An original gift for a pearl wedding to parents. What to give parents. Extraordinary gifts for the anniversary

30 years of marriage is a lot. This solemn anniversary testifies that the spouses are really made for each other, and their love grew stronger, despite all the troubles, domestic troubles and even blows of fate. And today, many are interested in the question of what kind of wedding - 30 years of marriage? How to celebrate an anniversary? Are there important traditions to follow? And, finally, what to give to the anniversaries?

30 years together - what kind of wedding is this?

30 years of marriage is a long time. And this anniversary is called the pearl wedding.

This is an extremely important date, an important stage in married life. That is why the anniversary must be celebrated with family, children and close friends. Naturally, there are some ancient traditions that are desirable to observe. There are some rituals that are important for the future life of the spouses - they must be included in the celebration script.

What does the pearl symbolize?

Now that we've figured out what it's called, it's worth considering features and anniversaries. It's no secret that pearls are quite expensive jewelry. This pebble is created by some shellfish. One grain of sand that accidentally fell into a shell gradually turns into a beautiful pearl. Year after year, the layer of mother-of-pearl becomes thicker, and the pebble itself becomes more beautiful and more expensive.

Pearls are considered to be a symbol of love, purity, chastity and fertility. And 30 years of marriage is like a jewel. Year after year, spouses overcome obstacles together, solve problems, learn to understand each other without words. Year after year, married life becomes more valuable, beautiful and harmonious.

Where is the best place to celebrate an anniversary?

Symbols and traditions are extremely important, as they partly determine how which wedding is celebrated. 30 years of marriage is a pearl anniversary, and, as you know, pearls are associated with water.

That is why the anniversary should ideally be celebrated near the sea. Naturally, not everyone can afford such a trip. Therefore, for the celebration, you can choose a restaurant or any other place near the water, whether it be a lake or a river. But if you don’t have such an opportunity, then the celebration can be held at home.

How to arrange a holiday table?

Naturally, you need to solemnly celebrate the anniversary of living together. 30 years together is an important date. And since pearls belong to the sea element, the table and the room (or the hall in the restaurant) must be arranged accordingly.

It is best to decorate the table with silk or satin tablecloths, preferably beige, pearl. And in the middle of the table, you can build a small composition of different colors of light shades, strings of beads or even beautiful shells. By the way, on this occasion, you can buy a traditional pearl tree of happiness, which is made from beads and pearl beads - this will become a symbol of the years you have lived together (by the way, this is a great gift idea, since you can make such a tree yourself).

As for the menu, it should include at least a few seafood dishes. And do not forget about the birthday cake - let it be decorated with small shining beads with beige icing.

Important Traditions: Morning Vows

As already mentioned, it is the ancient customs that determine how which wedding will be celebrated. 30 years of marriage is an anniversary that is rich in traditions. And the celebration begins in the morning. At dawn, the couple go together to the nearest body of water. Some couples go to the sea in honor of such a significant date, but if you do not have such an opportunity, you can visit the nearest river or lake.

Here, at sunrise, the spouses throw pearls into the water, swearing to each other that they will remain together as long as the stones lie at the bottom of the reservoir. In the absence of pearls, you can throw a coin into the water.

They also say that on this day, the anniversaries must go to the morning prayer in the church. In the temple, you need to put three candles together: the first is placed for the health of the husband (wife), the second represents gratitude for the years lived together, and the third candle symbolizes hope for the further favor of fate.

After that, the couple returns home, where another important ceremony awaits them. Husband and wife should join hands, stand in front of a mirror and once again take an oath of love and fidelity to each other. After all, it has long been believed that the mirror has magical properties. Besides, the mirror never lies. Taking him as a witness, the spouses confirm that their intentions are crystal clear, that for 30 years of life together they no longer have secrets, secrets and omissions from each other.

Gift exchange - what do spouses give each other?

Naturally, the thirtieth anniversary is an important day that requires appropriate presentations. So what to give your spouse for 30 years of marriage? A man should give his wife and there should be exactly thirty pearls on the thread, each of which symbolizes a year lived together. But the wife can give her husband cufflinks or a tie clip decorated with pearls.

It is generally accepted that pearls are only beige. But in fact, these stones can take on completely different shades, each of which symbolizes something. For example, blue pearls on a wife's necklace symbolize dreams that have come true, while green ones are hopes for a brighter future. Red pearls - a symbol of love, the fire of which will not go out soon, into black stones - this is the path that you have yet to go hand in hand.

