34th wedding anniversary, what kind of wedding, what to give. Amber wedding (34 years)

For thirty four years marital relations gradually transform from unstable and quickly torn into strong family union. Also takes a long time to form in nature sun stone amber. Gradually, from a viscous resin, it transforms into a beautiful mineral . It is no coincidence that the thirty-fourth anniversary life together became known as the amber wedding.

Previously, amber amulets were always present in the bride’s outfit. The stone was attributed magical properties. It was believed that the sun stone restores a person’s energy, protects against evil eyes and negative wishes. But it was on the wedding day that the girl found herself especially vulnerable to evil spells.

Celebration place

When choosing a place for a celebration, it is advisable to rely on your own feelings. Some people prefer to celebrate their anniversary in a crowded place, while others want to host funny congratulations V own home. But celebrating with family is the best option.

In any case, an anniversary is not a wedding. It is not necessary to invite a huge number of guests. The main thing is a feeling of comfort and tranquility for “amber” spouses.

They should not feel any awkwardness in the gathered company. This is especially true when organizing a celebration by relatives of the spouses.

The best option is to go to a pond, because the sun stone is found on the shore. Water will add special energy to the celebration. It is ideal to celebrate this day on the seaside, but this, alas, is not always possible.

Decorating the room for the holiday

Since the amber wedding does not relate to anniversaries, it is not customary to organize official celebrations on this day. According to tradition, the married couple gathers only those closest to them. Everyone sits down at a large table, where they celebrate a quiet family date.

By this time, their own children had most likely already started their own families. They are always present at the table. The heroes of the occasion reveal the secrets of marital happiness, remember shared experiences and happy moments.

On the amber anniversary, the couple dresses in warm, sunny yellow tones. It is advisable to complement the look with amber jewelry.

For example, a wife can wear amber beads, and a husband can try on cufflinks with a sun stone. And you don’t need to think: “So many years have passed, as many as 34... What a wedding...”

The colors of amber are considered to be all warm golden or orange shades. Rarely, amber in black, blue, green and milky tones is found. All combinations are used to create a holiday color palette.

But the main thing is the sunny shades. The following must be present on the table:

  • orange vegetables and fruits;
  • seafood dishes (since amber is associated with the sea);
  • red wine;
  • luxurious cake;
  • red, yellow or orange juices, candies;
  • bouquets of flowers in warm colors;
  • glass candlesticks or large candles in red and orange tones (can be replaced with artificial lamps with LED bulbs).

Paper notes are hung above the table Chinese lanterns yellow or red. They can also be used to decorate a picnic in the garden. The main thing is to achieve subdued soft lighting, because amber does not sparkle like other precious stones, but seems to glow from within.

The room where the celebration will take place is decorated with orange, yellow and red garlands. The table is covered with a golden tablecloth.

If the wedding date falls in autumn, the decorations must include branches of rowan, viburnum or dry yellowed leaves, previously collected by the spouses. On the day of the celebration, a spectacular ikebana is formed from the leaves and placed at the head of the table.

Choosing gifts for spouses

But the amber anniversary is also a warm home. Over thirty-four years of being together, the spouses have already learned to maintain ease in relationships and maintain warmth. And they willingly share these discoveries with young members of the family.

The atmosphere of general tranquility can only be interrupted by shouts of “Bitter!” Then the spouses kiss, and their kiss should last at least until the count of “34”.

It is a mistake to believe that a wedding anniversary is not a very important event, and that celebrating it is not necessary. Having spent thirty-four years together is a pretty good reason to organize a celebration. “In absentia” congratulations are also appropriate on this day, but only if a personal meeting is impossible.

Present for my beloved wife

The deadline is impressive, so the choice of gift is taken especially carefully. Banal stationery will be completely inappropriate, as well as funny cool toys. Such gifts are more suitable for newlyweds.

The spouse should remember that his half on the amber anniversary expects not only funny verbal congratulations, but even small, but quite material souvenirs. Such gifts will remind you of the day when the wife linked her destiny with that of her husband. It is he who knows her character better than anyone else. Therefore, an anniversary is an excellent occasion for turning into a wizard who fulfills the most unusual desires, even if only for one day.

For a spouse who wants to visit a place, you can organize a dream trip. Many travel agencies offer short tours to the sights of certain cities. During such a blitz tour, you can learn such unusual and funny facts that usually cannot be found in any scientific book.

If the wife loves jewelry, and the husband is used to giving them as gifts, then it is not necessary to change the habit. The choice can be made on the sunniest of stones. Beautiful short beads, cute earrings or elegant pendants are always available in jewelry stores. It’s a good idea to please your life partner with a spectacular brooch with an inscription.

Amber wedding... How many years have we been together! Such experience family life commands respect. For very romantic personalities, there is an option for an impression gift.

  • a certificate for a short paragliding flight, if the wife, of course, is not afraid of heights;
  • a gift in the form of useful and interesting course cooking lessons, fun drawing lessons and other master classes;
  • sets of sweets, where each candy is wrapped in a wrapper with poetic or prosaic congratulations or confessions.

Whatever is chosen as a gift, the choice is sure to be accompanied by warm, sincere congratulations. They are the ones who will show the wife how much her husband loves her and appreciates what she means to him. Ladies always enjoy lines composed independently by their husbands. Even if they are far from perfect, they are written from pure heart. This is much nicer than funny, but faceless congratulations created by someone on someone else's order.

Gift for husband

Even if the spouse tries to maintain a stern appearance in life, but receive fulfillment as a gift from his life partner cherished desire it will turn out for him a most pleasant surprise. And the wedding anniversary is perfect for turning into a good fairy.

If your husband has long dreamed of some work item or gadget, you can present it. Such a gift will appeal to the spouse much more than a funny one poetic congratulation, albeit tied with a touching pink ribbon.

