10 years what wedding anniversary what. What to give for a Pink (amber, tin) wedding

One of the first truly serious dates in life together The couple will have a pink wedding, which is usually celebrated after 10 years of life from the date of your marriage. In this article we will look at what to give pink wedding!

A pink wedding is also called a tin wedding. Some people mistakenly associate tin with poverty, but in fact the name of the wedding is associated with the flexibility of this metal.

After all, by this first serious anniversary, the spouses finally began to show flexibility towards each other, pushing all their “wants” into the background for the sake of their loved one.

But besides this, people have children, and romance is replaced by a quiet, measured life.

It is precisely to ensure that the place of romance is not completely taken by life and work, and a secondary name was given - pink.

This holiday, like all anniversaries, is celebrated on a grand scale. On such a day, it is worth giving something worthwhile and truly valuable to the couple.

Pink wedding gifts for friends

If you fully focus on traditions and so on, then of course the gift should be at least somehow related to the name of the wedding (at least one). There are a lot of options here, since a gift can be of several types:

  • Tin;
  • Floral;
  • Color pink.

If you decide to do something purely symbolic, and thereby original gift for a pink wedding to friends, then you should pay attention to the following types gifts.

Original gifts for a pink wedding:

If you choose from gifts related to roses, you can choose something like this:

All such gifts simply must be accompanied by a bouquet of roses. Even if it turns out that the right gift If you don’t find it right away or don’t have time to buy it, then by giving roses and money you will keep traditions, and perhaps even help make some dream come true for the celebrants of the day.

If you are still wondering “What can you give for a pink wedding?”, but you definitely want to buy something Pink colour, then you will be limited financially. Almost any pink item will be appropriate if you are sure that the spouses need it.

Advice: if you want to give useful thing, then try to find out from other guests what they want to give. If the heroes of the day have recently broken some Appliances, and everyone knows about it, then you can give a new copy - the main thing is to agree on gifts and not give three identical things.

Pink wedding: gift for wife

According to tradition, on the 10th wedding anniversary, spouses should exchange valuable gifts with each other.

On this day, the husband must give his wife 10 red and one white roses for a pink wedding (which will symbolize 10 lived years together and one future).

In addition, you can please your beloved wife with one of the proposed gifts:

Important: As a rule, amethyst is worn in pairs, so it is better to purchase a set of ring and earrings. It is better to buy pink underwear if you know that it suits your wife and she likes the color. If this color does not suit her, you can choose another color with flower motifs.

You can approach the issue even more original, and give an aquarium with a goldfish for a pink wedding (fits according to color scheme), and invite your loved one to make a wish, which the fish will listen to, and you will fulfill.

Pink wedding: gift for husband

A pink theme is unlikely to attract a man, so you can only use it to make a joke (for example, to give pink panties).

It is better to give your beloved man a gift made of tin. It can be:

  • Models of weapons made of tin;
  • Tin chess (a very original gift for a pink wedding);
  • Red car covers;
  • Brown brick wallet;
  • Original key pendant.

The husband will not be at all against gifts such as mobile phones and laptops, but not pink, but dark red or cherry. First of all, attention is important to him, so beautiful engraving on rings, coffee in bed will be more pleasant to him than armfuls of roses.

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A pink wedding is the second name for a tin wedding, which is a wonderful event for a married couple who have lived together for ten years. Tin serves as a durable material used to solder various parts, so it was chosen as the second name for the anniversary, as a symbol strong relationships between husband and wife, united forever. This is for real significant date, which is worthy of a solemn celebration with dear guests. Someone's pink wedding is ahead, what to give to your loved one, friends or parents?

When is the pink wedding celebrated - in 10 or 17 years?

The pink wedding, also called the tin wedding, has two dates. So, the first tin wedding (aka pink) in the life of the spouses together is round date, which is celebrated on the day of the 10th anniversary of marriage. This is an important anniversary that symbolizes strong relationships between spouses. The second pink wedding takes place 17 years later; this is an informal date that, as a rule, is not celebrated among a wide circle of friends. It symbolizes the reverent relationship of a married couple and is designed to refresh tender feelings each other mutual attention, symbolic gifts.

What do you give for a 10 year wedding anniversary?

Pink roses - main gift by this date. The husband pampers his beloved wife with flowers of this shade, tender attention and once again reminds her how much he loves her. It is considered a good omen if you add one white rose to your bouquet. According to popular belief, the white queen of flowers is a symbol of hope that a husband gives to his wife for the next years together, so that they live them experiencing happiness, joy and love. Giving flowers is a pleasure, and seeing delight in the eyes of your beloved is a real reward.

