Simple birthday toast. Happy birthday toasts

On our site you will find more than 500 original author's birthday toasts. More than 300 authors work especially for you, new birthday toasts appear daily, both in prose and in verse. We have already covered all the "newborns": friend and girlfriend, dad and mom, colleague and boss, etc. And we continue to replenish our database so that you can choose the best, most interesting and suitable birthday toast for your occasion.

Birthday toast

I want to tell this story:
"The pencil master made beautiful pencil I put my heart and soul into it. Before putting it in the box, he said:
“You must know five things. They are necessary to be the best. First, to do many useful and important things, you need to let Someone hold you in His hand and guide you. Second: time will grind you down, and this is very painful, but necessary. Third: everyone makes mistakes, the main thing is to understand and correct them. Fourth: the most important is inside. Fifth: you must leave a mark on yourself, regardless of the state and the surface on which you are used.
Let's wish our birthday man a happy birthday and drink to follow these simple but so important truths.

Birthday congratulations or toast

Listen to this parable:
“Once a man dreamed that he went to heaven, where he could look at hell and heaven. First he went to hell and saw a huge hall there, tables full of food and drinks. Unfortunate people sat at the tables, who could not eat, because they held very long spoons in their hands. Then he saw paradise, where he was also Big hall, tables full of food and drinks. There were also people sitting at the tables who could not eat, as the spoons were very long. But these people were happy.
The man was surprised and asked the angel why people are happy in heaven and unhappy in hell. The angel said, "In paradise they don't try to eat themselves, they feed each other!"
I want to raise my glass in order to congratulate our birthday man on his birthday and wish him more joyful moments in life, good luck and happiness. It all depends on your attitude to life, and in this regard, you are going in the right direction. Bon Voyage!

birthday toast

I wish you to harvest a generous harvest: health, good luck and love.
And to have everything in abundance. And only one was missing:
time to think about where it all comes from.

Birthday toast to friends

A friend is not just a close person who is ready to support you at any moment. It's something more:
P - will give tights of the right size;
O - really wants to invite you to the sale;
D - does little stupid things, like any real woman;
R - I'm glad every meeting with you;
U - you can always ask her for lipstick;
G - ready to get involved in any adventure;
Oh, and he just loves you.
So let's drink to the fact that in everyone's life there is such a person who could be considered the best friend!

birthday toast

I wish you seven colors of the rainbow: so that it shines over you
yellow sun and blue sky so you always have
orange mood and purple dreams to give you
red tulips and finally, so that in your life there will be
eternal summer, what's in green color dressed.
Happy birthday!

Birthday toast

They say that once upon a time people did not grow old, but at the same time, they never changed and could not fully understand what happiness is, what love is, what friendship is. And one day they were given the choice to know all this, but in return time became powerful over them, they were scared, but they decided to take a chance and did not lose! Indeed, without time, we would not have known true love, true friendship and true happiness! So let's drink on your birthday, for the time that you lived, and for all the good that it gave you!

My dear girlfriend, today is your birthday, and a great company of those people who are dear to you and to whom you are dear has gathered at this table! So let's drink to the fact that we gather as often as possible and only on joyful occasions! And, of course, let's drink to the birthday girl! May your beauty bloom from year to year, and inner world it just keeps getting better too!

Mom's Birthday Toast

Walking the slopes of life
I'm often afraid to break
Therefore, mother, dear,
I'm holding on to your hand...
My sweet angel, you shine
In my life, like a star in the sky ...
Roads passing all over the world,
I always come back to you!
For the best mom
You are the only one in the world!
For your happiness, dear
I drink the glass to the bottom!

You are worthy of praise and kind words,
Today it is a good occasion to say them.
You brought us together festive table,
We drink to keep you forever young
So that the years multiply your power,
So that the experience becomes wiser, but not spoiled.
Be happy, be ready to help your friends,
Be honest, be healthy and be free!

Birthday toast

One day, a company like ours gathered at the festive table to celebrate someone's birthday. They sit, drink, have a snack, tell table stories, someone has already begun to sing songs, when suddenly one guest gets up, knocks on a glass with a knife and says: “Dear guests! Dear birthday boy! We all love you very much and once again want to congratulate you on your birthday. I want everyone to stand up and unanimously congratulate you on the holiday, and at the same time look who sat on my plate, which the hostess put on a chair during the change of dishes! Dear guests! Let's fill our glasses and drink for our birthday boy and for everyone present in any company to feel at ease!

Birthday toast to girlfriend

I want to drink to the beautiful and smart girl, congratulate her on her birthday and thank fate that she once brought us together and for so many years we have been the closest and best friends. I appreciate you for your cheerful disposition, joyful outlook on life, lack of excessive seriousness. And let some believe that when a person is not serious, this hinders him in many ways. Actually, it is. These words of a famous person I address to you: "Only the mentally ill take each other quite seriously."

Original birthday toast

If you wish someone happiness on their birthday, then the same as a light bulb. Why? It shines brightly, burns forever, and the most important thing in happiness is that there must be a generator nearby! Let's drink to those "energy people" who are responsible for the regular inclusion of happiness!

Birthday toast

I want to raise a glass, I'm standing
So that the world is full of happiness and peace,
And I say my wish
Beauty, let's drink to her!
Let life strike with luck
Your dreams know no bounds
Love always makes the heart happy
And friendship will be true without end!
I want to wish a beautiful woman a happy birthday! You are beautiful and young, delighting us with your excellent mood and cheerful outlook on life! We wish you all the very best!

CEO birthday toast

Once an old man in the blue sea caught a goldfish with a net. She said that she would grant the old man's three wishes. And so he thought and thought, and thought of the first: so that the whole sea would become from vodka. The old man drinks - he is not overjoyed. And the fish wheezes: “guess, old man, let go, or I’ll suffocate.” The old man thought hard, and wished that the river would also become pure vodka. Wish fulfilled! The old man drinks - he is not overjoyed. And the fish was already almost dead, barely whispered: “guess and let go!” The old man scratched his head - he couldn't think of anything. "Ah, God bless you, give me half a liter, nothing else is needed." Let's drink to the fact that every birthday you make only real wishes and fulfill them better than gold fish!

Birthday toast

For your birthday, I want to tell you a toast,
In fact, it is unpretentious and simple!
Wish a lot today and everything
And I want to wish you only one!
May good luck be with you
And you will become much richer!
May they surround you with great warmth,
Treat with great heart!
I wish you much more health
And the children will help you in everything!
But, in general, I wish you happiness in life,
And I will ask everyone to drink to the bottom!

Birthday toast

Suddenly, a small sun appeared in the sky. All people looked at the sky and were amazed at its beauty and joyfully stretched their palms to its rays. It was you who was born, a beautiful, extraordinary, sweet woman. The sun was getting brighter, and everyone rejoiced and admired it. So let's drink to you, our sun, which shines more and more every day!

Birthday toast for a young girl

How beautiful you are, young
How much happiness awaits you!!!
I drink to always
You are moving forward with a firm step!
So that only fabulous success
Accompanied you along the way!
Please raise your glasses everyone
And drain my glass!!!

Oriental toast for birthday

May your days be as bright as the silks of oriental beauties,
Let your table be full of food, like a padishah's dinner.
Let the nights be fabulous, like the words that have flown from the lips of Scheherazade.
Let your house become a palace, the pond will dissolve into the sea, and the beds will be overgrown with palm trees.
Let's drink to the fact that imagination always rescued you in Hard time!!!

girlfriend's birthday toast

We have known you since childhood, my friend,
In adversity, they always helped each other,
Both joy and sorrow shared all the time,
AND strong friendship kept for years!
So let's drink today, on your birthday,
Behind best girl, without a doubt!
For joy, success, for good luck in business,
So that you firmly hold happiness in your hands !!!
Let's drink to make wishes come true
And everything worked out without problems!

Birthday toast to a friend

There is not much happiness
As much as you wish.
We all miss him.
So raise your glasses!
We drink so that there is a lot of happiness,
and love over the edge,
And earthly good to you,
Just drink to the bottom!

Birthday toast to a friend

Once a man asked God to give him the meaning of life, and then he gave him love. And the man got what he wanted and became happy, but one day the love passed, and the man felt very bad, then God gave the man a friend who could support him. After all, this is the main quality of a true friend, to be with you when you feel bad! And it is for such a friend that I want to drink, and wish him only good luck in life!

Birthday toast for a man

Listen to this story:
“One day a peasant came to the barbershop. While he was waiting for his turn, he heard the master praise his fellow villagers: “In this village, everyone is so brave and courageous that they even shave dry.” The peasant decided to do the same. But after a few minutes he became unbearable. Then he says: “Oh, but I live from the very edge, so I can use soap!”
Happy birthday, our dear birthday boy! Let's drink to the strong and brave man who can find a way out of any situation.

