The most favorable months for a wedding. Unfortunately, your search returned no results

All lovers are anxiously awaiting the onset of 2016 - after all, it will be a leap year, and the belief has long been firmly established among the people that to marry in leap year it is forbidden. It is believed that such a marriage will be unhappy. But if there is no strength and desire to wait until 2017, and love burns in the hearts, can a leap year really destroy a truly strong relationship?

By Eastern calendar 2016 will be the year of the Red Fire Monkey, and astrologers unanimously claim that given year perfect for creating happy and strong family in which love and understanding will reign. After all, the Monkey is a family creature, faithful friend and caring mother. She simply cannot imagine herself without warm and calm home, which is reliably guarded by Papa-Monkeys.

Is it worth celebrating a wedding in 2016?

It must be said right away that the ominous trail of rumors and speculation about a leap year has no basis. Not a single religion in the world singles out a leap year as especially bad and unfortunate. Only in Rus', Saint Kasyan was blamed for all the misfortunes - and his day falls exactly on February 29th. But if you study the history of the events that happened on this day, you can see that they were no different from any other.

It is important to choose not only the season, but also a good day for the wedding!

Therefore, Kasyanov's year was rather declared unlucky due to ignorance, and not real reasons. Today, a tribute to tradition is simply preserved, in case of failure in a leap year - this is the same superstition as "Friday the 13th" or like "a black cat crossing the road." But the patroness of the year - the Fire Monkey - will take care of those who decide to tie the knot. It remains only to find out which days are most favorable for concluding a marriage.

Calendar of favorable dates for the wedding

Although astrologers advise taking into account not only the position of the stars, but also the compatibility of the personal horoscopes of future spouses, you can use the general calendar of favorable and unfavorable wedding dates.

  1. January- not the most lucky month for weddings. There are no days favorable for the creation of a family in January, but there are days on which it is categorically not recommended to play a wedding. This is the 2nd and also from the 4th to the 25th, 28th and 30th of January.
  2. February will give the newlyweds four particularly successful days for the wedding - February 14, 18, 20 and 25. But there are periods when you definitely shouldn’t have a celebration: from 1 to 6, from 8 to 9, from 11 to 13, from 15 to 17, as well as on February 23, 27 and 29.
  3. March it's better to skip it. During the month there will be two eclipses: on March 9 - Solar, and on March 23 - Lunar, which will make the month very unfavorable in all areas of our lives.
  4. April give a few good days for Wedding. These are April 2, 3, 10, 13, 17, 24 and 27.
  5. May will pass under the negative influence of Mercury, so it is better to skip it and not celebrate the marriage. Moreover, in Rus' it has long been believed that the one who marries in May will “toil” all his life.
  6. June will give only one wonderful day for the wedding - the 25th.
  7. July will be marked by such “bad” days for the wedding: 1, from 4 to 8, from 12 to 16, 19, from 22 to 23, from 25 to 26, from 28 to 29.
  8. August good for weddings, especially if you celebrate them on the 1st, 7th, 8th, 14th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th.
  9. September will also be marked by eclipses of the Sun and the Moon, so astrologers do not advise to play a wedding this month.
  10. October will be favorable to future spouses on the 9th, 10th, 11th, 16th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 25th.
  11. November will give great days for marriage - 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27 November.
  12. December recommends tying yourself marriage bonds December 6th and 11th, December 4th, 13th, 17th and 18th are also suitable. Before the upcoming New Year 2017, marriage is categorically not recommended.

When determining auspicious days for a wedding, astrologers take into account the position of the moon in the sky - it is she who affects the good (or bad) time for concluding a marriage. The most successful periods come when the Moon is in the constellation of Pisces, Capricorn, Libra or Gemini - at this time it provides a strong and lasting union.

If the Moon is in the constellation of Aquarius, Aries, Cancer or Virgo, then negative impact for the future family life can't be avoided. The rest of the zodiac signs are neutral for marriage. Of course, the date of the wedding can have both positive and bad influence for future family life.

But believe me - couples break up not because of the wrong day, but for other reasons. And even the right date for the celebration will not save you from divorce if the family does not have mutual love and respect, desire to understand and accept loved one without breaking it down. We hope that our tips for the “right” wedding date will minimize the chances of your marriage falling apart!

How would you like each New Year brought with him more and more auspicious days for the wedding. But, alas, this usually does not happen. In each month, as a rule, there are no more than 2 days that can be called favorable for such a fateful event. And this is due to eclipses - solar and lunar, the unfortunate position of those planets that are responsible for such important aspects, as love, work, communication and opposition of those planets that patronize communication between people. Therefore, 2016 will not please us with a great variety of those days when astrologers can recommend celebrating a wedding.

