Wedding anniversaries dates and their congratulations meanings. of the year. Bronze wedding. years. amethyst wedding

So the cheerful wedding has died down, the life of the young spouses is gradually returning to its usual course. But even in the midst of gray everyday life, sometimes you really want a holiday! And the next anniversary of the celebration - why not re-gather relatives and friends? On this day, the couple can again feel like happy newlyweds. But what gifts can you give on this day? different anniversaries wedding? Do not get into trouble with a present ...

The very first holiday of a new family is called the "Green Wedding" - this date is called the day of the wedding and the entire first year after the celebration. According to a wonderful tradition, many flowers are presented to the spouses for the holiday - probably, this is where the name came from.

On this day, newlyweds are advised to plant their family tree so that it grows with the newly created family. If in the wedding bustle there is absolutely no time to perform such a ceremony, relatives and friends will help - let them give the happy couple a small tree in a pot. It will symbolize the youth and innocence of the young spouses.

1 year - cotton or gauze wedding

This anniversary is so named because the relationship of the spouses is still quite weak, like chintz or gauze. After all, it is these tissues that are most easily torn.

For this reason, for the first year of the wedding, it is customary to give all chintz - bed and underwear, napkins, handkerchiefs, kitchen aprons, cloth for diapers, etc.

2 years - paper

This year, a baby usually appears in the family, and young parents again test their relationship for strength. This year, they are torn as easily as paper - after all, constant stress and unusual roles of parents can knock anyone down.

In order to be able to tear paper without fear of its shortage, the couple is presented with various printing products: books, calendars, photo albums, vacation vouchers. In case of a lack of imagination, paper money is quite suitable as a gift.

On this anniversary, it is quite possible to give something plastic or pieces of furniture.

3 years - leather wedding

Of course, leather is no longer paper, but it is also not gold. However, many difficulties have already been overcome, relations have not broken like paper. The spouses have become more tolerant and more flexible towards each other - after all, the skin bends perfectly!

This year, any leather gifts are appropriate - sofas, coats, bags, purses, key holders, key chains. Everyone can choose at will and financial possibilities.

4 years - linen or wax

Linen is not chintz for you, you can’t tear it so easily. It is noble and expensive fabric, symbolizing the growing prosperity of the family. On this day, it is customary to give linen products - clothes, tablecloths, curtains, etc. And a tribute to the second name can be a candlelit party.

5 years - wooden wedding

So the first significant anniversary of the young family came up. Relationships are already strong and reliable, like a tree. However, they can still be threatened by family fires that can smash even the strongest wooden structure to smithereens.

Wooden and wicker gifts will serve as a reminder of the anniversary - you can give boxes, baskets, photo frames, jewelry, dishes, furniture. It is not forbidden to give at home.

6 years - cast iron

Cast iron is a metal, but still it can crack from a strong blow. Therefore, relationships must be protected and try not to “beat” them too sensitively.

This year they give cast-iron utensils, any products made from this metal. If for the previous anniversary they still gave a house, then this year a fireplace grate is ideal as a present.

For families with a healthy lifestyle great gift become cast iron dumbbells.

6.5 years - zinc wedding

Young decided to joke and relax an extra day? Then the guests can fool around - for example, give the family zinc buckets.

7 years - copper or wool

Copper is a beautiful noble metal. And family relationships are already the same - strong and beautiful. True, copper is still cleaned from time to time - and spouses should not forget about this.

Wool on this date symbolizes warmth and homeliness. But sometimes it can be prickly - after all, even after so many years life together conflicts may arise.

On this day, it is customary to give items made of copper and wool - coins, dishes, socks, hand-made knitted sweater. In recent years, it has become fashionable to give useful kitchen appliances instead of copper utensils - multicookers, blenders, etc.

8 years - tin wedding

This metal symbolizes the strength of relationships, and its brilliance - their newness. After all, for such a period they could grow old and fade in the swamp of everyday life.

For this anniversary, kitchen utensils, tea and candies in tin boxes are given. You can present any gifts that resemble the brilliance of this substance - electrical appliances or furnishings.

9 years - faience or chamomile

As chamomile blooms in summer in a meadow, so this year bloom warm relationship spouses. This year it is customary to give beautiful earthenware or crystal.

10 years - pewter or pink wedding

First round date for family. Tin here symbolizes the strength and flexibility of relationships. This year, gifts should not be made with a hint of various hardships in family life, as was the case at the beginning of family formation. For a decade, presents should only mean the beauty of the relationship between spouses.

On this day, the husband and wife should call all those who once walked at their wedding to their holiday and arrange a grand celebration. It should not be inferior to the one that was 10 years ago. The husband should give his wife 11 roses - 10 scarlet and 1 white. 10 red flowers mean the love of the spouses, which they have kept, and 1 white - the hope for the same happy next 10 years.

On this day, only red roses are given from flowers, on the table - pink or red wine, rose petals and a cake generously decorated with roses. It is very good if this color is also present in the clothes of the spouses.

On the first anniversary, you can give products made of tin, good red wine, bed sheets red or pink. And in general, everything that differs in a similar color scheme will do.

11 years - steel

It symbolizes a strong and almost indestructible relationship - it was not for nothing that in the old days the strongest blades were made from damask steel.

Give various products from steel - jewelry, kitchen utensils, souvenirs.

12 and 12.5 years - nickel wedding

Usually an "incomplete" anniversary is celebrated - 12.5. This figure means that half of the way to a quarter of a century of living together has been successfully overcome. In its meaning, it is identical to a tin wedding - the shine of nickel means a new round in relationships, their new sparkle.

You can give everything brilliant - dishes, mirrors, jewelry, chandeliers and even lighters.

13 years - lace or lily of the valley wedding

As you know, lacemakers spend more than one month to create their masterpieces. And sometimes such products are weaved for more than one year. And how much this work requires accuracy and patience: one wrong loop - and start all over again. It's the same with family relationships - it takes a lot of tact, skill and flexibility.

This year, the husband can give his wife lace underwear or a bouquet of lilies of the valley. True, in this case it is very limited in terms of time - they bloom only in May. The guests of the couple present napkins, tablecloths, bed linen with lace. Scarves knitted from fine wool are also allowed.

14 years - agate wedding

This semiprecious stone symbolizes loyalty and understanding. On this day, the spouses reveal all the secrets to each other so that there are no omissions between them. Suitable as a present Jewelry with agate, as well as a box for storing them.

15 years - crystal or glass wedding

This date means the purity and clarity of relations between spouses. On the festive table on this day, it is better to put crystal dishes - salad bowls, glasses, vases, etc. It is better for guests to dress in something light, perhaps with transparent inserts.

As a gift, the very name of the anniversary implies crystal products or jewelry with Swarovski crystals. Even an aquarium with a goldfish will do for the fulfillment of desires.

And at the end of the feast, there is a tradition to break a crystal glass or glass - of course, only for good luck.

16 years - turquoise wedding and 17 years - a pink wedding - usually these dates are not celebrated.

18 years - turquoise wedding

By this time, children grow up, become adults. Possible crisis and disputes between spouses end. This year, gifts are given not only to the husband and wife, but also to the eldest child. As the name implies, gifts should either be with turquoise, or simply contain this color.

19 years - pomegranate wedding- not celebrated.

20 years - porcelain wedding

Family relationships are as beautiful and harmonious as expensive Chinese porcelain. As a gift, you can present sets or individual items of porcelain utensils - after all, the previous ones have already been broken over so many years of living together. An elegant porcelain figurine would also be a good gift.

21 years - opal wedding

It is customary to celebrate this anniversary together with a husband and wife without prying eyes. Of the gifts, jewelry with opal or products made from it are perfect.

22 years old - bronze wedding

It is very difficult to earn such a medal at the Olympics. And in family life the same thing - not every couple is able to get to such an anniversary. After all, creating a strong home is the same daily work as the training of athletes.

On this day, you can donate any bronze items.

23 years - beryl wedding and 24 years - satin wedding

These dates are usually celebrated in a narrow family circle. Gifts to each other do not have to be expensive - the main thing is just to show attention.

25 years - silver wedding

Everyone knows about this significant anniversary. However, it can be recalled that it is best to give silver or silver-plated items. This date can be quite officially noted in the same registry office where the spouses registered their relationship. They will exchange rings again, however, now silver.

26 years - jade wedding

On this day, you can give jewelry or products made of jade - a stone that is almost impossible to destroy. By analogy with this mineral, the family is considered strong and indestructible.

There is a beautiful tradition for this year: the husband and wife again make vows of fidelity to each other, as they did 26 years ago, when they - young, beautiful and madly in love with each other - held hands and looked into each other's eyes.

27 years - mahogany wedding

As gifts, you can present any products from this noble and very strong wood species.

28 years - nickel wedding - not celebrated

29 years - velvet wedding

Without velvet tenderness and gentleness in addressing each other, it is impossible to save a family. And the spouse, who has lived together for so many years, is well aware of this. You can celebrate this date in a restaurant: velvet is a very expensive and even “royal” fabric.

