Sports during pregnancy: tips and warnings. Physical activity during pregnancy. Early pregnancy - do's and don'ts

It is completely incomprehensible where the myth came from, that pregnancy and sports are two different and absolutely incompatible things! But regular exercise will not only help fast weight loss after childbirth, but will also give strength and health not only to you, but also to the baby growing inside you. Still not sure if you can exercise during pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out together.

Many girls, having learned about their "interesting" position, begin new life, but not always better quality than before. They take care of themselves, try not to be nervous, climb with their feet on the sofa and do not get off from there, no matter how something happens. And if the first two points are true, then the third is important to observe only for those women whose pregnancy is extremely difficult and the life of the unborn baby literally hangs in the balance. But this is extremely rare in practice, and in all other cases, protecting yourself from physical exertion is extremely irresponsible not only to yourself, but also to your unborn baby.

Why do you need exercise during pregnancy? It is important to understand that with the constant growth of the abdomen and a gradual increase in weight, the expectant mother increases the load on the entire body, especially on the legs. The center of gravity is shifting every day, coordination is getting worse. And only regular exercise will help expectant mother cope with increasing loads with ease, she will love her new body and learn how to easily manage it.

Constant training will not allow the muscles to relax, keep them in good shape, which will facilitate the process of recovery of the body and return to its previous form after childbirth.

Sports also affect such muscles that are most directly related to the process of labor. Their training will help to avoid breaks at the most crucial moment, and, again, recover faster after the baby is born. And by the way, he also participates in your training. Especially if they include meditation or breathing exercises, for example. Let's talk more specifically.

What sports to do during pregnancy

So, during pregnancy, sport is not just desirable, it is sometimes simply necessary! But first, let's define what exactly the concept of "Sport during pregnancy" means. This is not horseback riding, not skydiving, not martial arts. You can count thousands more like “Not” - we will assume that you have caught the essence.

What sport is possible during pregnancy?

  1. Gymnastics for pregnant women.
  2. Swimming.
  3. Aqua aerobics.

It should be understood that any of these areas in sports can be practiced when, and only when the doctor allows you.

Every pregnancy is different, just as every pregnancy is different. future mommy. Someone has always been involved in sports, but someone came up with this bright idea already being in a position. Someone has not experienced toxicosis, and someone is forced to take sick leave and be on bed rest. Your doctor will weigh these and many other factors so that you can responsibly approach the issue of exercising during pregnancy.

Sports during pregnancy. Gymnastics for pregnant women

It's special group lessons, which combine strength exercises, elements from yoga and Pilates, adapted for pregnant women. Strength exercises affect many muscles that need to be kept in good shape, even the abdominal press indirectly works. Each term has its own gymnastics, its own exercises. They can be performed with or without additional equipment. Usually fitballs, sports mats, light weights, expanders and other equipment are used.

Adapted elements from yoga and Pilates - these exercises are also mainly with equipment, but they already work on breathing, many exercises are done in statics. After them, you will feel how easier it is to breathe, that the back pain that torments many expectant mothers has disappeared, especially on later dates.

Among other things, at gymnastics for pregnant women, they often meditate, imagining their tiny baby in their tummy. This greatly strengthens the already unbreakable bond between a mother and her child.

Kegel exercises are necessary for training the pelvic floor muscles, because they are the ones that take direct involvement in childbirth. Regular exercise will make them more elastic, which will help to avoid ruptures that periodically occur in some women in labor. And after childbirth, the muscles will quickly take their former position and will delight the spouse with their mobility!

Now you have an idea of ​​​​what gymnastics for pregnant women is. But where to do it, how and with whom? In this day and age, this shouldn't be a problem. Most the best option is to buy a subscription to a good fitness center. There are many offers today, the main thing when choosing is to choose a really proven complex with qualified trainers. After all, poor-quality, improper exercise and healthy person can create a series serious problems What can we say about a pregnant woman?

If you can afford to allocate the extra money and time for additional personal training with an instructor, that would be just great! A personal approach, when all the attention of a professional is directed only to you, is truly worth a lot.

