What is the best month to get married. What is the best month for a girl to get married?

Our people know that if you want to get married or get married, it is better to follow all the signs and rules that our grandmothers followed. Why this is needed - few people think, but not everyone risks arguing with centuries of life experience. This article will talk about when it is better to get married so that the marriage is strong and happy.

All in all

If a girl thinks: “When should I get married?” - she will most likely have to study various signs to understand what they are based on. So, different time years and even a month can bring special nuances to family life. You need to pay attention to the day of marriage, and the state of the planets, this is also important from the point of view of harmony in the future.


So, if you want to get married in the winter, you need to know what each month can bring to family life. December is very favorable for marriages, because all relationships concluded at this time will be warm, love and tranquility will reign in the family. As for the main month - "revelers", January, it is better not to visit during this period. After all, women who signed this month are at risk of becoming widows. If a lady wants a beautiful winter wedding and thinks: “When should I get married?” - it is better to do it in February. Marriages concluded this month will be strong, and relationships will be trusting.


If a girl marries, they say that she will most likely live on a foreign side, with her mother-in-law in the house. And it is because of this that she will have a rather difficult life. As for April, this month is very changeable in terms of weather. It is believed that the relationship of the spouses will be the same: then everything will be fine, then there will be a period of quarrels and failures. Regarding May, many people know that you should not marry this month, because you will have to toil for the whole century. According to other legends, if a family is formed this month, betrayal will soon be seen in the house. After reviewing the whole spring, we can conclude that not a single month is considered favorable for marriage. Why? It's simple, because it comes from past years, when spring was considered the most hard time years in labor plan- sowing in the fields and processing their gardens. Therefore, do more amorous affairs there just wasn't time. And so it happened that even modern people, not working on the land, still do not risk creating their families in the spring, remembering grandmother's advice.


If a lady thinks: “When should I get married?” - she should also know what each summer month will say about herself. People say that those who marry in June will last a lifetime. July marriages will share everything equally: both joys and sorrows. Such a family will be full of both good and bad minutes in equal numbers. As for the last month of summer, this is probably the most auspicious time for marriage. It is believed that if you marry at this hour, then the husband will true friend and friend for life.


September will give the newlyweds a quiet and calm life. All marriages that take place this month are strong, and families are positive from all sides. A hard and difficult life is at risk for a couple who wants to get married in October. This month is extremely unfavorable for creating family unions. Well, the last autumn month - November - is very favorable, it will especially seem to those who wish to bring material well-being into their lives through marriage. This month promises the newlyweds a rich and beautiful joint path. So, answering the question of when it is better to get married (month), the bride can choose any time, because each couple needs something different from the relationship. You should not completely dwell on the above, but it is better to take into account the experience of centuries.

About the years

Every mother thinks about the time when her daughter gets married: is it auspicious, will marriage bring happiness. So, many people, for example, know that it is better not to marry because life will be hard. However, this, by the way, has no basis. Moreover, such beliefs were not noticed in history. The only caveat: in the houses of mothers-in-law, indeed, nothing was ever started at that time, but the newlyweds could get married without problems. The whole point is that leap year was considered the time of brides, that is, the girls themselves could go to woo guys without problems and embarrassment. Another thing is that in our country this happened extremely rarely, so there were really few weddings in such a period. That's all the explanation. Also, people may hear that next year after the leap year - the time of widows, and after it - the year of widowers. However, again, this belief arose after the hostilities in which many people were involved. That's all the explanation. Now it has completely lost its relevance and does not make sense. So if a girl thinks, "When should I get married?" - she can easily choose any year that she likes.

