Evitest which side to lower. Evitest pregnancy test - instructions and real reviews. Causes of false indicators

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Evitest pregnancy tests are popular among women planning to have children. The brand's products really have undeniable advantages and are presented in several forms, which allows you to choose a convenient option. Find out the features of the tests and study the detailed instructions.

All pregnancy tests work on the same principle, and Evitest is no exception. The device allows to detect the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in a woman's body. This hormone begins to be synthesized a few days after conception, and the concentration increases rapidly. A special reagent is applied to the test: the substance, when exposed to hCG, stains and reports the onset of pregnancy.

The test manufacturer "Evitest" guarantees high sensitivity, reaching 20 mIU / ml and allowing you to diagnose the onset of pregnancy not only from the first day of delay, but also 1-2 days before the expected start of menstruation.

Types of tests

The manufacturer produces several types of tests:

  1. Evites One. These are standard test strips that are affordable and as easy to use as possible. It is enough to place the device in the urine to the marked mark and wait, and then evaluate the result. Each package contains one test.
  2. Evites Plus. This type differs from the previous one by the presence of two test strips in the package, which allows you to get a more accurate and reliable diagnosis. It is recommended to test and repeat after a few days to confirm the result.
  3. "Evitest Proof" - high-precision cassette test. The kit includes a cassette with a reagent and a pipette for collecting urine before testing. This variety allows testing in conditions close to the laboratory. The design ensures the full interaction of the reagent with the material and the effective determination of the concentration of hCG.
  4. "Evitest Perfect". This is a modern and convenient inkjet test, equipped with a cap and holder. The end of the cassette where the urine should fall is marked with an arrow. The use is comfortable and simple, since it is enough to place the device under the jet for the physiological fluid to enter the reagent.
  5. "Evitest Supreme" is the latest development of the brand and the latest inkjet cassette model, which differs from the rest with an improved design. The principle of operation is the same.


Benefits of Evitest tests:

  • High sensitivity and accurate results.
  • Several types, among which you can choose a convenient option.
  • Affordable price.
  • The possibility of testing at home without special training.
  • Products are made from harmless, non-toxic and safe materials.

Instructions for using the test can be found in the packaging and should be read carefully before testing. The application depends on the type of device. The test strip should be placed in a container with pre-collected urine for three to five seconds to the area marked with a horizontal thick line, an arrow and the caption "max". Then place the device on a horizontal, flat surface and evaluate the results after three to five seconds. One strip indicates the absence of pregnancy, and two signal the conception that has occurred. If the second line is very weak and barely noticeable, testing should be repeated. When using Evitest Plus, repeat the procedure after at least two days, as the concentration of the hCG hormone doubles every 48 hours.

Useful video on how to properly use a pregnancy test.

When using Evitest Proof, you must first collect urine in a container, then remove the cassette and place it on a horizontal surface, then use a pipette to collect a small amount of liquid and drop four drops onto the round indicator window. After three to five minutes, you can begin to evaluate the results.

The Evitest Perfect cassette test is the most convenient and easy to use. Remove the device from the packaging, remove the protective cap, and place the end marked with the arrow under the urine stream for five seconds. Wait five minutes and evaluate the result. In the same way, testing is carried out using "Evitest Supreme".

There are several general rules for testing:

  1. One test is not used twice and is intended for single use.
  2. Evaluate the results after a specified period of time and do not wait more than ten minutes.
  3. After the expiration date indicated on the package, the Evitest tests should not be used: this will distort the results.
  4. Carry out the procedure at room temperature.
  5. Observe all storage conditions. The temperature should be between 5-30 degrees Celsius. Remove the packaging in a place protected from moisture and ultraviolet radiation.
  6. The optimal time for testing is in the morning. During this period, the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin is the highest.
  7. Before testing, do not drink a lot of fluids, as this can reduce the concentration of hCG in the urine and reduce the accuracy of the results.


Reviews of the Evitest tests confirm their benefits. Many women find the devices accurate and trust them. Among the advantages are the affordable cost, simplicity and ease of use. It is not difficult to evaluate the results, since the second strip in most cases is clearly visible after the delay.

Evitest tests are a convenient and easy way to determine pregnancy at home. By following the rules of the procedure, you can get accurate results and find out about the conception that has occurred at the earliest stages of gestation.

Along with "Frautest" and "Clearblue".

Evitest pregnancy test is a rapid test for diagnosing pregnancy in the early stages.

Produces Evitest German company HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh.

Let's talk about the virtues

The benefits of this test include:

  • high sensitivity of the test, which is 20mME / ml;
  • test accuracy over 99%;
  • diagnostic capability from the first day of delay menses;
  • the ability to use anywhere, at any time of the day;
  • getting results within 3-5 minutes;
  • the presence of 4 types of test to determine pregnancy at home;
  • use in the production of high-quality materials, sterility, verification at each stage of production.

The action of the Evitest pregnancy test, like any other test, is based on the detection presence in the woman's urine chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). Reagents are applied to the test strip, which stain when interacting with the hormone contained in the urine.

- This hormone which is produced by the placenta during pregnancy. Chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced immediately after embryo implantation(its attachment to the wall of the uterus), that is, 5-6 days after conception.

However, the level of this hormone in the urine, necessary to establish pregnancy, is reached a few days later. The synthesis of hCG continues throughout pregnancy.

Starting from the second week its content in the blood and urine is growing rapidly, doubling every 1.5 days, and reaches a maximum by 11-12 weeks, and then begins to decline.

To the test result was the most accurate, you should add 10 days to the estimated date, and then conduct a test.

Test types

The Evitest brand produces a whole series of tests for definitions of pregnancy Evitest at home.

Evitest One is the simplest test consisting of one strip. The strip is taken out of the package and lowered into the urine for the specified time.

Evitest Plus Pregnancy Test– includes two test strips to increase the accuracy of the analysis. Used in the same way as the previous one. To clarify the test result after a while, the test should be repeated.

Evitest Proof - cassette test for pregnancy Evitest, including a special cassette and a pipette. It is more accurate and convenient to use than the above types and is a prototype of professional laboratory diagnostics, since its design provides a more efficient interaction of the liquid with the reagent.

