How to decorate a plastic container. DIY badges on a backpack, how to make plastic key rings in the oven with your own hands. Various plastic jars

Today, plastic containers are produced in almost any shape and size. And although it is very convenient to use them for storing things, in terms of design, they are far from always ideal. Therefore, boxes and trays have to be hidden, closed in cabinets, cleaned under beds or placed in basements and attics.

But you can apply one of 13 original solutions that will help fit the containers into the interior of any room. Now you can place all your things in them, giving up unnecessary furniture.

1. Vertical storage

Baking trays and pans take up a lot of space in the kitchen if you're used to putting them in the same position as when you cook. You can put one baking sheet on top of another and place in the oven. But in this case, to get the right one, you have to lift the rest. And every time before cooking, the oven needs to be emptied ... A more convenient option is to store such dishes vertically, using a tall container for this. Now you just need to select the desired shape ...

2. Fits into any interior

Plastic on its own can look a bit cheap in a bedroom or living room. So if you want to organize a beautiful storage space that will go with furniture and accessories, just add a few details... Tape the sides of the container with the same textiles that are used for blankets, curtains or pillows. Transparent plastic will look better if you paint it with acrylic spray paint. Additionally, you can attach wheels purchased at a furniture store. Use rope or jute twine as handles.

3. Hide everything you don't need

Reinforce several plastic containers with plywood, and then sheathe them with any furniture fabric. If you want the bench to be softer and more comfortable, add several layers of synthetic winterizer between the fabric and plywood. Instead of a synthetic winterizer, you can use an old, failed, blanket. And instead of fabric, if desired, use a blanket. This solution is perfect for rental housing, because such furniture is easy to disassemble and use for other purposes.

4. Use space wisely

Deep shelves are good because they can store a lot of products. But what is placed near the back wall is usually not easy to get. And if you still need something, you will have to turn all the supplies upside down. But if you put a simple plastic tray on such a shelf, the task will be greatly simplified. Now you have an analogue of a pull-out shelf, which, moreover, is very easy to wash. You can stick beautiful labels on the trays, and it will be even easier to maintain order.

5. Organize a bureau

For some reason, such a convenient element of furniture for storage as a bureau has gone out of fashion. But in such a chest of drawers with a large number of sliding shelves it is very easy to store various small things and stationery. You can organize a "bureau" yourself by equipping an ordinary open chest of drawers with many containers of the same shape and size. In such boxes it is very convenient to store materials for needlework and working tools. And collected under one roof, the containers will look much more neat.

6. Organize a zoo

It is convenient to collect all toys together in such a container. To equip it, you will need a woolen rope, cord or twine and wheels for furniture. Several animals can be fixed right on the edge of the box, and then it will be easier for the child to figure out what to put where. If the baby's room has room for several containers, you can assign different animals to be "responsible" for their kind of toys.

7. All in sight

The design of the children's room allows for such a democratic material as plastic. Therefore, containers can be left without additional finishing. Simply label each crate with a colored sticker labeled with a specific type of toy. And it will be very easy to find the right thing.

8. Add some color

Small plastic chests of drawers with drawers are great for storing cosmetics. And you can ennoble their appearance with the help of acrylic paint. It is most convenient to work with a spray can. You can choose several colors that harmonize with each other, and apply a pattern using a stencil. A handy item can now decorate a bedroom or bathroom.

9. Use the space under the bed

In this case, the container is still proposed to be hidden. But to do this is very convenient and functional. A small handle and wheels allow you to use the space under the bed to store bedding. This design is suitable for those things that need to be hidden every day. You can save on pull-out lockers and afford a more comfortable mattress.

10. Keep the hallway clean

In a large family, there are often a lot of pairs of shoes in the hallway. Therefore, a sense of disorder arises even in a clean room. Try storing your shoes in the pantry, with a separate drawer for each. To prevent shoes from getting mixed up, you can stick photos of family members on the personal compartments of a plastic chest of drawers.

11. Everything is on the shelves

Large plastic containers are very convenient to store things that are rarely needed. You can fill a basement or pantry with such, and not worry that the desired item will be lost. Plastic boxes are designed in such a way that they can be stacked on top of each other. But if you need a thing that is stored below, the entire structure will have to be disassembled. Therefore, it is much more convenient to organize home-made racks from wooden beams. You can fill them up by purchasing new containers as needed.

12. Use every centimeter!

In order not to clutter up the floor and walls, you can arrange storage for things right under the roof. To implement such an idea, you will need a metal mesh shelf and many identical containers. Now things will not clutter up the usable space. Don't forget to bring a comfortable stepladder!

