Family status. The concept of family social status, types and meaning

Social status is a combination of the individual characteristics of family members with its structural and functional parameters. At the same time, among the individual characteristics of family members, socio-demographic, physiological, psychological, pathological habits of adults and developmental characteristics of the child (age, interests, abilities, behavioral deviations, pathological habits, speech and mental disorders, level of intellectual, mental and physical development) should be mentioned. in accordance with the child’s age, success of communication and learning, etc.).

Scientists have shown that a family can have at least 4 statuses:

  • - socio-economic,
  • - socio-psychological
  • - sociocultural,
  • - situational role-playing.

Family structural characteristics:

  • * presence of marriage partners (full-time, formally full-time, incomplete);
  • * stage of the family life cycle (young, mature, elderly);
  • * procedure for marriage (primary, repeated);
  • * number of generations in the family (one or several generations);
  • * number of children (large, small).

Social status of the family as a criterion for classifying families

A modern monogamous family can have several types, which differ from each other according to certain criteria:

  • 1. According to the kinship structure, a family can be nuclear (married couple with children) and extended (married couple with children and any of the husband’s or wife’s relatives living with them in the same household).
  • 2. By the number of children: childless (infertile), one-child, small, large family.
  • 3. By structure: with one married couple with or without children; with one married couple with or without children, with one of the spouses’ parents and other relatives; with two or more married couples with or without children, with or without one of the spouses’ parents and other relatives; with mother (father) with children; with mother (father) with children, with one of the parents and other relatives; other families.
  • 4. By composition: single-parent family, separate, simple (nuclear), complex (family of several generations), large family.
  • 5. Geographically: urban, rural, remote family (living in hard-to-reach areas and in the Far North).
  • 6. By homogeneity of social composition: socially homogeneous (homogeneous) families (spouses have a similar level of education and the nature of their professional activities); heterogeneous (heterogeneous) families: unite people of different levels of education and professional orientation.
  • 7. According to family history: newlyweds; a young family expecting a child; family of middle married age; older marital age; elderly couples.
  • 8. Based on the type of leading needs, the satisfaction of which determines the characteristics of the social behavior of members of a family group, families with a “physiological” or “naive consumer” type of consumption (mainly food-oriented); families with an “intellectual” type of consumption.
  • 9. By the nature of leisure activities: open families (focused on communication and the cultural industry) and closed families (focused on intra-family leisure).
  • 10. By the nature of the distribution of household duties: traditional families (duties are mainly performed by a woman) and collectivist (duties are performed jointly or in turn).

1. List the persons involved in this situation::

a) direct participants;

Direct participants include: husband, wife, as well as a sales assistant from this store.

b) those who could influence the decision making

Such people should include all direct participants, as well as any friends or relatives with whom a dialogue could be conducted by telephone.

2. What social factors could influence the selection process and the decision to abandon the purchase?

Factors that could influence the decision:

  • -Economic. It includes both the economic factor of the family itself (availability of the required funds, etc.), and the economic situation in the country (for example, at the moment, due to sanctions and, as a result, the growth of the dollar and the euro, the price of a large number of goods have increased, even if they were produced in Russia). Also here, as a consequence, one can still single out the desire to buy cheaper, at too high a cost.
  • -Market. The presence of a similar product, at a possibly lower price or a better price-quality ratio.
  • - The quality of the product itself, in this case the sofa.
  • -The quality of the work of the store employee, or rather his professionalism and approach to the buyer.
  • -Personal. Various emotional and psychological factors, ranging from poor health and mood, up to simple disinterest or bias towards this product.
  • 3. By what criteria would you determine the social status of this married couple?

The approximate social status of this couple can be determined by the following features:

  • -Clothes and accessories. Its quality, style, grooming, the quality of accessories, the presence of precious stones in them.
  • -Age. And also a possible age difference between them.
  • -Manner of communication. Use of slang, curse words, construction of phrases.
  • -Relationships between each other. How do they stay together?
  • -Perhaps it is possible to determine whether there is a car, and if so, what kind.
  • -Appearance. Face, well-groomed. Overweight.

Together, by all these signs, one can try to determine the social status of the couple.

4. On what basis would you determine the distribution of social roles between spouses?

The distribution of social roles between spouses can be determined by a number of features:

  • -Communication with each other. It is usually clear from the conversation who is, for example, more important.
  • -By communication with the seller.
  • -Age, or rather a possible age difference.
  • -Who pays. Often these are also visible.
  • -Who made the final decision?
  • 5. Which of these signs could be clearly present (obvious) in the situation described?

