How to take a newborn in your arms: the right method, videos and photos. Learning to carry a baby

Well, nine months of pregnancy have flown by and your baby is already with you. Of course, for every mother, and even more so for the one who became her for the first time, a completely logical question arises: how to properly hold a newborn baby so as not to harm him or cause discomfort. In this article, we will tell you about the secrets of holding a child correctly, because in many maternity hospitals in our country this issue is not given enough attention and mothers may not even suspect that they are doing something wrong.

Why carry a newborn "column"

The understanding that a woman has become a mother comes during the first feeding of the baby. She should be aware that during feeding, a small amount of air can enter the baby's stomach, which will later cause discomfort and even pain. So that this does not happen and the child does not cry. It is advisable to keep the baby upright for 15 minutes after each feeding. Thus, he will have the opportunity to calmly burp excess air, and then fall asleep very quickly and soundly.

Accordingly, a logical question will arise: how to properly hold the child in a column? The answer is very simple. It is enough to take the child vertically, you need to put your shoulder under his chin, with one hand you need to support the head and neck of the crumbs, and the other ass and legs of the baby. This will help not only prevent colic, but also bring the baby closer to mom through bodily contact.

You can carry your baby in a column both facing forward and facing you. In the first case, the child will be able to better see what surrounds him. It will be correct if you hold one hand along the baby’s chest, while the palm will be under the armpit. With the other hand, you need to press the legs towards you.

Not only mom should know how to properly carry a newborn baby, but, of course, dad, and all those who are going to take the baby in their arms. It is very important to carry a child correctly, because during the first year of life, he will actively form bone muscular system.

So the most important points with the correct wearing of the child, there is something that he needs to support the head and alternately change the hand on which you hold the baby. This will prevent the development of one-sided vision in the newborn. It is very important to talk with the child from the first days of his life. Also, the baby can be worn with his head resting on the elbow bend and holding the back with the same hand, and holding the ass and legs with the other hand. In the same way, you can wear a child on the tummy, only in the elbow bend will not be the head of the child, but his neck. And you will need to hold on to the tummy and chest.

This point is also very important and you need to pay attention to it. You can not take the child very sharply or uncertainly, while you need to use both hands. If the child is lying on the back, then one palm should be placed under the ass, and the other under the head, and very carefully begin to lift the child. In this case, the head should in no case be lower than the priests.

How to hold a baby while bathing

Another important process that seems unrealistically difficult inexperienced mothers after returning home with the newborn - bathing. Thanks to bathing, the child can quickly adapt to environment and at the same time the child can be held in several ways. With one hand, you can hold the head and neck of the child, and with the other, hold the legs and ass. The second way will be more comfortable for you and for the child, when the baby's head lies on your shoulder, and the child's shoulder is in your palm. Thus, the child can move freely in the water.

Many young parents are wondering - How to hold a newborn baby? Their fears are quite understandable, since the baby's musculoskeletal system is still not sufficiently formed and wrong position or sudden movements may harm the child.

In the first months of life, the baby must be kept carefully, but at the same time confidently.

The neck muscles of a newborn baby are still very weak, so you must always hold his head.

The most common position for a baby in the arms is as follows: the child lies on the adult’s left hand, while the child’s head is held by the elbow, right hand adult supports the legs and ass of the baby.

In order for the baby to be comfortable, his body should have three points of support - at the back of the head, in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades and in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe pelvis.

Make sure that the baby's head does not throw back, and his legs and arms do not hang down.

So that your hands do not get very tired, wear the baby alternately on the left and right hand.

We take the baby in our arms correctly

Before you pick up your baby, get his attention with your voice so as not to scare him. Your movements should be slow and smooth, but at the same time confident.

In that case, if the child is lying on his back, then put one hand under his head, and the other under his ass and slowly lift the baby and place him in your arms.

The baby's head should be slightly higher than the lower body.

You can lift it up like this: Grab it with both hands chest, so that thumbs located in front, and the rest supported the back. At the same time, hold the child's head with your index fingers. Gently lift your baby.

If the child is lying on his stomach(it is recommended to spread it on the tummy from 2 weeks of age), then place one palm under the baby’s chest, while holding the baby’s neck with your thumb and forefinger, and place the other palm under the tummy. With a gentle, smooth motion, take the baby and press it against your body, then place it comfortably in your arms.

How to put a newborn in a crib?

