How to safely clean windows on a high floor. How to wash windows on a loggia or balcony from the outside? Features of washing balcony glass from the outside

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Why pay? How to wash windows on a balcony without the help of a cleaning company: 3 ways

Plaque from dust, exhaust gases from passing cars, as well as hard-hitting stains on the doors after rains can spoil even the most stylish balcony. For those who like to enjoy the beauty of the surrounding landscape through perfectly clean glass, this article is dedicated. In it, I will tell you how to wash the windows on the balcony to a mirror shine and how to prolong the effect.

The most effective detergents

Have you noticed that in most cases, after a day or two after a thorough cleaning of the balcony, the weather deteriorates and it starts to rain, washing away all the work of your efforts? For me, such a ritual has become more reliable than meteorological forecasts or dancing with a tambourine from a shaman of some Indian tribe in dry weather.

How to make sure that washing windows does not turn into a daily routine, and a clean mirror shine pleases for weeks? First you need to choose the right tools and cleaning products. You will need:

  1. Soft sponges without abrasive surfaces that will not scratch the glass.
  2. Two medium-sized containers (small basins are just right). In one you can dilute the selected window cleaner, in the other pour clean water for rinsing.
  3. Microfiber cloths or rags.

  • A special scraper with a rubber nozzle and a long handle, which is convenient to wipe the glass from the side of the street.
  • Chair or stepladder.
  • Paper towels.

The list of necessary items may vary depending on the complexity of the contamination and the method you choose to eliminate it.

Popular glass cleaning methods

In this section, I will look at 2 ways to properly clean windows from ordinary dirt, and also describe 1 fairly effective method for dealing with icing on glass.

Aerosol: 1 way

Washing windows with an aerosol has one main advantage: it is done quickly and requires almost no effort. Of the minuses, I can note that this option is not suitable for people who want to reduce the use of household chemicals in the household to a minimum.

If you are still not afraid to use such tools, then I can recommend a few:

  • Mr Muscle;
  • L.O.C. from Amway;
  • Mr Proper;
  • Glass & Window Cleaner.

The price of detergents starts within 119 rubles and depends on the brand chosen, as well as the volume of the purchased product.

So, having purchased an aerosol, it's time to start washing windows without streaks:

  1. Spray the spray all over the window in a zigzag motion.
  2. Use a soft cloth or towel to remove the resulting mixture along with any remaining dirt. Pay special attention to the corners and edges of windows.
  3. Wipe the surface dry with clean paper towels.

I want to note that this option is effective only with weak pollution.. Read below to learn how to deal with more difficult stains, or how to wash off soot.

Self-made cleaner: 2 way

If you belong to the category of people who try to get by in most cases in the “old grandfather way”, then here you will find some useful tips for yourself.

To wash balcony windows without using strong chemicals, use one of the recipes:

  1. In a liter of warm water, dilute a tablespoon of ordinary vinegar.
  2. Dissolve a tablespoon of ammonia in two liters of water.
  3. Dilute 10 ml of ammonia and two tablespoons of table salt in a glass of water.

Before washing the windows outside on the balcony, prepare a solution and dip a new clean sponge into it. Then everything must be done according to the following scheme:

  1. Start wiping the surface in a circular motion.. Don't forget to wash away the dirt in the corners of the frame.
  2. Dip a rubber scraper into clean water and go down the glass with it. A few centimeters before the lower edge of the window, movement should be stopped.
  3. Each time, before washing the next part of the window, rinse the scraper in water.
  4. After cleaning the glass with vertical movements, remove the remaining deposits from the surface from left to right.
  5. To complete your window cleaning with your hands, wipe the surface with paper towels.

Elimination of severe pollution: 3 way

And now, as promised, I will share with you recipes for incredibly effective products that will help you cope with any strong and complex pollution: be it soot, old stains or icing.

Components Instructions for use
  • Chalk powder (10g);
  • white clay (10g);
  • vodka (30gr).
Mix all the ingredients and apply the resulting slurry to the surface of the window. Wait 5 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with water. Wipe the glass dry with a paper towel.
  • Water (100ml);
  • table salt (20g).
Apply the mixture to the glass and wait a few minutes, then remove the gruel with water and wipe the window dry. After using this tool, you will no longer be tormented by the question “how to wash the icy areas on the window surface? »
  • Vinegar (20g);
  • chalk (20g);
  • warm water (1l).
Mix the ingredients and boil them. Such a composition can easily cope even with severe pollution.