For an incorrigible romantic, poetry, on the contrary, is ideal as an addition to a gift. As a basis, it is better to choose a gift for two. It could be:

  • dinner in a restaurant;
  • certificate for a romantic meeting;
  • short ride on horseback;
  • riding on a small boat, yacht, etc.

It's a good idea for a gourmet to organize the preparation delicious dish. It could be a cake baked by the wife with short poems or confessions written on it.

You can please your husband with a large family album made in secret with several hundred photographs. They are attended by the amber spouses themselves, and their parents, and sisters and brothers, and children, and other relatives.

And short poems about each of your loved ones can touch the heart of even the most brutal man.

Gifts from loved ones

Anniversary is a mandatory holiday. If the spouses decide not to hold it, then their loved ones are simply obliged to organize the celebration.

As a thank you, a daughter or son can present an expensive household appliances, an exquisite amber box. You can give your father a watch, and please your mother with a beautiful piece of jewelry. A great gift would be a video or photo greeting in the form of a presentation with footage from family life.

A married couple can be presented with something for living together. From the parents - a set of linen in warm colors, from the sister - decorative items, from the children - poems of their own composition. If you have serious difficulties in choosing, typing in the search engine the query “34 years, what wedding, what to give to parents” will help.

Congratulations are thought out very carefully. If you intend to use only poetry, you should ask your sister or parents in advance to start selecting samples, based on which you will be able to create a small family story in rhyme.

Gifts from guests

Presents for the amber anniversary should differ from ordinary wedding gifts. If you receive an invitation to celebrate such a date, organized by the parents or siblings of a married couple, you do not need to run to the stores for newlyweds, but it is better to type in the search “34 year wedding, what wedding, what to give” and analyze the answers.

It is much wiser to buy a bottle of quality wine for your spouse and amber beads for his life partner or to present household appliances. We must not forget about the parents of the amber newlyweds. It's a good idea to buy flowers or a box of chocolates for them.

For an amber wedding, congratulations are thought out in advance. The main thing is that it comes from the heart and sounds sincere. After all, even the most best poems words that sound deceitful are perceived worse than clumsy but sincere words.

An amber wedding is a wonderful occasion to gather together and celebrate an impressive date. If you squeeze a piece of sunstone in your palms, you can feel a pleasant living warmth. The heroes of the occasion give the same warmth to their loved ones. The holiday is sunny, joyful, and therefore it is necessary to celebrate it.

Attention, TODAY only!

What to gift:

A couple who has maintained tenderness and love over 34 years of marriage can rightfully be given an amber cup. The couple received a silver one for 25 years of marriage, and a gold one for their 50th anniversary.

In addition, the 34th wedding anniversary has a rainbow and precious name- Amber wedding.


This anniversary was given its “name” for a reason.

Amber is a liquid viscous mineral, which, thanks to hard work experienced craftsmen, turns into a beautiful stone. It “cleanses” the biofield of its wearer, brings good luck and can give a lot of gifts pleasant emotions from delightful glances.

The couple's relationship has undergone similar amazing metamorphoses over 34 years. From soft resin, they became durable and precious, like amber. You can admire the care that the husband and wife were able to give to each other for so many years.

How to mark

Convene a large number of No guests are accepted for this date. An amber wedding is an anniversary that implies a celebration in a cozy atmosphere among the people closest to the couple. Although, only the heroes of the occasion can decide how many guests will be present at the event.

If desired, you can decorate the house. It is important to decorate the interior in golden tones - to match the color of the holiday symbol.

You can also focus on the date - 34 years. You can decorate the room balloons. Their number depends on how many years the couple has been together. An excellent replacement for balloons can be the wife’s favorite flowers, which the spouse is obliged to give in advance.

Husband and wife can also wear gold-colored outfits. The wife will become the queen of the evening in a chic golden dress, and the husband can wear a jacket or, if he sticks to the classics, then simply add a gold watch or cufflinks to his clothes. After all, the family, which is 34 years old, is simply brilliant.

What to gift

It is advisable to give something symbolic on such an important date. A wonderful solution is gifts made from amber:

  • Jewelry;
  • casket;
  • figurines;
  • souvenirs;
  • painting;
  • candlestick.

No anniversary is complete without traditional gifts: bed sheets, dishes, household appliances and more. An option of 34 small gifts is also possible - according to the number of years passed side by side.

For 34 years lived together, you can give spouses matching gifts. Two tickets to the Philharmonic, theater, cinema or even to a resort will delight the “young” and bring new bright colors to their lives.

Over so many years, husband and wife have become one. A gift that focuses on this will pleasantly surprise the heroes of the occasion. You can create a video recording every year of a family's life. Or make a cardboard tree on the entire wall with photos of each year spent together.

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Our congratulations on your 34th wedding anniversary are as bright as its name – Amber. We have collected in one place only best congratulations in poetry and prose. You can also choose an interesting status for social networks or short message for phone. More details about the Amber Wedding here.

Congratulations for your husband

Happy amber wedding, my dear husband! With you, we have survived so many blizzards, But how many springs there have been - we can’t even count, Thirty-four are definitely on the list! Everything was in our marriage, my dear, But the heart still rings with a string of love, Let the memory only keeps the best, After all, the sun of feelings has forever reached its zenith. Let the children please and the grandchildren have fun, And the weak points will not hurt! Let summer be an amber spark in the eyes... Let the hands on the clock freeze quietly... Let joy not leave this house

Dearest husband, now amber has crept into our marriage with a concrete symbol.

And the wedding anniversary, as if in olden times, Let's celebrate so that everyone can see it! We'll invite our friends and all our relatives. Let them shout to us again: “Bitter!” And someone will say, “A toast for the newlyweds...” And won’t deceive those around us at all... Let’s dance a gentle waltz again in the eyes The flame of passion is swirling again And we are young in soul again now, After all, the passage of time has no power over love! Thirty-four is not the limit, Let fifty more pass in health! So that your love for me makes you younger,

And he lived in happiness, in abundance and at ease!

