A wooden wedding is a cool scenario. Wedding anniversary competitions for spouses and guests Wooden wedding program

The fifth anniversary of family life is the first significant anniversary for a young couple. People rightly call 5 years of marriage a wooden anniversary, because during this period the family union has become strong, like a mighty tree, and the relationship has been polished to a shine. This is a serious date that requires a celebration thought out to the smallest detail. And so that this day leaves good and cheerful memories in your memory, you can create a cool scenario for a wooden wedding.

Preparing for the celebration

It wouldn’t hurt to send out invitation cards to your loved ones, designed in the general style of the holiday, for example, with elements of green and brown colors. In your invitations, you can ask guests to complement their outfit with details in these colors.
You need to prepare a wedding tree on which wishes will be hung. You can buy it in a store, make it yourself, or use a live home flower. This bright custom will allow you to preserve memories of this day when the celebration is over.

Where to mark?

The choice of location for the holiday depends on the time of year and personal preferences of the celebrants. A dacha, a house in the village (your own or rented for the evening), a cafe outside the city - will ideally suit the theme of the celebration. And if the weather does not allow an outdoor picnic, then you can celebrate the anniversary at home.

Room decoration

Country cafes and restaurants are often already decorated in a rustic style, so no additional decor is required. And at the dacha or in a country house, the beauty of nature can be emphasized with wildflowers, burlap elements and wooden utensils.
If the anniversary celebration is planned in a city apartment, then wooden or wicker furniture, wood panels and decorations made from natural materials, twigs, and pine cones are perfect. Green or brown balloons and wooden interior details, such as photo frames or beautiful wicker vases, will create forest coziness.

Musical accompaniment

The ideal music for a wooden anniversary would be songs performed on wooden instruments. You can download them on the Internet or invite musicians who play the violin, balalaika or guitar. The theme will be complemented by songs about trees: “There was a birch tree in the field...”, “Red Viburnum” and others.
At the beginning of the evening, all guests are given wooden spoons with which they play the wedding march. To this accompaniment, the “young people” come out to the guests and the celebration begins.

Wooden wedding scenario

In order for the celebration to go perfectly, it would not be amiss to invite a toastmaster. His role can also be played by one of the friends of the heroes of the day, dressing up as Pinocchio, Leshy or the Forest Fairy.

After the heroes of the occasion appear, everyone is invited to the festive table. According to a long-standing tradition, a wooden jug of wine is passed around in a circle, from which each person present takes one sip. The one on whom the contents of the vessel ends makes the first toast. Congratulations are heard and gifts corresponding to the general theme are presented. These can be wooden boxes, figurines, paintings, flowers in pots, watches and pieces of furniture - anything that corresponds to wooden symbolism.
After the first feast, guests are invited to the dance floor, and after the second, you can offer several funny competitions and rides on wooden sleighs or carts.

At the end of the evening, guests are offered tea with a birthday cake and given small wooden keepsakes - magnets, pendants, bracelets. Then, to the sound of wooden spoons, the “young” leave the holiday, followed by the invitees.


  1. Competition for newlyweds. Each spouse must use burnt matches to write the word “love” on a wooden plank. The winner is announced by the guests.
  2. Musical competition. Those present are divided into two teams (bride and groom) and guess the song about trees based on the initial chords. The first team to say the name of the song gets a bonus point. Up to five songs guessed by one team are played.
  3. Lumberjack If the celebration takes place outside the city, you can organize comic lumberjack competitions. Men who wish are given an ax and several logs. You need to cut the largest amount in a certain time.
  4. Matryoshka. Parts of nesting dolls of different sizes are placed in a large container. The one who collects the most dolls will become the winner and the future parent of the same number of children.
  5. Compliment. Guests are divided into several teams. Each group is given a couple of seconds to come up with a compliment that characterizes one of the spouses. The team that misses its time is eliminated.
  6. Plant a tree. Two groups of five people are given a flower pot, an artificial plant, sawdust and a watering can with water. You need to plant five trees as quickly as possible while blindfolded.
  7. Wooden house. In 5 minutes you need to build a house, mansion or castle from plasticine and matches.
    A wooden wedding is the first round date in the life of the spouses before a long series of subsequent anniversaries. Therefore, it needs to be celebrated cheerfully and brightly in order to leave an unforgettable impression on everyone for many years to come.