Pregnancy test Evitest Perfect - inkjet test with holder and cap. Its advantage, hygiene and comfort of use is that it is not necessary to collect urine for testing and take care of the sterility of the container. A strip of test just needs to be substituted under a stream of urine.

Evitest Supreme— an inkjet test cassette in an ultra-modern design, which is the most sensitive and stylish test.


The device of all types of the Evitest test is quite simple, but in any case it should carefully study the instructions, which is in the package.

Although different types of test operate according to a general principle, it can vary significantly in details, from the exact observance of which the correctness of the result depends.

How to use Evitest One

Remove the dough from the packaging, avoiding moisture on it. The test strip is dipped into pre-collected urine to the specified there are marks on it for 3-5 seconds, then placed on a horizontal surface. After 3-5 minutes, you can evaluate the result, but you should not wait more than 10 minutes.

If one red line appears on the test, the test is negative (no pregnancy), if two red stripes- positive pregnancy test evitest (pregnancy is present). The test is carried out at room temperature.

How to use Evitest Plus

The second test is done to confirm the result of the first. It is recommended to carry it out after 2 days, since every 1.5-2 days the level of hCG in the urine doubles.

It is best to do a second test in the morning, immediately after sleep, as in a short period of pregnancy the highest concentration of hCG contained in the first morning urine.

How to use Evitest Proof

Remove the cassette test and pipette from the package, put the cassette on a horizontal surface.

Take a small amount of urine into the pipette and drop 4 drops into the round indicator window on the surface of the tablet.

After 3-5 minutes, you can evaluate the result, but don't wait more than 10 minutes. The test is carried out at room temperature.

How to use Evitest Perfect

Remove the protective cap from the test cassette. Substitute the tip of the cassette marked with an arrow under the stream of urine for 5 seconds, then close it again with a protective cap. After 5 minutes, you can evaluate the result, but you should not wait more than 10 minutes.

The test is being conducted at room temperature.

We follow the rules

To obtain the most reliable result, you must:

  • do not use the same test twice;
  • evaluate the test results no later than 10 minutes after the procedure;
  • store Evitest in packaging at room temperature (5-30 C) in a place protected from direct sunlight and moisture;
  • do not use an expired test;
  • best test in the morning when the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine is maximum.

Should not be consumed a lot of liquid the night before- this can adversely affect the reliability of the test.

The sequence of actions is simple:

  • urine must be collected in a clean glass or plastic container;
  • the strip is placed into the liquid strictly vertically;
  • while waiting for the result, the test should be placed on a dry horizontal surface;
  • do not trust the result if the test strip is underexposed or overexposed in the urine, and also if the second strip appeared later than after 10-15 minutes;
  • with an indeterminate result it is recommended to take a blood test for hCG, since its level in the blood is higher than in the urine.

It is possible to obtain false positive or false negative result.

False positive test shows two stripes in the absence of pregnancy.

False negative test may show only one strip when there is a pregnancy.

These results depend on the following factors:

  • are the all test conditions, specified in the instructions;
  • is the woman sick?
  • the concentration of the hormone is still too low, so it is worth retest later a few days.

Evitest pregnancy test: the price varies in the following range:"Evitest One" and Evitest Plus - from 30 to 85 rubles; "Evitest Proof" - 162-185 rubles; "Evitest Perfect" - 110-120 rubles.

Consumer reviews

“More than once I had to use the Evitest test with a delay in menstruation. And this test always showed the exact result.

If there is no pregnancy, then no, and if there is, then even if it is small, the test will still show it. In my early stages during the first and second pregnancy, the test showed a barely noticeable second strip.

I doubted, I did the test again and again, but the result was the same. Now I only buy Evitest and no other. Evitest has many different tests, but they are not clear to me, and I buy regular strips. The strip is cheaper than the inkjet test and easy to use. The result will not change if you buy a more expensive test. Julia, Korolev

“I was really looking forward to my pregnancy and tried a bunch of tests, including Evitest. I must say right away that there were early signs of pregnancy, so there was very high hope for Evitest. But even after the delay of menstruation, he stubbornly did not want to show anything. And I did everything according to the rules, as it should be in the morning.

Being completely upset, I bought Frautest with a window, just to have some other one. I came home from work about three days, I think I'll ruin this one too. In the morning I checked for Evitest, there was nothing. Well, I drip e drops into the window - and what do you think, in three days a weak second strip is shown, which after 15 minutes became clear. The next morning I did Evitest again and again nothing.

Although all the signs are there. I don’t want to pass judgment on this test, but personally I’m not very happy with it and I think it’s right to buy tests from different companies.”
Inna, Kharkov

“Once a story happened to me, which still surprises me to this day. I was doing housework one Saturday and the idea came to me to go take a test. On the one hand, there were still 6 days before the delay, and on the other hand, you can’t fool your intuition! At home, there were only the usual Evitest tests in the form of paper strips.

Believe it or not, but a weak second line appeared! I asked my husband to buy a few more tests on the way home, he brought Evitest again. Used a couple more just to be sure. They also showed a pale second stripe. Two days later, I donated blood for hCG, and the analysis showed that the second strips on the tests are not ghosts, I really am pregnant!

These are the Evitest tests that are sensitive, it turns out! If the second strip is poorly visible, then the hormone is simply still very small, the period is very short. Definitely recommend!"
Vera, Rostov-on-Don.

“Whenever there were some doubts about the absence or presence of pregnancy, I bought this particular test. I have never been pregnant, but the fact that there is no pregnancy, he showed exactly. And it didn't let my friends down either. I think that Evitest is convenient, easy to use and has a reasonable price.

Don't overpay for more expensive tests. In addition, it is available in almost any pharmacy. I believe that the test may show an incorrect result if the woman has some hormonal disorders, or if the test was not bought at a pharmacy, but somewhere else where the storage conditions were violated.

