Urine collection from newborn boys. Easy and correct way to collect urine from newborns

There are situations when young parents need to collect urine for analysis from a newborn baby. And the question arises, how to collect urine from the baby? The kid is not able to tell his parents when he will write. There are several methods for collecting a urine sample from a baby, both a boy and a girl.

General rules

Regardless of the type of analysis, there are a number of rules for collecting urine from infants:

  1. Careful hygiene of the child's genitals before urine sampling. Immediately after waking up, the baby must be thoroughly washed with warm water and baby soap, wiped dry with an ironed diaper, and only then proceed to collect urine for analysis.
  2. Complete sterility during urine collection. To obtain a reliable result and prevent bacteria and protein from entering the urine, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your hands with antibacterial soap and wash with soapy water the surface on which the child will lie when urine is taken (changing table, bed, couch).
  3. The sterility of the container in which the urine will be collected and transported.
  4. The taken material must be delivered to the medical laboratory within 2 hours after collection, as urine becomes cloudy over time and its biochemical composition changes. This reduces the reliability of the data.
  5. Do not give the baby a lot of liquid to drink before taking urine, as the density and biochemical composition of the material decreases, which leads to a distortion of the reliability of the data.
  6. Do not give the baby drugs the day before taking the material.

By adhering to these recommendations on how to collect urine for analysis from an infant, you can get complete reliable results, since there is no risk of external bacteria and proteins getting into the collected material. These rules are recommended for all babies, regardless of whether it is a boy or a girl.

Methods for collecting urine for analysis

The following devices are used to collect urine for analysis.

Special medical urinals

This is the most popular and easy to use urine collection device. It is a plastic bag with an adhesive base for secure fixation around the genitals of the baby. Such urinals are designed taking into account the sexual characteristics of boys and girls and are hypoallergenic.

The advantages of a urinal are:

  • Ease and simplicity in use and fastening, and dimensional marking allows you to determine the required amount of urine for testing.
  • Absolute sterility.
  • The best way to collect urine for analysis is from a girl baby, since the attachment to the skin of the perineum for girls is different from the attachment for boys.
  • budget cost.

The disadvantages include:

  • The need to transfuse the collected urine for testing into another container suitable for transportation.
  • Frequent use of the urinal is not recommended, as a rash may appear at the site of attachment of the adhesive part to the delicate skin of the baby.
  • Discomfort for the child, since in order to collect urine from the baby of the girl, it is necessary to carry it in her arms in an upright position.

To collect urine, the urinal should be carefully removed from the package, trying not to damage the device itself, straighten all its corners, remove the adhesive protective tape and carefully attach it to the skin of the child's perineum. The marked yellow cross should be located between the anus and the baby's genitals.

Glass or plastic container

It can be a small jar of baby food, juice, food or pharmacy plastic urinals. The most affordable option for collecting urine. Before sampling, the container must be rinsed with boiling water or held over steam to further sterilize it.

Before taking the analysis, the baby must be laid on a changing table covered with a diaper and oilcloth. During urination, the jar is placed under the stream, filling the container without touching the genitals.

This method is not suitable for girls, since it is quite easy to collect urine from a boy's baby by simply substituting it under the stream. And for girls, it is much more difficult to catch this moment, and the help of another pair of hands is needed, which will hold the glass container.

Clean plastic bag

Budget and affordable analogue of pharmacy urinals.

The advantages include:

  • Availability.
  • Ease of use.
  • Can be used for both girls and boys.

Main disadvantages:

  • The need to transfuse the collected urine into another container.
  • To collect urine, you need to hold the child in an upright position.
  • High risk of bag leakage and not enough urine for analysis.
  • The method requires skill to properly collect the liquid.

In order to properly collect urine using a plastic bag, it is necessary to cut the handles and put it on the baby, constructing a semblance of a diaper, tying the ends of the handles of the bag on the baby's hips.

Despite the available folk methods, it is important to understand that it is better to give preference to pharmacy products specially designed for these purposes. It is much easier to collect urine for analysis from a boy's baby than from a girl. And it is easier to carry out the procedure correctly with a pharmacy device.

What not to do

  1. Squeezing urine out of a diaper (diaper). Fiber particles (bacteria, fragments of the constituent particles of the diaper) that have fallen into the liquid container will distort the reliability of the result.
  2. Pour urine from the pot. The pot cannot be 100% disinfected. When transfused, a large number of leukocytes enter the urine, changing the biochemical properties and seriously distorting the results.
  3. Use a disposable plastic cup.

