Scenario in kindergarten on the topic of ecology. Ecological holidays in kindergarten. Experience: Water Purification

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Education Center No. 18 named after Hero of the Soviet Union Evgeniy Fedorovich Volkov"

Methodology for organizing and conducting environmental holidays and leisure activities in kindergarten.

Prepared by the teacher:

Kochetova Olga Sergeevna

Tula 2017



2. Ecological holidays



Photo report


Organizing and holding environmental holidays is one of the most interesting forms of environmental education for preschool children, as it can evoke a positive emotional response to their natural content among participants and spectators.

In my opinion, the most complete concept is the definition proposed by Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A.: “An environmental holiday is a form of environmental education, which is a set of environmental events dedicated to a certain date.”

This issue was dealt with by such researchers as Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A., Zatsepina M.B., Molodova L.P., Nikolaeva S.N., Ryzhova N.A. and etc.

Ecological holidays provide great educational opportunities and have a positive effect on the emotional development of preschool children. The emotions that the child received from the holiday also contribute to social and moral development. With the help of stage images, children talk about the rules of behavior in nature not only to their peers, but also to adults, which is very important for raising the general level of people’s ecological culture. Ecological holidays deepen the assimilation of environmental knowledge, knowledge about nature, its cause-and-effect relationships, which contributes to the emergence of emotional assessment. Holidays influence the accumulation and updating of environmental experience of both children and adults.

The pedagogical meaning of environmental holidays is to evoke in children a positive emotional response to their natural content. Emotions give rise to attitudes and affect the personality of the preschooler as a whole, so it is recommended to hold holidays regularly, ending the season or any meaningful block with them.

Methodology for organizing and conducting environmental holidays and leisure activities in kindergarten:

1 . General requirements for organizing holidays in kindergarten.

Holidays should be bright, interesting, filled with a variety of activities, focused on both entertainment and the development of children.

Well-organized holidays have a beneficial effect on the development of mental processes: memory, attention; create an excellent atmosphere for the development of the child’s speech, for consolidating the knowledge acquired in various classes; contribute to his moral education.

Preparing and holding a holiday in kindergarten is a difficult and very responsible job.

Stages of work on organizing holidays:

Stage 1 – preliminary planning.

Stage 2 – work on the script.

Stage 3 – preliminary acquaintance of children with the holiday.

Stage 4 – rehearsals.

Stage 5 – holding a holiday.

Stage 6 – summing up.

Stage 7 – aftereffect of the holiday.

One of the most important requirements for organizing holidays is to hold them in different seasons of the year. Taking this into account, they can take place in a variety of natural terrain conditions. An environmental holiday can be organized not only in a preschool setting, but also on a site, in a park, in the natural conditions of the natural environment - in a forest, in a meadow, on the shore of a lake, sea, river. The theme, structure, specifics, preparatory work and design largely depend on the specific location of the holiday. When drawing up the holiday program, determining the theme, selecting the content and its design, it is advisable to take into account the specifics of climatic, geographical, economic, social conditions, and the peculiarities of the national traditions of the population of the republic, region, region, district.

Effective celebrations are facilitated by:

Uniting all its components around the main goal

Selection of artistic material

Selection of emotional and expressive means

Selection of performers

Collective summing up and evaluation of the work done.

When organizing a children's party, firstly, you need to consider it as an important independent form of cultural and leisure activity. Secondly, do not forget that it can be characterized as an integral structure, all components of which are in close interconnection and interaction. Thirdly, it is necessary to remember that this form has its own characteristic features (certain time frames, localized characteristic areas, festive atmosphere and emotional mood, children's audience).

When holding an environmental holiday, you need to choose the right scenario.

The script for a children's party is a detailed literary, textual and organizational development of the content and course of the theatrical action. It lays out sequentially and interconnectedly everything that will happen.

The script reveals the theme, shows the author's transitions from one part of the action to another, and introduces the works of art used or excerpts from them. Techniques for activating the participants of the holiday, a description of the decoration and special equipment are also included in the script. Thus, the event scenario is a consistently developed pedagogical program for organizing festive activities.

Working on the script includes 2 stages:

1st stage- determination of the ideological and thematic concept of the holiday - a clear formulation of themes and ideas that are closely related, but different from each other. Theme is a circle of life events, phenomena that will be reflected in the script. An idea is the main idea, an assessment of the events depicted, or something for which the author wants to tell children about something. The idea of ​​our holidays is to awaken interest in a given topic through songs, dances, and games. The theme of the holiday is set in the script, usually from the very beginning. The idea, as the general main conclusion, is brought to life in the process of theatrical action.

The script for a children's party must have a plot, that is, the development of events, the identification of characters in action, the main conflict. The search for bright, interesting material to organize the plot is an integral part of working on the script. To construct it, a special scenario move is required - a unique method of arranging the material, which permeates the entire content and is, as it were, a cementing principle.

2nd stage– composition construction – implementation of plot and conflict in a developing specific stage action. Composition – organization of action, appropriate arrangement of material – includes:

Exposition (a short story about the events that preceded the conflict and caused this conflict; an introductory word from the presenter, information about a specific event);

The plot (the exposition develops into it; the plot should be extremely clear and concise, concentrate the attention of children, prepare them to perceive the action, set them in a certain mood);

Development of action, or main action, i.e., depiction of events in which the conflict is resolved;

Climax (the highest point of development of the action; at the moment of climax the idea of ​​the holiday is most concentratedly expressed);

The denouement or finale is the most convenient moment for maximum manifestation of activity by all participants in the children's party (it is advisable to include mass musical numbers, general round dances and dances in the final scenes).

Script requirements:

Strict logic in the construction and development of the topic;

The completeness of each episode;

Organic connection of episodes;

Rising action as it moves towards the climax.

The leader plays a huge role. It is he who must be able to improvise, look for elements of surprise and effectiveness of festive communication .

Since a children's party is one of the most effective forms of pedagogical influence on children, when organizing it, you need to carefully work on the means of emotional influence.

At the second stage, direct preparation for the holiday begins. Educators, reviewing programs for a given age group, select speech material for children in their group, taking into account their individual characteristics, abilities and knowledge. The music director selects dances, and the selection is made taking into account the capabilities of each individual child and the group of children as a whole. The music director, together with the teacher, selects songs that the children can perform.

At this stage of preparation, a holiday script is created, which includes already selected speech and musical material. Moreover, the first holiday of the school year (usually an autumn holiday) is based on very simple material. The holiday includes as many shows and games as possible, in which the teaching staff plays a leading role, and the musical speech activity of children is based on the skills acquired this year. At subsequent holidays, spectacles and games are gradually replaced by children's performances, and teachers are left with only the role of presenter.

Thus, the holiday in kindergarten is used to consolidate the studied material, summing up the results.

Preliminary acquaintance of children with the holiday

When the script is ready, teachers conduct classes in their groups where children are told about the upcoming holiday, it is explained what kind of holiday it is and what it is dedicated to. If this holiday was already celebrated last year, then everyone remembers what happened on it. The teacher finds out what the children remember and, if necessary, fills in the gaps in the children’s memory.

After the children understand what kind of holiday it is, they are explained who will be present at it (parents, teachers, children from other groups, etc.) and what the children themselves will do. At this stage, children must understand their tasks, realize their role in the process of preparing and holding the holiday, so that in the course of learning poems, staging songs and dances, preparing the hall, they see and understand why they are doing this. It is necessary to set a goal for the child, towards which he will move with the help of teachers.


After determining the goals and objectives, the actual work begins on learning poems, songs, staging dances, decorating the hall, and making accessories for costumes. At this stage, work is also underway on the script, which includes changes and adjustments that appeared during work. Thus, the final version of the script appears immediately before the start of the holiday.


When that long-awaited day comes, when the transformed and decorated hall is full of spectators and children wait with bated breath for the action to begin... the holiday begins... passes... and ends, but the work on the holiday does not end.


As we have already noted, children’s and adults’ memories long retain the bright, joyful, vivid impressions that the holiday is rich in. And the task of teachers at this stage is to “link” to these memories those skills, abilities and knowledge that children received at the holiday and in the process of its preparation. To do this, conversations are held in which children remember what they liked, with the help of the teacher, the most important and important things in the holiday are highlighted, and unclear points are explained.

Aftereffect of the holiday

At this stage, the most meaningful and colorful impressions associated with the theme of the holiday are consolidated; they are captured in drawings and modeling.

During music lessons, children repeat their favorite dances and actions of individual characters. Some performances are repeated several times, changing performers.

All this helps to better understand the content of the holiday, preserve good memories about it and, which is very important for preschoolers, make the most of this situation for learning and education.

2. Ecological holidays

One of the types of cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are environmental holidays. Ecological holidays are one of the exciting forms of environmental education for preschoolers.

The main goal of holding environmental holidays in a preschool institution will be to create a positive emotional mood, a festive atmosphere, and introduce children to the festive culture.