I have given a list of the most popular glass cleaners among the people, and the best way to wash your windows is up to you.

General rules for window cleaning

I listed the main detergents, it remains only to figure out how to wash windows from the outside on a balcony or loggia. Here we have several options for the development of events.

  1. If you have hinged windows that open inward, there will be no special problems with washing them. Moving sashes can be cleaned using one of the methods suggested above. For the so-called "blind windows" (openings without shutters), mankind has come up with special mops with rubber tips, with which you can reach the most remote places.

  1. If you have a sliding window system, then cleaning them is even easier, since you can remove the double-glazed windows at any time and quickly wash them. Don't know how to remove frames? Now I'll tell you.
  • With a gentle movement with the tip of a screwdriver, pry the plugs near the rollers.
  • Next, you need to slowly remove the window itself from the guides. To do this, grab the sash along the edges, slightly lift it, pull the bottom edge towards you, then lower the element.
  • Clean the rail mechanism with a thin brush, wash the sash in any way convenient for you.
  • Put the frame in place.

As you can see, with a sliding system of openings, the problem of how to wash the windows on the loggia from the outside is easily solved.

Finally, I want to tell you about a few small tricks that will help make the cleaning process easier and prolong the results.

  • To keep windows clean for as long as possible after cleaning, wipe them with a weak solution of glycerin and water.

  • The plastic frame is best washed with ordinary soapy water. Eliminate any powder products, they only scratch the surface.
  • By mixing glycerin with alcohol, you will save the glass from fogging.
  • Never wash windows with hot water, as this will cause the plastic frame to turn yellow over time.


Perfectly clean are not only pleasing to the eye, but also show you as a wonderful housewife. So that washing glasses does not turn into a lengthy and difficult job, do not be lazy to keep them clean all the time. Use one of the above methods, and your home will always be clean, bright and comfortable.

Before asking me a clarifying question on the topic in the comments, I recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video in this article. Perhaps you will find exactly what you are interested in.

September 13, 2016

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Washing windows from the outside on the balcony in an apartment located on a high floor is difficult and dangerous. But knowing the secrets of how to wash windows from the outside, this process can be carried out independently and without much physical effort. In this article, we will talk about simple ways to clean windows.

Security measures

Before you start cleaning windows, you need to take care of personal safety. During the work, you may feel dizzy, you can lose your balance while trying to reach the detergent or prepared tools. All these circumstances can lead to an accident.

The process of washing windows should take place only in safe conditions, therefore it is recommended to perform a number of preventive simple actions:

  1. Arrange the tools, detergents in a convenient place so that there is no need to try to reach them.
  2. Take a stable position, exclude situations when you want to lean on a window, frame or mosquito net.
  3. Purchase or independently build tools with long handles (attach a long stick or mop to existing scrapers, washcloths).
  4. Use safety belts (fasten one end around the waist, and the second - inside the apartment to a strong and heavy object that can withstand a lot of weight).

It's important to listen to your body. If such work was planned in advance, but on the day of its implementation, the state of health deteriorated sharply, it is better to abandon the idea, transfer it to another day.


The quality of work depends not only on the skills of the performer, but also on the set of tools with which it is planned to complete the task.

  • soft sponges (it is forbidden to use sponges with abrasive surfaces, as they can scratch the glass surface);
  • containers for water and cleaning solution;
  • microfiber cloths, as they perfectly absorb moisture;
  • a scraper with a rubber nozzle and preferably with a long handle (if there is none, the scraper is securely fixed to the mop in advance);
  • chair or stepladder (check before use for stability).

Sometimes this standard set of tools can be expanded if the glasses have been heavily soiled.

On sale now there are special mops for washing three varieties:

  • ordinary with a special soft nozzle (equipped with a long handle, but, unfortunately, it will be impossible to adjust its length);
  • telescopic with two nozzles in the form of a rubber scraper and microfiber (the handle is adjustable in length, the maximum length reaches 2 m);
  • steam (the mop washes the glass perfectly without the use of a soap solution, the dirt is removed due to the action of steam).

The innovative steam mop is the ideal tool for cleaning any windows. However, not every hostess can afford to have it at home due to the high cost.

Glass cleaning procedure

You can decide on an acceptable method of cleaning windows after choosing the right detergent. In commercial establishments, special aerosols and sprays are offered for the implementation of such cleaning tasks.

