“Didactic game as a means of developing touch and fine motor skills in middle-aged children. Didactic games for the development of sensory and fine motor skills

Recently, the number of children with disabilities in physical and mental development has increased significantly. Speech disorders are especially common in pediatric pathology. The number of children with speech pathology is constantly growing, and the violations are more pronounced both in terms of sound pronunciation and in relation to the development of the lexico-grammatical system, coherent speech.

In addition, children with speech disorders often have a low level of development of tactile sensitivity, motor skills of fingers and hands. Due to low motor activity, the muscles of the hands become either sluggish or too tense. All this affects the formation of subject-practical and speech activity. It has long been established that the level of development of a child's speech directly depends on how developed his fine motor skills (movements of the fingers).

The well-known researcher of children's speech M.M. Koltsova writes: “The movements of the fingers historically, in the course of the development of mankind, turned out to be closely related to the speech function.

Gestures were the first form of communication among primitive people; the role of the hand was especially great here ... the development of the functions of the hand and speech in people went in parallel.

Approximately the same course of development of the speech of the child. First, subtle movements of the fingers develop, then the articulation of syllables appears; all subsequent improvement of speech reactions is directly dependent on the degree of training of finger movements. Thus, "there is every reason to consider the hand as an organ of speech - the same as the articulatory apparatus." Therefore, it is very important to stimulate the speech development of children by training the fingers, and teachers should pay special attention to this.

For the development of hand motor skills, it is important to use not only dry pronunciation of poetic material, but also singing, musical accompaniment of movements, as this stimulates the auditory activity of children, makes children coordinate their movements with the tempo features of the music.

With the use of musical means, preschoolers develop metro-rhythmic pulsation, and with it clarity, expressiveness, coordination of movements of the hands and fingers.

Below are games for improving the fine movements of the fingers and hands using the tempo-metro-rhythm.

1. Roll between your palms.

Target: hand massage.

Equipment: walnut or faceted pencil.

Description of the exercise

To calm music, children roll a faceted pencil between their palms (moving the palms back and forth) or a walnut (moving in a circle). It is important not to stop moving and not drop the object from your hands

2. Cheerful palms.

Target: development of general and manual motor skills, self-massage of the palms

Description of the exercise

Children sit on the carpet with their legs wide apart. The teacher, together with the children, sings a song and performs the appropriate hand movements:


(Clap your hands.)



(Clap your hands.)


(It's easy to hit your knees.)

We'll clap now.

(Clap hands.)

And now hurry, hurry!

Slap, spank more fun!

(Leaning forward, quickly slap the palms on the carpet in front of you to the beat of the melody.)

3. We collect and understand.


Equipment: pyramid (nesting dolls, cubes, liners).

Description of the exercise

The child first disassembles and then assembles the pyramid along the ring, observing the size of the rings.

The first time the task is performed with slow-motion music. Then to music at a normal tempo, and finally to music played at an accelerated tempo.

Similarly, games are played with nesting dolls, liners, nest toys, cubes.

4. We artists

Target: development of the mobility of the fingers, the accuracy and strength of their movements; development of artistic taste.

Equipment: mosaic (plasticine, coloring book).

Description of the exercise

Children, accompanied by calm music, lay out a pattern from a mosaic. After finishing the work, the children tell what they depicted in their mosaic pictures and compare their work.

Similarly, modeling from plasticine on a free or given topic can be carried out, as well as coloring or shading coloring pictures (make sure that the child holds the pencil correctly in his hand).

5. Who is faster.

Target: development of the mobility of the fingers, the accuracy and strength of their movements; development of visual attention and eye.

Equipment: cups or boxes with small items (buttons, beans or mosaic elements), clothespins.

Description of the exercise

Option 1

Two children shift small objects from one container to another to energetic music. The one who completes the task first wins.

Option 2

Children remove and then reattach the clothespins to the edges of the boxes. The one who completes the task first wins.

6. Whose machine will come first.

Target: development of mobility of fingers, speed and synchronism of their movements.

Equipment: two toy cars on strings. The ends of the ropes are tied to sticks (in the middle). The sticks should be 20 cm long and have a cross section of at least 2 cm.

Description of the exercise

Two children sit on chairs placed side by side and hold sticks in their hands. Cars on ropes stand in front of them at a distance of two meters. To the playful music, the children begin to wind their ropes around the sticks - the cars approach the competing children. Whose car arrives first, that of the children will win the competition.

7. Nimble pens

Target: development of mobility and strength of the fingers, the accuracy of their movements ; consolidation in speech of the sound R.

Equipment: small rubber balls, one for each child and one for the teacher.

Description of the exercise

Children sit at the table, sing a cappello or say words together with the teacher, while performing various actions with the ball.

This pen is right

(squeeze the ball with your right hand)

This pen is on the left

(transfer the ball to the left hand and squeeze it with the left hand)

I press the ball

(shift the ball from their hand to hand, squeezing it each time)

I am charging.

The right one will be strong

(roll the ball between the palms)

The left will be strong

I will have pens

(roll the ball on the table with the right palm)

Strong, skillful!

(roll the ball on the table with your left hand)

8. Ha grief

Target: development of mobility of the hands, speed and synchronism of their movements; consolidation in speech of the sound R.

Description of the exercise

Children stand in a semicircle. Hands are lowered and clenched into fists. Children, together with the teacher, sing a cappello and perform fist movements.

Oh guys, ta-ra-ra!

There is a mountain on the mountain

(put one fist on the other)

And on that mountain there is a meadow,

(rhythmically put fists one on top of the other, gradually raising them higher and higher, as when intercepting a stick with your hands)

And on that meadow there is an oak tree.

9. We play the flute.

Target: development of mobility of the fingers, coordination of movements; consolidation in speech of the sound R.

Description of the exercise

Children stand or sit on chairs in front of the teacher, sing a cappello nursery rhyme with the teacher. Simultaneously with singing, the teacher and children perform finger movements, imitating playing the pipe; hands at the level of the mouth, fingers make wave-like movements. As the children master the exercises, the pace of execution can be accelerated.