Days of the week

Also, girls should know that the day of the week on which the marriage takes place depends on what the relationship in the family will be like. So, it’s worth figuring out when you can get married so that you stay happy. Marriages concluded on Monday will bring young people a lot of nuances. So, the mood in the family will depend on various little things, even on a change of mood. Scandals are also frequent, because family members who signed on this day can hardly be called indifferent to each other. A person will either love strongly or vehemently hate his soul mate. However, this state is not always stable, and it will change from a terrible war to a complete truce. Tuesday, like Thursday, is considered an unlucky day for marriage. So, alliances concluded on the second day of the week will go under the sign of the planet Mars, which is inherently warlike. In such a family, there will be frequent quarrels and conflicts. As for Thursday (this day is ruled by a planet like Jupiter), marriages made on this day will constantly be in a state of finding out who is the boss in the house. The eternal struggle for primacy, supremacy in the family - this is the main activity of spouses who wish to sign on this day. With regard to the environment ruled by Mercury, such marriages will be very cold. However, if people are liberally minded and ready to give their soul mate freedom of choice and action, these families will be happy. Saturday is also dual. Happiness in a marriage concluded on this day promises only those who are ready to sacrifice a lot for the sake of the family. And only when both members of the couple are ready to work on the relationship. By the very perfect days for marriage are Friday and Sunday. Friday, ruled by Venus (who is considered the patroness of lovers), will bring happiness, peace, tranquility, harmony and complete satisfaction to the family. Sunday - the day of the Sun - is no less a wonderful time to create a family. The couple will be a support and support for each other, and the relationship will be strong and happy.

Unfavorable hours

If a girl wants to figure out when to get married, she must also know what time can be extremely unfavorable for marriage. First: you need to make sure that you do not move in the opposite direction, i.e. was not retrograde. newlyweds a quick cooling off to each other and the loss of any interest in their soul mate. It is also worth knowing that this time is not particularly stable, it changes. In one year it is from July to September, in another it is from August to October. The same applies to Mercury retrograde, but this time will be difficult from a bureaucratic point of view. Marriages entered into at this time may be invalid for some reason, for example, the procedure for obtaining a certificate or other unpleasant nuances will be complicated.


The state of the moon is also of great importance. It is believed that it is better to play weddings in such families. In such families, people will constantly experience interest and attraction to each other, and there will not even be a question of cooling relations. good sign it is considered if the Moon falls into the signs of the Zodiac, which positively affect family life - Taurus, Cancer, Libra. The Moon in Aquarius promises young people to quickly annoy each other. In Scorpio or Virgo - the loss of your soul mate under tragic circumstances. 3, 6, 12, 17, 24 are considered ideal for marriage. It is also not recommended to get married during an eclipse, this symbolizes the imminent dissolution of marriage.

About widows

Some women may be interested in the question of when a widow can get married. So, according to Orthodox canons, women can create new families after the death of their husband. It is desirable to be guided by the same rules that have been created for people who are building their family for the first time. There are no restrictions or prohibitions here.

People are paradoxical creatures, often combining complete opposites. Modern boys and girls believe in progress, science and technology, but at the same time they are sincerely passionate about esotericism, they take love potions and conspiracies seriously and no, no, and they will look at the horoscope forecast for their zodiac sign before an important day. Signs and superstitions no longer have the meaning that they were given in antiquity, but nevertheless they are in no hurry to be forgotten in the darkness of centuries.

Among the many glossy magazines there are women's magazines that are quite special for the beautiful half - wedding magazines, where, along with wedding fashion, advertising from various agencies and advice on organizing and holding the most solemn and big day, there is and wedding omens, indicating what a wedding that took place in a certain month of the year will entail.

January wedding . Hasty marriage at the very beginning of the new year is not considered best solution. If you believe old signs, then according to them there is a high probability of becoming a widow early.

February wedding . February justifies the fact that this month celebrates Valentine's Day, the day of all lovers. wedding in february married life in agreement and understanding.

March wedding . This month is often the beginning life together a couple who does not immediately find their own separate permanent home.

April wedding . The union, concluded in the month of April, is distinguished by changeable weather in the house.

May wedding . This month, due to its name (May - toil), for a wedding in Rus' has always been considered not the most successful.

wedding in June. What month are you getting married? June is the most beautiful time, the first month of summer is warm and sunny. Signs and traditions say that the honeymoon of a married couple who celebrated their wedding in June will be a lifetime.

