What to give for Christmas? Ideas for soulful gifts. What to give for Christmas to family and friends

Christmas is one of the brightest church and family holidays. A thing donated on this day with a soul and good thoughts and intentions will warm you for a whole year. You don't have to buy an expensive gift. It is enough to approach this creatively and a joyful Christmas mood will be provided for you and your loved ones.

What to give a child for Christmas

The most common gift for children at Christmas is sweets. So that such a gift does not look banal, it is enough to buy or prepare sweets with Christmas symbols. An excellent option can be gingerbread in the form of figures - an angel, a Christmas tree, a heart. Some companies sell ready-made cooking templates so that the gingerbread cookies can be made at home. So if you like to cook, this option is for you.

DIY Christmas Cookies

To make candies turn into a Christmas gift, they can be put together in the form of a bouquet of flowers or a Christmas tree. To do this, you can use adhesive tape, slats and colored wire. Creating such a gift will require considerable effort, but the joy and delight of the children will be guaranteed.

Snacks for children at Christmas) forms can be bought on the Internet

Little princesses can be pleased with a charming porcelain doll. Now there is a large selection of ceramic dolls (namely dolls, not figurines) in traditional Russian outfits. In addition to dolls, girls love toy items for women's use: baby strollers, kitchen sets, cribs, etc.

The hit of this season for girls is virtual makeup

When choosing a gift for Christmas, it is not at all necessary to dwell on religious topics. It is enough to focus on the interests and hobbies of the child: skates, skis, a ball, a bicycle, board games (football, hockey, loto), etc. A boy can be presented with a children's kit for chemical or electrical experiments. But a bicycle or a scooter in winter is not always appropriate. Both boys and girls can also buy musical toys with a Christmas melody. A large set of felt-tip pens, paints, colored pencils or crayons is equally well suited.

Useful and original gift for a boy 3D labyrinth

With the phrase “a book is the best gift”, it is customary to smirk ironically, but in vain. There is a lot of interesting children's literature that will captivate the little reader, allowing him to learn a lot of new and interesting things. But what should not be given at Christmas is gifts that symbolize aggression: soldiers, policemen, monsters, pistols, armor. Christmas is a holiday of peace and kindness.

What to give a woman for Christmas

A woman is a small child who dreams of receiving the most desired gift on Christmas Eve. Therefore, when choosing Christmas gifts for women, you should carefully study the addictions of each of them.

A girl's best friends, of course...

As statistics show, women are not indifferent to the following categories:
  1. Jewelry - silver earrings, bracelets, chains, pendants, etc. It is not customary to give gold jewelry on this holiday.
  2. Gift cards (certificates) are a great option for those who do not know what to give. It can be purchased in almost all major stores of cosmetics, clothing, household appliances, etc.
  3. Electronic devices: mobile phone, tablet, laptop, etc. The main thing here is to determine in advance whether she has the same thing. Otherwise, it may turn out that an expensive gift has been made, and it is the second or third in a row.
  4. Perfumes and cosmetics. A gift in this category should be chosen if you are absolutely sure that it will really fit. For such a gift, a woman needs to know more than one year and be aware of her preferences.

How about something practical?

Other Christmas gift ideas for women include a jewelry box and a pocket mirror adorned with rhinestones.

For those who like to make their own Christmas gifts, here is another idea: buy a quality set of unprinted glassware and make your own Christmas-themed decor. Believe me, a woman will have such a gift for many years, and they will use it exclusively on Christmas Eve, remembering you.

What to give a man for Christmas

Christmas gifts for men should be practical. After all, the strong half of humanity thinks rationally and men do not always like beautiful trinkets.

Original USB cufflinks

Stylish tie clips, a business card holder, a document cover, a mug with a Christmas theme, a pen holder, etc. are considered traditional gifts. For a young guy who is passionate about electronics, headphones, a wireless mouse, miniature speakers, a decorated flash card, etc. will be a great gift.