Auspicious days of the week for a wedding 2016

Quite often, when planning a wedding, young people would like to know what can be said about the days of the week? Which of them may be the most favorable for this celebration, and in general, what is the difference between them?

Let's start with Monday. This day is ruled by the Moon, the ruling planet of creation. family union and helping to share the difficulties of everyday life. Thus, a marriage registered on this day may turn out to be quite prosperous, you will always have a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in your house. And besides, you can expect a significant number of children. But, alas, in Russia, registry offices on this day are days off.

And here Saturday, to which registration is mainly assigned, is just very unfavorable in this respect. And not only in this. On Saturday, you can’t start any new business at all, they are almost certainly doomed to failure. Saturn, which rules this day, is a planet that brings suffering and poverty. Therefore, if you are planning a wedding on Saturday due to the fact that most of the guests may be present on that day, then it is best if you conduct your marriage in several stages. For example, by registering on Thursday or Friday, and appointing a banquet on Saturday.

Why exactly Thursday? Because this day is ruled by Jupiter. The planet that is responsible in the Zodiac for good luck. Under his beneficial influence, absolutely any undertaking begins to develop, including a young family. His protection will be especially useful to you during the first years, when so many problems arise due to the fact that two people are trying to get used to each other. In addition, Jupiter promises you and financial well-being which is often very important for a young family.

Another very auspicious day for getting married and starting a family is Friday ruled by Venus. After all, it is this planet that is responsible for love and feelings, and therefore, marriages concluded on this day will be based on love, and you can be sure that your feelings will not fade away for quite a long time.

Just like Saturday, absolutely not suitable for marriage Tuesday. Mars, ruling this day, is considered the planet of war, conflict and dissension. You don't want your family life to be full of quarrels, do you?

And finally Sunday. On this day, the Sun reigns, which is responsible for the manifestations of creativity, active participation, individuality. That is why some astrologers do not consider Sunday a particularly good day for wedding celebration. After all, if the Sun patronizes individuality, then this can lead to two strong personalities clashing in your family, which can lead to a mutual struggle of two strong personalities. But a family is when two individuals create one whole, and do not try to prove their own leadership. Yes, it may be good when one strong personality is ready to take responsibility for the family on his shoulders, but it is very bad when they begin to fight for this responsibility, proving their own superiority to each other.

Auspicious wedding days 2016 (first half of the year):

Favorable days for a wedding in January 2016

Wednesday, 16 January 2016. If you want your family to be based on warmth and intimacy, so that your relationship is full of tenderness and complete fusion, then this day, when the Moon is in the sign of Pisces, is the best for you. In addition, this day will be favorable for all representatives of water signs.

Wednesday, 23 January 2016. If the main thing in marriage for you is sociability, interest in life and lack of boredom, then the Moon in Gemini promises you all this to the fullest. However, there are also unpleasant moments that Mercury promises, which is in opposition to Saturn. It can be difficult, about 5 years life together, as well as problems that are associated with the execution of documents or some papers.

Favorable days for a wedding in February 2016

Friday, February 1, 2016. Marriages concluded on this day will be quite harmonious and calm, since the Moon will be in the sign of Libra.

Thursday, February 14, 2016. In general, this day can hardly be called particularly favorable, since now the moon will be in the sign of Aries. Although for the representatives of this particular sign, everything can turn out quite well, since they just prefer the seething of passions and many events.

Friday, February 15, 2016. Assign marriage registration no earlier than 15:00 Moscow summer time (GMT +4). The Moon in Taurus will provide you with the necessary stability, your marriage will be comfortable and financially prosperous.

Friday 22 February 2016. Marriage registration should not be scheduled for this day. The position of the Moon in Cancer predicts the possibility of widowhood. Only those can marry on this day. Who has already experienced the death of his spouse.

Favorable days for a wedding in March 2016

Thursday, March 7, 2016

Friday, March 8, 2016

Favorable days for a wedding in April and May 2016

There are no good days.

Favorable days for a wedding in June 2016

Thursday 13 June 2016. This date is good for registering the marriages of those couples whose Sun is in the sign of Leo, Sagittarius or Aries. The Moon in the sign of Leo promises your family life a lot of holidays, fun and a variety of entertainment. If you love popularity, fame, want to be in the spotlight, then this day is perfect for you. However, there is also a danger that one of the spouses will go to get their entertainment to the left.

Friday, 14 June 2016. The moon is still in the same sign of Leo, which means. All of the above applies to weddings that are celebrated on this day. But you need to appoint registration no later than 15 hours of summer Moscow time, since further the moon changes its position to negative.

