1 health-improving work in a dow. Improving work in the preschool educational institution under the program "Pedagogy of recovery

The issue of responsibility for children's health is global. Who should do it in kindergarten? Can a teacher who does not have a medical education take on this responsibility and to what extent?

Health work in kindergartens for many years was considered the prerogative of medicine, although in general the state basis of medical care has always been the treatment of diseases, and not their prevention.

Today, due to the lack of doctors in preschool institutions, teachers are trying to solve the problem of children's health with pedagogical ones, including non-traditional methods and often incorrect.

For example, auto-training is used to quickly fall asleep in children and relieve stress, special relaxation exercises to restore the pulse of children after physical exertion. Elements from health systems are included that do not organically fit into the conditions of life and upbringing of a particular educational institution. At the same time, health problems can and should be solved more rationally, with the help of means built on the principles of natural conformity and a healthy lifestyle.

It is necessary to be able to provide physical activity in the classroom in optimal quantities - then the use of special recovery exercises will not be required, to know the reasons why the child does not fall asleep for a long time, sleeps restlessly, eats poorly, is inactive, emotionally stressed, and eliminate them.

It is impossible to solve the problem of children's stress by means for adults, it is necessary to create conditions that exclude them in the life of children. Well-known causes of stress: lack of positive emotions, negative psychological climate, excessive noise, "overorganization" of the educational process, rigidity of the daily routine, insufficient physical activity, lack of conditions for choosing activities, authoritarian style communication, etc. - are completely eliminated by traditional and well-proven in practice pedagogical means, including the means of physical culture.

The child eats with appetite, and the children's bed will serve him as the place where he will fall asleep and sleep peacefully, if the preliminary routine moment - a walk - will give him the opportunity to move freely, breathe in fresh air, throw out negative emotions. Meaningful motor activity, adequate physical activity, a healthy lifestyle of the child as a whole are natural and effective means physical and mental well-being and development of the child.

To change this situation, it is necessary to find an appropriate place for physical education in the educational process of the kindergarten and to realize the pedagogical possibilities of health-improving work with children.

This relationship is convincingly evidenced by the fact that the main percentage of morbidity in early and preschool age falls on acute respiratory infections. Moreover, the risk of so-called colds is more often associated with overheating of children due to excess clothing. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that most preschool children get sick almost every year, and 20-30% of children suffer from 4 or more diseases a year. This often leads to the development of recurrent and chronic nonspecific bronchopulmonary diseases.

It can be unequivocally said that the health-improving component should be introduced into the system of the educational process as mandatory and become the norm. pedagogical work, and the specialist preschool education must have the knowledge and skills to organize a healthy lifestyle for children.

One of the important issues of health work is the assessment of children's health.

Relevant recommendations are presented in the guidance documents for medical professionals. If teachers take on the function of recreational work, then they should also have simple and informative evaluation criteria at their disposal. Therefore, it is necessary to adapt medical methods assessments to the pedagogy of health improvement. For the educator, the main criterion of health is the frequency, duration, severity of the child's illnesses during the year.

The assessment of health existing in the practice of kindergartens by the number of days missed due to illness on average per child per year is needed for statistics. For a teacher, it is unacceptable for several reasons.

First of all, the student-centered educational paradigm denies the use of average grades in pedagogical practice, since they do not contribute to the individualization of education. In addition, such an assessment presents a veiled picture of the health of a group of children.

Another example: over the past year, the CI indicator in the group has increased by 5% (that is, the number of healthy children has increased), the number of HF children has halved, the number of diseases has decreased in 10 children, and the total duration of illnesses in 10 (with the remaining number of diseases). The results of health work are illustrated here more convincingly than in the first example, since the picture of the individual health of children is visible.

It is also evaluated according to such parameters as the normalization of the child’s sleep and appetite, the improvement of his emotional state, the absence of complaints, and the increase in overall activity.

It should be noted that the constant and careful observation of adults over the behavior of children, their well-being makes it possible to see the state of “pre-disease”, that is, the unwellness of an individual child and take appropriate measures in a timely manner.

In the problem under discussion, attention should be paid to another very important aspect- the health of the teacher, which is a professional value, a success factor not only in health-improving work with children, but also in education in general. Note that in the indicated context, adult health is not yet a subject of wide discussion and is only beginning to be included in the range of issues under discussion.

And now we highlight the main provisions that need to be included in the list of priorities in the educational process of the kindergarten:

  • the highest duty of teachers and parents is the responsibility for the health of children, ensuring unified approaches to creating a health-saving living environment, mastering the basics of health education;
  • health-improving work should act not as a part, but as a general orientation of the entire pedagogical process. The positive dynamics of the individual level of children's health should be considered one of the main indicators of the work of a preschool institution;
  • the leading role in the preservation and formation of children's health belongs to physical culture and health work, therefore it is important to purposefully raise the status of physical culture as a means of developing health improvement;
  • in every preschool you need your own system physical education, developed on the basis of the basic educational program taking into account the peculiarities of the child's health, the specifics of internal conditions, the requests of parents;
  • to assess health-improving work, it is advisable to use criteria that clearly demonstrate the dynamics of individual indicators of children's health, and abandon the average ones;
  • thoughtful self-educational work of teachers on the organization of health-improving and developing work with children is necessary.

The recovery efficiency indicator can be calculated by dividing the number of BA children removed from the recovery register by the total number of BA children who received preventive procedures, expressed as a percentage. Such an assessment of health is quite accessible to the teacher.

"Organization of recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

In today's natural, social and environmental situation, the issue of children's health is becoming global. A variety of medical, sociological, demographic and other data indicate that only 14% of Russian children can be considered practically healthy, 50% have some kind of deviation in health, 35% are chronically ill.Therefore, one of the main tasks of the kindergarten is to protect the life and strengthen the physical and mental health of pupils, the formation of culture, the basics of personal hygiene and a healthy lifestyle.

Leading health promotion goalsin kindergarten - creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged life of a child in preschool childhood, forming the foundations of a basic personality culture, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing a child for life in modern society. Improving the conditions for ensuring the physical and mental health of children in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, SanPiN. An integrated approach and implementation of sports and recreational activities in contact with all participants in the pedagogical process (teachers, medical workers, parents, children).All work on the physical education of children is carried out taking into account their state of health by the instructor of the FIZO and group educators with regular monitoring bynurse and administration of the preschool educational institution.In the kindergarten, instructions have been developed on protecting the life and health of pupils, a list of conversations on protecting the life and health of pupils has been compiled. Each age group has folders with these materials.

In our kindergarten, all types of health-saving technologies are implemented: medical and preventive; physical culture and health; technologies for ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child; health savingteachers of preschool education; parent education; health-saving educational technologies in kindergarten.

Elements of medical and preventive technology

· organization of health monitoring of preschoolers,

· organization and control of children's nutritionpreschool age,

· physical development of preschoolers,


· organization preventive measures experiences in kindergarten,

· organization of control and assistance in ensuring the requirements of SanPiN,

· organization of a health-saving environment in preschool educational institutions.

Elements physical culture and health technology

· development of physical qualities, motor activity

· formation of physical culture of preschool children,

· prevention of flat feet and the formation of correct posture,

· cultivating the habit of daily physical activity and health care


For a child, as well as for an adult, an emotionally favorable environment in the group is necessary, educational institution.

Psychological and pedagogical support of the child is conducted by a psychologist. A child with a developmental problemassistance for personal development.

Logistics and equipment, spatial organization preschool environment brought to compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements,and provide physical culture and health-improving work. The kindergarten has a sports and music hall. For the full physical development of children and to meet their needs for movement, the preschool educational institution has created the following conditions:

various sports equipment: (gymnastic mats, gymnastic balls, etc.);

· sports ground for outdoor and sports games;

· physical culture corners (in all groups);

· medical office;

· quartz lamps;

· P selection and labeling of furniture according to the physiological characteristics of children.

In order to reduce the incidence in kindergarten, a system of hardening measures in everyday life and specially organized has been developed and successfully applied. All natural factors are used: water, air, sun. Hardening measures are carried out all year round, but their form and technique vary depending on the season and weather.

Preventive workincludes:

Lightweight clothes for children in kindergarten

Compliance with the seasonal clothing of children for a walk, taking into account their individual state of health.

Temperature control throughout the day

Compliance with the ventilation mode

- gymnastics after sleep

Hand washing with cool water

Proper organization of the walk and its duration

Non-specific prevention of respiratory diseases (vitaminization of third courses, aromatherapy - onion, garlic).

One of the most effective hardening procedures in everyday life is a walk. In order for it to really have an effect, it is necessary to change the sequence of activities of children on a walk, depending on the nature of the previous lesson and weather conditions.

Most of the time in a preschool institution, the child is in a group, therefore, the preservation and strengthening of their health depends on how competently the activities of the educator to organize the regimen of children depend. Corrective exercises for the prevention of scoliosis, posture disorders, and flat feet are included in morning exercises and physical education classes. During organized educational activities, motor and recreational moments are held: exercises and tasks for the development of small muscles of the hand, tasks for the development of facial expressions and articulation, etc.

After a nap, it is important to improve the mood and muscle tone of each child, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot disorders. This is supported by the complexgymnastics after nap, which is of a variable nature, depending on this, its duration will also change (gymnastics of a playing nature consists of 2–3 exercises such as “Pulls”, “Cogs”, “Athletes”;warm-up in bed - children gradually wake up to the sounds of melodic music, while lying in bed they perform 4-5 general developmental exercises; children perform arbitrary dance musical and rhythmic movements to the music.

Throughout the year, monthlyat production meetingsat the teachers' councils, an analysis of morbidity and attendance is carried out.

Adaptation of children to the conditions of the kindergarten takes place in a calm manner.In 93% of children, it occurs in the lungs and medium degree gravity.

During the adaptation period, a sparing regimen is created for children:

Shortened day for baby

Mom's presence in the group

Increased attention from the staff of the group.

The effectiveness of physical culture and health work in a preschool institution largely depends on the interaction of educators with a nurse. Compiled work plan for a year, including consultations for educators, parents,speeches at pedagogical councils, meetings. The nurse teaches teachers to identify signs of fatigue in children by changes in skin color, facial expressions, respiratory rate, sweating and timely regulate the nature of their activities, switching to a more calm or, conversely, intense. All medical services within the limits of functional duties are constantly. Vaccinations: Mantoux reaction, preventive vaccinations by age DPT, poliomyelitis, RV-measles, RV-parotitis, children of the BCG group preparatory to school, against influenza.Scheduled medical examinations of children are regularly carried out with the involvement of specialistspolyclinics. The results of the survey are taken into account by the nurse, educators, specialists in working with children. Children with violations are sent for consultation of specialists. The nurse pays special attention to the adaptation period when children enter kindergarten.

