Conception after cancellation approx. Pregnancy after cancellation of OK: features, possible difficulties, tips and tricks

After the abolition of hormonal contraceptives, the chances of pregnancy increase. Doctors even use this property in the treatment of infertility - a short-term prescription of the drug and its cancellation really helps some patients conceive a child. But at the same time, many women are concerned about the following questions: will the pregnancy proceed normally after birth control pills, will the previously taken hormones affect the child and are they safe for the reproductive system?

How common myths about the effect of contraceptives on pregnancy are related to reality

Without a doubt, taking hormonal drugs does not go unnoticed. But it is important to separate the truth about their impact from speculation and rumors. Consider the most common myths about the effect of birth control pills on pregnancy and women's reproductive health.

Myth one: after hormonal contraceptives, multiple pregnancies are more common

It really is. The mechanism is easy to explain. Artificial hormones entering the body suppress the reproductive function. After their cancellation, the ovaries begin to function in an enhanced mode, restoring their work.

During this period, the likelihood of the simultaneous maturation of several eggs, and hence the onset of multiple pregnancy, increases. This phenomenon is more typical for the first menstrual cycle after the abolition of birth control pills.

Myth two: after the abolition of contraceptives, you can not become pregnant for 3 months

This assertion is justified. But compliance with this condition is not always mandatory.

If the drug was prescribed to a woman for a short-term course to stimulate the ovaries, then pregnancy after birth control pills can be planned immediately after they are canceled. In the case of prolonged use of contraceptives, it is really better to refuse this undertaking, giving the body time to recover.

Myth three: long-term use of birth control pills adversely affects a woman's reproductive function

This fear is explained by facts from the past, when contraceptives were produced with rather high dosages of hormones. Such funds were more difficult to tolerate by women, they required mandatory breaks in intake so that the body remembers its immediate function.

The drugs produced today can be taken continuously. But you need to remember that long-term use requires the mandatory restoration of the menstrual cycle before planning a pregnancy.

Myth four: hormones can affect future children

It has been proven that the hormones that make up oral contraceptives do not accumulate in the body. Therefore, you should not worry about the health of the future generation.

Even if conception occurred directly while taking the drug (such a probability exists, although it is very small - about 1%), this is not an indication for termination of pregnancy. In this case, contraceptives are canceled and further bearing of the child occurs without features.

The course of pregnancy after contraception

Pregnancy after birth control pills proceeds in the same way as any other - with its own risks and problems, depending on the age and health of the expectant mother. The information that artificial hormones taken earlier can cause fetal deformities is unfounded. If the pregnancy has come and is developing, taking hormonal contraceptives in the past will not affect its course in any way.

The only thing that birth control pills can affect is the conception of twins, triplets, etc. The risk of multiple pregnancy increases if a woman has used oral contraceptives for more than 6 months. This effect lasts for the first cycle after drug withdrawal.

If after hormonal contraception pregnancy does not occur for more than a year and a half, you need to consult with specialists. Most likely, the problem will be solved by hormonal therapy and ovulation stimulation, but you should not hesitate to consult a doctor. The sooner a woman starts treatment, the less time and effort it will take to achieve the desired pregnancy.

Useful video: the effect of hormonal contraceptives on conception and pregnancy

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Oral contraceptives (OCs) are one of the most effective ways to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Many women who use contraceptives are afraid that pregnancy may not occur after the withdrawal of OK. Whether this is actually the case, we will understand in this article.

What are oral contraceptives?

OK - these are drugs that interfere with the process of maturation of the egg, which leads to the suppression of the ovulation process. As a result of exposure to oral contraceptives, there is no rupture of the dominant follicle, followed by the release of an egg ready for fertilization. Such methods allow you to create conditions under which a woman becomes temporarily unable to conceive.

What is the whole spectrum of action of contraceptives?

