Where is the best place to store creams? What cosmetics can and cannot be stored in the refrigerator. Why proper storage is important

One of the questions that consumers face is how to store face cream so that it retains its skin care properties for as long as possible. Any cosmetic product contains stabilizers and preservatives. However, these substances alone are not enough to maintain the effectiveness and safety of the product. There are many subtleties in this matter.

Meanwhile, is it true that the ideal place to store the cream is the refrigerator? Why is it better not to keep stocks of cosmetics in the bathroom and how does the storage location of the cream depend on its composition? All this is in this article.

The main reasons why you should take a responsible attitude to the storage of cosmetics:

  1. When the cream is opened, it immediately begins to gradually change its properties under the influence of air and temperature, as well as environmental humidity. The better these indicators, the longer the product will retain its properties.
  2. Storing cosmetics after opening longer than the prescribed period can provoke the occurrence of allergic reactions, acne and significantly worsen the condition of the skin. The recommended period is from 3 to 6 months for products with vitamins, up to 12 months for everyone else.
  3. For closed cosmetic products, proper storage is equally important. In this case, it will be possible to preserve the consumer properties of the cream and not provoke problems with the skin of the face.
  4. Compliance with the rules of storage will save the budget, as the purchased product will work better and longer on the skin. In the long run, less investment in skin care products will be required than with the regular throwing away of new but improperly stored products.
  5. Proper storage will ultimately keep the skin young and healthy without exposing it to the risk of inflammation or allergies.

Proper storage is the key to the effectiveness of the cream. In addition, such a care product will affect the skin of the face in the best possible way.

The opinion of dermatologists on where and how to store cosmetics is as follows:

  1. Closed cosmetic products are stored in a chest of drawers or on a shelf in a closet, away from direct sunlight.
  2. Creams that are in use should be kept either in the refrigerator (if we are talking about natural or homemade products) or in a closet. The bathroom is the least suitable place for cosmetics.
  3. When using the cream, you should immediately tighten the caps and lids, as forgetfulness will lead to oxidation and deterioration of the product.
  4. Temperature fluctuations should be avoided, as in this case the creams begin to exfoliate and lose their consumer properties. Therefore, it is permissible to store homemade creams in the refrigerator, the shelf life of which does not exceed a week.
  5. Bags and cosmetic bags are not the best place for these products, as they are not able to protect against temperature changes and can only slightly smooth out the effects of sunlight.
  6. After opening the next jar or tube, it is recommended to make a mark when the cream was opened. This will allow you to more accurately track expiration dates and avoid the occurrence of negative skin reactions.
  7. Places on dressing tables and near heaters, as well as in the reach of animals and children, are not suitable for creams. In this case, there is a high risk of harm not only to yourself, but also to others.

Important! Dermatologists advise buying creams packaged in tubes with pumps. This will avoid contact of the product with air and bacteria and prolong its consumer properties. If the desired cream is sold only in jars, it is recommended to use special disposable spatulas to take the product out of the package.

Storage temperature

One of the most important parameters. Store face cream at home should be at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. The room temperature must not rise above the indicated values. This will negatively affect the consumer properties of the product.

Many consumers have a question: where to store face cream so that the product retains its properties? Dermatologists offer the following solutions:

  1. Products based on natural ingredients and with vitamins should be stored exclusively in the refrigerator. This will avoid oxidation and extend the shelf life of the cream.
  2. Other cosmetics should be stored in a dark, cool place with a low level of humidity. The best place that meets these requirements is a closet or shelf with doors in the room.
  3. The bathroom is categorically not suitable for storing any cosmetic products. In this room, there is always an increased level of humidity and constant temperature changes. All this negatively affects the consumer properties of care products, reducing the shelf life and worsening their consumer properties.
  4. Window sills and any places with direct sunlight are not suitable for storing cosmetics, as under the influence of heat and light, the structure changes and the ingredients of creams oxidize.
  5. If the house has a large number of sealed cosmetics, then it is better to keep such a supply in a separate closed box and store it in a dark, cool place. Periodically, you should audit existing creams and get rid of products with an expiring shelf life.

Thus, for each type of care products there will be an ideal storage place.

The standard shelf life of the cream is 36 months from the date of production and 12 months after opening the package. However, in this case, the standard recommendations may not be equally applicable to all cosmetic products. How to properly store the cream depends on its composition:

  1. Natural ingredients in the composition of the care product significantly reduce the shelf life. The fact is that organic components oxidize faster than synthetic ones, and can significantly affect the effectiveness and safety of the product. Therefore, organic cosmetics should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.

