How many days before menstruation can I do a pregnancy test, will it show a reliable result before the delay? When to take a pregnancy test Will a pregnancy test show before a missed period?

There are many reasons why a woman seeks to find out about pregnancy as soon as possible or to make sure that she is not pregnant. In some cases, she plans to become pregnant in the near future. In others, she wants to be sure that the contraceptives she uses are working well. Thirdly, a woman is treated with drugs or methods, the use of which during pregnancy is highly undesirable. Fourth... The list goes on.

Regardless of the cause, women are looking for an accurate and effective way to detect pregnancy as early as possible. Is there a test that recognizes pregnancy before the date of the expected period, and how reliable is its result?

The principle of operation and types of pregnancy tests

After conception, changes begin in the body of the expectant mother. One of the first changes is the appearance in the female body of the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin.

This hormone is produced by the placenta from about the second week of pregnancy. Every day, its amount doubles compared to the previous one, that is, the concentration grows exponentially. It first appears in the blood, from which it enters the urine of a pregnant woman. This feature is used to confirm the presence of pregnancy in the early stages. What is the principle of operation of rapid pregnancy tests?

A pregnancy test has the form of a strip or device with a urinal and a window for deriving the result. Regardless of the design, it contains an indicator, which is a specific dye-labeled antibody that recognizes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Usually there are two lines on the test strip: a control line (it is stained regardless of the presence of pregnancy and shows that the test is suitable for use) and an indicator strip (contains antibodies with a dye that changes color only upon contact with hCG).

In addition to the usual ones, there are special high-precision test options that contain fluorescent or radioactive molecules instead of a dye. These tests are not sold in pharmacies, but are used only in specialized laboratories.

Commercially available tests can be divided into:

  • standard (react to the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin over 25 mIU / ml);
  • hypersensitivity (sensitive to the content of hCG at a concentration of 10-15 mIU / ml).

Depending on the design and display option, tests are divided into:

  • test strips, or strips (a paper strip on a plastic substrate with an indicator is lowered into a container with collected urine);
  • jet (there is no need to collect urine in the dishes, it is substituted under the stream);
  • digital (urine is dripped into the urinal, the result is displayed in a special window).

Variants of various tests are shown in the photo. All of them are sold in pharmacies, where they can be bought without a prescription.

On what day from conception can a test react to hCG?

Can a test used at home show a positive result if taken before a missed period? In what segment of the cycle does it cost and does it make sense to conduct such testing? In order to answer this question, consider the processes occurring in the female body in dynamics.

The fusion of the egg with the sperm takes place in the fallopian tube. Within 3-5 days, the fertilized egg moves through the tube and enters the uterus. Here it is implanted in the lining of the uterine wall.

Chorionic gonadotropin appears in the body 24–48 hours after implantation, but in the first days its concentration is negligible and cannot be recognized during testing. However, the production of the hormone increases quite quickly and has the following dynamics:

  • 1 day after implantation - 4 mIU / ml;
  • Day 2 - 7 mIU / ml;
  • Day 3 - 11 mIU / ml;
  • Day 4 - 18 mIU / ml;
  • Day 5 - 28 mIU / ml;
  • Day 6 - 45 mIU / ml;
  • Day 7 - 73 mIU / ml;
  • Day 8 - 105 mIU / ml;
  • Day 9 - 160 mIU / ml.

Here are the average hCG levels. Different women may experience deviations from the average in one direction or another, depending on the characteristics of the body as a whole and its endocrine system in particular. Therefore, a pregnancy test before a delay may show different results.

Features of the menstrual cycle and the dependence of the time of conception on its duration

One of the main individual characteristics that affect the results of the test when it is used before a delay is the length of the menstrual cycle in a particular woman. Cyclic changes can normally last from 21 to 35 days.

When doing calculations, we must remember that the contact of the sperm with the egg released from the ovary does not always coincide with the date of sexual intercourse, fertilization can occur 1-2 days later. This means that the time of conception may shift by this time period, which will affect the level of hCG and the result of a pregnancy test.

Normal 28 day cycle

Most standard pregnancy tests recognize hCG concentrations of 25 mIU/mL and above. Under favorable conditions, this concentration is reached on the day that coincides with the expected date of the next menstruation. Therefore, the probability of a negative result with such testing is high. For the early diagnosis of pregnancy, highly sensitive tests that respond to an hCG concentration of 10-15 mIU / ml are more suitable. With their help, you can determine the presence of pregnancy before the expected date of the next menstruation.

short cycle

Some women have a shortened cycle, the duration of which is equal to the 21st day. The shortening may be due to the first, second or both phases. With a 21-day period, ovulation occurs on days 8–10. The concentration of hCG, which can detect pregnancy using tests, in such women is reached by the time the menstrual cycle has come to an end, or even later. For these reasons, the diagnosis of pregnancy before the onset of menstruation is difficult.