Armed with a spray can, the aerosol is applied to the glass surface in zigzag movements. After that, the surface is wiped with a paper towel. Together with the applied substance, pollution is also removed. The procedure is simple, it is only important to monitor the corners so that they are also captured during processing with paper napkins or a towel.

Unfortunately, this method does not always allow you to get crystal clear. If there are already traces of old stains, soot on the glass surface, the spray will be powerless.

In such cases, it is worth paying attention to an alternative option. You can use the recommendations of the specialists of the distribution network, which will indicate a more powerful chemical agent. But you can cook it yourself. This will eliminate unnecessary financial costs, and the detergent will not be stuffed with chemicals.

The solution obtained by mixing two liters of water and a tablespoon of ammonia also has excellent cleaning qualities. And one more recipe for a great remedy: mix a glass of water, two teaspoons of salt and 10 ml of ammonia.

Using one of these recipes, prepare a solution that is applied to a soft sponge. Next, in a circular motion, the solution covers the surface of the glass, be sure to capture the corners.

Next, they take a rubber scraper, dip it in clean water and pass it over the glass. The trajectory of the scraper should be from top to bottom, but not bringing it to the very edge. The scraper should be rinsed more often in clean water.

In the lower part, dirt and product residues are removed with a scraper, which is driven in a horizontal direction. After removing the dirt, the glass surface is wiped with paper towels so that the windows become clean and free of streaks.

Removal of complex contaminants

Often you have to deal with the fact that the strongest pollution is found on the balcony or windows from the outside. Since simple methods cannot ensure cleanliness in such conditions, it is necessary to figure out how to wash windows on a high floor from heavy pollution. It will take extra effort, not forgetting about personal safety.

  • vodka - 30 ml;
  • chalk powder - 10 ml;
  • white clay - 10 ml.

All components are mixed, the resulting mushy mass is applied to the surface of the window. Then stand for about five minutes, so that the solution has time to dissolve traces of dirt.

It remains to wash off the remaining solution with water and wipe the surface with a paper towel.

The strongest contaminants are removed in the same way, but with the help of other cleaning mixtures prepared independently on the basis of:

  • 100 ml of water and 20 g of table salt;
  • liters of water, 20 g of chalk and the same amount of vinegar (the mixture must be boiled after mixing).

Washing hard to reach places

If the windows in the rooms or on the balcony are hinged, the washing process will be standard. Problems have to be faced when cleaning windows with sliding systems or windows of a “blind design”.

The difficulty arises not because of heavy contamination, but as a result of difficulties in how to get the opposite side of the surface.

It is in such cases that a device based on a window scraper and a long stick or mop helps to solve the problem. The extended handle will allow you to get to any hard-to-reach place.

Windows with sliding systems can be washed in a different way. Double-glazed windows are easily removed from the guides by picking up the plugs located near the rollers with a screwdriver. Next, the double-glazed window, held with two hands, is slightly lifted and removed. The removed double-glazed window can be washed in the apartment, and then reinstalled into the frame.

If this method is not suitable, and it is also inconvenient and scary to operate a scraper on a long handle, you can use a unique innovative device - a magnetic brush.

The principle of operation with such a device is simple. The magnetic brush consists of two elements, on each of which magnets are fixed. One element is installed from the outside of the window, and the second - from the inside.

The advantage of such a magnetic brush is not only the safety and perfect cleanliness of the washed surface, but also the speed of work. The window cleaning process is accelerated at least twice.

Many housewives fear that during the washing process, the second magnet located on the outside of the window may detach and fly down. I would not really want to lose such an "assistant", especially since considerable funds were paid for him.

Advice! As a safety net, it will be correct to tie a rope to the second magnet. Even if the magnet is disconnected, it will no longer fly down, but will hang on the rope. In this case, you just need to tighten it and then continue washing the windows.

A large number of ways to wash the window on the balcony from the outside allows you to perform this procedure without streaks, even on a high floor. Most importantly, do not neglect your own safety. In more detail, the process of cleaning windows from the outside is described in this video:

Dirty windows are always a nuisance. Looking at their appearance, I want to immediately take a rag and wash it so that they do not interfere with the penetration of sunlight and delight with their cleanliness and whiteness.

Plastic windows are especially prone to contamination. I want to do the job so as not to leave scratches and stains on the glass.

