How to remove spruce resin from clothes. How to remove pine tar stains from clothes: cleaning fresh and old stains. Methods for removing tree resin

Removing stains on clothes is a complex procedure. Some of them are very difficult to eliminate, because they do not know what ways to do it more effectively. When getting on trousers, a jacket, the resin of coniferous trees gets rid of the thing, without attempting to wash it off, not knowing how to remove the resin from the clothes. After all, a sticky substance can ruin a thing so much that it is impossible to wear it. But there are real ways to fix the problem yourself.

When pieces of resin are found on a jacket, trousers, then it is necessary to think over the actions so as to eliminate them completely from the fabric. At the same time, it is determined what resin is on the thing, what material the garment is sewn from. Take this into account before proceeding with the removal of the resin blot, selecting those substances, the use of which will lead to the complete disappearance of the damage.

resin type

You can get a stain on clothes while walking through the forest. Pine gum is classified as a natural resin. Its droplets are visible on tree trunks. Pine resin is useful, it is collected, used in medicine. It is used to make rosin, which is used in production. Fresh resin is quickly absorbed into the tissue structure, hardening.

There are spruce resin, as well as cedar, fir. All species of coniferous trees produce resin. When a drop of resin falls on a jacket or trousers, then carefully remove the coniferous blot with a sharp object, trying not to rub it into the fibers of the fabric.

In the spring, situations arise: poplar buds fall on the fabric of things, leaving sticky spots. A walk in a city park or square will bring unpleasant consequences during the blooming of poplar leaves. Getting on clothes, the sticky substance of the kidneys so eats into clothes that it cannot be etched with anything.

Artificial resins include epoxy, which, when hardened, firmly adheres to concrete, glass, and metal. They refer to viscous materials as bitumen, tar used in construction and repair. A feature of synthetic materials is their resistance to temperature fluctuations, chemicals. Synthetic resin stains are more difficult to get rid of than wood resin stains.

Fabric material

Before you start getting rid of the tar stain, you need to choose a method suitable for the type of clothing material:

  1. From delicate, thin fabrics, do not scrape off the resin with a knife or other sharp object. For chiffon, silk, a thermal cleaning method is needed.
  2. Acetone destroys artificial silk.
  3. Natural cotton, chintz is cleaned effectively with gasoline or turpentine.
  4. For trousers made of wool, stain removal with pure turpentine is chosen. You can also try a mixture of vegetable oil with dishwashing detergent.
  5. Denim pants are cleaned from resin by the method of exposure to low temperatures.
  6. Leather items can be cleaned with vegetable oil.

Be sure to know before removing the resin that washing will lead to a deep penetration of resin into the fibers of the fabric.

Desired result

Before you start cleaning, you need to set yourself up for the fact that the stain may not completely come off. Here the time elapsed from the day of its appearance plays a role. Old resin is more difficult to remove. And if it has already been rubbed into things, then you will have to work hard to get rid of the sticky substance.

You can get a positive result by a sequence of actions, diligence and patience.

How to properly prepare things for stain removal

Before you start removing the resinous piece from your clothes, you should try to remove the layer of the substance with a knife. As long as the resin has not been absorbed into the material, this can be done. Peel off the pieces with a wooden or metal spatula, spoon. But with delicate things, you can not remove the resin with a sharp object. You can damage the thin fabric or stretch the item.

It is easy to remove the resinous substance from jeans if you put the trousers in the freezer. Under the action of low temperatures, the surface of the stain will crack, and it can be easily wiped off.

Before starting to remove the resin stain, be sure to clean the dust and dirt from the clothes with a brush. Washing products is not recommended. If the coat or jacket is damaged, the lining fabric must be torn off.

Perform work on a board covered with a cotton cloth, preferably white. Around the stain, the fabric on the clothes is moistened with water and sprinkled with starch. Then, when removing, there will be no spreading of resinous substances.

Ways to get rid of resinous blots

At home, improvised means are used to remove resin from things. Methods tested by hostesses, easy to perform. You can start removing stains as soon as the stain is planted. Don't wait for it to soak in. They select how to wipe the stain, taking into account the type of resin and the type of fabric from which the soiled thing is sewn.