For those who are fond of Arduino electronics

On Christmas Eve, warm clothes will be an appropriate gift. You can buy them, but if you sew or knit with your own hands, the gift will become memorable and especially valuable. Each time, putting on a woolen scarf or sweater, a man will remember you with tenderness.

The famous deer sweater is back in fashion

You can look at car accessories. It can be a car radio or an inexpensive air freshener, seat covers or floor mats. The main thing, again, is to find out in advance whether the motorist needs this gift.

Universal charger-inverter

Fishing enthusiasts can buy gear for winter fishing or donate a special fishing suit. In such a uniform, a man will not be afraid of either the wind, or the cold, or the spray. It will be original if you choose a suit of an unusual color: bright red, orange, etc. And if a man loves tinkering, you can present him with a set of tools. Moreover, it is not necessary to decorate all this in the Christmas style: men are usually indifferent to the subtleties of decoration.

Equalizer Case for Iphone

Orthodox Christmas gifts: how to choose them?

If you want to present Orthodox gifts for Christmas, the choice is quite large. You should only remember that when choosing a gift, you put a particle of your soul into it. This is its spiritual meaning. Among Orthodox gifts, for example, a gold or silver figurine in the form of an angel. The gift of the golden image of St. Nicholas will be original. If you consider yourself a believer, the icon must first be consecrated in the church.

However, you can even give a Christmas card. It will be especially valuable if you make it with your own hands, then entering the wishes of a person dear to you. Such postcards are stored for years, and sometimes they can live forever in the family archive.
Another similar gift is a napkin embroidered in Christmas style or even a whole tablecloth. Believe me, such a gift will take its rightful place in the house.

Christmas present in the form of angels

It is worth noting that in many countries there are Christmas traditions. For example, in Holland it is customary to present gingerbread, curly cookies, muffins made by oneself. In France, it is customary to make Christmas gifts your own. In Italy, gifts are hung on the bedroom door, but initially each family member pulls out his own piece of paper with the name of the gift from the common pile of pieces of paper.

In Spain, products made from natural wood or paper are presented. In this country, they like to visit guests and give each other wine and Iberian jamon, of the highest quality. In Greece, gifts are placed near the beds. Adults give each other pies with a golden coin baked inside. Children in this country are given sweets and toys. In the UK, gifts are stacked in stockings hung from a mantelpiece.

Traditional English New Year cookies

In the Scandinavian countries, fish, a pork dish are prepared for the holiday, and just like everywhere else, hand-made gifts are valued - postcards, candles in a cup, hand-made jam. In Poland, they give New Year's toys made with their own hands. In Mexico, children are traditionally given earthenware vessels filled with fruits and sweets. Adults give each other incendiary Spanish dances or a trip to a bullfight.

Choosing a gift is a painstaking process, but very interesting. To begin with, determine the person's hobbies, try to find out what he lacks and what he would like to receive. And only after that go shopping. Such a gift will be really practical and dear to the soul. And remember: the main thing is not the price, but the attitude with which the Christmas gift is presented. Good luck with your choice!

The beautiful tradition of giving Christmas gifts to relatives and friends is supported by all Christians. But the custom itself has acquired a more secular character. And due to some historical events, somewhere a gift for Christmas became just a congratulation on the winter holidays or a Happy New Year, and in other places it was simply a present from mythical fairy-tale heroes.

When choosing a gift for Christmas, many are guided by their personal criteria. For some, its value is important, for someone, utility or symbolism is a priority. But what should be the gifts for Christmas, few people know. We will develop what criteria a Christmas gift should meet. To do this, you will have to make a small historical digression and ask the opinion of the clergy.

The Magi, following the guiding star of Bethlehem, went a long way to greet the Divine Infant and present their gifts to him.

They brought gold as a gift to the little Christ, as the personification of power, frankincense, as a gift to the son of God, and myrrh, as a recognition that Jesus is mortal.