Important! Due to the limited shelf life, you should not buy products in large packages, as the cream will deteriorate faster than the consumer has time to use it..

  1. Care creams with moisturizing and nourishing ingredients are the most unpretentious and can be stored for up to a year. At the same time, prolonged contact of the product with air should be avoided, as this contributes to the oxidation of the ingredients and reduces the effectiveness of useful substances.
  2. Cosmetics for matting the skin containing talc also do not like contact with air, as this leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of the components in the composition of care products. It must be stored with tightly screwed lids and caps, if possible, use creams equipped with a pump.
  3. Means for problem skin contain ingredients that are not recommended for exposure to air, as this reduces the effectiveness of the components.
  4. Anti-aging face creams should preferably be stored in a cool, dry place away from moisture and direct sunlight. This will significantly extend the shelf life and effectiveness of the cream.

Important! Despite the composition and the presence of active ingredients, if the consumer properties of the product change, its use should be abandoned, as this can lead to the development of allergic reactions and provoke the appearance of inflamed elements on the face. Stratification, change in color and aroma, stickiness, blotches in the product - a reason to throw out the cream.

Proper storage of the cream can significantly extend the shelf life of the cosmetic product. The product will retain its beneficial properties longer, and consumers will be able to avoid such negative phenomena as allergic reactions and burns, which often occur when using a cream that has violated storage conditions.

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It is logical to assume that everything that is stored in the refrigerator lives longer. But any person who is more or less familiar with chemistry or physics will tell you that you should never hide all cosmetics indiscriminately in the refrigerator! It all depends on the composition of the funds.


READ ALSO - Do-it-yourself universal cosmetic product

The editors of I WANT to figure out what can move from your cosmetic bag to the refrigerator, and what is better to stay in its place.


Never, ever store butter in the refrigerator! Not only will it settle and most likely harden, the cold will change its chemical composition, and the oil will no longer be greasy and slippery, but will become - strange as it sounds - loose.

Face creams and serums

Cold creams are especially good to apply to the skin in the morning. In particular, to eliminate swelling in the eye area, especially in the warm season.


If your house is really hot enough that even the air conditioner can barely cope, you can put a lip or eyeliner (doesn't matter) in the refrigerator for a few minutes. But do not store them there all the time, otherwise the stylus will freeze so much that you will not draw anything at all, only your lips and eyelids will be injured to no avail.

Don't put lipstick in the refrigerator. This should not be done because the cold will draw all the moisture out of it, and it will corny crumble into small pieces. Only in extreme heat, lipstick can be placed in the refrigerator, but only for a couple of minutes. However, if you put it on for a long time, so as not to spoil it, now you have to keep the tube in the refrigerator always and take it out only to put on makeup.


Eyeshadows, blushes and powders are best stored in a dry place, away from sunlight, which can oxidize and fade pigments. The refrigerator adds moisture and destroys this type of cosmetics, provoking mold.


Do not put toilet water in the refrigerator under any circumstances! Perfumes are intricate chemical compounds that only work properly under certain temperature conditions. Heat them up or cool them down and you'll lose your favorite flavor.

Every woman should have at least one face cream. In order for cosmetic products to have a positive effect, they must be properly stored. The expiration date of the face cream may vary, this information should be viewed on the packaging. Equally important is the observance of storage rules.

Homemade creams are the most sensitive cosmetics, so its storage must be treated carefully. It is advisable to prepare a one-time serving so that the product does not lose its beneficial properties. Store-bought creams also have a certain expiration date.

Why is proper storage important?

It is important to be careful about the storage of cosmetics, and this is due to the following reasons:

  1. When the cream is opened, it gradually changes its properties. This happens under the influence of air, temperature, humidity. The more optimal these indicators, the longer the properties are preserved.
  2. If the expiration date of the face cream has expired, then it is thrown away. Otherwise, it can lead to allergies, acne, deterioration of the skin. The recommended period is 3-6 months for products with vitamins, up to 1 year for the rest.
  3. It is necessary to observe the storage rules for closed cosmetics. In this case, it will be possible to preserve the consumer properties of the cream and not lead to problems with the skin of the face.
  4. Compliance with the rules of storage will help save the budget, since the purchased product works better and longer on the skin. As a result, you need to spend less money on cosmetics.
  5. Proper storage keeps the skin healthy.

