant desire for exclusivity, and, worst of all, selfish motivation. Therefore, this method must be used with caution. That is why encouragement is referred to as an auxiliary method of education.

method of punishment. Punishment is a way of inhibiting the negative manifestations of a person with the help of a negative assessment of her behavior (and not a person), a way of making demands and forcing them to follow the norms, forming a sense of guilt, remorse.

Punishment is a means of pedagogical influence used in case of non-compliance with the requirements and norms of behavior established in society. With his help, the pupil is helped to understand what he is doing wrong and why. This is a very serious method of education.

Followers of another direction - the theory of free education - rejected any punishment, as they cause the pupil's feelings. This aspiration contained a protest against child abuse.

In our country, punishment is used to slow down the negative behavior of pupils. However, the following penalties are prohibited:


offensive to a person;

interfering with education (for example, they are not allowed to debate);

depriving the pupil of food.

Types of punishment: moral censure, deprivation or restriction of any rights, verbal condemnation, restriction of participation in the life of the team, a change in attitude towards the pupil, a decrease in the assessment of behavior, expulsion from school.

There are certain pedagogical requirements for the use of punishment methods. Punishment must be justified, deserved, commensurate with the degree of the act. If many offenses are committed at once, the punishment should be severe, but only one for all offenses at once.

One offense cannot be punished twice. You can not rush to punishment until there is confidence in its justice. If the punishment does not work, it becomes meaningless. Physical assault and mental violence against pupils is unacceptable.

Punishment should not deprive the child of the deserved praise and reward, as he deserves; be "prevention", punishment "just in case"; to be late (for offenses that were discovered six months or a year after they were committed); humiliate a pupil; harm physical and mental health.

When determining the measure of punishment, the age and individual characteristics of the pupils are taken into account.

example method. An example as a method of education is a way of presenting a sample as a ready-made program of behavior, a way of self-knowledge. This is the basis of the method of education by example. The educator (teacher, teacher, parent) needs to control his behavior, his actions, not forgetting that they affect the personality.

It is impossible to accustom the pupil to order if the adult himself does not support him. Constantly watching TV in any free time will not teach a reasonable organization of free time. Rough speech, shouting, assault, intemperance do not contribute to the formation of a humane, correct, self-possessed personality.

Examples are both positive and negative. Educate with positive examples. This does not mean that it is necessary to protect pupils from everything negative. It is necessary to reveal to them the unsightly essence of the facts of wrong behavior, to arouse the desire to fight against the ugly in life.

The forms of manifestation of an example as a method of education are a personal example, an example of parents, wonderful people, peers, heroes.

Implementation algorithm: purposeful choice of an image, its perception, awareness of its merits, highlighting moral qualities, inclusion in one's self-education program.

When using upbringing methods, it is necessary to comply with pedagogical requirements that cause, stimulate or inhibit certain activities of the pupil. They cannot be presented in a hurry. The pupil must feel that the teacher is confident in his actions. Any requirement must be controlled, there should be few strict, strict requirements, the best result is given by the requirements developed jointly with the pupils.

Requirements can be weak (reminder-request, advice, hint, reprimand); medium (instruction, requirement-installation, warning, prohibition); strong (demand-threat, order-alternative).

The professional activity of an educator involves the choice and use of methods of education, depending on the existing conditions and opportunities. Such conditions are knowledge of the goals and objectives of education; age and individual characteristics of pupils; time of education; interests and needs of pupils; their social environment; the level of formation of the group to which they belong; expected results; educator's own abilities.

The choice of the method of education should be based on the humanistic relationship of the educator with the pupils. The effectiveness of the methods used is achieved when the chosen method corresponds to the real conditions and the specific situation, professional foresight of the psychological state of the pupils at the time of applying the methods; skillful combination of various methods of education; reinforcement of the chosen method by means of education; bringing it to its logical conclusion.

When choosing methods of education, the educator should strive to use those that enable the pupil to fulfill himself, show his individuality, his own abilities; lead to the creation of a situation of success; predicting the result; realization of the set goal.


1. The essence of the concept of "method" of education

2. Characteristics of educational methods

3. The choice of educational methods for the teacher

4. Practical tasks

The solution of pedagogical tasks, the implementation of functional educational activities inevitably raises the question for teachers: how to act in a specific situation, achieve the goals set, how to make the educational process effective and efficient. In order to answer these difficult questions, the teacher turns to the methods of education.

Education methods- important and very complex components of the educational process, which the teacher must master professionally. Like many concepts in pedagogy, the method of education is formulated in different ways. Here are a few examples (this is the opinion of scientists, authors of pedagogy textbooks published at different times).

G.I. Schukin: "Methods of education are the ways by which a purposeful pedagogical influence is made on the consciousness, behavior of pupils, on the formation of the necessary qualities in them, on enriching their experience with useful activities and diverse relationships."

Yu.K. Babanskiy: "The method of education is a generalized way of the interconnected activity of the educator and the educated person to achieve the goals, objectives, content of the purposeful formation of a comprehensively developed personality."

I.F. Kharlamov: "The methods of education should be understood as a set of specific methods and techniques of educational work that are used in the process of forming personal qualities to develop the need-motivational sphere and consciousness of students, to develop skills and habits of behavior, as well as to correct and improve it."

V.A. Slastenin: “Under the methods of implementing a holistic pedagogical process, one should understand the methods of professional interaction between a teacher and students in order to solve educational problems” (V.A. Slastenin combines education and upbringing in the concept of “holistic pedagogical process”).

Some differences between these formulations do not interfere with understanding the main, essential characteristics of the methods: ways of interaction educator and pupils, aimed at the implementation of the goals and objectives of education. The appeal of upbringing methods directly to the personality of the pupil was very accurately expressed by A.S. Makarenko, calling them "tools for touching the personality."

Methods can be divided into their constituent elements (parts or details), which are called methodological. tricks. In relation to the method, the technique is of a private, subordinate nature: for example, the techniques are references to literary or scientific sources, to specific events and facts, demonstration of individual fragments of films, etc.

In addition, the implementation of the method is carried out using various means of education.

means of education- the concept is broader than reception; it includes and implies the organization of methodological ways to solve educational problems. The means of education include various sources of personality formation: types of educational and developmental activities (teaching, work, play, sports), objects, things (toys, technical means, computerization), processes, works and phenomena of spiritual and material culture (art, social work ), nature, etc.

In pedagogical practice, methods, techniques and means closely interact, and the ability to use the entire arsenal of methods, means and techniques in educational work is evidence of the teacher's high professional skills. It should be noted that the applied scientific discipline, which is a branch of the theory of education, is engaged in a special study of the possibilities of methods for organizing educational work. methodology of educational work. Recall that the beginning of the methodology of education was laid by A.S. Makarenko with his work "Methods of organizing the educational process"; later research in this direction was continued by V.A. Sukhomlinsky, N.E. Shchurkova, N.I. Boldyrev, V.S. Selivanov and others.

The creation of a method is a response to the educational task set by life. In the pedagogical literature, you can find a description of a large number of methods that allow you to achieve almost any goal. There are so many methods, and especially different versions (modifications) of methods, that it is only their ordering and classification that helps to understand them, to choose those adequate to the goals and real circumstances. Classification of methods is a system of methods built on a certain basis. Classification helps to discover in methods the general and specific, essential and accidental, theoretical and practical, and thus contributes to their conscious choice, the most effective application. Based on the classification, the teacher not only clearly imagines the system of methods, but also better understands the purpose, the characteristic features of various methods and their modifications.

Any scientific classification begins with the definition of common grounds and the selection of features for ranking objects that make up the subject of classification. There are many such signs, taking into account the method, a multidimensional phenomenon. A separate classification can be made according to any common feature. In practice, they do so, obtaining various systems of methods. Dozens of classifications are known in modern pedagogy, some of which are more suitable for solving practical problems, while others are of only theoretical interest. In most systems of methods, the logical foundations of classification are not clearly expressed. This explains the fact that in practically significant classifications, not one, but several important and general aspects of the method are taken as a basis.

Domestic teachers engaged in active scientific development of the problem of upbringing methods and their classification in the 20s of the XX century, and this is not accidental: the construction of a free socialist society required new pedagogical thinking, new approaches to solving the problems of educating the younger generation. The problem of classifying methods of education turned out to be very complex, debatable and attracted the attention of well-known teachers N.K. Krupskaya, P.P. Blonsky, I.S. Maryenko, Yu.E. Babansky, T.A. Stefonovskaya. Obviously, even today the problem cannot be considered completely solved: work continues and may lead to the emergence of new classification options.