July wedding
. July - the middle of summer - promises the newlyweds both happiness and grief - all equally.

wedding in august . August - last month summer promises a husband who is mature in relationships, who will be both a lover and a friend for life, support and support for his wife, for whom he feels the most tender feelings. Mutual understanding will be the basis of such an alliance.

September wedding . This is the time for those who see a happy family life in measured and calm. The marriage promises to be stable.

wedding in october . Couples who decide to join the knot in October are waiting for tests both from the outside and from the inside. The reason for this will be quarrels due to misunderstandings and often unfounded grievances. Those who celebrated the wedding in October need to be patient, learn to listen and hear, forgive, compromise.

November wedding . This is the most wonderful time for those who care most about prosperity in the family and material well-being. Married in November are protected from financial problems.

Each person has his own favorite time of the year. Therefore, it is best to choose a month for a wedding, based on the preferences of each other, because in this way this day will become even more enjoyable. WITH financial side best time year for the celebration is winter and spring, because for summer and autumn periods prices for everything wedding services rise.

Do you believe in omens?

A wedding is an event that is rooted in a deep history. Many traditions and customs are associated with this day. Signs that have developed over the years tell in detail about each month of the year for holding wedding ceremony. Getting married in January is not recommended. It is believed that a girl who becomes a wife this month will soon become a widow.

It used to be believed that it unites the hearts of lovers for life. Young people will live in love, and the family will be happy and strong.

March is broadcasting life in a foreign land. The newlyweds will not stay in their native lands, so they prophesy folk omens. The lives of future children will suffer the same fate.

A wedding in April promises changeable happiness. White stripe, black stripe family life will be as fickle as the weather this month. There are pluses of marriage in April - the husband and wife will never complain about the monotony and boredom of their family life.

For no reason, the bride of the 19th century would not have married in May, because she was firmly convinced: "A wedding in May is toil all your life." This month promised the newlyweds betrayal in own house. The historical basis of this sign is the fact that in the old days given period was one of the busiest field jobs. If the wedding fell during the period of Great Lent, then the marriage, of course, was not crowned.

June is called the honeymoon. Ancestors broadcast a good, joyful family life, and most importantly, in abundance.

July is very similar to April, judging by old signs. If the couple wanted to live a varied family life, then they celebrated the wedding this month.

Our ancestors believed that by getting married in August, the husband would become not only beloved, but also a true friend, and the wife would become the closest person in the world to her husband. Harmony and mutual understanding will accompany the family all their lives.

For those who are very important stability in a relationship best month for will be September. Quiet and calm atmosphere will envelop the couple after the wedding, and troubles will bypass the house.

October does not bode well for the newlyweds. Stability and reliability will not be present in family life. Difficulties and problems will become frequent guests of the young couple.

Previously, during any fast, marriage was not crowned, but as you know, the Advent fast falls on December and early January. If the couple nevertheless decided to get married in December, then the marriage will be strong and reliable, like the frosts this month.

The right to choose a month for marriage is only for the bride and groom. The main thing is to be guided by the voice of the heart, because no signs can break the feelings of two lovers.

From this article you can find out which month is better to get married, in accordance with folk signs. The text gives advice and guidance on which month is best to get married.

Many newlyweds consider choosing a wedding day a responsible process. Most people want the date to be beautiful and memorable. When making such a choice, it is advisable to pay attention to folk signs.