How to determine the expiration date of the cream? This information is indicated on the product packaging. The date of manufacture may be indicated, and the expiration date must be counted independently.

Storage Features

Each cosmetic product has storage features. If you follow them, then the positive properties remain for a long period. In addition to the expiration date of the face cream, it is important to consider the storage location:

  1. It is necessary to read the manufacturer's instructions, which are on all cosmetics. The packaging indicates the expiration date, optimum temperature, storage location.
  2. If there are a lot of preservatives in cosmetics, then it is stored for a long time. It is necessary to take this rule into account when choosing organic and natural cosmetics, since their shelf life is not so long. Do not stock up on organic creams.
  3. Packaging affects storage features. In tubes, useful properties are stored for a longer period than in jars. Aluminum, from which tubes for domestic products are made, gives a long shelf life to face cream.
  4. Cosmetics should not be left in the bathroom. There are fluctuations in temperature, humidity, which spoils the quality of the components.
  5. The room should not be overheated. You also need to avoid exposure to sunlight. Due to these factors, the positive properties of many components are destroyed. Products in transparent jars and bottles suffer from ultraviolet radiation.
  6. Do not place products in the refrigerator. There you can remove only perishable products, cosmetics for skin care around the eyes, sunscreen.

It is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the features of your favorite cosmetic products, their storage rules and composition. Compliance with certain conditions prolongs the effectiveness of creams and maintains healthy skin.


The expiration date of a face cream may vary depending on the type of product:

  1. For the skin around the eyes. This product contains few preservatives and is gentle on the skin. Such creams should be cleaned in a cool place - preferably in the refrigerator. Minus temperatures also negatively affect cosmetics, so the best place would be the refrigerator door.
  2. Sunscreens. They also need to be kept cool. Sun filters reduce activity due to elevated temperatures and sunlight. It is preferable to purchase a package of cream, which is enough for 1 season. Even with a shelf life of 12 months, useful properties are reduced.
  3. Foundation. The tool retains its properties much longer, but subject to hygiene rules. A set of mass from a jar should be done with a spatula, and the neck of the bottle or dispenser should be cleaned with a cotton swab.

Other varieties

In addition to the above, there are other creams:

  1. Creams for problematic and sensitive skin require careful handling. Closed vials should be chosen to avoid contact with air. It is necessary to close the lid qualitatively and monitor the cleanliness of the packaging.
  2. In anti-aging products, there are “finicky” ingredients that are destroyed when interacting with air, sunlight. Therefore, these products are usually placed in jars with thick walls and in dark bottles.
  3. The main care products are nourishing and moisturizing creams. They have the most picky storage conditions. Substances of their composition are not so "capricious".

You need to choose a closed dark cabinet in the room for your cosmetics. This place will be the best for the safety of products. Don't leave them on your dressing table.

Storage depending on destination

Cosmetics have some features depending on the composition and type. Moisturizing, nourishing products are stored for a long time due to the presence of glycerin and amino acids. They are not afraid of oxidation. The main thing is to use a cotton pad or stick. You can also use a glass or plastic spatula.

A remedy for problem skin also has its own storage characteristics. It is necessary to close the jar tightly after use, since the composition contains components that cannot withstand contact with air. These include zinc and tea tree extract. To avoid oxidation, this product is stored in hermetically sealed packages or bottles with a pump dispenser. This also applies to matting cream. To prevent air from affecting the properties of the product, talc is used.

Anti-aging creams are stored in the same way as the rest. It is required to prevent overheating and humidity. The retinol present in the composition does not like air. This also applies to vitamin C. Therefore, such creams are sold in jars with thick glass walls or in bottles. Due to the tightness of the packaging, manufacturers reduce the amount of preservatives. Creams "bio" do not include preservatives, so they should not be stored for a long time. For some creams, the shelf life after opening may decrease, so you should carefully read the information from the manufacturer.

Storage rules

Where is the expiration date of the cream? It is fixed on jars, tubes and boxes. In order for the products to retain their properties during this period, you must follow simple tips:

  1. Cosmetics should be in a separate place - a cool dark closet. So it will be easier to find the right product and save the properties of cosmetics.
  2. It is necessary to purchase products in bottles with a dispenser or tubes with a screw cap. In these packages, the quality is maintained for a long time.
  3. You need to pick up the product from the jars with a spatula or a cotton swab. You should not do this with your fingers, as there is a risk of introducing pathogenic microorganisms.
  4. You should familiarize yourself with the composition and instructions of the manufacturers. Probably, there are components in the composition that need special conditions for saving.
  5. It is necessary to tightly close the caps, close the vials and close the dispensers. Contact with air adversely affects product quality.


