Auspicious wedding day according to numerology. How to calculate a favorable wedding date by date of birth

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Choosing a wedding date is not an easy task, which sometimes leads to a dead end for newlyweds. How to choose the most intimate date married couple? After all, so much depends on her. Can choose a beautiful number that will look good? There are many of them in 2015. It is not a fact that this beautiful number will be happy for a married couple. Who knows what is encrypted in it? Maybe it's empty - unlucky.

If you apply wedding numerology in this matter, then consider that your family union will be successful, happy.

Some simple ways help you choose the right wedding day. Put them into practice so that you live with your soulmate in peace, love and wealth.

Newlyweds' birthdays

To choose a good day for the wedding, you need to add up all the numbers of the birthday of the bride and groom. Day month Year.

For example, March 3, 1983 is the bride's birthday.

05/18/1981 - the birthday of the groom.

Bride number: 0 +3+0+3+1+9+8+3= 27=2+7+9

Groom's number: 1+8+0+5+1+9+8+1= 28=2+8=33=3+3=6

We get the total number by adding these two: 9 + 6 \u003d 15. It is the number 15 that is ideal for wedding dates. Also, if you want, you can choose another suitable day in 2015 for family union. We take a month, how many days it has, and subtract the total number. For example, in 2015 there are 31 days in our month - 31 -15 = 16. The number 16 is suitable if there are 31 days in the month. If in 2015 we take 30 days, then 30 - 15 = 15. The meaning of calculations by date of birth is quite simple.

You also have to choose the month of the holiday. by the most good months will be - the 3rd, 4th, 6th, as well as the 9th and 10th months that follow common month birth. The bride was born in March - 3, the groom in May - 5= 3+5=8/2=4 (All odd numbers round down to the nearest integer.)

The date of birth of the newlyweds will generate the date as well as the month of the wedding

The average month is 4 (April). Let's add 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10 to it. We will get 7, 8, 10, 13, 14 in 2015. So if you have a wedding in 2015, then these months will do: July, August, October, January, February.

Choosing the right wedding date: the meaning of numbers

The second way is done a little differently. Choose the optimal day of the celebration, and then add it up: year, month and the date of marriage itself. We get the number that needs to be added up to one digit. Then we look at the value of the number and decide if this value suits us. We need to do right choice so that the union of the newlyweds is happy.

Meaning of the numbers:

  • One is the ideal number for a family union. This is success, aspiration, change in better side. All your possibilities will be doubled. The couple has great prospects that will bring happiness to their home. Feel free to choose a unit for such a significant event.
  • Two is not quite the optimal number for newlyweds. If you choose this period, then married life There are many fights waiting for you. The couple is waiting for conflicts and misunderstandings in the family. It is undesirable to make a choice on the number two, because the couple may soon part.
  • Three is the average value between one and two. The day for marriage is not bad, but there will be no great happiness. Good for holidays with family, fun and other celebrations. It is better to refrain from setting a wedding date for this day if you want a happy and successful marriage.
  • Four - immediately exclude this figure from the list of potential options. If you decide to hold your celebration on this day, then it is better to postpone the wedding. Make a choice in favor of another, because boredom awaits you in the family. Nothing wrong, but in the life of the young there should be fun and happiness, and not deadly longing. Who will like this?
  • Five is a risk. Marriage will be happy if your love and relationship is real, without falsehood. When you trust each other, sincerely love your soul mate, then the marriage will be successful. Otherwise, you will be defeated if the union is planned by calculation.
  • Six is ​​a great choice if the marriage was long-awaited and carefully considered. This is not for those who just met and immediately decided to get married. It needs a period long term relationship, then love, happiness and good luck await in the family of the newlyweds.
  • Seven is a good option for marriage. A mystery covers the couple's future. Young people will know each other all their lives, and therefore the union will be long. Loved ones will discover something new, unsolved in their half, which will make them get to know and love each other better.
  • Eight is a material number. Such families never experience material needs. When there is enough money in the family, there are fewer quarrels and scandals. A couple is waiting for a full bowl of material benefits. It is a pity that there will be no passionate love. Good for arranged marriages.
  • Nine is the most ideal number for creating a family of all. Happiness, love, luck, understanding, career and children are the main features of this figure. Plan your wedding exactly on this date so that your marriage is happy. Do you want this?

