Read online "the practice of lucid dreaming". Lucid Dreaming Technique. The Path of Pure Awareness

A lucid dream (OS) is a special altered state of consciousness, which is fundamentally different from ordinary sleep. In a lucid dream, the reality and clarity of perception of the surrounding space is not inferior to the objective, and sometimes even seems even brighter than in the physical world. At the same time, the sleeper remembers that he is sleeping.

Remembering or entering the OS from a normal dream feels like going through a pipe: as if something is being sucked into another, parallel world. This world is impermanent and changeable, unlike the earthly world, and therefore awareness can be maintained here only with full concentration of attention.

Attention management and the practice of lucid dreaming

The lack of concentration turns OS into an ordinary dream, therefore, many dreaming techniques are aimed at developing the ability to control one's attention: through the contemplation of objects or stopping the internal dialogue. These techniques develop the habit of returning yourself to the goal, which increases awareness, both awake and in a dream. One of the methods for entering a lucid dream is to develop the habit of checking reality for authenticity by asking yourself the question “Am I dreaming?” or returning oneself to the state of presence - "I am". Such a habit increases the chances of remembering yourself in a dream and entering the OS.

Lucid Dream Concentration: Fixing Reality

Fixing attention on the hands is one of the effective methods used by practitioners to keep their attention in a lucid dream. After all, entering the OS is only the first step. And it is also important to be able not to fall into a dream again immediately after entering. For these purposes, touching the objects of a dream or their detailed examination will help.

Concentrating on the objects of a lucid dream helps keep the dream reality relatively stable, preventing it from constantly floating around. The surrounding space in a lucid dream is held by consciousness, but it can also be a hook that consciousness clings to while maintaining its awareness. Although, in the second case, hands are still a more versatile object for fixation, because they are always with us. However, it can also happen in the OS that there are no objects for fixing attention, although these are isolated cases.

From personal experience

One day I seemed to be in a very unusual lucid dream. Everything around was completely white. At first my mind decided that the space around was limited by white walls, but when I tried to feel at least some solid foundation, it turned out that there was none: no walls, no floor, not even my own body.

If we draw parallels with the esoteric systems of the cosmic hierarchy, we can assume that I ended up in the zero point of Alva, which the ancients called the ultimate depth of the universe. There are no divisions and manifestations in this world. The walls, initially outlined by my consciousness, were probably the product of the mind, which could not immediately accept such an unusual state. In that reality, the only thing I could cling to to maintain awareness was only one memory of my existence “I am”, because there simply were no other objects to fixate there. Having mastered this state, the practice of lucid dreaming will no longer need fixation on visual objects, which greatly expands the horizons of possible experience.

scientific view

The phenomenon of lucid dreams has been scientifically confirmed experimentally. During the experiment, dreamers were able to prove their lucidity in a dream by transmitting a signal with a certain eye movement. At the same time, it turned out that entry into the OS is most likely during the period of REM sleep, which lasts from 5 to 15 minutes. This stage is on the threshold of wakefulness, and it is during this period that a person dreams.

The fast phase of sleep occurs approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep, after the passage of the main and longest phase of slow sleep. The phase of slow or deep sleep is associated with recovery processes. During this phase, all processes in the body slow down, muscle activity, respiratory rate and pulse rate decrease.

During the night, the human body goes through several such cycles of sleep - from slow to fast. And with each new repetition, the duration of the non-REM sleep phase becomes shorter, and the REM sleep phase, respectively, is longer.

Severe energy depletion can lead to a complete exclusion from the REM sleep cycle, so the key point in the practice of lucid dreaming is to ensure proper rest. Lack of sleep and chronic fatigue dramatically reduce not only the possibility of entering the OS, but also the likelihood of seeing and remembering even unconscious dreams.

Lucid Dreaming Techniques

In fact, dreams visit us at the threshold states of consciousness - the period of falling asleep or waking up. Based on this, there are two options for entering the OS:

Technique for direct lucid dreaming

This option is most suitable for daytime practices. Sleep in the middle of the day is usually light and light, at the level of a nap, without diving into a deep phase, which makes a direct exit to the OS more likely.

