"We are soldiers! Brave guys! Outline of physical education classes (junior group) on the topic. Physical education holiday" We are soldiers - brave guys! "Methodological development (middle group) on the topic We are brave guys soldiers

Nadezhda Sergeevna Bykova

Scenario - entertainment dedicated to the Day of Defenders of the Fatherland

"We soldiers, brave guys»

The hall is festively decorated.

The children march in "It's coming soldier in the city»

holding a small tricolor flag.


Who's marching like that

Singing a song loudly?

It came for the holiday

Junior group a whole platoon!

Soundtrack sounds: "Firework".

Children: /waving flags/: Hurray!

children sit on chairs.


Hello! Here we are gathered in our cozy hall,

Because today is a special day. We celebrate a holiday - Day Defender of the Fatherland!

All of Russia rejoices today and congratulates our dads, grandfathers, brothers on this

holiday. And we also congratulate our boys - future defenders of their

Motherland. There they are, how elegant, beautiful, happy they are today.

The holiday begins!


Red day of the calendar!

On this day of father and grandfather

Congratulations to the whole family!


Let's have a great holiday!

An important holiday, a real one,

Holiday needed -

Men's Day!


About the beloved army

Knows old and young

And to her, invincible,

Today everyone is happy.

Is in the army soldiers,

Tankers, sailors,

All strong Guys,

They are not afraid of enemies!

Leading: And now we will sing a song

A song is being performed: "We soldiers, brave guys»

Muses. and sl. G. Larionova (Annex 1)

Child: (girl)

The Russian army is brave, mighty!

The Russian army is the best!

You - well done guys

You are brave fighters!


And now our future glorious warriors - pilots, sailors, border guards

show how smart and brave they are.

So listen to the riddle:

The plane flies like a bird.

There is an air border.

On duty day and night

Our soldier is military...

Children: (in chorus): PILOT!

The child-pilot comes out.


I'll tell you Guys, I-

I'll be a pilot, friends!

Presenter 1: Come on, pilots, pilots,

Start the planes!

The game is being played: "Airplane"

To the sound of a plane taking off, children run like airplanes around the hall, the sound stops, the children sit down.


And now another mystery.:

He does not serve on earth,

He serves on the ship.

He went out all the seas,

This our brave...

Children: (in chorus): SAILOR!

Sailor child comes out


We are sailors

Shoulders are wide

Strong hands

Flared trousers!

A dance is being performed:

Dance: "Apple" (appendix 2)


Now for the next riddle.:

At night, at noon, at dawn

He carries out his service in secret

On the path, on the shore

Blocks the path of the enemy.

It works great, it...

Children: (in chorus): BORDER GUARD!

The border guard child comes out:

border guard:

Brave, strong border guard

No way will he whine

Even if it falls

And break your knee!

Because the bruises

For soldier - nothing!

Leading: Come on, border guards, who will take the flag faster!

The game is being played: "Who will take the flag faster?"

Leading: Guys, your dads served in the Army.

What verses do we know about our dads?

Child: Dad, you are the best in the world,

The best father on the planet!

How I admire you, I'm proud

I firmly hold on to friendship and hand!

Child: Can he play checkers,

Might even wash the cups

Can draw cars

Can collect pictures

Always a hero for me

My best dad!

Child: Can give me a ride

Instead of a fast horse

Can he catch fish?

Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

Always a hero for me

My best dad!

presenter: Guys, do you want to become as strong, smart and brave as your dads? Then I propose to conduct real army exercises!

We have one motto all:

"Don't step back!"

Waiting for the brave in battle success:

A soldier is always a soldier.

Every day in the army begins with drill. The orders of the senior in rank in the army are carried out implicitly. Therefore, our first competition is called "Listen to my command!".

A competition is being held "Listen to my command!"

Everyone marches to the music. When the music is interrupted, a command sounds ( "Sit down!", "Jump!", "Clap!", "Stomp!", "Scream hooray!", "Sit on a chair! .)

presenter: Army exercises continue,

The next competition is starting!

A competition is being held "Deliver the ammo!" (two teams)

Gotta deliver the ammo (dice - grenades, balls - bombs.) to the firing points. A member of one team takes a grenade cube, a member of the other team takes a ball - a bomb located in a hoop on the start line, and runs with it to the finish line (basket). Then they quickly come back.

presenter: There is such proverb: "Not the shooter who shoots, but the one who hits the target". Now we will check what shooters you are!