Ay, doo-doo, doo-doo, doo-doo.

A raven sits on an oak tree.

He plays the trumpet.

Turned pipe,


10. Playing the piano

Target: development of mobility, coordination of finger movements.

Description of the exercise

Children sit at the table, sing along with the teacher a cappello song. Simultaneously with singing, the teacher and children perform finger movements, imitating playing the piano: the hands of both hands are slightly rounded, the fingers rest on the table. For each syllable of the song being sung, the fingers of the same name on both hands are synchronously raised and lowered (starting from the thumb to the little finger, and then in the reverse order). You should start “playing” each new line with your thumb. As the children master the exercises, the pace of execution can be accelerated.

Zhi-li u ba-bu-si

1 2 3 4 5 4

Two cheerful geese:

1 2 3 4 5 4

O-din gray, other white,

1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2

Two cheerful geese.

1 2 3 4 5 4

Symbols: thumb - 1, index - 2, middle - 3, ring - 4, little finger - 5.

11. Sun-bucket

Target: development of mobility of the fingers, coordination of movements; consolidation of hissing sounds in speech.

Description of the exercise

Children sit on chairs, sing a cappello nursery rhyme and perform the following finger movements. As the children master the exercises, the pace of execution can be accelerated.


(put the palms of your hands vertically and spread your fingers like rays)


(cup hands together)

Look out the window.

(fold your palms like a house and look under them, as if through a window)

Your babies are crying

(Cover your face with your hands.)

They jump over the stones.

(Tap your knees with your fingertips.)

12. funny little men

Target: development of mobility of the fingers, coordination of movements; automation in speech sound C.

Description of the exercise

Children stand in pairs facing each other, perform joint movements and sing the words of the rhyme a cappello. As the children master the exercises, the pace of execution can be accelerated.

Run past the river

(each child "runs" with the fingers of both hands along the inner surface of the other child's arms - from the elbow up to the shoulders)

funny little men

jumping, jumping,

(each child "jumps" with the fingers of both hands along the inner surface of the other child's arms - from the elbow up to the shoulders)


(each child shows the other his palms with spread fingers.)


(children clap each other's hands twice)

Run to the bridge

(children interlace the fingers of their right and left hands, respectively, with each other, depicting a bridge.)

And from the bridge to the river

(Children take it to the sides, joined hands, unhook their fingers and throw their hands down.)


13. palm - fist

Target: development of mobility of the fingers, coordination, accuracy and switchability of their movements.

Description of the exercise

Option 1

Children stand or sit on chairs in front of the teacher and, to the music, follow him with movements with their hands. Starting position of the hands: the left hand is clenched into a fist, fingers towards you, and the right palm rests with outstretched fingers against it. Then the right hand is clenched into a fist, and the fingers of the left hand are extended and rest against the fist of the left. Movements must be fast and precise. Gradually, the tempo of the music, and, accordingly, the movements of the hands, can increase.

Option 2

Children sit at the table in front of the teacher and, to the music, follow him with movements with their hands.

a) The starting position of the hands on the table: both palms lie side by side with the back side up.

To rhythmic music, both palms are simultaneously clenched into fists, then unclenched.

b) The starting position of the hands on the table: the left hand is clenched into a fist, and the right hand is placed on the table with the palm of your hand.

To rhythmic music, the hands make opposite movements, then clenching into a fist, then unclenching into a palm. Gradually, the tempo of the music, and, accordingly, the movements of the hands, can increase.

14. palms

Target: development of the mobility of the fingers, the coordination of their movements.

Description of the exercise

Children sit or stand. Together with the teacher, the children sing a song and perform the appropriate hand movements:

Palms, palms,

loud crackers,


Clapped their hands

Let's rest a little. Yes!

(put hands on knees)

Ladushki danced, children were amused,

(rotate brushes)

La la la la la la,

La la la la la la. La!

(put hands on knees)

As the children master the exercises, the pace of execution can be accelerated.

Didactic manual "Kolobok" for games with beans

Do-it-yourself didactic manual for kindergarten

Material Description:the material will be useful to teachers and parents in order to organize games for the development of fine motor skills of hands in children of primary preschool age.

The development of fine motor skills in children is a long continuous process during which the child learns the world, begins to communicate with it, gains dexterity and even begins to speak. Fine motor skills are the coordinated work of the muscular, bone and nervous systems of the body.
Science has proven the existence of a connection between the development of fine motor skills and logical thinking, memory, intelligence and speech in children. Therefore, experts recommend developing fine motor skills from an early age.
The hand has the largest representation in the cerebral cortex. Finger games are also good helpers in preparing the hand for writing. Thanks to finger games, the child receives a variety of sensory impressions, he develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate.
Games with cereals help develop fine motor skills. In this case, games with beans are proposed.

The game "Let's Treat the Bun with Vitamins"

Target:development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.
Facilities:2 plastic jars with lids, beans.
Making allowance:
1. We take 2 plastic jars with lids.

2. On one of the covers we depict a kolobok with the help of an application from a self-adhesive film.

3. Cut off the legs and arms from an old soft toy. We process their edges with a needle and thread. In one of the jars we make small holes for the arms and legs. We insert finished parts into them. Glue a cap on the head.

4. We make a hole in the mouth of the kolobok.
5. Pour the beans into the second jar.
Game progress:
The teacher tells the children that beans are vitamins for the bun. Children are happy to treat the kolobok with vitamins. They take one bean seed (one vitamin) and put it in the opening of the mouth.

