“Socio-play style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology. Workshop for teachers "Socio-game technologies in speech therapy

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Firefly"

seminar for preschool teachers

Topic: Socio-gaming technologies in educational activities of the preschool educational institution

Conducted: educator

Solopchenko E.V.


Socio-game technologies in the educational activities of preschool educational institutions.

Today, for a person to actively participate in the life of society, to realize himself as a person, he must constantly be creative, independent, discover and develop his abilities, continuously learn and improve himself.

Therefore, for education today, more than ever, it is relevant " best rule politicians - not to govern too much…” - i.e. the less we control children, the more active they take in life.

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To comply with this statement helps us modern pedagogical technology"Socio-game pedagogy" presented by E. Shuleshko A. Ershova and V. Bukatov.

The term "socio-playing style" itself appeared in 1988.

Let's break down the concept of socio-playing style. There are two components of the socio and the game. Socio lies in the fact that it is in the conditions of socio that it is possible to teach children the ability to communicate, interact with each other, hear and listen, express their opinion, generalize, analyze, negotiate, comply with the terms of the contract, obey the rules of the game, a common decision, which forms children have arbitrariness of behavior, and all mental processes develop.

The game is the leading activity, the main and favorite pastime of children. It is through play that we can teach children to interact. (Games aimed at the ability to negotiate, come to a common opinion).

In 1992, an article appeared in the "Teacher's newspaper" called "Freestyle or chasing 133 hares", where the author, relying on materials from supporters of socio-play pedagogy: E. Shuleshko, A. Ershova, V. Bukatova, describes the organization of classes with children as games between microgroups of children (small societies - hence the term "socio-game") and simultaneously in each of them.

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Social gaming technology - the development of the child in playful communication with peers.

The use of socio-playing techniques in direct educational activities arouses children's interest in each other, helps the teacher in the ability to read and understand his own and children's behavior, and through this understanding create conditions that reveal the talents of children.

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“A person who sees the talent of another, rejoices for him, will surely become talented himself. This statement applies both to children and to the educator himself ”- V.M. Bukatov.

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The basis of socio-game pedagogy lies in the words: “We do not teach, but we establish situations where their participants want to trust each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary learning, training and learning” (V. M. Bukatov, E E. Shuleshko).

The main idea of ​​social gaming technology is an organization own activities children - this is the activity that the child wants to do, and in which he does, listens, looks, speaks.

GEF preschool education is aimed at forming a fundamentally new look at the content, structure and organization of preschool education. For changing traditional methods active methods of education and upbringing come, which are aimed at comprehensive development child's personality. The main place is occupied by the game. In these changing conditions, the teacher of preschool education needs to be able to navigate the variety of integrative approaches to the development of children, in a wide range modern technologies. One of these technologies is the socio-gaming technology..

Socio-gaming technology implies freedom of action, freedom of choice, freedom of thought of the child. Equally important in socio-gaming technology is the contract, the rule. Disorganization, chaos, disorder should not be unconscious, children argue, discuss animatedly, communicate in a business setting.

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IN early age these are joint games with objects, round dance games.

In the younger, these are games in pairs, games with rules, round dance games.

Average age– work in pairs, games with rules.

Senior age training to work in micro groups of 3-4 people.

In the preparatory group - work in micro groups of 5-6 people.

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The systematic use of socio-gaming technology both in the classroom and in the organization of free activities of children makes it possible to unite children in a common cause or joint discussion of individual work and turning it into a collective one..

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Within the framework of this technology,

Help children learn to communicate effectively

Make learning more fun for kids

To promote the development of their active position, independence, creativity

To instill in preschoolers the desire to learn new things.

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Components of socio-gaming technology:

Work in microgroups

Change of leadership

The kids are moving

Change of pace and rhythm

Integration of multiple activities

Educator - partner, adviser

Let's consider all the components in more detail.

Micro group - unique conditions for children's independence.

Optimal, for productive communication and development, are associations in small groups in younger age in pairs and triples, in the eldest of 5-6 children. The activity of preschoolers in small groups is the most natural way to the emergence of their cooperation, communication, mutual understanding.

A microgroup arises during the game division of children or according to interests (i.e., an established microgroup). When playing division into microgroups, you can use:


Split pictures

By eye color

By color of clothes

Spell in the name, etc.

Find on solid and diverse postcards something the same and

this “same” will unite in triplets;

There are many bases for dividing into microgroups, they can be varied and alternated depending on the situation.

When interacting in a microgroup, children share their experiences, learn to interact, negotiate, help each other, and most importantly, learn independence.

Change of leadership - the whole group participates in the process of completing the task: children discuss, communicate with each other. But only one person needs to submit the completed task: to whom - the company decides, selects a representative through voting, or by counting. There can be several representatives in one company, depending on the number of tasks. This form of work allows active children not to get bored, and also helps more modest comrades gain experience, and in the future also act as a representative of the company.

The movement of children is also one of the components of the socio-gaming technology. During the work of the company, children can freely move around the group: microgroups change, children complete a task, send a messenger (representative), look for options for completing tasks, etc. In socio-game technology, the movement of children is an inseparable attribute. It can be said that if during the lesson the children sat on chairs or moved very little, then the socio-game technology did not take place.

Change of pace and rhythm - with socio-playing technology, children act at their own pace and rhythm, depending on the game or task. There may be several options: the task may be assigned certain time and on a signal, the children begin to complete the task and also finish on a signal. Or there may be another option: each child in the microgroup can act at his own pace, as he likes.

The integration of several types of activities is currently a very relevant moment and in socio-game pedagogy is an integral part.

Learning takes place in game form, for this you can use various games that develop attention phonemic awareness, thinking, the ability to interact with each other: "Hearing", "Relay", "I'm not responsible for myself", "Magic wand", "Cities with unheard of things", etc.

Socio-gaming technology implies the use of various types of activities: “if you chase 133 hares, then you look, you will catch a dozen”.

It is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, he is more motivated. As a result, all children discover new knowledge for themselves, only someone more, someone less.

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The educator is a partner, an adviser is also one of important points socio-game technology, in which the educator takes the position of a partner in relation to the child. In the classroom, what is right and what is not is mainly judged by the teacher. And it has become the norm, not perceived as a problem in learning. But if you look at the situation from the other side: this is a kind of "trial" over the children, which is arranged by the teacher. If educators in their classes take on the role of an adviser, then this has a positive effect not only on the relationship of the teacher with the children, but also appear positive points in relationships with colleagues. For example, many teachers feel uncomfortable in open classes, and if the educator himself takes on the role of a partner with the children, then he treats his colleagues who come to his open class in a different way.

For the development of children great importance has a formation personal experience to evaluate the child's abilities. Shuleshko E.E. noted that the assessment developed by the child's own efforts contributes to further activation much more effectively than the assessment by the educator. Children are fascinated by the very opportunity to show their initiative and direct its formation of new ideas or the application of those that have already been formed. Socio-gaming technologies stimulate the development of children to freely discuss issues of interest to them, monitor the progress of a common cause, provide each other with help and accept it when necessary. Friendships of children, their tendency to play and act together, are evaluated positively, but usually they are not the subject of purposeful education. As a result, there is a separation of children. Each of them looks at the educator as the main source of encouragement and reprimand, adapting to his requirements to the extent of his own characteristics. But friendly relations are beginning to be perceived as something unimportant, secondary. Socio-game technology provides an opportunity to form the ability of children to interact with people around them, which will certainly come in handy throughout their lives.


Socio-game technology is aimed at the development of communication in children, therefore, this technology is based on the communication of children with each other, with an adult.

Communication of children within the framework of this technology goes through three stages:

at the very first stage, children learn the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means listening and hearing a partner, their own speech develops);

in the second stage, communication is the goal - the child practice is aware how he needs to organize his communication in a microgroup in order to complete the learning task;

at the third stage, communication is a pedagogical tool, i.e. through communication, the teacher teaches preschoolers.


Pros of the socio-play style:

- Relationships: "child-peers";

- The teacher is an equal partner;

- The barrier between the teacher and the child is destroyed;

- Children are peer oriented and therefore not submissive

executors of the instructions of the teacher;

- Children are independent and initiative;

- Children themselves set the rules of the game;

- Children discuss the problem, find ways to solve it;

- Children negotiate, communicate (play the role of both speakers and the role


- Children communicate within the microgroup and between microgroups;

- Children help each other and also control each other;

- Socio-play style teaches active children to recognize the opinion of comrades, and gives timid and insecure children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecision.

