Can pregnancy not be determined on the test. How long can a test not show pregnancy? Why is there a false negative result

We are already accustomed to using pregnancy tests at the first suspicion of it. Well, it’s convenient, you don’t run to the doctor every time. In addition, the method is quite fast and accurate. Although, one can argue about the latter, ladies sometimes complain that the test did not show pregnancy for a long time, and then it nevertheless showed up. Let's see if the test can not determine pregnancy, and in what cases it does not show it.

Is it possible that the test does not show pregnancy?

Can a pregnancy test fail to show it? How else can! Especially if pregnancy is trying to determine before the delay. The fact is that hormonal changes occur gradually, and pregnancy cannot be determined the next day after unprotected sex. Usually, this opportunity appears 2 weeks after fertilization. In what other cases does the test not show pregnancy?

Why does the test not show pregnancy?

It is clear when a woman tries to determine pregnancy too early, and the test does not determine anything. And that's why the test does not show three week pregnant, what's the matter?

  1. The storage conditions of the test have been violated, and therefore it has been spoiled, or the test has expired.
  2. Stale urine was used for the test.
  3. Was taking diuretics before testing or was used a large number of liquids.
  4. There is a possibility of a problem pregnancy, for example, there is a threat of miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy. It is for this reason that experts do not recommend fully relying on the results of rapid pregnancy tests, and if you suspect a conception has occurred, contact a gynecologist.
  5. It may happen that the pregnancy has come and is proceeding normally, but the test still shows one strip. This happens in the presence of kidney pathology, which does not allow hCG to be excreted along with urine at the concentration necessary for the test reaction.

Errors when taking a pregnancy test

In addition to the above reasons, compliance with the rules for conducting it also affects the reliability of the test. It happens that a woman is pregnant, and the test does not show this in the following cases.

It is worth remembering that there are also false positive test results - the woman is not pregnant, and the test shows 2 strips. It is precisely because the tests are wrong and, as practice shows, quite often, that you should not believe the test results 100%, it is better to contact a gynecologist if there are any suspicions.

Help determine if pregnancy has occurred special tests for pregnancy. Although modern tests can often be wrong, they are reliable when the instructions are followed, easy to use, and affordable.

According to experts, the reliability of modern tests is high - 97-99%, and they make it possible to find out about pregnancy in the first weeks even before visiting a doctor.

When fertilization occurs, the placenta begins to produce a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin or hCG for short. The job of pregnancy tests is to chemical reaction for this hormone. Already 10 days after fertilization hCG indicator reaches 25 units per mm and continues to double every three days.

The test has an absorbent part with a special substance, which, if present in the urine, women hcg changes color, resulting in two stripes of red, and in some tests of blue color. The manifestation of two lines - this is positive result. If the concentration of this hormone is still low, then the second line may be painted pale.

One strip appears from contact with any liquid, regardless of the content of hCG in it, i.e. if the test shows only one line, the result is negative.

Types of tests

The modern choice of tests for determining pregnancy is quite wide. Tests differ in types, sensitivity level, rules of use, price. There are very cheap, but no less popular and high-quality tests, others are more expensive. Each test has its positive and negative sides. Which one to give preference to is an individual decision of each woman.

Test strips

The most affordable and popular type of tests. To carry it out, it is enough to lower the test to the specified strip in the urine for 20-30 seconds.
The result will be known in 5 minutes.

tablet test

According to the women who used the tablet test, it gives a more accurate result than the test strip. This is due to the fact that the reagent is reliably protected by means of a plastic box. With a special pipette included in the test kit, urine must be dropped into the hole on the tablet test. Within 5 minutes the answer will be known.

Inkjet test

Its convenience lies in the fact that it is not required to first collect urine in a sterile container. You just need to substitute the test at the time of urination under the stream of urine, and the result is evaluated almost immediately.
Unlike the previous two types, which should be carried out during the first morning urination, jet can be done at any time of the day.

Electronic test

The principle of its work is the same as that of others. The tip is immersed for 5 seconds in the urine or substituted under the stream, then the strip must be laid horizontally and after 3 minutes the “+” that appears indicates pregnancy, and the “-” indicates its absence. Besides digital tests allow you to find out with a positive result and the approximate gestational age with an error of two weeks.

