The story is that only a healthy nation has a future. "Healthy generation - healthy state" speech of school leaders at the round table. “What will your life be like? You decide!"

"IN healthy body a healthy mind ”- this proverb is known to each of us since childhood. But did everyone think about its meaning, because you value health only when it is. Do we always take care of our health, the health of our loved ones and friends?

When you are young, it seems to you that health will always be with you, but this is not so. Over the years, his condition will worsen, so it is important to protect him from a young age.

It appears that factors such as skills to overcome feelings of control and mastery of life's circumstances also come into play. The following table of basic premises and evidence provides an overview of what we know about how factors that influence health affect health. The source documents are: and Strategies for Public Health: Investing in the Health of Canadians.

Basic premises and evidence table

Health status improves with every increase in income and social hierarchy. High income determines living conditions such as secure housing and the ability to buy enough good food. Most healthy groups of the population are those who prosper and have an equitable distribution of wealth.

Those who do not worry about the state of their own health often give birth to sick children who have to endure suffering due to the previously admitted irresponsibility of parents. Any disease limits a person and the number of restrictions on activity depends on its severity of its development. But after all, it is people who have practically no restrictions who build the future of the nation. It is they, for the most part, who go to defend our Motherland, build houses, run the state. Of course, among people with certain diseases there are also enough masters of their craft, but if you can keep your health and the health of your children, why not do it?

Why are higher income and social status associated with better health? If we are talking about only about the poorest and lowest status groups with poor health, then this may be due to poor living conditions. But this effect takes place across the entire socio-economic spectrum. Significant research shows that key factors are the degree of control over life circumstances, especially stressful situations and their discretionary action. Higher income and status usually lead to more control and discretion.

Taking care of your own health starts with little things: monitoring personal hygiene, controlling stress and negative emotions, quitting smoking, drugs and alcohol. It is important to monitor nutrition, avoid frequent consumption of junk food and drinks, monitor the maintenance physical form prevent obesity. This is not hereditary or genetic, something that each of us can do, but if we neglect even such elementary rules, you can seriously shake your health and affect the condition of future children.

And the biological pathways for how this could happen are becoming better understood. A number of recent studies show that limited opportunities and poor coping skills increase vulnerability to a range of diseases through pathways that involve the immune and hormonal systems.

There is strong and growing evidence that higher social and economic status is associated with improved health. In fact, these two factors appear to be the most important determinants of health. Only 47% of Canadians in the lowest income group rate their health as very good or excellent, compared to 73% of Canadians in the highest income group. Low-income Canadians are more likely to die earlier and suffer from more diseases than higher-income Canadians, regardless of age, gender, race or location. At each stage of the income ladder, Canadians have fewer diseases, longer life expectancy and improved health. Research shows that the distribution of income in a given society may be a more important determinant of health than the total amount of income received by members of a society. Large gaps in income distribution lead to increased social problems and deteriorating health among the general population. A large British study of civil servants found that for most major categories of illness, health increases with job rank. All people in the study worked in jobs and all had a good standard of living and job security, so this was not an outcome that could be explained by physical risk, poverty, or material deprivation. For example, those who descend from the top have a four times higher incidence of heart disease than those at the top. Therefore, we must conclude that something associated with higher income social position and hierarchy, provides a buffer or protection against disease, or something about low income and status undermines the defense.

  • social status also associated with health.
  • Health increases with each increase in the hierarchy of work.
Support from families, friends and communities is associated with better health.

As for smoking and alcohol, these habits can harm not only yourself, but also others, because passive smoking is even more harmful than usual, and behavior in case of strong alcohol intoxication leaves much to be desired.

Composition Only a healthy nation has a future

In a healthy body healthy mind! And a person with a strong spirit is a powerful person, ready for new ideas, accomplishments and feats. And if the whole nation is healthy, inspired, then the people will have a wonderful, bright future.