In this case, tests with normal sensitivity are not suitable, you need to choose the most highly sensitive of their varieties. Before a missed period, it is recommended to use the digital tests "Evitest", "Frautest" or "Clearblue", which are sensitive to lower concentrations of hCG and are more likely to show pregnancy. The domestic version of such tests Clever has the same accuracy, but is much cheaper.

long cycle

An extended cycle of 35 days has its own characteristics. Usually the first part of the period, before ovulation, is increased, and the second lasts the same as in women with a cycle of 28 days. If you need to test without waiting for your period, it is also preferable to use tests that are sensitive to low concentrations of hCG, since the usual ones can give a negative result.

Is it possible to determine pregnancy with a test before a delay?

Most women have the opportunity to find out about their pregnancy before the missed period. In each cycle there is a time period suitable for the fertilization of the egg, which lasts several days. It is called the fertile window. If conception occurred at the beginning of this period, then there is a high probability that a woman will be able to find out about her pregnancy even before the delay.

The accuracy of the indicators directly depends on the following factors:

  • the degree of sensitivity of the test;
  • the duration of the cycle in this woman;
  • the number of days left until the expected date of menstruation;
  • time of day at which urine was collected for analysis.

When will the test show an absolutely reliable result?

Can a test made before the delay be wrong? The percentage of certainty is a variable value that changes as the onset of menstruation approaches. In women with a standard 28-day cycle, this dependence looks like this:

  • a week before the delay, the accuracy of the analysis will be 25%;
  • for 5 days - 33%;
  • for 4 days - 42%;
  • in 3 days - 68%;
  • in 2 days - 81%;
  • per day - 93%;
  • on the day of delay - 96%;
  • after a delay - 99.9%.

In addition to the usual statistical errors, tests can show a positive result in the absence of pregnancy, or vice versa, a negative one if there is one.

Why is a test error possible and what are the factors influencing its occurrence? Reasons for a false negative result:

  • urine of low concentration (with abundant drinking);
  • broken test;
  • premature testing (more than a week before the expected start of menstruation);
  • ectopic or frozen pregnancy;
  • early embryonic death.

The test may give a false positive result:

  • after the introduction of drugs containing chorionic gonadotropin;
  • with a recent miscarriage or abortion, when part of the fetal egg remained in the uterus;
  • in some cancers.

How and when should the test be done to increase its reliability? Experienced doctors give several recommendations in this regard:

  • the analysis will show a more accurate result if you do it immediately after waking up in the morning, because the urine collected in the morning contains the maximum amount of chorionic gonadotropin (if it is produced);
  • analyze only freshly collected urine and use clean dishes;
  • choose rapid tests with high sensitivity to the hormone;
  • carefully follow the instructions for using the test;
  • if obvious symptoms of pregnancy are felt, and the analysis is negative, it is worth repeating it after 1-2 days, when the concentration of hCG becomes higher.

If earlier it was possible to learn about a joyful event by the absence of menstruation, modern technologies make an express method available - an accurate determination of conception using a test.

Some test models are so perfect that they can detect pregnancy a few days before the delay.

What is the effectiveness of tests for determining pregnancy before a delay based on?

From the moment of conception, a special hormone begins to flow into the blood of a woman - chorionic gonadotropin, produced by the chorion. A day later, hCG appears in the urine of a woman. At the same time, the rate at which the level of the substance is growing is amazing. During every 2 days, the volume of the hormone doubles.

Pregnancy tests are sensitive to the presence of the hormone. By the way, in the body of any person there is a small amount of α-hCG. But after conception, the chorion begins to produce a completely new type of protein - β-hCG.

Therefore, in most cases, if a pregnancy test shows a positive result, congratulations can be accepted.

Currently, there are several types of tests. However, they are all based on sensitivity to hCG. By design, they distinguish:

  • test strips;
  • jet tests;
  • digital.

Test strips are the most popular way to determine pregnancy, as the products are inexpensive and can be purchased at any pharmacy kiosk.

The disadvantages of the strips include the need to collect urine in a clean, dry container.