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Views of traditional pedagogy and views of socio - game approaches

2. Reliance on discreteness

Purpose of the task receptions result

2. Lack of discreteness (scientific approach)

Socio-game didactics is a kind of tangle. The principles intersect like fibers that make up a thread.

3. The teacher as a "judge"

3. The teacher as an "advisor"

4. Evaluation of the teacher - "good - not good", "right - wrong"

4. The child is able to evaluate himself by his own efforts.

5. The main positive qualities of children: obedience, diligence, non-conflict, accuracy

5. The main qualities of children:

Development of self-awareness; - the ability to compare their knowledge with the knowledge of other children; - helping each other and accepting it when needed; - speech training, development of attention, the ability to hear, remember what they heard, the ability to solve problems together, discuss different questions to follow the progress of the common cause

6. The teacher in the position "above", "beside"

Children look at the teacher as the main source of censure and encouragement.

6. The teacher takes a position "nearby", "together"

7. Friendships, a tendency to play together and act are not the subject of purposeful education but are assessed positively.

7. Special attention is given to the development of communication skills

8. Organization of classes using socio- game techniques

8. Organization of the lesson as a game - life between groups and at the same time each of them

9. The teacher does not go beyond the boundaries of the intended content of the lesson

9. The teacher must come from the children

10. Children work for a teacher

10. Children work for themselves

Thus, these components discussed above are the main difference between socio-play pedagogy and traditional pedagogy.

The use of socio-gaming technology contributes to the realization of the needs of children in movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.Practical part of the seminar

When deciding on the use of socio-gaming technologies in their pedagogical practice, the teacher must comply with 4 conditions.

Conditions for the use of social gaming technology .

1. Studying the works of the creators of the socio-gaming technology.

2. Compliance with the options for dividing into groups;

3. Combination of learning with a motor change of pace and rhythm.

4. The use of games of a diverse nature.

Now I will introduce you to the classification of games.

Classification of games of a socio-game orientation.

Games that require space and freedom of movement to play, i.e. they can not always be performed in a room

The classification of games of a socio-game orientation, proposed by E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova and VM. Bukatov

For work with children, games suitable for preschool age are selected and adapted. Pedagogical skill in socio - game pedagogy includes the skill of creating and rational use of games.

Must be used in the morninggame exercises for a positive psychological attitude. the main task games to arouse children's interest in each other, including closed children to make contact with peers, provide a general increase in the mobilization of attention and body (“Flies, does not fly”, “Stand on your fingers”, “Freeze”, “Shadow-sweat”, “Where we were, we won’t say, but we’ll show what we did”, “I’m standing looking at someone”, etc.).

The beginning of classes should become a kind of ritual so that children can tune in to joint activities and communication. This is facilitated by the games: “Chairs”, “Transformation of an Object”, “Magic Ball”, “Living Alphabet”, “Compliments”, etc.

In the classroom it is desirable to offergames for social gaming engagement, the purpose of whichis the setting of participants in some kind of dependence on each other or providing a general increase in the mobilization of attention.The use of these games is useful in the process of assimilation or consolidation of educational material; if children learn to distinguish something, memorize, systematize, etc., then they will learn this in the process of performing game tasks.“Magic Wand”, “Stand on the Fingers”, “Scouts”, “Freeze”, “Living Alphabet”, “Distinguish, Supplement. repeat" etc.

To relieve fatigue, the transition from one type of activity to another, you canuse warm-up exercises.The principle of universal accessibility, an element of competition for a ridiculous, frivolous win; give children the opportunity to stretch:Clockwork Men, Listen Outside the Window, Outside the Door, Hands and Feet, Letters - Riddles, etc.

Tasks for creative self-assertion- these are tasks, the implementation of which implies an artistic and performing result.

They can be paired and become collective if the teacher set the task to supplement the “transformation” of a friend “Weight”, “Transformation of the room”, “Theatre ticket”, “Story-drawing about what I see”

On a walk and in a free gameactivities to effectively usefree gamescarried out in the wild. They include such game tasks, the implementation of which requires sufficient space and freedom of movement.. The game arises from a special, unusual combination of diverse efforts. And he connects the matter for the head with the matter for the legs, the matter for the eyes with the matter for the ears and the matter for the tongue (listen, hear and listen to the speech of the interlocutor), and then the matters become a game: "Counting", "Burners", "Hide and Seek". “Sparrows - crows”, “Table, cabinet, where are the keys”, “You go quieter, you will continue”, “The day comes - everything comes to life, the night comes - everything freezes”, “Where (who) we were, we will not say, but we'll show you what we've done."

The goal of the games is physically active and psychologically effective rest.

In practical activities, in addition to classification, the teacher needs to know the sequence of introducing games.

Game introduction sequence

1. Games for the working mood,

2. Games of a socio-playing nature.

3. Warm-up games.

4. Games of creative self-affirmation.

5. Games in the wild.

Game introduction sequence:

1. Task games for a working mood:

Each lesson always begins with a greeting that performs important functions of establishing emotional and positive contact with the child and forming his focus on his peers and interest in him. Greetings should be addressed to each participant, without exception, thus emphasizing its importance. Initial welcome initiative gaming activities belongs to the teacher. At the beginning of the game lesson, the children sit in a circle with the teacher on chairs or on the carpet. In addition to individual, person-oriented greetings, the whole group is welcomed, uniting children into a single whole, which contributes to the formation of an upbeat joyful mood and positive orientation. (greet body parts, passing the object, applause)

You can offer to sing a choral song about friendship, good mood

You can invite the children to fill out a "Mood Map", which indicates the mood with which the child came to class. Drawing the sun means that the child has a good, joyful mood. Drawing a leaf is an even, calm mood. Drawing clouds - sadness, resentment. Drawing lightning is anger.

"Mood maps" are analyzed.

So greeting "Greeting with the eyes" and "Wake up the neighbor"

- "Magic wand"

The “magic wand” (pen, pencil, etc.) is transmitted in random order, the transmission is accompanied by a speech according to a predetermined order-rule.

Options: the transmitter calls the noun, the receiver - the adjective to it. Or the transmitter calls the fairy tale and the receiver calls the character of the fairy tale. Before the game, we agree that during the transfer we look into the eyes, if the receiver does not answer, then the wand returns or someone helps. Or even the transmitter is selected alone.

2. Games for socio-playing involvement in the case, during the implementation of which business relationships are built between the teacher and the children, and the children with each other. Development of partnership communication skills. It is important for each child to feel their importance and feel belonging to the group, to contribute to the common cause by sharing ideas.

It can be joint planning with the children. And the decision on the choice of the game is made as a result of a general group discussion, when all members of the group, including the teacher, take turns expressing their proposals and discussing them.

Joint planning and the development of a group decision have a significant corrective effect on the personality of the child.

For the next game, you need to divide into small subgroups. Consider the moment of division.


Purpose: to develop the ability to establish positive relationships with other people.

Move: In order to play this game, we need to split into two teams. To do this, I have split pictures, each take one piece of the picture for yourself. Your task is to collect a picture, find a place for your team. Next, the teacher offers the children an imaginary situation: they go on vacation without adults. The day before, they themselves fold their suitcase. In order not to forget anything, you need to make a list of the necessary and what will help you quickly get to know other children. The list must be compiled using diagrams, drawings, icons.

Teams need to prepare materials, discuss and sketch what they need to take for the trip. To do this, you have 10 minutes (an hourglass is set). After the time has elapsed, the host offers to exchange lists - sketches and guess what the other team takes with them on a trip.

Organizing this game, we used the rules of socio-gaming technology: work in small groups, change of leader, change of scenes, integration of activities (socialization, communication, productive, search, etc.).

3. Game warm-ups - they are united by their universal accessibility, quickly emerging gambling. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest.

“Clockwork Men”, “Giant Dwarfs”, “Compliment”, “Make a Word”, “Living Alphabet”, “Touch to”.

Children especially like the following games: “Changeers”, “Stand up those who have ...”, “Affectionate crayon”, “Pass the movement”, “Molecule”, “Shadow”, “Confusion”: causing children to feel their partner, to come to agree with him, thereby forming a trusting and friendly atmosphere in the group.


The players sit (on chairs, on the carpet). The teacher (child) claps 1 time - a command to the hands (raise, lower, on the belt, behind the head, etc., claps 2 times - a command to the legs (stand up, sit down, cross, etc.).

The sequence of movements (claps, pace may vary.

4. Tasks for creative self-affirmation are tasks, the fulfillment of which implies an artistic and performing result.

Children can use the experience of game interaction in productive activities.