In this situation, of course, one of the first visual signs is clothing and accessories. By the way the spouses are dressed, one can make assumptions about their financial sufficiency; neatness in clothing also strongly characterizes people. For example, dramatic differences in clothing between spouses can also say a lot about the division of roles. The age of the spouses, if the spouses have a Slavic appearance, then determining the approximate age will not be particularly difficult. Their manner of communication with the seller, as well as with each other, is also a fairly obvious sign. Who made the decision is, of course, also visible. Having a car or identifying the spouse who pays are signs that may exist, but recognizing them is a little problematic. The first depends on a number of factors, such as the location of the store and parking lot, to the person’s habit of keeping the keys in a certain place. Secondly, due to the fact that the purchase was not completed, for this reason it can be problematic to find out exactly who would pay.

6. How could the social status of the spouses influence the choice of a sofa and the refusal to buy it?

spouse's social status

There are many options:

  • -Price of the sofa. It could be too cheap or too expensive for this couple.
  • -Level of the store, or rather correspondence to the status of the couple.
  • - Availability of the necessary transport for transportation, or money to pay for this transport.

All these options are based on the social status of the spouses.

7. How could the role relationships between spouses influence the choice of a sofa and the decision not to buy it?

It depends on who is in charge in the pair. And if he... If there is an authoritarian leader, then he will make the decision in any case. If the relationship is built on democratic and joint decisions, then this means a final negative attitude towards this sofa on both sides.

  • 8. In sociology, as you know, the family is considered, on the one hand, as a social institution and, on the other hand, as a small group.
  • 1. Indicate the signs in which the family manifests itself:
    • a) as an institution; From the point of view of institutions, the family is a formal institution. All the main essential features of institutions (of which there are 4) can, to a greater or lesser extent, be signs of the family as an institution.
    • b) as a small group.

On the part of groups, the family belongs to a small group and three main distinctive features (membership, identity, method of interaction) are also inherent in it.

2. Give examples (perhaps from observations in your family) of the distribution of family roles.

In the family there are socio-demographic roles, generalized with a number of stereotypes - husband, wife, daughter, etc. So are interpersonal ones. It is the interpersonal roles in the family that are decisive. For example, in my family, the head was the grandmother, now the roles have changed and now she has a different role. But previously, all major decisions, financial control, all this was in her department. Although he usually believes that the father is the head of the family, according to stereotypes. In fact, everything can be much more diverse.

3. Try to show the conditionality of role behavior in the family by institutional norms. Justify your answer.

Institutional norms can be both formal and informal. Unlike conventional norms, these norms are often the result of many years of work. In an institution such as a family, they will be very much based on the traditions and customs of a particular family, and also take into account the experience of previous generations. Of course, they will not be recorded anywhere. And in general terms, these norms will be similar to other institutions - families, but each will have its own individual institutional norms. But some of the roles are basic, and they will most likely be present in any family, such roles as: the head of the family, the person who decides almost all issues, the main breadwinner, often part-time head of the family, the keeper of the hearth, the one who looks after the house and children, Most often this role is assigned to the mother. Similar roles but with different names can be found in any institute.

News and society

Family social status: what is it?

The family is a rather complex social entity. Sociologists are accustomed to viewing it as a system of close relationships between individual members of society, who are bound by responsibility, marriage and family relations, and social necessity.

What is the social status of the family?

The problem of adaptation of families in society is extremely acute for sociologists who study this issue. One of the main factors in the socialization of a married couple is the social status of the family.

The main characteristics when considering social status are the material capabilities of members of society united by marriage, the presence of common responsibility, and educational obligations. There are also potential risk factors that increase the likelihood of losing acquired status. Thus, the breakdown of marital relationships most often leads to a deterioration in parent-child ties. Remarriage can, to a certain extent, eliminate these negative trends.

Families, the composition of which has a complex structure, create favorable conditions for the formation of a diverse picture of interaction between individuals, which opens up greater opportunities for the socialization of the younger generation. However, highlighting the negative aspects of such a family formation, one can note the presence of discomfort when it is necessary to live together for several generations. What makes the situation worse in this case is the lack of personal space and space for forming an independent opinion.

Functional structure

What does the social status of a family mean? Its formation is largely influenced by the performance of certain functions by a given public entity. Among the main functions of the family are the following:

  1. Reproductive - procreation, reproduction in the biological sense.
  2. Educational - spiritual development of offspring. The formation of a marital relationship allows not only to create conditions for the birth and upbringing of a child. The presence of a certain atmosphere in the house affects the formation of the personality of children, and sometimes affects a person throughout his life.
  3. Household and household functions are the most important function on which the social status of the family depends. It consists of the ability to maintain the physical condition of relatives and care for immature or elderly persons.
  4. Material - determined by the ability of family members to provide mutual support financially.