Heat treatment of delicate fabrics

An iron or a hot air dryer can remove fresh drops of resin that have fallen on a silk blouse or dress, T-shirt.

The procedure is carried out like this:

  1. Place a soft cloth or porous paper under the spot area.
  2. A piece of material is placed on top, which absorbs melted pieces well, and ironed with a hot iron.
  3. As soon as the fabric from above and below absorbs a part of the resinous substance, it is changed to another, clean one.
  4. When there is no resin left on the thing, it is washed with warm water and soap.

A hair dryer is used to melt the resin on dense fabrics. After heat treatment of fresh stains, no trace remains. The old ones are harder to remove.

Freezing pieces of resin

Under the influence of low temperatures, resin, tar, epoxy become brittle, they can be easily torn off from the fabric. Place the soiled clothes in the freezer, previously wrapped in cellophane. It is necessary to hold longer so that the resin freezes well and becomes brittle. Now you just need to carefully clean the clothes from the resin drops.

The method is suitable for things made of dense materials, wear-resistant. Delicate fabrics will be damaged by this cleaning method.

Vegetable oil for leather goods

It is better to clean leather products from resin with vegetable oil. Choose olive or sunflower. Moisten a soft cloth with plenty of oil or drop a pipette directly onto the stain. Wipe thoroughly, trying to destroy the resinous substance.

At the end of the procedure, wipe the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing with a cloth soaked in alcohol. And then spend a dry cloth over the entire jacket.

We wash with a solvent

It is also possible to wipe off the resin blot with solvents such as acetone, white spirit, and nail polish remover.

Moisten a cotton swab abundantly with a dissolving liquid and wipe the injury site. When the stain has disappeared, you need to wash the item by hand, and then in the washing machine.

Get rid of gasoline

Many stains are removed with gasoline. Resin can also be cleaned off with it. A cotton pad soaked in gasoline is applied to the area of ​​​​contamination and kept for half an hour. Then take a cloth soaked in gasoline and wipe it thoroughly.

For denim and rubber products, this cleaning method is used. On natural fabrics, a mixture of gasoline with shavings of laundry soap is used. The gruel is applied to the stain, kept for 25-30 minutes, and then washed off. So that there is no impact on neighboring surfaces, the area around the stain is sprinkled with starch or talc.

After the procedure, the item is washed in hot water.

We remove with alcohol

To remove resin blots, ammonia or ammonia is effective. It is diluted with hot water in a ratio of 1: 1. The damaged area is treated, then the product is washed. You can wipe the pieces of resin remaining on the product with formic alcohol, after checking the reaction of the fabric to it.

By combining half a glass of pure alcohol with gasoline (1/2 teaspoon), soak the stain. After drying, wash the product.

Caution should be exercised when cleaning colored items with alcohol. They often lose their color brilliance. At the site of rubbing the stain, the color will be faded.

starch paste

For light woolen fabrics, potato flour paste is used against resin. Starch is diluted to obtain a slurry, which is applied to a resinous blot, leaving it to act for several hours. Then rinse and dry. The remaining stains are rubbed with gasoline, and then cleaned with a piece of stale bread.

We wash with a stain remover

Factory-made chemicals can remove resin drops. Idalix Oxi Ultra is best suited, the composition of which allows you to act effectively on all types of stains. Does not damage fabrics, eliminating damage to their resins, stain remover Astonish Oxy Plus. The most popular is Vanish, which is suitable for both white and colored linen. The liquid or powder is applied to the stain, leaving for a few minutes, then the clothes are washed in the machine.

Eliminate in other ways

Mistresses also use other methods for cleaning tarry substances from clothes:

  1. Actively acts on the sticky substance, destroying it, soda such as Coca-Cola, Sprite. It is poured onto the site of contamination, kept for up to half an hour. The procedure is completed by washing clothes. Light fabrics require clear water.
  2. Blots are cleaned with milk, moistening the place of contamination with them.
  3. Dishwashing detergents are also effective in removing stains. They can be used together with vegetable oil. The oily liquid softens the stain, dissolving the resinous substances. And dishwashing liquid is used to degrease the fabric.

