Divination online for family relationships. Effective fortune-telling for the family, pregnancy and children

Even in the old days, people wanted to know a lot about their destiny.

Everyone knew rituals and divination, shared them and passed them on from generation to generation, books and manuscripts were written, and now they have come down to us.

Modern man also seeks to open the veils of the mysterious future and not seen by anyone, to know what awaits and how to relate to this or that news.

Any fortune-telling is communication with an otherworldly force that provides answers to the questions posed.

The question that worries from eternity is love.

Fortune-telling for love is an unlimited number: fortune-telling for a husband by barking dogs, fortune-telling for the future by wax, fortune-telling for a quick wedding by hair, fortune-telling by the image of a loved one through a ring, etc. All of them are simple and affordable.

To date, the most truthful fortune-telling is fortune-telling on TARO cards. They will reveal your chosen one in an accessible way, the main thing is to follow the rules when conducting fortune-telling.

In the room in which fortune-telling will be carried out, there should be complete silence, nothing should be distracting. Divination cards are not passed from hand to hand and are not playable!

Fortune telling, the most accurate, on the attitude of a loved one

Major arcana (22 cards) are selected from the Tarot cards, mixed and laid out in a rhombus according to the figure:


    The first characterizes the relationship at the moment.

    The second - describes the events of the past, reflecting on the present.

    The third - shows the reality of the partner's feelings and thoughts.

    Fourth - demonstrates the prospects for the future of relations.

    Fifth - describes the unconscious side of the relationship.

Divination for the future attitude of a person

You can consider another fortune-telling, very simple and affordable.

Buy new matches. Two matches are taken out and fixed in something solid.

You need to guess yourself and the person with whom you are interested in developing relationships with a match.

Set fire to and observe the actions carried out by matches.

When tilting one match to another - great and sincere feelings.

With even burning - feelings that are not in the lead role.

When the matches are tilted in different directions - the expectation of parting.

When one match is tilted, the relationship is not clean and there is someone else.

Free fortune-telling on a relationship with a man

This divination has roots in China and is considered no less accessible and simple.

For this divination, you need a piece of paper and a pen. Divination is done by calculation.

1. It is necessary to count the letters of the name of both partners.

2. See if there is a letter "O" in the names of partners. Yes - which one, no - 0.

3. The meaning of the first letter of the partners (figure below).

4. The presence of the letter "L" and the names of both partners. Missing - "0".

The resulting numbers are added up, "7" is subtracted and multiplied by "2". When you get a complex number, you need to transform it by adding numbers (for example, you get 16, then 1 + 6 = 7).


1. Such relationships are strong and sincere.

2. Partners in spiritual connection.

3. Partners are in a happy relationship.

4. Passion is the basis of such relationships.

Little girl plays with dolls. For her, the distribution of roles in the game is unimportant. She just knows that she is a mother. Her beloved daughter lies in the crib, and soon dad will come home from work. Regardless of whether there is a father in this family, or has been gone for a long time, the girl knows that there should be a father. If we remained children, even at a more mature age, maybe our families would be complete, and our children would be happy. Children are the most precious thing we have, what a pity that mothers or fathers who have left the family do not understand this.

Family is the most reliable support

Everyone should have a family and, whatever it is, you can always turn to it for help. There you will always be understood and consoled. What is a family? How to build, and most importantly, save a family? We all grew up in a family, or rather, almost all of us. And, it seems, they should know and understand what a family is. But, it is one thing to grow up in a family, although not complete, but it is quite another to strive to create and create your own family. Not everyone and not always succeeds. And then, people who want to start a family begin to look for their soul mate. His most dear and close person with whom you can start a family.

Close friends are chosen as consultants and with their help they try to find out what your chosen one thinks about you and how he treats you. In some cases, they turn to experienced fortune-tellers, and if this is not possible, you can make a Tarot story about the family on our website. Here you can make an attempt to understand your relationship yourself and draw conclusions. There are layouts for the compatibility of partners, and a layout for love. The name of each layout speaks of a key card that should point you to both love and compatibility.

How to conduct a tarot fortune-telling about a family?

The distribution for the family is made as follows. We choose the deck of cards we like and draw thirteen cards one by one. Having laid them out, we carefully peer at the images on the cards. Then we begin the interpretation of the cards. Starting with the first card, we will find out what relationships reign in your family. What is the degree of mutual understanding between family members. From the following cards we learn about the financial situation in the family, about loyalty in relations with each other. From the alignment, it will be seen whether there is trust in the family, whether you know how to spend time together, how the distribution of responsibilities in the family takes place, how the needs of each family member are realized, and, finally, how your family looks from the outside. Having made a complete analysis of family relationships, you will understand what needs to be done to make the family even stronger.