Video on the topic of the article.

Leading (welcomes guests):
Hello, dear guests! Good afternoon, heroes of the occasion! ( Addresses the anniversaries.)
Today is your holiday - the fifth anniversary of your marriage. On behalf of everyone present here, I congratulate you on your triumph. May love and joy never leave you, may happiness, kindness, prosperity, fidelity and respect accompany you! Let your family union be friendly and strong!

For five years now I can’t look at anyone, only at my star (points to his wife sitting next to him) I admire it and can’t get enough of it. Thank you for your faithful love, for your affection, for your attentiveness and patience! I want to thank you for everything on this special day!

In response, I also wish to utter words of praise and address them to my beloved husband. Thank you for being with me! Thank you for the past five years of married life, which, thanks to you, did not bring us grief and troubles. Let our family path remain bright! (Addresses guests.) So let's raise a glass to our family happiness!

The first toasts and congratulations sound.

As you know, today we celebrate the couple’s five-year anniversary of marriage. (names the heroes of the day, husband and wife), or a wooden wedding.
Wood is one of the most durable materials. In addition, various things that are so necessary in household use are made from wood, houses are built and furniture is made.
Thus, the tree can be considered a true symbol of the hearth. In addition, wood is a fuel material that brings comfort and warmth to the house.
Products made from wood have long been used to decorate homes. These are the pieces of furniture I have already mentioned, and kitchen utensils (for example, cutting boards, containers for storing cereals, etc.), and decorations, and souvenirs that give the interior of the house uniqueness and originality. These are the gifts we have prepared for our dear anniversaries.

Guests present gifts to the spouses.

The first five years of your married life have passed! You probably didn’t even have time to blink an eye. There was everything during this time: quarrels, resentments, troubles and difficulties. However, together you were able to overcome them, right? Otherwise, we would not have gathered here today, at this festive table. I would like this evening to be repeated in another fifty years and all of us present at the celebration would see you again sitting hand in hand.

In order for the guests to enjoy our holiday and want to come to you for your next anniversary, say a golden wedding, you need to cheer them up.
Fun games and comic tasks will help our guests not to get bored. Here is one of them. A competition for the best epithets is announced. These may not only be definitions relating to husband and wife. All adjectives with a positive meaning are accepted.

Guests complete the task, taking turns naming epithets. The winner is the one who names the most words.

While you were naming epithets, I remembered the story of the birth of this (points to the heroes of the day) families. However, I forgot all the adjectives. Now the words you mentioned will come in handy. So, I'm telling you...

The presenter reads “The History of the Birth of the Family (names the celebrants of the day)”, prepared in advance and written on a piece of paper. He replaces the missing words with epithets named during the previous competition.

"The Story of the Birth of a Family"could be like this:
“For a long time, no (-) events took place in (-) city N. However, the (-) day came (names the date of the wedding of the heroes of the day). At first glance, it was an unremarkable day. In a word, a day like a day... ( -) the event took place at (names the hour of the wedding ceremony of the heroes of the day). It was then that the heroes of the occasion (-) met in the hall of the (-) registry office to unite their destinies forever.

But this (-) event was preceded by something else. One day (-) in the spring (-) our (-) acquaintance (says the name of his husband) was walking through the (-) park. Suddenly he saw a (-) beautiful (-) girl walking towards him. It was (says his wife’s name). Perhaps they would have passed each other by, but (-) Cupid was not asleep. He shot his arrows at the (-) young man and (-) girl. At that same (-) second, their hearts, pierced by Cupid’s arrows, reached out to each other, which was the cause of the event that soon exploded (-) the silence of our (-) city.

The wedding feast was (-) and noisy. How many (-) words were said to the newlyweds on this day! All the wishes of the (-) guests came true."

Leading: This is the story of creating a family, the fifth birthday that we are celebrating here today. I join the congratulations that sounded to you several years ago, at your first wedding. Now I want to add a few more to them. I wish you to preserve and carry through life that feeling that served as the reason for uniting your destinies. (Addresses the guests.) Let's raise our glasses to the love of husband and wife!

Guests raise their glasses, congratulations and festive toasts are made.