Happy amber wedding, my dear husband. Listen to congratulations from your wife: May happiness cover your head, Every moment will be beautiful! For 34 years, you and I, Soul to soul, have grown together and become attached.

We are given to each other by fate - So that it leads us further towards the goal; So that you don’t know any sorrows at all, So that your eyes sparkle with fun, So that you don’t get sick and don’t get tired of your family, So that you don’t know the care and soul of confusion.

Amber, so that it melts into a golden wedding!

Happy amber anniversary, dear husband! Thirty-four years together.

And you push yourself today, I want gifts, and beautiful words, and flattery... I know you, as if by heart, I love you for every, even, flaw, I will respond hundreds of kilometers away - Just call, and without coordinates! May our love dialogue be eternal, Patience for us, mutual understanding! So that everything you have in mind can be done easily,

Success, joy, good luck, rejoicing!

Husband, happy anniversary! How many years have we been together? Thirty-four! The marriage has become amber! But I don’t see any “tin” in this, For so many years our fire has not dried up! May our passion continue to be preserved, I wish you tenderness and joy in your soul, How we lived for so many years with you without falsehood, And there was happiness even in hut! So our smooth path with you continues, And my heart beats in unison with mine, So that every year you want to marry me,

Don't let the thirty-fourth time bother you!

Happy Amber Anniversary, beloved husband! We lived in harmony for 34 years! During this time, we completely got to know each other, and our love became bright and strong, like amber. Let the light of a beautiful gem illuminate our path together and protect our family. Happiness to us!

Congratulations for the wife

Thirty-four years together, dear! Our honey of love has become strong amber, And having comprehended each other for so many years, We are still happy together.

Amber - magic stone, unusual! In it the sun, summer are locked with spring. Let our familiar life with you be stirred up, Enough passion for the Golden Day! So that he protects us from evil and misfortune, And keeps our tenderness with warmth. Goodness and light, joy and happiness!

So that the fire of the Amber Wedding does not cool down!

The light of the amber anniversary warms, Your eyes twinkle mysteriously... Thirty-four! So many glorious years They all attract me to themselves... When I look at them - then there are no barriers, I am young again, and you are a girl again... Even though time cannot be turned back, But the heart beats young and loudly! I wish that they pass in joy days, in prosperity, prosperity and family... As before, just look into my eyes,

With an amber spark, with gentle warmth!

I won’t get by with my own words, I will congratulate you with poems... And again in my soul I will marry you. Therefore - again with flowers! I will give amber to my beloved wife, Like the golden sun in my hand. For thirty-four years I have lived like a king, You will become like this with a queen! So that joy This stone kept yours, Gave you a lot, a lot of patience! May it always bring prosperity to our home

Happy dal adventures!

As in every drop of rain, the Universe is wooed, So in every year that was with you, A whole life is hidden. The thirty-fourth wonderful year, Amber, as if in a fairy tale! Let the best happen Love and affection to you! Wife, you are my clear light, May you glow with happiness! More amber for many years

Have fun with me!

It's our Amber anniversary! What's a wedding without beautiful congratulations? I wish you and I, wife, unity of opinions, so that there is no reason for disagreements! So that we circle like swans in the sky, towards each other bright tenderness Hearts burned so that they could sing in unison about happiness,

And the best wishes happened!

Happy wedding day to Amber, dear wife, There is only one like you on the whole Earth! Tenderness for you is immense, like the sea, Forever with you in happiness and in sorrow But let there be no troubles at all will be good the wine will be in our vessel, Let the children delight us with grandchildren,

And life, so that it flows like amber honey!

Beloved wife, today is the Amber anniversary of our wedding day! Ancient alchemists introduced amber into elixirs of immortality; it was also believed that it protected from troubles. So let our love become immortal, and my gift with amber will always protect you. Congratulations!

Congratulations from parents

So that amber could fall asleep like a pebble, First it shed a tear of resin... So, children, your union has come a long way And this path was not always simple. We wish you to preserve its fruits, And enjoy maturity to the full! May you, as in the song, be two stars,

So that there is one song for two!

Daughter, happy Amber Wedding Anniversary! You are lucky with your man, Continue to nurture him, take care of him, Don’t cut him rashly and from your shoulders... But don’t forget yourself either, Don’t take too much on your chest... Respect your family, cherish yourself,

And live all God's peace loving!

We were lucky to attend your Amber wedding! We wish you could celebrate Golden wedding your children! Love you, children, health and longevity!

From children to parents

You, my parents, Today is your Anniversary! Amber is like a talisman of love, And you are two halves! Thirty-four is not a small period, You have experience behind you! I wish the hearth to glow

Both days and nights!

An amber honey-colored wedding, The sun is hidden here, greetings from summer, Here is a sea of ​​love, an ocean of respect! My dear ones, keep moving Toward the heights of quiet family happiness! Do you remember how you started dating? You weren’t dad and mom once... Now it’s here a significant date - you are 34! The family is only getting stronger! Sometimes the love boat rocks, There are worries, there are anxieties!

But feel free to walk along the road together!

The day replaces the night, And the anniversary comes! There is a reason for joy in this whirlpool of days: Amber is a wedding symbol today! You, mom and dad, accept the Words that are sweeter than an orange!

And celebrate the holiday with us!

Mendelssohn's waltz is playing for you today, My parents are newlyweds again! All the children and grandchildren congratulate you from the bottom of their hearts, On the fact that our father took our mother as his wife, and mother Then she said “yes” to him in response, And the children were proof of love! Thirty-four - is it a lot or a little?..

Probably not enough to live together in the world!

You, my parents, are the winners today! Today I will give these lovely poems on the anniversary of Amber! May the years be easy, so that you can live in joy,

To love only stronger!

