DIY paper peacock. Master Class. Paper peacock Paper peacock template

This bird is distinguished by its bushy tail. Moreover, only males can boast of it, attracting the female with their bright colors. By telling your child about the features of this bird, you can create a craft - a peacock made of paper using the origami technique. Its step-by-step production can be found in this master class based on the photographs provided.

For work, we will prepare a green square of paper.

Photo 2.

Let's make a diagonal fold.

Photo 3.

We bend the side corners to the center line.

Photo 4.

Now you need to bend the corners outward.

Photo 5.

We bend the bottom corner of the resulting diamond upward.

Photo 6.

Then we bend it to the right side, aligning it with the horizontal line.

Photo 7.

We perform a symmetrical fold to the left side.

Photo 8.

We fold the blank of the future peacock in half. The upper part will subsequently become the tail, and the horizontal part will become the head.

Photo 9.

Fold the right corner up.

Photo 10.

At this point we make an internal fold.

Photo 11.

Now let's start shaping the peacock's tail. To do this, fold the top layer of the left side like an accordion.

Photo 12.

Let's turn the peacock blank over to the other side.

Photo 13.

Let's make symmetrical folds for the tail of our bird.

Photo 14.

To create the head, a slight bend is required.

Photo 15.

At this point we make an internal fold, the peacock's head is ready.

Photo 16.

This is what our bird looks like at this stage.

Photo 17.

Just a little work left to do on the tail. Make small folds in the center of the tail to make it appear more rounded.

Photo 18.

Our paper peacock using the origami technique is ready.

Photo 19.

What you will need to make a paper peacock:

A4 paper – 2 sheets
chicken egg – 1 pc.
piece of copper wire 20 - 30 cm
a piece of white polymer clay - I had one stick
PVA glue
Super glue

How to make a peacock out of paper:

You need to make two small holes in the chicken egg on both sides and blow out the egg by blowing from one of the sides. It is convenient to pierce the egg with a gypsy needle. Dry the hollow egg well - for at least a day, so that it does not give off a smell later.

Place the egg on a piece of paper and draw a paw pattern, guessing the right size - three fingers forward, one back.

Drawing a peacock's foot pattern
We bend a piece of copper wire in half and twist it on both sides of the paw, trying to adhere to the drawn template as much as possible. Leave the loose ends. With their help we will attach the legs to the egg.

We twist the legs from a piece of wire
Both the paws and the egg itself must be carefully covered with a thin layer of polymer clay. On the paws, we immediately form the desired bend in the toes so that the paws stand stable.

Cover with polymer clay
We attach the legs to the egg covered with polymer clay so as to maintain the center of gravity - the paper peacock should be stable. We fix the ends of the wire on the egg with a few more pieces of polymer clay.

We attach the peacock's legs to the egg

We sculpt a head with a beak and a very thin straight neck - it will be inserted into a paper tube, which will immediately increase the thickness of the neck. We carefully work on the nose. I compared the finished beak with photographs of living peacocks :-) The similarity turned out to be distant, but I was in a hurry.

We bake the peacock's body and head in the oven according to the instructions for your type of polymer clay (such recommendations may differ in both the duration of heat treatment and the required baking temperature).

We cut out feathers from 15 to 17 mm from paper. thickness:

13 pieces of 15 cm for the tail
15 feathers of 8 cm each for the tail
6 feathers 5 cm each for wings
5 feathers 3 cm each - 3 for the tail behind the peacock and one in each wing
at least 40 feathers of 15 mm each for a peacock’s body.

To do this, fold strips of paper of the required length and width in half lengthwise, round the ends, cut out a pattern if necessary, and very finely cut along the entire length with scissors.

Cutting out the feathers

In order not to cut off the middle of the feather, I used a trick - I inserted a thin needle into the fold of the paper and advanced it as needed. The needle did not make it possible to cut more than necessary with scissors.

The needle will not allow you to cut off the center of the pen

Next, carefully open the feather and use your nails to make a tiny pinch along the entire length of the feather, forming a spine. The feather is ready and you can start gluing it.

We collect the tail separately on a paper circle

Glue the tail with PVA glue separately onto a small piece of paper. Make sure that the ponytail looks decorative on both sides. The finished tail must be dried thoroughly until the glue is completely dry.

This is what a finished paper peacock tail looks like

Glue the tail to the egg with superglue. If the bird starts to fall, don’t worry, when we glue the head, it will balance the tail.

Glue the tail with superglue

We begin to cover the body with small feathers, starting with the legs and moving towards the neck. The feathers should overlap. The smaller the feathers and the more closely they fit together, the more beautiful the result will be.

We glue wings on the body. They can be assembled separately and then glued. Or you can immediately glue them to the body, but then it is important to ensure their correct and symmetrical arrangement.

