11th wedding anniversary. Steel wedding (11 years)

11 years life together (steel wedding) is an important date in the life of the spouses. Having reached their twenties, the family enters into new era relationships. And in order for the next stage to bring only happiness, you need to know how to properly celebrate this union’s birthday, what traditions should be followed and what gifts to give.

What wedding

The 11th birthday of a marriage is called the steel wedding. Steel is durable and very beautiful. By the 12th year of marriage, the relationship between husband and wife is the same - strong, established, while sparks of passion still flare up between the spouses. The strength of the relationship is also indicated by the symbol 11: 1 and 1 - a real couple, equal partners.

Ancient customs and traditions

In ancient times, it was customary to perform several rituals at a steel wedding, which, according to signs, helped strengthen the family and provided the husband and wife with many more years happy life under the same roof.

  • So, on the 11th wedding anniversary, the spouses had to carry out a cleansing ritual of ablution. In the summer, lovers washed away everything bad from themselves in a river or lake, in the winter - in a bathhouse. Then the man and woman dressed in white clothes, symbolizing the purity of their thoughts towards each other. After ablution, someone close to them offered the spouses to choose one of three things - dough, rope or blade. If the husband and wife chose the dough, it means their relationship is unstable; if a rope, their feelings have not yet stood the test of time; if it’s a blade, their marriage is unbreakable.
  • It has always been customary to celebrate 11 years of marriage noisily - with many guests, songs, dances and a table laden with food. Before the start of the celebration, the husband gave his wife a bouquet of 11 flowers. According to legend, if flowers remain fresh for 11 days, all subsequent long years family life The “steel newlyweds” will spend their time in peace and harmony.
  • Our ancestors gave a special place to amulets against evil. On the morning of the steel wedding, the husband hung a steel horseshoe over the entrance to the house with its horns facing up. The wife helped the betrothed - she handed him nails and held a hammer. A horseshoe is considered a symbol of happiness and goodness, capable of protecting a family from quarrels, strife and the envy of enemies.

Gifts from spouses to each other

For their 11th wedding anniversary, a husband and wife can make major joint purchases that had previously been postponed for some reason. For example, this could be the purchase of household appliances or a car. It is advisable that the new clothes be of a metallic steel color - to match the color of the wedding.

Gift for husband

A wife can give her husband steel cufflinks or tie clips, wrist watch, a tie or a set of steel-colored handkerchiefs, a home set of tools, camping equipment (thermos, water flask, flashlight), an expensive stationery set, a cigarette case.

It is important that the gift suits the man’s interests and lifestyle. So, an expensive pen is suitable for business man working in an office or developing own business, and camping equipment will appeal to lovers of forays into nature. If we move away from the tradition of giving something steel or at least steel color, then lucky gifts for a man there will be good alcohol or cigars.

Gift for wife

The husband can please his beloved with rings, earrings, bracelets and other jewelry - platinum or imitation steel, kitchen or serving utensils, a beautiful tea set, small household appliances for personal care (hairdryer or epilator), pocket or table mirror, accessory (scarf or handbag) in steel color.

Also, the husband can give his wife a steel box, inside of which will be a certain amount. With this money, a woman has the right to purchase something that she has long dreamed of but was embarrassed to afford (for example, an obscenely expensive skirt or a trip to a SPA salon for the whole day).

What do spouses get for a steel wedding?

Choosing a gift for the “steel newlyweds” should not cause a couple of difficulties for friends and relatives. For 11 years of marriage, it is customary to give something steel-colored, and a great many useful household items fit into this category.

  • So, you can give your spouse household appliances for the home - a kettle, coffee maker, blender, multicooker, steamer, juicer, and so on.
  • You can opt for a set of metal cooking utensils. It may include pots, ladles, stewpans, frying pans, pancake pans, as well as ladles, spatulas, spaghetti spoons, cooking tongs, whisks and other kitchen utensils.
  • Good gifts would be items for home decor - steel sconces or night lights, vases, pots for indoor plants, Photo frame. Creative and memorable gifts include a paid excursion to a steel mill.

And, of course, guests should not forget about flowers. On the 11th wedding anniversary, the couple's house should be simply strewn with them. Bouquets must contain 11 flowers. It is best to give preference to gladioli, chrysanthemums, carnations and roses - when cut, these flowers do not fade for a long time.

