Socio-gaming technology in dow. Workshop for teachers "Socio-game technologies in speech therapy

Target: Demonstration of the system of pedagogical activities for interaction with parents of preschoolers, improving the professional skills of the participants in the master class.


1. To acquaint the participants of the master class with the methods and techniques of socio-gaming technology, their application in interaction with parents of preschoolers.

2. Raise the level of professional competence of teachers, their motivation for the systematic use of socio-gaming technology in practice.

3. Reflection of their own professional skills by the participants of the master class.

Expected results:

  1. Acquaintance of the participants of the master class with socio-gaming technology and its application in the practice of the work of a preschool teacher.
  2. Creating conditions for teachers to acquire their own professional style, which would strengthen the partnership between kindergarten and families of preschoolers.
  3. Reflection of their own professional skills by the participants of the master class.

Master class progress:

  1. Theoretical part:


Today I want to introduce you to the technology that we use to work with a group of parents in a group. The technology is called "SIT - socio-gaming technology".

The novelty of using this technology is that it is designed to work with children of primary school and senior preschool age. And for the first time it is used to work with adults who have their own social experience, their own worldview.

"SIT - socio-gaming technology" - the term “socio-gaming technology” itself is explained as follows: “the organization of classes as a game between microgroups (small societies — hence the term “socio-gaming”). The authors of the technology are teachers and innovators - Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bukatov and Andrey Petrovich Ershov.

The essence of SIT:

V.M. Bukatov speaks: « We do not teach, but arrange situations where their participants I want to trust each other and my own experience, resulting in effect of voluntary education, training and learning».

The relevance of the application of this technology that the ongoing changes in society put forward new requirements for the education system. The purpose of modern personality-oriented education is to provide pedagogical support to each child on the path of his self-development, self-affirmation and self-knowledge. To implement these requirements, we need close cooperation with the families of preschoolers, which is impossible without establishing contacts with each of the child's parents.

The classic (P. I. Tchaikovsky’s opera The Queen of Spades) has these words: “What is our life? - a game!". Taking this statement as a basis, we have found such a “tool” for interaction with parents of preschoolers as a socio-gaming technology (SIT). Parents - by playing as in childhood - will better understand their children. It is possible to draw a direct relationship between socio-gaming technology and a personality-oriented model of communication with parents, using the techniques of working in small groups - adults are like children: they listen, and they do, and they say. Thanks to this, each parent himself forms a system of ideas about the upbringing of his child and naturally he has pedagogical knowledge. .

the main objective our pedagogical interaction with the parents of pupils through socio - game technology - encouraging them to social activity and self-development, uniting the parent-child team.

SIT technology allows solving the following problems:

  • assimilation by parents of active forms of cognition;
  • improving the skills and abilities of friendly communicative interaction in the parent team;
  • ensuring mental well-being;
  • correction of impulsive behavior.

Originality SIT in its versatility: The versatility of the methods and techniques of SIT lies in the fact that they can be used both at different stages, for example, at a parent meeting, and at individual events. If in traditional pedagogy the educator performs the role of a “musician-performer”, and parents, most often, the role of spectators, then in socio-play pedagogy their roles change: parents themselves become thinking “performers”, and the teacher becomes a conductor.

Efficiency: The use of this technology leads to:

- to unite the parent-child team of the group;

- to increase the number of families participating in the life of the group

and preschool educational institutions, in various intellectual and creative competitions;

- to increase the pedagogical competence of the parents of pupils.

It can be confidently stated that the use of socio-gaming technology is aimed at obtaining a new result, helps to solve pedagogical problems, and teaches parents to acquire knowledge on their own. It is important that at the same time everyone gets the opportunity feel yourself in a situation of success!

Dear colleagues, do you have any questions on the theoretical part?

  1. Practical part:

Today we will get acquainted with the methods of this technology in practice.

  1. Reception "Magic wand"

The audience is divided into subgroups. Each subgroup stands in a circle. A wand (or some object) is passed from person to person and each, in turn, is given a task. At first glance, the task is taken by the simplest, but with a deep meaning, for example:

1 step: You need to name your favorite game or toy from childhood, then the task becomes more difficult: name the game/toy and tell why you liked it.

2 step: You need to name the most popular games / toys for children at this time, then the task becomes more difficult: evaluate games/toys in terms of impact on children (positive and negative).

At the end, encourage the audience to make a collective conclusion about the expediency of certain games / toys that parents buy for children, succumbing to the influence of “fashion for toys”, their possible impact on the psyche and behavior of the child, and the consequences of such an impact (positive and negative).

So, I showed you only one technique, and at that time you voiced three golden rules of technology :

  1. Work in small groups with change of leadership.
  2. Change of scenes and roles in the course of activities (variability/integration of activities);
  3. Motor activity of participants with a change in the pace and rhythm of activity.

These three principles form the basis of gaming technology.

  1. The next step is called "Apparently not visible".

I need a group of six people willing to come out. You need to split into two microgroups.

1 step: I give the first microgroup cards with letters scattered on them.

You need to find the name of the fairy tale (this technique works well with parents of preschoolers). When you find it, do not say the name aloud, instead, the following technique is applied -

  1. Reception "Revitalization".

You need to show the name of the fairy tale, and the other microgroup has to guess it.

Step 2 - we apply the method "Apparently not visible" from the point of view of pedagogy:

Now I give the cards to the second microgroup, the words are written on the cards.