Congratulations from friends

From a friend to you amber congratulations, B I wish for your wedding day: So that the relationship is extraordinary Be gentle, I am hinting! So that you are always active in everything, Remember your youth more often. Thoughts - so that they are always positive

And love gets sweeter every year!

To my sister on Amber’s wedding anniversary, I wish: peace and harmony reign in the family. Love is radiant to you like the sun, And tenderness is like chocolate! Be strong, like a lump of refined sugar, To melt from your husband’s caresses, May your life be pure delight,

Like honey, so that amber flows.

From the witness of the wedding Congratulations on this anniversary: ​​May all your secret dreams come true, Be happy as a woman with a man! Repeat all your confessions, And hold hands reverently, You have reached your maturity,

Enjoy ripe love!

Friends, we have come to the amber wedding! For thirty-four years you have flown in your love, without feeling the ground, And we see that in your soul you have not aged! We wish you not to lose your ardor, More optimism! Don’t give up! So that each spouse lives to the fullest,

Breathed to the fullest, loved, laughed!

We wish you a lot of happiness, we wish you a lot of light in your Amber Year! Let the summer freeze forever, the family will be warmed by it, the best will happen! You have lived for three decades and four in harmony. So, keep it up! You have kept the feelings in your souls, you have given birth to glorious children. We must help! And therefore health to you We wish you and with love Congratulations to you!

And live as if spinning in unison in a waltz!

We celebrate your wedding day, congratulations! Amber is the symbol for today, and there will be a diamond.

Be happy, like birds, in the blue, You kept your love, walked faithfully as a couple! Let the wedding crowns protect the marriage, Not the slightest darkness will approach the bright souls! A bright day so amber in the heart forever And let the months and years not scare you! Your friends and children value you, Respect is a gift... May the sun shine brighter on you

Golden amber!

Happy Amber Wedding! Let's wish you peace and joy! And a house full of happiness! How does mortal Shakespeare sound? Love is two in one being! For so many years you have become one, Hence the care and warmth, You enjoy the ripe apple,

And may you always be lucky in everything!

Congratulations from children

Happy anniversary from the children! May the light of the Amber Wedding warm you, May our family be united, May not a single battery run out! You are examples and support for us, Be happy in health and love! Let there be no insults, no quarrels ,May the nightingales sing to you all year long! And may the spring of love return to you, We know that you cannot bear each other without each other... Let your father make you laugh, and your mother laugh,

Son and daughter wish you joy!

There is an amber gift in your hearts of love! Parents, we congratulate you on your wedding: Thirty-four years, but marriage is no longer old, May it be a wonderful paradise for you! May your home be happy and your hearth warm! May peace flow with love in the air, Health, I wish you happiness and all the best!

We are lucky to be born into such a family!

Toasts from the wife

To my beloved husband on his amber wedding day I wish love to keep antique honey! We have passed thirty-four anniversaries, And I believe: you are the best of the best men! May there be victories, successes and ups, We have a team - we are cool pilots! In business, we have any member of the household - Not There will never be troubles in the family! So that everything in life is beautiful and sonorous, Let not a single gear creak! Be happy, my beloved, with me forever,

And let's drink to the bottom of the cognac for this!

A toast from a wife on an amber wedding should sound completely unique: Therefore, we raise our glasses to the astrals hidden to the naked eye, So that love can come out into the cosmic circle, So that my husband can become like a young man again! We have achieved bright zen in marriage

So that changes are always expected for the better!

Toasts from my husband

Thirty-fourth year of marriage Amber, radiant anniversary Your image is impeccable for me, For so many years the first snows are whiter! I raise a toast: there is no better mother in the world! better than women, girlfriends and wives! You will settle everything, heal pain and wounds, Keep your family, weave dreams for all of us! Be happy, fly my little dove! May your soul always be easy! May what is fragile not break,

Take off, don’t be afraid, fortunately high!

To my beautiful wife In honor of the Amber Wedding, a toast was issued: You are the best mother, wife, friend, I have carried love to you through life! For the family and for you, dear, You are my soul, good news... May you live without knowing sorrows

And thank you, I have you!

There were tears, there was heat, the Earth was melting! Fire! There was enthusiasm in the youthful passion, And it still lasts... But now we have amber, A resinous gift of strong feelings; Three decades and four years have passed in a beautiful world. And I want to thank you for deciding to live with me! You, my wife, are what you need : Punishment and reward...I drink to your health

And for happiness together!

Toasts from friends

We drink to your thirty and four, And to the amber sparkle in the eyes of your spouses! Be the happiest of all of you in this world, After all, you have treasured each other for so many years! The honeymoon for such a time has become the strongest and most transparent amber, You have become an axiom in the system,

We drink to the dregs to the glorious newlyweds!

Thirty-four to your marriage, Amber will be a sign of this year, Let's raise our glasses to the amber wedding, We wish the spouses to keep your main thing! May your children and grandchildren adore you, You are exemplary, we know, spouses. We wish you only victories in the future,

And live together in health for a hundred years!

From parents

Accept a toast from your parents, After all, an amber marriage is not at all simple... After all, a stone needs a setting with decoration so that it grips tenaciously. Let us wish, therefore, respect, So that all decisions are made together; And they preserve the transparent shine of feelings, There will be a splash of sparks from care! You cherish each of you,

So that amber sparkles with fire from the eyes!

Statuses for VK, FB, Inst

  1. Amber is a beautiful stone. But for him to appear, the pine trees had to cry first... Today, on the Amber wedding anniversary, I understand that everything we have gone through was not in vain!
  2. Thirty-four years since our wedding! Today is the Amber Anniversary! Amber is transparent, like sunlight who is in our loving hearts. Strong as our feelings. And the same color as our eternal honeymoon.
  3. An amber wedding is when a beautiful, time-tempered stone remembers a distant summer, when it was still a tear of a tree...
  4. The Amber Wedding comes right after the Kamennaya Wedding... Also durable, but reminiscent of such a distant honeymoon...

