Game contests for a fun company. The best games and competitions for the company

Competition "Circle"

Players form 2 circles: outer - men, inner - women. The host announces what needs to be done to the players, and they perform tasks. The nature of the actions is determined only by the leader's imagination, for example: greet like close friends or like enemies, hug, kiss, scratch each other behind the ear, etc. After each action, the outer circle moves clockwise.

Competition "Material for the sculptor"

Everyone who wants to take part in the game is divided into two teams. In advance, you need to agree on the amount of "material" for the sculptor. The "stuff" is the players themselves. One of the teams comes up with a word (snowman, fireworks, etc.) or - for a large number participants - the situation (the husband returned from a business trip; the traffic police inspector stops a drunk driver ...) and selects "material" from the opposite team. That team, in turn, nominates a sculptor. He receives a task and molds static figures from the "material". It turns out fun, so you should stock up on a photo or video camera.

Competition "Golden Childhood"

The owner of the house asks all guests to bring their childhood photos with captions in advance. Of them you need to make a photo vernissage. When everyone gathers, the host offers to guess which of the guests is shown in which photo. The game is great uplifting and brings guests together.

Make a Circle Contest

All players sit on chairs in a circle. The host prepares a list of questions in advance (about 30 questions are enough for 10 players).

Questions should start with “Who? Who?" etc. For example:
Who got a compliment today?
Who has the shortest skirt?
"Who told a lie today?",
Who kissed today?
Who can bake pies?
"Who thinks he has beautiful legs?"

Questions depend on the emancipation of the company. After each question, all players who can answer yes to the question move one space to the right. If the place is already taken, then you will have to sit on someone's lap.

Thus, someone may find themselves on their laps with several people sitting on top of each other. Who first made a circle and returned to his place - won.

Competition "Goldfish"

They take a piece of paper and cut it into pieces according to the number of players. They draw a cross on one piece of paper, mix everything, and everyone takes out one piece of paper. The one who has a marked piece of paper becomes a goldfish and must fulfill three (one if the company is large) desires of all those present during the evening.

Competition "New Year's prediction"

On a large beautiful tray lies a sheet of thick paper, beautifully painted under the pie, which consists of small squares - pieces of the pie. On inside square - drawings, what awaits the participants:
heart is love,
book - knowledge,
1 kopeck - money,
key - new apartment,
sun - success,
letter - news,
car - buy a car,
a person's face is a new acquaintance,
arrow - reaching the goal,
hours - changes in life,
road trip,
gift - surprise,
lightning - tests,
glass - holidays, etc.
Everyone present "eats" their piece of the pie and finds out their future. Fake pie can be replaced with a real one.

Competition "Concert-Impromptu"

In a company where there are many "newcomers", it is more convenient
organize an impromptu concert. To do this, you need to write cards with tasks and hang them on the Christmas tree. Guests choose a card, complete the task and, of course, receive a present for their efforts from Grandfather Frost. Tasks should be simple, fun and do not require special props.
1) Stage a song performed by Philip Kirkorov "My Bunny".
2) Dress yourself as much as possible more clothes and show striptease.
3) Climb onto a chair and read the children ...

Competition "Space Concert"

How much fun, laughter this game causes, cheers up, develops hearing and the ability to imitate. In some Asian countries, as well as in Romania and Portugal, it is especially popular in companies.
The facilitator distributes the instruments among the participants:
Grigory, you are a guitar, you, Gaspar, are a drum, and Vashka is a violin, etc.
Each of the participants in the game (4-5 people) imitates the sound of their “instrument” with sounds and gestures: guitar, flute, drum, violin, etc. and performs one of the popular (classical) melodies. The host of the game monitors the performance of the melody and evaluates how the player's imitation matches the sound of the instrument and the gestures of the musician.
At one of the moments when the "orchestra" performs a melody, the presenter gives a command to one or several players to change the "instruments". Whoever fails to cope with the task is eliminated from the game. The winner is the best "imitator musician" remaining the last in the orchestra.

