When is the best time to get pregnant? What month is best to get pregnant and give birth

When is it better to get pregnant before or after menstruation is a problem that worries most women who plan to become mothers today. A man can be a source of fertilization no matter what day of the month it is, which cannot be said about a woman. Certain days of the month can be both suitable for conception and empty in terms of fertility. Thus, a woman must constantly monitor ovulation and only during this period of time prepare for fertilization to occur, and she becomes a mother.

Some representatives of the weaker sex believe that conception occurs more effectively before menstruation, before menstruation, at that time. How others wait for the end of menstruation in order to effectively fertilize the egg. All these nuances most directly depend solely on individual characteristics the female body, as well as from some secondary factors that can affect the very process of conceiving a baby.

The possibility of pregnancy before or after menstruation

The menstrual period of a girl provides that the best period for conception is ovulation. This concept provides that during this period the egg leaves its follicle and goes to the uterine cavity to meet with its only sperm. Thus, if sexual intercourse is performed precisely during the period of ovulation or a few days before or after it, then in this case the possibility of conception is quite high.

How to calculate the period of ovulation does not cause any particular difficulties: most often menstrual cycle lasts from twenty-eight to thirty-five days. Therefore, it is necessary to separate fourteen from the start date, we get approximate date the onset of ovulation.

The method of calendar calculations may be erroneous, since some minor factors may affect the course of the menstrual cycle, which leads to a delay or early offensive ovulation.

There may be some interruptions associated with hormonal disruptions. But, in any case, if a woman fixes a delay in menstruation or other cycle instabilities, then you should consult a gynecologist to determine the problem. This is due to the fact that all such interruptions can delay or even eliminate ovulation, which will make pregnancy simply impossible, either before or after menstruation.

When is the best time to get pregnant before or after your period? - this question does not have an unambiguous definition at all, however, the answer to it may depend on the following fairly significant factors:

  • when a woman boasts a stable menstrual cycle, it is impossible to decide when it is better to get pregnant: before or after menstrual bleeding. This is due to the fact that the release of the egg is most often observed on the fourteenth day of the cycle;
  • when the fair sex may experience certain failures, pregnancy is best planned after menstrual bleeding has ended. In this case, pregnancy is more possible, since the body spontaneously immediately after the end of menstruation begins to prepare a new egg to enter the uterine cavity;
  • be sure to pay maximum attention to the general condition during critical days. If a woman feels very unwell, then pregnancy planning should be postponed until the condition is completely normalized. But, in the event that everything is fine and menstruation does not cause any discomfort, like the premenstrual period, then in this case it is possible to become pregnant, both before and after such a phenomenon as menstruation;
  • regarding third-party factors, then such situations can most directly affect whether you can get pregnant before or after menstruation. This is due to the fact that today most women are faced with stressful situations, which may also differ in reproductive function representatives of the fair sex.

If conception occurred immediately before the onset of menstruation, then in this case the fetus is subjected to a double test. This can be explained by the fact that during menstruation, the woman's body tries to get rid of unnecessary endometrium as much as possible, but at the same time, all its efforts are aimed at preserving already developing pregnancy. Therefore, this can greatly affect the already attached egg to the wall of the uterus and end spontaneous abortion. In most cases, a woman does not even determine the presence of pregnancy, and takes bleeding for normal menstruation.

Thus, it is better to become pregnant after menstruation, which will be safer for the fetus, since all the efforts of the woman's body will be aimed solely at maintaining pregnancy.

However, despite all these factors, it must be remembered that the viability of spermatozoa also directly affects the fertilization process. Therefore, if very a long period time a woman fails to get pregnant, then it is also worth checking her partner, or rather the quality of his sperm.

Possible options for pregnancy after menstruation

Having considered everything possible options pregnancy before and after menstruation, we can summarize that initially it is better to plan conception after complete cessation menstrual bleeding. However, even such fertilization can be accompanied by many pitfalls, which should also be taken into account as much as possible by a woman who is very eager to become a mother.

Most a good option- This the right approach to the process of reproduction. Therefore, before planning a pregnancy, both partners must undergo full examination for the presence of any pathologies or sexually transmitted diseases. It is also very important to understand that your man is striving to become a father and supports you in every possible way. These psychological factors, as proven by scientists, in the most direct way positively affect the process of fertilization.

