Duties of witnesses at a wedding Tips and necessary rules. Duties of witnesses at a wedding: what should a friend and friend do

A wedding is one of the most important events in the life of every person. And everyone wants this day to pass, as they say, without a hitch. That is why preparation for such an important celebration begins in advance, because you need to discuss a lot of little things, make advance purchases. But no less important factor at the wedding are the people who will be there. In this article I would like to talk about what are the duties of a witness at a wedding.

Who is this?

If someone else is not in the know, then the witness is the bridesmaid. That is, a girl who is almost always near the bride and helps her in any necessary situation. However, in addition to this, the witness also has a certain set of responsibilities that she must cope with.

Who can be a witness

First, you also need to consider the main requirements that will be put forward to the witness:

  1. This must be an unmarried girl (after all, she will have to dance with the groom's friends and participate in various (and not always modest) competitions with a witness).
  2. The witness must be over 18 years old (otherwise the girl will not be allowed to witness the marriage at the registry office).
  3. And, of course, the witness must have excellent organizational skills, a sense of humor and a share of artistry. After all, it is the bridesmaid who should be the “lighter” that will incite and amuse all the guests present at the celebration.

Before the wedding

Before considering the duties of a witness at a wedding, you need to pay attention to the preparatory stage of this celebration. At this time, the witness also performs certain tasks.

  1. Choice of wedding dress. First of all, the witness is actively involved in choosing the bride's dress. And if at first it will be even more fun and interesting, then after a while this activity will oh how tired. The task of the witness at this time is not to whimper, but to endure the whims of her friend, helping her choose the most charming wedding dress.
  2. Before the wedding day itself, it is the witness (together with the witness and the parents of the young) who helps to decorate the hall where the celebration itself will take place. She can also perform some important tasks: be responsible for the cake, wedding bouquet, etc.
  3. In advance, the witness must prepare a scenario for the ransom of the bride, since it is she who will sell her friend. Here you need to think about a lot: about contests, various jokes, fun. You will also need certain props, which are also prepared by the witness.
  4. And, of course, it is the witness who is responsible for the bachelorette party before the wedding. She must organize this evening: think over the place, the entertainment program. Also, the witness can prepare a small gift for her still unmarried friend.

This is far from complete, but the main list of duties that can be assigned to a witness. However, girls need to remember that being a bridesmaid is not easy and very responsible. If there is no desire to work hard, it is better to refuse this role in advance.

Start of the wedding day

What are the duties of a witness at a wedding? So, a bridesmaid performs a very important mission at the very beginning of the day:

  1. The witness is the first guest in the bride's house. It is she who helps her put on a wedding dress, a veil, and put herself in perfect order. If a girl does not turn to professionals for help, then it is the witness who should help the bride do her makeup and hair.
  2. Few people know, but it is the witness who must check in advance that the newlyweds have passports and rings, which will definitely be needed at the registry office. Also, the bridesmaid is responsible for champagne and glasses, which are also needed for the painting ceremony.
  3. The witness must remember that she simply must always be near the bride. It is in her purse that there will be an arsenal of ladies' little things that a young woman may need at any moment of the wedding celebration.
  4. It is the witness who monitors the appearance of the bride: she must correct her makeup in time, monitor the cleanliness of the dress. If the wedding dress has a train, the witness is responsible for it.

painting ceremony

It is worth saying that the witness and the witness at the wedding have many important responsibilities. But still, their most important roles are witnesses during the painting ceremony. What should a bridesmaid remember?

  1. It is the witness and the witness who should spread a towel in front of the newlyweds in the registry office.
  2. When the couple signs, the witness holds the bride's bouquet.
  3. The witness and the witness put their signatures in the marriage registration book.
  4. It is the duty of the witnesses to beautifully place the guests in the "corridor" along which the newlyweds will pass.
  5. After painting, it is the witness who receives the bouquets that are presented to the couple.

If before the painting, the witness rides in a car with the bride, and the witness with the groom, then after the registry office, the young people drive the main car, and the witnesses drive the next one in the wedding cortege.


What are the duties of a witness at a wedding ceremony?