An electronic pregnancy test cannot be wrong if hCG level rose due to pregnancy, not because of pathologies

The indicator is displayed under the "+" sign. Some models are equipped additional features: if the answer is positive, it is calculated and displayed approximate date childbirth, and with a negative - the most favorable for conception. The hypersensitivity of tests of this type allows you to get a result 4 days before the delay. The high price can be attributed to the disadvantages of this type of test.

How often do tests fail?

Even modern highly sensitive tests can show an incorrect result, both positive (2 strips) if there is no pregnancy, and negative (1 line) despite the fact that fertilization did occur.

Can a pregnancy test be wrong and how often it happens depends on many factors:

  • whether the storage conditions indicated by the manufacturers were observed;
  • how accurately the instructions were followed during the test;
  • whether a large volume of liquid or foods with a high liquid content was consumed before the test;
  • stale urine;
  • violation of hygiene standards during the test;
  • have kidney disease and increased protein in the urine.

Despite the high percentage of reliability declared by the manufacturers, the result of home testing is still not 100% reliable.

The test strip most often gives an inaccurate result if it is overexposed or underexposed, and it also requires morning urine to run.

Tablet tests are more accurate because only the tip is immersed in the urine, the urine moves up and reacts with the reagent.

Which tests are the most accurate

Which of the tests is the most accurate, it is impossible to say unequivocally. One thing is clear - only ultrasound and examination by a specialist can give a 100% guarantee, since the principle of operation of all tests is not based on determining pregnancy directly, but on detecting the content of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine, and it can be increased for other reasons.

On early dates its indicator in the urine is insignificant and insufficient to obtain reliable result. In the blood, the level of hCG rises faster, so a blood test allows you to establish the presence of pregnancy in the first days after fertilization.

The inkjet test is recognized by many users as the most accurate and convenient. The only requirement is to refrain from urinating for several hours (about 4) for a more reliable result.

The most accurate, according to most, is the "blue" test, which is a stick that is directly inserted into the vagina. In case of pregnancy, when in contact with the cervix, it turns blue.

How to understand if the test is wrong

Can a pregnancy test be wrong, it’s impossible to say with 100% certainty. You can determine whether the test was wrong or not by conducting repeated procedures with an interval of 2 days. At proper conduct procedures in compliance with all prescribed instructions and the choice of a quality test, the likelihood that the test is not correct is minimal.

If all repeated tests show a negative result, and menstruation has not come on time, you need to visit a doctor and do a blood test and ultrasound. Even if the result is positive, there is no need to postpone a visit to the gynecologist to make sure that there are no pathologies in the development of the embryo.

Reasons for the error

If you suspect pregnancy, regardless of whether the test is positive or not, you should check with your doctor to get a reliable answer.

There are many reasons why a pregnancy test may turn out to be a false result:

Why is there a false positive result?

A false positive response when testing for pregnancy is quite rare and the reasons for the appearance of such a result are as follows:

  • conducting a test in postpartum period or immediately after removal ectopic pregnancy, or after an abortion, when the level of hCG has not yet had time to drop;
  • if less than 10 days have passed since the last dose hormonal drugs containing human gonadotropin;
  • if a course of treatment for infertility through hormonal therapy was carried out;
  • the presence of a tumor in the body that produces hCG;
  • poor quality or expired tests;
  • violation of test instructions.

Why is there a false negative result

Can a pregnancy test be wrong, despite the fact that all the signs accompanying pregnancy are present, it worries me especially in anticipation of a long-awaited conception.

The test may give an incorrect result if the test was not timely, which was carried out on the first day when menstruation did not start, and a test with low sensitivity was used. This result is called a false negative and is much more common than a false positive.

An erroneously negative pregnancy test can be caused by one of the following reasons:

Can the test fail before the delay?

If the test is carried out at a very early date, the chance of obtaining a false negative result increases, since the desired concentration of hCG in the female urine has not yet been reached and the reagent cannot determine it. However, hypersensitive tests are able to respond to the content of gonadotropin already at a level of 10 units. per ml. Such tests can be used without waiting for the delay to begin.

If the conception has taken place, the concentration of hCG by the first day of the delay is already about 50 units / ml, therefore, some modern tests can be carried out before the start of the delay. For greater certainty, the test should be repeated after a while.

If, however, before the expected menstruation, use less sensitive test, the result will be erroneously negative. The concentration of gonadotropin in the blood is many times greater than in the urine, therefore, if you need to know about possible pregnancy immediately, you need to donate blood for analysis.

