Consultation on the topic: Developing subject-spatial environment as a means of socialization of a preschool child. Developing environment in dow according to fgos

Organization: TSPU

Location: Tomsk region, with. Melnikovo

The main task of educating preschoolers is to create in children a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security. In kindergarten, it is important for a child to feel loved and unique. Therefore, the environment in which the educational process takes place is also important.

In a well-organized educational environment, the following elements can be distinguished:

  • subjects of the educational space (children, teachers, parents);
  • object-spatial environment (objects, objects that stimulate the development, education, upbringing of the child, contributing to the formation of independence, activity, initiative, interaction with other people);
  • communication and connections between subjects and objects, contributing to the formation of the child's openness or closeness to the world of culture, to the world of people, nature, openness to oneself, own experience(type of communication between people - the style of pedagogical communication, the type of relationships in the family, etc., the availability of the environment and its safety, comfort, etc.);
  • general socio-cultural context (external parameters of the environment: climate zone, geographical location, economic and political "parameters" of the state system, historical era and so on.).

Connectivity of all elements educational environment is expressed in their interconnection and mutual influence and is a holistic integrative education - a system. In this system, each element, on the one hand, is independent, autonomous, has its own structure and content. On the other hand, it is in relationship with all other elements of the system and depends on their state and quality. The joint “work” of all elements gives a general educational result in the form of an emerging integrative quality in a child, professional competence in a teacher, socio-psychological climate of the group, collectivism, a sense of professional burnout or satisfaction and a sense of self-realization in a teacher, etc.

The object-spatial environment is considered by us as an important physical part a place that can have a high educational potential for the development of the child.

The general approach to the organization of this element of the educational environment is presented in the form of zone design. The space of the group is arranged in the form of special zones (for example, a zone of developing games; game zones; a training zone; zones of trials; a zone of achievements; a place for presentations; zones for the development of labor and domestic skills; recreation zones (including places of solitude); zones for reincarnations) .

Transitions between zones free. And during the day, the child can move freely, following his natural desire and interests. The space is arranged for specific educational tasks, when the child can "live" his interest at the pace and volume that he needs. The zones are saturated with various materials for children's activities.

Description of game zones. In the game zones, contours can be outlined to divide games into desktop-printed, subject-manipulative, sports, mobile, role-playing. The group should have a lot of "building" material for designing, modeling the playing space (tables, chairs, small benches, cubes, rags, ropes), that is, material that does not close the child's fantasy process.

Some places to play are open, while others contain special curtains - "closers" that allow children to maintain the intimacy of their game.

Materials for games involving construction, buildings are located on the lower tiers of cabinets. There is a rug nearby so that the child can deploy his building on the floor, and not just on the table. Children also like to build on benches. Nearby there may be boxes for the material of object-manipulative games (cars, etc.).

Board games are located on more than high floors stands for game materials. The main requirement here is that they should be open, accessible to children. In order for a child to be able to choose a game, he needs to choose from something. Teachers can change game material from time to time in order to "launch" new lines of games.

In the group, along with the play areas, there is a "learning" area. Its creation and allocation in the group space gives special significance to new, still emerging educational forms. In the space of the group, it takes up little space compared to the game. Its appearance causes the transition of the child from play activities to learning.

Description of the study area. In the "training" part there is a board, information stands, shelves with educational material. There must be “sampling places” in the group: all kinds of albums, notebooks, boards, planks, separate sheets of paper, etc. This is the personal space that allows the child to freely and naturally train the necessary skills without fear and tension. And access to this material can be obtained only with the permission of the child himself. . Everything that is done by children in these zones, not subject to criticism. This trial behavior of the child unfolds without directive interventions from adults, without instructions and commands, which creates conditions for the formation of independence in the child in determining the mode of his work.

There are also “zones of presentations”, “zones of personal achievements”. These are just the places where the child can put his work, like recognized by him V qualitatively. Where a child can prove himself as a person who has achieved a certain success.

The group space contains Achievement board, which fixes the success of the child, the acquisition of certain skills and abilities in the form of various schedules for improving various "techniques". Each next work child is compared only with his previous work and not with the work of other children. Thus, a positive self-esteem of the child is laid and the occurrence of school anxiety is prevented.

Zones are informational and effective. Information zones are stands, maps, a globe, a library, cards. Space actions For children- this is the whole space of the group, where any kind of activity can develop. In the group there is a “fixation” for certain places of the nature of the activity: we are doing cooking near the kitchen block, near the cabinets where materials for applied types activities, there are tables to develop this activity. Specially equipped areas for games with designers. There is a place for unfolding theatrical activities.

Information zones in the group are created not only for children, but also parents. They can take the form of individual pockets for personal information, a board for notices of an organizational nature, a separate stand with information of a meaningful nature, where articles from magazines and newspapers on the topic of pedagogy and psychology are located. A very special information place is the Dictionary for Teachers and Parents. It helps to overcome the "household" understanding of pedagogical terms by parents. Here, too, the "Diary of the individual development of the child" is a field that is both informative and effective for both parents and teachers. The library for parents also acts as an information place.

We allocate in space fields of collective and individual action. Collective and individual are not opposed, but organically complement each other. Collective - these are all common places, and individual - these are places that outline the personal space of the child. These are individual lockers not only in the reception area where clothes are stored, but also in the training area of ​​the place where material is collected for individual training in shading, coloring, “printing” letters, lacing, cutting, self-expression in albums and notebooks. In the same place, children can collect and store the products of their activities - drawings, crafts. These lockers also hold math and literacy supplies.

