Pregnancy test: instructions for use. When is a pregnancy test showing correct results? Low levels of hCG in pregnant women indicate. A false negative result occurs when

Almost every woman wants to know about pregnancy as soon as possible. And today they are very popular special tests, which are sold in every pharmacy - it is with the help of them that you can find out about fertilization even before an ultrasound and gynecological examination. But how to use a pregnancy test correctly? How reliable will the result be?

How does a pregnancy test work?

Many women are interested in questions about how pregnancy is determined and how accurate the results will be. In fact, all tests work according to the same scheme - they react to the amount of chorionic gonadotropin. The level of this hormone increases significantly almost from the first days of pregnancy, namely from the moment of implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterine wall. This substance is present in the blood and urine of every pregnant woman. Therefore, the results of such a test are quite reliable. The statistics show that Not correct result appears only in 1% of cases.

Home pregnancy test and its varieties

As already mentioned, such tests can be purchased at every pharmacy. They may have different design, and hence the cost. And before you learn how to use a pregnancy test, it is useful to familiarize yourself with existing varieties similar devices.

When to take a pregnancy test?

Many women are interested in when it is possible to carry out the test. Actually the level chorionic gonadotropin begins to rise from the first days of pregnancy. Therefore, inkjet tests give fairly accurate results already a week after fertilization. However, experts recommend using home test a few days after a missed period.

How to use a pregnancy test?

Of course, the results of the test largely depend on exactly how and at what time of day it was carried out. Morning urine samples are considered the most suitable. The fact is that in the morning the concentration of the hormone is much higher. However, in most cases, tests show the correct result regardless of the time of day. As for how to use a pregnancy test, you should definitely read the instructions here, since all models require different conditions applications.

Previously, women learned to determine their interesting position on physiological grounds. Focused on the delay of menstruation, listened to internal sensations. But for the most part, it was certainly possible to find out about pregnancy after at least 3-4 months, when the stomach began to grow.

To date, science has developed a fairly reliable and, at the same time, a very simple way to establish delicacy. women's position- a diagnostic system that determines whether you are pregnant or not, with an accuracy of 98%, in a matter of minutes. Initially, these were strips, but over time, a huge number of different products have appeared that promise to establish pregnancy even at the earliest possible date.

Such systems are convenient - the analysis is carried out anonymously, in comfortable conditions and any day. In addition, they are affordable enough that every woman can use them. How to do a pregnancy test at home, on what principle do these “devices” work? How to interpret the result, what kind of test to prefer? Why do even the most expensive ones fail? We will look into all these issues.

Any such diagnostic system, regardless of appearance and price, works according to the same principle - it detects human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in the analyzed urine. This substance is produced by the chorion of the embryo, thanks to it, corpus luteum Pregnancy produces the hormone progesterone, which stops any uterine contractions, and thus preserves the fetus. In addition, gonadotropin stimulates the production of a number of other hormones that contribute to proper development fetus in the early stages.

The level varies depending on a number of factors, but on average, sensitive tests able to determine its presence already 1-2 weeks after attachment gestational sac to the wall of the uterus.

A reagent is applied to the absorbent material that can react with gonadotropin, which is excreted from the woman's body with urine. If the reaction has occurred - there is hCG in the sample, the answer is positive. Well, no, there is no trial.

Types of tests

Despite the fact that the principle of operation of diagnostic systems is the same, the tests themselves are quite different. Today there are five types of such analyzers:

  1. Strip test (strip). This is the most popular and cheapest sample. It is a paper or fabric strip impregnated with a reagent. Sensitivity is limited to 25 mIU/mL. The accuracy is 90% on the first and 95-100% on the seventh day of delay.
  2. Tablet. This "device" is a plastic tablet with two windows - one for taking a urine sample, the other for displaying the result. Sensitivity ranges from 10-25 mIU / ml, their accuracy is slightly higher than "strips".