As for the time when it is easiest to get pregnant after menstruation, this is approximately the fourteenth to fifteenth day after menstruation. This is due to the fact that in given period time, in most cases, there is such a thing as ovulation in women.

It is this period of time that is most suitable for conception, and right now you need to try to get pregnant like never before. After that, you need to expect the first symptoms that conception has occurred, most often they are expressed in the absence of the next menstruation, nausea and other common manifestations of pregnancy.

If you still suspect that everything went well, then in this case you can take a pregnancy test after a one-day delay, and if it turns out to be positive, then be sure to consult a gynecologist who will also confirm the presence of pregnancy and explain your next steps.

When pregnancy is almost completely excluded

In some cases, when a woman's desire to become pregnant is strong enough, she may go to extremes. Therefore, pregnancy immediately before menstruation or on the first day after them is almost completely excluded. This is nothing more than a delusion, due to the following rather weighty explanations:

  • when you can get pregnant may not coincide with the period of menstruation. It is at this moment that the woman's body is completely unprepared for conception due to the very low level female sex hormones. Very low hormonal background due to the fact that this is necessary to maximize the release of the reproductive system from the unnecessary mucous layer, which is necessary in order to save the pregnancy that has taken place. However, there may be exceptions, when instead of one egg from the ovaries, two are released at once. In this case, fertilization is possible even during menstrual bleeding;

  • after menstrual bleeding has stopped reproductive system The woman comes to her senses for a while. Therefore, this quiet period is necessary so that the body can rest and prepare for the next reproductive period. Thus, if the spermatozoon is looking for an object for fertilization, then it simply will not find it and there will be absolutely nothing to fertilize;
  • the internal environment of the uterine space can affect the viability of spermatozoa. Thus, only the strongest of them can survive, and only a few can survive until ovulation.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that fertilization in some cases is possible, both before menstrual bleeding and after it. However, for this it is necessary to take into account certain factors and be sure to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Drug addiction, alcohol consumption and smoking have a very detrimental effect on the viability of both spermatozoa and eggs, therefore, fertilization may simply be impossible.

It is also very important to remember that each individual female body is a kind of mechanism that works exclusively according to its own scheme and it is absolutely forbidden to interfere in its biological processes. Subject to all the recommendations, conception is possible, both before menstruation, and immediately after it ends.

Every couple sooner or later thinks that it's time to have a baby. For some, this desire appears already on early stage, and someone at a later time than it should be according to medical standards. As soon as a couple decides to take this important step, it is worth thinking about when it is better to get pregnant.

There is no single answer for everyone here, it is influenced by many factors. This general state health of both parents, season, age and day of ovulation. It is also necessary to take into account the period after previous pregnancy, the time interval since the last acceptance birth control pills, time elapsed since termination of pregnancy, etc.

Of course, the most logical answer is this: the best time to get pregnant is the period of life when the parents are fully prepared for this event.

Preparation before pregnancy

To begin with, it is worth taking care of your health, undergoing a complete preventive examination at the clinic. It is advisable to clarify for what purposes you need it, then the doctor will prescribe you more specific tests and procedures. In particular, AIDS testing and various infectious diseases, which can interfere with the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth, and also be transmitted to your baby. Two months before planning pregnancy, give up alcohol, cigarettes, antibiotics; Avoid exposure to harmful factors on your body at work.

If you are healthy bad habits do not have and are fully prepared for the appearance of a child in your family, then we will consider what days it is better to get pregnant.

Best days to conceive

The most optimal days for conception are considered certain days cycles that coincide with ovulation. On any given day, it will not work to conceive a child, no matter how hard the future parents try. For most women, the day of ovulation occurs two weeks before the onset of menstruation. With a 28 day cycle, the day of ovulation is day 14. It is not difficult to calculate the period of ovulation, but only if the woman's cycle is normalized. If the menstrual cycle is unstable, then you should not be upset, because there is always a way out. You can measure basal temperature every morning from the first day of the cycle and enter its indicators into the chart. As soon as you notice that it will rise, you can immediately talk about the onset of this long awaited day ovulation.

