Atlas men's clothing. Atlas For Men is an online store for women's and men's clothing in large sizes. Large size men's clothing at AtlasFormen

Atlas for men online store is an online catalog of men's clothing and accessories for outdoor recreation and sports.

The catalog was created in 1999 and currently operates in France, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Holland, Poland, the Czech Republic and Russia. In just a few years, the company has become one of the largest in the field of catalog sales.

For the convenience of orders, this online store was created, where you can order clothes, shoes and accessories from one of the best brands in Europe without leaving your home. In addition to men's products, the catalog contains a department of women's clothing and footwear - this also contributes to the convenience of using the resource.

What and how does the online catalog sell?

Undoubtedly, the user will like the compact, yet informative interface of the site, where you can draw inspiration, just like reading a glossy fashion magazine. The design of the main page is made in a beautiful and simple design, the user will not get lost in the information and will immediately find what he is interested in in the catalog.

The main page of the site consists of several blocks. In the foreground are dynamic banners in the form of a slide show that direct the user to the most interesting offers, including promotions, sales, exclusive collections, as well as company news.

Below on the page there are banner blocks with concise offers of goods at competitive prices.

Selection and ordering of goods

Visitors to the site can see the most interesting items on the main page and start ordering models. Just click on the card image, select the appropriate size to go to the product view.

In addition, to select the products of interest, you can use the menu catalog located on the horizontal bar at the top of the site. It is enough to move the mouse cursor over the name of one of the sections to get acquainted with the list of categories.

It is noteworthy that in the drop-down list box, you can select the desired item and immediately go to the category page by clicking on the link.

What does the category page look like?

All pages of the online store are made in the same design, which allows the user not to get lost in the abundance of information. On the category page, use the parameter filters with which you can select a product.

The store specification allows a compact view of filters and sorting - for example, the shirt section does not require many parameters, just select the size, color of the model and set the price range. This is how filters work in each category of the online store.

Before proceeding to view the product, it is recommended to select the size of the model.

Product page

The product page also looks compact and informative enough so that the buyer can decide on the choice of product, familiarize himself with the description and characteristics of the product. Click on the zoom button to view the image of the product.

You can also choose the quantity of the product by comma and also choose one or more sizes. If you do not know your size, the size chart will help you choose the right model for you. Click on the "Size Chart" button and all the necessary information will appear in the pop-up window.

How to buy?

Clicking on the “Add to Cart” button will bring up a pop-up window where you can view the recommended products or proceed to checkout.

You can also go to the virtual shopping cart page by clicking on the button at the top of the site.

The shopping cart or checkout page consists of four stages.

In the first step, check the number of selected products, their availability in the store and the total cost of your order. It is noteworthy that products with an assortment of sizes can be edited, for example, change the size of clothes or shoes.

Registration and ordering

After you have checked your order, you can proceed to the second stage, that is, log in to the site. If you have not ordered from this catalog before, you will have to register. It is a pity that the store does not provide the opportunity to purchase goods without registration.

You should enter your e-mail address in order to subsequently enter the personal account of the online store automatically, where your e-mail will be the login. In addition to your email address and mobile phone number, you will have to leave all the detailed information about yourself, including last name, first name, patronymic, full postal address and date of birth.

The online store will offer you a quick registration on the site, for which you need to leave your e-mail, that is, subscribe to the company's newsletter. You can unsubscribe, but there is no possibility of ordering goods without registration, and this is not good.

Shipping and payment

There are few delivery options, but all methods are quite reliable, the list includes:

1. Delivery via FSUE Russian Post
2. Courier delivery
3. Delivery to parcel lockers and pickpoints PickPoint

The cost of delivery of an order depends on the region - on the pricing page you can see detailed delivery conditions.

You can pay for the goods upon receipt at the Russian Post office, in cash to the courier, as well as at the points of issue of orders and PickPoint parcel lockers, depending on the delivery method you have chosen. You also need to take into account the postal commission and service fee when paying in cash to the courier. In addition, this delivery method is available only for several territorial zones, and is regulated by the cost of the service fee.