Game "Kolobok Mood"

Target:the formation of the ability to express emotions, the development of fine motor skills.
Facilities:kolobok character; cards with pictograms: joy, sadness, surprise; beans.
Game progress:
- Guys, when the bun was hungry, what mood did he have? (sad)
- And when he saw how many treats we had for him, what happened to the bun? (he was surprised)
- When the bun was full, what mood did he have? (fun)
- In front of you are cards with the image of the parts of the face of the kolobok. Try to put a mouth out of the beans to get the emotions of sadness, joy and surprise.
- Guys, depict the emotions of sadness, surprise and joy on your face.
/ children using facial expressions depict these emotions /

Game "Magic bags"

Tasks:develop fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensitivity, consolidate the concepts of "many", "one".
Facilities:character kolobok, three balloons ("Magic bags"), beans, a tray.

Game progress:
- Guys, the bun wants to play hide and seek with you. He hid various amounts of bean seeds in the balls. Let's find some beans, shall we? /Let's/
- Guys, show the ball in which one bean seed is hidden.
- And in which ball are many seeds hidden?
- Let's find a ball where there is none.
/ children feel the balls with a tactile method, find the beans and answer how many beans are hidden in which ball/

Kolobok praises children for their resourcefulness and dexterity.

Game "Hide and Seek"

Target:involuntary massage of the fingers.
Tasks:develop fine motor skills of hands, tactile sensations.
Facilities:character kolobok, a bowl of beans, figures from kinder surprises or buttons.
Game progress:
The teacher invites the children to again play hide and seek with the kolobok. The gingerbread man “hides” figures in a bowl with cereals, and the children look for them with the help of their hands.

Game "Magic Sieve"

Target:development of the intellectual sphere and cognitive interest through the enrichment of the sensory experience of children.
Tasks:develop fine motor skills of the hands; accuracy.
Facilities:kolobok character, a bowl of cereals (beans and semolina, a sieve with a handle, 2 cups.
Game progress:
- Guys, the gingerbread man accidentally mixed two types of cereals in a bowl: semolina and beans and asks us to help him sort them into different cups.
- Can we help the kolobok? (Yes)
- How to choose beans from a bowl? (with fingers)
/ children try to separate the cereal by hand /

Publication date: 03/18/18

Compiled by: Zhanna Alexandrovna Strigunova

Safina Svetlana Vladimirovna

  • Explanatory note…...……………………………………………3 – 4
  • List of games. ……………………………………………………………8 – 34
  • References …………………………………………………………35

2. Prospective planning of didactic games ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

  • Explanatory note

Didactic games for the development of sensory and fine motor skills

The relevance of these games lies in the cognitive development of preschoolers. These games are developed in accordance with the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, approved by Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155.

Preschool childhood is a period of intense sensory development, i.e. formation of a full perception of the surrounding reality. It serves as the basis for cognition of the world, the first step of which is sensory experience. The success of mental, aesthetic and moral education largely depends on the level of sensory development of children, i.e. on how well the child hears, sees and touches.

The greatest effect for sensory development and the development of fine motor skills is given by productive activities, the content and organization of which are subordinate to the tasks of mental education of children.

The main task of the development of the child is the development of sensory skills, fine motor skills and coordination of movements. A good helper in the development of fine motor skills in our group are various didactic games that we made ourselves.

The development of elementary sensory representations is an area where, under the condition of systematic training, it is possible not only to give a certain amount of knowledge, but also to form a high cognitive activity, independent thinking, which later become the basis of the child's intellectual and creative activity.

Didactic, finger games, games with clothespins, finger theater, games for the development of visual sensations, auditory sensitivity are developed in accordance with our theme, which contribute to the improvement of speech and the expansion of the vocabulary of preschoolers. Games for children 3-4 years old are offered according to the degree of increasing difficulty.

Forms of work with children:

  • Collaboration with children
  • Individual work with children
  • Free and independent activities of children


The development of sensory activity as a means of increasing sensory activity and developing fine motor skills in younger preschoolers through didactic games.


Form sensory standards (color, shape, size).

Contribute to the improvement of speech and the expansion of vocabulary through finger games, games with clothespins, finger theater, games for the development of visual sensations, auditory sensitivity. The games are designed for children from 3 to 4 years old.

Perspective planning of didactic games





Didactic game: "Games with clothespins" - "Help hang clothes" (color, for drying on a rope and attach with clothespins).

Development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, teaching household skills.

Didactic game: "Each house has its own window" (Montessori)

Exercise children in distinguishing by color and shape, finding similarities in distinguishing and choosing an object of the corresponding color from several, slightly different from the sample. To form attention, concentration, speech, to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Finger theater: "Turnip"

Didactic game: "Rainbow".

"Goslings - beads"

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children.

teach orientation in space. Learn about the order of colors in the spectrum. Draw the attention of children to the fact that the colors of the rainbow are given in the same sequence both in the poem and in the picture. .

Teach children to collect beads on shoelaces to feed the caterpillars.


Didactic game: "From what tree leaf."

Development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, thinking, speech.

Didactic game: "Magic dishes". "Boxes"

Game exercise "What grows in the garden" (caterpillar)

Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination of preschoolers. Teach children to select clothespins according to the layout. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the vocabulary of a preschooler, as well as the development of memory and thinking

Didactic game: "Who eats what?".

"Magic Covers"

The development of fine motor skills, the ability to correctly select the appropriate clothespin to the playing field.


Mittens Theatre: "Teremok".

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

"Wings for a bird" - an exercise with clothespins (silhouette of a bird, wings made of clothespins).

Development of attention and fine motor skills of hands, the ability to select appropriate clothespins for silhouettes.


Didactic game: "Rainbow"

"Aquarium", "Bunny"

Learn about the order of colors in the spectrum.

Theater on magnets: "Rocked Hen".

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.

Didactic game: "Let's build a tower" - cups.


Didactic game: "Cheerful little men."

"Magic Dishes"

To teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to exercise in laying out sticks in boxes of the corresponding color, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Game - competition: "Who will twist the tape faster"

The development of fine motor skills, to develop the ability to quickly work on a signal.


Didactic game: "Rainbow".

"Merry meadow"

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children. Learn orientation in space. Continue to introduce the sequential arrangement of colors in the spectrum.

Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination of preschoolers. Teach children to select clothespins according to the layout. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the preschooler's vocabulary, as well as the development of memory and thinking.

Didactic game: "Find the same color and shape."

To teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Finger theater: "Teremok"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.

Didactic game: "What mice love."

"Klad" - dry pool

Development of fine motor skills, consolidation of spatial representations; development of attention, thinking and speech.

Self-massage of hands and fingers contributes to: normalization of muscle tone; stimulation of tactile sensations; an increase in the volume and amplitude of movements of the fingers; the formation of arbitrary, coordinated movements of the fingers.


Didactic game: "Magic dishes".

"Magic Covers"

To teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to exercise in laying out sticks in boxes of the corresponding color, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

The development of fine motor skills in children. Develop sensory abilities, fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements, creative imagination, fantasy.

Didactic game: "Colorful flags." "Lay out according to the model"

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children. Learn orientation in space.

Didactic game: "Rainbow".

"Walking in traffic jams"

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children. Learn orientation in space.

Theater on flannelgraph: "Turnip"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, conveying the emotions of the characters.


Game exercise: "On a visit to the sun" - drawing with groats

Didactic exercise: "What I hear."

"Sort By Color"

The development of auditory memory, the ability to distinguish and differentiate noise.

Didactic game: "Fairy tale game" with clothespins.

Develop the creative imagination of preschoolers. To teach children to manipulate objects according to the model, to show imagination by choosing the right one from the proposed clothespins. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the preschooler's vocabulary, as well as the development of memory and thinking.

Cheerful lacing: "Garden", "Wonderful tree".

Didactic game: "Let's collect the beads"

Development of attention and fine motor skills of hands.

Develop children's sensory perception. Arouse a desire to help the doll, collect beads on a string.


Game exercise: "Fence near the house." "Who lives in the house"

Develop fine motor skills, learn to manipulate objects, develop orientation in space.

Game task: "Glasses".

"Walking in traffic jams"

To teach children to manipulate objects according to the model, to show imagination.

To develop motor skills and coordination of fingers in children.

Didactic game: "Frogs in the swamp"

Finger theater: "Kolobok"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.


Didactic games: "Aquarium". "Bunny"

The development of fine motor skills, the consolidation of spatial representations. Development of attention, thinking and speech.

Game exercise: "On a visit to the sun" - drawing with groats

To teach children to draw lines on the croup with a finger; draw paw prints with fingers folded in a pinch. Learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Collective drawing: "What grows in the garden"

Develop fine motor skills and creative imagination of preschoolers. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the preschooler's vocabulary, as well as the development of memory and thinking.

Theater on spoons: "Three Bears"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.


Game exercise: "Pick by color."

Develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination in children. Learn orientation in space.

Didactic game: "Lay out according to the model"

Didactic game: "Wonderful bag"

Teach children to identify objects by touch and name them.

Didactic game: "Critters"

Exercise children in identifying objects by color, fix the names of the primary colors.


Didactic game: "Cheerful little men"

Development of fine motor skills of hands, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech.

Finger theater: "Kolobok"

Arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, to form the ability to convey the emotions of heroes.

Game exercise: "Find a sheet, which I will show."

To develop fine motor skills of hands, the development of imagination, thinking, speech, to fix the spectrum of colors.

Didactic exercise: "Find the same flower in the bouquet."

Continue to teach children to distinguish between primary colors, develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

List of games

Montessori frame inserts

Target: to exercise children in distinguishing by color and shape, finding similarities in distinguishing and choosing an object of the corresponding color from several, slightly different from the sample. To form attention, concentration, speech, to develop the ability to follow the rules of the game.

Equipment: stencils of houses with cut-out windows in red, blue, yellow, and green. Under each house are small geometric shapes (windows) of different shapes and colors.

Game progress:

Houses with carved windows in red, yellow, green, blue are laid out in front of the children.

Lived merry gnomes.

Each in his own house.

The teacher pours out all the windows to the houses from the box and mixes them with the words:

Let's go for a walk gnomes

And they switched houses.

Help them quickly

Find windows in the houses.

Children find windows to the houses, matching them by color.

magic tableware

Target: to teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to exercise in laying out sticks in boxes of the corresponding color, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Equipment: stencils (dishes) of red, blue, yellow, green, cards of the listed colors with the image of dishes.

Game progress: children have red, blue, yellow and green cards. Having determined what color the card is, the children go to the table, on which there are dishes with outlined contours of different colors. On the tables, dishes of blue, red, yellow and green colors are mixed. The teacher offers children who have red cards to choose all red dishes, if they are blue, then all blue, etc.

Let's collect the beads

Target: develop children's sensory perception. Arouse a desire to help the doll, collect beads on a string.

Equipment: beads of different colors (red, yellow, blue, green), laces of the same colors.

Game progress: offer the child collect beads on a certain color lace. Complicating the task, invite the child to alternate the beads in color. The teacher shows the doll to the children and reads a poem.

Who doesn't know this doll?

You won't find a better doll.

Immediately opens his eyes, just collect the beads.

Finger gymnastics "Clothespin"

« Clothespin, clothespin, help!

Stretch your finger for me.

You walk on the finger, knead each finger "

A series of games with clothespins: “Aquarium” “Frogs in the swamp” “Merry clearing” “What do mice like?” "What grows in the garden?"

Target: develop fine motor skills and creative imagination of preschoolers. Teach children to select clothespins according to the layout. Contribute to the expansion and activation of the preschooler's vocabulary, as well as the development of memory and thinking.

Equipment: clothespins with an image (mice, fish, frogs, strawberries, flowers, carrots, cabbage).

Game progress: Each child is given a model of the game and clothespins. Children should attach clothespins according to the layout.

At the bottom of the box, the Light burns.

What clothespins to take

He tells us.

You choose, do not confuse, look carefully, attach a Clothespin of the same color.