According to numerology, the energy vibrations of numbers affect all areas of human life, including marital relationships and family life. If your union with a partner has already been established, and you live a family life (it doesn’t matter whether you have entered into an official marriage, or being in a “civilian marriage”), using the rules and principles of numerology, you can calculate the numerological code of family life and find out what common destiny awaits you and your soul mate during the year of interest.

Calculating the numerological code of family relationships for a certain year is quite simple. To do this, add your own age in the year of interest to the age of your partner and use the method to bring the resulting figure to a single digit from 1 to 9. The numerological code (index, number) of family relations obtained in this way determines how your family life will develop in the year of interest.

For example, you want to know what you and your significant other will experience in 2015. This year you turned (or will turn), for example, 39 years old, and let's say your partner is 35. Let's sum up both numbers: 3+9+3+5=20=2+0=2. The numerological code of your family life in 2015 is 2.

Using the form presented on this page, you can calculate online and find out the numerological code of your family life for a certain year. Enter in the field in numbers without "gaps" your age and the age of your partner in the year of interest and click the "Calculate" button. The online calculator will calculate the numerological number of family life and show the result.

Online calculation and family life code values

Enter the numbers:

Numerological code (index) of family life:

Numerological code (index) of family life "1"

"One" is a leadership number, which is characterized by authority and the ability to lead. Your married life will become an object to follow, your role will increase in the eyes of others and friends. In the year of interest, your couple will have to make some important joint decision, the implementation of which will require considerable fortitude and unity. During this period, you can get rid of unnecessary contacts, end relationships with someone without explaining the reasons. The number "1" is very good for a mature, long-established relationship. But for those who have recently begun family life, this number can bring many trials - the couple will have to grind to each other, during which frequent inconsistencies and quarrels are possible. The main problem here is personal ambition, pride, the desire to take the place of a leader, while ignoring the needs and desires of a partner. Therefore, the main task of family life during the period under the vibration of the “one” is to learn to respect the interests of the second half and give in to each other.

Numerological code (index) of family life "2"

The period under the vibration of the "two" will become quite difficult for your family life. You will have frequent disputes, disagreements, showdowns. You and your partner will have a common goal, but you will see the ways to achieve it in completely different ways, so frequent quarrels and conflicts cannot be avoided. In addition, the vibrations of the "two" can provoke partners to mutual deceit and betrayal. At the same time, this figure implies a good period for active actions, which means profitable joint work, organization of a common business. The main problem of the period of family life under the control of the "two" is intransigence and the desire to prove to the partner their own superiority. Therefore, the main thing here is to behave in a relationship in such a way as not to cause suffering to a loved one, to protect him from disappointment.

Numerological code (index) of family life "3"

The period of family life, which is under the vibration of the "troika", is quite difficult to characterize unequivocally - it will be a restless and unstable time. However, the impact of this figure is more positive than negative. This figure assumes the development of family relations in all directions, both risk and reasonable passivity are possible, when you are sure that life will put everything in its place, and everything that happens is only for the better. The main problem at this time may be the separation of partners from each other, the lack of close contact between the spouses, entertainment on the side. Therefore, in a period under the influence of the “troika”, it is very important to pay as much attention to each other as possible, not to allow insults, offensive statements and actions in communication.

Numerological code (index) of family life "4"

During this period in your family life, the main theme will be career advancement, making money and strengthening the family. For the sake of these cherished goals, you will be ready to endure a little more (maybe a year) in order to fully enjoy what you have achieved. Perhaps others will perceive you as a mundane, boring couple, occupied solely with their own development. But your union in a period under the vibration of the "four" will be just like that - when everything is clear, truthful and dignified. The main problem in a relationship can be disbelief in a partner as a friend, from whom you can get support at the right time. Therefore, at such a time it is necessary to be especially attentive to a partner, learn to trust and believe in each other.

Numerological code (index) of family life "5"

The period of family life, which is under the vibration of the "five", will be filled with new impressions and will be very diverse. The number "5" will give your couple the opportunity to communicate closely with other people, very different, often from the most opposite social groups. However, you will spend most of your free time exclusively in each other's company, sharing household chores and worries. The number "5" will help you to value your partner as a person, respect his achievements and be proud of yours. The only problem of this period is impulsiveness in behavior and a certain emotional instability. Therefore, at such a time, special attention should be paid to one's own behavior and emotional manifestations.