On the Tree of Achievements in the study area, children post both individual and collective work. Individual work reflects the uniqueness of each child, his own interpretation of the overall task. The presence of individual work next to others gives it great significance in the eyes of the author, he feels satisfaction, pride. And these are positive feelings that "push" to new creative deeds. IN collective work, as in the total product of children's activities, reflects the contribution of each child to the common cause. The preschooler feels an attachment to a common goal, to a common achievement. During the year, teachers collect the work of each child in individual folders. At the end of the year, teachers make personal exhibitions on their material. Exhibitions of works on common theme are combined with personal exhibitions of the work of each child.

For parents, there are also individual “places” in the group (pockets for personal messages, individual consultations and meetings) and group ones (stands for information addressed to everyone, a library for parents, general meetings, meetings).

In addition, special (thematic) zones are created in the group - "ecological zone", "center children's experimentation”,“ art activity corner ”, etc.

The developing subject-spatial environment is arranged in such a way that it allows solving the actual educational tasks of each pupil. In it, the child can "live" his interest at the pace and volume that he needs. The zones are saturated with various materials for children's activities.

The teacher's knowledge of the zones of actual development of the child in accordance with age will contribute to a more accurate determination of his zones of proximal development and the selection of educational tasks and means for their solution. In joint activities with an adult or peers, the child can solve problems different type depending on their abilities and abilities.


A properly organized subject-spatial developing environment allows each child to find something to their liking, to believe in their own strengths and abilities, to learn how to interact with teachers and peers, to understand and evaluate their feelings and actions, and this is precisely what underlies developmental communication. The free activity of children in development centers helps them independently search, be included in the research process, and not receive ready-made knowledge from the teacher. This allows you to develop such qualities as curiosity, initiative, independence, the ability to creative self-expression.


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    Yasvin, V.A. Educational environment: from modeling to design / V. A. Yasvin. - Moscow: Meaning, 2001. - 366 p.

CHAPTER II. Developing subject-spatial environment as a means of forming the initiative and independence of children of senior preschool age

2.1. Requirements for the developing object-spatial environment in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard.

FEDERAL STATE EDUCATIONAL STANDARD FOR PRESCHOOL EDUCATION, the developing object-spatial environment should ensure the maximum realization of the educational potential of the group space. Materials, equipment and inventory for the development of preschool children are selected in accordance with the characteristics of each age stage, the protection and promotion of children's health, taking into account the characteristics and correction of shortcomings in their development. The developing subject-spatial environment should provide the opportunity for communication and joint activities of children (including children different ages) and adults, motor activity children, as well as opportunities for privacy.

The developing object-spatial environment should provide:

implementation of various educational programs;

in the case of organizing inclusive education - the conditions necessary for it, taking into account national-cultural, climatic conditions, in which educational activities, taking into account the age characteristics of children.

The developing object-spatial environment should be rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe.

1) The saturation of the environment should correspond to the age capabilities of the children and the content of the Program.

The educational space must be equipped with training and education facilities (including technical ones), appropriate materials, including consumable gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory (in accordance with the specifics of the Program).

The organization of the educational space and the variety of materials, equipment and inventory should provide: playful, cognitive, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimentation with materials available to children, physical activity, including the development of large and fine motor skills, participation in outdoor games and competitions; emotional well-being children in interaction with the subject-spatial environment;

opportunity for children to express themselves.

For infants and young children, the educational space should provide the necessary and sufficient opportunities for movement, object and play activities with different materials.

2) The transformability of space implies the possibility of changes in the subject- spatial environment depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.

3) The multifunctionality of materials involves:

opportunity various uses various components of the object environment, for example, children's furniture, mats, soft modules, screens, etc.; the presence in the group of polyfunctional (not having a rigidly fixed method of use) objects, including natural materials suitable for use in various types of children's activity (including as substitute objects in a children's game).

4) The variability of the environment implies:

the presence in the group of various spaces (for playing, designing, solitude, etc.), as well as a variety of materials, games, toys and equipment that provide free choice for children;

periodic change of game material, the emergence of new items that stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children.

5) Accessibility of the environment implies:

accessibility for pupils, including children with handicapped health and disabled children, all premises where educational activities are carried out;

free access for children, including children with disabilities, to games, toys, materials, aids that provide all the main types of children's activities;

serviceability and safety of materials and equipment.

6) The security of the object-spatial environment implies the compliance of all its elements with the requirements for ensuring the reliability and safety of their use.

The organization independently determines the means of training, including technical, relevant materials (including consumables), gaming, sports, recreational equipment, inventory necessary for the implementation of the Program.

1. The subject-developing environment ensures the maximum realization of the educational potential.

2. availability of the environment, which implies:

2.1 accessibility for pupils of all premises of the organization where the educational process is carried out.

2.2. free access of pupils to games, toys, materials, manuals, providing all basic activities.

The organization of the developing environment in the preschool educational institution, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standards, is built in such a way as to enable the most effective development of the individuality of each child, taking into account his inclinations, interests, level of activity.

It is necessary to enrich the environment with elements that stimulate the cognitive, emotional, motor activity children.

The subject-developing environment is organized so that every child has the opportunity to freely do what they love. The placement of equipment in sectors (development centers) allows children to unite in subgroups of common interests: design, drawing, manual labor, theatrical and gaming activities, experimentation. Mandatory in the equipment are materials that activate cognitive activity: educational games, technical devices and toys, models, objects for experimental search work - magnets, magnifying glasses, springs, scales, beakers, etc.; big choice natural materials for study, experimentation, collections.