This technique of direct entry into a lucid dream consists of maintaining the memory of the presence of one's consciousness along with maintaining complete stillness of the body. In this method, the main problem is precisely the preservation of immobility, since the brain, checking the consciousness for shutdown, can supply various impulses to the body. You may suddenly feel a tingling, itching, or desire to change position somewhere. However, the brain, as it turns out, can be deceived: stopping the internal dialogue and physical movements leads to falling asleep after about 15 minutes.

Also, this method is used in the morning practice, when the body has already managed to fully recover overnight, but has not yet fully awakened. In this method, a short beep set at a certain time, earlier than the usual wake-up time, will help. The most favorable time is considered to be from 5 o'clock in the morning.

A short sound signal for consciousness will be enough to bring it out of unconscious sleep, but not enough for it to go into full wakefulness. Thus, you will find yourself in that very threshold state, which some practitioners call a phase. Further, your task will remain to maintain awareness of your stay in the OS, in which I will help the concentration practices proposed at the beginning of the article.

Technique for exiting the OS from normal sleep

This technique of lucid dreaming involves remembering yourself directly in a dream. To do this, it is recommended that beforehand, during wakefulness, from time to time to carry out a reality check.

Reality check examples:

  • Time check. If you look at the clock in a dream, look away, and look again, the time will be different. The same goes for inscriptions;
  • Try flying, walking through a wall, or plunging your hand into a solid object. True, sometimes even in a dream this turns out to be impossible;
  • Look at your hands. In a dream, the lines on the hands will be different;
  • Thoughts about the past. Think about where you were before you got here, or try to remember yesterday;
  • Count your fingers. In a dream, their number may be more or less than ten;
  • Try breathing with your nose closed;
  • Reach for the ceiling;

There is a whole host of options for checking reality for objectivity. You can use accessories: for example, wear without removing a ring or bracelet, from time to time checking it tactilely or visually. You can set yourself sound signals for the period of sleep and wakefulness, associate awareness of yourself here and now with some kind of action: for example, passing through doorways, or checking e-mail, or reading SMS. For the best effect, it is worth using different methods, it is even better to create your own.

Alternative technique for entering a lucid dream

Another alternative technique for indirect OS entry is setting an intention before going to sleep. Conventionally, this can be tied to the phrase "this night I will have a lucid dream." However, here the main essence is not in words, but in the strong-willed message that is embedded in them. After the message is formed, you should turn off the internal dialogue and fall asleep. Preliminary recapitulation of the day and focusing attention before going to bed, for example, on the heart chakra or on a pleasant image that you would like to meet during the upcoming dream practice, will help get rid of obsessive thoughts.

The first book in which, on the basis of modern science, the secrets of the ancient art of dreaming are revealed. Using it as a guide, you will be able to comprehend the secrets of Tibetan yogis and change your whole life in the direction you want.

Lucid dreams can be used to solve problems, such as self-healing, improving relationships, and releasing fears, or to understand the meaning of ancient teachings and the work of modern scientists.

Stephen LaBerge
Practicing Lucid Dreaming
Exploring the world of lucid dreaming

Chapter 1

I realized that I was dreaming. I raised my hands and began to rise (more precisely, I was pulled up). I ascended into black skies, which gradually became blue-violet, then purple, lilac, white, and then turned into a source of very bright light. All the time I was going up, there was music all around, the most beautiful of all I had ever heard before. They were more voices than instruments. Words cannot describe the joy I experienced. Very carefully I was brought back to earth. I felt that I was approaching a decisive moment in my life and that I was on the right path. This dream, this joy that I experienced, was a kind of reward, at least that's how I felt it. The awakening was slow, the music echoing in me. Joyful excitement did not leave me for several days, but the memory of this remained forever. (A.F., Bay City, Michigan).