But let us return to the origins of this work and get acquainted with the types of classification of educational methods proposed by pedagogical science, which were based on different approaches and ideas.

1. A.P. Pinkevich (20s) divided upbringing methods into 2 groups, taking as a basis for each the exposure time

- methods of long-term pedagogical influence

- methods are short-term, transient.

2. V.M. Korotov, I.S. Marenko (70s) identified 3 groups of methods

- methods of forming a positive experience of behavior in the process of activity

- methods of formation of consciousness (concepts, judgments)

- Methods of encouragement and punishment.

3. Yu.K. Babansky (80s)

− methods of personality consciousness formation

− methods of organizing activities and shaping the experience of social behavior

− methods of stimulating activity and behavior

Note that the last two classifications are similar to each other, first of all, in that these and the other are based on objects of influence, the focus of the method on a specific sphere of personality is taken into account.

4. I.F. Kharlamov (90s)

− persuasion method

− positive example method

− exercise method

− methods of approval and condemnation

- a method of demanding and controlling the behavior of students. Switching method.

The basis of this classification is the concept of activity.

According to the classification more or less shared by all scientists, the methods of education can be combined into four groups (the convention of this association is obvious):

1. Methods for the formation of consciousness (story, conversation, lecture, discussion, debate, example)

2. Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of behavior (exercises, accustoming, assignment, requirement, creation of educational situations)

3. Methods for stimulating behavior (competition, game, reward, punishment)

4. Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment (observation, surveys, questioning, testing, analysis of performance results).

The degree of influence of each of these groups on the results of education is different, so you should remember the indication of A.S. Makarenko that there cannot be universal methods and means of education and that success in the educational process can be achieved only when all methods are used in a system and in their totality, taking into account the specific focus of each method. In his work "Problems of school Soviet education" A.S. Makarenko wrote that the choice of method should not be random, that this choice is determined by a number of conditions and depends on

- goals and objectives of education,

− level of upbringing of children,

- on the age of pupils and their individual traits,

- on the nature of the relationship between the participants in the educational process,

It is known that modern domestic pedagogical science is based on the concept of an activity approach in education (recall that these are one of the approaches considered by the authors earlier), which states that a person is formed in activity, in its various types: educational, social, aesthetic, labor and etc. The concept of "form of education", "form of educational work" is connected with the diversity of these species.

The form of educational work is an organizational structure, a pedagogical action, an event in which the tasks, content and methods of a specific educational process are implemented. Such a definition of the form of educational work is given in his textbook "Pedagogy" by L.P. Krivshenko, emphasizing that these forms are very diverse, reflect the creative nature of the teacher, his pedagogical skills and can be unique.

N.I. Boldyrev, N.E. Shchurkova and other famous teachers-scientists.

So, according to the number of participants, individual, group, mass forms of education are distinguished. According to the main type of activity, they are divided into forms of cognitive, socially useful, aesthetic, physical culture and health, value-oriented, labor activity. Depending on the methods of educational influence, verbal, practical, visual forms of education are called.. Other classifications are also known, the knowledge of which enriches the practice of educational influence. A creative approach to the choice of forms of education is distinguished by author's schools, in which each event realizes a huge educational potential, affects the rational and emotional spheres of pupils, helps to achieve high results in education, and solve the complex tasks set by society for pupils.

In everyday educational activities, the educator may not think about what method he uses. But faced with the problem of choosing the principal line of his own behavior in complex educational situations, he feels the need to know a certain set of possible solutions to a given educational task. Mastering the methods of education allows the teacher not only to answer the question "What to do every day?", but also to determine what needs to be done next.

Let us consider the general foundations for the choice of methods of education, without affecting either the essence or the content of the methods themselves. What are the reasons for using one method or another? What factors influence the choice of method and force the educator to give preference to one or another way to achieve the goal?

In practice, the task is always not just to apply one of the methods, but to choose the best one - the optimal one. The choice of method is always a search for the optimal way of education. The optimal way is the most profitable way, which allows you to quickly and with reasonable expenditure of energy and means to achieve the intended goal. By choosing the indicators of these costs as optimization criteria, it is possible to compare the effectiveness of various methods of education among themselves.

Many good reasons make it difficult to logically sort through the methods of education and determine the optimal ones. Among these reasons
the following:

1. Fuzzy set of methods. At present, the methods of education are not strictly fixed, they are not unambiguously described. Each pedagogical school puts a different meaning into the content of methods that are identical in name.

2. Plurality of conditions for the application of methods.

3. The only reliable optimization criterion is time, but this criterion is rarely used. We have not yet learned to value time. We conclude: an exemplary system of methods designed for a fuzzy set of conditions using amorphous criteria cannot provide high logical reliability of choice.

An experienced way of solving problems, tested for centuries, based on pedagogical flair, intuition, deep knowledge of the features of methods and causes that cause certain consequences. The educator who better took into account the specific conditions, used the pedagogical action adequate to them and foresaw its consequences, will always achieve higher results in education. The choice of methods of education is a high art. Art based on science. Consider the general reasons that determine the choice of methods of education. First of all, the following should be taken into account:

1. Goals and objectives of education. The goal not only justifies the methods, but also determines them. What is the goal, such should be the methods to achieve it.

3. Age characteristics of pupils. The same tasks are solved by different methods depending on the age of the pupils. Age, as already noted, is not just the number of years lived. Behind him is the acquired social experience, the level of development of psychological and moral qualities

4. The level of formation of the team. With the development of collective forms of self-government, the methods of pedagogical influence do not remain unchanged: the flexibility of management is a necessary condition for successful cooperation between the educator and pupils.

5. Individual and personal characteristics of pupils. General methods, general programs are only the outline of educational interaction. Their individual and personal adjustment is necessary. A humane educator will strive to apply methods that enable each person to develop their abilities, preserve their individuality, and realize their own "I".

6. Conditions of education. In addition to those discussed above - material, psychophysiological, sanitary and hygienic - they also include relationships that develop in the classroom: the climate in the team, the style of pedagogical leadership, etc.

7. Means of education. Methods of upbringing become means when they act as components of the upbringing process. In addition to methods, there are other means of education, with which the methods are closely interconnected and are used in unity. For example, visual aids, works of visual and musical art, mass media are a necessary support for the effective application of methods. The means of education also include various types of activities (game, educational, labor), pedagogical equipment (speech, facial expressions, movements, etc.), means that ensure the normal functioning of teachers and students. The significance of these factors is imperceptible as long as they are within the normal range. But as soon as the norm is violated, their influence on the choice of methods of education can become decisive!

8. Level of pedagogical qualification. The educator chooses only those methods with which he is familiar, which he owns. Many methods are complex, require a lot of effort: disinterested teachers prefer to do without them. The result is a much lower efficiency of education than it could be if using a variety of methods that are adequate to the goals, objectives and conditions.

9. Parenting time. When time is short and the goals are large, "strong" methods are used, in favorable conditions, "sparing" methods of education are used. The division of methods into potent and sparing is conditional: the former are associated with punishments and coercion, the latter are exhortations and gradual accustoming. Powerful methods are usually used in re-education, when it is required to eradicate negative stereotypes of behavior in the shortest possible time.

10. Expected consequences. Choosing a method (methods), the educator must be sure of success. To do this, it is necessary to foresee what results the application of the method will lead to.

The choice of methods should be prepared and assume real conditions for implementation. You cannot choose a method that is not applicable under the given conditions. You can’t set prospects that you still can’t achieve. This goes without saying. Meanwhile, many young teachers often violate this elementary rule. Any reasonable and prepared action of the teacher must be brought to the end, the method requires a logical conclusion. It is important to follow this rule because only in this case the pupils acquire a useful habit of bringing things to the end, and the educator strengthens his authority as an organizer.

The general principle of choosing methods is a humane approach to the child.

Educational methods manifest their content through:

1. Direct influence on the pupil (example, requirement, teaching).

2. Creating conditions and situations that force the pupil to change his attitude, position.

3. Creation of public opinion.

4. Communication, activities organized by the teacher.

5. The processes of information transfer for the purpose of education, and then self-education.

6. Immerse yourself in the world of art and creativity.

Educators must not forget that we are always dealing with a whole system of methods, and never any single means torn out of the system will bring success. Therefore, in life, in practice, one method or technique always supplements, develops or corrects and refines the other, therefore, a comprehensive, systematic, constructive approach to the application of educational methods is needed for the effectiveness of the educational process.

The method does not tolerate a pattern in application. Therefore, the educator every time must look for the most effective means that meet the given conditions, introduce new techniques. To do this, one must penetrate deeply into the essence of the educational situation, which gives rise to the need for a certain impact.