If you give your husband pink pearls, then this indicates his dreamy nature. Bronze stones symbolize confidence in the future.

What to give for a 30th wedding anniversary? Interesting ideas for gifts for anniversaries

Of course, one should not go to such an important holiday empty-handed. What should guests give a married couple? It is generally accepted that the best gift would be pearl jewelry. Of course, you can give a necklace or earrings - the anniversaries will be pleased. But natural pearls are not cheap, so not every guest can afford such a present.

In fact, there are many ideas for gifts. For example, you can give your spouses photo frames decorated with pearl beads. As mentioned above, you can make a pearl tree yourself (it is not necessary to take expensive natural stones for this).

You can make an album by placing photos of the spouses in it in chronological order - so they will not be able to remember the best moments of their lives. The album can be sheathed with silk fabric, decorated with ribbons and beads. A pearl-encrusted box will also be an excellent gift.

Gifts can be very different - the main thing is to bring sincere congratulations. 30 years of marriage are symbolized by pearls. But you can also give silk. Yes, silk bed linen or clothing will also come in handy.

Scenario - 30 years of marriage we celebrate merrily

Of course, the spouses must be congratulated on the pearl wedding. Congratulations and

Quite popular is a rite called "Baptism of Fire", which will help brighten up the evening. To carry it out, you will need household items. In particular, the wife should bring with her a frying pan, a rolling pin, a broom, a rag with a bucket, a knife, or other items that she uses in modern life. The husband brings his tools - hammer, drill, saw, pliers, screwdriver, etc.

30 years of married life is a great happiness. But you never know what tomorrow will bring. Therefore, spouses should see if they can fulfill each other's duties. Therefore, the husband and wife exchange things and demonstrate their skills.

Solemn vows of spouses

It is known that on the silver and gold anniversaries of the wedding, the spouses exchange rings. And on the thirtieth anniversary there is an exchange of pearls. It is best to perform this ceremony at the end of the evening, for example, before serving the cake.

Spouses should stand in front of the guests and solemnly pronounce the oaths of love and fidelity. Husband and wife promise each other constant support, attention and unshakable trust. After that, you need to exchange two white pearls.

By the way, there is a belief that if one of the spouses violates his vows, then the pearl will turn black. Therefore, it was customary to make pendants or rings from this stone that could be worn all the time. This is a kind of demonstration that both husband and wife keep their promises.

Ritual "Transfer of Happiness"

Thirty years of marriage is a huge experience that anniversaries are simply obliged to pass on. Surely, the spouses have children or other relatives who have just married or are just preparing for the wedding. It is to them that the heroes of the day will pass on their “happiness”.

To carry out the ritual, you will need a clean notebook and pen, as well as a rope, a ring, a ribbon, a plate and coins. First, the spouses give their “receivers” a blank notebook (or sheet of paper) - here the young couple should write down all the good events of life. Then, with parting words, the heroes of the day give the young people a pen, which will be used to make notes.

After that, the legs of the young man and woman are tied with a rope, which symbolizes their unity. A long ribbon is placed in front of the pair, and a plate or other container is placed at the end of it. Young people with tied legs must go all the way together, and for each step they take, the guests throw a coin into the bowl. This ritual symbolizes unity and the fact that a happy life can only be created together, going through troubles together.

A pearl wedding is celebrated after 30 years of marriage. One can only admire such a period - not everyone can live three decades next to each other and be able to save a family. Many "newlyweds" celebrate their thirtieth anniversary solemnly - they invite guests and arrange a banquet. It is necessary to go to such an event with a good gift, and special gifts are given on this day.

Symbolic gifts for a pearl wedding

According to tradition, for 30 years from the date of the wedding, it is customary to give products made of natural pearls. With my wife, the issue is solved simply - rings, earrings, a necklace or any other jewelry made from this delicate and beautiful material or with its inserts will do. With men it's a little more difficult. You can buy cufflinks or a tie clip with a pearl as a gift, but not every man wears such accessories.

If jewelry for a gift is not suitable, then the "newlyweds" can buy a lamp in the shape of a pearl, a picture of pearls or a jewelry box decorated with pearls.

Also for a pearl wedding they give everything mother-of-pearl. For such a case, figurines, candlesticks, vases, bowls, watches or dishes with mother of pearl are suitable. An excellent gift is a mother-of-pearl photo frame with a photo of the heroes of the occasion. Another option is a mirror in a mother-of-pearl frame.