“It was Evitest that gave me a false positive result. I did not take hormones, there were no other problems in the body. I can’t get pregnant for a long time, and then I saw two stripes. I was delighted and went to the doctor - but neither ultrasound nor hCG showed anything. Since then, I have not bought Evitest, I do not trust him. ”

“I was planning a pregnancy ... and now the delay))) I asked my husband to buy two tests, even though the instructions say what to do in the morning, but I was eager to know the result, I did ... ... .. yes, 2 strips))) went to bed happy. In the morning I did it again and again 2 strips. On the same day, I went with my husband to the gynecologist, she examined and said: “there is no pregnancy, well, or maybe an ectopic one, although it doesn’t seem to exist either, you have a cyst, go for an ultrasound, you will come in a week.”

I left in tears, my husband took my hand and dragged me to the ultrasound. They did a vaginal ultrasound, the result: a fluid inclusion in the left ovary, that is, a cyst and that's it. A week and a half later, I decided to go for a second ultrasound, only the usual one, in a different place ... lay down while talking about the results of the previous ultrasound, the doctor laughed and said: “YOUR BRUSH IS SIX WEEKS!!!”

My eyes popped out of my head. Here are the doctors in the clinic! Evitest turned out to be right, I was pregnant!!! I got registered in another polyclinic, not a foot in the previous one. ”

“I have not often used such tests, but still the experience was a couple of times.

What can I say about Evitest? Very expensive. I bought it only when there was no other choice (they are sold in any supermarket, but our pharmacies close early).

Simple and easy to use. Once I got a defective one, showed pregnancy when she was gone. At the doctor’s appointment, I was convinced of the opposite, which I was glad about. ”

“Pregnancy test” - you see this phrase, and your heart skips a beat. Someone remembers their pregnancy, and someone only hopes to see two cherished stripes there (or one, but also cherished).

One way or another, almost every one of us faces pregnancy tests at least once during our lives. And one of the most popular brands that women trust is Evitest pregnancy tests. Why do women choose these particular pregnancy tests and how do these mini-laboratories work in general - read on.

Evitest pregnancy tests

Among the huge number of pregnancy tests, there are favorites and, of course, Evitest is such a representative. The Evitest pregnancy test is manufactured by the German company HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh, it has a sensitivity of 20mME / ml, is suitable for determining pregnancy on the first day of delay and has a rich product line - from simple test strips to elegant devices that can be presented as a pleasant "gift" spouse.

Types of tests

  • Evitest One is a test strip for accurate and fast results. A preliminary collection of urine is required (the container is not included in the kit).
  • Evitest Plus is a set of two test strips, which makes it possible to confirm the result after a couple of days. This package is more profitable for the price of a single test. A urine collection is required for testing.
  • Evitest Proof - cassette test: a real mini-lab in your home. Equipped with a pipette, with which you instill urine into the material window. Provides the most accurate results.
  • Evitest Perfect is an inkjet test, beautiful and convenient, and there is no need to collect urine: you just need to substitute the device under the jet.
  • Evitest is one of the leaders in sales among pregnancy tests, and this is understandable: it is sold in almost every pharmacy and at checkouts in supermarkets, which increases its availability to customers.

The principle of operation of all tests is the same: they determine the presence in the urine of a special substance - the pregnancy hormone or human chorionic gonadotropin (abbreviated as hCG). Its level is measured in international units per milliliter (mIu / ml). The tissue of the embryo (chorion) begins to produce this hormone already on the sixth or eighth day after fertilization of the egg. By the end of the first trimester, its concentration increases several thousand times, and then begins to decline. This information is needed in order to understand when it is better to do the test.

The hCG level doubles every day. That is, on the 7th day after ovulation (it usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle, on day 14), when the fertilized egg has already attached to the uterine wall, the hCG concentration is 2 mIU / ml (international units per ml), per On the 8th day it will be 4 mIU / ml, and the day after tomorrow, on the 9th day - 8 mIU / ml. And since most pharmacy tests have a sensitivity of 20-25 mIU / ml, then naturally the test will be empty. In order for the test to show at least a pale, but such an important second strip, it is necessary to wait 7-10 days after ovulation: in this interval the first day of the delay of the next menstruation will be located.

Note that often ovulation sometimes “walks” in one direction or another. Therefore, home tests may not show a reliable result due to the low concentration of the hormone in the urine, or, on the contrary, show it a little earlier than the delay.

How is a pregnancy test

All pregnancy tests, including Evitest pregnancy tests, regardless of type, are arranged in the same way: they determine the presence or absence of pregnancy by immunochromatography. That is, when urine containing hCG interacts with a reagent containing antibodies to hCG with a dye, the antibodies react and stain in the form of a red stripe.

And in the control zone on the test, a strip appears, caused by the release of the dye when urine drops reach it. The reaction time is on average 5 minutes. If after 5 minutes the strip does not appear, then there is no pregnancy, respectively. It is worth waiting for the result no more than 10 minutes: after this time, the test becomes uninformative due to the evaporation of the liquid from the test. Have you heard stories that someone took a test in the morning, the result was negative, and then, in the evening, noticing it in the trash can, found a pale second line? So: the test result is evaluated here and now, no later than 10 minutes after the test.

When to take a pregnancy test

In order for a pregnancy test to show the desired result, it is necessary that the level of hCG in the urine is sufficient for the test to fix it, namely, 20-25 mIU / ml. This level - with a standard cycle of 28 days, with ovulation on the 14th day from the beginning of menstruation - is reached on the first day of a missed period.

At the same time, you should know that the concentration of hCG in the blood is slightly higher than in the urine, so a blood test is always more accurate than a standard pregnancy test, it can indicate the presence or absence of pregnancy earlier.

How to do a pregnancy test

In the early stages, the best time to determine pregnancy with a test is in the morning, immediately after getting up, since it is after the night that the concentration of the hCG hormone in the urine is highest (it is better not to drink a lot of liquid the day before so as not to get up at night to go to the toilet). Depending on the type of test, you may need a container to collect urine (purchase a jar for analysis at a pharmacy), where you lower the test to the indicated mark for a few seconds, or you will need to urinate on the test sample by substituting it under the stream of urine. Next, the test must be put on a flat surface and after the time specified in the instructions, evaluate the result:

  • Two bars - positive
  • One line is negative
  • The presence of a test strip in an unintended place or the absence of a control strip is an error

In case of a positive result (congratulations!) you should visit the gynecologist as soon as possible and be guided by his further instructions.