Can the test be wrong on 3, 4, 5, 6 days of delay

The accuracy of the test largely depends on when it was taken. The more time has passed since fertilization (it occurs later than the moment of the alleged conception), the more accurate the test results.

A sensitive test, subject to the necessary requirements, is able to quite accurately determine the fact of pregnancy already on the 3rd day of delay. Such tests respond to the concentration of hCG from 10 to 25 units. per 1 ml.

Less sensitive ones will not show results until the hormone level reaches 25 units / ml. Gonadotropin reaches its maximum by 2-3 months of pregnancy, after which its level begins to decrease.

How to choose the right pregnancy test

To minimize the likelihood of getting an erroneous answer to the test, you should:

How to do a pregnancy test

To obtain the most accurate test results, you must adhere to certain recommendations:

How many tests to do for an accurate result

To get the most accurate answer to exciting question, it is necessary to do several tests with an interval of 2 or 3 days, and it is desirable that they be from different manufacturers. In this case, you must strictly follow the instructions in the attached instructions and comply with all hygiene standards.

How else to refine the result

Can a pregnancy test be wrong? Of course it can! But even if his testimony is questionable, a woman often feels the life emerging in her by changes in her well-being even before the test.

The main symptoms that make it possible to suspect pregnancy:

  • dizziness;
  • heaviness and pain in the lower abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • temperature rise to 37-37.5 degrees;
  • sensitivity to smells;
  • change in taste preferences;
  • breast augmentation;
  • frequent urination;
  • drowsiness;
  • the occurrence of pigment spots.

One of the first symptoms of pregnancy is increased basal body temperature. This temperature is measured either orally, in the rectum, or in the vagina.

Before ovulation, the basal temperature is below 37 degrees Celsius, at the time of ovulation and in the second half of the cycle, the temperature rises by 0.4 degrees and returns to normal levels a couple of days before or on the day of the start of menstruation. If the temperature has not decreased and menstrual bleeding has not begun, the likelihood that pregnancy has occurred is high.

There are many folk methods definitions of pregnancy, although they also do not give a 100% guarantee that conception has occurred.

Using baking soda

Urine is collected in a sterile container and added to it. baking soda. If the soda foams and hisses, the answer is no. If soda precipitates to the bottom of the container, the answer is positive - pregnancy has occurred.


Iodine should be dropped into a container with urine. If the iodine has dissolved, there is no pregnancy.
If the drop lingered on the surface for a few seconds, then conception occurred.

Feeling the pulse of the abdomen

During pregnancy, the blood supply to the uterus and fallopian tubes increases, and, accordingly, the pulse on the abdomen quickens and is well heard. You need to feel it two fingers below the navel.

Doing a pregnancy test yourself is easy. But even the most expensive test can be wrong, although rarely. Therefore, it is hardly worth relying unconditionally on the test result, whatever it may be. To obtain confirmation of the result, it is recommended to do several tests, follow the terms and instructions for use, and also not delay the visit to the doctor.

Video on the topic: can a pregnancy test be wrong?

Are pregnancy tests wrong?

How to accurately determine if pregnancy has occurred:

Expecting a baby is the most wonderful time for every mom. But if you start for a long time If it doesn’t work, then at the slightest delay, the girl grabs the test and conducts a study that gives a negative result. Often it turns out that pregnancy is detected with a negative test. This is quite possible, but only a doctor can finally refute or confirm the fact of an accomplished conception.

When planning, it is important to determine the most favorable period for conception

Thanks to the invention of express tests, a girl can find out about an interesting situation much earlier than a gynecologist tells her about it. The mechanism of operation of all express tests is absolutely the same - they act on the determination of chorionic gonadotropic hormone in female urine, which begins production from the moment the embryo is implanted in the uterine body.

Girls, which is quite natural, are very interested in the question of when the use of an express test shows the most accurate results, because it happens that it turns out negative test during pregnancy. After implantation, the level of hCG begins to rise rapidly, but in the first days after conception, only specialists can determine an interesting situation through special laboratory research blood. Such tests help to determine that a girl is pregnant, even five days before it can be done with a pregnancy test.

Most test express systems can detect an interesting position already on the first day of the delay. The degree of informativeness depends on the index of sensitivity to the chorionic hormone, which is 10, 15 or 25 mUI. Although many experts argue that the claimed figure of 10 mUI is just a publicity stunt, as well as the fact that conception tests can detect even before the delay.