Care should be taken when choosing a method for removing resin from clothes. And the procedure is performed correctly so as not to completely spoil the thing.

Nuances when cleaning

Often, an incorrectly performed procedure leads to the fact that damage to the product remains. Then you have to say goodbye to your favorite thing. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to prepare for the removal of the stain carefully, to select the appropriate substances. Be sure to check the effect of the reagent on the fabric, applying it on the back of the product or where it is not visible. You need to rub the stain from the edges to its middle. If the spots are small, then cleansers are applied with a pipette or brush.

fresh spots

When a resin stain is immediately detected, it is easier to remove it by lubricating:

  • vegetable oil for softening;
  • thick dishwashing gel;
  • coca-cola;
  • turpentine.

After holding the selected substance on drops of resin for half an hour to an hour, wash the product with laundry soap, and then place it in the machine.

Old resin blots

For old stains, more aggressive products are suitable. These include turpentine, ammonia, gasoline. Various methods are used to remove pollution. Dense fabrics require strong chemicals, silk needs gentle techniques. For them, it would be better to use gasoline with laundry soap, starch paste, stain remover.

Epoxy stains

You can try to wash the epoxy stain. First, they act on it mechanically, scraping with a spatula or spoon. Then a solvent based on acetone or alcohol is poured onto the damaged area. It is necessary to withstand 10-15 minutes, then wash the product.

Tar is very similar to tar in its viscosity. And here you have to work for a long time to get rid of the black blot on the clothes. White clay is mixed with starch, the mixture is diluted with turpentine and ammonia. The gruel is applied to the stain, leaving for 20-30 minutes. When the powder dries, it is brushed off. Yellowish stains will remain, but they are carried out with a cotton pad dipped in hydrogen peroxide.

We remove stains and smell after cleaning

If the resin drops are cleaned from the product, then stains remain on the fabric. Yes, and after the use of gasoline, alcohol, turpentine, it is difficult to get rid of an unpleasant odor. It stays even after washing. But also from the unpleasant consequences of the procedure: yellowish stains, corrosive smell, there are effective ways to eliminate it.


Mustard powder is diluted with warm water and applied to the damaged area. When the mass dries, the thing is soaked in warm water with washing powder. After an hour, the product is washed.


Light things after removing resin blots especially look unsightly from ring stains. They use hydrogen peroxide. Just moisten a cotton swab with liquid and wipe the yellow spots. It will help to clean the thing and soaking the product in a solution of soda ash. You can use bleach.

Soda with salt

For cleansing, it is better to use soda ash with table salt. An equal amount of substances are mixed and poured onto a cloth moistened with water. Then, in a circular motion, rub the composition into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcontamination. At the end of the procedure, the product is soaked with powder, after an hour it is washed manually or in a typewriter.

To eliminate the smell, you can use fabric softeners during washing, and it is better to dry clothes in the fresh air.

Pine, spruce and other conifers are very beautiful trees. Admiring them in the forest is a pleasure. The New Year tree brings no less joy, even if it is a pine tree. Unfortunately, conifers are high in resin. Consider how to wipe the resin from pine or spruce from clothes.

Having found pine resin on clothes, you should not take rash actions:

  • Do not try to rub the stain with your hands. So you not only do not remove it, but also rub it deeper into the fibers of the fabric.
  • If you're out and about, postpone all stain removal until you get home. In a calm environment, guided by our advice, you will cope with any pollution.
  • It is unrealistic to wash pine resin from clothes by ordinary washing in a washing machine. If the soiled clothes are loaded with other laundry, then you risk getting tar stains on the rest of the clothes.

Mechanical Resin Removal

The less pine resin remains on the clothes, the easier it will be to wash it. Sounds logical. Let's think about how to eliminate the maximum amount of sticky substance mechanically.

Once at home, find a sharp object, and try to literally pick off some of the resin from the clothes. Ideally, only a flat trace should remain, through which the structure of the tissue is visible.