I was standing in the middle of a flat field when my wife drew my attention to the sunset. Looking there, I thought: "How strange that I have never seen such colors." Then it dawned on me: "I must be dreaming!" I do not remember before such clarity and sharpness of perception - the colors were so beautiful, and the feeling of freedom - so intoxicating, that I rushed through the beautiful golden wheat field, waving my arms and shouting with all my might: "I'm sleeping! I'm sleeping!". Suddenly, sleep began to leave me, I must have been worried and quickly woke up. After making sense of what had happened to me, I woke my wife up to tell her, "I've achieved it! I've done it!" I was aware of myself in a dream, and this will stay with me forever. Isn't it strange that this feeling can have such an effect on a person! I think that the ability to control your inner world is freedom. (DW, Elk River, Minnesota).

I am preparing to become a professional musician (horn) and I would like to learn how to overcome my stage fright. Several times before going to bed, I, having relaxed, plunged into a state of self-hypnosis. I focused my attention on wanting to have a dream where I would speak calmly and without fear in front of a large audience. On the third day of this experiment, I had a lucid dream in which I performed an unaccompanied solo recital at the Orchestra Hall in Chicago (I actually performed there once, but as part of an orchestra). The audience did not frighten me at all, and with every note I felt better. I flawlessly performed a piece that I had heard only once before (and had never tried to play), and the standing ovation gave me confidence. When I woke up, I quickly wrote down the content of the dream and the piece of music I was playing. The next day during rehearsal, I played this piece almost flawlessly from sight. Two weeks later (after several lucid dream performances) I performed my part in Shostakovich's 5th symphony without error, for the first time without feeling nervous. (J.S., Mount Prospect, Illinois).

Strange, wonderful, and even impossible things regularly happen in a dream, but people usually do not realize that this is a dream. Usually doesn't mean always, and there are important exceptions to these rules. Sometimes sleepers clearly understand the reason for the bizarre events they are experiencing, and the result is lucid dreams like the ones above. Confident that the world they perceive is a figment of their own imagination, "lucid dreamers" can purposefully influence the content of their dreams. They can create and transform objects, people, situations, worlds, and even themselves. By the standards of the objective world familiar to us, they are capable of the impossible. The world of lucid dreaming provides more opportunities than ordinary reality, in almost all of its manifestations, from the low to the sublime. You can, if you want, take a walk on a fun feast, fly to the stars or go on a journey to magical countries. You can also use lucid dreams to solve your problems, for example, for self-healing and self-development, or to comprehend the meaning of ancient teachings and the work of modern psychologists, who believe that lucid dreams can help you penetrate into the depths of your Self, that is, find out who you are in reality. Lucid dreams have been known for a long time, but until now they were perceived as an exceptional and obscure phenomenon. My theoretical and practical research, as well as the research of my colleagues in different countries, has only begun to shed light on this unusual state of consciousness. Recently, this area of ​​research has attracted attention outside of the scientific community as well, with the discovery that, with appropriate training, people can learn to fall asleep while not fully awake. What is the reason for such intense interest? My personal experience and the experience of many people who experience this state testify that lucid dreams are unusually vivid, rich, pleasant and joyful. Most consider them to be one of the most wonderful experiences of their lives. But lucid dreaming would be delightful, if ultimately mediocre, entertainment if that were the only reason. Lucid dreaming, as evidenced by experienced people, can help improve the quality of waking life. The authors of numerous letters addressed to me at Stanford told how the knowledge and experience they gained in lucid dreams helped them to get more out of life. Although the basic principles of the theory and practice of lucid dreaming are in their early stages of development, as well as their systematic use as a method of psychological self-regulation, most people can safely apply what they know about this phenomenon to their own research. The exception is, apparently, only those who are not able to distinguish between the objective world and the fruits of their imagination. For the rest, the loss of a sense of distinction between sleep and wakefulness does not threaten. On the contrary, lucid dreams help you become more conscious.