Source: http://godovshinasvadbi.ru/pozdravleniya-na-34-goda-svadby/

34 years (amber wedding)

The couple, who have lived with each other for 34 years, deserves congratulations and admiration. It means that married couple was able to unite enough to withstand the sea of ​​everyday problems. Their relationship has not changed, they love, trust, and care for their family just as before. So, now it’s time to celebrate the amber wedding - 34 years of marriage.

Amber wedding traditions

Amber is the fossilized resin of a coniferous tree. And this symbol was not chosen by chance. It takes many years for the beautiful amber resin to form. Married life was also shaped long time. Now you can only remember what happened during these years and rejoice in family happiness.

In ancient times, for such a holiday it was necessary to go to the forest to get branches with viburnum and rowan berries. They were used to make a wreath, which served as decoration for the room.

After all, weddings in those days were held in the fall, when all the work was done agriculture completed. Therefore, there were no problems with materials for decorations; they could be found in any nearby forest.

But if an amber wedding happens at another time of the year, then the branches of rowan and viburnum can be imitated from other materials.

The main tradition of the 34th wedding anniversary is the exchange of gifts made from amber. Spouses can also go to the store together and purchase any cute 34th wedding anniversary gifts made from this material. These things should be in a visible place and remind you of this date.

This wedding anniversary is not a round one, so many do not consider it necessary to celebrate it on a grand scale. It will be enough to just sit with close friends.

On this wedding day, clothes in amber shades are worn. A wife can wear a dress with amber inserts, and a husband can wear any outfit, decorating it with some amber-colored accessory.

The decoration of the room should also contain shades of yellow, red, and orange.

Yellow flowers will complement the holiday atmosphere; you can create a larger number 34 from scrap material and hang it on the wall.

On this holiday, the husband and wife must say an oath to each other, the words of which they must come up with together. This is their thirty-fourth wedding anniversary, quite a long period of time has passed, so the spouses probably have something to say to each other. Their kiss, accompanied by cries of “Bitter,” should last 34 seconds; those present count the seconds out loud.

How to celebrate your 34th wedding anniversary

Enough to organize joyful holiday V family circle, there is no need to invite a large number of guests. Children, grandchildren, close friends and relatives will be the most welcome guests.

On this evening, you can share your memories that the spouses’ life together is full of, look at photographs and videos of their holidays and other moments of life.

Let the amber wedding be modest, and the congratulations of the guests be sincere!

But the spouses don’t even have to gather guests; the 34th anniversary can be celebrated together. Husband and wife can celebrate by taking a trip to countries famous for amber. Many of them are located on the shores of the Baltic Sea.

Amber wedding gifts

The husband and wife must prepare gifts for each other - amber products, in which they must appear before the guests. For your husband, you can choose various amber jewelry, for example, a pendant - his zodiac sign.

Cufflinks and a tie clip will definitely come in handy for a man, especially if he often wears business suits. A cigarette case in amber tones will remind him of this event.

However, every woman knows better what her husband needs and chooses a gift based on these preferences.

A husband can give his wife beautiful jewelry that is made from amber. A variety of beads, earrings, rings will serve as excellent additions for festive and casual outfits. An amber box where you can store your jewelry will also serve as an excellent gift. A bouquet of yellow flowers will be an excellent addition to the main gift.

Friends and relatives also do not come empty-handed; they must think about what to give for the wedding. It is advisable that their gifts for the amber wedding also represent main symbol. A painting made from amber chips will be an excellent interior decoration and will delight the spouses with its riot of colors. Photo frames are always appropriate.

Guests can also choose a gift that will decorate the life of the spouses - this could be bedding, tablecloths, pillowcases, decorative pillows, etc. Naturally, all these things should be in shades of yellow. Indoor plants with yellow flowers in small pots.

Silver spoons with amber inserts or wine glasses decorated with amber chips will look beautiful. Well, the most original gift can be chess, the pieces of which are made of amber. However, backgammon and checkers can also be made from this material.

Wedding gifts do not necessarily have to be made of amber; you can choose something that has a similar color to this substance. You can present a barrel of honey, because the color of honey is somewhat reminiscent of amber. Alcoholic drinks amber color will complement the gift. You can add fruits, candies and other sweets to them.

If you know what the heroes of the occasion want most to have in their home, but cannot afford it yet, then give them the item they desire. It doesn’t matter if this item doesn’t suit the amber theme at all.

Children can give a more substantial gift than other guests. Home appliances or high-quality medical equipment are always necessary.

If possible, parents can be given a trip to a sanatorium or a holiday home.

Congratulations on the 34th wedding anniversary

You can not just congratulate the spouses in words, but do it effectively. Give your congratulations in poetic form. You can write a large congratulations poster and decorate it beautifully.

The spouses will certainly like such congratulations; they will appreciate the beautiful words that can be contained in them.

If you cannot come up with a beautiful congratulation yourself, then use congratulations already composed by someone else.

SMS - congratulations

Sometimes it takes more than a hundred years for the amber color to emerge from resin. So your lives acquired a spicy taste, Having lived, appreciating the union, appreciating the advice. 34 years strong date Bringing the color of honey, the sun of amber. Love once tied you together,

And time has shown that it was not in vain.

The aroma of an amber wedding is in the air today - As if with the warmth of the sun, It warms the souls of lovers. You have been together for so many years, You caressed each other with tenderness, That suddenly amber flowers -

They have become even more alive and brighter!

Your family is exactly 34, congratulations on your most wonderful day! Be the happiest in the world, you two live wonderfully. Your children have already grown up, But they have not forgotten their native nest. Let your ship go around all the shallows,

And good luck to you!

34 years ago, succumbing to your charm, I exchanged my maiden freedom for a quiet family life, children and housekeeping. And guess what? I'm absolutely happy! Happy Amber Anniversary to you, dear!