Before you put your baby in the crib, hold him to you and lean with him to the bed, as close to its surface as possible. Gently lay the baby down and hold for a few seconds to let the baby get used to the new position, then slowly remove your hands and cover him with a blanket or diaper (depending on the season) to keep him warm.

How to hold a newborn "column"?

After feeding, gently lift your baby to face you so that his torso is upright and his head rests on your shoulder. Press the legs with one hand and lower part torso towards you, and the other support the head and neck of the child. At the same time, make sure that the load is evenly distributed along the entire spine.

How to hold the baby while washing?

As a rule, the child is washed with ordinary running water from a tap. Optimum temperature water for washing the baby is about 36-37 degrees.

Girls should be washed from front to back so that the remains stool did not enter the genitals. To do this, place the child on the forearm of the left hand with the tummy up. In this case, the child's head should lie on your elbow, and the thigh should be held with the palm of your hand. We wash the child with the right hand.

It is convenient to wash the boy, placing him face down. To do this, put the child on left hand face down, while his head should be on the left elbow bend.

While washing, the water from the tap should flow onto your hand, and not onto the baby's skin. This will allow you to feel the change in water temperature.

After washing, blot the baby's skin with a clean diaper, if necessary, apply a baby cosmetic.

How to hold a newborn while bathing?

Prepare a bath of water for the baby. Slowly lower the baby, wrapped in a clean diaper, into the prepared water. During bathing, the back of the child's head should lie over the wrist of your left hand (if you are right-handed). With your left hand, hold the child by the shoulder that is farthest from you. Use your right hand to gently pour water over the baby. Expand the diaper, you can completely remove it if it interferes.

How not to hold a newborn?

Newborn babies should not be lifted by the arms, as this can lead to dislocation or subluxation.

When picking up a child, make sure that his head does not tilt back, as this can lead to injury.

It is not recommended to keep a newborn baby upright for a long time. Also, you should not put the baby on the forearm, turning his body to the side (until the age until he masters this skill). Since the bones of a newborn are soft and fragile, and prolonged exposure to the wrong position can lead to their curvature.

You should not take the baby in your arms abruptly, as this can cause him to be frightened.

Most often, mother and baby are quickly determined with comfortable position and in the future, finding a child in her arms does not cause any difficulties.

Other related information

  • How to swaddle a newborn?

  • How to trim a newborn's nails?

As soon as the baby is born, and you take him in your arms for the first time, the question arises - how to hold him correctly. A newborn, even wrapped in three layers of diapers and blankets, seems fragile and defenseless. You may even be afraid to take him in your arms, especially when there are many more experienced comrades around who critically look at your timid attempts. More than one freshly baked father went through such torments, but you should not despair. It is in your power to learn how to handle the child easily and confidently, to hold him in your arms correctly and even enjoy it.

Newborn - let's study the materiel

No matter how small and helpless a newborn may seem to an adult, in fact, this baby is able to endure such strength tests, from which even strong man would not be good. The head of the child, passing the birth canal, is compressed by a third! The body also experiences pressure and twisting. In general, if you carefully and carefully take it in your hands, it definitely will not deteriorate. It is much stronger than it looks.
And of course, it would be nice to visit a couple before the birth lectures on babies and newborns to learn more about the baby that will soon be in your home. Usually, such lectures at childbirth preparation courses are combined with practical exercises, in which they will not only tell and show how to properly hold the baby, but also help you swaddle, bathe and change clothes for the first time on your own toy baby doll the size of a newborn baby. It's possible compare with practice driving before obtaining a license and the first independent trips in your own car. It is easier, calmer and safer to learn and practice on courses (and on puppets) under the supervision of an experienced person than in the "combat conditions" of one's own life.

Hold his head!

Yes, the neck muscles in newborns are still weak and cannot yet hold such a large head. But the child's head will not fall off, do not be afraid! You need to remember only one rule - the baby can bend the head forward, even when it is held vertically, but the extension of the head back should be avoided. Therefore, if a baby is suddenly held out to you, you can confidently hold him “face down”, so that the baby’s head hangs over his chest, as in the picture at the top of the page. It is absolutely safe for the child and quite easy for you.
If the child is sleeping or swaddled in a "column", then hold the head it is necessary in the bend of the elbow so that the head does not tilt back (because if this happens, the child will not be able to change the uncomfortable position himself, there will not be enough muscle strength). For a better understanding of "how to hold" watch the video on this page.