Birthday toast to a man

Everyone knows that up to a year each future man sleeps with a pacifier. From a year to six, a teddy bear guards his dream. From the age of six to twelve, every boy dreams of a book. From twelve to sixteen - thinks about his dream. From sixteen to twenty-five he sleeps with a girlfriend, from twenty-five to forty - with his wife, from forty to fifty-five - with his mistress, from fifty-five to sixty-five - with hope. When he turns sixty-five, a closed window becomes his companion. Let's drink for this birthday and wish our birthday boy that his window is always open!

Birthday toast

One a famous person said the following phrase: “People are what they should be and can be. They should no more than they can. And if to be able means to be in reality, then what they are not, they are not able to be.
Let's wish our birthday boy a happy birthday! I want to drink to keep him the way he is! Each person has the right to individuality and uniqueness, to mistakes and shortcomings. However, our love is not getting smaller or weaker! Let's love a person just like that, and not for something! So let's drink to seeing only the best in people

Birthday Toast to Husband

I want everyone in the world to know
That I tremblingly love my husband,
He may be bright,
And gloomy, like the sea at the time of storms.
But I am always calmly near, From various misfortunes, hardships or troubles,
May your house be filled only with joy and light!
We drink for you, be happier than everyone
Do not meet on the way any obstacles or obstacles !!!
Son, we raise our glasses to you -
So that happiness always accompanies you!

Birthday toast to a friend

No one knows how the first friends on earth appeared, perhaps one Neanderthal man helped another to drag the carcass of a dead dinosaur to the cave. And he invited him for tea for this, perhaps one neondertal presented another with an excellent cut of the skin of a spotted rhinoceros, and for that she gave her a necklace of teeth of a saber-toothed fly. History is silent from us, but I know exactly how our friendship began and I will never forget it, and now, on your birthday, I really want to wish you to have in my person the same friend that I have in your person!

It's hard to imagine modern celebration or various celebrations without toasts, which, as a rule, say, raising glasses, and once again wishing the birthday man or the young of certain blessings. At the same time, both long and short toasts, funny and beautiful, poetic or prose. After all, the main goal is the wish of relatives, friends or just guests gathered at the table to drink to the health, well-being or longevity of the hosts. In most cases funny toasts have a specific purpose, that is, they can only be spoken at certain types of celebrations. So, for example, beautiful words about the birth of a son or daughter will be inappropriate on wedding banquet, but once again wishing happiness and love to young parents would be quite acceptable. What can I say, some people who know oratory are able to spontaneously come up with beautiful toasts and wishes while sitting at the table. But as for the majority of participants in such events, help is indispensable here. Therefore, many who gather for a dinner party prepare in advance their speeches that they want to say at the table. And so, if you do not have the ability to speak beautifully in public, then do not despair. After all, even funny words at the holidays have been spoken for a very long time, and the most successful of them are still popular. According to the dictionary, a toast is a wish that is said while sitting at the table, and invites other participants in the banquet to drink for something or in honor of someone. In some families, there are also traditions according to which the first toast is dedicated directly to the event that brought everyone together, the second - for the parents, the hero or heroes of the occasion, and the third, finally, for love. What can I say, this world would not be so beautiful without this wonderful and bright feeling. But let us return directly to the toasts themselves, or rather their texts. So, on our entertainment site you can find a wide variety of speeches on different languages peace. Thus, today it is quite quick and easy to find an interesting and cool quote in honor of an event with its help. As a rule, the selection process itself takes a lot of time. How many good words, reasonable statements can be found on our website, which are suitable for all occasions, and perfectly fulfill the role of a cool and original speech for the holiday. If it is not poetic, then the main thing will be to remember its content, which makes the task even easier. But in any case, almost everyone can say a beautiful toast today, the main thing is to prepare for this.

Every person often goes to someone's birthday: friends, relatives, acquaintances, and everyone is faced with such a thing as a toast. Every birthday person wants to hear pleasant words addressed to him, but there are times when you don’t know what to say. It is because of this problem that we decided to make this article, in which you will find birthday toasts that have already been invented for you.

It has been time-tested that it is best to enter in the midst of fun funny congratulations, based on this, the article presents more than 80 funny and unusual toasts.

You can easily find a suitable one for yourself, because the article contains a huge number of toasts from all over the Internet. We tried to select for you the most relevant and interesting, so that your words spoken to the hero of the occasion would remain in his memory for a long time.

Birthday toasts

Birthday - wonderful holiday. All the best on this day is only for you. Do not be sad that the years fly by unnoticed, you need to rejoice in the experience and wisdom gained. With all my heart I wish to see only the best in life, more positive, less sad things, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy, mountains of money, more fun moments and a huge supply of health. Let's raise our glasses to you!

Happy Birthday to You!
And in wonderful years
I wish you good luck
And goodness in addition!

Happiness, life without sorrow,
To surprise everyone around
There was money in the wallet
So that you are always lucky!

I wish that everything breaks at the birthday man: the table - from treats, the wallet - from dollars and euros, and the bed - from pleasure.

I propose to drink not only for your birthday, but for the fact that in your life there are many pleasant moments, happy days and surprises. Do not stop rejoicing in the little things, because the little things, in fact, make up our mood. So that everything always works out for you, only the way you want it!

I wish you…

I wish you strength like a bull, wisdom like an owl, perseverance like a donkey, grace like a panther, grace like a gazelle, health like an elephant. Well, as much money as all this living creatures weigh.

Here comes your holiday.
And I want to wish
Many happy days, different,
To live - do not lose heart.

To make the house a full bowl,
Everyone who is dear was near,
So that friends call more often
And all the enemies - forgot.

Let health not fail
And spring sings in my soul!
Happy birthday, congratulations
For you I drink to the bottom!

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday! We wish you all that is included in this small but beautiful word- Happiness:
The sun is the brightest
Health - the strongest,
Smiles are the happiest
Love is the most faithful
Friendship - the most devoted.

I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

You will live up to two hundred years, and we will be witnesses!

At the beginning of the celebration

Heed my word
Dear friends:
Today came to the table
We are completely in vain.

Will be famous a hundredfold
Hero of the occasion.
He will love this day.
I vouch for the words!

There is a legend in one mountain village: when a child is born, God kisses him. God will kiss the child on the mouth, and a magnificent orator will grow up. kiss in the hands, the master of all trades will grow up. So let's drink to the birthday boy, because even God himself does not know where he kissed him.

I wish you happiness personal, cash and non-cash!

What do you wish? Wealth? Good luck?
From life everyone wants their own ...
And we wish you just happiness,
So that it was a little, but everything!

Birthday toasts in verse and prose

  • Then Icarus wanted to fly higher than the Sun, rose high, high, almost to the Sun itself, but the wax that held the feathers together melted, Icarus fell to the ground and broke.

In ancient times

In ancient times, an old frigate was wrecked in the ocean. Only one person was able to escape - he grabbed a floating long plank and remained on the surface of the water. Half an hour later the second victim emerged from nowhere and grabbed the other end of the plank. The first one started crying. The second asked:

  • - Why are you crying?
  • The first one said:
  • -Wah! Such a guest, but there is nothing to treat!
  • So let's drink to dear hosts who will always find something to treat even uninvited guests!

Let there be less bitter minutes, salty jokes and sour smiles in our life! Let's drink for sweet moments - beautiful and melting in your mouth, like these wonderful cakes prepared by our wonderful hostess!

  • There lived a rich man and a poor man. The poor man had nothing to lose, and he had fun, walked, ate barbecue, drank vodka - in general, he had fun.
  • And the rich man didn’t eat, didn’t sleep, didn’t rest, but kept sitting and shaking over his gold. And then one day the rich man got tired of this situation. "
  • What is this, he thought, I am rich, I have a lot of money, and I cannot live normally. And then he decided to give all his gold to the poor.
  • And so, since then, the rich man began to live and have fun, but the poor man has changed. Now he stopped eating, drinking, resting - he began to shake over his gold.
  • So let's drink to ensure that neither money, nor fame, nor love prevent you from remaining a happy and cheerful person.

Live live don't go field

“Life to live is not a field to cross” - says folk wisdom. I think, dear dad, you know this better than anyone else. You worked all your life for the good of the family, passed on your experience and knowledge to us; taught to be kind and fair; Don't give up when you face failure. Your life philosophy is extremely simple, but at the same time very wise: “Do not turn away from people, help, and then people will not turn away from you either.”
On your birthday, I wish you health, inexhaustible optimism, so that every day brings you only joy! For you, dad!

Once upon a time, God gave a man twenty-five years to live, and a horse, a dog, a monkey and all other animals for fifty years. The man was offended, but God decided so ... The man went to the animals so that they would give him part of their life. And so it happened that for twenty-five years a person lives like a man, for the next twenty-five years he plows like a horse, then he lives like a dog, and then for the next twenty-five. years they laugh at him like a monkey.
So let's drink to the fact that N. lived at least another hundred years as a man! Happy birthday to you, dear!