Before using such methods of preventing pregnancy, it is worth considering the following points:

  1. As a result of exposure to hormonal drugs, the intensity of contraction of the fallopian tubes is significantly reduced;
  2. Contraceptive pills inevitably affect the structure of the endometrium, which leads to the impossibility of implanting a fertilized egg in the uterus;
  3. Regular intake of OK changes the pH of the microflora of the vagina and uterus, as a result, the possibility of active sperm penetration into the uterus is significantly reduced.

It should be noted that contraceptives are not always used for their intended purpose. Many drugs help in the treatment of gynecological, oncological and even dermatological ailments.

Consequences of discontinuing contraceptives

Can I get pregnant immediately after I stop taking oral contraceptives? Quite often, in case of refusal of OK, a violation of the menstrual cycle occurs. However, this is not yet a serious cause for concern. In such a situation, the body itself is forced to produce female hormones, which not so long ago came from outside.

Most doctors warn that pregnancy after abrupt withdrawal of OK in the first month may not occur. This is due to the inhibited work of the ovaries, which are "unaccustomed" to independently produce progesterone and estrogen. Only if it is impossible to conceive a child within the next two to three months, it is worth contacting a gynecologist.

Choice of OK by phenotype

Often, the inability to get pregnant in the first month after the abolition of contraceptives is caused by the wrong choice of the drug.

To exclude the possibility of complications, when buying oral contraceptives, it is worth considering the phenotypic characteristics of a woman:

  • estrogen type. Women belonging to this category have feminine forms, slightly overweight and heavy periods. It is better for them to give preference to such types of drugs as Norivil or Minulet;
  • endogenous type. As a rule, women of this phenotypic category have narrow hips, an athletic build and mild discharge during critical days. For them, the best option would be Yarina, Ovidon or Non-ovlon tablets;
  • Mixed type. In such women, the content of male and female hormones is normal. The best contraceptives in this case would be Tri-merci or Regulon.

As practice shows, with proper selection of contraceptives, pregnancy occurs almost immediately after refusing to take the drugs.

Side effect of taking contraceptives

Experts warn that even the safest OKs can adversely affect the well-being and reproductive function of women. According to statistics, the percentage of pathological changes in the body is quite low, but there are still risks.

What can be attributed to the possible consequences of taking hormonal drugs?

  • Cycle breaking. Long-term use of oral contraceptives can affect the duration of the menstrual cycle, as well as the abundance of discharge;
  • Malaise. Using birth control pills, some women complain of nausea and dizziness, diarrhea and lack of appetite;
  • Inability to get pregnant. When using OK for several years, the likelihood of conceiving a child is significantly reduced;
  • Weight set. Taking hormonal drugs contributes to the disruption of metabolic processes, which is fraught with weight gain.

The risk group for complications primarily includes people aged 30-35 years. As a rule, medication intake by younger women is "asymptomatic" for the majority, so pregnancy can occur immediately after the withdrawal of OK.

Statistical data

Taking contraceptives is a responsible event, so many girls who decide to use OK are interested in statistics.

What is the probability of fertilization after giving up hormonal drugs and does the risk of having a handicapped child increase?

According to verified statistics, pregnancy cancellation OK on the percentage of miscarriages and the birth of handicapped children after taking the drugs does not increase at all compared to the usual level.

Most women, even after prolonged use of OK, can become pregnant within a few months - six months.

At the same time, doctors talk about about 1-2% of women who are potentially able to face such problems:

  • anovulation (absence of cyclic changes in the ovaries);
  • amenorrhea (absence of menstruation, provoked by a lack of female hormones in the body);
  • infertility.

Pregnancy planning

Pregnancy on the cancellation of OK is a common practice in gynecology, which significantly increases the chances of fertilization. According to many doctors, the temporary use of oral contraceptives not only does not reduce, but significantly increases the chances of conception. Why?