We play with muscles

Once you're comfortable with holding a baby's head, you can learn other, more dynamic ways to move around with your baby in your arms. And here, too, you need to know some tricks in order to properly carry the child in your arms.
When the child is awake and his movements are not limited, you can take him in your arms, simultaneously developing his. It's as if you yourself would do a couple of push-ups and squats every time you change clothes or get up from a chair, or memorize a poem. Simple and effective. Only in the case of a baby, it is the adult who helps the child to "work his muscles." We call this combination of developmental elements with the usual methods of caring for a child " developmental care". (Read about what it is and why it is needed)

Pose of a football player and other joys

To strengthen the muscles and develop the child, we take and put him (not sleeping!) through the turn. To do this, we put our palms under the armpits of the baby lying on his back, we grab his back with our palms at the level of the shoulder blades, the thumbs remain in front. We turn the child, rolling it on our hand. With the second hand we grab under the stomach between the legs. All this is quite simple, watch the video and practice on teddy bear. This posture is called the main posture.
From the main position it is quite easy to intercept the child into another position, for example, shoulder. Don't be afraid to hang the baby off your shoulder a little, just hold him firmly from below. Baby gets great overview it sometimes helps soothe and entertain little crybaby. Gravity helps. get rid of the air ingested during feeding. Part of the meal often comes out with the air, be prepared to “turn your shoulder” with a diaper or napkin if you want to keep your clothes clean. This is what young mothers most often expect when they ask to “hold him with a column.”

It is not known what a ball player and a baby lying on your arm have in common, but for some reason this particular position is a favorite among fathers. In addition, she sometimes saves with colic. A child can even fall asleep in this position if you walk with him in your arms, or swing on a fitball. It is convenient to wash the boy in this position.
We take the child through a turn into the main pose, press it back to ourselves, connecting the knees and elbows of the baby with each hand. Suitable for children from birth, if you follow the child's head - it should not tip back, but should lean down. There are no more difficulties with this pose. It is convenient to plant a child (about what it is -). Girls, and boys too, you can wash away in this position, shifting to one hand. My second child is from top to bottom, front to back.

There is another pose face to face, but it's easier to see on the video.
We put the child also through the turn, holding it by the opposite shoulder and hip. The head touches the surface first, then everything else. The movement is smooth, without jerks and jerks. By turning the child, you help him develop his muscles with movement, so he will get stronger much faster. By themselves, turns from back to stomach and back are included as important exercise in vestibular gymnastics for babies. How to do it - watch the video.

In this segment of the Developmental Baby Care video tutorial, you will see how to pick up and hold your baby correctly. Pose of a football player, knee-elbow, basic pose, on the shoulder, face to face - you can master all this by watching the video.

Dad can, dad can

No matter how busy you are, try to find moments to communicate with your baby. Children grow up very quickly and very soon such an important question at the beginning, how to pick up a baby, will lose its relevance and be replaced by thousands of others. Do not be afraid to spoil or accustom your baby to the hands, after two years, in order to hug him, you will first have to catch up with him.
For harmonious development The child needs the attention and care of both parents. Strong and solid daddy's hands so different from the tender mother's, but also give the baby sense of security and confidence that he is loved and needed in this world. Give your child the joy of communicating with you!

The question of how to properly hold a newborn worries most young mothers and fathers. The kid is completely helpless, he seems so fragile. In fact, the main thing is not to be afraid, because parents instinctively feel exactly how to take the baby. But it is better to prepare in advance in order to act for sure.

Basic Rules

The child must be carried carefully. If he often takes the wrong position, there will be a risk of serious complications. There may be problems with the spine and hip joints, violations muscle tone and development of motor skills. If you hold the baby uncertainly, then it can be dropped, and this is very dangerous.

You have to pick up a baby very often. He needs to be washed, swaddled, fed. Babies also need physical contact with their mother. A little grown up child explores the world, being in the arms of his parents. Comfortable for both adults and kids.

It is worth adhering to the following rules.