The choice of method depends on the style of pedagogical relations. With comradely relations, one method will be effective, with neutral or negative relations one has to choose other ways of interaction.

The method depends on the nature of the activity it invokes. Making a pupil do an easy or pleasant thing is one thing, but getting him to do serious and unusual work is quite another. When designing methods of education, it is necessary to foresee the mental state of the pupils at the time when the methods will be applied. This is not always a task that can be solved for the educator, but at least the general mood, the attitude of the pupils to the designed methods must be taken into account in advance.

The choice of specific methods of education depends primarily on the general goals and specific educational tasks that determine the content of education, on the characteristics of the children's team and each individual child, on his role and place in the team, on the characteristics of the creative style of the teacher, on the nature of his communication with children, various external circumstances, etc. These circumstances often do not allow the teacher to accurately plan the methodology of educational activities - he must quickly respond to a changed situation and correlate his actions with unforeseen circumstances. This is the essence of creativity, the art of the educator - in the ability to see changes in the team of children and quickly adequately respond to them. But regardless of anything, the main thing in the teacher's activity is a thoughtful, conscious choice and application of educational methods. At the same time, the teacher, starting from the educational goal, is guided by the principles of education and takes into account the relevant conditions of educational influence. If a teacher wants to achieve the highest results in education and completely exhaust all educational opportunities, he must constantly look for the best path to the goal. Templates are unacceptable for a good teacher, he looks for new solutions in the most standard situations, masters new methods and techniques with which you can ensure that, for example, his students learn more deeply the content of moral norms and requirements. It is very important for a teacher to master the variety of upbringing methods, since only a wide coverage of upbringing methods allows the educator to choose and apply, if possible, the most effective methods in specific upbringing conditions, practice their use, test new methods and encourage children's groups to use these methods more effectively.

Even if a certain group of parenting methods is used in the best possible way, it is in itself ineffective. In the educational process, some methods pass into others, change and interpenetrate. In the application of some methods, parallel pedagogical action appears more clearly than in others. Precisely because the beliefs and attitudes of the individual are formed both under the influence of the word and through practical activity, any attempt to create a logically complete system of methods would exceed our capabilities and would be in conflict with the living process of education, with its inherent features, as well as with the requirement creative activity of the teacher.

Methods of organizing activities

Education should form the required type of behavior. Not concepts, beliefs, but specific deeds, actions characterize the upbringing of a person. In this regard, the organization of activities and the formation of the experience of social behavior are considered as the core of the educational process.

All methods of this group are based on the practical activities of pupils. Teachers can manage this activity due to the fact that it can be divided into component parts - specific actions and deeds, and sometimes into smaller parts - operations.

The general method of forming the necessary personality traits is exercise. It has been known since ancient times and has exceptional effectiveness. In the history of pedagogy, there is hardly a case where, with a sufficient number of reasonably selected and properly performed exercises, a person does not form a given type of behavior.

Exercises. In mastering the experience of social behavior, the decisive role belongs to activity. You cannot teach a child to write by telling how others write; it is impossible to teach how to play a musical instrument by demonstrating virtuoso performance. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on the following important conditions:

1) systems of exercises; 2) their content; 3) availability and feasibility of exercises; 4) volume; 5) repetition rate; 6) control and correction;

7) personal characteristics of pupils; 8) place and time of exercise; 9) combinations of individual, group and collective forms of exercises; 10) Motivating and stimulating exercises. When planning a system of exercises, the educator needs to foresee what skills and habits will be developed. The adequacy of the exercises to the projected behavior is another one-story condition for the pedagogical effectiveness of this method. Education should develop vital, important, useful skills and habits. Therefore, educational exercises are not invented, but are taken from life, given by real situations.

To form sustainable skills and habits, you need to start the exercise as early as possible, because the younger the body, the faster habits take root in it. Having become accustomed, a person skillfully manages his feelings, inhibits his desires, if they interfere with the performance of certain duties, controls his actions, correctly evaluates them from the standpoint of the interests of other people. Endurance, self-control skills, organization, discipline, communication culture are qualities that are based on habits formed by upbringing.

Requirement is a method of education, with the help of which the norms of behavior, expressed in personal relationships, cause, stimulate or inhibit certain activities of the pupil and the manifestation of certain qualities in him.

According to the form of presentation, direct and indirect requirements are distinguished. For direct requirement is characterized by imperativeness, certainty, specificity, accuracy, formulations understandable to pupils that do not allow two different interpretations. A demand is made in a decisive tone, and a whole gamut of shades is possible, which are expressed by intonation, voice power, and facial expressions.

Indirect requirement (advice, request, hint, trust, approval, etc.).) differs from the direct one in that it is not so much the demand itself that becomes the stimulus for action, but the psychological factors caused by it: the feelings, interests, aspirations of the pupils. Among the most common forms of indirect requirement are the following:

Requirement-advice. This is an appeal to the consciousness of the pupil, convincing him of the expediency, usefulness, and necessity of the actions recommended by the teacher. The advice will be accepted when the pupil sees in his mentor an older, more experienced comrade, whose authority is recognized and whose opinion he values.

Requirement in game design (requirement-game). Experienced educators use children's inherent desire for play to present a wide variety of requirements. Games give children pleasure, and with them demands are imperceptibly fulfilled, the most humane and effective form of making a demand, which, however, requires a high level of professional skill.

Requirements cause a positive, negative or neutral (indifferent) reaction of pupils. In this regard, positive and negative requirements are distinguished. Direct orders are mostly negative, as they almost always cause a negative reaction from the pupils. Negative indirect demands include judgments and threats. They usually give rise to hypocrisy, dual morality, form external obedience with internal resistance.

According to the method of presentation, direct and indirect requirements are distinguished. The requirement, with the help of which the educator himself achieves the desired behavior from the pupil, is called direct. The requirements of pupils to each other, "organized" by the educator, are indirect requirements.

Habituation is an intensely performed exercise. It is used when it is necessary to quickly and at a high level form the required quality. Often, accustoming is accompanied by painful processes, causes discontent. All barracks education systems are based on hard training, for example, the army, where this method is combined with punishment.

The use of the teaching method in humanistic education systems is justified by the fact that some violence, inevitably present in this method, is directed to the benefit of the person himself, and this is the only violence that can be justified. Humanistic pedagogy opposes hard training, which is contrary to human rights and reminiscent of training, and requires, if possible, mitigation of this method and its use in combination with others, primarily games. Teaching plus play is an effective and humane influence.

Teaching is used at all stages of the educational process, but it is most effective at an early stage. The conditions for the correct application of training are as follows.

1. A clear idea of ​​​​the purpose of education for the educator himself and his pupils. If the educator does not understand well why he seeks to instill certain qualities, whether they will be useful to a person in life, if his pupils do not see the point in certain actions, then accustoming is possible only on the basis of unquestioning obedience. There will be no sense until the child understands that he needs it.

2. When accustoming, it is necessary to clearly and clearly formulate the rule, but not to give official-bureaucratic instructions such as “Be polite”, “Love your homeland”. It’s better to say something like this: “For people to appreciate your irresistible smile, brush your teeth”; "The slob has no future: dirty ears scare people away"; "Greet your neighbor and he will be polite to you."

3. For each period of time, the optimal amount of actions feasible for the pupils should be allocated. It takes time to develop a habit; haste here does not bring the goal closer, but moves it away. First, you need to take care of the accuracy of the execution of actions, and only then - about the speed.

4. Show how actions are performed, what results.

5. It is better to use a series-parallel training scheme.

6. Teaching requires constant supervision. Control must be benevolent, interested, but unrelenting and strict, necessarily combined with self-control.

7. A significant pedagogical effect is provided by learning in a playful way.

The method of instructions gives good results. With the help of instructions, schoolchildren are taught to do positive things. The assignments are of a varied nature: to visit a sick friend and help him in his studies; to make toys for the sponsored kindergarten; decorate a classroom for the holiday, etc. Instructions are also given in order to develop the necessary qualities: the unorganized are given the task of preparing and holding an event that requires accuracy and punctuality, etc.

