Wedding in April: signs and superstitions. April Fool's wedding: a prank or a guarantee of a fun life

Waiting for the day of your own marriage is interesting, troublesome and intriguing. Whoever already knows which day the painting is scheduled for can only find out in general and determine for himself what will bring wedding in April 2018, which signs will characterize the future married life. But who still wants to go to the application and choose a date, he will definitely be imbued with every line from the proposed description. Although these days, young people pay less and less attention to these predictions, but in vain. After all folk wisdom formed over the centuries and has been tested by many destinies.

About the April wedding

For loving hearts, with April comes the beginning of the time when many people want to sign, nurturing the idea of ​​\u200b\u200b married life for some time. After all, the time when it is warm outside, you can undress, put on luxurious outfits, then spend the day of celebration with chic, just starts from the second month of spring. At the beginning of the season, the choice of preferred venues for the celebration is huge, and most photo and video professionals have not yet managed to schedule their work days for months ahead. The main thing that can affect the success of the planned event is still unstable weather.

Together with the April date, young people receive Better conditions for the celebration of the celebration, embraced by love and tenderness, in the conditions of the beginning warmth, primordial spring. And let the people who decide to start a life together in the coming month be not afraid of either trials from ups to downs, or personal disappointments. And they are not excluded after the wedding will take place in April 2018. After all, the result of such alternations will be an excess of happiness, and as a result, confidence in the fidelity of the faithful, harmony, inexhaustible love of the spouses.

About folk signs, about the April wedding

The characteristic of April as a month for registering a marriage is distinguished by moments of confusion and variability. But basically this period is recognized as favorable for registering relationships. However, one should not dismiss the folk truth and wedding omens if the date has not yet been selected. Perhaps the young will want to wait until next month if April does not seem the best option for family.

Here is what the truth tells the newlyweds about the peculiarities of marriage in April:

  • From the changeable weather on this day, one should expect an alternation of difficulties and trials in life, at the top of which is hidden the crown of happiness.
  • The April ceremony is associated with a life of justice. If one has gone, the other will come. But the main gain will be the abundance of harmony and balance between spouses.
  • Behind the April wedding, the most unexpected trials, shocking turns in the fate of the young, may lurk. But it cannot be denied that all these events will be joyful and pleasant surprises, moments of happiness.
  • From Slavic traditions it is known that the wedding in April 2018 will be the beginning of a happy and long life together. After all, between people loving friend friend, harmony reigns, love and understanding abound.
  • The union created in the second month of spring can be tested, but this only strengthens the relationship between the spouses, gives them faith.

About the weather as part of folk signs

April weather is always varied and full of surprises. It is possible that in one day several natural phenomena and types of precipitation, of course, if the wedding does not take place in the Crimea. So, what can the precipitation sent down from heaven bring:

  • Heaven bestows rain on the wedding new family happiness and prosperity. It so happened that since ancient times in rural settlements, water from the sky symbolizes the abundance of the harvest, and with it, and subsequently prosperity.
  • The abundance of snow gives the family material well-being, happiness.
  • In conditions of snowy weather, young people are foreshadowed by wealth and well-being.
  • When at the moment solemn ceremony for no reason, a gust of a storm or thunderstorm is pumped up, misfortune cannot be avoided.
  • With a windy April day, as wedding signs about the weather tell, with the consequences the marriage becomes changeable, and the relationship between the spouses is superficial.

Auspicious days for a wedding in April 2018

The month of April itself is changeable and multifaceted. And in order for the wedding to be successful and in the future prosperity and tranquility reigned in married life, it is worth choosing days that are favorable for the celebration. So, according to many sources, it is known that the first decade of the month is not suitable for painting. This transition period between constellations, full of chaos and uncertainty. But on the first day, on the day of laughter or a fool, it is generally not good to create an alliance, otherwise fate can play a trick on people.

Who takes into account church rules, then with understanding and responsibility should relate to the canon that during the time designated by Great Lent, the church forbids starting a family. And in the current 2018, throughout April, the strictest abstinence is observed. So if you have to create a new family, then only in the registry office, with a stamp on the passport page and without a wedding ceremony in a church monastery. So it’s better to comply with the charter, and move the celebration to Krasnaya Gorka, on the second Sunday of May, when a week will pass after Easter. After all, "to marry the date of Krasnaya Gorka from ancient times is considered not to part forever."