Their importance is also great in the harmonious development of the child. Ecological holidays in a form accessible to children help in solving serious educational problems: they help to acquire knowledge about living and non-living nature, and also contribute to the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers and the accumulation of environmental experience in children. Children develop a caring attitude towards nature and the ability for empathy and kindness. The child learns to act in a team, he develops communication skills, that is, the ability to contact and cooperate with each other, to solve problem situations.

Organization of environmental holidays in kindergarten

Ecological holidays at an early age and in younger groups organized by kindergarten staff. In this case, children will only be spectators. The best option is to show a puppet theater or theater on a screen. Kids react very emotionally to such a display. At the same time, as practice shows, children of the younger group are not very receptive to dressing up adults and older children as fairy-tale and other characters. But in the second half of the year, children can already participate, play simple games and play roles. But for the heroes, children of older groups should still be involved, and not adults. Children's emotional responsiveness will be greater.

Ecological holidays from middle group carried out with the participation of both adults and children.

The older the children are, the more active they take part in the holiday. In these holidays, you can use characters familiar to children, both performed by adults and preschoolers. A big role belongs to the music director, as he is responsible for selecting the musical repertoire.

The theme of the holidays largely depends on the age of the children.

Ecological holidays at an early age and in the younger group are carried out on topics that are most understandable for children, for example, the autumn holiday “Gather the Harvest”, the spring holiday “Visiting Spring”. In children, starting from the middle group, horizons expand, knowledge deepens. Therefore, environmental holidays cover various topics. For example, the summer holiday “Big Water” with poems, songs about water and rain, games, dances of sea creatures, water competitions, and the appearance of the sea king Neptune.

You can organize an ecological holiday “Flower Dreams” about garden flowers with corresponding poems, songs, dances, competitions “Weave a Wreath” or “Summer Bouquet”.

As an option, the holiday “Journey to the Old Man-Lesovich”, during which children travel through the “forest country” and complete tasks: guess riddles on a certain topic, put together puzzles, draw a picture, etc.

Environmental holidays, like any other, would be nice to end with the presentation of symbolic gifts that children will be very happy about. On an autumn holiday, these can be fruits; kitchen workers can bake cookies in the form of spikelets or mushrooms. In the spring, for the “Farewell to Winter” holiday, children are treated to pancakes. You can give each child a sticker with images of animals, birds, flowers and more.

Thanks to the holding of such events in a preschool institution, the foundations of an environmental culture are laid in children.

Children's participation

When preparing for an environmental holiday, it is important to take into account the capabilities of children and their existing skills:

    For example, in younger groups, children are taught to take part in the holidays as much as they can - some children will be able to recite poems well, others will be able to dance.

    In the middle group, preschoolers are taught a desire to take part in holidays.

    Children of the older group are invited to participate in the preparation of a festive event, for example, decorating a group or hall.

    In the preparatory group, children are able to take an active, varied part in the preparation and conduct of the holiday.


In accordance with the theme of the environmental holiday, the music room or other room is decorated.

Kindergarten decoration should help create a festive mood and develop artistic and aesthetic taste in children.

Older children can be involved in the production of decorations and attributes. An exhibition can be organized in the hall. For example, exhibitions

    drawings “Take care of the forest from fire”,

    crafts from vegetables and fruits “What autumn brought us”,

    bird town feeders,

    wreaths “Beautiful wreath for mom.”

All exhibits are prepared in advance by children together with their parents.


Ecological holidays involve the use of material familiar to children in the scenario:

    songs performed by children or adults on the theme of the holiday;

    dances performed by children, for example, “Jolly Butterflies”, “Dance with Umbrellas” and others;

    short-lasting puppet shows and skits, for example, “How the Bunny didn’t turn into anyone” and others.

In an environmental holiday, as in any other, a lot of time is devoted to games. These will be environmental games. Depending on the age of the children, you can use subject, verbal and active games on the appropriate topic.

In early and junior these will be simple object games. For example, you can play the “Guess the Taste” game, in which children are asked to recognize the taste of familiar vegetables and fruits. In the team game “Collect a Flower,” children collect flowers from petals – chamomile and marigolds. The flowers have the same number of petals; the team that completes the task faster wins.

With middle and older children At the autumn festival, you can play the game “Put an edible mushroom in a box”, in which children collect only edible mushrooms in a basket. At a holiday dedicated to the arrival of spring, the team game “Melt the Ice” will be interesting. The piece of ice is passed from hand to hand. The team that melts the ice the fastest wins.

Children of the preparatory group They are already enjoying playing such a word game as “It flies - it doesn’t fly.” In the game “Big and Small,” children learn to form diminutive words, for example, big apple - small apple. With age, games in kindergarten become more complex. In the game “Jumping, Swimming, Flying,” children are asked to show the action of a named object (a grasshopper jumps, an ice floe floats, a butterfly flies). Such games can be used at a holiday as an organizational moment, since all children take part in such games at once.

Much loved children of all age groups outdoor games. At an early age and in younger groups, these are games with imitative movements. Children really love the games “Sunshine and Rain”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Sparrows and Car”.

In older age these will be games with rules. Children like: “The Sly Fox”, “The Mousetrap”, “Geese-geese”, “The Fox and the Chickens”.

Forms of organizing work on environmental education in kindergarten.

The construction of the educational process should be based on age-appropriate forms of working with children. The central psychodidactic technology of the standard is the developmental interaction of the child with adults and peers, and not just a one-sided impact on the child. The developed standard does not allow the transfer of the educational and disciplinary model of education to the life of a preschool child.

You can combine the cognitive and instructive aspects of environmental education in your work through holidays and entertainment with environmental content. Organizing and holding environmental holidays is one of the most interesting forms of environmental education for preschool children, as they are able to evoke a positive emotional response to their natural content among participants and spectators. Holidays and entertainment are one of the effective means of forming a preschool child’s knowledge system about nature and cultivating a conscious attitude towards it. A holiday in kindergarten is an important part of a child’s life; it is the joy of communication, the joy of creativity and the joy of self-expression, the joy of emancipation and mutual enrichment, which contributes to solving many problems of environmental education. Therefore, holidays and leisure activities should be held regularly, ending the season or any meaningful block with them. The scenarios for these events use material that is familiar to children. The mass character, emotional uplift, colorfulness, and combination of folklore with modern events inherent in the festive situation contribute to a more complete understanding by children of the moral attitude to nature, to a favorable environment, and to health. In such holidays, it is important not so much to reproduce familiar pieces of music, poems, games, or to guess riddles on the theme of nature, but rather to involve children in experiencing events in an awareness of environmental problems that are understandable to children. The child’s experience of events, various situations, accumulation of experience in solving environmental problems in accordance with the role assumed is the basis for the subsequent choice of the correct methods of behavior in similar or similar situations.

Themes and content of environmental holidays and leisure activities for preschool children.

Theme is understood as life material, selected, generalized and interpreted from an ideological position, a characteristic feature of life taken for depiction.

At the heart of every holiday and entertainment with environmental content is a certain idea that should be conveyed to every child - to instill in children a love of nature and respect for the environment.

When determining the theme and content of holidays and leisure, one should also take into account the season of the year, public holidays, climatic conditions and national traditions of the local population. The holiday can be of different types: - environmental and sports, dedicated to the seasons, theatrical, games, etc. The definition of its topics and selection of content must be approached creatively.

Ecological holidays can be dedicated to the seasons, the harvest (autumn), snow and ice sculpture (winter), the spring rebirth of nature (“spring day”). In the summer, holidays dedicated to water and sun, flowers, and health holidays are held. Problems of river pollution, the dangers of urban garbage, water, air, soil pollution, environmental problems of animals and plants, etc. are discussed at a level accessible to children. This makes it possible to cultivate the child’s civic responsibility for what is happening nearby, in his immediate environment.

Examples of holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten can be: Earth Day (April 22), Bird Day (March 18), environmental KVN “You are a good winter - winter”, the “Golden Autumn” holiday, “Spring Bird Festival”, “Animal World” of our Motherland", "Vitamin Show", "Russian Birch Festival", sports and environmental leisure "Riddles of the Autumn Forest", competition "Ecological Tales", KVN "Seasons", environmental quizzes "Flora and fauna of central Russia", “Connoisseurs of Nature.” “Ecology and I – Ulyanovsk Family”, the goal of which is to cultivate love for one’s hometown, the desire to see it beautiful, environmentally friendly, to identify smells, relate them to tactile and visual sensations, to continue to teach how to interact in a team through children’s joint play. and parents. Ecological holiday “Titmouse Day” (November 12 ) Goal: To develop in students a value understanding of the wintering birds of their native land. Objectives: to expand children’s understanding of all-Russian holidays, to involve children in creative and practical activities to protect and protect wintering birds.

Ecological holidays can be original, which are difficult to categorize. For example, “Scenario for the holiday of magic porridge”, “Day of the onion teardrop”, “How the magical sounds of music healed the heart of nature”, environmental leisure “The Jungle is calling, friends live there”, environmental theater “We are your children, Earth”, musical performance “ How the Little Mermaid saved the sea”, environmental entertainment “How the animals treated Ant”, “How we went for a walk in the forest”, “Water is a miracle of nature”, “Emergency environmental aid”, “Adults and children, we are responsible for nature”, “ Spring fashion atelier”, “Delicious milk”, “Trinity - the birthday of earth, water and forest”.