The incentive method is competition. In recent decades, these traditional levers for manipulating human activity and behavior, scientific research data allow us to add one more - subjective-pragmatic. his selective attitude to education, its values. Competition is a method of directing the natural need of schoolchildren to rivalry and priority on the education of qualities that are necessary for a person and society. Competing with each other, children quickly master the experience of social behavior, develop physical, moral, aesthetic qualities. Competition is especially important for those who are lagging behind: by comparing their results with the achievements of their comrades, they receive new incentives for growth and begin to make more efforts. The goal of the competition is clear to everyone - to be the first. But until recently, schools were wary of formulating it so frankly.

promotion can be called an expression positive assessment of the actions of pupils. It reinforces positive skills and habits. The action of encouragement is based on the excitation of positive emotions. That is why it inspires confidence, creates a pleasant mood, increases responsibility. The types of encouragement are very diverse: approval, encouragement, praise, gratitude, granting honorary rights, awarding diplomas, gifts, etc. Higher-level rewards - thanks, awards, etc. - cause and maintain strong and stable positive emotions that give pupils or the team long-term incentives, as they not only crown long and hard work, but indicate the achievement of a new, higher level. It is necessary to reward solemnly, in front of all pupils, teachers, parents: this greatly enhances the emotional side of stimulation and the experiences associated with it.

Despite its apparent simplicity, the reward method requires careful dosage and a certain amount of caution. A long experience of using the method shows that inability or excessive encouragement can bring not only benefits, but also harm to education. First of all, the psychological side of the encouragement, its consequences are taken into account.

1. Encouraging, educators should strive to ensure that the behavior of the pupil is motivated and directed not by the desire to receive praise or reward, but by inner convictions, moral motives.

2. Encouragement should not oppose the pupil to the rest of the team. Therefore, not only the guys who have achieved success deserve encouragement, but also those who conscientiously worked for the common good, showed an example of an honest attitude towards him. It is necessary to encourage those who showed high moral qualities - diligence, responsibility, responsiveness, helping others, although they did not achieve outstanding personal success.

3. Encouragement should start with answering questions -
to whom, how much and for what. Therefore, it must match
the merits of the pupil, his individual characteristics,
place in the team and not be too frequent. When choosing rewards, it is important to find a measure worthy of the pupil. Immoderate praise leads to arrogance.

4. Encouragement requires a personal approach. It is very important to encourage the insecure, lagging behind in time. Encouraging the positive qualities of students, the educator instills confidence in them, educates purposefulness and independence, the desire to overcome difficulties. The pupil, justifying the trust placed, overcomes his shortcomings.

5. Perhaps the main thing in the current upbringing is to observe justice.

OK - simplest form of promotion. The educator can express approval with a gesture, facial expressions, a positive assessment of the behavior or work of the pupils, the team, trust in the form of an assignment, encouragement in front of the class, teachers or parents.

Among the oldest methods of education punishment- the most famous. In modern pedagogy, disputes do not stop not only about the appropriateness of its application, but also on all special issues of methodology - who, where, when, how much and for what purpose to punish. Apparently, teachers will not come to complete unanimity soon, judging by the fact that now there are sharply polar views - from a significant tightening of punishments to their complete abolition. Some educators propose to consider the intensity of punishment as a criterion for the humanization of the educational system, a touchstone of its resilience. The content of punishment in the old school was the experience of suffering. Other, not without meaning, arguments were put forward, thanks to which punishment occupied a prominent place in the arsenal of educational means. Even such a well-known teacher of the last century as N.I. Pirogov, being the trustee of the Kiev district, for educational institutions, put forward a system of physical punishments, including flogging, for which he was subjected to devastating criticism by N.A. Dobrolyubov.

Punishment is a method of pedagogical influence, which should prevent undesirable actions, slow them down, and cause a feeling of guilt in front of oneself and other people. Like other methods of education, punishment is designed for the gradual transformation of external stimuli into internal stimuli.

The following types of punishment are known related to: 1) the imposition of additional duties; 2) deprivation or restriction of certain rights; 3) an expression of moral censure, condemnation. In the current school, various forms of punishment are practiced: disapproval, remark, censure, warning, discussion at the meeting, punishment, suspension, expulsion from school, etc.

Among the pedagogical conditions that determine the effectiveness of the punishment method are the following.

1. The force of punishment increases if it comes from the collective or is supported by it. The student experiences a sense of guilt more acutely if his offense was condemned not only by the educator, but also by his closest comrades and friends. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on public opinion.

2. It is not recommended to apply group punishments. In well-organized collectives, commissioners are sometimes punished for the misconduct of the whole collective, but this issue is so delicate that it requires a very careful analysis of the whole situation.

3. If the decision to punish is made, then the offender must be punished.

4. Punishment is effective when it is clear to the student, and he considers it fair. After punishment, they do not remember him, but maintain normal relations with the student.

5. Using punishment, you can not insult the pupil. They are punished not out of personal hostility, but out of pedagogical necessity. The formula "misdemeanor - punishment" must be strictly observed.

6. When deciding what to punish for, it is recommended to follow the following line of development: from punishments aimed primarily at inhibiting negative actions, character traits, habits, to punishments, the main meaning of which is to develop certain positive qualities.

7. The basis for the application of the punishment method is a conflict situation. But not all violations and deviations from the norm lead to real conflicts, and, consequently, it is far from necessary to resort to punishments for every violation. It is impossible to give any general recipes on the question of punishment, since each offense is always individual, and depending on who committed it, under what circumstances, what are the reasons that prompted him to commit, the punishment can be different - from the lightest to the most severe.

8. Punishment is a powerful method. A teacher's mistake in punishment is much more difficult to correct than in any other case.

9. Don't let punishment become a weapon of revenge. Cultivate the belief that the pupil is being punished for his own good. Do not take the path of formal measures of influence, because punishment is effective only when it is maximally individualized.

10. Individualization, personal orientation of punishments does not mean a violation of justice. This is a very serious pedagogical problem. The teacher must determine for himself: if he takes a personal approach, then punishments, like rewards, are differentiated; if he rejects the individual approach, as the Prussian school mentioned above, he sees only the offense, but not the person who committed it. It is necessary to explain your pedagogical position to the pupils, then they will understand why the teacher acts one way or another. It makes sense to ask their opinion, to find out what position they share.

11. Punishment requires pedagogical tact, a good knowledge of developmental psychology, as well as an understanding that punishment alone cannot help the cause. Therefore, punishment is used only in combination with other methods of education.

The subjective-pragmatic method of stimulating the activity and behavior of pupils is based on creating conditions when being ill-mannered, uneducated, violating discipline and public order becomes unprofitable, economically unprofitable. The development of social and economic relations from early childhood plunges children into fierce competition and makes them prepare for life with all seriousness. It is not surprising that school education in developed countries is becoming more and more utilitarian and is essentially subordinated to one main goal - to find a job after graduating from an educational institution, not to be left without a livelihood.

Teachers use the tense socio-economic situation for educational purposes. First of all, they emphasize the close connection between good school education and the future socio-economic situation of a person: using concrete examples, they convince that poorly educated, uneducated people have little chance of taking good positions, find themselves in low-paid and low-prestige jobs, and are the first to join the ranks of the unemployed. In this regard, education acquires an acutely personal orientation, when the pupil strives with all his might to earn positive reviews, which most enterprises in a number of countries have made a prerequisite for entering a job or study. If academic success, they believe, depends on abilities and is not given to everyone, then everyone should be well-mannered citizens.

Specific modifications of the subjective-pragmatic method are as follows: 1) contracts that pupils conclude with educators, where the obligations of the parties are clearly defined; 2) personal self-improvement cards (self-education programs), which are compiled by educators and parents; 3) differentiated interest groups.

At the same time, educational methods have their own characteristics.

1. The source of educational influences can be not only teachers, parents, adults in general, but also children's groups, associations that exert influence through various forms of life and activity. The teacher purposefully uses the educational opportunities of the team. Therefore, students are not only objects of influence, but also subjects of the educational process. In the same way, the methods of education in combination with purposeful pedagogical guidance become methods of influencing the collective on the individual.

2. Impacts that lead to a change or development of the properties (qualities) of the individual achieve these goals in the process of various activities. The teacher must organize this activity and create conditions in which students can develop in themselves and experience in practice certain qualities projected by the plan and program of educational work.

3. With the help of upbringing methods, students' own activity is developed and stimulated. Methods of upbringing should be aimed at stimulating the activity of children to achieve the goals set and at turning these goals into prospects for the activities of the team.

4. The orientation of the methods to the formation of a holistic personality, due to which the methods of education should be used only as an integral system. Sometimes the methods of upbringing are considered in isolation from each other: the formation of certain personality traits is directly dependent on the use of certain upbringing methods. For example, the consciousness of a person and his worldview are formed using the method of persuasion, and behavior - using the method of exercise. Of course, certain methods can be used in certain situations. However, special attention should be paid to the fact that when applying any method, the teacher must keep in mind its impact on the personality as a whole.