Materials are needed that take into account the interests of boys and girls, both in work and in play. Boys need woodworking tools, girls need handicrafts. For the development of a creative idea in the game, girls will need items of women's clothing, jewelry, lace capes, bows, handbags, umbrellas, etc.; boys - details military uniform, uniforms and weapons of knights, Russian heroes, various technical toys. Important to have a large number of"improvised" materials (ropes, boxes, wires, wheels, ribbons, which are creatively used to solve various game problems. Groups of older preschoolers also need various materials, contributing to the mastery of reading, mathematics: printed letters, words, tables, books with large print, a manual with numbers, board-printed games with numbers and letters, puzzles, as well as materials that reflect school theme: pictures about the life of schoolchildren, school supplies, photos of schoolchildren-older brothers or sisters, attributes for school games.

Giving the child freedom of choice of actions and experimentation.

When creating a subject-developing environment, it is necessary to remember:

The environment should perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But most importantly, it should work for the development of the independence and initiative of the child.

Flexible and variable use of space is required. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.

It is important that the subject environment has the character of an open, non-closed system capable of adjustment and development. In other words, the environment is not only developing, but also developing. Under any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, adapting to neoplasms of a certain age.

Thus, creating a subject-developing environment of any age group in a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to take into account the psychological foundations of the constructive interaction of participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of the modern environment of a preschool institution and psychological features the age group targeted by the environment.

2.2. Content, essence and principles of organization of the subject-developing environment.
The problem of the development of a subject-developing environment in a preschool institution has repeatedly been the subject of research by specialists in various fields of knowledge. A properly organized subject-spatial environment has great potential for creative development child and his abilities.

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, there is a wealth of experience in educating and teaching preschoolers based on the creation of a subject-developing environment that corresponds to the age characteristics of children.

The term subject-developing environment appeared in the dictionary of teachers in the late 80s of the XX century. To determine the content and essence of the subject-developing environment, it is necessary to consider the concepts: "environment", "developing environment" and "subject-developing environment".

There are many concepts of the environment. In the dictionary of A.M. Prokhorov's concept of environment has several meanings:

1. A substance that fills any space and has certain properties;

2. Aggregate natural conditions life activity of any organism;

3. Environment, social and living conditions in which a person's life takes place;

4. A set of people connected by common living conditions, occupations, interests

Development environment- a system of material objects of the child's activity, functionally modeling the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance. In psychology, the subject-developing environment is closely related to the concept of the social situation of development, which implies compliance with the age of the child, attitude to the world around him. In this regard, the environment is a condition for the creative self-development of the child's personality. The process of transforming the content of the pedagogical process cannot be divorced from the developing environment in which it must be embodied. The main requirement for the organization of a subject-developing environment is its adequacy as implemented in preschool program, the peculiarities of the pedagogical process and the creative nature of the child's activity. Most scientists agree that the quality of the upbringing and educational process largely depends on the quality of the organization of the subject-developing environment to ensure the full-fledged creativity of children.

Solving the problems of student-centered education is impossible without a modern subject-developing environment, the creation of which is based on the following principles:

1. The system of educational toys and manuals for preschool children (S.L. Novoselova, A.A. Ovchinnikov, etc.).

2. Improving the material and technical support of upbringing and education in a preschool institution based on the principles of building a subject-developing environment, the formation of a system of a developing environment for a preschool educational institution (S.L. Novoselova, V.A. Petrovsky, etc.)

The subject environment has a certain impact on the child from the very first minutes of his life. It is important that it become developing, i.e. ensured the formation of active independence of the child in activities. It creates conditions for the child to be creative, cognitive, aesthetic development. At proper organization subject-developing environment the child feels self-confidence, stimulates manifestations of independence, creativity.

Subject-developing environment - a system of material objects and means of a child's activity, functionally modeling the content of the development of his spiritual and physical appearance in accordance with the requirements of the main general educational program of a preschool institution.

Over the years, scientists have accumulated vast experience in understanding the environment as a condition or factor that is favorable in working with preschool children. L.I. Novikova, N.L. Selivanova, E.N. Stepanov attached importance to the environment as a component of the educational system itself.

The main task of educating preschoolers is to create in children a sense of emotional comfort and psychological security. IN kindergarten It is important for a child to feel loved and unique. Therefore, the environment in which the educational process takes place is important.

7. The principle of variability.

Furniture and equipment should be comfortable for the child, create a feeling of comfort. Their design should be based on the principle of variability, which allows, if necessary, to change the spatial characteristics of products in sections. The principle of variability allows you to change the size of the parts of the products as the kids grow and mature.

8. Headset principle

It is necessary to complete all products included in one set, according to style, color scheme, ensuring the compatibility of furniture items, their sectional restructuring, respectively technical specifications. The compatibility of pieces of furniture with the general decoration is also important. group room.

9. Principle of rationality

Equipment and furniture should be made according to the principle of rational use, facilitating the work of staff serving 10-15 young children at the same time. Any product included in the equipment set must be rationally located for a working adult.

10. Warehousing principle

The equipment should be easy to use, on the one hand - be stable, on the other - mobile: in case of movement, it must have holders or any devices that would allow the object to be permanently fixed to the wall, to any surface and, if necessary, easily detach and move.

11. The principle of "general" and "single" in the selection and use

When designing the interior of early age groups, service personnel can use foreign product samples or samples of local factories, i.e. carry out, as it were, a “private” selection of equipment. Creative developments allowed practical, various product improvements, search for their original use, i.e. what makes the interior of a separate group unique or children's institution generally.