Children can order a chic shell-shaped cake with a pearl for their parents celebrating their 30th wedding anniversary. As a last resort, you need to try to find sweets, on the box of which a symbolic drawing will be depicted.

Commemorative gifts

If you want to give a family with thirty years of experience a pleasant and memorable gift, you can order their portrait, drawn from a joint photo. As a basis, you can take a photo from a wedding or the most successful family portrait of recent years.

A magnificent gift for a pearl wedding - an electronic photo frame. In her memory, you need to record in advance photographs of a wedding celebration thirty years ago, translated into digital form.

A special medal or figurine with a commemorative inscription will always remind you of a significant day. Most likely, the heroes of the occasion will keep such a thing in the most visible place, and each guest will be able to admire the fact that he is in the house of a family with such serious experience.

Practical gifts

People who have lived 30 years in love and harmony will definitely need gifts for home and life. There are no prohibitions for household appliances such as a mixer, blender or coffee maker. To make life easier, you can give a slow cooker or a bread machine, and to prepare tasty and healthy food - a double boiler or a juicer.

A good gift for a married couple with respectable experience will be a set of bed linen, a blanket or a warm blanket. If desired, it will be possible to find textiles with the image of pearls. For a pearl wedding, parents are advised to buy new pillows, terry dressing gowns or bath towels as a gift - such things will always come in handy in any home.

Inexpensive gifts for friends for a pearl wedding

If you are going to congratulate your friends on the thirtieth anniversary of your life together, it is not necessary to buy a very expensive gift. If there is no magnificent banquet, then you can get by with some pleasant trifle for the house. For this purpose, a key holder, a piggy bank, a beautiful tablecloth, a breakfast tray, a set of tea cups or beautiful glasses, an original alarm clock or a wall clock for the kitchen are suitable.

Do not lose sight of the hobbies and hobbies of the "newlyweds". If friends like to spend evenings in the family circle, then they will like checkers, chess, bingo or another family game. A couple who loves their own dacha will love any items that make working on the site easier and things that make a summer vacation enjoyable.

In order for a practical gift to fit perfectly into the theme of a pearl wedding, it is enough to pack it correctly. For this purpose, light mother-of-pearl paper, white or pink ribbons, bows and roses are suitable.

For any gift, be sure to prepare a bouquet. A pearl of flowers or a white swan of buds will look original. Snow-white callas are also suitable for this occasion, their shape most of all resembles a symbolic pearl.

If a married couple celebrates 30 years of marriage, what kind of wedding is celebrated in this case, all relatives should know. This is a serious date, popularly referred to as a “pearl wedding”. In this case, pearls personify the strength of feelings carried through the years, their purity and maturity. It is understood that over the past 30 years since the wedding, the relationship of the spouses has grown, developed and become more beautiful every day like a pearl. It is customary to celebrate the thirtieth wedding anniversary surrounded by the closest people to a married couple - children, grandchildren, close relatives and good family friends. Guests invited to the celebration will certainly think about what to give for the anniversary. Will want to please each other and the heroes of the occasion. In addition, for spouses on this day, the question of how to celebrate 30 years of marriage will be relevant.

But not all women suit pearls and not everyone likes them, and the percentage of men who will use a pearl pin or cufflinks is generally scanty. In addition, spouses exchange these gifts, and children and close relatives will still have to come up with other gift options.


Gifts with pearls and mother-of-pearl

You can follow the traditions and give your parents something decorated with pearls or mother-of-pearl close to it for the anniversary. It can be a pair of beautiful silver spoons with a pearl or mother-of-pearl insert in a smart package. In jewelry stores you can find silver glasses inlaid with pearls. They look luxurious, but are completely non-functional.

You can give a beautiful chest inlaid with mother-of-pearl to store documents or family jewelry. By the way, such gizmos are not given empty - be sure to put a coin or a bill inside for happiness and prosperity.

A good gift would be the "Book of Family History" in a handmade cover, decorated with mother-of-pearl details and pearls. The content of the book will be family photos, records of significant dates, stories about important events. Parents will be pleased to remember their youth, and to show their grandchildren how young, in love and happy they were.

If the family honors Christian traditions, a mother-of-pearl crucifix will become a valuable, desirable and very expensive gift for anniversaries. Along with the crucifix, you can give the Gospel or the Bible in an exclusive binding.