At our evening, the words “mutual understanding”, “support”, “friendship”, “mutual assistance” were heard more than once. Now the time has come to find out whether our heroes of the day are as capable of helping each other as was said in the congratulations. (Addresses his wife). You need to take a paper napkin and quickly tear it into several pieces without using your hands.

The wife is completing the task.

And now the husband must collect all the pieces of the napkin and quickly glue (sew) them together.

The husband is doing the task.

Indeed it is (points to the heroes of the day) a friendly family in which the husband always comes to the rescue of his wife, and she, in turn, helps her husband. Another competition is for guests. Everyone needs to take a napkin, arm themselves with scissors and, within a certain time, cut out a flower with a stem and leaf from the napkin.

Guests honor the winner of the competition, raise their glasses, congratulate the winner and the heroes of the day.

(picks up balloons according to the number of guests):
Look what beautiful balls I have in my hands. But these are not ordinary balls. They are magical. These are fortune teller balls. If they burst, then inside you can find a note that tells about the future of the one who chose this or that ball.

Guests choose balloons, pop them and read the notes.

Guests are divided into two teams and then line up in two columns. At some distance from them you need to place chairs, and on them - bottles of wine or vodka, glasses or shot glasses, a bowl of salad.
The first participant should run up to the chair, pour vodka into a glass or wine into a glass, return to the starting position, the second participant should also run up to the chair and drink vodka or wine, the third should eat a spoonful of salad, the fourth should again pour wine into the glass or vodka into a glass, the fifth should drink what was poured, the sixth should have a snack, etc.


At the end of the relay, the first (second) team became the winner. Congratulations to the winners! (Applause sounds.) With this, I consider the official part of the holiday completed. However, we should not forget to honor our heroes of the day! Congratulations to them on their occasion!

Congratulations and toasts are heard, guests raise glasses to the health and happiness of the heroes of the occasion.

The holiday continues.

Wooden wedding.

If the anniversary is celebrated in spring-autumn, the wedding is held outdoors (at the dacha, in a country house).
All words belong to the Presenter.

The wife and her friends buy out her husband.

Today is the wooden wedding anniversary!
There is a bride, but the groom is lost!
Let's return to the funny tradition,
When at the ransom everyone made fun of the groom.
Today the wife will ransom her husband,
And we offer a number of tests for it.
And all friends will have to help,
There is no wedding without a groom.
Five years and five spoons,
How much did you have to eat?!
But the fly in the ointment is not terrible,
It’s worse to live without loving.
Tell us frankly why you live with your husband.

The wife chooses one of five wooden spoons, inside of which there are notes: by calculation, by love, by necessity, by stupidity, by lucky chance.

Five years is a big nickel,
I studied my husband's character.
Put the coins in the piggy bank,
Praise yourself and your husband.

The wife puts five-ruble coins into piggy banks one by one, naming each coin first, her best qualities, then her husband. The number of coins must be the same. The piggy banks are made in the shape of people: “husband”, “wife”.

Five years is a whole trunk.
He is strong and reliable.
But we're not talking about that at all.
How do you manage your house?

Wife's answer.

Okay, friends say
Then show us:
Light the family hearth,
But first they drank the wood.

The “bride” and her guests are sawing a small round log using a hacksaw.

To light the fire of love,
Firewood is not needed at all.
The main thing is to find ways
To go to the heart of a dear one.
“Cut” yourself a “window” to your loved one in the form of a “heart.”

The door to the room (house, yard, entryway) is closed with a sheet of paper. The wife carves a large heart into it, through which it passes into the room.

Five years and five castles.
Who will free you from the shackles?
Who will open the door?
Will your friend find a sweetheart?

5 locks and a huge bunch of keys are offered. You need to pick up the keys and open all the locks. They go into the room where the husband is.

Look at the "groom" -
He's handsome by any means.
And dressed and shod in fashion,
Even if it’s not due to the weather.
Sneakers, jeans and a baseball cap,
Ultra-fashionable T-shirt.
In general, you can rest assured
The “groom” looks decent...
Are you happy with this kind of husband or do you want to change?

The answer is "bride".

Wooden wedding! At the heart of this anniversary is the tree of life! As the people say: “A man must build a house, give birth to a son and plant a tree.” You will earn money for the house yourself; you already have a son. There is a tree left... Today we invite the spouses to lay the foundation for the Family Love Alley... (surname). I ask the spouses to follow me.