Monday, 24 June 2016. Since the Moon on this day will be in the sign of Capricorn, marriage on this day is recommended only for those newlyweds who themselves have the Moon or the Sun in this sign. However, if you strive for a conservative relationship and value stability most of all, then you may well give it a try.

Wednesday, 26 June 2016. This day is suitable for registering relationships for those couples who value marriage, above all friendship, so that, in addition to loving feelings, they are also connected friendly relations. Or even - mostly they are. It is this marriage that the position of the Moon in Aquarius promises you. Remember that you will have to constantly keep your door open for friends.

From 26.06 to 20.07. Mercury is retrograde, and, therefore, this period is suitable for weddings only for those newlyweds who have their own Mercury is the same. The rest may experience a clear lack of communication in marriage.

Unfavorable days for a wedding in 2016:

Solar and lunar eclipses:

Usually, the largest number weddings are celebrated in the spring, more precisely, at its warmest and beautiful time. But, alas, it is during this period that as many as three eclipses are expected. Lunar eclipses will be observed on April 26 and May 25, and solar eclipses on May 10. Astrologers are of the opinion that the wedding date cannot be set at least 14 days before each eclipse. The 14 days that follow it are also unfavorable, and, therefore, in the first half of the year, almost 2 months turn out to be unfavorable for weddings - from April 12 to June 10, 2016. If you neglect this recommendation, you can expect your relationship to be very quickly lose their charm, and you just get divorced. You will feel like a passenger on an express train that you boarded by mistake and now it is very quickly rushing you to the wrong place. And you can't get off, because this train has no stops. So is your family life, which you will not be able to control. The program was put into it by the eclipse, during the period of which you so imprudently celebrated your wedding.

Retrograde Mercury:

Mercury retrograde is also very unfavorable for a wedding celebration. Marriages during these periods can only be those newlyweds in whom Mercury turned out to be retrograde at their birth. If this is not the case, then future spouses are unlikely to reach mutual understanding, they will hide something from each other, which means that their relationship will constantly be in danger of disintegration.

Auspicious days for a wedding 2016 for zodiac signs

We bring to your attention the most favorable days for marriage in 2016, according to your zodiac sign.


August 18, 2016- On this day, you will remember everything special that happened in your relationship. The degree of romantic moods is very high, and on both sides.

August 23, 2016- Juno herself, the goddess of the hearth, takes you under her protection this day, promising your marriage comfort and security.

August 27, 2016- Your marriage will be under the auspices of Venus, the goddess of love, in addition, she makes a woman a wise and caring wife.


February 6, 2016- Your marriage is truly fateful, it will outlive both of you. If you see a butterfly on this day, it will be a wonderful omen.

July 30, 2016- On this day, you will be under the protection of Venus, who will send you pregnancy, adopted children, and will also keep under her protection those children who accompany you today.

September 18, 2016- Your meeting was indeed a sign of Fate, and you will ideally match in your karma.


February 5, 2016- The day is ruled by the asteroid Cupid, which will shower arrows your way, leaving your friends in a frenzy.

October 8, 2016- Your marriage is the rainbow after the storm, a soulful union that will outlive you both!

October 17, 2016- Venus will give you romance, and crazy friends (yours or his) will provide thrills.

February 6, 2016- Birth of a child, adopted child, godchildren or just accompanying children will turn your marriage into a romance with a sequel.

September 18, 2016- You will definitely have children - newborns, adopted children, stepchildren or accompanying your marriage.

December 23, 2016- Today Venus is accompanied by Cupid, it not only sounds very romantic. But also will definitely help both of you overcome any problems.

February 5, 2016- You must spend Honeymoon in the most incredible and exciting place that will allow you to fall into love again and again.

February 8, 2016 - New life, fantastic friends around you and a marriage that will benefit both of you.

April 15, 2016- If you are going to transform into the Goddess of the Hearth, then this is the most suitable day for this beautiful holiday.


November 16, 2016- Venus conjunct Pluto in Capricorn will make sexual relations truly sacred and will make you feel their power.

October 26, 2016- Bacchus (God of pleasure) and influential Pluto in your house of children (and intimacy) will lift you to an unattainable height of bliss.

December 23, 2016- Children who will be born soon, children accompanying you, godchildren or young relatives will make this day truly amazing.


February 8, 2016- Venus, which is your ruling planet, will happily fit children (present or future) into the picture of your life.

February 15, 2016- On this date, you will always be able to restore or even revive Love in the most unexpected way.

April 15, 2016- Juno, motherhood and home asteroid, will help you make your marriage truly unique.


April 20, 2016- This union will be something like a healing medicine for you. It has balance, symmetry and harmony.