On your Amber wedding day, I wish you both to always see and appreciate in your spouse what you loved him for. Your marriage is made in heaven!

Your union has lasted for 34 years, you have wonderful children, the house is a full cup... So what kind of “marriage” is this? This is the highest quality! I wish you to continue to maintain your brand! Happy wedding!

Precious metals and stones are just beautiful names for eternal love, long-term loyalty and a constant desire to be close. No values ​​in the world can change this. Happy Amber Wedding Anniversary!

We are glad that you have been together for 34 years. You are happy because you two are together. We wish this happiness to follow you to the end.

Thirty-four years together is a symbol that you are made for each other. Your feelings are literally cast in amber! It’s not for nothing that this anniversary is called the “amber wedding.” Let love grow stronger day by day and always shine with new and luxurious shades.

Source: http://feminissimo.ru/nevesta/godovshchini/34-goda-yantarnaya-svadba.html

34 years since the wedding - what is the 34th anniversary of marriage called? Amber wedding

It is believed that the tradition of celebrating one or another wedding anniversary came to Russia from European countries.

On this day, spouses congratulate each other and present pleasant surprises, and friends and relatives give gifts with symbolic meaning to the beloved couple.

Those who value married relationships, who, despite everything, have managed to maintain warmth and love for each other for so many years, wonder how many years later the amber wedding is celebrated? The Amber Anniversary marks 34 years of married life.

Traditions are such that the celebration of the amber wedding is usually not celebrated on a grand scale. At the same time, many of the couples who happily lived to see this significant day and spent 34 years side by side consider themselves entitled to celebrate beautiful anniversary widely and with a large number of invitees.

If the holiday is still planned in a narrow circle, then the table is set in the house, which has become a truly happy family nest for the “young people”.

On this day, it would be useful to remember all the joyful (and maybe sad) moments, take out family photo albums, review video archives, again confess your love and trust to each other, and show mutual tenderness and care.

34th wedding anniversary - holiday long love, tenderness, trust

Why is the 34th wedding anniversary called amber?

Each wedding anniversary has its own name: the very first and still so fragile - chintz, then paper, wood, pink, and for long-lived married people - silver, gold and even diamond. Why is the 34th wedding anniversary called amber? This name is very symbolic: amber - a natural stone, the natural formation of which takes place over many years.

Yes and family relationships are like amber: year after year they become stronger and polished in order to approach the 34th anniversary in all their glory

The spouses already know each other's characters and habits to the smallest detail; they have learned to find compromises, restrain themselves in conflicts and not provoke quarrels over trifles. Relationships are strong and reliable due to the experiences together, but at the same time they should be protected and cherished.

An example of congratulations on an amber wedding day

How to celebrate your 34th wedding anniversary?

Having found out what kind of wedding is called an amber wedding, it’s time to start preparing for this pleasant event.

Beautiful traditions and important points this family holiday will allow for long years maintain balance and peace in relationships, well-being and harmony in the home.

Relatives and close friends of the family can receive an invitation to celebrate 34 years of married life - let truly loved ones share this happy day with the “newlyweds”.

The very name of the anniversary determines the scenario of an amber wedding - let everything on this day remind you of this beautiful sunny stone.

It is better to keep the interior of the room intended for the celebration in an “amber” color scheme: red, yellow and orange.

It’s good if the tablecloth covering the festive table is embroidered with golden threads: this is very symbolic, since a common meal brings together a variety of people.

Holiday decoration in yellow amber tones

You can warn the invitees in advance: let their outfits or at least some accessory (scarf, hairpin, jewelry) be designed in the same joyful color scheme.

The “bride” must definitely have an amber decoration - this is both a talisman for the family against the evil eye and is aimed at all those present healing properties stone

If the 34th anniversary falls in the fall, then a great idea would be to decorate the table and walls of the room with spectacular red and yellow bouquets of leaves, rowan or viburnum branches. Fruits of the same bright color are welcomed on the table color range: apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, etc.

Idea for decorating a festive table for your 34th wedding anniversary

Gifts for an amber wedding

The name of this wedding anniversary determines not only the nature of the celebration, but also the gifts. The most logical of them will be jewelry with amber given by invitees or your significant other.

A set for a husband and wife, made in the same style, will look very beautiful and symbolic: for a man it can be a tie pin, a ring or cufflinks, for a woman: earrings, a pendant, a bracelet, an elegant ring.

Thirty-four years of family life must be rewarded a memorable gift spouses to each other is gratitude to the partner and close relative for their support and care for so many years.

Set of gold jewelry with amber: ; ; , all SL (prices via links)

Among the original gifts one can note interior items and crafts inlaid with amber, Gift certificates to make long-held dreams come true.

Grown-up children can present their parents with a tourist package for two, tickets to a movie or theater as a gift - it’s time for the “newlyweds” to take a break from family affairs and just be together.

Thought about practical and delicious present Few people think about it, but a branded cake or a hand-made cake for an amber wedding creates a great mood for both the couple celebrating their anniversary and all the guests. Other gifts suitable for an amber wedding are described in detail here.

A symbolic gift for an amber wedding - a mug with an inscription

For those who have lived together for 34 years, let this sunny holiday full of goodness and positivity become an occasion for pleasant memories and new plans for the future.

An amber wedding will symbolize the tenderness, fragility of marriage and love, nice attitude to each other, a strong and happy union.

Any gift presented to a married couple on this joyful and significant day must certainly be accompanied by sincere warm words and good wishes.

Having lived together for thirty-four years as husband and wife, the couple understands the true value of such a long-lasting, strong relationship. Most spouses who marry in early age, get divorced after just a few years, not getting along in character, so those celebrating the thirty-fourth anniversary command respect from those around them. By this time, they had already raised and raised children, and they probably gave birth to grandchildren. Spouses with experience have long learned to understand each other in half a word and half a glance, have formed trusting relationship.

What is the 34th wedding anniversary called?