Now it will not be difficult for you to make the right choice for you. Having correctly calculated the wedding date, you can get exactly what you expect from a family union.

Marriages are made in heaven... Life confirms - it's not just beautiful words. Everything has its reasons - by chance people do not converge, and they do not diverge either. IN Lately many couples turn to astrologers with questions: “When is it better to get married?” or “When is the best time to get married?”. And this is no accident. Choosing the right date for the wedding is very, very important!

No wonder ancient wisdom says: “choose not only the right partner but also a suitable day for the wedding itself. And although the date for marriage is not the key to a happy married life, choosing a good date for the wedding ceremony increases or decreases the chance of creating a successful marriage.

The horoscope of the moment of registration affects the future relationship of the spouses. The main criteria for choosing a wedding date are: year, month, day and time of the proposed celebration.

Year after year does not fall

Modern newlyweds are sure that playing a wedding in a leap year means dooming their marriage to collapse. After all, it has been noticed that leap years are quite difficult for many people - conflicts, mortality increase ... If we turn to history, we can see a completely different picture.

Indeed, once every four years, young people did not disturb the matchmakers, and there was no festive commotion in the house of the bride's parents. But this does not mean at all that lovers could not get married. What is most remarkable, the girls went to woo. It turns out that leap year was the year of brides who could choose their own groom!

Moreover, they could refuse the bride in matchmaking only in the most rare cases, but no mention of them has been preserved. Next after leap year, according to legend, the year of widows is coming, which is replaced by the year of widowers. Some associate these beliefs with the terrible times of war, so deeply entrenched in the human mind. But the events of antiquity are in the past, we will not focus on them!

To toil or not to toil?

From time immemorial, May has been considered the most unfavorable month for a wedding: “In May good people do not marry”, “Who marries in May, he will suffer for a century”. But with what such a sign is connected - almost no one knows. The thing is that May is the month of agricultural work. And the sign went precisely from the villages, from where, in principle, all Slavic folklore comes from.

Spring was considered bad time for weddings. And this was done so that amorous affairs would not interfere with growing crops. As they say, love comes and goes, but you always want to eat. Therefore, weddings were played after the harvest, mainly in September-October.

But then we live in other times, so, probably, you should not blindly follow the lead of folk signs. Although, just in case, it is better to devote the month of May to preparing for the celebration.

After all, one way or another, the most suitable time of the year for modern married couples is summer: the table can be diversified with all kinds of fruits, and you can celebrate on outdoors, and the bride will be able to choose a light and elegant dress.

New Western Tradition honeymoon trips also best done under the rays of the warm summer sun. If on the day of the wedding the raindrops are sprinkled on the young, then this is wonderful - for the entire time of the marriage, the young do not happen to cry.

How to choose a wedding day? Astrologer's advice

formula for every day

Now for the days of the week. Tuesdays and Thursdays have always been considered unlucky for marriage. Tuesday - a day ruled by the planet of aggression Mars, brings a lot of quarrels and quarrels into the life of the spouses. On the other hand, the cooling of relations between this couple threatens less than others. Indifference in such a marriage is almost impossible - either love or hate.

The ruler of Thursday, Jupiter, incites constant showdowns on the topic: “Who is the most important in the house?!”. Also not uncommon in families created on Thursday, adultery and jealousy. Not the most better days are Wednesday and Saturday. An environment ruled by Mercury instills a somewhat cool, rational relationship.

Although, on the other hand, if the spouses adhere to liberal views on marriage and do not want to fetter each other's freedoms, this day may not be so bad.

On Saturday weddings are most often played, but this day will bring happiness only those who are ready for the sake of the family to sacrifice their personal life, and career. Patronizing Saturn is the planet of self-restraint and self-denial. If you crave intellectual communication, intimacy, the realization of sexual fantasies, do not sign yet.