Let this birthday be a holiday not only of memories and experience, but also of new ideas, dreams, hopes! After all, while a person dreams and hopes - he is alive, he is always young! Let's raise a glass to youth!

A Chinese philosopher once said: “A dream is not something that already exists, but also not something that cannot be. It's like on earth - there is no road, but people will pass, they will pave the way. So let's drink to the fact that the birthday boy paved his own unique road on earth - the road of his dreams!

My dear friend … ! I raise a glass so that you always have a light heart and heavy pockets!

Original toasts happy birthday

We sit at a table side by side, we drink, we wish you happiness. Please accept our congratulations on your wonderful birthday!

Dear birthday man, I wish you health and mind on your birthday. No wonder they say: “If there was a mind, there would be a ruble. There will be no mind, there will be no ruble. And also happiness to you, joy and fulfillment of dreams!

I wish your life to be luxurious - it would have luxurious well-being, luxurious mood and luxurious prospects. Happy birthday!

Today we will soar in the clouds: And may not only today, but always the sky above you be cloudless and clear! Happy holiday to you!

So let's drink to the fact that the hero of our occasion is not afraid to enter his own gates and never misses his chance!

In the East they say: the name of a girl should be like the radiance of a Star or the tenderness of a flower. And only at the age of 2 ... years I recognized the name in which I saw the radiance of a star and felt the aroma delicate flower. This name…

In one parable, described by Kafka, it is said about a man who stood in front of an open gate and did not dare to enter it, because severe guards stood in silence near them. The man thought that the warriors would not let him through. Time passed and the gate closed. Then one of the guards said to the man:
- Eccentric, these gates were opened especially for you, and we were only supposed to let you through them.

Cool birthday toasts

On this day there is a big date, and raising my glass higher, I wish life sweeter than chocolate, so that every day becomes even happier!

Let sweet wine flow like a river on your birthday! So that special effects, like in a movie, cheer up!

On your birthday I raise a glass of sparkling wine, and in this toast I wish - to feel the whole buzz in full!

I proclaimthis toast, on your birthday! It will be short, it will be simple - catch luck by the tail!

Happy birthday, let all the glasses be filled with a mountain, and let everyone be happy to drink, dear for this holiday!

And your glass is full! I'll drain it to the core! Rumba on the table will perform, happy birthday! Hooray!

Cool Birthday Wishes

With a howl, I will voice a toast from the bottom of my heart: I want to drink so that you live, both in happiness and in love, not knowing grief and misfortune!

Let there be a car of health, let there be a million money! I raise my glass to you, that's it, the toast is over, now I'm drinking!

Dear birthday boy. My humble toast today is to your dreams, to your health, to your cultivation, and to your
resounding success!

I want to raise a glass so that there are no bitter minutes in your life, but only hours of wild happiness! My toast to your sweet moments like this wonderful one birthday cake!

In the East they say that when a star falls, it is fortunate, and my toast today is for your life to be full of starfalls!

On your birthday, accept congratulations from me, and listen to a modest toast as soon as possible: I wish you many, many impressions and true, devoted friends!

birthday wishes

You know, this birthday is more our holiday than yours. After all, on this day you were born and appeared in our destiny, in many ways changing it in better side!

I want to wish you: a sea of ​​money, an ocean of love, and a lot of time to fully enjoy this happiness!

My toast to your wisdom, generosity, kindness. And for your earthly simplicity. You are the best, dearest. I congratulate you with all my heart!

On your birthday, I wish you health like a marathon runner, intelligence like an academician, and wealth like a Arab sheikh!

Accept congratulations today, on your glorious birthday! I also wish inspiration, and so that there is always love!

We wish you a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bfriends, smiles, and greetings. Happy, lasting, and endless meetings!

I won’t get tired on your birthday, fill the glass to the brim! And if I can, my friend, I will get up to say a solemn toast!

Birthday cakes are funny and funny

A bit of math: a dacha is zero, a car and a garage are zero, an apartment is zero, money is zero, health is one. So let's drink to the fact that the whole life of the birthday boy was a unit with a lot of zeros.

  • The student was late for class.
  • - What's happened? - asks his teacher.
  • - I was attacked by an armed bandit!
  • - Oh, what a horror! And what did he do?
  • - He took away ... home crushing!
  • I, too, was attacked by an armed bandit, who took away from me the flowers that I wanted to give to the hostess. I'm kidding, of course! I just feel embarrassed that I couldn't get them.
    I apologize and raise toast behind birthday girl .

A moonshiner was raided with a search

The militiamen raided the bootlegger with a search.
They knock on her door.
- Who's there? - asks the hostess.
- Open! This is the police! We know that you have moonshine! ... We even know where you hide it!
“Wait,” the hostess asks, “I’ll ... hide it now!”
I rang the doorbell today and they didn't open it for a long time. “Probably, the products are hidden! - I thought. But when I entered here and saw this table, I realized how wrong I was.
I want to apologize for bad thoughts and thank birthday girl for this abundance!

What would you like to congratulate? ... I congratulate you on the fact that you have someone to congratulate you! This, you see, is important. And this is your merit. Because I have never met such a smart, cheerful, sociable person. Stay the same forever! Congratulations!

I hou wish

I want to wish my friend birthday the health of a marathon runner, the mind of an academic, and the wealth of Bill Gates. Everything else (name) has: wonderful parents And reliable friends. For you, (name)! For our friendship!

Let's drink to your coffin... which is made of oak... which is a hundred years old, but which has not yet been born... I wish you to live for another hundred years!

In one ancient Persian treatise it is said: “Four traits of a person lead to four consequences: stubbornness - to shame; irascibility - to repentance; slander - to enmity; laziness - to humiliation. » Dear birthday boy! Until now, these traits were not characteristic of your nature. So let's drink to the fact that they never appeared.

Inveterate summer resident

Dear birthday boy

Dear birthday boy if you woke up early in the morning with an incomprehensible feeling of happiness and peace, haunting; bright sun He breaks into the room through the open window, and the warm breath of the wind slightly sways the curtains ... If you have a clear head and thoughts, does not whine the stomach, the legs are not cotton, does not sip the kidneys, does not break in the lower back and joints, there are not the slightest tracks after yesterday, the wife did not drink, the children did not wake the next congress, they do not show the facts of the next one This or disaster means you, for sure, died ...
I want raise a glass so that everything in your life is exactly like this, and you, nevertheless, continue to live happily ever after!

Life story

Friends, listen to one very vital story:
A bunch of climbers conquers one mountain peak. And suddenly the snake stung the first climber in a bunch right on the man's dignity. Along the chain, he passes to the lower climber (the fact is that the doctor was the last in the bunch):
- Stung by a snake, what to do?
- Stung by a snake, what to do?
- Stung by a snake, what to do?
The doctor, having received the question, replied:
- Immediately suck!
- Immediately suck!
The answer has already reached the second climber in the bunch. The victim is experiencing:
- Well, what is there? What the doctor said?
- The doctor said ... that you will die!
Dear birthday boy, I wish you that a faithful and beloved woman always walks with you in one bundle!

Life is a strange thing

Life is such a strange thing that it’s not always possible to get what you want on time. So today I wanted to congratulate you first, but I’m probably doing it last. But I hope this will not make you any less pleased. Since it happened, I want to sincerely wish you tomorrow that you always find yourself at the right time in the right place. This will be called the favor of fate towards you. Stay the same everywhere her darling. Heartily Congratulations!

Dear birthday boy , we wish you a sea of ​​​​smiles and greetings, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bflowers and fans, a sea joyful meetings, happy minutes and the Canary Islands during your holidays!

Soulful and cheerful toasts for a great mood on a woman's birthday

To this beautiful woman, on her birthday, I want to wish a lot. But I'll drink to correct behavior the letter “D” in her life: so that money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are wonderfully sincere, deeds are brought to achievements, longevity, kindness and wildly a lot of love.

They say women are like chocolate sweets: you never know what filling will come across. I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl and drink to her unique filling! The way she will be a surprise for everyone, and for her only - the sweetest and most desirable!

I wish you today, dear birthday girl, that the biggest problem in your life is the choice between a weekend in Bali and a holiday in Bora Bora. Happy birthday!

For most women

For most women, birthday not only leaves a smile on her face, but also brings sadness, because a woman becomes a year older. But let's still remember how methodically pearls are created by nature.
And what brandy is valued the most? So let's drink to you shining like the most beautiful pearl, slaying everyone on the spot, like aged cognac, and at the same time remaining as unsurpassed as now!

They say women don't have rules, there is only mood. What a mood - such rules! I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl so that her rule is to always have a good mood!

In the Caucasus, it is considered that the life of a woman can be divided into seven stages: baby, girl, girl, beautiful woman, blooming woman, stunning woman and goddess. Looking at our hero of the day, any Caucasian sage would say that she is a goddess not by age, but by definition!