You need to make sentences from them - denoting types of family leisure, for example:

- “Mom, dad, I am a sports family!” - passion in the family for sports;

“Come visit us, we are very glad to have guests!” - holidays organized for children at home;

- "Gifts with your own hands" - joint crafts with children in the family circle.

When you make up a sentence, do not say it out loud, instead, apply the "Revitalization" technique again. The second microgroup must be shown the name of the family leisure, and the first microgroup must guess it.

  1. There is a technique that the authors of socio-gaming technology called "Scouts".

You need to look at each other, the first person you meet with your eyes will be your couple, with whom you hold hands and stand next to each other.

It is used to prepare work in pairs, for example: for training; for practical development of any pedagogical situation.

  1. The next step - "Group work"- we will consider it practically

The distribution into groups can take place as follows: the teacher distributes to the parents parts of the cut postcard (the number of parts should correspond to the desired number of people in the group). Parents collect a postcard from them, thereby determining the composition of the group. Having gathered in a group, they report this with a simultaneous clap.

They will also show the moment of completion of work on any task.

  1. Reception "We speak in unison."

Among the parents there may be people who find it difficult, who cannot speak to the audience, being afraid to make a mistake, to say wrong. Working in microgroups, choral work helps them. The teacher tells the microgroups: "Whoever knows the answer, stand up and say it in unison." If any of the microgroups makes a mistake, then the mistake will not look too defiant (it will be possible to treat it with some humor), it will not leave the participants with an unpleasant aftertaste, which means that it is easier to correct it.

  1. And the last trick I want to show you is

"Questions and Answers" header. It is often difficult to provoke parents to a discussion, but they always have a lot of questions. This technique assumes that parents write their questions on pieces of paper and put them in a hat, and then they draw out the same questions themselves and are forced to answer them. Questions can be very diverse, including problems arising in the group and pedagogical situations.

For example, what questions could you, dear colleagues, ask? (What techniques of social gaming technology do you remember? What was difficult? Which of the techniques do you use or will use in your work?). Thus, the parents themselves will get answers to their questions, and you will act as a collector.

III. Reflection:

Let's summarize our work:

In your opinion, the main meaning of "SIT - socio-gaming technology" is ...

What did you get as teachers from the master class?…

In conclusion of our master class, I would like to note that:

It is usually believed that any pedagogical technology used in work with the families of pupils should be treated as a kind of upper “bar”, forcing its followers to “stretch” upwards. But with such an attitude, it may be ceiling when interacting with parents. Whereas socio-game pedagogy stands up for the rehabilitation of the methodological independence of the parent. Any technology, technique, technique is just a lower "bar", just a "soil" for personal methodological searches and personal prosperity.

One of the pedagogical paradoxes is that the more thoughtful and smart the technology, the methodology, the more thoughtlessly the educator is forced to follow it. Socio-game approach, in our opinion, quite effectively helps practitioners to successfully overcome this paradox.

Thank you for your attention!


When conducting game tasks and exercises, the authors of the technology urge to adhere to the following rules and conditions of socio-game approaches to pedagogy:

1 rule: work is used in small groups or as they are also called “peer groups”

By the color of hair, eyes, clothes;

So that at least one letter in the name is the same;

By profession;

Who came to kindergarten today by car, and who came on foot, etc.

2 rule: "change of leadership".

It is clear that work in small groups involves collective activity, and the opinion of the whole group in most cases is expressed by one person - the leader. Moreover, the leader is chosen by the parents themselves, and he must constantly change.

We draw your attention to the fact that in newly created groups, where parents are still practically unknown, it is more expedient to use the "We speak in chorus" technique.

3rd rule: activity is combined with motor activity and a change in mise-en-scenes (environment), which helps relieve emotional stress. Parents not only sit, but also get up, walk, clap their hands, play (for example, with a ball). They can communicate in different parts of the group: in the center, at tables, on the floor, in their favorite corner, in the reception area, etc.

4th rule:change of pace and rhythm. Carrying out activities of various kinds should emphasize the rhythm of work, the coherence of actions during the performance of any game tasks. This should become a business background for everyone. Time limits help to change the pace and rhythm, for example, with the help of hourglasses and ordinary ones, which requires a certain concentration.

For children for 2016

In recent years, significant changes have taken place in the Russian education system, which have determined new priorities for the development of preschool education. In accordance with the federal state educational standards for the main general educational program of preschool education, the construction of the educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with children of preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game.



Socio-gaming technology as a means of developing a preschooler in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Dumrauf Natalya Mikhailovna

MBDOU d / garden №20 "Dolphin"

"The main concern of educators is

not education, not entertainment,

not even development, but so

non-didactic thing like friendship. "E.E. Shuleshko

In recent years, significant changes have taken place in the Russian education system, which have determined new priorities for the development of preschool education. In accordance with the federal state educational standards for the main general educational program of preschool education, the construction of the educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with children of preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game.

This is facilitated by developing pedagogical technologies, including socio-playing, which develops the child in playful communication with peers, implying freedom of action, freedom of choice, freedom of thought of the child. Socio-gaming technology orients the teacher to find ways of such communication with children, in which coercion gives way to enthusiasm. “It is necessary not to teach, but to establish a situation where their participants want to trust both each other and their own experience, resulting in the effect of voluntary training, training and learning” (V.M. Bukatov).