Using dubious methods to collect urine for testing, you can seriously distort the results due to the ingress of foreign particles and biochemical components into the container.

Little tricks

To speed up the process of urination to collect urine, you can apply small tricks:

  • It is better to take fluid for analysis within 5-10 minutes after the child wakes up, since it is at this time that urination occurs.
  • To speed up the process of urination, you can turn on the water, the murmuring stream will provoke the release of urine.
  • Fill the bath with warm water and put the child in it on its legs, after substituting a container for taking the analysis.

Before using any of the tips, it is advisable to consult a pediatrician who will tell you the most optimal way to take fluid and how much urine is needed for analysis.

If you have problems with urination, urinals are used to collect urine. They are containers made of glass or plastic or a plastic bag with a neck of a different shape for men and women, due to the anatomical features of patients. In addition to conventional urinals, the following are produced:

  • bedside, which are used in hospitals to collect urine from bedridden patients. The medical staff attaches them to the bed and periodically replaces them. A bedside urinal collects urine using a catheter or urocondom, equipped with a valve that prevents the reverse flow of urine, a device for draining urine - it can be periodically drained or taken for analysis. Some models have graduations on the side of the polymer surface to control the amount of urine.
  • wearable urinals are intended for people with urinary incontinence, but who do not stop leading a mobile lifestyle. The disposable foot urinal is fixed on the lower leg or thigh with elastic fasteners, the tightness of the fit can be adjusted. The reverse flow of urine in it is prevented by a special valve. The flexible long tube is resistant to kinks and is connected to the urological catheter. The walls of the capacious bag are made of a transparent polymeric material that does not irritate the skin and allows you to see the amount and color of urine. The descent valve helps to empty the urinal if necessary.
  • children's urinal - a disposable device. It is needed to take the urine needed for analysis from the baby. There are universal urinals, for boys, for girls. When used, the device does not fall off, because it has a sticky, hypoallergenic fixing device that does not irritate the skin.


For adult men suffering from moderate or severe urinary incontinence, there is a special modern development - the urocondom. As the name implies, this item looks like a regular condom. It is put on in exactly the same way (except that in urological models there is an adhesive base for secure fixation), but it is intended for efficient and comfortable collection of urine. The urological condom is connected to a special container designed to collect and then drain the accumulated fluid. Due to this, the outflow of urine does not cause any irritation or any other discomfort.

Urocondoms are compact, economical, practical and very convenient to use. They are produced in two types: with a patch and self-adhesive. They are quite elastic, do not interfere with free blood circulation.

With the right size, urocondoms do not slip, do not interfere and fit securely to the body, completely eliminating the possibility of urine leakage. With this convenient and miniature device, you can relax and not worry: nothing will give away your little secret.

Each urological condom is hermetic, sterile, packed in a separate individual package and is intended for one-time (one-day) use. Urocondoms are very easy to use and ideal for daily wear under your usual clothes, they do not make any noise and do not restrict your freedom of movement in any way. They are many times more pleasant to use than adult diapers or catheters.

You just live your normal life, go to work or visit, communicate with friends or colleagues, relax with your family, feel like a complete person and do not even think about the problems associated with urinary incontinence all day long.

The procedure for collecting tests is a very important, and most importantly necessary, step for the diagnosis or timely prevention of a particular disease.

This is especially important in childhood, since infants do not even have the opportunity to complain to their parents about any violations that occur in their state of health.

A properly collected urine test will help the doctor make a diagnosis and prescribe timely and reasonable therapeutic procedures. That is why many parents who are concerned about the health of their child, and the question arises - how to collect urine from baby girls or a boy.

As a preventive measure in infants, it is recommended to give urine every month or at least once every three months. If kidney disease is suspected or if antibiotics are taken, urinalysis is more frequent. Also, the child needs to give urine for tests before each scheduled vaccination according to the vaccination schedule.

There are a number of differences between how to collect urine from girls and boys.

It is believed that it is more difficult to collect urine for tests in girls due to their anatomical and physiological characteristics .

There are three different ways to collect urine for tests from an infant:

  • collection of urine in special urinals(such urinals exist for both girls and boys, and are sold in any pharmacy chain);
  • collecting urine with a small polyethylene bag;
  • collection of urine in a container made plastic or glass.

You can collect urine in any of the above ways, it all depends on the desire of the parents, however, it is somewhat easier to collect urine for analysis in specialized urinals.

Features of the urine collection procedure directly depend on which analysis the material is collected for. .

