Wedding anniversaries and their names by year (wedding anniversaries). All wedding anniversaries. What is the name of the wedding and what to give

The third wedding anniversary is a leather wedding. It bears such a name for the simple reason that, having lived 3 years side by side, the spouses begin to seem to feel each other's skin.

Wedding anniversary

When the wedding is played, the young people become a little sad that their celebration has come to an end. However, this is not entirely true, because the spouses have many joint holidays ahead. The concept of "wedding anniversary" is of great importance for a new family, as it is a marital experience, wrapped in happiness and love.

Earlier, during the Roman Empire, it was customary to crown your spouses on wedding anniversaries. So on the 25th anniversary, husbands presented their spouses with silver crowns, and after another quarter of a century, on the 50th anniversary, they crowned them with a golden crown. A little later, this celebration began to pay more attention, and with the development of commerce, a huge number of anniversaries and, accordingly, various gifts for them were invented.

Superstitions and traditions

In the modern world, in different states, gifts for wedding anniversaries may vary. However, as a rule, for each date there are traditional presents that are customary to present. So, for example, on the 5th wedding anniversary they usually give gifts made of wood, and on the 25th - from silver.

In many eastern states, such as Japan or China, wedding anniversaries were celebrated, referring to the teachings of numerology, in which auspicious and inauspicious anniversaries and anniversaries were indicated. According to this teaching, dates divisible by 4 should be celebrated noisily and surrounded by a large number of guests. And anniversaries dedicated to 11, 22 and 33 years of marriage should be celebrated together.

It should also be noted that there are quite a large number of wedding anniversaries, and many of them have more than one name. However, as a rule, silver, gold and diamond weddings are celebrated more brightly and solemnly.

One year of marriage

The first anniversary of living together is usually called calico. You can also find such a name as cotton or gauze weddings. This name appeared due to the fact that the union of the young is not yet strong enough and looks like gauze or chintz.

Second anniversary

The wedding, which is celebrated when the young have lived together for 2 years, is called paper. This name is due to the fact that the union of the newlyweds is not yet strong enough, and everything can change. If husband and wife do not support each other, their marriage can fall apart like a piece of paper.

Three years of marriage

When the young people have lived together for 3 years, their marriage becomes stronger. In a couple, the couple managed to take a few steps, and the relationship got a little stronger. And what is the correct name for the third wedding anniversary and what is customary to give for this solemn holiday? The answers to these and many other questions can be found in this article.

What is the third wedding anniversary? It is called leather. The name of the third wedding anniversary is interpreted in different ways. Some believe that the name comes from the word "leather" in the sense of material, that is, it is clearly stronger than paper. And young spouses have room to grow in order to make the relationship in a couple even stronger, since this material tends to stretch, rub to a shine, but also tear when handled carelessly.

There are other assumptions about the origin of the name leather wedding. Judging by them, the third wedding anniversary is called as the skin, in the sense - the organ that covers the outer covering of the body. The first trials of married life by husband and wife were overcome, they have mutual feelings and increased sensitivity to each other. They boast experience in managing family affairs.

Be that as it may, three years of marriage is the first serious anniversary, the celebration of which must be taken with all seriousness and responsibility.

Leather wedding traditions

The third wedding anniversary is a wonderful occasion to resurrect forgotten customs that were popular in the mysterious times of Ancient Rus'. In the past, culinary secrets and little tricks of family life were passed down to daughters from mothers. Preparing to receive congratulations on the third wedding anniversary, the young wife baked sweets according to her personal recipe, turning them into figurines of various animals. Each of the guests tried to taste the resulting delicacy, as, according to legend, it brought good luck and luck.

Before inviting guests into the house, you need to get rid of cracked or chipped dishes. If there is an old thing made of leather, even unclaimed, you need to take it and put it in order - dry it, clean it with cream.

Bread baked from rye flour was the main attribute of the festive table laid in honor of such a holiday as a leather wedding. The spouse was supposed to taste it first, confirming his status as the head of the family. It was ideal if the product was prepared by the wife's mother, it was also possible to entrust this task to the mother of the spouse - the mother-in-law.