There is always a more affordable option. Just go online and look for pregnancy exercises there. But free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Are you sure you found quality leadership? And even if so, can you repeat everything unmistakably? Saving on health is still dangerous. In any case, if you have already chosen this option, do it only when there is someone at home.

There is also an option for gymnastics. Many pregnant women go to courses for expectant mothers, where, in addition to theory, they, in the company of like-minded people, are directly involved in practice. Each organization has its own courses, its own program and exercises. But for sure you should be shown some breathing techniques, which will help to cope with difficult fights. There are some exercises, for example, on the same fitball, which will also help you in childbirth. It used to be in maternity hospitals that women were forced to lie down, but today do anything to make it easier for you - crawl, dance, walk ...

Sports during pregnancy - swimming

If you chose the option of a fitness center, then pay attention to the presence of a pool in it. You will especially feel its charms at a later date, when the stomach will be very large, the gait will become a duck, and the back will make itself felt. In the water we become lighter, this is no secret to anyone.

In addition, it is important to swim in the pool, not just cruising from side to side, but diving professionally, swimming part of the way under water. If you have never swum like this, be sure to take an instructor first. To train the lungs, it is even enough to dive in place, exhaling and blowing bubbles. This is necessary not only for you, but also for the future baby. When you hold your breath, oxygen stops flowing to it. The same thing will happen to him in childbirth. It is easy to conclude that regular swimming in the pool is excellent preparation baby for childbirth. So he is less afraid and more help will give you.

Sports during pregnancy - aqua aerobics

This element is not required, but highly recommended. Some fitness centers offer water exercises for pregnant women. Great, if diving. If not, after it it is advisable to swim on your own. It is aimed at strengthening the core muscles, but in a lighter form - all efforts are aimed at overcoming the resistance of the water.

Sports in early pregnancy

Quite often, in the early stages, any, even minimal physical activity is prohibited. Indeed, in the first trimester, the laying of all vital organs and baby systems. Just imagine, in 12 weeks a real man is formed from a tiny cell, reaching a length of up to 9 cm, whose heart is beating and which is already somersaulting and jerking its arms and legs! The kid is doing great job in its development in the first 12 weeks, then it only grows and improves.

This does not mean that sports in the first trimester of pregnancy are absolutely impossible to do! Recall once again, each pregnant woman is individual, the doctor may well give the go-ahead if you have good analyzes and an irresistible desire to get started as soon as possible. You just need to approach responsibly, do not rush into the pool with your head, forget about lifting weights for the next 9 months! The coach will need to be sure to inform you about how long you have and how the pregnancy is going. Sometimes the doctor may prohibit the performance of certain exercises, write down everything to the last letter. And if you decide to do it yourself and at home, let's at least not in the first trimester.

Sports during pregnancy. What else is a mom-to-be to do?

If there is no opportunity or desire to play sports during pregnancy, sitting on the couch without getting out is still not worth it. Again, if you are not registered bed rest. Now you need to walk, walk and walk again. Fresh air is an excellent prevention of all kinds of diseases, during pregnancy it is more important than ever. It is better not to get sick at all, and if you get sick, then run to the doctor - you can no longer be treated with the usual medicines.

In addition, the baby needs oxygen, and if mommy is in the room for too long, he can express his displeasure with sharp jolts. Yes, yes, if the baby fiddles all the time without ceasing, no matter how you change position, it means that he simply does not have enough oxygen. Walk, walk, enjoy life, soak in positive, gain strength!

Summing up

Dear ladies, exercise during pregnancy is really important! You want the pregnancy to go well, childbirth remains a pleasant memory for you, and the baby was born healthy and with a ton of excellent immunity! A healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, but especially for expectant mothers!

Video " Pregnancy and sport»

For many women, sport is an integral part of life. With the onset of pregnancy, expectant mothers are forced to abandon physical exercise, moving into a state of rest. But in vain. After all, sport is a guarantee of the health of not only a woman, but also her unborn baby. This article discusses in which cases you can engage in, and in which you should refrain.