Enjoy your shopping on the online catalog "Atlas for men"!

I have very ambivalent feelings about this store, because I remember how my mother once ordered something for my father and he really liked warm clothes. Some time passed, I ordered shirts for my husband and remained confused. Everything turned out to be much worse in quality than I had dreamed of, and small things are generally two to three times more expensive than in convenience stores. Ordinary cotton men's underpants come out at two hundred rubles a piece, why, if you can buy for a hundred even at an H&M sale.

You can buy an autumn jacket for three thousand, but in the same Surname you can buy a much more stylish jacket with a fitting for two thousand. Yes, stock and substandard goods are brought there, but here they send you a jacket with useful threads and creeping seams under the guise of a new one.

Ordered. Neither good nor bad.. Average. The quality is average, the sizes seem to fit. The belt and cap turned out not to be the same color as on the site, but much lighter, and the sweatshirt seemed to be okay, but as I said, the quality is not so hot. Husband wears and seems to be happy. But I don't want to order more.

They have normal clothes. I order from time to time. The bonus is that there are larger sizes, and separately. This is convenient so as not to poke all over the models. There were no problems with delivery, no return.

I ordered a shirt, hat, jacket. Sent. I put on a shirt, buttoned all the buttons as I unbuttoned it on a denim shirt, and all the buttons remained on one side. The hat seems to be the same as in the picture, but its height is much lower than in the photo. Left to go fishing. The jacket looks in the catalog, but they sent it - ... I left it for a summer residence, it's such a shame to go out into the city. I sent the shirt back, at my own expense, at a cost of 300 rubles. They promised to refund the money for shipping. I've been waiting for two years now. In a word, petty crook!!!

I ordered at Atlas a couple of times, I can’t say anything bad or good. But there was one case, not entirely pleasant. I ordered a sweatshirt for 3000 rubles without a discount. I tried it on at home and it is too big for me, almost 2 sizes too big. There was no other choice but to send her back.

I spent my money on shipping and didn't pay. But for the product that did not fit me, the money was returned. Cash on delivery is a plus. Accordingly, receipt at the Russian Post, where by itself unpacking before payment and fitting is not provided, all the more so. The remaining two times were successful - jeans and an autumn jacket came up to me with a bang.

The clothes on the satin are almost all branded and genuine, there is no China there! And if there is, then you can immediately see the price - much cheaper. Prices are generally not that high. The quality is above average. If T-shirts, then even in appearance it is clear that they are good. If outerwear, then very wear-resistant. I have my jacket from there for our 3rd season and I don’t particularly regret it, I wash it in a typewriter. The only thing is that it is difficult to choose the size, especially when the figure is not quite standard. Online store for men! The choice is big! But some details are still not thought out - fitting, home delivery and so on.

There are a lot of rumors about the Atlas for men store. Some say that the quality of tailoring is terrible, others praise this store. I will stay somewhere in the middle.

In order to check the rumors, I ordered several goods in this store. The prices are quite reasonable, and the variety of goods is also pleasing. Plus, various contests are held very often and they give bonuses for the purchase (in the form of free delivery or, for example, a camping lantern). Hunters will especially like the range of goods and anglers, they will find a lot to their taste, and this applies not only to clothes and shoes.

The goods were delivered on time, the package took about 2-3 weeks. Opinions about the quality of the goods remained contradictory. For example, the jacket from the order turned out to be of very good quality and warm enough. But the T-shirt from the same order seemed to me hastily sewn. There are places where the stitching was bad, and there are places where the threads just stick out very much.

In general, I am satisfied with the store, they work there promptly. And what about a T-shirt, it's a matter of 5 minutes, where you need to cut the threads and where you need to tighten the seam a little.


By quality and price


Tailoring suffers.