Such networks social support can be very important in helping people solve problems and cope with adversity, and in maintaining a sense of mastery and control over life's circumstances. The care and respect that occurs in social relationships and the resulting sense of satisfaction and well-being seem to act as a buffer against health problems.

Evidence of investing in the health of Canadians: Some experts in the field have concluded that the impact social relations on health can be as important as established risk factors such as smoking, physical activity, obesity and high blood pressure.

It is necessary to develop the ability to live a healthy lifestyle from childhood. At first, these are ordinary outdoor games, walking in the yard, climbing on horizontal bars, running, jumping. If in children to support active physical games, provide the opportunity to visit swimming pools, sports sections, then the child will develop a love for sports from childhood. Such an active image will accompany him through life. Children always copy adults, so their parents will be the main example for them. Mom, dad go in for sports, children go in for sports, and this is already sport family which also sets an example for other families.

In an extensive study in California, it was found that for men and women, the more social contacts people have, the lower their premature mortality. Another US study found that low availability of emotional support and low levels of social engagement were associated with all-cause mortality. The risk of angina pectoris decreased with increasing levels of emotional support in a study of male Israeli civil servants. Health status improves with the level of education.

Education is closely linked to socioeconomic status, and effective education for children and lifelong learning for adults are major contributors to health and prosperity for individuals and countries. Education promotes health and prosperity by equipping people with the knowledge and skills to solve problems and helps provide a sense of control and mastery over life's circumstances. This increases opportunities for employment and income generation, as well as job satisfaction.

Our age is the age of technology. Various gadgets surround us everywhere. And once again a person chooses to surf the Internet than go out into the street. Children are more susceptible to this. They become sedentary, closed in themselves, narrowing their social circle. All this leads to an unhealthy physical and spiritual development. New technologies make life easier for people, but all good things should be in moderation.

And it improves people's ability to access and understand information to help stay healthy. Canadians since low level literacy rates are more likely to be unemployed and poor, suffer poorer and die earlier than highly literate Canadians. People with higher levels of education have better access to a healthy physical environment and are better able to prepare their children for school than people with lower levels of education. Evidence from investing in the health of Canadians.

People with primary education lose seven working days a year due to illness, injury or disability, while those with higher education lose less than four days a year. Unemployment, underemployment, stressful or unsafe work are associated with poor health.

healthy, proper nutrition- here is the key to good mood, lightness and beautiful body. Hamburgers, chips, pizzas, sodas, all this unhealthy and heavy food leads to overweight which leads to less desire to move.

Bad habits also need to be eradicated. Young people believe that drinking and smoking is fashionable, not thinking that they harm their health and their future children. And this example is often set by adults.

People who have more control over their working conditions and less stressful job demands, are healthier and often live longer than those who are subjected to more stressful or riskier work and activities. Data from the Second Canadian Health Report.

Employment has a significant impact on the physical, mental and social health of a person. Paid work provides not only money, but also a sense of identity and purpose, social contacts and opportunities for personal growth. When a person loses these benefits, the results can be devastating to both the health of the person and their family. The unemployed have a shortened life expectancy and suffer greatly more problems with health than people who have jobs. Working conditions can have a profound effect on people's health and emotional well-being. However, participation in the economy wages is only part of the picture. Many Canadians spend almost as much time on unpaid work as doing housework and caring for children or older relatives. When these two workloads are combined on a permanent basis and little or no support is offered, individual levels of stress and job satisfaction inevitably suffer. Reported stress levels at work follow the same pattern. Women between the ages of 20 and 24 were almost three times more likely to report high stress stress than the average Canadian worker. In a major review conducted World Organization health care, it has been found that high unemployment and economic instability in society cause serious problems mental health and have an adverse effect on physical health the unemployed, their families and their communities. The importance of social support also extends to the wider community.

The government of the country should make every effort to set people up for healthy lifestyle life. Create more sports events where competitions are held. Open sports sections, swimming pools. On TV show TV shows, advertisements calling for sports, the right way of life.