One of the most significant is holiday dedicated to Earth Day. It creates the scale of the vision of the planet, its significance for people, awakens love for their homeland and nature as its important part. Holiday scenarios may be different, but in any version there should be poems and songs glorifying the forest, field, river, native spaces, as well as national and folk dances. An important moment of the holiday is the joint singing of solemn songs (children, teachers and parents), which symbolizes the love of all people for the Earth.

An important part of this holiday is the week of preparation for it: every day children expand their understanding of the House in which they live. The very first concept of a home is the room where children live (group room and apartment); it should be clean, cozy, beautiful and warm, with good lighting and fresh air. It is convenient to do your favorite things. The children, together with the teacher, inspect the group’s premises, put things in order, discuss what can be changed to make it even better - in a good home, children and adults feel good and do not get sick. The next day, the children inspect the site, remove garbage, plan to plant flowers: the yard near the entrance of the house and the kindergarten site is also their home, they walk and play in it in their free time, it should also be pleasant. In the following days, the teacher talks with the children about how home for every person is a street, a native village or city, a forest, a park in which they often walk. You need to love your home, be a kind, caring owner in it. For Earth Day, educators with preschoolers can grow flower seedlings to plant them not only on the territory of the institution, but also near the entrances of houses where children live, in the courtyards. The general motto is “Let’s decorate the Earth with flowers, so that it is elegant and beautiful, so that it pleases all people.” It is not enough to clean the lawns - they need to be full of flowers.

Thus, all events related to Earth Day instill a sense of patriotism in children on an environmental basis and expand the concept of love for nature and the planet. This is the culmination of the entire methodological system of environmental education for preschoolers.

The word as a means of information carries additional information at the holiday. Sounding in poems, proverbs, riddles, sayings, carols, etc., it inspires the participants. It is important to convey to children the beauty and capacity of the artistic word, to consolidate in their minds that it has always had a living circulation among the people and was used by them for certain purposes.

Interesting holidays dedicated to writers and poets, whose works children know well. For example, in the preparatory group you can organize a holiday dedicated to A.S. Pushkin. Reading excerpts from works dedicated to nature can be combined with theatrical performances of the poet’s fairy tales (or individual fragments thereof). The script can include the poems “Winter Evening”, “Autumn”, excerpts from “Eugene Onegin”: “Driven by spring rays”, “The sky was already breathing in autumn...”, “Winter! The peasant is triumphant...", "Here is the north, the clouds are catching up...", "That year the autumn weather...", as well as from the poem "Gypsies" "Behind the spring, the beauty of nature..." and other works. Poetry holidays can be seasonal: for example, in the scenario “Winter-winter” poems by different poets are included (A.S. Pushkin, N.A. Nekrasov, S.A. Yesenin) - children learn that the beauty of winter evokes strong feelings in many people. feelings.

In the older group, holidays can be based on the works of S.Ya. Marshak, A.L. Barto, K.I. Chukovsky, who have many poems about animals, written with love for them. Quizzes and crosswords are now widespread in the practice of environmental education. These methods of work are used in older preschool age and are aimed at the intellectual development of children, as they require the reproduction and updating of ideas about natural facts and patterns known to children. At the same time, the joy from a correctly solved task, the satisfaction experienced by the child, strengthens interest in nature, awakens curiosity and, therefore, it is also useful to use these methods of work.

More often than holidays are held leisure on a variety of topics - they are organized by the teacher on a variety of topics. Leisure is one of the types of cultural activities that have a compensatory nature, compensating for the costs of everyday life and monotony of the environment. Leisure should always be a colorful moment in the lives of children, enriching impressions and developing creative activity. Such events are usually held in the afternoon. In this case, the teacher must take into account the time of year. Once a week it is advisable to conduct environmental leisure activities: small surprises, jokes, nursery rhymes, riddles and improvisational skits based on literary works.

It is activities in free time that educate a child, promote the development of memory, and shape the spiritual world and morality. Children learn the right attitude towards each other and the nature around them. They develop an aesthetic sense of beauty, the ability to appreciate natural resources, as well as the ability to use them.

This year in our preschool educational institution a spring holiday has passed, for young children, « We are friends of nature." The goal was to evoke an emotional response, to enrich children’s understanding that trees, shrubs, grass, flowers grow in the forest, insects, birds, ants, butterflies, and animals live; show the simplest connections between flora and fauna; bring to the conclusion that everything in the forest is interconnected and the forest must be protected. Cultivate a caring attitude towards plants and animals. Teach coherently, talk about the rules of behavior in the forest.

It took place in two stages. The first and main part took place in the music hall, and the second and final part took place in a meadow of dandelions.


For the development of a child’s thinking and speech, a rich sensory experience is necessary, which he receives from the perception of various objects, the natural world, and social life. Environmental education is a new category that is directly related to the science of ecology and its various branches. Every acquaintance with nature is a lesson in the development of a child’s mind, creativity, and feelings.

The goal of environmental education for preschool children is to develop the foundations of an individual’s ecological culture. The initial elements of ecological culture are formed on the basis of the interaction of children, under the guidance of adults, with the objective and natural world that surrounds them; plants, animals, their habitat, objects made by people from materials of natural origin. Of course, the correct treatment of a child with an animal will not in itself solve all the problems of upbringing. In order for the development of a child’s thinking when becoming acquainted with nature to reach the highest possible level, the teacher’s purposeful guidance of this process is necessary.

Environmental education of preschool children involves:

o fostering a humane attitude towards nature (moral education)

o formation of a system of environmental knowledge and ideas (intellectual development)

o development of aesthetic feelings (the ability to see and feel the beauty of nature, admire it, desire to preserve it)

o participation of children in activities feasible for them to care for plants and animals, to protect and protect nature.

Environmental education of children should be considered, first of all, as moral education, since the basis of a person’s attitude to the natural world around him should be humane feelings, i.e. awareness of the value of any manifestation of life, the desire to protect and preserve nature, etc.

The criteria for the formation of a conscious and active humane attitude towards nature are the following:

o understanding the need for a careful and caring attitude towards nature, based on its moral, aesthetic and practical significance for humans;

o mastering the norms of behavior in the natural environment and observing them in practical activities and in everyday life;

o manifestation of an active attitude towards natural objects (effective care, the ability to evaluate the actions of other people in relation to nature).

When forming a humane attitude towards nature, it is necessary to proceed from the following: the main thing is for the child to understand that man and nature are interconnected, therefore caring for nature is caring for man, his future, and what harms nature harms man, therefore, actions , as a result of which the Home common to all of us is destroyed, are immoral.

How can children develop a humane attitude towards nature? This is where environmental holidays come to our aid. They play an important role in children's lives, contributing to the further development of feelings of compassion and empathy.

The task of educators and parents is to bring children to the understanding that we are all together, and each of us individually, is responsible for the Earth, and everyone can preserve and enhance its beauty.


Ecological holiday “We are friends of nature.”

Second group of early age (2-3 years)

Target: Enrich children's understanding that trees, shrubs, grass, flowers grow in the forest, insects, birds, ants, butterflies, and animals live. Tasks: 1. Update the simplest connections between flora and fauna; 2. Bring to the conclusion that everything in the forest is interconnected and the forest must be protected. 3. Foster a caring attitude towards plants and animals.

Heroes: ant, butterflies, insects, birds, Egorka, doll - Doctor Aibolit.

Materials: clearing – birch tree, flowers. A tape recorder and a cassette with birdsong. 2 baskets and balls, birds cut out of paper, a cage with a bird. In the background is a picture of a clearing.

Educator: Here we are again in our clearing. What we always did when we came here (answer). Let's say our words: Hello, forest, bright forest, full of fairy tales and miracles!

Educator: We came here often in the winter, when our birch tree and the ground were covered with snow, and now we came here in the spring, when all nature wakes up from sleep. Look how green it has become here! Now go up to the birch tree, stroke it and say: “Tree, I love you very much, you survived the cold winter, now you will feel good, I’m happy for you!”

Educator: How did you guys feel? Now listen to proverbs and sayings about the forest.

    The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests!

    Don’t destroy too much forest, take care of too little forest, plant no forest.

    The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forests.

Educator: And now I will tell you riddles:

“The house is open on all sides, it is covered with a carved roof,

Come into the green house, you will see miracles in it!” (forest)

There are a lot of needles, but not a single thread. (hedgehog)

Educator: Well done. Do you know, guys, that all animals, trees, plants, flowers, birds need protection. They want you to never offend them, not to pull their tails, not to shoot at them with slingshots, but to feed them and then you will have true, devoted friends. Both the ladybug and the butterfly need protection, look how big you are and how small they are. Look, someone is crying.

Ant is crying .

Educator: What happened, ant?

Ant: We were offended by an evil boy! He crushed our paws and ruined the anthill. (a crying butterfly appears).

Educator: Beauty butterfly, what happened to you? Tell me, what misfortune happened to you?

Butterfly: The evil boy caught me, he broke my wing. I can’t fly now, how can I not grieve?

