What do dry cleaners do. Dry cleaning technology. Textbook for dry cleaning. Review of the textbook by Fedorova A.F. Clothes cleaning process

Wet cleaning significantly expands the possibilities of dry cleaning and laundry, offering a worthy alternative to chemical solvents. Water is the natural solvent! Special detergents envelop the structure of the fabric and protect it from shrinkage and dye stripping, so wet cleaning copes with all cases that traditional washing cannot do.
In addition to excellent cleaning abilities, wet cleaning is gentle on fabrics and is an environmentally friendly technology that is harmless to human health and the environment. It is ideal for items that are not dry cleanable, as well as for children's clothing.


Everyone can throw laundry into the automatic machine, but drying and ironing it is a huge job. After all, for this you need to choose the optimal level of humidity, and then show the wonders of virtuosity, laying out the duvet cover on the ironing board. Diana, on the other hand, provides ready-made, perfectly ironed and beautifully folded piles of fresh linen.
Washing in "Diana" takes place on imported equipment, equipped with dispensers for the receipt of detergents, which completely eliminates the human factor of disrupting the technological process. This means that exactly as much detergent will get on the fabric as it is necessary to remove a particular contamination. Thanks to this careful approach, the fabric lasts longer. All drugs in "Diana" are hypoallergenic and do not leave a smell. However, at your request, freshly washed linen can be given a pleasant aroma.
After washing, linen and shirts are subjected to wet-heat treatment on special skating rinks and steam-air mannequins. Perfect ironing without kinks and creases! And most importantly - you do not need to waste your time and energy!

Dry cleaning in perchlorethylene

One of the most effective cleaning methods. Cleaning in perchlorethylene, or "dry" cleaning, copes with almost all types of dirt that cannot be removed at home. The high fluidity of perchlorethylene ensures fast penetration into clothing fibers and effective decomposition of dirt, no matter how strong they are! Under the supervision of experienced technologists, the fabric, paint and finishes on the product remain intact.
That is why hundreds of thousands of Clients act wisely and do not even try to remove pollution on their own, but save their favorite things in Diana.

Dry cleaning in hydrocarbon solvent (KWL)

KWL is a representative of Diana's ecological line. The aggressiveness of this solvent is lower than that of the most effective perchlorethylene, but it is this property that makes it possible to ideally process leather and fur products. In the hands of experienced technologists, KWL can work wonders!
This solvent is ideal for cleaning delicate and combined things, as well as for cleaning fur coats, leather, sheepskin coats. A huge plus is that after processing, the use of a complex of finishing works is not required - a mild solvent carefully preserves the fat composition.

Dry cleaning in liquid silicone (Green Earth technology)

GreenEarth Eco Solvent is nothing more than pure liquid silicone, a hypoallergenic solvent that is colorless and odorless. Processing in this way is not just cleaning, but a real SPA procedure for clothes, since things return from Diana not only clean, but also updated, as if from a vacation.
GreenEarth technology takes care of both natural fabrics made of silk, wool, all types of leather, fur, some types of plastic, as well as artificial components such as stones, rhinestones, sequins, Swarovski crystals. After treatment with silicone, the fibers of the fabric return softness, rich color, smoothness and silkiness. Say no more. You will feel this comfort in a sock!

Dry cleaning in Solvon solvent (K4 technology)

K4 technology refers to environmentally friendly processing methods. The solvent "Solvon" has mild detergent and degreasing properties, gives things a light aroma of freshness. Products after this type of processing become pleasant and soft to the touch, retain the brightness of the color and receive additional protection against creasing. Wearing them becomes even more pleasant than before dry cleaning!

Biocleaning of fur products

Bio-cleaning of fur and leather products is gentle manual care from professionals and processing with unique extracts of Siberian herbs. Ecological preparations of "Diana" contain a large amount of natural vitamins and natural balms in the complete absence of chemical components. In the process of cleaning, the pile of a fur coat rests and breathes, and as a result it acquires a healthy, pristine shine! In general, a full-fledged spa treatment for your fur coat!
Processing is done only by hand, which guarantees an individual approach to your product!
Modern dry cleaning is a wide range of services, high quality service and effective cleaning methods. The leader in the Russian market of personal services has been and remains the network of dry cleaners and laundries "Diana".