Our ancestors knew which month is better to get married. For each month of the year, there is a sign that says how suitable it is for a wedding:

January. This month does not bode well for the young family. A marriage made in January will not last long. From the point of view of our ancestors, this month can be called one of the worst for organizing a wedding;

February. This month, you can safely get married, the family will be strong, and the children will be healthy;

March. This month is considered unfavorable. The family, formed in March, will soon leave their native lands. The same fate will befall their children;

April. If you get married this month, you can not count on a quiet family life. Adversity will alternate with happy moments. The whole life will be full of various events, both good and bad;

May. As for this month, everyone knows the saying: “you get married in May - you will toil all your life.” To this day, this statement is considered true, although, most likely, its roots go back to the distant past, when May was the “hottest” month for farmers, since sowing was carried out, and there was no time to get married;

June. This month is one of the most favorable for marriage. It was believed that for those who were married in June, all life would be "honey";

July. For this month, the same signs are true as for April, that is, all life will be like a zebra, the stripe is white, the stripe is black. You won't be bored;

August. This month can also be called one of the best for a wedding. Families born in August will live in harmony. They will always have mutual understanding, both between spouses and between children and parents;

September. This is a month for those who wish for a calm and serene family life. Troubles bypass the families that appeared in September;

October. Marrying this month is strongly discouraged. Troubles and hardships will haunt the family, married in October. There will be neither agreement nor mutual understanding in them;

November. This month is considered good for those who want to live in abundance. In a family born in November, not only mutual understanding, but also money will never stop flowing;

December. This month is also considered very auspicious. The couple will love each other all their lives. In their family there will always be a place for love, and born children will honor their parents.

Our ancestors believed that a wedding played in the harvest month would be successful, so they most often got married in late summer - early autumn. At this time, the tables were bursting with cooked dishes, people rested after harvesting, and weddings were played almost every day.

When choosing a wedding date, our ancestors paid attention not only to the month. There are several church prohibitions for marriage. This applies to the four great fasts in which a church wedding is not held. These include:

  • Christmas post. From November 28 to January 6;
  • Great post. From Maslenitsa to Easter (seven weeks);
  • Petrovsky post. From the second Monday after Trinity to July 12;
  • Assumption post. From 14 to 28 August.

Also, you can't get married during some Orthodox holidays, such as the Trinity, Intercession, Christmas, Exaltation, Candlemas, the Annunciation, etc. It is not customary to play weddings on Shrovetide and on the days of commemoration of deceased relatives.

So, following the recommendations of the ancestors, and discarding the "forbidden" months, we get the following most auspicious months for weddings: February, June, second half of July and first half of August, September and November. Thus, about half the days of the year it is not recommended to get married.

You can refer to folk signs not only to choose the month of the wedding. With their help, you can find out the most favorable day of the week for the celebration:

  • Monday. A wedding played on this day will bring a lot of happiness and joy. The marriage will be happy and the children healthy;
  • Tuesday. Married on this day, spouses may not be afraid for their health. They will always have plenty of it;
  • Wednesday. This day was considered one of the best. Prosperity and success awaited the young family;
  • Thursday. It is not recommended to get married on this day, as there is a danger of misunderstanding and various adversities.
  • Friday. Many would be surprised, but our ancestors believed that those who married on this day doom themselves to many hardships. Currently, this day is one of the most popular for marriage;
  • Saturday. It was believed that a marriage concluded on this day would be happy only if the spouses were ready to sacrifice everything they had for the sake of the happiness of their beloved.
  • Sunday. On this day, marriage was strictly not recommended. Sunday can be called the worst day for marriage.

IN modern world Of course, one cannot rely on folk signs, they are rather interesting from the point of view of acquaintance with folklore. Currently, many prefer to get married in the summer or early autumn, since this is a warm season and the celebration, or at least part of it, can be held on outdoors. In addition, at this time of the year you can go to Honeymoon to southern countries.

The disadvantages of a summer wedding can only be attributed to the fact that this is the holiday season and some guests may be absent due to a trip abroad, but this problem is quite easily solved, you just need to warn everyone about the planned celebration in advance, preferably a few months in advance.

A wedding played in the winter also has many advantages, and in no case should you be upset if it cannot be played another season. It is in winter that you can stand out among the monotonous summer weddings. Photoshoots held this season are simply amazing in their splendor, especially if they are made by a talented photographer.

In winter, it is easier to choose a beautiful date for a wedding, since the number of people getting married is much lower, for the same reason the celebration itself will cost much less, because in all restaurants prices drop by several tens of percent. On winter wedding the bride can appear in a magnificent outfit made of furs, Wedding Dress it can also be made to match the style, for example, it can be knitted.