Butterfly dance

Educator: Don’t be sad, friends, you can’t grieve now. We need to call the doctor. The good doctor Aibolit will heal you, he will heal you! Fly, starling, call the doctor.

Starling: I'm flying! I'm flying!

Educator: While the Starling flew after the doctor, let's help the ants build the house that the boy ruined.

Children make an anthill.

Game “Help build an anthill”(whose team is faster)

Educator: Well done guys, you are kind and clever. What is the name of the evil boy?

Ant: Egor, he is lying in a clearing in the forest under a bush.

(children go to the place where the child is lying, there is garbage near him)

Educator: Come here, Egor. It will be a serious conversation. You've done a lot of troubles, you've ruined an anthill, you've broken bushes in the forest, you've picked flowers in a clearing, you've broken a butterfly's wing, you've caught a bird in a cage, but you're no longer small. We won't let you into the forest, leave these places.

Ant, butterflies: Get out of these places. Get out of the forest!

Egor: Oh, forgive me, forgive me! I will not destroy nature!

Educator: Guys, we need to teach Yegor the rules of behavior in the forest!

- “Don’t ruin anthills”

The little ants are not lazy, not stupid,

Grains and crumbs are dragged along the path one after another.

An ant cannot be lazy, an ant lives by work,

He drags both the bug and the caterpillar to his underground home.

When you see him hurrying on his way,

Don't hurt him, don't touch him.

- “Don’t pick the flowers” ​​- Viktorov’s poem “Flower”.

I picked a flower in the meadow while running,

I tore it off - but I can’t explain why.

It stood in the glass for a day and withered,

How long would he stand in the meadow?

Egor cleans up the trash after himself.

Egor: Thank you for telling me how to behave in the forest!

(doctor appears)

Doctor: Did you call me? Who is sick with you? (treats ants and butterflies)

Educator: What medicinal herbs do you know and how are they used?

(chamomile, celandine, plantain, nettle, St. John's wort), the teacher supplements the children's knowledge. What medicinal berry do you know? (raspberries) for colds.

Game “Collect cones for Mishka”

Educator: And grouse, let's listen to the birds singing. Do you think birds are happy in a cage? (answer)

Birdsong (audio recording)

Educator: Well, so we talked about our nature, I think now you understand how and why you need to protect nature. And in conclusion, I want you to never act like Yegorka. Protect the environment.

The second part of the matinee took place in a clearing with dandelions, where the children released the birds from their cages into the wild.

Educator: Children, we have come with you to a meadow of dandelions. Look how beautiful it is here. But Egorka still has birds in her cage. What do you think needs to be done?

Children: Release into the wild.

Educator: Let us do this with you now.

(The cage opens and symbolically the children release the paper birds)

Educator: What a great fellow you are. Egorka, did you understand that you can’t destroy living nature?

Egorka: Now I will always take care of birds, animals, insects, plants .

Educator: Children, the little ant has prepared some treats for us. Let's say thank you and go to the group.

(Children thank the ant in unison)

Photo report


    Guivekko, G. Russian holidays in kindergarten / Christmas / [Text] / G. Guivenko // Preschool education. - 1995. - No. 10.

    Preschool pedagogy. / Edited by V.I. Yadeshko and F.A. Sokhina. - 2 ed., revised and expanded - M.: Academy, 2000. - 416 p.

    Zatsepina, M.B. Organization of cultural and leisure activities for preschool children. Educational and methodological manual. [Text] / M.B. Zatsepina. – M.: Ped. Society of Russia, 2004.

    Zatsepina, M.B. Cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten. [Text] / M.B. Zatsepina. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

    Zatsepina, M.B., Antonova, T.V. Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten. [Text] / M.B. Zatsepina. – M.: Mosaika-Sintez, 2006.

    Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A. Ecological pedagogy and psychology. – Rostov n/d.: Publishing house. “Phoenix”, 1996. – 480 p.

    Zatsepina M.B. Organization of cultural and leisure activities for preschool children. Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Ped. Society of Russia, 2004. – 144 p.

    Molodova L.P. Ecological holidays for children: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: TsGL, 2003. – 128 p.

    Nikolaeva S.N. Theory and methods of environmental education for children: Textbook for students. higher ped. uch. manager – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 336 p.

    Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. – M.: “Karapuz”, 2001. – 432 p.

" Earth Day"

Scenario of an environmental holiday for children of the older mixed age group

Target: creating a joyful, spring mood in children on a holiday - Earth Day.

- formation of environmentally literate behavior and respect for nature;
- children’s desires to decorate their Earth with specific deeds and actions;
- raise sympathetic, kind, merciful children.

- Give children the joy of participating in a common holiday.

Preliminary work:
- learning poems, nursery rhymes and riddles about nature;
- conversations on the topic of environmental education;
- viewing illustrations;
- reading works of fiction about plants and animals.

Hall decoration: the hall is decorated with balloons, there are flowers in vases. In the center is a large balloon - a model of the Earth. On the central wall is an exhibition of collective works of children made for Earth Day.

Celebration progress:

1 .Dance-entry to the song “Don’t Drop the Ball”

Leading: Good morning, inhabitants of the beautiful blue planet! Today there is a wonderful event in our kindergarten - we are celebrating Earth Day. This means that this is a holiday for all its inhabitants: animals, fish, birds, insects, plants and humans. This is a holiday of everyone who protects the Earth and cares about its health. Today we dedicate dances, songs, games and poems to our planet Earth.

Everyone here knows, you and me!

You cannot offend nature!

So let's say together one, two, three,

Let's open the holiday -Earth Day!

1 child:

Today the kids are in a hurry to congratulate

Our beloved planet,

We wish you health, all the best and goodness,

After all, there is no better Earth than ours!

2nd child:

Our planet Earth

Very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields -

Our dear home, guys.

3rd child:

Let's save the planet

There is no other like it in the world.

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her.

4th child:

We will take care of birds, insects, animals,

This will only make us kinder.

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens, flowers,

We all need such a planet!

2. Song “Beautiful Planet”

After the song, Fairy Ecology enters

Fairy Ecology: Hello, dear guys! I want to know you. My name is Fairy Ecology.

I walk the earth and keep order. It just became difficult for me alone. I look, the branch is broken, the nest is destroyed, the flowers are crushed. So I decided to find helpers for myself - I walked the earth in search of luck. I walked and walked and saw your kindergarten. I looked in and saw: pine, birch, and spruce trees all around! Cleanliness all around! Surely, I think, in this garden there live kind and caring children who love plants, animals, birds and take care of them. Is this so, guys?(children's answers)

Fairy Ecology: Do you want to become my assistants? Are you not afraid to take the test?(children's answers)

Fairy Ecology: I invite you to guess my riddles. If you guess them correctly, the answers will come to life.

What kind of house is this among the branches in the open air?

Does he treat the birds with grain and bread? (feeder)

After the children answer, a feeder is placed in the middle

Fairy Ecology: Well done, I immediately see that you fed the birds in winter and took care of them. You can rightfully be called true friends of birds.

I came to you not empty-handed, but with interesting games. In spring, birds return from warmer climes. Now we're going to play a game"Birds". If you hear the name of the bird, clap your hands, and if not, stomp your feet. Be careful!

Game "Birds"

Fairy Ecology: Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, roses and eagles, falcons, tables, geese, pelicans, apples, pheasants, eagle owls, starlings, sweets and tongs, nightingales and frying pans, sparrows, toothbrushes. Well done, you are very attentive and know birds well.

Leading: Dear Fairy Ecology, our guys also know songs about birds. Now they will perform the song “Skvorushka”

3. Song "Skvorushka"

Fairy Ecology: What talented children live in your kindergarten. Do you know the rules of behavior in the forest? To do this, we will play with you the game “If I come to the woods.” I will tell you actions, and you will answer, if this is done well, we say “yes”, if it is bad, then we all shout “no” together!

Game “If I come to the woods”

If I come to the woods

And pick a chamomile? (No)

If I eat a pie

And throw away the paper? (No)

If a piece of bread

Shall I leave it on the stump? (Yes)

If I tie a branch,

Shall I put up a peg? (Yes)

If I light a fire,

Won't I put it out? (No)

If I mess up too much

And forget to remove it? (No)

If I take out the trash,

Shall I bury the jar? (Yes)

I love my nature

I'm helping her! (Yes)

Fairy Ecology: Sometimes I see children, walking in the forest, picking flowers and then throwing the withered bouquets on the ground.

A girl comes out with a bouquet of flowers and recites the poem “Bouquet of Violets”


Through the needles of dark pine needles

The light was shining cheerfully.

I was walking along a forest path

And suddenly I found a bouquet.

Bouquet of forest violets

Lying on an old stump

And I felt sorry for them,

And I felt sad.

The flowers have already faded,

The petals have drooped.

Why were they ripped off?

Broken stems?

Children (in unison)

We won't pick flowers!

These are drops of beauty

Let them grow and bloom.

They bring us joy!