When Testing Might Give False Negative Results

The simplest test systems are made from paper, which is the simplest option. Such a strip is lowered into the urine, and then after five minutes to see the result. According to statistics, such systems most often do not show pregnancy even on the first day of delay, when hCG is still not high enough.

Test systems are also inkjet, tablet, electronic. Each of the varieties has its own disadvantages and advantages. Jet, for example, are convenient in that they do not require separate collection of urine. Some models can even determine the approximate timing of gestation. And digital test systems have a diagnostic accuracy of 99% already 3-4 days before the delay, they are considered the most reliable. There are situations when there is a pregnancy, but the test is negative. This phenomenon has a variety of reasons.

Early diagnosis

The most common factor explaining why there is a false negative pregnancy test is the diagnosis at too early a gestation period. Normally, the content of chorionic gonadotropic hormone by the time the delay is detected is already increasing so much that it becomes easy to establish conception. But sometimes in the first days of gestation, these indicators remain quite low, then the test shows a negative result.

  • Every girl knows the date of the upcoming menstruation, if her cycle is regular and functions like a clock. But at irregular cycle or the presence of any pathology, it can be quite difficult to determine the delay.
  • Sometimes, even during a normal cycle, ovulation shifts can occur, then with a delay, the gestation period will be calculated by several days, hCG will not have time to reach a detectable level. IN similar situation it is likely that testing will show pregnancy with a negative test.
  • HCG begins to be produced in the body from the first day of implantation. It will be possible to detect this hormonal substance in urine after a few days, but so far in low concentrations.
  • As for the timing, the gonadotropic hormone is detected in the bloodstream a week after conception, and in urine - after one and a half to two weeks.

At first, hCG during pregnancy grows quite rapidly, but when the placental tissues are finally formed, they will take over the functions of producing hormonal substances, so the growth rate of the chorionic hormone drops.

bad urine

It is important to drink enough fluids

Another reason why the test does not show pregnancy may be bad or incorrect collected urine. Excessive fluid intake, taking diuretic drugs - these factors lead to dilution of urine concentration, so the reagent used in test systems cannot detect the hormone and during pregnancy the test may be negative. For reliable results, it is recommended to test in the early morning, when the content of chorionic gonadotropin in the urine reaches its maximum values. At the same time, you should not take diuretics, eat watermelons or drink plenty of fluids in the evening.

In addition, the probability false negative test cannot be excluded if there is a violation of the collection of urine or testing in the evening in the first couple of days of delay, when there is still very little of the desired hormone in the urine. A week later, the content of gonadotropic chorionic hormone will rise so much that the test will not distort anything, showing a reliable result, because it can detect the hormone even in highly diluted urine.

Violation of the rules for using the test

Failure to follow the recommendations specified in the instructions attached to the express test may lead to the presence of all signs of pregnancy, but the test will be negative. There are many different test systems, they work on the same principle, but there may be some differences in their use. For example, strip strips need to be dipped into the urine for a few seconds, and inkjet tests substituted under the jet when urinating.

Tablet express systems have a window where you need to drop a few drops of urine with a special pipette, and electronic ones - the most accurate, convenient and expensive ones - are also substituted under the stream for a few seconds. In the latter case, testing shows not only the fact of conception, but also when a woman could become pregnant. Such an express system cannot fail to show conception, if any.

Usually, for any type of device, positive results are shown with a plus sign, and negative results with a minus sign. But before using the device, it is recommended that you carefully read the instructions, which are usually detailed on the package or attached inside in the annotation. Some modern test systems have non-standard results designations like emoticons or phrases. Therefore, if the tests are negative, and there are signs of gestation, it is worth repeating the diagnosis later with a device from another manufacturer.

Pathologies of the excretory system

In what cases does the test not show pregnancy when it is clearly taking place?

  • Experts say that such errors are possible if in female body any pathological processes are taking place.
  • For example, for some renal pathologies(nephrosis, nephritis, etc.) lead to the fact that the increase in the content of chorionic gonadotropic hormone in urine does not occur, as it should be normal, so pregnancy is not detected.
  • Also, sometimes tests do not show a conception that has occurred if a woman suffers from any pathologies that lead to the presence of protein in urine, which is quite likely with stress, poor nutrition, and taking certain medications.
  • Sometimes a girl draws urine into a container, but then some circumstances appear that lead to a delay in testing, i.e. urine stands for some time at room temperature and used after two or three hours. Can a pregnancy test be wrong in such a situation? Most likely the result will be wrong. If stale urine is used for the study, then the results are highly likely to be false negative.
  • False-negative results of such testing can lead to cardiovascular pathologies or recent serious illnesses.