The fish floats on the waves and calls friends to itself! The fish is not simple, the fish is golden!

Frog: "Quak-quack!"

And the mouse: “Pee-pee!”

Everyone said, everyone asked.

We talked well!


Target: development of fine motor skills, consolidation of spatial representations. Development of attention, thinking and speech.

Equipment: clothespins and templates.

Game progress: attach clothespins to templates.

A bunny is freezing on the edge,

He hid his paws, hid his ears.

Bunny, Bunny, don't shiver

Paws, ears show.

Fish, fish, why are you sad?

Can't see a smile?

Without tail and fins

There is no fish.

We harvested the crop, And cut off all the tops. We attach the leaves - we recognize the vegetables.

A cloud walked across the sky. Lost all raindrops.

"Harvest - a fairy tale"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, templates of vegetables.

Game progress: well, it's all right now. We found ourselves in the garden. Radishes and carrots grow here. And beets. But it's awkward. We need to get them out of the ground, we need to do something. (attach tops, do).

Our harvest is so good! A prickly hedgehog will be happy. Feast on children Carrots and turnips. And radishes and beets. Let's take the hedgehog now. Here is the forest, and here is the hedgehog. It looks like a prickly ball. Hedgehog, we hurried to you, we have not forgotten about you.

The game is a fairy tale with clothespins.

Target: development of fine motor skills, consolidation of spatial representations; development of attention, thinking and speech.

Equipment: clothespins, hedgehog pattern.

Game progress: Come closer, look, look, don't miss anything. Oh, and who is this: Button eyes, arched back? It seems like a hedgehog, but it seems not ... ... Well - give me an answer, why is our hedgehog sad, maybe the dinner was not tasty? Maybe he suddenly got sick? Or did you eat something wrong? Maybe he's in trouble? Or lost something? How can we help a hedgehog so that our hedgehog becomes exactly the same. Looks like other hedgehogs. Would you be cheerful and handsome? (children offer options. Our hedgehog without needles, you need to make needles for a hedgehog)

Clothespin game "Who eats what"

Target: development of fine motor skills, the ability to correctly select the appropriate clothespin to the playing field.

Equipment: clothespins with animal templates, pet food box for animals.

Game progress: the child is offered a ready-made playing field, divided into sectors with the image of animal food, clothespins with the image of animals.

Game "Big Wash"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, speech, teaching household skills.

Equipment: clothespins, rope, doll clothes, handkerchiefs

Game progress: pull the rope. Take doll clothes or a few multi-colored handkerchiefs. Tell the child that they are dirty. First, play with the laundry, then offer to hang the doll clothes or handkerchiefs on a string to dry and secure them with clothespins. You can select by color (we fix the blue handkerchief with a blue clothespin, the red handkerchief is red, etc.)

Our mother is tired

Washed all clothes

Help my dear mother

I'll attach all the clothespins.

Game Make up a story "Summer in the forest."

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, Christmas tree templates, sun, flowers, grass;

Game progress: attach clothespins to templates, and then come up with a story;

"Funny little people"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, spatial representations, development of thinking, attention, imagination, speech.

Equipment: clothespins, patterns of men.

Game progress:

"What tree is the leaf from?"

Target: development of fine motor skills of hands, consolidation of sensory skills and spatial representations, development of imagination, thinking, speech.

Equipment: tree templates with notches, colored leaves according to the colors of the trees (yellow, green, red).

Game progress: children have patterns of trees (red, yellow, green) colors. Having determined what color the trees are, the children approach the table, on which leaves of the same colors are mixed. The teacher offers the child who has a red tree to choose all the red leaves, if it is green, then all the green leaves, etc.

A light is on at the bottom of the box.

Which leaves to take, the guys say

You choose, do not confuse, look carefully

Find a leaf of the same color.


(dry pool - rubber balls)

Target: Self-massage of hands and fingers contributes to:

Normalization of muscle tone;

Stimulation of tactile sensations;

Increasing the volume and amplitude of finger movements;

Formation of arbitrary, coordinated movements of the fingers.

Equipment: small pool, rubber balls, "treasure" - a toy from Kinder.

Game progress: and at the bottom of the "pool" to hide the toys from the kinder surprise. Under the reading of finger gymnastics: “Fingers” put the hands into the “pool”, mix the balls while squeezing and unclenching the hands, then find and get the toy.

The fingers went out to look for treasure.

One two three four five

Hiding in the house again!

"Funny lacing"


Target: development of attention and fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: patterns of beds laces of different colors.

Game progress:

All day the prankster mole ruined my garden

He pulled out carrots, onions, beets and was like that.

What to do, how to be? Who will help plant

Everything is back, everything is as before - there is only one hope for you.

Take a multi-colored cord, deftly attach to the beds

A row of cabbages, a row of carrots, look how clever you are!

Do not forget about the delicious onion - it cures all ailments,

Plant more cabbages. I see you are very smart.

And when everything grows up, delicious borscht is waiting for you.

« Miraculous Tree»

Target: development of attention and fine motor skills of hands;

Equipment: tree patterns, fruits and vegetables, shoelaces in different colors;

Game progress: In the middle of a large field, they saw Kolya and Olya

A wonderful miracle - a lovely tree.

Surprised and dog Druzhok, He could not understand how he could not,

As on a single tree, orange grows with a mushroom,

And a banana, and a pear with a cherry. How did such a miracle happen?

You try to guess - ka,

Who is the owner of the tree? Who collected both the mushroom and the fruit,

Drying food on the branches?

Well, of course, this is a squirrel, Drying everything is her trick.

Suddenly a prankster breeze. Blown away plums and fungus.

All products fell down.

Kolya and Olya picked them up.

Help the kids soon

Tie all the fruits to the branches. To climb a tree

It takes a lot of effort.

Lace up the steps tightly

Fasten them to the sides

And, holding hands on the branches,

Get on the crown yourself.

Lace up soon, the peach apple is stronger.

Each fruit in order.