All members of the team begin each on their own sheet of paper, indicating on it in the corner their name, drawing, something important to themselves. Then, on a signal, all participants simultaneously transfer their drawings to a neighbor and continue the drawing of a neighbor. The group draws until everyone gets their paper back. Then you need to stand up and describe your drawing (intention).

Writing a fairy tale, a common story

Game "Image of objects".

Purpose: observation, imagination, the ability to see another are brought up.

Stroke: The child depicts an object with facial expressions, gestures, the rest of the children guess it. Who correctly named, becomes the leader.

"Body in action"

The teacher invites the children to come up with a certain pose (photo) of some business (I look at a picture, read, do articulatory gymnastics, etc.). The player demonstrates his “photo”, the rest guess, comment, show guesses-actions, compare “photos”.

The final part is important - this is a kind of summing up, a reflection of what was in the lesson and providing conditions for a smooth transition from the "world of freedom, fantasy and games" to the "world of reality and duties".

To sum up the results at the end of each lesson, the children again sit in a circle and exchange impressions and opinions.

The final touch, drawing a line under the game lesson, is the ritual. Quiet calm music is used. Children stand in a circle, hold hands and pass each other a good mood, a smile for the whole day. At the end of the lesson, the children fill out the "Mood Map", how they feel after the games.

The ritual of completion plays important role in the formation of a new positive system of relations "child-adult" - relations of trust and mutual understanding.

The main functions of a teacher who conducts game classes is to create an atmosphere of acceptance of the child: emotional empathy for the child; reflection and verbalization of his feelings and experiences in the most accurate and understandable form for the child, providing in the process of playing lessons the conditions that actualize the child's experience of a sense of achievement, dignity and self-respect.

The act of communication is structured in such a way as to provide the child with a certain freedom of choice, and not to impose his own way of interaction.

To organize children, it is necessary to divide children into microgroups that allow the child to set the goal of his actions himself, to show independence when his problems arise.

The division of children into small groups is carried out according to the following principles:

    by height;

    by eye color (hair, socks, etc.);

    with your friends;

    with those with whom you live next to;

    who do you sleep next to in kindergarten;

    Who do you sit at the dinner table with?

    Who do you like to play with the most?

    by favorite color, etc.;

Division into subgroups according to subjects united by one name (attribute):

    geometric shapes that are the same in color and size, but different in name;

    geometric shapes, identical in name and color, but different in size;

    small toys or pictures of animals, birds, fish, insects, vehicles, etc.

Socio-gaming technology is most targeted at the senior to school age, at a younger age, games of a socio-game orientation and small tasks in pairs are used.

Optimal, for productive communication and development, are associations in small groups at a younger age in pairs and triples, and at an older age - 5-8 people each.

Since the socio-gaming technology involves a change of mise-en-scenes, which helps to relieve physical and emotional stress, it is therefore necessary to use the entire space of the group, bedroom and reception room. During organized activities, children move around, clap their hands, communicate within microgroups. Time limits help to maintain the rhythm and pace of children's activities, for example, with the help of hourglass. What helps to understand that each task has a beginning and an end, and requires a certain concentration. To receive the task, the children in the microgroups choose a messenger. And also children are selected who will present the completed task. The composition of microgroups, their number and number should change in the process of organized activity.

The practical significance lies in the fact that the use of socio-game style in different types activity contributes to the development of communication skills, the child develops self-awareness. A preschooler is able to compare his knowledge with the knowledge of other children, to help a friend and accept it when necessary, the ability to jointly solve problems, discuss various issues, and follow the progress of a common cause.

Children quickly converge with new people, without feeling embarrassed, entering into communication with older people. Once in the center of attention, closed and shy children are not afraid to make contact, their social circle expands. Children try to maintain friendship for a long time, without interrupting it, and even if something does not suit them.


Now let me ask you to answer the following questions:

How did you feel as a student?
- What are the discoveries, conclusions for yourself in connection with this?
Thank you very much for your understanding.

And in conclusion, I want to say the following:

When organizing any activity with children, the teacher should ask himself simple questions that will help to see the real picture of what is happening in the lesson.

Why did I offer the children this task?
Why did the kids do it?

Honest answers to such questions will help you to diagnose your behavior, intonation, thoughts, feelings, impressions, desires, fill your life with new meanings of activity.


1. Bukatov V. M. Pocket Encyclopedia of Socio-Game Teaching Techniques for Preschoolers: Reference and Methodological Guide for Teachers of Senior and Preparatory Groups kindergarten. - St. Petersburg: Educational projects; M.: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008. - 160 p.

Ekaterina Ozerova
Workshop for teachers "Socio-gaming technologies in speech therapy"


Goal of the work: Application training socio-gaming technology within the framework of the educational process in the preschool educational institution.


1. Increase the level of professional competence teachers, their motivation for systematic use in practice socio-gaming technology.

2. Create conditions for gaining a majority teachers their own professional style, which would allow students to realize the position of the subject in various activities.

Program workshop:

1. “Socio-play style of working with children as effective pedagogical technology”.

2. Workshop: activity with children 6-7 years old "Save the Planet Robotland"

Workshop progress

game for socio-game introduction to the case “In alphabetical order”.

(I suggest to all participants workshop stand in a circle. Everyone standing in a circle calls a word or phrase greeting-parting words to all those present in the hall. Each word-phrase begins with the next letter of the alphabet.)

Modern children cannot boast of good health. Our children are people of a new generation, contemporaries of the information society. Modern children love to play, but they play on phones and gadgets. And they hardly know how to play collective games and interact. And they communicate mainly with a computer and TV.

In accordance with the federal state educational standards for the main general educational program of preschool education, the construction of the educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with children preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game.

This is facilitated by developing pedagogical technologies, including socio-playing, which develops the child in play communication with peers, implying freedom of action, freedom of choice, freedom of thought of the child. Socio-game technology guides the teacher to find ways of such communication with children, in which coercion gives way to passion. “It is necessary not to teach, but to establish a situation where their participants want to trust both each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary training, training and learning” (V. M. Bukatov).

In addition, the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education formulates requirements for the content and conditions for implementation educational field « socially-communicative development»

Appropriation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values;

Development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers;

The formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions;

Development social And emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy;

Formation of readiness for joint activities with peers

Formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family, and to the community of children and adults in the Organization;

Formation positive attitudes To various types labor

and creativity;

the formation of the foundations of safety in everyday life, society, nature

socially- communicative competence is the willingness of the subject to receive in dialogue necessary information, present and defend one's point of view based on the recognition of the diversity of positions and respect for the values ​​of other people, correlate one's aspirations with the interests of other people, interact productively with members of the group solving a common problem

Development socially-communicative competence of preschoolers -

important social and psychological and pedagogical problem

Interaction and communication with adults and peers is the most important factor that largely determines the development of the child as a social person. This interaction is the starting point for the formation social connections and is defined as a way of making social relations in system.

Formation of this ability - important condition normal psychological development child, as well as preparing him for successful learning at school and later in life

main idea socio-gaming technology- organization of children's own activities, which the child wants to engage in and in which He: doing, listening, looking and speaking.

Founders socio-gaming technology E. E. Shuleshko, A. P. Ershova, V. M. Bukatov derived the following laws communication:

Do not humiliate the child, do not insult him;

Do not grumble, do not whine, do not grumble;

Know how to find a mistake and have the courage to admit it;

Be mutually polite, tolerant and restrained;

Treat failure as another learning experience;

Support, help to rise and win;

By blowing out someone else's candle, we do not make our own brighter;

Do not exalt yourself above others, exalt your neighbor;

- fantasy children: don't take their word for it, but don't ignore their problem.

Following these tips:

GCD is organized as a game-life between microgroups of children (small societies – hence the term “socio-gaming”) and simultaneously in each of them;

social gaming technology we systematically use it both in specially organized activities and in the organization of free activities of children. This makes it possible to unite children in a common cause or joint discussion of individual work and turning it into a collective one.

Within this technologies put before us such tasks:

Help children learn to communicate effectively;

Make the educational process more fun for children;

To promote the development of their active position, independence, creativity;

To instill in preschoolers the desire to learn new things.

Application socio-gaming technology promotes:

– realization of the needs of children in movement;

– maintaining their psychological health;

- the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

Socio- game practice is based on three pillars.

1. Movement!

2. The presence of change, diversity, variability.

3. Presence of small groups.

Within the application socio-gaming technology The authors recommend using different methods activation of mental activities:

Question A: Let's be specific. What methods can you name?