With a negative result and a long delay in the next menstruation, it is recommended to repeat the test in a couple of days, and also visit a gynecologist to determine the reasons for the delay.

If the result is erroneous, the test should be done again.

With a delay of more than a week, the test can be carried out at any time of the day. Mandatory condition: do not urinate two hours before the test and do not drink a large amount of liquid.

When a Pregnancy Test Might Show an Incorrect Result

  • The test was taken too early and the hCG level is still low.

Solution: Wait for the delay and redo the test after a couple of days.

  • The test was done incorrectly: you overexposed it in a container with urine or took it out too quickly, and there was not enough for a reaction.

Solution: Follow the instructions carefully and do not engage in amateur activities.

  • You are taking hormonal drugs to stimulate ovulation (inject hCG injections, etc.). The test may be false positive.

Solution: do not rush to do the test: as a rule, by the time the hCG comes from outside, it will already leave the body and your “pregnant” hCG will be in its place.

  • The presence of certain diseases (tumors) can give a false positive result in the absence of pregnancy.

Solution: Consult your doctor if the test is positive.

  • Wrong test.

Solution: Check the test expiration date and make sure you do it exactly as described in the instructions. Redo the test the next day.

For example, reviews of tests on the Internet in general by Evitest are quite good, but sometimes there are also negative reports about the inaccuracy of the result. Having met such, try to be objective about such posts, because people do not indicate all the circumstances of the test and, quite possibly, make mistakes and inaccuracies, which in turn leads to an incorrect result.

Myths about pregnancy tests

Super sensitive tests

Here we are talking about supersensitive tests of 10 mIU / ml with the ability to determine pregnancy a week before menstruation.

Such tests are more of a marketing ploy to attract attention. The sensitivity of tests for home use is 20-25 mIU / ml.

Determining pregnancy with an ovulation test

There is a myth that an ovulation test that measures luteinizing hormone levels will tell you if you are pregnant. Yes, sometimes an ovulation test can be positive during pregnancy: this is due to the fact that the hormone formulas are similar. But the second strip is almost always on this type of test, and the presence of ovulation is assessed by the intensity of its staining. Thus, an ovulation test is not a reliable source of information for determining pregnancy.

Pregnancy test won't show ectopic pregnancy

In fact, the test will show any pregnancy, regardless of its location. Therefore, after receiving a positive result, it is necessary to visit a gynecologist and, at a gestational age of 5-6 weeks, do an ultrasound scan to confirm the uterine pregnancy.

For example, an already pregnant woman writes: they say, she took a test, but it is negative. Like, the vaunted Evitest does not work! You should know that with an increase in the period, the level of hCG decreases and finally disappears by the third trimester - therefore, in this particular case, we can talk about false judgments of a person, and not about a test error.

Evitest pregnancy test results

Summing up, I would like to say that choosing Evitest, you get a quality product that meets all standards, with a confirmed sensitivity of 20mME / ml, with the ability to determine pregnancy from the first day of missed menstruation at a fairly reasonable price.

When planning a pregnancy, after intercourse on the day of ovulation, every girl is eager to make sure that conception has occurred as soon as possible. Pregnancy tests can help in this matter, which are currently a large selection in the pharmacy network. Applying Evitest, whether he will show pregnancy before the delay or not, we will find out in our article, having become better acquainted with this brand.

When to use the Evitest test

This test is one of the three most famous, along with Frautest and Clearblue. And although it is used to diagnose pregnancy in the early stages, it is not worth using Evitest before a delay in menstruation, so as not to be disappointed with the result.

Advantages of the Evitest test

It is characterized by:

  • High sensitivity;
  • The accuracy of the result is more than 99%;
  • You can carry out Evitest on the day of the delay, which determines the beginning of a new cycle;
  • It is done anywhere, at a convenient time of the day;
  • The test result is evaluated 3-5 minutes after using the Evitest test on the day of the delay

Using the Evitest test on the 2nd day of delay

The action of the reagent during analytics is based, as with other tests, on determining the level of hCG (pregnancy hormone) in the urine of a woman. In order for Evitest to show pregnancy before the delay, the hormone level must be at least 20 mIU / ml, and this is typical only for the first day of the delay or a little later. Chorionic gonadotropin begins to be produced in a woman's body immediately after the implantation of the embryo into the endometrial wall. At first, the work on its reproduction is performed by the chorion, the outer shell of the fetus, and then the placenta.

Applying Evitest on the 2nd day of a missed period would be a smart move. For the accuracy of the test result, it is better not to rely on the absence of critical days, but it is necessary to add 10 days to the date of ovulation, this will be the first analytics.

Types and features of Evitests

Pharmacies sell 4 types of tests of this brand:

  • The simplest of them is Evitest one, used on the second day of delay, it is one strip with a reagent, which is taken out of the package, lowered into a container with urine for 3-5 seconds, placed on a flat horizontal surface and wait 3-5 minutes. After they look, how many lines appeared.

  • Almost the same functionality as Evitest plus. The only difference is that there are 2 test strips in the box.

  • Evitest prof is a cassette with a window. A pipette is attached to it, with which 4 drops of urine are applied into the window. The observation time is the same as in the first case.

  • The newer inkjet pre-delay Evitest tests are also being used, as testimonials indicate. Perfect and supreme are comfortable. The woman does not need to think about collecting the test material, she just needs to hold the device under the stream of urine.

With a correctly performed procedure, whether Evitest will show pregnancy after a delay in menstruation with its positive result, in the form of two red stripes of the same color, depends on the level of chorionic gonadotropin at the moment in the test urine. If there is a slightly colored second line, indicating a lack of pregnancy hormone, the Evitest test should be repeated after 2 days, since during pregnancy the hCG level doubles every 1.5-2 days.