Video on the topic

Normal families

When considering the social status of the family, types of statuses, first of all you should look at the concept of a normal family. However, the idea of ​​it is rather conventional and does not have a clear framework. Families are considered normal if they are able to ensure their own well-being at a minimally sufficient level, create healthy conditions for the socialization of the child, and take care of the protection of relatives and friends.

Prosperous families

Despite the definition itself, persons who secure this social status of the family experience certain difficulties. As common problems here, it is worth highlighting the presence of conflicts and contradictions, which manifest themselves in connection with the transition to a new level in society and the influence of gradually changing living conditions.

What prevents a family from acquiring such a social status is an excessive desire to help relatives living separately, the formation of an atmosphere of excessive guardianship, or an overly lenient attitude towards loved ones.

Problem families

It is also worth paying attention to the so-called dysfunctional families, considering the social status of the family. What are the problem structures?

The very definition of social status indicates the presence of difficulties not only in relationships between loved ones, but also in the search for individuals to find their own place in society. Psychological troubles usually arise here due to the unsatisfaction of the needs of several or one family member.

A common problem in dysfunctional families is the presence of unhealthy relationships between the couple or parents and child. Living in dysfunctional, problematic families, children have to look for ways to overcome various psychological difficulties.

Family social status in the questionnaire

This often leads to the formation of psychogenic deviations, which later manifest themselves in emotional rejection of the environment and poor development of parental feelings.

Antisocial families

If we talk about the social status of the family, types of statuses, one cannot help but highlight such a common phenomenon as an asocial family. This is where the interaction between individuals is most complex.

Formations in which spouses are inclined to lead a permissive or immoral lifestyle can be called asocial. As for living conditions, in this case they do not meet the basic requirements of hygiene and sanitation. As a rule, raising children is left to chance. The younger generation is often subjected to moral and physical violence and experiences developmental delays.

Most often, this category includes persons who have the social status of a large family. The main factor that leads to the formation of such a negative environment is low material security.

At-risk groups

In families with normal or prosperous social status, periods of decline often occur, which could potentially lead to a transition to a lower level of socialization. The main risk groups include:

  1. Destructive families are characterized by frequent occurrence of conflict situations, lack of desire to form an emotional connection, separative behavior of spouses, and the presence of complex conflicts between parents and child.
  2. Single-parent families - the absence of one of the parents leads to incorrect self-determination of the child and a decrease in the diversity of family relationships.
  3. Rigid families - the dominance of one individual is clearly manifested, which leaves an imprint on the family life of all related persons.
  4. Broken families - maintaining family contacts when spouses live separately. Such relationships leave a strong emotional connection between relatives, but at the same time lead to some loss of the parents’ own role.

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Return back to Social status

Of all the problems facing a modern family, the most important for a social educator is the problem of family adaptation in society. The main characteristic of the adaptation process is social status, i.e. the state of the family in the process of its adaptation to society.

Consideration of the family as an integral systemic entity in the process of social adaptation involves the analysis of a number of its structural and functional characteristics, as well as the analysis of the individual characteristics of family members.

The following structural characteristics of the family are important for a social educator:

Presence of marriage partners (full-time, formally full-time, incomplete);
stage of the family life cycle (young, mature, elderly);
procedure for marriage (primary, repeated);
number of generations in the family (one or several generations);
number of children (large, small).

The listed characteristics contain both the resource capabilities of the family (material, educational, etc.) and potential social risk factors. For example, remarriage replenishes lost marital and child-parent ties, but can cause negative trends in the psychological climate of the family and in raising children; the complex composition of the family, on the one hand, creates a more diverse picture of role interactions, which means a wider field of socialization for the child, on the other hand, in conditions of housing shortages, the forced cohabitation of several generations can cause increased conflict in the family, etc.

In addition to the structural and functional characteristics that reflect the state of the family as a whole, the individual characteristics of its members are also important for social and pedagogical activities. These include socio-demographic, physiological, psychological, pathological habits of adult family members, as well as the characteristics of the child: age, level of physical, mental, speech development in accordance with the child’s age; interests, abilities; the educational institution he attends; successful communication and learning; the presence of behavioral deviations, pathological habits, speech and mental disorders.

The combination of the individual characteristics of family members with its structural and functional parameters develops into a complex characteristic - the status of the family.

Scientists have shown that a family can have at least 4 statuses:

- socio-economic,
- socio-psychological,

- sociocultural,
- situational role-playing.

The listed statuses characterize the state of the family, its position in a certain sphere of life at a specific point in time, that is, they represent a snapshot of a certain state of the family in the continuous process of its adaptation in society.