A competition is being held "Sharp arrows"

The children take turns throwing the bags.

presenter: Competition ended

soldiers bravely passed all the tests.

Leading: Guys, tell me, what holiday did we celebrate today?

Yes, it's a holiday dedicated"Day Defender of the Fatherland» , He dedicated to all men.

Let there be peace on the whole planet,

May people live happily

Let the children rejoice

Play, dance and sing songs!

To the song: children's choir, march - solar circle (music by A. Ostrovsky) everyone is walking around the room.

Annex 1.

song: "We soldiers, brave guys»

Muses. and sl. G. Larionova

We soldiers -

brave guys!

One-two, one-two

brave guys!

We are tankers

and artillerymen.

One-two, one-two

and artillerymen.

We are pilots

we fly planes.

One-two, one-two

we fly planes.

Everyone needs peace.

We serve our country!

One-two, one-two

We serve our country!

Annex 2

Dance: "Apple"

1 to. Heel, heel, dance beautifully.

Dancing, dancing sailors, dancing to everyone marvelously.

2k. We fold the handles in a shelf and beat the tap dance loudly.

We arrived at the holiday, `Yablochko` will start dancing!

3k. We look through binoculars together, how many guests we have here,

We came to the holiday, let's dance more fun`

4k. On the knees we slap, one-two, one-two, one-two-three

This is how the daring sailors dance the bullseye.

5k. The sea is on the right, the sea is on the left, we swim, we do not get tired

The brave - the sea is knee-deep, we will not disappear anywhere.

6k: We walk one after another, salute everything in unison.

We congratulate all guests on a joyful and cheerful day.

At the end, they raise their hands together and say `Everything!`

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Doskinsky Kindergarten"

  1. Summary of physical education,
  2. dedicated to the holiday of February 23
  3. "We are soldiers - brave guys!"

Multi-age group "Teremok"


Teacher Solomina N.G.

  1. Target: Expand children's understanding of the public holiday.


1. formation of a sustainable interest in physical education

  1. fostering a sense of patriotism, love for the motherland;
  2. development of a sense of collectivism, responsibility, cohesion.
  3. Activate vocabulary: tanker, pilot, sailor, soldier, airfield.

Preliminary work:

  1. Introduce children to the holiday of the Defender of the Fatherland
  2. Tell children about soldiers, pilots, tankers, sailors using book illustrations.
  3. Learn poems with children.

Inventory and aids:boards dl 3 m., width-20 cm - 2 pcs., 2 arcs in - 40 cm, (or tunnel - 2 pcs. length 2 m.), racks - 2 pcs., gymnastic sticks-2 pcs., plastic balls of two colors - 20 pcs., skittles 15 pcs., cords.Pick up pictures: a tanker, a pilot, a sailor, as well as a tank, an airplane, a ship and a horse.

The course of the holiday

1 . To the sounds of a military march, children enter the hall and line up.

Leading. Hello guys! Look at our beautiful room! Why do you think? What holiday are we going to celebrate? (Defender of the Fatherland Day) And who is the defender of the Fatherland? (soldier) Great, guys! Today we will play soldiers. Now you are not boys and girls, but soldiers! Shall we start?

1 boy:

Hello holiday!

Hello holiday!

Boys and Dads Day!

Congratulations to all soldiers.

Our fun kindergarten!

2 boy

Glory to the beloved Army!

Glory to the Army!

Our soldier is brave, strong,

Protects our peace!

3 boy:

Let the sun shine bright

And don't let the guns roar

Peace, people, native country

Always protect the soldier!

4 boy:

Let there be peace on the whole planet,

May people live happily

Let the children rejoice.

They play and dance and sing songs!

Leading: And now I propose to listen to a cheerful poem that Alice will tell.

The girl reads the poem "Soldier"

Leading : In fact, soldiers do not ask for mother's hands, because soldiers are strong, hardy, brave and defend their country.

Leading: And now I invite all the guys of our future soldiers to a warm-up (Children stand scattered around the hall)

We are still preschoolers

But we walk like soldiers.