Love the men's shirts. Panties for men - very poor knitwear and tailoring is lame. T-shirts and T-shirts of the average level, however, hold their color well, despite frequent washing. Inexpensive jackets - windbreakers - the quality is also not bad, but for the price and appearance. Just because of our age, we rarely go to shops and markets, so we are content with your store. Thank you.

Positive reviews

We bought and order from time to time. Price-quality combination is good. Everything that was bought, everything is worn by the husband, it is easy to wash, things are practical. So here the question is purely on models - if you like it, then go ahead. The atlas for men did not let us down.

I have the most successful atlas for men parka. And so on trifles I order something, such as socks, shorts, T-shirts. Quite satisfied. The prices in this store are reasonable, the quality too. These are core values ​​for me, so to speak. I'm thinking of trying the shoes. has a large assortment of men's sportswear, but for me it has become the best of other similar stores, because you can buy things in size 58. There is a wide range of outerwear, underwear, t-shirts, sweaters. Many items are sold in 2 and even 4 units in one lot. And the prices are often lower than those of competitors. For example, now is having a sale with discounts ranging from 40-65%. You can also adjust the allowable price range, choose things of a specific color or brand.

It is convenient that the order can be tracked in real time directly on the store's website. By subscribing to the newsletter, I began to receive promotional codes, thanks to which I make orders with free shipping or with additional discounts. I always choose courier delivery, you can safely inspect and try on things. Everything comes in a branded package, with receipts.

The clothes in Atlas for Men are of very high quality and the price is affordable, there are often discounts. I ordered a sports suit, polo and boots for my husband, washed it more than once, nothing fell apart) The shoes turned out to be comfortable, they wear them in snow and mud, almost like new. There were no problems with delivery either.

In stores, such clothes are more expensive, the quality is not better. And not all sizes are available, my husband is a "big" man, it can be problematic to pick up something. And here are all the sizes.


Nice value for money. C.O.D


I don't find

I've been looking for a plus size men's clothing store for a long time. Finally found. The store is super. Clothes are good quality and affordable. You can always get a nice gift with a promo code with your order. Convenient payment methods.


Product quality. They do not cheat with the goods, there is no sorting, the sizes correspond. Not expensive delivery, they work with an extensive network of pickup points.


I think no.

Extremely good clothes for men. I bought trousers, jeans with an elastic waistband and a cord, long-sleeved and short-sleeved T-shirts, a parka, fleece. Very high quality clothes, I will say about T-shirts that you don’t sweat in them. And now I only wear these long/short sleeve t-shirts and have given up wearing regular button-down shirts. Very resistant to washing: they do not lose their shape. Easy to iron. Yes, and you look pretty good in these clothes, other things being equal. This online store often has promotions and you can buy clothes at very competitive prices, in addition, there are promotions when you can choose gifts - also nice. Sizes match. In general, I highly recommend. The only thing you need to be careful when choosing a size, look at the size chart. Shipping is paid, but there are days when free shipping is given.

Atlas for men is a popular online store of comfortable men's clothing and footwear, as well as trendy accessories. The range of online catalogs will appeal to men who prefer sports, outdoor activities and travel. Things are designed taking into account maximum comfort in wearing and ultimate durability. In addition, well-known brand names are a guarantee of the best quality of any product. Among the offers of the boutique: clothes, shoes, underwear, accessories. In addition, the site has a section dedicated to women's clothing for active pastime. It is noteworthy that all the clothes presented on the site are made from natural materials, as well as shoes that provide comfort to the feet even under heavy loads. Making an order on the site is not difficult. You just need to decide on the models you like and confirm your choice. Further, all responsibility for the fulfillment of the order lies with the store managers. Delivery is possible in various ways: by Russian Post, courier service or using PickPoint parcel terminals. The shop works with cash on delivery. Customers are given the opportunity to exchange and / or return an unsuitable product.