The prophets, choosing gifts for the baby long before his birth, predicted the miraculous birth of the Son of God. It was the gifts of the Magi that formed the basis of the tradition of exchanging gifts at Christmas.

According to another version, Christmas gifts have nothing to do with the gifts of the Magi. The tradition of giving small presents to children is attributed to the gifts of St. Nicholas.

When the image of the saint acquired the face of the fabulous Santa Claus, gifts began to be given not on St. Nicholas Day, but on Christmas Day.

And at first only for children, and later for adults. You can get acquainted with the traditions of Catholic Christmas and gifts in the article "".

Reference! Santa Claus is a fictional character, the hero of an advertising campaign for Coca-Cola, who was first depicted in 1930 by the artist Haddon Sundble.

The prototype of Santa Claus was the neighbor of the artist Lou Prentice.

But this is a tradition in Catholic countries, where a fairy-tale character brings Christmas gifts through the fireplace and hides them in Christmas socks.

What in Rus' gave for Christmas to children and loved ones

To figure out what gifts are given for Christmas in Russia, where Santa Claus could not supplant centuries-old traditions, let's go on an excursion a couple of centuries ago.

How did our ancestors please the dearest people at Christmas? There were no special general rules regarding Christmas gifts. Only some families had their own traditions.

It is known for certain that in the royal family, jewelry was given to daughters for Christmas, or more precisely, a diamond or a pearl.

By the way, the same tradition was used when choosing gifts for name days and Easter.

By the age of majority, the girl collected enough pearls or diamonds to make a beautiful necklace out of stones.

By the end of the 19th century, a tradition appeared in Rus' to give postcards. The first postcards were published by Easter in 1897. Greeting cards quickly found their admirers. And very soon there were Christmas and New Year cards.

Russian-language greeting cards were the most numerous and varied in Europe.

Beautiful landscapes, decorated Christmas trees, Russian churches, spruce branches, scenes from life were printed on winter postcards. Such postcards were decorated with inscriptions: “Happy New Year!”, “Merry Christmas!”, “Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!”.

They also gave various sweets in the form of figured gingerbread, gilded nuts, and sweets. Such treats were hung on the Christmas tree. Therefore, the children themselves chose their favorite treat on the Christmas tree.

Also, sweets in the original packaging could be found under the Christmas tree. Gifts could be wrapped in hand-painted tin boxes or carved caskets. Wooden sledges or porcelain mugs filled with sweets looked original.

And the most fun were fabulous miniature houses. Such packages were filled with chocolate, lollipops, caramel, gingerbread.

It was for Christmas, more precisely for the winter holidays, that the first factory packaging was released. These were colorful tin or cardboard boxes.

Candy producers also contributed. They began to produce entertainment sweets, on the wrappers of which one could find a riddle or a rebus. What are the names for you: chocolate "Rebuses" or caramel "Guessing".

On multi-colored cards one could find parts of patterns for masquerade costumes, masks, and soft toys.

They were not just collected to redraw the scheme, but also collected. Even special albums appeared in which such collections could be stored.

Unfortunately, modern children are hard to surprise with sweets or lure with colorful pictures. But many traditions are being revived.

And perhaps, very soon, not modern electronics or a branded handbag, but simple spiritual gifts will become a welcome Christmas gift for us: sweets and cool postcards telling about the main winter holiday.

The opinion of priests about gifts for Christmas

What do the clergy themselves think about Christmas gifts? What to give a priest for Christmas so that the gift is appropriate.

What do many mean by the very word gift: material or spiritual? The purpose of any gift is to remember the giver. This is a sign of attention, for which personal time is allocated.

If you want to give a symbolic gift - choose sweets.

If you choose what to give a priest for Christmas or a believer, you can also present items of a religious nature.

After all, Christmas gifts, first of all, help create that atmosphere of joy, remind that Christmas is a reality, that Jesus came into our world.

