How to wash roller blinds at home. Washing and maintenance of roller blinds. What Not to Do When Trying to Clean Curtain Fabric

Cleaning is a procedure that must be carried out regularly, regardless of the conditions under which the roller shutter structure is operated. If the roller shutter is installed indoors, then cleaning it from dust does not take much time - a slightly damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner (you can even use a car or a vacuum cleaner specially designed for cleaning clothes) will help to cope with the inevitable contamination.

But those roller shutters that are installed outside need much more thorough and careful cleaning!

Why do roller shutters need to be cleaned?

Attractive appearance and neatness is the number one reason. But reason number two is much more prosaic - but it is the main one. Timely cleaning will significantly extend the life of the canvas and guides. The fact is that pollution that accumulates between the lamellas of the roller shutter blade and at the point of contact of the end caps of the lamella and the guide becomes especially dangerous.

Dust itself, and even in combination with moisture, is a powerful abrasive - it rips off the paintwork from the surface of the roller shutter, significantly reduces the flexibility of the design (and this is one of the main advantages of the curtain). Accumulating in the gaps between the lamellas, moisture freezes in winter, then thaws (during the winter in our climate there are about two hundred freeze / thaw cycles) expanding and contracting, literally loosening the connection of the profiles. And, at one fine moment, the deformation of the profile becomes irreversible - the canvas simply ceases to function normally, which leads to breakage.

Roller blind cleaning features

Roller shutters are cleaned in two stages:

  1. First, external, visible dirt is removed - a rag or sponge can easily cope with this task. Then - with the help of a very soft sponge dipped in water with a weak solution of a cleaning agent - the dirt accumulated between the lamellas is washed out. If the location of the guides allows, the same procedure is carried out at the point of contact between the guide rail and the ends of the web profile.
  2. After “wet cleaning”, the roller shutters must be opened and closed several times to shake off the remaining water, and, if possible, dry it with a regular hair dryer. If necessary, treat with an antistatic agent that prevents dust from being attracted to the surface of the profile and guides.

Then you can do the cleaning of the box - due to its tightness, it will be enough to clean its outer surfaces.

The secret of the popularity of roller blinds lies in their convenience, functionality and beauty. Manufacturers promise trouble-free care and guarantee a long service life of their products. Which is quite reasonable, because high-strength materials are used in the manufacture of roller shutters in combination with specialized means for impregnating fabrics. Due to which they acquire a lot of useful properties - the ability to repel dust and resist various kinds of pollution, resistance to temperature fluctuations, the influence of UV rays and a humid environment.

Roller blinds are indispensable in the kitchen, in the dining room, on the balcony and in the nursery, where home textiles, no matter how high quality they are, are in danger of losing their appearance in an accelerated mode. But no one canceled the current maintenance of roller shutters. The easiest way is to use the services of dry cleaning, however, the quality and speed are appropriate, so the price of the issue does not suit everyone. In this case, you can completely manage on your own. Let's find out how to wash different types of roller blinds and what methods help to keep the light protection systems clean.

How to wash at home?

Polymer impregnations, which are applied to materials for roller blinds, create a reliable barrier that limits the access of invisible dust particles to the inner layers of the fabric. It remains only to systematically clean the roller shutters from surface contamination - an inevitable phenomenon due to active operation. Many are interested in whether it is even possible to wash roll-up curtains at home without harming expensive rich fabric or exclusive 3-D photo printing - yes, if you follow the basic rules.

What is worth knowing:

  • Vertical bends during the washing process are unacceptable, if the matter breaks, then it is almost impossible to correct such a defect.
  • Machine wash is taboo, even at a low temperature on a delicate cycle, so you have to act the old fashioned way, that is, do it with your hands.

  • Not all products can be washed, with the exception of natural fabrics that have undergone antiseptic treatment. Restrictions do not apply to ordinary materials and synthetics without antistatic.
  • It is advisable to practice wet processing only in exceptional cases. Contact of the product with water is justified only when dry cleaning methods fail. There should not be any "preventive" washing.
  • The canvas cannot be dried in a suspended state, which provokes the formation of creases on the fabric.

There are two ways to wash curtains: in one case they are removed from the fixing mechanism, and in the other they are not. At the same time, they are guided by the size of the curtains themselves and the presence / absence of a tank of the corresponding volume.

