Is it possible to iron a leather jacket with an iron. How to iron a leather jacket at home? Can this be done with an iron?

Items made from natural or faux leather can easily wrinkle, especially if stored incorrectly. 'Cause the question is how to smooth leather jacket, so as not to be ashamed to go out into the street in it, may be relevant for many people. What are safe home methods for smoothing?

Smoothing your jacket naturally and with steam

The need to decide how to iron a leather jacket can appear in any season of the year. Creases and folds on such a thing are formed both from constant wear and when it is stored folded. Wrinkled can look like a worn jacket made of soft or thin skin or immediately after purchase if it was packaged incorrectly. To get rid of minor and short-lived creases, you should turn to the natural method of smoothing the product.

How to smooth a leather jacket at home without using any aids

  1. Taking the thing in hand, it should be shaken well.
  2. Then you need to choose the most suitable hanger with wide shoulders.
  3. Having placed a leather jacket on a hanger, you need to fasten it, smooth it with your hands, but do not try to stretch it.
  4. And then hang the product in such a way that it does not come into contact with other things, a closet, a wall.
Allowing the jacket to sag for 2-3 days, you can easily get rid of minor irregularities on its surface. However, this method of smoothing a wrinkled leather jacket is only suitable for light, thin and made of genuine leather.

Deciding to let naturally faux leather jacket to be smoothed out on a hanger, it is necessary to spray the entire surface of the product with a small amount of water. Moisture will soften artificial material by straightening it. Water will be used exclusively for jackets made of leatherette (artificial leather). For natural material, the use of water is strictly prohibited.

The second option for smoothing outerwear from any skin option is simple sock products. Thanks to this, the jacket will be able to ideally “dress” on the body, taking shape, and small or minor creases are eliminated on their own. For such a procedure, it is enough to walk in a jacket for 2-4 hours. The method is especially suitable for solving the question of how to smooth a leather jacket after purchasing it in a store.

However natural methods smoothing at some point may be ineffective, besides, they require a sufficient amount of time. When you want to bring the jacket into proper form quickly, you should turn to steaming.

How to iron a leather jacket at home using warm steam

First option. Carefully hang the product on a hanger, placing it in the bathroom. Turn on the faucet hot enough to steam. Leave the faucet open, drawing water into the bath and creating a “greenhouse effect” inside the room. The door to the bathroom must be closed tightly. Under the influence of steam, the leather product will be smoothed out quickly.

Second option. To get rid of creases and bruises, you can use the steam generator, placing it at a distance of at least 15 cm from the leather product. Or arm yourself, which is equipped with a steaming function. Touch the surface of the iron to the jacket this case is not required, it is only necessary to put steam on the product.

How to straighten a leather jacket: ironing and home "press"

Not wanting to take a leather jacket to the dry cleaners, but not getting positive result from steaming or natural straightening of the product, you can turn to two other effective methods.

How to iron a leather jacket with an iron

Before ironing, doubts often arise, but is it possible to iron a leather jacket with an iron, will such a product not harm the appearance?

jacket from genuine leather ironing is not allowed. And to carry out this procedure possible both from the outside and from wrong side. For things made from leatherette, as well as having rough embossing, any embossed pattern, embroidery ironing is not recommended. Otherwise outerwear may lose its shape, the surface may melt or crack.

The process of ironing a jacket with an iron is as follows:

  1. It is still desirable to turn the product on the wrong side.
  2. Gently straighten the leather material, align the lining.
  3. Cover the jacket with a cloth through which ironing will take place. This will protect the thin lining from damage and additionally protect natural leather from thermal exposure.
  4. Select the minimum heating mode on the iron by turning off the steam supply.
  5. Ironing the product with the usual movements is not particularly recommended, as you can only stretch the surface of the skin. However, in some cases, such ironing is allowed. In other options, you only need to apply, pressing, the iron to the places of bruising.
  6. After smoothing, the jacket should be shaken, turned inside out and hung on a hanger so that it cools down and does not deform.
The video below demonstrates how to iron leather outerwear:

What else can you try to return to leather outerwear attractive appearance without creases? You can try to straighten the product with press created from improvised materials. For example, it is permissible to use as gravity: heavy books, bales of clothes, containers of water. This option is suitable for products made of artificial leather.
  • Lay the jacket out on a flat surface.
  • Straighten the material, smoothing with your hands, but without stretching too hard.
  • Align lining.
  • After that, place the selected options for the “home press” on the surface of the leather jacket, making sure that no new creases or folds form under the weights.
  • Leave the item overnight. In the morning, hang it on a hanger, giving you the opportunity to hang for a couple more hours.
Not wanting to expose your favorite leather little thing to serious impact, you can turn to the “sparing”, but quite effective methods. They are suitable for both natural and artificial leather.

Method One

Taking a cotton swab or disc, generously lubricate it with petroleum jelly. After hanging the jacket on a hanger with wide shoulders, wipe all areas with folds and creases with cotton wool with the agent applied to it. Repeat the procedure 2-4 times. Then leave the product to hang for another two to three hours.

Walnut oil can be an alternative. It also softens and straightens the leather material easily.

Method two

Taking glycerin, dissolve it in a small amount of water. After wet dense fabric in the resulting solution and wipe the jacket hanging on the hanger with it. Leave it like this for a couple of hours.

In the process of deciding how to iron a leather jacket at home, you need to take into account some recommendations.

  1. Genuine leather does not tolerate water, easily stretching. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of condensate on the surface of the jacket at the time of steaming.
  2. Before starting the smoothing process, it is necessary to air the outer clothing well if it has been hanging in the closet for a long time. And then clean or even wash. If there are stains on the surface of the leather and smoothing with steam or an iron is applied, there is a risk that the dirt will eat into the jacket material more strongly. It will be impossible to clean it up afterwards.
  3. When planning to iron a jacket using an iron, it is best to test the effect of heat on the material beforehand. Covering a small area of ​​skin with a cloth, choosing the appropriate temperature regime, you need to press the heated iron to the product for 5-10 seconds.
  4. It is necessary to store the smoothed product in a suspended position on a hanger, packing it in a special bag for clothes or making sure that the leather jacket does not come into contact with other things.
  5. If the jacket is torn, read our article on how to restore it:.
Even in situations where leather outerwear is stored correctly, slight creases may appear during wear. Getting rid of them will not be difficult by choosing one of available ways home smoothing leather jacket. And then your favorite thing will look like new.

Leather clothing has long established itself as a favorite not only among people who track fashion trends, but also for those who prefer clothes that are durable and unpretentious in care.

Leather things are practical, but over time, or as a result of illiterate storage, they can wrinkle. In a jacket, where the arm is bent at the elbow joint, and in the collar area, creases of the skin material are often formed.

It is possible to iron and “refresh” leather outerwear without a professional dry cleaning, at home.

For smoothing use:

  • iron;
  • steamer;
  • press;
  • special humidifiers;
  • oils;
  • water, both hot and cold;
  • creams for the care of products made of genuine leather.

Is it possible to iron a jacket made of leather or leatherette with an iron

To smooth the skin with an iron, resort to the following actions:

  1. The garment is laid out on a horizontal, flat surface.
  2. Rollers or a special ironing board are placed in the sleeves.


Ironing should not be done by the generally accepted method, but simply by putting the iron in the place of the break, and hold it for 3-5 seconds.

So that the process does not have unpleasant consequences Please consider the following tips.

  • You need to iron on the silk mode and be sure to use a fabric with a dense structure.
  • The process begins with the inner lining, then iron the collar and sleeves.
  • The ironed thing must be immediately hung on the hanger, the heated skin will be smoothed out due to the gravity of its own weight.

Minuses this method : Not suitable for fine leather products. Certain skills and great care are required.

How to steam a leather jacket at home

If there is no steamer, then you can use a regular iron with a steam function.. The main condition: it is necessary to steam the product with steam so that it is in a vertical position. If the thing is voluminous in size, then it can be hung on the back of a chair.


When using an iron and a steamer, it is necessary to prevent steam from getting on the front side of the product.