In the system of physical culture and health-improving work of the kindergarten, a strong place is occupied bysports holidays, sports leisure. Interestingcontent, humor, musical arrangement, games, competitions, a joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation motor activity. When organizing active recreation, teachers take into account climatic conditions, seasonal features and natural factors. The themes of the holidays are very diverse “We are athletes”, “ Fun starts"," Zimushka-winter", "Neptune's Holiday", etc. The greatest benefit for the recovery and hardening of children is brought by sports holidays organized in the open air.

Already traditionally in preschool are held health week.The whole team takes part in the holding of these events, a plan for holding each day is carefully thought out, taking into account the time of year and weather conditions. We include in the organization of work with children different types activities, saturated with both calm and intense movements. These are games and game exercises,sport competitions, tourist walks-hiking in the nearby park.In a theatrical or game form, motor skills and hygiene knowledge are easier to learn. When organizing outdoor activities, educators colorfully draw up venues (group, playground) in accordance with the intended content of the events, and musical accompaniment is also used. All events are heldin the presence of mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers.Parents are satisfied with such events and express their wishes to hold them more often.

The system of work with children involves various forms, means and methods of forming ideas about a healthy lifestyle. The main forms of our work are organized activities, regime moments, sports competitions, leisure activities, during which we inform children of new information and reinforce previously received ideas. In the process of familiarizationwith the outside world forms ideas about a person as a living being, his body and health; about lifestyle and the dependence of health on lifestyle. In environmental classes, we form children's ideas about the conditions necessary for a person to live; on the relationship between human health and the environment.
When cultivating cultural and hygienic skills, we form the habit correctly: to wash, dry, take care of the oral cavity, use a handkerchief, behave correctly when coughing and sneezing. Family", reading fiction: “The Tale of the Nails”, Dirty Vitya” by I. Gubina, “Tari the Bird”, “Zubik-Knaughter”, “The Tale of the Three Pigs in a New Way”, learning riddles about body parts, proverbs about health. We continue to acquaint children with the rules of maintaining their health and caring for it. To expand the horizons of children and consolidate previously acquired skills, we use board and didactic games (“Ascorbinka and her friends”, “Parts of the body”, “Fold the picture”, “What first, what then, etc.) We believe that by the time of release children to school, they receive the necessary ideas about healthy lifestyles and
have persistent skills and habits of maintaining their health.

A healthy lifestyle is unthinkable without a rational varied diet. Nutrition is known to be one of the factors that normal development child and a sufficiently high level of resistance of his body to diseases.In our preschool institution, the following principles of rational healthy nutrition of children are observed: regularity, usefulness, variety, by observing the diet, food consumption norms and individual approach to children during meals. We include fruits, juices, drinks, lemon tea, milk in the menu. For the prevention of acute respiratory diseases, the diet of children includes green onion, garlic, which allows to achieve a certain reduction in the incidence. The main principles of the organization of rational nutrition is to ensure the intake of all essential nutrients in quantities that meet the physiological needs of the child's body:

· Compliance with the rules of cooking technology;

· Compliance with the diet (food according to sanitary standards);

· The introduction of a second breakfast;

· C-vitaminization of dishes;

· Replacement products for children with allergies;

· Organization of the drinking regime;

· Table setting;

One of the prerequisites for raising a culture of child health is the culture of family health. In working with the family to form the need for a healthy lifestyle in children,such forms of work as health information corners “Healthy Children”, “How I grow up”, consultations, parent meetings with the involvement of physical education and medical workers, and questionnaires are held. Parents are regular participants in all competitions held at the preschool educational institution.

The kindergarten carries out a successive connection with the MOU secondary school No. 2. Excursions, sports and recreational activitiesaimed at the development of preschoolers and primary schoolchildren elementary representations about the usefulness, expediency of physical activity and personal hygiene. Kindergarten graduates, having entered school, attend a variety of sport sections: volleyball, basketball, dancing, boxing school. And in the future it is planned to systematize the work on the continuity of the kindergarten with the school and other public organizations in the education of a healthy generation.

A positive effect of strengthening the physical health of children gives the use ofnon-traditional forms of health improvement such as: breathing exercises, relaxation, music therapy, color therapy, finger gymnastics, musical outdoor games, musical rhythmic movements,psychogymnastics,Andgroplastics, travel games.

Thus, it can be said that only a year-round, systematic approach to the organization of physical culture, health-improving, therapeutic and preventive measures will effectively contribute to the strengthening and preservation of the health of pupils, will give positive dynamics to the improvement of the child's body, and will achieve positive results: increasing the level of physical fitness, increasing the index children's health, positive dynamics in the distribution by health groups, prevention and correction of deviations in the physical development of pupils. Competent organization of a health-saving environment, as well as the use of health-saving technologies, the introduction of a children's health improvement model, helped us to minimize the static component in the daily routine of our pupils, and also contributed to the increase in the motor activity of each child, his comprehensive psychophysical development.

Children have become more flexible and resilient. There was a quality in the technique of performing movements and expressiveness in motor skills. Children have an emotional response to physical activity, sports passion, interest, excitement. Educators began to notice that they had endurance in various types of activities, increased mental capacity for work, perseverance, they became more self-possessed and attentive. And most importantly, the emotional-motor sphere of the child has improved. Children have a proud posture, freedom and ease in movements, naturalness and diversity in gestures and postures, a direct, open, interested look, a joyful, bright, meaningful facial expression, facial expressions are lively, expressive, speech becomes intelligible and melodic.

The results convince us of the correctness and effectiveness of the measures we have chosen to improve physical culture and health work. However, we do not stop at the achieved level. Our creative search continues today.

Wellness work in kindergarten

The main tasks of the kindergarten for the physical education of preschoolers are:

    Protection and promotion of children's health

    Formation of vital motor skills and abilities of the child in accordance with his individual characteristics, development of physical qualities

    Creation of conditions for the realization of the needs of children in physical activity

    Raising the need for a healthy lifestyle

    Ensuring physical and mental well-being.

Successful solution of the tasks set is possible only if all the means of physical education are used comprehensively: a rational regimen, nutrition, hardening (in everyday life; special hardening measures) and movement (morning exercises, developing exercises, sports games, physical education classes).

Moreover, in order to ensure the upbringing of a healthy child, work in our kindergarten is built in several areas:

    A comprehensive solution of physical culture and health problems in contact with medical worker

    Raising a healthy child through the joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family.

For the full physical development of children, the realization of the need for movement in kindergarten, certain conditions have been created.

In groups, corners of physical culture have been created, where various physical aids are located, including for the prevention of flat feet. The kindergarten is equipped with a sports hall for physical education with a variety of sports equipment. All this increases the interest of kids in physical education, increases the effectiveness of classes, allows children to practice all kinds of basic movements in the room.

For the purpose of health-improving and treatment-and-prophylactic work with children, we have developed a system of preventive and corrective work

The system of preventive

and corrective work on the improvement of preschool children


    Breathing exercises

    Walks + dynamic hour


    Sleep without shirts

    walking barefoot

    Extensive wash

8. Optimal motor mode


Scoliosis Correction Exercises

    Oxalin ointment

    Onion garlic

In the daily routine, we pay special attention to hardening procedures that promote health and reduce morbidity.

Hardening will be effective only when it is provided during the entire time the child is in kindergarten. Therefore, we comply with:

    Clear organization of the thermal and air conditions of the room

    Compliance with the regime of walks in all seasons

    Morning exercises and physical education



Use as a medicine (known since the time of Hippocrates), which cleanses the blood, kills pathogenic microbes, as a remedy for acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.

Gargle, who needs to drip into the nose.

Complex of recreational activities

by age groups

1 junior group

    Reception of children in a group with mandatory examination, thermometry and detection of parental complaints.

    Morning exercises - 8.10

    Walk: daytime 10.00 - 11.10; evening 17.30 – 18.00

    "Garlic" kinders (from October to April)

    Phytoncides (onion, garlic)

    Sleep without T-shirts and pillows

    Exercising in bed with breathing exercises after sleep

    Hardening: walking on a rug with spikes, on a ribbed board, a button rug, on the floor barefoot with elements of flatfoot prevention

2 junior group

    Reception of children on the street (at temperatures above -15 °)

    Morning exercises in the group 8.15

    Physical education (in socks) + dynamic hour for a walk once a week

    "Garlic" kinders

    Phytoncides (onion, garlic)

    Walks: daytime 10.30-11.40; evening 17.45-18.00

    Optimal driving mode

    Sleep without T-shirts and pillows

    Breathing exercises in bed

    (from 3rd quarter)

    Hardening: the Riga method of hardening

    Elements of an extensive wash

middle group

    Reception of children on the street (at temperatures up to -15 °)

    Physical education minutes during class time, prevention of visual impairment

    Garlic "kinders"

    Phytoncides (onion, garlic)

    Walks: daytime 10.15 – 11.50; evening 17.30 – 18.00

    Optimal driving mode

    Sleep without T-shirts and pillows

    Hardening: the Riga method

    Exercises for the prevention of flat feet + individual work on the correction of flat feet and flattening of the foot

senior preschool age

    Reception of children on the street (at temperatures up to -15°-18°)

    Morning gymnastics (from May to October - on the street, from October to April - in the hall according to the schedule)

    Physical education classes in the gym (in socks) + a dynamic hour for a walk once a week

    Physical education during classes, prevention of visual impairment, ear massage

    Garlic "kinders"

    Phytoncides (onion, garlic)

    Walks: morning 7.00 - 8.00; daytime 10.45 - 12.10; evening 17.45 – 18.30

    Optimal driving mode

    Sleep without T-shirts and pillows

    Breathing exercises in bed

    Hardening: the Riga method

    Extensive washing, walking barefoot

    Exercises for the prevention of flat feet + individual work on the correction of flat feet and flattening of the foot

Riga hardening method

Some hardening techniques

1. Extensive washing.

The child must:

    Open the tap with water, wet the right palm and hold it from the fingertips to the elbow of the left hand, say "one"; do the same with the left hand.


2. Sleep without T-shirts.

When working with children, it is necessary to observe the basic principles of hardening:

    Implementation of hardening, provided that the child is healthy

    The inadmissibility of hardening procedures if the child has negative emotional reactions (fear, crying, anxiety)

    The intensity of hardening procedures increases gradually from gentle to more intense) with the expansion of the zones of influence and the increase in the time of hardening

    Systematic and constancy of hardening (and not from case to case).

We have introduced a hardening notebook, where educators keep records of the hardening of children, using the doctor's recommendations (medical taps)

Of course, in the upbringing of a healthy child, special importance is attached to the development of movements and physical culture of children in physical education classes.

Moreover, in each age period, physical education classes have a different focus:

    They should give pleasure to small children, teach them to navigate in space, work correctly with equipment, and teach them elementary insurance techniques.