1. Methods that increase cognitive activity:

Elementary analysis - a starting point is needed for more complex causal analysis, allowing to consider causal relationships;

Comparison by similarity or contrast: grouping, classification of objects, phenomena, a combination of verbal explanation, practical implementation and game motivation.

An interesting case is offered to a group of equals, in the solution of which, so that there are no those who did not succeed and those who have already done everything a long time ago. Every child will feel skillful, knowledgeable, capable here. The kids here either might already be related joint games, knowledge, common life experience and secrets, or these connections are quickly established on their own. All this is a very fertile ground so that knowledge can be transferred to each other, help a friend and support him, there is a desire to act together, and not separately.

2. Methods that cause emotional activity.

The use of game techniques on an imaginary situation:

Surprise moments, elements of novelty that set the child up for knowledge, sharpen the desire to unravel the secret, solve the riddle;

Inventing fairy tales;

Games - dramatizations;

Humor and jokes.

A combination of various means in one lesson has a strong effect on the feelings of children.

3. Methods that promote the interconnection of different activities and areas.

Creation subject environment- this method helps to improve speech skills, accumulate sensory experience, and solve cognitive problems.

4. Methods of correction and clarification of children's representations:




After re-reading the book by E. E. Shuleshko, A. P. Ershova, V. M. Bulatov “ Socio-game approaches to pedagogy”. I have defined my own features. socio-game approach applicable in correctional work:

Special psychological atmosphere: the practical way of correction and development of children with speech disorders lies in the expression of personality in the image of a self-selected actor.

special position speech therapist when presenting correctional and developmental tasks. If speech therapist gave the task to children not as easy, but precisely as difficult, then the difficulty would frighten children whose skill in completing the task is poorly formed. When the difficulty is discovered by children on their own, then they have a valuable desire to cope with it. This explains the excitement with which children perform tasks and exercises. Task speech therapist- Monitor the quality of tasks, prevent overwork, offer children another type of activity in time.

Special "live" classes: classes in which participants have the opportunity to “live” and intellectually, emotionally respond to ongoing events.

Basic Terms and Conditions:

1 rule: used to work in small groups or as they are also called "peer groups"

By the color of hair, eyes, clothes;

So that at least one letter in the name is the same;

Who lives on what floor;

Who came to kindergarten today by car, and who came on foot, etc.

2 rule: "leadership change". It is clear that small group work involves collective activity, and the opinion of the whole group is expressed by one person, the leader. Moreover, the children themselves choose the leader and he must constantly change.

3 rule: learning is combined with physical activity and a change of scenes (environment, which helps to relieve emotional stress. Children not only sit in class, but also get up, walk, clap their hands, play with the ball. They can communicate in different corners groups: in the center, at the tables, on the floor, in your favorite corner, in the reception area, etc.

4 rule: change tempo and rhythm. Conducting classes different kind should emphasize the rhythm of the work of children, their coherence during classes. This should become a business background for all the guys. To change the pace and rhythm helps the time limit, for example, with the help of hourglasses and ordinary clocks. Children have an understanding that each task has its own beginning and end, and requires a certain concentration. You can use various musical compositions of different tempo.

Rule 5 - socio-playing the methodology involves the integration of all types of activities, which is most valuable in modern preschool institutions. This gives positive result in the field of communication, emotional-volitional sphere, more intensively develops intellectual ability children in comparison with traditional education, promotes speech, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic, social, physical development. Learning takes place in the form of a game.

6 rule: in your work you need to focus on the principle polyphony: “You chase after 133 hares, you look and you catch a dozen”.

Game classification socio-gaming orientation proposed by E. E. Shuleshko, A. P. Ershova, and V. M. Bukatov

1. Games for the working mood. The main task of games is to arouse children's interest in each other, to put the participants in the game in some kind of dependence on each other, providing a general increase in the mobilization of attention and body.

2. Warm-up games (discharging). The principle of universal accessibility, an element of competition for a ridiculous, frivolous win; give the kids a chance to play.

3. Games socio- game involvement in the case. Can be used in the process of assimilation or consolidation of educational material; if children learn to distinguish something, memorize, systematize, etc., then they will learn this in the process of performing game tasks.

4. Games of creative self-affirmation. When performing them, the artistic and performing result of the action is taken into account.

5. Freestyle games (at will). Games that require space and freedom of movement to play, i.e. they cannot always be played in a room. The game arises from a special, unusual combination of diverse efforts. We combine the matter for the head with the matter for the legs, the matter for the eyes with the matter for the ears and the matter for the tongue (listen, hear and listen to the speech of the interlocutor, and then the affairs become a game

T. O., application socio-gaming technology contributes to the realization of the needs of children in movement, the preservation of their psychological health, as well as the formation of communication skills in preschoolers

Socio- game tasks-exercises for children with speech disorders

Task games for a working mood

Name Rules

"What changed?" Speech therapist invites children to look around and determine what has become

differently (old, new, worse, better, etc.) Options: what can we say that it is amazing, joyful, similar, bright, liquid, hard, etc.; above, below, below, above, next to, between, etc.

"What do you hear?"

(outside the window, behind the door, etc.) Speech therapist invites children to listen to sounds coming from outside. The children list everything they hear, complementing each other. Sounds don't have to be made up. Options: speech therapist offers to explain the connection of sounds or compose a story (single plot picture) by the sounds heard.

“Noises” Children choose a noise performer who hides behind a screen. Listeners define: What? Where? When? Option: performers (2 or more children) reproduce a picture from a series of successive noise sounds.

“Sit down at the sign” Children stand in a circle. Speech therapist(child) joins the palms and the children sit down, opens the palms - stand up. Option: the host changes the themes of the game (slow-fast; fast-slow); distracts players with conversations)

“Recognize by voice” Children stand in a circle, the driver is blindfolded. One of the players on a signal speech therapist(child) pronounces the word (phrase). The driver recognizes the player by voice. Option: "Blind Man's Bluff" - recognize one of the players by touch.

"Stand on your fingers"

(game with pendagogs) Speech therapist(child) becomes his back to the children, shows a number on his fingers and slowly counts to 5, after the word “freeze” there should be as many children as there were fingers shown.


(game with teachers) The players are sitting (on chairs, on carpet). Speech therapist(child) claps 1 time - a command to the hands (raise, lower, on the belt, behind the head, etc., claps 2 times - a command to the legs (get up, sit down, cross, etc.). The sequence of movements (claps, pace may vary.

"Let's count" Speech therapist invites everyone together to find pronunciation options counting rhymes: by words, by syllables, in a whisper, quickly, slowly, with different intonations, ., one child counts, two count (pronounce together or one pronounces, the other shows, one speaks and shows (others clap their hands, pronounce words in turn (with closed eyes, calculated by turning away from the circle, etc. options.

"To find a friend" Used for dividing into microgroups; need to form groups according to a certain principle: by month of birth, by hair or eye color, by horoscope, etc.

"Driver's Choice" Options draws: on fists (representatives of the teams take turns holding a part of the gymnastic stick one by one with their fist, whose top is the first to enter the game); all kinds of counters; drawing lots (participants take turns drawing notes from the header indicating the number of the entry into the game).

"Division into companies"

1. By counting. At first, in order to avoid quarrels and misunderstandings, it is proposed to use any counting rhymes. teacher with the help of a suitable rhyme, he himself forms the composition of temporary companies.

2. Split pictures. Four or five postcards are taken (pictures) (the same or different; better - large format). Each of them is divided into six (four five) parts. All parts are mixed. On the tables you need to put the whole picture. Each of the pupils pulls out a fragment and looks for his team, uniting with those who got the fragments necessary to compile the whole picture.

3. By cards. 4-6 pictures are taken from certain fairy tales (story pictures, state of nature, toys, etc.) In the hands of teacher's tray with pictures. On the tables you need to put the whole picture. Each of the pupils pulls out one and looks for his own team, uniting with those who got the others necessary to draw up a single picture. (plot, etc.) Thanks to this form of association of those present in micro-groups (game teams), the students perceive the association itself as absolutely independent.

Tasks for creative self-assertion

"Animals" Speech therapist invites the players to choose which animals they will “turn into” (wild, domestic). Children consistently make certain actions characteristic of the selected animal. The “spectators” guess what was intended. Option: the players choose animals and habitat.

“What looks like what” Speech therapist offers to find the similarity of one object with another (scissors look like glasses, bicycle) Option: name or beat, show with gestures.