  • How younger child the more plastic his bones are. At the same time, the muscular system is still quite weak. If the baby is not treated with care enough, then its skeleton can be deformed.
  • It is very important to hold the baby's head: it should not tip back. Support is needed until the neck muscles are strong enough to support the head. This usually happens at 3 months. But the head can hang on the chest. This is physiological, as it is close to the position in the mother's womb.
  • Supporting the baby, it is necessary to distribute the weight between three points of support: head, back and pelvis.
  • It is not recommended to carry a newborn baby vertically for a long time: in this position there is a very large load on the spine. As you develop, the time of wearing in this position can be increased.
  • You can not pull the newborn by the handles. The joints are still weak, so you can provoke a dislocation. If parents have a desire to deal with the baby from the first weeks of life dynamic gymnastics, then they should learn the basic movements with the help of professionals.
  • It is unacceptable to firmly press the crumbs.
  • The magazine website recommends that you always hold your baby with both hands. Of course, while it is small, it is easy to wear it on one hand, especially for the stronger sex. But this is not safe, you need a safety net.

How to take a baby

To begin with, parents need to learn how to pick up the child when he lies in his crib or on another flat surface. Mom or dad should feel confident, move smoothly and calmly. You can talk to the baby, setting him to change position.

  • If the baby is in the supine position, then you need to put one hand under his head, and the other under the pelvic area. Gently raise the baby so that the head is slightly above body level.
  • If the baby is lying on his stomach, then one hand should be brought under his chest, supporting his neck with his fingers. The second hand should be located under the tummy, it can be slipped on the side or between the legs.

Lay baby in the crib or on the changing table should also be carefully. The basic rule is that the baby needs to be pressed to himself and lean forward with his whole body, and not just stretch out his arms. Thus, it is easier to control your actions, which means that the probability of falling crumbs or just a sloppy landing is excluded.

Most comfortable positions

The next question that interests parents is how exactly to hold a newborn? There are several positions. They can be changed periodically, it is useful for both the baby and adults. Parents give a rest to one muscle group, using another. The baby also works different groups muscles in certain positions. In addition, the perspective from which he observes the world is changing.

Most often, newborns are worn in a position called the "cradle". In the first months of life, this is the best option, since this position provides bodily and visual contact, the child is comfortable, he feels protected. To do this, you need to place his head on a bent arm, and support the legs with the other hand. The limbs of the baby should not hang down. If the baby has to be worn for a long time, then it is recommended from time to time to shift it from one hand to another in order to avoid the development of torticollis.

When shifting the baby to the crib, you do not need to rush to remove your hands. It is worth giving the child a few seconds to get used to the new position.

Another popular position is on the stomach. Her dads especially love her. The baby in this position lies with his stomach in the palm of one hand, and with his chest on the second. The position helps the child develop faster. It stimulates the baby to raise and hold his head. If you sit down with a child who lies on parental hands on the tummy, and put one foot on the other, then his shoulders will be above the level of the hips, which will give him the opportunity to make pushing movements. In the future, it will be easier for the baby to learn to roll over and crawl. Another plus of this pose is that it has a positive effect on bowel function. During the period when the newborn is tormented by colic, it is recommended to wear it in this way from time to time.

Vertical positions

You also need to know how to properly hold the newborn upright. When standing in a column, the spine receives a load that it cannot cope with. Therefore, babies cannot be worn like this for a long time, problems may not appear immediately, but after a few years. But still, this posture is indispensable. When a baby eats, he takes in air, especially if he is being bottle-fed or not breastfed properly. The posture will help the air out. If this procedure is skipped, then colic can be provoked.

The newborn is held facing you so that his head rests on the shoulder of an adult. With one hand, you need to provide support for the head so that it does not tilt back. The other hand should be placed in the lumbar region. The position remains relevant until the baby begins to sit or crawl.

There is also the so-called Buddha pose. The child is facing away from the adult. With one hand it must be held by the chest, and the second - under the buttocks. It may seem that the baby is sitting, although this is categorically not recommended for him. But in fact, he rests his back and head on mom or dad, and the load on the fragile spine is minimal. This position is loved by children after 3 months, when it becomes interesting for them to observe the surrounding objects.

After the baby learns to sit, it can be worn on the side of the thigh. This position is quite comfortable, since mom has one hand free. IN this case it is safe, since the main load will go exactly on the hips. The child wraps his legs around the adult, with one hand he leans on his mother's shoulder. The position is beneficial for the development of the hip joints.

How to hold the baby during feeding and hygiene procedures

It is convenient to breastfeed or bottle feed your baby by holding him in the “cradle” position. The head of the child should be slightly above the level of the body, it is placed on a bent arm. The back and legs are fixed with the second hand. If it is uncomfortable to feed in this position, then you can try to do it lying down. After all, for a successful breastfeeding it is important to find a comfortable position.