  3. Inkjet test for pregnancy—. Such a system consists of a receiving part and a result window, the base with the reagent is enclosed in a plastic case. Sensitivity starts at 10 mIU/ml.

  4. Electronic (digital). It may look like a tablet or an inkjet test, but the result is displayed on a digital display, which eliminates doubts associated with the brightness of the strips. Highly sensitive, the accuracy is 51% 4 days before a missed period, 82% after three days, 95% per day and up to 99% on the first day of a missed period.

  5. Reusable system. It looks like such a “device” as a flash drive, it comes with 20 disposable cartridges for analysis. The results are more than detailed, they are read when the unit is connected to a computer via a USB connector. Such a system gives the most detailed picture of what is happening up to the date of birth, if.

Which is better to choose

There are two points of view on this issue - medical and women's.. WITH medical point there is absolutely no difference in terms of how much it will cost and how the analyzer will look. For all the same, doctors consider ultrasound to be the only reliable study of the degree of curiosity of your position.

WITH female point there is no specific answer either, it all depends on the goals you are pursuing:

  • Strips are the cheapest buying such a test for re-checking will not be a problem for the wallet. If you do the analysis after a delay, in compliance with the instructions, its accuracy is quite enough.
  • Tablets are considered more accurate also due to the fact that when using them it is more difficult to do something wrong, and the reagent is protected by a case, but they are somewhat more expensive than "strips".
  • Inkjet good ease of use(“to screw up” is almost unrealistic), accuracy. But their price is slightly higher.
  • Electronic are accurate, do not force you to peer into the stripes, giving the final verdict in the form of + or -, "pregn" or "no pregn", but they also cost decently.
  • Reusable systems are hard to find and expensive, but if you need to repeatedly repeat testing and its super-accuracy is important, this is an ideal option.

In addition, even reviews about the quality and accuracy of the same tests are so different that it is impossible to 100% recommend any company or type of system.

Instructions for using different pregnancy tests

Basically, the reliability of the result of the analysis depends not so much on the diagnostic system itself, but on the woman's ability to use it. One wrong move and the verdict automatically becomes invalid. Therefore, it is important to understand how to properly use each specific pregnancy test.

Important! The question of whether it is necessary to take a pregnancy test in the morning using the first urine is of great importance. Despite the fact that manufacturers of some products allow you to do a test at almost any time of the day, the verdict of experts is the same - yes, it is necessary. It is in the morning urine that the level of gonadotropin is the highest, it is much easier for the analyzer to catch it.

Strip strips

For analysis, you need such a strip and a clean glass. The strip should be in a sealed blister, you do not need to get it ahead of time. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Pee in a glass.
  2. Open the blister and pull out the strip, holding it by the dyed edge.
  3. Dip the strip into the urine cup up to the strip labeled "Max".
  4. Count to 5 (or 10, depending on the instructions).
  5. Lay the strip on a dry, non-absorbent surface.
  6. Wait 3-5 minutes (the exact waiting time for the result also varies from manufacturer to manufacturer).
  7. Read the result.


For analysis, you need a plate packed in its original packaging, a clean glass and a pipette. The last part comes with the tester. And then down the list:

  1. Pee in a glass.
  2. Print out the tablet and lay it on a horizontal surface.
  3. Pipette a few drops of urine from the cup, transfer the pipette to the tablet and drop a few drops into the receiving cell.
  4. Wait 1-3 minutes (again, it all depends on the company and instructions instructions).
  5. Rate the result.


Everything is incredibly simple here. All you need is the test itself and the correct sequence of actions:

  1. Print out the test.
  2. Pee, substituting the receiving part of the analyzer under the stream of urine.
  3. Wait 1-3 minutes (see manufacturer's instructions).
  4. Look at the result.

Digital and reusable test

The algorithms of actions remain the same as with the above types of analyzers. But you, in fact, do not need to read the result - digital will show everything on the display, reusable - on the computer monitor. In addition, in the matter of such "smart" tests, it is impossible to give a general instruction - high accuracy is distinguished by a high specification of the device.