The health of the nation is in every person. And everyone must understand for himself that the health of the whole people is in his hands. Today dad took his child to sports section and tomorrow this child will call his friend.

Civic vitality refers to strength social networks in a community, region, province or country. This is reflected in the institutions, organizations, and informal practices that people create to share resources and create attachments with others. The array of values ​​and norms of society has a different impact on the health and well-being of individuals and populations. In addition, social stability, acceptance of diversity, safety, good working relationships, and close-knit communities provide a supportive society that reduces or avoids many potential risks to good health.

Now they are reading:

  • Only in labor is a man great composition

    Each of us from the very early childhood, dreams of doing the thing that he likes the most. When we grow up and become adults and independent people, we try to master some craft or profession,

    A healthy lifestyle can be seen as a broad description of the behavior of people in three interrelated aspects: individuals, individuals in their social environment, relationships between people and their social environment. Interventions to improve health through lifestyle choices can use integrated approaches that address health as a social or community issue. Social or community responses can add resources to an individual's repertoire of strategies to cope with change and promote health.

  • Composition-reasoning The role of knowledge in human life Grade 9

    Modern society progresses and develops. Now each of its members should have a certain, considerable knowledge in different areas science and life. Our knowledge should not only be deep,

  • Addressees of Lermontov's love lyrics essay 9, grade 10

    There were several women in Lermontov's life who left a mark both in his heart and in his works. It's just not clear how they thought he was ugly. expressive Brown eyes on a soulful face

    Domestic violence has a devastating impact on the health of women and children in both the short and long term. However, this national figure is still more than double what it was three decades ago. The physical environment is an important determinant of health.

    Personal hygiene practice and coping skills

    In the built environment, factors related to housing, indoor air quality, the design of communities and transportation systems can significantly affect our physical and psychological well-being. The prevalence of childhood asthma respiratory disease, which is highly sensitive to air pollutants, has increased dramatically over the past two decades, especially among age group 0 to. Air pollution, including exposure to secondary tobacco smoke has a significant relationship with health. A study in southern Ontario found a consistent relationship between hospitalizations for respiratory problems during the summer months and levels of sulfates and ozone in the air. However, it now appears that the risk from fine particles such as dust and carbon particles, which are by-products of burning fuels, may be even greater than the risks from pollutants such as ozone. In addition, studies show that the risk of lung cancer from second-hand smoke is greater than the risks from hazardous air pollutants from all regulated industrial emissions combined. Personal hygiene practices and coping skills are among the activities through which people can prevent disease and promote self-care, cope with problems and develop self-reliance, solve problems and make health-promoting choices.

  • The purpose of Mtsyri's escape (why, reasons for the escape) essay

    Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov is a unique Russian writer of the 19th century, who used different literary trends in his work. It is this use of currents that allows the modern reader to enjoy his literary heritage.

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    The famous work “To whom it is good to live in Rus'” Nekrasov Nikolai Alekseevich created a long fourteen years, from one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three to one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven. At this time, the poem itself was created,

1. Organization of the All-Russian Essay Competition in 2017
1.1. The founder of the All-Russian Essay Competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) is the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.
The Federal Operator of the Contest is the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Additional Professional Education "Academy for Advanced Training and Professional Retraining of Educators" (FGAOU DPO APK and PPRO).
The Federal Operator of the Contest provides organizational, technical and informational support for the Contest, including on a specially created electronic resource - the official website of the Contest -

1.2. To organize and conduct the Competition in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, regional operators must be identified. Information about those responsible for organizing and holding the regional stage of the Contest from the subject of the Russian Federation and their contact details must be transferred to the Federal Operator no later than April 15, 2017 (inclusive).

1.3. The holding of the regional stage of the HQS is regulated by the relevant Regulations developed on the basis of the Federal Regulations on HQS 2017.