Secretly from the young people, a memorable place is chosen for them, where the tree will be planted. This could be a seedling of an apple tree, jasmine, cedar, etc. After laying the alley, spouses and guests are invited to a feast.

To start the wedding, try on the outfit.

Spouses dress each other in forest attire: wreaths of herbs or ferns, a necklace of pine cones.

Like at your, your wedding
Honest people gathered
Honest people gathered
The loaf will sing to you.
In honor of the family’s fifth anniversary, I ask all guests to perform “Wedding Loaf.”
(After performance.) Pour a glass for the wedding loaf!
Fifth anniversary of marriage -
This is a community shower!
Let the wedding be wooden
It will grow to gold!

Heart balloons are awarded.

Five years is like five days,
They flew by brightly.
But as before, bright words
The heart thirsts hotly.
Let sacred declarations of love sound from your lips.

Declaration of love from husband. Declaration of love from wife. Exchange of "hearts".

We want to strengthen our hearts now,
May you be together until the end!
Let the castle unite two hearts,
Love will last forever.
Take the key, lock it,
Unite your hearts in love!

Two “hearts” are tied with ribbon and a lock is hung.

Happiness, full of joy,
To make your head spin.
Let the district envy
The way you love each other.
Today in the forest area... (name of the area where the holiday takes place) after 5 years they met again. And over the years... (names of spouses) They managed to put together a family, solve more than one misfortune, plan two children, treat all their relatives, earn money and make enemies. Now let's see if they can cope with one more test.

Test options: pinch a sliver of warmth, drink a ladle of hope, faith and love, spin yarns of warmth, tenderness and affection, sit on a stump, feed each other a pie.

Five years are like doves,
Even on clear days, even on cloudy days!
Well, spouses, congratulations,
Give wooden gifts.

Spouses give each other wooden dishes.

A wedding is not an easy task!
A wedding is a naughty business!
So it’s time for the guests
Congratulate the “young people”. Hooray!

Guests congratulate the spouses and give pieces of furniture.

And the last test for the spouses: to put together a family raft... (surname).

The couple builds a raft from five planks.

So that your raft is not afraid of family storms
Or winds of offensive words,
Swim boldly across the current,
And God bless you in life!

The couple stands on an improvised raft and dances to the song “Raft” by Yuri Loza.

Five years is no longer three,
Here, no matter how you look at it,
Small children
And your habits.
But they also love deeply
And they kiss well.

Kissing round dance game. The guests stand in pairs in a “stream”, the first pair being the spouses. The couple who stands at the end of the stream begins. Having passed through the gate to the first pair, the young man kisses the girl from the first pair, and the girl kisses the young man. Then both those who start the game and the couple who kissed kiss in pairs. The game continues from the end of the "stream".

The trunk of fate is no longer a branch,
Here's your five-year anniversary!
And during this time the family tree... (surname) acquired a strong trunk, reliable roots, a branched crown and young buds.

Games are held for spouses.

Nightingale trills. Spouses receive wooden whistles on which words of love or a verse of a love song are whistled.
Money box. Redemption money boxes are used for the game. The spouses are trying to shake out the money from their piggy bank as quickly as possible.
Quiz. Shaking money doesn't require much intelligence. The main thing is to spend them wisely. Invest in your guests. Give them a lucky coin for the correct answer.
1. General age of the family.
2. Total weight.
3. Family signature dish.
4. How affectionately the husband calls his wife, etc.

Spouses give piglets to guests.

Without the newlyweds there is no wedding,
And there is no wedding without songs!
Let's sing, friends,
May the feast be interesting!

Wedding karaoke.

And at this moment, on the day of this meeting
We light candles for you.
So that love burns in you,
Light the candles! Good morning!

Everyone is given candles: small ones for guests and large ones for spouses. The newlyweds light their candles and the candles of all the guests from a torch. The couple dances in the center to the song “Two Stars” by Alla Pugacheva.

I want to proclaim love as a country,
May you live there in peace and warmth,
So that the anthem begins with her line:
“Love is above all else on earth!”

A significant date - the first five years of family life - is celebrated as a wooden wedding. This is a wonderful occasion for the young family and guests who were present at their wedding to get together again to communicate, have fun, and also take stock. A cool wooden wedding scenario will help you combine business with pleasure.