Interpreting pregnancy test results

If "smart" analyzers immediately tell you "yes" or "no", then the usual ones force you to interpret their readings. There are four scenarios possible:

False results and their causes

Many women in different reasons worries about the question. Yes, it is possible, the manufacturers themselves leave the system the right to make a mistake, which must be indicated on the packaging or in the instructions. The main causes of errors are:

  • Technical side. The analyzer may be defective or expired. Storage conditions may be violated.
  • procedural side. You can be inattentive to the analysis, underexpose or overexpose the strip in the cup, use stale urine, fix the result too early or too late.
  • biological side. Some pathological processes in the body are characterized by an increase or decrease in the amount of hCG in the urine, in which case the results of the analysis will also not be reliable, and will not be associated with pregnancy in any way.
  • If you are in a hurry to dispel your doubts and you are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to take a pregnancy test in the afternoon or in the evening, then yes, you can, if it is allowed by the manufacturer. Some systems are accurate enough for this. But, according to experts, only morning analysis will give you the most likely result.
  • When buying an analyzer, be sure to check the expiration dates, the tightness of the packaging and the availability of a certificate for the product. It is best to shop at a pharmacy.
  • Before carrying out the procedure, be sure to carefully read the instructions for using the diagnostic system.
  • Evaluate the result strictly in the specified period of time.

If the system is of high quality, you are 100% sure that you did everything right, and the result is in doubt - contact women's consultation. The reasons for incorrect readings can be different, it is better to check your body for the possible presence of pathologies.

How to use a pregnancy test - video

This video briefly and clearly talks about the principles of the pregnancy test, and how to use it correctly. Using the example of the “Answer” diagnostic system, the process of reading the readings of the analysis results, common to strips, tablets and inkjet devices, is demonstrated.

Modern pharmaceutical companies produce a huge range of products, ready to satisfy any criteria of customers. For some, low cost is important, for others ease of use, for others, high accuracy of analysis is necessary. Correct use any kind of such diagnostic systems is a guarantee of the accuracy of the received answer to the most important question in the life of every girl, whether she is pregnant or not.

If you have ever used any kind of such systems - share your impressions and experiences in the comments. This will help to make a choice for those who are faced with a similar issue for the first time. And let the results of such a diagnosis of the interestingness of your position be not only accurate, but also desirable!

Any girl worries and worries if her menstruation does not start on time.

One half rejoices possible offensive long-awaited pregnancy, and the other is upset if the birth of a child is not yet included in life plans. When menstruation is delayed by a couple of days, it is not always advisable to do laboratory tests, so girls resort to using test strips.

These simple devices accurately determine the onset of pregnancy at home.

How does a pregnancy test work?

The very first sign of successful fertilization is the production of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood and urine of a girl. It is secreted by the woman's body at the onset of conception. It is with this hormone that the test reacts.

The part of the device that absorbs liquid contains a substance that interacts with the dye. When the hCG hormone is found in the composition of the liquid, the dye is released and two strips appear. If there is no chorionic gonadotropin in the biomaterial, then there will be only one strip.

The first strip reagent is always released, regardless of the hCG level. It will appear even if the device is immersed in ordinary water. The first strip is needed to show the suitability of the test.

Digital devices operate in the same way, only the test strip is built into the case and the result is displayed on the built-in display in the form of stripes, plus and minus, or even a smiley.

How accurate is the result?

Manufacturers of pregnancy tests give a guarantee of results from 95 to 100%. But the possibility of error still exists. To be sure of the results, it is best to do several tests with a difference of 2-3 days.

There are situations when the presence of interesting position, but in fact it is not, or vice versa. There are several reasons for this.