Celebration ideas

On the day of the steel wedding, the husband and wife must collect as much as possible more guests– close relatives, friends and good acquaintances. It is desirable that there are many children at the holiday: they personify the well-being of the family and its completeness. You just need to think in advance about what the children will do - come up with games and competitions for them, set a separate table with various goodies. It will also be simply wonderful if couples who recently celebrated 22 years of marriage come to congratulate the “steel” spouses.

Holiday atmosphere

You can have a party at home, in a restaurant, or, if allowed weather, Outdoors. But wherever the holiday takes place, it is necessary to create the appropriate atmosphere. Metallic colors should be used in the decoration of the hall. So that it does not look very strict, it can be diluted with bright orange, green or pink shades. For example, steel tablecloths on tables are emerald air balloons; chair upholstery in metallic color - carrot cloth napkins. Cutlery (knives, forks and spoons), napkin stands, candlesticks, buckets for cooling drinks - all metal.

When decorating a party room, you should use a steel color, which is best diluted bright colors(green, orange or pink).

Menu ideas

As for the menu, it should be simple and tasty. Delicatessen and gourmet meals are optional; will be quite enough vegetable salads, one hot dish, two or three types of appetizers and dessert. If among the guests there will be vegetarians, raw foodists or people on a special diet, you need to find out this in advance and create a menu taking into account their needs and taste preferences.

Toasts, dancing

During the holiday they should sound congratulatory toasts and good laughter. Gifts can be given during the party, or you can set aside a separate time for this procedure. Towards the end of the evening, according to tradition, the heroes of the occasion must perform the dance that they danced 11 years ago at their wedding. If spouses have children, then they go out to dance with their parents.

It is advisable to organize a magnificent celebration for the 11th anniversary of marriage, but not at all necessary. If a husband and wife want to celebrate their family's birthday in a quiet romantic setting, they can easily afford it.

Steel wedding is perfect occasion in order to remind the whole world of their love, devotion and loyalty to each other. You need to spend this day in such a way that you remember it with warmth for many years to come - until the golden wedding and even longer.

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The happy couple have been together for 11 years. What wedding is celebrated at the beginning of the second decade of marriage? Not everyone can answer this question; this is not the fortieth or fiftieth anniversary of marriage. However, this does not mean at all that no importance should be attached to the steel wedding, because this important date symbolizes the strength of the relationship between loving people.

Steel is an inexpensive, but beautiful, flexible and durable metal, so it is no coincidence that the 11th anniversary of marriage was given such an original name. The husband and wife went through a lot, got used to each other, their marriage became strong, reliable and stable. By the way, psychologists call the 11th year of marriage the calmest and most prosperous.

Ancient traditions

How to celebrate a steel wedding

On your wedding day, you need to try to forget about all the problems and troubles, invite your loved ones, loved ones, whom it is pleasant to see at the celebration. Must be present among the invitees married couple, which celebrated its 22nd anniversary.

Children - a symbol of happiness, prosperity and completeness of the family - must share the joy of this wonderful date with their parents.

If the celebrants of the day do not have children yet, you can ask your friends to bring their children.

The children's table is set separately, competitions and other entertainment are thought out in advance so that the kids don't get bored at adult party. If funds allow, you can invite an animator.

It is not customary to celebrate a steel wedding as widely as, say, a ruby ​​wedding, but it is impossible to ignore the significant date.

  • The best way to celebrate 11 years of marriage is a picnic in nature, and it will also save a lot of time. But this option is only acceptable in case of good weather.
  • If you want to make your wedding themed, use more metal in your decoration. It won’t look too elegant, but if the metallic color is combined with bright rich shades (coral, orange, emerald), it will turn out impressive and stylish.
  • The table setting should match the theme of the wedding. Use as many steel items as possible, such as dishes, napkin rings, tableware, vases and candlesticks. It is advisable to choose tablecloths and napkins with a steel sheen.
  • The toastmaster is usually not invited to the steel wedding anniversary; the reins are given to a friend who was a witness at the wedding. Everything that happens is filmed to capture the most interesting moments of the celebration.
  • Menu festive table It should be no frills, simple but tasty, make sure that the guests are well-fed and satisfied. There should be a lot of sweets on the table: cake, sweets, pastries. All sweet products that are left after the holiday are given to the little guests to take home with them.

