How to dye black hair? Difficulties of coloring black hair and ways to solve them. Safe ways to dye your hair from black to brown

Adalind Koss

For any girl, hair plays an important role. Hairstyle helps to look cute, sexy or feminine. At the same time, the shade of the hair affects the appearance a lot. Someone considers the natural color inexpressive, and someone has to dye their hair because of gray hair.

But it is impossible to guarantee that the new image will not get bored in a couple of months, in which case the problem of recoloring the hair arises. Of course, I want the color change to occur quickly, and the shade to be desired.

Hair coloring mistakes

Dyeing hair at home, we can make a lot of mistakes. When dyeing hair, they lead to the wrong color, and also harm the curls. It is important to know how to choose a color. Of course, coloring by a professional is always better, but not everyone can afford frequent procedures, so people resort to home manipulations. So the main mistakes are:

It is a mistake to assume that after painting you will get a shade identical to the shade of curls on the package. The result of painting will depend on the native color. To do this, it is important to look at the shade chart on the back of the pack.

Paint without allergy testing.

All paint manufacturers advise testing for allergic reactions. The site is required to be taken on the inside of the elbow, behind the neck or behind the ear. The reaction manifests itself as inflammation, irritation, hair loss is possible.

Use of paint without pre-staining.

A big mistake is to paint all the curls at once. Choose an inconspicuous strand and check the result on it.

Do not repeat common mistakes, do not violate the advice of the instructions, then your curls will be minimally affected by staining.

Use conditioner before coloring.

Do not apply conditioner before coloring. Just wash your curls with shampoo. The problem is that there should not be free radicals on the curls before painting, but it is better not to wash the curls a day before painting.

Applying color to tangled, messy hair with traces of styling products.

One month before painting systematically. Before coloring, wash your hair, cut off the dry ends.

Increase staining time.

Overexposure of paint (longer than the instruction advises) is fraught with negative consequences. If the staining time is exceeded, the technology is violated. Paints have a different composition: sparing formulas, as well as persistent shades. It is especially scary to overexpose the paint when bleaching hair.

Such compositions are distinguished by too powerful cleansing properties. For dyed hair, special lines of dandruff shampoos have been created.

How to dye black hair

It does not matter here whether the shade is from nature or obtained after dyeing, it is not easy to recolor black hair. There are 2 ways: expensive and long, as well as cheap. But remember that for one painting to change the shade will not work.

If you are a supporter of the first method, then you will need the services of an experienced colorist. He is able to choose the most gentle path, based on the structure of the hair. Perhaps you will be offered a phased clarification. After each procedure, the curls will become lighter by a couple of tones. Full color change will take 1-3 months, it depends on the final shade.

Black curls are difficult to lighten. To carry out such manipulation, many procedures will be required. A sharp change from dark to light is fraught with negative consequences for the hair.

Another option is frequent coloring. First, the hair is bleached, then the strands are dyed in different shades. This path makes it possible to smoothly move from a dark color to the desired one. After each manipulation, the number of dark strands is reduced.

A cheap method is suitable for independent use. He needs r and beer. Of course, to obtain a tangible result, it will be necessary to perform these manipulations systematically for several months. The advantage of this type of hair recoloring is not only bleaching, but also the treatment of curls.

In addition, there is the option of coloring in other shades, moving to the desired color. But this method will require about 6-12 months, it will bring a minimum of negativity to curls.

How to dye red hair

These pigments "sit" very deeply, like black ones. But they are rapidly losing their brightness. If this color is natural for you, then you can change it by. Otherwise, the result will be yellowish, and rust will appear through dark shades. The problem with dyeing red hair does not arise only when using black. It completely neutralizes the redhead.

If the curls become red after painting, then you will have to turn to a wash before changing the color. After the first manipulations, the hair becomes yellow, so you need to resort to tinting. The wash must be repeated until the shade becomes uniform, without yellow impurities. Then it's time to use the paint and get the desired shade. These manipulations can be done at home. But remember the important points. Keep brightening paints on curls for a certain period of time, and therefore they need to be applied quickly. In addition, it is important to achieve a uniform distribution of the wash, otherwise you will get spotty hair.

How to dye blonde hair

In fact, it is much easier to dye blond hair than others, because they do not have to be bleached. But even here there are tricks that should be taken into account to obtain the desired color. In a situation with hair of light shades, they are fundamental.