The application of any method should be conceived not as an isolated act, but necessarily in the logic of the operation of the entire system of methods. Thus, the effect of using reward or punishment depends on how these methods are perceived by the team, how they are combined with other methods. It is important to remember that the teacher always, even without realizing it, has an educational impact on children. Children follow his appearance, how he speaks, how he dresses, whether he takes into account the interests of children, whether he understands the problems of children, whether his words correspond to deeds.

Since ancient times, many philosophers have proposed their methods of education. They, the methods, did not develop by chance, but in accordance with the way of life of different peoples. Therefore, there are many methods of education. Today you got acquainted with the general methods of education. I also found out that each specific child needs a different approach. Just because one method works for one child does not mean it will work for another. From the foregoing, we can conclude that the topic "methods of education" is relevant today.

§ 1. The essence of the methods of education and their classification

The concept of methods of education. In a complex and dynamic pedagogical process, the teacher has to solve countless typical and original tasks of upbringing, which are always the tasks of social management, since they are addressed to the harmonious development of the individual. As a rule, these problems are with many unknowns, with a complex and variable composition of initial data and possible solutions. In order to confidently predict the desired result, to make unmistakable scientifically based decisions, the teacher must professionally master the methods of education.

Under the methods of education should be understood the ways of professional interaction between the teacher and students in order to solve educational problems. Reflecting the dual nature of the pedagogical process, methods are one of those mechanisms that ensure the interaction of the educator and pupils. This interaction is not built on an equal footing, but under the sign of the leading and guiding role of the teacher, who acts as the leader and organizer of the pedagogically expedient life and activities of students.

The method of education is divided into its constituent elements (parts, details), which are called methodological techniques. In relation to the method, the techniques are private, subordinate. They do not have an independent pedagogical task, but are subordinate to the task pursued by this method. The same methodological techniques can be used in different methods. Conversely, the same method for different teachers may include different techniques.

Methods of education and methodological techniques are closely related to each other, they can make mutual transitions, replace each other in specific pedagogical situations. In some circumstances, the method acts as an independent way of solving a pedagogical problem, in others - as a technique that has a private purpose. Conversation, for example, is one of the main methods of forming consciousness, attitudes and beliefs. At the same time, it can become one of the main methodological techniques used at various stages of the implementation of the teaching method.

Thus, the method includes a number of tricks, but it is not a simple sum of them. Receptions at the same time determine the originality of the methods of work of the teacher, give individuality to the manner of his pedagogical activity. In addition, using a variety of techniques, you can get around or smooth out the complexities of a dynamic educational process.

Often, methodological techniques and the methods themselves are identified with the means of education, which are closely related to them and are used in unity. The means include, on the one hand, various types of activities (playing, educational, labor, etc.), and on the other hand, a set of objects and works of material and spiritual culture involved in pedagogical work (visual aids, historical, artistic and popular science literature, works of visual and musical art, technical devices, mass media, etc.).

The process of education is characterized by versatility of content, exceptional richness and mobility of organizational forms. This is directly related to the variety of methods of education. There are methods that reflect the content and specifics of education; there are methods that are directly focused on working with younger or older students; there are methods of work in some specific conditions. But there are also general methods of education in the education system. They are called general because the scope of their application extends to the entire educational process.

Classification of general methods of education. To date, an extensive scientific fund has been accumulated, revealing the essence and patterns of functioning of upbringing methods. Their classification helps to identify the general and the special, the essential and the accidental, the theoretical and the practical, and thus contributes to their expedient and more effective use, helps to understand the purpose and characteristic features inherent in individual methods.

Based on the foregoing, we offer a system of general methods of education:

Methods for the formation of personality consciousness (story, conversation, lecture, debate, example method);

Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of a person's social behavior (training, the method of creating educational situations, pedagogical requirements, instruction, illustrations and demonstrations);

Methods of stimulating and motivating the activity and behavior of the individual (competition, cognitive game, discussion, emotional impact, encouragement, punishment, etc.);

Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment in education.

In the real conditions of the pedagogical process, methods appear in a complex and contradictory unity. What is decisive here is not the logic of individual "isolated" means, but their harmoniously organized system. Of course, at some particular stage of the pedagogical process, one or another method can be applied in a more or less isolated form. But without appropriate reinforcement by other methods, without interaction with them, it loses its purpose, slows down the movement of the educational process towards the intended goal.

§ 2. Methods for the formation of personality consciousness

A story is a sequential presentation of predominantly factual material, carried out in a descriptive or narrative form. It is widely used in teaching humanities, as well as in presenting biographical material, characterizing images, describing objects, natural phenomena, and social events. A number of requirements are imposed on the story as a method of pedagogical activity: consistency, consistency and evidence of presentation; clarity, figurativeness, emotionality; taking into account age characteristics, including in relation to duration (10 minutes in primary grades and 30 minutes in senior grades).

Of great importance, especially in the younger and middle age, is the story in the organization of value-oriented activity. Influencing the feelings of children, the story helps them understand and assimilate the meaning of the moral assessments and norms of behavior contained in it. An example of this kind of stories can be the stories of L.N. Tolstoy "Kostochka", V.A. Oseeva "Sons" and others. joy, pride) or indignation at the negative actions and deeds of the heroes of the story; reveal the content of moral concepts and norms of behavior; present an image of moral behavior and arouse the desire to imitate a positive example.

If with the help of the story it is not possible to provide a clear and precise understanding in cases where it is necessary to prove the correctness of any provisions (laws, principles, rules, norms of behavior, etc.), the explanation method is used. The explanation is characterized by an evidentiary form of presentation, based on the use of logically connected inferences that establish the truth of this judgment. In many cases, the explanation is combined with student observations, teacher-to-student questions, and student-to-teacher questions, and can develop into a conversation.

Conversation as a method of education has been used since ancient times. In the Middle Ages, the so-called catechetical conversation was widely used as a reproduction of questions and answers from a textbook or teacher's formulations. In today's school, conversation in this form is practically not used. This is a question-answer method of active interaction between the teacher and students.

The main thing in the conversation is a carefully thought-out system of questions that gradually leads students to gain new knowledge. Preparing for a conversation, the teacher, as a rule, should outline the main, additional, leading, clarifying questions. An inductive conversation usually develops into a so-called heuristic one, since students from private observations come to general conclusions under the guidance of a teacher. In the deductive construction of a conversation, first a rule is given, a general conclusion, and then its reinforcement, argumentation is organized.

The most widespread conversations received in educational practice. With all the richness and diversity of the content, the conversations have as their main purpose to involve the students themselves in the assessment of events, actions, phenomena of public life and, on this basis, to form in them an adequate attitude to the surrounding reality, to their civil, political and moral duties. At the same time, the persuasive meaning of the problems discussed during the conversation will be much higher if they find support in the child's personal experience, in his deeds, deeds, and actions.

The conversation should be based on facts that reveal the social, moral or aesthetic content of certain aspects of social life. Such facts, positive or negative, can be the activity of a certain person or its individual property, a moral rule fixed in a word, a generalized literary image, an organized or planned pedagogical model. The form of presentation of individual episodes and facts may be different, but it must certainly lead students to reflection, the result of which is the recognition of a certain personality quality behind this or that act. Recognition and correct assessment of personality traits requires the ability to isolate the motives and goals of human behavior and compare them with generally accepted norms, analyze facts, highlight the essential features of each learned concept, and distract them from all accompanying, but secondary manifestations of personality in this case.

The conversation, as a rule, begins with a substantiation of its topic, which should prepare students for the upcoming discussion as a vital, not a far-fetched matter. At the main stage of the conversation, the teacher gives a starting point, material for discussion, and then poses questions in such a way that students freely express their opinions, come to independent conclusions and generalizations. In the final speech, the teacher sums up all the statements, formulates on their basis the most rational, from his point of view, solution to the problem under discussion, outlines a specific program of action to consolidate the norm adopted as a result of the conversation in the practice of behavior and activities of students.

A particular difficulty for a young teacher is individual conversations. Unfortunately, such conversations are most often held in connection with the often occurring local conflicts and violations of discipline. The teacher reacts to such facts either immediately or through a delayed conversation. But it will be better if individual conversations are held according to a predetermined plan, in a certain system. Then they are proactive in nature, make individual adjustments to the overall program of pedagogical influences.

The story and conversation prepare the transition to a more complex method of organizing cognitive activity - to a lecture. A lecture as a method must be distinguished from a lecture as an organizational form of interaction between a teacher and students in the educational process. A lecture at school is in many ways closer to a story, but at the same time it is distinguished by a greater informative and cognitive capacity, a greater complexity of logical constructions, images, proofs and generalizations, and a longer duration. That is why lectures are used mainly in the upper grades of secondary school, in evening (shift) schools, in technical schools and universities.