If this state is still far away, and a sharp object is no longer effective (or you are simply afraid of scratching), put the clothes in the freezer for an hour and a half. Frozen resin loses its elasticity and becomes brittle. This makes it easy to remove those particles that have not been absorbed into the fibers of the fabric.

It is possible to clean the resin mechanically and finally. However, this is a tricky approach and is only recommended for delicate fabrics that you don't want to process otherwise. The method is applied already on the most cleaned spot.

  1. Take an iron and some paper napkins (dense) that will act as a substrate.
  2. Lay the garment inside out on the ironing board.
  3. Lay a backing pad over the pine soil.
  4. Heat the resin with an iron (according to the ironing instructions).
  5. The resin will soften and be drawn into the substrate.

If the pine "gift" was quite extensive, then the procedure will need to be performed several times.

Chemical Resin Removal

These approaches are also used on residual soiling where most of the resin has been mechanically removed from the garment.
A reliable way to remove resin stains is to use solvents. These include:

  • Actually, the solvent (acetone);
  • Petrol;
  • Alcohol;
  • Nail polish remover;
  • Turpentine.

There are two approaches to cleaning clothes with these substances at home: radical and gentle.


  1. Take a cotton swab (disk) and soak it in the chosen solvent.
  2. Rub the pine resin on the clothes well.
  3. Wait 20 minutes.
  4. Rinse clothes in running water.
  5. Wash and dry.
  • Cut into small pieces a little laundry soap (rub on a grater).
  • Put the pieces in a container.
  • Add about the same amount of solvent there (usually gasoline is used).
  • Stir until a homogeneous slurry is formed.
  • Apply the slurry to the resin.
  • Let it brew for an hour.
  • Rinse, wash, dry.

Remember that all of these substances are dangerous to humans. Work with them carefully: in a ventilated area, using gloves, a respirator and goggles. Although they are effective in removing tar stains, there is a risk of damage to dyed fabrics.

Another chemical method to remove traces of resin is based on the use of starch and ammonia (with some turpentine). To do this, you will need to prepare a cleaning paste:

  • Pour a little ordinary starch into a small container;
  • Add a teaspoon of turpentine and ammonia (the same amount);
  • Stir until a homogeneous slurry is formed;
  • Apply to clothing in the area of ​​contamination;
  • Wait for the composition to dry, and rub the resin with a brush;
  • It will be removed along with the paste;
  • If traces remain, repeat the procedure.

Finally, a regular stain remover is suitable for removing relatively fresh stains.

  1. Find the composition that matches your fabric type.
  2. Apply to resin and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse your clothes.
  4. Wash as usual, but add stain remover to the powder.

Folk methods

The indicated methods of processing clothes are not suitable for all fabrics. For example, on wool and fur products, it is better to use this approach:

  • Apply vegetable oil to the pine resin;
  • Rub with moderate enthusiasm - this will soften the resin;
  • Apply dishwashing liquid to the contamination - it will degrease the surface after treatment with vegetable oil;
  • Wait 30 minutes and wash your clothes.

Soda is also used to soften the resin. Almost any where there is high acidity and gas bubbles is suitable. The contaminated place is soaked in the drink for some time (15 minutes), after which the clothes are sent to the wash.

Pine resin is well removed from leather things with a gauze swab dipped in vegetable oil. The rest is removed with alcohol.
Alternative methods are not as effective as chemical ones, but they are less risky in terms of the risk of damaging clothing.


As you can see, pine resin is removed from clothes without going to the dry cleaners, although this option cannot be discounted. You can walk in the forest without any fear for your wardrobe.

Good high spirits after a walk in a park or pine forest can easily be spoiled by tar stains found on clothes. Especially often, active kids, conquering the tops of park trees, “delight” their mothers with tree resin on a T-shirt. Men often do not behave very carefully during wiring repairs using rosin. All this instills fear in the housewives, because due to the viscous sticky consistency, it often seems impossible to remove the resin. You can’t take jeans or jackets in which you go to nature and go to the park, or your husband’s garage outfit to dry cleaning, as this is real pampering. But I also don’t want to throw out new things on which one small spot is planted.

What is resin and how to deal with it?