Reasons for the unreliable result of Evitest before the delay

If there is a delay, and Evitest is negative, a repeat of the testing procedure is also necessary. In the case of a negative second test, you should look for some other deviation that caused a violation in the menstrual cycle. This may be an ectopic pregnancy, and therefore, if there is pain and discharge, you should go to the hospital.

When conducting the Evitest test with a delay in critical days, it is possible to obtain both a false positive result, when there are no pregnancy in the presence of 2 strips, and a false negative, where an interesting situation is obvious with one line. Such deviations are possible:

  • If the rules of the instructions for using the Evitest test with a delay are not followed;
  • When using an expired band;
  • Normal low concentration of hCG.

Rules for the Evitest test with a delay

In order not to be tormented by the question of what result Evitest will show before the delay, it is necessary to carry it out at the right time strictly following all the instructions:

  • collect urine in a clean container, preferably in the morning, when it contains the highest concentration of the hormone;
  • before the procedure, do not drink a lot of liquid;
  • lower the test strip strictly to the specified line;
  • withstand time, waiting for the result, putting the strip on a dry, flat surface;
  • do not reuse the test;
  • store it, as well as do testing, at room temperature.


Women who did Evitest for pregnancy before the delay give conflicting reviews. Some had a faint second line on the eve of their period, while others had the same line after the delay. All this speaks of the individuality of hCG production in each girl. Only timely testing gives the desired result.

C pregnancy test "Evitest Plus" I have connected the most wonderful moments of my life. It is both excitement and fear, joy and awe, expectation and hope. I wanted a child for a long time, but it so happened that for the first time I tried a pregnancy test in action only at the age of 27, before that there was no reason.

My husband and I planned our long-awaited lyalechka carefully and diligently. For several months of attempts, I conscientiously waited for the delay and could not stop the tears when they came, evil and merciless, these days ...

This time everything was somehow different ... Frequent urge to go to the toilet a little, but, probably, autumn - I caught a cold, my chest was a little swollen and ached, but probably menstruation is coming soon, logically, hormones are playing, I was terribly sleepy, but again it's autumn, it's rainy...

It was 9 days from the day of the attempt, and the girls from the laboratory diagnostics department (at that time I worked in a hospital and access to any tests was free) suggested that I do hCG blood test .

Chorionic gonadotropin ( CG, hCG) is a hormone secreted by the placenta during pregnancy. It belongs to gonadotropic hormones along with luteinizing and follicle-stimulating hormones, but differs from them in amino acid sequence. It begins to be produced from the first hours of pregnancy and increases several thousand times by 7-11 weeks, then gradually decreases.

It’s scary, of course, but I didn’t really want to suffer for at least a week. I donated blood and went to the workplace, somehow I even got distracted and forgot that my whole life could turn upside down from the results of this analysis!

And at the end of the working day, a phone call and a laboratory assistant in a cheerful voice announces that the result is 15 units. To my question "How much is the norm?" - the answer is "For healthy people up to 1, but since you are pregnant, it's normal for you!"

I can't believe my ears! The first thought that popped into my head was that the laboratory assistant was just joking. But then I understand that no one will joke with such things. The second thought is that they were mistaken, but something I very much doubt that besides me today a couple of pregnant women took a blood test for hCG. So there really is a pregnancy, it remains only to make sure that it is present and do an ultrasound and a pregnancy test. In the urine, this hormone appears much later than in the blood, and the effect of all pregnancy tests is precisely based on the fact that they capture traces of it when excreted by the kidneys. But still I decided to try to do the test, although I did not really count on success.

On the same day I went to the pharmacy and bought Evitest, but not simple, but immediately double, to check everything more than once. Its cost at that time was about 100 rubles, a little expensive compared to tests for 8-10 rubles, but in my opinion the quality of this particular test is much higher, you can trust it.

The next day (10th after) I do a test in the morning. before that, I carefully read the instructions so as not to do something wrong and not get a false positive or false negative result. It's good that detailed instructions are attached to the test.

At first, the test strip did not react in any way to the manipulations carried out with it, I was already ready to get upset, burst into tears, accuse the hCG blood test of misinformation and giving me false hopes. But while I was wringing my hands on the test strip for about 5 minutes, a pale, pale ghost of the second strip began to appear. I couldn't believe my eyes! At first it seemed to me that this was due to the fact that I wanted it too much, I rubbed my eyes. The strip was in place. Then I thought that I was just seeing double from the accumulated tears in them. But the second strip still remained in its rightful place and conveyed hello to me from the baby.

After 2 days, as it should be according to the instructions, I did the second test (12th day after). The feelings were already completely different, I already understood that a certain amount of time was needed for the strip to appear. In this groove, the greeting from the baby was more pronounced, the strip was brighter and there was no longer any doubt about its presence on the test.

There was no limit to my happiness, probably every woman who has been dreaming of having a child for more than one year will understand me. I spent the whole evening looking at my stripes, I talked to them, telling them how I was expecting a baby, what toys I would buy for him, how we would walk. In general, I began to gradually go crazy with joy and with hormones bubbling in me.

Menstruation never came to me, but Lyalya came, now she lies in the crib and groans.

So don't expect delays! The test perfectly shows a miracle without it! In my version, it was already on the tenth day! At this time, sometimes it is even impossible to assume pregnancy, a woman may not feel the slightest sign that a new life is already developing in her!

However, if the pregnancy is long-awaited and planned, why not try to find out about it early?

The Evitest pregnancy test (Evitest) is one of the most popular express pregnancy tests. It is produced by the German company HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh.

Why do so many people prefer it?

  • The manufacturer claims almost 100% certainty testing, even on (first day of missed period)
  • The sensitivity of the test 20mME/ml.
  • The result of testing does not depend on the time of day (although a more accurate result can be obtained in the morning)
  • Waiting time 3-6 minutes
  • The test comes in five types.
  • In the manufacture, only high-quality materials are used, the sterility of production is ensured, each stage is tested.

The action of the Evitest pregnancy test is based on the analysis of the presence in the urine of the hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin (). This hormone is produced during pregnancy. Approximately 5-6 days after the fertilization of the egg, the embryo (chorion) begins to produce it, and later on, the placenta.