The thirty-fourth wedding anniversary received its name in honor of the fossilized resin of coniferous trees - amber. It is not for nothing that the celebration was named after the amber stone, because its formation requires a large amount of time. Hundreds of years will pass before ordinary resin turns into a real jewel, becomes strong, shiny and beautiful. Same for good marriage it takes a lot of time: at first it is weak, soft, pliable, like fresh resin, and only after decades is it able to withstand all difficulties, becoming durable and beautiful, like amber.

In Rus', amber stone has been known since ancient times; it was not only used to decorate jewelry, household items, but also made with it direct participation cigarette cases, caskets. The greatest work of art created using this unique stone, the Amber Room is considered a masterpiece place, for a long time decorating Tsarskoe Selo until its disappearance during the Great Patriotic War. Particular interest began to be shown in the processing of amber resin in the 40s of the last century, after which various artistic movements and schools arose.

There are amber fossils different colors: golden, honey-yellow, orange-yellow, red-brown, black, white, blue, and also striped. Stones can be completely transparent, opaque and partially transparent, and jewelers especially value finds that do not contain water or air bubbles. Only ten percent of amber fossils are suitable for inlay into jewelry, decorative items, and dishes made of valuable metals. Most of it goes for further processing and is used in the chemical industry.

Thanks to beautiful view amber stone, they gave him a lot interesting names, for example, “gift of the sun.” In ancient times, it was believed that amber protected a person from evil forces, helped protect the family from evil spirits, and also established connections with ancestors. Until now, amber jewelry-amulets are credited with the ability to give a person the opportunity to accurately analyze events and correctly predict their further course. This amulet should help travelers find a good overnight stay, and sea vessels should successfully complete a sea voyage, protecting them from flooding.

The tendency of ancient people to endow various phenomena and things with magical powers did not bypass amber: shamans said that amber stone is the magic resin of the forest. Those fossils that preserved small twigs, leaves, and insects (scientifically called “inclusions”) were considered to have special magical powers. Such amber stones were inserted into staves and magical rituals were performed with them.

Now many people believe that amber is capable of purifying the atmosphere, space, giving light and warmth to the home, ridding a person of bad memories and coping with difficulties. All these properties of the amber stone rightly made it a symbol of the thirty-fourth anniversary of marriage, in which both good and bad events happen, but the former outweigh and preserve the union.

By this time, the spouses have probably stopped quarreling over trifles, having “cleared the atmosphere” around them of turmoil and disagreement. They coped with many difficulties together and forgot old grievances, that is. And thanks to the wisdom that came at this age, the couple definitely “established a connection with their ancestors” and began to better understand their parents, raising their own children.

Original congratulations on your wedding anniversary

To create original congratulations With an amber wedding, guests invited to it, as well as people who simply want to show attention to the heroes of the occasion, you need to associate the text of the congratulations with the symbol of the anniversary - amber. Ready congratulations With an amber wedding date, guests can find them on the Internet or come up with them themselves. Don’t be shy about saying words that are taken from an accessible source; the main thing is to memorize the text well and say wishes to the couple who lived to see the amber wedding from the heart.

Beautiful words of congratulations in verse

You can congratulate a husband and wife on their thirty-fourth wedding anniversary in poetic form. This style of congratulations is more solemn than the usual prose text of wishes. Guests of the holiday dedicated to the long life together of the celebrants can come up with a poem on their own: in this case, be sure to use the symbolism of shiny amber, comparing the stone with the family of the celebrants. Also, invited people can find a suitable verse related to the amber wedding on resources where congratulatory poems are collected.

What is customary to give for an amber wedding?

To honor the long union of the heroes of the occasion at an amber wedding, guests can give them various gifts. These can be as valuable expensive gifts, decorated with the anniversary symbol, and cute, touching, simple symbolic gifts. Much depends on the proximity of the giver to the spouses of the amber wedding: if the guests know the spouses’ hobbies well, they can give something related to their favorite activity.

Gift ideas for husband and wife

The day begins with the husband and wife presenting each other with gifts. At the moment of giving, the heroes of the occasion should thank each other for the gift of love, care, attention, a warming family hearth and the starry shine of the partner’s eyes, similar to reflections of amber. It will be good to associate all congratulations with an amber stone, because the thirty-fourth wedding anniversary is named after it. The heroes of the occasion should express their joy that fate has tied them together - this way the beginning of the amber anniversary will go well and become memorable for the spouses.

The gift chosen for the partner does not have to be related to the amber wedding - it can be an item that fulfills the long-standing dream of the hero of the occasion. Also, a married couple can use their savings to make a joint purchase that will serve as a good upgrade for the home - for example, dishwasher or a new refrigerator. The husband must present his wife with a bouquet yellow flowers. In addition, a wife can give her beloved a cigarette case, a cane, and a husband can give his beloved one beads, a bracelet, and earrings.

Gift options for parents

By the time of the amber wedding of the parents, the children have probably already grown up, had children of their own, have improved their financial situation, so they can give them a good gift. As a thank you for the gift of life, upbringing, a son or daughter can give an expensive gift to the heroes of the occasion: household appliances, an exquisite amber casket with a star, a watch for the father, a beautiful decoration for the mother. Also a wonderful gift would be a photo or video greeting, a presentation with pictures of family life. Watch the video gift from children to parents for an amber wedding:

How to celebrate 34 years of marriage?

Many heroes of the occasion are wondering whether to celebrate the thirty-fourth anniversary or not? After all, in a year there will be a round anniversary - the thirty-fifth anniversary of marriage. On the one hand, it is not necessary to organize a luxurious holiday, but invite your beloved children, as well as close friends, to sit comfortably festive tableperfect solution for an amber wedding. On this day, the heroes of the occasion can decorate a modest dining table with items containing amber, decorate the room with a bouquet of honey, yellow, orange flowers, and lay out a matching tablecloth.