"Item Transformation" Speech therapist offers to use the action-movement to turn one object into another (a pen - in a pointer, a handkerchief - in an apron, diaper, tablecloth, etc.)

"Play out the transformation" Speech therapist passes an object around in a circle, calling it a certain name, the players act with it as if it were what the leader called (subject BALL, the presenter calls it “apple”, the players “eat”, “sniff”)

"Room transformation" Speech therapist offers to turn a room into another place with the help of an action image (to the park, forest, circus, theater, etc.). Option: keep a single plan for all players (“forest”, where everyone chooses a role for himself (noise design, scenery elements, actors)

“Seasons” The players are invited to come up with and depict the actions taking place in different time of the year. Spectators guess “when”, “what” (skiing in winter, boating in summer)

“Depict a profession” Players depict actions characteristic of a particular profession (the driver sits down, takes the wheel, turns on the engine, drives along the road). Children name a profession. Options: children name a series of actions shown by the planner, a group of children; draw the items recognized in the display (doctor - thermometer, pills, driver - car, steering wheel)

“Magic Rope” Playing in pairs (in triplets) lay out the conceived object on the floor using a rope (1.5 - 2 m, recognize, express options for similarities with other objects.

"Guess" The facilitator conceives the subject, the children divided into teams ask the facilitator questions, and he answers these questions only "Yes" or "No". After a series of questions, each team is given 30 seconds to reflect and discuss together.

The same thing in different ways A group of children is invited to show who, for example, flies. Sounds like: show how a butterfly flies - the children show. Then they show how a mosquito, a plane, a helicopter, a dove, a rocket, etc. fly. They all fly, but in different ways, and children begin to catch this difference with pleasure. Many actions can be performed in different ways. An athlete, a bear, a mouse, an ant, a cloud, and even a river can run. And they all sit differently: a bunny is not like a chicken, a dog is not like a butterfly, etc. And even a person is sitting at the TV not like for chess board, driving is not like drinking a cup of tea, playing football is not like being at a concert, etc.

"I'm writing in the air" The selected presenter writes numbers, letters, geometric shapes in the air, and the teams guess what was drawn. You can write in the air not only with your hand, but with your shoulder, head, leg, knee, etc.

Actors Children, divided into micro-groups, together beat a given tongue twister (etude, riddle) through facial expressions and gestures. Other companies try to guess what they were shown.

"Magic wand" ("Connoisseurs") (any toy, any object)

(game with teachers) Children stand in a circle "Magic wand" is transmitted from left to right, from hand to hand, looking into each other's eyes, and at the same time is accompanied by speech according to some predetermined order-rule.

* What does the item look like?

* what happens (winter, spring, nature,

* sweet words*home address

* name, patronymic of mother (dad, own)

* etc. - upon transmission « magic wand» it is possible to agree on a mandatory condition: look into each other's eyes; if necessary, say the name of a nearby child

Game warm-ups

“Mirror” Players stand in pairs facing each other. One of the partners is a “mirror”, the other is standing in front of him. The “mirror” should repeat movements, syllables, words. Options:speech therapist(child) plays the role of a person standing in front of a mirror, and those who play are “fragments of a mirror”, reflecting it; “reflected” facial expression, mood (gloomy, joyful, offended) and so on.

"Onlookers" The players walk in a circle, holding hands. On signal speech therapist(child) children stop, do 4 claps, turn, walk in the other direction. "Ghost" is out of the game. Options: walking backwards; tapping, pronunciation is connected to the claps syllables, words, etc.

"Shadow" (game with teachers) Players move in pairs room: one child is a “shadow”, the second is a partner. “Shadow” repeats the actions, syllables, words of the partner as accurately as possible.

"Echo" Speech therapist(leader child) claps a simple rhythmic pattern. "Echo" on signal (by sight, etc.) repeats the rhythm with clapping (stomping, beating on the table with palms, etc.) Option: pronunciation syllables, words, phrases, reading aloud. Speaking (reading) pronounces - those who play “echo” repeat muffledly, but in exactly the same way as it was pronounced by the author.

"Riddles" Play 4-6 children. Speech therapist(leader child) makes a riddle (about an object, animal, plant, etc., those who guess without words depict a riddle. Option: children make riddles to each other, all together decide what the answer will be (through words, actions, pictures)

"Broken phone" As soon as possible, convey a word to each other in a whisper in the ear of one another so that everyone, for example, in the middle row along the chain, receives and transmits the word. Everyone else catches the word by ear, trying to figure out which word the series conveys. Then the teacher asks, which word was transmitted by those who caught, the last player and the first.

Games for socio- game involvement in the case, during the implementation of which business relationships are built teacher with children and children with each other

“I love - I don’t love”

(game with teachers) Children stand in a circle. Speech therapist(or lead-child) passes the ball clockwise and speaks: “I don’t like it when children quarrel”, the next one should offer his own version of “I don’t like. ". Anti-clockwise game continues “I love…”

"Auction" (author's) Children sit at tables and are identified with the sound. Then "repurchase" at speech therapist a card for the correct pronunciation of the word, and pronounces the word as many times as it determines speech therapist. Then make sentences with these words. The winner is the one who makes a sentence using as many redeemed words as possible.

"Japanese machine"

(playing with teachers) Explanation of the game is best done at the same time as practice. Imagine that all participants in the class perform a series of movements synchronously. (like a car): 1) clap their hands in front of them, 2) clap their knees with both hands - right on the right, left on the left, 3) without straightening the elbow, throw it over the top right hand to the right, preferably while snapping fingers, 4) do the same with the left; then repeat 1) - again clap in front of you, 2 ... etc. After the children begin to cope with the sequence of movements and perform them rhythmically and synchronously, speech is introduced. (You can call For example: Name patronymic of the child (moms, dads); home address, reply to any supplied question: what is winter like (bright, snowy, frosty) etc.) This game trains a) coordination of movements, b) the connection of coordination with the pronunciation of words, c) the ability to distribute attention.

Hidden word The one who got to guess leaves the room for a while, while everyone else agrees on which word to guess. Then the host (he may not be alone, but with an assistant - very often it’s more fun and more useful) returns and starts asking any questions one by one (about edibility, color, size, weight, method of use, etc.). The person being asked should answer briefly and precisely. The place of the driver is occupied by the one on whom the word is guessed.


(From the work experience of Rozhkova Olga Vladimirovna)

Preschool childhood is a unique period in a person's life, during which health is formed and personal development is carried out. Currently, the main attention is paid to the problem of social and personal development and education of preschoolers.

The social and personal development of a preschooler, that is, the formation of a child’s attitude to himself and to the environment, the development of social motives and needs by him, the formation of his self-knowledge, is a rather complicated process, requiring considerable costs from the teacher. Socialization occurs in the interaction of the child with the outside world.

The child aspires to vigorous activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, it is important to contribute to its further development. The fuller and more varied children's activity, the more significant it is for the child and corresponds to his nature, the more successful his development is. That is why the closest and most natural for a preschooler are games and active communication with others - with adults and peers. This is facilitated by developing gaming technologies, including socio-gaming, which I took as the basis of my experience.

What is social gaming technology? The term "socio-play style" itself appeared in 1988. In 1992, an article appeared in the "Teacher's newspaper" called "Freestyle or chasing 133 hares", where the author, relying on materials from supporters of socio-game pedagogy (E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov), ​​describes the organization of classes with children as games between microgroups (small societies - hence the term "socio-play") and simultaneously in each of them.

One of the authors of the socio-gaming technology, V. M. Bukatov, says: “The socio-gaming technology has a cunning style.” It “consists in making the direction of the lesson so that the heart rejoices both in oneself and in all participants. Any living work can be called work in the social game style…»

Socio-gaming technology is games and activities of children in microgroups that allow the child to determine the purpose of his actions, look for possible solutions, and show independence in solving problems that have arisen. Socio-gaming technology directs the teacher to find ways to communicate with children, in which tedious coercion gives way to enthusiasm (they, first of all, educate the child, and then develop it).

Today, it is simply necessary for the teacher to have a new view of the child as a subject (and not an object) of education, as a partner in joint activities.

Working with children within the framework of this technology, I set myself the following tasks:

Help children learn to communicate effectively;

Make the educational process more fun for children;

To promote the development of their active position, independence, creativity;

To instill in preschoolers the desire to learn new things.

Socio-gaming technology is aimed at the development of communication in children, therefore, this technology is based on the communication of children with each other and with an adult. I organize communication of children within the framework of this technology in three stages:

The essence of socio-gaming technology implies freedom of action, freedom of choice, freedom of thought of the child. Equally important in socio-gaming technology is the contract, the rule. Disorganization, chaos, disorder should not be unconscious, children argue, discuss animatedly, communicate in a business setting.