One of the main traditions at the festive table was the eating of red fruits by the spouses in front of the guests. This custom symbolizes the preservation of passion in relationships among young people. Fruit, as a rule, was chosen depending on the season of the year. Usually preference was given to fresh apples, as they have always been and are a sign of wealth and prosperity.

Preparing for the celebration

Before proceeding with gifts and congratulations, it is necessary to properly approach the preparation of the event.

The process traditionally needs to start with a general cleaning. During it, according to the established tradition, it is advised to throw away any object that would remind of conflicts in a couple. Such an act is a guarantee that from now on the couple will live without quarrels and conflicts.

It is also worth paying attention to the outfit in which the spouses are going to meet guests on their holiday. Dressing in leather clothes from head to toe is not necessary, it is enough that some accessory made of this material will be present on the body. Even an ordinary lace tied around your hand as a bracelet will be enough.

An important point in the preparation of the festive table is the presence of meat dishes. It is also worth decorating the table with red wine and "bread soup". This is the name of the broth with rye flour bread, which is the personification of an inextricable bond. It is better to refuse fatty foods, because guests will need to focus on congratulations.

You also need to choose a place where the celebration will take place. A cozy Georgian restaurant is considered an ideal option, however, in addition to it, you can opt for a country house or a celebration in nature. The hunting style is ideal for decorating the place.

How to have fun celebrating

The role of the toastmaster at the celebration must be entrusted to the witness (witnesses). Since it is they who are obliged, according to custom, to entertain and amuse guests with the help of comic games, interesting competitions, and educational competitions.

Husband and wife are obliged to congratulate and praise each other on this day. What character and tone will be worn by the wish on the wedding anniversary in honor of the wife / husband - the couple can think together or make a surprise out of this for the guests and the second half. Any compliment and kind word will be deserved, because 3 years of marriage have already been lived.

Poems, congratulations and wishes

Toasts and wishes are an important part of celebrating such a celebration as a wedding anniversary. Those invited should think about congratulations even before a gift is chosen for the couple. What words are better to choose for wishes for the third wedding anniversary. In verse, prose or a playful anecdote-toast?

A leather wedding is a holiday to which those guests who attended the solemn ceremony 3 years ago are usually invited. Since, making a speech, a person must tell everyone present about the achievements of the couple over the past period of time. During the toast, one can emphasize in a humorous way the culinary achievements of the wife or mention the career successes of the young husband. It goes without saying that if a couple has already had children together, they are the main achievement of the couple.

Composing an original congratulation dedicated to the anniversary, you can associate it with the name of the material of the same name. In a wish for the third wedding anniversary in prose, it is recommended to clarify that the skin is a dual thing, the tenderness and softness of which are replaced by dryness and stiffness. However, the competent use of the material is the key to its integrity, which also applies to the family happiness of the couple. You can also add that the material is quite malleable to coloring, and wish the young spouses to paint gray everyday life as often as possible, giving bright colors to their life together. And of course, you should pay attention to the tone in which toasts and wishes will be pronounced on the holiday, since congratulations should be as sincere as possible and said with soul.

Third wedding anniversary: ​​what to give

As a rule, leather gifts are given for a leather wedding. Those invited present various souvenirs and gifts, depending on the proximity of the relationship and the budget. It can be both expensive and symbolic gifts.

An ideal gift for the third wedding anniversary is leather furniture. If a luxurious surprise is planned, it is necessary to clarify the tastes and needs of the spouses. Such a gift can be presented to young parents or close relatives.

A variety of decorations for the interior of the apartment will also be an excellent gift. For example, exquisite panels, wall clocks or photo frames framed in leather. Also a wonderful surprise for a young couple will be leather wallets, key holders, leather bookbindings and identical leather cases for glasses or phones, which are a symbol of unity and solidarity.

Happy spouses can present each other with purses, shoes, belts or key rings made of leather material. Of particular importance is a leather suitcase as a present - a sign that young people need to devote time to rest and go on a new romantic journey.