The main idea of ​​socio-gaming technology- organization of children's own activities, in which the child wants to engage in and in which he: does, listens, looks and speaks.

Equally important in socio-gaming technology iscontract, rule.Disorganization, chaos, disorder should not be unconscious, children argue, discuss animatedly, in a business setting communicate.

Founders of socio-gaming technology E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov deduced the following communication rules:

Do not humiliate the child, do not insult him;

Do not grumble, do not whine, do not grumble;

Know how to find a mistake and have the courage to admit it;

Be mutually polite, tolerant and restrained;

Treat failure as another learning experience;

Support, help to rise and win;

By blowing out someone else's candle, we do not make our own brighter;

Do not exalt yourself above others, exalt your neighbor;

Children are dreamers: do not take their word for it, but do not ignore their problem.

The purpose of using socio-gaming technologies- organization of children's own activities in an atmosphere of mutual understanding.

Tasks of using socio-gaming technologiesin the development of preschool children:

  1. Formation of the skills of friendly communicative interaction among preschoolers using grammatically correct coherent speech.
  2. Developing in children the skills of full-fledged interpersonal communication, helping to understand themselves.
  3. Development of interaction child-child, child-adult, child-parent to ensure mental well-being.
  4. Development in children with the ability of elementary self-control of speech expression and self-regulation of their actions, relationships with others, removal of fear and clamping before activities.
  5. Creation of conditions for the development of personal qualities and abilities of all subjects of the open educational space.

The principles that underlie this technology are highly relevant for modern upbringing and education of preschoolers. Today, it is simply necessary for the teacher to have a new view of the child as a subject (and not an object) of education, as a partner in joint activities.

Principles of organizing socio-gaming technology:

  • The teacher is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly, organizes games, invents them.
  • Removing the judicial role from the teacher and transferring it to children predetermines the removal of the fear of error in children.
  • Freedom and independence in the choice of knowledge, skills and abilities by children. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. This is the subordination of their actions to general rules.
  • Change of mise-en-scene, that is, the situation when children can communicate in different parts of the group.
  • Focus on individual discoveries. Children become accomplices in the game.
  • Overcoming difficulties. Children are not interested in what is simple, and what is difficult is interesting.
  • movement and activity.
  • The life of children in small groups, mostly sixes, happens in fours and threes.

There are the followingforms of organization of socio-gaming technologyin the development of preschool children,techniques specifically aimed at creating a situation of success and comfort and correcting speech disorders:

  • Games with rules.
  • Competition games.
  • Dramatization games.
  • Director games.
  • Role-playing games.
  • Fairy tale therapy.
  • Method of creating problem situations with elements of self-assessment.
  • Techniques socially aimed at creating a situation of success and comfort.
  • Trainings.
  • Self-presentation.

1. Task games for a working mood. The main task of games is to awaken children's interest in each other, to put the participants in the game in some kind of dependence on each other, providing a general increase in the mobilization of attention and body.

2. Games for socio-gaming involvement in the case,during the implementation of which business relationships are built between the teacher and the children, and the children with each other. These games can be used in the process of assimilation or consolidation of educational material; if children learn to distinguish something, memorize, systematize, etc., then they will learn this in the process of performing game tasks

3. Game warm-ups- are united by their universal accessibility, quickly emerging gambling and ridiculous, frivolous winnings. They are dominated by the mechanism of active and psychologically effective rest.

4. Tasks for creative self-assertion- these are tasks, the implementation of which implies an artistic and performing result of the action.

5. Freestyle games (in the wild), the implementation of which requires space and freedom of movement, i.e. they cannot always be performed in a room.

Results of the implementation of socio-gaming technologiesin the development of older preschool children:

  • Children develop speech interaction, the vocabulary of a preschooler is activated, dialogic and monologue speech is improved.
  • The child knows how to defend his position, reasonably and kindly object to adults.
  • Preschoolers know how to listen and hear each other, negotiate, come to an agreement.
  • A positive attitude towards the world around, other people, oneself, and peers has been formed.
  • Children do not have a sense of fear for a mistake.

When applying socio-gaming technologies in the educational process of a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to remember the 6 most basicterms and conditionsrelevant for the development of preschool children:

  • 1 rule: work is used in small groups, or as they are also called “peer groups”.

By the color of hair, eyes, clothes;

So that at least one letter in the name is the same;

Who lives on what floor;

Who came to kindergarten today by car, and who came on foot, etc.

  • 2 rule: "change of leadership".

It is clear that work in small groups involves collective activity, and the opinion of the whole group is expressed by one person, the leader. Moreover, the children choose the leader themselves, and he must constantly change.

  • 3rd rule: training is combined with motor activity and a change of mise-en-scenes (environment),which helps relieve emotional stress.

Children not only sit in class, but also get up, walk, clap their hands, play with the ball. They can communicate in different parts of the group: in the center, at tables, on the floor, in their favorite corner, etc.

  • 4 rule: change of pace and rhythm.

Conducting classes of various kinds should emphasize the rhythm of the work of children, their coherence during classes. This should become a business background for all the guys. Time limits help to change the pace and rhythm, for example, with the help of hourglasses and regular clocks. Children have an understanding that each task has its own beginning and end, and requires a certain concentration.

  • Rule 5 - the socio-game methodology involves the integration of all types of activities, which is most valuable in modern preschool institutions.