An amber wedding is another reason for the heroes of the occasion to remember what a blessing it is to live for so long with your loved one. The anniversary symbol speaks of a strong family formed over thirty-five years of spending time together, and then the celebrants only need to take care of their main treasure - a long, happy marriage. At an amber wedding, the heroes of the occasion can look at each other again, refresh and warm their romantic relationship.

What wedding are the spouses celebrating 34 years from the date of marriage? The answer is amber. And while celebrating this non-anniversary, passing, but still significant date, it is worth remembering the traditions and gifts prescribed by this day.

Eternal love exists

Is it worth listing the huge number of recipes for long and happy marriage? How many people, so many opinions. The statement of the great Russian writer Leo Tolstoy, that all happy families are similar to each other, and each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way, is very controversial in this regard. Some come together to live together, others to separate. Where are the secrets of long-lasting family relationships between spouses?

All over the world there are families who lived their whole lives, as they say, in perfect harmony, and some even happened to die on the same day in love and devotion to each other, like Peter and Fevronia.

A wedding is a family birthday

The wedding day is the family's birthday, so it is customary to celebrate such an important event every year. And everyone next year lived together has its own meaning and name. For example, the first day of a wedding is called a green wedding. They say about the years of youth: “Oh, young and green.” How long does this green wedding last? whole year. And you can celebrate your family debut at least every week or every month. Special treatment for wedding anniversaries.

But there are non-round dates that also deserve special attention. In deep mature age marital relationships are becoming more and more close and related. And what kind of wedding after 34 years of marriage is no longer so important. Preserved feelings and careful attitude to each other.

This date may not be significant, but in the second half of life, every year and day has its own countdown. The couple, having lived together for more than three decades, traditionally celebrate the amber date of their marriage.

Now it’s clear what kind of wedding is for 34 years. What to give a couple on this day?

Firstly, jewelry and any products made from amber will be symbolic. The stone signifies a trusting relationship between husband and wife that has strengthened over the years. After all, real amber can only be appreciated after centuries, during which it changes, and its beauty becomes more and more attractive and irresistible. Likewise, the relationship between the spouses is strengthening every day, and congratulations on 34 years should be appropriate: what a wedding - such strong wishes.

Bonds as strong as amber

Amazing stone- amber. From the state of a viscous resin under the influence of sea water, over centuries it turns into a precious one. Apparently, changes in the relationship between spouses during the years they have lived together become decisive here. From trials, errors and unsteady feelings, the marital union of two loving hearts and souls becomes stronger and harder, like amber.

But at the same time it remains fragile, light, sunny and warm. Anyone who has held real amber in their hands can appreciate the pleasant sensations that come from touching it. I want to admire the extraordinary honey color, the play of transparent light and shadow of the stone, look with delight at every speck, scale or insect that is involuntarily imprisoned inside a multi-thousand-year-old ancient find. Large specimens with exotic fillings are especially popular. Nowadays amber is valued like gold.

Appreciate every moment

How longer people live in marriage, the more precious is every year they live together. What kind of wedding should there be for 34 years of marriage? It just so happens that the amber anniversary is not celebrated magnificently. With family and closest friends. And although this is not a round, but a pre-anniversary date, nevertheless, a woman will not miss the opportunity for gifts and compliments. Most often, it is the “amber” spouse who becomes the initiator and organizer of the holiday. Friends and relatives are invited to visit. The scenario can be ordinary, homely, where there is a pleasant, familiar and familiar atmosphere from regular feasts.

You can, of course, spend this eventful day in a relaxed atmosphere together in a cafe or restaurant. If this warm time year, then a picnic in nature, at the dacha, awakens wonderful emotions. Nowadays, any whim can be fulfilled by turning to the help of professional services for organizing holidays. A whole arsenal will be offered for every taste, request and budget entertainment programs and pranks.

What a wedding in 34 years of marriage, this is how the decoration of the interior, table, dishes, curtains, and even the wife’s outfit should be - all in accordance with amber tones.

A bit of symbolism

Not the first wedding anniversary - 34 years, what difference does it make how to celebrate? But you must first live this time together in order to get an ideal married couple who understand each other perfectly.

Therefore, the symbol is essentially unique amber. Do not forget about the peculiarity of this stone, because nature also took time to create it, and this was more than one century.

Amber is an extraordinary mineral; it has long been known healing properties as a natural restorer of the human biofield and thyroid function. There is a belief that prosperity and happiness come to the house where there is amber.

According to ancient beliefs, on this day guests shower the spouses with “golden showers” ​​made of foil, coins, grain and rice. This ritual is a sincere wish for prosperity, well-being and undying love for the “amber” married couple.

Gifts can be different

Gifts are of particular importance. This is where there is an inexhaustible number of offers for guests, and even the heroes of the occasion themselves. The choice depends on what kind of wedding - 34 years of marriage, for example. In addition to jewelry, stationery and household items made from amber that will delight the eye, there are also alternative useful surprises.

And what kind of wedding in the 34th year of marriage without memorable photos? You can use a certificate for a photo shoot and place photographs of this bright event in an album decorated with amber.

A trip to the homeland of amber, the Baltics, could be an original gift. Treat yourself to a weekend by the Baltic Sea, look for pieces of amber in the coastal sand, visit and admire the sunstone in a museum or jewelry store.

Or go to Peterhof or Tsarskoe Selo and wander around the Amber Room and palace apartments, enjoying the summer beauty of the landscape and fountains.

There will be something to remember

The philosophy of amber is amazing in itself - this wonderful gift nature, which is associated with marriage. The more challenges a husband and wife overcome together, the richer and more interesting their family relationships become. An amber wedding for spouses is like a precious gift in the form of many years of faith, support, care and tenderness.

Now we know what kind of wedding is being celebrated in the 34th year of married life, so let the newlyweds remember it as bright and solemn, and let the right and nice gifts, chosen and created with imagination and love.