Why do all fairy tales and melodramas end with a wedding, because all the fun is just beginning?! Living together, grinding characters, discovering new features in a loved one, often also the birth of a child, fill the first three years of living together with diverse emotions and events. And psychologists believe that the most difficult moment at this stage falls on the third wedding anniversary, sometimes you just want to say: 3 years of marriage - what kind of wedding is at such a stressful moment ?! But if a young family has reached this milestone without loss, it means that the spouses have successfully passed the first exam of family life, and this is worth noting!

We celebrate 3 years of the wedding - a leather or wheat anniversary

And it is no coincidence that the third birthday of a family in Russia and many countries of the world is called a leather wedding. The relationship has already lost the novelty inherent in the Green Wedding. The honeymoon period has long ended and the sweet months, almost completely spent on cotton sheets, are forgotten. But the joint overcoming of the first difficulties strengthened the family: now the spouses can no longer be torn into two halves, like a paper sheet, they seem to have grown together into a single organism. And even if the relationship has not yet reached the strength of the metal, but the flexibility of well-dressed leather is already inherent in them.

But in Rus', a harness capable of curbing the most naughty horse was always made of leather. But even an amateur understands that the skin requires appropriate care, otherwise it will quickly lose the qualities for which it is valued - the same is true in the family during this period: smooth relationships are established only with the right approach.

But in Germany and France, to the question: 3 years of marriage - what kind of wedding, they answer differently: in the traditions of these peoples, wheat is a symbol of the end of the first family crisis. Probably because wheat is associated with fertility, fresh bread, and bread with a hearth. And indeed, right now, when the remnants of “chemistry” are eroded from the blood, a couple in love becomes a family, the house turns into a hearth, the wife begins to feel like a full-fledged keeper, and the husband is the real owner.

So how do you celebrate this holiday? In leather and bread!

3 years of marriage - Russian script

In our traditions, it is believed that this anniversary does not involve a complex organization - a rather quiet home celebration or a party in a narrow circle of the people closest to the family. There is a custom according to which, on the eve of the third wedding anniversary, the spouses conduct a “cleansing of relations”:

  • forgive each other all conscious and unintentional offenses,
  • get rid of cracked dishes and damaged things,
  • repay all debts
  • carry out general cleaning of the house.

To accept congratulations and gifts in the morning with a pure heart. The dress code for a leather wedding, of course, involves the use of accessories from this material:

  • shoes, belt (trouser or watch strap) and purse - for the husband;
  • shoes, handbag and jewelry - for the wife.

Unisex leather bracelets are very appropriate on the hands of the spouses on this day, they can be exchanged as a sign of the beginning of a new period in family life. Leather clothes are also perfect for a festive bow: trousers, a skirt, shirts or vests that are fashionable this year.

A loaf has been considered an obligatory dish of the “wedding” table since ancient times in Rus', today it can be just bread. Spouses must break it and eat a piece in front of the guests - among the Slavs this custom symbolized fertility - in the field, in the barn and in their own family.

On the third wedding anniversary, gifts are traditionally given made of leather or with trim elements made of this material. It is acceptable to present two gifts in the same style or one - a family focus, for example:

  • purses and bags made of crocodile skin,
  • 2 pairs of gloves
  • leather bound photo album
  • travel suitcase and bag or travel bag,
  • interior items - caskets, paintings, pillows,
  • new leather furniture, etc.

When choosing a gift for a leather wedding, try to find something that will last a long time. You can also give comic gifts, for example, a book-safe made of leather - to save the family budget. And very close friends or the spouses themselves can present each other with leather devices for erotic games, because in this area the family begins a new stage.

Not all spouses know about the meaning of the family anniversary for 3 years: what kind of wedding, what traditions does it have and what is customary to give. We tell.

Why is a wedding called leather?

Leather is a durable material. The name of the wedding means strength and confidence in a relationship. Behind the shoulders of the spouses are many events - both good and not so good. It's as hard as skin to end a three-year marriage.

Psychologists believe that three years from the date of the wedding is one of the most difficult periods. Small everyday troubles are already behind, ahead of the spouses is a real family life, full of difficulties and everyday problems. Therefore, the wedding has another interpretation.

Leather is a symbol of not only strength, but also mutual understanding. Spouses feel each other in the literal sense of the skin. If during this period you do not pay due attention to relationships - “skin”, it can crack, thin and eventually burst.