Therefore, if you suspect the unreliability of the data obtained, it is recommended to contact specialists.

Deviations in pregnancy

It is dangerous to ignore suspicious symptoms

Can tests fail to show pregnancy for any other reason? This is quite possible with deviations in fetal development, which are accompanied by insufficient production of chorionic gonadotropic hormone. If there is confidence in an interesting position, and the test does not show conception, then it is likely that the patient has problems such as a frozen fetal development, a threat of interruption in the first weeks, an incorrect placental development etc.

In addition, when all symptoms are present, and tests still cannot detect conception, the causes may be due to ectopic fixation gestational sac or chronic insufficiency placenta. Especially warning sign it is considered if suddenly all pregnant symptoms stop abruptly. This condition requires urgent medical attention.

Any deviation in the development of gestation may be accompanied by a reduced production of gonadotropic chorionic hormone, therefore, home express systems may not show the presence of pregnancy. The reasons for this can only be determined with the help of a thorough and extensive diagnosis.

Poor quality test

If the test just purchased at the pharmacy can still be trusted, then you should not particularly believe in the one that has been lying around in the first-aid kit or in your purse for a long time. Why are the tests in this case can be wrong? Simply non-compliance with storage conditions when the rapid test was subjected to high humidity, sharp drop temperature or simply expired its expiration date, leads to damage to the device and unreliable results. Therefore, you should not buy such devices for the future, it is better to purchase express tests immediately before use, avoiding their storage for a long time.

It is also worth paying attention to the quality of test systems. There are frequent situations when one test did not show conception for a long time, and a device from another manufacturer showed pregnancy from the first use. This happens due to the fact that some tests are of high quality, others are not very good. Or the sensitivity of devices of one manufacturer is much higher than another. Should not be addressed Special attention on the cost of express systems, because both inexpensive tests and those with a rather high cost can be of the same quality.

Delay, and the result is negative

One of characteristic features pregnancy is a menstrual delay. But sometimes, even with such a symptom, testing does not reveal the presence of conception. This is possible for various reasons.

  1. At hormonal disruptions that occur against the background of climate change, health disorders, physical overwork, drastic changes with weight or moral overload, etc.
  2. If the test does not detect conception during delays, then it is quite possible that the girl had an ovulatory period a few days later, therefore, conception also occurred later, and the hCG content has not yet reached the level determined by the test reagent.
  3. After a miscarriage, it is also possible that there will be a delay due to the absence of menstruation.
  4. With sexual pathologies such as ovarian cysts, myomatous formations, infectious lesions or oncology of the uterine neck, the absence of menstruation is also likely, while testing will show one strip.

If testing over and over again reports the absence of gestation, then you should contact a specialist and undergo an examination. There can be many explanations, so each situation requires an individual assessment of a specialist and examination.

Testing for ectopic

Pathology is difficult to detect soon after conception

If there is ectopic gestation, then it is almost impossible to recognize deviations in the early stages. The girl during the entire period of gestation may not even be aware of the deviation, but sometimes she experiences all the pregnancy symptoms, which prompts testing, which for some reason gives a negative result.

An ectopic is incredibly dangerous, because already at a period of 7 weeks, she herself declares herself by breaking through the tubal canal, which leads to heavy blood loss, which is deadly for the patient. Unfortunately, experts have not yet come up with a test that could detect ectopic pregnancy, but she may well hint about herself with specific symptoms like painful pulling sensations in the abdomen and brownish discharge bloody character.

Therefore, at the first suspicious manifestations, it is recommended to contact an obstetrician-gynecologist and undergo an ultrasound examination, which will help to detect the location of the fetal egg outside the uterine body.

Test time

There is a lot of controversy among experts about the fact that the reliability of testing is also affected by the time of its conduct. The instructions say that it is recommended to test in the early morning with the first portion of urine. Regardless of how much conception and gestation is desirable for the patient, any lady wants to know about this event as early as possible.