It is definitely better to remove mini-roll curtains, while it is safer to process overall structures on the spot so as not to risk an expensive product once again.

Step 1: Remove the Curtains Properly


  1. wind the canvas onto the holder shaft as tightly as possible using a chain cord;
  2. remove the protective capsules along the edges of the shaft;
  3. disconnect the guide string and limiters from the lower weight bar;
  4. remove the bottom bar, provided that it is removable;
  5. drown the spring axis with a screwdriver inside the limiter, disconnect the shaft from the brackets and remove the product from it.

Step 2: pre-cleaning the fabric

Prepare a flat surface in advance where you can lay out the canvas, as well as:

  • a brush with a stiffness corresponding to the density of the roller shutter material;
  • detergent composition on a natural basis and with a neutral pH;
  • gentle stain remover, aggressive bleaching agents and solvents should not be used.
  • soft natural fabric.


  • Conduct a visual inspection of the fabric to identify stains, adherent fragments, and other contamination.
  • To remove fragments that stand out strongly on the surface of matter, you can use a school eraser. Most often, this simple method is effective.
  • The remaining contaminated areas that cannot be mechanically cleaned are treated locally with a stain remover. Do not forget to read the instructions, which indicate the exposure time of the composition.
  • Using a sponge, remove excess stain remover and evaluate the results. If necessary, the treatment is repeated.

Step 3: washing

The best place for the procedure is the bathroom. If it is impossible to use a utilitarian room, then a container is selected in which the curtain will freely fit in width.


  • Dilute detergent with warm water. If powder is used, make sure all granules are dissolved.
  • The unfolded curtain is treated with a roller well moistened with a washing solution or with a spray bottle, which is most convenient.
  • The detergent composition is allowed to soak. It should darken: this is proof that the components of the detergent have reacted with dirt.
  • Soap the sponge and treat the surface of the curtains, making soft circular motions.

When to stop rinsing? Be guided by the color of the water flowing from the curtain: it should become completely clean. Otherwise, due to the detergent remaining inside the fabric, it will be covered with stains and stains.

  • The washed cloth is hung up to let it drain. Half the job is done. It remains to properly dry the roll curtain without losing the original smoothness, geometry and brightness of the color of the fabric.

For information on how to quickly and efficiently clean dirt from roller blinds, see the following video.

How to dry?

There is nothing complicated in drying the washed material.

Method 1

  • Wait until the moisture is ¾ removed from the fabric.
  • Lay the canvas on a flat surface and straighten it. Dense natural matter can act as an absorbent substrate. It will speed up the drying process.
  • Place the fabric at a slight angle on a flat, stable surface to dry and ventilate well.

The use of radiators for drying products is prohibited.

Method 2

  1. Wait for the water to drain completely from the fabric, then wind it on the holder shaft and place it on the window.
  2. Unfold the product, providing good natural air circulation in the room, but without drafts.

Under the influence of strong air currents, the fabric twists, stretches and forms creases.

How can you clean stains?

The following cleaning methods for light protection systems can be used in preparation for washing or as a stand-alone activity.

Special eraser

When the true value of the stationery eraser as an effective tool for getting rid of stains became clear to household chemical manufacturers, it was quickly included in the product line. True, the analogue differs from its prototype in large dimensions. Such erasers help keep the fabric clean, as they are impregnated with a special composition that prevents dirt from penetrating into the inner layers of matter.

Vacuum cleaner capabilities

Periodic dry cleaning of dust with a vacuum cleaner is a procedure that is recommended for all light protection systems in order to prevent the preservation of decorative qualities. A weekly air jet treatment on low power is sufficient for this. The situation is more complicated with the cleaning of roller blinds, the operation of which takes place in "extreme" conditions - these are high humidity and intense fat evaporation.

If an ordinary vacuum cleaner cannot cope with a coating of grease and dust, then a washing unit with dry cleaning functions is quite. The main thing is not to use it in maximum power mode. A high level of vacuum provokes the deformation of matter, resulting in the formation of bulges, distortions and creases.