This phenomenon is known in medical circles as "rebound effect" or just a cancellation effect. According to statistics, women who use oral contraceptive pills became pregnant almost immediately after giving up the drugs. A similar phenomenon is caused by the stabilization of the hormonal background, which occurs when the ovaries are "turned off".

After giving up the use of contraceptives, the ovaries are included in the work with greater force. Often this leads to the maturation of not one, but several dominant follicles at once. Therefore, with the rebound effect, the likelihood of a multiple healthy pregnancy after the abolition of OK increases significantly.

Now there are many means that can protect against unwanted pregnancy, but one of the most common and effective means of protection are oral contraceptives. It is best to choose birth control pills after consulting a gynecologist. Since only he is able to determine which birth control pills will suit you best. This contraceptive can be used for several years and, if chosen correctly and all the recommendations for taking them, are followed, they will protect you from unwanted pregnancy and will not harm your health.

Due to the use of the latest pharmaceutical advances in oral contraceptives, they are practically harmless to the female body. But nevertheless, when a woman decides that it is time to get pregnant, she has a lot of all sorts of questions in connection with this. The most popular of which is, after what time, after the completion of taking birth control pills, you need to start conception and whether they will have a negative impact on the health of the baby. To answer this question, you should carefully study the mechanism of action of contraceptive pills on the female body.

The mechanism of action of OK on the body

Modern oral contraceptives contain various artificial hormones. At conception, these hormones are produced by the body and slow down the appearance of the follicle. Because of what, ovulation does not occur and it is not possible to conceive a child.

There are also birth control pills, which include a progestogen. When using such contraceptives, spermatozoa are not able to approach the eggs, due to the fact that the mucous secretion of the vagina thickens. In addition, they do not allow sperm to gain a foothold on the uterine wall.

After the reception of contraceptives is completed, the reproductive function is restored in the next cycle. That is, pregnancy after the abolition of OK is possible immediately after the maturation of the egg.

Time to stop taking OK and pregnancy planning

Experts agree that the end of taking birth control pills should be at least 2-3 months before the expected date of conception. This time is quite enough for a woman's body to fully restore the reproductive system and normalize hormone levels to the stage that was observed before taking OK. In addition, such a gap should be maintained to restore ovulation and the menstrual cycle.

After the end of taking the pills, the onset of pregnancy is possible immediately at the onset of ovulation. For each woman, this period of time is individual. Some can become pregnant in six months, while others almost immediately. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body and the state of her health.

In the case of improper use of birth control pills, it is possible that conception may not occur soon. This type of contraception will be safe for the body and will not harm health if used according to the recommendations written in their instructions for use.

For each type of contraceptive pill, such instructions are individual, but nevertheless, the following recommendations are common:

  1. If you intend to stop using oral contraceptives, then you should drink up to the end of their package. This is primarily due to the fact that with an insufficient amount of incoming hormones during the menstrual cycle, bleeding can begin.
  1. If you use birth control pills for a long period of time, after a year of taking them, you need to take a break of about 2-3 months so as not to harm your health and allow the reproductive system to fully recover.

Pregnancy depending on the type of OK

Each of the types of contraceptive pills has its own individual characteristics. When planning the conception of a child, the type of oral contraceptives used by the woman should also be taken into account. Let's look at the most common birth control pills in more detail.

Pregnancy after OK "Yarina"

When using this remedy for unwanted pregnancy, conception should be planned approximately 3 months after the completion of the Yarina intake. There are two options for pregnancy. It can occur almost immediately after its cancellation, while the risk to the health of the baby will be completely eliminated, or conception can occur after a long time in about a year. This may be due to possible problems in the menstrual cycle. An important role here is played by the time of using this oral contraceptive. The longer you have been taking these pills, the more likely it is that you will not be able to get pregnant quickly.

If "Yarina" was prescribed to you by a gynecologist as a drug for an early pregnancy, then it should be taken no more than 2-3 months. Once completed, pregnancy is possible as soon as possible.