A week later, the concentration of hCG increases rapidly, becoming maximum by 11-12 weeks, after which it decreases.

The sensitivity of pregnancy tests in their simplest form is such that they are very likely to determine your condition as early as 2-3 days late. It is suitable for any woman, regardless of age and physical condition. For its use, additional consultations are not needed, everything will be clear after reading the instructions.

Precautionary measures

The annotation to the product will describe what not to do before the study, when it is best to conduct it, what accessories you need to stock up on. The main conditions are usually:

  1. Have a clean container for the material to be tested.
  2. It is undesirable to take diuretic drugs before the procedure, the result may be distorted.
  3. The required examination time is morning (for certain types of tests).

It is worth considering the fact that when using birth control pills or, conversely, undergoing therapy for infertility, the test may also be unreliable.

How it works?

In the female body during pregnancy, human chorionic gonadotropin is produced. In a normal state, a healthy person does not have it. Exceptions are women with hormonal tumors. The test detects the presence of hCG in the blood. Produced by the placenta, the hormone can be detected as early as a week.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other, such products are endowed with both positive and negative qualities.


  • complete anonymity;
  • elementary procedure;
  • sensitivity allows you to determine it at a minimum period, even before the delay of critical days.


  • does not show uterine or ectopic abnormal pregnancy;
  • a false result is possible, usually due to poor-quality, overdue tests;
  • high cost of some models.

Factors affecting cost

A pregnancy test, although the price should not be very low, should have a good expiration date so that there is no doubt about the reliability of the obtained indicator. Its cost is primarily influenced by such a factor as sensitivity, as well as its type (generation) and the manufacturing company.

What is sensitivity

If a woman wants to determine the possible onset of conception as early as possible, a test with a higher sensitivity should be purchased. What is the difference between ultra-sensitive systems and conventional ones, and how to choose the copy you need?

The amount of hCG that a single test can catch determines such an indicator as the sensitivity of pregnancy tests. Their number increases with each passing day after fertilization. The sooner you want to know about such an important condition for you, the lower the mIU / ml indicator should be indicated on the test box, respectively, the higher the number, the lower the sensitivity of the product.

Existing sensitivity levels

Tests come with an indicator: 30 mMe / ml, 25 mMe / ml, 20 mMe / ml, 15 mMe / ml, 10 mMe / ml.

A pregnancy test (sensitivity 10) will be able to determine the lowest number of human chorionic gonadotropin in the body of an expectant mother.

Types of products and their labeling

Now they produce 3 versions of tests to detect early pregnancy. They differ in quality, form of manufacture, price, and of course, sensitivity.

1. Tests in the form of paper strips, which are impregnated with a substance that reacts to the presence of hCG. The principle of their action is absolutely simple: dip the strip for ten seconds in a jar of urine, wait about 5 minutes and see if two red lines appear. If so, then most likely you will soon become a mother. The sensitivity of pregnancy tests of this type is most often 20 or 25 mIU / ml.

As a rule, they capture the level of hormones that is achieved in the female body a few days after the delay in menstruation, so there is no point in using them before this period. This is the first generation of tests. It happens that they show distorted results. It is especially unpleasant if the absence of pregnancy was determined, but in fact it was. The strip could not completely absorb the liquid and distort the picture.

Despite this, they are very much in demand. The price of such products ranges from 10 to 100 rubles.

2. II generation - cassette pregnancy test. Sensitivity 15, 20 is the most common marking on it. Such products look like a case, which contains a paper test in the form of a strip. There are 2 windows on the body. Urine enters the first with the help of the pipette included in the package, it comes into contact with the reagent present there, and the result will be visible in the second in three or four minutes. This one is more expensive (60-150 rubles), but its quality is not very different from ordinary paper. A more sensitive product will be able to reveal your interesting state a few days before the start of critical days.

If you are really looking forward to the onset of pregnancy and want to keep the displayed two dashes as a keepsake, then with such an instance you will be able to do this. In addition, he looks beautiful.

3. A sensitivity of 10 or 20 is its standard. This is the most accurate version of the test, the last, third generation, the price for it is quite high, ranging from 150-300 rubles.

It contains a special layer of blue reagents that, when detecting hCG in women's urine, attach to them and show their presence in a minute. To carry out diagnostics with him, containers and pipettes are not needed, he is simply substituted under urine, the reliability of the result does not depend on what time the procedure is performed.

This high sensitivity pregnancy test gives you a chance to determine an interesting position as early as 6 days after conception.

A variant of the inkjet is an electronic test. The price for it is the highest - 200-1000 rubles, and the only difference is that instead of the appearance of stripes that you need to look at, it gives out the word "pregnant", that is, "pregnancy".

Causes of false indicators

Failures in the results can occur for various reasons. The main ones are:

  • the procedure was not followed;
  • stored incorrectly
  • was held very early;
  • a woman has disorders in the work of the ovaries;
  • a month or two later, after childbirth, there may still be hCG in the blood;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • a large amount of fluid drunk the day before.

If the analysis has drawn the desired lines, it is advisable to contact a medical specialist as soon as possible, who will either confirm the pregnancy or send it for examination to find out the cause of the false positive result.

Choosing the best option

When choosing a test, the decisive factor is at what stage you want to discover your interesting position. If even before the delay of critical days, then more sensitive products labeled 10, 15 mIU / ml should be purchased. If you are already late, then you can buy a more economical paper pregnancy test. Sensitivity of 20, 25 and below is highly likely to correctly show your condition.

Numerous studies of the Russian market of consumers of this product indicate that the following tests are in great demand:

  1. Paper strips with a sensitivity of 20-25: BB (BB), Frautest Express, Evitest No. 1 (will detect pregnancy from 3 days of delay).
  2. Cassette, sensitivity 20, 15: Evitest Proof, Frautest Expert (they will determine an interesting position on the 8-14th day after conception).
  3. Inkjet, sensitivity 10, 20: ClearBlue (electronic), FRAUTEST EXCLUSIVE. Able to determine the onset of pregnancy from the 6th day after the conception occurred.