The first component of a family's social adaptation is the family's financial situation. To assess the material well-being of a family, which consists of monetary and property security, several quantitative and qualitative criteria are needed: the level of family income, its living conditions, the subject environment, as well as the socio-demographic characteristics of its members, which constitute the socio-economic status of the family.

If the level of family income, as well as the quality of housing conditions, is below established standards (the cost of living, etc.), as a result of which the family cannot satisfy the most basic needs for food, clothing, and payment for housing, then such a family is considered poor, its socio-economic status - low.

If the family’s material well-being corresponds to minimum social standards, that is, the family copes with meeting the basic needs of life support, but experiences a shortage of material resources to satisfy leisure, educational and other social needs, then such a family is considered low-income, its socio-economic status is average.

A high level of income and quality of housing conditions (2 or more times higher than social norms), which allows not only to satisfy basic life support needs, but also to use various types of services, indicates that the family is financially secure and has a high socio-economic status.

The second component of a family’s social adaptation is its psychological climate - a more or less stable emotional mood that develops as a result of the moods of family members, their emotional experiences, relationships with each other, with other people, with work, and with surrounding events.

What is the financial situation of the family to characterize?

In order to know and be able to assess the state of the psychological climate of the family, or in other words its socio-psychological status, it is advisable to divide all relationships into separate spheres according to the principle of the subjects involved: marital, child-parent and relationships with the immediate environment.

The following indicators of the state of the psychological climate of the family are distinguished: the degree of emotional comfort, the level of anxiety, the degree of mutual understanding, respect, support, assistance, empathy and mutual influence; place of leisure (within or outside the family), openness of the family in relationships with its immediate environment.

Relationships built on the principles of equality and cooperation, respect for individual rights, characterized by mutual affection, emotional closeness, and satisfaction of each family member with the quality of these relationships are considered favorable; in this case, the socio-psychological status of the family is assessed as high.

Social status

The family is one of the main agents that has a significant influence on all aspects of the child, including the characteristics of his socialization. Most of the experience of living in a family acquired by children passes to the subconscious level and determines its further formation as a subject of its own life.

In the activities of the kindergarten, cooperation is built taking into account the fact that the socialization of the child is carried out primarily in the family, which is the main conductor of knowledge, values, and relationships. The kindergarten team sees the solution to this problem in the search and implementation of new and modern forms of cooperation. Parents have the right to be present during the organization of direct educational activities, to help in organizing and conducting events and routine moments, and to be with their children during the adaptation period. Teachers organize work with a group of parents: hold meetings, consultations, advisory classes, round tables, open days, promotions, organize joint activities with parents, conduct visual and propaganda work (design thematic stands, photo exhibitions, etc.).

The primary task in the work of specialists from MBDOU No. 50 “Ləsən” is to obtain information about the family (its structure, moral and psychological climate, characteristics of intra-family communication and relationships, the presence of risk factors, causes of conflicts, crisis situations). The strategy and effectiveness of the assistance provided depend on the degree of its completeness and reliability.

Our experience in this area allows us to identify the following types of families that need different types of assistance:

- single-parent family;

- the large family;

- family with addictions;

- conflict family.

The teaching staff pays great attention to studying the contingent of parents on the basis of social passports and questionnaires, as a result of which the following results were obtained:

Number of families 266/100% Of these, workers 98/36,8%
Of these boys 139/ 52,3% employees 133/50%
Of these girls 127/ 47,7% entrepreneurs 35/13,2%
Complete families 239/ 89,9% pensioners
Single-parent families 27/10,1% unemployed housewives 44/16,7% —
Large families 13/4,9% have higher education 193/72,6%
Disabled parents incomplete higher education 8/3%
Disabled children 1/0,4% specialized secondary 72/27,4%
Working average 1/0,4%

From the analysis it is clear that preschool pupils come from families of different social status and have different levels of education. This information was used when planning organizational and pedagogical work with parents to attract parents to assist the institution, to determine the prospects for the development of the kindergarten. Therefore, the main task of a preschool educational institution is to create conditions for personal development, taking into account the capabilities, abilities and needs of students.

Certificate of family income for receiving a social scholarship

To apply for a social scholarship, a student at an educational institution must confirm that he is eligible to receive it. The key document for receiving a scholarship is a certificate of family income.

Family income certificate: what is it and where to get it?

Confirmation of family income, as a single document, is issued by social security authorities. This paper serves as proof that the student's family is low-income. A certificate of family income is issued on the basis of several documents:

  • certificates of parents' income;
  • student income certificates;
  • certificates of family composition (issued at the passport office at the student’s place of registration);
  • statements.