30 years - pearl wedding

On this anniversary, the wife has the right to expect a necklace of 30 beautiful pearls from her husband, symbolizing the perfection of the relationship of the spouses.

Guests can give gifts decorated with imitation or freshwater pearls.

31 years old - sunny or swarthy wedding

Probably, this means that the once “green” relationship of the spouses over such a long period of time has become pretty tanned in the sun, becoming swarthy.

Any brown items are suitable as a gift: chocolate, coffee, leather boots, clay pot, etc.

Also on this anniversary they give everything that is associated with summer and the sun: Sunglasses or cream, a subscription to a solarium, a trip to the sea, etc.

32 years - a copper wedding and 33 years - a strawberry or stone wedding - are not celebrated.

34 years old - amber wedding

Amber is born from a viscous resin, hardening over time and turning into a precious stone. So the relationship of the spouses over time becomes stronger and more valuable. On this day, you can give any amber products.

35 years - coral or linen wedding

Red sprigs of corals symbolize the days lived together by spouses in love and understanding.

On this day, the husband gives his wife 35 red roses, and guests can present linen tablecloths, towels, bed linen, etc. Red wine and coral souvenirs will also be relevant.

36 years - agate wedding- not noted. Overseas, this date is called "the day of bone china."

37 years old - muslin wedding - usually doesn't work.

On this day, any gifts made of fabric are given.

37.5 years - aluminum wedding

Any aluminum products will be relevant.

38 years - mercury wedding

This metal symbolizes giving life together new forms - the birth of grandchildren, moving to a country house, an exotic trip.

On this day, it is customary to give not only mercury thermometers, but also any objects with moving parts - an hourglass or a pendulum, a mobile. A robot vacuum cleaner will fit perfectly into the same company.

39 years - crepe wedding

40 years - ruby ​​wedding

The “bloody” color of this gemstone symbolizes the blood relations between the spouses that have already become blood. This year, spouses can decorate their wedding rings ruby as a sign of the strength of their relationship.

On this day, red wine and a pie made from red berries: cherries, strawberries, lingonberries, etc. must be present on the festive table.

On the 40th anniversary of marriage, it would be nice to give jewelry with a ruby. But if financial opportunities do not allow this to be done, then you should at least pack your gift in red paper, if the present itself is not of this noble shade.

41 years old - iron wedding, 42 years old - mother-of-pearl wedding and 43 years old - flannel wedding- are not celebrated.

44 years - topaz wedding

On this day, it is desirable to present gifts from this gem, but due to its very high cost something sooner. For example, crystal or something that has the same transparent bluish tint.

45 years - sapphire or scarlet wedding

According to legend, this stone has the ability to fight with various diseases to get rid of fatigue and bad thoughts.

When calling guests, first of all, if possible, invite those who were witnesses at the wedding 45 years ago. Spouses on this day can encrust this stone in their rings. Or exchange new ones, in which there will be a sapphire.

46 years - lavender wedding

Usually this date is not celebrated, but a sprig of lavender can be presented as a gift. Alternatively, it could be something with her scent: candles, perfume, and so on.

47 years - cashmere wedding

The perfect gift any clothing or accessory made from this precious fluff will become.

48 years - amethyst wedding

Any gifts are allowed on this day, but this anniversary is not widely celebrated.

49 years - cedar wedding

You can give any products from this strong long-lived tree. It can be a box, a hot stand, pillows with cedar shavings, cedar oil.

50 years - golden wedding

Poems and songs are written about this significant date. Like an athlete's gold medal, this date symbolizes the apogee of family relationships.

On this day, there is a very special ceremony - the spouses exchange new rings, and the old ones are given to unmarried grandchildren. From now on, they will be kept as a family heirloom. This ritual can be performed in a solemn atmosphere in the Wedding Palace. .

By this date, you can also coincide with the wedding ceremony - of course, at the request of the spouses.

On this day, gifts made of gold or with gilding are given.

51 years - willow wedding

55 years - emerald wedding

Emerald - very rare stone like a similar anniversary. As a gift, you can present various jewelry with the wishes of long life and love.

60 years - diamond, diamond or platinum wedding

Relationships of 60 years are truly the most valuable diamond. Such a family could not be broken by any worldly storms.

As a gift, you can present jewelry with diamonds. However, this is very expensive. In this case, the gemstone can be replaced with crystal.

61 years - a rich wedding

62 years - aquamarine wedding

63 years - mercury wedding

64 years old - fun wedding

65 years - iron wedding

It would seem that inconspicuous and inexpensive, but such a durable and necessary metal for everyone. So anniversaries are the backbone of an entire family dynasty.

66 years - neon wedding

67 years - a magical wedding

67.5 years - stone wedding

The name suggests an indestructible rock in the ocean of life, which was beaten by both wind and rain, but it survived in spite of everyone.

68 years - chamomile wedding

70 years - blessed wedding

This anniversary is great occasion Express your gratitude to the founders of the family. And the anniversaries thank God for the love that they carried through their whole lives. On this day, they get everything they want as a gift.

75 years - crown wedding

This anniversary crowns the years of family life. And the spouses celebrating this anniversary are quite worthy of the coronation!

80 years - oak wedding

This tree is a symbol of longevity - it is not for nothing that this date was named after him.

The wedding day ran like one moment, bright, exciting and unique. And ahead of you is a long and happy family life, filled with both joy and small troubles that you can easily overcome together. And so that your feelings do not fade away, but light up with new facets, it is worth remembering this beautiful event every year and celebrating wedding anniversaries together, and then in a circle big family in which will be heard children's laughter! That is why the portal has prepared for you short review all wedding anniversaries up to 100 years.

Names of wedding anniversaries by year

Every year after the celebration, the spouses celebrate some beautiful wedding anniversary, each of which has its own name, judging by the years of a happy life together:

  • "Metal" anniversaries: copper, tin, tin, etc. After 25 years of marriage, “metal” anniversaries also become precious: silver, gold, platinum.
  • "Stone": beryl, ruby, opal, etc.
  • "Textile": chintz, linen, lace, muslin, etc.
  • "Flower": chamomile, lily of the valley, pink, etc.

In addition, there are other names of anniversaries that do not fit into this classification, for example, those named after the most important materials in nature and everyday life: wood, glass, earthenware, as well as red, fertile, swarthy. In any case, all wedding anniversaries are great occasion to please your spouse or your relatives with beautiful congratulations and gifts, so you should definitely know all wedding anniversaries and their names.

Wedding anniversaries: what symbolism and what to give?

So that you know which wedding, according to the years of marriage, should be celebrated in one or another segment of the marriage, we have prepared them for you brief description with a description of the symbols and examples of gifts:

  • 0 years- green wedding. On the day of the wedding, the couple celebrates their first anniversary, which is called "green" due to the fact that the spouses are still young and not mature, ahead of them lies thorny path, which they must go through hand in hand, so that they become more experienced, and their feelings even stronger.
  • 1 year- print wedding. The first real anniversary, the leitmotif of which is chintz, it should be present as in decor festive premises and clothes of spouses, and in gifts. As the latter, you can use a tablecloth + napkins, bed linen, decorative pillows, etc.

  • 2 years- paper wedding. Two years after the wedding, the marriage of the spouses is still like paper: it can “break” at any moment. Judging by the symbolism of the holiday, a variety of things can be used as gifts: books and notebooks, a photo collage on the wall, paintings.
  • 3 years- leather wedding The relationship of the spouses from "paper" turns into more durable "leather". On this beautiful date, it is customary to give everything related to the symbol of the anniversary: ​​leather wallets and bags, diaries, photos in a leather frame, leather-lined belts and boxes, etc.

  • 4 years- linen wedding. The leitmotif of this anniversary is a durable fabric, products from which it is customary to present as a gift to spouses: clothes, table setting, pillows, handkerchiefs, etc., because what wedding and its anniversaries do without presentations.
  • 5 years- wooden wedding. The first round wedding anniversary, on which it is customary to give wooden items interior: furniture, photo frames, figurines, caskets.

  • 6 years- cast-iron wedding. The relationship of the spouses, although they become stronger, can still “break”, like cast iron from a strong blow. On this date, it is customary to buy kitchen utensils and household items: dishes, figurines, candlesticks.
  • 7 years- copper wedding. As in the case of a cast-iron wedding, things made of copper are given for this holiday: figurines, candlesticks, frames, decorative bowls, etc.

  • 8 years- tin wedding. After such a period of time, the relationship of the spouses moves to a new level, they not only become stronger, but also brighter, like a shiny tin. What to gift? Tin household items: dishes, caskets, tea in a tin, etc.
  • 9 years- faience wedding. This name means that nine years after the wedding, the relationship of the spouses is in crisis, they are fragile, like faience. As every year after the wedding, it is customary to give symbolic gifts on such an anniversary: tea-set, faience figurines.