The essence of socio-gaming technologies can be revealed in 6 most basic terms and conditions:

I use work in small groups or as they are also called “peer groups”. Optimal, for productive communication and development, are associations in small groups: at a younger age - in pairs and triples, at an older age - 5-6 children each. From my own experience, I can say: in such groups there is a natural, both internal and external freedom, openness, the ability to choose a company, partner, meet and communicate with different children, be interesting to others, express your opinion and listen to others. Cooperative activity allows each child to establish himself in his abilities and abilities, comparing himself with others.

One of the indispensable conditions of socio-gaming technology is the constant change in the composition of small groups and the organization of interaction between companies so that children become “their own” in relation to everyone, and not “others”. permanent shift companies allows each child to constantly change their position in communication, to show features of character, temperament, behavior.

"Change of Leadership". It is clear that work in small groups involves collective activity, and the opinion of the whole group is expressed by one person, the leader. Moreover, the children choose the leader themselves, and he must constantly change.

Training is combined with physical activity and a change of mise-en-scene (environment), which helps to relieve emotional stress. Children not only sit in class, but also get up, walk, clap their hands, play with the ball. They can communicate in different places: in the center, at tables, on the floor, in their favorite corner, in the waiting room, etc.

Change of pace and rhythm. Conducting classes of various kinds should emphasize the rhythm of the work of children, their coherence during classes. This should become a business background for all the guys. Time limits help to change the pace and rhythm, for example, with the help of hourglasses and regular clocks. Children have an understanding that each task has its own beginning and end, and requires a certain concentration.

The socio-game methodology involves the integration of all types of activities, which is most valuable in modern preschool institutions. This gives a positive result in the field of communication, emotional-volitional sphere, more intensively develops the intellectual abilities of children compared to traditional education, promotes speech, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, social, physical development. Learning takes place in the form of a game.

In my work, I focus on the principle proposed by the authors of the socio-gaming technology: “You chase 133 hares, look and catch a dozen.” Every time I am convinced that it is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, he is more motivated. As a result, all children discover new knowledge for themselves, only some more, some less.

Socio-gaming technology is built on different game tasks for children, which can be conditionally divided into several groups:

Games-tasks for a working mood;

Games for socio-playing involvement in the case, during which the business relationships of the teacher with children and children with each other are built;

Game warm-ups are united by their universal accessibility, quickly emerging excitement and funny, frivolous winnings. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest;

Tasks for creative self-affirmation are tasks, the fulfillment of which implies an artistic and performing result.

I can highlight the following advantages of the socio-playing style of the teacher:

The relationship "child - peers", the teacher is an equal partner, the barrier between the teacher and the child is destroyed;

Children are peer-oriented, which means they are not submissive executors of the teacher's instructions;

Children are independent and proactive, they themselves set the rules of the game, discuss the problem, find ways to solve it;

Children negotiate, communicate (play the role of both speakers and listeners);

Communication of children occurs within the micro-group and between micro-groups;

Children help each other and also control each other;

The socio-play style teaches active children to recognize the opinions of their comrades, and gives timid and insecure children the opportunity to overcome their complexes and indecision.

Despite the fact that the socio-gaming technology is focused more on senior preschool and primary school age, elements of this technology can also be used in working with children of primary preschool age.

I will give a few examples of the use of communicative games in working with children 3-4 years old. For example, in order to coordinate my own actions with the actions of my peers, I conduct games “Where we were, we won’t say, but what we did, we’ll show”, “Walk around each other”, “Forbidden movement”. So in the course of “Walking around one after another”, the child independently invents movements, and the rest of the children repeat them exactly. Within the framework of socio-gaming technology, this group of games belongs to the games of creative self-affirmation, since it implies an artistically performing result.

The most effective games to create a working mood in junior group turned out to be, in my opinion, the games “I’m sitting, I’m looking at someone”, “Pass a smile”, “It’s boring, it’s boring for us to sit”, and in senior group“Step - cotton”, “Change places those who ...”, “Chest”. All of them are valuable in that in a short period of time they allow you to set up pupils for a common cause and create a playful atmosphere. During the game "It's boring, we're bored to sit," children, changing places with each other, not only relieve muscle tension, but also learn to see their peers, be honest, give in to each other.

Game warm-ups are united by their universal accessibility, quickly emerging excitement and funny, frivolous winnings. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest. These are games that require movement: “Tumba, pedestal, where are the keys?”, “We fly, we fly, we fly.” Game warm-ups are aimed at observing the rules of the game, the ability to listen to the signal of the leader (adult or peer).

From my own experience, I can say that the use of socio-gaming technology contributes not only to the realization of the needs of children in movement, but also to the preservation of their psychological health. As a result of this work, curiosity develops in children, shyness is overcome, the level of cognitive and creativity. As a result, children are able to listen and hear each other, negotiate, defend their position; interact with peers.

IN Everyday life, in games children naturally are divided into groups where not only personal, but also business conversation which enables children to develop in all respects. The younger preschool age involves grouping into groups of 2 people, the older one - from 3 to 6 people.

The combination of children in small groups is based both on spontaneous associations of children and on the use of special techniques. Combination options may vary. In my practice, I use division into pairs at the request of children, according to cut material (pictures), according to individual objects (toys), united by one name (attribute). Games that can be offered to children at this stage: “Collect a picture”, “Find the same toy”, “Pick a pair by color”, etc. During the “Collect a picture” task, children are united in microgroups, the following tasks are performed together. So, for example, the game "Builders". The teams are invited to agree and build a geometric figure from counting sticks, the rest of the groups guess. The game contributes to the fact that children learn to yield to each other, learn to see their peers, transfer existing knowledge to practical activities. This task can be part of a lesson in mathematics, design. Combining in microgroups contributes to the fact that children learn to interact not only on the basis of friendly preferences, but also on a random basis.

So, step by step, we move on to the next stage of work, which involves organizing the educational activities of children as games-interactions between microgroups of children. For example, children start looking at a picture in a microgroup by completing simple tasks: find all red objects or count them. And the most difficult is the transformation, when the children (group) are invited to turn into a certain fragment of the picture, and everyone else to guess.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the use of socio - gaming technology makes it possible to make the educational process for the child more exciting and interesting. Uniting children for a common cause contributes to effective interaction with each other, which results in the development of children's activity, creativity and independence, because children listen, do, speak!

You can familiarize yourself with the card file of games related to socio-gaming technology

The purpose of the work: teaching the use of socio-gaming technology through a hermeneutic approach as part of the educational process in a preschool educational institution.

  1. To increase the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation for the systematic use of socio-gaming technology in practice.
  2. To create conditions for the majority of teachers to acquire their own professional style, which would allow pupils to realize the position of the subject in various activities.

Workshop program:

  1. Hermeneutic approach in educational educational process.
  2. “Socio-play style of working with children as an effective pedagogical technology”.
  3. Workshop: “Work on the painting by V. Polenov “Moscow courtyard”.

Workshop progress

1.1. A game for socio-gaming involvement in the case “In alphabetical order”.

(I suggest that all participants of the seminar stand in a circle. Everyone standing in a circle calls a word or phrase greeting-parting words to all those present in the hall. Each word-phrase begins with the next letter of the alphabet.)

1.2. The world around us is rapidly changing, we are changing, our children are becoming different. Landmarks are blurred, previously unshakable categories are collapsing, there is a natural reassessment of values ​​or “replacement of some rules of the game” by others. It's not good, but it's not bad either. It is a given that must be accepted, or at least accepted. The changes that most directly affect us and our pupils are so fleeting, so unpredictable and unexpected that sometimes we all do not have time, not only to prepare for them, but even to keep track of them.

At the same time, no one relieves the educator of his main responsibility - to raise and prepare his pupils for independent "swimming", tempering them as much as possible both in terms of health and in resistance to future life collisions.

It is known that the education of the younger generation - and education in an era of change in particular - has always been considered an extremely difficult task.

Children are by nature very impressionable, because they learn so much, preparing for an adult, school life. In an effort to find out as much as possible about the world around them and their place in it, they literally absorb everything.

They are drawn to smart, knowledgeable and understanding teachers in the hope of getting protection, attention and necessary advice and knowledge, a new understanding of the meaning of activity.

This task is solved by the hermeneutic approach in the educational work, both in kindergarten and school.

1.3. “Hermeneutical approach in the educational process”.