You are a squirrel's best friend.

"Magic Covers"

Target: development of fine motor skills in children. Develop sensory abilities, fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements, creative imagination, fantasy.

Equipment: plastic caps of different colors, cards for each child with the image of familiar objects, a cloth bag, a box.

Game progress: Teacher: What do I have in my hands?

Children: Wonderful bag.

Educator: Let's think about what lies in it?

Children: Toys, gifts, sweets, prizes.

Educator: but you didn’t guess, listen, (I shake the bag, the lids rustle) now you guessed what is there?

Children: Balls, cones, walnuts.

Educator: but you didn’t guess, touch (I go up to each child, he touches). Now guess what's in the bag?

Children: Circles, lids.

Educator: Yes, there are caps in the bag, from juice and bottles. Why do you think we need them, what can we do with them?

Educator: but we didn’t guess, we will upload drawings from them.

Lay out a picture of plastic caps, choosing the right color,

You need to take the lid one by one from the box.

Educator: I have pictures, tell me what they show.

Children name the pictures and complete the task.

If the child laid out everything correctly, the teacher praises him and offers to lay out another picture, asks how many caps were needed. At the end of the game, the children say whether their comrades did the job correctly.

"Visiting the Sun"

(Drawing with a finger on the croup)

Target: to teach children to draw lines on the croup with a finger; draw paw prints with fingers folded in a pinch. Learn to understand and analyze the content of the poem. Cultivate compassion and kindness.

Equipment: trays with semolina, distributed in a thin layer, from yellow cardboard harvesting the sun.

Game progress:

Educator: Guess the riddle: “It shines, sparkles, warms everyone. What is it?

Children: Sunny.

Educator: That's right, it's the sun. How do we call him? (sun) What does our sun not have? (rays)

Educator: Let's give the sun magical, kind rays so that it shines and warms even more.

Put in front of each child a tray with semolina and an attached sun that has no rays (depending on the size of the tray, one for two children can be used).

Educator: "Guys look at our sun is not cheerful, it has no rays, let's help our sun smile, but for this we need to draw the sun and rays."

Children draw a circle and sticks on the croup with their fingers.

Educator: (on behalf of the sun) “Thank you guys! Now I'm having a lot of fun."

The teacher reads the poem to the children and then memorizes it:

Sunshine, come up soon

And their rays came.

To warm the earth

They warmed us with their warmth.

"Finger Theatre"

Target: arouse children's interest in theatrical activities.

To teach children to act with their fingers, conveying the emotions of the hero.

Equipment: various types of finger theater (mittens, sewn from felt, wooden (factory), paper, etc.).

Game progress: plays from 3 to 6 children and an adult is the leader. The educator helps to distribute the roles and determines the order of the characters' performances.

Example: "Turnip" is played by 3 children. The game takes place in the garden. Grandfather planted a turnip. She grew up. Grandfather himself can not pull out and called for help grandmother, granddaughter, dog Zhuchka, cat Murka and mouse. Everyone together pulled out and ate a turnip.

"What do I hear"

Target: development of auditory memory, the ability to distinguish and differentiate noises.

Equipment: large eggs from kinders with fillings: peas, cereals, pasta, foam balls, and so on, the filling of the “eggs” can be replaced as you guess the sound.

Game progress: the teacher invites the children to make noise with "eggs" and guess who has what kind of sound - quiet, noisy, noisy, deaf, etc. Sounds should be clear and contrast so that the child can guess them.

"Sort By Color"

Target: to teach children to distinguish between primary colors, to exercise in laying out the squares in sections of the corresponding color, to develop visual perception, fine motor skills.

Equipment: a box with separate sections and foam rubber squares in four colors (blue, yellow green and red).

Game progress: the teacher places on the table a layout of sections divided into four colors and shows the multi-colored squares that the bear scattered. Children - participants are invited to decompose all the squares into compartments of their color. The teacher examines the squares together with the children, drawing the attention of the children to the fact that the color of the square and the section are the same (same). Then the children complete the task.

Gradually, the number of sections and squares of primary and secondary colors may increase.

The game "Walking in traffic jams"

Target: to develop motor skills and coordination of fingers in children. Train your memory with poetry

Equipment: covers.

Game progress: educator: I propose to arrange a “ski relay”, we put two corks from plastic bottles on the table with the thread up, this is “skis”. Index and middle fingers stand in them like legs. We move on skis.

We're skiing, we're racing down the mountain

We love cold winter fun.

The bear is clubfoot, walking through the forest ...

Apps 2

Didactic games "Development of fine motor skills of hands"

    "Pears and Apples with a Button"

Target: to exercise children in reinforcing the concepts of “big - small pear”, to teach how to fasten and unfasten pears, apples, where the child reinforces the concepts of “one”, “many”, the development of fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: pictures of apples, pears, threads, buttons, cardboard for tree layout, adhesive tape for "lamination".

Game progress: Let's play "Hurricane" - blowing on a tree and swinging it with one hand, the teacher or child unfastens an apple from it. "Bang! The wind blew the apple away and it fell to the ground. They offer the child to be the wind - to blow, shake the tree, then unfasten the apples.

    Didactic game: "Feed the bun"

Purpose: development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity.

Equipment: low plastic jars with lids, cereals (beans, peas, buckwheat and others).

Game progress: the teacher tells the children that our Kolobok is hungry and needs to be fed. Children take cereal from a jar and put it in the mouth opening.

    Didactic game "Grains-notions!"

Purpose: strengthening and development of fine motor skills of the hands, hand-eye coordination; the formation of the ability to combine by color (when using various cereals).

Equipment: various types of cereals (beans, rice, millet and others).

Game progress: First, it is necessary to pour millet into an even layer on a tray (other cereals are also possible), and then, using red beans (this way the contrasting color stands out better), they come up with and impose different patterns, pictures.

    "Paint a picture with corks"

Purpose: to develop the imagination, creativity of children, fine motor skills of hands.