  • Steam treatment should begin with the collar and sleeves. A jet of steam must be released from a distance of 20 centimeters and brought closer to the surface up to a distance of 15 centimeters, but not closer.
  • Processing is carried out quickly, without delaying more than 1-2 seconds at each place. After that, the product must be hung vertically on a coat hanger.

Cons of this method: Only suitable for thick skin texture.

How to straighten creases with a press

The press as an option to smooth out a leather jacket is certainly one of the simplest, however, it is effective only if the model has a simple classic fit without lapels and overlays.

You can smooth the product with a press as follows:

  1. The jacket lays out on a flat surface.
  2. Then it is covered with a material of rough texture.
  3. Next, it is covered with a weighty load that has a perfectly smooth surface that will come into direct contact with the ironed product.
  4. In this position, the jacket should be left for a period of at least twenty four hours(it's minimum).

Cons of this method: it takes a lot of time, it is useless, with serious creases and severe wrinkling of the product.

We use hot water

This procedure must be carried out in the bathroom.


Before carrying out, study the label, as a rule, it indicates whether the leather has been treated with a waterproof composition or not. If such processing has taken place, then this method is inappropriate. The same rule applies to the method of smoothing leather clothing using cold water.

To smooth a leather jacket with hot water:

  1. Take a full container of hot water.
  2. Above the bath, hang a leather jacket vertically on a coat hanger, avoiding contact between the jacket and the surface of the water.
  3. Close the door to the bathroom hermetically and leave the jacket in this state for at least one hour.
  4. Use a soft, dry cloth to carefully remove the remaining condensate, otherwise stains will remain on the item.
  5. Leave the jacket without removing it from the hangers in a vertical form to dry in a warm room.

We use cold water

Smoothing a leather jacket with cold water follows the principle of leather softeners.

  1. Hang the jacket vertically on a hanger.
  2. Using a spray bottle, treat it with cold water. Water treatment should be carried out abundantly.
  3. After that, leave the thing to dry completely in the room without drafts and carefully monitor that the air temperature in the room does not have drops.


When ironing a leather jacket with cold water, pay attention to the quality of the water.

The liquid used must be crystal clear, otherwise, after drying, lime marks will remain on the jacket, especially at the folds on the product. For this reason, it is recommended to pass water through the filter at least three times before spraying on the product.

As you can already see from the above methods of smoothing products made of genuine leather, their principle is to soften the skin.

The main thing to remember: a jacket treated with any of the above methods in order to smooth it out should not be touched with your hands until the thing is completely dry!

Use of special leather products

A great way to smooth out and, moreover, paint a lost “ fresh look» products. The range of such creams is quite large, they can be easily purchased in stores selling leather goods. Their prices are very reasonable and they give good results.

Also, special moisturizers for the skin can be found in large assortment at any home improvement store.

You need to use these tools as follows:

  • One spray bottle will be enough to treat a leather jacket. The jacket is held upright and sprayed liberally.
  • With a dry cloth, carefully rub the spray until it is completely absorbed into the surface.
  • Thanks to the moisturizer, the skin becomes soft and, under the weight of its own weight, is very easily smoothed out on a hanger.

Cons of this method: high price, however, the result is worth it and this method is suitable for skin of any structure and density.

Using improvised means

Great for smoothing leather jackets. Sold in any pharmacy chain.

Smoothing process with oil walnut painstaking and time-consuming, but the result is stable.

  1. A leather jacket must be put on a mannequin or rollers should be put into it, thereby straightening the product.
  2. Apply oil to the surface with a cotton pad.
  3. Rub in the oil thoroughly and let it soak in for no more than 10 minutes.
  4. Next, you need to carry out this procedure 4-5 times.
  5. After that, hang the jacket vertically on a hanger in a dry, ventilated area and allow to dry.

Cons of this method: high price. However, you can replace it castor oil, the effect will be the same, but the price is lower at times.

What methods should not be used to smooth the skin

Now, within the framework of this article, we will consider methods for smoothing products made of genuine leather, which are not only ineffective, but also detrimental to things.