  • 10 years- pink or pewter wedding. The relationship of the spouses becomes beautiful, like roses, in addition, the husband and wife become more "flexible" to each other, like tin. It is customary to give interior items made of tin for such a holiday: frames, candlesticks, figurines, etc .; and, of course, a luxurious bouquet of roses will be a great gift for the main hero of the occasion.
  • 11 years- steel wedding. One of the "metal" wedding anniversaries, which, judging by the years lived together, was called "steel". It is customary for spouses to give objects made of steel, symbolizing the strength of family relationships.
  • 12 years- nickel or silk wedding. By this period of family life, the relationship of the spouses becomes strong, like nickel, and beautiful, like silk. What's a wedding anniversary without gifts?! Spouses can be pleased with both nickel interior items (figurines, caskets) and silk presents (clothing, bed linen, tablecloth, etc.).

  • 13 years- lace or lily of the valley wedding. The feelings of the spouses 13 years after the wedding remain tender, like fragrant lilies of the valley, and beautiful, like ornate lace. An ideal gift for such a holiday would be a lace set for table setting, decorative pillows. If the wedding took place in the spring, then do not forget to please the spouses with a fragrant bouquet of lilies of the valley.

  • 14 years- agate wedding. The symbol of this date is agate - a precious stone, products from which will be the best gifts for this beautiful date: jewelry and bijouterie, figurines, caskets, an ashtray, etc.
  • 15 years- glass or crystal wedding. The symbols of this anniversary - glass and crystal - represent the purity of family relationships. It is customary to present glass / crystal glasses, decorative bowls and vases, salad bowls and dishes as a gift to spouses.

  • 16 years - topaz wedding. Because the symbol of this wedding is topaz, then it should be present in the presents prepared for the spouses: jewelry, figurine, candlestick, jewelry box, cufflinks.
  • 17 years- pink or pewter wedding. It's time to bring back the old romance. For this anniversary, gifts made of tin and gifts associated with the color pink will be appropriate. If nothing comes to your mind, then you can get by with pink packaging.
  • 18 years - turquoise wedding. After 18 years of family life, the relationship of the spouses should sparkle with new colors, like a turquoise stone. It is customary to give spouses stone products for this anniversary: ​​both jewelry and interior items.

  • 19 years- krypton or pomegranate wedding. The relationship of spouses over 19 years of marriage can lose passion and ardor, the garnet gemstone, a symbol of this anniversary, will help to kindle them. The second name is krypton, after the name of the noble gas, which is used in incandescent lamps. Therefore, it is customary to give for this anniversary both gifts of red (garnet) color, and different kind lighting.

  • 20 years- porcelain wedding. beautiful anniversary, which is usually celebrated on a grand scale, giving spouses gifts: dishes, expensive and symbolic souvenirs, etc. The anniversary got its name due to the fact that after 20 years marriage harmonious and beautiful, like real Chinese porcelain.
  • 21 years old- opal wedding. Its symbol is a beautiful stone, products from which it is customary to give spouses: both jewelry and figurines, caskets, souvenirs.

  • 22- bronze wedding. An anniversary named symbolically in honor of the durable and flexible alloy. What to choose as a present? Bronze items: various kinds of figurines, candlesticks, ashtrays, jewelry holders.
  • 23 years old- beryl wedding. The symbol of the anniversary is a beautiful stone - beryl - the keeper of the hearth, love and prosperity. As gifts for spouses, you can choose both jewelry from it and various kinds of souvenirs.

  • 24 years- satin wedding. After 24 years, the relationship of the spouses is beautiful and smooth, like satin. It is customary to give bed linen, a bedspread, a set for table setting on such an anniversary.
  • 25 years- silver wedding . Here it is - the first grand anniversary, named after the precious metal, therefore, as on many wedding anniversaries and anniversaries, it is customary to give worthwhile things: jewelry, silver-plated dishes and interior items.

  • 26 years- jade wedding. The relationship of the spouses is strong, like jade, which is difficult to destroy mechanically and chemically. As gifts for such a holiday, you can use jade massagers, figurines, caskets and, of course, jewelry.
  • 27 years- mahogany wedding. The symbolism of mahogany - nobility, wisdom, endurance - perfectly emphasizes strength and durability. marital relations. What to gift? An excellent option would be mahogany things: frames, caskets, etc.

  • 28 years- nickel wedding. Another “metal” anniversary, on which it is customary to give nickel items: dishes, figurines, caskets, a set of cutlery, a tray + glasses with a nickel stem.
  • 29 years - velvet wedding. Velvet is a beautiful and warm material, as are the feelings of the spouses after 29 years of marriage. Gifts based on this noble fabric will help to emphasize the beauty of their feelings: decorative pillows, bedspreads, curtains, etc.

  • 30 years- pearl wedding. The symbol of this anniversary - pearls - personifies the purity and beauty of marital relations after 30 years of marriage. You can please your husband and wife on this day with jewelry (necklaces and cufflinks), a jewelry box or a frame with pearls.

  • 31 year- swarthy or sunny wedding. Such a positive name for the anniversary hints at the fact that if the couple were young before, now they are “tanned”, becoming more experienced. You can emphasize the theme of this beautiful date with all sorts of things that bring warmth to the house: a lamp, a blanket, an electric fireplace, etc. Do finances allow? Give your spouses a tour to a warm country.
  • 32 years- copper wedding. For this anniversary, you can please each other with copper jewelry. Gifts from household items will also be appropriate, for example, a set of copper dishes, a tray, etc.
  • 33 years- stone or strawberry wedding. Such seemingly different names of the anniversary harmoniously emphasize the “stone” strength of the relationship of the spouses and their closeness: as if the strawberry bushes were intertwined into the same fate of the spouses. What to give them? Stone figurines, caskets and other interior items, as well as a basket with fresh strawberries or a cake with this fragrant berry.

  • 34 years - amber wedding. As amber takes a long time to form from a viscous resin into a beautiful stone, so the relationship of the spouses has come a long way, becoming strong and beautiful. Amber jewelry, caskets, glasses, decorative bowls with amber and other interior items with inserts from this stone will be suitable presents for such an anniversary.

  • 35 years- linen or coral wedding. The feelings of the spouses are strong, like a sheet, and their family is large and numerous, like corals that have grown along the seabed. As a present, you can buy bed linen, a bedspread, a tablecloth, as well as coral products, for example, a beautiful figurine in a marine style.
  • 36 years- Anniversary without a name. In Russia, this anniversary is not usually celebrated, which is why it does not have a name. In America, 36 years from the date of the wedding is called the day of bone china. Products made from it are strong enough, like family relationships after 36 years, but unfortunately, cracks can appear with a strong blow.
  • 37 years- muslin wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is an expensive fabric, the production of which used to take a lot of effort and time; so the relationship of the spouses was honed every year, becoming better. It is customary to give various things made of muslin for such a holiday: a bedspread, pillows, a set of handkerchiefs, etc.

  • 38 years- mercury wedding. As you know, mercury is a metal that easily changes its shape, and the relationship of the spouses after 38 years is strong, like any metal, but flexible, like mercury itself, because the spouses have learned to adapt to each other and make compromises. It is customary to give silver-colored items (like mercury) on this date: dishes, figurines, a set of cutlery.
  • 39 years- crepe wedding. The relationship of the spouses is strong, like a crepe fabric, which is very difficult to break - this is the symbolism of this anniversary. It is customary to give crepe things to her: bedspreads, decorative pillows and other textiles.
  • 40 years- ruby ​​wedding. The ruby ​​gem is able to return passion to the relationship of the spouses 40 years after the wedding, so you should definitely give the “newlyweds” jewelry or expensive souvenirs from this stone, for example, a box; red textiles and objects made of deep red glass are also suitable: glasses, vases, decorative bowls, etc.

  • 41 years old- earthen wedding. The symbol of this anniversary is the earth. It symbolizes fertility, abundance, the earth gives life to all living things. By this anniversary, the spouses have already given life to their children, waited for the appearance of grandchildren. On this date, the heroes of the occasion can be presented with indoor plants.
  • 42 years- mother-of-pearl wedding. Mother of pearl has magical properties: it strengthens relations between spouses and brings happiness to the house, therefore the best gift for this anniversary will be Pearl necklace for the wife and mother-of-pearl cufflinks for the husband, as well as interior items with mother-of-pearl: a jewelry box, a photo frame, etc.
  • 43 years old- flannel wedding. The relationship of the spouses is soft and warm, like flannel fabric. You can emphasize the symbolism of this anniversary with the help of the right gifts: homemade suits / pajamas, bed linen.
  • 44 years old- topaz wedding. The symbol is a precious stone, pure and durable, like the relationship of the spouses by this date (no offense or omissions). It is customary to give for this holiday both jewelry and bijouterie, as well as caskets, figurines, souvenir trees and other interior items with topaz.
  • 45 years- sapphire or scarlet wedding. Another anniversary, the symbol of which is a precious stone, therefore, gifts should be with sapphire - a stone of love that protects from evil. In addition, this anniversary is also called scarlet, so you can easily prepare any presents for spouses in bright red: bed linen, bedspreads, interior items, etc.
  • 46 years old - lavender wedding. After so many years, the couple have retained their warm and tender feelings for each other, as lavender retains its unique aroma for a long time. What to give for such a holiday? Everything related to this plant and its palette: from a bouquet of dried flowers and scented candles to textiles with the image of lavender or in its "signature" color, as well as various means body care: scrub, soap self made.