The benefits of sports for pregnant women

Regular sports activities increase the stability of the body of the future mother, improve the functioning of the nervous, respiratory and cardio systems, increase stability at the emotional level. Sports for pregnant women is an opportunity to get a charge of vivacity and good mood. In addition, regular exercise makes the cervix more elastic, and the body less susceptible to pain. It makes it easier birth process and reduces the risk of complications and ruptures.

As for the baby, playing sports during pregnancy allows you to saturate the fetus with oxygen and nutrients, and normalize metabolism. All this allows the baby to develop normally, and pregnancy to proceed without complications.

Contraindicated sports for pregnant women

Pregnant women should engage in sports in moderation and only those types that are allowed for expectant mothers. There are several contraindications for expectant mothers:

Skydiving. Boxing, karate. Horseback riding. Skiing. Dance aerobics. Cycling. Diving. Water skiing. Jumping.

These sports are contraindicated for pregnant women, as they have a high degree injuries and can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.

In the early stages of pregnancy, the most useful view sports are hiking. The fact is that in the first trimester a woman should protect herself as much as possible from all kinds of influences that can lead to termination of pregnancy.

On initial stage the embryo is not yet firmly attached to the uterus, and physical labor will Negative influence. Pregnant sports can be practiced for short periods, but only after consultation with a gynecologist and the absence of contraindications.

In the early stages, it is useful to walk up the stairs. Of course, without fanaticism, but a couple of times a day a woman can climb to the 3rd-4th floor. Climbing the stairs, you need to breathe evenly, calmly.

A pregnant woman needs to play sports with a minimum load. If a woman led an active lifestyle before fertilization, then with a new status she will have to give up this.

Swimming is good for a pregnant woman. It relaxes muscles, relieves tone and tension. This sport can be practiced by a pregnant woman until the very birth, without fear of harming the baby.

Pregnant women can go in for sports and other types. For example, yoga is very useful. It allows a woman to relax and even communicate with the baby through meditation. There is a special yoga for pregnant women, which consists of light exercises and a not difficult warm-up.

And the last sport for pregnant women is gymnastics and fitness. You need to perform exercises in a special room where expectant mothers gather. They use a gymnastic ball - fitball. On it, a woman can do exercises that relax her back and help relieve pain. Rules for playing sports Pregnant women can play sports, but in compliance with certain rules. It is necessary to choose the most comfortable and loose clothing that will not hinder movement.

Shoes should also be chosen according to this rule. The second trimester is best for sports. It is the safest, unlike the first. In the third, the number of exercises and the load must be reduced. Sports for pregnant women are best left in the form of walks and exercises on a fitball. Pregnant women need to exercise only when good health when there is not even a headache. If during sports activities the pregnant woman feels worse, it is necessary to stop the exercises and see a doctor.


A pregnant woman should not play sports if she has: toxicosis; chronic appendicitis; polyhydramnios; uterine bleeding; placenta previa; kidney and heart disease. In these cases, pregnant women are categorically contraindicated in sports. Physical exercises with the presented diagnoses can lead to a deterioration in the condition of a woman.

It is recommended that you consult your doctor before starting to exercise. He can forbid physical exercise if the health of the pregnant woman does not allow. Also, any threat of interruption is a ban on the sport. It is important to take these points into account so as not to harm your baby.

Scientists agree that with a normal pregnancy, in no case should you give up movement. If you are not involved in extreme sports, are not exhausted during exhausting workouts, fear of a miscarriage or premature birth won't have to. On the contrary, exercising during pregnancy can have a positive effect on its course.

Currently, pregnant women are actively encouraged to play sports to prevent diabetes, to improve well-being and maintain good health. physical form and also to avoid large weight gain. It has been proven that mothers who are actively involved in sports are better at coping with childbirth. They are less likely to need painkillers surgical interventions or other unwanted manipulations. Not the last role is played by the ability to control her body well, which a woman receives precisely through physical activity.