  • For the 11th wedding anniversary, it is best for spouses to dress in all white or light colors.
  • Husband and wife exchange congratulations and gifts, these should be objects made of steel. An original idea will become couples gift, for example, two halves of a heart - a symbol eternal love and fidelity, two identical rings

At the end of the event, the couple, together with their children, must perform the dance that they danced at the wedding many years ago.

What to give spouses for a steel wedding

Don't choose a gift thoughtlessly. You need to think in advance about how to please your spouses. What to give for a steel wedding? There are many options, remember that gifts should symbolize love and strength family relations, the desire of spouses to protect the marriage bond.

In addition, gifts should correspond to the theme of the evening, so it is better to give objects made of steel or a material visually reminiscent of it.

  1. Perfectly suitable for a married couple Appliances with chrome plated or details. Not all guests can afford such gifts; this point applies more to the parents and close relatives of the heroes of the day.
  2. Original lamps, floor lamps, and candlesticks are an excellent alternative to household appliances; moreover, lighting fixtures are a symbol of the family hearth, love and warmth of family relationships.
  3. It is quite appropriate to give various dishes for your 11th wedding anniversary: ​​sets of pots, pans, baking dishes. Such items are never superfluous for a housewife; she will always find a use for them.

You can give anything you want if the above options do not suit you. Wrap the gift in foil and present it to the newlyweds.

If you find it difficult to choose a gift, you can ask the spouses what they would like to receive as a gift. This is not the best way out of the situation, but it is still better than giving something that the spouses may not need.

You can also consult with a consultant in the store about what they give to “steel” anniversaries on this significant day.

What do spouses give each other?

11 years from the wedding day is a significant period, testifying to love and fidelity. On this significant date, husband and wife not only receive gifts from guests invited to the celebration, but also give them to each other.

Gifts for husband:

  • steel cufflinks, watches, tie clips;
  • collectible weapons, if, of course, the husband is interested in such things (saber, dagger);
  • a set of tools (for a male craftsman);
  • thermos, flask, thermal mug, barbecue grill, kebab maker, lantern;
  • key holder, safe, expensive office set (for a business person);
  • ashtray, cigarette case, expensive cigars;
  • stand for strong drinks;
  • collection alcohol;
  • a horseshoe that spouses nail together.

Gifts for wife:

  • steel-colored clothing and shoes;
  • stylish jewelry imitated as steel;
  • platinum jewelry ( White color precious metal visually resembles steel);
  • kitchen or dining utensils, samovar;
  • figurines depicting lovers;
  • coffee and tea sets and sets;
  • bed linen, tablecloths with a steel tint;
  • electrical appliances;
  • metal box;
  • mirror with exquisite steel frame;
  • ring stand.

You can give each other funny gifts:

  • castles symbolizing the strength and inviolability of family ties;
  • medals, cups, certificates with playful congratulations Happy 11th wedding anniversary.

Gifts that are equally suitable for both men and women:

  • a steel-colored car (if, of course, funds allow);
  • rings engraved with each other's names;
  • an exquisite frame in which a photo of a loved one is inserted;
  • the latest model of phone or laptop in a steel case;
  • fitness equipment;
  • books, films, the title of which contains the word “steel”;
  • elegant leather accessories with steel inserts.

Joint large purchases can also be timed to coincide with such an important date, which will delight the spouses for many years. It could be:

  • new furniture for the rooms or kitchen;
  • a fireplace that will decorate and warm the living room;
  • purchasing large household appliances, such as a refrigerator in an ultra fashionable metallic color.

And if a married couple decides to carry out renovations, that will be absolutely wonderful!

Spouses should give each other gifts in a warm family atmosphere, giving each other a real holiday.

A steel wedding is a great occasion to demonstrate that you love and value each other. So let this day be remembered by you for many years, be bright, fabulous and cheerful!

By eleven wedding anniversary The couple have already gone through a lot of trials together. Let's learn more from this article about the 11th wedding anniversary, what kind of wedding, what is given on this day.

By this time, the husband and wife were already able to prove that their relationship had become as strong as steel, after which this steel wedding was named. But even though steel is a ferrous metal, with certain processing it can become shiny, and even though your relationship has gone through many “black” tests, it still shines.