Therefore, the hostesses have always worried, and will worry about the question: what accessories can be used to wash windows in order to save time as much as possible? The main thing is to choose the right tools for washing windows from the outside.

There are a large number of devices that would help to wash windows from the outside with high quality. The main and, perhaps, the most important devices for washing are a stepladder and a mop with a handle that is adjustable in height. This mop is great for cleaning in places that are not always accessible. To help with washing, you will also need 2 basins: one with detergent diluted in water, and the second with clean water for rinsing.

The mop should consist of rubber and a soft, sponge head. Its soft part will wash well, and the rubber part will qualitatively remove water from the glass. The process of working with a mop should be slow and unhurried, this will help not create stains. A stepladder will be a great helper to wash the windows from the outside, of course, if you live low. High-quality window washing should be not only correct, but also safe. All rules must be strictly adhered to.

Other useful window cleaners:

  • rubber scraper for cleaning dried dirt or bird marks;
  • a rubberized anti-slip mat, which is better to lay under a bucket of water so that you do not have to wash the entire balcony along with the windows;
  • microfiber cloths.

By the way, synthetic suede material, which is usually used for washing cars, can come in handy. It is also very suitable for home cleaning, in particular for bringing windows into proper condition:

  • This napkin has an indented pattern. Deep perforation point increases the density of the canvas, making it as if corrugated, and it removes dirt like a soft scraper, allowing you to not use chemicals.
  • The canvas is multi-layered, porous, therefore it perfectly absorbs moisture, there is no need to rub the glass after washing with a dry cloth.
  • The rag is double-sided, which allows you to rinse it less often.
  • Does not leave villi on the surface, as they are not part of the synthetic material.

Well suited for washing windows and microfiber cloths. Compared to conventional microfiber cloths, they are thicker and smoother. To wash the window with them, it is enough:

  1. Soak a washcloth in warm, chemical-free water.
  2. Good squeeze.
  3. Wipe glass.
  4. It will be ideally washed off, and instead of water stains, only a light “fog” will remain on the surface, which almost instantly disappears without a trace.

What detergents will give shine and brightness to the window?

As it turns out, not all detergents and accessories for cleaning windows from the outside will be able to meet the needs of housewives. The main condition when choosing a detergent is the absence of abrasive, as well as alkali and acid. Dry impurities are not suitable for washing glasses.

Alcohol or gasoline can destroy glass, and this will cause the glass coating to be damaged by the scorching sun.

Detergents may contain alcohol, but it must be in acceptable doses so as not to harm the surface. Soda or washing powder will only aggravate the situation and lead to yellowness on the glass.

At the moment, a huge number of detergents designed for washing windows are produced. It can be both sprays and creamy substances. Their composition contains alcohol in the desired consistency, which will not harm the double-glazed window. Those who do not trust modern detergents can prepare the solution themselves. For example, make a soapy solution or use ammonia - two liters of warm water will need a tablespoon of this product. With their help, you can wash everything well.

What is the essence of the device on magnets?

Window cleaning magnets are a unique device invented by man to make window cleaning easier and more enjoyable. The device consists of two sponges and a magnet itov. The essence of the device for washing windows outside on magnets is such that with this device you can clean the outer glass without much effort and risk to life.

The advantages of such a device

There are a lot of advantages in this device, which the hostesses were able to highlight for themselves when washing the window:

  • the device helps to carry out cleaning in conditions of complete safety, since there is no need to lean out of the window;
  • washing speed increases, which is important;
  • it is easy to work with him;
  • with the help of a magnetic device, you can wash simple and deaf windows, which makes the overall picture clean and comfortable;
  • the device cleans glass without streaks, and this pleases conscientious housewives;
  • safety rope helps not to lose the outer part of the device;
  • A fairly large selection of devices can be selected for oneself, taking into account the thickness of the glass and the factor of the device.

The hostesses also argue that you still need to learn how to use this device, study the instructions, and understand all the subtleties of the device. It's a matter of time. It's never too late to learn, and the result will not keep you waiting.

Disadvantages of the device

These include:

  • difficulties encountered with the operation of the device;
  • not all hard-to-reach places can be removed using this device;
  • The price of this device is rather big.

This device is also called an automatic brush, and it has become quite popular among the people.