The practice of lucid dreams. Lucid dreams, despite the large amount of literature and proposed methods, have remained for many only a dream. If you really want to be aware of yourself in a dream... Never ask the question to others or to yourself, "Will I be able to do this?". You need to think, know and feel only one thing - this reality. Awareness of oneself in a dream is a normal natural ability in the mental and astral world. That is, at other levels of consciousness.

Remember, if of course you yourself did not think about it, your childhood. Yes, we all woke up in a dream through one without any effort! Is the bike on the street? And I brought it into the house in the evening. All! This is a dream. Are half of the toys missing in the children's room? Now let's figure it out! "Bring it all back!" And here it is. Each of us in dreams had a magic wand instead of any of the fingers. I want-u-u-u in my childhood!

And why was everything there at once, but not now?

Because our surrounding world does not leave even a small space for "another reality". Neither for thoughts, nor for, especially, sensations of that - another awareness of reality - outside of our physical world. On the one hand, everything is simple, on the other, it is difficult.

Simply because everything is in our hands. It depends on us what we think about, what thoughts about events we cultivate in the mind, and which ones we block. Only our own effort should control our thoughts. But the outside world does it for us. And we have long since forgotten how to think for ourselves. Our thoughts are on the occasion of everyone and everything, but not for ourselves. This is the difficulty.

The practice of lucid dreaming primarily begins with attention control.

Awareness of oneself in a dream first of all requires CONTROL OF ATTENTION. And work on it must begin not in a dream and not for a dream to come. And in the afternoon. Everything we do during the day is repeated at night. Our reactions, both bodily and mental, how we react, fear, love, desire - everything repeats itself at night. In dreams. These are our patterns of behavior.

Learn to control your attention during the day, it will turn on in the same way in a dream. And at this very moment, you will be able to wake up inside the dream. Almost all the techniques that we will offer, at least the first stages, include daily tasks as well.

The second cornerstone of lucid dreaming is intention.

Your personal adamant desire to achieve the goal. And believe me, here to come up with a desire just to have it is a waste of time. You can't fool perception. Desire must live within. It must be real so that you feel how everything inside turns over from it, the air around becomes denser, the smells become aggravated. Do you understand? To "throw bridges" you need to have two banks. For this reason, in all OS techniques that we offer, there is an ANCHOR. The anchor is your real goal.

Before practicing lucid dreaming, you should think over the algorithm of actions after realizing yourself in a dream.

Why? Because when you "wake up" inside the dream, you will have to hold the entire area of ​​perception by your own efforts. And believe me, as soon as this happens, you will either fall asleep in a dream again or “fly out” of sleep and wake up. And in order for the lucid dream to continue, you will need to hold it with your own efforts.

Therefore, when you are going into a lucid dream, that is, decide that it is tonight that you are aware that you are in a dream, it is better to have an exact plan of your actions. What will you do next? And why did you need it?

OK. All this is talk. And for lucid dreams, the most important thing is practice!
The rules for co-dreaming are here.

Affirmations of prophetic dreams. AFFIRMATION RULES:

  1. Be clear about what kind of dream you want to see. It is not necessary to read more than one affirmation before going to bed.
  2. After you receive the answer in your dream, do not repeat the same affirmation earlier than a month later (unless otherwise indicated in the affirmation itself). If the affirmation had another effect, such as a healing dream or a journey, do not rush to repeat it right away either. The subconscious perceives everything new well, and what is repeated often has no power for perception.
  3. In the affirmations of dreams of the future, if you received an answer that is incomprehensible to you, put the question differently, formulate it clearly. The subconscious mind is the perfect mirror. A question the answer. Remember this.
  4. While reading affirmations, where it is required to present what is proposed, visualize people and objects, transfer yourself to the place in question, feel the state of which it is written. Thus you will create thought forms in your own mental world.
  5. Set an alarm for fifteen minutes before the time when you need to get up. Remembering a dream is easier without getting out of bed. If you get up, walk around, the motor skills of the legs, arms and so on will turn on, the body will “wake up”. And you will be completely awake.
  6. Don't eat at night. In general, it is better not to load your stomach 5 hours before bedtime. Otherwise, you will reduce the chances of having a lucid dream.
  7. Sleep time should be full. Only after several phases of sleep will the body rest, and the time of the fast phase will increase, which is necessary for a normal dream.
  8. If there are exceptional rules in any particular affirmation, they will be written about at the very beginning of the text.