When applying for a social scholarship, the income of the student’s parents and immediate relatives is taken into account. Such relatives are parents, grandparents and other family members if they live together. In this case, cohabitation is confirmed by registration in a single living area.

To confirm family composition, the student must take a certificate from the passport office. Then you should collect information about the income of all family members.

Parents' income certificate

For a working citizen, an income certificate in form 2NDFL is issued at the place of work by accounting employees. The document contains information about the level of the employee’s average monthly salary for the previous six months. This certificate is valid for one month. As a rule, the document is transferred to the territorial social protection authority immediately after receipt.

To obtain a 2NDFL certificate, an employee only needs to request such a document from the employer. In case of applying for a social scholarship, the following certificates are required:

  • both parents;
  • other working family members registered with the student.

Help for the unemployed

Unemployed people submit documents confirming their lack of income to the social security agency. To do this, you need to make a copy of the first and last pages of the work book with the last entry on admission and dismissal. If a citizen is registered with the Employment Center, it is necessary to submit a certificate from this institution.

Help for entrepreneurs

If a citizen is an entrepreneur, a certificate of income is issued to him by the territorial body of the Tax Inspectorate at the place of registration.


An entrepreneur should submit an application to the specified government agency. Another confirmation of an entrepreneur’s income is his tax return in form 3NDFL. The document must be certified by the stamp of the tax office.

Help for pensioners and disabled people

If one of the family members is a pensioner or disabled person, a certificate of state payments assigned to him must be obtained from the territorial body of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Student income certificate

Let us remind you that in order to recognize a family as low-income, it is necessary to prove that the average monthly income of all family members over the last three months does not exceed the subsistence level. Since the student is one of the family members, he is also required to provide a certificate of income. In this case, the scholarship he currently receives is taken into account.

A certificate of the amount of the current scholarship should be issued at the dean's office of the educational institution. The student receives a certificate of income from his place of work in the same way as his parents. Then all the listed documents are sent to the social protection authority.

Registration of the scholarship and validity period of the certificate

All collected documents for the right to receive a social scholarship are sent to the social protection authority at the place of permanent registration. It takes 15 days to formalize the decision of the territorial social protection authority. After issuing a document confirming the right to receive a social scholarship, the student must submit it to the dean’s office.

Please note that the document must be issued in the name of the student. Parents can obtain such a certificate from the social security authority by proxy.

The scholarship is awarded for one calendar year. If the document was issued in the fourth quarter of the year, then its registration is not required next year. This certificate is valid for the entire subsequent calendar year.



Date of completion _____________

General information about the child

1. Full name_______________________________________________________________

2. Gender ________

3. Date, year of birth ____________________________

4. Address of permanent or temporary residence (underline):

postal code _______ city (district)____________ street___________

house no. _____ apartment ________ contact phone number_________________

Social status

1. Natural adopted child guardianship

2. Living conditions: in a family or social institution

3. Analysis of social and living conditions:
Own house (total area _______________ sq.m.)
Separate apartment (total area ______________sq.m.)
Room in a communal apartment (total area ___________ sq.m.)
Rented apartment (room) (total area _________ sq.m.)
Floor __________ Elevator __________ Ramp____________________
Central heating (yes / no)______________________________
Sewerage (yes / no)___________________________________________
Distance of housing from transport communications _________________

Socio-environmental status

1. Family composition(number of family members living in one living space):
2. Family social status: large, complete, incomplete, native, guardian
3. Form and duration of the parents’ marital relationship: registered, civil marriage (underline).
4. What kind of marriage is it for each of the parents _____________________
5. Reasons for the breakdown of a complete family: divorce, death of one of the spouses, deprivation of parental rights, imprisonment of one of the spouses, etc.

The concept of family social status, types and meaning

Mother(FULL NAME.)
Education (qualification)

Position (title)_____________________________________________

Father(FULL NAME.)
Education (qualification)
Work performed at the time of inspection
Profession _____________________________________________________

Patient care _____________________________________________________
Carrying out public works _________________________________
Does ________________________________ live with the child?
7. Older generation of the family
Grandmother(FULL NAME.)
Education (qualification)
Work performed at the time of inspection
Profession _____________________________________________________
Position (title)_______________________________________________
Patient care _____________________________________________________
Carrying out public works_______________________________________________
Not working due to retirement age _______________________
Does ________________________________ live with the child?
Grandfather(FULL NAME.)
Education (qualification)
Work performed at the time of inspection
Profession _____________________________________________________
Speciality _________________________________________________
Position (title) _____________________________________________
Patient care _____________________________________________________
Carrying out public works _________________________________
Not working due to retirement age___________________________
Does ________________________________ live with the child?
8.Sisters and brothers
Health status _____________________________________________

9. Psycho-emotional atmosphere in the family: calm, conflicting,

scandals, physical violence, etc. (underline).