First of all, the selected shade should match the skin tone. If it is warm tones, then choose paint with gold, bronze and caramel shades. With a cold skin color, opt for a paint with an ashy tint.

As for coloring and monochromatic painting, it all depends on the shape of the hairstyle. With short haircuts of a strict form, monochromatic coloring is suitable. It will enhance the brevity of the image.

Changing the color of curls in light shades is the easiest, but it is important to remember to choose the right color. Follow the instructions and advice of professionals.

If you have curly or long hair, you like to make braids or buns, then choose coloring. It will give the hairstyle lightness and structure. Blondes with pale skin can safely choose dark tones. This gives the image expressiveness. If such changes at one time scare you, then do coloring. So the color change will become gradual, you will have time to get used to the image.

If you want to lighten blond curls, then feel free to choose any colors of the “light blond” or “blond” shade. This will help you easily change the color. But it is important that the shade matches the skin tone.

Colored hair care

The use of any paint will not pass without a trace. Suitable care is required for dyed hair, because they suffer from exhaustion, brittleness, split ends and skin irritations:

the less often you paint, the more useful it is for your hair. For this reason, it is required to maintain the shade for as long as possible. It is worth using special lines of funds;
change the image in the salons. Professionals will not only select the required color, but will also make every effort to minimize the negative consequences;
do not perform different procedures at the same time. Curling, coloring or straightening must be done separately, not in one day. The minimum interval is 2 weeks before painting or 2 weeks after;

do not use excessively hot air to dry hair, do not curl with a curling iron or straighten wet strands with an iron. This spoils the structure of the hair a lot, dries them. If you don’t have time to dry your hair naturally, then use thermal protection products;
Trim split ends every month. To do this, it is better to use hot scissors that will solder the ends.

Folk recipes for dyed hair

We must not forget about the benefits and effectiveness of folk recipes for dyed hair. Some do not have the most pleasant smell, and the duration of action is longer than ready-made products, but the benefits and effects are much better.

Most of these recipes are infusions for rinsing curls. Compositions with celandine, sage, yarrow and nettle have an excellent effect on dyed curls. Sunflower and chamomile are suitable for fair hair. For dark hair - oak bark and hops, coffee and tea. Red curls are beautifully shaded with henna and hibiscus.

To prepare the infusion, you need 1 tablespoon of different herbs and 2 liters of boiling water. Herbs are poured with water and allowed to stand for 30 minutes. Then the tincture is filtered and used for its intended purpose.

For hair care, use only special lines of cosmetics for colored curls, as well as restoring folk masks.

One of the key problems of dyed hair is slow growth. Folk remedies offer to fight this problem by using an alcohol tincture of red pepper. It must be rubbed into the roots every day for a month, then rest for 7 days.

Masks of milk, sour cream, kefir and honey smooth the hair cuticle. Chemical paint damages it a lot. The most effective results are achieved if masks are prepared based on these products. The simplest is mixing honey and milk and lubricating curls. Keep this mask for at least 2 hours.

But it is worth noting a couple of secrets of caring for dyed hair:

try not to use detergents for 3 days after painting. This will allow the coloring pigments to strengthen better.
do not wash your hair with too hot water. She opens the cuticle, which washes out the shades;
do not go to the pool for 14 days after painting. Chlorine destroys pigments;
protect your hair from ultraviolet radiation, because. color fades;
do not change your image more often than every 3 months, otherwise your hair will lose its beauty, shine and health.

Where to dye your hair

Remember that the choice of a salon where you will dye your hair plays an important role. But even when dyeing hair from a professional with high-quality paint, it will not always give the desired tone right away. Often you have to repeat the manipulation. Therefore, a cardinal change of image is undesirable for hair, change the shade gradually. There are many factors to consider when coloring your hair:

quantity ;
building features. Rare and thin ones will be painted over faster than thick ones;
hair length. The longer the hair, the more negative impact on them. This plays a role in staining;
native shade and shade of paint. Light colors are worse than dark ones. Red shades are better fixed at the roots, but are easily washed off from colored curls;
shades with which you stained curls before. If natural paints were used, then chemical ones should not be used. The desired result cannot be achieved.

Based on this, it is worth noting that it is worth dyeing hair and changing the shade only in proven salons with professionals using high quality paint. Otherwise, the desired result cannot be guaranteed.