Smoothing with a hair dryer or other exposure to hot temperatures

Natural leather under the influence of high thermal temperatures becomes dry and hard. This leads to its deformation and the formation of even more creases.

Smoothing by completely immersing the leather jacket in hot water

In this case, the thing is definitely deformed, it will lose not only its shape, but also its color. And this change will already be irreversible, it will not be possible to return the leather jacket to its original forms and colors by any means.

Straightening the folds by hand

Even if such a method is used with a competent system of influence on a leather jacket, in any case it will lead to mechanical damage complete cover of the skin. Simply put, when stretching a leather jacket with your hands, it will simply be torn. And it is not possible to calculate the pulling force. And even if the thing is not torn, then smooth it similar method It still won't work, that's for sure.

"Breaking in"

A similar method involves wearing a thing in the expectation that it will smooth out and take shape on the body. Those who advise this method do not specify how long it will take to smooth the jacket with this method. However, according to reviews, the result does not occur at all, and walking in a crumpled thing causes discomfort.

Tips on how to properly care for a leather jacket so that it does not wrinkle

It is obvious that any thing lasts longer if it is properly looked after and the rules of storage are followed.

Please note the following tips for care and storage of such products:

  • It is systematically recommended to treat with moisturizers and oils.
  • It is forbidden to wash leather products in a washing machine.
  • It is forbidden long time keep folded. The leather jacket must be stored exclusively on the shoulders.
  • In storage, it is advisable not to allow leather clothing to be pressed against other things or the walls of the wardrobe.
  • Much attention should be paid to the air temperature in the room where it is stored. Excessive air humidity, however, as well as dryness, is highly likely to harm the product and significantly worsen it. appearance.

On a note!

In the original, leather things are stored in compliance with room temperature in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Knowing how to store and care for genuine leather garments will help minimize the need for ironing at home. But if such a need nevertheless arises, then by the indicated methods it can be done without undue labor.

Genuine leather products have been valuable at all times and among different segments of the population. Leather products require special care, especially when it comes to ironing them. There are secrets to successfully smooth natural skin.

Wrinkled leather after storage can be easily smoothed out

Leather skirts, jackets, trousers, jackets, raincoats, sundresses, vests, shoes are designed for long-term use. These things are not afraid of socks, but sometimes suffer from long storage. The duration of their use depends on how correct their storage will be.

Smoothing methods

Before ironing, you can try to let things hang for a few days. Sometimes this is enough to smooth out crumpled places. If leather item crumpled after storage and it is necessary to straighten it, this can be done at home. The main thing is to stroke correctly, taking into account the type of skin.

Leather products are divided into several types: smooth skin, embossed, varnished, with laser processing.

How to smooth leather clothes? For the problem area, it is important to choose the right ironing method that is acceptable for this type of skin. There are several such ways:

Skin can be smoothed with steam

Dry ironing

For products made of smooth leather, you can use dry ironing, a regular iron is suitable for this. It is important not to forget to turn off the steam generator. With an average temperature regime on an inconspicuous part of the clothing, you need to check how the skin reacts, whether it changes its color; if yes, then let it cool down and make sure that the color is restored. In cases where the color of the item is not returned, ironing is canceled.

The smoothing process can only be carried out on the front side. The clothing area is covered natural fabric without relief; gauze is not suitable: although it is very thin, it leaves traces of its relief on the skin. Set the temperature to the lowest. Laying out leather clothes ironing board, carefully take and align the crumpled place. If the temperature regime is insufficient to smooth out the wrinkles, the temperature is gradually increased. After heat treatment, you need to let the skin cool down without moving it from its place, otherwise new folds will appear, then stroke the next fold.

For dry ironing of thick leather, special thick wrapping paper is used. plain paper not suitable for such purposes. The iron only touches the paper, in no case should you press it with force. You need to make sure that he does not come into contact with the thing. Given the risk, this method is only recommended for experienced ironers.

Dry ironing of the skin is carried out without steam and through a dry cloth

Vertical steam

Embossed, lacquered and laser-cut leather garments require a gentler approach to ironing, as they can easily deform and lose their aesthetic appearance.