12. The principle of age and gender compliance.

Let's dwell on this principle in more detail. No matter how beautiful group room, but if it is organized without taking into account the age of children and the tasks of education, i.e. without a functional orientation - it does not create a developing environment for kids. A specific play environment, in order to be truly developing, must be “tuned” to a specific group of children. In other words, how many toys and what corners should be in the group must be decided anew each time.

These features must be taken into account when planning a group in which the "male contingent" prevails. It may be necessary to donate a barbershop and allocate additional space for building games. It may be necessary to reduce the number of dolls, but increase the number of cars. Girls, as shown by physiologists, are mainly guided by the “nearest” space, so they should create conditions that help situational, focused game plots. Rural children act out more scenes with the inclusion of pet toys; city ​​kids prefer transport toys that display scenes from city life seen on the streets, etc.

The interior of the group should be designed according to the age and gender composition of the children. If there are children in the group who, by age or health status, belong to different micro-periods of development, then the equipment of the group should be designed for children of each age subgroup. But all innovations in the use of furniture and equipment in young age groups must obey the "general" principle: to be safe and reliable. The dimensions of work surfaces and their parts must comply with state standards developed for young children and be hygienically and environmentally sound.

Thus, when the above principles are introduced into the practical life of the kindergarten group, it ensures the creation of an object-spatial developing environment for children of different ages. Its peculiarity is in the simultaneous presence of not only one child, but the whole group, where each child should feel not only protected, but comfortable. AND environment is developing, if it helps the child to master the genetic tasks of age - entry into social reality, the development of a purely human way of life.

The developing object-spatial environment in an institution implementing a program of preschool education is one of the most important criteria for assessing the quality of education. This is due to the importance of the environment for the versatile development of the child, successful socialization in society.

In the habitual modern educators formulation of the concept of "developing subject environment of childhood" began to be used at the end of the 20th century. The term was introduced in 1988, research on the topic has been carried out since 1960 in Moscow at the Academy of Pedagogics. Sciences Research Institute of Preschool Education.

In the broadest (social) context, a developing educational environment is any socio-cultural space within which the process of personality development, understood as socialization, is carried out spontaneously or with varying degrees of organization.

The developing subject environment of childhood is a system of conditions that ensures the full development of the child's activities and his personality.

IN preschool pedagogy the term "developing environment" means "a complex of material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic, aesthetic, psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the organization of the lives of children and adults."

From the standpoint of the psychological context, according to L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydov, L. V. Zankov, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, etc. a certain way ordered educational space in which developmental education is carried out.

The purpose of creating a developing environment in a preschool educational institution is to ensure the vital needs of an emerging personality: vital, social, spiritual. The developing environment acts as a stimulator, a driving force in the holistic process of becoming a child's personality, it enriches personal development.

“A subject-developing environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, the content of his spiritual and physical development, this is the unity of social and objective means. S.L. Novoselova

· Informational- each object carries certain information about the surrounding world, becomes a means of conveying social experience.

· stimulating– must be mobile and dynamic. In its organization, the teacher must take into account the "zone of proximal development", age, individual characteristics child, his needs, aspirations and abilities.

· Educational- a combination of traditional and new, unusual components, which ensures the continuity of the development of activities from its simple forms to more complex ones.

- this is a system of material objects of the child's activity, functionally modeling the content of his spiritual and physical development

2.transformable(The possibility of changing the environment depending on the educational situation and the interests of children)

3.Polyfunctional(Various use of the components of the subject environment)


5.Affordable(Free access to games and toys)

6.Safe(Having a variety of spaces (for play, privacy, etc.) and a variety of materials and games)

5 educational areas

Social and communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

It is aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation respectful attitude and feelings of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

cognitive development

Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creativity

activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people,

objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relations of the objects of the surrounding

world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects, etc.), about the small motherland and Fatherland, ideas about sociocultural values of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about planet Earth as common house people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Speech development

Speech development includes the possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; music perception, fiction, folklore; stimulation of empathy

characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

Physical development

includes gaining experience in the following types activities of children: motor, including those associated with the implementation of exercises aimed at developing such physical qualities like coordination and flexibility; conducive proper formation musculoskeletal system of the body

1. The environment must perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But most importantly, it should work for the development of the independence and initiative of the child.

2. Flexible and variable use of space is needed. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.

3. The shape and design of the items is focused on the safety and age of children.

4. Decor elements should be easily replaceable.

5. In each group, it is necessary to provide a place for children's experimental activities.

6. When organizing the subject environment in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the patterns mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communicative features, the level of general and speech development, as well as indicators of the emotional sphere.

7. The color palette should be presented in warm, pastel colors.

8. When creating a developing space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activities.

9. The subject-developing environment of the group should change depending on the age characteristics of the children, the period of study, and the educational program.

Thus, development environment- this is an organized sociocultural and pedagogical space, within which several interconnected subspaces are structured, creating the most favorable conditions for the development and self-development of each subject included in it.



Developing object-spatial environment as a means of socialization of a preschool child

Functions of the object-spatial environment

  • Informational
  • stimulating
  • Educational

Creation of a developing object-spatial environment

Developing object-spatial environment

Requirements for the developing object-spatial environment:

1. Content rich

2. transformable

3. Polyfunctional

4. Variable

5. Affordable

6. Safe (Having a variety of spaces (for play, privacy, etc.) and a variety of materials and games)

5 educational areas

Social and communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

The main principles of building a developing object-spatial environment:

Thus, development environment


Developing object-spatial environment as a means of socialization of a preschool child

The developing object-spatial environment in an institution implementing a program of preschool education is one of the most important criteria for assessing the quality of education. This is due to the importance of the environment for the versatile development of the child, successful socialization in society.