Do-It-Yourself with Magnetic Window Cleaner

Work should begin with the preparation of the solution. Both sponges are then soaked in the liquid. Next, they put a rope on the wrist on the arm and install it on the outer part of the window in the place where it is most difficult to get it. The magnet of the device will attract 2 sponges to itself, fixing them on the glass.

Attention! Pay attention to the power of the device. If it is chosen correctly, then the cleaning work will be successful.

The handle of the brush should be in a comfortable position in the palm of your hand so as not to impede movement when washing. The second half of the brush will repeat the movements of the first, and this will cut the work in half.

To separate the halves, you need to rotate one half relative to the other by 90 °. The result will be better if you move the brush from the edge of the glass to the middle. The liquid will flow down and not leave streaks.

What is the essence of washing windows from the outside on high floors?

To wash windows at a height from the outside, you will need tools that will help you reach the dirt from an open window without risking your health.

To comply with simple safety rules, you must:

  • clean windows in a good mood;
  • wash windows in good and clear weather;
  • take into account drafts, the upper floors of houses are much more prone to them;
  • if the stain or dirt is out of reach, you should not risk your health and life to get it;
  • everything you need to clean the window should be nearby.

Preventive measures

Advice!So that washing windows from the outside does not give you a lot of trouble, and you do this work as little as possible, resourceful housewives advise wiping the glass with glycerin, which is diluted with water.

Its properties help create a transparent film on the glass, making it bright and shiny for a long time. In winter, glycerin also prevents windows from freezing.

Other fixture options

Today, the household goods market is pushing aside obsolete cleaning methods and turning to more advanced tools for cleaning windows outside.

Telescopic window cleaning squeegee

We have already said that with the help of a window mop you can quickly and efficiently clean windows even in hard-to-reach places. There are also devices called telescopic rods. They are able to "reach out" to the 4th floor of an apartment building or cope with the cleaning of tall windows in a country cottage. On sale there is a tool in the handle of which a water hose is connected, which provides a direct supply of water.

All window mops consist of a retractable handle, a sponge head on one side and a rubber squeegee on the other. Some models include interchangeable nozzles that can change the angle of inclination.

Using a telescopic mop is quite simple:

  • the length of the handle is set, corresponding to the height of the window, taking into account your height;
  • prepare two containers with soapy and clean water;
  • The “head” of the mop is lowered into the soapy solution so that the sponge absorbs the liquid;
  • starting from the top, the double-glazed window is wiped from dirt, and the sponge is rinsed in clean water. If necessary, the washing procedure is repeated;
  • the brush changes to a scraper, and all the liquid is driven into a corner. In order to avoid streaks, the scraper must be completely dry and fit snugly against the glass surface;
  • after processing the entire window, the scraper is cleaned, dried, and the procedure is repeated on the next window.

Telescopic attachments for washing large windows perfectly cope with washing at any height, so cleaning will not be accompanied by a risk to life.

If you are tired of constantly being distracted from the cleaning process in order to once again moisten the glass with a cleaning solution, then you should choose a brush with a water dispenser and a spray bottle.

Such a brush is a plastic translucent container with a spray lever, equipped with a microfiber or foam rubber nozzle with a protective mesh, and a water dispenser. She can both wash the windows and wipe them dry at the same time.

Vacuum cleaner for windows - a great assistant to the hostess

The vacuum cleaner copes not only with washing windows, but also any other glass surfaces. Such a device for washing windows consists of a body with built-in tanks for washing liquid and collecting dirty water. The liquid is supplied by pressing a button, and with the help of a fixed nozzle with a napkin, the cleaning process is carried out. The nozzle with a rubber scraper removes moisture without leaving streaks and stains on the glass. You can vacuum in different directions, but it is better to do it from top to bottom so that dirty water does not flood the already cleaned part of the glass. When choosing a tool, be guided by power and weight, because when working, your hands should not get tired quickly.

The vacuum cleaner is powered by a battery, one charge of which is enough to process 60 square meters. m. Such a device for washing windows is not cheap, but quickly pays for itself by saving time and minimal consumption of detergents.

Steam cleaners are versatile devices that can be used to clean any surface, including windows. When buying such a tool, pay attention to the fact that the kit includes a nozzle for washing windows, because it is for these purposes that you purchase it.

The main advantage of a mop with a steam generator is that it can not only remove dirt, but also disinfect by changing the temperature to hot.