13. And an advanced version ...

Various sizes and shapes of plastic containers allow you to use almost any place in the house for storage. It can be shelves under the ceiling, above the door, and in any other place. You can peep a couple of ideas in industrial buildings ...
Sort all the little things and find a place for each group. And it will be much easier to maintain order in the house!

Do not rush to throw away used plastic containers, because you can still find a useful use for it. In a new review, the author has collected the most interesting and practical examples of what else you can use unnecessary plastic bottles for.

1. Decoration in a marine style

To create a unique marine-inspired jewelry, you will need a small plastic or glass bottle, which should be filled with plain water and seabed attributes: sand, shells, large pearl-like beads, coins, shiny beads and glass shards. When all the components of the composition are folded, drop a drop of blue food coloring, a few drops of vegetable oil and some sparkles into the bottle. It remains only to tighten the cork well and the stunning decoration is ready.

2. Stand for books and magazines

Simple manipulations will allow you to turn an unnecessary canister of milk or juice into a convenient stand for books, newspapers and magazines.

3. Faucet attachment

A handy faucet nozzle can be cut out of the shampoo bottle, which will allow the child to wash their hands or wash their hands without outside help without flooding the entire floor.

4. Napkin holder

A detergent bottle can be used to create a bright and practical napkin holder, the design of which is limited only by your imagination.

5. Stationery organizer

Instead of just throwing away the next bottles of shampoo and shower gel, make bright and cheerful coasters out of them in the form of funny monsters. To get started, just cut off the necks of the bottles and mark the places for future cuts. From colored paper or fabric, you can cut out a variety of decorative elements, such as eyes, teeth and ears, and attach them to bottles using superglue. Finished products are best attached to the wall using double-sided tape.

6. Containers for cosmetics

Cut plastic bottles are great for making adorable storage containers for makeup brushes, make-up, ear sticks and more.

7. Pouf

From a large number of plastic containers, you can make a charming pouffe, the process of creating which is quite simple and understandable. First you need to make a circle of plastic bottles of the same height and secure it with tape. The resulting structure must be well wrapped with a sheet of foamed polyethylene, securing all joints with adhesive tape. The base of the ottoman is ready, it remains only to sew a suitable cover for it.

8. Bracelets

Plastic bottles are an excellent basis for creating original bracelets. Use fabric, thread, leather, and any other materials to decorate the unsightly plastic base.

9. Stand for sweets

The bottoms of plastic bottles of different sizes, painted in the desired shade, can be used to create a spectacular multi-level stand for convenient and beautiful storage of sweets.

10. Scoop and spatula

Plastic milk and juice canisters can be used to create a practical scoop and a handy little spatula.

11. Protective cap

A simple cap that can be made from a regular plastic bottle will help protect your phone from snow or rain.

12. Lamp

A small plastic canister can be a wonderful base for creating an original lamp.

13. Jewelry Organizer

A stunning multi-level organizer that can be made from several plastic bottle bottoms strung on a metal needle.

14. Planters

Storage containers for spare parts.

Spacious containers made from waste plastic canisters will help to put things in order and maintain order in the garage, which are perfect for storing small parts, nails, screws and other small things.

17. Toy

Armed with scissors, felt-tip pens and paints, you can turn unnecessary plastic containers into fun toys, the process of creating which, as well as the result itself, will undoubtedly attract the attention of children.

Continuing the topic with your own hands.

In this article, we will analyze how to make original multi-colored pendants, bracelets and cool badges from the oven with your own hands at home.

Do-it-yourself plastic key chains

In order to make cool keychains and badges from the oven, we will need scissors, a hole punch, permanent markers or acrylic paint and, of course, transparent plastic packaging (container) for cakes, cookies, etc.

Look, the package must have an emblem with the number 6. Only completely flat transparent plastic, which is even, is suitable for us, we don’t need everything else. Since we don't need all the ribbed plastic, we just get rid of it.

Making plastic badges

We take a clerical knife and cut out only the plastic that we need, namely flat. Then we choose any pictures we like for the icons. The easiest way is to find them on the Internet through a smartphone or planets, so that it is more convenient to work. You need to choose larger images, because when heated in the oven, they will decrease in size by 5-7 times and become too small if you make them initially like this, but at the same time they will increase in thickness up to 3 mm.