Therefore, we are trying to use a variety of options for conducting physical education classes:

    Traditional lessons

    Classes-trainings in the main types of movements

    Rhythmic gymnastics

    Classes-tests during which children pass physical culture norms

    Plot-game lessons

Organization of the motor mode

Forms of organization

Junior group

middle group

Senior group

Ready group to school

Organized activity

10 hours/week

10 hours or more/week

morning exercises

Round dance game or game of medium mobility

Physical activity during class

Dynamic pause between classes (if not
fizo or muso)

Mobile game on the go

Individual. work on the development of movements for a walk

Dynamic hour on the walk

Physical education

Music lessons

Exercise after nap

sports entertainment

20 minutes
1 time/month

30 min
1 time/month

30 min
1 time/month

40-50 min
1 time/month

sports holidays

20 minutes
2 times/year

40 min

60-90 min

60-90 min

health week

Outdoor games in the 2nd half of the day

Independent motor activity





System of preventive and corrective work
health care for preschoolers


    Complexes of exercises for the prevention of visual impairment during classes

    Complexes for the prevention of flat feet

    Complexes for the prevention of postural disorders + sleep without T-shirts and pillows

    Breathing exercises

    Removal of mental fatigue during classes (relaxation pauses, physical education minutes, massage of the auricles)

    Walks + dynamic hour


    • Sleep without shirts

      walking barefoot

      Extensive wash

      Riga method of hardening (trampling on a rug with spikes, on a damp cloth soaked in saline + rinsing the mouth with iodine-salt solution or herbal infusions)

    Optimal driving mode


Exercises for the correction of flat feet

Measures for the period of increased incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections

    Onion garlic

Hardening of the nasopharynx with garlic solution

Target: prevention and sanitation of the oral cavity with tonsillitis, inflammatory processes of the oral cavity


1 garlic clove to 1 glass of water.

Mash the garlic, pour in chilled boiled water and leave for 1 hour. The solution should be used within 2 hours after preparation.

    Use as a medicine (known since the time of Hippocrates), which cleanses the blood, kills pathogenic microbes, as a remedy for acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections.

    Gargle, who needs to drip into the nose.

"Implementation of the task of improving
and physical development of children

How to strengthen and maintain the health of children? The answer worries both teachers and parents. It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of the foundation of physical and mental health. After all, it is up to 7 years that a person goes through a huge path of development, unique throughout his subsequent life. It is during this period that there is an intensive development of organs, the formation of the functional systems of the body, the main personality traits are laid, the character, attitude towards oneself and others is formed. It is important at this stage to form in children a knowledge base and practical skills of a healthy lifestyle, a conscious need for systematic physical education and sports.

A survey of parents showed that
-100% of parents want to see their children healthy;
-92% are comprehensively developed, possessing communicative qualities;

This led the kindergarten team to the need to rethink the work with preschoolers in the field of physical education, organization of the regime, communication, self-service skills and personal hygiene, in fostering a sense of respect for one's own health and the health of others. Therefore, the teaching staff in the Development Program set the following tasks:

    Contribute to the physical development of the child, his recovery.

    To form the value of a healthy lifestyle, awareness of the importance of proper nutrition, an active lifestyle, personal hygiene.

In order to achieve these goals, this academic year we continue to create conditions for protecting the lives and improving the health of children.

A successful solution is possible only under the condition of the integrated use of all means of physical education: a rational regimen, nutrition, hardening and movement.

Work in our kindergarten is based on several areas:

    Creating conditions for physical development and reducing the incidence of children

    Improving pedagogical skills and business qualifications of kindergarten teachers

    Complex solution of physical culture and health problems in contact with medical workers

    Raising a healthy child through the joint efforts of the kindergarten and the family.

For the full physical development of children, the realization of the need for movement in kindergarten, certain conditions have been created.

In groups, corners of physical culture have been created, where various physical aids are located, including for the prevention of flat feet. The kindergarten is equipped with a sports hall for physical education with a variety of equipment. All this increases the interest of kids in physical education, increases the efficiency of classes, allows children to practice all kinds of basic indoor movements.

For the purpose of health-improving and treatment-and-prophylactic work with children, we have developed a system of preventive and corrective work, a set of health-improving measures for age groups, and hardening techniques.

Children's physical health is examined by a pediatrician and a nurse. Taking into account the individual characteristics of the state of health, children's health groups are determined.

Of course, in the upbringing of a healthy child, special importance is attached to the development of movements and physical culture of children in physical education classes.
Moreover, in each age period, physical education classes have a different focus:

    They should give pleasure to small children, teach them to navigate in space, work correctly with equipment, teach them basic insurance techniques;

    In middle age, develop physical qualities(primarily stamina and strength)

    In older groups - to form the need for movement, develop motor skills and independence, etc.

Therefore, we use a variety of options for conducting physical education classes:

    Traditional lessons

    Classes consisting of a set of outdoor games of high, medium and low intensity

    Classes - training in the main types of movements

    Rhythmic gymnastics

    Classes-competitions, where children in the course of various relay races of two teams identify the winners

    Classes-tests, during which children pass physical culture norms

    Plot-game lessons

At physical education classes there is a nurse who monitors the determination of the correct distribution of the load, draws a physiological curve of the lesson according to indications. Based on this, it was possible to study and systematize the methods and techniques and regulate the physical activity of children.

We pay special attention to the hardening procedures. Hardening will be effective only when it is provided during the entire time the child is in kindergarten. Therefore, we comply with:

    Clear organization of the thermal and air conditions of the room

    Rational non-overheating clothes for children

    Compliance with the regime of walks in all seasons

    Morning exercise and exercise

Medical and recreational work is carried out in our kindergarten. Vitamin therapy.

    Vitaminization of the third course

    Rosehip decoction


Helping a child grow up healthy is possible only in close cooperation with parents. Therefore, the team set the task:
- Raise the level of knowledge and interest of parents in the field of formation, preservation and strengthening of children's health.

Sports competitions are becoming more and more popular every year.

    “Dad, mom, I am a sports family”

    health weeks

The result of our work: in two years there has been an increase in the health index by 3%, a decrease in morbidity from 8.4 to 7.2 children days, an increase in the number of children with the 1st health group from 31.7% to 40.9%, a decrease in the number of children with the 3rd health group from 10.3% to 9.0% .Such a positive trend is observed in connection with the implementation of all recreational activities. We believe that a comprehensive system of physical culture and health-improving work contributes to the improvement of children, the improvement of medical and pedagogical conditions for the physical development of the child.

The structure of the health-improving work of the kindergarten

In the conditions of the current natural, social and environmental situation, the problem of children's health is becoming global. , 35% are chronically ill. (Data from the materials of the All-Russian meeting “Ways to optimize the health and physical development of children in preschool educational institutions) This problem is acute in preschool institutions. According to scientists, preschool age refers to the so-called critical periods in a child's life. The term "critical age" was introduced by scientists to characterize those phases of a child's life when he is especially sensitive to damaging influences, which leads to the formation of health deviations, the formation of allergic reactions and chronic somatic diseases. Based on this, physical education should be an integral part of a child’s life from birth, and the task of promoting health is one of the priorities in the work of preschool educational institutions. The body’s resistance to adverse environmental factors depends not only on the individual characteristics of the child’s body, but also on the timely and correct conduct of special health measures, which include hardening.

As the data of sociological studies of scientists show, traditional methods of hardening (narrowly pedagogical and narrowly medical) do not improve the situation. The provision on the need for a comprehensive application of recreational measures in kindergarten is well known. The desire for complexity is justified and understandable, especially in such a matter as health work. Scientists have proven that a simple impact on a specific condition of a child is not effective. Pedagogical and medical tasks sometimes fit together well on paper, but in reality, in the traditional system of children's health improvement, teachers perform their functions mechanically. (dipping feet, walking on a ribbed path, taking air baths, and so on) maintaining the general vitality of the child. However, if we take into account that the foundations of physical and spiritual health are formed at preschool age, then the lack of integrity or complexity in these recreational activities becomes obvious.

The kindergarten team drew attention to a new interdisciplinary direction, the initiator of which was the Russian pediatrician and teacher Zmanovsky Yu.F.

"Pedagogy of recovery"

This direction has the following features:

    in its center lies the idea of ​​a healthy child, understood as an ideal standard and a practically achievable norm of child development

    a healthy child is considered as an integral body-spiritual organism.

    Recovery is interpreted not as a set of therapeutic and preventive measures, but as a form of development, expansion of the psychophysiological capabilities of children.

    The key, system-forming means of health-improving and developmental work with children is an individually differentiated approach.

All of the above areas of "Pedagogy of recovery" are reflected in the system of recreational work of the municipal preschool educational institution of the Nizhneingashsky kindergarten No. 3 "Romashka".



The system of development of imagination through special forms of physical activity has health effect affecting the psychosomatic state of the child. Proceeding from this, the means of developing the imagination are included in the structure of health-improving work. A new link in such work is the design of conditions for the development of children's motor creativity. At the same time, non-traditional forms of recovery are actively used: games and dramatizations with meditation and relaxation orientation, elements of yoga, breathing and sound gymnastics, gymnastics for the eyes. Classes are held in the form of a game. Building and performing specific exercises, children not only create certain images, but also “enter” them in a special way. The images created by the power of children's imagination are not just a convention. If the child really entered the image, then this image "materializes" in his psychosomatic states, begins to influence their dynamics, participates in the correction of the functional systems of the child's body. Symbolic in nature, the image has a non-fictitious real energy power. In the same way, the movement associated with it not only conditionally expresses goodness, but actually creates it; therefore, the healing potential of the child’s emotional and tactile contact with the teacher, with other children, and with himself is widely used in the classroom. Including in the work with children the means of developing the imagination, one can achieve significant results in the prevention and treatment of a number of acute respiratory infections, diathesis, and kidney diseases.

In the process of playing psycho-gymnastics, when children evoke various sensations in themselves, such as "heat-cold", they, through their own imagination, master the skills of spontaneous thermoregulation of the body. For example, a teacher points out to children a child who is experiencing discomfort. Children who want to help a friend put their palms on the child's sore spot and begin to warm the sore spot with them, the effect of emotional feedback is triggered and the child really begins to feel better. When playing games with massage elements, there is a targeted effect on biologically active points of the skin. (BATK). But in contrast to the situations of applying the well-known method of treatment (acupuncture) the child here does not just “work”, but plays with his body. He crumples, smoothes, "sculpts" his body, like a sculptor, as if re-creating it "according to the laws of beauty." Full confidence that he is really creating something new and beautiful contributes to the development of a feeling of love for his own body, attentive and careful attitude to him. The specific objectives of these game exercises aimed at developing the imagination are related to the prevention colds, stress relief, hardening, etc. And if they are systematically included in the content of pedagogical work, the elements of the child’s fundamental ability for self-creation and self-knowledge are also laid, the desire to “do good for the sake of good” is brought up in children (N. K. Roerich). The work of special health procedures is organized on similar principles: contrast air baths, walking barefoot, etc. Thus, when gargling with boiled water or drinking it, it is more effective in terms of health. All methods used are carried out in a game form. These activities are carried out under the supervision of medical personnel, monthly analysis of the incidence and effectiveness of the procedures.