  1. Before the start of the wedding, the witnesses spread out a towel, on which the young people stand.
  2. The witness holds the crown over the groom's head (this is quite difficult, because on average the sacrament of the wedding lasts about 30 minutes). To do this, you also first need to prepare a white handkerchief, with which the crown is taken in hand.
  3. When a young couple walks around the lectern three times, the witness should hold the bride's train with one hand (even if this is inconvenient). Otherwise, it can be entrusted to the witness.
  4. Be sure to remember that the witness in the church should have her knees covered (a dress below the knees), as well as her neck and shoulders. You also need to cover your head with a scarf.


The duties of a witness at a wedding during a photo session of the young are very important. If a young couple wants to take pictures without relatives and friends, a couple of witnesses will still go with them. Here they have an important mission - to be assistants. What should the witness do?

  1. Monitor the appearance of the bride: correct her hair and makeup in time. Watch how the couple looks in the frame.
  2. If necessary, the witness can help the photographer and videographer.
  3. Witnesses also keep track of all the props that may be needed during the shooting of the young.


What else does a witness at a wedding do? So, her mission is no less important during the celebration itself. What should a bridesmaid remember here:

  1. When the wedding procession arrives at its final destination, it is the witness who makes sure that everything is taken from the cars. She also, together with a witness, removes jewelry from cars.
  2. At the gift-giving ceremony, the witness accepts gifts from guests, the witness accepts bouquets that have not yet been presented. Newlyweds accept only congratulations.
  3. If there is no toastmaster at the wedding, her role is assigned to both witnesses. They must "ignite" the guests, invent and organize contests, amuse the people.
  4. One of the most important cases: it is the witness who organizes the collection of money for the first-born of the couple, for the girl - in pink rompers, for the boy - in blue ones.
  5. By agreement with the bride, the witness must either protect her from theft, or steal it herself for the purpose of ransom.
  6. The wedding toast from the witness is also important.
  7. Well, at the end of the evening, it is the witnesses who help the bride and groom leave the hall. However, they remain responsible for all gifts.


First, you also need to decide what the witness needs for the wedding. After all, the bridesmaid and the groom's friend are the second people who are paid attention to at the wedding.

  1. Dress. It is very important to first discuss it with the bride herself, she must approve it. It is important that it emphasizes the style of the wedding, and does not go against it.
  2. Makeup, hairstyle.
  3. Accessories. The witness must correctly choose a handbag for her dress. It should not be too big, but also roomy enough to fit everything that two girls need: the bride herself and the witness.
  4. Good mood. And, of course, the witness needs maximum energy, charge and vivacity, because it is she who should encourage the guests to dance, have fun and have a positive mood.

How to write a speech

I would like to say that first the bridesmaid needs to think over the speech of the witness at the wedding. How to compose it correctly? What needs to be said?

  1. When composing a speech, it is necessary to point out the positive qualities of the bride. This can be an introductory part, which will also be a kind of instruction to the groom.
  2. You also need to pay attention to the couple itself: how beautiful, organic, etc.
  3. The speech should end with the most sincere wishes not only to the bride herself, but also to the young couple, the newly formed family.


What should be the words of the witness at the wedding? So, there are a few simple rules for staging the speech itself:

  1. The text of the speech can be touching. Here it is good to tell a little story from the life of the bride. The main thing is to get a few ladies to cry.
  2. The text of the speech may be humorous. Here you can twist something or even lie. The main purpose of such a speech is to make laugh not only the guests, but also the young themselves.
  3. The text of the speech can be simply congratulatory. In this case, the wishes for the wedding from the witness should be simply sincere, touching and beautiful.


I would like to say that the words of the witness at the wedding can be both in prose and in poetic form. Any of these options would be appropriate. However, if the congratulation sounds in prose, it is better not to write off the text from other people's thoughts, but to come up with it yourself.


It is also important to pre-think a toast for the wedding from the witness. Again, it can be drawn up according to the same rules as the speech that the witness says to the newlyweds. It is important to remember one thing: the ideal toast is the one that comes from the heart, and not prepared on the basis of other people's thoughts.

At every wedding, the second most important couple after the bride and groom are the witnesses. As a rule, friends are invited to this role. It is believed that the bride's witness should be an unmarried girl, and the groom - also an unmarried young man. But this is nothing more than a tradition, in reality anyone can be witnesses - brothers, sisters, men and women in marriage or divorce. The main thing is that these people be organized, responsible and energetic, because they have many important responsibilities.