After we have found the pictures that suit us, we take the plastic prepared in size, put it on top and transfer the image with a permanent marker, since it will not be erased in the future. At this stage, you can immediately decorate your product with colored markers. Also, if you draw well, you can draw your future badge on paper and then transfer it to plastic in the same way.

We take scissors and cut out our blanks. We move them to a baking sheet covered with parchment paper, otherwise you will hardly separate them from the baking sheet.

We set the oven to heat up to 150-170 degrees. Then we take a baking sheet with our blanks and place in the oven for a few minutes (2-3 minutes, it all depends on how the transformation process goes). Do not be alarmed when the blanks begin to curl up before your eyes. After about a minute, they will straighten up, but decrease in size. After this process, we take them out and lightly press something flat so that they straighten up to the end.

See what the blanks were and what our badges became after the oven

If you have not previously painted the blanks with permanent markers, then we take acrylic paint. We mix the colors we need and paint the icons on the back (required). The result is very cool icons, almost store quality.

Making fasteners for badges

Next, attach the pin to the back of the badge with super glue. For better adhesion of the glue to the surface, sprinkle the place of gluing with soda. If you make a hole in them, then these badges can be used as key chains. You can also create original multi-colored pendants and bracelets from them.

In order to get stylish jewelry, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on buying them. You can make a necklace, earrings or. Moreover, from such materials that many, without hesitation, are thrown into the trash. For example, the bracelet you see in the photo is made from pieces of plastic cut from a disposable food container. Well, how interesting?

Master class: the necessary materials and tools for making a bracelet

For this master class, you will need a container (in supermarkets they sell salads and cakes) made of PS-6 polystyrene.

Eat everything edible, and wash the container with warm soapy water, removing the stickers and glue that remains after them. Let the container dry well.

In addition to the container, you will need:

Multi-colored permanent markers;

Sharp scissors;

6 mm jewelry rings;

Small pliers;

Hole punch (for punching holes in belts);

Electric oven or gas oven with the possibility of heating up to 120 degrees;

Polyurethane clear top coat (optional).

How to make a bracelet with your own hands

Cut off a flat part from the container and draw your drawing or pattern with markers (you can give the kids plenty of fun here). You can cut the plastic into small pieces of the desired size and paint them individually (if you are good at drawing miniatures).

Note: Buy thin markers so that the drawing is neat and clear. Dark colors become almost black after baking, so don't overdo them.

Cut a large piece with a pattern into small ones of the desired size. In this master class, rectangles measuring 3.5x4.5 cm are made.

Punch four holes in the corners of each rectangle with a hole punch.

Use scissors or nail clippers to round off the corners of each rectangle.

Note: You can also sand the corners of the plastic after baking in the oven. But you can’t cut with scissors at this stage.

In this master class, the bracelet turned out to be baked. That is, the plastic parts of which it consists were baked in the oven.

Preheat oven to desired temperature. Place the plastic on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper. Place the tray in the oven. After 30 seconds, the plastic will begin to bend, but after a minute or two it will become smaller and straighten out. It's time to take the "pie" out of the oven.

Once the plastic straightens out (even if it took 30 seconds), remove the baking sheet from the oven. After cooling, you can cover the plastic with a top coat (optional).

If you decide to make the bracelet with a protective varnish coating, both quick-drying polyurethane varnish and clear nail polish will work for you. But not sprays with acetone-based acrylates, as they will lighten your paints (although this is also a good effect).

Now it's time to fasten the bracelet pieces together. Use jewelry rings for this, which are sold in needlework stores.

Open the first ring with pliers. Pass it through the hole in the first plastic link of the bracelet. Close the ring using pliers. Pass the next ring through it and immediately grab the next piece of plastic. Repeat on the other side of each piece.

Having fastened two elements with the help of rings, move in the same way to the end of the bracelet until you connect all the links.

At the ends of the bracelet, connect the rings, as shown in the photo. Attach the clasp for the bracelet on one side.

If necessary, on the opposite side of the clasp, at the end of the bracelet, instead of one ring, add a few more so that the bracelet can be “fitted to size”.

Now is the time to show off your new jewelry to your friends.

Note: Before you make such a bracelet, think about whether you might want to make some other jewelry to go with it. In the last photo you see a stylish pendant that matches the design of the bracelet. It can be made according to the same scenario, but made in a different size.

Poke one hole in it, bake in the oven. Lacquer if you painted the bracelet. Put the ring on the pendant, and attach it to a special wire for pendants, lace or chain. You can also buy them at a craft store.

And here is another idea for making a bracelet -.