10. Family genogram

Draw a line of a certain type of interpersonal relationships in the family.

Use the following notation:
___________ normal relationship
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ cool relationship
—————- conflict relationships
If the relationship is not mutual, it should be indicated
————— direction from family member with arrow.
The circle denotes women (girls). In the center, age and relationship are indicated (if a grandmother, indicate whose mother she is - the child’s father or mother). The square indicates men (boys). In the center, age and relationship are indicated (if a grandfather, indicate whose father he is - the child’s father or mother).
Additional information (observations):

11. Who is the head of the family (maintains the emotional climate)
12. Who carries out the main functions of care, education and treatment of a child with developmental disabilities ________________________
13. Who performs daily household duties (cleaning, laundry,
cooking food) ___________________________________________
14. Describe the daily routine and diet in the family______________
15. Social activity of the family in accordance with the way of life - closedness from society and withdrawal from contacts with the outside world, openness to communication with a small circle of close people, active life position, use of all available opportunities to participate in public life)

16. The level of involvement of a child with disabilities in family activities - household, leisure, sports, cultural, etc. ____
______________________________________________________________________________17. Analysis of relations among the immediate environment (relatives, neighbors,
friends) to the problems of a family with a child with developmental disabilities ______________________________________________________
18. Analysis of the previous conditions of upbringing (in the orphanage, in the disabled home, in the family, in the foster family, etc.) ____________

Socio-economic status

Main sources of family income:

1. Salary _____________________ rub./month.

2. Disability pension _______________ rub./month.

3. Old-age pension ____________________ rub./month.
4. Survivor's pension _____ rub./month.
5. Social benefits __________________ rub./month.
6. Other social payments ____________ rub./month.
7. Scholarships __________________________ rub./month.
8. Other sources of income ____________ rub./month.

Special information about a child with developmental disabilities

1. Date of official assignment of disability to a child based on the decision of the State Service for Medical and Social Expertise ___
2. Total duration of disability ________________________
3. Dynamics of disability ________________________________________________

Main violation _____________________________________________________
Accompanying illnesses _____________________________________
Complications ___________________________________________________
5. Assessment of the child’s level of development and state of rehabilitation potential.
Physical development _____________________________________________________
Mental development _________________________________________________
Emotional development ________________________________________
Features of behavior __________________________________________
Features of communication _________________________________________________
Formation of social and everyday skills ___________________

Qualitative characteristics of speech ________________________________
Characteristics of intellectual development _______________________
Characteristics of the activity (motivation, criticality, efficiency, pace, etc.) ______________________________________________
Characteristics of constructive, graphic activities __________
Specific features in these areas ____________________
Structure of needs ______________________________________________
Provision of means of rehabilitation and auxiliary technical devices (wheelchairs, toilet room equipment, typhlo-surdology equipment, didactic toys, manuals, special literature, etc.)

Institutions providing assistance to the family and the child (social services, medical and educational institutions ____________________
Availability of an individual rehabilitation program and institution number

State Service for Medical and Social Expertise, which gave a rehabilitation expert opinion ____________________________

Rehabilitation potential: high, satisfactory, low (underline).

6. Organization of comprehensive support for a family with a disabled child.
List of institutions providing a range of rehabilitation services to a disabled child and his family _______________________________

Assessment of the quality of services provided _________________________________

List of necessary additional measures within the framework of the individual rehabilitation program ________________________________

The family is an integral part of society, one of the most important functions of which is the birth and upbringing of children. In the human world it is difficult to socialize without belonging to this institution. Unfortunately, graduates of boarding schools in a large number of cases need resocialization after graduation.

This is a well-established fact in the field of social work. The problem of orphanages is the isolation of orphans from the outside world, complete or partial. As a result, they can acquire all social skills only within their group.

One of the most important parameters indicating the degree of effectiveness of the main task is its social status. Therefore, now they are increasingly advocating for adoptive or foster families.

What is this?

This is a characteristic that reflects the family’s adaptation to raising a child at the moment. This is a dynamic parameter that changes over time. The effectiveness of raising a child decreases significantly if the social status of the family deteriorates. What does it mean? This characteristic influences the success of raising a child.


There are several criteria by which the social status of a family can be assessed. The types given in this section are independent.