If you don’t feel like messing around with it or just don’t have time for it, then get it at a pharmacy special test to determine ovulation. It is used exactly like a pregnancy test. As soon as you notice two stripes, this will indicate that ovulation will occur within 48 hours. When it is better to get pregnant after menstruation, now it has become clear, let's talk about how the season affects pregnancy, which season is better to choose for conception.

Season and pregnancy

  • Pros of conceiving a child in the summer - a large assortment natural vitamins(vegetables, fruits), good epidemiological situation, excellent psychological state, the possibility of a great holiday on fresh air. The disadvantages include the fact that the birth of a child occurs at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, just when there are very few vitamins and there is a high risk of getting colds and infectious diseases.
  • The best time to get pregnant is autumn. In autumn, a woman's body contains a sufficient amount of vitamins, and the birth of a baby should be expected in the summer. Pluses - a lot of vitamins at the time of conception, the last weeks fall on a period when household injuries are minimized. By cons - recent months pregnancies will be in the summer when the air temperature can be too high. And conception falls on a period when there is a high risk of contracting the flu or acute respiratory infections.
  • conception in winter period is considered the most unfavorable, although here one can find positive side, because the last weeks of pregnancy fall in autumn, when big choice fruits and vegetables. The disadvantages are that in the first weeks after conception there is big risk get sick with the flu or acute respiratory infections, as well as bad autumn weather for walking with your child.
  • The beginning of pregnancy in the spring has the advantage: it is easier to endure toxicosis, since the humidity is low and the temperature is low. There is also a great emotional uplift, good mood. Last weeks pregnancies just fall at a time when the production of a hormone that helps to bear a fetus is high. The disadvantages are a catastrophic lack of vitamins, adverse weather conditions and the epidemiological situation for the period of birth.

To determine when it is better to get pregnant relative to the time of year, first of all, it is worth considering the state of health of the mother and the possible reactions of the body to seasonal temperature changes.


Optimal age for the conception and birth of a baby is considered 20-35 years. The childbearing age is the period from the moment of puberty - this is from the age of 11 until the woman is menstruating. Doctors determine the ideal age for pregnancy taking into account the physiological characteristics of the woman's body and her psychological state. It has also been proven by scientists that women over 35 are more at risk of giving birth to a child with such a terrible disease as Down syndrome, and with a number of other deviations from the norm. For a man, everything is a little simpler - up to the age of 50, he has the opportunity to conceive a completely healthy offspring. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy in advance, it is worth considering the age of both partners.

Also, when thinking about when is the best time to get pregnant, it is worth remembering that two, and preferably three cycles should pass after stopping oral contraceptives. During this period, the hormonal background is normalized, the state fallopian tubes and the walls of the uterus.

If you have already had a pregnancy, then it is worth delaying planning a new one. The period between the first and second pregnancy should be at least two years. This time is given for full recovery the female body and to prepare it for next pregnancy. If there was a miscarriage or abortion, then you need to wait six months.

Now you know when it is better to get pregnant, taking into account various factors.

Probably not today women who would not know that best period for conception of a child - this is from the 10th to the 18th day from the first day of the last menstruation. However, not all couples succeed in planning the conception of a child, many have sex for pleasure and then it turns out that the woman is pregnant. Indeed, to make a plan, to observe special diet and to arrange a "holiday" in honor of the conception of a child, as some experts advise, seems redundant to us.

Important for conception child- this is the presence of love and understanding between spouses. If you are confident in your partner and love him, then just enjoy his intimacy and spend more time with him in bed. It is not necessary to think about conceiving a child, this process should be natural. During the period favorable for the conception of a child, it is best to have sexual intercourse every other day, but their number should not exceed 7 acts per week.

Earlier it was believed that before conceiving a child, a man needs to abstain for one month so that the seminal fluid accumulates. There is some truth in this, the more often a man ejaculates, the more seminal fluid is consumed. However, sperm motility directly depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse. Do sexy active men spermatozoa are more dexterous, but the concentration of spermatozoa in their semen is much lower. You should also not worry about the best position to conceive a child.

spermatozoa have special flagella, with the help of which they move easily, regardless of how they got into the vagina. You don't have to worry about what a large number of leaked out of the vagina. This normal phenomenon, the remaining sperm is enough for hundreds of spermatozoa to rush up to the uterus and reach the egg. Viable spermatozoa remain for three to four days. If a female germ cell is released these days, then it will become possible fertilization eggs.