Responsibilities of witnesses at a wedding

Witnesses are the first assistants of the bride and groom. Moreover, the range of their duties is not limited only to the presence at the wedding celebration. Their responsible mission begins long before this important day.

Wedding preparation:

  • Duties of a Witness. Usually, the witness becomes the bride's main adviser in choosing a dress, and it is also desirable for her to learn how to lace up a corset, put on petticoats, etc., since she will also have to dress the newlywed. In addition, the witness can take on some of the responsibilities for preparing for the celebration, for example, find a florist, photographer, decorate the hall, make a list of props for the celebration and follow its delivery to the right place. Also, it is usually the responsibility of her to draw up a program for the ransom of the bride - to think over contests, prepare props, etc.
  • Duties of a Witness. His main duty before the wedding is organizing a bachelor party. Moreover, the groom can also prepare a table for this event, but the entire cultural program is the concern of the witness. If a bachelor party is planned before the wedding day, the witness must also protect the groom from the consequences of the festivities. He can also help with organizational issues - ordering a car, thinking over the route of a wedding walk, etc.

Morning before check-in:

  • Duties of a Witness. On the wedding day, perhaps the witness will need to get up even earlier than the bride, because in addition to the fact that she needs to get ready herself, her duties also include helping the bride get ready, she may also have to decorate the entrance to the house / apartment, and also the wedding procession. And, of course, she will have to hold a ransom ceremony.
  • Duties of a Witness. On the morning before the wedding, the witness must arrive at the appointed time to the groom to help him in the final preparations - decorate the car, bring a bouquet, etc. Then they go together to the bride. Further, according to tradition, the ransom of the bride follows, on which the witness must become the main character representing the interests of the groom, he will have to participate in competitions, bargain, and subsequently pay a certain fee for the future wife of a friend (money, sweets, alcohol, fruits, etc.). d.). After that, the witness needs to seat the guests in cars and make sure that everyone has enough space.

Registration and wedding:

  • Duties of a Witness. First of all, the witness must morally support the bride and monitor her appearance (by the way, she must do this all day). In the registry office, she needs to stand near the newlywed and help the witness spread the towel. When the young people are congratulated, help hold the bouquets, and then take care of them. Also, the witness will not hurt to help the witness organize the sprinkling of the newlyweds at the exit from the registry office.
  • Duties of a Witness. First of all, the witness must make sure that the rings and passports get safely into the registry office, and he also needs to distribute everything necessary for sprinkling the newlyweds to the guests. During the ceremony, he should stand near the groom, and at the right time spread the towel. Depending on the scenario of the painting ceremony, the witness can also give the young people rings and glasses filled with champagne.

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During the wedding, the main duty of both witnesses is to hold special crowns over the heads of the newlyweds.

wedding walk

On a walk, the main duties of witnesses are to have fun and take pictures with the young. If a picnic is also planned for her, they need to make sure that nothing is forgotten for him, and then lay out food, open bottles, pour drinks, and finally collect and throw away garbage.

wedding banquet

Witnesses will have to take care of all organizational issues so as not to distract the young from the holiday. If the toastmaster was not invited to the celebration, witnesses should assume his role. In this case, it is they who will have to entertain the guests, draw up a program in advance, and then lead it, select music, say congratulations, organize people, etc. If the toastmaster is provided, the duties of the couple are somewhat simplified, but still they should become his main assistants.

almost inseparable concepts, since they will have to participate in almost all, thereby setting an example for the guests and urging everyone to have fun. In addition, they should keep an eye on the young, because, as a rule, it is customary to steal brides at weddings and their shoes. If this happens, the witness must actively participate in the ransom of the kidnapped betrothed. He must also be ready to immediately resolve any conflicts between guests. Witnesses will be able to completely relax after the wedding, when the last guest leaves the celebration, because only then all the assigned duties are removed from them.

What to bring to the wedding

Since one of the main tasks of the witness is to monitor how the bride looks, who, as a rule, does not carry a handbag with her during the celebration, she needs to
take everything you need for this - a comb, a mirror, a minimal set of cosmetics (necessarily lipstick or lip gloss), a few hairpins or hairpins, hairspray, spare tights or stockings, powder, matting and wet wipes, plaster, pain pills. If a wedding is planned, be sure to grab another scarf. Many newlyweds pick up boutonnieres or ribbons for witnesses so that they stand out among the guests, they need to be worn at home or taken to the registry office.