A gift on such a day makes it possible to feel that we are not alone. Indeed, in the hustle and bustle of life, many, surrounded by multiple relatives and acquaintances, simply do not have time to just chat.

And the custom of coming to visit without warning just for a cup of tea is gone in the summer. But many are happy even with an unexpected guest, there is both time and opportunity to receive him. And it's so nice to feel that someone needs you.

The main purpose of a Christmas gift is to show a person that he is dear to God and you need him.

You can give calendars, sets of sweets, crafts. But along with a gift, you need to give joy, bring an atmosphere of unity and need into the house.

Agree, anyone can just go to the store to buy candy to eat. But it is quite another thing to pick up a box, carefully packed, and think that it was given to you personally. Immediately there are other sublime sensations.

Give each person individual gifts, exactly what will please him. Give joy at Christmas. And if you know for sure that a girl will be delighted with earrings, give them for Christmas without hesitation.

As for gifts for priests, remember that they are the same people, and they also rejoice at good presents.

It is not necessary to associate gifts with churchness on church holidays. Most believers and clergy have enough books and icons.

But if you don’t know what personal gift would be appropriate in this case, or you are thinking what to give a nun for Christmas, give crosses, icons, souvenirs brought from the pilgrimage.

You can choose or make a beautiful card or give a book. But the best Christmas present will always be prayer together.

And don't forget about charity. After all, you need to give joy not only to dear people, but also to those who feel especially lonely.

Every year, the Orthodox service "Mercy" holds an action "Give Joy at Christmas" on the eve of Christmas. The event takes place in early January in 12 cities of Russia, during which everyone can bring a gift for seriously ill children and adults, orphans and the disabled, lonely old people, large families, and the homeless.

During the Give Joy for Christmas campaign, the Mercy Charitable Foundation helps hundreds of thousands of people in need.

List of anti-gifts for Christmas

It does not hurt to learn about those gifts that are inappropriate to give at Christmas.

Avoid boring gifts. Towels and potholders, spice jars and alarm clocks. There will be another reason for such gifts.

Do not buy banal souvenirs. Can something that is sold in every souvenir shop and supermarket be able to please loved ones?

The same gifts for Christmas will not work either. Of course, it is convenient to give all colleagues a cup or hand cream, but what about individuality.

Who needs useless gifts? Sticky calendars, souvenirs with the image of the symbol of the year, the 100500th cup with a photo - cross it off the list.

Too expensive or too cheap gifts. Penny trinkets annoy many, but expensive presents oblige.

Bad and inappropriate gifts. Imagine how a teetotaler will react to a bottle of cognac, and a diabetic to a box of chocolates. An atheist will not be pleased with a miniature icon, and a defiant T-shirt will not please a believer.

Don't give fake gifts. If you think that a plush dog can replace a live puppy, and a fake brand is a welcome thing, then you are deeply mistaken. Such a move would not be understood.

But you also need to be able to give living gifts. Without the consent of the recipient or the parents of the child, do not try to present live fish, hamsters, parrots and other cute butterflies, rabbits, snakes. Even a puppy and a kitten is not a gift if it is unwanted.

For some reason, everyone says that the best gift is a handmade one. Are you sure that your creativity will come home and will be appreciated by those who are destined for a handmade sweater or another homemade photo stand.

And in conclusion, I want to dwell on comic gifts.

Christmas is a holiday of joy and not all jokes will be appropriate here. And given that all people have a different sense of humor, it’s better not to take risks with jokes on such a holiday. Be generous and sincere, please your dear people, without thinking about what the return gift will be.

Remember, we create miracles with our own hands, and the more people you make happy at Christmas, the more likely it is that miracle and joy will come into your life.

Video: traditions of celebrating Christmas in Rus'

You can get acquainted with the traditions of celebrating Christmas and the gifts that it was customary to give guests and relatives in detail in the video material:

Children believe that on Christmas night from January 6 to 7, 2019, when miracles happen, Santa Claus or Santa Claus will give them what they dreamed of. Parents only need to turn these dreams into reality.