This gives a positive result in the field of communication, emotional-volitional sphere, more intensively develops the intellectual abilities of children compared to traditional education, promotes speech, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, social, physical development. Learning takes place in the form of a game.

  • 6th rule: in our work we focus on the principle of polyphony: "You chase 133 hares, you look and catch a dozen."

It is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, he is more motivated. As a result, all children discover new knowledge for themselves, only someone more, someone less. One of the authors of this socio-play technology, Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Bukatov, says: “Socio-play pedagogy has a cunning style. The main thing in it is the resuscitation of one's own intuition ... The socio-playing style is to make the direction of the lesson so that the heart rejoices both in oneself and in all participants. Any live work can be called a work in a socio-play style ... ".

We organize communication of children within the framework of this technology in three stages:

At the very first stage - I teach children the rules of communication, the culture of communication

(children learn to negotiate, which means listening and hearing a partner,

own speech develops);

At the second stage, communication is the goal - the child in practice realizes

How should he organize his communication in a microgroup in order to fulfill

learning task;

At the third stage, communication is a pedagogical tool, i.e. through

I teach communication to preschoolers.

The main task that teachers of a preschool institution for children must solve is to eliminate (partially or completely) a speech defect as a result of the use of socio-gaming technologies and prepare the child for successful schooling.


1. A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov / Pocket Encyclopedia of Socio-Game Teaching Techniques for Preschoolers: Reference and Methodological Guide for Kindergarten Educators and Preparatory Groups / - St. Petersburg: Educational Projects; M: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008.

2. A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov / Return to talent / - St. Petersburg: Educational projects; M: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2008.

Meeting "SHMP" DOW. Date of the event November 5, 6, 2014.

Subject:"Updating the methodology for using socio-gaming techniques in the light of the Federal State Educational Standards of Education."


analyze the requirements of the standard of preschool education in terms of the implementation of approaches to the organization of children's activities (psychological and pedagogical support );

· get acquainted with the theory of the use of socio-gaming technology and its features .;

Lose (master) individual techniques (being inside the game) .;

learn how to work with a memo on the use of SIT techniques

Explanatory note

In the practice of applying socio-game techniques (technologies), exercises aimed at maintaining interest, a friendly attitude of children towards peers, at activating the independence and initiative of the child, his creative abilities. “The best rule of politics is not to govern too much ...” - that is, the less we govern children, the more active they take in life.

The pedagogical principles outlined in the FSES DO coincide with the principles that underlie this technology, and, first of all, the understanding that today it is simply necessary for the teacher to have a new view of the child as a subject (and not an object) of education, as a joint venture partner.

The essence of the socio-game style of work was defined by its founders E. Ershova, V. Bukatov, E. Shuleshko as follows: the effect of voluntary and training, and learning, and training.

Following these guidelines, the participants of the "SHMP" will consider how, in the course of constructing directly educational activities, interaction is organized between children and the teacher, between microgroups of children (small societies - hence the term "socio-play") and simultaneously in each of them.


Brief historical background

The term "socio-playing style" itself appeared in 1988. In 1992, an article appeared in the "Teacher's newspaper" called "Freestyle or chasing 133 hares", where the author, relying on materials from supporters of socio-play pedagogy: E. Shuleshko, A. Ershova, V. Bukatova, describes the organization of classes with children as games between microgroups of children (small societies - hence the term "socio-game") and simultaneously in each of them.

It didn't stick at the time. Some techniques were tried, and that was it... The psychological restructuring of the teachers' position on personality-oriented interaction with the child in the learning process continued all these years.

And now the teaching staff looked at this problem more interested. Realizing that it is simply impossible to work in the old way, because modern research shows that the formation of the subjective position of the child in activity, communication and cognition ensures the development of such important personality traits as activity, independence, sociability, and creativity. And the socio-game technology, which arose on the interface of the wisdom of theatrical pedagogy, children's folklore games and wonderful ideas, makes it possible to implement student-centered learning, the child acts here as a subject of activity.

The relevance of the introduction of this technology and its focus.

Traditional Pedagogy - SIT and GEF DO What do they have in common?

comparison table

Traditional Pedagogy

GEF DO (excerpts)

Teachers strive to achieve scientific results in GCD (classes) (ZUN)

ECD teachers recreate life

... building educational activities based on the interaction of adults with children, focused on the interests and capabilities of each child and taking into account the social situation of his development;

The teacher as a "judge"

The teacher as an adviser

...respect of adults for the human dignity of children, the formation and support of their positive self-esteem, confidence in their own abilities and abilities;

The main qualities of the child: obedience, diligence, non-conflict, accuracy

The main qualities of the child:

The development of self-awareness, the ability to compare one's knowledge with the knowledge of children, the provision and acceptance of children's help, the ability to listen, solve problems together, discuss, monitor the progress of a common cause

... 5) support for the initiative and independence of children in activities specific to them;

6) the opportunity for children to choose materials, types of activity, participants in joint activities and communication;

The position of the teacher is near, above. The teacher for children is the main source of censure and encouragement.

Position of the teacher - side by side, together

... recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

The development of children's communication skills is not the main thing

Particular attention is paid to the development of communication skills of children

... (child) is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, resolve conflicts

The teacher does not go beyond the intended

The teacher must come from the children

The program is aimed at:

creation of conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, the development of initiative and creative abilities through cooperation with adults and peers and age-appropriate activities;

on the creation of a developing educational environment, which is a system of conditions for the socialization and individualization of children.