In addition to roses, there is a huge variety of interesting gift options that will be appropriate on the day of a pink (tin) wedding. It all depends on who you want to give the gift to - your beloved wife, dear husband, your own parents, best friends or good acquaintances. Options for items and things that are best to give vary depending on the allocated budget and time of year.


A loving husband will do everything for his life partner: he will bestow precious gifts, throw all the flowers of the world at her feet, envelop her in his priceless love, wake her up with a million sweet kisses. He will definitely remind you how dear she is to him, arrange the most unforgettable and unique holiday in their life together, and begin to give pleasant to the heart presents. Often the husband doubts what to choose in the end to give from the heart? Below you will find some pertinent ideas that will help you make a head-turning impression on your precious wife.

  1. Give her the most beautiful pink lingerie. This will be a gift not only for her, but also for you, because she will definitely want to please her beloved man with a seductive appearance in a new gift.
  2. Gold ring with precious stone pink color will be more appropriate than ever on the day of the tenth anniversary of marriage. An alternative would be earrings of a similar color (for your sister) or another luxury accessory that indicates how much you love your wife. It is very pleasant to give such gifts, because they always make an impression.
  3. Arrange romantic walk on this day. Leave your child with the parents and invite your sweetheart to a rose wine tasting, followed by a trip to unforgettable dinner in a luxurious restaurant.
  4. As night approaches, light some aromatherapy candles at home, cover your love bed with pink silks, decorate your bedroom with red rose petals and remind the woman in your life how much you love her.

To my husband

On the day of ten years of marriage with a man who these years served as a reliable support for you, a faithful partner and was the most desirable on earth, your wife will definitely want to give something special, impressive. On this score loving woman there's always a couple interesting ideas. Check out a few below good options, which would be suitable as a valuable gift for your beloved husband on a pink (tin) wedding anniversary.

  1. Some men are interested in weapons, so tin wedding products made from this material will be very appropriate, for example, a handmade tin knife.
  2. Give a beer mug made of tin - it will also be a very valuable gift for your beloved husband on such a holiday.
  3. Order and pay for your loved one for a relaxing massage in an expensive spa, the end of which will be joint relaxation while taking equally pleasant and relaxing procedures.

Gift ideas for a tin wedding (photo)

A gift is a thing that should only bring pleasant emotions, to be appropriate, desirable and leave pleasant memories for many years. Often choosing a gift for any occasion becomes whole problem, the pink wedding is no exception. Look what interesting options presented in the photo, check out the examples that you can use as ideas for a souvenir for a married couple on the day of their tenth anniversary.

Friends and relatives

Ten years of marriage is such a special day for friends that you want to give them the same extraordinary gift. It is clear that a souvenir for a pink wedding should follow the theme of the holiday, but I want it to be useful at the same time. To make the task easier and find what you need, you must take into account the preferences of the heroes of the occasion. To make your choice easier, check out a few relevant tips for interesting souvenir ideas for a tin wedding:

  • Give your friends and relatives the same pink roses: this sign attention on this day will never be superfluous, but will only add beauty and romance to the festive evening.
  • The next idea is to give a huge flower vase. It should be decorated, for example, with tin roses.
  • Wonderful gift married couple at all times - an expensive set bed linen. It could be pink silk with prints of delicate roses.
  • Give pewter, household items, candlesticks with tin elements, etc.
  • Match the theme of the celebration and give any gifts, the main condition is pink or tin.

What gifts can you make with your own hands?

Present a handmade gift for a pink wedding. Such a surprise will be a valuable gift for the heroes of the day, filled with love and care, will bring a huge amount of delight to the heroes of the occasion and will be celebrated nice words gratitude. Use this idea to pleasantly surprise a couple who is celebrating their ten year anniversary life together. Here are some ideas a beautiful gift made by hand:

  1. If you creative person, paint a colorful picture in pink tones With floral ornament or other landscapes.
  2. The next idea is quilling. You will have great pleasure making flowers with your own hands in the quilling style. Invest your soul - and the gift will be very for a long time remind the celebrants of your dear attention.
  3. Sew from pink textiles decorative pillow, tie beautiful napkin, using the same pink color scheme.
  4. Bake a huge cake, cover it with pink cream, and decorate it with fondant roses. Present it as a vibrant symbol of a couple's pink wedding.
  5. Alternatively, you can make a pink candy bouquet. On this topic A video that will serve as a small master class will help you:

What is the best gift for a pink wedding? This is a wonderful occasion to show your partner how dear he is to you, that the feelings of strong and passionate love not only have not faded away, but have acquired more great strength. It doesn’t matter at all what the value of the gifts is, the most important thing is always your priceless attention and sincere wishes, which will show all your affection, care and reverent attitude. Give only what will actually be the most expensive for the celebrants of the pink wedding.