If, nevertheless, duty brought you to the Wedding Palace, then only mutual fidelity and the readiness of both spouses to preserve the family hearth will make the marriage happy. Often, marriages made on the Sabbath are not cloudless, but quite durable. Often these are arranged marriages.

moon day - Monday - lays a very thin emotional connection in the family. Relationships are very difficult, depending on many little things, on changes in mood and even on fluctuations in the weather. But it is impossible to call these spouses indifferent to each other!


Since ancient times, people have believed in the magic of numbers. Since the time of the ancient Greek scientist and sage Pythagoras, who believed that everything in this world can be known through numbers, the science of predicting and interpreting numbers was born - numerology. There are special numbers of the day, the number of birth, the number of the name - it is believed that all these numbers determine the fate of a person. With the help of numerology, you can also choose a happy wedding date.

So today we will apply numerology to the solution of a practical, wedding, question:how to choose a lucky wedding day using numerology?

In numerology, all numbers are reduced to single digits. They are obtained by adding. Certain properties are assigned to each such number - it is believed that these properties affect the object to which they are inherent. In the world, many people use numerology to determine the character, abilities of a person, choose the most appropriate time and place for making decisions or taking some action. Numerology is used in choosing partners for business, in society, as well as for choosing a future husband or wife. Numerology can also be used to choosing a happy wedding date, which we will do.

As already mentioned, in numerology, all dates are reduced to single-digit numbers (in numerology, such numbers are often called "prime", which, in general, is incorrect, since mathematics gives a clear definition of a prime number. Thanks to the commentators who pointed out this nuance!). For this, developed different systems, of which the most popular is the simplest - add all the decimal places. And then add up the digits of the amount received and continue like this until you end up with a single-digit number.

For example, we have a wedding date - 11.11.2011 . We get from it: 1+1+1+1+2+0+1+1= 8

Or another example: 29.09.2009 , addition (zeros are omitted) 2+9+9+2+9= 31 , then 3+1= 4

In some variants of numerology, the numbers 11 and 22 are also called "dominant" and are not reduced to single digits. The number obtained as a result of such operations is called vibration. Numerical vibration is the essence of an object translated into a number. The object can be anything, from the name or place (in this case, the vibration is obtained by translating alphabetic characters into numbers and adding them), before the date of any event. Of course, we are primarily interested in a purely applied question: how to use numerology when choosing a lucky wedding date? Let's try to find an answer to it.

So, what does the wedding date number mean in numerology?


This is the number of purpose, ambition and determination. It is believed that this day enhances opportunities. On this day, actions with one goal are most effective. Well, that's enough suitable date for Wedding! Moreover, numerologists say that this day is ideal for starting new business, for concluding agreements and contracts. In short, a good day to start making changes in your life! And can anyone imagine the changes on a larger scale than the changes after the wedding?

Tili-Testo conclusion: Suitable, good day for a wedding


Antisynthesis number. Two is inherent in extremes, this number is like day and night - combining polar qualities, it maintains balance. Numerology advises not to take action on such a day. This is not a day for action. On this day, everything that starts well ends badly, and vice versa - everything that starts badly ends well. And although this day is not recommended for marriage, it is quite possible to arrange for yourself a not-so-fun start so that it all ends absolutely happily and enchantingly. For example, breaking the heel of the bride's shoes (naturally, having one more pair of shoes in reserve or the opportunity to quickly fix an annoying nuisance).

Tili-Testo's Conclusion: A Two-Day Date Isn't Good for a Wedding


Unstable number. It is symbolized by a triangle representing the past, present and future. Talent and cheerfulness are combined in this number, it symbolizes adaptability. This is a good day to complete the work you have begun. On this day, you can start new business, but it is not suitable for concentrating on a single goal. The day under the sign of the three is good for various meetings, for trips and travel, fun and entertainment. On this day, do not harm others.

Tili-Testo Conclusion: A Day Under the Sign of the Three Can Be Described as Suitable for a Wedding


The number of stability and strength. This is a reliable, solid and at the same time the most primitive number. The reliability of the four is represented by a square in which the sides are the dimensions of the cosmos, the seasons or the elements (fire, water, earth, air). On this day, it is not recommended to start something new and grandiose. A day to complete business and habitual work. On this day, numerology advises to give up entertainment and fun.