Each family pair seeks to conceive a child so that he would bring them joy and be the successor of the family. Therefore, no one can condemn those who carefully plan and responsibly treat the birth of a child. So that the expectations of the parents are justified and not overshadowed by the birth of a sick baby, on the day of conception, both partners should absolutely not drink alcoholic drinks, take medications and narcotic drugs.

If you wish to Baby was born in a certain month, it is very easy to plan the date of conception of a child in advance. For example, you are so in love with your husband and admire him that you would certainly like to have a baby on his birthday. Mark the desired date of birth of the child on the calendar and count back 7 days from it. Add 3 months to the resulting number and add 14 days. The resulting date is the day of conception of the baby, who will be born on dad's birthday.

For example, if u dad's birthday 07/26/85., then you need to conceive a child on 11/02/12, so that he is born on 07/26/13. Of course, it is almost impossible to plan the date of conception of a child on the day, because not every woman has a pregnancy that lasts 40 weeks. Therefore, attempts to get pregnant must begin to be made two weeks before the date of conception received, and only there, as God wills. If you're lucky, you can get there at exactly the appointed time.

When planning time conception of a child, it will not be superfluous to take into account what month the baby will be born. If conception occurs in winter, then he will be born in autumn, if in summer, then you should wait for the addition in the spring. Accordingly, a child conceived in the fall will be born in the summer, and you will celebrate the birthday of a baby conceived in the spring in the winter month. Each season has its pros and cons, so in which month it is better to give birth to a child, you should choose not according to the season, but according to the horoscope. Calculate the zodiac sign in which you would like to give birth. The signs of the Zodiac are decisive in a person's life, the success of a person and his character depend on them.

Based on the horoscope Can recommend which month to conceive Aries, Gemini, Leo, Capricorn and other signs of the Zodiac. But it is impossible to single out any sign and recommend it for conception. Each sign has its positive and negative sides. But there are periods of time that are contraindicated for conception. For example, he does not advise conceiving a child in fasting, this may affect the future and health of the child. The most important condition fasting is marital abstinence, violation of it can lead to unfavorable childbirth and illness of the child. The Church advises that if parents conceived a child during fasting days, then they should definitely repent before the birth of the child.

The best day to conceive child counted as the fifth day after each new moon. Also, the chance of conceiving a child increases a lot from October 26 to November 10, when the Moon is in Scorpio. After all, the Moon governs conception and fertility. According to the sign of the Zodiac the Moon is in, you can plan the birth of a boy or a girl. So if on the day of conception the moon was:
- in the female signs of the Zodiac - Pisces, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus, Scorpio, most likely you will have a girl.
- V male signs Zodiac - Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Sagittarius, then wait for the birth of a boy.

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When is the best time to get pregnant? This question is increasingly of concern to people, both women and men, who dream of having a child: after all, we no longer classify the idea of ​​family planning as a purely theoretical one. Modern man not too different in a healthy way life: we accept the most different medicines, we are exposed to harmful factors at work, sometimes we allow ourselves some, frankly, excesses in the form of alcohol and nicotine, etc. That is why people are increasingly thinking about planning the continuation of their own kind - in order to protect the unborn child as much as possible from the consequences of all these harmful circumstances, if possible, excluding them from their lives in advance. There are many considerations that influence the choice of the optimal, from the point of view of future parents, time for conceiving (and, accordingly, giving birth) to a child - from general medical to purely personal, and sometimes funny. Let's make a reservation right away: there is no scientifically based ideal time for conception. Moreover, "unplanned" but desired children are healthy, smart and loved no less than "planned". However, we will try to consider those factors that most often influence the choice of time for conception. The choice of the time of conception may be determined by certain medical considerations. Let's list some of them.

Time elapsed since the withdrawal of contraceptives

It is believed that after the abolition of oral contraceptives, as well as after removal intrauterine device, it is desirable to refrain from conception for 2-3 cycles. During this time, the hormonal and vitamin-mineral balance is normalized, which is influenced by oral contraceptives, as well as the uterine wall and the activity of the fallopian tubes, which changes under the influence of the IUD, are restored. After the use of pastespermicides, conception can be planned already in the next cycle (pregnancy that occurs against the background of the use of these contraceptives can be complicated by fetal malformations), and barrier contraceptives such as a condom and a diaphragm do not affect the likelihood of conceiving a healthy child at all.