Roll the paper into a tube in several layers. The height of the tube should be equal to the length of the neck, and the internal diameter should allow you to insert your head into it. We fix the head inside the tube with superglue. We seal the tube with PVA.

We cut a 15 mm strip along the length of the sheet, fold it in half and cut it like feathers. We open it and fold it again, but not along the fold line, but 1 mm higher. The result is a fringe. We coat the fold with PVA glue and wrap it in small turns around the neck of the paper peacock. There shouldn't be a lot of glue. otherwise the fringe will stick together and not provide volume. I then lifted it in the crumpled places with a needle and fluffed it up.

The beak and paws were painted with soft pink nail polish. I used black varnish and a needle to paint the eyes and nostrils. This is how 5 hours of work turned into a cute decor for a children's room :-)

We paint the legs and beak with nail polish

Paper peacock from behind

Full face paper peacock

DIY paper peacock

Perhaps this is my only work so far that was entirely invented by me, and not spied on the Internet. Although, it seems, I saw similar feathers in applications in the Country of Masters. But they definitely haven’t covered bulky toys with them before!

If you're addicted origami, then you definitely want to do it paper peacock. This bird is a delight thanks to its beautiful bushy tail. A DIY peacock is as beautiful as the real thing. The model is not as simple to implement as it seems at first glance. Follow the recommendations and everything will work out!

How to make a peacock out of paper

First of all, prepare some colored paper. Choose bright solid shades or take a piece of paper with a pattern.

Usually a square is used in origami, but this peacock is made from a rectangle. Aspect ratio 1:2. I take a sheet of 20x10 cm. PVA glue is also useful for gluing the tail at the end of the work.

Peacock: step by step instructions

Bend the rectangle along the longitudinal and transverse lines. This will make your future work easier.

The sheet is divided into two halves by a transverse fold. One will be the body and head of a peacock, the other will be a bushy tail.

Start assembly with the body. To do this, fold a double triangle at the top of the sheet. It is discussed in detail. To make it smooth and not cause difficulties, bend the top square along diagonal lines.

The resulting double triangle has two upper free ends. Take one of them and flatten it. In this case, the initial fold line should be exactly in the middle.

Bend the lower sides of the resulting figure as a result of flattening to the center line. Straighten it back.

Using the resulting lines, hide the outermost sections inside. It looks like this.

Point the top end down. The result is a rhombus. Bend it along the longitudinal line and move the sector to the right.

You have another free tip created by folding the double triangle. Do the same with him. The result will be a figure like this.

Gently spread the downward ends apart and tuck the protruding sharp corner inward. Put everything back in its place. Now the figure looks a little different.

Pull the ends looking down to the sides and tuck them inward.

Move the right tip, together with part of the outer part, to the left to open up the space underneath it. Fold the far right section towards the center. Put the top piece back in place. On the left, do the same.


Let's start with the tail. Everything is quite simple here. We form small folds like an accordion. To make them even, bend the peacock along a horizontal line. The point where the bird's legs come together (the ends sticking out to the sides) should meet the point in the form of an acute angle formed by bending the side sections. It is below. It looks like this.

Go back. Bring the bottom border of the sheet to the fold formed in the last step. Go back.

Fold the bottom border of the sheet to the second line. Unbend.

Fold the bottom to the third line and then to the fourth. This is necessary for even folds.

Along the intended folds, assemble back and forth, that is, “accordion-style.”

There is very little left. Let's draw diagonal lines on the peacock's body. Each begins at the level of the edge of the paw and ends at the border with the tail.

Using the resulting lines, bend the bird’s body down and point the tail forward.

Form the neck and head by turning a section of paper inside out and right side out again.

Making a three-dimensional craft step by step with a photo “Peacock” from colored paper

Author: Lavrenko Tamara Mikhailovna, teacher of additional education MBOU DO Youth Center Yeysk
Krasnodar region
Description: the material may be useful to teachers of preschool and additional education,
teachers, children and their parents.
Purpose: This master class is conducted with school-age children, it will also be useful
teachers of art and technology, teachers of additional education of artistic and aesthetic orientation,
parents and children.
Application: the craft can be used as a decoration for home or exhibition interiors,
as a gift souvenir.
Target: Making three-dimensional crafts “peacock” from colored paper.
- teach how to make a three-dimensional craft “peacock”
- improve the ability to fold colored paper like an accordion and work with cardboard.
- promote the development of imagination and creativity
- cultivate accuracy and hard work,
- friendly attitude of working in a team.
Visual range:
- paper craft “Peacock”
- safety poster
- children's paper crafts folded like an accordion
- children's drawings “Peacock”
- crafts from different materials with the image of “Peacock”
- poster for reflection “Compliment”
- “Peacock” poster for reflection
Musical arrangement:
- peacock dance, music by the group “Oblako”
- peacock body templates made of colored cardboard
- colored double-sided cardboard
- colored paper
- glue stick
- scissors

1.Organizing time.
Hello children!
I want you to say hello to me too, but only after I ask you a question will you answer
and sit down. Fine?
“Those who are in a good mood now, hello!”
“Those who didn’t get enough sleep today, hello!”
“Those who like to draw, hello!”
“Those who love to sing and dance, hello!”
Well, well done! We said hello to everyone.

