The name of the wedding is 34 years old. Congratulations on the amber wedding in verse

Erofeevskaya Natalya March 26, 2018

This special day in the life of the couple, who have lived side by side for 34 years, is called the amber wedding. Not everyone manages to approach this significant family life date, preserving the warmth of the original relationship, tenderness and trust in each other. But those couples who managed to carry love and mutual understanding through all the hardships of marriage will be glad to celebrate this happy day together. As a rule, an amber wedding is celebrated widely, with a large number of guests and pre-thought-out gifts.

Why is this significant day for the family called the amber wedding? Relationship between spouses over 34 years life together, having gone through all the tests, happy and not very pleasant moments, they became stronger and more reliable - natural amber It is also processed by nature for many years to acquire its unique beauty. It is this stone, symbolizing the years lived together, that can be given to a married couple in any design for an amber wedding.

What original gift to give to friends for an amber wedding anniversary

The most logical and even expected of gifts on this day is jewelry with amber: a tie pin or cufflinks for a man, a ring or earrings (or maybe a whole jewelry set) for a woman. But the 34th anniversary suggests not so much expensive as sincere gifts, the choice of which the giver approaches with attention and warmth. On this day, when presenting even the most modest gift, it is important to say pleasant words, wish the family a continued peaceful and happy existence.

When choosing a gift for friends for their 34th wedding anniversary, even if it is just a beautifully designed card or bouquet, it is important to stick to the right one for this happy occasion. family day color range.

Any gift for an amber wedding should contain “amber” colors: orange, yellow or red

At all, on this day the type of gift is absolutely unlimited- it all depends on imagination and financial opportunities giver. An original solution will give a family celebrating 34 years of marriage not something material, but emotions and impressions. These could be theater or cinema tickets, a tourist trip, a table booked in a cafe or restaurant, a certificate for a family photo shoot, an interesting excursion or even a joint master class. It is important that on this day the couple felt close to each other again.

March 18, 2017 at 11:46 am PDT

What can spouses give each other for their 34th wedding anniversary?

Any, even the most symbolic, gifts on this day, presented to each other loving spouses, is gratitude for the years lived together, support and assistance in difficult situations, happy moments and days. A completely natural gift for the amber anniversary would be Jewelry with this beautiful stone, made in the same style for both spouses or in different styles.

The husband should choose a ring with amber or, if he prefers business style in clothes, a stylish pin with an amber head for a tie, or maybe just a keychain for car keys. For the amateur daring style You can also choose a pendant in an original design.

It’s even easier for your wife to choose a jewelry gift with amber, especially if you take into account her personal taste, because the assortment women's jewelry much richer: rings, earrings, necklace, pendant or bracelet will remind her of a memorable day of life together. If the family prefers practical gifts, then you can choose a box for storing various small items, inlaid with amber, an amber pen, a flashlight or a flash drive - such gifts not only look stylish, but are also useful.

Silver pendant with amber, Magic of the sun(price on the link)

Silver bracelet with amber, Darwin(price on the link)

If we move away from the theme of amber, then the scope for mutual gifts is absolutely unlimited: for your hunting or fishing spouse you can choose a spectacular flask, a set of spinners, a pocket knife; for the wife - a good edition of a favorite author, warm blanket, store gift certificate stylish clothes or for spa treatments.

What to give parents for their 34th amber wedding anniversary

Whatever the gift from a daughter or son, it will certainly be liked and will be extremely dear to the parents. Already adult children, undoubtedly, know well the characters, habits and wishes of their parents, so choosing a suitable gift for congratulations on this day will not be difficult for them. A wonderful gift would be a family photo album beautifully decorated using scrapbooking technique or a photo frame decorated with an amber element for a joint portrait of the spouses.

You can look at interior decoration made of amber: beautiful panel or symbolic Money Tree with amber leaves will fit perfectly into any style of room, and if the location is sunny, then they will sparkle with all their positive colors. Massage Mat for mother or a rocking chair for father, a joint trip that parents have dreamed of for many years, a beautiful service or set bed linen in yellow and red colors - this day will become excellent occasion please your parents a memorable gift and varied experiences.

Original do-it-yourself gifts for the 34th amber wedding anniversary

Gift ideas for relatives for an amber wedding using factory-made products with natural amber are not exhausted. Sometimes married couple, who have lived together for 34 years, it is more pleasant to receive gifts made with your own hands - such gifts are always unique, they contain the warmth of human hands and the gratitude of the soul, and therefore are remembered for a long time.