From these positions, the kindergarten team believes that the problem of improving the health of children is not a campaign of one day of activity and one person, but a purposeful, planned systematic work of the entire staff of an educational institution on a long period

The purpose of this work

Preservation and strengthening of the health of children, the formation of parents, teachers, pupils of responsibility in maintaining their own health

Expected results

    awareness by adults and children of the concept of "health" and the impact of lifestyle on health

    increasing the level of orientation towards modern conditions life.

    mastering the skills of self-healing.

    decrease in the incidence rate

Basic principles of work

    the principle of scientific character - reinforcement of all ongoing activities aimed at improving health, evidence-based and practically tested methods

    the principle of activity and consciousness - the participation of the entire team of teachers and parents in the search for new, effective methods and purposeful activities to improve themselves and children

    the principle of complexity and integrativity - the solution of health problems in the system of the entire educational process of all types of activities

    the principle of addressing and succession - maintaining links between age categories, accounting for different levels of development and health status.

    the principle of effectiveness and assurance - the realization of the rights of children to receive the necessary assistance and support, a guarantee of a positive result, regardless of the age and level of physical development of children



    ensuring favorable adaptation

    implementation of the sanitary and hygienic regime

    conducting a screening program and identifying pathologies

    solution of health problems by all means of physical culture

    prevention of acute diseases and neurotic conditions by methods of nonspecific prevention

    implementation of social sanitary and special measures for the prevention and spread of infectious diseases

Organizational -

    organization of a health-saving environment of a preschool educational institution

    determination of indicators of physical development, motor readiness, objective and subjective criteria of health by diagnostic methods.

    study of advanced pedagogical, medical and social experience in the improvement of children, selection and implementation effective technologies and methods

    systematic professional development of pedagogical and medical personnel

    promotion of healthy lifestyles and methods of recovery in the team of children, parents, employees

Medical -

    correction of individual deviations in physical and mental development



    vitamin therapy

    first aid in emergencies

Ensuring the implementation of the main areas of work of the preschool educational institution

Screening-program for examining children in MDOU No. 3 "Romashka"

Stage 1 - pre-medical examination

    Questionnaire test - a survey of parents

    Whispered hearing test

    Assessment of physical development

    Assessment of the state of the musculoskeletal system

Stage 2 - examination by a pediatrician

    comprehensive assessment of children's health status

    identification of children with chronic pathology

Stage 3 - examination by medical specialists

dispensary observation in preschool educational institution

Model of strategy and tactics of work of the educator with parents

Stage 1 - introductory

Collection of information (interview, questioning, observation)

Identification of risk groups (according to the results of the study)

Stage 2 - preventive

Visual agitation (stands, memos)

Meetings with specialists

Stage 3 - work with a risk group

Problem Identification (conversations, observations, tests, surveys)

Correction of parental settings (trainings, talks)

Stage 4 - individual work

Identification, acquaintance with the experience of family education

Advisory individual assistance

Stage 5 - reflective

Identification of changes in parental settings in a risk group (conversations, observations)

Additional discussion of individual issues (with the involvementspecialists)

Stage 6 - integrative

Joint events

Discussions (joint discussion of problems)

Stage 7 - promising

Joint discussion of plans for the future

The structure of the introduction of health-saving technologies and methods ineducational process in the preschool educational institution

To assess the physical development of kindergarten children, the following health indicators are distinguished: height, weight, health group, development of large and small muscles, their coordination. The examination is carried out twice a year according to the following indicators:

    statistical equilibrium

    dynamic balance

    motion force

    gross motor skills

    fine motor skills



Carrying out this work and monitoring children by groups and ages, the team received the following data: the general incidence of children decreased by 35%, the mastery of physical skills increased for three years by 27%, the incidence of acute respiratory infections decreased by 32%.

General priorities of health work

    Cultivation in children of a meaningful and transformative attitude towards their own physical and spiritual health as a whole; expansion on this basis of the adaptive capabilities of the child's body.

    Consolidation by the teacher of the effects of individual health measures in the form of constant psychosomatic states of the child, which can then be reproduced in the mode of self-development.

    Formation of mental (arbitrary) regulation of the vital functions of the body through the development of creative imagination.

    Raising a child's ability to self-create his own bodily organization in forms feasible for him.

    Instilling in children accessible skills of "self-healing" - psychological self-correction, as well as psychological mutual assistance in appropriate situations

    Activation and development of cognitive interests in one's own and another's body and its capabilities.

    Developing empathy for others.

    The transformation of a healthy lifestyle into the norm of everyday life of children and adults.

Guided by these principles in our work and developing the creative imagination of children, we form not only a healthy child, but also a creative person with an active life position capable of empathy.


    Antonov Yu. E. “Healthy preschooler. Health technologies of the 21st century”, “Arkti”, M., 2001

    Alyamovskaya V. G. "How to raise a healthy child" M, 1993

    Alyamovskaya V. G. "Prevention of psycho-emotional stress in children by means of physical education"

    Glazyrina L. D. "Physical education for preschoolers" "Vlados" M. 2001

    Gurich A. G. "Theory of the biological field" M, 1944

    "Childhood" program for the development and education of children in kindergarten, S-P, 2002

    Ilyenkov E. V. "Dialectical Logic" M, 1984

    Kudryavtsev V. T., Nesteryuk T. V., “Development of motor activity and health work with children 4-7 years old”, M., 1997

    Kudryavtsev V. T. "Methods of physical education of preschool children" M., 1999

    Kaznacheev V.P. "Cosmoplanetary phenomenon of man" Novosibirsk, 1991

    Levi-Gorinevskaya E. G., Bykova A. I. "Hardening of the child's body" M., 1962

    Materials of the All-Russian meeting "Ways to optimize the health and physical development of children in preschool educational institutions" M., 2001

    Manakheeva M. D. “Raising a healthy child”, “Akti”, M., 2000

    Markova L. S., “Program for the development of a preschool educational institution”, M., 2002

    Holidays V.P. "Tempering children preschool age"Medicine" 1988

    "Rainbow" program and methodological guide M, 1996

    Sivacheva L. N. "Physical education is joy" St. Petersburg "Childhood-Press" 2002

Ensuring the implementation of the main directions

work of preschool educational institution

Technical and staffing

Acquisition of the necessary equipment

1. medical (chandeliers of the Chizhevsky phytoaeroionizer)

2.sports equipment

Head of DOW. supply manager

Implementation of repairs

    laundry complex

    medical complex


Head of DOW. supply manager

Room equipment

    sports hall

    speech therapist's office

Head of DOW. DOW specialists

Replenishment of the environment with non-standard benefits

    miracle rugs (simulator Zaikin)

    wooden massagers for foot massage

    pebble paths

    needle mats

    massage gloves for dry rubbing


Organizational-methodical and psychological-pedagogical


Development of a system of work on rehabilitation and control over the implementation of recreational activities, physical and neuropsychic development of children

Development of a model for the implementation of health-saving methods in the educational process

senior caregiver

Search, study and implementation of effective technologies and methods of recovery

    dramatization games with meditation

    relaxation complexes

    medical games


Carrying out the streamlining of the load and active recreation of children

senior caregiver

Creating a healthy microclimate in a team of adults and children

Kindergarten teachers

Valeogization of the entire educational process (psychological background of classes, methods and forms of training, compliance with the duration of classes and sanitary and hygienic conditions)

senior caregiver

Continued work to improve the subject-developing environment in preschool educational institutions

Kindergarten teachers

Organization of work with parents on the problem of preserving and strengthening the health of children (publishing newspapers, holding seminars, providing advisory assistance, etc.)

Senior educator, preschool specialists

Establishing close contact with the medical and psychological service of the village, the clinic, the psychological center for rehabilitation and correction "Golden Key"

senior caregiver

Participation in scientific and practical conferences, seminars, meetings at various levels on the issues of children's health improvement

Head of preschool educational institution, senior educator, nurse

Forms and methods of healing children

Forms and Methods

The contingent of children

Security healthy rhythm life

    sparing regimen (adaptation period)

    flexible mode

    organization of the microclimate and lifestyle of the group

All groups

Physical exercise

    morning exercises

    physical culture and health-improving classes

    mobile and dynamic games

    preventive gymnastics (breathing, sound, posture improvement, prevention of flat feet, vision, etc.)

    sport games

All groups

Middle senior ready. groups

Hygiene and water procedures


    washing hands up to the elbow

    water and sand games

    ensuring the cleanliness of the environment

All groups

Light-air baths

    through room ventilation

    sleep with open transoms

    outdoor walks 2 times a day

    ensuring the temperature regime and air purity

All groups


    entertainment and holidays

    games and fun

    health days


All groups

diet therapy

    balanced diet

All groups

Light and color therapy

    providing a light regime

    color and light accompaniment of the environment and the educational process

All groups

music therapy

    musical accompaniment of sensitive moments

    musical accompaniment of classes

    musical and theatrical activities

All groups

Auto-training and psycho-gymnastics

    games and exercises for the development of the emotional sphere

    games - trainings to suppress negative emotions and relieve neurotic states

    behavior correction

    elements of psycho-gymnastics

Early age groups

Wed Art. preparation groups

special hardening


    play massage

    extensive washing

    breathing exercises

All groups

Stimulant Therapy

  1. multivitamins

    Garlic medallions

    Vitaminization of the third course

All groups

Healthy lifestyle promotion

Organization of consultations, conversations,

All groups

The structure of the introduction of health-saving technologies and methods in

educational process in the preschool educational institution

introductory stage Preparatory

1. Acquaintance with the theoretical foundations of the methodology, technology

Determination of the health-improving orientation and significance for the child

Psychological, pedagogical, medical evaluation of effectiveness and forecast of effectiveness

Final stage Analytical

Analysis of the results of use

Child monitoring

Survey of parents, teachers

Show results

Public events


visual material

Conclusions and offers

Indicators of physical fitness

3 years

4 years

5 years

6 years

7 years

Running speed for 10m from the move (sec)


30m run speed from start (sec)


Standing jump length (cm)


Throw range right hand(m)


Throw range left hand (m)


Throwing distance of a medicine ball weighing 1kg from behind the head (cm)


Running speed

Riga hardening method

On a rubber rug with spikes, dressed in a cover moistened with a 10% solution of table salt (1 kg of salt per bucket of water), the child becomes barefoot and walks in place (from 5-7 to 16 seconds). After that, the child stands on a dry mat and stomps on it for 15 seconds. Then wipe your hands, neck, face with tap water.

Starting from the middle group, children rinse their mouths with iodine-salt solution (for 1 liter of water, 1 tablespoon of salt and 3-4 drops of iodine). Water at room temperature.

Some hardening techniques

1. Extensive washing.

The child must:

    open the tap with water, wet the right palm and hold it from the fingertips to the elbow of the left hand, say "one"; do the same with the left hand.