... the inadmissibility of artificial slowing down and accelerating the development of the child ..

Children work for a teacher

Children work for themselves

… supporting the initiative of children

Organization of classes using SI T techniques

Organization of the lesson as a game of life between groups and simultaneously in each of them

The main tasks of the SIT

The teacher is required to:

Make the educational process more fun for children;

To promote the development of their active position, independence, creativity;

To instill in preschoolers the desire to learn new things.

Develop skills in children:

Follow the rules of communication

Obey social norms

Don't be afraid to express your thoughts

Make independent decisions

How to understand if there is a socio-play style in the work of a teacher

The main indicator: whether the children are interested in the lesson or not;

Do they mind their own business or is this business “imposed” on them by an adult;

· If the lesson did not have at least 2-3 shifts in mise-en-scenes, and in roles, and in activities, then we can safely say that the lesson was not quite socio-playful;

If in the course of the lesson the children did not unite in small groups, or these groups did not enter into communication with each other (but only with the teacher).

What should we study and learn?

Activity algorithm.

1. Review available literature, including online sources;

2. Study the memos in detail, including paying special attention to the observance of the “laws of communication”;

3. Explore ways to organize small groups;

4. To study the classification and content of a set of games (for the first time);

5. Over the next two weeks, try to gradually introduce SIT techniques (combining into small groups, maintaining the rules for organizing work in and between groups, losing games with children, monitoring your own relationships with children);

6. Articulate your difficulties

7. Strive to make episodic activity systemic.

If I know socio-game pedagogy, it means:

· My pupils communicate with each other willingly and without conflict;

· Children and I are equal partners in business, there are no barriers between us;

Children are peer-oriented, which means they are not submissive executors of my instructions;

We can do what the children suggest, not me;

Children themselves set the rules of the game;

Often I put a problem before the children, and they discuss it, find ways to solve it;

Children are able to negotiate, communicate (play the role of both speakers and the role of listeners);

Children help each other and also control each other;

I can negotiate with parents, resolve conflict situations in a “peaceful” way;

I do not tell parents what to do, we identify problems together and solve them together; (the list goes on)


on the use of social gaming techniques

The main idea of ​​socio-game technology is the organization of children's own activities. The children's own activity is the activity that the child wants to engage in and in which he doing, listening, looking, speaking.

The main principle of socio-gaming technology is the removal from the educator judicial role (the completed task is evaluated by children), and the organization of classes, or other activities, like games - life between microgroups. Socio-play learning style seeks ways for children to communicate with adults, in which tedious coercion gives way to passion.

This happens when the teacher uses the work small groups and when education combined with motor activity children. The combination of these two conditions creates a socio-game atmosphere in the classroom.

The second equally important component is variability. At a socio-playing lesson, there must be at least 2-3 shifts in roles, and in various types of activities and in changing mise-en-scenes.

Socio-gaming technology is most focused on middle and older preschool age; at a younger age, socio-gaming games and small tasks in pairs are used. Optimal for productive communication and development are associations in small groups at a younger age (in pairs and triples), and at an older age - 5-8 people each.

Since the socio-game technology involves a change of scenes, it is necessary to use the entire space of the group, as well as the bedroom and reception room. During organized activities, children move around, clap their hands, communicate within microgroups. To maintain the rhythm and pace of children's activities helps to limit time, for example, with the help of an hourglass. (This helps to understand that each task has a beginning and an end, and requires a certain amount of focus). To receive the task, children in microgroups choose a messenger; children are also selected who will present the completed task. The composition of microgroups, their number and number should change several times.

9 Rules of Social Gaming Approaches

1. The position of the educator: the educator is an equal partner, with whom it is always interesting.

2. Removal of the judicial role from the teacher (helps to remove the fear of mistakes in children).

3. Freedom and independence of children in the choice of knowledge, skills and abilities.

4. Change of mise-en-scenes (i.e., environment). Children can communicate in different parts of the group.

5. Orientation to individual discoveries and opportunities for children.

6. "What is difficult is interesting."

7. Movement (or activity). So that children can move, negotiate, assume and understand in their own way.

8. Life of children in small groups (3-6 people).

9. Compliance with the principle of polyphony (“you will chase after 133 hares, you look, and you will catch a dozen”).

Classification of games of a socio-gaming orientation

Work Mood Games

They are used to arouse children's interest in each other, to put the participants in the game in some kind of dependence on each other, providing a general increase in attention.

Warm-up games (discharges)

They are used on the basis of the principle of universal accessibility, elements of competition, funny, frivolous winnings; give children the opportunity to warm up, relax.

Games to get involved

They can be used in the process of assimilation or consolidation of educational material. If children learn to distinguish something, memorize, systematize, etc., then they will learn this in the process of performing game tasks.

Games of creative self-affirmation

When performing them, the artistic and performing result of the action is taken into account.

Freestyle games (in the wild)

Games that require space and freedom of movement (not always possible to play in a group room).

Work Mood Games


The teacher (or child) beats out a simple rhythmic pattern with claps. “Echo” on a signal (by look or others) repeats the rhythm with claps (by stomping, beating the table with palms, etc.). Option: pronouncing syllables, words, phrases. The speaker pronounces, the players who play “echo” repeat muffledly, but in exactly the same way as it was pronounced by the driver.