Also, parents should learn how to properly hold the child when washing. Bowel movements in infants in the first months of life occur quite often, and each time it is necessary to rinse the child with water. The baby is placed for this on the parent's hand face up. His head is on the elbow bend, and his body is on the forearm. One leg hangs down to open the crotch. The hand on which the baby lies should be supported, and the second should be washed.

In this position, it is allowed to wash both boys and girls. But the position facing down is only suitable for boys. Due to the physiology of girls, the stream of water should be directed from the perineum to the coccyx so that the remnants of feces do not enter the genitals. It is convenient to place a male baby face down. At the same time, the head is also on the elbow bend, the body lies on the hand of an adult, and the legs hang freely.

During bathing, the child is held so that the wrist of the adult serves as a support for the head of the newborn. The second hand is not busy at the same time, it is used to wash the baby. A baby can also swim on his stomach, this position is suitable for a large bath. To prevent the chin from sinking into the water, you need to place it between the divorced large and index fingers. It is unlikely that it will be possible to keep the baby in this position for a long time. Therefore, you can use a special bathing stand or a special circle.

Inexperienced parents are often afraid to pick up a newborn. To prevent this from happening, you should prepare in advance. Particularly useful courses for pregnant women, which will show how to properly hold the baby. You should also trust your instincts. Mom and dad quickly understand exactly how to act so as not to harm the baby.

To begin with, it is worth asking the question why it is so important to properly hold a newborn baby. The answer seems to be obvious. Children are born with very weakly developed muscles. The centuries-old experience of mankind contains all the knowledge of how to hold a newborn, and modern medicine substantiates this knowledge and warns against errors.

Come from the womb

But how does it work out? The human baby is much less adapted to life than the cubs of some animals, which are ready to stand on their feet right away. The evolutionary enlargement of the brain and the changed structure of the pelvis have led to the fact that children are born less mature than, for example, calves or foals. Otherwise, a large head would not have passed through the birth canal.

This is not to say that the muscles of the newborn are not at all developed. It is no coincidence that at about 20 weeks, expectant mothers feel fetal movements. Most of the day the fetus sleeps, but for some time every day it makes a variety of movements. He bends and unbends his limbs, turns over, catches the umbilical cord with his hands. All this activity cannot but affect the development of muscles. But at the end of pregnancy, the baby becomes cramped in the mother's stomach. Sleep makes up about 90% of the time in his day. He can no longer change position. That is why children are born with flexor hypertonicity. This hypertonicity is physiological, that is, it is the norm. The first time after birth, the child will often keep the legs half-bent, the arms bent at the elbows, the fists clenched. After all, he had to spend several months in this position!

fragile creation

It turns out that at this time physical activity does not develop so much, but body weight grows. Of course, the muscles that coped with the movements of a 500-gram fetus in a liquid medium can no longer cope with the weighted body and head of the baby, especially since the air no longer holds it, unlike amniotic fluid.

One of the main vulnerabilities of the baby is a large head on a thin and weak neck. The muscles of the neck have only to get stronger, and then in 2-3 months the child will learn to hold the head. But for now, this task is too much for him. Therefore, adults are often at a loss and are afraid to take the child carelessly, to harm him. Therefore, it is necessary to know how to properly hold a newborn.

There are several positions in which you can hold the baby.

Why keep a child in a column

How to hold a newborn after feeding? Experienced Moms and pediatricians answer: “A column!” This posture is not just a manifestation of maternal attention. This is the care of proper digestion of the crumbs. The fact is that the habit of nutrition in an infant is only being formed. In addition, not everyone grasps the nipple correctly. But even those who practically seal their mother's breasts with their lips can swallow air.

The air that got along with the food does not pose a danger to life, but can cause noticeable discomfort. Air bubbles in the baby's intestines cause spasms, and this causes the child severe pain. This is what can cause very sharp, loud cries, in which the baby pulls his legs to his stomach and sorts them out, trying to alleviate his suffering. To avoid this, you need to keep the baby in a column. This position of the body helps to release digestive tract from unwanted air.

The child will regurgitate all the air that has entered there. Newborns in general often spit up. This is dangerous when the child is lying on his back. So he can choke on milk or formula, but in vertical position it doesn't threaten him.