Going in for sports, you perfectly prepare yourself and your child for childbirth, because:

  • Your ability to feel and control your body improves, self-esteem increases, faith in your own strength strengthens, it becomes easier for you to overcome your fears and stresses.
  • Sports strengthen the immune system. Protection against infections becomes more effective.
  • You acquire an upright posture, which avoids the typical gait of pregnant women with a strong backward bend. Your pelvis, spine and joints are strengthened, diseases of the spine are prevented.
  • Sports help prevent problems with the cardiovascular system, tone the intestines and normalize appetite; it is also a good remedy for large weight gain.
  • Sport is an excellent prevention of hemorrhoids, varicose veins veins, thrombosis, muscle spasms and calf cramps.
  • Strengthens through physical activity pelvic floor, the displacement of its organs (including Bladder). Sport is an excellent prevention of urinary incontinence.
  • Trained muscles and ligaments help to bear pregnancy well and give you strength for childbirth.

Regularly find time for sports: for example, 3 times a week for 20 minutes. At the beginning of the workout, you should slightly warm up the muscles. light exercise which will help avoid injury. Then gradually increase the load. If any exercise is difficult or something hurts, immediately end the workout. While exercising, listen to your body - it will warn you in time if something is wrong. Knowing your norm, you will feel good even with increasing load.

Forcing yourself to anything during pregnancy is not worth it. If, going to gymnastics, you overcome strong internal resistance every time, it is better to switch to another type of physical activity. Try to find the kind of movement that suits your type. After all, sport should be fun and provide good mood. If the pleasure factor is absent, the emotional tone remains at zero, then sport, instead of relieving unnecessary stress, turns into an additional burden.

The session should be interrupted as soon as:

  • you will feel the pain
  • you will get dizzy
  • you will feel sick
  • breathing problems will occur
  • bleeding will start. In this case, you should contact your doctor or midwife immediately.

With early precursor contractions, isthmic-cervical or fetoplacental insufficiency, pain in the lower abdomen, hypoxia and other complications, the doctor will advise you to limit or even completely stop playing sports. The same should be done for multiple pregnancy, the presence of an acute infectious disease or heart disease, as well as if previous pregnancies ended in miscarriage. To avoid risk, you should consult your doctor about the safety of practicing a particular sport and the intensity of training.

The pulse sets the tone

During a workout allowable frequency heart rate in pregnant women depends on age:

  • in women under 29 years old, it should not exceed 135 - 150 beats per minute,
  • in women between 30 and 39 years old -130-145 beats per minute,
  • in women older than 40 years, 125-140 beats per minute.

Learn to identify your options

The most reliable measure of exercise intensity is heart rate. Therefore, when exercising, it is recommended to use a heart rate monitor.

If the number of heartbeats per minute exceeds the allowable values, then it's time to interrupt the workout. Try to move more slowly next time.

Anyone who monitors the pulse rate during sports protects their heart from overload. Indeed, during pregnancy, it already works for wear and tear: by the 40th week, it pumps blood 3 liters more than usual.

Never train to the point of exhaustion, never exercise for more than 45 minutes a day, never lose your breath, and never exercise outside in extreme heat.

In summer, cool mornings and evenings are more suitable for this.

In regions with a hot and humid climate, sports activities should be completely abandoned.

Ideal types of physical activity

The most suitable physical activities during pregnancy are swimming, water gymnastics, special gymnastics for pregnant women, cycling or cycling, yoga, belly dancing, hiking and just walking, as well as walking up and down stairs.

If you have been exercising regularly in the past, you can continue exercising. Just keep in moderation!

In a familiar sports discipline, you feel at ease and can take into account the individual reactions of your body and your real capabilities.

However, if we are talking about an extreme sport (marathon, triathlon) or a traumatic discipline (basketball, handball, tennis, equestrianism, roller skating and mountain biking, mountaineering, skiing), it is better to look for an alternative. Even jogging on uneven ground, especially in late pregnancy, carries the risk of injury and places a lot of stress on the joints.