How to collect urine from a baby girl for OAM (general urinalysis)

  • to obtain the correct results on the general analysis of urine, it is recommended to take the material in the morning when the urine has a sufficiently high concentration after a night break in urination;
  • to collect as well as to store urine, it is necessary to use only sterile containers, in order to prevent foreign microbes from entering the material;
  • to analyze her urine with picked directly into the container, in other words, you should not give urine that has been squeezed out of a diaper or diaper to the laboratory (when decanting from a diaper, the analysis may be contaminated with various microfibers of the tissue, and the urine obtained from the diaper is already a chemically filtered substance), in addition, transfuse urine in a container from a pot is also not recommended;
  • to obtain a correct and complete analysis, you need to collect both at least twenty milliliters of fresh urine;
  • the faster the material is delivered to the laboratory, the more reliable the result will be(the most optimal is a time period not exceeding one hour);
  • Temperature control is an important factor store urine for analysis in the refrigerator especially during the hot season.

Just before collecting urine from the girl's baby, the child must be thoroughly washed to avoid the entry of microorganisms living on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes into the material. For girls, the correct washing procedure is especially important: all movements are made only in the direction from front to back. This is necessary to prevent microorganisms living in the anus area from entering the urethral region.

If urine is collected by means of a universal specialized urinal, then the method of taking the material will not differ in any way from that of boys.

How to collect urine from a baby girl with a urinal

Urine collection in this case occurs as follows: urinal , which is a plastic bag on sticky hypoallergenic mounts, carefully fixed between the legs of the child . Preferably ensure that the baby is in an upright position during urine collection , as otherwise, a slight displacement of the urinal and leakage of urine is possible. It is important to remember that universal urinal is a one-time device .

The urinals for boys and girls differ only in the size and shape of the holes. In addition, universal urinals have a special measuring system, thanks to which it is possible, without unsticking the device, to determine the amount of urine in it.

In some cases, instead of a universal urinal, you can use an ordinary bag which has been thoroughly washed. However, at the same time having difficulty attaching it between the girl's legs, and there is a possibility of contact with a third-party infectious agent.

Often parents use glass or plastic bottles to collect urine or other containers. In principle, you can use any container, but directly before collecting the material, it is necessary to disinfect it with boiling water . The main disadvantage of using such bottles is that this device is almost impossible to fix qualitatively between the girl's legs, which significantly complicates the process of collecting urine from an infant.

In a situation where a little girl cannot stand upright due to her age, and it is problematic to hold her in her arms for a long time, you can put an unfolded clean bag under her, where a small amount of urine will accumulate.

Of course, this method of collection does not ensure sterility, but it allows solving a number of other problems.

How to stimulate a child to collect urine from a baby girl

There are several ways to gently stimulate a child to urinate:

  • mild soft massage of the abdomen with pressure in the region of the pubic bones ;
  • turning on a tap with water next to the child th or transfusion of liquid and one container into another;
  • give the child some drink clean water .

According to the results of a general blood test, a doctor can diagnose many diseases of the genitourinary system in a child, and this applies to both the kidneys and the urinary tract.

But, despite this, in some cases, it becomes necessary to collect and donate urine for additional tests to clarify the diagnosis.

How to collect urine from a baby girl for analysis according to Nechiporenko

A urinal for children for a girl can be purchased at any pharmacy

Analysis according to Nechiporenko is assigned in that case, if a general urinalysis revealed an increased content cells in the urine erythrocytes and leukocytes . Thanks to this analysis, there the ability to identify the severity of the inflammatory process in the kidneys and urinary system in an infant.

Urine for analysis according to Nechiporenko collected in the morning, immediately after the child wakes up . Ideally, for Nechiporenko they collect only a medium portion of urine , but since it is almost impossible to differentiate portions of urine in an infant, any urine of the required volume will do, the main condition is that it must be freshly collected.

Total urine volume Not it should be less than five milliliters . Before collecting material, the girl is washed in the same way as before collecting urine for a general analysis. For collection, universal urinals are used, which adhere well to the skin of the child and do not cause irritation.

In the event that the pediatrician insists that it is the middle portion of urine that is needed for analysis, you can try using the method of collecting urine using jars, when the stream of urine is evenly distributed between three containers: for initial, middle and final urine.

Naturally, it will not work to strictly observe the boundaries in an infant.

How to collect urine from a baby girl for analysis according to Addis-Kakovsky

Addis-Kakovsky analysis can detect pathology of the urinary tract and evaluate the number of blood cells in the urine .