    Wet both palms, put them on the back of the neck and hold them at the same time to the chin, say "one".

    Wet the right palm and make a circular motion along the upper chest, say "one".

    Wet both hands and wash your face.

    Rinse, “wring out” both hands, wipe dry.

Note .

After some time, the duration of the procedure increases, namely: each hand, as well as the neck and chest, the children wash twice, saying “one, two”, etc.

2. Sleep without T-shirts.

Held all year round. In the event of a drop in temperature due to interruptions in heating or established cold weather, warm socks for feet and second blankets should be prepared. Of course, the temperature in the bedroom should not be below +14 degrees Celsius.

3. Dry rubbing.

After morning gymnastics, physical education, during gymnastics after sleep, the teacher puts a terry mitten on his hand and rubs the child. Then the mitten is thrown into a special container and handed over to the laundry.

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  • Korneva Antonina Pavlovna
    The system of physical culture and recreation activities in preschool educational institutions in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard


    One of the main tasks GEF DO - protection and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children. The organization of work to strengthen and preserve the health of children is relevant and occupies an important place in system educational process in the preschool educational institution. Therefore, the kindergarten should lay the foundations for a healthy lifestyle, using various forms of work. It is in the preschool educational institution that teachers should help the child, as early as possible, understand the enduring value of health, realize the purpose of his life, encourage the baby to independently and actively form, maintain his health. In our work, we use a complex of modern forms of work with children to preserve and strengthen health:

    conducting a complex of morning exercises with elements of breathing exercises,

    conducting motor warm-ups between GCD;

    organization of outdoor games and physical exercises for a walk;

    invigorating gymnastics after daytime sleep;

    organization of entertaining motor activity of various type: finger games and exercises;

    independent motor activity of children;

    conducting "Health Days", "Health weeks", leisure, sports events, entertainment;

    organization of work with the family;

    organization of health projects;


    organization of sports games

    All these activities are carried out in accordance c SanPiN, taking into account the health, age of children and the time of year. And now we will consider in more detail the forms of work with children to preserve and promote health, which are carried out in our children's institution.

    Morning gymnastics. Every day we in the group start with morning exercises (If it's summer, then we do gymnastics outdoors.) It gives energy for the whole day. After all, in the morning there is a big day for children: at this time an organized educational activities. Morning exercises are carried out before breakfast, for 10–12 minutes. For the prevention of flat feet, we daily use walking along a rocky path called "Health Path". And also the set of exercises includes breathing exercises. For gymnastics, we use different forms: traditional, game, plot, recreational run, using an obstacle course. And necessarily gymnastics takes place to the music that creates cheerful mood, has a positive effect.

    Outdoor games are held throughout the day when children have free time. Mobile play occupies a special place in the development of the child. It contributes to the consolidation and improvement of motor skills and abilities, provides an opportunity to develop cognitive interest, forms the ability to navigate in the surrounding reality. A variety of game activities develop dexterity, speed, coordination of movements and have a positive effect on the emotional state of children.

    Physical culture lessons. They take place in the hall or in the air.

    These activities give pleasure to almost all children, they teach them to navigate in space, develop physical qualities (endurance, strength, develop motor abilities. That is why our kindergarten uses a variety of options for conducting physical education classes:

    Traditional activities.

    Classes that consist of outdoor games.

    Competition classes where children compete with each other

    Story lessons

    In order for classes physical education brought considerable health benefits, every day we carry out exercises to prevent violations of posture and flat feet and to strengthen the respiratory system. systems.

    We also include elements of training on simulators.

    hardening. We pay special attention in our work to hardening procedures. They promote health and reduce disease. We use many different forms and hardening methods, depending on the season. Be sure to follow the basic principles hardening:

    Hardening occurs provided that the child is healthy.

    In no case do we carry out hardening procedures if the child has negative emotional reactions (fear, crying, worry).

    We carefully take into account the individual characteristics of the child, his age, capabilities hypersensitivity to hardening activities.

    We increase the intensity of hardening procedures gradually and consistently.

    Hardening is carried out constantly (and not on a case-by-case basis).

    One of the hardening methods that children like is "Walking barefoot". When walking barefoot, the floor temperature should be at least 18 degrees. At the beginning, children walk in socks, and after 4-5 days they walk barefoot for 3-4 minutes. We turn on daily walking on massage mats, then rubbing the feet with a terry mitten. In the summer, we give children the opportunity to walk barefoot on warm sand and grass, on small pebbles. When walking barefoot, the arches and ligaments of the foot are strengthened, the intensity of activity of almost all muscles increases, flat feet are prevented, blood circulation is stimulated throughout the body, and mental activity improves.

    The most effective hardening procedure is a walk. In order for the walk to have an effect, we change the sequence of activities for children, depending on the nature of the previous lesson and the weather. So, in the cold season and after the lesson in which the children were sitting, the walk begins with a run, an outdoor game; V warm time years - from observation, quiet games. We arrange a walk 2 times a day day: in the first half - before lunch and in the second half of the day - after daytime sleep or before the children go home.

    We also carry out water procedures - washing with water, washing hands, faces. Physical education minutes. In order to prevent fatigue in classes that are associated with prolonged sitting in one position, in order to defuse the atmosphere, we conduct physical education minutes. They increase the overall tone, motor skills, contribute to the training of the mobility of nervous processes, develop attention and memory, create a positive emotional mood and relieve psycho-emotional stress. The duration is 3-5 minutes. Basically physical education minutes we spend standing at the table at which the children are engaged or on the carpet.

    Finger games and exercises develop fine motor skills. We use different trainers (balls, counting sticks, laces).

    Also in our work we use non-traditional forms of work with children to strengthen and preserve health: breathing exercises, exercises after a daytime sleep, relaxation, etc. d.

    Gymnastics after daytime sleep is a complex of hardening, gymnastic and therapeutic and prophylactic activities. GEF The DO suggests that such gymnastics be carried out after a daytime sleep in preschool institutions. It helps children wake up, improves mood, and also helps prevent postural and foot disorders. Gymnastics is carried out with open windows for 4-7 minutes.

    In our work we use "Invigorating gymnastics for preschoolers" edited by T.E. Kharchenko, who complies with GEF.

    Breathing exercises. The health of a person, his physical and mental activity largely depends on proper breathing.

    The technique of using respiratory exercises: Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. We conduct breathing exercises to funny rhymes. For example, a verse "Geese are flying". Slow walking. Inhale - raise your arms to the sides, exhale - lower down with a long sound "g-u-u-u". Regular exercises increase the strength of the intercostal respiratory muscles and diaphragm, and thereby increase the respiratory volume of the lungs and children begin to get sick less often. As mentioned above, we include breathing exercises in morning exercises and exercises after daytime sleep.

    Self-massage of the face, fingers and body is an important element of physical culture. Children like it very much. It promotes the expansion of skin capillaries, accelerates blood circulation, enhances the functions of the glands, which has a positive effect on metabolism. So that the massage is not performed purely mechanically, we offer children to communicate with their bodies in a game situation, to funny rhymes, for example, “Runners are jumping - sunbeams. We call them, they don't come. Were here - and they are not here. After such a massage, children have a joyful mood.

    Relaxation is stress relief, relaxation, rest. We conduct relaxation exercises without fail under calm music. Relaxation is very popular with children, as it has elements of the game. Runtime 3-4 min.

    Each group is equipped with centers for independent physical activity in according to the age of the children.

    Logistics and equipment, spatial organization of the MBDOU environment correspond sanitary and hygienic requirements and provide physical education- health work. In a preschool there are:

    Sports hall (with a gymnastic corner, gymnastic walls, benches, balls of different sizes, fitness equipment, etc. ,

    Playgrounds on sites for each age group MBDOU.

    Working with children on the formation of a healthy lifestyle is impossible without interaction with the family.

    Interaction with parents on the formation of children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle is implemented both in traditional and non-traditional forms of work.

    At the beginning of each school year, he draws up a plan of work with parents to promote a healthy lifestyle for the children of the group. IN in accordance with GEF we include various forms in the work plan cooperation:


    parent meetings;

    consultations, conversations;

    open display of GCD;

    participation in sports events(days of health, sports holidays etc.);

    round tables;

    competitions of children's creativity;

    design of stands, folders-movers;

    exhibitions of special literature;

    work on "Health Folders";

    thematic exhibitions;

    Parent meetings included various Topics: "Healthy children healthy nation» , "Protection of life and health of children", "Active children's recreation in winter", "About Correct Posture", "Posture is health", "Cleanliness and health" etc.

    Conducted consultations on topics: "Health Promotion", "Poisonous Plants", "Movement and health", "How to Treat a Child", “Computer – enemy or friend?”, "Vitamins", "We dress the child properly" etc. ; designed leaflets and brochures to help parents: How to keep your teeth healthy and beautiful, "Long live scented soap", "We heal the child at home", "Influence of natural factors on hardening", "Summer rest", "Healthy lifestyle in the family" etc.

    In order to increase the level of professional competence of preschool teachers in the formation of a healthy lifestyle culture among preschoolers, she shared her experience of working at teachers' councils, open demonstrations of NOD.

    Thus, we can say that the constant systematic work contributes to the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers, effective strengthening and preservation of the health of preschoolers, gave a positive trend in the improvement of the child's body, allowed to achieve positive results: increase the index of children's health, the level of physical condition.

    Proper organization of a health-saving environment, as well as the use of health-saving technologies, the introduction of a model of introducing preschoolers to a healthy lifestyle, a model of a motor regime, helped to minimize the static component in the daily routine of children, and also contributed to an increase in the motor activity of each child, his comprehensive development.

    MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 "Pearl"

    Creative work.

    Theme "Modern approaches to the organization of recreational work

    In kindergarten.

    Work done: educator

    Sharina I.V.

    Sergach, 2013

    Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………3

    Chapter 1 . Modern approaches to the organization of recreational work in a preschool educational institution…………………………………….…..6

    1. The concept of "improving work" ………..………………………6
    2. Features of the organization of recreational work in a preschool educational institution ..….………………………………….13

    Conclusion on the first chapter………………………………………………………………… 19

    Chapter 2 The use of non-traditional means in health-improving work with preschool children…………………………………………………..……. 20

    2.1 Characteristics of non-traditional means of recovery

    Preschoolers……………………………………………………… 20

    2.2 Respiratory gymnastics as a means of improving the health of preschool children ………………………………………………. 25

    Conclusion on the second chapter…………………………………………………………………31




    Today, there is a high level of somatic diseases in children, a tendency to a general weakening of the health of pupils entering kindergarten, and a decrease in immunity. Therefore, the preservation and promotion of health is one of the main strategic tasks of preschool education. Already at preschool age, it becomes necessary to form an active position in children aimed at strengthening and maintaining their health, which would later become a need, a habit, an elementary skill. The problem of recovery, education and development is not a matter of one day, but a purposeful, systematically planned work of a preschool educational institution for a long period of time.