The meaning of the number 11

In astrology: means observation, attentiveness, pedantry, sycophancy and servanthood. Characterized by adaptation to any conditions, the ability to regenerate and self-sacrifice.

In magic: eleven is a special number, the number of indignation and the Universe. For the Arabs, this is the number of God, which includes 11 stages. According to St. Augustine, this is the number of apostasy. It is also considered an ominous number. Symbolizes danger and betrayal.

In life: the number of energy and strength. Means chaos and disorder. The predominance of the number 11 in your life speaks of your vulnerability and unfulfilled plans for the future.

11th wedding anniversary, what a wedding, traditions

According to tradition, it was on this anniversary that the ceremony of initiation into marriage took place, because the time spent together before the steel wedding was considered only probationary period. This ritual was carried out in the morning: the husband and wife came to the lake, took off their clothes and swam for at least 10 minutes in the water. But if it was very cold outside, then in the evening under big boiler a fire was made with water, which burned all night, and in the morning it was removed from the fire, and the husband and wife plunged into warm water, holding each other's hands.

Afterwards the spouses dressed white clothes and, accompanied by the singing of the children, together with the guests, they came to their house, stopping in front of the threshold. When the children finished singing the song, the oldest resident of the village stood between the spouses and found out how strong their feelings were and whether they were ready to undergo the ceremony. Then the old man took out three objects: a knife, dough and rope and asked the couple to choose one of them. It was believed that only those spouses could undergo the ceremony who chose a knife.

If the husband and wife chose the dough, then they were sent to bake a pie from it and let the guests try it. If the elder liked the pie, he allowed him to go through the ceremony again a year later.

When the couple chose a rope, they folded it in half, twisted it and put it under the threshold on whole year so that you can try the ritual again later.

And finally, if the husband and wife chose a knife, then the old man asked them to kneel as closely as possible to each other, and he himself held the knife from the shoulder to the elbow of the spouses. If they were not afraid and remained sitting motionless, then the elder covered their heads with a large white veil and left them sitting like that for a while.
half an hour. Only after this was it believed that the spouses had gone through the ceremony and became a real family. The knife was wrapped in a towel and hidden in a secret place.

How to meet

It is advisable to have at least one of the prepared dishes in a steel form, or, for example, place sandwiches on a steel tray. For good luck, place a steel horseshoe in the center of the table, which after the celebration should be hidden and stored until the next anniversary.

11 wedding anniversary, what they give

Gift from guests: steel products are given on the eleventh anniversary: ​​jewelry, sets, pots, trays, blenders, coffee makers and microwave ovens, as well as steel-colored tablecloths and bedspreads.

Gift for your wife: you can choose steel jewelry, a jewelry box with a steel finish, and you can also give a steel-colored silk peignoir.

Gift for your husband: give a steel bracelet, a watch with a steel strap, a hookah or a wallet with steel inserts, and if your husband is into fishing, then a fishing rod will be a great gift for him.

A couple who have walked through life hand in hand for 11 years is celebrating. This wedding anniversary is quite symbolic. After all, not only the name of the wedding “steel” confirms the strength of the relationship, but also the symbol “11” indicates that “1+1” is already a real couple. Therefore, the choice of gifts for a steel wedding needs to be approached thoughtfully in order to emphasize the importance of the event.

How steel was tempered: what to give for your 11th wedding anniversary?

It just so happened that gifts for each are chosen in accordance with its name and symbolism.

After all, they have lived together for 11 years, and the family has entered a new decade.

An original 11th anniversary gift for your wife would be holding holiday according .

Figure out how to perform the morning ablution ritual.

To do this, you can organize a trip to nature, where you can prepare a place in a pond, decorating it with wicker flower garlands or symbolic objects.

If the 11th wedding falls during the cold season, prepare an original bath.

Rose petals, aromatic oils, and candles will come in handy.

Start your holiday day with a romantic bath, and the celebration will be remembered for a long time.

Don't forget to hand over a steel horseshoe.

After all, it is on this day that it is customary to hang such a talisman together over the door. You can find a real horseshoe or buy an unusual decorative souvenir.

Exchange symbolic steel rings. You can put an original engraving on them with your names or words of love.

Of course, it is unlikely that such jewelry will be worn every day, but it will replenish wedding collection rings, which already has engagement rings, weddings.