Reviews: 9 Average rating: 4.56


good enough

Grade: 5

This store has plus size clothes at low prices

Grade: 4 has a large assortment of men's sportswear, but for me it has become the best of other similar stores, because you can buy things in size 58. There is a wide range of outerwear, underwear, t-shirts, sweaters. Many items are sold in 2 and even 4 units in one lot. And the prices are often lower than those of competitors. For example, now is having a sale with discounts ranging from 40-65%. You can also adjust the allowable price range, choose things of a specific color or brand.
It is convenient that the order can be tracked in real time directly on the store's website. By subscribing to the newsletter, I began to receive promotional codes, thanks to which I make orders with free shipping or with additional discounts. I always choose courier delivery, you can safely inspect and try on things. Everything comes in a branded package, with receipts.
The only negative that I want to note is the store's hotline: it is very difficult to get through there. Even if they manage to do this, they could not give me a clear answer to many questions.

You can buy

Grade: 5

In Atlas, I made only one purchase, but it was very productive. I just got on big discounts and saved a decent amount to buy quality clothes. In any more or less normal store, my purchases would cost me at least 2 times more.
There are no serious complaints about clothing. I just didn’t like that there are few pockets in the park, and they are all small, although the site indicates that the outer pockets are large. The jeans are a bit long even though I am a standard height. Boots are also large, but half a size, for winter shoes it's not very scary. The main thing is that all things are comfortable and comfortable to wear.
I ordered delivery by Russian Post, this is unprofitable, because the parcel went for a long time and I had to pay an additional postage. I was very surprised that the clothes were packed in several bags. Each had all the necessary labels and tags.

Good store

Grade: 5

About a month ago I received a brochure from the store for a couple of sheets with pleasant discounts and an offer to receive a compact weather station as a gift (an alarm clock, a clock, a thermometer in one device for the room). Very interested. The main condition for receiving a gift was an order for a little less than 2 thousand. I had to pay about 249 rubles for delivery, but the cost of delivery is somehow lost against the backdrop of low prices.
I chose slippers for myself and my wife for 400 rubles each (unisex, dark blue with fur inside), took a larger size. I am 43 to 42, and my wife is 38, wears 36. I thought that it is more comfortable for the house when the leg feels free. I turned out to be right, because the slippers run small, I was upset, because I could order in size! To slippers I ordered a blanket and a couple of T-shirts for the house, everything is inexpensive, it fit.

The weather station turned out to be a nice instrument in a white case, it looks great in the room and shows the correct temperature in degrees. It is important for us, we have a small child, we would not want it to be too hot or, on the contrary, cold. There are no complaints about the quality of the blanket either, although it is thinner than I thought, but it looks cool, the drawing of a wolf on a gray background looks very cute in our bedroom. Pleasant to the touch.
I will order there again, I have already looked after the jacket.

male territory

Grade: 5

The store is purely for men, at least 70% of the assortment is purely for men, but there is also a category for women. There are also a lot of clothes and accessories, my wife looked, though she said nothing. That's why I buy there only and I like everything very much. the store is stylish, everything is very accessible and understandable, and most importantly, there are very few advertisements that distract from shopping. The photographs are realistic, large enough, and the description as a whole allows you to understand what kind of model, what material and what it is like in general. As for the sizes, everything is very clear, so I only buy a jumper one size larger, simply because I don’t like “slip-on”.

Otherwise, I take the size in size, everything sits perfectly. The shoes are excellent, solid, just right for active tourism and recreation, as far as materials are concerned. if we talk about shoes, they are natural and very high quality, the prices are appropriate. It is difficult to find something cheaper than 2 thousand, I bought boots with a zipper for 4 thousand and was very pleased, I will take the same ones, but probably not soon, I took them for two seasons. and they have no demolition! The store is excellent if you choose something for outdoor activities, but at the same time the style of clothing is far from sporty, everything I like.