Accumulating in itself the possibility of a detailed and organized systematic presentation of the essence of a particular problem of socio-political, moral, aesthetic and other content, the lecture method is widely used in extracurricular educational work. The logical center of the lecture is some theoretical generalization related to the field of scientific knowledge. The specific facts that form the basis of a conversation or story serve here only as an illustration or as an initial, starting point.

The persuasiveness of the evidence and arguments, the validity and compositional harmony, unfeigned pathos, the lively and sincere word of the teacher determine the ideological and emotional impact of the lectures.

High school students are especially sensitive to the bright and independent style of thinking of the teacher, to his ability to find an original, unexpected turn of the topic, to separate fact from opinion about fact, to express their personal attitude to the material being reported. The widespread development of the mass media has given rise to the phenomenon of forced awareness of schoolchildren about various events and aspects of the modern world. This, of course, cannot be ignored. At the same time, it is not difficult to see that for many students semi-knowledge appears to be real knowledge. Under these conditions, it is all the more necessary to teach schoolchildren to go beyond the obvious, to make the transition from phenomenon to essence.

The methods of education also include discussions and disputes, although with no less reason they can be considered as methods of stimulating the cognitive and, in general, social activity of pupils.

Situations of a cognitive dispute, discussion, with their skillful organization, attract the attention of schoolchildren to different scientific points of view on a particular problem, encourage them to comprehend different approaches to argumentation. At the same time, they can also be created in the study of ordinary, seemingly non-debatable questions, if students are invited to express their judgments about the causes of a particular phenomenon, to substantiate their point of view on established ideas. A prerequisite for discussion is the presence of at least two opposing opinions on the issue under discussion. Naturally, in an educational discussion, the teacher should have the last word, although this does not mean that his conclusions are the ultimate truth.

Unlike a discussion, where a decision that has been established and accepted by scientific authorities must nevertheless be made, a dispute as a method of forming judgments, assessments and beliefs in the process of cognitive and value-oriented activity does not require definite and final decisions. The dispute, like the discussion, is based on a long-discovered pattern, which consists in the fact that the knowledge obtained during the clash of opinions, different points of view, is always distinguished by a high degree of generalization, stability and flexibility. The dispute perfectly matches the age characteristics of a high school student, whose emerging personality is characterized by a passionate search for the meaning of life, the desire not to take anything for granted, the desire to compare facts in order to clarify the truth.

Dispute makes it possible to analyze concepts and arguments, defend one's views, and convince other people of them. To participate in a dispute, it is not enough to express your point of view, you need to discover the strengths and weaknesses of the opposite judgment, pick up evidence that refutes the fallacy of one and confirms the reliability of the other point of view. Dispute teaches the courage to give up a false point of view in the name of truth.

In pedagogical terms, it is extremely important that the issues scheduled for discussion contain a vital, significant problem for schoolchildren, really excite them, call for an open, sincere conversation. The topic of the debate can be suggested by the students themselves. Why does behavior not always coincide with the requirements of life? Where do the indifferent come from? How to understand the words of L.N. Tolstoy "Calm is spiritual meanness"? How to become the blacksmith of your own happiness? These and other questions may well become the subject of discussion, a free and unconstrained exchange of views.

Dispute requires careful preparation of both the educator and the students. Questions submitted for discussion are prepared in advance, and it is useful to involve the students themselves in their development and compilation. On the advice of A. S. Makarenko, the teacher at the debate should be able to say so that the students feel his will, culture, personality in his word. A real teacher is in no hurry to reject erroneous judgments, will not allow himself to rudely interfere in the dispute, categorically impose his point of view. He must be delicate and patient, passionate and angry, imperturbable and ironic. Such a manner does not offend or humiliate anyone, does not discourage schoolchildren from participating in polemics and frankly expressing their views. The leader of the dispute definitely does not fit the figure of silence and prohibition. Any reticence leaves room for speculation, distorted guesses, misinterpretations. The most general purpose of disputes and discussions is to create an indicative basis for creative searches and independent decisions.

The example method is used in the structure of a holistic pedagogical process. The emerging consciousness of a schoolchild is constantly looking for support in real-life, living, concrete samples that embody the ideas and ideals they assimilate. This search is actively promoted by the phenomenon of imitation, which serves as the psychological basis of the example as a method of pedagogical influence. Imitation is not blind copying: it forms in children actions of a new type, both coinciding in general terms with the ideal, and original, similar in the leading idea of ​​the example. By imitation, a young person develops social and moral goals of personal behavior, socially established ways of activity.

The nature of imitative activity changes with age, as well as in connection with the expansion of the student's social experience, depending on his intellectual and moral development. A younger student usually chooses ready-made models for himself to follow, influencing him with an external example. Imitation in adolescents is accompanied by more or less independent judgments and is selective. In adolescence, imitation is significantly restructured. It becomes more conscious and critical, relies on an active internal processing of perceived patterns, is associated with an increase in the role of ideological, moral and civic motives.

There are at least three stages in the mechanism of imitation. At the first stage, as a result of the perception of a specific action of another person, the student develops a subjective image of this action, a desire to do the same. However, the link between role model and follow-up may not arise here. This connection is formed in the second stage. At the third stage, there is a synthesis of imitative and independent actions, which is actively influenced by life and specially created educational situations.

Thus, imitation and the example based on it can and should find a worthy application in the pedagogical process. K. D. Ushinsky drew attention to this. He emphasized that educational power flows only from the living source of the human personality, that the upbringing of a personality can be influenced only by a personality. In the eyes of schoolchildren, only that deed deserves imitation, which is committed by an authoritative and respected person. This fully applies to the teacher. The teacher with all his behavior and in all his actions and actions should serve as an example for students, be an example of high morality, conviction, culture, adherence to principles and broad erudition.

§ 3. Methods of organizing activities and forming the experience of social behavior of the individual

A person as a subject of labor, cognition and communication is formed in the process of activity that provides scientific exploration of reality, arouses interest, feelings, generates new needs, activates will, energy - all that serves as building material for the development and formation of personality.

As the basis of a healthy life, activity is the most important source of enriching schoolchildren with the experience of social relations and social behavior.

Every activity consists of operations and actions. Operations are processes whose goals are not in themselves, but in the action of which they are an element. Actions are processes, the motives of which are in the activity in which they are included. The educational process consists in the fact that the teacher makes the transition from managing operations to managing actions, and then to managing the activities of students.

Pedagogical science has discovered a number of general patterns that determine the methods of pedagogical management of activities and the formation of the experience of social behavior:

All activities that have public goals potentially have certain developmental and educational opportunities. Each such activity contains all the necessary components for the assimilation of only the relevant

knowledge, experience. However, one activity cannot replace all others. Therefore, in the process of education, it is advisable to use a set of activities;

Even an activity that is objectively valuable to society may not have a positive effect on the pupil if it does not have "personal meaning" for him (A.N. Leontiev). A social relation is only revealed to a person, becomes his personal relation, when the meaning-forming motive of activity is adequate to this relation;

As a result of pedagogical influences, schoolchildren form a readiness to choose the goal and methods of activity. Being an ideal anticipation of the expected result (P.K. Anokhin), the goal of a person is the force that determines the method and nature of his actions;

In relation to the formation of the student's personality, activity remains a neutral process if the appropriate methods of its pedagogical instrumentation are not found and implemented. In this instrumentation, various methods and techniques must be combined in a certain way, providing motivation, accustoming and exercising students, shaping their experience of social behavior.

Teaching reveals the greatest effectiveness in the early stages of the upbringing and development of children. The application of this method requires compliance with certain pedagogical conditions. Teaching is impossible without a clear idea of ​​what is to be learned. When prescribing a particular course of action to students, it is necessary to express it in the shortest and clearest possible rule. For each given period of time, a minimum of individual actions that make up this form of behavior should be allocated. Experienced teachers attach great importance to showing a model of the form of behavior being brought up, creating a positive attitude towards it. It takes time to develop a habit, haste here does not lead to the goal. First, you should achieve the accuracy of the action being performed, and only then - the speed. The method of accustoming involves control over the performance of an action. Control requires a benevolent, interested attitude of the teacher to the pupils, the identification and analysis of emerging difficulties, and the discussion of ways to further work. It is even more important to organize self-control of students.

The method of accustoming varies depending on age, living conditions and upbringing. It is not always expedient, for example, to openly set before children the task of mastering this or that mode of behavior. The teacher in this case organizes the activity of the children in such a way that, repeating it with pleasure, they, imperceptibly for themselves, freely and naturally get used to the desired form of behavior. Sometimes it becomes necessary to openly challenge students to learn to behave in a certain way, for example: to be polite, helpful, disciplined. A third way is also possible, when it is possible to arouse in students the desire to cultivate in themselves one or another quality of personality (modesty, endurance, self-control, etc.). This desire encourages the student to master the appropriate habits.