What is the shelf life of face cream? The standard period is 6-12 months. However, it may differ.

How to find out the expiration date of a face cream? It is indicated on the label. Sometimes, after opening, the shelf life of a face cream decreases. Typically, manufacturers recommend using products for no more than a year.

What is the shelf life of Avon face cream? Usually, it is 3 years.

The expiration date must be fixed by a reliable printing method, and not glued on a sticker. The second situation may indicate a change in information, so the buyer should have doubts about the reliability of the manufacturer and compliance with sanitary standards.

The expiration date must be easily readable, printed with indelible ink or embossed/engraved on the packaging. This information can be indicated anywhere - on the label, jar, tube solder. Sometimes finding this information is not easy. But, with patience, you will still be able to achieve your goal.

What affects the timing?

The shelf life of a product depends on:

  1. Preservatives and their concentration. These components protect against the growth of bacteria and the destruction of active components. The more preservatives present in the composition, and the higher their concentration, the more bacteria the agent suppresses.
  2. The number of active components. Usually they are capricious and noticeably reduce the shelf life.
  3. The presence of water. It leads to an increase in bacterial activity. Therefore, the shelf life of dry cosmetics is noticeably higher.
  4. Packing forms. Pumps and dispensers protect products from moisture and bacteria by reducing contact with oxygen. Therefore, products in the right packaging last much longer.

The shelf life of different products is different. Each manufacturer must provide this information, fixing it on their products.


What should be the temperature to keep the product? The temperature should be no more than 25 degrees. Temperature fluctuations in the room also negatively affect all cosmetics. Creams that contain natural ingredients oxidize when the temperature is exceeded, and then it is dangerous to use them. Temperatures below +5 degrees also have a negative effect.

If your face cream has expired, throw it away. Do not continue to use it, no matter how sorry. You should also throw away products that have a "suspicious" appearance. Signs such as an unpleasant odor, heterogeneity of consistency and discoloration should alert. Cosmetics should be checked periodically.


In order for the cream to be effective, it is important not only to follow the storage rules, but also to choose it correctly:

  1. Products must be appropriate for skin type and age.
  2. The more natural and plant components in the composition, the more useful the remedy.
  3. If the expiration date is about to expire, it is better not to use such products.
  4. In cold weather and hot days, the skin feels differently, so you need to choose products based on the time of year.
  5. Care differs day and night, so for each case it is necessary to select special means.
  6. Periodically, you need to change the means so that there is no addiction.

Even a simple cream will have an excellent effect if the above rules are followed. And facial care will be a pleasant procedure, after which the skin becomes beautiful and ageless.


Thus, all women need to know about the rules for storing products. The quality of cosmetics and compliance with storage conditions affect its effectiveness. It also affects the health of the skin.

Want to guess what's on your bathroom shelf? At least cream, serum, washing gel, micellar water, tonic, enzyme peeling tube. And in the cosmetic bag are lipstick (three), mascara (two), foundation and BB cream, as well as blush, primer, highlighter ... Pot, do not cook!

In general, there are a lot of cosmetics. And it's good if each remedy is used and ends before the expiration date. It's bad when there are too many jars. In this case, you inevitably postpone something for later, forget about something. And when you remember, the product may already be overdue.

Why is it all? In addition, it's time to figure out: how much cosmetics can be used and how to store it correctly so as not to shorten its service life?

Have you been reviewing your makeup bag for a long time? © iStock

All beauty products have a certain shelf life.

  • Until the package is opened, the product retains its qualities and properties for exactly as long as the manufacturer claims.
  • After opening, when the tightness of the package is already broken, the shelf life decreases. When reacting with air inside the cream, processes of oxidation and bacteria reproduction, invisible to the eye, begin to occur.
  • Manufacturing date. Usually indicate the month and year.
  • Expiry date. Be careful here: if the product is valid for less than 30 months, such information is indicated; if more than 30 months, manufacturers are not required to indicate an end date.
  • Open jar icon and indicating the number of months, for example, 6M, 12M, 24M. The number means how long the product can be stored after opening - no more than 6, 12 or 24 months, respectively.