What can you give a child for Christmas 2019?

How to please him during the winter holidays? A Christmas present for a child may have a religious theme. Children can be presented with a cross made of gold, silver, bronze, amber, sandalwood or other materials.

It is better for a kid to give a silver cross on a string, as the chain will rub the child's delicate neck. The cross, on the reverse side of which there is an inscription: "Save and save", is previously consecrated in the temple.

Christmas gifts for children

What else can you prepare as a gift for a child for Christmas in 2019? A small icon depicting the patron saint of a child, a children's Bible, a children's prayer book, a book about the life of a saint will be a wonderful gift for this holiday.

Catholics give santons for this holiday, which are figurines of the newborn Christ, Joseph, Mary, and a manger. In the old days, they were made with their own hands from clay, and then painted. Now these Christmas gifts can be bought for children in the store.

Another gift idea for a child for Christmas is souvenirs, fridge magnets, notebooks, key rings in the form of Christmas trees, stars, angels, etc. These can be figurines made of porcelain, wood, plastic, etc.

Do not forget about the various variations of Christmas bells - made of porcelain, metal and other materials. Relatives can present a child with a set of silver children's dishes (a cup, plate, mug) or a silver spoon with a handle, which is decorated with an angel figurine.

You can choose toys or gifts that contribute to the development of children: children's encyclopedias, constructors, educational games ("Make a word", "Mathematical loto"), various sets for creativity.

Use paper or boxes with the symbols of this holiday to wrap these gifts - Christmas stars, angels, Christmas tree decorations in golden, green, red colors.

From clothes for Christmas, it is customary to give knitted products made of natural wool with traditional ornaments: mittens, hats and scarves.

Sweet Christmas gifts for children - sweets, cookies, gingerbread - can be put in a cardboard box in the form of a candy, a box in the form of a basket, Christmas red "socks". Such gifts, made with love with your own hands, are pleasant both to give and receive.

It is better to think about gifts for Christmas even before the New Year's fuss, otherwise the festive carousel will spin in such a way that there will be no time or energy left for shopping trips. When going to visit friends, you can simplify the task and buy one useful gift for everyone and a sweet gift for a child. At Christmas, it is not necessary to buy expensive gifts, it is enough to get by with a cake and a bottle of wine or bring a set of tea, a gift jar of good coffee or a box of chocolates as a congratulation. The most Christmas present is curly gingerbread, you can buy them in advance or bake them yourself. On the eve of the holiday, various goods with a Christmas theme appear in stores: watches, calendars, mugs, candles, key rings, bookmarks, magnets, pens and notepads. To create a festive atmosphere and color your wishes and congratulations, friends, colleagues and relatives should definitely buy small surprises.

What to give a child for Christmas

Gifts such as rattles, cubes, bathing toys, pyramids, tumblers are suitable for babies up to three years old. Jumpers, rocking chairs or walkers will be a good gift for a grandson. You can give a little boy an inexpensive but pleasant toy for him: a typewriter, an automatic machine, a set of tools for a home craftsman, a designer or a drawing board. A godchild for Christmas should buy a radio-controlled helicopter, car or plane. A great gift for a son would be a railway or multi-level parking. If you want to buy a developing gift, then you should choose a set for chasing or burning, an aircraft model for self-assembly, a kit for chemical experiments or a kit for creating plaster bas-reliefs. A schoolchild can be presented with a board game or a game for the street, for example, children's badminton or a soccer ball.