The witness must take care not to forget anything for the ransom ceremony. To do this, you need to take a trifle, banknotes, champagne, wine, sweets, fruits, this is a standard set and usually it is enough to pay off the presenters. It will be necessary to stock up on all this in case the bride or her shoe is stolen. Also, the witness should take champagne, a towel, rings and passports from the car before registering, if after painting it is planned to shower the newlyweds, you need to capture everything you need for this - grain, rose petals, sweets. It is also advisable to buy a bouquet for the witness. In addition, witnesses must stock up on patience, endurance and good humor.

If you have the honor of being a witness at your friends' wedding celebration, know that you automatically, from the moment of your consent, become the right hand of the future newlyweds - get ready to provide all possible and overwhelming assistance to the bride and groom already in preparation for the wedding. At the wedding, the heroes of the occasion are almost unconscious, and in order for the holiday to take place at the highest level, you will have to control them and take responsibility. In particular, the presence of rings, passports, champagne with chocolate and the witness should check.

It would be naive to believe that the role of a witness is limited to being present at the celebration with the right to sign in the registration book next to the signatures of the newlyweds, as well as posing in front of cameras at a photo shoot with the newlyweds. Nowadays, it is not necessary to invite witnesses to register with the registry office, but many newlyweds prefer to follow traditions.

Witness Choice

According to tradition, the witness at the wedding must be single. But these are not all the requirements - he must have leadership qualities and oratorical talent. Usually this is a relative or close friend of the groom with an adequate sense of humor and the ability to make decisions in emergency situations.

Witness dress code

The appearance of the legal guarantor of the painting and a close friend of the groom should not overshadow the main hero of the occasion. We note right away that the traditional "penguin outfit" - a white shirt and a black suit - has long been no longer mandatory at a wedding, even for the groom. The outfit of the witness should be in the style of the wedding (especially), but look a little more modest than that of the groom and a different color so that the guests do not confuse them. In winter, a suit of dark tones of gray or blue is suitable, in summer - light gray, blue, pistachio. The main condition is elegance, so all this should be complete with a light-colored shirt and a matching tie. Butterfly is recommended only for tailcoat type suits. If the ceremony is not so official, you can get by with a simpler outfit, without a tie, the main thing is not to look like a motley parrot. In no case do not get carried away with aromas - the plume of perfume should be barely perceptible. The same applies to hairstyles - modesty and elegance. Skate - chic leather shoes to match the suit or black. Of the accessories, in addition, you can beautifully put a handkerchief in your pocket.

Duties of a Witness to the Newlyweds

  1. What should a witness do at a wedding? The role of a witness at a wedding is, first of all, a huge responsibility and a large number of all kinds of duties - from to the entire wedding. Even at the stage of organizing a bachelor party, he tries on this role. The groom traditionally prepares the table for the bachelor party, and the witness prepares the cultural program. If farewell to free life takes place just before the wedding, the witness must protect both himself and the groom from the consequences of a big booze. And in general, before the wedding, everyone needs to sleep well, including the witness, to look attractive, cheerful and active at the wedding - another duty.
  2. Some moments in organizing a wedding - ordering a bouquet for the bride, booking a room for the wedding night - also fall on the shoulders of the witness. He performs all the small assignments of the young at the wedding and before the wedding, as they are closely occupied with more serious things - compiling the menu, etc. Witnesshelps with the delivery of products.
  3. On the day of the wedding, at the appointed time (usually before everyone else), the witness drives up to the groom to speed up the final preparations for the wedding escort, and accompanies him to the bride's house. The witness prepares for the ransom ceremony in advance. At the ransom, he is the main character representing the interests of the groom, and, in addition to the skills to bargain and buy the bride as if she is the only woman in the world, he needs to stock up on a whole suitcase of cash (it is better if these are banknotes of various denominations and even a trifle), a drink different strengths, sweets and souvenirs. A bouquet for a witness will also come in handy in order to find a common language with her as quickly as possible. He also sews on a boutonniere for her, opens the car door for her and, in general, takes care of her all evening.
  4. The witness must take passports, rings, a towel and champagne from the car. He also spreads a towel in front of the newlyweds in the registry office. When registering, he leaves his signature in the act book, if provided, he holds the crown over the groom during the ceremony.
  5. He seats guests in cars, controls the movement of cars from the wedding cortege. He plans a walk route after the registry office, provides a supply of champagne, sweets, glasses for a walk around the city (after all, the whole city will celebrate your wedding!), Opens bottles and pours drinks, says impromptu toasts in honor of the heroes of the occasion. Collects bottles and cups in a trash bag. After a walk, he takes the things of the young people to the banquet hall, checking that nothing is forgotten in the car.
  6. In the banquet hall, they work in tandem with the host and accompany the newlyweds. At the table, the witness serves the newlyweds, the witness and the parents of the newlyweds. The witness prepares an original wedding toast (maybe more than one, so it’s worth rehearsing the speech in advance), says toasts often, and rarely raises glasses.
  7. The witness and host should communicate before the banquet in order to coordinate their actions. The host explains to the witness the duties at the wedding, warning that he will not be able to fully relax as a guest - he must do everything very quickly: eat quickly, run quickly for smoke breaks and constantly be in good shape and in the center of all the events of the wedding scenario.
  8. It is important for the witness at the wedding to remain vigilant all evening, because he must protect the bride. If she is nevertheless stolen (or her shoe), she and her fiancé look for her and pay a ransom.