"Magic wand"

The “magic wand” (pen, pencil, toy, etc.) is transmitted in random order, the transmission is accompanied by a speech according to a predetermined order-rule.


The transmitter calls the object, the receiver - a sign of this object;

The transmitter calls the fairy tale, the receiver - a character from this fairy tale, etc.

If the receiver does not answer, the "wand" returns to its original position or changes the receiver. Children agree on the condition of the transfer, for example,

Look into each other's eyes;

Get up if you agree with the statement of the host.

The transmitter is selected one at all, the wand is returned to him.

"Intact Phone"

Children pass the word to each other in a whisper in the ear, the children "catch" the word by ear. The success of the transfer is assessed by the signs: they “did not catch” the word, all the players participated in the transfer, the last one “received” the word transmitted by the first player.


Word, difficult word, tongue twister (counter);

Two telephone lines (relay race) - fast unspoiled phone.

Games to get involved

"Story-drawing about what I see"

The teacher or the leading child asks the children to describe in words what is behind him (use epithets, comparisons). The teacher (child) finds an object or situation according to the description (outside the window, in the office, in the group, etc.). Descriptions should be clear, concise, and coherent.


All participants in the game perform a series of movements synchronously:

Clap your hands in front of you;

With two hands they clap on the knees (the right hand - on the right, the left - on the left);

Throw up the right hand to the right, snapping fingers at the same time;

Throw your left hand up to the left, while snapping your fingers.


Change the pace of movement

Enter speech accompaniment

Warm-up games (discharges)


One clap - a command to the hands: they must either be raised or lowered; two claps - a command to the legs: you need to stand up or sit down.

The players sit (on chairs, on the carpet). The teacher or the leading child claps 1 time - a command to the hands (raise, lower, on the belt, behind the head, etc.), claps 2 times - the command to the legs (stand up, sit down, cross, etc.).

The sequence of movements (claps), the pace may vary.

"Clockwork Men"

The teacher offers the children pictures-symbols (clockwork men who do exercises). Each pose has its own number. Children, looking at the card, perform the exercise, repeating the movements several times (depending on the number).

Performing exercises for counting, for clapping - changing movements,

Change the pace of execution,

Performing in pairs, triples, standing in a line, in a row, in a semicircle, etc.

"Words for one sound"

The game begins with the words "Here around us ..." or "I see ...", "They loaded onto the ship ...". Children name words for a given sound. The task is carried out in small groups. The players count which group named how many words, and determine the winner.

Games for creative self-assertion

"Poems by roles"

For the game, the teacher selects dialogues from the poems of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, A. Barto, B. Zakhoder, S. Mikhalkov. The players pronounce the text in different voices, intonation, using different images (costumes), decoration elements. Children discover for themselves different interdependencies between the final result, the text, the idea, the methods of execution.

"Body in action"

The teacher invites the children to come up with a certain pose (photo) of some business (I look at a picture, read, do articulatory gymnastics, etc.). The player demonstrates his “photo”, the rest guess, comment, show guesses-actions, compare “photos”.

"Phrase with given words"

The teacher calls a set of words (ladder, man, clock). Children make up a sentence using intonation (terrible sentence, fabulous sentence, etc.) It is allowed to change words by case, word order.

Freestyle games (in the wild)

"Crow Sparrows"

The players are divided into 2 teams, stand opposite each other (team "Sparrows", team "Crows"). The team that the teacher or the child-leader calls -

catches, the other runs away. They catch and run away to a certain line (2-3 steps behind the standing team). The teacher (child-leader) speaks slowly: “Wo-o-o-ro-o-o-o-o ...”. At this moment, everyone is ready to run away or catch (this moment of contradictory readiness, the initial mobilization of each player is especially important). After a pause, the teacher (leading child) finishes: “... us! (... beat!). The players run away - catch up.

A “stop-freeze” complication is introduced: the children are divided into pairs and agree on who is the “sparrow”, “crow” in the pair. Children on the playground are arranged randomly. On command: "Crows!" The "crow" catches up with the "sparrow" until the command "Stop!" or "Freeze!" Late pairs are out of the game (even if one of the pair complied with the rule).

"The day comes - everything comes to life, the night comes - everything freezes"

The teacher or the child-leader says “The day is coming - everything comes to life”, the players move randomly around the site (run, dance, jump, catch up with each other). When the teacher (leading child) pronounces the second part “Night is coming - everything freezes”, then the players stop in bizarre poses. At the choice of the host, some players “come to life” with an invented movement (jump, dance, run).

Using any of the "Day comes - everything comes to life" moves

Use of purposeful movements “The day comes - everything comes to life” (harvesting, anthill, railway, swimming)

"I love - I don't love"

Children stand in a circle. The teacher (or the leading child) passes the ball clockwise and says: “I don’t like it when children quarrel”, the next one should offer his own version of “I don’t like ...”. Anti-clockwise game continues "I love, ..."

"Stand on your fingers"

The teacher (child) becomes his back to the children, shows the number on his fingers and slowly counts to 5, after the word “freeze” there should be as many children as there were fingers shown.


Players stand in pairs facing each other. One of the partners is a "mirror",

the other is standing in front of him. The "mirror" should repeat the movements.


the educator (child) plays the role of standing in front of the mirror, the players are “fragments of the mirror”, reflecting it;

- “reflects” facial expression, mood (gloomy, joyful, offended, etc.)