By the way, affirmations containing incomprehensible expressions are not magic formulas, as some thought. These are phrases and sentences in the Austronesian language belonging to the group of the Malayo-Polynesian branch.

Affirmations of prophetic dreams 1 step. 1 STAGE (1)

1. Sleep affirmations « .

Letting go of accumulated stress. How to deal with stress? Affirmation causes sleep, which triggers a mechanism for relieving stress, including psychological traumas of the past, which still cause reactions in the body and at the physical level, manifesting in various diseases. First, on a subconscious level, and then consciously, the ability to withstand stress appears.

2. Affirmation of sleep ".

In a dream, you can see how your loved one or beloved treats you. This affirmation is for cases when a couple has been together for some time and you need to find out if the person is as sincere to you as he shows or says.

3. Sleep affirmation "".

You are starting a new business, investing money, your energy and wasting time. Does your project have a future? Whether to trust new partners? Or not succumb to persuasion? This is a projection into the future. You will be able to see the answer and a hint what or how you should do.

4. Sleep Affirmation

In difficult moments of life. Each person in a dream falls into a higher level of perception. While we sleep, we are simultaneously in the physical world and in more subtle worlds: astral, mental, casual. In difficult moments of life, turning to superpowers for help, we sometimes do not even suspect that we are looking for and receiving help from higher worlds that we “see” in dreams. This affirmation is a guide to the World of Spirit - to your World of Spirit. In your dream, you can get help to get out of a difficult life situation.

5. Sleep affirmation.

If you have an enemy that makes life unbearable and you are unable to resist him, with the help of this affirmation, through a dream, through actions in the mental world, get rid of the enemy. Then he will disappear from your life and will not be able to harm.

6. Sleep Affirmation

We are energized. How to restore strength and energy? Everyone already knows that a decline in energy, a decrease in the body's defenses are fraught with consequences. And, of course, everyone knows that you can recover in a dream. To make sleep not just a rest of the body from physical exertion, but also restore the energies of life force by “connecting” to the natural forces of the earth, use this affirmation.

7. Sleep Affirmation

The future of relationships with a loved one. Every person has the right to choose, and everyone has a destiny. What awaits in the future for you and your loved one? This question will be answered by your own superconsciousness.

8. Sleep Affirmation

How to enter someone else's dream? You can really enter someone else's dream. There is nothing dangerous or scary or forbidden in this. And there is no reprehensible either. In the mental world, we are all more open, sincere and courageous. Using this affirmation, you will enter the dream of whomever you wish. And if for some reason you don’t have the opportunity to find out if you had a dream, you will understand this by the person’s reaction. It is not easy to “erase” the impressions of such a dream.

9. Sleep affirmation.

This is an amazing dream-projection affirmation into the future. Each of us has an idea, however subtle, of our future in which we are happy. The action of this affirmation causes conscious projections of your future, gradually changing the world around you. It does not look like a trick - pocus and does not promise unreal magic. All oneironauts know, because they have been able to see, that the physical world is hard. It takes time to get something done. And at the same time, all oneironauts know that at first everything happens on the mental and astral planes, and only then - in the physical world. With this affirmation, you can create a projection and bring it into your life.

Dream Affirmations Level 2

Shared dreams:

3. Projection into the future "Pink flamingos". Affirmation.

4. Prophetic dreams about the future. A joint dream, the purpose of which is to see certain aspects of the future of your personal life or loved ones. Affirmation.

5. Affirmation can be used in cases where you need to learn a large amount of information or difficult to digest material.

6. Affirmation. For those who want to conceive a child.

Every day we spend time sleeping. Six o'clock, eight, and someone twelve. At this time, we imagine ourselves in the role of spectators who are watching a movie on the screen.