Choosing a day for the ceremony according to the lunar calendar

The power of influence of the constellations on destinies is great, it cannot be left aside when choosing a date. For 2018, the stars determined favorable days 8 from 9, 12 from 13, then towards the end of the month 20 from April 21. To whom the dates fell on 6 from 7, 23, it is worth doubting whether the wedding in April 2018 will be successful.

However, to believe or not everything written is everyone's personal opinion. But the listed patterns have already been confirmed by thousands of destinies. And therefore, is it worth not taking into account all of the above?

Whether to play a wedding on April 1st? Yes! This day is conducive to smiles, laughter and joy. Do not be afraid to time the wedding to the day of laughter, we are sure you will have the most extraordinary holiday.

How to organize an April Fool's wedding? So that everything is sustained in classical motives or make a real trash? Of course, have fun to the fullest, arrange a prank for guests or a future husband or wife. The main thing is that you like the holiday and remember only positive emotions.

We play the newlyweds

Imagine the bride and groom are coming to banqueting hall where no one sees them. Complete emptiness, no guests, no one ... Imagine the bewilderment of the young! Just don't pause too long, so as not to upset the sentimental bride. Let the guests appear as if from nowhere to noisily and cheerfully congratulate the newlyweds.

Another variant of such a prank: the newlyweds come to the hall, where the guests go about their business. Someone began to try yummy from the table, someone takes a selfie, someone dances. And no one pays attention to the newlyweds. The bride and groom, sad and sad, go to their places, but then incendiary music turns on and all the guests begin to dance and congratulate.

Play the bridesmaids

Sign a joke contract with them, according to which they will have to look a certain way. Hair color, makeup and weight must meet prescribed standards. Girlfriends will be shocked ... You can reveal the secret until the wedding itself, but your girlfriends will look like a selection.

Play the groom

In no case do not tell him at the wedding: "No." It's not funny, it's very embarrassing. You can make him laugh by saying that a punk band has been invited to the wedding, which will come in costumes of hares. The prank will work if your spouse is a traditionalist.

Parents prank

It's taboo! They are so worried more than the bride and groom. Therefore, even the most harmless practical joke may be perceived by them not with humor, but with resentment.

An April Fool's wedding is still a wedding. Therefore, attention should be paid not to raffles, but quality organization. Let your jokes be really fun and interesting!

deMen don't believe in omens, but we girls are well aware that omens don't appear on empty place. The signs collected all the experience of our ancestors, and it is calculated in millennia. To neglect such "baggage" is simply unreasonable. Christenings, name days, New Year- none of the holidays is complete without signs. And such an event as a wedding, and even more so, could not pass by our attention, because this is the most important thing in the life of every girl.

Time to play a wedding - choose the season

On what day do you get married so that you can live the rest of your life like in Christ's bosom, and your husband loved the same way as on the day he led you to the altar? If you have the opportunity to choose, then first it is better to decide on the time of year.

So if you are getting married spring, That:

  • cook white rubber boots because spring weather is unpredictable. Unfortunately, there is a risk of redemption gorgeous dress in the greasy March mud.
  • The beginning of spring coincides with Lent, so some of your fasting guests will neither eat nor drink.
  • Expensive fruits and vegetables, but again, save on fasting.
  • Low prices for renting restaurants, cafes, wedding dresses.
  • Important psychological aspect. Spring is the birth of a new life. So why not family?

Coming summer. What are the pros and cons of this time of year?

  • The main plus is the bride with open back and deep neckline.
  • A wedding can be held anywhere: on a ship, in a summer cafe, you can set tables in the village or arrange a Folk wedding. There are plenty of options and all cheaper than traditional restaurants.
  • Cheap fruits and vegetables.
  • Summer is vacation time. So you will "lose" some of your guests who rest in summer cottages and the seas.
  • Food spoils very quickly, and if you are planning to celebrate the second wedding day, then you need to be very careful with the products.
  • It has been proven empirically - in the summer, people, having spent money on repairs and vacations, give the newlyweds less money.

Golden is coming autumn. In early autumn, many weddings are also played. What catch can be expected in the fall?

  • Indian summer - beautiful time in order to get married. It is still warm, but there are no mosquitoes or flies that can overshadow any holiday.
  • With vegetables and fruits - no problem. There are many of them and they are even cheaper than in summer.
  • In November, you may be in for major trouble with the weather. Wet rain with snow can overshadow any festive mood.
  • Autumn, like spring, is the time when ARVI dominates. Many of your guests will bring not only gifts to your wedding, but also viruses.