Witness - chief assistant to the presenter

If there is no specially invited toastmaster at the wedding, then his role completely turns into a witness, and he must learn all the toasts, games and competitions almost by heart. If there is a leader, the first task is to become his main assistant so that the holiday is fun. Together with the young and their parents, the atmosphere of the wedding evening is created by the witness. He takes an active part in wedding ceremonies, (determining the sex of the firstborn, auctioning a wedding cake). He is the first to be called to participate in the entertainment program, there are competitions especially for witnesses, they constantly light up the dance floor and not only themselves, but also involving all guests with their positive energy in the dance program.

wedding courier

The witness plays the role of a courier, keeping in touch between the newlyweds and the workers of the wedding market. The newlyweds should be constantly in the spotlight - at the disco they light up with the guests, at competitions they are active spectators or direct participants, in the feast they listen to toasts without being distracted by various technical points.

The host and coordinator are usually responsible for seating the guests. But situations are different, for example, at a banquet, fewer appliances were covered than guests. While the attendants solve this problem, the witness must do everything to make the person feel comfortable. After all, every wedding guest has two fears: “Where is my place?” and “When will I congratulate?”.

The witness makes sure that everyone's glasses are filled. Witnesses must also accompany guests with their parents. It is more convenient for parents to communicate with departing guests, learn about first impressions after the celebration, and have a drink “on the road”. And the witness must call a taxi, so he must have several phone numbers of different taxi services in stock. He also helps tired guests get dressed and escorts them to the car.

Final part

The witness is obliged to do everything so that the newlyweds get to the hotel. Solve the issue of transport, bring them safe and sound, help transport gifts and flowers.

And as soon as the door is closed behind the newlyweds, the wedding duties of a witness in relation to the newlyweds end, and he returns to the guests. If the wedding is played on one day, then his mission will end with the departure of the last guest, otherwise, on the last of all days of wedding festivities.

In addition to the main ones, the task of the witness is also to prevent fuss, loss, conflicts, in a word, to provide young people with maximum comfort on this beautiful and crazy day. And if the newlyweds with a witness at the wedding are lucky, then they have only one concern - to carry out the command bitterly.

We try to invite people we love to the wedding to share such a precious moment with them. Among all those invited, it is worth telling more about the witnesses. After all, they play one of the main roles, make the wedding day special.

A witness is chosen by a person whom the young family fully trusts, knows like the back of his hand. As a rule, two of them are chosen: the young man is the right hand of the groom, and the girl is the right hand of the bride.

If you have been chosen as a witness, you need to carefully prepare, find out what duties a witness has at a wedding, what you need to prepare in advance, and what questions may arise at the event.

Since ancient times, being a witness has been an honorable thing. The choice has always been on a real friend - a person who will help the family in difficult times. It was a boyar or friendship.

He was supposed to help organize, lead some ceremonies, be the master of the table.

If earlier it was necessary to choose one person from the side of the groom, then in the 20th century a new tradition appeared - to appoint witnesses from both sides. Just at that time they began to marry in the registry office, and someone was needed who could testify to the equality of young spouses.