In the formulation familiar to modern teachers, the concept of “developing subject environment of childhood” began to be used at the end of the 20th century. The term was introduced in 1988, research on the topic has been carried out since 1960 in Moscow at the Academy of Pedagogics. Sciences Research Institute of Preschool Education.

In the broadest (social) context, a developing educational environment is any socio-cultural space within which the process of personality development, understood as socialization, is carried out spontaneously or with varying degrees of organization.

The developing subject environment of childhood is a system of conditions that ensures the full development of the child's activities and his personality.

In preschool pedagogy, the term "developing environment" means "a complex of material and technical, sanitary and hygienic, ergonomic, aesthetic, psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the organization of the lives of children and adults."

From the standpoint of the psychological context, according to L. S. Vygotsky, P. Ya. Galperin, V. V. Davydov, L. V. Zankov, A. N. Leontiev, D. B. Elkonin, etc. a certain way ordered educational space in which developmental education is carried out.

The purpose of creating a developing environment in a preschool educational institution is to ensure the vital needs of an emerging personality: vital, social, spiritual. The developing environment acts as a stimulator, a driving force in the holistic process of becoming a child's personality, it enriches personal development.

“A subject-developing environment is a system of material objects of a child’s activity, the content of his spiritual and physical development, this is the unity of social and objective means.” S.L. Novoselova

Functions of the object-spatial environment

  • Informational - each object carries certain information about the surrounding world, becomes a means of conveying social experience.
  • stimulating – must be mobile and dynamic. In its organization, the teacher must take into account the "zone of proximal development", the age, individual characteristics of the child, his needs, aspirations and abilities.
  • Educational - a combination of traditional and new, unusual components, which ensures the continuity of the development of activities from its simple forms to more complex ones.

Creation of a developing object-spatial environment

Developing object-spatial environment- this is a system of material objects of the child's activity, functionally modeling the content of his spiritual and physical development

Requirements for the developing object-spatial environment:

1. Content rich(Equipment with means of education and upbringing, health-improving equipment)

2. transformable(The possibility of changing the environment depending on the educational situation and the interests of children)

3. Polyfunctional(Various use of the components of the subject environment)

4. Variable (Having a variety of spaces (for play, privacy, etc.) and a variety of materials and games)

5. Affordable (Free access to games and toys)

6. Safe (Having a variety of spaces (for play, privacy, etc.) and a variety of materials and games)

5 educational areas

Social and communicative development

cognitive development

Speech development

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Social and communicative development

Aimed at the assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and ethical values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one's own actions; the development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of readiness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one's family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of the foundations of safe behavior in everyday life, society, nature.

cognitive development

Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creativity

activity; the formation of primary ideas about oneself, other people,

objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relations of the objects of the surrounding

world (shape, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, tempo, quantity, number, part and whole, space and time, movement and rest, causes and effects, etc.), about the small motherland and Fatherland, ideas about sociocultural values of our people, about domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth as a common home of people, about the peculiarities of its nature, the diversity of countries and peoples of the world.

Speech development

Speech development includes the possession of speech as a means of communication and culture; enrichment of the active dictionary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech; development of speech creativity; development of sound and intonation culture of speech, phonemic hearing; acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, listening comprehension of texts of various genres of children's literature; formation of sound analytic-synthetic activity as a prerequisite for learning to read and write.

Artistic and aesthetic development

involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulation of empathy

characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

Physical development

includes the acquisition of experience in the following types of children's activities: motor, including those associated with the implementation of exercises aimed at developing such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility; contributing to the proper formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body

The main principles of building a developing object-spatial environment:

1. The environment must perform educational, developing, educating, stimulating, organized, communicative functions. But most importantly, it should work for the development of the independence and initiative of the child.

2. Flexible and variable use of space is needed. The environment should serve to meet the needs and interests of the child.

3. The shape and design of the items is focused on the safety and age of children.

4. Decor elements should be easily replaceable.

5. In each group, it is necessary to provide a place for children's experimental activities.

6. When organizing the subject environment in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the patterns of mental development, indicators of their health, psychophysiological and communicative features, the level of general and speech development, as well as indicators of the emotional sphere.

7. The color palette should be presented in warm, pastel colors.

8. When creating a developing space in a group room, it is necessary to take into account the leading role of play activities.

9. The subject-developing environment of the group should change depending on the age characteristics of the children, the period of study, and the educational program.

Thus, development environment- this is an organized sociocultural and pedagogical space, within which several interconnected subspaces are structured, creating the most favorable conditions for the development and self-development of each subject included in it.

Developing subject-spatial environment as a means of developing the speech of preschoolers

There is no such side of education, understood as a whole,

on which the situation would not be affected,

there is no ability that would not be directly dependent

from the concrete world immediately surrounding the child...

The one who manages to create such an environment,

make your work easier.

Among it the child will live and develop

own self-sufficient life,

his spiritual growth will be accomplished

from myself, from nature...