April 19, 2014

Most people think of light, sun-warmed strands when they say summer, but if you follow fashion, you already know that dark color is gaining popularity. Whether you're ready for blue-black hair or want to go for a more subtle auburn shade, this hair color will be a dramatic way to show off your style this summer. Before you become a bold brunette, you should learn about some of the intricacies!

You will need to think about your eyebrows

If you dye your hair a shade far from your natural one, you need to color your eyebrows to match the color, or constantly use the appropriate cosmetics for the same purpose. If you decide to color, contact a specialist: you should not apply dangerous chemicals on your own to an area located so close to the eyes. If you decide to use cosmetics, look for a product that will match the color of your hair. Eyebrows should be only one or two shades lighter than hair to make everything look natural. You can use shadow or tint gel, wax or pencil. Now there is a huge selection of funds, so finding the right one is not difficult.

You will learn that a dark shade is not just dark

If you go to the hairdresser, you will find that the shades do not have clear names: they are all a mixture of several tones necessary to obtain the desired effect. For example, if your hair is reddish, you will need a more ashy or purple shade to defeat the unwanted yellowness. If you have gray streaks, you want a shade with golden undertones that will cover them effectively. Consider all this before choosing a shade or discuss with a specialist. Only in this case you will get a result that will please you.

Paint can damage skin

Dark paint contains a substance that your skin can react to with a serious reaction. Some have swelling, irritation, burning sensation, redness. A severe allergic reaction is rare, but it is possible. If the cause is paint, you will notice the problem immediately. There is no way to know if you will be allergic, and reactions can appear over the years. The only thing you can do is always do a preliminary test on a small patch of skin. If during the coloring process you feel burning and discomfort, your face swells or turns red, wash off the paint immediately. After that, you should contact your doctor: allergic reactions cannot be ignored.

You will learn how difficult it is to maintain an attractive appearance

If you dye your hair just a couple of shades darker, maintaining your hair will be easy. If the change is abrupt, be prepared for the roots to be conspicuous. You will need to color your hair every few weeks to keep the shade natural and the roots invisible. However, for the sake of an impressive result, these efforts are not so impressive.

Getting blonde hair back is hard enough.

Dark paint is for a long time, though not forever. It is extremely difficult to return from a dark shade to a light one. For a while, the hair is guaranteed to be yellowish, and besides, they can suffer greatly. If you often change the shade of your hair, consider a small change, rather than a full color, otherwise you can quickly become disillusioned, and it will be extremely difficult for you to return the previous look. If you do not want to risk the health of your hair, consider the prospects in advance.

Shop paint may not help you

Store paints are of fairly high quality, but they also have some limitations. If you dream of a shade that is a couple of shades darker than your hair, you can easily color it yourself. If you want to make a much darker color, you will need the help of a professional. Home remedies cannot color hair as intensely as it is a complex process. It is better to entrust everything to a specialist who will create the perfect hairstyle for you. Only in this case you will be able to get the desired shade the first time.

You will need to change your makeup

Makeup that looks good on you with blonde hair may not work for you when you change. Pink blush can turn you into Snow White - better use beige tones. Be ready to experiment and remember: arrows always look good! A few different looks - and you can easily find something that will look attractive in combination with your new hair shade.

You will need time to get used to

Any drastic hair change can be terrifying at first. The brain takes some time to adapt. Perhaps your hairstyle looks great, but you still can't appreciate it, because you're just not used to it yet. Do not succumb to unhappy thoughts and immediately consider staining unsuccessful.

Get ready to buy new hairpins

Hairpins, invisibles, combs, hair bands and elastic bands - all this is matched to the color of the hair. After dyeing, you will have to change all these accessories for new ones if you want them to be invisible in the hair and look appropriate.

This will be your best decision.

Seriously! Dark hair makes your eyes stand out, your skin appears more radiant, your face is dramatically accentuated. Once you start dyeing your hair darker, you will never want to go back to the old shades! Just try it - and you will check it out for yourself!

In modern times, women face a big dilemma, what color to dye their hair in order to look spectacular and a few years younger.

According to today's fashion trends, it is worth following the latest innovations and keeping up with the times, which means adhering to modern canons of rules.

Who suits black?

Girls with an Asian or Hispanic appearance will look great in black. Luxurious color will emphasize their exoticism. Also, black color will not harm European ladies with fair skin tone and deep light eyes.