A girl can buy a set of dishes or a set of toy products, a stroller or a crib for a doll, a home cleaning kit or a kit for playing in the store. The goddaughter will definitely like a microwave, refrigerator or coffee maker. For Christmas, it is best to give your beloved daughter or granddaughter an interactive soft toy that can walk, make sounds and respond to touch. A children's umbrella, a handbag or a set of accessories for creating hairstyles is suitable for a gift to the daughters of acquaintances. Daughter's girlfriends will be delighted with children's cosmetics, key chains in the form of small toys and small dolls. If you want to make educational gifts, you should pay attention to kits for embroidery, soap making, jewelry making or modeling.

What can you give a woman for Christmas

A familiar woman can buy a Christmas chocolate figure or a caramel bouquet as a gift. An excellent gift for mom would be a canvas painting drawn from her photo, or a family tree photo frame. The most appropriate Christmas gift for a girlfriend or wife is a small piece of jewelry. If your girlfriend combines intelligence and beauty, then the best gift for her is a USB flash drive in a jewelry case in the form of a pendant with rhinestones or a keychain with pebbles. Women - work colleagues on Christmas can be congratulated with inexpensive figurines in the form of cute angels, and if you want to make useful gifts, you can buy some little things for the kitchen: silicone cupcake molds, pepper mills, spice containers, a set of hot coasters or kitchen towels with a matching pattern. Young girls will be pleased to receive something for beauty as a gift: a pocket mirror, nail polish, bath foam or hand cream. It is better for unfamiliar girls to buy a box of chocolates or a jar of good coffee.

What to buy as a Christmas present for a man

For Christmas, you can give your beloved man or brother a beautiful tie clip, cufflinks, a business card holder or a genuine leather document cover, a universal car holder, a mug with his photo, a key chain, a car charm toy, a steering wheel braid or a lighter. On this family holiday, it is appropriate to give warm gifts: scarves, sweaters, dressing gowns. A man you know can be bought as a gift an original flask for strong drinks, a stand for pens or CDs, an interesting book, gift-wrapped spirits, an ashtray or a table clock. For a young guy, the easiest way is to choose some gadget for a computer: a USB hub, headphones, miniature speakers, a USB flash drive, a wireless mouse, or a funny rug. If a man often attends sports events, then he will like a comfortable seat for a fan, and a guy who sits at home all day will definitely need a home horizontal bar for a doorway.

DIY Christmas gifts

The most expensive Christmas gifts keep the warmth of the hands of the one who not only gave them, but also made them himself. The easiest way is to make beautiful candles in the shape of Christmas stars for friends and relatives. Christmas angels will look very symbolic, which can be made from paper or sewn from patches of white fabric and lace. A woman can be given a gift box from a round box in which portioned cheese is sold. The lid of the box should be decorated with a postcard corresponding to the holiday theme. On the eve of the holiday, beautiful Christmas napkins are sold, they can be used to decorate various items using decoupage technique. With a little effort, a bread cutting board, an empty bottle, a paper box or an old vase will turn into a wonderful Christmas surprise.

If there is no money for gifts, then you can limit yourself to beautiful postcards in which pleasant and good wishes will be written.

January brings to our house the purest, brightest and brightest holiday - Christmas. By tradition, this day is usually celebrated in a narrow family circle, in a warm atmosphere filled with love and tenderness.

And of course, on this day it is customary to give gifts. And what should be the gifts for Christmas? As a rule, it is not customary to give ordinary souvenirs on this day - there are ordinary holidays for this. Most often, on this wonderful holiday, it is customary to give traditional Christmas gifts - figurines of angels, which will become not just a souvenir, but also a symbol of home comfort, a Christmas wreath, decorated Christmas candles, bright Christmas cards. As a rule, such souvenirs can be purchased at the store, or they can be made to order. A custom-made Christmas card from a professional craftsman can become not just a small masterpiece of art, but is also able to emphasize all the warmth of relationships with relatives and loved ones. And you can make a gift with your own hands. Such gifts as embroidered icons are very popular - be it with a cross, or beads, crucifixes carved from wood, or simply a painted picture of Christ, angels and candles.