  • 47 years old- cashmere wedding Anniversary symbol - cashmere - soft and pleasant to the touch fabric, like the relationship of spouses. On this date, it is customary to give cashmere clothes (scarf, sweater), blanket, etc.
  • 48 years old- amethyst wedding. This beautiful stone brings good luck and family well-being, so it is perfect as a symbol for the 48th wedding anniversary. It is customary to give to her as jewelry, and various kinds of interior items with purple stones: caskets, figurines, family trees.

  • 49 years old- cedar wedding. This anniversary was named in honor of a noble and hardy tree, and spouses a year before the golden jubilee will not be afraid of any problems and hardships. As a present for such a holiday, you can use various cedar products: from caskets and figurines to a cedar barrel - a kind of mini-bath.
  • 50 years- golden wedding. An anniversary celebrated by all spouses, because love carried through half a century becomes truly “golden”. They give him jewelry, gilded interior items and symbolic souvenirs.

  • 55 years- emerald wedding. The anniversary, named after a precious stone that symbolizes fidelity and devotion, because the spouses have remained faithful to each other after 55 years. As a gift, you can give them both jewelry and emerald-colored presents: from textiles to paintings.
  • 60 years- diamond or platinum wedding. Judging by the years lived together, the love of the spouses is like a diamond - not only beautiful, but also indestructible. What to give for this wedding anniversary? Of course, products with diamonds or other gifts with sparkling stones. Because this anniversary is also called “platinum”, then it is better to choose this particular metal as a material for jewelry.

  • 70 years old- blessed wedding. The anniversary got its name due to the fact that the couple lived in fidelity and love for 70 years - isn't this the greatest blessing and happiness in the world. Anything can be presented as a gift for this anniversary, the main thing is that the gifts are not so much original as useful: textiles, a set of dishes, etc.
  • 75 years old- crown or alabaster wedding. As a crown adorns the heads of kings, so love adorns this marriage from the date of the wedding until now, because judging by the years lived, it is not only royally beautiful, but also indestructible. The list of gifts for this holiday is quite wide, because at this age it is better for spouses to present the necessary and useful gifts, not much focusing on the name of this anniversary: ​​bed linen, dishes, appliances, etc.
  • 80 years old- oak wedding. Like an age-old oak, the relationship of the spouses to this anniversary is strong and powerful, because they "survived" for 80 years. As a gift, you can present both useful gifts for everyday life, and symbolic gifts made of oak: figurines, rosaries, dishes.

  • 90 years old- granite wedding Those couples who have lived together for 90 years can boast of "granite" feelings. It is customary to give various kinds of figurines, caskets and other symbolic objects made of granite on this date.
  • 100 years- red wedding. Not every couple can boast of celebrating their 100th anniversary, called red after the color of love and passion. What to give? Everything that has a red palette: from clothes and home textiles to interior items.

The portal told you what anniversaries are, their names by year and symbols. When choosing gifts for a particular wedding anniversary, be sure to consider its symbolic name, which is given for a reason, but for the years lived together in marriage. Then you can not only please the spouses with a useful gift, but also emphasize the beauty and strength of their relationship!

A green wedding is called the day of the wedding and the entire first year after this event. Green color symbolizes youth, freshness and purity of the newlyweds. During the first year after the wedding, every month is possible. The symbol of a green wedding is the myrtle wreath. It is for this reason that it is customary to give flowers to the newlyweds, decorate the wedding premises and the wedding procession with them. green wedding also symbolize the leaves in the bride's wedding bouquet and in the groom's boutonniere.

Print wedding or gauze wedding - 1 year of marriage - first wedding anniversary

1 year from the date of the wedding is called print wedding or a gauze wedding. This name came from antiquity, it is associated with certain traditions. As you know, chintz is very thin cloth usually in bright colors. So married life one year after the wedding was associated precisely with this material. Love has not yet cooled down and has not lost its bright colors, but the relationship is very fragile and shaky. Even the smallest storm in the ocean of marital passions can break, destroy, extinguish this weak, blazing fire of the family hearth of a young family. This first wedding anniversary of living together is celebrated one year after the green wedding. This wedding anniversary is called so because it marks the transition from the novelty of a honeymoon to the routine of everyday relationships, so to speak, chintz simplicity. However, fervent folk rumor ascribes a slightly different meaning to the name "chintz wedding". The people quite reasonably believed that the first year of marriage is notable for the extremely active actions of the newlyweds in bed, which, in fact, leads to the wear of cotton bed linen to the state of gauze. :) Accordingly, being invited to celebrate the 1st wedding anniversary, guests have the right to bring useful gifts for the chintz wedding - bed linen sets to replenish supplies :) Purely symbolic "chintz" gifts for the 1st wedding anniversary are also appropriate - handkerchiefs, aprons, as well as pillows in the form hearts.

Paper wedding - 2 years of marriage - second wedding anniversary

A cotton wedding is followed by a paper wedding (2 years of marriage). Relationships are identified with fragile and easily torn paper. Indeed, in the 2nd year after the wedding, a baby often appears in the family, which entails a lot of real worries and family life no longer seems to be woven from pleasures alone. On the basis of fatigue and irritability, conflicts are possible, family relationships on the second wedding anniversary become like paper. So that the paper can be torn without fear that it will end in the house completely, the guests invited to celebrate paper wedding, replenish the paper stocks of the family :) As a gift for a paper wedding, they give books, calendars, photo albums, paintings - the whole range of art and printing products :) Plastic gifts and furniture are also nice. A husband and wife can give each other a gift for the 2nd year of the wedding with just a bundle of money (if any :)) An excellent gift option for the 2nd year of the wedding - a paper wedding - is exclusive italian handmade photo album which you can order from our company.

Leather wedding - 3 years of marriage - third wedding anniversary

It is customary to celebrate a leather wedding after three years of marriage. married life. This wedding anniversary is called so because the spouses should feel good about each other by this time, figuratively speaking, with the skin itself. It is believed that "paper" difficulties have been overcome, and the third wedding anniversary testifies that the husband and wife, since they have not broken off relations like paper, have learned to get along with each other and adapt flexibly. Well, the skin is just a symbol of flexibility. So that in the future such a skill in the family would not be translated, guests bring a supply as a gift for a leather wedding leather goods. :) The choice is varied - from leather furniture or expensive leather clothes to a simple purse or a key ring - everything made of leather will fit as a gift for a 3-year wedding. A handmade Italian leather photo album, which you can order from us, will also be a wonderful gift for a leather wedding.

Linen or wax wedding - 4 years of marriage - fourth wedding anniversary

After leather wedding followed by linen or wax wedding. The people gave this wedding anniversary a name - linen wedding. This name was not chosen by chance, because linen is not chintz, it is much stronger, which means that the relationship of the spouses to this wedding anniversary has become stronger and more reliable. Flax is a symbol of strength and durability, as well as a symbol of prosperity and security. Handmade linen is not a fun chintz. To have linen things in the house means to make a certain investment with a solid perspective on the future. Well, for the 4th year of the wedding, it's time to become prosperous :). Therefore, as a gift for the 4th wedding anniversary, guests bring linen tablecloths, towels, bedspreads, etc. If you invite guests to the table for this wedding anniversary, then it must be sent with a linen tablecloth and decorated with lights and candles, which guests can also give you .

Wooden wedding - 5 years of marriage - fifth wedding anniversary

The next wedding anniversary is a wooden wedding. This is a serious, solid wedding anniversary. The tree symbolizes the strength of family relationships; it is no longer chintz or paper. TO 5th anniversary spouses have already managed to build their relationship, equip the house, and possibly have a child. Everyone knows that a person must build a house, raise a son and plant a tree. By this wedding anniversary, a wooden wedding, the young tree is already well enough rooted and begins to bear its first fruits. Guests invited to celebrate the anniversary of a wooden wedding usually give the spouses wooden gizmos for family use.

Cast iron wedding - 6 years of marriage - sixth wedding anniversary

Behind wooden wedding followed by a cast-iron wedding - the first metal in family relationships. Fragile, ignoble (black), but metal. In order for cast iron to turn into silver and gold, and therefore the wedding turned into silver or gold, the young spouses still have to work and work. But the most important thing is that for this wedding anniversary, the foundations of a friendly and strong family already laid down. In addition, cast iron easily fills any form, and what form of family relations young spouses want to consolidate depends only on themselves. In the heat of passion, in the fire of disputes, the "cast iron" of relations will be melted into a more ductile cast iron - malleable, it will become lighter, more elegant, and lighter. And here the most important thing is not to overheat him: to yield in a dispute, to show attention, to take the first step towards. For this wedding anniversary, guests can give the spouses any product made of cast iron: for example, cast iron dishes, miniature cast iron pots, fireplace grates, a castle. An unusual gift for the sixth wedding anniversary of a cast-iron wedding can be dumbbells if the owners are fond of sports. Just don't forget to wrap them in something to give them a festive look.