Fairy Ecology: And now I offer my next game, it’s called “Make a Flower”

Game "Make a flower"

Around the room, multi-colored cardboard flowers are laid out on the carpet. The presenter gives the children petals of different colors - the same as those on the flowers that lie on the floor. Cheerful music sounds - bees (children with petals) fly around the hall, when the music stops - the bees must fly up to the flower of the color they are holding the petal. You can play 2-3 times, changing the petals.

Fairy Ecology: You are doing great in my tests. And now the next riddle:

The hero stands rich,

Treats everyone:

Vanya - strawberries,

Anechka - lingonberries,

Mashenka is like a nut,

Petya - russula,

Katya - raspberries,

Vashu - a twig. (forest)

Right. The forest keeps many mysteries and secrets. If you take care of the forest and behave correctly in the forest, then it will reveal a lot of interesting things to you and teach you a lot.Very often people destroy nature, causing harm not out of malice, but out of negligence, out of ignorance, since they do not know the rules of behavior in nature. Let's look at one story that happened to forest dwellers.

A soundtrack of forest sounds plays. The forest inhabitants have gathered in the clearing and are talking indignantly.

Wolf . These people again! They came, scared everyone here, littered and left! They didn't clean up!

Hare. My little bunny injured his paw on a piece of glass and can’t walk.

Beaver. Just think, I hurt my paw! And my little beaver, cute, pretty, got entangled in some transparent bag and almost suffocated.

Fox . Yes, things are bad for us. Life has become difficult. But it is impossible to remove all this garbage.

Hedgehog. Why is this?

Fox. We've already tried it. It's all to no avail. The next day they will litter again.

Wolf. Or maybe give them a good scare? I’ll gather my wolf friends from all the surrounding forests and...

hare (interrupts). No, no, gray, after this people can come with guns. Then it will be much worse for us.

Hedgehog . But we need to find some way out. You can't live like this anymore. We need to make sure that people understand their mistake.

Beaver . Yes, the forest is not only our home.

Fox . Certainly. After all, if the forest dies, then people will have nowhere to collect mushrooms, berries, nuts, and medicinal plants. They will never see snowdrops and lilies of the valley bloom, or hear birds singing. And just not

will be able to breathe fresh air and relax in the forest.

Magpie . Or maybe I’ll fly to people and explain that they are polluting our home - our forest?

Wolf . You'll fly, but what's the point? After all, people still don’t understand the language

animals and birds. How will you tell them?

Magpie (thoughtfully). Yes indeed. But suddenly a miracle happens and there is a person who will understand everything!

Wolf . Okay, so be it, fly.

The magpie flies away. The forest dwellers disperse. A magpie flies to the kindergarten. Children notice her.

Elina . Oh look, bird!

Radomir . This is a white-sided magpie!

Magpie (alarmingly). People, the forest is our sweet home.

It became difficult for us to live in it.

Don't pollute the forest

Don't interfere with our lives!

Come in peace

Don't catch the kids

On the river, in the fields, in the forest

Don't ruin the beauty!

Don't light fires

And don't pick flowers.

Don't destroy our forest!

Love our forest!

Elina . Radomir, don’t you think the magpie’s chirping sound is too sad?

Radomir . Yes, I thought so too. But how do we know what she wants to tell us?

Elina . Or maybe we should ask Gulnaz Damirovna?

Radomir . Gulnaz Damirovna, please listen to what the magpie is talking about, maybe you will understand.

Magpie (repeats the last verse).

Leading . Yes, the magpie is clearly asking for help. But unfortunately I don't know

bird language. But I know one old forester, grandfather Yegor, who has been communicating with animals and birds, with trees and herbs for a very long time. I think he can understand the magpie's message.

Everyone leaves. In the same clearing. Grandfather Egor is sitting on a tree stump, stroking a little bunny (toy).

Forester (sighs). Eh-eh-hey! Poor little bunny. But it’s okay, your paw will get better. Eh, people have completely littered the forest. How can you not get hurt here!

A magpie flies in. Sings his song.

Forester . So the magpie is complaining. Oh, wretched one!

Children enter.

Leading . Hello, grandfather Egor! Please help us understand the magpie. She wants to tell us something.

Forester (angrily) What is there to understand! Yes, look around carefully and you will understand everything yourself. Everyone around here is asking for help!

Leading . Indeed, guys, look, there is so much garbage around, cans, pieces of paper, plastic bags!

Radomir . Let's call all the kids from our kindergarten and clean everything up here! I'll run after my friends right now (runs away)!

Elina . And then every day we will monitor order in the forest. We will explain to everyone how to behave in nature.

Leading . Let's draw posters to let everyone know that the forest is asking for help and respect. Let's start helping the forest right now. And let's play the game "Clear the clearing."

Game "Clean up the clearing"

Two teams also play. Candy wrappers, pieces of paper, plastic dishes, and plastic bags are scattered on two carpeted clearings. Each child is given clothespins. At a signal, children use clothespins to collect garbage into special bags, which are held by teachers near the “clearing.” Whoever cleaned his “clearing” first won.

They start cleaning. Music is playing. Other guys join them. Forest inhabitants appear.

Wolf . It became cleaner and brighter, and immediately became more fun!

Fox . Listen to the fox. It became great in the forest!

hare . And my little bunny doesn’t cry, he will soon recover and jump!

Beaver . The stream is clean, my sweet home, and the beavers are better off in it!

Hedgehog . People, come in peace, don’t catch our children!

All together . Don't destroy our forest!

Love our forest!

The artists go to the middle and bow.

Fairy Ecology: And now I’ll tell you the most important riddle of our holiday:

No beginning, no end

Neither the back of the head nor the face,

But everyone knows: both young and old,

That she is a huge ball!( Earth)

Look how beautiful our Earth is! Especially in spring, when all nature comes to life and everything blooms. Let's protect the beauty of our planet. Our Earth is mountains, rivers, forests and fields, seas, people, animals. The earth is our common big house, in which man is the master. And the owner should always be kind and caring. Now it's time for my final test. Do you guys know the rules of behavior in the forest?

1 child:
Remember, friend, you are a guest in the forest.
Preserve its beauty
Keep order here
Follow all the rules!

2nd child:
Don't touch the anthills
Go your way!

3rd child:
You can't destroy nests
Shoot birds with a slingshot.

4th child:

You can't throw glass in the forest,
You can't break bottles;
Sharp fragments are dangerous -
You'll cut yourself terribly on them!

5th child:

Cellophane, pieces of iron, bottles
You can't leave it in the forest!
The garbage here in the forest is alien,
Let's take him with us!

6th child:

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air
Run, jump and walk.

Just don't forget,
That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.
The animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

7 child :
Don't break the spruce branches!

Never forget
Remove trash from the grass

There is no need to pick flowers in vain!
Don't shoot with a slingshot!

You didn't come to kill!
Let the butterflies fly -

Well, who are they bothering?

8th child:
There's no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, hit with a stick.
You are always just a guest in the forest,

Here the owner is spruce and elk.
Take care of their peace!

After all, they are not our enemies.

9th child:

Don't trample on the anthill,

You better take care -
Help the forest animals

Prepare feeders for them.
And then any animal,

be it a weasel or a ferret,
Forest hedgehog, river fish,

He will say: “You are my friend! Thank you!"

Game "Environmental signs"

Fairy Ecology shows environmental signs, children guess and explain.

After the game you can hear voice of the Earth (amplified via microphone)

Earth: Hello good children!

Fairy Ecology: Oh, who's saying this?

Earth: I, Earth! And I am glad to hear your words.

Fairy Ecology: Earth, Earth, did you hear us? Are you talking to us?

Earth: I always hear you, and I’m glad that the Ecology Fairy has such helpers! Take care of nature, don’t let me offend you, and for a long time the sun will delight you with warmth, birds singing, rivers and lakes with clean water.

Fairy Ecology: Dear children! You have passed all my tests.I had an interesting time with you and I would like to ask you to take care of our big home - the planetEarth, take care of it, do as many good deeds as possible so that our planetEarthbecame even more beautiful, so that the birds sang and the sun shone on it.You have earned the title of my assistants, and for this I reward you with the certificate of “Nature Expert.”(awarding ceremony taking place) It's time for me to go back, goodbye guys!

Leading: Guys, let's sing you a farewell song forEarthand Fairies Ecology.

4. Song "Don't hurt anyone"

Leading: Love your native nature
Lakes, forests and fields
After all, this is ours with you
Forever native land!
You and I were born on it,
You and I live on it
So let's all be people together
We treat her kinder!

One of the types of cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are environmental holidays. Ecological holidays are one of the exciting forms of environmental education for preschoolers.

The main goal of holding environmental holidays in a preschool institution will be to create a positive emotional mood, a festive atmosphere, and introduce children to the festive culture.

Their importance is also great in the harmonious development of the child. Ecological holidays in a form accessible to children help in solving serious educational problems: they help to acquire knowledge about living and non-living nature, and also contribute to the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers and the accumulation of environmental experience in children. Children develop a caring attitude towards nature and the ability for empathy and kindness. The child learns to act in a team, he develops communication skills, that is, the ability to contact and cooperate with each other, to solve problem situations.