You can make up original script holiday, decorate the room accordingly. Great, but a now rarely used idea is a wall newspaper to commemorate that sweet anniversary: ​​find photos various years, which capture the happy moments of a married couple, come up with original signatures and congratulations - such a newspaper will become a real family heirloom.

If the amber wedding takes place in autumn, then the magnificent bouquet for the “amber bride” will not be the usual floral one - collect beautiful maple and aspen leaves, make a stylized bouquet from them, and additionally decorate with decorative branches. It will not be difficult for craftswomen to make with their own hands any accessory (for example, a brooch, wicker belt or bracelet), knit or sew symbolizing love and strong family toy

Erofeevskaya Natalya March 26, 2018

It is believed that the tradition of celebrating one or another wedding anniversary came to Russia from European countries. On this day, spouses congratulate each other and present pleasant surprises, and friends and relatives give gifts to the beloved couple symbolic meaning. Those who value married relationships, who, despite everything, have managed to maintain warmth and love for each other for so many years, wonder how many years later the amber wedding is celebrated? The Amber Anniversary marks 34 years of married life.

Traditions are such that the celebration of the amber wedding is usually not celebrated on a grand scale. At the same time, many of the couples who happily lived to see this significant day and spent 34 years side by side consider themselves entitled to celebrate beautiful anniversary widely and with a large number of invitees. If the holiday is still planned in narrow circle, then the table is set in the house, which has become for the “young” a truly happy family nest. On this day, it would be useful to remember all the joyful (and maybe sad) moments, take out family photo albums, review video archives, again confess your love and trust to each other, and show mutual tenderness and care.

34th wedding anniversary - holiday long love, tenderness, trust

Why is the 34th wedding anniversary called amber?

Each wedding anniversary has its own name: the very first and still so fragile - chintz, then paper, wood, pink, and for long-lived married people - silver, gold and even diamond. Why is the 34th wedding anniversary called amber? This name is very symbolic: amber - a natural stone, the natural formation of which takes place over many years.

Yes and family relationships are like amber: year after year they become stronger and polished in order to approach the 34th anniversary in all their glory

The spouses already know each other's characters and habits to the smallest detail; they have learned to find compromises, restrain themselves in conflicts and not provoke quarrels over trifles. Relationships are strong and reliable due to the experiences together, but at the same time they should be protected and cherished.

An example of congratulations on an amber wedding day

Having found out what kind of wedding is called an amber wedding, it’s time to start preparing for it a pleasant event. Beautiful traditions and important points this family holiday will allow you to maintain balance and peace in relationships, well-being and harmony in your home for many years. Invitation to celebrate 34 years married life Relatives and close friends of the family can receive it - let really close people share this happy day with the “newlyweds”.

The very name of the anniversary determines the scenario of an amber wedding - let everything on this day remind you of this beautiful sun stone. It is better to keep the interior of the room intended for the celebration in an “amber” color scheme: red, yellow and orange tones. It's good if it's covering festive table the tablecloth is embroidered with golden threads: this is very symbolic, since a common meal brings together a variety of people.

Holiday decoration in yellow amber tones

During the celebration, it is recommended to avoid twilight - the lighting must certainly be bright, preferably natural, since it is during sunlight amber plays with all its colors. You can warn the invitees in advance: let their outfits or at least some accessory (scarf, hairpin, jewelry) be designed in the same joyful color scheme. The “bride” must definitely have an amber decoration - this is both a talisman for the family against the evil eye and is aimed at all those present healing properties stone

If the 34th anniversary falls in the fall, then a great idea would be to decorate the table and walls of the room with spectacular red and yellow bouquets of leaves, rowan or viburnum branches. Fruits of the same bright colors are welcome on the table: apples, pears, oranges, tangerines, etc.

Idea for decorating a festive table for your 34th wedding anniversary

Gifts for an amber wedding

The name of this wedding anniversary determines not only the nature of the celebration, but also the gifts. The most logical of them will be jewelry with amber given by invitees or your significant other. A set for a husband and wife, made in the same style, will look very beautiful and symbolic: for a man it can be a tie pin, a ring or cufflinks, for a woman: earrings, a pendant, a bracelet, an elegant ring. Thirty-four years of family life must be rewarded with a memorable gift from the spouses to each other - this is gratitude to the partner and loved one to a loved one for your support and care over so many years.