Dry cleaning in SENCENE solvent

Eco-friendly solvent "Sensen" is a new advanced solution for cleaning fabric, leather and fur based on modified alcohols. The drug prevents discoloration and preserves the bright colors of clothes, leaving behind a smell of freshness.

Diana specialists have worked out several processing methods for each type of assortment. Among them are programs for cleaning especially soiled items, as well as for the most gentle treatment of delicate fabrics. This means that you can donate even the most precious things to Diana: elegant dresses and suits, leather and fur products, clothes decorated with drawings and embroidery. The decor will remain intact, and the pollution will go away! Come, try and enjoy!

Thank you for being with us!

Professional dry cleaning is a high-quality removal of stains and dirt. It's an easy way to make your clothes, shoes and accessories look great again. In the conditions of dry cleaning, special tools and equipment are used, which allows the most effective solution to the issue of cleaning various types of fabric. Easily removes ink stains, oil paint, tar, lipstick, blood and other specific contaminants.

Dry cleaning services are the elimination of unpleasant odors and professional cleaning:

  • Down pillows and duvets
  • Textiles and furs
  • Carpets and rugs
  • upholstered furniture
  • Leather and suede
  • toys

The cleaning process consists of several stages: visual inspection, determination of the nature of contamination, preliminary cleaning, cleaning under special conditions, drying, finishing operations.

There are two main cleaning methods:

  • Dry cleaning
  • water cleaning

The type of fabric, the nature and degree of soiling determine the necessary cleaning method.

What is dry cleaning?

Dry cleaning involves the use of organic solvents. Perchlorethylene is used in 85% of cases. This universal solvent, which works perfectly in specialized closed-type machines, effectively removes contaminants of various origins. This method eliminates the deformation of products, the appearance of streaks, loss of color or "shrinkage" of the fabric.

What is dry cleaning?

  • Upholstered furniture
  • Textile products
  • Clothes and shoes
  • Carpets
  • Down and feather products

The "P" or "F" mark on the product label is a dry cleaning recommendation.

What is aqua cleaning?

Aqua cleaning is the removal of unpleasant odors and dirt with the help of special equipment. Minimal mechanical impact on the product is the main advantage of wet cleaning. Specialized machines allow you to solve the issue of removing stains and dirt in the most gentle conditions. This is a delicate way to care for products.

What is cleaned with a water cleaner?

  • Outerwear
  • Wedding and evening dresses
  • Products from combined materials
  • Membrane and delicate fabrics

Benefits of professional dry cleaning

Experience, availability of special tools and equipment are the main advantages. Professional dry cleaning is the complete removal of contaminants and the absence of risks. Cleaning of carpets, pillows, clothes and other products is carried out in special conditions by professional means. In 90% of cases, experiments with stain removal at home have sad consequences. In professional dry cleaning, all risks are minimized.

Dry cleaning is carried out in a dry way - instead of water, organic solvents (which include carbon) are used.

History of dry cleaning

The first dry-cleaner was opened in 1855 by the Frenchman Jean-Baptiste Jolly, the owner of a dye house. One day, his maid knocked over a kerosene lamp on the tablecloth, and when the liquid evaporated, Jean Baptiste noticed that this place on the tablecloth had become cleaner. Then he tried to remove stains with turpentine and gasoline - things became cleaner.

Oil products led to fires, so the American William Stoddard invented Stoddard's solvent - white spirit. Also on gasoline, but less combustible.

After the use of chemical weapons - chlorine - in the First World War, dry cleaners began to use solvents based on it, which burn worse than gasoline, but clean better.

Dry cleaning now

1. First, the thing is examined by a technologist who decides whether it is possible to accept things for dry cleaning, by what means to process pollution. The item may not be accepted if the label has a “no dry cleaning” icon, if the item is of poor quality or is made from different materials. For example, textiles and leather should not be dry-cleaned because the leather will lose color.

2. On the stain-removing table, each stain is treated - a separate agent for different contaminants and types of fabric - and the fabric is dried with an air gun.

3. The thing is placed in a dry cleaning machine, in which it is not water, but an organic solvent - perchlorethylene, which removes dust and greasy contaminants. The item is wrung out and dried inside the machine for 40–60 minutes. If the pollution is strong, the process is repeated.