And finally - winter. The time when almost all weddings were traditionally celebrated in Rus'.

  • There is no hype, and you can easily and inexpensively find any cafe, choose any date for the wedding.
  • Minus - cold. IN open dress can be "rounded" in ten minutes. But, here snow-white coats made of artificial or natural fur. There is nothing more beautiful than your curls on white fur.
  • Outdoor photos may come out blurry due to snow.
  • There is always a risk that your Cadillac will not start if there is a big minus outside. Getting to the registry office by tram is not comme il faut.
  • Expensive fruits and vegetables.

So, the season has been decided. We choose a month. We take the signs of our ancestors as guidance.

What month to choose for the wedding?

winter months

December . Every year your love will only grow stronger. One of the most best months a year for a wedding. If on your wedding day you see a couple of crows, then fidelity will be your middle name. Snow on the wedding day - to wealth.

January Somebody think bad month for weddings. The first week of January coincides with Advent, so for this period better wedding don't plan. Signs say that those who get married in January will have many children. If the weather is warm on the wedding day, then a girl will be born first.

February - this short month promises the spouses the most warm relationship During a long time. It is believed that if you get married on Valentine's Day, then your love will be eternal. The more the bride cries on this day, the less she will cry in her family life. If you marry on Maslenitsa, you will ride like cheese in butter. Never schedule a wedding for February 29th.

spring months

March - bad luck throughout family life, imminent departure from their native places, life in a "foreign land". Well, if the “foreign land” ends up in France, maybe you should get married in March? A couple more will accept: if it snows during the wedding, you will live in abundance, and if frost hits, then a healthy boy will be born first.

April . This is a fickle month warm days are replaced by frost. This could be yours too. family life- unsteady changeable happiness. April notes:

  • Bridesmaid dress in white, pink or golden hue. You need to supplement it with a blue ribbon, but if it does not fit the outfit, make a garter out of the ribbon.
  • Wind, thunderstorm, storm on the wedding day - to an unhappy family life. But the rain - to a pleasant change.
  • Auspicious time for a wedding starts on April 17 and lasts until the end of the month.

May . All sources agree that a girl who got married in May is destined to suffer all her life. Moreover, this statement has no national boundaries - so say the Greeks, and Russians, and Italians. But still, those who decide to get married in May need to know:

  • See Maybug- to good luck, and to catch it - to material well-being.
  • A smooth and calm life will be for those who choose smooth wedding rings, no stones.
  • After the ransom and before painting, pin the clothes of the bride and groom with a pin - then married couple will be inseparable.

summer months

June - one of the most auspicious months for Wedding. Love and luck will go hand in hand with you all your life. But! It is better to play it safe and, following folk wisdom, put jars of honey and jam on the tables, and give the bride a bouquet of daisies.

July - "striped" family life. Neither good nor bad - just different. By the way, if it rains, then there will still be more pleasant moments. Marriages concluded after dinner, but before sunset, are considered the strongest.

August . This month traditionally accounts for the most a large number of weddings. The union, concluded in August, eventually turns into a tender friendship between the two spouses. Have you met a couple on the street - touching grannies and grandfathers under the arm? Ask when they got married - they will probably answer that in August.

autumn months

September . Quiet, serene and even a little bland family life. But for those who have this marriage is not the first, it is better not to schedule a wedding for September - a bad omen. Yellow flowers, which, according to all other signs, give for separation, in the September bouquet of the bride will become the key to a long and happy family life.

October . It has long been considered in Rus' favorable time for weddings. They started playing weddings on October 14 - on Pokrova. There was a belief: whoever puts a candle in the church before everyone else on the Intercession, he will get married earlier.

November . To get married in November is to take a step towards a prosperous life. To reinforce this statement, the bride should pin a gold pin to the hem wedding dress, and a nickel should be put in the shoes of the newlyweds. The groom must give the first man he meets a brush of mountain ash, and the woman - a maple leaf.

Why do girls believe in signs? Most likely, this is an attempt to calm yourself down, to survive stress. A wedding is one of the most exciting events in any girl's life. In signs, we see our foothold, albeit somewhat far-fetched, but it’s better than none at all.

The most important rule - do not postpone the wedding date, even if you find some unfavorable omen. Remember that for each bad omen there are three good ones. Your love and confidence in future happiness will overcome any zabubons and omens.

Couples who decide to celebrate their wedding in April have a wonderful opportunity to enjoy the first warm days of spring with a noticeable awakening of nature. Chirping birds, bright Sun rays, contribute to the lyrical mood.