Stand up straight, pull up.

Hands stretched out to the sun

Hands to the sides, forward

Make a right turn.

Make a left turn.

We sit down and stand up.

We take out the floor with our hands.

And on the spot we walk.

We raise our legs higher.

Leading: Well done, and now the soldiers will be divided into two teams to complete the first task.

1. And so, now we will turn into pilots! Pilots are soldiers who fly military aircraft.

Children read the poem "Pilot"

The pilot knows his stuff
An airplane flies in the sky.
He flies boldly over the earth,
Making a flight.

Mission "Airplanes":running "snake" around objects.

Leading : well done all the planes returned to the airfield.

Leading: And now we are going to surf the sea, because we are sailors! And not only boys, but also girls can be sailors.

The child reads the poem "Sailor"

A sailor is sailing on a ship
He does not yearn for the earth.
He is friends with the wind and the wave.
After all, the sea is his home.

Competition "Get on your ship"(jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop)

Host: Great! Mission accomplished!

LEADING: And now the most difficult task "Obstacle Course"

Children are built in two columns and go through an obstacle course.

  1. stage - walk along a board 20 cm wide.
  2. stage - crawl on all fours under the arc (in the tunnel)
  3. stage - step over a stick raised above the floor to a height of 30 cm
  4. stage - walk along the cord, hands on the belt, back straight.

5. Return to the end of your column.Exercises are performed at a calm pace, without a competitive element. The teacher controls the alternate execution of exercises and the correct return of children to the column

6. Host: And now all the soldiers need to rest (sit on chairs). You know, guys, and the soldiers still have to be smart and resourceful! Can you solve the riddles. On the easel before the eyes of the children there are pictures: an airplane, a ship, a tank, a horse.

Leading: Tell me guys, who rides a tank?(tankman). Who flies the plane?(pilot, pilot). Who walks on the ship(sailor) ? Who rides horses?(riders). The host shows a picture of a tank, horse, plane, ship, and the children choose from the proposed pictures (laid out on the table) a tanker, cavalryman, pilot and sailor.

Leading: And now we have exercises for our parents.

"Charging for the mind"

Far from the country they go to sea ... (ships)

Sea ice split with a sharp nose ... (icebreaker)

Who taxied out there? Reactive plane)

This bird rushes to the stars, overtaking the sound ... (rocket)

Presenter: And now we have a game, it's time to show Agility !!!

The game "Who is the first?"(There are several flags on the floor, one less than the children. To the music, the children run in a circle, depicting riders, their arms stretched forward, as if holding the reins. When the music stops, they try to quickly take the flag. Whoever does not get the flag is eliminated. One the flag is removed, etc. The one who wins goes around the circle of honor with a raised flag)

(sounds cheerful music)

presenter . Guys, who is coming to our party?

To the music, a chef enters the hall with a pot and a spoon.

Leading. Yes, this is a military cook. Soldiers in the army cannot do without his tasty and healthy food.

I'll cook semolina for lunch,
I will fill it with water.
Soon the porridge will boil
You see, it puffs in the cauldron.
There will be porridge without lumps
For soldiers, my sons!
The lid jumps ringing.
Come all learn
Cook for me.

presenter . Dear cook, today we have gathered here in honor of the holiday - Defender of the Fatherland Day, but are there festive dinners in the army?

Festive dinner not in vain
On the red day of the calendar.
I have lollipops
Cheer up all the fighters!

The cook passes and distributes sweets to everyone.
Leading: Game over! Now you guys again! Tell me it's hard to be a soldier? Grow strong and strong!



Position: educator

Second junior group

Defender of the Fatherland Day "We guys are brave soldiers!"
Target: expansion of ideas about the Russian Army. To promote the development and consolidation of child-parent relationships, to develop the continuity of the work of the kindergarten and the family.
- to form in boys the desire to be strong, courageous, dexterous;
- create a joyful festive mood for children and adults;
- to develop social and communication skills, the desire to participate in the holidays;
- to develop physical qualities in children: dexterity, speed, coordination of movements, the ability to act on the signal of the teacher;
- to educate in children respect for the defenders of the Motherland.