    The problem of improving the health of preschoolers was dealt with by such scientists as T.I. Aliyeva, V.G. Alyamovskaya, O.M. Dyachenko, E.A. Ekzhanova, M.N. .A.Sagaydachnaya and others. Provisions on the essence of a healthy lifestyle and the theory of health formation are reflected in the works of N.A. Amosova, M.V. Antropova, I.A. Arshevsky, E. Bocca, K.N. Wenzel, Yu.P. Lisitsina, M.I. Pokrovskaya, V.L. Farmakovsky, F. Scholz and others.

    It should be noted that the system of health-saving forms of human life activity contributes to the preservation and strengthening of health - a healthy lifestyle that is laid down from an early age. The formation of a system of knowledge and skills in the field of a child's knowledge of himself, his capabilities and ways of their development is most influenced by educational institutions, which are entrusted with the task of forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle, based on the social foundations of health and awareness of society's responsibility for children's health.

    Purpose: to study the possibilities of using non-traditional means in health-improving work with preschoolers in kindergarten.

    Object of research: health-improving work with children of preschool age.

    Subject of study: the possibility of using non-traditional means in health work with preschool children in a preschool educational institution.


    1. Expand the concept of "improving work", its components.

    2. To study the features of the organization of recreational work in a preschool educational institution.

    3. Consider the possibility of using non-traditional means of recreational work in kindergarten.

    The theoretical foundations of the study are based on scientific provisions on the role of health work in the biological and social development child (I.A. Arshavsky); on the implementation of a health-improving orientation in physical education (N.A. Amosov), on the effect of purposeful physical exercises on the prevention and correction of the musculoskeletal system of preschoolers (M.I. Fonarev).

    Significance of the study: the material on the problem of organizing health-improving work in a preschool educational institution is systematized, the possibilities of using non-traditional means in the health-improving work of a preschool educational institution are studied.

    Research methods: study and analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem; questioning and observation of preschoolers; diagnostics of physical development of preschoolers.

    Research base: MBDOU No. 16, Sergach, Nizhny Novgorod region.

    Structure: the work consists of introduction, 2 chapters, conclusions by chapters, conclusion, bibliography.

    Chapter 1. Modern approaches to health work in a preschool educational institution.

    1. The concept of "health care".

    The Constitution of the World Health Organization (WHO) states that health is not only the absence of disease or infirmity, but also complete physical, mental and social well-being.

    Physical health is ensured by: hygienic factors (daily routine, healthy eating, personal hygiene); physical exercises and optimal motor mode; hardening (healing forces of nature).

    Mental health includes:

    Age-appropriate level of maturity of personal spheres (cognitive and emotional-volitional);

    The ability to self-manage their behavior;

    Adaptability in microsocial relations (ability to communicate);

    Correspondence of subjective images to the reflected objects and the nature of the reaction (adequacy of perception and response).

    Social health is defined as the quantity and quality of an individual's interpersonal relationships and the degree of his participation in society. Exist social factors affecting human health:

    Ability to protect and maintain contacts with loved ones;

    Ability to build good relationships with other people;

    Thoughtfully organized, versatile, informative and emotionally rich leisure with a reasonable inclusion of health practices in it.

    The concept of "improving work" is a system for ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of a person. The physical and mental health of a person is influenced by internal (heredity, diseases) and external (life, nutrition, labor conditions, physical education system, geographical environment, natural conditions) factors.

    Scientists say that the health of the people is determined by 50-55% by lifestyle (OL), by 20-25% by environmental factors, by 20% by biological (hereditary) factors and by 10% by medicine.

    A healthy lifestyle is a category that integrates biological, social and environmental ideas about human health and life, since physical well-being depends not only on heredity and the amount of attention paid to a child’s health by parents and doctors, but also on the influence of environmental factors, on the degree of harmonization relationship of the child with the external social and ecological environment.

    Modern society is distinguished by a variety of examples of human lifestyles that every child constantly encounters. This diversity is not always a model for a child; as a result, chaos is created in the child's ideas about a healthy lifestyle and already established ideas are destroyed. In addition, at present there is a tendency to reduce the health of the younger generation, so the need to form children's ideas about a healthy lifestyle is increasing and requires the search for new ways in the education, upbringing and development of preschoolers.

    Currently, scientists from various fields of knowledge are engaged in the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle: medicine and physiology (V.N. Dubrovsky, Yu.P. Lisitsyn, B.N. Chumakov), psychology (O.S. Osadchuk), ecology (Z I. Tyumaseva, A.F. Amend) and pedagogy (V.G. Alyamovskaya, G.K. Zaitsev, Yu.F. Zmanovsky, M. Lazarev, O.V. Morozova, T.V. Poshtareva, L. G. Tatarnikova, O. Yu. Tolstova, O. S. Schneider and others).

    The formation of a healthy lifestyle is largely due to the process of socialization of the individual. The development and socialization of the child occurs in a certain social environment, which is an important factor in the regulation of his behavior. In the studies of N.V. Bordovskaya, V.P. Ozerov, S.Yu. Tolstova, O.L. Treshchevoi, S.O. Filippova emphasizes the role of society as an environment for the formation of a certain way of life in children. The social direction in solving the problem of forming a healthy lifestyle is also traced in the works of V.P. Petlenko and N.G. Veselova.

    The interest of scientists in this problem is not accidental. The orientation of the individual to a healthy lifestyle is a rather complex and contradictory process, it is influenced by the features of the development of the state and public opinion, the ecological situation, the technology of the educational process, the personality of teachers, as well as the state and orientation of family education.

    The formation of a healthy lifestyle is an incentive to include in everyday life the personality of various forms of behavior that are new to her and beneficial to health; changing, or even completely abandoning unhealthy habits; mastering the knowledge on the basis of which you can competently, safely and with health benefits begin to lead a healthy lifestyle, gradually achieving that these daily forms of health promotion become habits.

    Of great importance in creating favorable conditions for the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle among preschoolers is the system of preschool education, since care is taken to improve the health of the child, as noted by a number of authors (A.F. Amend, S.F. Vasiliev, M.L. Lazarev, O.V. Morozova, T.V. Poshtareva, O.Yu. Tolstova, Z.I. Tyumaseva, etc.), is not only a medical problem, but also a pedagogical one, since properly organized upbringing and educational work with children is often in to a greater extent than all medical and hygienic measures, ensures the formation of health and a healthy lifestyle. Education, as a social way of ensuring the inheritance of culture, socialization and development of the individual, is the hope of state policy for the formation of an individual culture of a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation, as one of the main components national culture healthy lifestyle. The main activities of the preschool education system in this area are:

    Refinement of the conceptual apparatus: a healthy lifestyle, a culture of a healthy lifestyle;

    Study of the health status of preschool children and identification of the main groups of factors influencing the formation of a child's health;

    Identification and study of the problems of forming a culture of a healthy lifestyle;

    Creation of the theory and practice of development and implementation of pedagogical technologies focused on the preservation and strengthening of children's health.

    An analysis of the scientific and methodological literature, especially of the last decade, shows that present stage various innovative programs and health-saving technologies are being introduced into the system of preschool education.

    Health-saving technologies are based on such general methodological principles that determine the main provisions, content, organizational forms and methods of the educational process in accordance with the general goals of health-saving technologies in a preschool educational institution, such as:

    The principle of activity and consciousness - we define success in work through the participation of the entire team of teachers and parents in the search for new, effective methods and purposeful activities to improve themselves and children. Ensuring a high degree of initiative and creativity of all subjects of the educational process. Improving work involves the formation of a preschooler's understanding, sustainable interest, meaningful attitude, realizing the health impact, the child learns to independently and creatively solve cognitive problems.

    The principle, systematicity and consistency in the organization of the health-saving and health-enriching process. The principle involves systematic work on the improvement and education of the valeological culture of preschoolers, the gradual complication of the content and methods of working with children on different stages pedagogical technology, end-to-end connection of the proposed content, forms, means and methods of work;

    - "Do no harm" - This principle is the fundamental principle in the choice of health technologies in kindergarten, all types of pedagogical and health effects are selected taking into account their safety for the health and development of the child.

    Accessibility and individualization - Health-improving work in kindergarten is built taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. Individual wellness programs are created that take into account the characteristics of the health and development of the child. We consider the process of support as a set of consistent actions that ensures the development of a healthy personality of the child.

    The systemic approach - the health-improving orientation of the educational process is achieved through a complex of selectively involved components of interaction and relationships that are aimed at a useful result - the improvement of the subjects of the educational process (from the theory of functional systems by P.K. Anokhin).

    Health-improving orientation - is aimed at strengthening health in the process of education and training. We strive to ensure that not only physical education activities, but also the entire organization of the educational process in kindergarten in general, have a health-improving orientation.

    An integrated interdisciplinary approach. The work takes into account the close relationship between the medical staff of the preschool educational institution and the teaching staff, as well as the lack of strict objectivity.

    The management of health-oriented activities in kindergarten is built on the principles of:

    The personality-oriented orientation of the pedagogical approach to health improvement is determined by us in the fact that the child is both the subject and the object of health protection activities, we can say the same about other subjects of the educational process;

    Professional cooperation and co-creation, the obligatory professional interaction of the educator and specialists in the process of organizing a health-saving and health-enriching pedagogical process, as well as close cooperation with the child's family in the context of health preservation and health enrichment, is ensured;

    Syncretism is the combination of various methods of health preservation and health enrichment in the context of pedagogical technology, as well as the combination of various methods of children's activities that allow the child to express himself most fully and independently, getting satisfaction from knowing and realizing his capabilities, experiencing emotional comfort.

    Thus, the priority direction of the work of the preschool educational institution is health-improving work, at the center of which are health-saving and health-forming technologies, in order to build a unified and continuous system of health improvement for preschool children.

    1.2 Features of the organization of recreational work in a preschool educational institution.

    Improving work in kindergarten has specific features that are expressed in the goals and objectives, in the content, in the forms of organizing the rehabilitation of preschoolers.

    Good health is determined by the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the body. Based on the characteristics of the development of the child's body, the tasks of health promotion are defined in a more specific form for each system: to help correct and timely ossification, the formation of spinal curves, the development of the arches of the foot, the strengthening of the ligamentous-articular apparatus, to promote the development of the correct ratio of body parts (proportions), regulation bone height and weight; develop all muscle groups (muscles of the trunk, back, abdomen, legs, shoulder girdle, arms, hands, fingers, feet, neck, internal organs, including the heart, blood vessels), pay special attention to underdeveloped extensor muscle groups; help to increase blood flow to the heart, improve the rhythm of its contraction and the ability to adapt to a suddenly changed load; strengthen the respiratory muscles, develop the mobility of the chest, promote deepening of breathing, economical use of air, stability of the breathing rhythm, increase the vital capacity of the lungs, teach breathing through the nose; contribute to the proper functioning of internal organs (digestion, excretion, etc.); protect the skin from damage and promote the proper development of its functions (thermoregulatory and protective); contribute to the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition, their mobility, the development of active inhibition, as well as the improvement of the motor analyzer, sensory organs (vision, hearing, etc.)