If you fall while exercising or cycling and hit your stomach, you should immediately do an ultrasound examination and cardiotocography (CTG) - even when you have recovered quickly and feel fine. Dangerous bleeding indicating placental abruption may be internal. They will appear only after a few hours. In this undesirable case, medical intervention is required.


During pregnancy, you will be especially pleased to be free from gravity and feel the weightlessness of your body in the water. Let it take you away from everyday life with its big and small worries. Let your soul depart from them in this refreshing element where stress is reduced with your every smooth, unhurried movement.

In addition, water massages your skin, stimulates its blood supply and prevents stretch marks. Swimming maintains normal operation of cardio-vascular system.

As the water pushes you out, there is less stress on your joints, spine, and intervertebral discs. The pressure that water exerts on the body is especially beneficial for the vessels. Acting as an elastic support stocking, the liquid medium helps prevent varicose veins.

Crawl and backstroke are the most useful: these techniques are especially good for strengthening the back muscles. Breaststroke, depending on the position of the head, can cause various voltages in the region of the neck and shoulders. Those who are not good enough swimmers may get great pleasure from water gymnastics. If possible, sign up for special courses for pregnant women (aqua fitness, water running, aqua aerobics).

Scuba diving during the entire pregnancy is prohibited, as there is a risk of developmental defects or pulmonary embolism in the child. Diving without special equipment is also not recommended, because you have to hold your breath for a long time, which limits the oxygen supply to the child.

Your well-being during swimming or water gymnastics is not least affected by the temperature of the water.

It should be in the region of 18-25 ° C. The risk of contracting infections in the pool is relatively low, but try not to sit on benches or other seats that are placed in close proximity to the water: bacteria can grow on these surfaces and cause infection upon contact. The best way out is to put a clean towel under you before you sit down.

If you still accidentally sat down on a bench, it is better to immediately change your swimsuit and take a shower.

To protect against germs, you can use a swab soaked in extra virgin olive oil. To do this, select a tampon minimum size and saturate it with olive oil only upper part. Insert the tampon while still at home and remove it only after leaving the pool. Bacteria and fungi are afraid olive oil, therefore, when removing the tampon, even those that have accumulated around the vagina will be neutralized.

In Europe, women who regularly swim in the pool are advised to measure the pH in the vagina after each visit. For this, special test gloves are used, which, after a short contact with the vaginal mucosa, show whether a bacterial infection is present there. If yes, then you need to urgently go to the doctor.

Be sure to restore the loss of fluid!

Don't forget to drink! During sports activities, as well as before and after training, the body needs a lot of fluid.

Due to heavy sweating during exercise, the need for minerals also increases. That's why mineral water and diluted by it fruit juices - the best remedy to quench your thirst, no matter what sport you play.


During pregnancy, any non-strength exercises that train muscles and ligaments are good for upcoming birth, improving blood circulation, providing excellent general tone, digestion and appetite. But we must not forget: extremes and overexertion affect health no less than physical inactivity. Exercise should be appropriate for the size of the abdomen and how you feel this moment. Give up exercises from a prone position, sudden movements and, most importantly, everything that causes you pain.


In any weather, traffic fresh air gives strength and frees the head from unnecessary thoughts. Choose interesting routes, go on short hikes or jog lightly, making sure that your shoes fit well and are comfortable. Due to hormonal changes during pregnancy, the connective tissue in the joints and ligaments of the body weakens. One has only to stumble due to ill-fitting shoes, and you can get a sprain or other injury to the ligaments and tendons.

Going on a hike in the mountains, you need not only to choose safe ways, but also take into account the height to which you rise: starting from 2000 m above sea level, the air becomes too rarefied. The oxygen content in it is less than required, and good nutrition child is at serious risk.


Calm cycling is allowed for pregnant women. But since the center of gravity due to big belly shifts, the risk of falling increases. Wear a safety helmet just in case. It will protect you from dangerous head injuries. Take care of special clothing with reflective tapes. They will keep you from colliding with other participants. traffic during the dark hours of the day.