Equipment: illustrations depicting flowers, an airplane, a Christmas tree, a fly agaric, a cork or a button.

Game progress: the teacher asks to finish the picture using corks or buttons.

    "Colorful clothespins"

Purpose: to develop fine motor skills, imagination. Expand knowledge about the world around us, Exercise children in the ability to count and count, consolidate knowledge about color. Learn to take and open clothespins correctly, find the location by color. Cultivate an emotional attitude to the results of their work, perseverance, patience.

Equipment: planar image of objects (sun, plane, caterpillar, fish, turnip, beetroot, pineapple, house, hedgehog and others), clothespins.

Game progress: The teacher draws the attention of the children that the artist painted objects, but forgot to draw some details. Invite the children to help the artist and use clothespins to finish the picture.

    "Colorful balls"

Goal: development of fine motor skills of the hands, fixing the primary colors.

Equipment: white and silver cardboard, felt-tip pens in primary colors, glue - a pencil, balls of colored cardboard, adhesive tape for "lamination", pictures of fairy-tale characters, Velcro.

Game progress: the teacher asks the children to attach the balls in colors.

    Exercise "Funny pencils"

Goal: improving hand coordination, developing finger mobility, fine motor skills.

Equipment: multi-colored pencils, kinders, eyes.

Course of the exercise: The child rolls a pencil between his palms, fingers, saying: “I roll the pencil in my hands, I twist it between my fingers.
I will certainly teach each finger to be obedient.

    "Palm - freeze!"

Target:development of statistical coordination of finger movements, exercise in holding a pose.

Instruction:stretch your arms forward with fingers apart and try to hold for 10 seconds. If you manage to hold the pose, then put your hands on the table. The teacher can lightly put the palms on the child's hands.

    "Hi Bye!"

Target:training in flexion and extension of all fingers together and alternately.

Instruction:children bend their elbows, hold their hands in front of their faces, bend and unbend their fingers at the same time, without squeezing them into fists. Then they bend and unbend in turn, starting with the thumb.

10. "Journey of fingers"

Target:development and training of coordination of finger movements, development of fingertips, development of attention.

Material: a sheet of paper on which 2 houses are depicted at different ends of the "island" for moving fingers.

Game progress:the child sets his fingers near the first house. Then he begins to move with his fingers along the islets to another house, without taking his fingers off the other “bump”.


    you can move around, for starters, using 2 fingers;

    all fingers must participate;

    you can not tear off the first finger without rearranging the other.


Target: development and training of coordination of finger movements, development of fingertips, color matching, development of attention.

Material: Figure 1 (see below)

Game progress:go over the bumps strictly on the map, which is located above the chest.


    all fingers are involved;

    do not take the first finger off the bump until the other finger crosses.

    "Good luck!"

Target:development of dynamic coordination, alternation of hand movements.

Game progress:(played by 2-10 people) during the game, children build a column from their hands, producing various generally accepted combinations.

For example, fist - fist - palm.

Rule:You can't be wrong. The hand that made the mistake is removed.

12. "Bunny and a mirror"

Target:improvement of coordination, automation and smoothness of switching.

Instruction:left palm up, make a "goat". We put the right hand on top of it, which also depicts a “goat” (back side up). We expose up and down the middle and ring fingers of both hands and move them in opposite directions.

13. Birdhouse

Target:palm exercise.

Instruction:palms are folded together, fingers look up, elbows - in different directions. Then, without opening the palms and not lowering the elbows, they lower the hands down, bending the wrists.

14. "Chair"

Target:development of dynamic coordination, alternation of movement.

Instruction:left palm vertically up. A fist is attracted to its lower part (thumb towards you). If the child easily performs this exercise, you can change the position of the hands alternately at the expense of times.

15. "Table"

Target:development of dynamic coordination, alternation of movements, development of switchability.

Instruction:left hand in fist. The palm rests on top of the fist. If the child easily performs this exercise, you can change the position of the hands: the right hand is in the fist, the left palm is on top of the fist. You can do it alternately at the expense of times.

16. "Drummer"

Target:development of the skill of voluntary movements with the rejection of motor stereotypes.

Instruction:beating one bar at a time with the right (left) hand, simultaneously with the beat, we beat with the right hand, hit the table with the index finger of the left hand.

17. "Complicated Drummer"

Target:development of the skill of voluntary movements with the rejection of motor stereotypes, holding the posture.

Instruction:put your right (left) hand in front of you with fingers apart, place your index finger on the ring finger or middle finger on the index finger (or vice versa) and lightly tap the tempo.

18. "Pliers"

Target:activation and preparation of the fingers for working with objects (pen, pencil, scissors).

Instruction:the child clamps the edges of the table between straight fingers (squeeze as hard as possible). The exercise is performed several times.

19. "Even-Odd"

Target:development of the ability to spatial orientation on paper; fostering an emotional, positive attitude to the game.

Material:2 pens of different colors, checkered sheet.

Game progress:a border is marked on one edge and on the other. The distance is chosen by the players arbitrarily. Players must move in turn, marking a line (straight, diagonal cells) from the end to the next end of the cell and so on. The winner is the one who reaches the border first (indirect borders).


Card file

Didactic games for

Development of fine motor skills.

Compiled by:

Educator: Kishiev Z.S.

Card #1

"Put the toys" Target : development of fine motor skills of hands, fingertips, attention, development and training of coordination of finger movements. Task : fill the vessel with small objects, first with the right, then with the left hand Didactic material : transparent vessel, small objects (buttons, chips) Content : The child is sitting at the table, in front of him is a tall transparent vessel, small objects lie on the right (buttons, chips) . The child must, holding the vessel with his left hand, throw objects into it with his right. Then the chips are poured onto the table, and the child acts with his left hand. Methods, techniques : explanation, show Use cases : Can be done collectively.