The day of the tenth wedding anniversary is a wonderful occasion for good friends to get together and take stock of the past period. But it’s not customary to come to the holidays empty-handed. This article will tell you what to give for your 10th wedding anniversary.

What is a ten year wedding anniversary called?

The tenth “family birthday” is called the “tin” or “pink wedding”.

The relationship is already strong and proven; over these ten years the couple has experienced many good and not so good moments. The spouses learned to understand and predict each other. There were periods of sadness and sadness. There were repeated insults, quarrels and friction. But the way out of any confusion life problem was successfully found. It exists, and there is always room for compromise. Even though it is a metal and quite durable, pewter is quite flexible and this is symbolic.

Pink is the color of romance. After living with each other for a long time, people forget about the importance of small nice gifts, like a candlelight dinner. The task of the “pink wedding” is to restore the relationship of ten years ago in the “newlyweds”.

How to celebrate

Ten years, whatever one may say - Despite all the high cost of our lives, once a decade it is still worth finding the means and opportunities to organize a “wide” celebration with a large number of guests.

It doesn't have to be a restaurant. If you are “lucky” to get married in warm time year, a trip to the camp site by the river will only emphasize the uniqueness of the event.

The decoration must have a pink theme. Ask all guests to add desired color in clothes - shoes, tie, dress, bow tie or shirt.

Dishes of this shade are easy to find even in the market, not to mention in specialized stores. You can also pick up a tablecloth and napkins there. Rose wine will pleasantly complement the overall atmosphere and fit harmoniously into it.

Food lovers will happily find their happiness by pouring rose-colored sauce over the fish. Those with a sweet tooth will appreciate rose jam. So if you are in Bulgaria shortly before the celebration, be sure to buy a couple of jars of this pleasure.

It is customary to invite to such a celebration those guests who were at your main wedding. Even if you haven't communicated with them for a long time, this great occasion restore former friendship. But don’t forget about the friends you met during your marriage.

Tin gifts

Buying a gift is easy. It is only important to choose it correctly. “What to give for a 10th wedding anniversary, made of tin” is a simple question.

Frequent “tin” gifts are figurines, a stand for a bottle (certainly with a sparkling drink), forks, spoons (easy to find with congratulatory inscriptions). They often give knives, a mirror with a frame, amulets, interior items, trays, glasses, and cup holders.

Pink souvenirs

If you don't like anything from tin, you should pay attention to " gentle colors". It’s also easy to think of what to give pink for your 10th wedding anniversary.

The "pinkest" item available is a rose. The vast majority of guests, if not all, will bring a bouquet of these beautiful flowers as a gift. Given this, it will be wonderful if someone gives a vase in which roses can be placed. And then place it in the most visible place. “Queen of Flowers” ​​will successfully fit into any interior and diversify it.

10 years. What to give? On the tenth wedding anniversary, in addition to everything else, pink is often given as a gift. bed linen sets, a blanket, a blanket, scented candles, a bathrobe (or two), a painting, a set or a bell). Any interior can be complemented with an aquarium with a pink fish. This gift should still be discussed in advance with the heroes of the occasion. If the aquarium is still too bulky, the figures of a pink fish or a tree of happiness will not leave anyone indifferent.

Still - 10 years of marriage. What to give from stones on such a date? For such an anniversary good choice are carnelian and agate.

10th wedding anniversary, what to give to spouses?

Since the anniversary is themed, ordinary valuables are always appropriate. Jewelry, household appliances, a box of chocolates or a cake will never lose their relevance. And believe me, no one will be offended if the gift is not pink or tin.

Whatever you choose, be sure to prepare a speech in which you describe the value and importance of friendship with the newlyweds, as well as the reasons for choosing this particular gift. It is very touching when poetry is sung at celebrations. Even if you are not a poet, you can always pick up suitable option in the vast expanses of the Internet. Everyone's soul will feel warmer.

Gift for wife

10 wedding anniversary. What should I give my wife? It would seem that after so many years together she had already received everything she wanted.