Pregnancy after OK "Regulon"

For those women who have used this drug, it is best to plan conception 3 to 4 months after the end of its intake. But it should be remembered that pregnancy after this oral contraceptive usually occurs in about a year. Although, according to statistics, pregnancy can be in the period from 3 to 18 months after the completion of its intake.

After the end of the reception of "Regulon", during the first months, the reproductive system is restored. It begins to function independently, without stimulation from outside. In addition, the body is cleansed of all the components that are included in this oral contraceptive. It is worth considering the fact that, despite the fact that Regulon is not capable of harming the health of the baby, it cannot be used during lactation.

Pregnancy after OK "Jess"

After taking this drug, conception should be planned approximately 3 months after the end of its use. Conception is unlikely to occur immediately. Usually, pregnancy occurs within a year.

The use of this oral contraceptive is useful for those representatives of the beautiful half of humanity who had diseases such as endometriosis and cysts. "Jess" helps to get pregnant in the shortest possible time. Of course, if it was used for a short time.

Pregnancy after OK "Dufaston"

This type of oral contraceptive is not only an excellent remedy for unplanned conception, but can also help in the treatment of infertility. Each patient, the doctor prescribes a course of taking this remedy based on the state of her health. As a rule, the course of admission does not exceed six months. "Dufaston" can be taken in the first 3 months after signs of pregnancy have appeared.

Pregnancy after OK "Novinet"

If a woman uses this contraceptive, then the conception of a child should be planned no earlier than three cycles after the end of the use of this drug. But it is possible that conception can occur in a year. This is due to the specifics of these birth control pills. Although it also happens that you can get pregnant almost immediately after completing the reception of Novinet. All this depends on the individual characteristics of the woman's body.

The effect of pills on pregnancy

The use of birth control pills is often prescribed by a gynecologist to those women who are unable to become pregnant. Of course, such a chicken is more than 2-3 months old. This effectiveness of hormonal contraceptives is due to the fact that on time from the reception, the female ovaries are at rest and rest. Well, after the pills are stopped taking, they immediately begin to function more actively. This can significantly increase the likelihood of conception. Including twins.

But when used for such purposes, it should be remembered that the woman's age also plays an important role. The older she is, the longer the recovery of the reproductive system will take place after the completion of taking such pills.

After stopping oral contraceptives, the likelihood of having twins in the first months increases greatly, and if you are not satisfied with the birth of not one, but several babies at once, then at first you should be protected with condoms.

Pregnancy after 30 years

As already mentioned, the older a woman is, the longer it will take to restore the reproductive system after using oral contraceptives. It may take more than a year before signs of pregnancy appear.

In the event that conception does not occur, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination, with the delivery of all the required tests and diagnostics. This is due to the fact that problems with conception can be caused by problems with the woman's health, and not by the side effects of birth control pills.

The impact of OK on the child

Oral contraceptives, when used correctly, are not capable of harming the health of the child. They are safe even if used a few more days after the moment of conception. The possibility of conception during their use is associated with improper use or the intake of therapeutic agents that can reduce their effectiveness. In the event that conception occurred during the use of birth control pills, a woman should not worry, the child will be born completely healthy.

It should be remembered that deciding to take birth control pills, you should first visit a doctor. It will help you choose exactly those OKs that suit you best.

To date, oral contraceptives (OC) are recognized as one of the most effective means of protection against unwanted pregnancy. This scheme is suitable for many women who are used to keeping their whole life under control. After the abolition of hormonal pills, it is possible to conceive and bear a child without any significant restrictions. How does pregnancy proceed after using OK?

Mechanism of action OK

All oral contraceptives work on the same principle. They suppress ovulation by preventing the maturation of the egg and its release from the ovary. Ovulation does not occur, which means that fertilization simply cannot occur. Also, OK increase the viscosity of cervical mucus, preventing nimble sperm from entering the uterus. And finally, oral contraceptives insure against pregnancy against all odds. These drugs inhibit the growth of the endometrium, so that a randomly formed embryo simply cannot attach to the wall of the uterus. The latter mechanism is implemented quite rarely.

