Regional competition "We are for the health of the nation!" Nomination Composition - reasoning “What will your life be like? You decide! Composition on the topic: "Healthy children - a healthy nation

"IN healthy body a healthy mind ”- this proverb is known to each of us since childhood. But did everyone think about its meaning, because you value health only when it is. Do we always take care of our health, the health of our loved ones and friends?

When you are young, it seems to you that health will always be with you, but this is not so. Over the years, his condition will worsen, so it is important to protect him from a young age.

Those who do not worry about the state of their own health often give birth to sick children who have to endure suffering due to the previously admitted irresponsibility of parents. Any disease limits a person and the number of restrictions on activity depends on its severity of its development. But after all, it is people who have practically no restrictions who build the future of the nation. It is they, for the most part, who go to defend our Motherland, build houses, run the state. Of course, among people with certain diseases there are also enough masters of their craft, but if you can keep your health and the health of your children, why not do it?

Taking care of your own health starts with little things: monitoring personal hygiene, controlling stress and negative emotions, quitting smoking, drugs and alcohol. It is important to monitor nutrition, avoid frequent consumption of junk food and drinks, monitor the maintenance physical form prevent obesity. This is not hereditary or genetic, something that each of us can do, but if we neglect even such elementary rules, you can seriously shake your health and affect the condition of future children.

As for smoking and alcohol, these habits can harm not only yourself, but also others, because passive smoking is even more harmful than usual, and behavior in case of strong alcohol intoxication leaves much to be desired.

Composition Only a healthy nation has a future

In a healthy body healthy mind! And a person with a strong spirit is a powerful person, ready for new ideas, accomplishments and feats. And if the whole nation is healthy, inspired, then the people will have a wonderful, bright future.

It is necessary to develop the ability to live a healthy lifestyle from childhood. At first, these are ordinary outdoor games, walking in the yard, climbing on horizontal bars, running, jumping. If in children to support active physical games, provide the opportunity to visit swimming pools, sports sections, then the child will develop a love for sports from childhood. Such an active image will accompany him through life. Children always copy adults, so their parents will be the main example for them. Mom, dad go in for sports, children go in for sports, and this is already sport family which also sets an example for other families.

Our age is the age of technology. Various gadgets surround us everywhere. And once again a person chooses to surf the Internet than go out into the street. Children are more susceptible to this. They become sedentary, closed in themselves, narrowing their social circle. All this leads to an unhealthy physical and spiritual development. New technologies make life easier for people, but all good things should be in moderation.

healthy, proper nutrition- this is the key to a good mood, lightness and beautiful body. Hamburgers, chips, pizzas, sodas, all this unhealthy and heavy food leads to overweight which leads to less desire to move.

Bad habits also need to be eradicated. Young people believe that drinking and smoking is fashionable, not thinking that they harm their health and their future children. And this example is often set by adults.

The government of the country should make every effort to set people up for healthy lifestyle life. Create more sports holidays where to organize competitions. Open sports sections, swimming pools. On TV show TV shows, advertisements calling for sports, the right way life.

The health of the nation is in every person. And everyone must understand for himself that the health of the whole people is in his hands. Today dad took his child to sports section and tomorrow this child will call his friend.

Now they are reading:

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Dear Colleagues! According to the action plan for the implementation of the Concept of teaching the Russian language and literature in Russian Federation in 2017 is held All-Russian competition essays.

The competition is held in 2 stages: the first is regional, the second is federal.

About the regional stage

The regional stage runs until September 20, 2017. Participation in the competition is voluntary. The competition is held among four groups of students: grades 4-6; 7-9 grades; 10-11 grades; students of organizations of secondary vocational education.

Thematic areas of the competition:

2. Tidy up your planet.

3. It is in labor, and only in labor, that a man is great.

4. Only healthy nation there is a future.

5. Art is the mediator of what cannot be expressed.

6. Anniversaries of Russian writers Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak(130th anniversary of birth), Valentin Petrovich Kataev(120th birthday), Valentin Grigorievich Rasputin(80th birthday).