4. Put on a steam dummy - inside of which a steam generator is built. Then hand ironed.

5. They are hung on a hanger on a packing machine, a polyethylene cover is pulled on top and sent for delivery.

Without a doubt, each of us has heard about dry cleaning and even dealt with it. There are a lot of reasons for this: from simple cleaning of a jacket or a sheepskin coat to a more labor-intensive one - a carpet or upholstered furniture. What is dry cleaning from the point of view of professionals? And what can it be?

Formally, dry cleaning refers to the process when a product is cleaned with chemicals and a solvent (other than water). The scope of its application is wide: from removing difficult stains to cleaning large-sized furniture.

Unlike conventional dry cleaning, professional dry cleaning is used where it is impossible to remove dirt with conventional means. This procedure requires the use of special tools and equipment, as well as knowledge of technology for working with various materials. Especially when it comes to delicate materials: such as leather, natural silk, wool, etc. It is often almost impossible to clean upholstered furniture, carpet or curtains without the help of professionals without damaging the structure and color of the product. Professional dry cleaning should be resorted to even if the manufacturer does not recommend machine washing, hot water and aggressive chemicals. Otherwise, you not only risk ruining the material, but you will also not be able to cope with complex stains.

How it all began?

The first information about dry cleaning as a special service came to us from the 19th century. In 1825, Jean-Baptiste Joly, the owner of a paint factory, discovered for the first time that certain chemicals could remove even deeply ingrained dirt. It happened when Joly accidentally spilled a solution of turpentine on the tablecloth: the fabric suddenly became clean. Continuing to experiment, the Frenchman discovered other ways to clean fabrics. In particular, he used for fabrics the usual liquid for filling lamps - camphine. Thus, the first dry cleaning service was opened.

For a long time, the technology of removing dirt without the use of water was kept a secret. The procedure itself was carried out by hand, in copper tubs. Until, in 1869, the first mechanism for dry cleaning was used in Great Britain.

Over time, dry cleaning has become more and more automated. At the same time, not only the time for the procedure itself was reduced, but also the time required for ironing after such cleaning. In 1920, a special chemical solvent, perchlorethylene, was used for the first time. Improved equipment for dry cleaning. Until finally dry cleaning services became widespread. Today, this service is performed by professional cleaning companies, among others - both at home and in factory conditions (for example:).

Each of us at least once in our lives used the services of dry cleaning. Wedding and evening dresses, men's and women's suits, leather jackets, sheepskin coats, fur coats - all these and many other products cannot be properly cleaned of dirt at home. However, even those who have repeatedly applied to dry cleaning, for the most part, do not know anything about it, except, perhaps, that things go there dirty and return clean.

How does a dry cleaning business work? The client brings the product to the receiving point, where the administrator-receiver subjects it to a thorough inspection. Determines the composition, color, degree of contamination, percentage of wear, manufacturing and operational defects, examines the marking with care symbols, agrees with the client on the processing technology of the product, as well as the timing of the order, fills in the receipt-contract and marks the product with a number identical to the number of the receipt.

Then the product comes from the receiving point directly to the factory, namely to the tailor's shop, where they remove all removable fittings from it, which can be damaged during processing and protect parts that cannot be removed. From there, the product is sent to the workshop, where the product is re-examined by the dry-cleaner, batches are assembled for processing, the most contaminated areas are cleaned and stain removal is carried out. After preparatory operations, the products are processed in special machines, depending on the agreed technology. As a rule, three such technologies are distinguished: dry cleaning (or cleaning in a solvent), aqua cleaning (treatment of products using a special technology in an aqueous solution of detergents) and professional washing. At the end of the processing in the machines, the master again inspects the products for stains and other contaminants that might not have gone away the first time. If dirt and stains are not completely removed from the product, it is sent for reprocessing. Clean products arrive at the final finishing in the ironing shop. Here, the master, using special ironing equipment, restores the dimensions of the product, gives them a shape, frame and proper appearance. After that, the product is returned to the tailor's shop, where the previously removed fittings are sewn to it, the protection is removed, and the operation of the zippers and buttons is checked. Then the products go through the procedure of checking the quality of the services performed and arrive at the packaging.

On the appointed day, the product is waiting for its customer at the receiving point.

Our dry cleaning is one of the leading companies in the Russian market. Having opened four years ago, UNISEC has developed a wide network of collection points in Moscow and the Moscow region and provides a full range of services in demand in this industry.