1. V. Bukatov. "Shishel-myshel took it and left", a reference book for a teacher on socio-gaming technologies in the senior and preparatory group of kindergarten ..., M., "Scientific Research Institute of School Technologies", 2008

2. Pocket encyclopedia of socio-game teaching methods for preschoolers. Reference manual ..., under. ed. V. Bukatova

3. A. Ershova, V. Bukatov. "Return to talent" for teachers about the socio-play style of work. Krasnoyarsk, 1999

4. E. E. Shuleshko, . "Socio-game approaches to pedagogy", Krasnoyarsk, 1990.

State budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 1 of the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg

Compiled by: senior teacher Shumakova Galina Anatolyevna October 2013

I would like to start our meeting today with a quote from Vyacheslav Bukatov, the author of the book "Shishel-myshel, took it and left" , according to socio-gaming technologies: “It is not so much innovation that helps to make the learning environment of preschoolers more human and more appropriate to the characteristics of their psyche. (which for educators are often a "pig in a poke" ), how many of the most well-known and tested "grandfather ways" . Socio-gaming technologies can become such ways.”

In accordance with the federal state educational standard, the educational program of preschool education should be based on age-appropriate forms of work with children. The main form of work with children of preschool age and the leading activity for them is the game.

The term itself "socio-play style" appeared in 1988. In 1992 in "Teacher's newspaper" there was an article called "Freestyle or chasing 133 hares" , where the author, relying on the materials of supporters of socio-game pedagogy (E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov), describes the organization of classes with children as games between microgroups "socio-gaming" ) and at the same time in each of them.

“Socio-play pedagogy has a cunning style” . He “is to make the direction of the lesson so that the heart rejoices both in oneself and in all participants. Any live work can be called work in a socio-play style ... "

Socio-gaming technology is games and activities of children in microgroups that allow the child to determine the purpose of his actions, look for possible solutions, and show independence in solving problems that have arisen.

Differences between traditional and socio-cultural pedagogy:

Socio-play pedagogy Traditional pedagogy

The ability to act at the pace of common work, to hear and see others, to provide timely support to a friend in a game, in a lesson, to be able to bring things to the intended result. Pupils are cut off from each other, crushed by the demand for programs

Educator and pupil - partners (subject - subject relations) The dictatorship of the educator (subject - object relations)

Development of independence Dutiful repetition of wording

Lack of discretion in the work of the teacher (didactic knowledge is not divided into parts, but intertwined with each other) The presence of discreteness - didactic knowledge is divided into parts (principles, methods, techniques and results)

Activity-game - life between microgroups (small societies - hence the term "socio-gaming" ) The lesson does not encourage free creativity and play

The game is present in the life of the child constantly and not only in kindergarten, but also in the classroom in elementary school. The child must first acquire new knowledge (classes) and only if you have free time to play

The equality of children and adults is the basis of the socio-game approach. An adult and a child have the same right to make a mistake. The activities of teachers are very declarative: an adult is always right and a child should not argue with him, defending his point of view.

The essence of socio-gaming technologies can be revealed in the 6 most basic rules and conditions:

1 rule: work in small groups is used, or as they are also called "peer groups" .

Optimal, for productive communication and development, are associations in small groups at a younger age in pairs and triples, in the older 5-6 children. Communication is the main activity "child - child" , but not "teacher - child" , because one of the most rich, trusting and fruitful forms of relationships between people are relationships between peers. An adult offers a group of equals some business, and children are able to organize themselves so that there are no those who did not succeed and those who have already done everything a long time ago. Every child feels skillful, knowledgeable, capable here. The activity of preschoolers in small groups is the most natural way to develop cooperation, communication, and mutual understanding. Children can empathize with each other, provide support, feel responsible for each other. In groups, children learn to talk, listen to others, memorize, develop imagination, reaction speed, and the ability to jointly complete any task. The emotional, mental, contact mood of each child is activated. The very process of dividing into groups is an interesting, exciting game and contributes to the emergence of friendly relations between children, the ability to negotiate.

Rule 2: "Change of Leadership" . It is clear that work in small groups involves collective activity, and the opinion of the whole group is expressed by one person, the leader. Moreover, the children themselves choose the leader and he must constantly change. And what to do when someone constantly strives to be a leader, and someone does not want to be one? From the practice of work, we can say that a child who does not want to be a leader, he still happens to be one several times during the year, and children who are leaders often give way to less active peers.

Rule 3: training is combined with physical activity and a change of scenes, which helps to relieve emotional stress. Children not only sit, but also get up, walk, clap their hands, play with the ball. Can communicate in different parts of the group: in the center, at the tables, on the floor, in their favorite corner, in the reception area, etc.

4th rule: Change of pace and rhythm. Time limits help to change the pace and rhythm, for example, with the help of hourglasses and regular clocks. Children have an understanding that each task has its own beginning and end, and requires a certain concentration.

Rule 5 - the socio-game methodology involves the integration of all types of activities, which meets modern requirements. This gives a positive result in the field of communication, socialization, emotional-volitional sphere, develops intellectual abilities more intensively, promotes speech, cognitive, artistic, aesthetic, physical development. Learning takes place in a playful way, for this you can use various games that develop attention, phonemic hearing, thinking, and the ability to interact with each other: "Hearing" , "Relay race" , "I'm not responsible for myself" , "Magic wand" , "Cities with the Unseen" etc.