Viscous, thick, brown or dark yellow substance has a complex composition. Due to its physical properties, it is not always easy to wash resin from fabric and leather. In a liquid, softened state, it is deeply absorbed into the fabric, then cools and hardens far into the bowels of the fabric. The first way to clean a thing is to wash with powder in a washing machine. The second desperate step can be considered an attempt to tear off the resin with a knife blade. Having failed with the mechanical action on the dirt, go to the thermal method of processing clothes.

When solidified, the stain from amorphous substances resembles chewing gum. Therefore, many believe that you can simply put the contaminated item in the freezer for a while, then scrape the traces of dirt with a knife, and the resin will simply fall off. Instead of using a knife, you can simply knead, “rustle” the cloth, as if it were paper, and particles of a dark solidified substance will fall off. In fact, not everything is so simple, and not everyone gets rid of it with the help of frost.

It was not possible to clean the annoying viscous substance with the help of low temperatures - let's try to apply a radically opposite method. Place a layer of paper napkins under the stain, cover it with a cloth or paper on top, and heat it with a hair dryer. Some housewives claim that the resin will heat up, soften and flow out. But often such an experiment ends in failure, as the resin borders spread further and further along the fabric.

Resin removers

The pantry of folk wisdom is expanding every year. Looking into it, you can find incredible recipes for getting rid of stains of any origin at home. Before going to the store for stain removers, rummage through kitchen cabinets, first aid kit, and garage. There are always a lot of products that are home "rescuers" and are ready to easily remove tar marks from the fabric.

List of the most effective "fighters" with traces of resin:

  • alcohol,
  • kerosene,
  • ammonia,
  • acetone,
  • petrol,
  • turpentine,
  • potato starch,
  • carbonated drinks,
  • solvent white spirit,
  • vegetable oil.

Some of these substances can be used alone, some need to be used only in combination with others.


Moisten a cotton pad generously with rubbing alcohol and wipe the fresh stain with it. The beauty of this method is that even colored fabrics are absolutely not afraid of alcohol. After the desired result is achieved, and the tar trace is gone, repeat the procedure and send the rescued item to the washing machine. In such a cheap and simple way, even pollution from pine resin is easily removed.


This category includes the following liquids: kerosene, gasoline, turpentine and nail polish remover (only if acetone is included in the composition). In any of the above means, you need to moisten a cotton pad or cotton swab (depending on the size of the contamination) and wipe traces of resin from a pine or other tree with them. After dissolving the stains, hold the item under cold running water for a long time. This will help to remove the chemical pungent smell of the solvent. After that, the wardrobe item must be washed in a typewriter or by hand using an air conditioner. Be careful: for colored fabrics, this method can be fatal.


Saturate the contaminated area with turpentine, after the resin has completely softened, soak it in a paper towel, pressing the fabric well. Repeat the procedure several times. After the “press”, the clothes should be washed in cold water, and then sent to the washing machine, generously adding a fragrant conditioner.

Starch + turpentine + ammonia

The only method that allows you to remove traces of resin from delicate items. To 1 tablespoon of potato starch add 1 teaspoon of turpentine and ammonia. Stir the gruel and apply it for 12 hours on pollution. When the gruel dries, you need to clean it off your clothes along with the remnants of the resin.

Housewives love to use it for other purposes and wash various items with it. Resin, as it turned out, can also be washed off with cola: you need to soak the item in soda for 5 hours, and then simply send it to the drum of your “washer”, adding powder and conditioner.

Vegetable oil

Fat is great for removing tar stains. Soak the blot with a swab dipped in oil and wash it with laundry soap after 20 minutes. After drying, you can wash the little thing in the usual way.

White Spirit

Better than ordinary alcohol, only white spirit can do it. The procedure is the same: with a moistened cotton pad, treat contamination from resin from wood, rosin or even bitumen. After a thing it is desirable to wash twice.

As you can see, people have learned to deal with absolutely any spots. The main thing is not to delay. The fresher the dirt, the easier it will be to destroy. There are a lot of ways people have come up with. Having shown ingenuity and inquired about folk methods on the Internet, you will save twice. Firstly, you will not need to buy expensive special tools in the store. Secondly, your favorite thing will remain safe and sound.