Gels with gentle formulations

Sensitive fabrics require maintenance with high viscosity liquid detergents. We are talking about gels that act delicately. Treatment of contaminated areas is carried out with a soft sponge. Problem areas need to get wet a little, and then rub gently. The number of procedures depends on the nature of the contamination.

Caring for day-night models

One of the popular types of fabric roller shutters is the Combo or Zebra model. They are made of day-night fabric, with alternating stripes of equal width: some are transparent, others are opaque. Acceptable methods for removing dust and light dirt for these systems are a vacuum cleaner with a turbo nozzle, a soft brush, a dry cloth. Keep in mind that the result depends on the regularity of the procedures. Cleaning is required at least a couple of times a month.

If you find severe contamination, you will have to resort to washing. All manipulations are carried out with the curtain without removing it from the eaves. Use a sponge and a mild detergent that does not contain chlorine. They act in the same way as when using the gel.

Strong impacts - twisting and bending vertically is prohibited, as the structure of the fibers of matter is disturbed and the product is deformed. Drying Combo models is carried out in expanded form, so that mold does not form.

What can't be done?

According to the results of independent tests, roll-type light protection systems can last 10 years, subject to quality maintenance.

What shortens this period:

  1. Open / closed heat sources - fireplaces, radiators, heat generators located in close proximity to double-glazed windows with roller blinds. Therefore, a protective barrier - a window sill must be available.
  2. Lack of protective impregnation. Raw products are cheaper and more vulnerable, which is more important to you - decide for yourself.
  3. High humidity, high temperature. Give up roller blinds in the bathroom in favor of sanitary roller shutters made of aluminum or plastic.
  4. Hot water and aggressive household chemicals - under the influence of the first, the polymer impregnation is destroyed, and the second - changes the performance of the fabric not for the better.
  5. Operation in rooms with a high degree of contamination.
  6. When the treatment of the adjustment mechanism with a silicone-based lubricant is neglected. Her actions last for a year.

Roller blinds are one of the most modern, stylish, comfortable and practical options for decorating your home interior and office. When purchasing a product of this type, you involuntarily ask yourself the question: how to wash roller blinds? Indeed, with proper care, they will retain their aesthetic appearance for a long time, protect windows from the scorching sun and curious neighbors.

How to care for roller blinds

Roller curtains are made from a specially impregnated dense fabric with the following properties:

  • antistatic, due to which dust particles are repelled and the canvas is not very dirty;
  • fireproof, which allows you to install them in the kitchen;
  • color-protective - resistant to fading and stretching;
  • moisture resistant.

However, despite this, care for them is still necessary, although it differs from the traditional washing of fabric curtains, curtains and curtains or wiping plastic blinds.

You should remember the main tips that extend the life of rolled products:

  • When buying roller blinds, you need to give preference to closed-type roller blinds made of more expensive and high-quality material, as they are better treated with an anti-deforming, color-protective and dust-repellent composition.
  • You can not install roller blinds in rooms:
    - near heaters, fireplaces, radiators;
    - with high temperature;
    - with high humidity and pollution.
  • When washing windows and general cleaning, it is necessary to roll the roller blinds into a tube or cassette.
  • It is forbidden to wash rolled products made of natural materials: reed, bamboo, wood, linen.
  • During maintenance and operation, avoid deformation, creases and damage to the fabric, since dust and dirt accumulate better in these places. And when they appear, it is recommended to replace the damaged canvas in the structure with a new one.
  • It is often necessary to ventilate the room by lowering the blinds.
  • If fabric roller blinds are installed in the kitchen, then during cooking it is recommended to roll them up into a roll to avoid grease contamination.
  • Avoiding the adverse effects of detergent, they should be washed only in extreme cases, when cleaning does not work.
  • For more effective removal of dirt, problem areas should be cleaned immediately after the appearance of pollution. Old stains are more difficult to remove, and too frequent use of even the most gentle stain removers negatively affects the condition of the fabric.
  • The force applied to the roller blind chain mechanism must be moderate so as not to damage it.
  • The mechanism for lifting and fastening the roll product must be periodically treated with special lubricants (oil or aerosol) for better functioning.
  • Regular wet cleaning, washing windows, frequent vacuuming of carpets and upholstery, upholstered furniture - contribute to keeping the room clean, reduces the accumulation and settling of dust on the curtains.