The principle of operation of the device is to supply a steam jet to the surface. To do this, water is poured into a special reservoir on the body. Steam production may take several minutes. During this time, you need to pre-treat the glass with a nozzle with a cloth napkin. The nozzle changes on the device, with the help of which the surface is sprayed with steam from top to bottom. Next, the liquid streaks are removed with a rubber scraper.

When choosing a steam cleaner, pay attention to the time that the device can operate autonomously. It depends on how much area you can process at a time.

Users who have already experienced steam generators in action note not only positive aspects. Some models are quite heavy, which makes it difficult to work with a large number of windows. There may also be no steam regulation. If there are small children in the family, it is better to give preference to devices with burn protection.

Robots are gradually taking on more and more human responsibilities. With an automatic window cleaner, you don't have to put in the effort and waste precious time. The robot will cope with your duties on its own and will do it at the highest level.

There are models on the market that can clean both sides of a window at the same time. Washing robots themselves supply detergent to the surface, clean it with sponges, and remove excess moisture with scrapers. The ability to control the device remotely greatly expands the range of possibilities.

The cost of such robots is high, but, as they say, you have to pay for comfort.

The electric window cleaner is attached to the glass using magnets or a vacuum system. The robot moves on glass on wheels, and is powered by an electric drive. A microfiber cloth is attached to the inside of the device. Also, the kit may include a variety of nozzles and sponges. Window robots are available in two versions: for glass with a thickness of 5-15 mm and 15-30 mm. If the thickness of the glass does not match the required, then the machine will simply refuse to do the job.

The loggia is a great place to relax. Sometimes a greenhouse is arranged in it, sometimes an additional living room. But in any case, dusty and streaked windows do not decorate the room, they have to be washed. And here the inexperienced hostess is faced with a rather serious problem - how to wash the windows on the loggia from the side of the street? However, in order to tidy up the inside of the windows without leaving streaks and without damaging the profile, a certain skill is needed. You will find out about all this now.

What do you need?

First you have to take a walk to the hardware store. You will probably find some detergents at home, but you need more:

  • mop with telescopic handle;
  • scraper with rubber nozzles;
  • fiber wipes;
  • paper towels;
  • special window cleaner.
  • profile polish.

Important! Paper towels, in principle, can be replaced with old newspapers. But without a special mop when washing the inside of the loggia, you can get by, but when the question arises of how to wash the windows on the loggia from the outside, a mop whose handle length changes is simply necessary.

Detergent from what is in the closet?

You can make your own window cleaner. Rummage in the bins - perhaps there are:

  • ammonia;
  • vinegar;
  • vodka;
  • salt;
  • White clay;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • laundry soap.

Important! Homemade solutions wash plastic and glass parts no worse than special products.

Depending on what you have, prepare a solution.

Option 1

Any dishwashing detergent will work for this solution. Dilute 10-15 drops of detergent in 5 liters of water.

Option 2

For this solution you need:

  • 10 g of chalk and white clay;
  • 20 table salt;
  • 30 g of vodka;
  • 100 g of water.

Important! Instead of vodka, you can take medical alcohol, it will take only 10-15 g, but you need to pour in a little more water, about 150 g.

Option 3

For this detergent, mix:

  • 20 g of chalk;
  • 20 g of food vinegar;
  • 1 liter of water.

In what order should I wash?

So, the detergent is ready, the equipment is purchased, the question arises - what to wash first, the inside or the outside? It is more convenient to wash the inside first.

To get started, open the sashes and clean the drainage grooves - special recesses in which either dirt or water constantly accumulates. They must be cleaned regularly, otherwise - then you can’t avoid the hassle of a damp window sill. The most rational order is:

  1. Clean drainage grooves.
  2. Wash profiles.
  3. Wipe the profiles (you need a clean fiber cloth for this).
  4. If necessary, polish the profile (if scratches are suddenly found).

Important! When washing glass windows, the procedure will be the same - first the frames are washed, then the glass.

my profile

The use of one or another detergent depends primarily on the material from which the profile is made.

Option 1

The aluminum profile is easily scratched, and when using caustic agents, it loses its protective coating. Therefore, the first rule when washing an aluminum profile is not to use abrasive substances, including those that are always in the household.

Leave abrasive pastes for objects made of more resistant materials, like soda. Only special products are suitable for aluminum profiles.

Option 2

For wooden frames, the ideal detergent is ordinary laundry soap. Make a soapy solution and wash the frames properly. In this case, you can use both soda and abrasive pastes - they will not cause any harm to the tree, and you can always tint a shabby frame.