In dry cleaning, in such cases, a steam generator is used. At home, you can use an iron with a vertical steam function.

We place the product in vertical position. We turn on the steam generation function, steam the problematic part of the clothes at a distance of up to 15 cm, without moving it until it cools completely. The thinner the material, the further the device is held. If the jacket has been treated with a special water-resistant compound, it will lose its luster. Then the procedure should be stopped and resorted to folk remedies for solving the problem.

To steam a leather product, the iron must be kept at a distance from it.

Home Tricks

If there is no time to wait and you urgently need to come up with something at home, you can try non-traditional ironing methods. You will need to draw hot water into the bath, close all exits (doors, hoods), and hang leather items for several hours so that they do not come into contact with water. The folds should straighten out under their own weight. Immediately after the end of this procedure, you can not get dressed. Things can be deformed. Clothes should be dried at room temperature.

Is there another recovery method? original form skin. To do this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe crease is smeared with petroleum jelly or nut oil, given enough time for the skin to absorb the oil, and the excess is removed with a napkin.

Leather shoes

For such shoes you need correct methods savings in summer period, otherwise its appearance will suffer. To make it less hassle later, you need to carefully prepare the shoes for storage by pushing the paper tightly from toe to heel. Women's boots can be kept in the box in which they were sold. In this case, less space is required, and the result is better. How to smooth leather shoes, if she still needs to restore the form? At home, you can successfully apply one of the above methods. The choice depends on the problem.

Any housewife, if she shows ingenuity and patience, will be able to return her leather clothes and shoes to their former appearance and enjoy it for a long time. stylish look and quality.

Leather jackets are always at the height of fashion, over the years they do not lose their relevance at all, and the quality of the products allows you to wear leather things for more than one season. In the spring, when it's time for outerwear, a leather jacket needs to be cleaned before being stored until needed.

Very often, with the onset of a cold pore, the hostess, taking out leather things, is faced with such a problem: during storage, they are wrinkled and look completely unattractive.

To an inexperienced hostess it may seem like a tragedy that over the summer leather thing wrinkled from inaccurate storage in the closet, and now it is not clear how to return it to her decent view. In fact, there is nothing terrible or irreversible in this, a leather jacket can be easily ironed out. There are several ways to do this:

  • cold ironing;
  • steam ironing;
  • ironing;
  • ironing with a humidifier (walnut oil, light cream for skin, Vaseline).

Each of these methods is quite effective, you just need to choose the most convenient to use.

cold way

Due to the fact that this method is the most gentle, it is ideal for thin skin. Such ironing is the simplest: we take out the jacket, hang it on hangers, which we place somewhere in the open space. A thing with very thin skin will become smooth in just 20-24 hours. Of course, cold ironing is the simplest, but at the same time the longest, and therefore suitable only if the thing is not required immediately. If you need emergency measures, you will have to use other methods.


Hot steam is used for this method. If you have a special device - a steam cleaner, then it will fit perfectly, the main thing is to choose the intensity of steam output and it is advisable to check its effect on the inside of a leather jacket. Most often, the instructions for using a steam cleaner contain information on how to iron leather items with it.

If you don't have a steam cleaner, use an old one. grandmother's way. Pour very hot water into the bathroom (preferably even boiling water) and while there is intense steam, hang a jacket over it. Literally 20-40 minutes and your thing will get rid of all unwanted wrinkles. After this procedure, it is advisable to wipe the jacket dry and lubricate special cream For leather goods so that the skin does not shrink from exposure to hot steam and it does not deform.


Another easy way to make a leather item even and attractive. In addition, ironing is convenient and familiar to any housewife. But in the case of a leather jacket, not everything is so simple.

It is strictly forbidden to iron the skin directly with the sole of the iron on the fabric, the skin will deteriorate from exposure to heat, even if the device is “at a minimum”. Therefore, it is imperative to use a gasket between the skin and the iron. Wet gauze will not work, you need special paper - "kraft" wrapping. The ironing process is as follows: set the iron to minimum (for especially thin leather) or medium heat (for thick leather), wrap the jacket with paper and iron it gently. It is advisable to first iron the jacket with reverse side, where it is not so noticeable, to make sure that the iron does not ruin the product. When the jacket is smooth, hang it on a coat hanger for an hour or two to cool the skin.