If the heroes of the occasion have a positive attitude towards souvenirs, a table clock in the form of a shell will be a beautiful present. You can buy a beautiful water ionizer as a gift for a pearl wedding: a silver shell with a pearl inside looks elegant and will bring benefits.

Gift-impression for two

If the anniversaries live in the same city where their relationship began 30 years ago, you can give them a romantic walk: rent a luxury limousine for a few hours for their parents so that they can ride around memorable places, remember how it all began. If the place of residence has changed in 30 years, many will be happy to go for one or two days to the city of their youth. Children only need to organize and pay for the trip.

A good gift for parents can be a ticket to a resort or a sanatorium, a subscription to a massage parlor.

Without pearls - also a gift

There are many gifts that to some extent echo the theme of pearls and mother-of-pearl, and at the same time have functionality and practicality. As such gifts to parents for a pearl wedding, it is quite appropriate:

  • high-quality silk pillows, the surface of which resembles pearl overflows;
  • bed linen with a 3D image of shells and pearls, with a marine theme or even any other pattern;
  • set of silverware with shell-shaped handles.

You can pre-order a commemorative medal for anniversaries, which will complement any gift.

If the anniversaries have a sense of humor, you can play with the pearl theme in a funny way with any gift. For example, give the name "Pearl" to a lawn mower for a summer residence or a food processor. To do this, it is enough to seal the brand with a label made by oneself.

It is not so important what to give for a pearl wedding, if the gift is appropriately packaged. Delicate tones of packaging, use of mother-of-pearl tones in the decor, strings of artificial pearls - and the theme of the festival will be observed.

Handmade gifts

All that unique and exclusive that you can make yourself or order from craftsmen can fall into the category of exclusive gifts with runework. One of the gifts of this kind, very attractive and completely unique - a bottle of champagne or other drink decorated in various techniques. You can use decoupage for this design, painting on glass with acrylic paints, or drapery with silk fabric. Complete with an elegant bottle, you can give two glasses decorated in a wedding theme using pearls.

Even a simple box of chocolates can be designed in such a way that it will touch the heroes of the day to the core. For close people, it is not so much the value of the gift in monetary terms that is important, but the attitude, attention, love invested in it.

Close relatives can prepare culinary masterpieces decorated in accordance with the theme of the holiday as a delicious surprise. First of all, it is, of course, the cake. Modern technologies make it possible to create real masterpieces from a banal confectionery product. However, if you apply imagination, you can make even sandwiches or aspic “pearl”.


A wedding does not happen without flowers, and few people are able to come to a pearl wedding to their parents without a bouquet. Professional florists can offer themed flower arrangements and bouquets, collected specifically for a pearl wedding. For this event, light flowers are best suited:

  • white, pink, cream roses;
  • white and pink tulips;
  • tender lilies;
  • exquisite orchids;
  • mysterious callas resembling sea shells.

Not every family celebrates wedding anniversaries. Over the long years spent together, people get used to and grow to each other so that it already begins to seem to them that they have always been together, which could not even happen otherwise, and there is nothing to celebrate here. The duty of children and close relatives is to convince the heroes of the day to look at everything from a different point of view and appreciate the gift that Fate gave them 30 years ago. A strong family is a real value, and in no case should you underestimate the importance of a long-term marriage. It is worth celebrating and celebrating. And of course, a pearl wedding is an excellent occasion to give parents something that they themselves were not going to buy.

Liana Raymanova

After thirty joint years that the spouses spend in marriage, the third anniversary date of the family is a pearl wedding anniversary. The couple have been together for a long time, equipped their home, raised children, they already have grandchildren. After thirty years of marriage, the spouses have learned to understand and appreciate each other, peace and mutual understanding reign in their family. After all, to live together for so many years and meet a pearl wedding can only friendly and loving hearts. The closer the date of the anniversary, the faster the children, relatives and family friends need to decide what gifts they will present to the anniversaries on the day of the celebration.

What to give for a pearl wedding? For example, a brooch with pearls

Many people think that it is customary to give gifts with pearls on a pearl wedding anniversary. But this option is more suitable for children of spouses or their relatives. In addition, spouses can give pearl jewelry to each other. Therefore, the gift of friends for the 30th wedding anniversary should be slightly different from other presents. You can think of more useful things in the household or find something completely unusual.