Avoid risky off-road driving. Avoid high speeds that require a lot of physical effort from you and take your breath away. Always remember about heightened danger fall.

Power training

If you continue to visit your usual fitness club during pregnancy, inform the trainer about your delicate situation. He will put together a suitable program for you. Perhaps the instructor will advise which exercises you should no longer do. In no case should you maintain the same loads as before pregnancy. First of all, avoid exercises to train the rectus abdominis muscles. They can lead to unwanted diastasis of the abdominal muscles, when the muscles diverge and leave a more or less noticeable cavity on the abdomen. It is much more useful during pregnancy to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles, as well as include exercises for the pelvic muscles in your workouts. To do this, you can carefully do several “oblique twists” (from a supine position, hands behind your head: lift your torso while turning it to the right or left).

Do you want expert advice so you know exactly which sport is best for you, or find out if you can continue with your favorite "exotic" discipline? You can consult a pregnancy fitness instructor or other physical culture who work in family clubs or birth preparation centers.

"Pregnancy is not a disease!" - reminds the obstetrician-gynecologist, Ph.D. Tatyana Rumyantseva, who specially for The Challenger compiled detailed guide on physical activity for expectant mothers. What sports and how often you can do - read below.

Why is it good to exercise during pregnancy?

It has been proven that sports during pregnancy do not harm a woman and a child (if there are no contraindications to playing sports), but, on the contrary, provide a number of advantages for mother and baby:

  1. reduced chance of developing gestational diabetes(if diabetes develops, then the glucose level is lower in women involved in sports);
  2. reducing the likelihood of developing preeclampsia (preeclampsia);
  3. reduction in the frequency of childbirth by caesarean section;
  4. reduction in the frequency of childbirth with the use of vacuum aspiration or forceps;
  5. faster recovery after childbirth;
  6. less weight gain during pregnancy;
  7. in the presence of lower back pain, various activities in the water (swimming, water aerobics, aqua yoga) reduce the severity of the pain syndrome.

If we talk about negative side training, it was found that intense exercise during pregnancy can cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus (cramping pain in the lower abdomen), but this effect does not lead to an increase in the frequency of preterm birth in women involved in sports.

Features of physical activity

During pregnancy, anatomical and physiological changes which should be taken into account when playing sports.The main ones are an increase in body weight and a shift in the center of gravity (as a result, a greater severity of lumbar lordosis). This increases the load on all joints, including the spine. This should be considered during strength training. Up to 60% of pregnant women experience back pain while exercising during pregnancy. When pain appears, it is necessary to abandon the loads that require lifting any weights, replacing them with exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back and abdominals.

Sports for pregnant women have some peculiarities, since during pregnancy the following parameters increase: the volume of circulating fluid, heart rate, stroke volume and cardiac output. This reduces the total peripheral vascular resistance. These hemodynamic changes are aimed at creating a "reserve" that allows you to provide the woman and the fetus with the necessary substances both at rest and during physical exertion. These features dictate the need to abandon static loads during pregnancy, since these loads reduce venous return and can lead to hypotension (lower blood pressure) in 10-20% of pregnant women (for example, some yoga asanas, as well as any exercises that require a long lying on the back).

Changes in the organs of the respiratory system (an increase in the minute volume of ventilation by a factor of two) lead, on the one hand, to difficulties during anaerobic exercise, and on the other hand, to a “delayed” supply of oxygen during aerobic exercise (if the pregnant woman increases the load). In this regard, both anaerobic and aerobic loads can be given to a pregnant woman much harder than before pregnancy.

Many women have to give up strength training during pregnancy (or not start them if they have not trained before and have excess weight). Moderate aerobic exercise is beneficial for a pregnant woman, but you need to carefully monitor your condition during training and stop them if you have difficulty breathing and feeling a lack of oxygen.