April 24, 2016- Pluto, who is your powerful ruler, will make this marriage incredibly beneficial for both of you.

July 20, 2016- Your marriage will be under reliable protection and your connection will be very strong.


February 15, 2016- Uranus, the planet of freedom, in conjunction with the most powerful asteroid of new beginnings, makes this day very lucky.

April 2, 2016- Almost unbelievably lucky date. It is a good sign if you choose a special toastmaster to conduct the wedding.

May 10, 2016- a good date, will help a woman maintain her freedom and independence, from which your love will only benefit.


April 24, 2016- Today you will look simply incredibly attractive, and the children (already available or just planned) make you smile.

September 27, 2016- Today you will be under the auspices of Jupiter in the sign of Cancer, and you will have many guests who are just happy to get together.

October 21, 2016- Fortune will smile at you, and Jupiter in Cancer, which rules you today, will make her wheel turn in the most successful way for you.


February 15, 2016- You will prefer erotic adventures to even the most incredible toasts or videos.

April 2, 2016- Apollo, an asteroid, patronizing outstanding people and situations, in conjunction with Jupiter in your house, responsible for sensual pleasure.

July 8, 2016- Venus in Leo makes the attraction between you incredible, and your love vows and wedding video turn out just amazing.


July 30, 2016- Venus the planet of cooperation will be in your marriage zone and will become your powerful friend.

October 21, 2016- the children (or godchildren) accompanying you will make your holiday simply incredibly beautiful.

November 7, 2016- Apollo in conjunction with Jupiter will bring with him very special guests for you, and in addition, you will feel the true meaning of time spent with children.

All lovers are anxiously awaiting the onset of 2016 - after all, it will be a leap year, and the belief has long been firmly established among the people that it is impossible to get married on a leap year. It is believed that such a marriage will be unhappy. But if there is no strength and desire to wait until 2017, and love burns in the hearts, can a leap year really destroy a truly strong relationship?

According to the Eastern calendar, 2016 will be the year of the Red Fire Monkey, and astrologers unanimously claim that this year is ideal for creating a happy and strong family, in which love and understanding will reign. After all, the Monkey is a family creature, a faithful friend and a caring mother. She simply cannot imagine herself without a warm and calm home, which is reliably guarded by Papa Monkeys.

Is it possible to get married in a leap year 2016

Young people in love who decide to get married, but objective reasons those who did not have time to do this before the end of this year are wondering if it is possible to get married in a leap year 2016? It is generally accepted that a year in which 366 days is rich in various troubles (natural disasters, wars or epidemics). Every person on earth wants to have a strong and friendly family. Every girl dreams of a chic snow-white dress and luxury wedding. Modern lovers prepare for marriage seriously, considering every little thing. The most important stage preparing for the wedding is the choice of the day of marriage. Even people far from superstition, before applying to the registry office, study horoscopes, star positions, signs and beliefs.

Is a leap year marriage compatible?

Since ancient times, a leap year has been considered unfavorable and full of unpleasant events. People believe that at this time you can not start serious business. What is there to say about marriage. Lovers are afraid that the union of two hearts will be short-lived, accompanied by frequent quarrels which will eventually lead to the end of the relationship. The coming year will also be a leap year. So is it possible to get married in 2016, or will couples in love have to postpone a joyful event? Let's look for the answer from our distant ancestors.

How does the Church feel about leap years? The day of February 29 is considered among Christians as the name day of St. Kasyan, who angered God, for which he set him a name day every four years. Another belief says that God, having put him to guard the gates of hell, gives him a day off only on February 29th. Kasyan was cruel, greedy and an evil person, created misfortunes and brought misfortune. Many centuries ago, people tried to leave the house less on February 29. They feared for livestock and domestic animals. It is not known when negative attitude by February 29, it had moved to the whole year. If the church was against marriage in a leap year, then it would not perform the wedding ceremony. But according to church canons, it is impossible to marry only during fasting, regardless of how long the year is - 365 or 366 days.

What will the astrologers say

Orthodoxy, like other religions, is not against registering marriages in a leap year. And what do the stars tell us, do astrologers oppose weddings in a leap year? Although there is no unequivocal opinion among them, most predictors believe that the main thing is to choose the right wedding day, no matter how many days in a year. Today, lovers are serious about the choice of the day of registration of marriage. Astrologers say that the wedding date plays into the later life of a young family important role, and the cause of disagreements, quarrels and family breakdown is the wrong day of registration. And in this the opinions of astrologers are unanimous. For correct selection the day of marriage, the predictors take into account not only how the stars will form, but also the personal horoscopes of lovers. In addition, the day of the week plays a big role in the choice:

  • Monday. The day is ruled by the moon. The relationship between husband and wife will be difficult, depending on any little things.
  • Tuesday. It is not recommended to marry on a day under the rule of a militant and aggressive Mars. The planet will bring quarrels and disagreements to the family. In such an alliance there will be no calm relations. There is ice and fire, love and hate.
  • Wednesday. Cool relationships will develop among spouses who marry on the day that Mercury took patronage.
  • Thursday. Jupiter ruling the day will doom the family to a constant showdown - who is more important in the family?
  • Friday. Thanks to the patroness Venus, the planet of love and peace, Friday is considered the most successful day for weddings.
  • Saturday. This day is suitable for marriage for those who are ready to sacrifice their careers and personal life. Saturn, under whose patronage she is, is the planet of self-denial and self-restraint.
  • Sunday, which is patronized by the Sun, is the best of all days for weddings, but the registry office does not work on this day.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2016 according to astrology

Astrologers say that the right date for a wedding is as important as the compatibility of partners. If a person makes a mistake and chooses the wrong day for the celebration, this can lead to divorce. Let's use their advice when choosing a date. So:
1. In January, for a whole month, there is no suitable day for a wedding. It will pass under the so-called "bachelor" sign. It is in this month that it is best to make acquaintances, but not to enter into marriage in any way. But keep in mind, according to experts, such a marriage can be saved only if you do not limit the freedom of your partner.
2. As for February, it "gives" two dates on the 14th and 18th. The union concluded on the above days will be strong, happy. No less suitable would be the 20th and 25th. These days will give family life passion and understanding that will not fade away for a long time.
3. March is not suitable for a wedding, as it will lead to rivalry and argument. At the same time, in given period there will be two eclipses.
4. April is the month of Lent, during this period weddings cannot be held.
5. There are beliefs that if you get married (marry) in May, then your whole family life will be toiled. However, in 2016, two favorable dates fall on this month - the 15th and 27th.
6. The most favorable date of the year according to astrology is June 17th. You can also choose the 25th number.
7. July offers us a wedding on the 6th. Please note that this is a holiday - Kissing Day. The 13th, 15th, 18th, 20th and 25th are ideal.
8. August, unlike July, is not rich in favorable dates for this purpose. He offers only one day - the 12th.
9. September has always been considered the month of the wedding, but in 2016 suitable dates are the 18th (will bring wealth and love).
10. October is the worst month of the year for a wedding.
11. As for November, here astrologers single out the 3rd number.
12. But in December perfect days are 6 and 11 number.

Beautiful dates for a wedding in 2016

Yes, of course, the idea of ​​beautiful dates for a wedding is very subjective, since each of us has our own taste and concept of beauty. But be that as it may, most agree that the most beautiful dates for marriage are those dates in which the numbers match. So, for example, in the past, from 2001 to 2012, there were two very beautiful dates, which accounted for a huge number of weddings - 01/01/01 and 02/02/02. In order to make their dream come true on these dates, thousands of couples stood in line for hours in order to have time to book the time they needed.

Unfortunately, there will be no such symmetrical dates in 2016. However, do not be upset, because you can still find beautiful dates for your wedding in the calendar. Here are a few of them, sorted by their attractiveness:
- 06/16/2016 - Thursday
- 01/16/2016 - Saturday
- 06/06/2016 - Monday
- 02.02.2016 - Tuesday
- 03.03.2016 - Thursday

You can continue this list until the end of the year, taking into account the number of the month and its day so that they coincide. We should not forget that no less popular dates for marriage are the Day of Fidelity and Love (July 8) and St. Valentine's Day (February 14). If you are looking for some custom solution this issue, register your marriage on February 29th. This day is repeated once every four years. Tempting, isn't it?

Favorable days for a wedding in 2016

In 2016, as in any other, there will be especially favorable days for marriage. From an astrological point of view, the right date for marriage is no less important than the compatibility of the characters of the partners. Consider what days are best to get married monthly.


Unfortunately, in January, the stars do not recommend formalizing the relationship. This month is more suitable for expanding friendly contacts. A marriage concluded in the first month of 2016 will be successful if the couple does not seek to infringe on the interests and freedom of each other. Married life will be happy for those couples who do not like to be bored.


In February, there will be several especially favorable days for entering into family life - from the 14th to the 18th. A marriage concluded during this period promises to be long and strong. Not less than good days for the marriage will be February 20 and 25.


There are no favorable dates for a wedding in 2016 in March. This month there will be no date for which a wedding could be scheduled. This is a period when partners are not too tuned in to the wave of love. A marriage concluded in March will bring more trouble than joy. It is better to refrain from formalizing the relationship.