Grade: 5

Previously, I often ordered on Wildberry, gradually switched to Atlasfomen. Well, firstly, the assortment is tailored purely for men, there are no women's and children's things there! Secondly, the prices are much lower, and the choice is 5 times more! I order almost all clothes from satin, from socks to jackets. I am satisfied that the store does not delay the shipment. The parcel is sent out the very next day. The parcel goes to my city for a week. Along with the clothes, they send all the necessary documents, checks. In which case, you can return (marriage, the size is not the same, the style did not fit, etc.) .. The main thing is that the tags are in place. I have never returned, nl consulted about this, you never know. I also order satin shoes. A little more expensive than in the boutiques I know, but this is Italy! Genuine leather, chic models and only high quality workmanship! I have not been disappointed in any purchase from Atlas. I already have big regular customer discounts. Well, still, whatever the order, then 30-40 thousand :) No, I'm not complaining, but on the contrary! If you want to look stylish, then satin is for you! Shop for men who understand at least something in fashion! Well done guys! Delivery has never been let down.

Nice store but not the best

Grade: 4

I often order from Atlas. And you know, many things came up to me and even liked the quality. Reading other reviews about this store, I understand that either I'm very lucky, or others order frank cheap stuff. Cheap clothes on the atlas are a dime a dozen - I pass by. It is immediately clear that a polo or a good T-shirt for 400-600 rubles will not be as fabulous as in the photos of the site. Conclusion number one - order clothes at an average price, even on sales. Atlas does not require any advance payment from us. We pay for the received parcel by mail.
There is no home delivery in my city, or maybe it does not exist at the store at all. Conclusion number two - order only if you can wait, you yourself know how the Russian post works. Delivery approximately 10-15 days. I ordered insulated jeans for the winter. I liked it very much! 3000 rubles, cheap and cheerful. He sewed a little bottom, shortened the length. All in all a good pair of jeans for a reasonable price. Conclusion number 3 - do not be afraid and do not be lazy to modify clothes, make them better. Long delivery and the inability to try on are the main disadvantages of the Atlas. Well, so, the impressions from him are good. The range and prices are amazing. General conclusion: atlas fo men is a good store for not very demanding, patient men.

Atlas for men (Atlas for men) constantly holds promotions and sales. Atlasformen coupons and promotional codes are added to our website so that you save

Atlas for men- a very popular online store for men's and women's clothing. Here you can find exclusively original, comfortable and high-quality models made of soft and durable materials.

When creating clothes of this company, a special cut is used, which allows you to maintain complete freedom of movement. Online store atlasformen is a guarantee of quality and convenience!

Looking through the catalog, you will be pleasantly surprised by the huge selection of different warm clothes made of fleece, windbreakers, fabric jackets, sweaters, sweatshirts, vests and hats. If you are a tall and respectable man, then in online store atlasformen you can buy clothes in large sizes (for example, trousers are available in size 58).

Do not think that only men can dress in this store. Lovely ladies can also buy high-quality and stylish things there. So, on sale there is a huge number of cozy soft turtlenecks, lace tops, jersey sweaters, airy tunics and fleece jackets.

Do you prefer an active lifestyle? On the pages you will find clothes designed specifically for sports. All sportswear is not only of high quality, but also of unsurpassed style, thanks to which you will look attractive even on a run.

Don't like to stay at home? This store has a wide range of special clothes and shoes designed for hiking. With such goods you can go many kilometers!

Appreciate comfort and coziness? Online store atlasformen presents a collection of clothes for home pastime. There are various models of slippers, pajamas, bathrobes and a kimono in which you can meet your guests.

As for payment, you can choose any method convenient for you. In other words, you can pay for the order at the post office when you receive it directly, or you can transfer cash to the courier. It all depends on which shipping method you choose. Please note that courier delivery is only available within Moscow and St. Petersburg.

If for some reason the ordered product did not suit you, you can return it through the Russian Post.

Thus, shopping at atlasformen is a guarantee of high quality and attractive prices.

The atlasformen online store is a guarantee of quality and convenience!