Weather conditions at the beginning and end of the month can vary significantly: from March slush to summer-like warm weather by the end of April. Therefore, when preparing for an April wedding, insure yourself by taking warm clothes and an umbrella.

April is a very changeable and ambiguous month, therefore, forecasts regarding auspicious days for a wedding is very ambiguous. Many sources claim that it is better not to choose a date for a wedding in early April. And according to church calendar, falls in April great post, requiring certain restrictions, observance of church traditions, prohibiting the creation of families during its duration. Of course, they will sign you in the registry office, but they will not agree to marry you in any church.

Enough favorable period for an April wedding in 2018, can be considered last week month starting April 22. This period favors the registration of new unions, predicting the fidelity of the spouses, as well as - imminent birth child in a young family.

Auspicious days for registration in April 2018 are: 15, 16, 22, 23, 26, 29 and 30.


April is a slightly chaotic and changeable month, but generally favorable for weddings. ancient folk omens emphasized the features of the April wedding:

Changeable April weather promises young unstable happiness, abundance difficult situations in their family life.

April promises an unstable life for young people: somewhere minus, somewhere plus, but in the end, the young couple will still find balance and harmony.

A couple who have chosen April for their wedding need to beware of unexpected situations and unforeseen turns in fate. Although such situations can turn out to be positive, unexpected surprises.

Slavs have long considered April happy month for young people - claiming that couples get married in April, only with sincere feelings and true love.

There is an opinion that fate will often test the newlyweds through both real trials and far-fetched problems, thereby strengthening their feelings.

If the April wedding coincided with a windy day, the marriage will be changeable, and the relationship will be superficial.

Advantages and disadvantages

Positive aspects of the April wedding:

  • With warmer days coming, most of the celebration can take place outdoors. You can also organize an exciting mini-tour of the city.
  • Only the latest models of wedding dresses have appeared on sale.

Cons of an April wedding

  • The weather is still changeable in spring, unexpected frosts or rain can interfere with the wedding.
  • Due to unstable weather, it can be difficult to plan a wedding walk.

A wedding in April is wonderful, because it is not for nothing that this month is considered one of the most popular for marriages. And if a sudden bad weather interferes with the wedding, do not despair: the main thing is to love each other!

April 1 wedding

It is better not to plan a wedding on April 1st, because April Fool's Day (April Fool's Day) will be able to "make a fool" of lovers, playing a cruel joke on their fate.

But modern couples in love are increasingly choosing this day as additional opportunity organize bright fun.

Not many will dare to date the wedding on the first of April, but if you agreed to this, you will have one of the most extraordinary weddings for 100 years! After all, there are at least two positive moments April Fool's wedding:

  1. Absence of competitors. Ordinary, “average” couples, accustomed to honoring traditions, are unlikely to decide to marry on April 1st. Such is the tradition: strict adherence to the ceremony for many is the most important thing! But if you are not very sensitive to the opinions of others, young, cheerful and energetic, then this idea is for you! In addition, be sure that on this day the Wedding Palace will be open only for your couple! Let's say a resounding "no" to all rules!
  2. Not everything has to be prim and pompous. Who said that everyone around should swallow tears of happiness for the young, and not rush around in clownish masks? But everything will be different for you, since the date of your wedding is the first of April! And that means you can do pretty much anything your young, fun-loving heads can get your hands on! For example, you can easily cancel formal outfits for guests and yourself! Today your dress code will be colorful sneakers! And destroy cheeseburgers instead traditional dishes, will be the best idea for a wedding on the first of April!

Do you want to drive a truck through the winter fields, or throw a stool at the groom? Nobody will stop you! The main thing is that you yourself like this idea, making you laugh until you hiccup!

There is also such an indisputable plus - you can play each other and guests with impunity throughout the wedding! And besides, no one will be offended by you for this - all your jokes will be readily accepted! And it's great!

Especially if you use some ideas:

  • Play the bridesmaids.

Invite them to sign a “contract” a few days before the wedding. Think of the points yourself - for example, that they should be painted in a fiery red color and add 3 kilograms each. Your friends will be shocked!

  • Play with your parents.

Let them know right before the wedding that you've changed your mind about having your wedding somewhere in Monte Carlo, and you're leaving on the next flight. But of course, after a few minutes explain all the same that this is a joke, otherwise the parents may have a “heart attack”, especially if they are “old school”.

  • Play your fiancee.