This month good days Not for a wedding either. Falls in April great post. The Church does not approve of marriages entered into during this period.


It is traditionally believed that people who get married in May will suffer all their lives. However, in May 2016 there will be many auspicious days for which you can schedule a wedding celebration. An alliance concluded between May 15 and May 27 will be favorable.


In June, the most favorable day for marriage will be June 17th. It is also worth paying attention to the 25th. Marriage on this day promises a long and happy family life.


July 6 is considered Kiss Day, and this day is very suitable for organizing a celebration. A marriage based on love and trust can be concluded on the following days: July 13, 15, 18, 20, 25.


There are practically no favorable dates for a wedding in 2016 and in August. August 12 can be distinguished - a marriage concluded on this day will bring not only a long married life, but also family well-being. On other days, marriage is not recommended due to the abundance church holidays this month.


In September, there are not many favorable days for marriage. Of all days, you should stop on the 18th. A marriage concluded on this day will bring love and prosperity to the newlyweds.


There are no favorable dates for a wedding in 2016 in October. This month, the idea of ​​marriage is best abandoned. In October, there will not be a single suitable day for going to the registry office.


In November, there will be only one day that is suitable for a wedding - November 3rd. On all other days, starting a family life is not recommended.


At the end of the year, December 6 and 11 will be favorable dates for formalizing relations. Other days are not suitable for organizing a wedding celebration.

Thus, in a leap year, there is not very much for a wedding auspicious dates and therefore, newlyweds should take the selection of a date for entering into family life with all seriousness. We invite you to familiarize yourself with bad days for a wedding in the 2016 leap year of the Fire Monkey.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2016 according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the best days of the year for such a celebration will be February 01, February 09, February 23, April 07, April 27, May 17, June 17, September 18, September 22, December 26.
Unfavorable dates: January 01, January 04, January 18, February 22, February 26, March 18, March 19, April 17, June 23, June 27, August 01, August 14, August 19, September 1, September 10, October 04 , November 23, December 01, December 10, December 29.

Favorable days for a wedding according to the lunar calendar

Of great importance, when choosing a wedding date, is also moon calendar. According to him, 10, 11, 16, 17, 21, 26 and 27 lunar days are favorable. Unfavorable - 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 14, 19 lunar days.
Separately, I would like to highlight 21 lunar days. This is the most auspicious day for a wedding according to the lunar calendar. Its symbol is Pegasus - a mysterious, unusual horse. This is a day of growth, implementation of plans, achievement of goals. The oaths that are given on this day are the most powerful. It should be taken into account the fact that it will be most favorable for creative people.

Unfavorable days for a wedding in 2016

According to astrologers, the periods of new moon, full moon and quarter moon change are especially unfavorable for a wedding. From marriage during lunar eclipses better to refuse. It is also worth refraining from marriage on the days of great church holidays, Christmas time, as well as fasting and commemoration.




All days of March are not suitable for marriage. There will be several eclipses this month (solar and lunar).

Any girl sees herself in her dreams in a chic wedding dress, solemn ceremony, beautiful hall, lots of guests. Creation new family is a very important and responsible step that requires special attention. Here you can not neglect the little things, the young couple must take into account all the nuances in organizing the celebration. Often modern girls and the guys go to the registry office, knowing in advance the exact date their paintings. It is generally accepted that family life begins with a wedding, so it is necessary to think through every detail of this significant event.

To future life was successful, and a strong marriage is to decide on the date, because not every day of the year is favorable for starting a family. Some couples go to their parents for advice, and they, in turn, are repelled by folk signs, while others prefer to trust astrologers and plan a celebration, trusting. A lot of people do things the way they're supposed to. church customs following the instructions of the father. But there are also couples who do not believe in any signs, but set a wedding date simply because they like combinations of numbers. In organizing a celebration, the main thing is the mood, then everything will work out.

Leap year wedding 2016

When lovers begin to think about a wedding in a leap year, they will hear from friends more than once that this cannot be done, because such a decision does not bode well. Many are sure that a year consisting of 366 days does not bring happiness, but rather is saturated with negativity and danger. Is it really that bad, and couples who want to start a family should refrain from getting married, or is it all just talk?

It just so happened that many couples believe in superstition and are completely sure that marriage in 2016 will not bring anything good, and the marriage will be doomed to collapse. But what about people who do not want to wait another year to unite their hearts? If we turn to history, we can trace one amazing fact. Once every four years, fun was not arranged in the bride’s house, but couples in love could still go through the wedding ceremony. Moreover, only girls were supposed to marry. And all because leap year is the patron saint of brides, it was during this period that the girls themselves could choose their betrothed. And then the newly-made bride could be refused by the matchmakers in the most extreme case.