False negative result happens in case:

  • use a large number water before testing;
  • heart or kidney disease;
  • gestational age 1-2 weeks;
  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • the girl drinks drugs containing hormones;
  • recent abortion or loss of a child.

A positive result in the absence of pregnancy occurs for the following reasons:

  • urine for analysis is stale or testing is not done in the morning;
  • diseases of the female genital organs;
  • non-compliance with the instructions for use;
  • poor quality test
  • climax.

In order for the test result to be as correct as possible, be sure to check the safety of the packaging, the expiration date of the device, carry out the procedure in the morning and at least 7 days from the planned date of the onset of menstruation, and also repeat the process after 2-3 days.

How to use a pregnancy test - detailed instructions

There are four types of pregnancy tests: inkjet, tablet (or test cassette), electronic and strip test (or test strip).

All types of tests are different ways applications.


Jet is a cassette containing special blue particles that react even to a meager amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman's urine. Such devices are the most sensitive and accurate. Their sensitivity starts from 10mIU/ml. An inkjet test is able to recognize that a girl will soon become a mother, even before the onset of a delay in menstruation.

Another undoubted plus of the inkjet device is its ease of use. For the procedure, no additional container is needed, it is enough just to substitute the device under the stream of urine. Thus, testing can be carried out anywhere, even at work, if you do not want to wait for coming home.

Applies as follows:

  1. Take the device out of the sealed package.
  2. Remove the protective cap from it.
  3. Holding the handle, place the tip of the device under the stream of urine.
  4. Wait 5-10 seconds.
  5. Lay the device horizontally, with the window up and wait for the result for five minutes. Later than twenty minutes later, it is forbidden to check the results.


The tablet consists of a plastic container, a pipette and a container for the biomaterial. The container has two windows. One for urine, the second displays the result.

Such a device also has an excellent sensitivity of 10-25 mIU / ml and recognizes pregnancy early, but it is not very convenient to use it, so it will not be possible to quickly carry out the procedure anywhere. It's better to wait at home.

Instructions for use:

  • open the package;
  • take out the tablet and pipette;
  • prepare urine for analysis in the container that comes with the kit;
  • fill the pipette with biomaterial and drop 4 drops into the device window;
  • put the tablet on a flat surface, wait for the results for at least one minute and no more than ten.


Electronic is a device inside which is an ordinary test strip. But the result of the analysis is more reliable, since it takes into account the amount of not only hCG, but also luteinizing hormone. After hitting the strip of liquid, the electronics of the device analyzes all the indicators and gives the most accurate result.

The sensitivity of electronic devices starts from 10mIU/ml.

This test is as convenient as the inkjet test because it can be carried out without the use of additional parts. It is enough just to substitute the tip under the stream of urine.

Action algorithm:

  1. Open the package.
  2. Substitute the device under a stream of urine or lower it into a container with it for 5-10 seconds.
  3. Leave it for 3 minutes to analyze.
  4. Check out the result.

Strip test

The test strip is a paper strip impregnated with a dye reagent. When in contact with liquid, stripes appear on it. Such a device is most popular among women due to its low cost, but its sensitivity is 20-30 mIU / ml.

With it, you can determine the presence of an interesting position only after the delay has occurred.

Guide to action:

  • unpack and take out the test strip;
  • collect urine in a sterile container;
  • immerse the test in it to a special mark for 5-10 seconds;
  • take it out and put it on a dry surface;
  • check the result after 2-5 minutes.

It is important to remember that each device has its own instructions for use and it is best to carry out the procedure by following the instructions in it.

There are dozens of manufacturers: Attest, Clearblue plus and digital, Milatest, Vestel, Ansver, Frautest and many others.