When you hear a sacramental phrase in the registry office that it's time to exchange rings, start fumbling in your pockets for a long time, in the end, taking out a wire ring from there. But after a couple of minutes, present the traditional rings so that the bride doesn’t think anything else about you ...

  • Play the groom's friends.

Do you want to avenge them for a frivolous bachelor party? Rent a huge dinosaur at the film studio, and when the guys leave for a smoke, he will come out to meet them! If it is not possible to invite a dinosaur, tie a naked woman (mannequin) to a tree, or organize a picturesque spider, snake.

When preparing for an April Fool's wedding, remember that you can only prank those guests who will treat this kind of joke with understanding! In general, come up with an original, fun, dynamic scenario for a wedding, without harming the event itself, which should unite the young forever!

Well, if someone asks why they chose such a date, feel free to answer:

“We love each other so much, like the most famous Fools in the world! Therefore, April 1 is our day!”

To marry in April is to share all the hardships in half, ”says folk wisdom, absolutely unshakable for centuries. “And to get married on April 1 is to have fun all your life!”, - we are already adding this to Russian traditionalism, guided by the experience of the few couples in the world who have decided to swear an oath of fidelity and love on this very day.

So what are the benefits of an April Fool's wedding ceremony?

Lack of competitors

Normal average people who are accustomed to honoring tradition and adhering to the foundations are unlikely to decide to sign a "union treaty" on April Fool's Day. Such is the Russian people, superstition and the severity of the ceremony are in the first place for him and nothing can be done about it! But if “you are not afraid of a gray wolf”, you are known among friends and acquaintances as incorrigible jesters and merry fellows, and indeed - you didn’t care about chic and zabobons, then this day is yours! Submit a bolder application indicating the date - April 1 and enjoy the fact that the Wedding Palace on this day will be opened only for you!

We say "no" to the rules and prohibitions!

How? Everything should be solemn, prim, pompous and expensive? Everyone around should swallow tears of happiness and bright joy for the newlyweds, and not to run around them in clown masks and on broomsticks? Well, I do not! Everything will be different for you! After all, your wedding date is April 1! And this means that you can do absolutely everything that comes into your bright, torn heads! The main thing is that you like it! The justification for such behavior is invitation cards, next to the date - April Fool's Day!

Would you like to cancel ceremonial outfits for guests and themselves? Please! Announce the dress code - bright moccasins!

Do you want to gorge on hamburgers instead of a huge cream cake? No best idea for an April Fool's wedding!

Do you want to drive a truck through the fields of your homeland, or throw a chair at the groom? Yes please! The main thing is that you yourself like your idea and make you have fun until intestinal colic!

And one more indisputable advantage - you can absolutely play pranks on each other and your guests all day with impunity! And, moreover, no one will be offended by you, and guests will perceive all your jokes with a smile! Well, isn't that wonderful?

Speaking of wedding pranks. I can give you some ideas!

Ideas for pranks and fun for an April Fool's wedding

Bridesmaids prank

You can play the bridesmaids by calling them a few days before the wedding and offering to sign a kind of “bride agreement”, according to which, all of them will be required to keep their color, hair length until the wedding, and they will also have to lose (add) weight to ___ kilograms. Your friends will be shocked!

future husband prank

And you can divorce your beloved future husband by calling him (also on the very eve of the solemn event of the marriage) and stating in a peremptory voice: “Darling, I just thought and ordered a punk rock band for our ceremony! Cool, right? They will come in clown wigs and masks, it will be a lot of fun!”. The prank will work great if your future spouse is a classic to the core!

Parents prank

You can also prank your parents by calling them at 12 noon on the last night before the wedding and stating that you have changed your mind and want to have the ceremony somewhere in Las Vegas! By this - say goodbye, thank you generously for bread, salt and science and fly away on the next flight! It will be especially funny for parents if all the guests (including those from remote regions, to which - three days in the forest, three days in the field, and three more - on dogs) have already arrived for the holiday, the restaurant is ordered, the toastmaster is paid! However, with this prank especially do not be zealous! Since parents, after all, are people (usually) of the old formation and training, and therefore modern youth jokes may simply not be understood! Yes, and the heart can pump up, for the sake of the holiday! You don't want your merry April Fool's wedding to end with an ambulance call and your mother's heart attack, do you? Therefore, try some time after the prank, appear, as if nothing had happened in front of the extremely anxious ancestors, and say in a sleepy voice: “Something happened? No, we're not going anywhere!"

future wife prank

You can play your beloved future wife by trying to escape from the ceremony, saying: “Honey, I just thought that I’m not ready, yet, to marry you! I'm sorry, but there will be no wedding!