Leather wedding traditions

According to old folk beliefs, before the holiday, you need to get rid of dishes that have become unusable due to cracks and chips, pay off debts and throw away things or clothes that evoke bad memories and testify to insults and quarrels.

My wife baked cookies in the form of pet figurines. It was believed that they bring good luck to the house and protect from the evil eye. Delicious muffins had to be treated to anyone who came to the house to congratulate the newlyweds. By the way, each woman had her own recipe for making magic cookies, which was passed down from generation to generation.

On the table, among various dishes and pickles, there must have been a loaf of rye bread. With the beginning of the celebration, the husband ate a piece of loaf. This meant that the man recognized himself as the head of the family.

During the feast, the couple were supposed to taste one red fruit each. So, in the presence of all those invited, the husband and wife confessed their love for each other, because the red color is associated with passionate feelings.

The witness of the wedding acted as a toastmaster, entertained and amused the guests in every possible way, raised toasts to the health of the young and arranged comic contests. During the celebration, the guests were entertained with dances and songs.

The wedding ended after the couple made a solemn speech and thanked all the guests, and they, in turn, threw grains of rye at them.

Where and how to celebrate a leather wedding?

It is believed that the wedding anniversary - three years of marriage - should be celebrated in such a way that after this significant date the spouses forget about all quarrels and grievances and remember only the good.

Three years of living together is usually celebrated in nature, especially if the season is warm. In addition, in such an informal atmosphere, it is easiest to relax and get a boost of energy and positive. The celebration is accompanied by a feast, barbecue, songs and congratulations to the newlyweds.

If the weather does not allow enjoying the beauties of nature, the event is held indoors, in a restaurant or cafe.

There can be three options for celebrating: in a close family circle, in a noisy company of friends and relatives, and, finally, together at a romantic dinner.

If it is decided to celebrate the wedding magnificently, then relatives and close friends are invited to the event, be sure to invite the children so that the holiday takes place in a positive atmosphere.

An excellent solution would be a thematic photo session that captures all the joyful moments of the celebration.

Holding a leather wedding

The room where the third wedding anniversary will take place should be decorated with original decorative elements, beautiful wedding pictures, figurines of two doves and other festive decor.

The scenario of the celebration must be carefully considered. Usually this task is taken on by the witnesses of the wedding and the most active friends invited to the event. The newlyweds should not know what awaits them, let the plans of the mischievous guests be a pleasant surprise for them.

There are many scenario ideas. For example, reenactment of the first wedding, ransom of the bride in a playful way. To do this, the spouses dress in leather items characteristic of the Western style.

You can beat the golden wedding, which the spouses will celebrate after 50 years of marriage.

What to wear for a leather wedding

Thematic celebration suggests that the newlyweds should be dressed appropriately. Husband and wife usually wear leather clothes.

It is not necessary to dress in leather from head to toe, in the image one such piece of clothing or at least an accessory is enough.
In the old days, a woman tied her head with a red scarf, it was believed that it drives away evil spirits from the home, and also attracts good luck and wealth.

What should be on the table on the day of a leather wedding

The date does not imply a wide scope and any gastronomic excesses, however, there must be dishes on the table that speak of the prosperity of the family. It is best to serve meat and red wine.

According to a long tradition, you can put bread soup on the table, which is a broth into which rye bread crumbles. This sign means the close relationship of the newlyweds with their parents, relatives and friends.

Of course, a must-have dish at a significant event should be a cake that matches the theme. For example, a confection made in the form of a leather sofa looks original. The cake is a symbol of a strong union, so you will have to work hard to prepare it, and it is best to entrust this task to professionals who will create a real work of art for the holiday.

Otherwise, there are no strict instructions on what should be on the festive table. The menu is compiled based on the personal preferences of the spouses.

What to give for a leather wedding

Gifts for "newlyweds" should be thought out in advance. It is believed that the best present will be a thing made of leather.

Friends and relatives can give spouses:

It's great if leather gifts are paired.