Tili-Testo Conclusion: A date under the auspices of the number 4 is not quite suitable for organizing a wedding


This number symbolizes risk. The goal is achieved through travel and experience. There is no stability in the five, but this is more than compensated by its other properties. This number is the happiest but, at the same time, the most unpredictable. The day under the sign of the five is full of surprise and surprise, full of adventure. You can take risks only if you are confident in the realism of your plan and a worthy goal. This day is not suitable for fictitious marriages, weddings of convenience. But the marriage of two loving hearts will make this day bringing success and happiness, the wedding on this day promises a long and happy life. Provided that you really love each other, of course! (And if you love, then do not forget to tell each other about it! Do not forget to confess your love!)

Conclusion of Tili-Testo: A suitable day for the union of hearts in love, a happy date for the wedding of loving people


This number is a symbol of reliability. Six is ​​in harmony with nature. This is the only prime number that is divisible without a remainder by both two and three, combining the elements of each. Day under the sign 6 is a harmonious, full of mutual understanding, ease and comfort date. On this day, numerology advises to abandon decisive and quick action, new beginnings and most importantly - from rash decisions. So, if you have even a drop of doubt about marriage, the six will not help you. Any uncertainty on this day can become fatal, disastrous. Any unjustified risk may turn out to be fatal. But this day is quite capable of becoming the culmination for undertakings that were planned for a long time and carefully, for reliable, deliberate and balanced deeds. You can plan a wedding for this day only if you are completely confident in your feelings, you need to approach the organization of marriage carefully, scrupulously. This day is not for windy decisions and superficial matters.

Tili-Testo conclusion: the day is suitable for a carefully planned, long-awaited wedding


It is a symbol of mystery, knowledge, study and knowledge itself. This is the path of exploration, knowledge of the unknown and hidden from perception. Seven symbolizes the seven ruling planets, seven days of the week, seven notes. Seven consists of one and six, this is the number of the psyche, spirituality. Such a day promotes reflection, study, intellectual pursuits. The day is favorable for creativity. This day often becomes a day of happiness. A wedding in the days under the auspices of the seven is a celebration of the discovery of each other by lovers. Their path, begun on this day, will be the path of knowledge.

Tili-Testo conclusion: This day could very well be happy date weddings


Means reliability brought to perfection. This is a double square, the number of material success. The day under the sign of the figure eight is the day of important things, big, significant events. All undertakings on this day accompanies financial success started business are doomed to financial success. The wedding on this day will be not only successful, but also profitable. If you plan to live in abundance, schedule a wedding on the day under the sign 8.

Conclusion Tili-Testo: An auspicious day for a wedding, brings profit, accompanies prosperity and well-being


Symbolizes universal success. This is the largest of the prime numbers, combines the properties of a whole group. This is three squared - nine turns the instability of the three into a desire for perfection and harmony. On this day, it is good to start promising business, plan, establish new connections. Nine patronizes triumph, encourages ambition, contributes to the achievement of ambitious goals. A wedding on the day under the sign of the nine is the choice of ambitious people who intend to develop relationships in the family. The choice of bright individualists, purposeful and aimed at success.

Tili-Testo conclusion: An auspicious date for a wedding, especially for people striving for success and considering marriage as another step towards the goal

On our own, we add that the stars, and numerology and other esoteric wisdom, perhaps, have an impact on the fate of a person. But the most important thing to remember is that everyone chooses their own path. And no matter what day you set the wedding date, the most important thing is that this day turns out to be the best for the two of you, the most memorable and the happiest. This is the most important and completely depends only on you!

Planning a wedding means laying the foundation for future family life, so it is important to choose the right day for the celebration. Astrologers are sure that the date of the ceremony affects the longevity and well-being of the life together of the bride and groom. But how to choose a wedding date? Follow general recommendations, which will help to correctly determine when it is best to conduct a marriage.