What to do so that the result is as accurate as possible - the doctor advises

In order for testing to show the most accurate result, a number of requirements must be met:

  1. Testing should be done immediately after waking up, using the first morning urine. During the night it accumulates a lot various substances including hormones. Therefore, the concentration of hCG in the biomaterial in the morning is the highest compared to other times of the day.
  2. The container in which urine is collected must be sterile. You can use a jar for analyzes purchased at a pharmacy.
  3. The procedure must be carried out strictly according to the instructions. Do not overexpose the device in liquid or keep it there for less than the allotted time. The device should be immersed only up to a special mark, otherwise it will get wet and become faulty.
  4. Since the chorion appears only on the 7th day after conception, the procedure is recommended to be done no earlier than this period. And it is best to wait for the delay of menstruation and start testing. The result of the test carried out on the 7th day of delay will be more reliable, since by this time there is already a sufficient amount of hCG in the body.
  5. It is necessary to open the package immediately before the procedure. The test is specially stored in sealed packaging to avoid contact with moisture and other substances. Therefore, when purchasing a test in a pharmacy, be sure to pay attention to the integrity of the package.
  6. After the dough has come into contact with the liquid, do not turn it upside down vertically, but lay it horizontally on a clean, flat surface. If the device has a cap, then it is better to put it on to protect against dust, as it can affect the result.
  7. Be sure to check the expiration date when buying. If the deadline has expired, then the test results should not be trusted.
  8. If the test is to be taken in the evening, then during the day you should not drink a lot of liquid.

How to accurately determine pregnancy - doctor's comment in this video:


Each test comes with instructions for use. Testing must be carried out strictly following it. If you follow the requirements specified in it and the advice of doctors on the preparation and time of the procedure, then the result will be as reliable as possible.

It should be remembered that in addition to pregnancy, there are other factors that provoke a positive result. At the same time, one strip does not always mean that the girl is not expecting a child. In any case, if you have discomfort or your periods do not come on time, it is best to understand the reasons for you to help a qualified specialist.

Pharmacy counters offer modern girl and women a huge number of varieties of pregnancy tests. What should be remembered when using a pregnancy test? Which type is better to choose, how to use a pregnancy test, when can it be used?

The procedure that allows a girl to confirm or deny the first signs of pregnancy without visiting a gynecologist is called express testing. It is held in home environment with the help of special devices - pregnancy tests, which can now be purchased at every pharmacy without presenting a prescription. It is very easy to carry out the procedure, the main thing is to figure out how to use a pregnancy test, when it should be used and which one is better to choose.

How does a pregnancy test work?

After conception and until the end of the first trimester, a unique hormone is intensively produced in the body of a woman - chorionic gonadotropin, or hCG. Its production and presence in the blood and urine of a woman is a confirmation of pregnancy. It is very easy to identify it with the help of special reagents that must come into contact with the biological fluid under study.

Urine is tested at home. The test is carried out using special devices, which are based on the principle of interaction of the hCG hormone with a special reagent. Such devices resemble strips. They are called diagnostic and are used as litmus paper. Therefore, using a pregnancy test, you should know: if there is hCG in the urine, then the “litmus” express strip will change color, if not, then the color will remain the same.

In the urine, the hormone appears only 10-15 days later (individual indicators of the woman's body) after the actual conception. In the blood, the hormone is determined after 2-3 days. In pharmacies, you can also find express strips of high sensitivity to hCG, however, such tests should be used no earlier than 7 days after the absence of monthly discharge.

Test strips: pros and cons

The test strip is the most popular and simplest type of express device. This is the first generation of tests, which has some drawbacks:

  • The biological fluid must be morning. The highest concentration of hCG is in morning urine, the chances of getting reliable results significantly higher.
  • Urine must be collected in a clean and dry container.
  • A high probability of overexposure / underexposure of the reagent in the urine is an unreliable result.
  • The device uses a paper strip. It is rather problematic to impregnate it with a reagent, and therefore the result in 4 out of 10 tests may be erroneous.

But the rules for using a paper pregnancy test are very simple. It is necessary to lower the strip into a container with biological fluid for 15-20 seconds. Then take it out and put it on a flat surface. After a few minutes (in some cases, the reagent may give a result after 2-4 hours), you can evaluate the result:

  • One color bar- no pregnancy.
  • Two colored stripes - there is a pregnancy.