Important! To make wooden frames shine, they are lubricated with vegetable oil.

Wash is not everything

After the profile has become clean and you have been able to completely wash the windows on the loggia from the side of the street, carefully inspect all the elements. What is the condition of the rubber seal? It must be periodically lubricated with silicone, and this is best done while washing windows.

Important! Don't forget to tighten the screws if you notice that they are loose.

Wash glass from the inside

If you follow a certain order, washing windows will become not only easy, but very pleasant. You can wash the windows on the loggia as follows:

  1. Rinse the glass from the inside with plain warm water.
  2. Apply detergent
  3. Rinse off.
  4. Rinse the glasses (possibly with the addition of vinegar).
  5. Wipe the glasses dry.

Someone may argue that if everything is so simple, why do stains remain on the glasses? To avoid them, you need to take into account several features:

  1. If you are using a product bought in a store, strictly adhere to the dosage. Excess funds just give divorces.
  2. Start washing the glass from the bottom, gradually moving up.
  3. Before wiping the glass, rinse it with a solution of ammonia - 2-3 drops of ammonia per liter of water.
  4. Wash the windows on the loggia from the side of the street and inside, first with a soft, lint-free cloth, and then with soft paper, and paper towels, not newspapers, are most suitable for this.
  5. Wipe with horizontal movements.

How to wash the sliding windows on the balcony outside?

If the frames open well and you can easily reach any part of the window, there are no problems. The glass on the outside is washed with the same means as on the inside. If they do not open enough or move apart, but at the same time you live on the first floor, no difficulties will arise either. The most ordinary stepladder will help you out. But how to wash the windows on the balcony without streaks on a high floor, you won’t call the firemen with a ladder?

General rules

When washing sliding windows, it all depends on the degree of contamination:

  1. If the glass and profile are more or less clean, they are washed in the same way as those that swing open.
  2. If there is a lot of dirt, it is better to remove the sashes. They are removed quite easily - it is not necessary to contact the manufacturer or a cleaning company.

After that, the glass is washed using the same means with which all other windows are put in order. At the same time, it is very useful to clean the grooves along which the rollers move.


To wash the sliding windows on the balcony outside, you will need a mop with a telescopic handle. It is best if she has two nozzles - rubber and soft. The order will be somewhat different than when washing the inside.

It is not easy to clean a window from the outside if it does not open. This process requires preparation and performance of work at height. However, some tricks and life hacks will simplify the task and help you cope with it without endangering your life.

Cleaning blind windows on high floors

You don't have to risk your life to clean a window from the outside.

The most difficult thing to wash windows, consisting of small hinged and large deaf shutters. Much of the success depends on careful preparation and selection of tools.

What tools are needed

For work you will need:

  • bowls of warm water and detergent;
  • sponges and washcloths;
  • scrapers with a rubberized surface on a long handle;
  • microfiber cloths;
  • cotton rag.

A telescopic mop with a foam sponge on one side and a rubber strip on the other does a good job. It will allow you to do without balancing on a windowsill or chair when doing work. Thanks to the retractable handle, it is possible to clean the most remote places.

Residents of a country house can wash windows from the street on a high floor by attaching a long stepladder.


Slime removes excess moisture well

Warm windless weather is chosen for work. Do not start if you feel weak or unwell. Lay out all the necessary tools in a convenient order for use, put a rubber mat under the bowls so that they do not slip. When using a ladder, it is advisable to ask someone to insure you.

The order largely depends on the degree of contamination and detergents:

  1. Wash the main contamination with a sponge soaked in the solution.
  2. Use a slime to remove excess moisture.
  3. Wrap a dry cloth around the scraper and rub the surface to a shine.

No need to achieve perfect cleanliness and reach for a speck, risking health. If cleaning shop windows and windows can be even a little dangerous, it is better to contact a cleaning company.

The need to wash double-glazed windows must be taken into account even when repairing an apartment when ordering glazing, providing for the width of non-opening parts up to 60 cm.

Features of washing shop windows and panoramic windows

To clean panoramic windows, you need a stepladder and a telescopic mop

Panoramic glazing transmits light better, looks attractive, creates the effect of enlarging the room. But the care of large surfaces is more complicated. Such windows occupy the entire height of the wall and a width of 1 m, and not all sashes can open.