There are many signs and rituals that help to cope with superstition and understand that a leap year wedding is no different from weddings in other years. During the marriage ceremony, one of the relatives can say “I crown with a crown, and not with a leap end”, and in this case the marriage promises to be successful, long and happy. In addition, if the wedding is played in a leap year, then going to the wedding, the bride and groom should not look back.

There are also signs that relate to the wedding attire. If the bride's dress is below the knees, then the marriage will last a long time. After marriage, in no case should you share your wedding dresses and accessories. It is believed that marriage in the leap year of 2016 will bring joy and happiness to young people if some important person is invited to the celebration, only positive and incendiary music is included, and they also come up with something extraordinary for the event. A wedding in 2016 should be held under the auspices of creativity, so poems, skits, exciting contests from guests will only be welcome.

Favorable days for a wedding in 2016

Every couple in love, who plans to marry, definitely thinks about the day when the most important and amazing event in their life will happen. Astrologers say that the correct choice of the date of the wedding is as important as, for example, the compatibility of the characters of the future spouses. Leap year 2016 also has dates that you should pay attention to when planning a wedding. So, the days promising good luck in longevity to future marriage are as follows:

  1. IN January there are no favorable days, because the whole month will pass under the sign of "bachelor". This period is more inclined to create friendly alliances than love ones. A marriage concluded in January will only be able to resist the collapse if the couple does not infringe on each other's freedom and is not boring.
  2. February provides young couples with several dates, starting from the 14th to the 18th. A wedding these days promises to bring a long and strong family life. A suitable day will also be the 20th and 25th.
  3. March will not be able to please lovers with dates for the wedding, because they are not in it. During this period, partners are not too inclined to give love to each other. A wedding in March will only push people to disputes and rivalry, so it is better to refrain from entering into an alliance.
  4. Suitable days in April not for a wedding, because in 2016 Lent falls for the whole month. The church has a negative attitude towards weddings and other entertainment events during this period.
  5. It is believed that people who marry May, all later life will toil. Despite this, May provided us with many days to connect the two loving hearts in a strong union: from the 15th to the 27th. Of course, those couples who do not want to throw a magnificent banquet or get married pay attention to weekdays. If the plans include a grand event, coupled with a wedding, then it is better to pay attention to the weekend.
  6. IN June you can select the most favorable date for weddings - June 17th. It is also worth highlighting the 25th day - a day for a long and happy marriage.
  7. It is very symbolic to play a wedding 6 July because this day is considered Kissing Day. official marriage will become strong if it is based on love and trust, and a wonderful date for the conclusion similar marriages in 2016 are 13, 15, 18, 20, 25.
  8. August not rich in favorable numbers for marriage. Considering all church holidays and fasts that fall in August, August 12 will be the happiest day.
  9. September there are also not many lucky days for marriage, but still 18 can be distinguished from all the dates. It is on this day that marriage will bring prosperity, good luck and love to the newlyweds.
  10. The same can be said about October- It is better to refuse marriage during this period.
  11. Not so many dates will bring november. Here, a single number is singled out - November 3.
  12. Finally, December. At the end of a leap year, it is best to start a family on December 6 and 11.

As you can see, a leap year is not very rich in days that are favorable to unions, so young people need to pay all attention to choosing a date for a wedding. In addition, there are unfavorable dates that should also be taken into account when planning a future celebration.

Unfavorable days for a wedding in 2016

All astrologers are unanimous in one opinion: it is better to postpone painting on the new moon, full moon and quarter moon changes. The lunar calendar will help determine the date of these moments. Also, astrologers advise to refrain from marriage during lunar eclipses.

In addition, commemoration, large church holidays, Christmas time should be abandoned. wedding event. Below is a list of all inauspicious dates throughout 2016:

  • January- from the 5th to the 25th, 28, 30.
  • February- almost the entire month, except for the 7th, 10th, 13th, 19th, 21st, 24th and 26th.
  • March- the entire month is unsuitable for marriage. And all because in March there will be several eclipses: lunar and solar.
  • April- from the 1st to the 12th and from the 12th to the 28th. It is also worth remembering that April falls church post, during which the church does not approve of various wedding ceremonies.
  • May- from 1 to 15, as well as 28, 29, 30, 31.
  • June- almost the entire month does not promise happiness in a future marriage, if it is concluded during this period.
  • July- the whole month, except for the 2nd, 6th, 9th, 13th, 11th, 15th, 18th, 20th, 21st, 24th, 25th.
  • August- from 2 to 22, and from 22 to 31 - it is undesirable to sign.
  • September- from 1 to 21, as well as 23, 24, 27, 30. This month there will be 2 eclipses (solar and lunar), so it is undesirable to marry during this period.
  • October- almost the whole month does not portend strong marriages, except on the 2nd, 10th, 15th, 16th, 20th and 21st.
  • November- from the 1st to the 14th and from the 18th to the 28th.
  • December- 1, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 15 and from 19 to 31.