These models are referred to as those that rarely give false results. Russian-made products “Be sure” have proven themselves well. It is very popular, largely due to the fact that it is a pregnancy test, the price of which is affordable for almost everyone and is 10-15 rubles, and the results are usually reliable.

Summing up, I would like to note: if a highly sensitive test did not show an interesting situation, and you conducted it 6-7 days after a possible conception, do not despair. This may simply mean that it is still very early and the hCG level has not reached the level that your product sample can capture. Be patient and repeat the study after two or three days. Since the hCG indicator changes noticeably just after 2 days. The same rule applies to a less sensitive (with a specified 25 or 30 mIU / ml indicator) pregnancy test. The period that has passed after conception may not be enough for this particular product, and another manufacturer will not let you down and show the desired 2 strips.

2015-10-24 , 16945

Accurate, fast, compact - rapid tests to determine pregnancy used by women all over the world. The Evitest pregnancy test is the leader in popularity and accuracy of the result. These indicators have gained universal confidence due to German accuracy and availability.

Evitest express tests are certified and available in every pharmacy. They are released without a prescription.

HELM Pharmaceuticals Gmbh has developed several types of pregnancy tests. Which one to choose? How to use them? How much are? What is the difference? The answers are in the article.


Evitest pregnancy test is for immunochromatographic diagnostics early pregnancy. It has the form of a disposable strip with a layer of a chemical indicator applied or in the form of a plastic capsule with cartridges.

The indicator reacts to the presence in the urine human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The sensitivity of the test is 20 mIU/ml. That's why rapid tests allow determine pregnancy even for such a short period of time 5-10 days.

HCG norms

Chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone that the placenta secretes from the first days of pregnancy, i.e. from the moment the embryo attaches to the wall of the uterus(as a rule, this happens on the 5th day after conception).

HCG begins to be released from the first hours of pregnancy and continues to be synthesized throughout the entire period of gestation.

The maximum value of hCG fixed on from the 7th to. During this period, the hormone index increases several thousand times. Then hormone levels gradually decrease.

Presence in urine HCG in men and non-pregnant women indicates the presence of a hormone-producing tumor.

Low hCG levels in pregnant women indicate:

  • misdiagnosed;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • delayed fetal development.

Table "HCG norms for pregnant women"


A correctly chosen rapid test is the key to an objective result. Buy only the Evitest, the sensitivity of which matches the level of hCG. Otherwise, the result will be uninformative.

Pregnancy test strips work on the principle litmus test: upon contact with a reagent (in this case, urine), the indicator changes color. For the most accurate result you must strictly follow the instructions which is included in the package.

General instructions for Evitest test strips:

  • collect morning urine(at this time of day, the level of hCG is the highest) in glass or plastic dishes;
  • carefully open the package and take out the test strip;
  • place the rapid test in the urine up to the indicated level on 5-10 seconds;
  • get the test and put it on a dry, clean and waterproof surface (for example, on the rim of a jar or cup);
  • track the result In 5 minutes but no later than 10 minutes.

General instructions for Evitest test cassettes:

  • collect the morning portion of urine in a glass or plastic dish (sometimes the container is included in the rapid test kit);
  • carefully open the package and take out the cassette test;
  • pipette collect a few drops of urine and drip into the window of the cassette;
  • track the result In 5 minutes but no later than 10 minutes.

General instructions for midstream test (jet express tests) from Evitest:

  • carefully open the package and take out the inkjet test;
  • remove the protective cap and, holding the handle, put under a stream of urine(you can also collect urine in a container and lower the test into it for 5-10 seconds);
  • close the test with a cap and put it on a flat horizontal surface;
  • track the result In 5 minutes but no later than 10 minutes.

How the rapid test works: after contact with urine, a slowly moving liquid appears on the indicator, which fills the space with the reagent. After the specified time, one or two dark red or burgundy stripes will appear on the indicator.

What will the strips on the test say?

Very often on the forums they ask how to “decipher” the strips on the express test. We attach all variations of the results:

  1. One dark line. This is a negative pregnancy test.
  2. Two dark stripes. This is a positive pregnancy test.
  3. One stripe is dark and the other is pale. This is an indicator of early pregnancy, an ectopic pregnancy, or a hormone-producing tumor. In such cases, it is recommended to do a second test after 2 days and consult a doctor.
  4. There are no stripes. This means that the test is unusable or has been incorrectly applied. Possible reasons for the incorrect reaction: the expiration date has expired, the sealed packaging was damaged, urine did not get on the indicator.

False negative result- the test shows the absence of pregnancy, although the woman is pregnant.

False positive result- the test shows the presence of pregnancy, but the woman is not pregnant.

Special Notes

Please read carefully list of precautions:

  • sealed packaging should be opened only immediately before the test;
  • if the integrity of the sealed package is broken, test not recommended to use to avoid incorrect results;
  • test strips and cassettes use only once;
  • do not use the test after it expires expiration date;
  • pinpoint exact time specified in the instructions;
  • do not overheat the test during the manifestation of the result;
  • the test is only for outdoor use;
  • do not consume the night before the test a lot of liquid(and diuretics) so as not to distort the result.

In the first days of delay in the presence of pregnancy, the second band, as a rule, manifests itself weaker and more slowly.

What are pregnancy tests

When choosing an Evitest pregnancy test, it must be borne in mind that they sensitivity varies from 10 to 25 or more mIU / ml. This means that the shorter the gestational age, the less the sensitivity of the test should be. Conversely, the longer the period, the greater the sensitivity of the test should be.

Consider all types of Evitest rapid test products.

The simplest and most affordable test of the first generation in the form of an applicator strip. He is attributed to submersible rapid tests. It is chosen for the diagnosis of early pregnancy in the first days of a cycle delay.

Express test of the first generation. Similar in appearance and purpose to Evitest One. The kit includes two test strips. The first strip must be used on the first day of delay, and after a few days, fix the result with the second.

Tablet or cassette rapid test of the second generation. The kit includes a special pipette. A more precise type of test.

Inkjet (midstream) type of test of the third generation. The most expensive of the entire Evitest series. Suitable for use at any time of the day. Does not require collection of urine in a separate container.