According to a long-standing tradition, the wife must be given eleven beautiful roses. Ten red ones - for each year lived and the eleventh white one as a symbol of a further happy life.

In addition, a pink flash drive, laptop, mobile phone, organizer, diary, tablet, e-book, cup with a joint photo, framed photo, refrigerator magnet.

Tin jewelry would be useful - earrings, rings, pendants. And it’s definitely difficult to find a woman who wouldn’t be happy with a box made of this alloy.

Certificate for a beauty salon, a trip to a resort, gift Certificate to your favorite store will be gratefully received. A pink car will make your beloved literally “squeak” with happiness.

Cover the wedding bed with rose petals, and good mood the wife will be provided with food for the week ahead. They are sold in every flower shop.

If romantic emotions have gradually begun to “fade out,” re-registering your marriage will help rekindle the fire of emotions! The registry office will be happy to meet you halfway and conduct solemn ceremony with Mendelssohn's march. It’s just that it will most likely not be possible to agree on another “anniversary” stamp in the passport.

Gift for spouse

10 wedding anniversary. What should I give my husband? He doesn't seem to need anything...

Over the course of ten years, people usually get to know each other's character quite well. Based on this, even before going to the store, you can decide on a souvenir, even if you don’t need anything.

If your betrothed suddenly loves beer, give him a tin mug. He will definitely quickly find a use for it, and it will always be in sight.

An avid chess player will love the board with figures cast from tin.

Fans of military themes will love the exact replica of a cold or firearms, which will immediately find its permanent place on the wall or on a transparent shelf.

Tin is a rather rare metal. If you decide to make things to order, you should discuss the work with the master in advance. The good news is that the metal is inexpensive and the final product will not hurt your wallet.

According to legend, the husband should go through the whole day with it in his pocket, and before going to bed, put it under the pillow. But since your spouse will definitely forget to buy a spoon, you give it as a gift! And he will no longer be able to refuse to participate in this ritual.

But not every man is attached to traditions. Gifts of a navigator, winter tires, and a video recorder for a car can please him much more.

Now you won’t be confused when you hear the question “What to give for your 10th wedding anniversary?”

When the couple have lived together for 10 years, such a wedding is called a tin wedding. Tin is a strong and flexible metal. In the name of the wedding, it symbolizes the inviolability and strength of family ties. Having lived together like this long term, husband and wife learned to withstand trials, the family grew stronger. They began to give in to each other more often, their relationship became flexible but strong. This wedding anniversary is also called pink. This one is beautiful delicate shade symbolizes love and romance in relationships. On the tenth wedding, it is customary to give large gifts to spouses, because it is an anniversary. They should also be meaningful and in keeping with the spirit of the holiday.

10th wedding anniversary – tin gifts

For your tenth anniversary, you can choose the following gifts for your friends from this soft and beautiful metal:

  • Figurines in the form of a man and a woman twirling in a dance, holding hands, etc.
  • A set of cutlery (forks, spoons) with engraving.
  • A beautiful mirror with a metal frame.
  • Paired cup holders, glasses.
  • Tray with a beautiful pattern.
  • Cast or forged candlesticks, with twisted elements.
  • A gift medal with the inscription 10 years of marriage, in a beautiful box.
  • Interior decorations in the form of forged roses.

10th wedding anniversary - pink gifts

You can present your spouses not only with tin gifts, but also with any pink-colored items. The design of the gift may be dominated by crimson, red, and purple tones.

Gifts in pink shades can be like this:

  • Bed linen with lace or beautiful voluminous pattern. It is recommended to choose a floral print, such as roses, sakura petals, etc.
  • A set of paired robes or towels with elements of crimson and burgundy.
  • Expensive red wine, elite pink champagne.
  • A painting that can be hung in the bedroom or living room, depicting flowers or sketches in pink tones.
  • Photo album with a burgundy, red cover, in gift wrapping.
  • Tablecloth, table runner, set of napkins in pink or purple trim.
  • A set of dishes with crimson and red patterns.

10th wedding anniversary - what to give your husband

A wife can give her beloved husband some kind of tin souvenir for her 10th wedding anniversary. When choosing a gift, consider your husband's interests. If he is a fisherman or goes hiking, this could be tourist equipment (for example, a set of iron utensils). Businessmen are given organizers with metal trim and interior souvenirs. Gifts can be like this:

  • Beer mug with metal elements and engraving.
  • Personalized spoon with patterns.
  • Flask with engraved number 10, congratulations.
  • Expensive writing pen with metal elements, stand.
  • Cigarette case, ashtray with original design.
  • Set of tin soldiers.