While walking through the forest, it is difficult to avoid contact of clothing with resinous tree branches.

Spruce and pine resin sticky and sticky leaves its marks on jackets and shirts, jeans and caps.

The situation is unfortunate, but fixable.

There are many ways to get rid of tar stains without going to the dry cleaners.

What to refrain from

Do not do it:

  • Use normal washing, in the hope that the resin is washed off. Even the best washing powder will not cope with a tar stain, despite pre-soaking.
  • Try to wipe off the dirt. This procedure leads to a deeper penetration of resinous particles into the tissue structure and complicates the process of stain removal. If you rub the resin into the surface of a light fabric, the thing will be hopelessly damaged.

Preparing the item for stain removal

Fresh pine and spruce resin has the ability penetrate deeply into the tissue structure. After a while, it freezes and hardens. Part of the resin remains on the surface of the product and if it is removed mechanically, it will be easier to deal with the rest of the stain.

Any sharp object will do. Knife, scissors, scalpel. Carefully, without damaging the surface of the fabric, large particles of resin are removed from the surface of the product.

If the thing with which the stain is removed is small, it is placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. Then the contaminated area is crushed. As a result, some of the resinous pieces crumble. This method is only suitable for strong dense fabrics.

Last step before washing dissolution of sticky particles by heating. This method is also suitable for products made of silk and chiffon. You can heat the area soaked in resin using an iron or hair dryer.

Before heating, the back and front of the site is laid with napkins or pieces of cotton fabric. They will absorb the melted resin particles.

Changing the napkins, iron until the stain is gone. Then the thing can be sent to the normal wash, after rubbing the stain with a bar of laundry soap.

If after these steps the stain has not disappeared, you will need a stain remover or traditional home remedies.

Preparations for removing stains from spruce and pine resin

To solve the problem with solvents, you will need set of cotton pads or tampons. They will need to be soaked in any of the solvents and applied to a piece of fabric smeared with resin on both sides at once for a certain time.

Solvents that cope with resinous substances include:

  1. Medical alcohol. It has a mild effect, can be applied to any type of fabric. Wet with swabs and wipe the stain to the desired result.
  2. Turpentine. A couple of cotton pads soaked in turpentine are applied for half an hour to the problem area. The resin should soften well. Then, using pieces of cloth or paper towels, they absorb it, pressing them with force to the stain.
  3. Turpentine + alcohol. Soften the resin using discs soaked in turpentine. After 30 minutes, the resin can be removed with a swab dipped in medical alcohol.
  4. white spirit and acetone. A common acetone-based nail polish remover is also suitable. This is an aggressive type of solvent with a fast effect. They are not suitable for delicate fabrics. To soften the contamination, the swab with the solvent is kept on the stain for no more than three minutes, then using clean napkins or swabs, the contamination is removed.
  5. purified. Just a caveat - do not use gasoline from the gas tank! The presence of special additives in ordinary gasoline will provide additional stains and there is a danger that the fabric structure will not withstand such a “cleaning”.
  6. Coca Cola. A tool that, in its versatility, gives odds to all other preparations for cleaning rust and plaque from plumbing and jewelry. It won't let you down this time either. Depending on the amount of resin on the product, it is soaked in a wonderful drink for a period of 30 minutes to 5 hours. Then the product is sent to the wash or the stain is removed with a brush.
  7. Vegetable oil. Suitable for leather items. In 30 minutes, the oil will make the resin fluid and the thing can be easily washed off.
  8. Ammonia + potato starch + turpentine. Will cope even with an old pitch stain. It will take 1 teaspoon of starch and 4 drops of alcohol and turpentine. The resulting composition is applied to the area and, after drying, is brushed off with a hard brush.

Before you apply any tool, you will need to test its effect on an inconspicuous place. You need to make sure that the fabric does not collapse and does not lose its color. So that the pollution contour does not “crawl”, talc is poured around the stain.

The interior made of natural wood looks very solid, presentable, soft and pleasant. Coniferous material is especially valuable, which also contributes to the natural healing of all residents of the house during operation. But there is one problem that arises when laying softwood - how to get rid of resin on the boards, which must be solved correctly. How to remove resin from a tree in a pine bath or steam room? That is what this article will be about.