E. I. Tikheeva

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The objective world of childhood is not only a play environment, but also an environment for the development of all specific children's activities (A. V. Zaporozhets), none of which can fully develop outside subject organization. A modern kindergarten is a place where a child gains experience of broad emotional and practical interaction with adults and peers in the most significant areas of life for his development. The possibilities of organizing and enriching such an experience are expanding provided that an object-spatial developing environment is created in the kindergarten group. The developing environment of an educational institution is the source of the formation of the child's subjective experience. Each of its components contributes to the formation in the child of the experience of mastering the means and methods of cognition and interaction with the outside world, the experience of the emergence of motives for new activities, the experience of communicating with adults and peers.

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The created developing object-spatial environment of any age group in a preschool educational institution takes into account the psychological foundations of the constructive interaction of participants in the educational process, the design and ergonomics of the modern environment of a preschool institution, and the psychological characteristics of the age group targeted by this environment.

A developing object-spatial environment should be understood as a natural comfortable environment, rationally organized in space and time, saturated with a variety of objects and game materials.

The activity of the child in an enriched developing environment is stimulated by the freedom of choice of activity. The child plays based on his interests and abilities, the desire for self-affirmation; is engaged not at the will of an adult, but at his own request, under the influence of game materials that have attracted his attention.

Such an environment contributes to the establishment, assertion of a sense of self-confidence, and it is precisely this that determines the characteristics of personal development at the stage of preschool childhood.


Speech is the leading means of communication that accompanies all types of activities.

Speech activity unthinkable without knowledge, without mastering the world around the child

A child will not speak in empty walls, Elena Ivanovna Tikheeva noticed at the time.

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Psychological and pedagogical requirements for the creation of a subject-spatial developing environment.

Saturation, multifunctional, transformed, accessible, safe and variable

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By saturating the group space, our teachers take care, first of all, that the children in the group can satisfy their important vital needs in movement, cognition, communication with adults and peers. Kindergarten groups are equipped with modern gaming and didactic equipment, which includes visual, handouts that provide a higher level of cognitive and speech development of children.

Teachers have accumulated and systematized a variety of practical material for organizing speech games and classes: file cabinets and manuals for conducting articulation gymnastics, complexes finger games, toys and game aids for the development of correct speech breathing, thematic albums, games to enrich the passive and active vocabulary, the formation of grammatical correct order speech, coherent speech, the development of phonemic hearing and fine motor skills.

slide 6

polyfunctionality, providing for the provision of all components of the educational process and the possibility of diverse use of various components of the subject-spatial developing environment. This principle is implemented in kindergarten through integrated thematic planning and integration of educational areas. The subject-spatial developing environment is transformed in accordance with the theme of the week - corners are formed, children are provided with game material that serves to develop and consolidate certain cognitive and speech abilities.


The transformability of the subject-spatial developing environment of our groups occurs mainly due to the rational placement of tables, the use of easels. If the teacher plans individual work, consolidation of organization skills, then the tables are in rows. If planned Team work, which requires patience and perseverance, the furniture is arranged in the form of a semicircle, or square. Often educators do without tables at all: during a conversation, didactic games, the children sit directly on the carpet. We plan to use portable lightweight screens and a partition house to separate the space of the group, which in turn will increase the interest of children and provide an opportunity to develop communication skills.

Slide 8

variability, which is determined by the general developmental type of educational institution, in our case, the priority speech direction in the development of preschoolers, regional characteristics, and cultural traditions. Our kindergarten has 5 compensatory groups, each of which has a speech therapist teacher. In accordance with the priority direction of the activity of the preschool institution, teachers pay great attention to the speech corners of the design of the premises of the reception room and the group, involving children and parents in this activity. Exhibitions with creative works are regularly arranged in the reception group. family work pupils, which reflect the theme of our region. Regional features are also taken into account in the design of the group, in game and illustrative materials that contribute to the development of cognitive and speech skills of preschoolers.

Slide 9

The accessibility of our kindergarten environment implies:

Accessibility for pupils of all premises where educational activities are carried out

Free access to games, toys, aids that provide all kinds of children's activities

Serviceability and safety of materials and equipment

Slide 10

Environment security

Compliance of all its elements to ensure reliability and safety

It is important that the developing subject-spatial environment has the character of an open, non-closed system capable of change, adjustment and development. In other words, the environment is not only developing, but also developing. Practice suggests that it is difficult to completely replace the subject environment in a group. But still, under any circumstances, the objective world surrounding the child must be replenished and updated, which is what we are doing. Only then the environment contributes to the formation of cognitive, speech, motor and creative activity.


In modern preschool pedagogy, the tasks of humanizing the process of education and training, protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health children, their full development. The development of cognitive and speech abilities in children is one of the main tasks of preschool education. One of the most important cognitive processes man this speech. The solution of these problems is impossible without the creation of a modern developing object-spatial environment.

The organization of the “Developing Object-Spatial Environment” in the kindergarten is effective in educational impact aimed at forming in children an active cognitive attitude to the world of objects, people, and nature.

Our kindergarten teachers Special attention give to the subject environment, first of all, its developing character. One of the main tasks is to enrich the environment with such elements that would stimulate the cognitive, speech, motor and other activity of children.

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Thank you for your attention


1. Anokhina T. How to organize a modern subject-developing environment [Text]: / T. Anokhina // preschool education. - 1999. - No. 5. – P.32 – 34.

2. Zheleznova S.V. To the question of the organization of the developing subject environment in a preschool institution / Doshk. educate. inst. No. 122 “Sun”, Tolyatti [Text]: / S.V. Zheleznova, T.A. Falkova. - Ulyanovsk, 2001. - 72 p.

3. Novoselova S. Developing subject environment [Text]: Guidelines for the design of variable design - projects of developing subject environment in kindergartens and educational complexes / S. Novoselova. - M.: Enlightenment, 2001. - 89 p.