Blinds have become a familiar attribute of the window, replacing in many cases the usual curtains. Plastic products turned out to be much more convenient to use, since dust accumulates in them less, maintenance is easier, and blinds last longer than fabric curtains.

However, rooms with such accessories on the windows look too formal, so another option was invented. Roller blinds in Odessa and other cities are not a problem to buy now. They are made of fabric with a special impregnation that repels dirt and dust.

But, of course, such curtains should be looked after.

How to keep roller blinds clean

So, what to do to make the curtains on the window look beautiful and pleasing to the eye. Everything is very simple.

  1. From the accumulation of dust, roller blinds will save frequent airing of the room.
  2. For those who do not trust the aforementioned method, we advise from time to time to “walk” over the fabric with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle for fabric or a soft cloth. Due to impregnation, dust does not penetrate into the curtain fabric and it is easy to remove it from the surface with simple cleaning tools.
  3. A student eraser will help to remove dirt stains - it is enough for them to rub the surface in the place of pollution and it will disappear. However, rubbing the fabric too much is not recommended to avoid damage.
  4. After a certain period of use, roller blinds should be removed from the window and taken to a dry cleaner for washing.

But if you do not trust such organizations or there is no reliable one nearby, then the products can be washed, that is, washed, with your own hands.

Self wash

Immediately it is worth warning: it is strictly forbidden to wash linen curtains in a washing machine. To do this, you can use your own hands and a bath:

  • draw warm water into the bathroom so that it covers a little roller blinds;
  • dilute any mild detergent that does not contain bleach or other strong chemicals in water. Grains should not remain;
  • armed with a soft sponge, wash the curtains in circular, gentle movements;
  • rinse the fabric, changing the water several times - do not leave detergents in the fabric, as this may affect the color change when exposed to sunlight.

Roller shutters have become a familiar part of many country houses and cottages. But we are still not used to coping with their cleansing.

But roller shutters require the same careful maintenance as windows. Every Russian housewife has plenty of window cleaners. But what to do with roller shutters? After all, these are new window protectors for our country. They also become the main accumulators of dust and dirt. This is the main barrier between the street and the interior of the house. And he accumulates in himself everything that could be in the house.

On the one hand, if roller shutters have appeared in the house, caring for curtains and windows becomes easier. They accumulate not so much dust, they are easier to wash. After installing the roller shutters, it is much easier to wash the windows in the apartment, but the saved forces should be directed to cleaning the roller shutters themselves. How to do this quickly and without harm to the surfaces of the lamellas?

Roller shutters should be cleaned every three months. This is what Western experts advise. True, adjusted for our Russian winter, the frequency of washing roller shutters comes down to summer, spring and autumn cleaning. Spring cleaning of the facade, for example, necessarily includes a thorough cleaning of the roller shutters. During the winter, they accumulated quite a lot of dirt. And if you leave the roller shutters unattended, then the facades of the house will also not look updated.

If you skip one of the roller shutter cleaning cycles, they will accumulate such layers of dirt that it will be difficult to wash without special chemicals. And just potent chemicals are contraindicated for roller shutter surfaces. Otherwise, their coating may be damaged. Do not use abrasive or alcohol-containing detergents to wash the lamellae. The ideal cleaning agent is a solution of soapy water on a soft cloth.

The rest of the maintenance of roller shutters is extremely simple. It is important to let them dry after all the dirt has been washed off. And for better penetration into the most hidden corners, you can combine different positions of the slats. For complex initial cleaning and washing of the entire surface, the ideal position of the slats is completely closed, constituting a single surface. This will facilitate the work of the hostess and save the lamellas themselves.

It is necessary to handle water carefully in places where the automatic control system for opening roller shutters is located. Make sure no water gets in there. And in general, be very careful with the elements of automation. Otherwise, washing may end with the fact that the roller shutters will no longer be easily controlled using the built-in automation.

When washing the lamellas, there is a great temptation to walk along them vertically with a damp cloth. In fact, Western housewives will tell you that when washing lamellas, the movements should be directed vertically from top to bottom (or from bottom to top). This will insure the lamellas from deformation.

When washing roller shutters, you should also remember that excessive moisture is not welcome. This can lead to corrosion. That is why you need to make sure that the roller shutters are completely dry before folding them again after washing.