Christmas candles are also a win-win gift option. Now there is a huge selection of designer candles made in various styles, but you can also decorate ordinary candles with your own hands, or even create a whole composition of candles using spruce branches, bright braid, various sparkles and beads. Bright candlesticks can become not only a gift for many years, but also unforgettably decorate the festive table.

Traditional Christmas gifts are also warm things made by hand. Like nothing else, they are able to convey a piece of warmth and love of the person who made them. It can be sweaters, hats, scarves and even warm soft mittens. Such a gift will not leave anyone indifferent.

The tradition of giving gifts at Christmas has been around for a very long time - since the birth of Jesus. It was he who was the first to receive gifts for his birth. He was given gold as a symbol of the sun, myrrh - a symbol of mortality and incense - a symbol of the deity.

What's a holiday without sweets? Sweet gifts are also traditional on this holiday. On this day, it is customary to give both baked gingerbread and sweets. The main thing is not to bake gingerbread in everyday form - round, or oblong. As a rule, the gingerbread should also have a festive look, you can make it either in the form of a Christmas tree or in the form of a snowman - which is enough for fantasy. It is customary to decorate gingerbread with white mastic, glaze, nuts. Traditionally, they are packed in a red box and tied with beautiful ribbons.

Candies. No holiday is complete without them. But they should not just be a "gift in a bag." At Christmas, it is customary to give them in a Christmas sock - bright, red, shiny. You can either buy a sock in a store or sew it yourself. But just giving candy in a sock is boring. You can put on a whole show with this gift, using various contests, or simply pulling socks out of a huge bag. There is also an American version of giving Christmas socks - you can hang them on clothespins near the fireplace or spruce and sign the names.

Another option for this gift is to find it. You should hide your socks, for example, under New Year's tinsel, under a spruce, under a bed, and everyone knows the game "hot-cold" - it's fun, provocatively to look for souvenirs.

Children who come to celebrate Christmas traditionally also receive a huge amount of sweets from ancient times. This Christmas custom has long been considered symbolic - the more the owner or mistress of the house gives treats to children, the richer their harvest will be.

A cake decorated with little angels and the image of Jesus Christ, which will be a great addition to the festive table, can also be a sweet gift for all household members.

Most importantly, when presenting sweet gifts, do it in an original, not ordinary way that can bring a smile to faces and will be remembered by all those present at the holiday for a long time.

The Christmas wreath, as mentioned earlier, is one of the traditional gifts that has recently become popular in Russia. A huge variety of holiday wreaths is available for free sale, but it would be better if you make it yourself. As a rule, candles, spruce branches and various decorations in the form of cones, bells, bright shiny ribbons are used for this. The main thing lies in the composition itself. A Christmas wreath, consisting of a branch of needles, four candles, is a kind of symbol, which, unfortunately, not everyone knows about. The round wreath, with its shape, symbolizes our entire globe, with its green color - the color of life, and the light of burning candles - a symbol of heavenly divine light that has been shedding on our world since the birth of Jesus Christ. Cheerful bells on a wreath speak of the completion of all affairs and the beginning of festive events. And in England, for example, it is believed that the ringing of bells is the funeral of evil spirits and the greeting of Christ. The presence of red ribbons in the wreath speaks of royalty and predicts the future resurrection of Jesus.

As a rule, after the holiday, it is customary to hang a wreath on the door. It is a symbol of the outgoing year. There is also a belief that he is able to drive away evil spirits.

Making a wreath with your own hands is not at all difficult. You can do it together. Thus, it will become a family symbol, in which each of the household members will be able to contribute a piece of themselves. And if there are small children in the family, making such a wreath will be a real holiday for them. In addition, joint activities can not only rally people, strengthen their relationships, but also cause a positive storm of emotions at the time of completion of the work.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize the main thing in Christmas gifts. On this day, do not buy expensive gifts. It is better to make them with your own hands, because only in this case he will receive a piece of the human soul.