1.4. The Regulations on the holding of the VKS 2017 regulate the holding of the regional and federal stages of the All-Russian Essay Competition. In accordance with the Regulations, the following dates for the regional and federal stages of the Contest are determined:
Regional stage: acceptance of applications and competitive works from students, evaluation of competitive works, determination of winners and submission of winning works to the federal stage - until October 15, 2017 (inclusive);
Federal stage: acceptance of works-winners of the regional stage - until October 15 (inclusive); evaluation of competitive works and determination of the winners of the Competition - until October 25, 2017; announcement of the results of the Contest and awarding the winners of the federal stage of the Contest at a solemn event in Moscow - November 2, 2017

1.5. Executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage education (regional videoconferencing operators) have the right to hold school (on the basis of an educational organization) and municipal stages within the framework of the regional stage of the Competition. Carrying out these stages is not a prerequisite for the Contest and remains at the discretion of the regional operator.
In the event of a decision to hold a school (on the basis of an educational organization) and a municipal stage of the Competition in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the relevant terms and rules must be included in the regional Regulations on HQS.

1.6. The start date of the regional stage is set by the regional operator of the Contest independently. The dates of the school (on the basis of an educational organization) and municipal stages of the Competition are determined depending on the announcement of the start date of the regional stage.

1.7. School (on the basis of an educational organization), municipal and regional stages of the Competition can be organized during vacation time, including as part of camp activities.

1.8. At the stage of preparation for the Competition, it is recommended to hold thematic seminars, webinars, short-term advanced training courses in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, involving, in particular, an analysis of the problems and achievements of previous competitions, acquaintance with the works of the winners of the HQS 2015 and 2016, studying the effective experience of teaching support for students - VKS participants.

2. Procedure for holding the Competition and requirements for competitive works

2.1. The participants of the Competition are students of state, municipal and private general education organizations, students of secondary vocational education organizations implementing general education programs of the Russian Federation, including children with disabilities and students with disabilities.
There are 4 age groups among the participants of the Competition:
1 age group - students of 4 - 6 grades;
2 age group - students of 7 - 9 grades;
3 age group - students of 10-11 grades;
4 age group - students of organizations of secondary vocational education.

2.2. Participation in the Competition is voluntary.
2.3. The working language of the Competition is Russian.
2.4. Each participant has the right to submit to the Competition one job. Participants of the Competition perform the work independently in Russian in prose, poetic texts are not considered.
2.5. The competitive work must be a handwritten text (with the exception of works whose authors are students with disabilities who have difficulties associated with writing) and be made on an approved form with the HQS logo.