For this analysis it is necessary collect all the urine which the girl singled out during the day . After that the entire volume of urine is shaken well and poured two hundred milliliters which must be submitted for analysis.

During the day must be respected strict hygiene of the urethra and external genitalia .

How to collect urine from a baby girl for analysis according to Sulkovich

A sample or analysis of urine according to Sulkovich is taken quite rarely, only if you suspect a high level of calcium in the urine .

All the sampling procedure is practically no different from the collection of urine intended for general analysis . Thus, either a universal urinal or jars made of glass or plastic can be used to collect the material.

When collecting urine for analysis according to Sulkovich, one should not forget about meticulous hygiene , since excess impurities can give a distorted result.


The urine collected in the urinal should be poured into a special container (sold in a pharmacy)

Thus, we can conclude that the procedure for collecting urine from an infant girl is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The process is certainly quite troublesome, but surmountable.

The main element of the whole procedure is the observance of strict hygiene. , to avoid the entry of foreign cells or microorganisms into the material.

Subject to all the above rules, you can quickly, and most importantly, qualitatively, collect urine from a child and get reliable results of its analysis. Urine collection technology greatly affects the conclusion of a specialist, so parents should approach the process very responsibly because a misdiagnosis or missed disease can cause serious harm to a child's health.

Find out now about the most useful preparation Plantex for newborns (instructions for use). From colic, constipation, bloating, regurgitation and to normalize digestion.

The study of urine, which a person undergoes throughout his life, is a very informative and affordable diagnostic method. The data obtained at the same time help to determine congenital or acquired disorders of the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract, the presence of infectious or autoimmune diseases, changes in the metabolism of various substances. Based on the results of the study, it is possible to suggest the presence of a pathology in a timely manner, confirm it or exclude it by other methods, and then develop a treatment regimen.

The most common type of urinalysis, a general analysis, is prescribed for routine examinations (for example, during dispensary examinations), as well as for suspected diseases of the urinary system. If any deviations are found in the normal formula of urine, then the next step is to collect urine for microbiological examination, as well as other diagnostic methods.

Only having been born, the baby becomes an “object” for research. His urine can be a source of very valuable information, so the modern monitoring system also includes regular collections of urine from an infant for study. In these cases, the parents face a rather difficult task: how to collect urine from the baby correctly.

Collecting urine from a baby can be difficult

At what periods in the life of a small child is urine collected for analysis

The developed scheme for examining infants pursues, first of all, preventive tasks. After all, it is much easier to prevent the development of a serious pathology from the internal organs, having discovered its initial manifestations, than to engage in long-term treatment later. In addition, the diagnosis of certain diseases at an early stage can greatly improve the prognosis for the health and even life of the baby.

A comprehensive study of the state of health of the newborn begins already in the maternity hospital and continues throughout the following months.

If we consider the period of a child’s life up to 1 year, then at certain points blood and urine are taken, feces are studied, instrumental examination is carried out (ultrasound of internal organs, hip joints, brain), and a newborn baby is consulted by doctors of narrow specialties.

A child's urine can reveal a lot about their health.

According to the accepted observation scheme, pediatricians prescribe a general urinalysis at certain periods of a child's life:

  • 1 month, while the doctor receives information about the state of the urinary system and the presence of sugar, which makes it possible to judge the health of the pancreas;
  • 3 months;
  • 6 months;
  • 12 months.

Urine examination during these periods is planned, that is, it is performed in the absence of any complaints from the parents about the condition of the urinary organs of their baby. Naturally, when pathological abnormalities appear in an infant (frequent and painful urination, very rare urination, impurities in the urine, abdominal pain, symptoms of intoxication and other signs of ill health), it is necessary to take a general urine test more often for timely diagnosis and monitoring the effectiveness of therapy.

This method of studying urine allows you to evaluate the physical properties of urine (color, acidity, transparency, smell, specific gravity), as well as learn about the content of leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial cells in the sediment, determine the presence of microorganisms and some chemicals. Cell counting is carried out by the "field of view" method, when the laboratory assistant examines the components of urine under a microscope, so the normal content, for example, of the epithelium looks like 5-10 in each field of view.

Different types of cells are counted in the urine under a microscope

But a general analysis does not allow you to find out the content of erythrocytes or leukocytes per unit volume of urine, it can only determine the excess of their number in the fields of view. Therefore, the doctor often prescribes to collect urine from a child for analysis according to Nechiporenko, during which the exact number of these cells in 1 ml of urine becomes known. If bacteria or microscopic fungi were found in the general analysis, then it becomes necessary to collect urine from the newborn for a microbiological study, during which the sensitivity of microorganisms to antibacterial drugs is also determined.