Preliminary work: Learning poems, songs, games, getting to know the military branches.
Decor: the hall is decorated with attributes of military equipment, on the central wall there is a congratulatory poster.
Ways: outdoor games, contests, game exercises, the use of riddles, poems, songs
Members: leader - educator, children, parents.

Entertainment progress:

To the music "As our soldiers we go" children enter the hall (waving flags)

The winds blow in February, they howl loudly in the pipes,
A light snow rushes along the ground like a snake.
Rising, flights of aircraft rush into the distance.
Glory to the native Army on its birthday!

In the winter month of February, our entire country celebrates Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday is close to every family. On this day, it is customary to congratulate all male warriors: dads, grandfathers, brothers and, simply, familiar boys.

Congratulations dad
Happy men's holiday:
He is young, I know
Served in the army.

So also a warrior
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main!
Don't let me fall
I am the glorious homeland
Small part.

I. Darensky
Our beloved army
Birthday in February.
Glory to her, invincible!
Glory to peace on earth!


On patrol
I. Gamazkova

Russian warrior
On eternal watch
By plane,
On the ship.
He guards
peaceful sea,
peaceful sky,
Peace on earth.

When our boys grow up, they will go to the Army and become brave soldiers.

I'm just a few years old
But ten more
I can go to the army
I will become a soldier.

And so now
I'm learning - I'm trying
Marching every day
I do sports.

I will know and know everything
What the soldiers know.
Well, and your courage
I have enough.

Today we will see if the guys are ready for military service, we will check their dexterity, strength, ingenuity.

You are still small
But you are soldiers in the future,
And today we will check
To whom we will entrust the Motherland.

Service in the Army cannot be called easy: one must be strong so as not to get tired, courageous so as not to be frightened, resourceful in order to be able to quickly make a decision. Every morning a soldier does exercises. After all, charging strengthens and helps hardening.

Every day we are in the morning
We are charging.
We like to do it in order:
Fun to walk
Raise your hands.
Sit down and get up
Jump and jump.
(Children perform movements to the music in accordance with the text).


A soldier must be quick-witted, and we will test our ingenuity - we will guess riddles.


At night, at noon, at dawn
He carries out his service in secret,
(Border guard)

He is ready for fire and battle,
Protecting you and me.
He goes on patrol and into the city,
Will not leave the post. (Soldier)

Who walks in the parade
Ribbons are twisted behind the back,
Ribbons twist, and in the detachment
There are no girls.

DANCE "APPLE"Perform movements in accordance with the text

next riddle

Who flies faster than a bird?
Who guards the borders?
Who is always ready to fly?
This... pilot pilots.

presenter: Well done, all the riddles have been guessed, let's play Airplanes
Mobile game "Airplanes"

He is not a pilot, not a pilot,
He is not driving a plane,
And a huge rocket.
Children, who say it? (Astronaut)

These are our future cosmonauts, future rocket scientists.

Fast rockets are waiting for us
To travel to planets.
What we want
Let's fly to this one.
But there is one secret in the game:
"There is no room for latecomers."

Mobile game "Take a seat in the rocket"

There are hoops on the floor - “rockets”, there are one more children than “rockets”. To the music, the children run in circles. With the end of the melody, you need to take a place in the rocket. The one who lacked the “rocket” (hoop) is out of the game. Then one hoop is removed. Game continues.

Competition "Flight to the Moon"

Wooden sticks with toy rockets are tied to a long ribbon at both ends, an image of the moon is attached in the middle of the ribbon, two participants, holding the sticks, wrap the ribbon around them. The one who gets close to the rocket first wins.


We have been astronauts, and now we will go on a military campaign, and compete with dads - who will correctly and quickly overcome the obstacle and return from the campaign.


On the way we have the first obstacle

you have to jump over a stream on two legs.

(Children alternately jump over the "brook")


Here we come to the swamp. To pass through the swamp, you must step exactly on the bumps, otherwise the swamp will suck.

(Children walk over bumps, maintaining balance).


We will be able to return from the campaign only after completing the main task.

Competition "Hit the target" with the participation of the popes. (Throw sandbags in the basket)

So we were soldiers, we were on a campaign. All the guys showed themselves to be real fighters!

The song "We are soldiers, brave guys"

Well done! We are ready to serve in the army! Our dads have already served and we can give them gifts! And we also congratulate our boys, future defenders, and give them gifts!