Card #2

"Iron handkerchiefs for mom"


Task : flatten a piece of paper

Didactic material : piece of paper

Methods, techniques : explanation, show

Use cases : Smooth out a sheet of paper using one hand. The game can be played individually.

Card #3


Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : bend your fingers into a fist according to the text

Didactic material :

The thumb of the plum is shaking,

The second collects

The third one brings to the house,

The fourth pours out

The smallest is a naughty

Everything, everything, everything eats. (Bend fingers in turn, starting with the thumb)

Methods, techniques : explanation, show

Use cases : Bend the fingers on both hands at the same time. You can also start bending your fingers from the little finger.

Card number 4

finger game "House and Gates"

Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : bend fingers into shapes according to the text

Didactic material :

The house is on the meadow. Figure "House"

Well, the way to the house is closed. Figure "Gates"

We open the gate, Figure "Gates" open

We invite Figure to this house "House"

Methods, techniques : explanation, show

Card number 5

Finger game "Rain"

Purpose: development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task: perform finger movements in accordance with the text

Didactic material:

Rain, rain, water-

There will be a loaf of bread

There will be rolls, there will be drying,

There will be delicious cheesecakes.

With the index finger of one hand, tap on the other, form a circle in front of you with your hands, pat one palm alternately with the other, connect the thumb and forefinger together, forming a large circle.

Methods, techniques: explanation, demonstration

Card #6


Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : fill a plastic bottle with beans, close the lid and rattle.

Didactic material : plastic bottle with a narrow neck, beans in a plate

Methods, techniques : explanation, show

Use cases : You can hold the bottle with your right hand, and take the beans with your left hand. You can also lower other small objects, peas, small pebbles into the bottle.

Card number 7

"Magic Paper"

Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : hand strength development

Didactic material : sheet of paper or napkin

Methods, techniques : explanation, show

Use cases : Paper can be torn (development of correlative movements) - grab the sheet with the fingers of both hands and pull in different directions. You get stripes. We put these strips in a box and make "rain" pouring our strips out of the box .

Card number 8

Laying mats

Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : lay out small objects on the drawn pattern

Didactic material : picture - mat, small items for laying out in a plate (pebbles, pompoms, plasticine, dough, shells, etc.)

Methods, techniques : explanation, show

Card #9


Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : to sprinkle "path" semolina or millet

Didactic material : sheets of paper, cereals (semolina or millet)

Methods, techniques : explanation, show

Use cases : At the beginning of the game, the path should be straight, then you can complicate (zigzags, waves)

Card number 10

"Magic Spoon"

Target : development of fine motor skills of the hand

Task : transfer all the cereal to an empty cup

Didactic material : spoon, tray, 2 cups, cereal

Methods, techniques : explanation, show

Use cases : The child can perform the movements independently. At the beginning, you can give a large spoon, then a teaspoon.

Card number 11

"Colorful clothespins"


Equipment : 2 sets of baskets with colorful wooden clothespins (12 pcs.) . The basket can be replaced with a cup or plate, a plastic bucket. The main thing is that the clothespins easily cling to the edges.

Game progress : The leader and the child each have a basket with colored clothespins. The host takes the basket, puts it on the table and asks the child to give him a clothespin and name its color. Then the facilitator shows how with three fingers you can attach a clothespin to the edge of the basket. When the child has mastered this action and can easily attach clothespins, for example, all clothespins of the same color and name their color, he is given the task of attaching clothespins in a certain color sequence, go to perform a certain sequence of clothespins as on the leader’s basket. Attention should be paid to ensure that the leader attaches clothespins with three fingers, because the child must see the correct movements.

Card number 12

"Find a Surprise"

Purpose of the game : Development of fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements; patience training.

Equipment : Wrappers (10-15 pieces, small items (badges, buttons, etc., popcorn, nuts.

Game progress : The presenter wraps the badge in 4-5 candy wrappers. The child should unfold all the candy wrappers and fold them neatly.

Card #13

"Collect all the stones"

Purpose of the game

attention development.

Equipment : Pebbles, sand, basin.

Game progress : Throw pebbles into the sand. First, invite the child to collect pebbles with the first three fingers of his right hand (skill consolidation) .

Card #14

« The Journey of the Fingers

Target : Development of fine motor skills of hands, coordination of movements; patience training,

attention development.

Equipment : "dry pool", toys.

Game progress : the child lowers the handles into the pool and looks for toys hidden in the lids.

Card #15

Didactic game "Save the mouse".

Target : continue to teach children to distinguish colors, select the same colors by eye with subsequent verification (application, overlay, consolidate the ability to correctly name red, blue, yellow, green colors.

Equipment : houses cut out of different colors of paper, in the doors of which mice are depicted.

Game progress : the child must find the door of the right color (having the same color as the house) and close the entrance to the house with it.

"Find a flower for a butterfly."


Equipment : flowers and butterflies carved in a pair from one paper.

Game progress : the child must find a flower for the butterfly of the same color as it.

Card #17

Game with colored balls.

Target : learn to distinguish colors, focusing on their uniformity or heterogeneity when superimposed and applied, enrich speech with the phrases "same color", "same color".

Equipment :

1) dough rolled into balls, painted over with honey paints and varnished;

2) a container cut from a 2-liter bottle and painted over in one color or another.

Game progress : the child must find a house for the ball that matches the color.

"Funny Balls"

Target : teach your baby to distinguish colors. Develop fine motor skills of fingers.

Equipment : ordinary balls filled with starch, flour, extra salt, millet.

Game progress : the child feels the balls, thereby developing a tactile-kinesthetic sensation.

Card #19

"Dry Aquarium"

Target : develop sensory abilities. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.

Equipment : a set of colored lids collected in a plastic bowl, small toys.

Game progress : children must find a toy hidden by the teacher among the covers of the dry pool.

Card #20

"Fruit beads"

Target : development of fine motor skills of hands, color discrimination training, attention development.

Equipment : fruit beads of different colors and multi-colored threads.

Game progress : children string beads on a thread, thereby learning the color and classification of fruits.