Environmental holidays in kindergarten: children's participation

When preparing for an environmental holiday, it is important to take into account the capabilities of children and their existing skills:

  • For example, in younger groups, children are taught to take part in the holidays as much as they can - some children will be able to recite poems well, others will be able to dance.
  • In the middle group, preschoolers are taught a desire to take part in holidays.
  • Children of the older group are invited to participate in the preparation of a festive event, for example, decorating a group or hall.
  • In the preparatory group, children are able to take an active, varied part in the preparation and conduct of the holiday.

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: design

In accordance with the theme of the environmental holiday, the music room or other room is decorated.

It should help create a festive mood and develop artistic and aesthetic taste in children.

Older children can be involved in the production of decorations and attributes. An exhibition can be organized in the hall. For example, exhibitions

  • drawings “Take care of the forest from fire”,
  • crafts from vegetables and fruits “What autumn brought us”,
  • bird town feeders,
  • wreaths “Beautiful wreath for mom.”

All exhibits are prepared in advance by children together with their parents.

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: scenario

Ecological holidays involve the use of material familiar to children in the scenario:

  • poems by different authors performed by children or adults about nature;
  • songs performed by children or adults on the theme of the holiday;
  • dances performed by children, for example, “Jolly Butterflies”, “Dance with Umbrellas” and others;
  • short-lasting puppet shows and skits, for example, “How the Bunny didn’t turn into anyone” and others.

In an environmental holiday, as in any other, a lot of time is devoted to games. These will be environmental games. Depending on the age of the children, you can use subject, verbal and active games on the appropriate topic.

In early and middle age these will be simple object games. For example, you can play the “Guess the Taste” game, in which children are asked to recognize the taste of familiar vegetables and fruits. In the team game “Collect a Flower,” children collect flowers from petals – chamomile and marigolds. The flowers have the same number of petals; the team that completes the task faster wins.

With older children At the autumn festival, you can play the game “Put an edible mushroom in a box”, in which children collect only edible mushrooms in a basket. At a holiday dedicated to the arrival of spring, the team game “Melt the Ice” will be interesting. The piece of ice is passed from hand to hand. The team that melts the ice the fastest wins.

Children of the second younger group They are already enjoying playing such a word game as “It flies - it doesn’t fly.” In the game “Big and Small,” children learn to form diminutive words, for example, big apple - small apple. With age, games in kindergarten become more complex. In the game “Jumping, Swimming, Flying,” children are asked to show the action of a named object (a grasshopper jumps, an ice floe floats, a butterfly flies). Such games can be used at a holiday as an organizational moment, since all children take part in such games at once.

Much loved children of all age groups outdoor games. In younger groups these are games with imitative movements. Children really love the games “Sunshine and Rain”, “Shaggy Dog”, “Sparrows and Car”.

In older age these will be games with rules. Children like: “The Sly Fox”, “The Mousetrap”, “Geese-geese”, “The Fox and the Chickens”.

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: how to organize

Ecological holidays in younger groups organized by kindergarten staff. In this case, children will only be spectators. The best option is to show a puppet theater or theater on a screen. Kids react very emotionally to such a display. At the same time, as practice shows, children of the younger group are not very receptive to dressing up adults and older children as fairy-tale and other characters.

Ecological holidays from middle group carried out with the participation of both adults and children.

The older the children are, the more active they take part in the holiday. In these holidays, you can use characters familiar to children, both performed by adults and preschoolers. A big role belongs to the music director, as he is responsible for selecting the musical repertoire.

The theme of the holidays largely depends on the age of the children.

Ecological holidays in the younger group are carried out on topics that are most understandable for children, for example, the autumn holiday “Gather the Harvest”, the spring holiday “Visiting Spring”. In children, starting from the middle group, horizons expand, knowledge deepens. Therefore, environmental holidays cover various topics. For example, the summer holiday “Big Water” with poems, songs about water and rain, games, dances of sea creatures, water competitions, and the appearance of the sea king Neptune.

You can organize an ecological holiday “Flower Dreams” about garden flowers with corresponding poems, songs, dances, competitions “Weave a Wreath” or “Summer Bouquet”.

As an option, the holiday “Journey to the Old Man-Lesovich”, during which children travel through the “forest country” and complete tasks: guess riddles on a certain topic, put together puzzles, draw a picture, etc.

Environmental holidays, like any other, would be nice to end with the presentation of symbolic gifts that children will be very happy about. On an autumn holiday, these can be fruits; kitchen workers can bake cookies in the form of spikelets or mushrooms. In the spring, for the “Farewell to Winter” holiday, children are treated to pancakes. You can give each child a sticker with images of animals, birds, flowers and more.

Thanks to the holding of such events in a preschool institution, the foundations of an environmental culture are laid in children.

Relevant! 2017 has been declared the year of ecology. All schools have events dedicated to this topic, so I decided to write a script that primary school teachers can use.

This is not the scenario of a theatrical show that takes place on stage, and not a mass holiday for hundreds of children. This is a game program for one class (20-30 people), which can be carried out in a small room.

The props are very simple; the main role can be played by a guest animator, the teacher himself, one of the parents or a high school student.

In the script I mention several environmental problems: destruction of forests, climate change, shortage of drinking water, accumulation of garbage, extinction of rare species of animals, air pollution. Children, together with the main character, are looking for ways to save a distant planet, but at the same time they understand that all these problems exist on Earth, so urgent measures need to be taken.

If you only have 45 minutes, cut down on creative assignments.

We hold environmental holidays in Moscow for children in grades 1-2 with the participation of 2 different characters (2 librarians or scientists from different planets, Snow White and the Bunny, Troll Tsvetan and Troll Rozochka, Dunno and Znayka, Simka and Nolik).

Trouble has happened on the distant planet Novus. There is nothing to breathe there, there is no drinking water, there are heaps of garbage all around, all the animals have disappeared, the plants have disappeared, and because of the smog nothing can be seen even at arm's length. The librarian Flos decided to find a book that says how to save his home planet, but found only the cover and a blank page with the title “Table of Contents”. It turned out that the cosmic wind carried away the pages, and now they are stored in some library of the Universe. Flos has been everywhere, and now his last hope is for a library on planet Earth in the city (name of your city) at school No. (your school number). Gradually, Flos and the children find 6 pages, the children perform different tasks. At the end, the results are summed up, the “Table of Contents” is filled in, Flos returns to Novus, leaving earthlings with seeds from his planet as a gift.

Main character:

The program is conducted by the librarian Flos (he is from another planet, you can come up with any image). This is a fussy, shaggy man in a nondescript robe. Some glasses are on the forehead, others are on the bridge of the nose. He is holding a book cover (hard folder) in his hands.

There is only one main character, but it would be nice if a second character helped him in some episodes. Let's call him the “staff librarian.” His role can be played by a real librarian, a teacher, or one of the parents. Those. a person who is well known to the children accompanies during the holiday. It has almost no text, it just helps with some tasks.


A folder (a book cover in which all the pages have disappeared), the pages themselves (they can be printed for free), cards with team names, the board game “Firemen” (can also be printed and cut out), any vase, 4 sheets of A3 and crayons, a roll foil, old newspapers, a plastic basket or cardboard box, 4 soft toys (can be rubber or plastic), 4 blindfolds or special headbands, disposable plates and glasses, parts of eyes and mouths cut out of colored paper, double-sided tape, 4 books about animals. As gifts - germination kits with seeds and soil in a beautiful package.

Preparing the room:

The action takes place in the library. There will be no running around, so it is quite possible to spend it in the reading room of the school library. If this is not possible, in a couple of minutes any classroom can easily be turned into a library - place books on the shelf, a drawer with filing cabinets.

The room should have four tables at equal distances from each other for 4 teams (chairs around each table according to the number of children in the team). This will make it easier for children to complete tasks.

Pictures for download: For your convenience, I made a folder with all the necessary files and placed it on Yandex Disk. You must have an account, otherwise you will not be able to download. The pages look like this, and you can download them from the links under these pictures (the blank page will come in handy if you decide to replace the text):

Detailed description of the children's environmental holiday:

Children go to the library. You can divide teams into teams in advance or invite each child to draw a card with one of 4 images of the elements: Fire, Earth, Water, Air. I placed the cards in the same folder (24 circles fit on an A4 sheet).

They are greeted by the school librarian (a teacher who plays the role of a librarian) and shown a stand decorated in the library on the theme “Ecology”. There may be a Red Book there, you can tell why some pages are called “black”, “red”, “green”, “white”.

Suddenly, an excited man suddenly runs in with an empty folder (book cover) in his hands.

“Help, please, help! I've been to every library in the universe. Your library is the last hope. The fact is that my planet Novus will soon completely die. For too long, the inhabitants of the planet have not noticed the environmental problems that have accumulated over the years. And now the planet is mired in garbage waste. There is no drinking water, there are terrible fires all around, acrid smog, all animals and plants have died.

I'm a librarian. My name is Flos. I wanted to find a book in my old library that contained instructions on how to save the planet, but it turned out that all the pages were blown away by the cosmic wind! All I have left is the cover, one page with the title “Table of Contents” and a note: “The pages are stored on the green planet in the library.” Imagine how many libraries I had to visit. Yours is the last one. The pages can only be here!”