As a rule, organic cosmetics have a shelf life of no more than 6 months after you start using them, while other skin care products have a shelf life of 12 to 24 months.

On the packaging of the product, look for an icon with an open jar and an indication of the number of months. © iStock

Is it possible to store cosmetics in the bathroom

The most convenient location for the beauty arsenal is the bathroom. There we start the day with washing, there we end with the application of night care.

But convenient doesn't mean it's right. “Living conditions” for cosmetics there are not the most favorable:

  • high humidity;
  • frequent and sudden changes in temperature.

All this leads to the fact that creams can deteriorate ahead of time. Therefore, we suggest storing only shower gels, scrubs, shampoos and hair conditioners, as well as facial cleansers in the bathroom.

All beauty products have a certain shelf life. © iStock

Can you store cosmetics in the refrigerator?

Another common misconception is about the benefits of storing creams in the refrigerator. This is not safe for the integrity of beauty formulas, and therefore for your skin, which will interact with these formulas.

Low temperatures transform the properties of the ingredients:

  • solubility;
  • structure;
  • particle sizes.

After cooling, the textures may delaminate, change color and smell.

Creams with SPF lose their properties most quickly under the influence of cold: crystallization of filters under the influence of low temperatures reduces their effectiveness.

Perhaps the only thing that can be put in the refrigerator for 5-10 minutes before use is eye patches and a sheet mask. If you need to quickly refresh the skin and remove signs of fatigue.

Sheet mask "Comfort" with chamomile extract, Garnier

© Garnier

The mask, impregnated with a gel with chamomile extract, hyaluronic acid and moisturizing serum, instantly smoothes the skin, improves its tone and smoothes wrinkles. After using the product, the skin looks fresh and rested.

Place eye patches or a sheet mask in the refrigerator before use. © iStock © iStock

Storing your skin care products

And now let's take a closer look at how to store this or that remedy.


The best choice for cream jars is the darkest place in the room (cosmetics organizer, box, container or closet with a door).

The optimum storage temperature is 15–25°C. Hypothermia does not benefit the funds. You can put the cream in the refrigerator for only a few minutes if you need a tonic effect.

Moisturizing cream for dry skin Maxi:hydrability, Shu Uemura

© Shu Uemura

Features a lightweight & comfortable texture that combines the action of a lotion, essence & moisturizer. Perfectly moisturizes even very dry skin, does not leave a greasy sheen. Absorbs quickly.

Eye cream Nera Extrema, Giorgio Armani

© Giorgio Armani

The basis of the cream is a special mineral complex Obsidian, which takes care of the delicate and sensitive area of ​​the eyelids - moisturizes, nourishes, smoothes wrinkles.

Washing products

Cleansing products (gel, foam, mousse, scrub, peeling) can be stored in the bathroom. Make sure that the lid of the product is tightly closed after use. Otherwise, with high humidity and contact with warm air, a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria will be created.

Refreshing cleansing gel Pureté Thermale, Vichy

Suitable for use with very hard water - softens its action, perfectly copes with all types of pollution. After use, there is no feeling of tightened and dry skin.

Cleansing foam for dry and sensitive skin Crème Mousse Confort, Lancôme

© Lancome

The foam is suitable for very sensitive and dry skin. Rose extract and rosehip oil contribute to soft and gentle cleansing.

Facial Scrub "Pineapple Papaya" Pineapple Papaya Facial Scrub, Kiehl's

The scrub contains the best exfoliating ingredients - pineapple and papaya fruit acids plus apricot kernel powder. They gently break down, exfoliate and remove dead cells from the surface of the skin.

How to store decorative cosmetics

The main rule for storing decorative cosmetics is to ensure minimal contact with the skin (your fingers), as well as air and sunlight. In this case, the tool will last longer.

Consider buying a special organizer or a box with dividers - it is convenient to store shadows, lipstick, blush and powder in them so that they are always at hand.

Compact makeup products

Shadows, blush, powder can be stored for the longest time - this is the least "demanding" cosmetics, it has a fairly long lifespan. Just remember to wash your brushes, sponges and applicators with special cleansers.

Compact powder Poudre Compacte Radiance, Yves Saint Laurent

The advantages of this powder are obvious: it makes the face radiant, mattifies, fixes makeup. Skin looks rested and fresh all day long.