It is always appropriate to give universal gifts:

What to give friends for a leather wedding, so that an unusual present will remind you of a significant date for many years to come? An excellent choice would be morocco boots, oriental outfits, a family tree depicted on a leather scroll, an original wall panel made from pieces of leather.

You can be creative in choosing a gift and make it with your own hands. These can be applications using leather, original pendants, bracelets, key chains, soft toys.

What to give for a leather wedding to children? Parents who are ready to spend a substantial amount of money on a surprise for young people do not even think about this. As a rule, they present household appliances, furniture and leather goods to the newlyweds.

How to congratulate the young

Congratulatory speeches to spouses are an important part of the event, because in this way guests wish the couple love, health, well-being and prosperity for the family.

Congratulations can be in poetic form. It will be wonderful to read poems written by you personally. However, if you do not have the talent for versification, you can find a lot of congratulations on the Internet, including in a joking way.

Three years of married life is commonly referred to as a leather jubilee. The number three has a stronger foundation than previous dates. The 3-year age of the family symbolizes its flexibility, elasticity and strength of family ties.

3 years of marital life together is called "leather wedding" not by chance, because the skin is a durable, reliable, super-elastic material, the skin is able to warm in the cold and protect from the wind.

We can safely say that 3 years for a young family is a reliable beginning of a long journey, because calico griefs and paper passions are left behind. Spouses for three years have learned to understand each other's character, have learned to be flexible and loyal in relation to the habits and lack of the second half.

Another interpretation of the 3-year wedding anniversary is that the spouses have learned to feel each other with their own skin, they recognize each other by smell and touch.

The number three is the holy trinity, the child of God. The three are endowed with optimism and inspiration, it is the third stage of marital relations that leads them to the highest pedestal, where the husband and wife will learn the art of self-sacrifice and forgiveness in the name of love.

Three years after the marriage, the young spouses pass a kind of test for the strength of the relationship, because it is very difficult to break the skin, it is always in fashion, it is beautiful and elegant, just like the anniversaries of the celebration.

Gifts are troublesome, but always pleasant. If you are going to buy a gift for a leather wedding, you need to make the most of your imagination. It is advisable to think in advance about the gift option that will appeal to the heroes of the occasion.

A gift can be bought one for two, if we are talking about something monumental, or presented to spouses as an individual gift. The modern industry provides a huge number of leather gift options that can and should be given for a 3-year wedding anniversary, called a leather wedding.

Married gifts to each other for a leather anniversary

A wedding anniversary is a desired date in married life and therefore it is customary to commemorate it with pleasant and useful gifts. For a leather wedding, a husband and wife can give each other items of a personal nature. Those that relatives or friends cannot give.

So, here's what you can give spouses to each other:

  • Leather gloves. Even the second and third pair will certainly not be superfluous. Of course, for an anniversary gift, you need to choose gloves from the best leather, intricate in design. They should evoke positive emotions with just one touch. Handing gloves, you can say the following:

“When I'm not around you, let them warm your hands, just like I would (done). After all, a part of my soul and the warmth of my heart are invested in these gloves. When dressing them, remember that my hand is always in your palm ”;

Gifts for a leather wedding from friends and relatives

It is customary for friends and relatives to give spouses gifts that are devoid of personal paraphernalia. Great gifts will be things or objects of shared use, as well as gifts of an individual nature. Consider some of the most popular options that they can safely give for a 3-year wedding anniversary:

  • Travel suitcase made of genuine leather with a combination lock. Such a gift is appropriate for a family where they love to travel. When presenting such a gift, one can mention that it symbolizes the baggage of experience and knowledge and wish to increase the contents of the suitcase and keep it strictly locked;
  • Leather chair. Such a gift is certainly a good idea, but when choosing it, think about whether it suits the interior design of the owners, whether it will become a black sheep. After all, such a gift always needs a couple.

Instead of a classic chair, you can give a leather computer chair.

Today, every family has a computer and a good multifunctional chair will be a useful gift for "leather" anniversaries.

Wish you comfort and relaxation during the hours of your stay in this chair, say that as long as the earth rotates, this chair will rotate, because its reliability has been tested by years of your friendship;

Leather wedding - original congratulations

In addition to thematic gifts for a 3-year wedding anniversary, original congratulations are needed. They may be in verse or prose.