Folk omens associated with choosing a wedding date

It used to be that the observance of folk signs when choosing a wedding date would provide the newlyweds with a happy life. life together. Here are some of them:

  • A wedding played in January threatens the widowhood of a husband or wife.
  • Having married in February, a girl can live life in a foreign land.
  • April marriage is like changeable weather - the sun is warm, then the cold rain is falling.
  • The May marriage threatens the couple to toil all their lives together.
  • happy will family life a couple who is getting married in June.
  • July - bad month for marriage, promises an unhappy fate.
  • Those who marry in September will have a measured, calm life.
  • The unfavorable month for weddings is October.
  • A November wedding will bring wealth and prosperity to the family.
  • A marriage concluded in December prophesies a great, strong love young.

What date to choose for the wedding? According to Eastern calendar, 2017 is the time of the Wood Green Goat, which is very cautious and restrained in everything. Therefore, all decisions made should be approached with great care, especially when choosing a wedding date. Astrology says that 2017 is distinguished by constancy and any drastic actions, rash actions are doomed to fail. Therefore, in order to make the right choice of the day of marriage, it is worth listening to both folk signs and astrologers at the same time.


To choose a lucky day for a wedding, numerology is often used. Its principle is to reduce all date numbers to a single value by adding them together. For example, you want to know the number properties of a wedding date that is supposed to take place on 10/11/2016. We consider: 1+1+1+0+2+0+1+5=11, but we need a single-digit number, so we add again: 1+1=2.

  • "1". A wedding on the first day enhances the possibilities of a future family. This is an auspicious date for marriage, as the day is ideal for new beginnings.
  • "2". Two symbolizes extremes. Numerologists advise not to take active actions or serious actions, which means that the number is not suitable for marriage.
  • "3". Instability is a characteristic of the triple. The symbol of the number is a triangle representing the future, present and past. Three combines fun and talent, for a family it promises adaptability to different conditions, unsinkability.
  • "4". A symbol of stability and reliability. However, the day is more suitable not for starting a new one, but for completing work that has already been started and familiar work. You should not plan fun or entertainment for the four.
  • "5". There is no stability in the five, but this is compensated by happiness, many adventures and surprises. two sincerely loving hearts the number will bring good luck, a long and happy life.
  • "6". A symbol of reliability and harmony with nature. The day of the six is ​​a date full of comfort, ease, mutual understanding. The number can be the culmination for serious undertakings, for example, the start of family life.
  • "7". The study of the new, knowledge is the symbol of the seven. The day promotes intellectual pursuits, favorable for creativity. The seven can bring happiness to a couple if the feelings of the young are deep and fresh.
  • "8". Eight means perfect reliability, infinity of love. It is believed that marriage on such a date will bring happiness, prosperity and material prosperity to the family.
  • "9". Symbol of success. It is necessary to start new things, since the number patronizes triumph, contributes to the achievement of goals. A wedding on the day of the nine is the choice of ambitious newlyweds who seek to develop their relationship, raising it to a new level.

By date of birth

Some astrologers believe that the wedding should take place on the same day of the week on which the birthday of one of the newlyweds fell. Each day of the week has certain characteristics:

  1. Monday is favorable for marriage.
  2. On Tuesday it is better not to marry, the family will often quarrel.
  3. It is undesirable to marry on Wednesday, feelings may soon pass.
  4. Planning a wedding for Thursday is for those who strive for self-realization and leadership in the family.
  5. Friday is a day favorable for marriage, the couple promises prosperity and harmonious relationships.
  6. A wedding held on Saturday will bring happiness to those young people who prefer family to career.
  7. Sunday is perfect wedding day. Spouses who got married on Sunday will become a reliable support for each other.

According to the lunar calendar

Astrology associates the wedding date with moon phases. It is believed that marriage on a new moon will bring happiness, and marriage with a growing moon symbolizes wealth. If the young chose the day of the full moon, then future family will live in abundance. Those couples who get married during the waning moon will be protected from adversity. On the days of a lunar or solar eclipse, marriage is not recommended.

How to choose a wedding date according to the lunar calendar?