So let our birthday girl always be a goddess in the eyes of men!

One young man

  • One young man really wanted to get married. The family was looking for a candidate for a long time, and finally, the relatives picked up the best woman, as it seemed to them, for him. But the young man said that he would ask only one question about this woman: how old is she?
  • Relatives replied that they asked her, but the lady replied that she had forgotten how old she was. “Clearly,” the newly-made groom replied, “this woman is over forty, because all women over forty somehow suddenly forget their age!”
  • And the wise man answered him: Wise woman forgets her age because a real man does not need to know him, the main thing is not how old she is, but how old she feels! So let's drink to our hero of the day, forever young at heart!

According to legend, God said:“Whatever you take from people, you will lose. But everything that you give to people will return to you a hundredfold.”

So let's drink to the generosity of our hero of the day, with which she always treats her friends!

If I were a soldier

If (name) were a soldier,

  1. She led the regiments behind her
    If (name) were an astronaut,
    Quickly flew to Mars and back
  2. If (name) were a climber,
    Then Everest would conquer quickly
    Only now (name) is not a soldier at all,
    And he can't hold a gun
  3. And not explored space gave
    Somehow rockets without (name) flew
    I put an end to mountaineering
    In figs, the giant Everest surrendered to her ???
  4. Maybe some evil foe insidious
    He will even declare that (name) is mediocre ...
    But it is clear to everyone that this is not so,
    So the last fool can think!
  5. (name) smart, witty, beautiful
    (name) works amazingly for all of us
    For this I intend to drink to the bottom,
    There are many heroes, but (name) is one!

To this beautiful woman

This beautiful woman on her birthday would like to wish a lot. But I’ll drink to the correct behavior of the letter “D” in her life: so that money is in abundance, fools are far away, friends are marvelously sincere, achievements are in business. And also longevity, kindness and wildly a lot of love!

Let's raise our glasses to the beautiful birthday girl! Let the whole next year luck smiles at her, fortune accompanies everything, luck will become a good friend, and Blue bird take under your wing! May a lucky star shine above her head, pointing the way to the fulfillment of her cherished desires!

They say women are like chocolate sweets: You never know what stuffing will come across. I want to raise this glass to our birthday girl and drink to her unique filling! The way she will be a surprise for everyone, and for her only - the sweetest and most desirable!

I wish you dear birthday girl

I wish you today, dear birthday girl, that the biggest problem in your life is the choice between a weekend in Bali and a vacation in Bora Bora. Happy birthday!

I want you to fall into hysterics only from laughter, so that your head is spinning, and your heart is trembling solely from love. Let the tears in your eyes come only from happiness, and everything that is done, let it be for the better. Happy birthday!

How nice it is to attend the birthday of such a person! But there is one problem - I don't know what to wish you! After all, you already have everything you want on such days! Then I wish that everything dear and beloved is always there and does not leave, otherwise let what is missing appear in the near future!

For most women, a birthday not only leaves a smile on their face, but also brings sadness, because a woman becomes a year older. But let's still remember how methodically pearls are created by nature. And what brandy is valued the most? So let's drink to you shining like the most beautiful pearl, slaying everyone on the spot, like aged cognac, and at the same time remaining as unsurpassed as now!

Let the man be

Let the man be yours like a cactus: so that he does not require much care, he protects you with his thorns and gives you flowers. And you to be like a tulip: beautiful, modest and desirable.

Tradition says that God once decided to give gifts to women different states special gifts. He gave the Indian woman diligence, the French woman gave sophistication and piquancy, the African woman - burning passion, the German woman - scrupulousness and thrift, and the American - business acumen. But a surprise happened: his bag was torn, and all the remaining gifts fell on the residents of our city. Now you know where our (name) has so many talents. So let's drink to them!

Women are like books: there are smart ones, there are beautiful ones, there are sexy ones, there are household ones, there are needlewomen, there are mystery women, there are business ones, there are domestic ones. I want to drink to a library woman who combines all qualities harmoniously.

Birthday toast for a man

We bring to your attention original toasts for a man's birthday:

In each person, nature springs up either as cereals or as weeds. So let's drink to the timely watering of the first and exterminate the second! For that beautiful garden that the birthday boy has grown in himself!
I propose a toast to the fact that the culprit of today's holiday was always young and handsome, that he was a little wasted and dumb, that he was both a playboy and his boyfriend and, as always, generous and broad-minded.

Random fellow travelers talking:

  • - Do you have children?
  • - Yes son.
  • “Son is good. Tell me, does he smoke?
  • - Yes you…
  • - It's great! You know, tobacco is poison!
  • - Yes, for sure ...
  • — Excuse me, does he play cards?
  • - Well, what are you ...
  • - You are very lucky! You have a wonderful boyfriend! You rarely see such people now ... And how old is he?
  • - Yes, already ... six months!
  • Now let's turn to the birthday boy. He also does not smoke, does not play cards, although he has already become a completely independent young man. These are really rare to find! I wish him great success in his future life!

Birthday is an annual gift

Birthday is an annual gift given to man in order to rejoice in the love and disposition that close friends have for him. And so we resolutely declare that this event is valuable and dear to us. May the days of your life go long, and may your love and affection for us always be. Long live the birthday boy.

One artist of the Bolshoi Theater said that the director honestly told her:
“You will never make a career because you don’t have… bitchiness!!!
Our birthday man made a great career and at the same time remained an honest and decent person. I'm happy to raise a glass to him!

There is a legend in one mountain village: when a child is born, God kisses him. God will kiss the child on the mouth, and a magnificent orator will grow up. Kiss in the hands, the master of all trades will grow. So let's drink to the birthday boy, because even God Himself does not know where he kissed him.

German philosopher

18th century German philosopher Georg Christopher Lichtenberg said: “The duty of every wise man is to see the king in the shoemaker, to pay tribute to everyone according to their deserts and to appreciate the greatness of the soul, talent and ability not only by noisy effects.” I propose to raise our glasses so that the hero of today's celebration will always be such a wise man, and then, as today, he will have many real friends and more and more luck!

  • Celebrate at the table
    Me, his wife, girlfriend,
    I want to tell about it.
    Neither heat nor cold are terrible,
  • The upheavals of troubled years,
    Behind my own husband
    I am not afraid of adversity and troubles.
    With him it is easy to go around the world.
  • Find an answer to a question.
    There is no better husband in the world
    And neither are the men.
  • Be always beautiful, okay.
    Be gentle and simple...
    For you, my beloved,
    Raising this toast!
  • In one parable, described by Kafka, it is said about a man who stood in front of an open gate and did not dare to enter it, because severe guards stood in silence near them.
  • The man thought that the warriors would not let him through. Time passed and the gate closed. Then one of the guards said to the man:
  • “Eccentric, these gates were opened especially for you, and we were only supposed to let you through them.
    So let's drink to the fact that the hero of our occasion is not afraid to enter his own gates and never misses his chance!

God gave to man

Once upon a time, God gave a man twenty-five years to live, and a horse, a dog, a monkey and all other animals for fifty years. The man was offended, but God decided so ... The man went to the animals so that they would give him part of their life. And so it happened that for twenty-five years a person lives like a man, for the next twenty-five years he plows like a horse, then he lives like a dog, and for the next twenty-five years they laugh at him like a monkey.
So let's drink to the fact that N. lived at least another hundred years as a man! Happy birthday to you, dear!

The building of our life consists of a hall of expectations and a hall of accomplishments. Let's wish the hero of today's celebration not to linger in the waiting room longer than it should be. Let's drink to his patience, courage, luck and health!

People are different. Is sad existing people, there are gray existing people. There are people who have some kind of charge in their souls, an explosive device of gaiety, energy and joy. Our "newborn" is just such a type of people. He is cheerful, and everyone around him receives such a charge from him. So let's proclaim a toast to our hero.
Let's wish him good health, happiness, many years of life. We wish you to always carry the torch of a joyful attitude and always warm our hearts.
many summers!


Friends! Today we are celebrating the birthday of our N. We have glasses of champagne in our hands, and fun reigns at the table. This day once gave us our friend. He is very dear to us, his heart is always with us. Therefore, with all my heart and on behalf of all your friends, dear N., I wish you joy, so that she will continue to be your life partner. For you!

The mountain peoples have one good proverb: “The camel gave birth to a camel - the neighbor did not hear. The hen laid an egg - cackles all over the world. Let's raise our glasses to our humble birthday man, who knows his business very well, but does not ring about it all over the world!

There is this riddle:
The head is like a cat's. The body is like that of a cat. The tail is like a cat's. But not a cat! Who is this? Answer: cat!
And I have my own riddle: handsome - like mom and dad. Smart - like mom and dad. Kind - like mom and dad. Who is this? Everyone knows the answer: it's our birthday!!! I invite everyone to raise their glasses and drink for his health and well-being!