Inkjet test of the third generation. Stylish design and high sensitivity.

In 1998, a review of the results of rapid pregnancy tests was carried out. It turned out that home pregnancy tests by experienced people did not differ in results from laboratory examinations (average accuracy of 97.4%). The results of ordinary consumers were much lower (average 75% accuracy). This suggests that many women simply do not follow the instructions in the instructions.


Depending on the type of express test, their price also fluctuates (below is the data for October 24, 2015):

76-93 rubles;

157-191 rubles;

212-281 rubles;

280-309 rubles;

345-427 rubles.

Prices for Evitest products in your area may differ from the prices shown in this article.

A pregnancy test is the most affordable and easiest way to determine the state of pregnancy or refute it at home. To conduct the analysis, you do not need a special environment, a complicated procedure - everything is convenient, fast enough.

Easy to use For quick identification Popular
Definition Plate test High sensitivity
several analogues Information about the term at any time of the day

In the modern world, a wide choice of both domestic and foreign manufacturers is provided, a wide range of prices for them. Any woman who sooner or later decides to buy a test wants to be sure that it will be accurate, of course, will show her the desired result. Therefore, the question arises, which variety to choose, which manufacturer to give preference to?

If a pregnancy test is used, the instructions must be strictly followed. It does not matter what device, who is its manufacturer, but it has the same principle - it determines the presence of the hormone hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) in the urine. These hormones are produced by the future placenta of a small fetal egg and appear in the urine, a small amount of it is present as early as a week after conception.

For a quick definition

With a normal level of hCG, not exceeding 5 Mme / ml, by the tenth day, the indicator should reach 25 Mme / ml. The exact result can be found out with the help of analysis already on the first day of the delay. Also find out.

The most popular manufacturers are listed below.

Varieties of diagnostic tools

Home diagnostic tools are divided into four different types:

  • strip tests;
  • tablet;
  • jet;
  • electronic.

Each device is different, but the principle of analysis is the same. The most popular firms are Clearblue, Evitest, Frautest, Rest assured, Test FOR Best, Certainty, BB Test, Ladie's test.

The test strip is a quick diagnostic tool. One of the very first generations of such diagnostics. Their device is the simplest, they are one of the cheapest on the market.

Definition of pregnancy

Instructions for using such a pregnancy test are very simple. They are the most popular for sale. This is a strip of paper or cloth impregnated with reagents. Such a strip must be immersed for five to ten seconds in a container where urine is collected, and after three to five minutes you can see the finished result.

Usually, the reliability of such an analysis for the very first days of a delay in menstruation is 90-95%. And every day in the absence of menstruation, its accuracy is higher. The main thing is to use this tester correctly.

  1. In order to find out the result, you need to collect morning urine (because the concentration of the hCG hormone is higher) in a clean, preferably glass (but any other) container.
  2. Dip a test strip into it. A control scale is applied on the surface, to which it is necessary to lower the strip.
  3. Then check with the instructions, if there is a second strip next to it, the result is positive. How to accurately do the test and determine the state of pregnancy is indicated in the instructions.

The advantages of such a device:

  • low price;
  • an extensive selection on the shelves of pharmacies.
  • strip sensitivity is limited to 25 Mme;
  • analysis requires the presence of a reservoir for collecting urine, which is not always convenient;
  • paper acts as a reagent, it may have insufficient accuracy, and lead to erroneous results, it is necessary to monitor the expiration date;
  • if used incorrectly, the result will be incorrect, this can happen if you hold the strip too little or, conversely, for too long, a manufacturing defect is possible - the strip was poorly or unevenly impregnated, etc.

In order to be more confident in the result, you can purchase packages that contain several strips. Usually these are produced by Evitest (evitest). And repeat the pregnancy test after forty-eight hours, while reading the instructions correctly again.

Tablet tests have the highest sensitivity from 10 to 25 Mme. Such devices can determine pregnancy at an earlier date.

tablet test

To use this test, you need

  1. Take the pipette that comes with the kit.
  2. Collect some urine (also morning).
  3. Put a drop on the window that is on the plastic tablet.

This device is more perfect, respectively, a little more expensive than the previous one. Such devices are used for professional analyzes in hospitals.

The device is arranged in this way: a small tablet with several windows. One indicates the end result of the test, the second collects fluid (urine). The kit includes a disposable pipette. The drop spreads over the tissue, reaches the reagent and gives the result.

If pregnancy occurs, the reagent will become colored. This type of analysis is more reliable, there are no such shortcomings as test strips.

Easy to use

Before use, you must carefully study the instructions for a digital or electronic pregnancy test of any company.

  • the device does not have to be immersed in liquid;
  • there is a pipette included.
  • a clean liquid container is required;
  • the cost is higher than conventional tests.

Inkjet tests - such systems represent the third generation of pregnancy tests. They differ from their predecessors in a more complex device, more sensitive, a minimum hCG level (from 10 Mme / ml) is sufficient.

In the inkjet test, there are special blue particles that attach to the hormone if it is present in the woman's urine. Results can be obtained in a minute, they will be more reliable. The price of such a test also differs significantly from the rest.

The pros are as follows:

  • there is no need to look for containers for liquid;
  • can be used under any conditions at different times of the day.

Cassette tests have a more complex system. It is necessary to remove the cap from the tester, hold it under the stream for five seconds, install the cap back, and after five minutes look at the result.

With all the variety of test devices for determining pregnancy, the main thing is to read the instructions carefully and there will be no problems.

Reliable analysis results

How to choose the right test:

  • the accuracy of the analysis depends on the quality of the system: the smaller the amount of hCG is fixed and the more specific antibodies are used, the more reliable the results;
  • the name of the manufacturer has its own unique guarantees;
  • the lower the price, the later it is possible to determine the state of pregnancy, sometimes the quality of the result depends on this;
  • all the necessary information should be indicated on the packaging of the pregnancy test - from instructions on how to use the tester, to specifying the configuration, manufacturer's data, expiration date, support telephone numbers, etc.

Reliable Option