But what if you knew you were dreaming and could control what was happening?

Read this article to the end and you will receive a list of three specific actions that will allow you to regularly enter a new and amazing world for you.


Lucid dreaming is a state that cannot be described in words.

You can feel like an explorer of distant galaxies or a great seducer, before whom the most beautiful women reveal themselves.

Once in a dream, you can fly among the clouds, pass through walls or go down to the bottom of the ocean.

You can do anything, limited only by your imagination and feeling completely unpunished freedom of action.

At the same time, all your feelings and emotions will be absolutely natural, as in real life.

The practical benefit of this skill is that while in a lucid dream, you can directly receive information from your subconscious mind, as well as download the necessary settings into it. Treat your fears and phobias, lay suggestions for confidence and success.

I remember having a nightmare. I was running away from some terrible something, and it was chasing me with a wild growl. And suddenly I realized that I was dreaming. I stopped and turned around. Something also stopped. I asked him why he was chasing me. And something began to tell me why. So I solved one internal problem that haunted me.

Agree, the regular practice of lucid dreams is a good opportunity to clean up your head.


First. You need to keep the intention to learn this for several weeks. That's why think about lucid dreams as often as possible or read the relevant literature.

After all, it often happens that if we think about something all day or do some business, then this is exactly what we dream about.

The problem is that we quickly forget them.

That's why second what should be mentioned is dream diary.

Train yourself to write down your dreams. Both simple and conscious.

Put a notebook and a pen next to the bed, and every morning, waking up, without opening your eyes or moving, try to remember your dreams and then quickly write them down. This is how you form a habit.

You can use the voice recorder on your mobile device for these purposes.

Why is this necessary you ask?

Agree, it will be a shame to get into a lucid dream, and then it’s commonplace to forget about it.

Third an important element of the lucid dreaming technique is reality check.

Ask yourself regularly whether you are sleeping or awake now.

It may seem like a rare idiocy, but it works. The fact is that in a dream we often perform those actions that we are used to in reality.

For example, we habitually walk on the ground despite the fact that there are no obstacles to fly.

We habitually go through the door, although nothing prevents us from going through the wall.

There are several ways to check if you are dreaming or awake.

Pinch your nose with your fingers and close your mouth. If you can breathe while doing this, then you are in a dream.

You can even try breathing underwater.

Try to read something, look away and read again. If the inscription changes, it means you are sleeping.

The same can be done with the clock. Every time you look at them, the time will change.

Take a look at someone you know well. For example, to a friend or colleague. In a dream, his appearance may be unnaturally distorted. Or he may even have the appearance of another person.

The main thing is to do such checks as often as possible.

If you get used to asking yourself - is this not a dream, then sooner or later you will ask yourself this question in a dream.

Lucid dreaming is easiest to enter in the early morning. If you wake up, for example, at 5 am, stay awake for 10-15 minutes and go back to sleep, then over the next few hours you will wake up in the so-called micro-awakenings, which we use to turn on the other side or correct pillow.

But in no case should you do this.

Having caught the micro-awakening, try to mentally leave your body. No matter how absurd it may sound. Stand up, roll out or take off like in a movie.

Do not imagine, but just do it with a real feeling of the body, despite laziness and drowsiness, without moving a single muscle. Mentally move out of your body.

There may be several such attempts, just fall asleep and wait for the next awakening.

And so every time.

The final result of your actions should be the realization that yes, I am now dreaming and yes, I understand that I am dreaming!

Sooner or later you will be able to enter a lucid dream.

Someone can achieve this for several weeks, and someone will be able to look into a lucid dream today.


Now a few words about what mistakes can hinder your progress.

Mistake #1. Don't try to get into a lucid dream while falling asleep. That is, without losing consciousness, move from the phase of wakefulness to the phase of sleep. This is the most difficult way to realize yourself in a dream. It takes many years of intense practice to learn it.