What can you give a married couple for a pearl wedding, except for pearls:

  • Modern gadgets or household electrical appliances. This is the most universal gift, which is suitable for any kind of holiday, including a pearl wedding. Household appliances that make housekeeping easier are the perfect gift for a couple in their fifties. The hostess in the kitchen does not have extra electrical appliances. You can buy spouses a slow cooker, an electric meat grinder, a coffee maker or a microwave. Give something that anniversaries do not have so that they will enjoy using your gift in the future.
  • Order a portrait painted in oil. Finding the right artist is not difficult, the main thing is to carefully study the portfolio of potential candidates and the prices they offer for their services. If you are not sure that you can choose the right photo with which the portrait will be written, buy a certificate from the artist. According to it, the spouses themselves will be able to go to the workshop and participate in the painting.
  • Textile gifts. Despite the fact that it is not entirely original, textiles still do not lose their popularity. Good quality textiles are a necessary thing in the household. Spouses will be happy to receive good bed linen, a beautiful tablecloth, silk bathrobes or a plaid with original embroidery from friends. If you want to do emphasis on anniversary title, look for mother-of-pearl textiles or things with the image of pearls. Named bathrobes for spouses are very popular now. They can be terry or silk, and you can order any inscription on the back, for example, congratulations on a pearl wedding.

Textiles as a gift to friends for a pearl anniversary

  • Pet. Before you decide on such a present, think about whether the spouses love animals and whether they will be happy with such an unusual gift. As a rule, people closer to fifty years spend a lot of time at home, which means that they will be able to devote the right amount of time to the animal. Spouses who love home animals, you can give a thoroughbred puppy or kitten, parrots, an aquarium with fish, a hamster, a guinea pig.

Original pearl wedding gift: pet

What can you give spouses to each other for 30 years of marriage?

According to tradition, spouses can start their day by presenting gifts to each other. Since the pearl is the symbol of the anniversary, gifts should also be associated with it.

According to a long tradition, a spouse on their 30th anniversary should have a necklace of 30 pearls or any other jewelry with pearls.

Gold neckpiece with pearls, Primaexclusive(price link)

Together with the main gift to give to his wife gorgeous bouquet Or a box of your favorite candy. The wife can wear pearl cufflinks or a tie clip on this day.

In addition to traditional gifts, spouses can please each other with more practical things or antique items. If you want to really surprise your soul mate, get gift Certificate skydiving, paratrike flight or tickets to swim with dolphins. Such a surprise will be remembered for a long time by both of you.

By the 30th wedding anniversary, the children of the spouses, as a rule, are already adults and self-sufficient individuals. Most often they live separately from them with their family. Therefore, buying a good one for such an important holiday for their family will not be difficult for them.

Gifts from children to parents should be family and sincere

It is best to choose things that will remind anniversaries of this beautiful day every day. Therefore, to give a family a thirty-year wedding is the following:

  • Photo frames with flash drive. Digital frames with a special built-in screen for photos are a very interesting and unusual gift. Favorite family pictures are uploaded to the flash drive, and the photo frame itself starts to broadcast them, changing frame by frame. You can upload photos from your parents' wedding or other joint memorable pictures to a USB flash drive. Such an innovation will surely please them and will delight them every day.

Parents as a gift for a pearl wedding: a photo frame with a flash drive

  • Can organize a banquet for a celebration. It is best to organize a holiday for the younger generation. Let you take over these pleasant claps, and your parents will have a rest at this time. It's their holiday and they deserve it.

As a gift to parents on the 30th anniversary, the organization of a banquet

  • Give a tree seedling. This is a great gift for gardening parents. You can buy any seedling that they lack: an apple tree, a pear tree, a plum tree, or a small oak tree. If the pearl wedding falls on the warm season, you can plant seedlings together with the whole family.

This is a wonderful gift that will grow before your eyes and delight your parents with its fruits.

Original DIY gifts for the 30th pearl wedding anniversary

There is nothing more beautiful handmade gifts. You can easily find different ideas for birthday gifts that are easy to make at home. You can come up with a suitable option yourself, for example, if you already have some talents. For those who could not decide, there are training master classes that tell in detail and show how to prepare a gift with your own hands, for example, make a bouquet of sweets for a pearl wedding.

What gift can you make yourself?

  • Prepare special medals and certificates that will have the name "Best Parents", "Best Married Couple", etc. It all depends on your imagination. Commemorative medals and certificates of the wife will then be kept in a conspicuous place, such a sincere gift will remind them of a memorable date in their family life.