4. Rodionova O.R. Pedagogical conditions organization of a developing subject environment in a preschool educational institution [Text]: author. dis. cand. ped. Sciences / O.R. Rodionov. - M., 2000. - 18 p.

5. Ryzhova N.A. Developing environment of preschool institutions [Text]: / N.A. Ryzhova. - M.: Linka-Press, 2004. -174 p.

A developing object-spatial environment should be understood as a natural comfortable environment, rationally organized, saturated with a variety of objects and game materials.

IN explanatory dictionary Russian language S.I. Ozheg's space is defined as the gap between something; a place where something fits (free space between a window and a door, airless space); objective reality, a form of existence of matter, characterized by extension; a form of coexistence of material objects and processes. In this definition, when characterizing space, an objective objectively existing environment is expressed that surrounds, including a person.

L.S. Vygotsky noted that "a child, like a person, begins its development in the process of forming relationships with material reality." Before “getting up” to the objects of this reality in any theoretical “spiritual” relation, he must eat, breathe and perform his other vital functions, i.e. he must act as a very practical and material being. So, the child appears before us, first of all, as the subject of the material process of life. In the process of his development, he meets with ready-made, historically established conditions, which determine his being as a social being.

L.I. Bozovic defines the environment as a special combination internal processes development and external conditions that determine both the dynamics of development and new high-quality formations. She notes that it is very important to understand the nature of the experience of the child included in the environment, the nature of his effective attitude medium. This position L.I. Bozhovich made it possible to search for the organization of the environment in two conditions: spiritual-spatial and object-spatial, which ensured not only the child's attitude to the environment, but also his activity in it.

According to A.I. Leontiev, the environment is, first of all, what is created by man. "This is human creativity, this is culture." psychological science stands on the position of understanding the environment as a result and process of the individual's own creative self-development. In our understanding, the environment is not only a condition for the creative self-development of the child's personality, but also an indicator of the specialist's professional creativity, since its design requires imagination from the teacher and a variety of ways to create it.

Thus, based on the above, we can conclude that the environment is the surrounding social, social, material and spiritual conditions for the existence of a child. The subject environment performs a responsible function - it encourages the game, forms the imagination. It is, as it were, the material environment of the child's thought.

Thus, the development of a child depends on how he is brought up, how education is organized, where, in what environment he grows up.

The term "developing subject environment" was introduced by S.L. Novoselova. An enriched environment presupposes the unity of social and natural remedies providing a variety of activities for the child. An important requirement for a developing subject environment is its developing nature.

In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously involve all the children in the group in various activities. The developing environment contributes to the assertion of self-confidence, enables the preschooler to test and use his abilities, stimulates the manifestation of independence, initiative, and creativity.

The initial requirement for the subject environment is its developing character. It must objectively, through its content and properties, create the conditions for the creative activity of each child, serve the goals of actual physical and mental development and improvement, and provide the zone of proximal development.

The purpose used in pedagogical work programs is the cognitive and creative development of the child through the appropriation of cultural and historical experience, which contributes to the most complete disclosure and realization of the age potential of the preschooler, helps to enter the modern, rapidly changing world.

Under the developmental environment, teachers understand a natural comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, saturated with a variety of sensory stimuli and game materials. In such an environment, it is possible to simultaneously include all children in the group in active cognitive and creative activity. The defining moment in the creation of a developing environment is the pedagogical idea, the goal that guides the educational institution. This goal is achieved through the implementation of the educational program.

A specially organized environment provides positive influence on the development of the ability of a child of middle preschool age to self-learning. Such an environment contributes to the establishment, assertion of a sense of self-confidence, and it is this that determines the characteristics of personal development at the stage of preschool childhood. The developing environment gives the preschooler the opportunity to test and use his abilities, allows him to show independence, assert himself as an active figure.

The main elements of the developing environment in kindergarten are natural and environmental objects, games and sports grounds, their equipment, art studios and studios where children's cognitive activities are carried out; sets of toys, manuals; audiovisual and information means of training and education.

The model for building a developing subject-spatial environment includes the following organizational and pedagogical blocks:

Motivational, aimed at forming a positive attitude of educators to the environmental education of preschoolers;

Theoretical, defining conceptual approaches to building a model of the environment;

design, including the development of the skills of educators to design the environment;

Practical, ensuring the filling of the existing environment of an educational institution with environmental content.

When creating a subject development environment, it is necessary to be guided by the following principles:

Polyfunctionality of the environment: the subject development environment should open up many opportunities, provide all the components of the educational process, and in this sense should be multifunctional;

The transformability of the environment, which is associated with its multifunctionality, is the possibility of changes that allow, according to the situation, to bring to the fore one or another function of space (as opposed to monofunctional zoning, which rigidly fixes functions for a certain space);

Variability, in accordance with which the nature of the modern educational process should be presented with a framework (core) project of the subject development environment, concretizing its model options for different types preschool educational institutions as prototypes for specific environment options developed by practicing teachers themselves.

The subject development environment should be selected taking into account the principle of integration of educational areas. Materials and equipment for one educational area can be used in the implementation of other areas.

The general patterns of child development at each age stage should serve as guidelines for the selection of materials and equipment.

The selection of materials and equipment should be carried out for those types of activities of the child that most contribute to the solution of developmental tasks at the stage of preschool childhood (playing, productive, cognitive-research, communicative, labor, musical and artistic activities, as well as for organizing motor activity during days).