Gentlemen, let's drink to the birthday boy! As they say ... we don't care what to drink for, but he is pleased!

  • “The whole world is related to the magnanimous,” says the proverb. And it is true. This proves the number of friends who came to wish my husband a happy birthday.
  • I know that he loves and appreciates his friends very much. And on this festive day, I would like to wish my husband ..
  • . I wanted to say health, but he is “chronically healthy” ... Money, but he has enough of them ... Happiness, but with such a wife, forgive me for indiscretion, he has happiness ..
  • . And I wish him to remain as cheerful, as charming, as a joker - a joker, generous, kind, as he has always been and thanks to which he has made so many wonderful friends! For my husband! Hooray!

drink for a friend

I propose to drink for our friend! He is such a bright personality that I want to put a lampshade on him

  • All of you know the legend of Icarus. Long ago, Icarus lived in the world. And he dreamed of flying like a bird. Icarus made himself wings from feathers and broke away from the sinful earth.
  • He decided to rise above the trees - and rose. I wanted to fly higher than the mountains - and took off.
  • Then Icarus wanted to fly higher than the Sun, he rose high - high almost to the Sun itself, but the wax with which the feathers were fastened melted, Icarus fell to the ground and broke.
  • I want to wish our birthday man that: everything he dreams of comes true, that he conquers any heights and that no matter how high he rises, he would never fall to the ground!
  • So let's drink to the birthday boy, thanks to whom such wonderful people as we have gathered!!!

Funny toasts happy birthday to a man short with humor

When the old man caught a fish and asked for a trough for the old woman, she got a trough when he thought new house- she got a new house, when she made a third wish, everything disappeared ... So let's drink for moderate dosing;)!

There are moments in life when a black streak covers us headlong, and therefore I propose to drink so that each of us, if such a streak comes, then it will definitely become a take-off! ????

Life is like mathematics... And I wish that in your mathematics there were as many pluses, multiplications and percentages of happiness as possible????

Let's drink to a four-stroke engine, because it is he who, in his 4 cycles, allows us to keep up with everything everywhere, buy and start toasting at the table on time!

I propose to drink for the great word "let's" because it is it that can be perfectly harmonized with at least important word"Let's drink"!

If you look long

If you look at the fire for a long time, you can feel the warmth. If you look at the water for a long time, you can feel freshness, if you look at a glass of vodka for a long time, you can’t stand it and fall asleep???? so, I suggest not to watch, but to use it for its intended purpose! ????

The speed of the sun is approximately 217 km / s, the speed of the earth is about 29.765 km / s, so I suggest drinking so that each of us is in no way inferior to these two planets ????

I propose to drink and wish the birthday man to place his life under a waterfall of good luck, joy and prosperity. And so that this waterfall is not inferior in size to the waterfall from Central Asia (Burkhan-Bulak).

One of the wise men said - “it's time to collect stones”, so I raise a glass so that our stones will always be diamonds and set in precious metals!

Let's drink to joy! Let this be the only thing that comes into our lives without an invitation!

I wish you a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

Let's drink to ELK! To want, to be able, to get richer, to fuck, - for the moose!

How good it is when everything is good! And my toast to that. Let everything be just wonderful, unusual, awesome, magnificent and incomparable!

Believe in dreams! They come true.

Wish you…

I wish you good luck and a summer cottage by the sea!

May your youth not fade, And with it - love and kindness. May peace and happiness, peace and warmth be an eternal guest in your home.

Let's drink to that...

  • Let's drink to
  • For everything to be good for you
  • So that dreams always come true
  • To laugh at problems!

I wish your life to be luxurious - it would have luxurious well-being, luxurious mood and luxurious prospects. Happy birthday!

So that your life becomes like mathematics, two negative situations give one positive one, the bad one multiplies itself by zero, and everything beautiful and positive has the sign of infinity!

Woman ... How much affection, understanding, kindness in this word! Each of you is unique, inimitable and mysterious. Congratulating you (name) today, I want to wish you to be always desired, loved, tender, to enjoy success and attention. And I also wish to remain always beautiful, kind and infinitely happy! Always be a woman!

Youth is a state of delightful anticipation and the feeling that anything is possible. Let's drink to the hero of tonight's spiritual youth, good health and success in achieving goals!

Please accept my sincere congratulations

accept my very my sincere congratulations Happy birthday! I wish you success in all your affairs and undertakings, health and optimism, self-confidence and good luck! I want to wish that everything you do brings joy and pleasure, and that there are always relatives and friends with whom it is so pleasant to celebrate success!

  • They say that once upon a time people did not grow old, but at the same time, they never changed and could not fully understand what happiness is, what love is, what friendship is.
  • And one day they were given the choice to know all this, but in return, time became powerful over them, they were scared, but they decided to take a chance and did not lose!
  • Indeed, without time, we would not have known true love, true friendship and true happiness!
  • So let's drink on your birthday, for the time that you lived, and for all the good that it gave you!

Beloved, dear, faithful friend! On this day - your birthday, I want to raise a glass of wine and wish you success in business, success in love and that you live a long and happy life. Happy Birthday, my dear!

Happy Birthday to You! I wish that every moment, every day and hour brings you happiness and be lived for the benefit of you! So that only the right things appear in your life and only the right events happen!

Our life is like the sea. It is calm and the sun shines, then strong wind and big waves. I wish you to always catch your wave, stay on it and never go under water.

Let's raise our glasses and drink

Let's raise our glasses and drink!

Women are flowers. And the flowers are beautiful when they bloom. So let's drink to promiscuous women!

All our wishes come true, all our dreams come true!

I suggest to drink to the iron! To keep everything running smoothly!

Let's drink to the fact that late at night we were walking down the street and we were attacked by money! But we couldn't fight them off!

A girl's weapon is her clothes. Let's drink to general disarmament!

Let's drink to those beautiful ideas which have nothing to do with fraud.

I propose to drink for the most gentle, the most charming, the most affectionate, the most patient! For us men!

Let's drink to the fact that everyone can do at least something, but better than others.

I wish you happiness, health and creative Uzbeks.

I wish you good luck and a summer cottage by the sea!

Vodka is our enemy - it must be destroyed!!!

Why are we here

What we have gathered for - to drink, let's drink so that we gather more often!

Let's drink to those who, absent, are invisibly present here!

Let's drink to world peace and in our own apartment!

A shooting star is said to bring happiness. So let our life be an eternal starfall!

So that everything stands, except for the heart!

Linden trees are blooming in the park - this is an occasion to drink!

Let's drink to the fact that we sometimes get gingerbread.

Short birthday toasts

Energy, power, speed! Take everything from life!

With you, this world seems brighter! I want to wish it to sparkle for you with all its colors!


Dear birthday boy! We wish you not to know irreparable losses and smartly adjust your outlook on life so that you are always happy. Cheers!

I wish you good luck and a summer cottage by the sea!

So that everything stands, except for the heart!

For health in the body, for success in business, for warmth in bed and without rigmarole.

My dear friend (name)! I raise a glass so that you always have a light heart and heavy pockets!

For you to always feel like a king on the throne!

Sophistication and sophistication - that's your style. Never change him!

Eastern people say: when a star falls, it is fortunate.
So that your life is a complete starfall!

I wish your life to be luxurious - it would have luxurious well-being, luxurious mood and luxurious prospects. Happy birthday!

On your birthday, all the glasses, let them fill with a mountain, and let everyone be happy to drink, dear for this holiday!

I raise my glass

For your birthday, I raise a glass of sparkling wine, and in this toast I wish you to feel all the buzz in full!

Let's drink to having a lot of money, a lot of love and a lot of time to enjoy it!

Let's drink to make your desires go nuts from your capabilities!

Happiness! Good and green dough! For you!

  • We all know the fable about the industrious ant and the frivolous dragonfly.
  • So let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy skillfully combines the qualities of both of these heroes.
  • For your ability to work and have fun!

Let's drink to the fact that the birthday man lives better and better, no matter how disgusting his enemies are!

Let there be people in your life for whom you want to drink, and not those who make you want to get drunk!

I propose to drink for our friend! He is such a bright personality that you just want to put a lampshade on him.

Let's drink to those on board. Who is overboard, he will get drunk!

Congratulate loved one with name days you can not only give a gift, but also beautiful toast. In the collection are best sayings in verse and prose, both short and long. For convenience, congratulations are divided into categories.

Birthday cakes:

Birthday toast for a man

Man is the steel of the spring
The engine singing in the sky
A single formidable step of the squad,
Eagle scream in the mountains.
A man is a clot of pepper
businesslike firm hand
And a woman-loving heart:
So let's drink to the birthday man!

They say that even the smallest good deed weighs more than huge promises. Therefore, I want to raise a toast to our birthday man and wish him that he would be surrounded by people who are able to appreciate all the good and good deeds that he does for them!