The forms of social behavior that have become habitual for pupils are distinguished by flexibility and generalization, they easily manifest themselves in different circumstances, adopting specific methods of action appropriate to these circumstances.

One of the proven means of accustoming to given forms of behavior is the mode of life and activity of students. According to A.S. Makarenko, the absence of a reasonable, consistently implemented regime, of legal limits for an act cannot be compensated for by any verbal wisdom. The stricter and more definite the regime, the better the dynamic stereotype is formed, which underlies the formation of habits.

The teaching method is closely related to the exercise method. The basis of accustoming is the child's mastery of the predominantly procedural side of activity, and the exercise makes it personally significant. The activity performed by the schoolchild appears here in the unity of its purpose and operational structure as an exercise in the right deed.

The inclusion of children in activities creates conditions for them to act in accordance with the norms and rules of behavior accepted in society. Activities provide children with the practical experience of collective relations. Exercise has nothing to do with mechanical learning and training in the spirit of behavioral psychology: stimulus-response-reinforcement.

In real life and the activities of the school team, situations are constantly being born in which the entire system of educational relations that have developed in it is revealed and tested for strength. To open this situation, to expose the conflict contained in it, the emerging or already urgent problem is within the power of any thoughtful teacher. However, often he cannot wait for such a natural combination of circumstances. He himself has to create such an external environment that causes in students the necessary mental state, ideas, feelings, motives, actions. Such specially organized pedagogical conditions are usually called educational situations.

In essence, these are exercises in a situation of free choice. The student in them is faced with the need to choose a certain solution from several possible options: to use the privileges himself, to give way to another, to remain silent, to tell the truth, to say "I don't know." In search of a way out of the situation created by the teacher, the student reviews, rethinks and restructures his behavior, brings it into line with new requirements, changing conditions of activity and communication. In other words, the search for a way out of a situation specially created by the teacher is an exercise in moral behavior, the work of not only the mind, but also the heart.

pedagogical requirement. In the requirement as the initial method of organizing activity, the effect of such a regularity of the pedagogical process as the dialectic of external and internal is most clearly revealed. The pedagogical requirement should not only outstrip the development of the personality, but also turn into the pupil's requirements for himself. It can appear before the student as a specific real task that he must complete in the process of a particular activity. The requirement can reveal the internal contradictions of the pedagogical process, fix shortcomings in the behavior, activities and communication of students and thereby encourage them to further growth and development. Requirements help to restore order and discipline in the school, bring the spirit of organization into the activities and behavior of students. According to the form of presentation, direct and indirect requirements are distinguished. They will be discussed in more detail below.

Organizing the educational process, the teacher should strive to ensure that his requirement becomes the requirement of the team itself. The reflection of the collective demand is public opinion. Combining assessments, judgments, the will of the collective, public opinion acts as an active and influential force, which in the hands of a skilled teacher performs the function of a pedagogical method.

It is essential for the teacher to comply with the measure in presenting requirements to students. K.D. Ushinsky wrote about this: “Accustom the child to obey easy requirements at first, without restricting his independence either by their many or by their difficulty, and you can be sure that it will be easier for him to obey your new decrees. If, having constrained the child many rules at once, you force him to break one or the other of them, then you yourself will be to blame if the habits you inculcate do not take root and you lose the help of this great educational power.

1 Ushinsky K.D. Collected works: In 6 volumes - M., 1990. - T. 6. - S. 397.

The presentation of requirements, in addition, is determined by the established rules of conduct, criteria for assessing knowledge, skills and abilities in all subjects, established internal regulations and other factors.

§ 4. Methods of stimulating and motivating the activity and behavior of the individual

Any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives qualitative results, if at the same time the person has strong, vivid, deep motives that cause a desire to act actively, with full dedication of strength, to overcome inevitable difficulties, adverse conditions and other circumstances, persistently moving towards the intended goal. Activity motivation is closely related to its stimulation. To stimulate means to induce, to give impetus, an impetus to thought, feeling and action. In order to reinforce and enhance the impact on the student's personality of certain factors, various stimulation methods are used, among which the most common are competition, cognitive game, encouragement, punishment, etc.

Competition. Competition in the pedagogical process is built by the teacher, taking into account the undoubted socio-psychological fact that children, adolescents and young men are highly characterized by the desire for healthy rivalry, priority, superiority, self-affirmation. Involving students in the struggle to achieve the best results in studies, work and social activities raises the lagging behind to the level of the advanced, stimulates the development of creative activity, initiative, innovative initiatives, responsibility and collectivism.

There is currently no competition based on specific measures of student achievement, and should not be. However, it would be wrong to completely exclude competition from the most important area of ​​life and activity of schoolchildren. The experience of the best schools shows that the use of competition in academic work is possible and brings obvious benefits if it is conducted for a conscientious attitude to learning. The conditions of the competition for younger students, for example, include the following obligations: always do homework, work diligently, not have comments in class, have neat notebooks, strictly follow the school and home daily routine, read additional literature.

The competition can be collective and individual, designed for a long time and episodic. In the process of organizing and conducting it, it is necessary to observe traditional principles: transparency, concreteness of indicators, comparability of results, the possibility of practical use of best practices.

In recent years, many opponents of various kinds of competitions have appeared, which allegedly contradict the basic principles of humanistic pedagogy. It is possible to compare

only the pace of personal advancement, i.e. compare the child of today with himself, but yesterday. However, given the thoughtful organization of the competition, it does not in the least contradict the idea of ​​respect for the individual. Moreover, its effectiveness increases significantly with a reasonable saturation of both educational and extracurricular activities arising from the very logic of the educational process, situations of experiencing success associated with positive emotional experiences.

Students who experience certain difficulties in learning are especially in need of experiencing situations of success. In this regard, it is necessary to select tasks that students of this category could cope with without much difficulty, and only then move on to more complex exercises. In the experience of advanced teachers, the so-called dual tasks are used for this purpose, where the first one prepares for the performance of another, more complex one. A reliable way to create situations of success is a differentiated approach to determining the content of the activity and the nature of assistance to students in its implementation. Natural in this case should be verbal encouragement, encouragement of the student, causing him to be confident in his abilities, the desire to meet the assessment of the teacher. An important role in creating situations of success is played by the general moral and psychological atmosphere of performing certain tasks, since this largely removes the feeling of insecurity, fear of starting outwardly difficult tasks.

The methods of stimulating activity include role-playing games, which, given the age, are widely used in primary grades. They adjoin situations of experiencing success, since they are also aimed at creating situations, but playful ones, causing, like the previous ones, vivid emotional experiences. As a rule, in this case, along with children, well-known fairy-tale characters become "participants in the pedagogical process."

Encouragement is a way of expressing a public positive assessment of the behavior and activities of an individual student or team. Its stimulating role is determined by the fact that it contains public recognition of the course of action that is chosen and carried out by the student in life. Experiencing a sense of satisfaction, the student experiences a rise in vivacity and energy, self-confidence and further movement forward.

It cannot be assumed that approval and encouragement are useful always and everywhere. The educational value of encouragement increases if it includes an assessment not only of the result, but also of the motive and methods of activity. It is necessary to teach children to value most of all the very fact of approval, and not its prestigious weight: it is bad if the student expects a reward for the slightest success. Encouragement is especially necessary for children who are timid and insecure. Incentives most often have to be resorted to when working with younger students and adolescents, who are especially sensitive to the assessment of their actions and behavior in general. But it is better if it will be collective encouragement. The teacher must equally take care that students do not appear praised and students who are bypassed by public attention. The strength of the educational influence of encouragement depends on how objective it is and how much it finds support in the public opinion of the team.

The attitude to punishment in pedagogy is very contradictory and ambiguous. To a large extent, under the influence of the theory of free education in the early years of the Soviet school, punishments were generally prohibited. Justifying the legitimacy of punishment as one of the methods of pedagogical influence, A. S. Makarenko wrote: “A reasonable system of penalties is not only legal, but also necessary. overcome them."

1 Makarenko A. S. Works: In 7 volumes - M., 1958. - T. 5. - S. 399.

Punishment is such an impact on the student's personality, which expresses the condemnation of actions and deeds that are contrary to the norms of social behavior, and forces students to follow them unswervingly. Punishment corrects the child's behavior, makes it clear to him where and what he made a mistake, causes a feeling of dissatisfaction, discomfort, shame. A. S. Makarenko called this state "pushing out of the general ranks." This state gives rise to the student's need to change his behavior. But punishment in no case should cause the child suffering - neither physical nor moral. There is no depression in punishment, but there is an experience of alienation from the team, even if it is temporary and small.