Set of gold jewelry with amber: earrings; pendant; ring, all SL (prices via links)

Among original gifts one can note interior products and crafts inlaid with amber, Gift certificates to make long-held dreams come true. Grown-up children can present their parents with a tourist package for two, tickets to a movie or theater as a gift - it’s time for the “newlyweds” to take a break from family affairs and just be together. Thought about practical and delicious present Few people think about it, but a branded cake or a hand-made cake for an amber wedding creates a great mood for both the couple celebrating their anniversary and all the guests. Other gifts suitable for an amber wedding are described in detail.

Symbolic gift for an amber wedding - a mug with an inscription

For those who have lived together for 34 years, let this sunny holiday full of goodness and positivity become an occasion for pleasant memories and new plans for the future. Amber wedding will become the personification of tenderness, fragility of marriage and love, nice attitude to each other, a strong and happy union. Any gift presented to a married couple on this joyful and significant day must certainly be accompanied by sincere kind words and good wishes.

Every year we live together reveals new aspects of marriage. The names of anniversaries unmistakably characterize relationships in different periods married life. The Amber Wedding is celebrated after 34 years of living together.

During this period, the union of two people resembles the symbol of this date - amber. It is just as strong, time has tempered the relationship, made it reliable and transparent. The spouses know everything about each other. And celebrating 34 years of marriage, they can confidently say that there is nothing unknown or unsaid.

The first mentions of amber date back to the period ancient Greece. Then he was credited magical properties. Talismans and amulets were made from this material and used in various rituals. Although hundreds of years have passed since then, even today amber is considered a protector strong marriage, a talisman of family housing.

Wedding traditions for 34 years of marriage

All rituals performed on this day are associated with the miraculous capabilities of the holiday symbol - amber and the divinity of nature. The 34th wedding anniversary is no longer celebrated as before. Centuries-old traditions They have become a little modernized, but continue to maintain a mystical sacred atmosphere.

  1. Wreath. This is one of the most beautiful traditions. It is connected with the divinity of the surrounding nature. In the old days, people got married and were given in marriage mainly in autumn period. This custom is explained by the fact that all field work was completed, the harvest was harvested, there was no shortage of food, and people could think about family affairs. At this autumn time, a husband and wife went into the forest to get branches of viburnum and rowan and made a wreath from them. They brought the product into the house and hung it in the most visible place. It was believed that such a gift for an amber wedding brings Mother Nature herself into the house, giving the family well-being and protecting it from evil.
  2. Oath. On this day, the festive table is set only for relatives. In the family circle, the husband and wife re-swear loyalty and support to each other for the rest of their lives. The peculiarity of such an oath is that it cannot be invented in advance. And all words must come from the heart. The ritual ends, like an ordinary wedding, with the words “Bitter!” and a kiss.
  3. Cloth. There is a tradition regarding the outfits worn by spouses on this day. A husband and wife must appear before guests dressed golden color. If it is not possible to wear a dress or shirt of a similar shade, you can add individual “amber” elements or accessories.

How to celebrate your 34th wedding anniversary?

The amber wedding is not a round date. It is celebrated infrequently. But those who want to do this should know that such an anniversary is celebrated at home in the circle of close and dear people. The celebration will be no less interesting if you hold it in a cafe or restaurant. Decorate the room in honey-yellow tones, invite parents, children and grandchildren and sit comfortably at the table.

The simplest have a nice holiday It could be an “escape” of the newlyweds for a few days to some warm country or domestic sanatorium. Or you can just cook delicious dinner for two and spend the evening remembering the past years, all the good and pleasant things that have happened over three decades.

What to give for your 34th wedding anniversary?

On an anniversary, it is customary to give things with the symbol of the date - amber. Quite suitable as expensive gifts, and small surprises. In addition, this stone is considered a symbol of the sun. Therefore, you can give gifts that relate to heavenly body, or simply yellow or golden in color.

What to give your wife for her anniversary?

An amber wedding is a great opportunity to please your soulmate with a unique, healing gift.

  1. Decorations. Back in the old days mandatory element wedding decoration was amber. With his extraordinary “warm” beauty, he emphasized the tenderness and spiritual purity of a woman. Today you can find many different types of jewelry made from this mineral. Starting from intricate earrings and ending with the most ordinary amber beads.
  2. Casket. A unique amber product will decorate any woman’s cosmetic table. This unusual thing. In addition to originality, it has a beneficial effect on the owner’s biofield.
  3. Cloth. The husband can buy his wife some outfit in golden tones (if his wife likes this color). For example, a dress, a blouse, a suit, a set of expensive underwear.