7. Past, present and future of my small homeland.

The participant chooses the thematic direction and genre of the composition independently and formulates the topic (the topic should not coincide with the name of the direction).

writings, issued on a special form , and the application, drawn up in accordance with the requirements, must be submitted before September 20 at the BEI DPO "IROOO", at the Department of Philological Education (room 217).

Detailed information about the competition is available on the website of the FSAEI "Academy for Advanced Studies and professional retraining educators” in the section “All-Russian Essay Competition”.

All materials on the competition (formulation requirements, forms, comments on directions, etc.) must be

Healthy generation is the future nation.

The future of the country lies, first of all, in a healthy, mature and prosperous nation.

You, the young generation, are the future of Kazakhstan. You build it and protect it, strengthen it .

I would like the younger generation, our future, to learn how to improve their health, and there are no trifles in this matter. A healthy lifestyle is becoming more and more popular among teenagers, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he treats himself, his future.

The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle is a sign of a person's high culture, his education, perseverance, and will.

Guys! Today we will talk about the most valuable human wealth - health. Our state shows constant concern for the health of the citizens of the country, especially for the health of children. Parents and teachers make sure that you grow up healthy and happy.

- As you guys guessed, today we will talk about health. “Hello,” we say when we greet each other, which means we wish you good health. It is health that we wish in the first place when we congratulate someone on some holiday. Human health is the main value in the life of each of us. It cannot be bought with any money. It must be protected from the very first day of its birth. At first, your parents take care of you, but you are growing up and each of you should now think about how not to harm your health. “You save your health - you get away from trouble,” says folk wisdom. Everyone knows: “A healthy mind in a healthy body!”.

III. Health components

Prepare in advance multi-colored cards with the phrases: mobile lifestyle; binge eating; proper nutrition; night image life; bad habits; rejection bad habits; daily regime; leisure; full sleep; food for the night; snacks; hardening; personal hygiene; positive emotions; stressful situations

Cards are attached with magnets to the board. The teacher offers to read and leave on the board only those cards on which we can associate statements with a healthy lifestyle. Children read and offer to leave some of them. The remaining cards are removed from the board (discussions are possible at this stage).

A healthy lifestyle plan is drawn up:

mobile lifestyle

proper nutrition

rejection of bad habits

daily regime

active rest, good sleep


personal hygiene

positive emotions

Teacher: - Today we are talking mainly about a mobile lifestyle, and more precisely - about sports, about physical activity and the place of sport in our lives.

Teacher: - 30 minutes moderate physical activity per day significantly support and improve health. And it doesn’t matter if you are walking, cycling or playing football at this time. It just has to be every day. You need to be friends with physical education. A person who is friends with physical education is tempered, gets sick less.

Morning work-out should become a daily habit for you. . It strengthens the muscles of a person, keeps in good shape, invigorates a person. Some go further and pour themselves in the morning cold water which is very beneficial for humans. You definitely need to warm up. But you need to go to this gradually. First, you wash your face with cold water, then wipe yourself with a cold towel for 3-4 months, and only after that you can start pouring cold water on yourself.

Now let's play.

On the board a flower, you will pick a petal and you will have to show with the help of pantomime the sport that is indicated on the petal.

(swimming, table tennis, karate, etc.)

V. Quiz:

1. The beginning of the way to the finish line. (Start)

2. According to Russian folk proverb What is not necessary if there is power? (Crazy)

3. Tool of a sports referee. (Whistle)

4. Common name for a pet and a gymnastic apparatus? (horse)

5. How do biathletes move? (skis)

6. The name of the sleigh on which bobsledders descend from the mountain? (bean)

7. What is the name of the facility for holding sports competitions? (Stadium)

8. What medal is awarded for the highest sporting achievement? (Golden)

9. In which games is the net stretched on the court? (Volleyball, tennis)

10. An ice-covered area is ... (skating rink)

11. Name all the games ending in "bol". (Football, volleyball, basketball, handball, streetball)

12. What on the human body symbolizes his strength? (Muscles)

13. The most important piece in chess is... (King)

14. A device for measuring time in sports is ... (Stopwatch)

15. A pair of horses ran 40 km. How far did each horse run? (40km)

16. Dancer on ice. (Skater)

17. An athlete who walks while sitting. (chess player)

and finish our Classroom hour poem by David Tukhmanov.