Steel wedding: what to give to your beloved wife?

The main gift for a woman on any occasion has always been flowers. At a steel wedding, there is a wonderful tradition of giving your wife a bouquet of 11 flowers.

It is worth following this ritual, but try to choose a bouquet of flowers that are guaranteed not to wither within 11 days.

According to tradition, the bouquet must remain fresh for at least 11 days, which promises the “young” happiness and harmony in the future.

Therefore, approach the choice of a flower gift thoughtfully, so that the gift does not become a reason for disappointment and resentment in the future. Remember, chrysanthemums and dahlias, roses and gladioli, carnations and majors will delight the eye for a long time. And don't take risks with peonies, tulips, and daffodils.

Don't forget about a material gift for your beloved wife for a steel wedding.

Please your woman with silver jewelry. This metal shines no worse than polished steel. Therefore, a ring, ring or earrings with a bracelet will be a completely symbolic gift for your wife on her 11th anniversary.

White gold jewelry will also work.

Well, if your lady prefers only classic yellow gold, don't deprive her of such joy. Just don’t forget to pack such a gift for your wife in a steel box, which can also act as an independent gift.

An original steel jewelry stand is also suitable as a gift. It can be made in the form female hand, unusual hooks or tree, abstract figure.

Can be picked up designer item with steel decoration. This could be a bag, a belt, a smartphone case, or a wallet.

A gift for a wife on her 11th wedding does not have to be material. Daily hassles, the bustle of life, caring for her husband and children take up a lot of her time, giving her absolutely no opportunity to relax.

Give your woman relaxation and pleasure. Send your loved one to the spa by giving her a certificate for the holiday.

Just don’t limit a woman to banal procedures that she allows herself regularly, but offer really expensive, pleasant events in the form of a massage with oils, chocolate wrap.

We’ve been together for 11 years – what kind of wedding, what should I give my husband?

How long do you need to live with a person to accurately guess his desires?

For some, this is enough, for others, they will need whole ones, and for others, even throughout their lives, they will not be able to understand what their spouse will be most happy about.

But if the newlyweds have lived with each other for 11 years, the wife at least knows what to give her husband for their anniversary.

And you don't have to limit yourself symbolic gifts. You can always figure out how to add symbolism to the elected president.

To do this, you can use steel foil packaging and use steel elements for decoration.

Give your man a modern electronic gadget. This could be a phone, a tablet, or items for a car in the form of a DVR or navigator. Choose such a gift in a laconic style.

The steel body, glare of buttons and screen fits perfectly into the holiday concept.

A watch with a steel bracelet will also work. The strap can be leather, but must have steel rivets.

Of course, give such a president if you don’t believe in various superstitions.

Choose cufflinks or a tie holder made of shiny metal for your husband. Complete the gift with the tie itself, which should be steel or gray.

You can apply original engraving to such accessories.

The safe is a wonderful present for a home earner and is fully consistent with the symbol of the 11th anniversary.

And, of course, the most the best gifts There will be presidents associated with the interests and hobbies of men. Believe me, in this area you can pick up a lot of thematic and symbolic souvenirs.

Give the summer resident and picnic lover a grill and a barbecue set.

Give a weapon lover a new collectible knife, saber, dagger or original souvenir revolver.

Men are sensitive to such things, and your gift will definitely take pride of place in the collection.

Music lovers and movie buffs will rejoice at the new speakers, buffer, and headphones. Gamers - wireless mouse and wi-fi keyboard.

You can give the athlete a home exercise machine or dumbbells. After all, such shells are not made without the use of steel.

Give a travel enthusiast a video camera or photo camera, and some brand new gear or a flask.

Let your spouse's dreams come true on your steel wedding day. And if he had long wanted to learn to play musical instruments, but life’s ups and downs have always prevented such a hobby, give him a guitar or a synthesizer.

Such a gift will remind you for a long time wedding day 11th anniversary.

Many people, getting ready for a holiday, wonder what to give to their friends. And in vain, because friends have a great opportunity to choose non-trivial or practical gifts, but original or funny gifts for a steel wedding.

It is these souvenirs that create a festive, fun mood and a fun atmosphere at the celebration.