What to give your spouse for your anniversary?

Despite the fact that products made from the material of the same name are given as gifts for an amber wedding, it is difficult to choose such a gift for your husband, and even if he likes it. It’s better to buy something he’s been dreaming about for a long time. Maybe such a gift will not concern the anniversary symbol at all, but the spouse will be pleased. But holidays are organized to give happiness to loved ones. Still, if you want to fully adhere to the anniversary tradition, we offer several options.

  1. Amber cufflinks. A set of amber-trimmed cufflinks and tie pins is undoubtedly appreciated by a business man.
  2. Cigarette case. If the husband is a heavy smoker, good choice will become a cigarette case decorated with amber. This 34th wedding anniversary gift is elegant, and your husband will definitely want to show it off to his friends.
  3. Chess. A souvenir item made of amber will be appreciated by a spouse who loves such entertainment. Especially if he knows that amber figurines give the stronger half of humanity masculinity and confidence.

What to give your parents for their anniversary?

The children of such spouses have already grown up and often gave their parents grandchildren. Their income is stable, they have achieved success in life. Therefore, they will be able to present it as a gift. beautiful picture made of amber, set for alcoholic drinks from this stone or just send your parents to soak in the waves of the warm sea for a few days.

The Amber Wedding is an occasion to once again remember strong relationships, reevaluate your life and think about the years you have lived. After all, this is the real happiness - to live together for so many years, raise children, build a strong and friendly family. This is real well-being, immeasurable by anything material, a timeless value, a treasure that will remain forever. This is the most important thing in life!

"Poems for the Amber Wedding 34 years"

I wish you well
A share similar to a full cup,
So that it happens in your life,
Tomorrow is better than yesterday!
Happy Amber Wedding!

Our dear spouses!
34 years is not yet a date,
But it's still an anniversary.
You were young once,
But the years are flying faster and faster.
You lived together for a little while
And that day we shouted to the bride:
Scold smaller husband and children.
And you kept lowering your eyes,
And tenderly caressed the groom...

We cordially congratulate you,
May your happiness last forever.
Love is stronger than strong steel,
So that problems don't know you.
We celebrate the Amber Wedding with you,
So that you don't change over the years.
Love, health and patience,
So that there is no doubt about happiness.
Happy Amber Anniversary!

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!
34 years you have been in peace and love,
Let the ice cubes of doubt melt now,
You were born for each other!
May all adversity leave forever,
Live in love, in care, for a hundred years!
Let the feelings with new strength will flow again
I wish you unknown victories!

Everything happened as you wanted:
Today again, just like then,
You put on your chastity rings.
Those days flew by instantly -
Love remains forever.
May you be together for many years,
But there are no limits to love.
And the years are not terrible for you,
Love is forever young.

We are not telling you - be happy:
You can do this without us.
We are not telling you - be healthy:
Today confirms this best of all.
We tell you simply:
Happy Amber Wedding Anniversary!

Every year - a platoon.
Every decade -
Larger division.
Every anniversary has a reason.
So command this parade
As long as possible and definitely together!
Happy Amber Wedding!

Let the sun, peace, love and children
You will be very happy!
Live in peace and harmony
Until your wedding, golden!
Let the sun shine only for you,
Flowers grow for you,
The whole world and the sun are at your feet -
You have become a family.

Twenty five and nine -
How can you not believe it?
But at this glorious wedding
I would like to say:
Happiness to you, love and affection
And joy forever.
To give you goosebumps
New joys star.
So that everything can come true,
What is planned, loving.
And glittered on the eyelashes
Only drops of rain.

I congratulate you warmly
And I drink my glass of health
For loyalty, for love, for affection,
For your friendly family!
I wish you to live without boredom,
In harmony, joy, love.
I wish that your grandchildren
They brought you a lot of happiness!

Thirty-four is already a deadline,
Sweet is the voice of grandchildren,
The children watch with admiration.
Old friends love.
Happiness to you, love and light,
To always be warm
The charm of inspiration
A real family.

I'm having a hard time finding words now,
To convey how happy I am with you.
We divide all adversities in half,
And we multiply joy with love.
When we started living together,
Everything seemed new, unknown,
We created our own cozy home
And they looked for common interests.
And on our wedding anniversary I will say:
We succeeded, and even very well.
Sorry, I can't find any more words
And as a sign of love I’ll put an ellipsis...