10th wedding anniversary - what do they give to the wife?

According to tradition, the husband should present his wife with 11 red roses on her tenth anniversary. In this number, ten roses symbolize 10 years lived in happiness and love, and one represents hope for further successful years of the union. The husband can add a box with a gift to the bouquet. If you don't know what your lady needs, choose fashion detail wardrobe or a modern gadget, based on her preferences. Also remember that no woman will refuse expensive perfumes or jewelry.

In addition to the bouquet, you can give your wife:

  • A beautiful iron jewelry box.
  • Jewelry from precious metals, with red or pink stones.
  • Ring, earrings, necklace made of pink pearls.
  • Kit underwear crimson, red, purple shades.
  • Pink phone and tablet.
  • Perfume in a pink bottle.

When choosing a gift for your friends on their tenth anniversary, assume that the item should be useful and necessary. You should not give gifts to beautiful packaging, if you know that the owners will not use them. Remember, maybe they mentioned in a conversation that they have long wanted to buy some kind of interior item, kitchen utensils. The gift must be decorated beautifully, using boxes or paper in red shades.

The tenth anniversary of the relationship is the first real anniversary in the life of a married couple, so it needs to be celebrated on an appropriate scale. People often have questions: how to celebrate the tenth anniversary?

What should “newlyweds” give each other and should they? What gift should you give to your friends celebrating their anniversary?

10 years of married life is popularly called a tin or rose wedding. Like all other wedding names, it has its own symbolic meaning.

Tin is a malleable and ductile metal that in this case symbolizes the flexibility that spouses have already learned to show towards each other.

If a husband and wife have lived together for 10 years, it means they know how to find compromises, give in and sacrifice something in disputes, taking care of the interests of the other half.

On the other hand, roses and the color pink symbolize tenderness, fragility and romance, which have not gone away from relationships over the past decade. In the language of flowers, a rose has many meanings, including devotion and love.

What do you usually give as a tenth anniversary gift?

On your pink wedding day, you can please your spouses with both expensive gifts and cute trinkets. Since the gift is intended for two people who have been living together for a long time, it is worth making a choice in favor of household items or decor that will make the spouses’ home even more comfortable.

When choosing a gift, you need to make sure that it matches the pink and pewter theme. The first includes the following gifts:

As for the tin theme, a gift could be:

  1. Beautiful pewter vase;
  2. Pewter cutlery;
  3. Mirror with metal frame;
  4. Tin figurine;
  5. A beautiful photograph of the celebrants in a tin frame;
  6. Cup holders;
  7. Paired pendants.

If your gift has nothing to do with roses or tin, this can be easily fixed.

All you need to do is wrap the gift in pink paper or complement the gift with a beautiful teaspoon made of tin.

Now such spoons are sold in pairs, especially for such an occasion as a tin wedding.

It is customary to give roses to husband and wife along with the gift.

Flowers can be any, but it is preferable to choose pink or, on extreme case, red.

Roses in a pot would be a good idea, because they will not wither in a week, but will remind you of themselves for a long time with their blooming appearance and pleasant aroma.

What to give to close friends?

As a rule, it is customary to invite those people who were with the newlyweds on their wedding day to big anniversaries. In addition, among the invitees are close relatives, best friends and children.

An invitation to a pink wedding shows how much the invitee means to the celebrants.

You can choose a gift for close friends from the list above, but it is better to add some personality to it.

A good gift would be an album with photographs. Close friends often have many photos of each other, and they often have access to a family photo archive. You need to select photos that capture the brightest and happiest moments in the life of your husband and wife.

After this, the photos need to be placed in a beautiful album. On the pages of the album, all friends can write comments on the photos and wishes to the “newlyweds.”

A nice big cake will be a nice gift on your wedding anniversary. You can make the delicacy yourself, or you can order it from a pastry shop. The cake can be made in pink colors and decorated with fresh or sweet roses.

Another delicious gift for such an anniversary - a jar of rose jam. Few people have tried rose jam, but it is pleasant and completely unique taste. In addition to jam, you can present wine made from roses, which has the same delicate, easily recognizable taste.

If the newlyweds love fauna, they can be given an aquarium with pink or silver fish as a gift. Such a surprise will definitely surprise and delight your friends.