During pregnancy, the mechanisms of thermoregulation also suffer. In this regard, during sports, a pregnant woman must avoid overheating and dehydration. To do this, you need to drink enough water during training, avoid training on open sun or in a poorly air-conditioned room. It is worth noting that overheating, for example, in a sauna, can lead to some complications during pregnancy. And overheating, which inevitably accompanies physical activity, does not have such an effect.

Despite significant changes in the anatomy and physiology of a pregnant woman, sports during pregnancy practically do not pose a health risk. So, in many scientific studies, the main complications after fitness during pregnancy were only minor injuries and sprains. Undoubtedly, it is worth being as attentive to yourself as possible during training in order to avoid these complications!

How to exercise

Even in the early stages of pregnancy, be sure to consult your doctor before starting or continuing to play sports.

Daily 20-30-minute sessions are considered optimal - this option is much more favorable than a two-hour workout once a week. Their duration and intensity can be significantly higher in women who were actively involved in sports before pregnancy. However, it is worth remembering that aerobic training lasting more than 45 minutes can lead to hypoglycemia (lack of glucose in the blood), and therefore it is necessary to eat well before such an activity. Obviously, women who did not play sports before pregnancy should start activity with minimal loads, gradually increasing them.

Physical activity allowed during pregnancy:

  1. walking;
  2. swimming;
  3. exercise bike;
  4. aerobic exercise of low intensity;
  5. yoga (adapted);
  6. Pilates (adapted);
  7. run*;
  8. tennis and badminton*;
  9. power training*.

*Only for those who were actively involved in these sports before pregnancy; training must be under the supervision of a physician.

Physical activity to avoid during pregnancy:

  1. contact sports (hockey, boxing, football, basketball);
  2. sports from increased risk injuries (alpine skiing and snowboarding, water skiing, surfing, cycling, horseback riding);
  3. diving;
  4. parachuting;
  5. hot yoga.

Loads during pregnancy should be moderate, it is better to avoid too intense aerobic and anaerobic training. Due to the changes that occur in a woman's cardiovascular system during pregnancy, tracking heart rate to determine the adequacy of the load is not recommended. Therefore, a woman has to evaluate her condition subjectively, training to a state of fatigue, but not exhaustion. There is also a "speaking test" that allows you to determine the level of exercise: the load is considered adequate for a pregnant woman as long as she can carry on a conversation during exercise.

During training, you need to drink a lot. Overheating and dehydration are unacceptable! You also need to be attentive to your condition and stop training if any “dangerous” signs appear.

“Dangerous” signs, when they appear, it is worth stopping any physical activity and consult a doctor:

  1. bloody discharge from the genital tract;
  2. cramping pains in the lower abdomen;
  3. suspicion of amniotic fluid leakage watery discharge from the genital tract);
  4. shortness of breath at rest;
  5. headache;
  6. chest pain;
  7. muscle weakness/cramps;
  8. pain in the calf muscles / pronounced swelling of the legs.

Exercise only in a well-conditioned room or outdoors with comfortable temperature. In this case, overheating is practically excluded (the rise in body temperature in such conditions is about 1.5 degrees per 30 minutes of training, which is normal and does not harm the health of a woman and a child).

Contraindications to physical activity

If a pregnant woman has any obstetric or any other diseases, she should definitely discuss the possibility of playing sports and the intensity of the loads with her doctor.

Absolute contraindications (do not play sports throughout pregnancy):

  1. diseases of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by hemodynamic disorders (changes in the heart and blood vessels: for example, high blood pressure, changes in cardiac output, etc.);
  2. obstructive pulmonary disease;
  3. isthmic-cervical insufficiency (a condition in which the cervix shortens and begins to open earlier due date; diagnosed by ultrasound).
  4. multiple pregnancy, accompanied by the risk of premature birth;
  5. bleeding from the genitals;
  6. placenta previa;
  7. the threat of premature birth;
  8. gap membranes;
  9. preeclampsia (preeclampsia) or hypertension associated with pregnancy;
  10. severe anemia (hemoglobin level less than 70 g/l).