Zinc wedding - 6.5 years of marriage

Zinc wedding (6 and a half years of married life) This strange "anniversary out of the blue" can only be explained by the desire to arrange a little holiday for yourself on a weekday :).

Copper wedding - 7 years of marriage - seventh wedding anniversary

Next comes the seventh wedding anniversary - the copper wedding. In the title of this wedding anniversary also concluded its secret meaning: copper is a valuable, durable material, up to noble metals she, of course, is far away, so such a wedding is a hint that the spouses are still ahead. A copper wedding is no longer a paper, cotton, or even cast-iron wedding. You can no longer tear copper like fabric, and you can’t split it like wood. It can only be melted and given a different shape, an image. That's why important task spouses - to melt their relationship into more and more durable, so that they turn over time into precious metals - silver and gold, and then into the strongest precious stone on earth - a diamond.
It is customary for guests to give items made of forged copper: you can present a belt with a copper buckle, copper jewelry, cutlery, candlesticks and other copper items as a gift. A very suitable gift for the seventh wedding anniversary is a copper horseshoe, a symbol of happiness and prosperity.

Tin wedding - 8 years of marriage - eighth wedding anniversary

The eighth wedding anniversary is a tin wedding. Years go by, testing spouses for strength. It is assumed that the life of the spouses should finally normalize by this wedding anniversary, be filled with warmth and mutual understanding. On the 8th year of the wedding, family relations are renewed. This is what the new sparkling tin should symbolize. Accordingly, as a gift for 8 years, weddings are presented with both tin products (kitchen utensils, household items), and simply everything sparkling and similar to tin products - tea, sweets in tin boxes. Associative gift for tin wedding can become (if funds are available) - everything that can be interpreted as a symbol of the renewal of the family hearth 8 years after the wedding: new furnishings and even apartment renovation.

Faience or chamomile wedding - 9 years of marriage - ninth wedding anniversary

Ninth wedding anniversary - earthenware or chamomile. Chamomile is a flower that has long been associated with love (fortune-telling for love), chamomile is a symbol of summer, sun, warmth, fun, so the wedding anniversary of a chamomile wedding reminds that married life is approaching its heyday. Therefore, it is best to celebrate such a wedding anniversary in nature (if it falls on warm time years) together with close friends of the spouses, children. At earthenware wedding There are two (moreover, completely opposite) interpretations. According to one version, every year family relations become stronger and stronger, as good tea- and faience cups filled with tea are a symbol of the beauty of family relationships. According to another version, 9 years after the wedding, the family is experiencing critical period and fragile, like faience. Accordingly, the motive for giving gifts for 9 years of marriage also differs. You can give a tea set (and mention the strength of the relationship), or you can give earthenware or crystal, hinting that some fragile things can break if carelessly handled.

Pink (or tin) wedding - 10 years of marriage

Steel wedding - 11 years of marriage

Eleventh wedding anniversary from the date of registration of marriage - steel wedding. By this wedding anniversary, family ties should be so strong that nothing can break them, and spouses should have a good home, household and children. Having lived together for eleven years, you no longer just understand and appreciate each other, you have proved that this marriage has become like steel, has become strong and resilient. Steel is a black metal, but with certain processing it becomes shiny, mirror-like. So your family, having lived up to the eleventh wedding anniversary, having passed through thunderstorms of life's problems, joy, love and time, became, like steel, sparkling and brilliant. As a gift for this wedding anniversary, it is best to give spouses steel products: jewelry, utensils. Usually, sharp objects are not given for a holiday, so you need to get out of the situation. You can make original wedding gift, the color of which will contain a steel shade, for example, a tea or coffee set, a set of glasses or steel pans, a set of pots, a tray. And don't forget the colorful packaging, because the packaging is half the gift.

Nickel wedding - 12.5 years of marriage

Nickel wedding - the second "incomplete" wedding anniversary. According to Russian customs, a nickel wedding is celebrated after 12.5 years, but it is quite acceptable to celebrate it six months earlier - at 12 years old. The symbolism of the anniversary of 12 years of marriage is similar to the symbolism of a tin wedding: the sparkle of nickel indicates the need to refresh the sparkle of a relationship. Since the date is not round, the nickel wedding is celebrated in the closest circle. Usually relatives and friends from both sides are invited to this anniversary. You can send out invitations that indicate the reason for the celebration - the wedding anniversary. According to an old custom that has come down to us from time immemorial, on the day of the celebration of the nickel wedding, the spouses visit places that are memorable for both of them: they visit the church in which they got married, they visit the places of their first dates. Guests can take a walk along memorable places together with spouses. The gift for this wedding anniversary is very easy to pick up due to the wide selection of nickel items. So, jewelry can be a good gift: rings, earrings and bracelets. You can also present a chandelier, a candlestick or an expensive lighter for this wedding anniversary. Nickel-plated utensils will also come in handy.

Lace (lily of the valley) wedding - 13 years of marriage

Lace (lily of the valley) wedding - celebrated on the 13th anniversary of family life. Despite the "unlucky" date (and perhaps in the order of "compensation"), the celebration of the 13th anniversary of the family, as well as the celebration of the pink wedding, is accompanied by the theme of love. Light, delicate, refined and fragile, like love, lilies of the valley are a symbol of the 13th wedding anniversary. Refinement is also inherent in products made of lace, so the name "lace wedding" harmonizes very well with the name "lily of the valley". Lacemakers long months, and sometimes even years weave their wonderful products.
When they finish the work, it is impossible to take your eyes off these creations. Likewise, thin harmonious relationship in the family are built over the years.
For this thirteenth wedding anniversary, a lace wedding, the husband can present his wife with thin lace underwear or an airy peignoir as a gift, and the guests can give the spouses beautiful bed linen trimmed with lace, as well as: lace napkins, tablecloths, lace products knitted from fine wool.
On this wedding anniversary, you can give each other lilies of the valley, as light and tender as your love.

Agate wedding - 14 years of marriage

Only 14 years after the wedding, folk tradition begins to assign the family the status of a precious stone, and this first stone is agate.
Agate is a semi-precious stone, endowed with magical properties from ancient times to protect from danger, protect marital happiness and fidelity. The name of the wedding anniversary suggests that family life is already firmly established. According to custom, on the day of this wedding anniversary, spouses must confess to each other the most intimate, so that there are no secrets between them.
In addition, agate is a wonderful stone, in the depths of which you can see many of the most intricate patterns that form wonderful pictures. So the spouses, who lived to the fourteenth wedding anniversary, and, it seems, easily recognize and have long guessed each other, can now discern new features that were previously completely unknown. Agate is also a talisman that protects and protects marriage.
Gifts for an agate wedding anniversary should be directly related to the talisman stone: for a wife, it can be agate earrings, a ring or beads, and for a man, agate cufflinks or a tie clip.
Since the agate wedding suggests a large number of jewelry, guests can give a jewelry box or chests for storing jewelry for this wedding anniversary. It must be remembered that for natural stones boxes made of natural natural materials, the best way out is carved wooden boxes.

Crystal or glass wedding - 15 years of marriage

Fifteenth wedding anniversary - crystal or glass wedding. This wedding anniversary is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people.
On the festive table for the 15th wedding anniversary - crystal and glassware, guests are advised to wear something light, possibly with transparent details.
Gifts for the 15th wedding anniversary - of course, made of glass and crystal - vases, glasses, salad bowls, etc. Perhaps Swarovski crystals are quite suitable. Husband and wife exchange crystal glasses. The feast, according to custom, continues until someone specifically breaks a glass, glass or plate.

Turquoise wedding - 18 years of marriage

18 years of wedding - Turquoise wedding.
Often the 18th wedding anniversary coincides with the majority of the first child. The brightness of turquoise is a symbol of the end of difficult and crisis situations associated with the growing up of a son or daughter; family relationships should "play" with a new light.

Porcelain wedding - 20 years of marriage

The 20th wedding anniversary is called a porcelain wedding. The name has two interpretations. According to the first version, they believe that the dishes presented for the wedding have already been broken, which means that the supply of tea and coffee utensils should be renewed. The second option says that a happy family union 20 years after the wedding is beautiful and harmonious, like genuine Chinese porcelain, the secret of which has not been solved to this day.
The main tradition followed when celebrating the anniversary of a porcelain wedding is setting the table with porcelain dishes. It is customary to serve treats to guests on this wedding anniversary on new porcelain, as it is believed that not a trace of the old services is left.
Porcelain cups, plates, sets made of porcelain are presented as a gift for a porcelain wedding.

Opal wedding - 21 years of marriage

21st wedding year - Opal wedding.