If you want to give the celebrants a truly unforgettable experience, you can chip in and give Honeymoon. By the way, in early January, the Rose Parade is held in Pasadena (California), so why not celebrate a pink wedding?

In addition, Italy (Rome, Tivoli), the Czech Republic (Prague), Germany (Erfurt, Sangerhausen, Hamburg, Baden-Baden), France (Nice, Paris, Douai-la-Fontaine) can boast of magnificent rose gardens.

An equally expensive gift can be Jewelry. The wife is usually presented with earrings, a bracelet or a pendant, and the husband is presented with cufflinks or a tie pin. Jewelry may be made of tin or contain pink stones: topaz, spinel, kunzite, amethyst, morganite, rubellite, coral, rhodonite, jasper, quartz.

What to give spouses to each other

The heroes of the occasion are the first to congratulate each other. According to tradition, in the morning the husband presents his beloved with a bouquet of 11 roses. Ten pink (or red) roses represent 10 happy years living together, and alone White Rose expresses hope for a happy future.

Another tradition involves the exchange of engraved tin rings. You can write words of love, vows of fidelity or a romantic promise on jewelry. It is better to do this during a celebration; the process will look incredibly beautiful and solemn, and guests or a cameraman will be able to capture it on camera.

There is also a tradition according to which spouses should carry tin spoons in their pockets all day, which should be placed under the pillow before going to bed.

According to the sign, these spoons will serve as an amulet in the future, protecting the marriage from adversity and bitterness.

On their anniversary, spouses should give each other gifts as a sign of love and appreciation. What can a husband give to his wife?

The wife, in turn, can please her husband with the following surprises:

  1. Watch, cufflinks, tie clip, ring or bracelet;
  2. If the husband smokes, a tin ashtray or cigarette case will do;
  3. Flask for alcoholic drinks;
  4. Key ring;
  5. Weapon: beautiful dagger or pistol;
  6. Model of an airplane, ship or car;
  7. Tin chess;
  8. A wallet, a folder for papers, a beautiful diary;
  9. Tin beer mug, set of glasses.

Congratulations on 10 years of married life

As original congratulations close friends and family can throw a surprise party for the celebrants. To do this, you need to carefully find out the intentions of the heroes of the occasion, so as not to spoil their own plans. The party can be organized in a restaurant or at fresh air by preparing one or more cool congratulations.

This congratulation could be beautiful poem which the guests will tell the spouses.

If there are singers or musicians among the guests, you can remake some famous song and then sing it all together.

If the organizers have photographs of lovers together, you can prepare a short video accompanied by a beautiful song.

How to celebrate 10 years of marriage?

like this special date It is customary to celebrate with friends and family members. Usually the celebration is held in a restaurant, which is decorated with various decorative elements Pink colour.

These can be balls, ribbons, fresh flowers, fabric draperies, tablecloths and napkins. Of course, the hall should be decorated with a large number of fresh roses. There will be no shortage of flowers, because each guest will almost certainly bring a bouquet with them.

You can place a pewter vase for roses on the table, and place pewter cutlery and pewter napkin holders near the plates.

If a couple plans to spend a holiday in each other’s company, then celebrate this an important event You can have a romantic dinner in a restaurant or at home. The spouse can wear beautiful pink dress, and the husband – a pink shirt.

On homemade dinner You can prepare dishes according to the theme. The main dish is red fish or red meat, which, by the way, can be topped with lingonberry sauce. Dessert will be various fruits and berries: pomegranates, strawberries, cherries, raspberries.

For such a dinner good will do red wine or pink champagne.

Depending on where the date is planned to continue, the bath or bedroom is decorated with candles and rose petals, and the wife can put on seductive lingerie and give her husband a massage using rose oil.


To summarize, the following points can be highlighted:

  1. On the tenth anniversary, it is customary to give gifts that have something to do with tin or the color pink;
  2. If the gift does not meet these requirements, it can be wrapped in pink paper, attached to the gift with a tin spoon or figurine, and presented with a bouquet of roses;
  3. Spouses also exchange gifts. Traditional option– tin spoons or rings, a bouquet of 11 roses from her husband. Other gifts are chosen at the discretion of the donor;
  4. A tin wedding is celebrated with friends and family, but lovers are not forbidden to celebrate the event in private.

The main thing is to remember that the key to a memorable holiday is not expensive gifts and observance of traditions, but mutual respect, trust and love.

You can learn a little more about how to celebrate your 10th wedding anniversary in the following video.