Stairs are used on the lower two levels. Panoramic windows on high floors have to be washed through the opening parts. To do this, it is better to use a brush with a telescopic handle and a removable nozzle. This allows you to install a wide scraper and process a large strip at once, which reduces time and reduces the likelihood of streaks on the glass when drying.

A special approach is required when you need to wash stained glass windows from the outside. This design includes decorative elements, drawings, multi-colored spikes. It gives the room a refined and noble look, but voluminous details are a place to collect dust and dirt. In order not to damage the outdoor decor, lightly wipe the surface with a soft cloth, do not scrape, avoid using a brush.

Large dimensions and decorative inserts make it difficult to wash the glazing in the standard way. In each case, features, height, and the possibility of opening should be taken into account.

Non-standard ways to complete a task

The Hobot window robot cleans glass from both sides easily

There are devices that allow you to wash out external surfaces that are difficult to access. These are various robots and mechanical devices that provide access to a sash that cannot be opened:

  • The window mop allows you to use a microfiber or sponge pad and a rubber squeegee. It comes in different configurations. To ensure a comfortable approach to the surface, the mop is equipped with a hinge or a double handle.
  • Magnetic brush Windex, WIZARD, Glider is able to wash twice the surface. It consists of two halves, which are fixed on opposite sides of the glass. When you move the inner one, the outer one exactly follows its movements. This allows you to clean blind doors from the street while indoors. The price depends on the power and set of functions and starts from 700 rubles.
  • The robot for windows Hobot Windoro is fixed by vacuum suction cups or a magnet, moves along the surface, does not leave streaks. It is controlled remotely, convenient, multifunctional, but costs from 20 thousand rubles.

In some cases, for washing, you have to remove the double-glazed window, so that it is easily and efficiently cleaned, and then put in place. But this method is not suitable for all designs and requires special care so as not to break a fragile thing.

Although such devices are used infrequently and are expensive, it is desirable to have them on the farm. The main advantage is complete safety at work.

What is the best way to clean glass?

Special window cleaners remove dirt well

When washing glazed openings, it is important to remove dust, dirt, cobwebs from them and at the same time not leave soap stains and water drips. Use tools specially designed for this. Purchased aerosols Mr. Muscle, Amway, OpticShine, Frosch are effective, easy to use, but sometimes cause allergies and are sprayed at a distance of no more than 30 cm, which is not always suitable for doors that cannot be opened.

More convenient means diluted with water from the manufacturers HG, Karcher, Help. They are concentrated, therefore they have a small consumption, they are mixed with warm water and applied with a sponge or poured into a special technique. Basically, they are environmentally friendly, but when using it is better to wear rubber gloves, they clean the surface well and do not require rinsing.

Instead of purchased ones, you can use affordable and inexpensive folk remedies made from familiar ingredients. In 1 liter of water, add a spoonful of starch, 1 ml of ammonia or a glass of vinegar. Each of these solutions will provide shine and cleanliness.

For prevention, wipe the surface with a mixture of 100 g of glycerin, a drop of ammonia and 1 tbsp. l. water. As a result, a protective film is created on the surface that retains shine and protects against contamination.

Professional Services

Washing large windows from the outside is best left to industrial climbers.

In Moscow, with its abundance of skyscrapers, the services of experienced washers are especially in demand. Working at height is difficult, time-consuming and dangerous. Getting to remote places is not always possible, even using cunning devices, and the smartest robot will not clean the corners.

At least once every few years, it is advisable to resort to professional window cleaning in your home and office, which solves the problem in several ways:

  • The use of special equipment allows you to get to the desired level and wash any surface from the outside. A wall-moving construction cradle or aerial platform basket accommodates two people with equipment, provides access to remote areas and convenience of work, simplifies the use of washing and cleaning devices. This method requires time and space for the installation of equipment, it is too expensive. The price of such services starts from 120 rubles per sq. m.
  • Industrial climbing is suitable for landscaping facades, regardless of the configuration and number of storeys of the building. Professionals are accustomed to work at height, have special equipment, perform all operations manually, which guarantees cleanliness and quality. They use only brushes and rags, use professional chemicals for cleaning. Such services are more mobile and much cheaper, costing from 49 rubles per square.

The price is affected by the features of the building and the double-glazed window, the number of storeys, surface contamination, the method of execution and the amount of work. Such services do not cause damage to the building, are performed accurately and efficiently, and are especially useful for maintaining stained-glass windows and shop windows.