Hermeneutics is the science of the art of understanding. Brockhaus and Efron (The New Encyclopedic Dictionary, vol. 13) call hermeneutics a science that rejects "any directives, no matter who they come from." A.P. Ershov and V.I. Bukatov consider hermeneutics as the science of the art of understanding both literary and any other texts: pictorial, musical, mathematical, reference, etc.

From the standpoint of hermeneutics, education is an appeal to the mental experience of the subject, to his "life world", which manifests itself as an experience.

Hermeneutic educational practice is built as work with children's experiences, their memories, expectations, fantasies. Important attributes of the educational process are children's poems, amateur songs, essays, autobiographical notes, diaries, letters. These products of children's verbal creativity must be accepted by the educator: not analyzed and evaluated, but recognized as a personal value of a maturing person who is allowed to be himself. The hermeneutic acceptance of the child is impossible without the reflection of the educator himself. childhood experience, their childhood experiences, “living through” memories from childhood.

Education in the spirit of hermeneutics should teach the child to understand the people around him and himself. Understanding in hermeneutics is considered as a procedure of comprehension: comprehension of meaning in any manifestations of human culture. Therefore, for education it is very important to appeal to classic patterns in literature, music, fine arts, where the main meanings have already been interpreted by great authors, and you just need to open up to them.

The hermeneutic approach gives a new understanding of the well-known methods and techniques of working with children, is associated with the widespread use of games (theatrical, folk, modern children's ...), with the organization of children's work in “microgroups” (a kind of “microsocieties”).

2.1. Socio-gaming technology is the development of a child in playful communication with peers. Today, for a person to actively participate in the life of society, to realize himself as a person, he must constantly be creative, independent, discover and develop his abilities, continuously learn and improve himself. Therefore, for education, today more than ever, “the best rule of politics is not to govern too much ...” - i.e. the less we manage children the more active position they occupy in life.

The essence of the socio-game style of work, its founders E. Ershova, V. Bukatov, defined the following wording: “We do not teach, but we establish situations where their participants want to trust both each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary and learning , and learning, and training”.

By following these tips,

  • GCD is organized as a game-life between microgroups of children (small societies - hence the term “socio-play”) and simultaneously in each of them;
  • we systematically use socio-gaming technology both in specially organized activities and in organizing free activities of children. This makes it possible to unite children in a common cause or joint discussion of individual work and turning it into a collective one.

2.2. Within the framework of this technology, we set ourselves the following tasks:

  • help children learn to communicate effectively;
  • make the educational process more fun for children;
  • to promote the development of their active position, independence, creativity;
  • instill in preschoolers the desire to learn new things.

Socio-game technology is aimed at the development of communication in children, therefore, this technology is based on the communication of children with each other, with an adult.

2.3. Communication of children within the framework of this technology will be organized in three stages:

  • at the very first stage we teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication (children learn to negotiate, which means listening and hearing a partner, their own speech develops);
  • at the second stage, communication is the goal - the child in practice realizes how he needs to organize his communication in a microgroup in order to complete the learning task;
  • at the third stage, communication is a pedagogical tool, i.e. through communication I teach preschoolers.

2.4. The use of socio-gaming technology contributes to:

– realization of the needs of children in movement;
– maintaining their psychological health;
- the formation of communication skills in preschoolers.

Thus, socio-game pedagogy stands up for the rehabilitation of the methodological independence of the teacher. Any socio-gaming technology, technique, technique is just a lower “bar”, just “ground” for his methodical searches and personal prosperity.

2.5. Socio-gaming practice is based on three pillars.

What should be feared by those who are going to work in a socio-gaming style?

1. Lack of movement - one! If the children in the lesson were inactive, then there most likely was no socio-playing style in it (no matter what the teacher wrote down in their work plans or reports).

2. Lack of change, diversity, variability - two! If the activity did not have at least two or three shifts in mise-en-scenes, and in roles, and in types of activity, then we can safely say that the activity was not entirely socio-playful.

3. Absence of small groups - three! If in the course of activities the children did not unite to work in small groups, or these groups did not enter into communication with each other (but only with the teacher himself), then socio-play pedagogy did not “closely lie”.

On the other hand, if these “three whales” - movement, variability, and work in small groups - were “obvious” in specially organized activities, then we can safely say that such an activity not only benefited children, but also very much for them. liked.

3. Workshop “Work on the painting by V. Polenov “Moscow courtyard”.

And now let's try in practice to look for the meanings of activity for new understanding of what is happening.

To work, we need to split into teams.

1. The game "Teams".

Condition of the game: Everyone in order performs a movement defined by the word stamped - clapped - circled - bowed - looked around - said hello

At the end of the game, get together in teams according to the keyword (6 teams of educators, 2 teams of deputy heads).

2. Today we will try to build a chain of procedures that will lead us to our personal understanding of the painting by V. Polenov Moscow courtyard”.

The first stage of work wandering around the picture.

Methodology: Wandering start with the easiest, most familiar:

– What is light, hard, soft, rough, heavy, cold, hot, smooth;
- What is above, in, behind, under, in front of, behind?
What is big, what is small?
What is thin, what is thick?
What is long, what is short?
What is on the ground, what is in the air?
- How much and what?
- Why 2, 3 ...?
– Find objects made of glass, iron, wool, wood, etc.
What are the names of plants, living and non-living?
- Name the words in which there is a letter a, b .... or which begin or end with any letter.

Task for teams:

How many live objects are in the picture?
- What are the objects that have the shape of geometric shapes found in the picture?
- What is common in the picture of V. Polenov and indoors?
– Name wooden items shown in the picture?
Can you name all the shades of green?
- How many paths are there from right to left and from top to bottom?
What species of trees and shrubs are shown in the picture?
What season is shown in the picture, and what time is it? Justify.
- Name the objects depicted by the author that begin with the letter "z"

This is where stage I ends. We wandered around the picture. She became closer, clearer, dearer.

The second stage of work looking for oddities.

Any art without oddities is not complete. And Pushkin, in one of his drafts, wrote that oddities are of two kinds: the first come from a lack of understanding, and the second from an excess of understanding and a lack of words to express it.

A striking example is the speech of E.E. Shuleshko. With an excess of thoughts and a lack of words, he now and then switched to a kind of bird language, very understandable (and even half a word), but only to caring interlocutors.

I want to remind you once again that with the discovery of oddities, the development of the zone of proximal development by the child begins. Let us direct our efforts in this direction.

Task for teams:

- Find in the picture strangeness, absurdity, that is, something that causes surprise.

Who has found more than 20 oddities.
- Who is less than 20, but more than 10?
- Who is more than 5?
– Name
- Which of the named oddities are found in others, etc.


When there are a lot of oddities, (and for each of them their own), new meanings, new options arise. It is fundamentally important that children not only find all sorts of oddities (VARIABILITY OF MEANINGS), but also make them public, discuss them with each other (APPEARANCE OF PLAN).

The third stage of work variety of meanings.

(Discussion of absurdities and oddities.)

Often we put one meaning into the spoken word, but we are understood differently, in our own way. No wonder Tyutchev rightly noted:

It is not given to us to predict how our word will respond.
And sympathy is given to us, just as grace is given to us.

So the teacher should work on this sympathy, and twist the teaching situation so that in this socio-game situation all those present have genuine sympathy - both children for each other, and the educator for his pupils.

Fourth stage of workexpression of intent.

To express the intention, we will compose a story using various literary genres. Choose a messenger who will take a task card.

Task for teams:


To clarify the correctness of the expression of the intention, we will present it to the audience (5 minutes for preparation).

Numbers are written on the cards with the task - this is the order of performance. Let's start with the largest number.

Team performance: Begin presentation paintings by V. Polenov “Moscow courtyard” As a guide, the team ...

So, in the course of working with the picture, we tried to get closer to understanding both our intention and the stage of our agreement with others and our understanding of the situation and our understanding of ourselves.

Work on understanding as a process and result of meaningful activity contributes to the activation cognitive activity child, actualization of his creative potential, teaches to comprehend the world by means of art and, most importantly, preserves the human in a person. Understanding as a means of mastering reality is the most important regulator of human activity. To understand something means to comprehend, reveal, reconstruct the meaning. There is no meaning beyond understanding. Subjective meaning and objective meaning - from these aggregate elements of the content of consciousness, a personal meaning is formed, acting in the form of motivation for activity and attitude to the surrounding reality. Personal values ​​are associated with meaning, which determine human behavior. In order to form their own value-semantic space, the pupil must gain experience in transforming universal human values ​​into personal ones. This is the actualization of one's "I", the beginning of the formation of personality.