When is the best time to do research? This is easier to understand if you understand the formation of hormones in urine in different time days. The fact is that in the morning after a night's sleep, the concentration of gonadotropic chorionic hormone sufficient to be detected by home express strips accumulates in the bladder in the bladder. If, however, testing is carried out at a different time of the day, when the girl has already eaten or drank a lot of liquid, then the content of hCG in urine drops, and therefore it is quite difficult to detect it.

Therefore, in the early stages of gestation, it is recommended to diagnose pregnancy in morning time to the full bladder. And only if you comply given condition the girl can be sure of the reliability and complete information content of the study. In addition, only fresh biomaterial and a high-quality test device should be used.

What to do?

If testing does not detect conception, but there is a delay and other signs interesting position, then the girl should use the following recommendations:

  • Re-diagnose after a few days, it is better to use test devices from different manufacturers, then the probability of obtaining an accurate, reliable result will be as high as possible.
  • If you have passed several test checks, and the results still do not change, then it is better to donate blood for the determination of gonadotropic chorionic hormone, because it appears in the bloodstream a week earlier than in urine.
  • To clarify the situation, it would be useful to go through and ultrasound diagnostics, examine the uterine cavity and adjacent organs to exclude the possibility of an ectopic location of the fetal egg.

Pass an ultrasound, check hCG in the blood and other studies are available in any laboratory, and you won’t have to wait too long to get the results. Therefore, there is no need to speculate and guess whether there is a pregnancy or it is absent. Only experts will help the girl to clarify the situation.

So, you saw the cherished two stripes on the test, but doubts creep into your head - what if a mistake? We have collected answers to the 10 most common questions about pregnancy tests.

1. How does a pregnancy test work?

All pregnancy tests operate on the same principle - they are recognized in the urine (tests for home use) or blood (lab tests) a special hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). It is produced only during pregnancy. A non-pregnant woman simply cannot have it. The level of hCG in the body since the attachment of the fetal egg to the wall of the uterus doubles approximately every 2-3 days and reaches a maximum by 7-12 weeks of pregnancy. Its presence in the blood and urine persists until approximately the third week after the birth of the child.

2. Can I take a pregnancy test during the day? What is the best time of day to do it?

Usually, morning urine is used to conduct a pregnancy test, as it is more concentrated. But there is a test that can be done both during the day and in the evening - the exact time does not matter. This is an inkjet test. They are especially sensitive (look for a mark on the package - 10 mIU / ml), and when using them, urine does not need to be collected anywhere - just substitute the test under the stream.

3. Are pregnancy tests wrong?

All instructions say that pregnancy tests are 95-99% accurate. So there is a chance that the result will be wrong. So, false negative the result (the test does not show pregnancy, although it is) is possible if:
you took the test too early and the level of hCG in the urine is still too low;
the test has expired (carefully study the packaging before buying a test);
you did the test incorrectly (read the instructions carefully, everything is extremely simple there);
Drinking too much fluid the day before the test can dilute your urine and lower your hCG levels.

The test can also show false positive result (no pregnancy, but the test says yes).
This happens if you take fertility drugs that include hCG (usually they are in the form of injections);
In the presence of malignant tumors;
A positive pregnancy test result may also mean that the remains of the fetal egg are preserved in the uterus after premature birth or miscarriage.

4. On what day of the delay to do the test? Does it make sense to take a pregnancy test before a delay?

The sensitivity of pregnancy tests plays an important role. Typically, most tests have a sensitivity of 20–25 mIU/ml (international units per ml). They are able to recognize pregnancy only from the first day of delayed menstruation. Whereas there are more sensitive (10 mIU / ml), but also more expensive tests that determine pregnancy before a delay - already after 7-10 days from the moment of the intended conception. And after a week of delay, pregnancy (if any) will show any tests. The level of hCG in the blood grows faster than in the urine, so pregnancy can be determined even before the expected menstruation (but not earlier than 7 days from the date of the alleged conception) - using a blood test for hCG, which can be done in antenatal clinic or in commercial laboratories.

5. How to use a pregnancy test correctly?

Pregnancy tests are different, and you need to use them in accordance with the instructions for each of them. For example:

Strip tests (test strips)
These are the simplest, cheapest and most common tests. The strip must be lowered for 10-20 seconds to a certain mark in a container with morning urine (it is the most concentrated). After that, the test should be placed on a horizontal surface and after a few minutes you can evaluate the result. One line - you are not pregnant, the test showed two stripes - pregnancy has come.