Combined oral contraceptives contain two female hormones: estrogen and progesterone. The effect of the use of OK is achieved only if all the rules for their admission are observed. All oral contraceptives should be taken daily at exactly the same time. You can take OK for a sufficiently long time until you have a desire to have a baby. How quickly does pregnancy occur after discontinuation of oral contraceptives?

Restoration of ovulation

While taking combined oral contraceptives, complete suppression of ovarian function occurs. Gonadotropic hormones are not produced, and the ovaries are in a dormant state. After the abolition of OK, there is a gradual restoration of the function of the female reproductive sphere. How fast is this process?

The body of each woman is individual, and it is difficult to predict in advance how the use of hormonal contraceptives will affect it. In some women, the ovaries begin to work in full in the first month, while others have to wait a long time for the result. On average, the recovery of the ovaries occurs within the next three months.

Many factors influence the rate of recovery of the body. It has been noticed that in young women already in the first month after the abolition of OK, the menstrual cycle returns to normal and ovulation occurs, while for women after 30 this process can drag on for 6 months or more. The duration of taking OK also affects the state of the reproductive sphere. The longer a woman takes oral contraceptives, the longer it will take her ovaries to restore their functions.

Rebound effect

The rebound effect is known to every woman taking oral contraceptives. After the abolition of the tablets, the hypothalamic-pituitary system begins to intensively produce hormones that affect the functioning of the ovaries. The egg matures, ovulation occurs and fertilization occurs even in those women who could not become pregnant for a long time. The “withdrawal effect” is actively used in gynecology in the case of some forms of anovulation and infertility as a fairly quick and effective way to achieve a long-awaited pregnancy.

The maturation of two or more eggs in one cycle is another feature of taking OK. After stopping the drug, many women are surprised to learn that they are expecting twins or even triplets. This phenomenon is also associated with excessive stimulation of the ovaries. As a result of a hormonal attack, the maturation and fertilization of several eggs at once occurs. A similar effect disappears 3 months after stopping the drug.

Pregnancy planning

In young healthy women, pregnancy can occur as early as a month after stopping oral contraceptives. For women over the age of 30, it may take a little longer to conceive a child. On average, pregnancy occurs 3 months after the cancellation of OK. A period of up to 12 months is considered normal. If conception has not occurred within a year, it is worth being examined by a specialist.

Gynecologists do not advise rushing into pregnancy after canceling OK. Experts recommend waiting 3 months before thinking about conceiving a child. During this period, the menstrual cycle should be fully restored and the hormonal background should return to normal. You can use condoms or other barrier methods of contraception for three months.

Women taking OK for a long time, waiting for another danger. Against the background of taking hormonal drugs in the body, a lack of folic acid is formed. The lack of this vitamin leads to the formation of neural tube defects in the fetus. This is why all women using OCs need to start taking folic acid 3 months before they plan to become pregnant. It is best to think about this immediately after the abolition of contraceptives.

Examination before pregnancy planning is standard and includes:

  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • examination for major urogenital infections;
  • Ultrasound of the uterus and appendages.

The course of pregnancy after the abolition of OK

According to statistics, pregnancy in women who took OK, proceeds quite well. Oral contraceptives do not adversely affect the development of the fetus in the early and late stages. The course of childbirth and the postpartum period also does not have any features. The likelihood of various complications of pregnancy does not increase even after prolonged use of hormonal drugs.

What to do if pregnancy occurs at the time of taking OK? Taking oral contraceptives in the early stages does not affect the development of pregnancy and does not lead to the formation of any pathologies in the fetus. In this situation, it is enough to stop taking the pills from the pack and undergo a standard examination by a gynecologist.