Or, having already pronounced the oaths at the altar, sparkle with a coquettish inscription on the soles: “Help me!”.

And another draw for a loved one

To organize it, you will need a reliable companion. As a rule, the duties of the best man include the delivery of a tuxedo for the groom. Your loved one must have looked great in this chic suit when you chose it in the salon. Arrange with the best man to come to you for a few minutes before delivering the tuxedo to its rightful owner. And… change the design a bit wedding dress beloved! For example, hem 20 centimeters to the leg of the trousers, and replace the jacket with a short one altogether. leather jacket. Your incomparable will be delighted when he sees such a beautiful wedding dress!

And again - a surprise for the bride

After all, it cannot a real man stay in debt! When the master of the ceremony solemnly announces: “And now, newlyweds, exchange rings!”, start frantically looking in all your pockets for a box with precious engagement rings. And then, with a solemn expression on your face, take out of your pocket ... a wire ring decorated with a cute heart.

And, of course, when your beloved is speechless from bewilderment (and you - enjoy the moment of revenge for short and slanting trousers) - calmly remove the real ring from the same ill-fated pocket.

The one that your incomparable and counted on. Get a little scared, and that's enough! And then, suddenly, he will change his mind about marrying you at all!

And now - a drawing from the newlyweds for all guests!

Rushing to the wedding, all moms and dads, uncles and aunts, even grandparents want to see the beauty! Bride, weightless lace dress, the groom, in a strict suit, and love in all its touchingness and radiance! And you ... appear before the guests not in chic wedding dresses, but in clothes that are absolutely not in harmony with the word “wedding”! For example, in the attire of concentration camp prisoners for especially dangerous recidivists. Everyone will definitely be in shock, and when the draw is revealed, they will roll with laughter!

And of course, the response of the guests will not be long in coming!

Remember, in the solemn ceremony of marriage there is a moment when everyone present is invited to name “the reason why this man cannot marry this woman”? The master of ceremonies (or priest) says in a formidable voice: “Let the one who has such a reason speak now, or - keep silent about it forever!”. Here! It's time for the draw! Let, for example, at this very moment a pregnant girl come up to the altar and say that the father of her unborn child is the groom, or, in the hall there will be a rejected beloved of the bride, and say that she promised to be with him forever, etc. Think about it, because each of you definitely has your own skeletons in the closet, which it is better to laugh at all together than to hide them all your life from the eyes of your husband (or wife).

Prank for the groom's friends from the bride

Do you want to make it clear to your (already) husband's friends that now he is not up to a wild bachelor life and, in general, just take revenge on them for the frivolous bachelor party, about which the story of a forty on the tail brought you just recently? Or, on the contrary, do you really like them all, and just because today is April 1, you cannot leave them without their due share of your attention? Then hurry up and get ready! For example, order a giant dinosaur at the nearest film studio, let it come to you for a holiday just when the husband's friends go off to talk, somewhere aside.

All guests will appreciate your sense of humor! Well, if you don’t have access to expensive shooting props, surprise your husband’s friends with something no less outrageous. A snake, a spider, a naked woman tied to a tree (mannequin), etc.

Prank from father-in-law and mother-in-law

Opening the door to new life, each of the couple is afraid of inconsistencies with the closest relatives of their soulmate. Especially if the mother-in-law rushes to the daughter-in-law with knives on the very day of the wedding, and the father-in-law looks like a lunatic, with a clown cap on his head and a children's whistle in his hands.

I think that both the bride and groom, no matter how funny they are, will breathe a sigh of relief when they find out that such behavior of their usually balanced older generation is just an April Fool's joke!

Fun wedding cars

April Fool's wedding and pompous limousines are absolutely incongruous things! Therefore, we propose to organize a wedding cortege of small maneuverable cars, from afar resembling the newlyweds themselves.

Wedding photo session

For an April Fool's wedding, the most outrageous shooting scenario is suitable, which is only available in the arsenal of the photographer you hired! Feel free to settle for an upside-down photo session and an art-style wedding album.

When organizing an April Fool's wedding, you should remember that you can play those guests who understand this kind of joke! And in general, come up with a fun, dynamic scenario for your celebration, without significant harm to the event itself, which is designed to unite forever loving hearts! And if they suddenly ask you why you chose this particular date, feel free to say: “We love each other like the biggest Fools in the world! Because this is our day!