And now I will ask your teams to consult and answer the proposed questions:

How did you feel as a student?
- What are the discoveries, conclusions for yourself in connection with this?
– Have you become interested in using the Butterfly of the Socio-Game Learning Style in practice?

Thank you very much for your understanding.

And in conclusion, I want to say the following:

When organizing any activity with children, the teacher should ask himself simple questions that will help to see the real picture of what is happening in the lesson.

- Why did I offer the children this task?
Why did the kids do it?

Honest answers to such questions will help you to diagnose your behavior, intonation, thoughts, feelings, impressions, desires, fill your life with new meanings of activity.

IN last years in the education system of Russia there are significant changes that determined new priorities for the development of preschool education. In accordance with the federal state educational standards for the main general educational program of preschool education, the construction of the educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with children of preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game.



Socio-gaming technology as a means of developing a preschooler in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Dumrauf Natalya Mikhailovna

MBDOU d / garden №20 "Dolphin"

"The main concern of educators is

not education, not entertainment,

not even development, but so

non-didactic thing like friendship. "E.E. Shuleshko

In recent years, significant changes have taken place in the Russian education system, which have determined new priorities for the development of preschool education. In accordance with the federal state educational standards for the main general educational program of preschool education, the construction of the educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with children of preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game.

This is facilitated by developing pedagogical technologies, including socio-playing, which develops the child in playful communication with peers, implying freedom of action, freedom of choice, freedom of thought of the child. Socio-gaming technology orients the teacher to find ways of such communication with children, in which coercion gives way to enthusiasm. “It is necessary not to teach, but to establish a situation where their participants want to trust both each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary training, training and learning” (V.M. Bukatov).

The main idea of ​​socio-gaming technology- organization of children's own activities, in which the child wants to engage in and in which he: does, listens, looks and speaks.

Equally important in socio-gaming technology iscontract, rule.Disorganization, chaos, disorder should not be unconscious, children argue, discuss animatedly, in a business setting communicate.

Founders of socio-gaming technology E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov deduced the following communication rules:

Do not humiliate the child, do not insult him;

Do not grumble, do not whine, do not grumble;

Know how to find a mistake and have the courage to admit it;

Be mutually polite, tolerant and restrained;

Treat failure as another learning experience;

Support, help to rise and win;

By blowing out someone else's candle, we do not make our own brighter;

Do not exalt yourself above others, exalt your neighbor;

Children are dreamers: do not take their word for it, but do not ignore their problem.

The purpose of using socio-gaming technologies- organization of children's own activities in an atmosphere of mutual understanding.

Tasks of using socio-gaming technologiesin the development of preschool children:

  1. Formation of the skills of friendly communicative interaction among preschoolers using grammatically correct coherent speech.
  2. The development of children's skills of a full-fledged interpersonal communication to help you understand yourself.
  3. Development of interaction child-child, child-adult, child-parent to ensure mental well-being.
  4. Development in children with the ability of elementary self-control of speech expression and self-regulation of their actions, relationships with others, removal of fear and clamping before activities.
  5. Creation of conditions for development personal qualities and abilities of all subjects of the open educational space.

The principles underlying this technology are highly relevant to modern education and education of preschoolers. Today, it is simply necessary for the teacher to have a new view of the child as a subject (and not an object) of education, as a partner in joint activities.

Principles of organizing socio-gaming technology:

  • The teacher is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly, organizes games, invents them.
  • Removing the judicial role from the teacher and transferring it to children predetermines the removal of the fear of error in children.
  • Freedom and independence in the choice of knowledge, skills and abilities by children. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. This is the subordination of their actions to general rules.
  • Change of mise-en-scene, that is, the situation when children can communicate in different parts of the group.
  • Focus on individual discoveries. Children become accomplices in the game.
  • Overcoming difficulties. Children are not interested in what is simple, and what is difficult is interesting.
  • movement and activity.
  • The life of children in small groups, mostly sixes, happens in fours and threes.

There are the followingforms of organization of socio-gaming technologyin the development of preschool children,techniques specifically aimed at creating a situation of success and comfort and correcting speech disorders:

  • Games with rules.
  • Competition games.
  • Dramatization games.
  • Director games.
  • Role-playing games.
  • Fairy tale therapy.
  • Method of creating problem situations with elements of self-assessment.
  • Techniques socially aimed at creating a situation of success and comfort.
  • Trainings.
  • Self-presentation.

1. Task games for a working mood. The main task of games is to awaken children's interest in each other, to put the participants in the game in some kind of dependence on each other, providing a general increase in the mobilization of attention and body.

2. Games for socio-gaming involvement in the case,during the implementation of which business relationships are built between the teacher and the children, and the children with each other. These games can be used in the process of assimilation or consolidation of educational material; if children learn to distinguish something, memorize, systematize, etc., then they will learn this in the process of performing game tasks

3. Game warm-ups- are united by their universal accessibility, quickly emerging gambling and ridiculous, frivolous winnings. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest.

4. Tasks for creative self-assertion- these are tasks, the implementation of which implies an artistic and performing result of the action.

5. Freestyle games (in the wild), the implementation of which requires space and freedom of movement, i.e. they cannot always be performed in a room.

Results of the implementation of socio-gaming technologiesin the development of older preschool children:

  • Children develop speech interaction, the vocabulary of a preschooler is activated, dialogic and monologue speech is improved.
  • The child knows how to defend his position, reasonably and kindly object to adults.
  • Preschoolers know how to listen and hear each other, negotiate, come to an agreement.
  • A positive attitude towards the world around, other people, oneself, and peers has been formed.
  • Children do not have a sense of fear for a mistake.

Applying socio-gaming technologies in educational DOW process, you need to remember the 6 most basicterms and conditionsrelevant for the development of preschool children:

  • 1 rule: work is used in small groups, or as they are also called “peer groups”.

By the color of hair, eyes, clothes;

So that at least one letter in the name is the same;

Who lives on what floor;

Who came to kindergarten today by car, and who came on foot, etc.

  • 2 rule: "change of leadership".

It is clear that work in small groups involves collective activity, and the opinion of the whole group is expressed by one person, the leader. Moreover, the children choose the leader themselves, and he must constantly change.

  • 3rd rule: training is combined with motor activity and a change of mise-en-scenes (environment),which helps relieve emotional stress.

Children not only sit in class, but also get up, walk, clap their hands, play with the ball. They can communicate in different parts of the group: in the center, at tables, on the floor, in their favorite corner, etc.

  • 4 rule: change of pace and rhythm.

Conducting classes of various kinds should emphasize the rhythm of the work of children, their coherence during classes. This should become a business background for all the guys. Time limits help to change the pace and rhythm, for example, with the help of hourglasses and regular clocks. Children have an understanding that each task has its own beginning and end, and requires a certain concentration.

  • Rule 5 - the socio-game methodology involves the integration of all types of activities, which is most valuable in modern preschool institutions.

This gives a positive result in the field of communication, emotional-volitional sphere, more intensively develops the intellectual abilities of children compared to traditional education, promotes speech, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, social, physical development. Learning takes place in the form of a game.

  • 6th rule: in our work we focus on the principle of polyphony: "You chase 133 hares, you look and catch a dozen."

It is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, he is more motivated. As a result, all children discover new knowledge for themselves, only someone more, someone less. One of the authors of this socio-play technology, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bukatov, says: “Socio-play pedagogy has a cunning style. The main thing in it is the resuscitation of one's own intuition ... The socio-playing style is to make the direction of the lesson so that the heart rejoices both in oneself and in all participants. Any living work can be called work in socio-gaming style..."

We organize communication of children within the framework of this technology in three stages:

At the very first stage - I teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication

(children learn to negotiate, which means listening and hearing a partner,

own speech develops);

At the second stage, communication is the goal - the child in practice realizes

How should he organize his communication in a microgroup in order to fulfill

learning task;

At the third stage, communication is a pedagogical tool, i.e. through

I teach communication to preschoolers.

The main problem that teachers must solve preschool for children is to eliminate (partially or completely) a speech defect as a result of the use of socio-gaming technologies and prepare the child for successful schooling.


1. A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov / Pocket Encyclopedia of Socio-Game Teaching Techniques for Preschoolers: Reference and Methodological Guide for Kindergarten Educators and Preparatory Groups / - St. Petersburg: Educational Projects; M: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008.

2. A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov / Return to talent / - St. Petersburg: Educational projects; M: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008.