Getting into a lucid dream after waking up or inside a dream is much easier.

Mistake #2. No action plan. Most novice practitioners do not immediately achieve results ... for one simple reason - they do not have a plan of action.

Therefore, decide in advance what exactly you will do, where you will go or what kind of person you will meet after you realize that you are dreaming.

Write this intention in your own hand, on a piece of paper, or in a dream diary.

Mistake #3. Using a variety of techniques. There are a lot of different ways to realize yourself in a dream on the Internet. And what do you think a novice practitioner does? Of course, he starts trying them all.

But a guaranteed entry into a state of awareness requires concentration on one, maximum two or three actions.

As a result, the beginner practitioner does not succeed. The result is a complete disappointment.

But happiness was so possible. You just had to focus your efforts on one simple technique, such as the one covered in this lesson.

That's why start practicing today. Be attentive to the points that I have covered today, and the result will not keep you waiting!

And after you have fully mastered the technique of lucid dreaming, you may wonder whether sleep and wakefulness are separate events or part of a continuum.

After all, doing something in a dream and doing it is actually almost the same thing, at least in terms of the activity of neurons in the brain.

So are you sure you're not sleeping?


The practice of lucid dreaming must be approached quite seriously and thoroughly. There are two main approaches to achieving lucid dreaming.

The first way to reach OS

Used in the beginning as a foundation for your practice in awareness, you should keep a dream diary near your bed and when you get up in the morning, write down all the dreams you can remember. By doing this, you focus your mind on dreams and may discover interesting dream themes and signs that may help your mind understand that it is dreaming.

Use reality tests, they work during your dreams, allowing you to understand that this is a dream, not reality. The theory is that if you regularly check to see if it is a dream during your normal daily life, then at night when you are sleeping, you will perform the same actions in the dream, and this will turn on awareness. The most popular mindfulness checks include trying to take off, pushing a finger through the palm of your hand, and checking that electrical switches are working properly (because they don't work properly in dreams).

In a lucid dream, your perception of the world around you would be even more different from your waking perception. First of all, you realize that this is all a dream. Because of this, the world around you is constantly changing to an even greater extent than in a normal dream. In a lucid dream, "impossible" things can happen, and the unreal circumstances of the dream, instead of disappearing, become more and more distinct and vivid, stunning you with their unusualness.

When you wake up in the morning, instead of turning over and falling asleep again, say to yourself mentally: “When I return to sleep, I will realize that I am dreaming.” Try to remember the dream you just had and imagine yourself being aware that you are dreaming when you re-enter the dream. You can even set your alarm for an hour before you normally wake up, get up for a short time, and then apply this technique.

Three direct techniques for entering a lucid dream will be described below. It is important to know that direct techniques are suitable for those who have already achieved a lucid dream and experienced the experience. IMPORTANT!! If you are a beginner and have never had a lucid dream before, then non-direct techniques for entering a lucid dream will be more suitable for you.

The second way to reach OS

Another technique is to go directly into a lucid dream from the waking state. The best time to try it is in the morning or in the morning after eating. Sit comfortably in bed or chair, close your eyes and relax. Softly focus on the colored images and shapes in front of your mind's eye. Allow yourself to almost fall asleep, keep your mind relaxed but aware of the images that are forming. This is a difficult method, but if you choose the right point of balance in this intermediate state, the images will suddenly become vivid and you will be able to step into a lucid dream in the world that you see in front of you.

Interrupted sleep method.

The most efficient login method. Everything is simple. In the evening we go to bed as usual, set the alarm clock two to three hours earlier before getting up. We wake up on an alarm clock, stay awake for a while and go to bed again, with the intention of getting into the OS.

Sleep time before interruption is selected individually, optimally six hours. The interval of wakefulness is also individual for everyone, it is important to “wake up” the consciousness and restore clarity of thinking, and the body should be ready to easily continue sleep. It will be enough for someone to wash and immediately lie down, for another to drink hot tea and lie down in forty minutes. It usually takes me 15-30 minutes to recover. If I'm not mistaken, LaBerge suggested a gap of about two hours.