Tablet pregnancy test

This is the next generation of express devices. They are much more convenient to use. test paper strip hidden in Plastic container tablet or cassette front side which has two small windows. The tablet does not need to be immersed in biological fluid. The usage principle is as follows:

  • Collect some morning urine in a clean container.
  • Take the pipette out of the package.
  • Draw a couple of drops of urine into the pipette.
  • Apply to the first window in the tablet.
  • Wait a few minutes.
  • Look at the second box for the result box.
  • One stripe (blue minus) is not pregnant, two (blue plus) are.

The sensitivity of such strips is similar to the previous ones, the only difference is that the "litmus" strip is easier to use. There is no need to worry about what can be overexposed or underexposed.

Inkjet test

More modern and sensitive to hCG hormone stripes. They are convenient in that there is no need to collect urine in a container in the morning, and the test can be carried out at a time of the day that is comfortable for the girl. The principle of the procedure is extremely simple: the device from the package must be brought to the stream of urine and wetted. The result will be ready in 2-7 minutes.

Inkjet devices are much better. They contain a fibrous rod, completely permeated with tubules. Through them, the biological fluid enters the reagent, which is located as if in a capsule.

On the shelves of pharmacies, you can also find electronic express devices. Convenient and practical modern tests that have a fairly high cost.

What test to determine pregnancy to choose?
It is recommended to purchase two types of tests and do the procedure twice with an interval of 3-5 days.

Tests may give false positive results if in the body of a girl:

  • there are violations in the work of the ovaries;
  • a tumor producing hCG hormone has formed.

Therefore, when in doubt, it is better to consult a specialist. A blood test guarantees a reliable result.

2015-10-24 , 39016

Accurate, fast, compact - rapid tests to determine pregnancy used by women all over the world. Test for Pregnancy Evitest- the leader in popularity and accuracy of the result. These indicators have gained universal confidence due to German accuracy and availability.

Evitest express tests are certified and available in every pharmacy. They are released without a prescription.

HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh has developed several types of pregnancy tests. Which one to choose? How to use them? How much are? What is the difference? The answers are in the article.


The Evitest pregnancy test is special remedy For immunochromatographic diagnostics early dates pregnancy. It has the form of a disposable strip with a layer of a chemical indicator applied or in the form of a plastic capsule with cartridges.

The indicator reacts to the presence in the urine human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The sensitivity of the test is 20 mIU/ml. That's why rapid tests allow determine pregnancy even for such a short period of time 5-10 days.

HCG norms

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that the placenta secretes from the first days of pregnancy, i.e. from the moment the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus(as a rule, this happens on the 5th day after conception).

HCG begins to be released from the first hours of pregnancy and continues to be synthesized throughout the entire period of gestation.

The maximum value of hCG fixed on from 7th to . During this period, the hormone index increases several thousand times. Then hormone levels gradually decrease.

Presence in urine HCG in men and non-pregnant women indicates the presence of a hormone-producing tumor.

Short hCG level in pregnant women indicates:

  • misdiagnosed;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • delayed fetal development.

Table " HCG norms for pregnant women"


A correctly chosen rapid test is the key to an objective result. Buy only the Evitest, the sensitivity of which matches the level of hCG. Otherwise, the result will be uninformative.

Pregnancy test strips work on the principle litmus test: in contact with the reagent (in this case- with urine) the indicator changes color. For the most exact result you must strictly follow the instructions which is included in the package.

General instructions for Evitest test strips:

  • collect morning urine(at this time of day the level of hCG is the highest) in a glass or plastic utensils;
  • carefully open the package and take out the test strip;
  • place the rapid test in the urine up to the indicated level on 5-10 seconds;
  • get the test and put it on a dry, clean and waterproof surface (for example, on the rim of a jar or cup);
  • track the result In 5 minutes but no later than 10 minutes.