Time elapsed since the birth of the previous child

According to WHO recommendations, between childbirth and conception next child must be at least two years old. After caesarean section the two-year interval must be observed especially strictly. In addition, it should be taken into account that it is desirable to observe a six-month break between the termination breastfeeding and conception. It is during this period female body is fully restored and is able to face the hardships of the next pregnancy without damaging himself.

Time elapsed since the termination of a previous pregnancy

It is believed that after an interrupted pregnancy - regardless of whether the abortion was spontaneous (miscarriage) or artificial - before next try You have to wait six months to conceive a child. This time is best used to correct those disorders that led to a miscarriage or were an indication for artificial termination of pregnancy.

cycle day

The magazine "9 MONTHS" has repeatedly said that conception is possible on strictly defined days of the cycle, coinciding in time with ovulation. It would seem that there is nothing to choose from. However, if you are having trouble conceiving a child, it may be wise to ask yourself the question in the first place: “Are we choosing the right time? Are we missing this very ovulation? Usually ovulation occurs two weeks before the next menstrual bleeding (with an ovarian-menstrual cycle of 28 days, the moment of ovulation coincides with its middle), that is, if your cycle is 28-30 days, then the best time to conceive is 14-16 day, however, this date may vary depending on the individual characteristics of the woman. There are the most different methods determining the moment of ovulation – from measuring basal body temperature(in the morning, without getting out of bed, they measure the temperature in the rectum; the moment it rises indicates ovulation) until homemade test for ovulation (the test is based on determining the increase in the level of luteinizing hormone). The chances of conceiving a child are maximum within 48 hours after positive result home test. If you really want to conceive a boy or a girl, you need to keep in mind that the sex of the child is determined by the sex chromosome located in the sperm. The life expectancy and motility of spermatozoa carrying different sex chromosomes is different. Spermatozoa carrying the X chromosome (female) remain viable longer in the female genital tract (48-72 hours on average), but are less mobile. Y-spermatozoa (male) are more mobile, but live less (on average 24-36 hours). Therefore, those who want to give birth to a boy without fail can be advised to have sex on the day of ovulation. For couples dreaming of a daughter, it makes sense to indulge in this activity 2-3 days before ovulation, and during ovulation refrain from sexual relations. Of course, it cannot be said that this method gives a 100% guarantee, but following these recommendations somewhat increases the likelihood of having a child of the desired gender.


Of course, everyone has heard such expressions as " early pregnancy" And " late pregnancy". Apparently, there is a certain golden mean - the age that is optimal for the birth of a child. Indeed, although a woman is capable of childbearing from the moment of puberty (11-12 years) until the extinction of the menstrual function (48-50 years), ideal age for the birth of a child is considered the period from 20 to 35 years. This is related to both physiological characteristics female body (after all, pregnancy is not just a process of carrying a child in the uterus, it is a restructuring of all organs and systems), and with psychological and social factors. Do not forget that, according to statistics, a woman over 35 years of age has an increased risk of having a child with genetic disorders (for example, the probability of having a child with Down syndrome is doubled). For men, this age threshold comes later. Now the world is actively studying the effect of age on the reproductive abilities of men. Although it is too early to talk about the final results, it has been proven that already at the age of 50 in men, the number of spermatozoa in the ejaculate, and hence the ability to fertilize, is significantly reduced. Therefore, when thinking about when you would like to conceive a child, take into account the age - both yours and your partner's.


Here you can give different reasoning and arguments. conception of a child autumn favorable in that future mom meets the hardships of pregnancy rested, her body is saturated with vitamins, strengthened by a summer vacation, usually involving a departure from the city and a promotion physical activity. The last, most difficult trimester of pregnancy falls on a pleasant spring period, when there is no longer a need to carry a heavy fur coat, there is no danger of slipping and falling on an ice-crusted sidewalk, but at the same time that exhausting summer heat has not yet begun, which can aggravate the development of preeclampsia in the second half of pregnancy.