A temperamental doe, a passionate cat and a sexy person can safely choose a black shade of paint if it suits her.

Black color is contraindicated in some cases:

Who exactly black color is suitable for:

Ladies with a dark skin tone;

  • Women with milky white skin;
  • Lady with blue or green eyes;
  • Women with little hair. Black color visually gives splendor to the hair.

It must be remembered before dyeing the curls black that if in the future it is necessary to repaint the hair in a lighter shade, it will be difficult to do this without damaging the hair, since the brightening shade of a single use will not be enough.

If a beautiful woman is the owner of gray hair and her hair is dyed black, she needs to be prepared for the procedure of permanent tinting of the hair roots in the same color.

Coloring technology

With the help of vegetable paint - basma, you can get the desired black shade without harm to the hair and scalp. Basma - Indian vegetable dye from indigo, absolutely natural. This paint originates from the distant past, when the hair of the fairer sex in Egypt and India was dyed with it. Later, the paint began to be used by the Greeks and Romans.

With proper use of basma, you can achieve an excellent result, as well as a variety of shades: chocolate, chestnut, coffee. So, in combination with basma and henna, also of plant origin, it will relieve the hair of a greenish tint, which leaves the use of pure and undiluted basma.

How to choose the right hair dye

We have already talked about the naturalness of vegetable paints basma and henna. And as for chemical paints, how to choose the right one to emphasize the elegance of nature and not harm the hair?

Before you dye your hair, you need to decide on the color, tone, shade and how long the desired color will last. And also whether the shade is suitable for the characteristics of the face and skin.

All coloring agents are divided into three types:

  1. Persistent. The composition includes hydrogen peroxide or ammonia, which open the pores of the hair, penetrate deep into and leave a rich color. When applying resistant paint, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed dyeing time, otherwise you can cause significant damage to the hair and scalp.
  2. Semi-resistant. They have a small amount of ammonia, which alleviates the fate of the hair. The paint does not penetrate deep into the hair, but keeps the shade for a month and a half.
  3. Shade tools. Usually available in the form of shampoos, gels, foams. Absolutely harmless to hair, applied more often than conventional dyes. When the pigment penetrates deeper into the hair, the color is preserved and it becomes necessary to dye only the hair roots.

Do not be afraid to experiment with the image. But do not miss one important piece of advice: contact experienced craftsmen, they will at least be in demand.

Owners of natural or dyed deep black hair sometimes complain that the power of desire has little effect on “washing off” the black color for the next dyeing. Black in color is an absolute unit. The maximum shade can be applied to the hair by tormenting them with ammonia.

It is useless to try to put a light paint on dark hair. Light shades do not replace the original color, but act on the principle of a multiplier. Black on light brown will result in black.

So, how to dye black hair?

It is impossible to radically repaint a brunette at once. In any case, after the first bleaching, the hair may become lighter unevenly. If you use peroxide to lighten black hair, then your hair will simply be irrevocably burned.

A blond color wash will leave a reddish-red tint on the hair. It depends on the content of the red pigment in the hair. Fair-haired people have very little of this pigment, redheads have more, and blacks have a predominant amount. Etching it is quite difficult, but it is possible in several sessions.

Ideally, it's best to let natural hair grow out, but this is an option for the patient. An acceptable, but very expensive option is an acid color wash. It is more gentle than peroxide, washing out the pigment from the hair shaft.

But you should immediately clearly define what result you want to achieve. If the goal is to give the hair a chocolate or dark hazel hue, then you should not repeatedly apply a wash to get rid of black color up to blond.

Blondoran or acid wash?

Radical brunettes have only two ways to get out of a dark color - decapitation with a brightening powder, or a special emulsion, or an acid wash. Let's briefly analyze both methods and determine their pros and cons:

Blondoran powder (manufactured by Wella, Kapous, Estel) is used for decapitation. It is a finely granulated powder that is mixed with 6% or 9% oxidant, shampoo and water.

Proportions for weak decapitation - output to chestnut or light chestnut: 50 g of powder, 50 g of oxidizing agent, 15 g of shampoo and 100 ml of water.