    The forms of organization of recreational work in a preschool educational institution are: morning exercises, daily routine, organization of GCD, hardening, physical activity, outdoor games, a walk, dynamic pauses, etc.

    The daily regimen is of great importance for the health and physical development of children. A constant time for eating, sleeping, walking, playing and practicing - what IP Pavlov called an external stereotype - is a prerequisite for the proper upbringing of a child.

    The daily routine is a system for distributing periods of sleep and wakefulness, meals, hygiene and health procedures, activities and independent activities of children. Cheerful, cheerful and at the same time balanced mood of children to a large extent depends on the strict implementation of the regimen. The delay in eating, sleeping, walking negatively affects the nervous system of children: they become lethargic or, conversely, excited, begin to act up, lose their appetite, fall asleep poorly and sleep restlessly. The correct regimen, corresponding to the age capabilities of the child, strengthens health, ensures working capacity, successful implementation of a variety of activities, and protects against overwork.

    An analysis of the practice of preschool institutions shows that in recent years there has been a decrease in the proportion of movements in the general daily routine, this negatively affects the formation of all systems and, undoubtedly, lowers the protective forces of the child's body. Thus, motor mode optimization becomes one of the elements of nonspecific prevention of acute respiratory diseases (ARI).

    To characterize the motor mode, the accounting of daily motor activity is now increasingly used. Children with greater motor activity are more developed both physically and mentally: more intense motor activity contributes to better physical development, and better physical development, in turn, stimulates motor activity and neuropsychic development.

    Morning exercises as a form of health work in a preschool institution is an important component. She provides good mood increases vitality. Morning gymnastics involves the entire body of the child in an active state, deepens breathing, increases blood circulation, promotes metabolism, raises emotional tone, fosters purposefulness, causes positive emotions and joyful sensations, increases the vital activity of the body, gives a high healing effect.

    The main form of work with preschoolers is the organization of GCD, the purpose of which is to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities.GCD in physical education is held 2-3 times a week in the morning. Its duration, like the rest of the GCD in kindergarten, is 15-30 minutes. Physical education strengthens the body's compensatory capabilities, increases its resistance. Gymnastic exercises, skiing, cycling, swimming - all these means have a high degree impact on the body, therefore, it is required to control the intensity of loads on children during recreational activities.

    To relieve fatigue, prevent overwork and increase efficiency, dynamic pauses or physical exercises, which are included both in regime moments and in the organization of GCD, contribute. A physical minute may be accompanied by a text related or not related to the movement of the lesson. When pronouncing the text, children need to make sure that the exhalation is performed when pronouncing the words of one line, and before the beginning of the next line, a deep and calm breath is taken. After physical education, the child's breathing remains calm. Motor warm-up during a long break between classes allows you to actively relax after mental stress and forced posture.

    Conducted to consolidate the health effect of outdoor games, physical exercises for a walk. Children's exposure to fresh air is of great importance for the health of a preschooler. Walking is the first and most accessible means of hardening the child's body. It helps to increase its endurance and resistance to adverse environmental influences, especially to colds. On the walk, children play, move a lot. Movements increase metabolism, blood circulation, gas exchange, improve appetite. As you know, regular exercise strengthens the body and improves immunity. In addition, children, unlike adults, are very mobile and active, so they just need to periodically “let off steam”, and for this purpose, as well as for improving coordination of movements, physical education is suitable like nothing else. Properly organized and thoughtful walks help to accomplish tasks. comprehensive development children. Up to four hours a day are allotted for children to be outdoors. The daily routine of the kindergarten provides for a daytime walk after classes and an evening walk after an afternoon snack. The time allotted for walks must be strictly observed.

    Outdoor games - complex motor, emotionally colored activity, due to established rules that help to identify the final result or a quantitative result. Outdoor games serve as a method of improving motor skills already mastered by children and educating physical qualities.

    After a nap, it is important to improve the mood and muscle tone of each child, as well as take care of the prevention of posture and foot disorders. This can be facilitated by a gymnastics complex after daytime sleep,which is of a variable nature, depending on this, its duration will also change (from 7–15 minutes).

    In the system of physical culture and health-improving work of a preschool institution, physical culture holidays, sports leisure, and health days occupy a strong place. Interesting content, humor, music, games, competitions, joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation of motor activity. When organizing outdoor activities, it is important to take into account climatic conditions, seasonal features and natural factors. Positive results can be achieved under the condition of close cooperation between the staff of the preschool institution and the family. Sports holidays are an effective form of active recreation for children. The practice of preschool institutions has shown the importance of holidays in the active involvement of each child in physical education.

    hardening - the most important part of the physical education of preschool children. By the best means hardening are the natural forces of nature: air, sun and water. Hardening is understood as an increase in the body's resistance mainly to low temperatures, since the cause of a number of diseases (diseases of the upper respiratory tract, pneumonia, nephritis, rheumatism, etc.) is the cooling of the body.

    The purpose of hardening is to develop the body's ability to quickly bring the work of organs and systems in line with the changing external environment. The body's ability to adapt to certain environmental conditions is developed by repeated exposure to one or another factor (cold, heat, etc.) and a gradual increase in the dosage of such exposure.

    In the process of hardening, changes occur in the child's body: cells of the integument of the body and mucous membranes, nerve endings and nerve centers begin to respond faster and more efficiently to changes in the environment.

    As a result of hardening, the child becomes less susceptible to sudden changes in temperature and colds and infectious diseases. Tempered children have good health and appetite, are calm, balanced, distinguished by cheerfulness, cheerfulness, and high efficiency. Such results can only be achieved with correct execution hardening procedures.

    Positive results from hardening procedures can be expected only if such principles as gradualness, consistency, systematic, comprehensiveness, taking into account the individual characteristics of each child, as well as an active and positive attitude of children to hardening procedures, are observed.

    Thus, recreational work in a preschool educational institution is aimed at strengthening the health of the child, his physical development, at the formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle and the formation of a responsible attitude of preschoolers to their own health.

    Conclusion for chapter 1.

    The concept of "improving work" is a system for ensuring the preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of a person.

    Physical health is understood as a system of physical exercises, hygiene factors, hardening of the body.

    Psychological health implies the ability to self-manage one's behavior, the ability to communicate, adequately perceive and respond to the situation.

    Since physical health forms an inseparable unity with mental health and emotional well-being, the whole life of a child in a preschool educational institution (DOE) should have a health-improving orientation. And first of all, the organization of physical education of preschoolers should meet the principle of health orientation.

    Improving work in kindergarten has specific features that are expressed in the goals and objectives, in the content, in the forms of organizing the rehabilitation of preschoolers. The forms of organization of recreational work in a preschool educational institution are: morning exercises, daily routine, organization of GCD, hardening, physical activity, outdoor games, a walk, dynamic pauses, etc.

    Thus, the peculiarity of the organization of recreational work in a preschool institution is expressed in a consistent change in motor activity, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children, which prevents overwork of the child's body and gives a healing effect.

    Chapter 2. The use of non-traditional means in health work with children of preschool age.

    2.1 Characteristics of non-traditional means of improving preschoolers.

    In order to anticipate diseases as much as possible or reduce their duration and facilitate their course, it is necessary to combine traditional means of recovery with non-traditional ones, which allow diversifying the educational process, arouse children's interest in their health and form a desire to strengthen it. In addition, non-traditional means of recovery allow for preventive work with children. By definition, disease prevention is a set of preventive measures aimed at maintaining and strengthening the health of the child.

    The most accessible for preschool children is gymnastics for the eyes. Modern production with its dynamism, an abundance of complex and subtle details, a continuous stream of visual and auditory signals places high demands on the nervous system and sensory organs.

    The eye is the most mobile of all organs. human body. It makes constant movements even in a state of apparent rest, when we gaze at any object. The state of the eye muscles largely determines visual performance. Therefore, gymnastics for the eyes is no less important than general physical exercises. Like any other type of gymnastics, eye exercises will only be beneficial if they are performed correctly, regularly and for a long time. Their goal is to include in the dynamic work the eye muscles that are inactive during the performance of a given labor operation, and, conversely, to relax those eye muscles on which the main load falls. This creates conditions for the prevention of eye fatigue and their diseases.. It can be included in the complexes of morning exercises, gymnastics after sleep, carried out in the form of physical exercises.

    Experience shows that in senior preschool childhood, children effortlessly acquire knowledge about the structure of the body and acquire initial life safety skills if knowledge is presented in an accessible and exciting way. In this regard, new health-improving methods are being developed and used in practice. One of these forms of health work with preschool children is self-massage.

    The main value of massage lies in the fact that it primarily affects the nervous system of the baby, helps the child relieve general fatigue, helps all organs and systems to work smoothly and efficiently. All exercises should be performed against the backdrop of positive responses from the child. We must always remember the commandment of Hippocrates "Do no harm!" Positive results in the rehabilitation of preschoolers are possible only if the importance and significance of health work with children is understood.

    During the massage, it is recommended to teach children not to press force on the indicated points, but to massage them with soft finger movements, lightly pressing or stroking them lightly. Massaging movements should be performed in the direction from the periphery to the center (from the hands to the shoulder, etc.). Self-massage techniques are carried out in the following sequence: stroking, rubbing, kneading and vibration (shaking). The duration of self-massage for children is 5-7 minutes, depending on the task. The main task self-massage is: creating sustainable motivation and the need to maintain one's health, forming the habit of a healthy lifestyle, instilling elementary skills in self-massage of hands, feet, head, face, etc. Self-massage can be taught in any kind of activity, in the form game exercises, imitation movements, which gives the most positive result.

    Statistics show that the largest number diseases in childhood These are diseases associated with the respiratory system of the body. Therefore, respiratory gymnastics in a children's institution has not only a preventive, but also a healing effect. Breathing exercises help oxygenate every cell in the body. The ability to control breathing contributes to the ability to control oneself. Besides, correct breathing stimulates the heart, brain and nervous system, relieves many diseases, improves digestion. Slow exhalation helps to relax, calm down, cope with excitement and irritability. In addition, breathing exercises are simply necessary for children who quite often suffer from colds, bronchitis, as well as recovering from pneumonia or suffering from bronchial asthma. Respiratory gymnastics perfectly complements any treatment (medication, homeopathic, physiotherapy), develops the still imperfect respiratory system of the child and strengthens the body's defenses.