Inkjet systems are considered the most convenient method, since the test can be used without collecting urine. This makes the test as simple and comfortable as possible.

Digital tests are a modern option that allows you to see the result in a special electronic window.

One of the electronic tests, ClearBlue, is even able to show the gestational age. The disadvantage of the system is its high cost.

Regardless of the type of device, they all have equal capabilities. The strip and digital test give an accurate result in about 97-99% of cases if used from the first day of delay.

The accuracy of diagnosis 4 days before the delay is no more than 50%, 2 days before the delay, the indicator rises to 80%.

In addition, any test can give a false positive or false negative result. What is the likelihood of error?

Each test is equipped with a reagent that reacts with the hCG hormone. In the presence of a sufficient concentration of chorionic gonadotropin, the result is positive, in its absence, it is negative.

A false positive result is less common, since β-hCG is produced by the female body only with the onset of pregnancy.

However, a similar effect is possible if:

  • the test is carried out a few weeks after childbirth;
  • shortly before the test, the woman had an abortion or a miscarriage occurred;
  • there is an oncological disease in which the production of an analog of chorionic gonadotropin occurs;
  • the woman was undergoing a course of administration of drugs containing hCG.

False negative results are much more common. Its reasons are:

  • incorrect testing;
  • diseases of the kidneys or the cardiovascular system;
  • the threat of spontaneous abortion;
  • frozen or ectopic pregnancy;
  • bad test.

However, the most common cause of error is the usual haste. Many women claim that they feel changes in the body already 1-2 days after conception, and therefore they are in a hurry to make sure that pregnancy has occurred.

Will a test show pregnancy before a missed period?

In most cases, the tests have a sensitivity of 25 mIU/ml. This concentration of the hormone in the blood serum is achieved only by 12-14 days after conception.

In women with an average menstrual cycle, this time coincides with the onset of menstruation. Therefore, most manufacturers recommend conducting a pregnancy test from the first day of delay.

All tests with a sensitivity of 25 mIU / ml are able to show pregnancy 1-2 before the delay.

In this case, a positive result appears as a weak second strip.

If the menstrual cycle lasts longer, 30-36 days, then any pregnancy test can show a positive result a little earlier than the delay, about a week before the date of the expected period.

However, this does not always happen. In women with a longer menstrual cycle, the first part is most often increased, when the endometrium is preparing for the introduction of the egg.

The second half of the cycle usually lasts no more than the standard - 12-14 days. For example, if a woman has a menstrual cycle of 35 days, the first phase is 21 days and the second phase is 14 days. Therefore, during fertilization, the concentration of the hormone necessary for accurate testing will be reached only in the first days of the delay in menstruation.

However, detection of pregnancy before a delay is possible if ultrasensitive systems are used.

Tests that determine pregnancy before a delay include all tests with a sensitivity of 10-15 mIU / ml.

With their help, you can get a reliable result already 10-11 days after fertilization, since by this time the concentration of hCG in the urine will be 8-16 mIU / ml, but only if the implantation of the embryo occurred no later than the 7th day after the moment conception.

The introduction of the embryo into the uterine mucosa does not necessarily occur on the 7th day, it can take place after 8 or 10 days. In this case, hypersensitive tests will be negative and will not be able to provide a reliable result before the delay.

However, egg implantation may occur earlier, in which case the test will show a positive result a week before the delay. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the menstrual cycle, the anatomical structure of the female reproductive system.

Having decided to use the test before the delay, it is better to pay attention to the products of reliable manufacturers that have been leading in this field for a long time. These include tests:

  • Frautest express with a sensitivity of 15 mIU / ml;
  • Test strips "Evitest"
  • Mom Test ultrasensitive;
  • Premium diagnostics;
  • BB test;
  • Test for Best.

However, the manufacturers themselves admit that the reliability of such tests does not exceed 55% if the urine test was performed before the first day of the delay. That is why it is recommended not to trust the results of tests carried out before the expected time of menstruation and be sure to repeat the test after a few days.

Personal experience

My first pregnancy, like all subsequent ones, was planned. Therefore, a few days after conception, I began to listen to my body. Of the early signs of pregnancy, only a terrible pain in the mammary glands was noted. The rest was as usual. It was this fact that made me take a pregnancy test. I really wanted to quickly find out the result of our efforts with my husband. And so, a week before the day of the expected menstruation, I took the test.