Nowadays, wedding traditions that have been going on for centuries are respected in Russia, so it is a great honor to become a witness. But at the same time it is also a big responsibility, a lot of responsibilities.

Clothing style and behavior

Witnesses take seats next to the young, so they should look and behave accordingly, not fall into the dirt face. They appear in almost all photographs, they are addressed on many issues, so you need to choose the right wardrobe.

The girl - the witness, it is better to choose a dress. It is feminine and elegant.

The main thing is to find the dress that will look great, otherwise you can ruin even some wedding pictures, thereby upsetting the young.

Clothing and accessories should not merge with the bride's dress, and even more so, you can not wear something white. It is better to give preference to models that are not too short; the depth of the cutout should also not be very defiant.

The young man must put on a suit.
The main thing is to agree with the groom and purchase clothes of different colors so that there is no confusion at the event. If the wedding is not held on a grand scale, you can buy beautiful trousers, a light-colored shirt and a tie.

About the witnesses, as well as about the newlyweds, they talk for a long time. You need to take a responsible approach to the question of what glory you will gain.

The wedding of friends is your big responsibility. You need to carry out the duties appropriately assigned to you. Do not drink excess alcohol, do not leave the bride and groom, monitor the behavior of the guests and the scenario.

Such an honorary role imposes certain obligations that are not limited to one day.

There are things to be done before this long-awaited day. You must be fully aware of what you have to do on the day of the event. And also after forgetting about your role will not work, because after the wedding there are no less responsibilities.

The period leading up to such an exciting event is very stressful.. Future husband and wife need the support of loved ones and their undivided help. So what are the duties of witnesses before marriage?

There is also a tradition of organizing and a few days before parting with a single and unmarried life.

Witnesses should think over the scenario, make the farewell memorable. The main thing is not to overdo it, keep an eye on the bride and groom, provide them with excellent health and mood on the day of the celebration.

wedding day

Witnesses must take care that no negative event can spoil the young people's impression of one of the happiest days of their lives. To do this, you will have to get up very early, put yourself in order and take control of the process into your own hands. The witness should be next to the bride, the witness next to the groom.

What should be done?

After the wedding

If we talk about short-term responsibilities, then you need:

  • Ensure that all guests arrive safely at home. If necessary, call a taxi and seat in cars;
  • Make sure that the young people get to the next destination without hindrance - the venue for the wedding night;
  • Deliver gifts to the home of the newlyweds.

In addition, the responsibilities of witnesses include long-term tasks. Having witnessed the marriage, you become the guardians of the family. We need to help young people solve their problems, instruct them on the right path and take care of them.

Natalya Erofeevskaya

Not a single wedding ceremony sustained in the best traditions is complete without the participation of witnesses or, as the people say, friends and boyfriend. Most often these roles are very symbolic., but in some cases, the duties assigned to these wedding positions are serious and require some responsibility and preliminary preparation. It is better to know what duties of a witness and a witness at a wedding are expected in advance - only then will the wedding go off without a hitch, bring joy to the newlyweds and invited guests.

Photo from the wedding

A witness or a witness is usually chosen from among the closest friends and relatives: in addition to girlfriends and friends, a brother or sister, as well as cousins, can play the role of a friend. Desirable but not required requirement - a young and unmarried girl is invited to the role of a witness, an unmarried man is a witness. The tasks of the friends who are in the center of attention almost on a par with the newlyweds are not only in general joy and fun, the duties of witnesses also include the solution of serious organizational issues.

Witnesses are primarily called upon to help young people make this holiday bright, light and thought out to the smallest detail.

What should a witness at the groom's wedding do?

The primary tasks of the witness (best man, groomsmen), designed to free the groom from a number of troubles regarding the organization of the holiday, are of a somewhat economic nature. Ordering transport, organizing parking for those invited to a banquet, during an outdoor wedding ceremony - installing tents, arranging tables and chairs, compiling a list and seating plan for guests. In addition, the friend can take care of how the guests will get home in the evening. Tasks for a witness at a friend's wedding can be very different: it is better if smart and responsible young man, sociable, able to negotiate and quickly make decisions in case of force majeure. He can also be chosen as the main leader.