Using a humidifier

This method can hardly be called fast, but as for the care and effect, it is the leader among all existing ways. A special moisturizer should be applied to the surface of the skin (it can be purchased at many stores for leather accessories). But if there is no such cream at hand, nut butter or, at worst, petroleum jelly will do. Apply the cream to a dry skin surface, especially carefully treat rough folds. When you have wiped the entire jacket, take it out to Fresh air and leave for a few hours. When the jacket is smooth, it should be carefully wiped with a soft piece of cloth to remove excess cream.

The main thing that housewives need to remember is that in no case should you iron a leather jacket with a hot iron. No matter how you are in a hurry, and no matter how urgently you need a leather item, it is better to use the ironing method that is suitable for the type of leather.

It is also worth remembering that rough thick skin lends itself best to steaming, cold way also works, but it will take longer. Leather of medium thickness and roughness is best smoothed out using an iron and craft paper. Set the iron to medium heat and check the effect of heat on inside jackets.

Very thin leather is best and easiest to iron, but it is not very safe to work on it with steam or an iron, it is better to give preference to cream or nut oil. And do not forget to dry the skin after it straightens.

In order not to have problems with a leather jacket, remember the main rule: such things cannot be stored in a compressed position. for a long time- they are very rumpled. It is best to either hang them on a coat hanger, or carefully fold them strictly at the seams.

Twice a year - at the beginning of autumn and the end of winter - many people begin to think about changing their wardrobe. It is advisable to prepare things for the new season in advance, because due to changeable weather, outerwear can come in handy at any time.

Most housewives are baffled by the question of how to smooth a leather jacket. Leather is a delicate material that requires special care.

There are several ways to clean up a leather jacket.

Eliminate small wrinkles

A jacket that has been lying in the closet for a long time can be smoothed out simply by hanging it on a coat hanger. This method will work if the thing is made of thin leather and is only slightly wrinkled.

It is advisable to hang a thing on a coat hanger long before the start of the season, so that it has time to deal with it properly. It is important that it is not squeezed by other clothes in the closet.

If you don't have time to wait for the creases to iron out on their own, you can speed up the process a bit. To do this, the jacket must be brought directly to the bathroom on a hanger.

The door closes tightly and the hot shower turns on. The steam will make things smoother faster. Care must be taken to hot water did not get on the jacket itself - this can ruin the appearance of the thing.


If in general the jacket looks good, but there are several deep creases on its surface, you can try to get rid of them with an iron.

If you have any doubts about how to iron a leather jacket at home, you can watch a series of videos for an experience.

The main thing is to set the device to the minimum temperature and turn off the steam generator so as not to damage the delicate structure of the skin. It is advisable to iron through a piece of cloth or wrapping paper.

Strongly wrinkled

It is advisable for owners of leather items to have one convenient device in the house - a manual steam generator. It is able to smooth out the most rumpled areas of not only leather products, but also things made of other materials.

Keep the steam generator at least 10 centimeters away from the garment while steaming the jacket so that condensation does not accumulate on it.

There is another tricky way how to iron a leather jacket after washing.

To do this, you need to go to one of the stores specializing in the sale of leather products. In such stores, sellers usually have specialized equipment - a leather ironing press with a mirror nozzle. These fixtures can be walked on just now.

Separate deep folds can also be smoothed out if they are lubricated with petroleum jelly or nut oil - this is the most gentle and effective way. After the problem areas are moistened with the product, the clothes must be taken out to the balcony to dry and ventilate. The main thing is that direct sunlight does not fall on the jacket.

When using this method for the first time, it is necessary to check in an inconspicuous area for stains, and only then apply the product on the entire surface of the product.

If none of the above methods helped, there is only one way to smooth out the wrinkles from a leather jacket - take it to the dry cleaner. For a fee, the jacket will be fully prepared for the new season: cleaned and ironed.