Twenty five and nine years old
And in the eyes there is still the same gentle light,
And hearts are filled with warmth,
As if the year had not touched them.
There were no stupid quarrels...
There were, but the fire did not go out from them
Dear, dear home -
And the family is still strong.
We give you a pink bouquet
In honor of the glorious years spent together.
The freshness of your feelings is like the freshness of roses,
Let it excite you to happy tears.

Long years live joyfully
It is true to love and to be loved,
In life you don’t know misfortune and grief -
This is what I want to wish you.
Happy Amber Wedding Anniversary!

So amber congratulations are flying to you,
Remind you happy years,
Pleasant moments...
You survived everything in each other's arms
And we probably learned that love is
The biggest miracle in the world!
We wish you unlimited happiness,
Health, long life and warmth!
And may your life's path
It will always be light!

You were gifted to each other by fate,
And this is such happiness for you -
Live with a sincere and devoted soul.
You have seen a lot together in life,
But the main thing remains that love,
Which has warmed me for years,
Protected your happiness again!

Congratulations on your Amber Anniversary!
Live cheerfully and amicably,
Have everything you need in life
Keep the fire of love holy
Until the platinum wedding!

Congratulations on your 34th wedding anniversary!
And on this amber anniversary, yours,
I love you more deeply, I wish you more,
Destined for each other!
Let love illuminate souls with happiness,
Let troubles and downpours drive away!
May good luck follow you along the way,
So that we can always help each other!

You've been together for 34 years.
And this is a considerable period of time, this is a lot!
We're glad you're doing well.
We are happy that you have been together for so long.
We congratulate you on your wedding anniversary.
We want to keep it that way.

An amber wedding is a beautiful, bright day.
The world has gained another one happy family.
And now keep in your hearts
You are your boundless love!
Now your children are growing up
In family affection, in kindness,
May love follow you like a shadow
Doesn't leave you everywhere!
It's good that today
We all gathered together again,
We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
Happy Anniversary!

34 years ago you got married!
I congratulate you on your anniversary!
Hearts still sparkle with happiness,
So that only tears of joy from the eyes!
The first steel in relationships today,
It's your Amber Anniversary now!
Let love grow stronger without a doubt,
A diamond turns into a beautiful one!

We congratulate your family -
Thirty-four years since she was born.
Let your home be a full cup,
And spring always reigns in it.
So that life is foldable, like a song,
And the sadness together was light,
So that you go through life together
Eyes to eyes, hand to hand!

Your union has lasted for 34 years,
You have wonderful children
The house is a full cup...
So what is this “marriage”?
This is the highest quality!
I wish you to continue to maintain your brand!
Happy wedding!

How cool is it, as cute as it is.
You already have enough children
And the feeling of love remained forever.
You are too gentle a couple
Your cozy home is like a bright island.
And now the line is drawn
Between a shared future and past.
You will definitely leave sadness behind the line,
All those worries and all your doubts,
Look into the distance, always look into the distance
Your love adventures.

P After the wedding day, many people strive to celebrate their wedding anniversaries in a special way, remembering the feelings and emotions that contributed to the day they became husband and wife. The names of anniversaries and features of the celebration turn out to be symbolic, because they reflect the experience accumulated during family life, features of the development of relationships, and emphasize the value true love. Events that make it possible to understand how much you have lived with each other become especially important.

For an amber wedding, the minimum age of spouses is fifty to fifty-four years. At this time it was still possible to save vitality and the desire for energetic, noisy holidays. Thanks to this nuance, you can please your soulmate with an interesting day and valuable gifts that are symbols of feelings and a reflection of attention. All this becomes possible only if you provide for numerous nuances and carefully plan everything.

First of all, you need to decide whether you are planning a holiday in your family circle. The idea of ​​inviting close relatives and a couple of your best friends is a worthy one. Based on the number of people invited, you can understand where the planned celebration should be held. If the number of guests promises to be large, for convenience and maximum pleasure from the holiday, you need to take care of renting a restaurant hall or a large table in a cafe.

The wedding anniversary should be a projection of marriage. Ideally, the celebration should begin when the marriage began at the registry office many years ago. Try to invite people who were around you that day. Invited people can be seated in the order they were on wedding ceremony. If possible, even order the same restaurant hall. Imagine how symbolic and important such moments will be, because they will highlight the fact that time is turning back.

Symbolism of the amber wedding.

The 34th anniversary is called the amber anniversary for a reason. So, the symbol of the festive event is amber, which began to play this role for a reason.

After thirty-four years, the spouses are ready to become a real family, so she must definitely find special character. So, not all people know that it takes a hundred years to form amber. Marriage, like amber, can develop, become stronger and turn into a family union.