Bronze wedding - 22 years of marriage

22 years of marriage - bronze wedding.

Beryl wedding - 23 years of marriage

23 years of wedding - Beryl wedding.

Satin wedding - 24 years of marriage

24th wedding anniversary - Satin wedding.

Silver wedding - 25 years of marriage

25 years of family life - a silver wedding. This first famous wedding anniversary. After 25 years, the name of the wedding anniversary for the first time got to precious metal - silver. There is no need to explain in detail the meaning of such a comparison of a 25-year marriage.
According to ancient custom, on this wedding anniversary, the husband and wife must certainly give each other silver rings to be worn on middle finger right hand (next to the one on which the wedding ring is worn).
A silver wedding can also be celebrated officially - in the wedding palace or registry office where the marriage took place. Sometimes, on the occasion of a silver wedding, the official authorities themselves take the initiative.
The gala evening can be held in retro style, where favorite melodies and songs of the anniversaries will be played. Nice gift for anniversaries on the 25th wedding anniversary, a slide show can be presented, which presents the most interesting and most significant moments of their life together.
Covering wedding table on the day of this wedding anniversary, you should use silver plate, for decoration - silver ribbons, garlands, flowers silvered with varnish.
Guests also give silver items for the 25th wedding anniversary: ​​these can be jewelry, cutlery, vases or figurines, interior items, jewelry. From non-standard silver gifts, we can recommend buying a silver commemorative coin of this year or two silver spoons.

Jade wedding - 26 years of marriage

26 years - Jade wedding

Mahogany wedding - 27 years of marriage

27 years - Mahogany wedding

Velvet wedding - 29 years of marriage

29th wedding anniversary - Velvet wedding

Pearl wedding - 30 years of marriage

The thirtieth wedding anniversary is a pearl wedding. Pearls are a beautiful, expensive stone. Although, perhaps, you can’t call it a stone, because it grows. Yes, yes, do not be surprised, it grows like a tree, in layers, becoming bigger and stronger every year. And, in the end, it takes shape and becomes dazzlingly beautiful.
Like pearls, the union of two people also developed, took its form, experienced difficulties, became stronger, and now, 30 years later, by the pearl wedding anniversary, the marriage became truly perfect, just like pearls are a miracle of nature. This wedding anniversary is a symbol of the fact that thirty years lived together are strung on top of each other like pearls in a necklace. As they say, the life of pearls is about 50 years, so this wedding anniversary is only the beginning of a new family life.
According to custom, on this wedding anniversary, the spouse gives his second half a thread with thirty pearls strung on it. Guests should present gifts of mother-of-pearl, white, black and shades of pink(like colors natural pearls). It can be a variety of things - utensils, jewelry, interior items, etc.

Swarthy wedding - 31 years of marriage

31 years - Swarthy wedding.

Amber wedding - 34 years of marriage

34th wedding anniversary - Amber wedding.

Coral wedding - 35 years of marriage

Thirty-fifth wedding anniversary - coral wedding. This anniversary is also called a linen wedding, and rarely linen. Corals, formed from small calcareous skeletons of polyps, form entire coral reefs. So your marriage has developed from thousands of days spent together, filled with feelings and events, and formed a whole island called a family. Now your union is based not only on romance and love - it is firmly held together by mutual respect, care and gratitude for the years spent together.
It may seem strange to some that after this wedding anniversary there may still be some tender feelings, but, having crossed this particular line, the spouses begin to realize how deep their love is. In addition, the joint experience of married life proves the correctness of the choice that you made many years ago, in your youth.
The color of coral is usually red, which means that this color should become an essential attribute of this wedding anniversary. By tradition, the table should be dominated by red, aged wines, as well as other strong drinks, symbolizing the strength of marriage and your relationship.
Coral products, such as coral beads, can serve as gifts. Children can give their parents real red wine, which can tell a lot about the power of passion and love between spouses. A great way to keep up the tradition bridal bouquet of scarlet roses, which the husband will present to his wife at the very beginning of the wedding anniversary, this will show that his passion has not yet died out, and in order to fully comply with the traditions, the bouquet should consist of 35 roses.

Muslin wedding - 37 years of marriage

37 years of wedding - Muslin wedding.

Aluminum wedding anniversary - 37.5 years of marriage

37.5 years of wedding - Aluminum anniversary.
Second half-hearted wedding anniversary, which, moreover, is known more than the previous whole the name of the wedding. Maybe because the very name of this wedding anniversary symbolizes the lightness and strength of family relationships.

Mercury wedding - 38 years of marriage

38 years. Mercury wedding.

Crepe wedding - 39 years of marriage

39 years. Crepe wedding.

Ruby wedding - 40 years of marriage

Congratulations on the ruby ​​wedding on the fortieth anniversary of marriage. The name of the wedding comes from the gemstone ruby, which is a symbol of love and fire. Its color is the color of blood, which means that the relationship between the spouses is "blood". Husband and wife may, in commemoration of the ruby ​​wedding anniversary, encrust a ruby ​​in their wedding rings. In terms of hardness, a ruby ​​is similar to a diamond, and it is believed that no trials can already split a family.
If the spouses have lived together for forty years, then they are about 60-70 years old. That is, they are already pensioners, for whom a ruby ​​wedding will be a good occasion to have fun and see their relatives and friends. It’s great if the relatives themselves remember this wedding anniversary, then the holiday will become doubly expensive for the anniversaries, but if not, then the guests must be notified in advance so that they have time to prepare gifts and congratulations or come if they live in another city.
In the design of the room where the fortieth wedding anniversary will take place, red color should prevail. So, the hall can be decorated balloons in the form of hearts, bouquets of red flowers on the table, bright red or pink curtains on the windows. The festive table for this wedding anniversary must also be bright and colorful. Excellent wines, all kinds of desserts from berries and wedding cake with red fruit filling must be present at this wedding anniversary.
The main gifts for the wedding anniversary of a ruby ​​wedding should be jewelry and crafts with rubies. Ruby earrings, rings, bracelets, beads and brooches, necklaces and pendants, key rings are magnificent, especially if rubies imitate flowers and clusters of berries. Rubies can be used to decorate caskets, caskets, watches, vases and bowls. And remember that the ruby ​​is also an amulet that can protect its owners.

Topaz wedding - 44 years of marriage

44 years - Topaz wedding.

Sapphire (scarlet) wedding - 45 years of marriage

45th wedding anniversary - Sapphire (Scarlet) wedding.
After forty-five years of married life, the wedding anniversary of the sapphire wedding is celebrated. Living together for so many years without losing love and tenderness is a truly precious thing. This is largely due to the name of this wedding anniversary.
Guests at this wedding anniversary are most often especially close and dear people and relatives. The reason for this is largely due to the fact that usually people who have lived together for forty-five years already have both children and grandchildren. In addition, a circle of really true friends is determined, with whom it is pleasant to celebrate such an important celebration and who will truly be happy about your holiday.
The main tradition followed for this wedding anniversary is the decoration of wedding rings with sapphire. Sapphire is a stone that has the ability to eliminate the effects of stress. Of course, that for people of respectable age it will not be superfluous. In addition, sapphire brings good luck in all endeavors.

Lavender wedding - 46 years of marriage

46 wedding years - Lavender wedding.
Very touching name of the wedding and touching symbolism of the wedding anniversary. This day symbolizes tenderness, kindness and longevity of marital relationships. The plant is southern, but if possible, it is good to give each other at least dry flowers or leaves of this plant for the lavender wedding anniversary, which is able to retain its delicate smell for many years.

Cashmere wedding - 47 years of marriage

47 years - Cashmere wedding.

Amethyst wedding - 48 years of marriage

48th anniversary - amethyst wedding.

Cedar wedding - 49 years of marriage

49 years from the date of the wedding - Cedar wedding.

Golden wedding - 50 years of marriage

Golden wedding - the 50th anniversary of the family. Only love, devotion, and respect of the spouses helped to achieve this date. On the day of the golden wedding, there are special traditions - the husband and wife give each other new wedding rings, and the old ones are passed on to unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren as a family heirloom. This anniversary can not only be solemnly celebrated at the registry office at the place of registration, but even asked to arrange a second marriage ceremony.
The anniversary of the golden wedding becomes a really big and joyful event for the whole family of anniversaries. This is a holiday that allows you to feel the cohesion and unity of the family, the traditions that have developed in it. It is this wedding anniversary that in many ways says that in this family love and happiness are inherited, they are a sign of this family. Next to the anniversaries is the fruit of their long life together: joyful children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren. The fiftieth wedding anniversary is celebrated almost as magnificently as the very first anniversary. It is important to prepare well, the surprise will be pleasant not only for the anniversaries themselves, but for the whole family.
Gifts for a golden wedding, of course, are gold items. Guests can also present gilded jewelry and interior items.

Emerald wedding - 55 years of marriage

55 years of wedding - Emerald wedding. The name of the wedding is associated with an emerald - a green stone, symbolizing the eternity of life. The wish for the wedding anniversary is appropriate - to live, love and never grow old.