There are many signs regarding the date of the wedding. However, in which month it is better to get married, only future spouses should decide. After all, in fact, the date does not matter, the most important thing is love and mutual understanding.

A dress and shoes were chosen, a list of guests was compiled, a menu was discussed. It remains to consider at least important question When is the best time for you to get married? A question that can in no way be classified as frivolous - if only because it worried so many girls and women before you. Let's collect bit by bit the secrets that served them, and try to use them to determine when it is better for you to get married so that your family life is long, serene and happy.

What is the best date to get married?

When choosing what date you want to get married, you (if you want!) You can take into account the following. Astrology teaches that for each person, the happiest day of each month will be the date on which he was born - and all those whose numbers add up to this number. In other words, if a person was born on the 5th, then the 14th (1 + 4) and 23rd (2 + 3) of each month will also be happy for him. Why not consider this little thing when thinking about when it is better for you to get married?

Our grandmothers said that it is better for a woman to start any important business on a "women's" day - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. True, for believers, marriages on Saturdays are not allowed - just like on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If you are interested in this aspect of the topic, I will add the following. It is better not to marry:

  1. On the eve of all the great holidays, as well as the holidays of the Twelfth and Temple.
  2. During fasts: Rozhdestvensky, Assumption, Petrov and Veliky.
  3. During Christmas time - the period from January 7 to 20.
  4. During Maslenitsa - starting from the Meat Week.
  5. During the Easter week.
  6. September 11 and 12 - on the eve and on the day of the Beheading of John the Baptist.
  7. September 26 and 27 - on the eve and on the day of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross.

In addition to the Church, our ancestors had one more adviser. Not only weddings walked along it or housing construction began, but they even baked bread and tarred barrels for pickles. You guessed - we are talking about the moon. Until now, she dictates to us not only what day it is better to get married, but also what day it is better to go to the hairdresser. So, take the lunar calendars and note what Sergei Vronsky says on the topic of interest to us:

  1. The best for marriage will be the following Lunar days: 6th, 10th, 11th, 15th, 17th, 21st, 26th and 27th.
  2. These days of the Moon will be bad: 3rd, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 19th and 29th.

Of course, the most accurate answer to the question of when it is better for you to get married could be given by your personal astrological chart. We have given here some of the basic information that you can rely on while you do not have such a card in your hands.

What month should you get married?

In Rus', traditionally, the autumn months were the most fruitful for weddings - when all the work in the field ended. Today, such a landmark is probably used by very few couples in love. But it seems that since ancient times, young girls have been thinking about the month in which they should get married. After all, it is not in vain that the saying is still alive today: “To get married in May is to suffer for a century.” In France, in addition to the month of May, the month of March is considered very bad for weddings. What to say? Each person has their happy and unlucky months, and if you think about it, it will not be so difficult to remember what period of the year we succeed in flying, and when we just beat our foreheads against the wall. Therefore, you will be able to determine for yourself in which month it is better for you to get married.

What time can you get married?

Where? In Yemen - at least in 8. In Russia, plus, this will have to wait another ten years. I propose the following. Instead of discussing what time you can get married, let's talk about what time it is better to get married.

When is the best time to get married?

Assuming that you want to become a mother - otherwise the meaning of the question is not very clear. If you focus on the natural mechanisms laid down in the body of a woman by Nature, the most suitable period for the first pregnancy is the age of up to 30 years. Best Option while the interval is from 23 to 25 years.

When is the best time for a girl to get married?

  1. When she's old enough. She doesn't want to be with crying baby in her arms - during that period of her life, when she still often goes to work in the morning straight from the club where she spent the night with her friends.
  2. When it will be independent economically. Why hang on to the shackles of official relations just because she can't support herself?
  3. When she meets someone who really suits her. And when she and her chosen one will have a similar opinion on the main issues of life - including the question of whether they should start a family.