What are the requirements for urine collected from a child

Needless to say, how valuable the results of all these tests are for diagnosis. Therefore, for the correct collection of urine from newborns, parents must know some requirements and strictly follow them:

  • the sample of the collected urine should not contain any impurities;
  • the minimum amount of urine is 15-25 ml, it is quite enough to determine all the necessary parameters;
  • the portion of urine should be average, collected in the middle of the act of urination (this rule can only be observed in boys);
  • the sample must be fresh, it is allowed to store urine for no more than 2 hours (to ensure maximum reliability of the results), so it is necessary to collect urine for analysis from the baby not in the evening, but in the morning;
  • collection of urine should be carried out in a sterile container.

Special containers are very convenient to use

At first glance, it is not easy to fulfill all these requirements, and many parents find it very difficult and do not know how to collect urine from a baby without hassle, quickly and on time. Meanwhile, now all the necessary devices and devices are offered for sale for this, with the help of which it will not be a problem for both boys and girls to properly collect morning urine.

What methods of collecting urine from newborns exist

Gradually, the grandmother's method is becoming a thing of the past: with the help of a clean plate. But still, sometimes it is also used, especially if parents fail to use modern methods. To do this, the baby is placed with his ass on a cleanly washed, boiled and dried plate, preferably warm, and then the waiting for the act of urination begins.

It is necessary to take into account the fact that babies pee frequently and regularly approximately every 10-20-30 minutes depending on age. Therefore, it is not difficult to "trap" the excretion of urine, it will not take much time even in the morning, when the urine of the baby needs to be taken to the laboratory for analysis faster, preventing it from being stored at home. The resulting portion of the liquid is poured into a clean container or jar and transported to the clinic. It is important that no more than 2 hours pass from the moment of urination to the start of a laboratory study.

With a urinal, you can collect urine quickly and comfortably

The collection of urine from an infant can be made faster and more correct. To do this, you should use special devices called urinals, offered in every pharmacy. These are a kind of transparent bags made of polyethylene, in the upper part of which a slot is made, decorated with adhesive tape. The urinal with this slot is applied to the perineum of the child so that the genitals are inside the pouch.

Urination will occur only into the receiver, but in this case it becomes impossible to collect the average portion of urine (but the urine will be exactly free of impurities and it will not be able to wet the baby's underwear).

At the pharmacy, you can buy a urinal for a boy who has recesses for the testicles. Universal models can be used for both boys and girls. The collected urine is quickly drained into a jar or plastic container with a screw cap, also available at the pharmacy, and taken to the laboratory for analysis.

A homemade urinal from a bag is also convenient to use

If such devices for collecting urine could not be purchased, then you can use ordinary plastic bags taken from the factory packaging. It is important that such a package has not been used before. Its edges are partially cut through, the child's legs are pushed into the holes, and the top is tied with two knots on the sides. Such a homemade urinal is suitable for babies of almost any age. The resulting urine is poured into a jar, closed and handed over to the laboratory.

You can collect urine in a very simple way, for which you need a plastic container from a pharmacy or a glass jar. This method is suitable only for boys, and of any age. Parents take the baby in their arms and keep the container ready. As soon as urination begins, the container is placed under the stream. This method is good because it is possible to collect an average portion of urine in the right amount, 15-25 ml.

All these methods should be applied in such a way that the child does not experience negative emotions and behaves calmly. Collecting urine from newborns sometimes requires some ingenuity. To speed up urination, you can give your baby a drink, massage his tummy, or open a water tap. If urine is collected correctly, in compliance with all of the above rules, then the results of the studies will be reliable and it will not be necessary to retake it.

With the advent of the baby in the family, a change in the usual way of life occurs, and new chores appear. For example, not all young mothers know how to collect urine from a baby, and when faced with a similar problem, they often get lost by doing some manipulations incorrectly. In fact, this is a simple process that requires a minimum of effort and time. How to collect urine for analysis to a newborn, and what order should be followed for proper collection?

Collecting urine for analysis in babies is a troublesome task that has recommendations for proper conduct.

How to collect urine from a baby?