  • Favorable lunar days for marriage will be: 6, 10, 11, 15, 21, 26 and 27 days.
  • Unfavorable - 3-5, 8, 9, 12-14, 19, 20 days.

According to the signs of the zodiac

The horoscope determines favorable and bad days weddings for each zodiac sign individually.

  1. Aries. To go to the registry office, you should choose the time from mid-February to early March, mid-April, the period July 10-August 20, the second half of October and the first decade of December.
  2. Calf. perfect time for the ceremony will be February, March, period 3-8 and 20-28 January. It is allowed to marry at the beginning of September.
  3. Twins. 2017 - not best year to create a family among twins. There are more chances to create a strong union if you choose such dates and periods: June 20-July 3, March 11, 18, December 20-26.
  4. Cancer. It is better for this sign to choose the second half of January, April, July, the end of August, as well as the period September 2-27 or December.
  5. A lion. The most favorable dates for marriage registration will be: January 21, September 15, 16, December 8-10.
  6. Virgo. The best dates to create new family will be: February 15-16, May 21, all of July, September 8, from December 10 to 15.
  7. Scales. auspicious time for marriage is considered: January 16, 18, the beginning of April, August, the second half of May, the end of November, the beginning of December.
  8. Scorpion. For wedding celebration choose these dates: January 8, February 20-26, April 4, August 5, September 9-11.
  9. Sagittarius. The best dates for a wedding in 2017 are: January 15-17, February 11-13, March, May 8, end of June, September 6, second half of October, November 31.
  10. Capricorn. Planning a wedding is on February 10, 18, 21, March 4, May 11-16, July 4, the end of September or December.
  11. Aquarius. Ideal for wedding ceremonies summer months and early September.
  12. Fish. by the most happy marriages will be those that were registered in winter. It is allowed to hold a celebration on March 15, April 22.

Criteria for choosing a favorable month and day of the week

In order to choose the right wedding day, young people should determine auspicious date. It can be the birthday of one of the future spouses or the number when you met. However, to choose the perfect wedding date, there are three aspects to consider:

  1. Permission of the church to get married on this day.
  2. Favorable positions of the planets.
  3. Positive folk omens pointing to love, wealth and happiness.

Lucky numbers for a wedding in 2017

Choosing the perfect wedding day from the point of view of the church, folk signs and astrologers is not easy. However, for the most superstitious and prudent newlyweds, a calendar has been created that contains the optimal days for starting a family. The most favorable dates for the wedding ceremony in 2017 are:

  • January 10, 17, 23.
  • 13, 14 February.
  • March 7th.
  • 1, 8, 9 May.
  • 13, 19, 20 June.
  • 3, 4, 10, 11, 17, 18 July.
  • 23, 30 October.
  • October 5th.

Whether it is worth choosing a wedding date based on the proposed recommendations is up to you. There is always the opportunity to change your mind and postpone the holiday for more right time. The main thing that should concern the newlyweds is confidence in their feelings and decision about starting a family. Then any chosen date will become a happy and auspicious day.

1 7 973 0

Even if a girl is sure that her fiancé is the best, you should not rely on luck in matters of marriage. Such dates must be carefully calculated. Then the wedding will not only be perfect, but the bride will live happy long life with my beloved husband. Consider what time of year and day of the week are suitable for tying the knot.

Numerological system

Exists elementary way Accurately choose the date of a happy marriage. Now write down the expected wedding day on paper, for example, 10/23/2017. We make simple numerological calculations by adding the above numbers. IN this example 2+3+1+0+2+0+1+7=16. Now you need to get a single-digit number, so we add the digits of the number 16 again. As a result, we get 1 + 6 = 7: this figure will help determine whether our marriage will become cloudless.

Then you need to find out the value of this number.