We wish you that your life be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like this glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

May you have as much money as your wife wishes for you, and as much health as your mother wishes for you. And if you don't come home late at night, let it be for the reason that your wife thinks, not your mother.

We wish you all the best. And if not good, then very good. And if not very good, then great! May everything you dream about come true!

Pour wine and drink to the bottom
For the birthday boy health!
To love life and be happy,
Don't forget your friends!

A bit of math: a dacha is zero, a car and a garage are zero, an apartment is zero, money is zero, health is one. So let's drink to the fact that the whole life of the birthday boy is a unit with a lot of zeros.

Birthday is a great occasion to say all the best to a person. And I always said, with or without reason, that our birthday boy is a kind and sympathetic person who deserves our attention. I wish dear birthday man (name) to always remain as pleasant in all respects. I raise this wonderful glass to him!

Birthday is fake. It is better to celebrate it daily, so that for for a long time have time to list all the advantages of the birthday man. Postcards, all the more, are not enough to enumerate your merits and my wishes. So, congratulations!

Let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy, crossing a crazy intersection, sees the signs on the roads: the way to the right - happiness, the way to the left - to health, forward - to wealth, back - to goodness! And so that you go around this intersection up and down!

Birthday toast for a woman

You are artistic and beautiful. It seems that your whole life is a theater in which, of course, you play the main role. You do it magnificently, and may fate always be favorable to you, and clouds of adversity will never overshadow your beautiful appearance.

I think that if Mayakovsky saw our birthday girl (name), he would change his poem somewhat, and it might have sounded like this:
“Yes, be I and a Negro of advanced years,
And then without despondency and laziness
I would come to (name) and simply, without words,
Kneel before her!"
I propose to drink for our charming birthday girl!

For you to be like an orange! Let me explain. orange has Orange color, is a symbol of attracting attention. It's divinely delicious. He is the object of dreams, aspirations and great demand. So that you attract attention, be divine, cause dreams, and the demand for you would exceed the supply! Hooray!

Be a husband desired and loved by all,
Always charming, unique!
Let your eyes shine with happiness forever!
Our toast to you! Let them pour more!

Let your eyes shine with happiness!
Good people will meet in life!
Let love blossom into old age!
We wish you only joy!
Behind eternal love and youth!

We wish you much joy and light,
So that life is full of desires!
Let your Indian summer bloom
Well, let spring bloom in your soul!

Let the years fly by
Don't be sad about the past.
And those who offended once,
Forgive with all your heart.
Don't waste your nerves
You can't buy health anywhere.
May your life be beautiful
We wish you happiness!

Happy birthday dear!
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts!
Toast to your health
We are in a hurry to raise now!

We wish you to be beautiful
Always desired, young,
In the family circle - always loved,
In the circle of friends - always simple.
We wish you a lot of happiness
We wish you light and warmth,
And so that all your road
It was covered with flowers.

Where can we get such a word?
What do you want on your birthday?
We wish you to be always healthy
And never be discouraged.
So that grief does not climb into the soul,
So that there is no place for trouble,
And for the cuckoo to guess
Cuckoo a hundred years to you!

At your place open soul,
And the character is better not to find!
You are good in everything, dear:
Daughter caring, loving mother ...
We wish you bright days
bright joy, brilliant luck
And excellent health, which is more important,
What a solution to life's problems!

We are talking about everything good, clean, bright. I propose a toast to all black. Let's drink to the fact that the birthday girl had a husband in a black suit with a black diplomat, so that she would drive a black Lamborghini, rest in five-star hotels by the Black Sea, and so that she always had black caviar in the refrigerator, and the morning began with a bar of black chocolate and a cup of black coffee!

Husband's birthday toast

Every day I look forward to seeing you
Every day you call me
I made a wish
I believe dreams will come true!
You are my prince, even though it is difficult to be them,
Well, I am your Assol.
Everything is possible in this life
This role suits us.
Let your friends envy
Wander around.
Only their attempts are in vain,
My friend does not look at them!
Happy birthday my love
Lots of happiness for long years
God give us health, strength
Overcome everything in life!

One of the greats said: "To be courageous means to curb your temper." My husband is doubly courageous, because he curbed not only his own temper, but also mine. Thanks to this, we have been living happily for many years. I propose to drink for my beloved, courageous husband!

I raise this cup
For my husband, for his love!
Accept gifts from me
And a few nice words:
I wish you good luck
To you in all your affairs!
You smile at me more often
Wear more often on your hands!

On the birthday of the person dearest to me, I propose to raise glasses and drink to the bottom! Fate gave me you as a reward! I think that all of our people gathered here wish you with love a lot of happiness, good luck and health. And they believe that your life will always be full of nobility, hopes and work! For you! And may all your dreams come true.

There is no warmth of your hands
There is no brighter than your eyes!
Let there be no separation
And we have sadness.
May fun and joy
Will always be there.
To grief and old age
Never came.
May all days, like the dawn,
Will be forever clear
And let it live in the heart
Spring State!

No ranks, no regalia amassed,
And the chest does not crack from things,
Only years of work experience
That's all that's in your piggy bank!
Not a hero of a positive story,
Not a poster soul man
You still lived very conscientiously
In your cool and decisive age!
And looking into your clean eyes,
I approach you in silence
And whitened strands of hair,
Like a banner, I bring it to my lips.
Be wise, mind suits men,
Wisdom is smarter than a crown.
Not the sage who is higher in rank,
He is higher in rank who is a sage.

You are near, and everything is fine:
And rain and cold wind.
Thank you my clear
For the fact that you are in the world.
Thanks for those lips
Thank you for these hands.
Thank you my love
For the fact that you are in the world.
We are close, but we could
Don't meet each other...
My only one, thank you
For the fact that you are in the world.

I want for any of my dreams
You were the only limit all your life
I want in the book that you read
Be the first and last page.
I want from all your worries and thoughts
Steal at least half.
I want it to suddenly come to your mind
That you are happy, and I am guilty of this!
I don't want to give you peace
Be strong and stay weak
I want to call you my love
After all, I could not live otherwise!
I want to be music so you get used to
And without it I could not live an hour.
I want to be silent where the language is weak,
I could reach my heart into my heart.
I want that, no matter how steep our path is,
He led us not through the desert, but through the garden,
I want twins - love and work
They lived with us all their lives.

I raise a glass to your health!
Like a sea with a raging, foamy wave,
My life has merged with your destiny!
You are my joy and my happiness!

My toast to your wisdom, generosity, kindness
And for your earthly simplicity
You are the best, dearest!
I congratulate you on your holiday!

Thank you dear for the love
that you kept
Thank you for the home and shelter,
For being attentive
Because my husband is patient and smart,
Sometimes unexpectedly wise.
With you, we lived a lot together,
And yet you were rarely gloomy!
May the stars help you in the future,
Keeping your fate faithfully!
I raise a glass to yours, dear, honor,
And I will ask everyone - to the bottom!

Wife's birthday toast

Love, they say, is literature. First - a fairy tale, then - a novel, then an elegy, then - a satire. My wife is a sorceress... She broke the pattern and kept me on the second step, in the novel. Let's drink to my dear sorceress!

Many women were promised...
I confess, I myself loved more than one.
This toast is for the woman you love,
And, besides, for good luck ... wife!

Christ said, “Whatever you take will part from you. Whatever you give will stay with you." I gave my heart to my wife many years ago and was not mistaken. Our love keeps us, helping to overcome worldly hardships. I raise my glass to my dear wife!

Like an unsolved mystery
Holy charm breathes in her.
We are looking forward to
Into the quiet light of her eyes.
Is there an earthly charm in it
Or heavenly grace?
The soul opened to her confession,
And the heart is torn to adore ...

A good wife always knows what her husband needs. So says folk wisdom. On this beautiful holiday, I want to wish you, dear, to sparkle with a radiant smile like the spring sun. Thank you for your kindness and generosity. For you, my love!

I want to think about you
Thinking of you.
I don't want to think about you
Thinking of you.
I can't think of others
Thinking of you.
I can't think of anything
Thinking of you.

You sing - and the stars melt,
Like kisses on the lips
Look - the heavens are playing
In your divine eyes
You go - and all your movements,
Deeds all and all traits
So full of feeling and expression
So full of wondrous simplicity!
Fate handed you to me, dear,
AND the best gift I don't know!

Darling! Everything is cold without you:
Moon and stars, midnight and dawn...
And even the sun shines on me sadly,
When you are not by my side.
So let only happiness accompany you
Good luck will overshadow you with a wing,
And may my love, hope and participation
Protect and protect your home.

She is nice. She is beautiful.
She sings like a nightingale.
Try to say something else
She'll blow my head off! For a wife!

Kind and gentle
Smart and beautiful...
You were created
Nature is amazing.
Like a fairy tale, like a song
Like a mountain stream
fast, clean,
Free, nobody.
So be healthy
And full of happiness.
In my heart
You are the only one!