Materials and equipment must have a quality certificate and meet hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements.

When creating a subject development environment, teachers should be guided by the principle of information content, which provides for a variety of topics of materials and equipment and the activity of children in interaction with the subject environment.

The subject developing environment of a group room must comply with the principle of variability, determined by the type of preschool educational institution, the content of education, cultural and artistic traditions, and climatic and geographical features.

Compliance with the principle of integration and flexible zoning implies, when creating a subject development environment, the ease of transforming equipment, the multifunctionality of its use.

When creating a subject developing environment, teachers must observe the principle of stability and dynamism of the subject environment, which provides a combination of familiar and extraordinary elements of the aesthetic organization of the environment; individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child.

It is also necessary to systematically analyze the state of the objective developing environment in order to bring it into line with hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements (unity of style, harmony of color, use of works of art, indoor plants, children's work in the design, harmony, proportionality and proportionality of furniture, etc.). P.) .

When designing a subject development environment, the following factors should be taken into account:

1. Children should be protected in every possible way from the negative influence of toys that:

Provoke the child to aggressive actions;

They cause a manifestation of cruelty towards the characters of the game - people and animals), whose roles are played by playing partners (peer and adult);

They cause a manifestation of cruelty towards the characters of the games, which are plot toys (dolls, bears, bunnies, etc.);

Provoke game plots related to immorality and violence;

Arouse an unhealthy interest in sexual problems beyond the competence of childhood.

2. Psychological factors, which determine the correspondence of the parameters of the subject developing environment to the capabilities and characteristics of the perception, memory, thinking, and psychomotor skills of the child.

3. Psychophysiological factors determine the correspondence of the objects of the subject developmental environment to the visual, auditory and other capabilities of the child, the conditions of comfort and orientation. When designing an objective developmental environment, it is necessary to take into account contact and distant sensations that are formed during the interaction of a child with objects of an objective developmental environment:

visual sensations. Consider lighting and color of objects as factors of emotional and aesthetic impact, psycho-physiological comfort and information source. When choosing and arranging light sources, the following parameters should be taken into account: the level of illumination, the absence of glare on working surfaces, the color of light (wavelength).

Auditory sensations. Take into account the totality of the sound of sound-producing toys.

Tactile sensations. The materials used for the manufacture of objects of the subject developmental environment should not cause negative sensations when in contact with the child's skin.

4. Physiological factors are designed to ensure that the objects of the subject developing environment correspond to the power, speed and biomechanical capabilities of the child.

The content of the subject development environment should ensure the versatile development of children, meet the principle of the integrity of the educational process (if the subject development environment of one of the educational areas falls out, then this environment does not meet these federal requirements), since it does not correspond to the main directions of the child's development: physical, social and personal ; - cognitive-speech and artistic-aesthetic development.

The subject development environment should contribute to the implementation of educational areas in educational process, including:

1) joint partnership activities of an adult and children;

2) free independent activity of the children themselves in the conditions of a subject-based developing educational environment created by teachers, which ensures that each child chooses activities according to interests and allows him to interact with peers or act individually.

Preschool institutions differ from each other in terms of material capabilities, in terms of the level of developing subject environment, in areas of activity, which is reflected in a variable approach to its organization. Any developing subject environment consists of various elements, each of which performs its functional role. So, for example, for the organization of space in the ecological room, the allocation of a number of functional zones (training, collections, libraries, relaxation, games) is justified. Laboratory - a new element of the developing subject environment - is created for research activities children. A living corner is a fairly traditional element of preschool institutions in our country, however, its design and content acquire new specifics related to the tasks environmental education. Environment elements such as winter Garden, alpine slide, museums, vegetable garden, mini-farms, corners in groups, ecological trail.

The functional role in the ecological formation of such elements of the environment as various games and toys, models of natural objects, visual aids(for example, weather and nature calendars, geographical maps, collections of natural and artificial materials), and modern means training - computer games of ecological content, video films (including cartoons), audio recordings (sounds of nature, musical works), equipment for experiments, etc. .

The tasks of greening the developing subject environment involve the creation of conditions for:

Cognitive development of the child (opportunities for experimenting with natural material, systematic observations of objects of animate and inanimate nature; increased interest in natural phenomena, searching for answers to questions of interest to the child and raising new questions);

Ecological and aesthetic development (attracting the child's attention to the surrounding natural objects, developing the ability to see the beauty of the world, the variety of its colors and shapes);

Improvement of the child (use of environmentally friendly safe materials for interior design, toys; landscaping of the territory; creating conditions for children to communicate with nature);

Becoming moral qualities child (creating conditions for caring for living objects and communicating with them, for the formation of the desire and skills to preserve the world nature);

Formation of skills of environmentally competent behavior (skills for economical use of resources; environmentally competent behavior in nature);

Greening various kinds activities of the child (conditions for independent games with natural material, its use in art classes, etc.), joint and individual environmentally oriented activities of children.

So, the developing object-spatial environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity, functionally modeling the content of his spiritual and physical development. It must objectively - through its content and properties - create conditions for the creative activity of each child, serve the goals of actual physical and mental development and improvement, provide a zone of proximal development and its prospects. When constructing it, it is necessary to take into account the general pedagogical foundations of the system design of social, spatial-subject and organizational-technological components and focus on the implementation of the goals of environmental education. An environmentally oriented subject-developing environment is a set of natural objects that are in certain spatial relationships, focused on the development of the child's activity in mastering environmental knowledge, moral and value attitude to nature, and experience in environmental activities in the natural environment.