Be more careful with him. If the product has a sharp, unpleasant odor, throw it away without regret - it is no longer suitable for use.

Infaillible Long Lasting Foundation 24h Matte, L’Oréal Paris

© L'Oreal Paris

It has a mattifying effect, does not interfere with the breathing of the skin, and thanks to the new formula allows you to create a very light make-up. A thin veil is almost not felt on the skin.


Store it in a dark, cool place. Close the case well after each use to minimize contact with air.

An unpleasant rancid smell (even if the shelf life has not yet expired) indicates that the lipstick should be thrown away.

Close the case well after each use to minimize oxygen exposure. © iStock


The shortest shelf life for mascara is only 6 months. By continuing to use it for longer, you risk getting conjunctivitis, an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye caused by pathogenic bacteria.

How to store nail polish

If you are a fan of manicure and collect polishes from limited collections, then most likely, new bottles are quickly crowding old ones off the shelf.

Now imagine this situation: you found in the bins the same color that blew up the catwalks two years ago, and you are going to paint your nails with it. Nothing will come of it.

Nail coatings live 1–1.5 years. Then the varnishes most often delaminate and it is no longer possible to use them.

How to prolong the life of cosmetics

Extending the life of any cosmetic product, if it is not expired, is within your power. To do this, you must follow a few rules.

  • After using the tool close tightly bank(tube, vial) to prevent air and microparticles of dust from getting inside.
  • Pick up face and eye creams with a special spatula or cotton swab.
  • Wash regularly spatula, brushes and makeup sponges to minimize the growth of bacteria in open jars/cases/bottles.
  • Store your cosmetics in a dark place away from direct sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding 25°C.

How to determine if a product is defective

Unsuitable cosmetics are hard to miss. She changes:

  • smell;
  • color;
  • consistency.

Even if the product looks perfect, but it’s time to throw it away, get rid of the expired product if you don’t want to expose yourself and your skin to unnecessary risks.

In European legislation, there is no concept of an expiration date, but the permissible storage time after opening the package is mandatory. Russian legislation does not provide for the need to specify the shelf life after opening. According to Tech. Regulation TR TS 009/2011 on the package must be written:

  • date of manufacture (month, year) and expiration date (months, years);
  • or the inscription "best before" (month, year) or "use until" (month, year).

There are separate products that indicate the expiration date of the product after opening the package and special storage conditions that differ from the standard ones. Standard storage conditions:

  • storage temperature for liquid products - not lower than 5 ° C and not higher than 25 ° C;
  • storage temperature for toilet solid soap is not lower than minus 5°С;
  • for the rest of perfumery and cosmetic products - not lower than 0°С and not higher than 25°С in the absence of direct exposure to sunlight.

For all company products L "Oreal expiration dates are indicated on the package (best before: month, year). And they are 3 years from the date of production.

The best storage space for creams- closed locker in the room. Keep them in the refrigerator only if the temperature in the room is above 30 degrees. The most unfortunate place to store cosmetics is the bathroom. Changes in temperature and humidity have a bad effect on all products, except for shower gels and shampoos. They do not have time to deteriorate, because they are quickly used. But even if the expiration date has expired, they are not dangerous, because they are not absorbed into the skin, but are washed off with water.

If you are using creams for problem skin Remember to close the lid tightly. The composition of these products usually includes zinc, fruit acids, tea tree extract. Upon contact with air, these components are rapidly destroyed. That is why creams for problem skin are most often packaged in sealed metal tubes or bottles with a dispenser.

Manufacturers of matting creams use different types of talc. These components also do not like air.

Anti-aging products contain the most "capricious" ingredients - vitamins (including retinol - aka Vitamin A), hyaluronic acid and plant extracts. Vitamin C oxidizes rapidly when exposed to air. Retinol breaks down easily. Contact with oxygen is contraindicated for these substances, so creams with them are most often placed in tight jars with thick walls or metal bottles. This protection allows you not to overload anti-aging products with preservatives.

Do not expose the jar to direct sunlight, do not let it overheat or, conversely, freeze. In no case do not use the cream if you are not sure that you have stored it correctly. Using an expired cream threatens at least an allergic reaction.

Moisturizing and nourishing creams for the skin are stored the longest. They have the most stable composition: glycerin, amino acids and lipids. These components are not afraid of periodic contact with air. Only one thing is required of you - do not take the cream with your fingers so that sweat microparticles do not get into it. Use a special spatula or cotton swab.