(Flos begins to search, run around the room, look on the shelves, finds some page).

Flos: "Yes! That's her! I'm on the right track! Here's the problem... Half of the text has been destroyed! I beg you, help me restore the instructions.”

Page 1 - "Forest Fires"

Flos: “Here it was written how to fight forest fires (there are missing words in the text, you need to add):

  1. Stew…. after a picnic (bonfire)
  2. Do not burn dry... (grass)
  3. Do not throw burning cigarette butts
  4. During …. small fires (extinguish)"

The children help restore the text, Flos writes: “Thank you, there is one page! (puts it in a folder) Now let’s check which team could put out the fire faster.”

The teams take their places at the table. There is a playing field there, along the edges of which firefighters are drawn. Children receive cards with individual pieces of a fire hose that must be connected to form a complete hose. The beginning is with the first fireman, the end is with the second.

Here, as an example, I folded it differently. There are infinitely many options, for some the path will be shorter, 5 minutes is enough to complete the task.

Flos gives the first team (the one that completed the task the fastest) the word “Look” on the card. The second is the word “page”. The third team gets the word “in”, the fourth - “vase”. This text is also in the folder for printing.

The result is the phrase “Look for the page in the vase.”

In any room there can be a vase on the window, and there will be a new page.

Page 2 - “Climate Change”

Flos reads the second page: "Changing of the climate. Soooo. Oh, happiness! The text can be read in full here. Prohibit the release of harmful gases into the atmosphere. And we must not destroy ecological systems. Do not cut down forests or dry up rivers. It's terrible, we did everything the other way around!

Just imagine... On my planet Novus, people have long forgotten what the seasons look like. Everything is mixed up! In place of hot deserts there are glaciers. There is monstrous heat at the poles. I definitely need to take with me paintings depicting winter, spring, summer and autumn.”

Flos gives each team a task and 5 minutes of time to create collective paintings with wax crayons. A3 format. Children should have time to draw the most characteristic features of each season. To make it easier, make the same sketches on all sheets, and the children will simply fill in the details:

Flos asks to take the finished drawings to the stand with books on ecology, where the children “accidentally” find the 3rd page.

Page 3 – “Lack of drinking water”

Flos reads: “So, there are also gaps here. Do not pollute fresh water sources: …. And …. (children suggest that these are rivers and lakes). Save water. How is that? (children suggest that there is no need to waste water from the tap and repair broken taps). Build desalination plants…. (salt) water.

Yes, but what to do if drinking water on my planet has completely disappeared. Maybe it's worth bringing it from other planets? For example, from Earth. I figured it out! It’s better to freeze it first, and then transport the ice balls to Novus! Let's practice!"

Flos shows how to wrap a wad of newspaper in foil (this will be our fresh water ice bombs). Each team makes 5-7 attempts to get a ball of foil into a plastic bucket or box. Let's call this the delivery of fresh water to the planet Novus.

Flos thanks for the help.

Page 4 - Smog (air pollution)

Our regular librarian or teacher may accidentally find a new page in his file cabinet. He calls Flos and the children to look at the find.

Flos reads: "Air pollution. Why is this happening and what should the inhabitants of my planet do? Cars on the roads that produce a lot of exhaust gases in the air. What should I do? (brings to mind environmentally friendly transport - electric cars, bicycles)

Flos: “I want you to imagine how hard it is for the inhabitants of my planet! Not only is it difficult to breathe dirty air. We still can’t see anything around us because of the smog. Even what we hold in our hands.”

Flos puts a tight bandage on one representative of each team (a total of 4 children participate) and gives them some kind of toy (soft or rubber). You need to determine what it is by feeling the object. A fun task, since it is often difficult to guess by touch, especially if you come across cats like the ones in the picture on the right.

Page 5 – Sorting and recycling of waste

As soon as the last blindfolded player determines what exactly he is holding in his hands, Flos “accidentally” knocks over a glass of pencils, from which the fifth page rolled up falls out.

Flos: “What do we have here... Ah! Garbage sorting. Yes, this is a huge problem. My whole planet is littered with bottles, packaging, terrible bags. (Reads the page): Garbage needs to be sorted and put in separate containers: paper, ..., ..., ..., ..., (together with the children names glass, plastic, food waste, light bulbs, batteries, writes down).

(Flos reads the second paragraph about recycling plastic and creating useful things from it - brushes for cleaning machines, tiles, paving slabs, workwear): By the way, let's think about what we ourselves can make from disposable plastic tableware."

Here we conduct a simple short master class “Crafts from disposable tableware”. For example, make funny toys from plastic plates, cups, bottles. Stick eyes and hair from strips of plastic onto double-sided tape. In order for everything to go quickly, you need to make paper appliqués (eyes, mouths) in advance.

There are many examples on the Internet. I like these apples from the bottoms of bottles. Let the children simply connect the cut-out pieces with tape and stick on a piece of paper.

Page 6 – “Disappearance of rare animals and plants”

The location of the last page can be reported by the “radio” (suddenly the voice of the announcer says an urgent message for the librarian Flos). Here’s something similar I said into the voice recorder of my smartphone as an example:

Flos reads out the beginning of phrases about poachers, deforestation and the creation of nature reserves, and the children say the rest. He writes it down, folds page 6 into a cover folder.

Flos: "Dear friends. The animals on my planet, alas, have all disappeared long ago. Residents of Novus don't even remember their names. Let the first team name as many forest dwellings as possible, the second - the inhabitants of the desert, the third - the animals that live in the mountains, the fourth - recall the sea inhabitants."

It will be easier if children have books from the “My Planet” or “Planet Earth” series. Let them look through it and find it themselves.

The teams think, take turns naming the animals, Flos writes down. If you have enough time, you can arrange a short round of the game “Crocodile”, in which animals need to be shown with gestures. It's fun. They recognize a hare quickly, but it takes a long time to guess a jerboa or a mountain goat.

Page 7 - “Table of Contents. How to save the planet Novus"

Flos: “Now we can fill out this blank page called Table of Contents together! Let’s just list what needs to be done to ensure that life on the planet continues for many, many centuries.”

The children remember together with Flos, he makes quick symbolic notes:

It is necessary to protect the forest, not cut down trees, put out fires in a timely manner, and not pollute the air and sources of drinking water. It is necessary to sort and recycle garbage in order to make things people need from waste. It is necessary to create reserves for endangered species of animals, not to kill them, etc.

Flos asks if there are such problems on Earth, and advises taking care of the environment so that our planet does not look like Novus.


Flos thanks for the help: "Friends. I am so glad that I visited planet Earth and met you. Thanks for the help! All the pages have been collected, I have a plan to save Novus. In gratitude, I want to give you seeds collected on my planet back in the days when there were no environmental problems. You can plant them and green your home, your school".

Gives gifts. There are a lot of such sets on sale at different prices, they look something like this:

Flos: “Now I have to go! May your planet always be clean and beautiful!”

Organizing and holding environmental holidays is one of the most interesting forms of environmental education for preschool children, as it can evoke a positive emotional response to their natural content among participants and spectators.

In our opinion, the most complete concept is the definition proposed by Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A.: “An environmental holiday is a form of environmental education, which is a set of environmental events dedicated to a certain date.”

This issue was dealt with by such researchers as Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A., Zatsepina M.B., Molodova L.P., Nikolaeva S.N., Ryzhova N.A. and etc.

Ecological holidays provide great educational opportunities and have a positive effect on the emotional development of preschool children. The emotions that the child received from the holiday also contribute to social and moral development.

With the help of stage images, children talk about the rules of behavior in nature not only to their peers, but also to adults, which is very important for raising the general level of people’s ecological culture. Ecological holidays deepen the assimilation of environmental knowledge, knowledge about nature, its cause-and-effect relationships, which contributes to the emergence of emotional assessment.

Holidays influence the accumulation and updating of environmental experience of both children and adults.

The pedagogical meaning of environmental holidays is to evoke in children a positive emotional response to their natural content.

Emotions give rise to attitudes and affect the personality of the preschooler as a whole, so it is recommended to hold holidays regularly, ending the season or any meaningful block with them.

Our study was aimed at studying the emotional attitude towards inanimate nature in children and their attitude towards environmental holidays.

During the survey, the following results were obtained: holidays for children are a non-priority activity, the teacher does not try to activate all children to participate in the preparation and holding of holidays, they do not show a desire to participate in holidays, there is no activity in preparation for the holiday.

Thus, our task was to improve work in this direction through organizing and holding environmental holidays.

Based on the results of our work, we can draw the following conclusions: with the help of the developed plan for holding environmental holidays, we were able to successfully implement it and thereby develop a positive emotional attitude towards inanimate nature in children of senior preschool age; The children’s level of activity and interest in environmental holidays increased, and the work carried out contributed to the accumulation of children’s environmental experience, the ability to communicate and cooperate with each other.

We present to your attention notes on environmental holidays for working with preschool children:

Ecological holiday No. 1

“The earth is our common home!”