Where to spend

A wooden wedding can be a remake of a wedding feast. A married couple arranges a lavish meal in a restaurant or at home. Colorful invitations are sent to the invitees; the list of numerous guests for the most part repeats the guest list at the wedding with certain changes.

But it would be especially interesting to celebrate the fifth anniversary in the village in a real Russian hut. Options are also possible when a country house, dacha, or existing wooden buildings on the site, such as a bathhouse or outbuilding, are adapted for celebrations. And if the time of year allows, the lush trees of the orchard next to the house will become a magnificent natural decoration.

Wooden wedding decoration

When decorating the hall, you can use some items from the first wedding, but adding elements appropriate for the event being celebrated.

Firstly, in the decor you should give preference to the various shades of living trees: walnut, oak, birch and, of course, fresh foliage at different times of the year. Draperies, bows, various kinds of garlands of balls, flags, beads, and the like should be in these colors. The decor of a wooden wedding will not be complete without live and artificial plants, preferably tree-like, but herbaceous and shrubby ones are also possible.

Secondly, among the dishes and decorations on the tables there are also objects made of wood. For example, wooden spoons, mugs or glasses, salad bowls, flower vases and so on. Stylized signs with the names of guests made of birch bark or decorated with pine cones placed on tables will look organic.

Thirdly, a special place is occupied by a tree of wishes drawn in advance or printed on a large banner, on the leaves of which guests have the opportunity to leave congratulations to the heroes of the occasion. The leaves can also be made into pockets that can hold greeting cards.

Outfits of a young couple

When choosing images for a celebration, a young couple should choose festive outfits made in the colors used in the decor. You can also choose one or more accessories carved from wood. For example, ethnic necklace, carved hair clip, cufflinks, bracelets, buttons and much more. It is advisable to wear wooden decorative elements on yourself and your guests.


Just like a feast in honor of a wedding, a wooden wedding is not complete without comic, witty competitions. They are all the more fun because over the 5 years of marriage, the spouses have managed to study each other well and notice such characteristics in their soulmate that she may not notice in herself. A common feature of the competitions is that in one way or another they play with the number 5.

Competition "Palm". Any five questions for each spouse are written on two large paper palms. They can be related to both hands and habits.

Here is a list of sample questions.

For husband:

  • How often does your wife get her nails done and what color of polish does she prefer?
  • Which rings does your wife prefer to wear every day: gold or silver?
  • What is her favorite gemstone?
  • What gesture does she repeat most often when speaking?
  • What types of crafts does she excel at the most?

For the wife:

  • In which hand does the husband hold the hammer?
  • Which hand does he most often keep in his pocket?
  • How much weight can he lift with his little finger?
  • What does he like to do with his hands?
  • What gesture expresses his thoughtfulness?

The “Wish” competition will help to involve guests and also help them congratulate the married couple in eloquent terms. Each of the invitees must choose an epithet for the word “life” that reflects his wishes for the young family, and then pass the baton to the next one. Each player is given exactly 5 seconds to think, otherwise he loses. The winner is the guest whose epithet is said last at the end of the fifth minute.

Another interesting competition is “Guess the Tree.” Using pantomime, two players try to show the heroes of the occasion the content of the song, the title of which necessarily mentions a tree. For example, “There was a birch tree in the field”, “White acacia”, “Poplar fluff”, “White bird cherry”, “You are my fallen maple”, “I asked the ash tree”, “White lilac”, “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” and etc. Then the turn moves on to the next pair.

These and other competitions are interspersed with abundant food and fiery dancing of the guests. Toasts with colorful metaphors are welcomed, likening a wife to a slender plant, and a husband to a mighty, spreading tree.

The hall is festively decorated. At the head of the design is a poster “Where there is a wooden wedding, there is constant love.” Music is playing. The guests take their places at the table.

Leading. Dear owners!
Why is your house so full?
Don't have a seat at the table?
We want to hear a reason
Everything is now, not later.

Young people's answer.

Wedding! This is wonderful!
We are happy for you, friends,
Because you are rightfully
Very friendly family.
In honor of the years spent together
We present you with a bouquet.

Music is playing.
The presenter hands over a bouquet of five flowers.

Leading. Let's raise a toast to the wedding.
We sincerely congratulate you!

The guests support the toast.

Well, guests, are we silent?
Together, “Bitter!” We're all screaming!