A mirror would be a good present. Such brilliant gift in a steel frame refers not only to a symbol of understanding between spouses, but is also capable of increasing family happiness doubled.

This souvenir will definitely bring happiness to the family. Amulets that will help spouses in difficult times are also suitable.

Such a stone will definitely transfer its energy to the owner, but it is better to choose the right one in accordance with the zodiac sign.

You can also give medals to spouses. They can be in the form of awards, souvenirs, or memorable decorations. They can be decorated with a memorable inscription, a symbolic design, original wish or parting words. Such a coin can be not only a souvenir, but also a decoration if worn on a chain.

Give the newlyweds a matryoshka doll. Of course, not just one, as many as 11. Each painted doll will symbolize the year spent together.

What do they give for their 11th wedding anniversary: ​​unusual gifts from friends

Who, if not friends, can please with comic gifts.

From the category of cool gifts, choose symbolic ones and help them out with original wishes.

By giving a wine horn as a symbol of abundance, wish for a “single horn” in your married life.

Give a self-assembled tablecloth as a symbol of abundance on the table, and at the same time remind you of a peaceful life without scandals.

Give a bedspread as a gift, wishing you nightly exploits.

A gifted turtle reminds you that you need to rush slowly, without fuss.

And the alarm bird, on the contrary, means that you need to do everything in time.

Fake handcuffs will serve as symbols lasting marriage, and a pair of fastened steel locks is an unbreakable union.

If the couple has a good sense of humor, give her a comic cartoon or a collage of photographs of the funniest moments in life.

The most creative gift There will be an excursion to the forge. And if master classes are provided there, the couple themselves will be able to forge a symbol of their steel happiness.

The chest with steel coins also looks original. You can hang them on a money tree.

Gift for 11th wedding anniversary: ​​nice little things from friends

Friends often want to please the newlyweds with practical gifts, but financial opportunities they don’t always allow you to purchase expensive things.

Memorable and the right gift could be a present in the form of:

  • steel glasses;
  • original flask with frames;
  • unusual candlesticks made in old style or hi-tech;
  • photo frames;
  • umbrella stands, which are necessary for a hospitable home;
  • steel cornices in an unusual shape;
  • tea or coffee set, which can be complemented with sweets or cake;
  • a steel bucket for champagne, which will decorate any holiday table;
  • sconces, floor lamps or lamps with wishes for bright years of marriage;
  • steel kitchen accessories such as spatulas, baking dishes, teapots, Turks for brewing coffee.

Any nice little thing will become useful if you carefully approach its choice, taking into account the needs of the spouses.

What to give to relatives for their 11th wedding anniversary?

Usually distant relatives are limited to inexpensive options practical gifts, such as are given to friends for a steel wedding.

But close relatives, especially parents, should think about purchasing more expensive gifts. After all, it is from them that spouses expect special attention.

In this case, you should not limit yourself to a comic souvenir or an insignificant thing.

It's better to please your spouses home appliances. It could be a washing machine or Dishwasher, refrigerator or freezer. And don’t worry that the family has its own equipment; after 11 years it is definitely outdated.

Modern kitchen gadgets are also suitable. Any housewife will be delighted with a multifunctional multicooker, bread maker or air fryer.

Don't leave kitchen utensils unattended. Believe me, buy it good set pots, pans or cupronickel kitchen appliances Not every family can afford it.

You can purchase steel garden furniture if the family owns its own or a country house.

Give it as a gift if you don’t have enough time or imagination to choose from. original gift, money. Just get to know us first in unusual ways how to present them at a wedding.

Steel anniversary: ​​what to give your parents for their 11th wedding anniversary?

The children of a couple who have lived together for 11 years are still too young to independently figure out ideas for gifts for parents for a steel wedding. Therefore, grandparents should come to their aid.

The couple will be pleased if the baby also congratulates them on the holiday.

It is better if the gift for a steel wedding is made by yourself.

This could be original greeting card, decorated with foil appliqué. A bouquet that can be made from steel elements, as well as an original photo frame or album, decorated with steel coins or other metal elements in the form of sequins, chains, and beads, are also suitable.

In the same way, you can decorate a mirror or a photo of mom and dad.

Any gift will please the newlyweds on their 11th anniversary if it is given from the heart with wishes of family happiness.