I bought a regular cheap test with a sensitivity of 25 mIU / ml. He showed a barely noticeable second stripe. A day later I repeated the test - the second strip became brighter. After another 2 days, I did a 3 test - the second strip was equal in color intensity to the first. There really was a pregnancy. A week later, this was confirmed by ultrasound.

The second time (when planning a second child), I decided to wait for the delay, as I could not get pregnant for 6 months. And every month I spent a bunch of tests, but there was still no result. So, in that month, when I didn’t think that I was pregnant (there were no sensations at all indicating a possible conception), menstruation never came. I already did the test after the delay and it showed a bright second strip.

On the 3rd time, I again decided to test before the delay. I took 2 tests 1 day apart. Both tests were negative. However, the menses never started. On the first day of the delay, I performed 1 more test - it showed a weak second strip. I was even scared, and suddenly ectopic. But a week later, an ultrasound scan found a fetal egg in the uterus. Everything was in order, and the pregnancy developed!

Why in one case the test showed pregnancy before the delay, but not in the other - it remained a mystery to me. But I think that it still depends on the date of conception, on the length of the cycle (during the first pregnancy, the cycle length was 33 days, then the cycle became shorter), and on how quickly the embryo is fixed in the uterus. After all, a fetal egg that has safely reached the uterus can be in limbo for up to 2 days.

The conclusion is this: you can do tests before the delay, and it is even very likely that a weak second strip will appear. But still, it is better to do a control test from the first day of a delay in menstruation.

Xenia, 33.

Women who dream of becoming mothers are looking forward to the moment when they can see the "striped" test. The agonizing wait for a “late” period seems like an eternity, so they use a pregnancy test even before the delay. After all, manufacturers of highly sensitive devices assure that it is quite possible to “detect” the long-awaited conception at such an early date. How true these statements are and why expensive and reliable tests are still wrong, we will tell in our article.

How a pregnancy test works

Devices for diagnosing pregnancy have become so widespread and popular that manufacturers are constantly improving them, making them more convenient, practical and more sensitive. The last criterion, according to them, is the most important, since it is thanks to him that conception can be detected at the earliest possible date.

Thanks to a variety of forms, a woman can take a pregnancy test wherever she wants, and when she pleases. Nevertheless, regardless of the price and type of devices, all tests that determine pregnancy work according to a single method: human chorionic gonadotropin is isolated from other hormones in a woman's urine. It would be more correct to say its quantity. After all, this hormone is always present in the body of men and women, but in extremely low concentrations.

At the moment when the process of implantation into the wall of the uterus of the future embryo occurs, a rapid increase in hCG begins. Every day after conception, the amount of the hormone becomes twice as much. It is produced by the shell that covers the fetal egg, which in a few weeks will become the placenta of the fetus.

The first day after conception, the "sign" hormone can only be detected in the blood. In other biological fluids, its amount is minimal. However, the closer the time of the menstrual cycle approaches, the more the hormone will accumulate in the urine. When its amount reaches 10 IU, especially sensitive specimens will be able to "calculate" pregnancy. The table below reflects the amount of hCG in the blood. The level of hCG in the urine is slightly behind.

What day to take a pregnancy test

It would seem that everything is very clear, and sensitive tests will determine the presence of pregnancy already on the seventh day after fertilization. However, in practice, things are not so clear cut. The fact is that the time to reach the concentration of hCG in the urine of the desired level in all women will be different. It depends on the following factors:

  • The duration of the menstrual cycle;
  • Day of ovulation;
  • The day when fertilization occurred;
  • Physiological characteristics of women.

Moreover, you need to know that a positive result of a highly sensitive test may be the result of a biochemical pregnancy. In this case, the positive result of the diagnostic device does not deceive the woman: the conception really happened. However, for some reason, the pregnancy stopped developing, which was reflected in the onset of menstruation.

When planning a pregnancy, a woman looks forward to confirming her hopes.

If earlier it was possible to learn about a joyful event by the absence of menstruation, modern technologies make an express method available - an accurate determination of conception using a test.

Some test models are so perfect that they can detect pregnancy a few days before the delay.

From the moment of conception, a special hormone begins to flow into the blood of a woman - chorionic gonadotropin, produced by the chorion. A day later, hCG appears in the urine of a woman. At the same time, the rate at which the level of the substance is growing is amazing. During every 2 days, the volume of the hormone doubles.

If the menstrual cycle lasts longer, 30-36 days, then any pregnancy test can show a positive result a little earlier than the delay, about a week before the date of the expected period.