Given all this data, it will be easier for young couples to find a day to plan a grand event that will become the most significant holiday of their lives. One way or another, you should not postpone the wedding for another 366 days, because a leap year is no worse than others. The main thing to remember is that all predictions, signs and calendars are powerless before the love, respect and understanding that should be present between lovers.

For a wedding, you should adhere to the general Orthodox rules: do not get married in Lent, on the eve big holidays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Traditionally, the wedding is held in the church on Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Sunday. Be prepared to be denied the ceremony on the day of the great patronal feast.

If you subtract all the days not allowed by Orthodoxy in 2016, then you are left with:

  • Favorable days in January: 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29.31
  • in February: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 17, 19, 21, 29
  • in March: 2, 4
  • April: Great Lent
  • in May: 8, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30
  • in June: 1, 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17
  • in July: 13, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 29, 31
  • in August: 1, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 29, 31
  • in September: 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 23, 25, 28, 30
  • in October: 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, 10, 12, 16, 17, 19, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30, 31
  • in November: 2, 4, 6, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 27
  • weddings are not allowed in December.

Auspicious days for nikah

In the Muslim faith strict rules when it can be done wedding ceremony nikah, and when not, absent. You may not want to organize nikah during the holy month of Ramadan, as it will not be possible to arrange a festive feast before sunset. We inform you that in 2016 it will be from June 6 to July 6.

Good days for a wedding in 2016 according to astrologers

Astrology is not generous with favorable days for marriage. As a rule, there are more than two such days in a month. This is due to eclipses - solar and lunar, the unfortunate position of the planets that are responsible for both love, work, communication, and the opposition of those planets that patronize communication between people.

Let's start with general provisions. good days For a wedding, astrologers consider Monday, Thursday and Friday. Do not schedule registration for Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday. An excellent way out of a situation when you know for sure that you want to invite everyone to a wedding banquet in Kazan on Saturday is to schedule registration on one of three favorable days. Leave the celebration for the weekend.

Let's move on to the private - specific good dates in 2016 for a wedding by months.

January 16, 23
February 1, 14, 15, 22
March 7 and 8
June 25
August 1, 7, 8, 14, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 24
9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25 October
3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 13, 15, 16, 17, 19, 20 and 27 November
4, 6 - 11, 13, 17 and 18 December.

Auspicious days for a wedding. date calculation by numerology.

Numerologists really consider - according to the scheduled date of the holiday. Let's learn and we. Let's say you are planning to get married on July 1, 2016. We add all the digits of this date, excluding zeros, until we get one digit: 1+7+2+1+6=17=1+7=8. We get the number of the expected date - 8 - and look at its value in the list.

  • Number 1. An auspicious day for large-scale undertakings, transactions and contracts. One of the most suitable days to create a new family.
  • Number 2. Numerology advises to refrain from active actions. Everything that starts well today will end badly, and, conversely, trouble will lead to good luck. For entry into marriage day is unfavorable.
  • Number 3. Symbolizes the past-present-future triangle, suitable for holidays, fun and travel. An auspicious day for marriage.
  • Number 4. The number of completion of the work begun, when undertakings, fun and holidays are not encouraged. The day is not the best for a wedding.
  • Number 5. A number that does not contain stability, but is filled with happiness and surprises. A day favorable for risky business only with good intentions. A marriage concluded for love on the day of the "five" will be successful. For a fictitious marriage, the day is extremely inappropriate.
  • Number 6. A symbol of reliability and solidity. All deliberate and long-awaited actions are recommended to be performed on this day. The slightest doubt will destroy any actions committed on the day of the number 6. The date is suitable for concluding a deliberate desired union.
  • Number 7. Symbolizes knowledge, knowledge of secrets and everything hidden. The period of spirituality and intellectual knowledge. A wedding on the day of the "seven" becomes a day of happiness, the starting point for mutual discovery by the spouses of each other. lucky date for marriage.
  • Number 8. A sign of reliability, prosperity, success. The day under the sign "8" was created for important matters and major undertakings. The union, concluded under the number 8, is accompanied by prosperity, material success and prosperity.
  • Number 9. Favors success, the beginning of promising business, the establishment of new contacts. A marriage concluded under the sign of the "nine" will be a union of two ambitious people united to achieve new high goals. A day suitable for marriage.

If you really planned a wedding on July 1, 2016, feel free to apply for this date!