DIY pearl wedding gifts

  • Make a family book of the family. Studying the pedigree of a family is a rather responsible and time-consuming task. It is possible to compile a family book only up to the fifth generation. For this unique presentation it will take a lot of time, so start researching your pedigree well in advance of your anniversary.

Handmade gifts will be especially valuable for anniversaries. After all, the main thing is not the cost of a souvenir, but the love and attention that you are given along with it.

March 26, 2018, 18:02

A pearl wedding is a serious date. Not every couple is destined to celebrate it! If your parents, relatives or friends are on the verge of a significant event, it's time to think about gifts for anniversaries. There are plenty of interesting ideas, and choosing a good option is difficult. The problem is that every family has its own customs and traditions. Someone thinks that the priority should be beautiful, but classic things. Representatives of the younger generation believe that something original should be presented. In this regard, the advice of our experts can be useful. Pay attention to the following nuances.

  • Pearl products are considered traditional gifts. These include decorative wood, jewelry in the form of diadems, beads and earrings. A great idea is to present a pair of mother-of-pearl balls in a miniature box. According to tradition, spouses must throw them into the water, swearing love and fidelity.
  • On 30 years of marriage, it is customary to go to church to thank the Almighty for a long family life. Give the happy couple a leather-bound Bible, an image of a saint with a mother-of-pearl frame, a lamp decorated with a pearl. Such things will remind you of the event for the rest of your life.
  • A wedding anniversary is an event for two people. Give preference to a gift that both husband and wife will gratefully accept. A universal family present - a large photo album, a tea set, a set of dishes from a well-known manufacturer.
  • Today you can buy almost everything. However, things that will be made personally for the heroes of the occasion are of the greatest value. A specially minted medal should be presented, decorated with the names of the newlyweds. The date on which their wedding fell is appropriate.
  • 30 years of marriage have taught the spouses that external effects are not the main thing. Therefore, gifts should be, first of all, practical. Among the things purchased for the wedding, household appliances stand out. A vacuum cleaner, a microwave oven, a water heater are time-tested win-win ideas.
  • A wedding anniversary is an occasion to fulfill an old dream. Children should know what to give their parents. If the present is chosen by friends, you can ask what the couple lacks for complete happiness.
  • A bouquet or a basket of flowers must be purchased for round dates. Wedding anniversaries are no exception. But remember that they are not a gift. A beautiful addition enhances the impression of the main presentation.

When choosing a sign of attention to a pearl wedding, look through the list of universal options. Spouses celebrating the 30th anniversary of marriage can give:

  • Composition of balls, ice cream, chocolate.
  • Cake with chocolate figurines or names of the heroes of the occasion.
  • A box of your favorite wine, champagne or cognac.
  • Clothes decorated with pearls, interior items.
  • Paired portrait or figurine from a photo.
  • Award diploma, gift cups, steles.
  • Original souvenirs related to the wedding.
  • Intangible gifts in the form of travel packages, exciting adventures.
  • Gadgets, car accessories.
  • Certificates for purchases in stores, visits to beauty salons, sports clubs.
  • Tickets for a concert, theatrical premiere, exhibition.

Gift for parents for a pearl wedding

By the time mom and dad are celebrating 30 years of marriage, the kids are old enough. Independent people can afford almost any gift, but a pearl anniversary involves the delivery of touching, sincere things. You can order knitted sweaters for parents, terry with embroidery or a plaid for two with sleeves. Such a gift will make a good impression.

To please parents for a pearl wedding will allow a set for growing, a hammock, a set of folding chairs and a table. In addition, it is appropriate for people who often go to the country or picnics to give a barbecue grill, a barbecue set and a cooler bag.

Wall key holder "Gift with love". Stylized as a gift in a bright package. Instead of a bow, a heart was used, emphasizing the attitude towards parents.

Figurine "Doves with a heart". Decorative composition made of glass and metal. It symbolizes the union of people who managed to carry feelings through storms and hardships.

Map of our travels. The heroes of the occasion must have visited many interesting places. The purpose of the gift is to help in building a new route.

Box with engraving "Love". The shape of the heart speaks for itself. Add a nameplate engraved, and the surprise is ready!

Pine Burl Fruit Vase. Made by hand and polished with vegetable oil. With careless handling, a tree, like family relationships, can crack.