However, this does not always happen. In women with a longer menstrual cycle, the first part is most often increased, when the endometrium is preparing for the introduction of the egg.

The second half of the cycle usually lasts no more than the standard - 12-14 days. For example, if a woman has a menstrual cycle of 35 days, the first phase is 21 days and the second phase is 14 days. Therefore, during fertilization, the concentration of the hormone necessary for accurate testing will be reached only in the first days of the delay in menstruation.

However, detection of pregnancy before a delay is possible if ultrasensitive systems are used.

Tests that determine pregnancy before a delay include all tests with a sensitivity of 10-15 mIU / ml.

With their help, you can get a reliable result already 10-11 days after fertilization, since by this time it will be 8-16 mIU / ml in the urine, but only if the implantation of the embryo occurred no later than the 7th day after the moment of conception.

The introduction of the embryo into the uterine mucosa does not necessarily occur on the 7th day, it can take place after 8 or 10 days. In this case, hypersensitive tests will be negative and will not be able to provide a reliable result before the delay.

However, egg implantation may occur earlier, in which case the test will show a positive result a week before the delay. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the menstrual cycle, the anatomical structure of the female reproductive system.

Having decided to use the test before the delay, it is better to pay attention to the products of reliable manufacturers that have been leading in this field for a long time. These include tests:

  • Frautest express with a sensitivity of 15 mIU / ml;
  • Test strips "Evitest"
  • Mom Test ultrasensitive;
  • Premium diagnostics;
  • BB test;
  • Test for Best.

However, the manufacturers themselves admit that the reliability of such tests does not exceed 55% if the urine test was performed before the first day of the delay. That is why it is recommended not to trust the results of tests carried out before the expected time of menstruation and be sure to repeat the test after a few days.

Personal experience

My first pregnancy, like all subsequent ones, was planned. Therefore, a few days after conception, I began to listen to my body. Of the early signs of pregnancy, only a terrible pain in the mammary glands was noted. The rest was as usual. It was this fact that made me take a pregnancy test. I really wanted to quickly find out the result of our efforts with my husband. And so, a week before the day of the expected menstruation, I took the test.

I bought a regular cheap test with a sensitivity of 25 mIU / ml. He showed a barely noticeable second stripe. A day later I repeated the test - the second strip became brighter. After another 2 days, I did a 3 test - the second strip was equal in color intensity to the first. There really was a pregnancy. A week later, this was confirmed by ultrasound.

The second time (when planning a second child), I decided to wait for the delay, as I could not get pregnant for 6 months. And every month I spent a bunch of tests, but there was still no result. So, in that month, when I didn’t think that I was pregnant (there were no sensations at all indicating a possible conception), menstruation never came. I already did the test after the delay and it showed a bright second strip.

On the 3rd time, I again decided to test before the delay. I took 2 tests 1 day apart. Both tests were negative. However, the menses never started. On the first day of the delay, I performed 1 more test - it showed a weak second strip. I was even scared, and suddenly ectopic. But a week later, an ultrasound scan found a fetal egg in the uterus. Everything was in order, and the pregnancy developed!

Why in one case the test showed pregnancy before the delay, but not in the other - it remained a mystery to me. But I think that it still depends on the date of conception, on the length of the cycle (during the first pregnancy, the cycle length was 33 days, then the cycle became shorter), and on how quickly the embryo is fixed in the uterus. After all, a fetal egg that has safely reached the uterus can be in limbo for up to 2 days.

The conclusion is this: you can do tests before the delay, and it is even very likely that a weak second strip will appear. But still, it is better to do a control test from the first day of a delay in menstruation.

It was the third month of my husband and I planning our first child. Last month I did a test, and it was negative, then THEY came, cd .. This month, after ovulation, my stomach suddenly started to pull, it constantly ached, like on a cd, but it only started 4 days after ovulation, when before I had my period for a week and a half. Then I began to run to the toilet in a small way every half an hour or an hour, the temperature was from 37 to 37.3 for days on end. Well, of course, suspecting an infection or some kind of inflammation, I called my doctor, who, unfortunately, was on vacation. She advised me in absentia to get an antibiotic, no-shpu, papaverine, an ultrasound scan and a pregnancy test. The first test "Ultra" (8 days after ovulation) showed 1 band (ultrasound also did not notice anything unusual (but how else, almost a week before menstruation?), By that time I had been taking the antibiotic for 3 days, that is, fever and running to the toilet should have stopped by now if it was an infection.I decided to take a blood test for hCG.When the result came, and I saw "17.5" there, which, according to the interpretation of the results by the laboratory, meant 2-3 weeks of pregnancy, I was shocked, not I could believe it. After that, I ran to the pharmacy and bought an evitest. I did it at home (9 days after ovulation, 5 days before menstruation) and at first it seemed to me that there was only one streak

But after 2-3 minutes I saw a bleating second strip. Do you see it too?)