  1. family status. What is this? These are the characteristics that reflect the characteristics of the microclimate inside it. This is the general dynamics of relationships between people living under the same roof and related by ties of kinship. Determining socio-psychological status involves conducting rather complex studies, such as sociometry and referentometry.
  2. Socio-economic status of the family. This is the name of the category that reflects the material side of the issue. It includes a huge number of factors: total income, per capita income (that is, that which one member receives), existing property and its value, the level of consumption of each member of this family. It also includes factors related to earning money and employment of family members.
  3. Cultural social status of the family - what is it? It is quite easy to recognize him. To do this, you need to determine such parameters as the level of education of each family member, how socialized each of them is, and what attitude they have to different social norms accepted in society.
  4. Situational-role social status of the family - what is it? It can also be classified as socio-psychological, but it concerns the views of parents on raising a child, and to be more precise, on ideas about what a mother, father and child should be like.

These criteria can be used to assess the social status of a family, both individually and collectively. Depends on the purpose of the analysis.

How is social status determined?

In general, social status is quite difficult to clearly define. It is necessary to use a number of methods that can only be used by an experienced one. However, all ways to achieve the goal of determining such a complex criterion are based on basic postulates.

  1. Number of marriage partners. According to this criterion, families are divided into complete, formally complete and incomplete. Everything is simple here - the first type of families includes those in which there are both parents. Formally, complete ones are those in which only one parent participates in raising the child. Well, single-parent families are those in which there is only one of the parents, or a grandmother or grandfather is involved in raising them in the absence of a father and mother.
  2. Stages of the family life cycle. According to this parameter, all families can be divided into young, mature and elderly. Each of these types of families copes better with a certain type of task. For example, young families easily fulfill the task of having a child, while it is easier for the elderly to raise him. The best option in this case are mature families in which at least one of the parents has recently turned 35 years old.
  3. The procedure for concluding a marriage. The social status is also influenced by the time the marriage was concluded. Thus, families in which there is a stepfather or stepmother are called secondary. If the marriage is for the first time, then these are called primary marriages.
  4. Number of generations. Families can live in one generation, or two or three. For example, not only the child’s parents live in the house, but also grandparents. In this case, the family is said to have two generations.
  5. And finally, according to the number of children, they are divided into childless, small or large.

These factors largely affect the lifestyle of the family, and in certain cases can even make it dysfunctional.

Now let's talk in more detail about such a category as the social status of the family. The types are given below.

Conditionally prosperous families

This is characterized by an excellent level of function implementation. But at the same time, we cannot say for sure that everything is so smooth. Within each family there are troubles, but they are so small that they can be neglected a little. That is why the name contains the word “prosperous”, because they are the most adapted to society.

Thanks to these rough edges, marriages of this type can only be called conditionally prosperous, but despite this, they do not need the services of a social worker at this stage, since they have all the resources necessary for survival. The spouses earn enough money, relations within the family are generally favorable, the parents have, if not a high, then at least an average level of culture and quickly adapt to the needs of the children and find a common language with them. In general, we can say that the family has a high social status. There is no need to look for examples. The majority of middle- and high-income families who pay attention to their children are examples of the relatively prosperous.

Families at risk

As a rule, this category of families has some deviations, but they only slightly affect the effectiveness of education. As a rule, such marriages, under certain circumstances, can become dysfunctional. Such families cope with their goals, but through force. Unfortunately, all social work with such marriages concerns mainly their support, due to which they do not go into the category of dysfunctional ones. Some large, incomplete families can serve as examples of this status. In them, it is difficult for parents to give their children the proper amount of attention and resources.

Dysfunctional families

Such families are characterized by a low social status in one or more of the areas listed above, and they cannot cope with the functions of education. Such families need the help of a social worker; without him, they cannot do anything. Specialists carry out various activities aimed at restoring their functionality.

Of course, raising a child in such conditions does not always have no results at all; in some cases it can be carried out, but not intensively enough. As a result, the child is poorly socialized, which leads to personality problems in the future, as well as a potential inability to create a good family due to the lack of necessary role models.

Antisocial families

And finally, the most unadapted category of families, which in no way fulfills their functions. And the reason for this lies not even in the parents’ inability to raise a child, but in their reluctance. Such families need fundamental changes. What kind of marriage can be called asocial? First of all, one in which one or both spouses show signs of deviant or delinquent behavior. Also, when assigning this category to a family, it is necessary to pay attention to living conditions, which often do not meet even basic standards.

Children in such families grow up hungry, homeless and often become victims of violence both within the family and outside it. Examples include families of people with mental disabilities, alcohol addiction, and drug addicts. In principle, the line between dysfunctional and antisocial categories is sometimes very difficult to find. Living conditions at home are so terrible in asocial families that children are often better off on the street than with their parents.