Gift for relatives for a pearl wedding

Grandfather and grandmother, uncle and aunt can be directly asked: what gifts to please you? Family members will certainly show modesty and point to some inexpensive gift. If the wedding involves a surprise, start the selection with haberdashery. A tie clip for a man and a brooch for a woman are a good option. It's great when things are inlaid with pearl inserts.

A good gift for relatives will turn out if you use the family archive. Especially for the anniversary, order the manufacture of a lightbox, floor lamp, magnets with photographs. The images may be related to a wedding that took place 30 years ago.

Plaid with photos. Printing images on a lightweight blanket is also possible! The presentation will be unique, because the pictures are taken from a personal collection.

Magnetic calendar "Bright frame". Easily attaches to the refrigerator door. Every day the attention of relatives will be riveted to this gift.

Cushions "Love". Made to order, because the print contains the names of the "newlyweds". They can be used both for recreation and for decorating rooms.

Sweaters for cups "Bride and Groom". A lovely gift that will move you to tears. Designers made jumpers look like a tuxedo and a wedding dress.

Statuette "Talisman of well-being". The certificate states that the present should be placed in a strictly defined place. Then the inflow of finances to the family is ensured.

Gifts for friends for 30 years of marriage

Friends are most often people close in age. You know what hobbies they have, and how many pounds of salt the spouses have eaten in 30 years. Congratulating a couple on a significant anniversary is the easiest way with a universal gift. For example, to look after the heroes of the occasion a modern electrical appliance. The best thought is to buy a robot vacuum cleaner, fan or air ionizer.

A popular present is high-quality textiles. In honor of the long-awaited anniversary for the spouses, you can purchase a beautiful tablecloth, a set of curtains for the bedroom. Presented in the appropriate packaging, they will help to keep pleasant memories of the wedding.

T-shirt set "Ideal husband/wife". Useful not only for a festive photo shoot. Versatile summer clothes should be used during the holidays.

Nominal flower vase "Wedding". A classic gift for a big date. Laser engraving with the author's text is designed to make the surprise memorable.

Panel "Bowl of Plenty". The drawing on metal is made in a specialized workshop. The copper plate is fixed on a lacquered wood base.

Piggy bank for corks "Our wine". A gift that charges with positivity. Each item in the collection is associated with a specific event in the life of the heroes of the day.

Set of candlesticks "Francis I". No romantic dinner is complete without it. The set includes a copper damper in the style of the XVI century.

Original gift for a pearl wedding

An unusual gift will impress not only the heroes of the occasion, but also the guests present at the wedding. To make the anniversary of living together bright and memorable - make an intangible present. Pearl anniversaries can be invited to take a romantic boat trip, visit a real tea ceremony, or go on an excursion to another city.

One of the most original gifts is the lease of vineyards in France. You don't have to fly to Bordeaux and grow crops. However, by the next anniversary, the "newlyweds" will receive several bottles of branded wine. Name it "Our wedding".

horse ride. It involves getting acquainted with the basics of riding and horseback riding for an hour. If desired, the time can be increased.

Hot air balloon flight. Almost every couple dreams of this gift. Being under the clouds with your soul mate is a romantic adventure.

Swimming in the pool with dolphins. An unforgettable holiday experience. Experts assure that communication with mammals helps to treat serious diseases.

Professional photo session. A more original gift is hard to imagine. The home archive will be replenished with a series of gorgeous pictures.

News style video greeting. A video disguised as a news release. The heroes of the occasion will be congratulated by a famous presenter or artist.

What to give for a pearl wedding memorable

Such gifts often have a high price tag. But in the luxury category you can find rare and exclusive items. Why not look for furniture made of precious woods or antiques for your wedding anniversary? Connoisseurs will be pleased to become owners of a painting by a famous artist, a sculpture by a world-famous master, jewelry from famous jewelers. Consider several options for presents that are appropriate for luxurious weddings.

Pedigree book "Gold". Create a family history using a genuine leather folder. The decor will emphasize the aristocratic design.

Diamond Fund set. 2 champagne glasses by Castello Giorgio. Wine glasses are covered with silver coating and decorated with rhinestones.

Metal table "Corfu". The heroes of the occasion must find a worthy place for the gift. For example, in the living room of a country mansion.

Bronze watch "BERCEO". When casting, the Portuguese masters used an alloy used in the time of Vasco da Gama. It turned out to be a true masterpiece.

Coffee pair "Breakfast of the Emperor". Exclusive set of gilded dishes. Can be gifted together with a package of elite coffee.