We are born to live in the world for a long time:

Sad and sing, laugh and love,

But to make all dreams possible,

We must all keep healthy.

Ask yourself: are you ready to work -

Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?

Throw away the cigarette? Trample the drug?

And the only way - to maintain health?

Take a look around: beautiful Nature

We are called to live in peace with her.

Give me a hand, friend! Let's help you

A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king.

A. Schopenhauer


1. Children are the future of the country.

2. In a healthy body - a healthy mind:

a) life is movement;

b) the consequences of bad habits.

3. Health is everyone's concern.

We often see children playing and running around. Their eyes are filled with happiness. On the face of a smile, which is the most precious thing. Everyone has their own dreams, their own hopes. We rarely think about the fact that children are the future of the country, and their health is the health of the nation. Joy and happiness, health and longevity - all this is necessary for each of us. We wish all this to our relatives and friends, friends and acquaintances. Healthy children are a healthy nation. Words that, at first glance, seem very simple and understandable. But is everything being done in our country to ensure that we, children and teenagers, are healthy? Are we taking care of our own health?

Health is the most precious thing a person has. Probably everyone, no matter how old he is, wants to be cheerful, to feel in “form”. Each of us wants his family to be healthy. But, unfortunately, in our time to be healthy is difficult. Maintaining our own health is the business of each of us. It cannot be entrusted to anyone. Doctors believe that the state of health is fifty percent dependent on a healthy lifestyle, twenty percent on heredity, ten percent on the level of development of medicine. The child perceives the word "health" as an opportunity to run, jump, play, have fun without feeling pain. Can adults provide children with such an opportunity? Probably not always. There are incurable diseases, and there are cases when there is simply no money to pay for the treatment of a child.

In a healthy body healthy mind. Everyone knows about it. Currently, there is no person who has not heard that in order to prevent diseases, according to doctors, you need to be physically active, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat rationally, avoid bad habits and spare nervous system. Life is motion. The human body is designed for physical work. Therefore, regular exercise (at least daily exercise) will not harm anyone. Of course, the recommendations of doctors should not be forgotten. And all the obstacles that allegedly prevent us from doing physical education are often fictitious. It is easier for us to sit in front of a computer or TV than to go out for a walk or run in the park in the morning.

Some young people think that smoking, drinking, using drugs is cool, it's fashionable. Everyone knows about the consequences of such a "hobby", but for some reason they think little about their health and the health of future children. They probably think: “This can’t happen to me. I'll just smoke a little and quit. I strong man. I can, if necessary, give up both cigarettes and drugs.” But most often a person becomes addicted to addiction and turns into a weak-willed victim. Everyone in life has different situations and the path chosen to overcome them depends on us. Clever man learns from the mistakes of others and listens to advice. For us young people, health is an abstract concept. But before the disease (especially such as AIDS) everyone is equal. Let's hope that doctors still find the means to combat this plague of the twenty-first century. In the meantime, you need to listen to the advice and recommendations of adults, parents, doctors. Unfortunately, for young people, the opinion of comrades, peers, and the street is often decisive.

Everyone knows from childhood that health must be protected. But for some reason, young people are not very interested in health. Probably, a person is arranged in such a way that he begins to worry only when he falls ill or when he sees a person nearby who is doomed to suffering. The German philosopher A. Schopenhauer owns the words with which one cannot but agree: "A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king." Therefore, to be happy, one must be healthy. Each person can and should take care of their health, without shifting it to the shoulders of relatives and friends. And from physical health moral health depends.

State educational institution

additional education children of the Tula region

"Regional ecological and biological center of students"

Regional competition

socially significant work of students of the Tula region

on the prevention of addictions to psychoactive substances

"We are for the health of the nation!"

Municipal treasury educational institution

"Mikhailovskaya secondary school"

Mikhailovsky village, Kurkinsky district, Tula region

Regional competition

"We are for the health of the nation!"