The couple is confidently entering their second decade of marriage. They already know well what their other half likes and doesn’t like, they built a house and everyday life together, they are raising a child and making a career. 11 intense years of marriage - so what kind of wedding is this? Strong and shiny - steel!

What is so special about steel?

Steel is not a natural metal. It is a man-made alloy of iron and carbon. In ancient times, steel was valued and reliable blades were made from it. So the relationship between the spouses over the years has turned into a strong and strong family. And yet, just as steel can be melted, understanding between spouses can go wrong, says the wedding portal Svadbaholik.ru. So the steel wedding is a reminder to the couple that they need to continue to work on the relationship so that the family prospers.

Traditions and beliefs associated with the anniversary

If the previous anniversary, a pink wedding, denotes strong feeling, then the current one is strong union. Ancestors believed that a steel wedding is new stage in the life of a couple, a reason to cleanse the soul and body and bring shine and order to the house.

What needs to be done by age 11?

  1. It became common among people to renovate their homes for a steel wedding. From major renovations to the purchase of furniture and interior items. If you don’t have enough money for something like this, it’s enough to make at least a small rearrangement in the apartment.
  2. The house is thoroughly cleaned within a few days.
  3. On the day of the anniversary, the spouses should swim in the river or take a good steam in the bathhouse. It is believed that water washes away all the sorrows and negativity that have happened to the family over the past years. After ablution, the husband and wife put on white clothes.
  4. For the eleven years that have passed since the wedding, the couple must complete some task together, for example, hanging a steel horseshoe over the door. At the same time, they do everything in coordination: the wife hands over the tools, the husband nails the horseshoe.
  5. Another tradition is the ritual of giving. The couple sit comfortably opposite each other and exchange gifts. At the same time, it is important to talk pleasant words, parting words, wishes, and also thank your significant other for the good things he or she does for you.

Gifts and courtesy

What holiday is complete without gifts? And since the anniversary itself presupposes a ritual of giving, the choice memorable souvenirs should be approached with special care.

Celebrating wedding anniversaries by year, the most universal gift“for her” from her beloved husband is, of course, flowers. IN in this case a bouquet of eleven flowers will look very presentable. However, keep in mind that for 11 wedding years folk signs flower gift symbolic for the wife. The longer the bouquet lasts, the stronger the relationship is predicted to be in the future. So it’s better to refuse classic roses. The longest-living flowers are chrysanthemums, gerberas, and carnations. An original and practical solution would be to order flower arrangement in a sponge. These flowers will definitely last a long time. In addition, they can be supplemented beautiful decor steel shades.

A romantic gift for 11th wedding anniversary would be Jewelry(steel products are safe and original), mirrors (one of the attributes of a steel wedding), boxes and amulets. Jewelry steel is becoming increasingly popular due to its strength, hypoallergenic properties, and ease of care (the material does not darken or tarnish when in contact with water).

What can you give to your wife for a steel wedding if she is a practical person? Then she can be pleased with a variety of kitchen utensils (pots, pans, baking dishes, vases, trays, a kettle - they will all be of excellent quality). Also pay attention to gadgets housed in a steel case, such as mobile phones.

What to give your beloved husband on his 11th wedding anniversary? It makes sense to put steel in the hand of your betrothed! Giving sharp objects, such as knives or blades, is considered a bad omen. However, today women have many options at their disposal interesting items made of steel. For example, wristwatches, solid pens, money clips, flash cards or removable hard drives, car accessories. If your spouse has a hobby, the choice becomes even easier. For a traveler - a camp flask, for a wine collector - an inlaid horn, for a chess player - a board and steel pieces, etc.

What to give if you are invited to a steel wedding?

  • The 11 years that the couple spent together since the wedding is a symbolic 1 plus 1. So any paired items made of steel are suitable: jewelry, a lock with a key, two umbrellas, etc.
  • Souvenirs and traditional amulets: medallions, horseshoes, engraved memorial plaques, a mirror, a painting in a steel frame, a photo album or photo frame in an appropriate frame.
  • Practical gifts for spouses for 11 years of marriage will please any household appliances (from toasters and blenders to TVs and coffee machines), kitchen utensils, a safe, a kebab or barbecue set.
  • An active couple will be pleased with sports goods: bicycles, exercise equipment, pedometers with steel elements.
  • And, of course, think about it