Leading. Dear guests! Please answer me the question: “How much time has passed since the newlyweds solemnly registered their marriage?”

Guest responses.

Leading. Of course, five. By the way, the ancients considered this number a symbol of risk, attributed to it unpredictability, energy and independence, and Pythagoras gave the number “five” a special place and considered it the happiest of all numbers.

You are also happy with us now,
The door of love is open in the heart.
You are together as one now,
And we can’t see you without each other.

Using the magical power of the number “5”, you, dear young people, got to know each other like the back of your hand.

The husband is given a larger size paper “palm”, and the wife is given a smaller one.

Try to answer our questions.

Questions are written on each finger of the palm. The young people read them out and give the correct answers. Guests have the right to ask additional questions with humor.

Questions on the female palm addressed to the wife

1. Which finger does your husband like to scratch the back of his head with?
2. With which hand does the husband unbutton the buttons on his shirt?
3. Which gesture associated with the index finger is more often addressed to a child rather than to a spouse?
4. Which hand is your husband’s stronger: left or right?
5. Can a spouse lift a glass of wine with his little finger?

Questions on the male palm addressed to the husband

1. Which finger does the wife use to remove a lock of hair from her forehead?
2. How many rings does your spouse prefer to wear and on which fingers?
3. What do tightly clenched fingers mean?
4. To how many beats per minute does your wife’s pulse quicken when she hears a declaration of love?
5. Does your wife like to grow her nails?

Leading. Dear guests, take a look,
How much young people know now!
So, no matter how you turn it,
All questions will be answered immediately.
The family lives for five full years
And it grows big from love,
Multiplying wealth every year,
He creates his own special way of life.
Control in business, subtle calculation,
Without extravagance in money accounting.
But in love it’s the other way around -
An abundance of affection, madness, generosity.
Therefore, on this anniversary
There is no better and more tender couple!

So let's drink together to love,
What will happen in the heart again and again!

The guests raise a toast.
Musical pause.

Leading. Friends!
Let us not be silent at all,
But we haven't gotten bored yet,
I suggest you play
So as not to waste time.
He won't make a mistake
Who will hear about "Fifteen".
It will be difficult not to stain
And quickly congratulate.

During the game, we will select adjectives-wishes for the young people related to the word “life”. The person starting the game names the adjective and the name of the person to whom he passes the baton of congratulations. Anyone who fails to complete the task within 3 seconds is eliminated from the game. The winner is determined within 3 minutes. This will be the last participant to name their adjective when the clock shows that the specified time has expired.

So, I begin... I wish the young people a long life... Lena?

A game of “Tag” is played with summing up and rewarding.

I propose a toast to original wishes!

The guests support the toast.

Leading. Weddings are different
But I will ask the guests:
What kind of wedding is being celebrated?
Young people on their anniversary?

The guests answer.

Leading. A wooden wedding is a significant anniversary in the life of the newlyweds. The tree has always personified the continuation of life, warmed people, giving them its warmth. This is probably why it was customary for many peoples to wear wooden jewelry, to consider them real talismans that protected them from life’s adversities. Dear newlyweds! On this holiday, accept jewelry made from ringing cedar.

Let it ring without stopping,
There is a ringing of cedar in your souls,
Filling with strength of spirit.
He will help you in life.

Presentation of cedar talismans to young people.

Leading. You celebrate your wedding anniversary at a wonderful time of year, when it’s summer. Look - trees with beautiful, lush foliage!
How their leaves grow abundantly,
Please accept our congratulations.

A group of guests dress up in matryoshka costumes and appear before the young people to the sound of a cheerful Russian folk melody.

1st matryoshka. We are wooden nesting dolls,
We walked here to you along the path,
We hurried as best we could
And they carried the chest with them.

2nd matryoshka. In this glorious chest
We invested what we could.
Gifts here for different tastes,
I undertake to hand them over first.
For a wooden wedding
We are giving away a self-assembled tablecloth.
She will decorate any table,
Either wooden or simple.

Hands over a tablecloth.

3rd matryoshka. And I’ll give you a stand,
I've been looking at her for a long time.
There will be a place for her in the kitchen,
The hostess will have more fun.

Hands over a stand with wooden kitchen utensils: spatula, spoon, etc.