Target: consolidate children's knowledge about the inhabitants of the Earth (animals, insects, plants); continue to develop a caring attitude towards inanimate nature; consolidate the material covered; develop a positive emotional attitude.

Preparatory work: conducting preliminary classes - “Let's Protect the Earth!” and “Who lives on Earth?”; in art classes, children draw the inhabitants of the Earth and prepare an exhibition on the theme “Portrait of the Earth”; The teacher and the children prepare invitations to the holiday for parents; children learn riddles and poems; learn the songs and dances necessary for the holiday.

Characters: Presenter, Teacher, Dunno, children of the older group.

Hall decoration: on the central wall of the hall there is a panel depicting the globe, around it are depicted various animals, insects and plants (flowers, trees), above the panel is the inscription “The Earth is our Home!” On the side walls there is an exhibition of children's drawings on the theme: “Portrait of the Earth.”

Celebration progress:

To the “Scherzo” by Yu. Chichkov, children from the older group appear in the hall, some wearing hats of birds, animals, flowers, and insects. Children dance freely, depicting various representatives of the Earth. After the children dance, the leader comes out.

Leading: We have celebrated holidays in this hall many times, but we have never known one like this one. Today we celebrate Earth Day - our common home.

Our planet Earth

Very generous and rich:

Mountains, forests and fields -

Home is our dear guys!

Let's save the planet

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her.

Let's take care of birds and animals.

Let's decorate the whole Earth with gardens and flowers.

We need such a planet!

Suddenly Dunno and Teacher run into the hall:

Teacher: Dunno, if you don’t know what the Earth is and who lives on it, the rest of the guys won’t be interested in you!

Dunno: Yes, I already know everything!

Teacher: We’ll check it now, I agree.

Dunno nods his head in agreement. The teacher shows pictures depicting various animals and insects.

Teacher(showing a picture of a cow): Who is this?

Dunno: dog!

Teacher: Isn't that a dog? Guys, who is this? That's right, well done! This is Dunno the cow! And who is this? (image of a butterfly).

Dunno: fly!

Teacher: Dunno is not even a fly, guys, who is it? That's right, it's a butterfly! How could you confuse a butterfly with a fly!?

Dunno: And what! She has wings too!

Teacher: Well, I don’t even know what to do with you.

Leading: Dear Teacher, let the guys and I try to help Dunno, teach him to distinguish a butterfly from a fly and tell him about our planet!

Teacher: Oh, I don’t even know... but although... maybe he’ll at least listen to the guys and learn something! (Leaves).

Leading: Well, Dunno, do you want the guys to help you?

Dunno: Want!

Leading: Well, then listen and watch. I will ask riddles, and you Dunno and you guys, if you guess them, they will come to life...

The beaks are yellow, the paws are red, large,

They waddle; if necessary, they will swim.

Dunno: Wow, what a difficult riddle...

Leading: Help guys, who is this? That's right - these are ducklings!

Children wearing duckling hats run into the hall and perform a dance.

Leading: Here are the needles and pins

They crawl out from under the bench.

They look at me

They want milk.

The children answer in unison. “Hedgehog children” run into the hall with baskets and offer to play the game “Who can pick berries and mushrooms the fastest.” Children are divided into 2 teams, “hedgehog children” empty the contents of the baskets and give a task: the 1st team picks mushrooms, and the 2nd team picks berries.

Dunno: Great, now I know that cheerful and funny hedgehogs live on Earth.

Leading: On the lawn near the river

Jumping in the grass...


The Grasshopper runs into the hall and invites everyone to perform the “Jump-Leap” dance.

Leading: Black toddler

He can't pull the load according to his height.


Ant exits, reads a poem.

Leading: The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

Moved, perked up

He soared up and flew away.


"Butterfly Dance" is performed.

Leading: Do you see, Dunno, how many animals and insects live on planet Earth, and there are many more of them - guys, what other animals do you know? (children take turns saying options)

Dunno: How cool, I didn’t even know that so many different animals live next to us! Now I will be friends with all of them!

Leading: Well done! You really need to be friends with the inhabitants of the Earth, but they also need our protection. I suggest you play the game "Ecological Traffic Light".

All spectators are given red and green cards.

Leading: Now I will tell you a few stories about how children behave in nature, if you think that they are behaving correctly, then turn on the green light, and if not, then turn on the red light.

No. 1: One day, friends decided to go hiking in the forest. Having played enough ball and swam, they began to get ready to go home. The guys dug a hole and put all the garbage in it.

· Do you think the guys did the right thing?

No. 2: Sveta and her parents went out of town by car. When they approached the forest, Sveta’s dad asked: “Where will we stop?” It was possible to turn off the road and drive between the trees deep into the forest. Someone has already done this - and the traces from the cars remained for a long time. Therefore, almost no grass grew on this land. Sveta’s parents decided not to enter the forest. They parked the car on the side of the road and went into the forest on foot.

· Did Sveta’s parents do the right thing?

No. 3: Andrey asked his dad: “Why do plants grow only in the ground, and not in clay, for example?” Dad replied: “The soil contains a lot of nutrients that plants need, and the soil absorbs water better than clay.”

· Did dad answer Andrey’s question correctly?

The presenter praises the children and Teacher Dunno appears in the hall.

Teacher: Well, how are you doing?

Leading: Perfect! Dunno, tell me what the guys taught you!

Dunno: Now I know what animals and insects live next to us, and how to properly treat our Earth so that it is beautiful. I liked finding out so much, let’s go quickly, tell me something else!

Teacher: Thank you guys very much, you helped us a lot! (getting ready to leave)

Leading: Wait, stay! The guys want to give you the song “The Earth is Our Home” (R. Rozhdestvensky) as a gift.

After the song is performed, children and parents take part in the round dance “Let's be friends!” to music R. Gabichvadze.

Ecological holiday

"Festival of the Sun"

Target: consolidate knowledge about the solar system (mostly about the Sun); generalize and expand children's knowledge about the importance of the sun in the life of living organisms; continue to form a positive emotional attitude

Preparatory work: a lesson “Solar Kingdom, Space State” will be conducted; team formation; consolidate unconventional drawing techniques.

Characters: Leader, 2 teams.

Hall decoration: The Sun is depicted on the central wall, the names of the participating teams are written on both sides of it, and above is an image of a dove (a symbol of friendship and fair competition).

Celebration progress: Music from the song “The Sun Came Out.”

Leading: Hello, the sun is clear

And the land is beautiful!

Hello Mother Nature

And good weather!

Team presentation. Teams consist of 8–10 people.

1st team: “Sunshine”

2nd team: “Sunny Bunnies”


  1. team greeting (name, motto, verse or song).
  2. Who can name more definitions: The sun, what is it? One word at a time from the teams.
  3. draw the sun in an unconventional way: Mat-al - paints, crumpled paper, brushes, water, brushes. Children use their hands at will. The whole team participates.

Musical pause. Songs about the Sun and summer are sung.

  1. draw the sun with the whole team.
  2. Captains competition: Sunny Bunny. Team captains portray a “sunny bunny”.
  3. catch the "Sunny Bunny". The whole team plays. The team forms a circle, holding hands, the opponent’s “sunbeam” tries to enter the circle and leave the circle. The “bunny” who makes the most entries and exits wins.

Musical pause. Children perform the dance “Butterflies and the Sun”.

  1. homework: Sun costume. Demonstration of costumes for the sun.
  2. “I am the Sun!”: one person from the team participates, you need to imagine yourself as the sun and “evaporate” the water faster than your opponent (children scoop up the water).
  3. music competition: sing a song about the sun with the whole team.

Summarizing. The jury's word. Rewarding.

Leading: The sun is shining, the sun is warming

And it cherishes children.

Sunbathe, kids, gain strength.

To be healthy, you must try.

Captain of the 1st team:

In the morning we got up in order,

We do exercises together.

We breathe in fresh air

We raise our hands to the sun.

Captain of the 2nd team:

Thank you, Sun, for being there

Praise be to you, honor to you.

After all, without you the sky would darken,

No grain would grow in the field.

Leading: And we all sing a hymn to the sun

Since the sun is shining we...

All: We are living!!!


1. Deryabo S.D., Yasvin V.A. Ecological pedagogy and psychology. – Rostov n/d.: Publishing house. “Phoenix”, 1996. – 480 p.

2. Zatsepina M.B. Organization of cultural and leisure activities for preschool children. Educational and methodological manual. – M.: Ped. Society of Russia, 2004. – 144 p.

3. Molodova L.P. Ecological holidays for children: Educational and methodological manual. – M.: TsGL, 2003. – 128 p.

4. Nikolaeva S.N. Theory and methods of environmental education for children: Textbook. aid for students higher ped. uch. manager – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2002. – 336 p.

5. Ryzhova N.A. Environmental education in kindergarten. – M.: “Karapuz”, 2001. – 432 p.

"Ecological holidays and leisure"

A holiday in kindergarten is an important part of a child’s life; it is the joy of communication, the joy of creativity and the joy of self-expression, the joy of emancipation and mutual enrichment, which contributes to solving many problems of environmental education.