Why remove resin?

Coniferous wood species such as pine, spruce, larch are unusually beautiful, but they emit natural resins not only after sawing, but also during growth. This resin is a very viscous, fluid substance, so the process of interior decoration is much more complicated, because:

  1. Boards where the resin leaks out become extremely sticky and will quickly bond to whatever tools and materials they come into contact with.
  2. Usually, the areas where the “resin” flows out look a little darker than the whole board, so the uniformity of the coating cannot be achieved.
  3. Staining to perform with the resulting substance is impossible, and unprofitable. Paint or varnish will not harden on resin stains, respectively - there will remain convex, unprotected from the harmful effects of moisture, areas of the coating that stand out by their color.

What do you need to know about resin?

Resin removal is best done only after the board has been sanded. Although compliance with this rule will not be a guarantee that the "resin" will not prove itself again. Sometimes such a substance begins to ooze under the influence of certain factors after the finishing work is completed. This factor must be taken into account before giving preference to coniferous decoration of the house.

How to remove resin from the board?

In order to properly prepare all the elements for laying the floor, wall cladding or ceiling, you need to correctly get rid of the resin on the boards. This can be done in several ways.

Mechanical removal

In this case, in order to remove the resin from the boards, it is necessary to wait for the complete solidification of the fluid mass. Then, armed with a knife, remove each piece by hand.

Important! After removing all unwanted sagging, it is necessary to sand the surface of the wood with sandpaper or a special tool.


To dissolve the "resin" you can use improvised chemistry. The following tools are suitable for this purpose:

  • alcohol;
  • White Spirit;
  • turpentine;
  • refined gasoline;
  • acetone;
  • nitro solvent.

Important! The use of any of these solvents does not affect the structure and shade of softwood. But when using it, it is advisable to protect yourself with gloves, a respirator so that caustic volatile vapors do not provoke irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

Other ways and means

You can also get rid of resin on the boards with the help of folk methods, which consist in the use of available kitchen and pharmacy solutions, powders.

The following methods effectively help to solve the problem:

  • Ammonium chloride or ammonia solution. Such a tool is diluted with acetone in a ratio of 2: 1. Apply to the surface with rubbing movements until foam is formed. Remains of foam and resin are removed after 20 minutes with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Potash and soda in equal proportions (50 g each). Both substances are mixed and poured into 1 liter of hot water. To enhance the effect, you can add 250 ml of acetone.
  • Caustic soda. It is dissolved in half a liter of cold water. You can also add 250 ml of a solvent such as acetone.

Important! Any of these products can only be applied to a sanded, but not painted surface. Otherwise, acetone will dissolve the paint and the finished finish will not look the most attractive way.

Safe Recipes

In order not to damage the wood either mechanically or chemically, or in the case of a small amount of resin, use the following products to get rid of the resin on the boards:

  • 25 g of wood or any liquid soap mixed with 50 ml of ammonia and 1 liter of hot water;
  • acetic solution of concentrated acid and water in a ratio of 1:50.

Important! The last resort is also well suited to remove alkali residues after using any other substance or solution to get rid of the resin on the boards. It helps a lot, including when you wash ready-made walls and you need to remove the remnants of the cleaner from the joints of the crowns.

When the walls are already sheathed

If the resin began to appear from the boards after they were laid on the walls, you are unlikely to have a desire to spend a lot of time pointwise removing each piece of “resin” with solvents or a knife.

In this case, you can burn through all the places where coniferous wood sap is formed with a blowtorch, then cleaning them with sandpaper of a suitable degree of graininess.


When giving preference to a coniferous board, remember that you will not be able to completely get rid of the resin on the boards. It can appear at any, the most unexpected moment for you. But this is actually not such a global problem, because it is possible to remove the “sap”, and the beauty, environmental friendliness and benefits of such wood cannot be compared with any modern plastic or other material. Let your home be filled with only the pleasant aroma of pine needles and always look cozy. And with minor resin problems, you now know how to deal with it.