The baby will be born at the end of spring - in the summer, which is good in terms of preventing rickets. It is believed that the favorable course of the third trimester is facilitated by a high concentration in the maternal blood of melatonin, a hormone of the pineal gland (pineal gland), which is secreted in dark time days. In winter conception, pregnancy is deprived of this advantage, which is undoubtedly present if the child is conceived. spring and his birth is expected in late autumn or winter. Spring conception occurs against the background of a lack of vitamins (therefore, you should consult with your doctor in advance and ask him to choose the appropriate one for you). vitamin complex). In the summer, the gestation period is not very long, so the season is more likely to favor the course of pregnancy (we have already listed: vitamins, rest, etc.). We have already talked about the main advantage of pregnancy, which ends in autumn - the beginning of winter (increased content of melatonin in the body ). The disadvantages include the increasing risk of SARS and influenza, as well as slippery (in winter) streets and the need to wear heavy winter clothes. But a baby born in winter, although deprived of the opportunity to walk in the fresh air and get enough sunlight immediately after birth, is protected from viral diseases (which are not uncommon in winter and early spring) due to maternal antibodies that he receives with milk. The same advantage is enjoyed by a child conceived winter and born, respectively, in the fall. Winter conception also needs to be “fortified” beforehand. The hot summer months in the second half of pregnancy can cause some inconvenience (the probability is more severe course late preeclampsia). Summer conception is favored by an abundance of natural vitamins in the first trimester of pregnancy, while the last months fall at the end of winter and the beginning of spring, when the dark time of the day is still very long, and, consequently, the melatonin content in the body is high. True, at this time it can still be slippery on the streets, the likelihood of influenza and SARS epidemics remains. But the newborn baby will delight spring sunshine(natural prevention of rickets), and summer fruits and vegetables will saturate mother's milk with vitamins.

It is possible that we have lost sight of some considerations about the pros and cons of a particular season in terms of conception. However, we hope that the very principle of constructing an argument is clear to you, as is clear what to choose perfect time very difficult. However, in our opinion, the best time for conception is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn (the birth of a child occurs at the end of spring - the beginning of summer).


Of course, the listed factors are far from exhausting the entire set of arguments that guide couples planning to conceive. Sometimes career considerations come to the fore (“I’m only at the beginning of my journey, I have such prospects, I’ll achieve this and that, then I can think about a child”), material opportunities (“a child is so expensive, Let's earn extra money, and then ... "). Someone certainly wants his child to be born under a certain sign Zodiac and carefully calculates the time of conception, based on the desired time of birth. There are times when parents dream that the birth of their child will coincide (or in no case coincide) with some holiday or birthday of one of the older children or other family members. Sometimes future dad(or expectant mother), whose birthday falls in the summer months, having “suffered” in childhood from the inability to share this holiday with school friends (after all, everyone leaves in the summer), seeks to save her child from such a fate and plans to conceive accordingly ... In general - compare, weigh the pros and cons, plan! In conclusion, I just want to remind you once again: no matter what considerations you are guided by when planning the time of conception of a child, do not forget about the need to pass medical examination before pregnancy(it is necessary for both future parents): agree, parents must be sure that they have done everything possible so that their baby is born healthy!

“My wife and I are arguing when is it better to give birth: in winter or summer? It means better for the child! I think that in summer it is warm and there are a lot of vegetables and fruits. And the wife says in winter because it is cold and therefore there are few germs. Judge us. If possible, in more detail. "

"My husband and I want to have a baby. Please explain what effect the season can have on a pregnant mother and baby. Maybe some seasons are less favorable?"

In general, it is impossible to give any categorical advice in which particular season of the year an abstract married couple should (or should not) get pregnant. There is always a lot of certain reasons for the family itself, and besides, a large number of objective (ie, independent of the desires of people) factors that "control" the time of conception. But, some obvious pros and cons of conception "by season" can still be noted. I’ll make a reservation right away that these features are relevant for most Russian climatic and geographical zones, but they have distortions, say, on the Taimyr Peninsula or in Kushka. In addition, they are modified by a number of family features - financial and social status, profession, heredity and health status, etc.

conception in summer

The first trimester of pregnancy occurs in the summer-autumn, childbirth - in the spring months.