2.6. Entries eligible for the competition in volume:
4 - 6 grade - 1-3 pages;
7 - 9 grade - 3 - 4 pages;
10 - 11 grade and students of secondary vocational education organizations - 4 - 6 pages of handwritten text.
A slight change in the set volume in the direction of decrease or increase is allowed.
2.7. Jury members are not allowed to evaluate works that have a lot of blots, strikethroughs, traces of dirt and mechanical impact.
2.8. Illustrating competitive works by the author is not prohibited.
2.9. Specialists responsible for the preparation and holding of the Contest in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, by May 31, 2017, must send a letter confirming the participation of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the Contest to the Federal Operator of the Contest.
2.10. In the case of a school (on the basis of an educational organization) and municipal stages of the Competition in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the regional Regulations on the Competition may establish quotas for the provision of work by districts and urban districts. The grounds for calculating the quota can be: - the number of students included in the age groups of participants in the Competition; - the results of the municipal and regional stages of the 2016 videoconferencing.
2.11. At the regional level, recommendations should be prepared for specialists and teaching staff on the selection for participation in the Competition of students belonging to the age groups of the Competition. The priorities in the selection should be: the student's desire to participate in the Competition, the student's inclination and ability for literary creativity, the student's ability to participate in the Competition within the time limits specified by the Regulations.
2.12. Each student who wishes to take part in the Competition, with the help of a teacher who provides pedagogical support for participants in the All-Russian Essay Competition, must prepare a registration application. (Appendix 3. Organizational and technical documentation of the HQS)
2.13. After the end and summing up the results of the regional stage of the Competition in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, 4 winners are selected from the works that took the first lines of the rating lists (1 work from each age group of participants). These works receive the right to participate in the federal stage of the Competition.
If there is no winning work from one of the age groups defined by the Regulations in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, it cannot be replaced by the work of a participant from another age group, i.e. the total number of works received at the federal stage from the subject of the Russian Federation will be less.
2.14. In the case of a school (on the basis of an educational organization) and municipal stages of the Competition in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the number of winning works transferred to the next stage of the Competition is determined by the regional Regulations on the Competition.
2.15. On the website of the federal stage of the Contest in the personal account, the regional operator places:
1. Competitive work in scanned form (in PDF format, BW image type, resolution 600 dpi, no more than 3 MB), handwritten on a form with the Competition logo;
2. Competitive work in the form of a text file (in Microsoft Word format, font size 14, line spacing 1.5);
3. Application for participation in the Competition (Appendix 3. Organizational and technical documentation of the HQS).
4. Cover sheet for the transfer of winning works to the federal stage of the Competition (Appendix 3. Organizational and technical documentation of the HQS).
2.16. Before posting on the Competition website, the following checks must be carried out:
- the text of the competitive work for plagiarism;
- a text file for errors and typos (unfortunately, last year's experience showed that typing errors and typos are made, which are absent in the handwritten version of the work);
- the reliability of the contact information specified in the application (telephones and e-mail addresses of the participant and the teacher providing pedagogical support, as well as the home address of the participant with an index). Errors in contact information or the provision of false information seriously impede later, in particular, the receipt of diplomas and gifts by the winners of the Competition.

2.17. Competitive works are posted on the website of the federal stage of the Competition until October 15, 2017 (inclusive). Works submitted to the federal stage of the Contest in violation of the deadlines are not subject to consideration.
3. Thematic areas of the All-Russian essay competition in 2017
3. 1. The Regulations on the All-Russian Essay Competition 2017 approved the following thematic areas:
1). October 1917 in Russian literature and cinema;
2). Tidy up your planet;
3). It is in labor, and only in labor, that man is great;
4). Only healthy nation there is a future;
5) Art is the mediator of what cannot be expressed;
6). Anniversaries of Russian writers;
7) Past, present and future of my small homeland.

3.2. Thematic direction "October 1917 in Russian literature and cinema" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution and involves the author's assessment and interpretation of the reflection of this historical event in Russian literature and cinema. This direction does not involve writing essays about the revolution in general, discussions about the fate of Russia outside the literary and cinematic context. Works with similar content will be recognized as not corresponding to the subject of the Contest. The works of art and films involved in the analysis should not be recounted, but analyzed.

3.3. Thematic direction "Get your planet in order" is dedicated to the year of ecology in Russia and involves writing essays on the issues of preserving natural heritage, combating environmental pollution, developing and preserving specially protected natural areas, introducing efficient resource- and energy-saving environmental technologies, and using environmentally friendly modes of transport. Works can be written using historical and local history material, works of fiction and popular science literature and feature films. The works of art and films involved in the analysis should not be recounted, but analyzed.

3.4. Thematic direction “It is in labor, and only in labor, that a man is great” involves the writing of works devoted to labor dynasties, problems of choosing a profession, volunteer activities of children's and youth organizations. Works can be written using historical, biographical and local history and literary material, films. The works of art and films involved in the analysis should not be recounted, but analyzed.

3.5. Thematic direction "Only a healthy nation has a future" involves writing essays on healthy lifestyles, HIV prevention, the activities of Russian and world health organizations, health education, and donation. Works can be written using historical, biographical and local history material, works of fiction and films. The works of art and films involved in the analysis should not be recounted, but analyzed.