Competition "Jumping on one leg"

This game is interesting to play in teams of 6-8 people. Both teams are in
wide circle and set aside for match by player. Both players stand in the middle of the circle facing each other, bend their left leg at the knee, and behind right hand hold her by the foot. With their left hands, the opponents try to push each other off the spot, while jumping on one leg. If someone lowers his leg, he loses points. The player who has moved also loses a point. Those standing around, during the competition, rhythmically clap ...

Contests for a group of friends with different comic tasks and competitions will make the holiday fun and interesting. Mobile and board games will not let guests get bored solemn event. funny questions quiz, funny pranks complement and support the overall perky mood.

    Game "Ku-ku"

    Everyone who wants to play. Participants line up in a circle. The leader is determined by the draw method. He must go clockwise, choosing the bow. The player whose shoulder was touched by the driver starts running in a circle inside counterclockwise, and the driver starts running outside clockwise. Whoever reaches an empty space first must say “cuckoo”. If this is the driver, he takes a place in the circle, and the loser becomes the driver. Otherwise, everything repeats again.

    If the game seems too simple, you can complicate the conditions, for example, ask the participants in the circle to move.

    Make or break game

    The game is best played in nature or in the country. Everyone who wants to participate. For the game you will need matte Balloons, small sweets and a pole with a sharp edge (you can attach a nail to a stick). Half of the balls need to be filled up to half with water, and the other half with sweets. Then they need to be inflated and hung on a tree.

    Participants are led in turn to a tree with eyes closed. They randomly poke a ball with a stick. The balloon bursts, and candy or water pours out of it on the head. Hence the name - "Pan or lost."

    The company is divided into 2 groups. A hunter emerges from each. For the competition, you will need cards with the names of animals, not simple ones, but in a certain emotional state (for example, a cheerful elephant, a horse in love, a sad pig, a nervous wolf, etc.).

    Participants draw one card at random and begin to depict the animal that is indicated on it. Making sounds and prompting is prohibited. The task of hunters is to unravel not only the beast, but also emotional condition. When the hunter guesses correctly, the animal is considered killed and leaves the game. The team whose hunter is the first to guess all of their animals wins.

    Pharaoh's Tomb game

    Prank game for cheerful company. The host chooses two assistants for himself to hold a thick curtain. Then he invites one person from the company to feel like a pharaoh and undergo a mummification ceremony. A person is led behind a screen, his eyes are closed, arguing that this sacrament should not be revealed. After that, he is laid on chairs.

    The host artistically tells that the mummy is ready, and the guests can see it one by one. The first volunteer is blindfolded, led behind a screen and led to the mummy. The facilitator holds his hands from his feet to his head, commenting that these are his legs, this is his stomach, and so on. When he gets to his head, he puts a bowl of boiled horns and pasta drenched in ketchup. At the same time, he impetuously says in the participant’s ear: “And here are his brains.” From an unexpected change of voice and incomprehensible sensations from tactile contact with something cold and nasty, the participant begins to squeal in fear.

    Everyone can participate in the competition. It will take a lot to do it. free space. Each participant receives a gymnastic plastic hoop - a conditional ring of Saturn and a glass of alcohol.

    The task of the contestants is to twist the hoop and at the same time drink a drink with a degree from a glass. You can twist on the waist, arm or leg. When the hoop falls, drinking is prohibited. You need to unwind it again, and only after that continue to drink. The winner is the participant who quickly frees the glass from alcohol and at the same time pours the least of the others.

    Game "Accurate shot"

    Everyone who wants to play. To play the game you will need a gun with plastic bullets or a bow and arrow, plastic glasses and original forfeits in the form of fake money or funny photographs. On reverse side fanta need to write any interesting task. Glasses need to be arranged in one row, and forfeits should be placed in them.