  • The unit speaks of enhanced potential, therefore happy marriage is quite real.
  • Two is a signal that it is better to refuse active actions scheduled for such dates. Try to postpone the trip to the registry office.
  • Three means that a person should complete the work he has begun, have fun and have fun. Signing by and large on such a date is possible.
  • If a four fell out, such a date should not be trusted. Finish routine business, but starting something radically new and grandiose is not recommended.
  • Five represents risk. Fate is favorable to sincerely loving hearts, marriages of convenience and fictitious marriages will lead to misfortune.
  • If the test gave out a six, it is a symbol of carefully calculated and planned weddings. The date is definitely not suitable for couples who are unsure of their feelings.
  • A number like seven is a pass to a happy married life. This is a day favorable for creativity, knowledge, research, happiness.
  • If fortune-telling gave out a figure eight, the couple was fabulously lucky. Will definitely happen significant events that can completely change your life. Beloved will certainly be accompanied by material success and financial well-being.
  • Nine means a day suitable for marriage. Astrology advises playing wedding marches just then, especially if you are ambitious, ambitious and used to achieving goals.

Consider birthdays

In Russia, the following method of determining the wedding day is popular: adding up all the numbers that make up the birthdays of the future husband and wife. Don't forget to include years and months. Then we start defining future date weddings, counting right amount days from the beginning or end of the month.

It is important to find out in which month it is preferable to get married. The horoscope requires you to count the third, fourth, sixth, ninth and tenth month from the month of your birth.

Numerology guarantees a happy marriage if it coincides with that of the bride or groom. Getting married this month or getting married is a great option.

Pick a month

Folk omens will allow you to quickly determine which months are the best for marriage. After all, a wedding should be played only at the right time. solemn time can completely change your life. The conditions for the celebration should be the most favorable, so that even a slight shadow does not overshadow the unique holiday.
If a girl firmly decided: “I will get married only this month”, first find out the meanings of each of them:

  • January. The girl who got married in January is taking a risk. It has long been believed that the bride can quickly become a widow, so the choice will be initially unsuccessful.
  • February. Meaning this month positive for marriage. It is favorable for a strong and lasting family union, and the wife will feel happy and desirable.
  • March. If you have planned a celebration at the beginning, end or middle of this month, you should not do this. March is the month of separation. The ancient Roman year began with it - bissextus, and on the ides of March in Ancient Rome betrayed the emperor. Therefore, your marriage will be short-lived, and parting will be inevitable.
  • April. Once married, you will not be bored at any age. In April, alder blossoms and finches arrive, the weather is changeable, and family life will be the same. The couple will quarrel and disperse, and sometimes violently reconcile and experience the second Honeymoon.
  • May. Lilac blossoms in it. May - from the word "toil", so both will have to suffer in marriage all their lives. If you look closely at all the months, at this time the ancestors categorically refused to marry, although it is in May that apple trees bloom beautifully.
  • June. This is the best honeymoon ever. In married life, trust and mutual understanding will reign, and life will be prosperous and prosperous.
  • July. Whatever date you give each other a marriage vow in July, boredom will not visit you. In life, there will be equal parts joys and sorrows.
  • August. Its meaning for a wedding is perfect. Whatever trials you go through, you will support each other, trust, understand and be a support to your loved one.
  • September. For a family, a wedding in September is a guarantee of stability, reliability and tranquility.
  • October. Signing in October is a real suicide. A dull autumn, when the oak begins to turn yellow, will cause the blues and will not bring you good. In the future, the spouses will fight with problems and troubles, like Don Quixote with windmills.
  • November. He came out very prosperous for young couples. In November, freezing begins and it is rather cold to arrange a holiday, but those who marry will be rewarded with material abundance.
  • December. Feel free to go to register your marriage: love and tenderness between the newlyweds will never run out.

Calculate the date of the wedding celebration online will help various tests. They relate to astrology and the compatibility of horoscopes. Certain general provisions regarding the location of the stars that future newlyweds should find out before applying:

  • Venus should not conflict with Saturn, Uranus, Mars and Pluto.
  • It is preferable to marry on the growing moon.
  • Do not arrange a wedding on a new moon or a full moon: the sixth, tenth, eleventh, fifteenth, seventeenth, twenty-first, twenty-sixth and twenty-seventh lunar days are considered the most favorable.
  • Undoubtedly, it is worth excluding the days when menstruation occurs.