In any case, congratulatory words should come from the heart. Banal and worn out phrases for congratulatory speeches are not appropriate.

Try to be unique and creative, try to beat the congratulatory speech with some kind of plot.

Here it is appropriate to use sparkling humor or borrow a congratulatory style from a wise parable. Such a congratulation will surely please and be remembered for a long time by the heroes of the occasion, and this is the main goal of the congratulator. You can write a congratulation yourself, or you can use ready-made tips.

Congratulations to the wife from the husband and vice versa


Three years seems like a long time
When my fate is dear
Merged with yours,
My man is irreplaceable.

Heart's spiritual plexus,
Three-year family birth.
During this time everything was
We had enough power for everything.

The family was not torn, it grew stronger.
Three years is just the beginning...
For the joy of the day, for the light of the father,
For our leather anniversary.

Thank you, my love.
I love you, my wife, I love you!


You are my betrothed, my husband,
Beloved husband, reliable friend.
And in the whole world there are no relatives,
Three year anniversary today.

In it is the joy of the day and the sun light,
Live with you for two hundred years
In love and fidelity I wish
I congratulate us today.

Let our leather date
She will be happy and rich.
And the scent of your soft skin
There is nothing dearer to me in the whole world.

Congratulations from parents to children for 3 years from the wedding day of the young

Family today is your birthday,
Please accept our advice and congratulations.
The people have an ancient sign,
If the spouses spent three summers,

If chintz and paper survived,
They gained confidence and courage.
In three years, there is no relationship more expensive,
They are like tough leather.

They have the flexibility and complaisance of the spouse.
What warms in the cold, but blizzards.
In them, the strength of a husband - do not tear the skin!
And that's what we want to wish you

For this three year anniversary of yours,
Good days and sweet nights to you,
Live together, Children, prosper,
And year after year create happiness.

*** *** *** *** ***

Family-child, born only in marriage,
That God sent and created by you.
For the first year, as chintz is not durable,
And in the second year like paper,

Sometimes it breaks and burns in marriage.
The family only gains its strength,
When the third year of life comes.
And it will become strong, like skin.

And it will help to survive all the difficulties.
Here's some parenting advice from us
Live, Children, together for a hundred years.
Hand in hand, look eye to eye,
Keep love and raise children!

Cool congratulations of friends in verse for 3 years of family life

On your three year anniversary
Congratulations from friends.
After all, the family is almost a child,
Growing up from diapers.

It has bitterness, then success,
In it, then cry, then ringing laughter.
Which one of you knows
What does each year mean?

The first year is the hardest.
You were careful with him.
baby diaper print,
They were not strong and thin.

The second year burns and breaks,
It's called paper.
Thank God we survived
Lived to three years.

The skin is strong though!
You, Friends, with a 3-year marriage!

Celebrating a leather wedding: traditions and signs

They celebrate 3 years of marriage, usually without any frills. Only relatives and close people are invited to the celebration. It is perfectly appropriate to spend this day at home.

The young hostess demonstrates her culinary skills to the guests, and the husband shows how homely he is. It will be good if close friends prepare suitable thematic contests in advance. It is appropriate to put hearty, national dishes on the festive table:

  • jelly, aspic;
  • cutlets;
  • cabbage rolls;
  • chopped salads and greens;
  • vegetable and meat cuts;
  • sandwiches with caviar;
  • fish dishes.

An excellent solution would be to spend this day in nature, if weather conditions permit.

According to folk signs, on the eve of a leather wedding, you need:

  • clean the house and get all leather things and objects in a conspicuous place;
  • throwing away everything unnecessary is a sign that there is no return to past difficulties and troubles in your family;
  • decorate your home with bright flowers and fragrant herbs.

At the very beginning of the holiday, the heroes of the occasion must feed each other with a red apple (red is a symbol of wealth and love) and tie a leather cord around each other's wrist, embodying their current status.

Then the couple must smash to smithereens all the utensils unsuitable for further use. During the feast, folk songs are sung, comic and funny stories are told, and games are played.