In the era of Rus', amber was a truly valuable stone, which turned out to be the main decoration for every bride. This aspect also needs to be taken into account.

Previously, among the Slavs, amber was as valuable as gold and silver. These stones were used to decorate crowns and brides' dresses, because it is believed that on the wedding day one becomes more open to evil spells and requires special protection. This position of the stone was promoted by Catherine the Second, on whose orders the entire reception room, intended for meetings with guests, was decorated with amber. All world leaders and ambassadors of other states had to wait for Catherine the Second in the amber room. Thus, the stone gradually became a symbol of the country's power, which is why it continues to inspire awe and respect.

Among the people, the stone managed to manifest itself from the other side. It is considered to be healing and magical. It is believed that thanks to amber it is possible to successfully restore a person’s biofield and promote his recovery, despite existing diseases. The stone can serve as the basis for creating amulets and talismans.

However, the main reason for the connection between the name of the wedding is the specificity of the formation of amber in nature. At first there is only a viscous resin, and it is this that leads to the formation of a mineral that differs amazing beauty. This can be compared to the life of spouses: over thirty-four years, a relationship that was initially imperfect and had certain nuances turns into a marriage that becomes increasingly stronger.

Features of an amber wedding.

Due to the fact that the date is not round, mass celebrations are not required. You can enjoy a quiet holiday that will be associated with positive emotions and something special for your relationship. Of course, you can invite your children who have managed to start their own families to the holiday. Parents and children can discuss even sensitive issues and remember the valuable moments they managed to live together. Such a family conversation will certainly contribute to the unity of two different generations.

According to tradition, spouses must wear clothes made in yellow and red colors, which are symbolized with warmth. If possible, wear jewelry with amber. You may even be given a piece of jewelry decorated with amber. This is a must have present.

However, the appropriate colors should appear not only in the clothes of the spouses. IN best case scenario you need to take care to decorate the room with decor and garlands made in warm colors, namely in yellow, orange or red. It is recommended to use a golden tablecloth to set the table. In autumn, you can decorate the room with the help of yellowed and fallen leaves, viburnum and rowan. Spouses can collect leaves and then use them to create unusual ikebana. It is very important to ensure that the room is lit brightly and evenly, so use candles and lighting fixtures. Remember that an amber wedding requires bright light in your home!

The amber anniversary suggests a strong connection with warmth and hearth in the house... This is not surprising, because you need to have additional attributes that will emphasize the fact that you still managed to maintain warmth and true intimacy in your relationship.

A peaceful atmosphere must be felt, so a large company is not suitable for celebrating the current anniversary. However, a year later you need to organize a luxurious celebration... If you invited your children to your holiday, you can organize a ritual with shouts of “bitter”, but there is one nuance... Can you guess what? That's right: you must kiss until the count of "34". At this moment you will be able to survive bright emotions and be sure to remember the celebration that was dedicated to your wedding day!

Why should you invite your children, who may already have your grandchildren? Everything is very simple: such guests will definitely emphasize the importance of the event, the value of the date and the accumulated life experience in the family. In addition, the younger generation will definitely see that love can be carried throughout life. Spouses can talk about the events that they experienced, because such stories will certainly become a warning on the path of life. Take the chance to have such a peaceful and rewarding conversation!

What is the best gift to prepare?

A wedding that allows you to celebrate thirty-four years of marriage does not involve any difficulties in choosing a gift. Of course, the date turns out to be round, but you need to understand that the gift should be directly related to amber.

First of all, the choice may fall on decorations, dishes and decor.

A woman will definitely appreciate jewelry with such a valuable and beautiful stone as amber. You can choose beads or earrings. In addition, you can give a golden outfit for the evening, which will allow the lady to become luxurious.

A man can choose an accessory with amber: keychain, cufflinks, pen, cigarette case, ashtray.

Perhaps you want to present something that will be intended for two people at once? In this case ideal option will be an amber service that will delight you with a unique appearance. You can use this set as a family heirloom. If you have sufficient funds to purchase a gift, feel free to complement such a service with modern kitchen appliances.

So, the base is amber. Nowadays, this stone is actively used to create jewelry and jewelry, a variety of accessories, dishes, so the choice will not be difficult. Take the chance to carefully study modern store shelves and virtual store catalogs, because this approach will allow you to make the right choice!

After 34 years of marriage, of course, we need to continue to enjoy each other.

Other wedding anniversaries: Descriptions