Composition - reasoning

“What will your life be like?

You decide!"


10th grade student

MKOU "Mikhailovskaya secondary school"

Kuznetsova Svetlana

Project Manager

teacher of history and social studies

MKOU "Mikhailovskaya secondary school"

Kiryaeva Ludmila Anatolyevna

2014 d

Composition - reasoning

“What will your life be like? You decide!"

Here he was dragging himself, almost dying.

In a minute,

Where did you get it, God knows! -

about the joys of an artificial paradise

The world can read it on his face!

And how many of them are now wandering around the world,

whose fate is either sweet or hard!..

And, apparently, there is no salvation

from this simple powder...

E. Vinokurov

There is only one life. Life has its beginning and end. And after the end, no one will give a minute more. This is not a draft. This is not a trial version. It cannot be lengthened, tried again, or temporarily stopped. It will pass whether you like it or not. You can only shorten it or keep its length. This is the material from which you can sculpt a sculpture or make a hut. This is the material from which its owner can make whatever he wants. The question is what the owner wants from life and whether he knows what he wants.

A emaciated, veined body. The detached look of nothing expressing eyes. Incoherent speech, answers out of place on the seemingly most common questions. And most importantly, complete indifference to what is happening around, lack of interest in life ... And all this at the age of 14-16!

Is this what you wanted?

Of course not!

But it's your choice and the name of this terrible picture is drug addiction. Drug addiction is one of the oldest human vices, the most terrible evil, capturing more and more young people into its monstrous networks, who are subsequently unable to full life. This evil is spreading rapidly, affecting not only the body, but also the soul of a person. Drug addiction is a war, a natural disaster, and an epidemic at the same time.

What is the harm of drug addiction? Why is she terrible?

Firstly, if the patient is not treated and subsequently does not change his lifestyle, then his body will quickly begin to collapse. Under the influence of drugs, nerve cells burn out irreversibly, sharply decrease defensive reactions organism, diseases “attack” on a person. Medicine knows cases when a person completely “burns out” in a year.

Drugs cause precancerous processes in the lungs, brain atrophy, blood is destroyed. There are crazy ideas of jealousy, frightening hallucinations; it seems to patients that bugs, worms, bedbugs crawl under their skin.

Addiction to drugs is moral and physical self-destruction. This is a crime against itself. The life of those addicted to drugs ends very soon. Moreover, death threatens such persons not only in advanced cases, it lies in wait for the addict from the very first weeks of the disease, since the result of taking narcotic substances on the body gives unforeseen reactions. In two or three months, he becomes unrecognizable.

Secondly, drug addicts are not full-fledged members of society. The drug addict is a social corpse. He is indifferent to public affairs. Nothing interests him. The acquisition and use of intoxicating substances becomes the meaning of life. And one more feature. Drug addicts seek to introduce others to their hobby. It is not for nothing that drug addiction is sometimes called an epidemic non-communicable disease.

The general degradation of the personality as a result of taking drugs occurs fifteen to twenty times faster than from alcohol. A drug addict is not an employee! What kind of family man is he? loving father or husband? A short period of illusions after taking dope is replaced by a violation of consciousness, convulsions. He descends, becomes callous, selfish, petty, irritable, he is indifferent to the fate of loved ones. He dies for the family, for society, loses control over himself (his "brakes turn off").

The effects of drugs on teenagers are especially detrimental and female body. Teenagers suddenly lose interest in learning, women lose interest in children.

Thirdly, drug addicts are potential criminals. In any way they seek to get their dose of the drug. Time and energy are spent on getting not only the drug itself, but also the money to buy it. And a lot of money, because drugs are expensive. The need to constantly obtain them pushes drug addicts onto the path of crime: theft, lies, violence, robbery and even ... murder. In turn, the drugs themselves excite aggressiveness.

Finally, drug addiction leads to extreme exhaustion of the body, significant loss of body weight and a marked decline in physical strength. The skin becomes pale and dry, the face acquires an earthy tint, and balance and coordination disorders also appear.

Why do so many people choose the path of their lives so blasphemous? Don't they know that everything ends badly? Who is guilty? What to do?