Direct (controlled regulation of the state).

1. Method of concentration of attention on the physical body.
Falling asleep in the evening or after waking up, you need to relax as much as possible, lowering the attention that needs to be fixed on one thought: passive observation of the internal sensations of the body. Be sure to relax your eyes: we do not see the OS with them. As you drift further into the transitional state between wakefulness and sleep, listen to your body. The most effective is the observation (but not control!) of breathing, heartbeat, which often leads to the appearance of vibrations - this is a feeling of flickering of the energy body. If you have problems with insomnia, when you exhale, imagine (feel) how the air comes out of the spine. After a while, the picture of the dream should appear, but for success, you must first sacrifice part of the consciousness. You can also achieve the desired dream by visualizing the appropriate visual (and not only) images.

2. The position of the physical body in OS.
The optimal position is on the right side, you can cross your arms, and sometimes it is desirable (to increase awareness). Especially this situation accompanies the MVOS technique.

100% hit in the OS: lie on your back, bend your knees up, position your legs so that they do not fall. This method, although it always works, is difficult to maintain a stable position.

The world of lucid dreaming provides more opportunities than ordinary reality, in almost all of its manifestations, from the low to the sublime. You can, if you want, take a walk on a fun feast, fly to the stars or go on a journey to magical countries. You can also use lucid dreams to solve your problems, for example, for self-healing and self-development, or to comprehend the meaning of ancient teachings and the work of modern psychologists, who believe that lucid dreams can help you penetrate into the depths of your Self, that is, find out who you are in reality.

Lucid dreams have been known for a long time, but until now they were perceived as an exceptional and obscure phenomenon.

Scientific research has just begun to shed light on this unusual phenomenon - lucid dreaming. Recently, this area of ​​research has attracted attention outside of amateur circles, when it was found that, with appropriate training, people can learn to enter sleep when their consciousness is not completely turned off. Why is there so much interest in lucid dreaming? My personal experience and the experience of many people who experience this state testify that lucid dreams are unusually vivid, rich, pleasant and joyful. Most consider them to be one of the most wonderful experiences of their lives.

But lucid dreaming would be delightful, if ultimately mediocre, entertainment if that were the only reason.

Lucid dreaming, as people in the know say, can help improve the quality of waking life.

The existence of lucid dreams has been scientifically proven, but from time immemorial, reports of the transcendent possibilities of dreaming include astral travel - a state when the spirit freely roams the universe and beyond - dreaming together, encounters with spirit guides and other extraordinary experiences. But whatever happens to you, nothing can harm you, and we hope that you will enjoy the world created by your brain, like millions of others around the globe.

Strange, wonderful, and even impossible things regularly happen in a dream, but people usually do not realize that this is a dream. Usually doesn't mean always, and there are important exceptions to these rules. Sometimes sleepers clearly understand the reason for the bizarre events they are experiencing, and the result is lucid dreams like the ones above. Confident that the world they perceive is a figment of their own imagination, "lucid dreaming" can purposefully influence the content of their dreams.

Preparing for the practice of lucid dreaming is quite a lengthy process, do not expect lucid dreams to be possible in a couple of days. The main thing for acquiring such a skill as a lucid dream is to set yourself up in the right way, to focus your attention on the fact that the dream will be lucid.

However, the practice of lucid dreaming also requires special conditions. If a person had excessive fatigue before going to bed, if the rest was preceded by a hard and exhausting working day, then the dream will fly by in an instant and no plot will appear. This means that there will be no space for a lucid dream in which you can fulfill your desires, you will not even be able to understand that the past period of time was occupied by sleep. The practice of lucid dreaming requires a healthy and long sleep, lack of fatigue - then a person will be more tuned not to rest and recuperation, but to his behavior in a lucid dream.

Lucid dreams can be a unique life experience for each person. If a person learns to achieve a state of lucid dreaming, then he will be able to perform those actions that are not even physically possible in real life.


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