2.Preparation for the perception of new material.
Now guess the riddle:
What kind of miracle bird is this?!
Not an owl or a tit,
Not a crane or a thrush...
Like an open fan tail...
Blue, green, red -
How many colors are there on feathers?
Just an important gentleman,
And his name is... (Peacock).

Guys! Do you know that peacocks are the most beautiful and largest flying birds in the world.
People admire them, artists love to depict them in their paintings.
"Fedoskino miniatures":

You can draw a peacock with gouache:

You can also draw a peacock with cotton swabs and sculpt it from plasticine

Made using the “scratch” and “iso-thread” techniques

3. Practical part.
1.Peacock body template.
Place this template on colored cardboard, trace it with a pencil, and cut it out with scissors.

Let's draw the eyes with felt-tip pens (you can glue ready-made eyes).
Cut two holes as indicated on the template.

2. Making a peacock tail.
To make the peacock's tail colorful and beautiful, we will glue together three different colors.

Let's make an accordion out of paper. Guys! Who knows what an accordion is?
That's right, it's a musical instrument.

You will take her in your hands,
Either you stretch it or you squeeze it!
Voiced, elegant,
Russian, two-row.
It will play, just touch it,
What is her name? (harmonic)

When we fold paper in this way, it becomes like an accordion.

Look at the children's crafts, they are also made of paper folded like an accordion.

Place one leaf in front of you and begin folding the paper like an accordion.
Take your time and fold the paper carefully!
“They pressed the fold with their fingers,
crushed with nails
turned the sheet towards you." ( repeat this many times!), (turn on the melody!)

Here you go! Our accordion turned out great! Now let's bend it in half to find the middle.
Now let's take a second sheet of paper and make a second accordion and also bend it in half.

Guys! And now there will be an important task. We need to insert our accordion very carefully
into the slit of the peacock's body. Let's try!

We inserted one accordion into the first slot, then insert the second accordion into the second slot.

Now let's glue together parts of one and the second tail. Everyone did it! Well done!

Physical exercise.
Guys! What do you think the peacock eats? In nature, peacocks eat fruits, berries, insects,
and in zoos, peacocks eat carrots and cabbage.
Now let's play this game:
“We chop cabbage, chop
We three, three carrots.
We salt the cabbage, salt it.
We squeeze the carrot and squeeze it.

Let's play another game, it's called "Compliment".
Let's praise peacocks, not just our own, but each other's.
Guys! Please note there is a poster on the board:
“The peacock has a tail like a fairy tale,
and inside there’s a hint for you!”

For example:" Tanya has the most peacock....." or " Vitya has the best peacock...»
Well, we praised each other for the work done.

And at the end we will play another little game "Peacock of Luck".

It is very easy to make a peacock out of paper with your own hands. Follow the step-by-step instructions and you will get this bright bird. Although it’s a little funny, since the site is exclusively about children’s crafts and applications.

For this creative work you will need the following materials:

  • Colored cardboard for the peacock's body, I chose blue;
  • 4 different shades of colored paper for the tail;
  • Moving eyes, or some black and white paper for homemade eyes. As a last resort, use a black felt-tip pen to draw eyes;
  • Scissors, a simple pencil, a glue stick.

DIY paper peacock step by step

Fold colored paper in half and cut one half. Make an accordion out of the remaining half. Simply fold into a thin strip, first one way and then the other. Press well. You will get these bellows accordions.

Fold each one in half. Try to do this as symmetrically as possible so that later you get an even peacock tail.

Straighten the folded paper and glue one to the other. Glue must be applied not only in the middle, but along the entire side of the strip, so that the tail does not have gaps between the colors. Glue the top accordion with its neighbors and with itself. The result is a beautiful fan, fold it and press it well so that everything sticks well.

Next, draw and cut out the peacock's body. In this version it is very simple: a circle with expanding arcs branching from it. Don't forget to pre-calculate the height of the body, taking into account that you need to leave some of the paper for the fold. It’s better to be a little long than short; the excess bottom can be cut off later.

Cut out a triangle from yellow paper - a beak and a small crown. Glue them on, as well as the eyes.

The DIY paper peacock is almost ready. Bend the bottom of the body in the direction where the tail will be, and then glue it to the resulting stand. You can apply a little glue to the back of the peacock's head and attach it to the tail for a more stable position.