Numerological code (index) of family life "6"

"Six" - perhaps the most beautiful figure for family life, as it gives the period associated with it, empathy, a sense of being part of a single whole. At this time, family values, common interests and a joint future will be above all for your couple. Under the auspices of the Six, children are born in marriages, new family members appear - partners of children, grandchildren, pets. Relations with a partner will be more friendly than in any other years. However, it is during the period under the vibration of the number "6" that the leader will clearly appear in the pair, if it was previously hidden. The main problem of this time may be the lack of generosity, so everything must be done so that each of the spouses feels that he receives full returns from the other for everything he does for the family hearth.

Numerological code (index) of family life "7"

The period of family life, which is under the vibration of the "seven", will allow your couple to live at the behest of the heart, fully trusting each other. You will spend more time in solitude and tranquility, you will be interested in each other, even if you are silent. You do not have to learn to understand each other - your couple already has this quality, since the number "7" will cause a desire for growth and excellence. You will help each other develop and will jointly solve any problems, achieving success. The main problem of this period is excessive isolation and self-absorption, the lack of a wide circle of communication, therefore, during the entire period of family life under the control of the "seven", one should try to communicate more with others, relatives and friends.

Numerological code (index) of family life "8"

The G8, with its vibrations, contributes to the material growth of the couple, active career growth and opens up new opportunities for the implementation of plans. Finances may be the main topic of your family conversations, but this will also have a significant strengthening meaning - relations in your union will improve as the family's financial success. Glory, recognition, and significant acquisitions are possible; you will be able to competently combine care for the material side of life and love for each other. The main problem of family life during the period under the vibration of the number "8" can be treason, infidelity of one of the partners; lack of intellectual, spiritual development; earthiness, greed, manifestation of aggression. Therefore, throughout this period it is necessary to pay more attention to the spiritual sphere of life.

Numerological code (index) of family life "9"

"Nine" endows family relationships with tolerance for shortcomings and allows you to see the true meaning of the union. Even if at first glance you and your partner are too different, this will not prevent you from feeling like the most harmonious couple. During the period under the control of the number "9", everyone in your union will gladly give themselves to the interests of the family, take care of their soulmate, without expecting or demanding anything in return. You can easily forgive mistakes and will not be offended at each other for a long time. Everyone will feel happy, because in any case he will receive from the other a full return and replenishment of his own energy costs. The main problems of this period can be alcohol, drugs, infidelity in relationships.

This divination will help you deeply analyze your own family life. It gives information about the attitude of partners to different areas of life together: money, raising children. This free divination also reveals how husband and wife see their own responsibilities in the family. After all, the reliability of a family boat depends on how compatible the partners' views on relationships are. If a husband wants to see only a housewife in his wife, and she dreams of a career, they are unlikely to find a common language. Tarot cards will show what prospects your family has, how you fit together. They will give you sound advice on how to hold the family boat together so that it can withstand any storms.

Make a layout

Husband's responsibilities in the family

The first position, “The duties of a husband in the family,” will tell you what role a man is used to playing at home. This card says more about his own desires than about what his wife is trying to make.

Duties of a wife in the family

The second position, "The duties of a wife in the family," will give the same information about the wife, about how she sees her place in the family.

How does a husband want his wife to behave?

The third position “How the husband wants to see his wife's behavior” will tell about the husband's desires in relation to his wife, about his vision of the role of a woman in a relationship. By comparing the second and third cards, you will understand how his desires come true.

How does a wife want her husband to behave?

The fourth position, "How the wife wants to see her husband's behavior," will open the wife's dreams about how a man should be. Compare this and the first card, and you will understand how satisfied a woman is with family life.

Husband's relationship with money

The fifth position “Husband’s attitude to money” indicates how important financial well-being is for a man. Is he ready to work hard for the good of the family or subconsciously wants his wife to be the breadwinner.

Wife's attitude towards money

The sixth position, “Attitude towards money from the wife,” will give similar information about a woman. Whether she is ready to work or wants to be supported, whether she is economical or wasteful.

Husband's relationship with children

The seventh position “Husband’s attitude towards children” will tell you whether a man pays enough attention to his children. Whether he considers it an unmanly affair, or vice versa, he is happy to babysit the kids.