4th matryoshka. Candlesticks for intimacy.
You will light your flint,
And the flame of fiery love
You won't find anything hotter in the world.

Hands over wooden candlesticks.

5th matryoshka. From the nesting doll, from the smaller one,
There is a small surprise for you.
Even though he is small in stature,
You can simply use it.
Your first anniversary in the family
It should be noted
From wooden glasses to you
A drink is offered.

Shows a set of painted wooden glasses.

These glasses are painted,
Just so wonderful.
Let's pour wine into them now
And we drink to your happiness.

Wooden glasses are filled, two of which are given to the “anniversaries.”

For a happy union of the young!

Matryoshka dolls take places at the table.
The host gives the floor to congratulate the remaining guests.

Leading. Dear young people!
We continue to congratulate
And give you gifts.
We present this package
And we ask you to open it.

The newlyweds unseal the package containing the log.

Leading. Let this log support the warmth of your family hearth if necessary.

But with one log in the hearth
You won't make a fire.
With one hand
Don't hit
Palm on palm,
With one leg
You won't go out dancing
You can't fool around in the game.
Is it good when you only have one baby?

We wish that in the near future your family will increase by at least one more person. But now we will find out who you will have.

Look at the log
And find the marks there.

There are 2 matches attached to the ends of the log:
one whole, the other without the sulfur head.

Choose any match
And let us know about it.

1st option(whole match).
Your choice fell on a whole match.
We'll have to give Nastya a little sister.
If the match were a little shorter,
The road would be open for my son.

2nd option(short match).
If the choice fell on a long match,
I would have to give Nastya a sister.
And your match is a little shorter,
This means that the way is open for Nastya’s brother.
For the family, for her kids,
Which are and will appear in it!

The guests raise a toast.

Leading. The time for dancing has come, friends,
It's time to leave the feast for a while.

During the dance block, the newlyweds play the “Guess the Tree” game. All couples present at the celebration take part in the game. They are given cards with lines from songs. It is necessary to depict the content of the entire song in pantomime. The young guess the name of the tree and the song.

Song options

1. “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
2. “Why are you standing there, swaying, thin rowan tree?”
3. “There was a birch tree in the field.”
4. “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.”
5. “Poplars, poplars...”.
6. “A snow-white cherry blossomed by the window.”
7. "Old Maple."
8. “Oh, the viburnum is blooming in the field by the stream.”
9. “In the forest, they say, in the forest, they say, a pine tree grows.”

Leading. We invite everyone to sit down at the table,
Enjoy some hot dishes.

The guests take their places at the table.

Leading. We gathered at the table
Let's talk about one thing:
Glorify our young people
And congratulate their parents.
Dear parents!
We congratulate you today
Congratulations on the successful marriage of the young,
We wish you more joy
You divide it by six!

Friends! For parents, for their upbringing
I suggest you drink without prompting.

The guests raise a toast.

Leading. Today, without a doubt, is the anniversary of not only the newlyweds, but also their parents. After all, each of them has proudly worn their honorary title for 5 years now. I think it's time to confirm my “qualifications”. Dear father-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law and mother-in-law! Please choose a wooden box each.

Parents choose.

Leading. These boxes contain photographs from the family archive of our newlyweds. Try to tell in as much detail as possible about the events that are captured in the selected photographs.

Parents do the task.
The newlyweds act as judges.

Dear parents!
There are exactly five of them,
You need to pick one up
And report for the invited fraternity
Source of future wealth.

Each parent chooses a “wooden ruble” and reads out the source of wealth written on the back of the coin.


1. Numerous grandchildren.
2. New friends.
3. Purchasing pets.
4. Large harvest in the garden plot.
5. Receiving cash winnings.

Leading. And again we hear wishes from guests
At the hour of our late parting.
Let the parents be happy
For the fate of your children,
And then in everyone’s soul
It will become happier and brighter.
May the young family be strong,
Will never be destroyed
And this wedding is wooden
It will remain in their memory forever.
Let the guests raise their glasses to this
And now they will all be knocked over together.

Continuation of the feast. Dancing.


1. Bouquet.
2. Two paper “palms”: small and large.
3. Talismans made of cedar.
4. Matryoshka costumes, chest with gifts.
5. Log.
6. Cards with lines from songs.
7. Wooden boxes with photographs.
8. “Wooden rubles.”