How to keep a column

It remains to learn how to properly hold the newborn in a column. As already mentioned, the baby still has weak muscles, so support is important for him. One hand must necessarily support the head and neck. The other is located on the back in the lumbar region. This creates a stable position for the baby's body. The movements should be smooth and soft, while you can talk with the baby.

The child is still very young and mother's hands almost cover his little body. The hand that supports the lower back also grabs the buttocks. But you can't move it too low. The child must not be in sitting position. This will put premature strain on his spine. Also, the feet cannot be supported. This will lead to the same as yet unnecessary burden. It is best to put a clean diaper on your shoulder. For what? After all, during this pose, the baby can burp not only air, but also milk and stain the clothes of an adult.

How long to keep a newborn in a column after feeding? How to answer this question is difficult to say. There is no single correct answer. The main thing is to wait for him to burp. This usually happens after about 30 seconds, sometimes it is acceptable to hold it for a minute. It is harmful to keep a newborn in an upright position for too long, because his back is not adapted to this. It does not yet have such curves that adults have, which are necessary for upright walking. And at the same time short stay in this position strengthens the muscles.

What is the baby not ready for?

To understand how to properly hold a newborn baby, you need to get acquainted with the main mistakes. There are two main points to remember. First, the head of the newborn must be supported. Otherwise, it is fraught with incorrect formation of the cervical spine. Secondly, the baby cannot yet be kept under the ass. This position puts pressure on the spine. And it, on the contrary, needs to be unloaded, so support in the back area is important.

The head should not be thrown back, and the limbs should not hang down.

Dangerous Mistakes

Some actions are not just untimely, but unnecessary and harmful in general. This is also important to know. For example, a child should not be lifted by the arms (hands, wrists, or forearms). This may cause a dislocation.

You also do not need to lift the baby by the armpits. Why? In this position, he is likely to drop his head sharply. And for a newborn, this is traumatic and can cause stretching of the neck muscles and even damage to the cervical spine. In addition, do not abruptly raise the child. It will just scare him.

How to properly hold a newborn? Hold the child firmly, but not too tight. This can impede circulation.

How to pick up a newborn

by the most difficult moment Many mothers feel like lifting a baby out of a crib or stroller. In fact, there is nothing complicated here. The principles are the same - the body and head must be supported. It is necessary to approach the child from the side, bend down. One palm should be gently pushed under the ass, the other under the back of the head. After that, you can gently lift the baby. The hand that supports the head can be moved so that the head is supported by the elbow. By lifting the baby in this way, you can immediately hold the newborn correctly. As you know, this is very important for his health and safety.


How to hold a newborn while feeding? There are several postures. One of the most common and famous is the "cradle". It is comfortable enough for breastfeeding. If the mother is sitting, the child's neck should be located on the elbow. The back can be supported by the forearm, and the palm of the hand can be clasped around the ass. Mouth, stomach and legs should be on the same line. Mom and baby touch their bellies. To feed the baby, you need to raise it to chest level. To relieve tension in the arms, you can put a pillow under them.

How to put a newborn in a crib?

To gently place the baby in the crib, you need to firmly press him to yourself and bend down to the surface of the crib as low as possible. Modern cribs allow you to remove some of the rods to facilitate this manipulation, and then return them to their place. You need to smoothly put the baby in the crib and remove your hands immediately. The baby should get used to the new position. Then you can slowly remove your hands and cover the child with a blanket or diaper so that he does not freeze.

when washing

Children are washed away with ordinary warm water from the tap. It should have body temperature, i.e. 36-37 degrees. How to properly hold a newborn when washing depends on gender.

Girls need to be washed from front to back - about anus bacteria that are contained in feces can accumulate, they should not enter the genitals, otherwise inflammation is possible. By the way, this simple rule is also useful for adult women. The girl can be placed on the forearm of the left hand with her tummy up. The head will be on the elbow, and the thigh will need to be held with the palm of your hand. As you can see, the right hand remained free. She needs to wash the baby.

Boys are best washed face down. The baby needs to be put on his left hand face down, his head will also be in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow bend. The water from the tap should flow onto the mother's hand, and not onto the baby's skin. So it will be more convenient to control its temperature. After all, not always tap water keeps a constant temperature or immediately becomes the way it should be. After water treatment you need to wet the skin of the child with a diaper.