We crossed the field of life with you,
We have lived together for so many years for a reason.
Worked and argued with fate
Giving warmth to each other.
It was both very easy and difficult for us,
Life was full of misfortune and happiness,
But today you, my friend,
Like a young tree, slender.
Your face breathes the spring wind
And that there are wrinkles on it - it does not matter.
After all, this is the book of our life they write
Confidently going years.
And I, leafing through and reading,
I see how love has brought us together.
And the trifle of quarrels is just empty vanity,
It is not worth remembering them now.
And if youth returned again,
And if youth were suddenly repeated,
Of all the girls - I'm ready to give the floor
I would choose you alone, my friend.

I need you my heart
Like a hunter needs a gun.
I need you my star
Like the desert needs water.
I need you, my joy
As the ships of the sea need.
Like a homeless person needs shelter
I need you my love.

brother's birthday cake

"Grow big!" wished you as a child. And now I wish you to continue to grow above yourself! Happy birthday, my dear, beloved brother!

It's good to have you brother
That life is so kind to me!
cold mind and right look
And willpower is relentless!
Let, carried away by a dream,
Luck is ahead!
Satisfied with yourself
What means a lot to a man!

Happy birthday dear brother
You are hot today
Congratulations are sent by friends
Drink today for you!
Let everything be fine in life
Without all sorts of hardships,
Let everything be very clear
For many, many years to come!

In the East they say that when a star falls, it is good luck. My toast today is for your life to be full of starfalls!

You can not drink, there are reasons
After all, life is full of events.
Today is a holiday, name day,
But how can you do it without guilt?!
We pour glasses of wine
And let's drink dry, to the bottom!

You know, today is more our holiday than yours. Indeed, on this day you were born and appeared in our destiny, in many ways changing it for the better! My toast is for you!

My toast to you today! For your genius, for your bold ideas, for your determination. Stay like this always. I also wish you good luck, and happiness in addition!

Whole family, friends, colleagues
On this day they will come to you
Everyone wants to congratulate you
Wish you good luck in your destiny!
There will be toasts, songs, dances,
There will be cake and loud laughter!
Dear brother, happy birthday!
Let's drink to your success!

You've grown so big, brother!
Do you remember running naked?
And I read books to you
I drank warm milk!
I congratulate you on your birthday
Today, my brother, loving,
Come on, pour it without delay
And let's drink brother for you!

My precious, my beloved
My sweetest older brother!
Dear me your image dear,
Than a hundred carat diamonds.
Thanks to our mom and dad
Bow to them, the lowest,
Because I have a brother
My support is strong.

Sister's birthday toast

Dear sister! I wish you smile and laugh more! Remember that when good mood people live much longer than when bad. But the most important thing is that optimists help others, charge them with their optimism and energy and at the same time contribute to moving forward towards their dream!

There lived a girl
Beauty alone:
And it's a sister
My little sister!
She is smart, beautiful,
Coquettish, gentle!
Men are interested
Adorable and cute!
So let's drink to my sister
My little sister!
To any business
She was on the shoulder!

Delicate like an apple blossom
Kind, like the sun in spring.
There is no one dearer in the world,
I will open my whole soul to you.
And you, like no one else in the world,
I wish you happiness and peace.
I love you the most,
You are kindred spirit and blood.
Let the glasses clink merrily -
I drink to you today, sister.
Be happier day by day
Let your eyes shine with joy!

Let capricious luck
Always accompanies you
So that the tariff was paid for happiness
For all the coming years!
Happy birthday my beloved sister, I want to drink for you, be happy!

My sister is more valuable to me than a treasure,
For me, she is a delight.
Near, dear, priceless,
My precious man.
I drink to you, dear
Live a century, not knowing troubles!

Let happiness knock on your door!
Open it wider
The path of life is shrouded in mystery,
But it's so beautiful in this world!
And let there always be light in the window,
Mother's smile - from the threshold,
Let there be a lot good years
And life is easy!

May life never end
Sadness and trouble do not meet
Great happiness, good friends,
Health, success and joyful days!

Know no worries - live happily
So that everyone always says:
How beautiful this woman is
How infinitely young!

happy birthday congratulations
And with all my heart I wish:
Happiness, joy, kindness,
Always be cheerful.
What is meant to be done
Life is beautiful - remember that.
Smile, live long
Bring joy to people.

My dear sister!
I heartily congratulate you!
And with all my heart I wish:
Boundless happiness,
foreign husband,
Smart and beautiful kids
Go on vacation to the Maldives
And, of course, in good hour
don't forget us!

friend's birthday toast

Dear friend!
On this joyful and bright day, I want to drink for our whole company to gather at the old hundred-year-old oak tree, which has grown from a small acorn that you will plant on your centennial anniversary!

Among all the wonderful qualities of our dear friend, I want to highlight one thing - this is the unchanging optimism with which he goes through life. Do you know how the word OPTIMISM stands for?
Oh, experienced
P is an excellent worker,
T - trembling,
And sincere
M is a dreamer
And - and finally
Z is wonderful
M is a man!
Let's drink to the optimism of this wonderful man. Happy Birthday to You!

People are different. There are sadly existing people, there are gray existing people. There are people who have some kind of charge in their souls, an explosive device of gaiety, energy and joy. Our “newborn” is just that type of person. He is cheerful, and everyone around him receives a positive charge from him. So let's proclaim a toast to our hero! We wish him good health, happiness, many years of life!

We congratulate you today
We sincerely wish you
happy days and tender caress
A cute princess from a fairy tale
A difficult victory in the struggle -
Let everything be yours!

Our friend is a cheerful, kind fellow,
He does not like boring people.
Prefers to live without fame
It's so much easier and sweeter for him.
Congratulations humble friend -
Today is birthday day.
And let him not get up from the sofa,
It's too lazy to work on holidays.
His enviable grip, will
Any one of us is jealous.
Let's go crazy, shall we?
No fancy embellishments!

Our friend is a fighter, persistent and strong,
Sometimes cruel and somewhat stubborn.
He is very strict - he does not forgive you
The fact that you would easily forgive him.
But on this day we wish in unison
He wins both small and large.
May this life be a paradise for him,
Where happiness and love reign!

Spaniards love to wish their friends and relatives on their birthday good health, Great love, beautiful women, and most importantly - longevity in order to have time to enjoy it all. We wish the same to our birthday today!

Once a rich man died and before his death bequeathed to his son a huge fortune. But he set one condition for him: that he spend all his money for three years, and then hang himself in the barn. The son of his father did not dare to disobey and began to squander all his fortune: he threw feasts and treated the whole city. He made many friends, but he also made many enemies. And exactly three years later, in the midst of the last of the feasts, the condemned man went to the barn and tightened the noose around his neck.
Just then his friend entered. He saw what was happening and exclaimed: “If you die, I have no reason to live!” He also tied the rope around his neck.
They both jumped down, and the beam took and broke off. And gold suddenly fell from under the beam! If this man had not had a friend, he would have perished and not gained wealth.
Let's raise our glasses so that our birthday boy has the same friends who would not leave him in difficult times and be like real gold!

Teenagers are walking in the yard, a new one joins them - bespectacled and clearly a weakling. As usual, local authorities immediately "run into" him:
- Hey, four-eyed! Do you want to piss off?
- Well, who is on me?
A hefty fellow comes forward and says:
- Well, I'm on you ...
- What is your name? the new one asks.
- Vasya…
The bespectacled man comes up, hugs Vasya by the shoulder and turns to those around him:
- Well, who is on us with Vasya?
I propose to drink for the fact that all the friends of our birthday boy stand behind him with a mountain!

My toast to you today! Stay the same kind, purposeful! So that all your good qualities developed, and the shortcomings disappeared by themselves. On your birthday, I wish you happiness, health and good luck. For you!

girlfriend's birthday toast

Let someone say that a birthday is a sad holiday. Don't trust them! Your beauty does not go away over the years, every year you become even more beautiful, only wiser. It does not matter that the years fly by quickly, they cannot be stopped, they must be cherished!

Something a glass is sad,
Congratulatory toast asks:
Who will we drink to?
That's why we bring it.
We drink to (name), a charming, charming woman, whose name day we are celebrating today! Health to her, happiness, bright life!

Count Suvorov at the feast of the Empress refused to eat and drink, because before the first star - it is impossible. At our table, the star of the first magnitude is our birthday girl! Let us eat and drink to her health!

I want to raise a glass for the birthday girl
And wish her a happy birthday
So that everyone would say to her now:
She is a dream of a beautiful moment!
We wish you health, happiness!
We drink glasses to the bottom!

Shakespeare's Hamlet believed that beauty and virtue are incompatible things. Our birthday girl is a living example of how wrong he was!

The women of France are beautiful; the women of Spain are passionate; Chinese women are flexible; German women are thrifty; America's women are independent. And only Russian women know how to love so tenderly! All these qualities are combined in our birthday girl. Let's drink to them never colliding!