3.6. Thematic direction "Art is the medium of that which cannot be expressed" involves writing essays on the role of art in human life, impressions from meeting with works of art, popularizing art among children and youth. Works can be written using historical, biographical, literary and local history material, films. The works of art and films involved in the analysis should not be recounted, but analyzed.

3.7. Thematic direction "Anniversaries of Russian Writers" involves writing essays dedicated to the life and work of Russian writers and poets: Alexei Konstantinovich Tolstoy (200th birthday), Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev (150th birthday), Konstantin Dmitrievich Balmont (150th birthday), Maximilian Aleksandrovich Voloshin (140th birthday), Igor Severyanin (Igor Vasilyevich Lotarev) (130th birthday), Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak (130th birthday), Valentin Petrovich Kataev (120th birthday), Dmitry Borisovich Kedrin (110th birthday), Varlam Tikhonovich Shalamov (110th birthday), Zoya Ivanovna Voskresenskaya (110th birthday), Arseny Aleksandrovich Tarkovsky (110th birthday), Lev Ivanovich Oshanin (100th birthday), Ilya Mikhailovich Lavrov (100th birthday), Yuri Pavlovich Kazakov (90th birthday), Alexander Valentinovich Vampilov (80th birthday), Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin (80th birthday), Bella Akhatovna Akhmadulina (80th birthday), Andrei Georgievich Bitov (80th birthday), Vladimir Semenovich Makanin (80th birthday), Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky (80th birthday). Works can be written using historical, memoir, biographical, literary and local history material, contain an assessment and interpretation of the works of these authors. The works of art involved in the analysis should not be recounted, but analyzed. Works devoted to the biography and work of other Russian writers and poets will be considered as not corresponding to the thematic areas of the Competition.

3.8. Thematic direction "Past, present and future of my small homeland" involves writing essays devoted to reflections on the contribution of a person to the development of their small homeland, the natural and cultural attractions of the region, the memory of historical events in the region, the natives of the region, who have gained all-Russian and world fame in various fields. Works can be written using historical, biographical, literary and local history material, works of cinematography. The works of art involved in the analysis should not be recounted, but analyzed.

3.9. The participant of the Competition chooses the thematic direction independently. When choosing a thematic direction, the participant of the Competition can seek help from family members and a teacher who provides pedagogical support to the participant of the Competition. The choice of thematic direction is recommended to be made taking into account regional specifics.
4. The specifics of the genres of competitive works and the formulation of the theme of the competitive work
4.1. Regulations on the All-Russian Essay Competition define the following genres of competitive works: story, fairy tale, letter, correspondence tour, essay, word, essay, review.
4.2. The contestant determines the genre of the composition independently. The teacher who provides pedagogical support to the participant of the Competition can provide him with advisory assistance in determining the genre.
4.3. When assisting in choosing the genre of an essay and determining the genre of the competitive work, it is recommended that the teacher providing pedagogical support to the participant of the Competition take into account:
- the age of the participant. An analysis of the competitive works of past years shows that students in grades 4-5 are not able to claim success in a genre, for example, an essay;
- The content of the work. Often, works whose genre is designated as "essay" have a pronounced plot or informational content and are more likely stories or essays; "fairy tales" are devoid of orientation towards fantastic fiction; "letter" is only formally addressed to a certain addressee, and its main content does not support this appeal in any way;
-stylistic and artistic features of the work. So, for example, the genre of "words" requires the use of rhetorical devices that are characteristic of oratory, an essay - an image of impressions, reflections and associations.
4.4. Errors in determining the genre affiliation lead to a significant decrease in the overall assessment of the competitive work.
4.5. In some cases, it is possible to individually determine the genre of the competitive work, for example, “tale”, “tale”. According to the experience of past years, such cases are rare, but, as a rule, deviations from the given genre frameworks in these individual cases were justified.
4.6. The participant of the Competition formulates the theme of the competition work independently, depending on the chosen thematic direction, genre and content of his work.
4.7. When assisting in the choice of the wording of the topic of the essay, the teacher providing pedagogical support to the participant of the Competition is recommended to take into account the relevant evaluation criteria: relevance, independence, originality, adequacy of the content.
4.8. It is not recommended to use the wording of the thematic direction as a topic (as it happened in some cases in previous years), since this blurs the boundaries of the content of the essay, and also lowers the overall assessment of the competitive work (according to the indicator “Formulation of the topic of the essay (relevance, independence, originality, adequacy of the content )).
5. Indicators according to the criteria for evaluating competitive works and the methodology for evaluating competitive works