Tablet tests
Arranged in the same way as strip tests. Only paper strip here is placed in a plastic case. And pre-collected morning urine should be dropped into a special hole with a pipette attached to the test. One or two strips on the test will also tell about the result.

Inkjet tests
Their convenience is that urine does not need to be collected anywhere - it is enough to place the test under the stream. In this case, urine does not have to be morning. Inkjet pregnancy tests are usually more sensitive. And again, a positive test result is two stripes, and if only one strip appeared, then the test showed a negative result.

Electronic tests
These tests have special strip- a sample receiver, which can optionally be lowered into a container with urine or substituted under the stream. The result is read after 3 minutes. If “+” or “pregnant” appears on the test, you are pregnant, if “-” or “not pregnant” - no.

6. Why is there a weak second line?

Even if the test showed a weak second line, it still means that you are pregnant, just the level of hCG in the blood is not so high yet. If in doubt, retest after 3-4 days. The hCG level will become much higher, and then the strip will be much brighter.

7. best test for pregnancy - what is it?

The answer to this question may be different, depending on what you need. If you want to find out as early as possible whether you are pregnant, then it is best to donate blood in the laboratory (not earlier than 7 days after the intended conception). If convenience is important to you, then some people prefer inkjet tests that can be used during the day and for which you do not need to collect urine anywhere. For some, on the contrary, it seems laborious to put the test under the stream, and it is easier for them to collect urine in a special jar, and then lower the cheapest one there. paper test(strip test).

8. Online test for pregnancy - what is it?

IN best case- just cheating. At worst, it is a way to let scammers earn money (when, for example, to pass a test, you must first send an SMS to a specific number). These tests are different. Some suggest putting your finger on the blue square on the screen, and if it turns red within a few minutes, you are pregnant. However, even if you do not put your finger on the screen, the square will turn red by itself after a while. Other tests, before making a verdict, offer to answer a series of questions. For example, "Did you have Lately unprotected intercourse? and "Do you feel breast engorgement?"

9. Does the test show an ectopic pregnancy?

If the fertilized egg has attached outside the uterus, a regular pregnancy test will still be positive. True, if time does not intervene, ectopic pregnancy will terminate herself at 7-8 weeks, and all this will be accompanied by significant blood loss, pain and serious problems for the woman's health. To avoid this, early signs It is better to detect an ectopic pregnancy in advance and terminate such a pregnancy in a hospital. An ectopic pregnancy can be indicated, in particular, drawing pains lower abdomen and bloody issues against the backdrop of a positive pregnancy test. If you notice these symptoms in yourself, immediately go to the gynecologist. He will conduct, and if the pregnancy is ectopic, then there will be no fetal egg in the uterus, but there will be an overgrowth of the epithelium, as with normal pregnancy. If you are at risk (adhesions, inflammation of the appendages, an ectopic pregnancy has already occurred), it is better to do a qualitative blood test in dynamics. With an ectopic pregnancy, the level of hCG in the blood is lower than with a normal one, and the test will immediately show this.

10. What is the gestational age of the test? Will the test show the week of pregnancy?

No test strip, no tablet, no inkjet, no electronic tests will not show you the gestational age. They are exclusively qualitative in nature - "yes" or "no". But find out estimated time pregnancy is still possible. If you do a quantitative blood test in the laboratory. He will determine the exact level of hCG in the blood, after which the doctor will be able to tell which week of pregnancy it corresponds to. To make such a test, in particular, is useful to recognize a missed pregnancy in the early stages. If the embryo freezes in development, the level of hCG stops growing, which will be seen in this analysis.

Aglaya Jaermund

Pregnancy test positive, but no pregnancy. Why? This happens in the practice of any doctor. Causes false positive test may be different, depending on various circumstances. And how do they work What is hCG?

The principles of operation of almost all tests are the same. They respond to the level of a hormone produced by the chorion, resulting in a reaction and the appearance of color, stripes or other indications.

Problems with the test itself

Why does it happen that there is no pregnancy, but the test is positive? This happens if the test purchased at the pharmacy turned out to be defective. Another reason may be incorrectly following the instructions. Some tests must be placed under the stream of urine, others must be immersed in a container. Do not confuse which tests should be done as. The exposure time can also affect the result. Do not overexpose the strip in the container, plus you need to keep it strictly perpendicular to the glass. Whether you are pregnant or not, you will find out in a few minutes. Do not look at the results too soon: the reaction on litmus paper may not have happened yet.