Summer pregnancy. Pros: summer - the period of "weddings and holidays" (positive emotional tone, a lot of time for outdoor recreation, including - for the direct implementation of the conception itself) natural fortification (fresh fruits, berries, vegetables according to affordable prices, or even " own production") favorable epidemiological situation in terms of outbreaks of acute respiratory infections among the population (i.e. less danger to the embryo)

Summer pregnancy. Minuses: childbirth and the formation of lactation in the most hypovitaminous season of the year (it is necessary to ensure sufficient intake of vitamins in the female body, since they are always stressful for both mother and baby) the last trimester of pregnancy takes place in conditions favorable for domestic injuries (falls, traffic accidents from - for ice, slush; at this time, the fetus is already large enough and the pregnant woman is no longer distinguished by her former dexterity and dexterity

Conception in autumn

The first trimester of pregnancy falls on autumn-winter, childbirth - in the summer months.

Pregnancy in autumn. Pros: good natural fortification during conception (and also during the formation of lactation) the last trimester occurs at a time when the risk of domestic injury is reduced

Pregnancy in autumn. Minuses: the first trimester falls on an epidemiologically unfavorable season (flu outbreaks, acute respiratory infections; while the fetus is quite vulnerable to infectious effects), part of the last trimester of pregnancy will take place in summer conditions (high temperature, stuffiness, long daylight hours) This complicates the fight against late if such will be (it is difficult to maintain a liquid regime when high temperature and humidity of the atmosphere), and in general - worsens the well-being of the expectant mother. Not quite favorable conditions for the production of melatonin (a pineal gland hormone that "helps" carry a pregnancy). This hormone is especially important in last trimester. Its production improves at night, and, as you know, the nights are longer in winter than in late spring and summer.

conception in winter

The first trimester of pregnancy falls in the winter-spring, childbirth - in the fall.

Pregnancy in winter. Pros: appear weakly. We will be waiting for your comments and impressions - send any everyday thoughts on this matter. The most powerful plus in its significance is the very fact of pregnancy, especially if it is long-awaited. Another plus is a good natural vitaminization in the last trimester, i.e. in the period when the fetus "stores" the necessary substances for birth and the period of adaptation to extrauterine life. And in the period of formation of lactation, too.

Pregnancy in winter. Minuses: the first trimester falls on the peak of epidemic trouble in terms of influenza and acute respiratory infections. Moreover, at this time, as mentioned earlier, the embryo passes critical period development - the laying of the main organs and systems. about the peculiarities of the course of the third trimester and regarding the production of melatonin, one can note approximately the same thing as for the previous situation (with conception in the autumn months) not very good conditions for walks with the baby in the fresh air in the first months of life (autumn bad weather, then - winter cold, ice, etc.)

conception in the spring

The first trimester falls in the spring-summer, childbirth - in the winter.

Pregnancy in the spring. Pros: emotional lift experienced by many people in connection with the arrival of spring. This is especially true for the second half of April and all of May. Classic "season of love". the third trimester proceeds in conditions favorable for the production of melatonin and natural fortification somewhat Better conditions for the course of mild forms of late toxemia of pregnant women - not hot, relatively low atmospheric humidity.

Pregnancy in the spring. Minuses: the peak of hypovitaminization of parental organisms at the time of conception and early dates pregnancy, the third trimester can proceed in conditions predisposing to domestic injuries - ice late autumn, and correspondingly - increased risk falls and accidents. an unfavorable epidemic situation in terms of acute respiratory infections and influenza occurs in the first months of a baby’s life, while maternal antibodies can not always protect him from infections; not very good conditions for walking with a baby in the fresh air in the first months of life (winter and early spring with their unpleasant climatic features) These are the moments that, as they say, "lie on the surface."

However, I would like to add the following

Life, which is the main textbook, shows that conceptions and births occur in all seasons of the year, and there are billions of examples that eloquently refute negative reasons (and positive ones, too, by the way). Therefore, you need to rejoice at any good and long-awaited pregnancy, regardless of the month or season when it came. In the end, all undesirable moments can be overcome, the main thing is to remember these moments.

Well, if we take into account all of the above, then in our opinion, best time for conception is the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. And if you have the desire and opportunity to plan a pregnancy, then use the benefits that nature provides to future parents.