5.1. Based on the goals and objectives of the Competition, thematic areas and the definition of the genre specifics of competitive works, criteria for evaluating essays participating in the Competition have been developed.
1. Compliance of the essay with the thematic areas of the Competition, the content and wording of the theme of the essay;
2. Compliance with the characteristics of the chosen genre in writing;
3. Composition of an essay;
4. Expression in the composition of the author's position;
5. Artistic originality and speech design of the composition;

6. Literacy of the essay.
At the federal stage of the Competition, the criterion "General reader's perception of the text of the essay" is added - an additional variable score (at the discretion of the jury member).
5.2. Correspondence of the essay to the thematic areas of the Competition, the content and wording of the theme of the essay. The criterion allows you to identify and evaluate the degree of understanding by the participant of the subject of the competition, the ability to create a text on a specific topic, to reflect in a given thematic field, knowledge of literary material included in the subject of the Competition; originality of the author's approach to creating an essay in the context of given thematic directions, correlation with a given thematic direction, adequacy to historical-literary or literary material, correspondence between the topic and content.
Compliance with the characteristics of the chosen genre in the composition. The criterion allows you to identify and evaluate the degree of knowledge of the participant in the field of genre features of texts, the ability to create their own text based on the characteristic features of the genre, understanding the interdependence of the content and genre of the text, the validity of choosing one or another genre to express their own communicative intention.
The composition of the essay. The criterion makes it possible to identify and evaluate the compositional qualities of the essay, the author's skills in the field of constructing a coherent written text: the presence and integrity of the composition, the presence of distinguishable compositional elements, the logic of their location and proportionality relative to each other, the compliance of the composition with the chosen genre and the logic of the development of thought.
Expression in the composition of the author's position. The criterion allows you to identify and evaluate the presence in the essay of the original author's component, which brings originality, individuality to the text and enhances its impact on the reader. The criterion makes it possible to identify and evaluate the level of manifestation of the author's "I" in the competitive work, the embodiment in the work of one's own reader and human position, the moral and ethical attitudes of the author, the correlation of the content of the work with personal intellectual and emotional and aesthetic experience, the depth of perception, the ability to personal interpretation of artistic material.
Artistic originality and speech design of the composition. The criterion allows you to evaluate the creative and linguistic component of the work. Artistry can be achieved by using various stylistic devices, figurative and expressive means of the language (tropes and stylistic figures), richness and variety of vocabulary, skillful use of various syntactic constructions and stylization techniques.
Writing literacy. The criterion allows assessing the general level of literacy of the participant of the Competition, his knowledge in the field of the normative aspect of the Russian language and knowledge of spelling, punctuation, grammatical and speech norms.
General reader's perception of the text of the essay. Additional (variable) score (maximum value - 6 points). Exhibited by members of the jury of the federal stage of the Competition. An additional point can be obtained by a participant of the Competition if the text of the essay made a vivid impression on the reader due to some of its qualities that cannot be assessed in accordance with the established criteria listed above.
5.3. The evaluation indicators according to the criteria and their expression in points are presented in the table. The maximum score for each indicator is 3. The total amount of points given by one member of the jury for one competitive work at the regional stage of the Competition cannot exceed 75 points. The total amount of points assigned by one expert for one competitive work at the federal stage of the Competition cannot exceed 80 points.