To answer these questions for myself, I will carefully read the notes from the diary of a young man who is no longer alive.

“Today I was with friends at Boris's party. It was cool. Lots of cool girls, lots of booze. My good mood almost spoiled the headache. Katya offered a pill. At first I refused, because I thought that everything would pass soon. But she began to persuade:

And when will the pain go away? Do you want to sit like this all evening? These are stunning pills, they are brought to me from abroad for crazy money. The pain will go away in two minutes. Do you know how easy it will be?! And dance like a clockwork you will become. In short, you will have fun cool and you won’t remember about the headache today.

Katya spoke quite convincingly, and therefore I agreed to take a pill from her ... After a couple of minutes, the pain really disappeared. I felt an incredible lightness, a surge of strength, energy. I wanted to dance. The raspy sounds of the tape recorder became angelic voices, and the rough bass sounded like a celestial choir. I can turn the music up or down at will,

“It's been a few days. They seemed like an eternity to me. I go dancing in the evening. I will meet with friends, I will see Katya, and she ... But how can I ask her for a pill? OK! I will refer again to the headache. ,

" Morning. A little chilly, somehow not on its own. And my head hurts terribly. Why? Yesterday, it seems, everything was fine, the pill helped a lot.

Stuffy. There will probably be a thunderstorm. Bright light interferes. I turn it off. … Katya, where are you? »

« Headache did not go away, on the contrary, it intensified. I can not anymore. I'll go look for Katya.

"Nonsense. This entry is nonsense. Not so scary. One shot and it's all gone... (further on, a dozen or two pages were cut out in the notebook)

... me ... vomit at 6 o'clock. 30 min.

When I feel better, I will write down my terrible visions.

“Escaped from the hospital. The clouds covered the sun. Let them close me from everything and everyone. I don't need anyone or anything, just like I need them. I'm not afraid of anything. Thanks to Gerych for making me brave. And what can frighten a person who thinks only of one thing - the wonderful, divine Gerych, (pages torn out here)... a pile of these pages so that no one would read the shameful description of how I ran thievishly and cowardly from the ward, taking a hospital gown with me. The next day, having given himself an injection, he came to life, returned to the doctor and gave the stolen things. I spoke boldly (I was in a state of euphoria at that moment)."

“It got cold. Went outside to breathe fresh air. Now I squirt 3 button accordions at a time. ”

“Vomiting in the morning. Three button accordions 4% solution before dinner. Breaking passed, caught a buzz.

“I refrain for some time. I'm afraid of noises. All people hate me. I'm afraid of them. When I'm euphoric, I love them all, but I prefer being alone.

"I'm going to sunset. I hardly recognize myself. Hood, pale with a waxy pallor: his eyes are transparent, there are terrible bags under them, his hands are bluish, shaking. And that's me.

Yesterday I had this hallucination:

“I could not resist ... Good! Now nothing scares me

" People! Anyone help me?.. No, no one hears me, no one will help. I'm dying. I died…

This ends the last diary entry. We seem to see how the hand drops lifelessly, the fingers relax, and the pencil stub rolls on the table and falls to the floor with a muffled sound.

Life ends so tragically young man. He did nothing in his short life, the main goal is one - to find the drug. Did they make you talented, brave, beautiful, or helpless, "seeking", falling into the abyss?

When a boy was born in the family, the parents dreamed of what he would do, dare, in order to leave a good mark in life. But only grief ....

Parents, classmates, neighbors, teachers and just strangers, where were you? Callousness, cruelty, indifference of people, this did not happen to me and my relatives - these are the paradigms of society. But there are also people who are struggling with misfortune, evil - drug addiction.

So before you accept something - stop!

Think, look around, decide -
What is important in life for your soul.
The house is like a fortress, respect, love
Or a captivating cover of uncertainty?

Everything that you have in life, without storing,
It can disappear like the warmth of a fire.
Suddenly it becomes empty, cold, dark.
It's like a window has closed on the world.

Chasing a beautiful bird.
You can get lost in someone else's garden.
No rescue path to be found
To lead you back.

Think, look around, decide...