You can collect urine in the following containers:

  • specialized plastic container for analyzes;
  • glass jar;
  • using a urinal (a bag for collecting urine);
  • an ordinary plastic bag for collecting urine.

urinal (urine bag)

Manufacture of urinals for boys and girls

Today, in every pharmacy, you can buy urinals - bags for collecting urine for analysis. Urine collector - a disinfected transparent bag of small size with a clearance. It is fixed on the legs of the child with Velcro. Before putting on a bag for urine collection, the child should be well bought and washed genitals. A diaper should not be worn on the urinal, as it will interfere with the collection of the analysis. Direct collection of urine occurs while standing, in no case sitting or lying down. If the baby is very tiny, you should hold him upright in your arms and wait for the bladder to empty. After the urine is in the urinal, pour it into a sterile plastic container or glass jar.

Advantages and disadvantages of urinals

Urinals have proven to be a convenient and inexpensive device for collecting tests from newborns. The urinal has many advantages, it has practically no disadvantages. The only disadvantages will be the awkwardness of the mother’s hands, the wrong position of the baby or the age of the child. The most common problem is the age and mobility of the baby. If you perform an analysis for a month-old child, then everything will go smoothly and without problems. It is difficult for a one-year-old peanut to explain that you need to stand still and not try to tear off the urinal with your hands. Because of this, when using a urinal, the correct collection of the analysis will be obtained only on the second or even third attempt. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase in advance a spare couple of bags for collecting tests.

Collection of urine in a bag

It is possible to collect urine from a child using ordinary disposable bags

Ordinary polyethylene food bags are used as a device for collecting urine for analysis from an infant. To do this, take a bag with "handles" (to easily fix on the baby's legs). The procedure is exactly the same as with a pharmacy urinal. The child (from one month to three months of age) must be held in your arms. A one-year-old baby can be put on its legs and wait for urination. To speed up the process of emptying the bladder, you can drink or feed the child. Often this helps for the speedy outflow of urine.

Pros and cons of collecting analysis with a package

Advantages of collecting analysis using the package:

  • always at hand;
  • ease of use.
  • insufficient sterility;
  • the impossibility of making a quality urine sampling (there is a high risk of spilling it).

collection container

A plastic container for collecting urine can be freely purchased at any pharmacy. The pharmacy container is already disinfected, so there is no need to additionally pour boiling water over it and keep it over steam. In boys at any age (at 3 months or at 9 months), mommy will be able to collect urine on her own. If you take urine from girls, you will need the help of a third party. One holds a collection of urine (container), the other - directly to the child. Girls aged 0 to 6 months should be held in their arms, since the analysis is not taken while sitting and lying down, and it is too early to put them on their legs.

Collection of analysis in the bank

To take urine for analysis, an ordinary glass jar of small volume, which can be found in any home, is suitable. A 200 g jar of store-bought tomato paste or mayonnaise is perfect. If the choice is on the jar, it should be poured over with boiling water before use or sterilized for several minutes over steam. Then dry and use as directed. Taking a urine test in a bank is very practical and does not require extra costs.

Can you collect urine from a pot?

Collecting urine from a pot (however clean it may be) is not very suitable for testing. On the walls of the children's pot, the content of unnecessary substances and harmful microorganisms that have come from the child's genitals is not ruled out. They are able to provoke the inaccuracy of the analysis result. It is best to collect urine immediately in a prepared sterile container or in a urinal. If circumstances do not allow collecting urine in a special container, use a pot, after dousing it with boiling water and washing with laundry soap (without the use of alkaline cleaners). Before starting the study, mommy tells the doctor that the urine was collected from the pot. Then, when obtaining the results of the studies, an error is allowed, but a repeat may be required to make a final diagnosis.

The algorithm for collecting urine from infants

The procedure and rules for collecting urine for general analysis for newborns:

  1. Before starting to collect urine, you need to thoroughly wash the genitals of the baby. For washing, ordinary laundry soap is perfect, which has a bactericidal and disinfectant property.
  2. You need to collect urine in the morning before meals (morning portion of urine). In no case should you pass urine squeezed out of wet diapers, collected from oilcloth or drained from a baby pot. Such an analysis would be inaccurate or completely false.
  3. To induce urination in a fairly short time, you need to turn on the water in the tap (the murmur of water stimulates the process of urination in infants of one year of age), give the child plenty to drink, take the baby in his arms and lightly massage the lower abdomen.
  4. It is necessary to take urine for analysis immediately, do not keep it at home for a long time or put it in the freezer for storage. In this case, the result will again become unreliable.
  5. The container with the analyzes should be signed - indicate the child's last name and first name, the date the analysis was taken. If you have a doctor's referral, attach it to the container with a rubber band.