The means of the method of punishment are the teacher's remarks, an offer to stand at a desk, a call for suggestion to the pedagogical council, a reprimand in an order for a school, transfer to a parallel class or to another school, expulsion from school and referral to a school for difficult-to-educate students. Such a form of punishment as a change in attitude towards the pupil on the part of the teacher or class team can also be applied. In AS Makarenko, we find cases of defiant refusal to punish, when the team expresses distrust of the pupil.

Skillful use of punishment requires pedagogical tact and a certain skill from the teacher. Any punishment must be accompanied by an analysis of the causes and conditions that gave rise to a particular offense. In those cases where the student violated the rules of behavior thoughtlessly, by accident, you can limit yourself to a conversation or a simple reproach. Punishment brings success when it is consistent with the public opinion of the collective. The teacher does wrong if he punishes on suspicion. Collective punishments should be avoided whenever possible, as they can lead to the association of students who violate public order and discipline. Punishment must not be abused. Unexpected, unusual penalties are much stronger.

The use of the method of punishment in any form in order to stimulate and motivate learning can only be justified in exceptional situations.

§ 5. Methods of control, self-control and self-esteem in education

Management of the process of education is impossible without feedback, which characterizes its effectiveness. Methods of control, self-control and self-assessment in education help to fulfill this function.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the educational process, it is necessary to study the activities and behavior of the students. The effectiveness of education is understood as the degree of compliance of the achieved results with the goals of education.

The indicators of the upbringing of schoolchildren can be judged by the degree of their participation in all the main types of activities corresponding to their age: gaming, educational, labor, social, etc., and the effectiveness of this participation.

Important indicators of the upbringing of schoolchildren are their communication and relationships in a team, with peers, elders, etc. The nature of communication and behavior of schoolchildren largely determines the effectiveness of educational influences on a person.

The indicators of a person’s upbringing should also include her awareness, primarily in the field of moral, cultural, aesthetic, etc.

None of these indicators can be considered on its own, since it is impossible to separate the consciousness, actions, behavior and communication of the individual. Any subdivision of them is conditional and is used only for the purpose of a more detailed and element-by-element study of the general level of upbringing of students. The same must be said about the conditionality of identifying the appropriate methods of education and evaluating its effectiveness.

The general analysis of the pedagogical process consists of an assessment of its resultant component (it was discussed above) and the procedural one, reflecting the nature of the process. It is necessary to evaluate the actions of the educators themselves, the correctness of their approach to students, the nature of the style of communication and interaction approved by them, their influence on the development of initiative and amateur performance of students. Consideration in the unity of productive and procedural indicators makes the study of education objective.

The main methods of control include: pedagogical observation of students; conversations aimed at revealing good breeding; surveys (questionnaire, oral, etc.); analysis of the results of socially useful activities, activities of student self-government bodies; creating situations for studying the behavior of students.

Pedagogical observation is characterized by a direct perception of the activity, communication, behavior of the individual in the integrity and dynamics of their change. There are various types of observation - direct and indirect, open and hidden, continuous and discrete, monographic and narrow, etc.

In order to successfully use observation to study the upbringing of a person, it is necessary to conduct it with a specific goal, to master the program for studying the personality, the criteria for assessing its upbringing.

Observations must be systematic. It is important to think carefully about the system for fixing the observed facts (entries in the diary of observations, in the observation map, etc.).

Conversations with pupils help teachers to find out the degree of awareness of students in the field of moral problems, norms and rules of behavior, to identify the reasons for deviations from the implementation of these norms when they are observed. At the same time, teachers record the opinions and statements of students in order to assess the quality of their educational influences, the attitude of children towards each other, their likes, dislikes, etc.

Increasingly, in class teams, psychological questionnaires are used that reveal the nature of relations between members of the team, comradely attachments or, conversely, negative attitudes towards certain members of it. Such questionnaires make it possible to timely identify emerging contradictions and take measures to quickly and skillfully resolve them. The use of questionnaires is not so simple, when compiling them, certain rules must be observed, for example, do not ask questions in a straightforward form, the content of the answers should provide mutually verifiable information, etc. The requirements for such questionnaires are contained in manuals on educational psychology or in recommendations for studying schoolchildren, which are given to students in preparation for teaching practice.

Experienced educators, in order to control the progress of the upbringing of schoolchildren, also use such a more complex method as the conscious inclusion of students in such types of activities and communication in which they can most fully demonstrate certain aspects of their upbringing. This method requires great skill, pedagogical collegiality.

The control over the course of educational work is completed by evaluating not only the results of the upbringing of schoolchildren, but also the level of educational activity of the teacher and the school as a whole.

When evaluating the educational work of a teacher, it is necessary to take into account his ability to use modern methods, forms and means of education, to choose their optimal combinations in specific situations, to approach students differently, reasonably characterizing their behavior and diligence, the role of the teacher in labor education and professional orientation of schoolchildren, the nature of interaction teachers and students.

The following indicators testify to the effectiveness of education: the formation of the foundations of the worldview among students, the ability to evaluate events taking place in our country and abroad; their assimilation of moral norms, knowledge and observance of laws, including the Rules for Students; social activity, collectivism, participation in student self-government; initiative and initiative of pupils; aesthetic and physical development.

§ 6. Conditions for the optimal choice and effective application of educational methods

Among those dependencies that determine the choice of methods of education, in the first place is their correspondence to the ideals of society and the goals of education.

In practical activities, the teacher, choosing the methods of education, is usually guided by the goals of education and its content. Based on the specific pedagogical task, the teacher himself decides which methods to adopt. Whether it will be a demonstration of labor skills, a positive example or an exercise depends on many factors and conditions, and in each of them the teacher prefers the method that he considers most appropriate in this situation.

The method itself is neither good nor bad. The educational process is based not on the methods themselves, but on their system. A. S. Makarenko noted that no pedagogical tool can always be recognized as absolutely useful, that the best tool in some cases will necessarily be the worst.

KD Ushinsky believed that it was necessary to study the laws of those mental phenomena that we want to control, and act in accordance with these laws and the circumstances in which we want to apply them. Infinitely diverse are not only these circumstances, but also the very natures of the pupils. With such a variety of educational circumstances and individuals being educated, it is impossible to prescribe any general educational recipes.

Being a very flexible and subtle tool for touching the individual, the method of education, at the same time, is always addressed to the team, is used taking into account its dynamics, maturity, and organization. Let's say, at a certain level of his development, the most productive way of pedagogical influence is a decisive, strict requirement, but a lecture or a debate will be inappropriate.

The choice of methods of education is not an arbitrary act. It is subject to a number of laws and dependencies, among which the goal, content and principles of education, the specific pedagogical task and the conditions for its solution, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of students are of paramount importance. The method of education, according to the apt remark of A. S. Makarenko, does not allow for stereotypical solutions and even a good template.

Questions and tasks

1. How are the methods and techniques of education interrelated?

2. Prepare a scheme for the classification of upbringing methods, highlighting in it the basis of the classification, the authors of this classification, the main groups of methods.

3. What are the main factors that determine the choice of methods of education.

4. Which of the classifications of upbringing methods known to you seems to be the most successful for you? Justify your choice.

5. What does the optimal choice of parenting methods mean?

6. Describe the main methods of education.

Literature for independent work

Azarov Yu. P. The joy of teaching and learning. - M., 1989.

Babansky Yu.K. Selected pedagogical works / Comp. M.Yu.Babansky. - M., 1990.

Gordin L. Yu. Encouragement and punishment in the upbringing of children. - M., 1980.

Korotov V. M. General methodology of the educational process. - M., 1983.

Natanzon E.Sh. Methods of pedagogical influence. - M., 1972.

Palamarchuk P.F. School teaches to think. - M., 1986.

Pedagogical search / Comp. N.I. Bazhenova. - M., 1990.

Problems of teaching methods in the modern general education school / Ed. Yu. K. Babansky and others - M., 1980.

Rozhkov M.I., Baiborodova L.V. Organization of the educational process at school. - M., 2000.

Sukhomlinsky V.A. How to raise a real person. - Kyiv, 1975.

Selivanov V.S. Fundamentals of General Pedagogics: Theory and Methods of Education. - M., 2000.

General strategy of education in the educational system of Russia / Ed. I. A. Zimney. - M., 2001.

Ushinsky K.D. Man as a subject of education // Collection of articles. cit.: In 11 volumes - M., 1958.-T. 8.