Family social status - questionnaire

Often, when entering a school or kindergarten, they offer to fill out a special form. It often contains a column for “social status of the family.” The questionnaire may not provide any clarification. What should be indicated in this case? As a rule, the only criterion implied is the completeness of the family. In this case, write whether your family is complete or not.

So, we have dismantled the meaning of such a concept as "the social status of the family", examined the examples, and also understood what criteria should be used to assess the degree of adaptation of a certain cell of society to raising children.

Main questions


1. Social status of the family and its functions. Components of social adaptation of the family.

2. The concept of "dysfunctional family", its main characteristics. Typology of dysfunctional families.

3. The concept of social orphanhood, its extent in modern Belarusian society.

4. Factors and causes of social orphanhood in the Republic of Belarus.

5. Problems of adaptation and socialization of adopted children in a new family.

6. Post-boarding support and adaptation of orphans as a condition for their successful socialization.

1. Khramtsova, F.I. Antisocial family as an object of social and pedagogical work / F.I. Khramtsova, A.M. Smolskaya // Satsyyalna-pedagogical work. – 2008. – No. 5. – P. 24–27.

2. Rutkovskaya, G.I. Professional work with the family as a factor in its preservation and improvement of the child’s emotional state / G.I. Rutkovskaya // Satsyyalna-pedagogical work. – 2007. – No. 11. – P. 23–27.

3. Social pedagogy: a course of lectures / M.A. Galaguzova [and others]; under general ed. M.A. Galaguzova. – M.: VLADOS, 2000. – P. 166–211.

4. Social work: theory and organization: a guide for university students / P.P. Ukrainian [etc.]; edited by P.P. Ukrainian, S.V. Lapina. - 2nd ed. - Minsk: TetraSystems, 2007. - S. 90–97.

5. Shakurova, M.V. Methods and technology of work of a social pedagogue: textbook. allowance / M.V. Shakurova. - 2nd ed. – M.: Academy, 2004. – S. 84–88.

In today’s changing world, it is society, its culture, customs and traditions, and the characteristics of family upbringing that become objective (social) factors of victimization, containing characteristics and traits whose influence can make a person a victim.

Among the objective factors of victimization, a special place belongs to the family. It plays a vital role in the socialization of the individual. The uniqueness of the position of the family lies in the fact that it acts as an institution, a microfactor, an agent of socialization, and also combines the actions of traditional and institutional mechanisms of socialization (I.S. Kon, M.G. Andreeva, etc.).

In pedagogy, there are various classifications of family functions. Consider one of the classifications of family functions, primarily related to the upbringing and development of children:

· reproductive function– due to the need to continue the human race;

· economic and economic-household functions associated with ensuring the material standard of living of the family, the organization of everyday life and housekeeping;

· primary socialization function manifests itself in the fact that the family, being the most important factor of social influence, a specific social microenvironment, has an overall impact on the physical, mental and social development of the child;

· educational function due to the influence of the whole atmosphere and microclimate of the family on the formation of the child's personality. The educational impact is determined by the nature of the relationship of parents to children, the conscious care of the elders for the younger ones, the nature of the requirements for the child and reasonable guardianship, the personal example of the parents;

· recreational and psychotherapeutic functions, the purpose of which is to provide the child with psychological protection,
in creating a situation of complete acceptance of the child.

Of all the problems facing the modern family, for the social educator the most important is the problem social adaptation family into society, since the success of solving this problem depends on whether it becomes a factor in the victimization of the child's personality or a favorable environment for his socialization. The main characteristic of the family in the process of social adaptation is its social status.

Social status is a combination individual characteristics of family members with their structural And functional parameters. At the same time, among the individual characteristics of family members, socio-demographic, physiological, psychological, pathological habits of adults and developmental characteristics of the child (age, interests, abilities, behavioral deviations, pathological habits, speech and mental disorders, level of intellectual, mental and physical development) should be mentioned. in accordance with the child’s age, success of communication and learning, etc.).

The structural characteristics of the family include information about the presence of marriage partners (complete, formally complete, incomplete),
about the stages of the family life cycle (young, mature, elderly), the procedure for entering into marriage (primary, repeated), the number of generations in the family (one or more), the number of children (one-child, small, large). The listed characteristics of the family contain both its resource capabilities (material, educational, etc.) and potential factors of social risk and victimization of children.

As the analysis of socio-pedagogical practice shows, there are four varieties of the social status of the family: socio-economic, socio-psychological, socio-cultural, situational-role. The presented varieties of statuses characterize the family in a certain time period in the process of its social adaptation.