Proportions for strong decapitation and maximum clarification: 20 g of water, 20 g of providing powder, 20 g of oxidizing agent 9%, 20 g of shampoo. The mixture is applied to the hair for 40-50 minutes, but no more! A couple of days after this procedure, the hair reaches the maximum light shade quickly and without additional manipulations, but they can become overdried. After decapitation, you need to use intensive restorative masks (such a series is presented by Estel and Matrix).

An emulsion with a pickling effect is a middle option between washing and pickling, it allows you to achieve a lightening of 4-5 tones the first time. An example of a tool is clair Clair from L'oreal. But such a plan of emulsion is very aggressive, therefore, after their application, restorative care is required.

Acid wash (Estel Color Off, Kapous DECOXON 2FAZE) - gentle products, the principle of which is based on the removal of dye molecules from the hair pores. All actions are carried out strictly according to the instructions. Washing is carried out only once until the desired tone is achieved: in practice, most often, owners of dark and black hair have to use 2 packs of the product and wash at least 4 times in a row.

A day or two after washing, paint is applied to the hair one tone lighter than the desired shade - the hair darkens slightly after a couple of weeks. This is the most gentle way that does not even dry your hair.

Professional coloring

  • Choose the new color you want and go to a salon that has proven itself well with experienced stylists. An attentive master will listen to your wishes and will definitely take into account not only the type and structure of your hair, but will also take an interest in what kind of detergent or conditioner you used before going to the salon. Do not chase cheapness - the health of your own hair is valued much higher. Wash off the black color in the salon, and then give your hair at least a week to rest from the procedure.
  • Then choose a color that is one or two shades lighter than the one you want. Porous, color-washed hair readily absorbs coloring pigments, resulting in a richer tone than expected.
  • Be careful when choosing a black wash specialist. An illiterate master is able to transfer a lot of acid wash, neutralizing the dark color, and at the end of the day, still choose the paint in such a way that the same dark color will inadvertently turn out. Only the hair is tormented in vain.
  • If the master is competent and experienced enough in his field, then he will not assure you of the 100% result of the chemical procedure. A professional understands perfectly well that a mixture of red, black and brown pigments gives color to the hair, only the latter can be removed under the influence of ammonia or acid wash. The red pigment reacts very reluctantly to oxidation. Therefore, during the “rest” of the hair from the first procedure, you can use a light tinting agent that will give the hair a more or less decent look.

The hairdresser can add a few drops of acid dye to the chemical solution. This technique will muffle the reddish tint of rust on the “washed out” hair.

It is very difficult to find at least one woman who has never dyed her hair in her life. Almost any representative of the fair sex managed to try different colors until she found the most suitable one. However, sometimes there comes a moment when the color scheme, with which you have been going for more than a year, just gets bored. And the question arises of how to return yours. Not every girl has the patience to naturally. There are several simple ways to change your color from black to light brown.

1 way. There are special preparations based on blondoran, which allow you to wash off the color from the hair. With the help of just such means, you can gradually return the natural color. Sometimes it will take more than one procedure for the color to come off the hair completely. However, it should be remembered that washing is a procedure that is quite harmful to the health of the hair. After it, you need to regularly use masks and balms that restore the structure of curls so that they look healthy and alive.

2 way. It is suitable for those who are wondering how to dye their hair from dark to light. In this case, you need to wash again with a special decolorant, and then highlight. Thus, you will get a very beautiful light color, but the hair will still require treatment. So do not forget about the use of restorative balms and masks.

3 way. Another option, how to dye your hair from black to light brown, is to use a shampoo that deeply cleanses your hair. This is a special tool that acts on the principle of washing from the previous methods. It acts gradually, after several washing procedures, the color will noticeably fade, after which you can apply paint that is as close to the natural color as possible. This shampoo can be used before washing at the hairdresser or on your own.

4 way. There is an opinion that it is possible with the help of And all this without the use of various artificial preparations. However, this folk remedy is not suitable for every type of skin and hair. So before turning from black to light brown in such an unusual way, it is necessary to test the scalp for the absence of allergies.

If you are doing the washing yourself, you need to follow some rules. The wash is applied starting from the ends of the hair, and not from the roots, as is usually done when dyeing.

Since it is almost impossible to get blond from a dark color right away, before turning from black to blond, it is better to switch to red first. Usually, after washing off any dark color, the hair itself acquires a copper tint.

In order for the hair to not become undesirable after washing, it is better to do highlighting during the transition from black to light brown. And after clarification, you can repaint in the desired natural shade.