I was struck by the fact that the "highly sensitive test" with a sensitivity of 10 IU / ml, promising "a true result from the 7th day of conception" showed nothing, and Evitest with a sensitivity of 20 IU / ml, "from the 1st day of delay" showed in 5 days before menstruation, when the blood was only 17.5 IU / ml. (and in the urine, as you know, this indicator grows more slowly than in the blood).

Yes, of course, I know that before the delay, such tests and even a blood test for hCG are not informative, and doctors do not take them into account.

Of course, I know that the result of hCG up to 25 is doubtful and needs to be rechecked.

Of course, I'm still afraid to believe in a miracle.

But I really want to believe ... I read a lot of stories where girls ended up with such stories - there was a long-awaited lala

I’ll also hand over hCG in dynamics, of course, the day after tomorrow, on the first day when menstruation should (not) begin and everything will become clear.

Wish me good luck

When to take a pregnancy test? It seems that this science is not too difficult - to use the subject of self-diagnosis of an interesting situation, but sometimes girls make annoying mistakes when conducting tests, which is why the result is incorrect. Let's look at the basic rules that must be followed when diagnosing pregnancy, and the main mistakes that lead to distorted results.

When to take a pregnancy test? If we are talking about the date, then it is best to wait until the first day of the missed period. It is this recommendation that is absolutely on all packages of pregnancy tests. But many women do not want to wait that long after a possible conception and start testing as early as 10 days after ovulation, that is, before the start of a missed period. And, accordingly, most of them get either incorrect or questionable results. The second line, indicating the presence of hCG (“pregnancy hormone”) in the urine of a woman, may not appear or appear barely noticeable, so that it will be impossible to interpret the result. Therefore, advice to those women who do not have the patience to wait for the right time for diagnosis: take a blood test for hCG. Here he just shows a reliable result already 10 days after a possible conception. A doctor is unlikely to give you a free referral, unless you are registered for infertility, but you can take this analysis for a fee. Always keep in mind a pregnancy test when it shows the correct result and do not worry ahead of time.

What time of day is best to take the test? It is recommended in the morning, after waking up, so that the concentration of chorionic gonadotropin is maximum, sufficient for a second strip to appear in case of a positive result. This is for early dates. And in the second half of the first trimester and later, a pregnancy test, when it is better to do it: in the morning, afternoon or evening - it does not matter. Ask: why do the test for such a long time, when the doctor can already make the correct diagnosis during a gynecological examination, and the fetus is already visible on the ultrasound? But the fact is that in such a simple way, women are trying to identify a possible threat of miscarriage or missed pregnancy, which is fundamentally wrong. If at a long gestation period the test suddenly becomes negative, it only means that it is not of high quality.

How many days after the delay, the test will show pregnancy (video):

In conclusion, we list the reasons why the tests show incorrect results.

1. Too early diagnosis (earlier than the onset of delayed menstruation).

2. Doing the test outside of the morning hours as recommended.

3. Poor quality test strip (perhaps it was stored in violation of the temperature regime or expired).

4. Evaluation of the result earlier or later than the time specified in the instructions.

5. A woman has a disease, as a result of which the level of hCG rises.

This happens with some cancers, for example.

An approximate algorithm of actions for those who doubt the result.

1. Buy and make a couple of tests with higher sensitivity from other manufacturers.

2. Measure your basal temperature in the morning without getting up from your sweat. If it is above 37 degrees, most likely there is a pregnancy.

3. Take a blood test for hCG. In this case, the reliability of the result is not even discussed.

4. Go to an appointment with a gynecologist. The doctor will be able to set the gestational age (if any) if the delay lasts more than 2-3 weeks.

5. Make an ultrasound. Thus, it is possible to quite accurately not only diagnose the presence of a fetal egg, but also find out its location. If all the signs of an interesting situation are present, and the ultrasound does not show the embryo in the uterus, for all that, the delay has already begun, then it is likely that the embryo began to develop outside the uterus, and this is very dangerous.

Pregnancy tests are certainly convenient and affordable. Every woman who is sexually active should learn how to use them and know the features of diagnosing pregnancy.