Diamond (platinum) wedding - 60 years of marriage

60th wedding anniversary - Diamond (platinum) wedding.
A diamond wedding is truly one of the most record-breaking wedding anniversaries of married life, and accordingly, the most beautiful gemstone should be the symbol of this wedding anniversary.
In addition to the fact that a diamond is valuable, expensive and very beautiful, it is impossible not to take into account the strength and durability of this stone. Such is the life of spouses who managed to maintain their relationship until this wedding anniversary, despite all the problems and difficulties that are inevitable in any family.
When holding a diamond wedding, one should try to combine intimacy and solemnity. It can be a purely family holiday, when children and grandchildren present gifts to their parents or a big feast. The form of the sixtieth wedding anniversary is something between a solemn celebration of the anniversaries and a fun concert for them. Anniversaries themselves do not take part in organizing this wedding anniversary, everything is done by younger relatives, in particular, children and grandchildren.
It will be very nice if the holiday is decorated in the style of the time in which the first wedding of the anniversaries took place. Their favorite dishes must be on the table. You can also play some theatrical number especially for the spouses or show them a cut film about their life.
The biggest gift for anniversaries will be the very holding of their diamond wedding: since relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means that they are loved and respected.

Iron wedding - 65 years of marriage

The sixty-fifth wedding anniversary is an iron wedding. Not only a diamond is durable. Iron is a metal, although not precious, but necessary for life. In addition, this name of this wedding anniversary is another reminder that the family builds their life together. And they say: "Strike while the iron is hot." It is already useless to reforge each other's character, but it is never too late to reforge feelings. This wedding anniversary is a rare event, it testifies to the strength of family ties, which become hard and strong as iron. Time can destroy a stone, but love, proven by such a period, nothing and no one can break. There's nowhere to be stronger. You have proven everything to everyone! Enjoy the attention of your children and grandchildren.

Stone wedding - 67.5 years of marriage

67.5 anniversary - Stone wedding.
The name of the wedding confirms again that the relationship between husband and wife is like a rock in the raging ocean of life.

Gracious (grateful) wedding - 70 years of marriage

70 years wedding anniversary - Gracious (grateful) wedding.
That wedding anniversary, when they cast a glance into the past and understand that love sent by heaven is grace and true happiness. And thank God for it. On this day, children and grandchildren give the anniversaries whatever they wish.

Crown wedding - 75 years of marriage

The seventy-fifth wedding anniversary is the crown wedding. Children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren come to this day to honor you. best example For young people, it's unimaginable.
A date for which much, much time has passed since the day of the wedding - a green wedding. But those who made it to this date, this wedding anniversary, can rightfully be proud of the right choice of a life partner, or, at worst, their outstanding reserve of wisdom and tolerance. Such people need to be proud of and cherish and cherish them in every possible way - it is impossible for a simple person who has just embarked on the difficult path of family life to even imagine what the crowned anniversaries had to endure. Glory to them and honor! Guests on this wedding anniversary give any gift, most importantly - from the heart.

Every couple of newlyweds dreams of living together for the rest of their lives and enthusiastically celebrates the birthday of their family every year. There are a lot of signs and customs regarding the celebration of wedding anniversaries. They can be observed, they can not be observed, but one thing is invariable - on this day the whole family and friends gather, congratulate the heroes of the occasion, give symbolic (or not) gifts. The spouses themselves also do not forget to congratulate each other, kiss and once again remind how they love each other.

Few people know what weddings are (except, of course, the well-known golden one), so often the celebration consists only of a feast and congratulations. But there are a lot of signs and traditions that were not in vain invented by our ancestors. Yes, and the names of weddings are not just a fictional character, each has its own psychological aspect. The more years the young people lived together, the “stronger” the name of the anniversary. For example, a "glass" wedding hints at the fragility of a 15-year-old love relationship. When faced with a crisis, spouses should treasure their love as much as the glassware given to them on their fifteenth anniversary.

What wedding anniversaries are

The wedding itself (zero anniversary) is called “green”, denoting the youth of the bride and groom, as well as their families, with this color. All year until the first anniversary, everything is young-green, still fresh and unfamiliar.

    • first anniversary- "calico". In honor of the first birthday of the family, young people and their guests traditionally drink a bottle of champagne, stored up from the wedding day. Chintz, as you know, is not the most durable material. Thus, they made it clear to the young that no matter what troubles happened during this time, this is just the so-called “grinding in”: the spouses are only taking the first steps towards each other, learning to accept each other and find compromises. Therefore, their marriage is not yet completely strong, "calico". There is another version of why the wedding is called calico. It is associated with active intimate life newly married people. Therefore, on the anniversary, guests give new cotton bed linen: the old one has probably already worn out.
    • Second anniversary- "paper". Information about what weddings are by year is often contradictory and can be misleading. It would seem that they lived another year, and for some reason the wedding is paper: but paper is even more fragile than chintz. And this is due to the fact that at this time a child usually appears in the family, which adds trouble to the young family (but first of all, of course, joy). However, as our wise ancestors knew, not all marriages stand this test, and by the second anniversary, the spouses have already quarreled more than once and tried to collect things. And this is not due to the fact that people got married unsuccessfully. This is a normal period in the life of the family, so to speak, the transition to a new stage. Families that successfully pass this stage become doubly strong.
    • third anniversary- "leather". Leather is already much stronger than chintz and paper. And this means that, having gone through all the difficulties and trials of the first two years, the family has finally reached its first significant date. How soft skin, the spouses became more accommodating, learned to adapt to each other, their relationship became more flexible.
    • fourth anniversary- "linen". By the fourth birthday of the family, the spouses had already acquired property and, first of all, linen tablecloths, which speak of the family's prosperity and are more expensive than cotton sheets. Hence the interesting name. This anniversary is also called "wax". Perhaps for the same reason as leather, because wax is a soft, pliable material.
    • Fifth anniversary- "wooden". If we talk about what wedding anniversaries are, this five-year first anniversary can be called the most "stormy". The couple are still very young, full of energy and desire to celebrate the anniversary to the fullest. Some wives even put on their own and. Wood is a durable material, you can build a house and even a whole fortress from it. But for the time being, such a strong wooden structure as a young family must be wary of fires. If the spouses plant a tree on the fifth anniversary, it will grow powerful, strong and survive all bad weather, bringing good luck and abundance to the family.
    • sixth anniversary- "cast iron". Here is the first "metal" marital relations. Relationships are already so strong that they can be called metallic. But cast iron is not yet strong enough to withstand everything. It can be easily broken with a strong blow. And this means that the spouses still have something to fear and relax too early.
    • seventh anniversary- "copper". Copper is a beautiful, durable and valuable material, as are family relationships between spouses. Let it not be a precious metal yet, but 7 years of marriage is already an achievement, congratulate each other from the bottom of your heart. Copper also indicates the financial situation of the family. The kids have all grown up necessary spouse acquired, settled life, things went uphill.
    • eighth anniversary- "tin". Being interested in what weddings are, their names, people stop at the word "tin" and put a negative meaning into it, whether it's inexpensive metal or modern youth slang. However, here we mean such a quality of tin as shine. The relations of the spouses acquire a kind of gloss, are transformed, sparkle with all their facets.

  • twenty sixth anniversary- "jade". The union, which has lasted 26 years, is already practically indestructible, as is the incredibly durable jade.
  • twenty-seventh and twenty-eighth anniversaries are not marked.
  • twenty ninth anniversary- "velvet". It is not difficult to guess why velvet served as a symbol of 29 years of life. This is a rich, expensive, beautiful and refined material, as valuable and beautiful as the union of two people who have approached their thirty-year family anniversary.
  • thirtieth anniversary- "pearl". As storms and waves grind real pearl, and life's adversities make marriage only stronger and more beautiful. Pearls are not only beautiful, they are also durable, do not fade over time and are incredibly valuable.
  • thirty-first anniversary- "dark". Among the many enumerations of weddings whose names usually mean some kind of material, this anniversary is somewhat surprising. It can be assumed that swarthy, tan implies hardening, under which wrinkles and difficulties of the past years are hidden.
  • thirty second anniversary wedding is not celebrated.
  • thirty third anniversary- "stone". The name speaks for itself. The union is already so strong that no hardships and winds can destroy it.
  • thirty fourth anniversary- "amber". Transparent and very valuable amber reflects the path that the spouses have traveled. Amber goes through many transformations before becoming a stone from resin. Same a long way at 34, husband and wife passed before reaching such an agreement.
  • thirty fifth anniversary- "coral". Corals from a small polyp grow into whole coral reefs, which is a symbol of the love of spouses growing every year.
  • thirty sixth anniversary not noted.
  • thirty seventh anniversary- "muslin". Muslin is an expensive fabric, the production process of which is very laborious. For 37 years, husband and wife have been able to create a relationship as valuable, durable and beautiful as this fabric.
  • thirty eighth anniversary- "mercury". Usually this anniversary is not celebrated at all or is celebrated in a narrow family circle. Mercury is a liquid metal that can take on any shape. Relationships between husband and wife, who have lived together for 38 years, become just as plastic.
  • thirty ninth anniversary- "crepe". The lives of the spouses are so tightly woven together, like strong threads of crepe. It is known that it is very difficult to break this material.
  • fortieth anniversary- ruby. A beautiful gem of scarlet color, like blood, has not in vain become a symbol of this significant date. This means that the spouses have become so close that they already have the same blood, soul and destiny for two.