6th rule: focus on the principle of polyphony: “You chase after 133 hares, you look and you catch a dozen” . It is more interesting for a child to acquire knowledge together with his peers, he is more motivated. As a result, all children discover new knowledge for themselves, only someone more, someone less. And the teacher will need to remove the frank manner of teaching and change it to the manner of listening and hearing children, trusting them. To help at their request, and not at will, to give them the right to learn for themselves. Not to be the initiator of everything and everything, but to supplement the initiative of children with your own initiative. Let unexpected improvisations arise "at every step" . And it does not matter if something turns out to be unrealized. This is not an indicator of pedagogical incompetence. On the contrary, it is an indicator of pedagogical skill.

Using "golden" rules of socio - gaming technology, children learn:

  • listen and hear each other, express their opinion, negotiate, come to an agreement;
  • children develop verbal interaction;
  • a positive attitude towards the world around, other people, oneself, and peers is formed;
  • children are able to defend their position, reasonably and kindly object to adults, there is a rapprochement between the teacher and the children;
  • there is no sense of fear for a mistake.

Socio-gaming technology contributes to:

  • Realization of the needs of children in physical activity.
  • Preservation of mental health.
  • Overcoming the indecision and insecurity of timid children.
  • Formation of independence, initiative, communication skills in preschoolers.
  • Increasing the level of cognitive and creative abilities.

Classification of games of a socio-gaming orientation:

  • work mood games
  • warm-up games (discharging)
  • games of socio-gaming initiation to the cause
  • creative self-affirmation games

Free games.

1. Games for the working mood.

The main task of games is to awaken children's interest in each other, to put the participants in the game in some kind of dependence on each other, providing a general increase in the mobilization of attention and body.

In the process of such games, it is easier for children to overcome fear, hostile alertness, resolve a scandalous dispute and unwillingness to play together and study at all.

2. Warm-up games (discharging).

The games of this group combine the principle of accessibility, an element of competition and a ridiculously frivolous win. In games, the mechanism of active and psychologically active rest dominates.

3. Games of socio-gaming initiation to the cause.

Used in the process of assimilation or consolidation of the material. If children learn to distinguish, memorize or systematize something, then they will learn this in the process of performing the game tasks that make up this group.

4. Games of creative self-affirmation.

When performing these games, the artistic and performing result of the action is taken into account more.

5. Freestyle games.

The performance of these games requires space and freedom of movement, i.e. they cannot always be performed in a group.

The first game is called "Radio" .

Purpose: development of sustainable interest in peers.

Stroke: Playing children sit in a semicircle so that they can see each other well. According to the rhyme, the driver is selected (for the first time there may be a teacher), he chooses to describe one of the seated and turns his back to them and speaks in "microphone" : "Attention! Attention! Lost girl (boy)(gives a description of one of the children). Let her (He) go to the speaker" . All children, according to the description, determine who they are talking about. Then the role of the announcer is played by the child who was described.

This game will help children to establish contact with each other in a team, will contribute to the ability to listen to the opinions of others, to form a positive attitude towards peers.

The next game is called "Suitcase" .

Purpose: to develop the ability to establish positive relationships with other people.

Move: In order to play this game, we need to split into two teams. To do this, I have split pictures, each take one piece of the picture for yourself. Your task is to collect a picture, find your place in the team.

Next, the teacher offers the children an imaginary situation: they go on vacation without adults. The day before, they themselves fold their suitcase. In order not to forget anything, you need to make a list of the necessary and what will help you quickly get to know other children. The list must be compiled using diagrams, drawings, icons.

Teams need to prepare materials, discuss and sketch what they need to take for the trip. This takes 10 minutes. (an hourglass is placed). After the time has elapsed, the host offers to exchange lists - sketches and guess what the other team takes with them on a trip.

Organizing this game, we used the rules of socio-gaming technology: work in small groups, change of leader, change of mise-en-scenes, integration of activities (socialization, communication, productive, search, etc.).

I suggest you play one more game "Present" .

Purpose: development of empathy and creativity in communication, the ability to anticipate the desires of another, to assert one's positive "I" .

Move: In order to start playing this game, you need to split into two teams. To do this, I propose to stand in a semicircle according to the numbers of the houses in which you live, in ascending order. (players get up), and now pay for an apple - an orange. All "apples" stand in the inner circle, and all "oranges" to the outer circle. Children form two circles and move to the music, in a circle, in opposite directions. On a signal, they stop, join hands with a peer standing opposite and turn to face each other. Task: First, the children from the outer circle think to themselves what they would like to receive as a gift, and the children from the inner circle guess. If the child guesses, the guesser gives him his token, if not, the guesser gives him the token. Each player has 3 tokens. We play 3 times, then count the tokens.

Today, at our meeting, we tried to introduce you to the socio-gaming technology and at the end of our meeting, I would like to hear your opinions, suggestions, wishes, comments. (Participants of the meeting express their attitude to the material presented).

Questions for reflection:

  1. What distinguishing features of socio-play technology from traditional forms of work with children have you noted?
  2. Have you become interested in using socio-gaming technology in practice?

At the end of the meeting, participants receive a memo with "golden" rules of socio-gaming technology.