So, it happens that a pregnancy test is positive, but there is no pregnancy. This is due to the fact that you were sold an expired product. Therefore, carefully check the expiration date and production date when buying. For the accuracy of the result, it is recommended to buy several tests from different manufacturers and firms at once and do them in turn, but not immediately on the same day. So the chance of error will be much less. remember, that proper storage must be provided in your home if you expect to get an accurate result.

Diseases of the small pelvis

What to think when a pregnancy test is positive but not pregnant? The reasons for this phenomenon may be hidden in diseases of the small pelvis, in which it increases significantly. This can be caused by cancer, as well as problems in the functioning of the kidneys, liver and lungs. A false positive result is a reason to contact your doctor for testing and diagnosis.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages, as well as miscarriage - these are also reasons not correct result test. But it should be remembered that this can only be observed within a few days after the incident.


Why else does it happen that a pregnancy test is positive, but there is no pregnancy? An ectopic or missed pregnancy can also give out such a reaction. Ultrasound will help confirm or refute your doubts. If suddenly the egg cell began its development in fallopian tube, and not inside the reproductive organ, doctors decide to remove this egg, sometimes even along with the fallopian tube. carried out by a doctor, will allow you to choose the best option surgical intervention.

So, if all options are excluded, but still the pregnancy test is positive, but there is no pregnancy - what could it be? Too early in pregnancy, not all tests give the correct result. You may need an ultrasound. Remember that not all offices are equipped with modern devices, which means that it is sometimes impossible to see a fertilized egg. And the test can determine the presence of pregnancy about ten days after intercourse. If you doubt the results of your own research, it is worth donating blood to clarify the fact of conception.

Psychological aspect

Why is there no pregnancy, but the test is positive? Psychological condition women can also give such a reaction. In medical practice, there are such cases when a woman sees a second strip where it does not exist, or it seems to a girl that she is, but she is not so bright.


Reception can also give false positive result. Therefore, you should stop taking these funds and after 12-15 days the reaction on the test will be correct. Such drugs are prescribed for delayed puberty or infertility with anovulation.

If you doubt the reliability of the test, then in any gynecological clinic or in a laboratory designed for testing, you can have a venous blood test, the accuracy of which is many times higher than that of a urine test. The turnaround time for analysis is one to two days.

Many feel the birth of a new life within themselves intuitively. Notice changes in behavior and emotional background, but they are in no hurry to conduct the test, since for the correct result it is necessary to wait certain time. After all, the level of hCG rises daily after successful fertilization, and the next delay, the result will be much more accurate than the previous one.

In any case, if there is no pregnancy, and the test is positive, consult a gynecologist. Sometimes the doctor will suggest doing an in-cab test to make sure you followed the instructions correctly. It happens that women are surprised by the sudden opposite result, then the specialist will tell you where the mistake was made, so that next time everything was done correctly.

A little about tests

Test strips are the cheapest type of pregnancy test. The inconvenience lies in the fact that it is necessary to collect urine in a container, and the accuracy of the test is not too high. In this case, urine should be only morning due to the slight sensitivity of litmus.

Tablet tests also require urine collection. But at the same time they do not need to be loaded. The kit comes with a special disposable pipette. These tests are much more sensitive and can detect pregnancy even in the early stages.

Inkjet is the third generation of pregnancy tests. They are easy to use and their results are accurate. The result is correctly determined even if the level of hCG is slightly elevated. However, the price of these devices is much higher than all the others.

They are 99% accurate. The result here appears as a "plus" if fertilization has occurred, or a "minus" if pregnancy has not occurred. The result will be displayed a day after the event. It is worth remembering that all types of tests are one-time, and their reuse is unacceptable. Electronic versions are no exception.


If there is no pregnancy, and the test is positive, but you feel that you did something wrong, or you feel changes, but you are not sure about the fact of conception, it is better to ask a gynecologist for help to accurately explain the instructions, take all the tests and go through research to exclude fact of ectopic pregnancy. Check the health of your sexual partner. After all, the reasons for failure can be very different. Joint research with a spouse will increase the chances of quick conception and the likelihood of being born healthy child. Almost all problems with this issue are solved thanks to modern development medicine and a competent approach of a specialist.