Today, on this bright day
We wish you without a doubt
So that lilacs bloom in the soul
Not only on this birthday.

Often smart women trying to hide their mind. But our (name) is smart and does not think to hide it. Let's drink to the mind and beauty of the hostess of the holiday!

A true woman will definitely appreciate a pleasant male company, and (name) will definitely make the company of pleasant men appreciate her. Let's drink to our birthday girl, who is highly appreciated by all the men present here!

Many women know how to defeat rivals, but (name) simply does not have them. After all, she is a real gift for her husband. Let's drink to the birthday girl and her husband, who got such a pearl!

Dear birthday girl!
Let the men open their mouths!
Let computers open ports!
Let them say: "Only you!"

Dear birthday girl! May everything in your life be normal and only happiness - over the edge! Love to you, health, fidelity, good luck! All this will be with you thanks to your gentle and kind soul!

Let the beautiful road
Your life will go on.
Let happiness keep pace
Keeping you from adversity.
May fate give you
What you desire
May wishes come true
And dreams come true!

I drink for you in winter
Basking in a fur coat,
And let there be five of them,
To change every day!
Let the driver carry a personal
Carries packages for you.
Well, the sponsor - to match
I wanted to wish!

We wish you to love and dream
Trouble to bypass
To keep the soul beautiful
And you will always be young!
You are like a dream come true
Everything is in you - both mind and beauty!
And I wish that, calm and bright
The road has led you to happiness
For fate to give good luck
So that eternal spring reigned in my soul.

The coolest toasts

IN Let's drink to what makes us, no matter what...

D a long time ago, well, or recently, well, or a long time ago. Okay ... In general ... lived ... well, or lived ... But what's the difference !? Let's drink!

T Let's drink to the fact that everything is parallel to us and only the earth is perpendicular!

D The girl went swimming the goat stands nibbling grass the girl undressed and the goat stands nibbling grass the girl came out of the water the goat stands nibbling grass so let's drink to the fact that there are no goats among us.

E skavatorskaya Masha dug a ditch and dug up the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh. The lid of the sarcophagus moved, and Masha saw a handsome young prince. He was like alive. Masha could not stand it and kissed the prince. And a miracle happened - the prince came to life.
- How to thank you. Masha? asked the young pharaoh. - Do you want me to fulfill seven of your wishes?
“I don’t need seven wishes,” Masha said, “one wish is better, but seven times.
Pharaoh agreed, but died on the fifth run.
So let's drink to the excavator Masha, who did not allow the slave system to revive!

D let's drink to the hadron collider, and to the fact that in an hour no one can say this word.

D let's drink to success
our hopeless cause!

IN Let's drink that we have what those who have us have.

G shout solemnly:
With coming alcohol intoxication, comrades!

W A the courage of women with which they defend their femininity!

WITH The sun strips the woman down to her bathing suit, so let's drink to the men. that shine brighter than the sun!

ABOUT one man boasted to his acquaintances:
- I have already saved several women from rape!
- How? How? they ask him.
- I persuaded them!
So let's drink to the union of strength and words!

P ricole women's toast:
Beautiful we were and remain
Admiring the beauty of our bodies
Let cry those who we did not get
And those who did not want us will die!...

AND female: So that there is something to put on and in front of whom to undress!

I I drink to the bottom for those who are here,
For those who are there, I do not drink.
Nice every minute
After all, I love your faces so much!

D let's drink to the fact that we until death go to the pharmacy exclusively for condoms!

D let's drink to women.
We don't care what to drink for
and they are pleased.

IN in one city there was a bathhouse. And there were two sections in that bath - women's and men's, and these sections were separated by a thin wall ... And then, one fine day, when the bath was full of people, this wall falls with a roar. Everyone from both sides seized the gangs, and closed the most piquant places ... They stand and look at each other, they don’t know what to do. They stood like that for some time, the girls first grew bolder, and gradually let go of the gangs ... The peasants look, such a thing, well, they let go of the gangs for themselves ...
They let them go, but the gangs don't fall...
So let's drink to the strength that kept the gangs!

W but they don’t drink happiness - they fight for it
They don’t drink for health - they pray for it
They don't drink for love - they do it
Let's drink to dreams - let them come true!

- D girls, let there always be a positive balance on your cell phone and your battery will always be fully charged!
- In short, girls, be available!

IN every fisherman dreams of seeing a golden fish.
Every girl dreams of seeing the Fairy Prince.
Every young man dreams of seeing the Most Beautiful Princess.
So let's drink to carrots! It improves eyesight!

IN let's drink for us beautiful ones.
Well, if we are not beautiful, then the men are snickering!

W and dream come true!

P yanstvo - fight! So let's drink before the fight!

IN Let's drink to those men
who can stand
for yourself and lie down for others!

B Aaron Otard fought a lot, but was completely ruined. And with the last money I bought a castle and organized cognac production

TO a chain of climbers is climbing the mountain. And suddenly the snake bit the first climber in the bunch in the penis. He asks to pass along the chain to the doctor who comes last:
- Bitten by a snake, what to do?
When the news reached the doctor, he ordered to convey:
- We must quickly suck!
When the answer reached the second climber in the bunch, he opened his mouth ... and closed it.
The bitten one asks:
- Well? What did the doctor say?
- The doctor said... you're going to die anyway!
So let's drain our glasses so that there are always women in the same bundle with us!

IN let's drink for the fact that no matter what we drink at all costs...

IN let's drink for a kiss!
After all, it was invented by a man,
because he did not find another way to close the woman's mouth.

ABOUT the vacationer came to the sea. Nice girl shows him a room that is for rent. The man shakes his head in displeasure: - Do you think this is a room with all the comfort? For such a price? But what does a room look like without comfort? - Similar! Only then will my grandmother serve you! So let's drink for the rest with comfort!

WITH three men are walking in the bathhouse: a journalist, a director and a digger - and all of them are up to their knees ...
A journalist has a tongue
The director has a belly
The digger has hands.
Let's drink to those men who have something more interesting!

IN two thieves met: young and old.
Old says:
- If you climb a tree and steal six eggs from under a sitting bird, then you will be on an equal footing with me.
The young thief took off his clothes and climbed the tree like a snake.
He stretched out his hand to the nest, but the bird woke up and screamed.
Then the old thief showed skill to the young one - he took off his clothes, climbed a tree and stole six eggs from a bird.
When he descended from the tree, he did not see his clothes.
So let's drink to capable students!

H Christmas toast:
"Let's drink to the fact that in the coming year the crisis will come only
for the funeral home!!!"

H on the beach, a girl asks her mother:
"Mommy, why do aunts have smooth bathing suits, while uncles have bulging ones?"
The mother was embarrassed, she wanted to spank the girl, but then she said with a serious look:
"And uncles, daughter, put money there."
I propose a toast to rich wallets!

AND female toast.
Let's drink to the men!
But not for singles - they will never marry us. And not for the divorced - they were bad husbands.
And let's drink to the married - they love their wives and do not forget us!

W naete than a fairy tale is different from were? A fairy tale is when he married a frog, and she turned out to be a princess. A true story is when the opposite is true. So let's drink to make our life look like a fairy tale!

D let's drink to that
so that late at night we walked along the street
and we were attacked by money!
But we couldn't fight them off!

D The girl was walking down the street and heard footsteps behind her. Looking back, she saw handsome guy. She looked back and he continued to follow her. I decided to get to know him, looked back for the third time - he was no longer there ...
So let's drink to ensure that sewer manholes are closed in time in the city!

AND I blow one night in the park, the moon, stars and boy kissing with a girl on a bench.
I'm going another time: the moon, the stars...
and the same guy on the same bench is kissing another girl.
I go next time: night, moon, stars...
and the same guy, on the same bench, with a third girl.
So let's drink to the constancy of men and the inconstancy of women!

(G loudly addressing the guests)
I want to drink...
(Much quieter)
That's basically all I want.

T ost:
There are aunts like aunts
There are uncles like uncles
There are people like people
There is f * yadi as f * yadi ...
There are people like f * yadi
There are f*cks like people...
There are uncles like aunts
And aunts are like uncles....
So let's drink to the purity of our ranks!!!

TO When the Frenchman puts his arm around the woman's waist, his fingers converge on her. But this does not mean that the French are long fingers. This means that French women thin waist. When an Englishwoman mounts a horse and goes for a walk, her feet reach the ground. But that doesn't mean she has such a small horse. This means that English women have such long legs. When a Russian, leaving for work, slaps his wife on the ass, then, when he comes home from work, he sees that the ass is still swaying. But this does not mean that Russian women are so fat. This means that Russian men have such a short working day! So let's drink to our Constitution!

H and on one bank of a fast mountain river there is a girl, and on the other, a horseman. So let's drink to the prospect!