General instructions for Evitest test cassettes:

  • collect the morning portion of urine in a glass or plastic dish (sometimes the container is included in the rapid test kit);
  • carefully open the package and take out the cassette test;
  • pipette collect a few drops of urine and drip into the window of the cassette;
  • track the result In 5 minutes but no later than 10 minutes.

General instructions for midstream test (jet express tests) from Evitest:

  • carefully open the package and take out the inkjet test;
  • remove the protective cap and, holding the handle, put under a stream of urine(you can also collect urine in a container and lower the test into it for 5-10 seconds);
  • close the test with a cap and put it on a flat horizontal surface;
  • track the result In 5 minutes but no later than 10 minutes.

How the rapid test works: after contact with urine, a slowly moving liquid appears on the indicator, which fills the space with the reagent. After the specified time, one or two dark red or burgundy stripes will appear on the indicator.

What will the strips on the test say?

Very often on the forums they ask how to “decipher” the strips on the express test. We attach all variations of the results:

  1. One dark line. This negative test for pregnancy.
  2. Two dark stripes. This positive test for pregnancy.
  3. One stripe is dark and the other is pale. This is an indicator of early pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy or a hormone-producing tumor. In such cases, it is recommended to do a second test after 2 days and consult a doctor.
  4. There are no stripes. This means that the test is unusable or has been incorrectly applied. Possible reasons incorrect reaction: the expiration date has expired, the sealed packaging was damaged, urine did not get on the indicator.

False negative result- the test shows the absence of pregnancy, although the woman is pregnant.

False positive result- the test shows the presence of pregnancy, but the woman is not pregnant.

Special Notes

Please read carefully list of precautions:

  • sealed packaging should be opened only immediately before the test;
  • if the integrity of the sealed package is broken, test not recommended to use to avoid incorrect results;
  • test strips and cassettes use only once;
  • do not use the test after it expires expiration date;
  • pinpoint exact time specified in the instructions;
  • do not overheat the test during the manifestation of the result;
  • the test is only for outdoor use;
  • do not consume the night before the test a lot of liquid(and diuretics) so as not to distort the result.

In the first days of delay in the presence of pregnancy, the second band, as a rule, manifests itself weaker and more slowly.

What are pregnancy tests

When choosing an Evitest pregnancy test, it must be borne in mind that they sensitivity varies from 10 to 25 or more mIU / ml. This means that what less term pregnancy, the less should be the sensitivity of the test. Conversely, the longer the period, the greater the sensitivity of the test should be.

Consider all types of Evitest rapid test products.

The simplest and most affordable test of the first generation in the form of an applicator strip. He is attributed to submersible express tests. It is chosen for the diagnosis of early pregnancy in the first days of a cycle delay.

Express test of the first generation. In my own way appearance and purpose similar to Evitest One. The kit includes two test strips. The first strip must be used on the first day of delay, and after a few days, fix the result with the second.

Tablet or cassette rapid test of the second generation. The kit includes a special pipette. A more precise type of test.

Inkjet (midstream) type of test of the third generation. The most expensive of the entire Evitest series. Suitable for use at any time of the day. Does not require collection of urine in a separate container.

Inkjet test of the third generation. Is different stylish design and high sensitivity.

In 1998, a review of the results of rapid pregnancy tests was carried out. It turned out that home pregnancy tests by experienced people did not differ in results from laboratory examinations (average accuracy of 97.4%). The results of ordinary consumers were much lower (average 75% accuracy). This suggests that many women simply do not follow the instructions in the instructions.


Depending on the type of express test, their price also fluctuates (below is the data for October 24, 2015):

76-93 rubles;

157-191 rubles;

212-281 rubles;

280-309 rubles;

345-427 rubles.

Prices for Evitest products in your area may differ from the prices shown in this article.