The duties of a witness at a wedding - the role of a toastmaster

What does a friend do on the eve of the wedding? The task of the witness is pre-set organization of a bachelor party(scenario, competitions and entertainment, stripper) and responsibility for the health of the groom, in particular, control of the drunken future head of the family. This holiday should not only be fun, but also memorable in a good way, and the groom (especially if the bachelor party was organized on the eve of the wedding celebration) should look the next day not miserable and wrinkled, but happy and rested. And for this, the responsibility is also directly borne by the witness.

On the day of the wedding, the friend helps the groom get together and don't forget anything. The help here lies in additional control: whether they took wedding rings, passports, champagne or a picnic basket, if after registration a walk is expected in traditional places for newlyweds. The witness is also responsible for the little things needed in the rituals: sweets and fruits for the ransom of the bride, souvenirs, small money and counterfeit amusing banknotes, champagne and vodka. During the traditional redemption ceremony, the friend becomes the groom's faithful assistant - he will help to overcome all the trials arranged by the bridesmaids and see his beloved. A sense of humor and ingenuity are some of the desirable qualities for a witness.

Bride ransom

List of duties of a friend in the registry office:

  • invitation to the solemn hall of invited guests and spouses: depending on the scenario of the ceremony, witnesses can open the doors at the first sounds of the March of Mendelssohn;
  • control over the comfortable accommodation of guests, assistance to elderly relatives of the bride and groom - if necessary, the witness must take care of the chairs or armchairs they need in advance;
  • after affixing the signatures registering the marriage, the friend opens the champagne and helps the bride to receive flowers from the guests;
  • organization of photography.

At the banquet, the witness is the right hand of the groom. His duties include the first toast to the health of the young with the obligatory “bitter!”, participation in competitions, the role of toastmaster (if there is no specially invited host of the celebration) and an eye and an eye for the bride: if they steal the sweetheart, they will have to take the rap with the groom with a ransom and perform various tasks. In addition, the friend delicately controls whether the groom is too fond of alcohol and at the same time tries to ensure that the guests do not know the need for this. Any conflicts between the guests (in fact, a rare wedding does without them) are resolved by the witness diplomatically and quickly.

A sociable and diplomatic witness is a godsend for the groom

Rules for a friend

The role of the bride's witness is a little easier: her main task is to choose a dress and accessories for the celebration, help the bride with a visit to the stylist and hairdresser, organize a ransom in accordance with the ceremony (the script must be written in detail so that there are no unpleasant hitches). If dresses of the same style and style are provided for the bridesmaids, then the bridesmaid negotiates with tailors to take measurements, tailor dresses and try on on time. Everything must be done in advance and impeccably.

Photo of bridesmaids

The task of the bridesmaid is to organize a bachelorette party and to help the witness in holding a banquet. Decorating the interior of the banquet hall, choosing invitation cards, decorating a wedding car and ordering a wedding cake, receiving congratulations (gifts and bouquets) after the official wedding ceremony, an agreement with the temple for the wedding - and this is where the witness can help. For a boyfriend and girlfriend, you need to know in advance the plan of events and prepare the distribution of responsibilities for preparing for the wedding between friends and relatives of the bride.

Whether witnesses are required to sign at the registry office - it is better to find out in advance, as you may need a passport for identification

Signs about witnesses at the wedding

Since the witness is directly responsible for the appearance of the bride, she becomes her mirror: the benevolence and pleasant appearance of the witness on this day will save the bride from the evil eye.

A basket for a joint walk after the official painting is compiled together - a friend and a friend put everything they need into it, provide for appropriate clothing and, for example, umbrellas in case of bad weather.

Lots of talk and belief about witnesses at the wedding should kiss, or even spend the night together- it seems like a young family will only be stronger from this. As a rule, witnesses kiss if they really know each other well and are not at all against such a pleasant action. Yes, and about a joint night of categorical prohibitions or, conversely, there are no recommendations. In order to avoid any unpleasant or awkward moments, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the scenario of the holiday of the invited toastmaster and, if necessary, cross out too frank competitions or replace them with others.

Friend and friend

The wedding traditions of the witness and the witness are not limited to hen-stag parties and the official protocol of painting in the registry office. For awkward pauses and hitches, songs, ditties, short and long wedding toasts should be in store for witnesses, and a flash drive with songs popular in the company may not be superfluous - a pleasant musical accompaniment it is appropriate both in a wedding cortege and at a banquet.

March 22, 2018, 00:31