  • Forty-first, second and third anniversaries are not celebrated, although the forty-second and third anniversaries have their own name - "mother-of-pearl" and "flannel", respectively.
  • forty fourth anniversary- "topaz". After 44 years of marriage, quarrels, insults, disagreements come to an end. The life of the spouses becomes as pure and transparent as this gem.
  • forty fifth anniversary- "sapphire". Sapphire is a precious stone that brings happiness and prosperity to its owner. Like this amulet, husband and wife keep each other at peace.
  • forty sixth anniversary- "lavender". This delicate flower symbolizes love, the calmness of past years, the kindness with which spouses treat each other.
  • forty seventh anniversary- cashmere. The relationship of the spouses is as warm and soft as cashmere. They understand each other, protect and give warmth.
  • forty-eighth anniversary- amethyst. A beautiful transparent stone symbolizes the purity and sincerity of family relationships.
  • forty ninth anniversary- "cedar". Cedar is a hardy tree that has lived for centuries, the same as the love of two people who have lived together for almost 50 years.
  • fiftieth anniversary- "golden". The most significant and long-awaited in the life of the spouses. Only people who are united by real love, loyalty and endless patience for life and for each other. It is customary to buy new wedding rings and wear them together with the first ones. Or old rings can be passed on to unmarried grandchildren (or even great-grandchildren).

What are the weddings by year: what to give for each anniversary

Whether to give the heroes of the occasion symbolic gifts according to traditions, or opt for something useful in everyday life or just cute - it's up to you. The main thing is to show your creativity to the fullest. Of course, it is not necessary to cut through the whole city in search of cast iron, steel or nickel things.

If finances allow, you can give real pearls, jewelry made of gold, sapphires and diamonds. Such gifts are not only symbolic and touching, they allow you to express the love of spouses for each other (for example, when a husband gives a pearl necklace to his wife for his 30th birthday).

If the anniversary is called "dark", do not rush to buy self-tanning cream or a subscription to the solarium. People over 50 do not like such gifts. Better buy something cute, but hinting at feelings. For example, a figurine of cooing doves or crystal glasses with their image. Children can give a ticket to hot countries. This is both symbolic and incredibly pleasing to the spouses.

After analyzing the information about what kind of weddings are, at what age the spouses celebrate this or that date, we can conclude that the more years the spouses have lived together, the more difficult it is for them to choose a gift. They have already acquired everything, finally adjusted their life, so it would be useful to show imagination. Let the gift be inexpensive, but romantic and sincere. For example, for a platinum wedding, instead of incredibly expensive platinum jewelry, you can collect photos of the couple, starting from the wedding, and make a film from the most memorable moments of their lives. Watching such a movie will be pleasant for both guests and heroes of the occasion.

On emerald wedding you can give something emerald. For example, a photo frame decorated with green rhinestones, and insert a collage of family photos different years.

The wedding anniversary is an incredible event, confirming the sincerity of the feelings of two loving hearts and their serious intentions. Therefore, each year has its own name, and there is even a conditional list of suitable gifts.

The very beginning of life together

Few people know about it, but the record of anniversaries starts from the very day. It is from this moment that the zero “green” year of family life begins. And if we talk about gifts, then there is nothing difficult, because the newlyweds are presented with everything that is customary to give on the wedding day.

  1. print wedding symbolizes a completely new, light and fresh relationship. In some ways, they may be imperfect and are still being tested for strength, but the initial stage of life together has been passed. As a gift, bathrobes, a scarf or any other chintz items are perfect.
  2. paper wedding recalls that after two years of living together, it is worth treating each other with trepidation and great attention so as not to “break” or spoil anything. Such an anniversary is an excellent occasion to give a good one, and it is best to present paper money.
  3. leather wedding says that the most difficult stages are behind, because according to statistics, the newlyweds disperse in the first two years after the wedding. According to tradition, guests should give quality items made of natural or very good artificial leather.
  4. The next, fourth anniversary in years, has a rather unexpected name - linen wedding. And all because of the fact that flax is considered a symbol of prosperity and durability. Also, this material is of good quality and reliability. Linen clothes, towels and even bed linen can be suitable as a gift.
  5. wooden wedding- the first major anniversary. It is considered a good omen to plant a tree together, and in the near future to start building your own house. Invited guests should present wooden utensils, jewelry, furniture, or similar gifts to the husband and wife.
  6. cast iron wedding is another hint for happy couple. After all, cast iron is called the most fragile metal, and this is an opaque hint. The family has already managed to get stronger, but you need to be vigilant, as strong blows can destroy everything. Dishes are again suitable as a gift or (for example, a horseshoe) for good luck.
  7. copper wedding, characterizes a metal of a class above cast iron, but it still cannot be called precious. This means that the husband and wife have not yet reached perfect harmony and they need gifts that will help maintain a good relationship - vouchers for two, movie tickets, a trip with friends out of town. If we return to traditions, then it is worth again presenting good and beautiful dishes or jewelry made of copper.
  8. Tin wedding- the year preceding this anniversary is considered very difficult, as the spouses are threatened by routine and excessive "grind" to each other. After such a test, lovers for a tin wedding can be presented with everything that can only be stored in tin boxes: clothes, souvenirs, tea, sweets or coffee.
  9. Faience wedding. To decipher this name, you need to know two things - faience breaks very easily and becomes brittle if handled roughly. But at the same time, good, strong and hot are always brewed in faience cups. Dishes made of the same material can be a good gift, or guests can present something equally fragile and at the same time valuable for lovers.
  10. Tin (pink) wedding- this is not an easy date, but a real holiday for spouses who have learned to understand each other, accept shortcomings, be flexible and cope with temporary difficulties together. On this day, it is customary to give bouquets of flowers and many sweets to make life even more like a fairy tale.

Serious dates

Of course, all subsequent wedding anniversaries will have a special meaning, and speak of the seriousness of feelings. But judging by the years, a big anniversary is celebrated every 5 years.

    How was your wedding?

Here are some names and examples of gifts worth remembering:

  1. Crystal (glass) wedding - 15 years of marriage. This date symbolizes the purity of the relationship, so there must be glassware on it. Guests also give any products made of crystal or transparent fragile materials.
  2. porcelain wedding -20 years as husband and wife. Happy families only get better and better with time. Their relationship has passed the test of time and can no longer be afraid of anything. And again by folk traditions the couple of the family should receive dishes from real porcelain.
  3. Silver wedding - 25 years in love and harmony. A quarter of a century in marriage is no joke, so guests will not be able to get off with small gifts. On this day, it is customary to give only expensive and significant things.
  4. pearl wedding - 30 years from the date of the wedding. Despite the name, it is not necessary for guests to give pearls and jewelry on this anniversary. It is important to present something from the heart and with good intentions. But the husband is obliged to prepare a pearl necklace for his beloved, as gratitude for all the years lived together.
  5. Linen (coral) wedding - 35 years of marriage. It is not difficult to pick up gifts on this day, because any item made of canvas will become a symbol of strong family ties.
  6. Ruby wedding - 40 years spent with each other. The name comes from the ruby, which represents eternal passion and endless affection. can give his chosen one a ring with the same stone, and guests will have to spend money on a worthwhile present that will be kept in the family for many years.
  7. Sapphire wedding- 45 years from the date of betrothal. Sapphire is not just a beautiful stone, but also a talisman that can protect against adversity, quarrels and evil tongues. According to tradition, today gifts are given in a blue or blue hue.
  8. Golden wedding - 50 years of marriage. On this day, it is worth giving jewelry or other memorabilia that can be passed down from generation to generation and tell posterity about true love.
  9. The next important wedding anniversary is called emerald - 55 years from the date of the wedding. Gifts on this day can be completely different, but it is best to present a restored photo in beautiful frame or things for home comfort - soft slippers, for lovers or pillows for two.
  10. Diamond wedding - 60 years together. After After a whole life has been lived together, memories are most valued. Therefore, relatives can make a book for lovers, in which there will be joint photographs, important dates and short stories are recorded.
  11. Iron wedding - celebrating 65 years of family existence. On this day, guests who are not family members are rarely invited. For the anniversary, you can give an iron medal "For marriage", figurines or iron candlesticks. Donated money will never be redundant.
  12. blessed wedding- 70 years of love and understanding. Such an anniversary is celebrated very rarely, so the best gift for the anniversaries will be the attention of the family, a quiet dinner and a pleasant atmosphere.