And a few more gift ideas for a leather wedding - in the next video.

So 3 years passed imperceptibly after the wedding celebration of the married couple. There were already two anniversaries in their family life: calico and paper weddings. It's time for the next one. three years of marriage - what kind of wedding is it? Why is it called so? What can you give and how to congratulate a married couple? Let's talk in detail about the features of this small but quite significant anniversary.

3 years - leather wedding

After 3 years of married life, a strong trusting relationship develops between partners. They are able to understand each other literally at a glance or, as they say, "feel with their skin." So the third anniversary is not without reason called the "leather" wedding. It is believed that the skin, due to its physical properties, is similar to the relationship of the spouses: they are just as flexible, warm, durable.

How is it customary to celebrate an anniversary?

A celebration dedicated to a leather wedding is not very different from other wedding anniversaries. A couple can celebrate 3 years of marriage together in a romantic setting or invite good friends and relatives.

You can celebrate the anniversary at home or go out to a cafe / restaurant, and if the season and weather conditions allow, then go to nature. A picnic, barbecue, barbecue will be a great solution for celebrating an anniversary. In the fresh air, you can get a lot of positive emotions and pleasant impressions, and this is very important, because the couple must forget about all the minor troubles and conflicts in their family life, recharge with positive and energy.

The most distinctive feature of the celebration on the occasion of a leather wedding is the dressing of the spouses in leather clothes. Naturally, this does not mean that young people should dress in leather from head to toe, any one accessory or piece of clothing will be quite enough.

Leather wedding: traditions

On the eve of the celebration of the anniversary, it is necessary to get rid of all dishes that have cracks or chips. This will help get rid of negative energy in the house and forget about past grievances.

There is also such a tradition: the wife should not leave the house after 7 pm 2-3 days before the celebration. If suddenly there is an urgent need to get into the street, then a woman should cover her head with a red scarf and only then calmly go out. It is believed that the red scarf serves as protection against evil spirits and the evil eye.

If there is an old leather item in the house, it must be brought into proper condition, cleaned with cream and dried. After all, the anniversary is made of leather, which means that things made of this material will also be a symbol of it.

There is another very ancient tradition: on the anniversary day, the spouse baked cookies in the form of animals, which should bring happiness and prosperity to the spouses' house and everyone who tastes it. The recipe for such cookies was unique for each housewife and was passed down through the female line.

A loaf of rye flour is an important attribute of celebrating a leather wedding. As soon as the guests gathered to congratulate the newlyweds and celebrate 3 years from the date of marriage together with them, the husband, confirming his role as the head of the family, is the first to eat a piece of loaf.

Also, the couple eats any fruit, but always red. This will mark their mutual respect and love, which has only strengthened in 3 years.

On the day of a leather wedding, red wine is considered mandatory on the table.

The celebration of such an anniversary should end with dancing.

What to give for a 3 year wedding?

The best gift for spouses on such an anniversary will be any leather items. This is what is usually given to a married couple: leather wallets, gloves, bags or even suitcases, leather-bound books or albums, even leather furniture. Everyone who wants to please the newlyweds will be able to choose a suitable gift from a huge assortment, which will be both affordable and for the occasion.

And what do husband and wife present to each other as a present? The wife will be happy with a piece of leather clothing, a handbag, a bracelet or a watch with a leather strap. You can give your husband a leather belt, a briefcase, a purse, a leather jacket or shoes.

It is not difficult to choose a gift for such a celebration, you just need to take care of it in advance.

Congratulations on a leather wedding

You can congratulate a couple who has been married for 3 years, both in person and in an SMS message. As a congratulations, verses are perfect:

Congratulations on your wedding anniversary!

I wish you happiness and love!

Three years have gone by

Your bonds have become stronger.

Forget all insults

Be forever young

Give birth to many children

And don't hurt each other!

Also, commemorative diplomas and medals are suitable as congratulations on your wedding day:

This is unusual, such a gift will definitely make young people smile.

Leather wedding - though small, but still an anniversary. Why not take advantage of this opportunity and have a great time with people dear to your heart? A pleasant environment will give you strength and energy for the whole next year of family life. Love each other!

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