Contest "On account 3"

2-3 people play. The host announces the conditions of the competition:
I'll tell you a story in a half dozen phrases.
As soon as I say the number 3, take the prize immediately.
The following text is read:
Once we caught a pike
gutted, and inside
saw small fish
and not one, but as many as ... seven.
When you want to remember poetry
don't bite them until late at night.
Take and repeat at night
once - another, but better ... 10.
Dreaming guy hardened
become an Olympic champion.
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
and wait for the command: one, two, march!
One day a train at the station
I had to wait 3 hours ... (if they don’t have time to take the prize, the presenter takes it and finishes it)
Well, friends, you did not take the prize,
when it was possible to take.

Competition "New Year's gifts"

Take small pieces of paper, and on some write the names of the gifts, and on others what needs to be done with each of them. For example:
* chandelier - hang from the ceiling,
* cow - I will milk in the morning and in the evening,
* dog - I'll make you bark at passers-by,
* gold fish- let me go to the aquarium, let it swim,
* a million scarlet roses - carefully put in a vase of water,
* "Zaporozhets" without a silencer - I'll attach a silencer and go.
The leaves must be rolled up into tubes and put in two different packages: in one, those where the names of the gift are written, in the other, those on which the actions are written.
The guests put their hands in one and the other package and, to everyone's amusement, read what needs to be done with this or that gift.

Drawing "Light bulb"

Two volunteers are called, a man and a woman. Participants go to different rooms and their roles are explained to them. The man is told that he will have to enter the room, take a chair and pretend that he is going to screw in a light bulb. He is also informed that his partner will interfere with him in every possible way, but he must convince her that she will be lighter.

The girl is told that her partner will now hang himself, she must dissuade him. All this, of course, should happen without words. Participants enter a room where those present already know both tasks.

Tell me about yourself contest

This comic test is designed for couples. The first to write on a piece of paper - in a column, under the numbers - ten names of animals (insects, birds, reptiles) present at a party married men- of course, in secret from their wives. Then the wives do the same.
The host asks married couple look at the other side of the sheet where the representatives of the fauna chosen by the husband appear in a column.
And so, he, husband, - Affectionate, like ...,
Strong like...,
Protective as...,
Authoritative as...,
Independent as...,
Smiling like...,
Neat as...,
Loving like...,
Bold as...,
Handsome as...
Then the representatives of the fauna chosen by the wife are called.
So, "Your Wife":,
In transport like...,
With relatives like...,
With co-workers like...,
In a shop like...,
At home like...
In a cafe or restaurant like...,
With the boss like...,
In friendly company like...,
Like in bed...
In the doctor's office...

Contest "Neighbor Answers"

All players sit in a circle, the driver is in the center of the circle. He can approach any player and ask him some simple question, for example: “What kind of beer do you like?”, “Who is your best friend? etc. This question is answered not by the one to whom the driver turned, but by his neighbor on the right. The one who answered incorrectly receives a penalty point or gives the presenter some personal object belonging to him.
At the end of the game, penalty points are calculated. Whoever has more of them, he lost. Then a drawing of penalty items is carried out - their owners must fulfill the wishes of the players.

Competition "American Psychologist"

The facilitator distributes paper and pencils to the players (5-8 people) and starts asking questions, having previously explained that the answer should be as detailed as possible.
A list of questions
1. What do you associate the concept of "forest" with?
2. What do you associate the concept of "sea" with?
3. What do you associate the concept of "cats" with?
4. What do you associate the concept of "horse" with?
After that, the answers are collected and begin to be read out with an indication of the author. The host applies the following mappings. According to American psychologists, the forest is associated with life, the sea with love, cats with women, horses with men. The guests' opinions about life, love, men and women are the most amusing!

Competition "Light Head"

Ovid said, "Don't drink more than your head can handle." Guests are invited to test this wise idea in practice: you don’t have to drink, but you need to measure the volume of the head of each player. Thus, it is possible to determine, painlessly for the state of health, who can drink the most.