    Modern medicine is developing rapidly, every year in any of its areas new discoveries occur, improved drugs are created. Recently, in children's institutions, the practice of using herbal medicine has been used as a means of preventing colds in preschool children. Phytotherapy is usually understood as preparations created from natural plant materials (herbs, leaves, roots). Herbal medicine has been used since the beginning of time, even ancient people observed the effects of certain plants on their health and used them to relieve pain, stop bleeding, etc. With the help of properly selected herbal medicines, you can heal a large number of ailments, such as colds, fever, runny nose, colic, diathesis and many others. The use of such a remedy as herbal medicine is possible only after consulting a specialist, as it can cause a serious allergic reaction in children. The use of herbal medicine can help maintain health, it is only important to choose the right ingredients and recipe.

    One of the health remedies is aromatherapy, with certain precautions, essential oils can be safely and effectively used in the treatment of children. Children generally respond very well to aromatherapy and that's it. natural methods treatment. All simple means self-help offered by aromatherapy - baths, inhalations, compresses and aerosols with essential oils - give a good effect in the treatment of childhood diseases. Both infants and older children respond very well to a simple massage. Correct use essential oils in the form of baths, massages, aerosols or aroma burners - this is a very effective form of prevention of colds and other infectious diseases.

    Recently, the attention of teachers has been drawn to the psychological component of children's health. One of the means of correction emotional state preschoolers performs psycho-gymnastics.

    Psycho-gymnastics is a course of special classes (sketches, exercises and games) aimed at developing and correcting various aspects of the child's psyche (both its cognitive and emotional-personal spheres).
    Psycho-gymnastics is adjacent to psychological, pedagogical and psychotherapeutic methods, the common task of which is to maintain mental health and prevent emotional disorders in children.

    The main advantages of psycho-gymnastics:

    The playful nature of the exercises (reliance on the leading activity of preschool children);

    Preservation of the emotional well-being of preschool children.

    Thus, non-traditional means of improving children's health can be actively included in various activities and combined with traditional means, they contribute to a variety of recreational activities and contribute to the development of children's interest in the process of strengthening health.

    2.2 Breathing exercises as a means of improving the health of preschool children.

    Breath - this is a set of processes that ensure the entry of oxygen into the body and the release of carbon dioxide from it (external respiration) and the use of oxygen by tissues and cells for the oxidation of organic substances with the release of the energy contained in them necessary for life (cellular respiration, tissue respiration).

    The diaphragm and respiratory muscles of a person work, obeying his consciousness and will, therefore, in order to breathe correctly, it is extremely important to know the structure and mechanism of the respiratory organs.

    Performing breathing exercises has 2 main goals:

    1. Purposefully influence the respiratory system, increasing its functional reserves.
    2. And by influencing the respiratory system to make changes in functional systems and various organs.

    Human health, physical and mental activity largely depend on breathing. The respiratory system of children is imperfect, and the smaller the child, the narrower all the respiratory tracts, and the mucous membrane lining them is very delicate, easily inflamed, even under the influence of dust particles; at the same time, the already narrow passages become even narrower, and it becomes difficult for the child to breathe.

    The vital capacity of the lungs is the smaller, the smaller the child, and the need for oxygen is great, so the child breathes often and superficially. That is why it is necessary to include breathing exercises in the complex of physical culture and health-improving exercises.

    Respiratory gymnastics in preschool age solves the following tasks:

    Increasing the general vitality of the child and the resistance, hardening and resistance of his body to diseases of the respiratory system;

    When compiling respiratory gymnastics complexes, the following are taken into account:

    The effectiveness of each exercise for hardening and healing children in a preschool;

    Affordable degree of difficulty of exercises for children of different ages;

    The degree of influence of exercises on strengthening the respiratory muscles.

    In order to systematically use breathing exercises, they are included in the complexes of health-improving gymnastics after sleep, morning exercises and physical education. a huge role respiratory gymnastics plays in the hardening and healing of children.

    Execution technique breathing exercises: the basis of the methodology for conducting classes is the use of special static and dynamic breathing exercises. The basis of breathing exercises is an exercise with an elongated and enhanced exhalation against the background of general strengthening and general developmental physical exercises. This can be achieved with the pronunciation of vowel sounds (a-a-a, u-u-u, o-o-o), hissing consonants (zh and sh) and combinations of sounds (ah, uh, fu). It is advisable to carry out these breathing exercises in a playful way (a bee is buzzing, an airplane is buzzing, train wheels are knocking, etc.).

    The room in which the child is located should always be well ventilated: there are fewer germs in clean air, and the risk of illness is reduced.

    Classes are recommended to be carried out in lightweight clothing, at an air temperature not higher than 17-20 degrees. The duration of classes is from 10-12 to 30 minutes, depending on the age of the children and the frequency of classes. Classes can be conducted by a teacher, instructor, educator or medical worker of a preschool institution.

    In our preschool institution for children 3-4 years old, we use the following set of breathing exercises:

    1. "Porridge is boiling"

    Starting position: sitting on a bench

    Exercise: raise straight arms up - inhale;

    slowly lower your hands down - exhale (with pronunciation

    sound "sh-sh-sh" until complete exhalation).

    Lower your arms straight. Repeat 4-5 times


    Starting position: sitting astride a bench, hands on the waist.

    Exercise: Inhale, then turn your torso to the right (exhale)

    As you exhale, pronounce the sound “z-z-z” (imitating a mosquito) with a drawl until you exhale completely.

    After that, return to the starting position (inhale) and repeat the same movement in the other direction. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction.


    Starting position: sitting on a bench, fold your hands into a tube, bring to your mouth

    Exercise: Inhale and exhale slowly, elongated air with

    Loud imitation of the sound of the pipe "p-p-p-u" (until the end


    Repeat 4-5 times.

    "Ball rolling"

    Starting position: standing, legs wide apart.

    Exercise: take a large rubber ball in both hands, lift it up,

    Then lower it to the floor and push it on the floor (exhale).

    As you exhale, say the sound "b-a-a-h" loudly.

    Repeat 7-8 times.

    "Cutting wood"

    Starting position: standing, legs apart.

    Exercise: raise your hands up (fingers interlaced together) - inhale

    Bend forward - "hit with an ax" (hands down) - exhale

    As you exhale, pronounce the sound "u-uh"

    Repeat 4-5 times at short intervals.

    The use of this complex helped to reduce the level of colds and is a good means of prevention.

    There are other methods of healing children by means of breathing exercises, one of them is the method of Strelnikova A.N.

    Method A.N. Strelnikova stands apart from other respiratory gymnastics complexes for children. It is even called paradoxical. The essence of this system is that, unlike traditional approaches, the author suggests that when performing exercises, pay attention not to the entire breathing process, but only to the nature and quality of breaths. Exhalation is considered a natural consequence of the process of inhalation. In addition, the chest during inhalation, according to the Strelnikova system, does not expand, but artificially contracts (this is facilitated by tilts, turns of the body, clasping the ribs with hands). Gymnastics effectively helps in the treatment of a whole range of ailments, while enhancing performance. various methods treatment, including medical and alternative. Among them: - chronic diseases of the sinuses, bronchi and lungs, including pneumonia and asthma; - diabetes; - heart diseases; - peptic ulcer (in remission); - diseases of a neurological nature. When performing exercises, the immune forces of the body are activated. Gymnastics allows you to develop flexibility, plasticity, and also helps to correct postural disorders in children and adolescents due to the activity in the process of performing exercises of almost all muscle groups. The child's body begins to develop at an optimal pace. Oxygen metabolism is activated in all tissues of the body, which contributes to the normalization and optimization of its work as a whole. Mastering Strelnikova's breathing exercises begins with three basic exercises. All of them are performed in the rhythm of the marching step (if you have a faint idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat it is, listen to any march). “Palms” (warm-up exercise) We stand straight, showing our palms. At the same time, the arms are lowered to the elbow along the body. With each breath, we squeeze our palms into fists, as if trying to grab something. Only the hands move. We take 4 short noisy breaths through the nose, as if sniffing something. We exhale voluntarily - through the mouth or nose. After a series of breaths, rest for 3-5 seconds, after - another series of 4 breaths. In total, they need to be done 96 (in the methodology this number is called “hundreds”): a total of 24 times for 4 breaths. "Pohonchiki" We stand up straight, arms along the body, hands clenched into fists. With each breath, we sharply unclench our fists, as if pushing something away from us in the direction of the floor. We take 8 short noisy breaths without stopping, after which we pause (rest) and repeat the exercise (a total of 12 repetitions are performed). "Pump" We stand up straight, slightly apart, hands down freely. Slightly lean forward, rounding the back. The neck is relaxed, the head is freely lowered down. When tilting, we take a short breath with our nose, as if inhaling the aroma of a flower. On the exhale we straighten up. Just as in the previous exercise, we take 8 short noisy breaths without stopping, then we pause (rest) and repeat the exercise (a total of 12 repetitions are performed). Strelnikova's breathing exercises for children are suitable for children 3-4 years old. There is practically no “lower” age limit. Exercise from the Strelnikova complex. The entire basic complex consists of 14 exercises. The author of the methodology recommends doing 3 "sets", which include all the exercises in sequence, but if there is not enough time, you can limit yourself to one or two "sets".

    Experts from different countriesbreathing exercisesto that number of effective factors contributing to recovery and increasing the resistance of the human body to various diseases.

    Conclusion for chapter 2.

    In order to anticipate diseases as much as possible or reduce their duration and facilitate their course, it is necessary to combine traditional means of recovery with non-traditional ones, which allow diversifying the educational process, arouse children's interest in their health and form a desire to strengthen it. In addition, non-traditional means of recovery allow for preventive work with children. The most common non-traditional means that are used in preschool institutions are: eye gymnastics, breathing exercises, self-massage, aromatherapy, herbal medicine, psycho-gymnastics. All of the above are used in preventive work with preschoolers, which, in combination with traditional means, gives the most positive healing effect.


    The health status of preschool children is characterized by a high prevalence of morphofunctional relationships of 70–75%. One of the main areas of work of the preschool educational institution is to provide favorable conditions for the preservation and promotion of children's health.

    In order to improve the health of preschool children, the system of physical education in a children's educational institution should include various health-improving forms of organizing preschoolers that increase the level of physical activity of children (morning exercises, physical education, games, exercises for a walk, etc.).

    Health-improving work with children of preschool age is planned in accordance with the principles of consistency, systematic, integrated use of the natural forces of nature and hygienic factors, as well as methods of health-improving orientation.

    The effectiveness of health-improving work with children will depend on the use of health-improving means and the level of proficiency of teachers in the methods of organizing and conducting traditional (hardening with water, air, sun in combination with physical exercises), as well as non-traditional methods of healing (aromatherapy, herbal medicine, self-massage, breathing exercises, gymnastics for eyes, etc.).

    Statistics show that the greatest number of diseases in childhood are diseases associated with the respiratory system of the body. Therefore, respiratory gymnastics in a children's institution has not only a preventive, but also a healing effect. Using breathing exercises as a means of recovery in the younger group, we have achieved visible results and the level of somatic diseases in preschoolers has decreased, which indicates the effectiveness of preventive work.



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